: - -vt ' '-7 ' -: ..r : - " ; .-" .v-fli T.ffO VOLLi. Fit ANH Vol. 13,ps . (n c TliURWJY, APRIL '2 8, 1808. No .-630- r.- h i- REJEC'J ITISII TREATY. ,, , iy- Treaty of JTnjrk- Comment :and ''AavfcJti6ni betlBpen riff i&riitmmc mujcaiy "t, 8:an of ,10rica. ' ' ' . '!'.. " '.frm' Rritiunic. niaicsty and' the tJ. Stae6f htintr 'etiuallv desirous to promote nd peipetuae" the good understancling anil r..;n,Uim which harmily subsist between the subjects of the United Kingdom ana the Lhe United .States." und for that 1411"-' , mirpose to regulate the commerce and nayi territories, and people on the basis of recipro- city-atW mutual convenience, ic-pw- i no m i.t thiir nlt ninntf-hliaries. and have jCi liaiv 1 ' : . - , i , civ en to. them full powers 'tomake and con- U)nq establish there. clu.'e a treaty oi uniiiyjiiavi-auuii unu i-u...- mcice ; that is lo say, his urttanmc majesty basnatntd tor Jits .plenipotentiaries Henry i,:.;?,..vi, 'f-as:dl. -fLord" Holland. one of his nwiestf, privy cotiiictl ana Lorn keeptr ot his ipesty s, privy sear, ana vv iiimm iuiu 'Auckland, one pt his majesty.'s privy Coun- dl ami' president ot the committee oi coun cil for all m -liters of trade aud foreign ulan tat'wtis. And the presid.-nt of the Unucd c,w Ku n1 with tht advice of the senate kjiaiA-i t thereof, hath appointed for their plenipoten tiaries, James! Monroe and William nniuiey, comrnissioners extraordinary and p'lenipoien- tiar.es ; Who, attef navmg exenangea uicu reipettive lull powevs, have agreed on the. following articles. . , ' :.l.J.'ji. article r. ' 'i- , ; There shall'be a firm, inviolable,-and uhi- Tiisal, peace, and all true and .sincere friend ship between his Urhannic majesty, hislwirs aim successors, and the United ta'es of Iwur-A. And between their respective coun tries, territories, cities, town s and people, of every degree, without - exception , pt perscnis or places. . ;7,:- .' tpt-- - ARTICLE II. Tt is acreed that the several articles of the. (t-eaty of amity, commerce and navigation be tween his' majesty and the Unuetl biats, made at London oil the iytn aay oi inow.hi- ber one thousand seven nun urea m. muj four which liave nbt expired, nor, s yet, UacJ their felt operation and effect, shalL.be corifii-iTied in the best form and in their full tenor; and that the contracting partiewni so, from time" to time, enter into .friendly explanations on the suWett of the said ani- cles, for the purpose pi ftmovmg aii .-sutu duubts as may arise Orlrave arisen, as td the hue inii)uitr"of the same? as well as - for t he purpose -bt rendering, tue saia ruuc conlpniabk' to their mutual vriaru; wuu vyu- tcnieiice. .''.' j Vance of the" same shall and nlay lie enfo' ced itgaiusi iae citizens oi America m tne. same " matmr as against British; subjects or others f. . . r ' t .... ,t -r.' uan5gressmg ine,same irie Ana tne ciu zens of Che United Slices,., whenever they, arrive in any 'poH;pr harbor " in' the .ibaid terri tories, ot iUhey should be permitted in man rieilafw csaid to go to any other place .thei ein, shafl always be subject to-'.the lav -govern-nieDt alid jurisdiction, of whatever nature, e jblished in such Miaifcor, pott or place, ao cording as. the same may be. The citizens of ithe United States may". also touch- for re frjcshratnt at the Island: "iof St; Helena, but suh5r.t h nil rr snorts to such reiriilations as .y x - - - , --0 the British .government may, from time .to-' 1 1 ' i - " " ' "T-n r1 i , ,, i &zr v:T "T:r ' ; t . ',. . ; , - , . 7 feoard Kuch vessel that part bnly which be- rate to the prejudic? of any right belonging to; ' longs to the enemy, or is otherwise cqnfisc- either pai-ty-.bu"t' that after the expiration -cf .