' it. t fr lr w I X 0 . - - ,:'f ( 'J 7 :v V ' J"1 " ' he C would establish lish merit. rather see 20,000 men raised on t War called upon to act Upon sjach a 6ubjecta the of Portsmouth, Virginia, ay shrnent, than lOOO on ihe' peace'estab- WreaSe of the. army, hfe. wished'tobepos- noted runner Whisky, doclar HOUSE OF REPRESENT ATIVES. ' Mr,fcVarmim had been always opposed to a tained to- sheyr the expediewpf toe measure, able to pass Whisky on any Jars ? noted runner Whisky, dclH ' won (tho' only two and u.,r ltlal W sessed of all the information that could.be, ob- Monday, ftbA5. 'X,. TT large increase of the military -peace establish The house were certainly entirely in the dark running 2 or 3 miles-Jsir c i to meat; bt he believed the situation of the "unon the subject of our l'oreien relations. anly colt of Tickle Tnhvv .u.. I . vl On motion otMMortbeHaose vent in- country at present required it. The house had Mr. Dawson, contended that the President of bein trained in AnWir y To a coramiuee ot ine wnote, wr. cutts in been called together to. take measures to; the would give the house every information which Extract of a letter from Mr J .l'char on hc Wtf for actinguishtp ibe debts defence of ihe 'country and vhat had they 'the public interest might require. He said kins, Kempsville, Virg. Feb. r..j t tlue lroro tho-Umted btates.- - ' -done r lx be sure,? tney ad appropriated 'it was a most improper time to call for infor- to 1 ickje Toby last soring a,i' t w v MeBsr.CnOk and Ilollani SUDtKJrted the bill riimV thrninHfi if dnl1am (hr-the hiiilcKnor nf imnMnn nn Ihncp ttihipz-rc . ivhilr nn-n-iatinne Woavv in fnnl U kl, t . "e It - yGn motion of Mr. D-R Williams the torn- tion of Louisiana, wfe ljad now numerous ad- Messrs. Elliott, Lyon, nd Quincy, also rinittee rose, reported KogressQandlt4riied ' dit to defendon the west and spoke in favour of the resolution, andMr. ; leave to sit again. , . " 'north'cast, too Ave were threatened witlra wafacoiriiain'Sf it- '- """1" Mr. Dawson fromrthetommittet on mtlita- vith the Irdians. We ought ateoloJiave - Mr. Poindexter. from the select committee. tires iicai inc. i imp lcn vl ! I with loal rand 1 can truly say, that Sir v Wfy nd naval;establishmttits, reported the fc4 larger force at the'Tmouth of the -Mississippi, reported alill respectine governors otihe ter lowing resohition, which was agreed to, ayes. -What would be-our situation, if Ncv-Orleans ritories7)f the-U. States (declaring" that they 58, and referred to the Committee Who-re- shduld be taken by rlieerit-my, and joined by a shall not have powder to prorogue tlie teri ' 1 jiwted it to bring in iabillf r- number of domestic traitors ? It was true rc Tial legrshtures.) -Referred to a comrai - Re&ofoedt That the sum 'dollars be hah 100,000 men ready ; but their time would of the vholb on, Monday. nn by Tickle Toby, is universally to hp tii finp- rrlt ftrn i 1 v" ccu nere. aa?7 posed to be ffie best racer. v - (Signed) Jonathan! x vtriLiiv inui i e nmwn hnru t ... i y - . JW -a itKie u mto- that you had of Mr. Caleb HomK. .... Committee: brated old Tickle Toby, so famotis in Em i , appropriated to -enable the President ot-the expire .on- the 18th April, and the president Mr ! I XJrHlfed btates fo procure by plircha-ie, or to had no authority to "call out another detach-, -of the resolution whic.lt' he 'yesterday subnut pmicf. inf Kurrp in ii innntMrtiiPHi " ...... V 1 1' i Monday. as aracer : that I have often u-b XranrTirlft afl Sr fill. 