- " ... : - - . - , 'V of id 13 rfV.T he :af3 ma J 1 no It gland l - w 15 Fold r , e K Uiry ' las ittm hic! f one Han j ait 570 be no Feat so in. is to the- he leas, Mt. fui- !or, nS If. he jr's Ice Ve ft sir ne opinion as to the prc - Vhailicstok, reUtuary 2S..t; .will-adjourn thiii numtb;vroect,'earf ;in. -W rrftti,e f9tb inU of the fast ' May; Wc -Hazard ling,f,K via- Plymouth, (E.) we receive er later . in consequence;, of iTSrToi the fU, viz. GorcVehange m affairs.. csc Exetcr Flying-Post and ' Chiucot- ' . . Jnn Courier ' . . f...i. i..- i. .i : ....RALEIGH:. r THURSDAY, MARCH .3 1808. Januanr 25Y.. .ndonCourier.. 0f two , On Wednesday lasti tbe United .States' This amv7-P"'L; which have been issut-pircuit court Jpr this district, adjourned until eryiP0""";":: 0(;nst neutral cemmerce, bepiember next, the term m course. jd Uicb will be found in the preceding Otters received in England from France, ..,'Hie a'rnvaloi mc au3. ... ... . : Chief joKtihcT3ath;wi.sa:xJ0 J J ..mi . - -t null ilii ivnrM. that he Will C-OllvlliCC JfOU uj.v .v-, . . , , i is abase JRAn'OU--4)eiievejC,r. Speak- A er, that this poison, this infectfon, corrupted rtwifined to vour Gen. alone -! vT-..L.f v t Hn. to the disgrace of the American cba- Washington Federalist, and we believe the in- ractrr, I am wrry to ay, extended . to the formation correct, that a suspension of the army: under vouf - et? s comnnd 1 - 1 he negotiation between bur government and that very stores which descended the Ohiofor the ,ot GVeavBritaW, tooklilace on Thursday. It -Burr conspiracy, iverc taken, Sir, from the i .' a .... . . .. . -. T-i ' - Ammrnn arsenal.- . - ,s saia uuu our goyenirnent Require jir. nose -r ; COMMUNICATION. Students of the vHaleieb Academy, who are members of the , Polemic Society, 'i..Vrii.olQw hA 1 Alii mcf tliM afrtnvnev for the United plates tnoVecl tbe court to v oJici.u..yic.reiiaimiuHH..cnjuiciH i,ae the rccoWo'zaoce of Aaroti Burr and Willing -to. ttak.for tlieattaftkoo the.Cbesai A.n, Kno-iand. Altera nc ivVw8,.,..Vh.;Vw. .-....w... - . A. iL... -i. u hnv' Hpiefmined to establish amone inem- Sd a nag Austrian ambassador at sett and jsrael Smnb anc .Jolm Vummips his .Cu yao.u,,,, , , Ci mi - We witl plea- c0rencewuh he A njedires and .tbeir definUs nude ab- luth.however, that he plsent aspect of ffff Jilh .hZ Whlv-lauLje Pnrishe procceaeu wi""", Mr "nnrhett onnosed die Motion and -tinairs m hurope will induce .one ot .tie liar- fu,c r, ..""7 from Bonaparte an answer to h.s dispatches. ohuej ' l0 yftuu We.slncerely hppe a amicable libefalky pf the, inhabitants of this city, thc.r f An article in the Paris Momteur intimates I bur opi. cnbrts l b? Crowned w,th success. 1 hisb- A" . .. . n ; txinir. everv and continue tnem, oyecuntu inc.sxi.ieM r. ... , - . uMt w;n h fnr th-henc.fit nf the -above men i,rv evidently tnai .'""T"'":," Z nA ,.cfMr:..,ih,. th r.r.rtWh,nr.e. f lilanner- h'Mn sutli Will be theiinai issuer ' induce tne unncu oiaic- iu '"'v i . c r effort, to inauce r.u',i hassett. which Jt.was ailed aed. .was defeQtive, comnion cause- v, n . " in much as he us recognised to appear A great "ef;j before . circuit couxt of the U. States fqr. tbo Trade have been engaged in ' PJP"J .w q roenti.ning tbe term. Fhe motio;i actions tor the whanU, un fin on lhe part o.fCie accused was, listed by the . justment of a eJ counsel for the U,States on tree grounds, Tbey have for their basis the btrt given . notapnesir bvcour.- Tiwi)ni)TAVTiii . ,- jFrem twe Baltimore Federal Gazette if Mcn- "in'J laflt ' - FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.;. , -.. : '- WAsiiiud-fON, Htlb Feb, ; " J cannot help repeatincr the renort "which Vas mentioned in your paper, of Friday, viz. i-i.-i'- i'ui.' A-rv i i ' t.'