'rnft!rlT.Qt mi trr. ' ofl f f.mtliuu ..f. L.. . t miMj &twu vr wiv vwii jivi m'ji nww , uuu i 1111 lmi lllal lQ it.' tlicnt. -It fllfV Vffl. im't1linf tfl lift JnV f hlrttr tfH i ntl.nr w nniii.l.nt tn nmmiinir'il. rnlt in A ni,nn hA. U 1 "5 r . . J O J O w w 7 iMrjwHiuit ' - v Jinvii w wjiv-.v. iij fti..v.IVC) . ' J HI lUi CIC vdn If P nn.J ittuu v aw3 v ujv, ui mi- JOi me ucicntc ui i(iwiiduvii.)' jv liuuRj utw. to me nouse iniomtttuon toticninfir me state 01 rue cause the same to -bedeposited in safe-and ter for congress 'to adjourn' and go home. oour foreign relations', but 'the house refused to nitable plades, - ; Mr. Taylor said there was another circilm- take it up Yeas 27, Nays' 70. Mr-. Dawson alsit) reported the 'agreement of stance of infinite importance in -addition to 'Several orders of the day tvere called ie same' committee to the bill from the Se- those which -had been mentioned. A million -for ; among the rest,. Mr Bassett called fol ate which was to them, referred for increas- ef dollars had, been appropriated- for the erec- -the order of tlxi day on the" '.' bill concerning ig the military peace establishment of the ion Qf fortifications ; and when the number of public contracts," and called'W the ayes and (7. States; which was referred to-a committee otir fortifications was calculated, 'it -would be noes on the notion j thef weie taken, andit f the whole to-morrow. "-wfound lhat we had .;not roenenough on the was lost. X On motion ot Mr. Parke the House wenm- ;eace estallishment to sweep out the, gang- . The house went into a committee of the acer : Ilis also the sire of that fir,, c? Phenomena, the property of Mr M;.1' Smith, which Mr. -Boush sold at oneTo, for 400 Wres of land (gl200 : v (Sifted) SohtL John, Fel. 8th. 1808. i Ex ra t. of alttter frnmTr Pj!.i n . Hvjf,,. ,.,1 iidit muuc au ennnii.. r- sjK-ctiR themaS;es putto Tidck- Toll acuwii, aim uuu rnai wnn:n the sma) n,.,i to a committee ot the whole on the in extend- waySAs to the militia, although they mightVholc on the " bill in addition to the act enti- of four or five niU s, there are at least fit" iri' the rieht of suffrage within the Indiana rtf-rfrtnti tfT&kmanemv res vcrv well, thev teVritory ; Mr. Pitkin in the chair, which ha- entirely ihcapabte.of defending fortifications, an -ct 'layjng an embargo on : all ships and thtie. .(,ii.l that I.piit) my' English mares wv saw voui'sc ll, thoutrh both veiv .,w r d vc ars of aire. ar ,i, O , ..un ,rpv :Hpuse. skill to defend them. -incase of an, attack r .1 ' 1 i- I' . ports and harbors oijne u-n. yoi -Miviolclsborough moved to strike out the 18, the otlit . I ; I' : . 1 r. .... L.. . ., . . V. .. v A . - ' jiur. inea proposeu an amenumeiu luiuier tr0m an enemy, they would be mmeoiateiy secohd section, on the ground thatjts penal- heavy bv Vkk Tol)v. Sir Solomon hr extending the suffrage i which was negatived, taken tud turned against-otirselves, We -ties 'were' too, severe.' vf his motion was lost. Tickle Toby, onf of the: best colts in Americ yeVl4. should then have an embargo with a vSnge- Mr. Newton offered "an amendnRCt to tlie however I will fhk 2000 dollars thai he anewu was oraerea to a inira reaum 10- tftnce... ' ""second section, 'etvine