. ..t l nai a. k ii.t i i. lias uiuiitny ut.cn uaincu iji .11 J ri.i - iioned adciety and those citizens who have con tributed toils establishment. We Wish Jtp see such institutions in every town and neighbor hood in the state which will admit of the thing. Nothing is so wejl calculated to diffuse a taste for learning and in formation ai judiciously se lected libraries of this kind, where each indi-" vidual has the use of several hundred dollar's worth of books, by only contributing a small sum. Go on, joung gentlemen, to. improve ill learning and virtue and you will hereafter' be amply lewarded for the pains you now take to store your minds -wit It-useful science. veck5betore witna.spa n ,ut . argum,nt vch asted about tpur hours, The court martial for the tr a of eoera g - m Whitelock, it was supposed, would meet about J Ue4ates and. ordered S'nder the command of Sir the defJuit xit the ecognlsorl to be made ab- doubts as to. JMr.liae'a nahsion. " There is some talk- here that Congress M.4R HIED. On Thursday last .in this county, Mr. Der- inte iau;- nere luai congress . r u.. m. ... i- i I ! . - e reil liOtrers lO iirs. uauciuci ui win will adjourn shortly, to meet again the 1st of cu ""j.3 IVJ '' LuLwii . - J Isaac Hunter, sen. of this neighborhood. fnttnii mi(! p-en. SDencet'. has been dispersed in a gale. The convoy had reach ed the Bay. of Biscay on the 27th of December, when the tempest become so violent that it vas impossibleSbr the ships any longer to continue together. Upwards of half of the ''ships have returned into England, with con siderable damage Communicated from lVashingtnto the Editor of the United States' Gazette Saturday, Jan. 30., .Jfert President The electioneering cam paign for. next president has commenced in Vlmia with uncommon spirit, and two p.ar- :. i,?.., tt onM twin4 have been suddenly organized, .which Syracuse, arrived at Gibraltar on the. )secm determined to make every, efiort for. the . m.., rKn'wwl,-tiif wirress of iheir resoective cancldates. lire lilh JNOVCmiJCr. xiv.y uni. vvmvjur v- . , 1 line of battle ships and a frigate.- friends of Madigon and Monroe have, had - - -. j f-ciM.rt;v vrnniis'sps. nominalecl their electoral candidates, appointed committees of correspondence in, every county throughout and concerted . a regular piauoi ti. fipnxral nroceeded in the frigate to tlie squadron of .SirSinssy SmitA, otf the tagus, lid after a conference; with the admiral, re turned to Gibraltafi frdm whence he proceed ed to England With the troops It was sup posed from" these circiimstances, that hjs destination was Lisbon. -But the emigrati ofi of the Royal Family induced him to pro- ceed-io England. - - r , - The story ot tne cieam oi me iving oi orem Britain turns 'out to be a fabrication Our papers do not, even intimate that he had teen indisposed. . The celebrated General Mikada has ar rived in 'England, ;in the. Alexandria . frigate, from Barbadocs. It is said he intends to so licit the British " goveVhniiept to forward his viewsbn the Spanish Main. '2 TIAVAXMAll. Jan. 22. - ,1CP No mail from Washington yesterday. Xbe report seems to gain credit, that the Negociation with Mr. fase will be suspen ded for a short time, and that Congress will close their present session in a few days. -to meet again on the return of a messenger in tended to be dispatched to England and France Nothing certain is knqwn. . . X-.- 'Petersburg Inieh Mr. Madison and Wr; DearbCrfit are seri ously indisposed. , . Phil. Gazi Mr. Pose had taken rooms in Washington City fqr the captain of theStatira; btit, on Wednesday last gave them up. It is infer red from this circumstance that the atatira is hf Jttate. i . i .... .i .i... vr; oper.on. . It will be recoj.ecieu.W r f . States.--A ginia, the electors ot president are chosen ny.a - - ieneWl'ticket,," . Hence the propriety of adopt- gawd arri;.e(, at PhUadelphiaom mPnt0??r Martinico infcLshai on confirmation of .JS.'t MadfJlvvs.oLlhembargadnJhe.U are te y?W Flour rose fWm eleven, to eighteen dollars ! two thirds of the, whole, number. ,4Un the w other Karid, it is ' said that a maiorky of thg ; French' cruizers .taking in every A-fwtc-nf-ihe state, in and- out ot the legisia- v , . . , . . ' ... OlUlC.IVgiaiu- v .t ,UU ... . .U '....,1 ... Knrt. ture,are in iaori '"" ' .