them a discretionary "beat any other 2i 3, .'or 4 mile lieatss- an. Jtw llnitifAn .yNvfAl ilnt tl.A rAmmWfcA .ica . ... . . t- . . ' . I . I 1 1 I . V 1 1 ! . ' . . , . ' ' I uairsuu iiiuivu uuu uw. lujiiimuiv u. jKjwft .iu dispense wiin me uonu w new mere xitnian oououirj mty maKe Xhc t rial. IJU 1 jsorrow. On motion of Mr. Newfon, the House went repot t progress and ask leave to sit again Into a committee of the whole on the resoluti- Considerable debate took place on this mo rn for disposing of certain charts of the coast tion ; but it was carried. , f North-Carolma, Mr. Richards in the ( February 19, ' - ; ihair, which being-gone through, was report- Mr. Chandier6ffered the following resolu d to the House and ordered to third read- tion, which was agreed to : Rasobed, That a ng. v k committee be appointed to take into conside- On -woticm of Mt. G. Campbell the ration the expediency of raising by enlist "House we nt into a .xommittee of the whole, nient and oreaniiiner a 'number of volun;eef was no tiecessity for it Agreed to. Sundry others amendments were made to the bill; when the-committee rose and re "ported it as amended. . 'iV '' ' 'i "' '' "' ' 'i The English Stallion, " TICKLE TOBY, in grt-at health, will cover this sea- ani enquirv'ihto the conduct of John bmith, a . Senator from Ohio ; which leing goiie thro' and reported to the House, was oi dered"Toa ;f third reading. Mr. Dawsyn laid iipbn the table the fof.ow- Wr. W. Alston in the chair, on the bill from troons foT the service of the United States son at my stable in Tarboroufth, at Six G ii- tlm Senate to defray the expences incurred in not exceedinir 24;000 .men, and that they have neas the season, and Three Guineas the leave vto report by bill or otherwise. . Single leap, the leap money to be paid down,'4b,as to'-travet. The house went into cbmmttteb' of the and half a dollarHo.the groom in every case ; wtiole on the'4 bill-authorising the faisinc an and such mares as may prove not to be in foal additional army." ... .by him, may have the next season at half price. Started, he wqn a sweepstakeVoK.200 truincav ADDlTiONAL ARMY. those who xio nop live within the neighbor- each. (8 suhsrt-ibers) LeatLoc3IrXBulloek's .... " 7 iiuuui.tjj jiioin 10 au observing mimifwhat a rater fie must be. S veral gentlemeMvere much disappointed in. ;my letting himf'go away : lxb marts at" Sr each, wtre sent to him two or three (lavs he- lore you carnrd him away'; and 1 have no dou'it but that he could have rotten a treat "number here ajf. that pricr, his stock beimr st rmiQh superiorto tBat' of any other stallion in. America. I sliallstnd my Knulish marts to him so' soon . as they oal, ami time for tb ' 'Ca-u-.k Boush. "' PAGING. At York August meetiirgthe first time he On motion of Mr. Dawson, the blanks in hood," will nd tljeit note-withahe-marer1y I' obv. MrTfoirrr?s Tf. anAu Mdsitved, Thit a' cpmmittee' be appointed the first section were filled in the following able 1 5th February 1809, which may be dis- pcirse"s Ench JSiter. He also iron the 70 eui- manner, and agreed to without debate : charged mrbduce xlelivered at this place,; it -nVara Lincoln, beating Sir F. Pooks AJentorv 'r : . i u .v.. - (u ,1 . Lnn. floliir.f.yl K. .f fief 1-' ef A-Tai-fK 1 onn t ., i .... ... ... . : . ... uc ti cnaticu u iuc -2.ciiai.