-. " and. Capt. J'rocter of the . urUr rvf thp rif-onle nrobablv would at present. . , v ., At Mlhnn. Pitt roiintv. on Thursdav laBt. .tohn Kennedy Esq. of Beaufort eounty, to fvliss. Elizabeth IU SrEastdn, daughtmf-flr. James Easton. ,-": -. .: DIED . 1: In this vicinity, on Tbursdayjlttst, after a short illifess, Mr. David Stevens year of his age, an honest, industrious manj 1 t - Statk of Nouth-Carolin Oranve County .. Court of Equity Seplt Termi 1807. Jacob Wilhoit, and Molly hi wife," Joh'n Holt, Jeremiah Holt and Wil liam Holt, , Administrators pf the estate of John. Holt deceased, Shed vxrU Vtnlt. .thlin 1 .ov an3 Mollv his .iv-. . j j i wife, Jacob Albright and Nelly his w ify , illiam L,okey and lletsey his wife. , IT is ordered by the court, that publica nion be nude-three -weeks uccessively4n th Mitterva, tbatjthe Defendants Shadvach Holt, John Loy and Molly his wife, Jacob Albright ?.nd Nelly bis wife, Willam Lokey and Betsey his wife, appearwilhin the three hrst tiays ot the next. term., lb beholden at the court Jiouse in lliUsbotVont.be--thi-l rMo"h"(Jay in March next, and put in their answers to ihe v.om- .ship'' America, bound from Philadelphia lo Amsterdam, ha'-- vine sprung a leak, pnt into Portsmouth, and js this day in town. He iplorms vs rtlat re was p!djntnt'5 liill of Complaint, otherwise the boarded, on the 18th December ofl Mcil lyi by ' m i . confSSO acaihst them and hearu -cxjiartr., be as well , 'satisfied with cither candidate. What influence these proceedings, may have, on the public rftind rdmain's to be seen. A mong btb"er , friends, of Mr. Monroe, are ob served the "names of John Taylor of Caroline, The heads- of , departments liereT received advice from his cathfilic magesty's jtpphr uar.anu. vtccu -- haife des affairs in the United States, of an cellor ot Virginia, c..-?.. .... .f ; u,: r.v .,i nA- The hdestion. who. is to we our ncxi - ' -...,L nX nnV5onQ frt- Hfadlev's caucus, and is differently -answeitd ih,bavor Mexico The most active . prepaccord.ng to the wjshes, the hopes, and the rations iny, in island, ly arniin i ?ery (lescnpiion, wnic.n, lugciuci -Ytk "v . . - y--.o.. - - ,,!( ,rt,;itPr Wh settlers ih this island, and, the. Spanish one bfse gcntlemenlias deculed a better planters, merchants ;and artisans af eadyXhance ofsuecess tharf ril hev ; of.hw cortpc r . . 7 . .' . i -- . i-. xw if ttrucf hp r.oniessed that me .7 . " " . . . i l jilv ...,wm in ti-nr ot fltirei. rtCH " - died with xall warlike stores, a French' nm-ateer of 16 amis, who had'laken TrEnglish and 4 American prizes, the hoje of-whith he bad sent into Passager in Spaui. The privateer put six -English captains on board the America, assigning as his reason, that he was afraid they would rise upclt him be expressed no fear of lite Americans. -the whole of whom he had orders to send into France. The Frenchmen robbed capt. Froc- eot rid ot. Ot the American snips captured by '-the. Frenchman, one-' was -from New-Ybf, one' from Baltimove, aod .'two from Charleston. Test. R. liENDERSOM, c. m.e. Nojith-Ca kolik Rutherford County. v- Court, of Equity, October Tcrtn, 1807. . Peicr i'kher James Bell . 7 Nicholas Madgett. 5 tI, - The Hill nerved on Juihn Bcli4he "other dcferuir '. . ..." ant not found. .:,... '.. IT nppearihgto the satisfaction ot the court, that N icholas Madgett, one of the defendants, resides out of the state : It is therefore or dered, that unless the said Nichotas" appear ivit'htn 'thfc "three first davs of the next term, and pieid ansWer or demur, the bill (as to tojmw.y;. e ra ! "sl? .rKS ,hr't- to ires, to resist a -iore uuuu,- w, . -cej-ijbnaoih-tavern,--called -tor the purpose oi suo- "v i - siege, even should it last six rtonths. The to Mr. Madison. . ?njgg?,a Cg"' milting to the considemion of the meeting a Department of the Marine (besides covering to he aDout equany mwwub . membrial, praying that minvsters would revise i laiimj iui5 v.,v;- .