-c ami uuuot ui "j 'mv.j uay v.. v,.. . ann tvit. -xirewscer s rut- t Toifc- spriiiij. on tie part bf thrs House lointly With such coramitiee.as-roay W appointed on the part of the Senate to uhSi.ler and report what further business it is necessary "to be done during tire present session; and -at what time it will be 'proper for Congress to adjourn. ' Yuesdav, Feb. .16. ' Mr. Stanford laid upon the table a resolution for the regulation of business in- the House, representatives ot the United States of Ame rica in congress assembled, That exclusively of the present M military peace establishment of U. S. the President of the United Slates be and he hereby is authorised to raise 9 regi ments of infantry to consist cl 1 ,000 non com pledge tnysett that the greatest care and at- meeting1ie wone, stand plate," btatn,s Mr. terttion slijjll belaid to -mares, but not liable DodswofthS Abbe Thulle, Colonel Ratcliff'v for accidents . .'. Mousetra,-iind Mr.-Garforth's Harold. The TICKLE TOBY, while m Virginia, stood jay following he won 50k for all ages, beating at Ten Guineas, but owing to the sc ircity of Col. RutclifTs Pigeon, Lord A. Hamilton's good blooded mares, and expecting not to Brother to Restless, arid Sir V. VavasourV missioned 'officers, 'musicians, and privates, .. part with him, but to continue tb stand him Hop-, The York JVugust. nut'iglollovvinir each": one reffiment o ailUlcrists,,toconsi5tmyself, Iias Ti,risniinn: ii,niih r,v,t ,ivluch lie-should call-u'p-ift-the -event-ofhe"T2obon commissioned officers, musicians and make the , payment easy, ve:irs old) fornix years old and aged 'horsts,-' i-ules and orders not being soon considered. r and privates ; 2regiments of cavalpr to coiv ; .LDIGKLL.. " X beating Lord A.llainiltoh's Valot, Prince Mr. Dawson reported a bill for procuring a -sist' of 600 non commissioned officers, m'usi- Taken fram the. general StqdBook of bf Wales's' Traveller." Mr..Wentw.-rrh's Gus-' tertain number of arms', Sv.hicTi was twice -dan and privates, each ; 2fegiments of ri- England, and alsn ncertified byJohn Hutcher- -tavus, Mr. Kakcr's Caveiidisli, and Hie .Duke read and referred to a cdmmittee of the vhole flemen to consist of 600 nofveommissioned of- son, Esq. who bred him. --fickle Toby by Al- of Norfolk's Dubskelper this "ws univeisaffif - wuiunow. - , ncers, Tnusrcians anoxprivates, eacu-.; anua cu, umc ui nc unsum ui om mdicsicm, -anowea to be one-oltlie tnest races ever ruiV On'motfon'of 'Mr.tKtickleage, ';--'; . 'corpsof sappere ajnlminers, to. xonsist of 200 who covered tlie llajst nine years of his life at and the only time Walnut was ever beatf Resolved, That the committee of Ways and j10n commissioned officers musicians and 50 Guineas a season ; his dam Celia by King Tickle Tob won the 70 guineas at Lincoli Means e directed to enquire whethef any, --privates, tobe. "enlisted for nd during the Herod out ofProserpme, a full sister to Col. beating Lord Scarborough's Vulieut,. and MK . it ty, 'what alterations re necebsary to be term .ofWrrry'ears, '&c . ' O Kcllyfamous., xhps e by Ma'rsk, who Willis's Liberty lie won 'the corporan 1inade in the -several acts fixing the ; salaries , Tlieblanks in the second section were filled covered at 200 Guineas each mate the season, .plate at Doivcastcrcarrving 4lb. extra, beating and emoluments o? the co'tcVtors of duties onsoas to authorise the apointment of two which may