-. , ii,- nT.rfpi.c' nf i-ftnnMi. : tairasr related .to the trade between G. Britain and the united the garrison, and assisting -U with men- and : of. the Clinton: Jamdyr;miane4to Ji- -.i e, . . J...1.1. mnmritv in their avor-wliow V-U the Minerva. Copy Attest NOAH HAMPTON, c m.e, be com- wm voic i? ---- ,. .. . t0 cni a general meeting oi tne mercnums our harr iow supposed to prefer Mr: Madison, but we tobAmerica to take, their sense on the f S f Uld he cannot tell hh uUimate opm, "l? harmony the popular voice, wh.ch is reciprocallyT)Oth - 'v l' - on .sh-Rur hole, and cause and effect of Mr J 's fiubtic oprnKins. r; s-tf he been' cornme'need af dif- land;. J . -k J:ju-AfKi Ah in'. thK chamerTOfnossi- T. - . .--... r i, courthouse hour, but also to attack the enemy sbou anchor on the oiitside. The erealest liai anq military ardor -pervades toe wnoie, ana aim ...vsr. ' . J e.: ;SQfiiiTrftmSraj;nB-,miftir-wP rather wish Among Other events mjhhapterpossi ii, .. o . I-.- , ; . ix;i-.(w.o -.;. n rr-vprtinp" OI the 4vi one. - t V BAT.TIMflRK. Feb. 16 ".-it will bej seen by the resolution ocredbv -.--TOlinefc;; RU-IEDERS' ..ftir. uawson, yesterday, that congress intend- Qf a brKee ovbr Neuie rlaintiff.;3The .fourteenth hhished 8??"e. - . crceV Onefractiiig fir Wilkes coubty, weeks smce-Tn New York, f Ztvt m acres.-Also one. Jtalf of 64P favor of Mr. Livingston pf lOOO'dOllars.-JVIr., . lri nnnrnmht; coimtvHn partner f th'esft avy damai LANDS FOR SALE. Agreeable to the last Will and Tesament Ot AleanderVlailin Ij.L-.U. oeceaacu, WIT T. RK SOLD ; i AT public sak, On Uie days and places ft- mefitioned, to wit : unc tract oi muwu- nine oUO-.acreSi.-in itiam;ijf vu;, i the south-west side oi reeuctr iimt -gufrt ; reek, joinjngrWirt.- Colson's l LUirart.will he sold at MontKoniery conrthouse-on Friday the 8th day of April iO, one iiai-i. tr lo6 acres. This tract will be sold ,.tl,niKP rrt Tnesdav the 12lii Ot tUUIUIVUJ v- if eady been - Ai,h trarts. 'one- &f.4Q0 aprprmined. and heatv damaees awarded Ute J tv. ,r.t. on M'utch- acres,: lying iri Rowan county, on rCutch-. is to be1 let by " VrlKyprot JVlr. Livingston pt itwooi arair., . . . . - mbt; CounW in .partner, "reh- Adlai-PSbbrnThese three itt have offered aach taL r 1 '-" f' - ; fo fulert the same iniTrl lu,Kl"- ""'f l' "r". f - last mentionecT-tracts 01 f. lana wm c .Jhtto' believe bv Mr. Any.vson desirous to imderthame -3 he has 'promised in. future I . Salisbury, on Friday the. 15th of i??. hS 5 -S will attend uport the pmmioncrs On .Salur, manahe cdife r concerns of his ? . ; I cd shoh lvection TH.. . XT .. . r. . - , -1 . iMourse ; 10 ureat isntain. is it not. pror -.,nW 'nhrt Wche gover,,., Lave rf'.C ttS terms as they are jtau .llQSiewill be acced-to by his court, nd ."'''T' ,H TofMrn-i afthc .falls of :?-nag .hatcongressbavingpo present, will adjoin,' to.meet. again tab0iTtlhe:tO ' b3r'" 'time at which lr.Nourse maybe expected to ' ieturh from . London ? " We -have 'no' Ji'osifiv.f - . uiformatioh bf this being the present state of , ; '"i'.'K , .uvt uom an mGLutiomiauuii in uui Ji ll ncw, i - - . ..... - i - , P I intend to .give dueattendence at eacof , i rci onrt TifPfis in iefr sim- i - .- '--t. .. . . ' .-' .inc aoovc-ways .n.t . . - . .i-.-.. rmnrnf at rf f ' Fitrrict of Mr. RandolpVs speech, on hrs nle wiii be civeii for, the lands ..when soil d ALLEN ' DAVIS. ' ROBERT CRENSHAW. J i- pef'sii..- .aw-'pC : opkiottT'at cpngjesi 'paleigh, I5tli "lebi 1?03. 5" me. . - , , , vcn. . Wilkinson : j- . The times of payment will iaue own i - The m-oofs. "Mr. Sneaker, which have on the dap of aje. i ' ' " , , - -this day; becnoduced Wainslyof;GenriV. : tA.i .x r-i "- , -V- "'- -- ,. ':', S.-' v - '--.