be teen in the Sporting Magoine Mr. Garforth's Camil'la, and Lord Scar!)"' imports ind toriRyAge, -(nd iat Htecmitteelajor-g.enerals,Vithtwo ade-decamps.ach-.'for-.he year 179.5, ipje 2r:2. .. rough's Valknt, which were the "Only ti'MSi :' . be authorized to 'tepolt Ijy bill or otheryise. one inspector general, with the ;ranTc,psy TICKLE TOBY, is -a brown horse, of lie run that year. The York spring meetwg A bill from the Senate for erectinga light- -and emolument's 'of a Brigadier-general, and (treat size, strength,' & elegance, stands about following" he'von the stand pla'te,' beating JMr. , ihouse, and placing buoys at the plates -therein me. -aid-de camp ; four brigadier generals," sixteen hands high, and said to be more like Garforth's famous mare Rosalind. i'he Au ... mentioned, was twice' read and referred jtp. a &c. "odozr chaplains." . King Fiirgus, the sire of Hombletonian, than gljst -. meeting lie walked, over for the' king's , committee of the w hole. y The blanks in- the third section were filled, any horse in England : He is easy, in action, plate ; aDiJ Won thevgreat subscription forsix" ' r . - y . , V, 'sb as to provide, . that ; each M major ' general 'with '-commanding; -.jorers, an elegant fore- years old and agd horses, "beating Mr. Wc-nt- . Thubssay, Feb. 18. . shall be entitled to one hundred and hixty,six Jiand, wdl made'chest,'deep in his g , The-house: went into a committee of thedollars per month, wn" focrr. for forrage in his back ; uHin his quarters, with per- trnt drawn-He won SOgs. at Kelso, btatinp holeon the bill from the senate to increase; per month; and fourteen rations per day, Sec haps the best boriy legs ever 'seen Tickle MrrBaird's-Rattler.Tlie York prig meet J the MILITARY peace establishment. This "Some:, other minor blanks were, filled up, Toby, has this Ja'st season, particulaly proven -ing .following. Ke received -l 50gs,: Porfeitfrom .ill authorises the piecide.nt to wise 1 regi- and the remaining sections were agreedjto14jin Scorpiorr, -4iles,atrtr" ipent of i.nfajuryV.l 'battalion of aya.lry. .' , yrithout-debale ..:''r'.t-. , Tbre I pirrchased an interest in -him, I. was '-.-stone each. Vrfee' August meeting he; again Mr. Chandler moved to"trike out the words . Mr. Lyon moved to strike out the Hvords sured by the-mpst respectable characters of won the great subscriptio'n, for 6 years old and t one regiment of infantry He said it in the first section authorising tti$-president his neighborhood, that he had d'bne the most" aged horses, beatmg Mr. WentworthVj II'i' y ', would be otjserved thatthis Ijill authorised the to raise this army. - He contended thai con- ample justice to tliose who put to .him last Lord A. Hamilton's Restless, Mr. Hutchiiu. president to increase each cb had no constitutional right to delegate season,-1 saw .all three Kjf MivGaleb Boush's son's Overton, and Mr; Baker's CaVewfisM' lie shoHld think proper- Jo 100 men -each.-- this jwwer to the president. mares (the famous mare thut beat- Dolen, He also won the lOOgs. at Dumfries, ".beating - -. This 'would-;1power him-to add 2488.men to Mr, Helms'siid the centleman's objections and jus twofold important mares) heavy with Gostavus, and 50s. at Ktlsrr. beatiue Mr. ' i. ' , '.. t i . . . i it 1 . C-.nl U.. AU.'.-if, j Lr. ri ' i . . : . ' '-4Je fihtary peace establishmept, t hisxlis- might be obviatcd.by amending the bill so as to al by-him About 3.days before I brought Baird's Louisa at one heat Thcjeat: foIloW- cretion. Jlb.is opposed to giving him this" reywre the president to ra'rse the irmy,F and himaiVay-mares wdrje...put.-to him at 70 idol- ing lie won the Corporation plate at Chester, . power. , , made a. motion to-Hhateffect. . eacliwareV ,:. :-. , beating' Mr. Lord's Mulespinner, and Mr: H. Mr. risk -said thetiotise bad betnsnttiptij-np ; Kf p. T tmn t'Kv)nrf iitliflffw iiJu tnntinnl I nrtKiiiTie it mav hp snift3itl, tnvtf that iWmii'c f?nn'irtt . x.,. k,v.;hv lr - in session, and yet for aught that appeared, "Mri llplms'srmotion was lost! ; ;v i Tickle-TobyhasoTed liimself'to have been Iwthe'r'sMimmus, aftmving -him 25lb An(' . jyt might be: asuaprepaied to meet an .enemy 'On motion -'of 'Mr.-; VOyWitVet-'cbm'- one ofthejhest lour mile ' runners- that Eng,;ithe ttfO'irs. at Xewftastle-uiWlvne, heatij . six months henc? as Werkre'Dow,' Our frun- .'tnittee W?4 fejrofted progress, and i obtained land afibi-ded, an that he is sire to; many : Mr. Baird's Lucy. Mr. reire'sliosamond nd- ( tiers are unjitotejted, and yet we'remai:t'quw leave- to. - sit igaih- yeaf . i7,-irayl' 41 ; When gooil racerrj all of which may be seen lry LordTyrconneFs Hei mes.---He also wo the Tcicicucc iu me natiug ,vaeiuierSf J icnie goia cup at Chester,: Dealing lord Uor4egaH America, are inree joe 'ndrewsMr.Taylor'S'lielmcU ".lr. 1 at- they am lge-ftind toil's Betsey, arid JMr- Rathbone's Tcmmy.-; . r Y . 1 j 1 . - .i ... ; . - I . - - m t t i,i.iiurr as we uao a year affe i pc gejnueman Mates htr requested to communicate to; this eiegant : a year okinuy.ot nts, 'last law, (tuil And also received the premiums -at-several L onm me uni wjti.iiviuiv, wtoyw ii ag. n,uc siitii iiiiorniaiini .jinicuuij tHir loreigii . ' jumms mijh, j suuuiui i w iiuiidis. oir ooio- .piaces, iio nofjies entenng against r,m. t thorjsed the president tb increisbjiie meace relatioihs, as he may deem consistent with mon, -a ,spn of Tickle Toby'V is hov hiU six'fec? Ir iflo be iemc mbcretl arT9 tioticf d. stablisDmentflt lus-oiscirtions; J here-wa'to the publicmterest,. the-betteto-enable-'this :ieen '-hands . high, and is ot great elegance : that thereaie more 4 irtr-Mii)jc-i in iui, uuu uicic n in amuu-1 nou"c 'o Ugc now-iar iiimtjir) -jcsijiansn- xic. wjwi acycn uncrs ( iiuincus,? oiiiirsms, inng ai lOiK tnan in -' W mm to-can out ine Kiiacnmentiiei ment ot thej-ymted btates ougtit to en- .Druids,, ac. c.-;subscnuejM,ne:-ThundfeU land 4 consequently, it is lGttOOOmen'" r ; rivaspd. . " Hollars eariift wA"s to have' run two iivfln 'mmt liarfl nmnin.. tTrPca 'mile heats and haid 1 Jih- any otnerjiart t b.;ng- only . aJie best and in t It. Is i .n, v nfi A Mr.' VanTJvke said that he.had no vih qr' heats ..this last -fall : they acknowlcded his- conttnd on, that turf. " .' .,' . 4 r HLN'RY COTT TarborQij2bc1ibtrl38 -- 'JMr, Chandler said he believed there was a li!l on the. table which, contemplated the rais- .mTentibito draw front the cabinet any- sqcrets' .superiority ; he galloped over the course, and "fl rg ofnen pn the war cs6lishment. He "which ogfnt not to ; be divulged j but when .they paid upthetr.subsaiptioiisT" Mr. Wilson ".ir": :"1 . - . ' ' .' ' ''' ' -.w ' . !, ... -.:.-'': ""'r.-'- ---....' :--;"!: . '; '. ".'"' 1 I- .1 . J"-,t -