-..j uTir.i.E in. n TiUmaWv sp-reiersi' that" the vessels bebne- , mg to the United Mates m iimenu, filing direct irom the. port sOl tne saia siaie, shall he admitted and hospital) y recciveu in all the spa nnrts and harbors of the .British dominions in- the East Indies anu inavu.' tiu.en5 oi me Mum uiiH"'VV"',v' taW on a trae betweeifthe said territories nd the said UY& in articles ot wnicAnt m: from the said territories, shail not be entixely prohibited. Provided only thut it snail not be Uwful for them in, any time of war .be twem the Hi itidli imVerhmeitt and' any 'other. power or state whatcvcrr to exporjuXromilie! wiu lerruones, wiii.m)uiihc opv son of the. British government militni'v strtrwe. nr'tirtval storfs. 01 'eU'nimr.f ik Titf itos fchall wav lor their-vessels, when admitted'': Ys, no :other o; higlier tonnage than shall fce payable on British vessels, when admitted into the ports of the United States.; " And they shall paynq higher Or .other duties' or thavges on the importation or exporUtion ot the cargoes of the said vessels than shaU 1 be Pavublt onihp same articles when imported w exported in British ..vessels. But it i& ex pressly agfeai, that the vessels oUhe United at.s shall not carry any of the articles ex Ported by them from the said British tcirito ..to.jLporf'or place ekdtpt some port pulce iri America, where tlie same shall unladen, and such" regulatations "bh all be iptcd by 'both parties as fshiill, from time - -ti'tne,1 Jbe" found --necessary to enforce . the . iTm" .. ,i ivi' 'u 'r'.t chit ttinuliiti- C.l, ARTICLE IV. j There shall be between 'nil the dominions ' of his majesty, in Europe and in the teriito ries of tlx; United States, a .reciprocal and perfect liberty of cbmnierce and navigation.;' The people and inhabitants of the two coun tries respectively shall have liberty free!)' and securely, and without hindrance and H mo lestation, to come with their; ships" and, yr oes to the lands, countries, cities, ports, places ami rivers, within the donltnions und territo ries afbresaidyto p-ti into the same, to re sort there, and -"to remain and reside there, without $ny' limitation, of time, also to . hire and possess bouses and Warehouses for the purposes of llieLrcornme'rce ; generally the 'merchatrrXiitrtraders on each side shall en joy the most complete protection and seen-" rity for their commerce, but .subject -always, as io wnat-xesptcis .uus hiitsc, io uic n.ijws. and statutes of the two countries-respectively. aui ici.k v. "ft k a'frrefif that no cthtr or hith r dutie' shalL.be naid bv the sh'ii's or merrliaiulizeof , I , J . the one nrtv in the norts ol the otliei'. th.n - v i . 1 . L; j. , 1.1 l.... . III. .........Mo .tAi .1 chandizeol nil otlrtr n-'iuns. xor snail any other or hiohtr duty be .imposed inone cnuh- trv on the n'npoWatiori" ot wiy articles tne growth, oroduee or uiuiiUfature of "the other,1 than or shall be 'payable on tlie mipoi taiion .ot thelise artu-les, liemg oi ;tne grovtn, pro duce, bv Tnanulacttlre, bf tiy wr foreign country. ., . ' " . ". rSor -fdbnnT-pTOJm-iton--oe-.impoeq--n the exportation of inipoj t..tKn y ttiticie to oy from -tlie territories ot the two parties respectively, whlcl shall not equally extend: toull other nations. .But the Biitii !';ovevn ment tef-erves t6 itself the right of im-ppsm?; m Amtncan vessels entering into. the British ports in Europe a tonnage duty- tonal to that which shall at any time be patchy BruisU vessels in the ports of America, and the go vernment ot the United States, reserves to : itself u r ight of mosing""' British .tssels ..nWin"iiothe boi'ts of the Ui.ited States a vonnagc duty equal to . that w h eh shall a( any i... ,M hv iT(Hiican tcsscia i- ole. shall be made prize, and the . vessel, uh- les5 by law . suliject to condemnation shall be at liberty to prpceed with thi. remainder of ,'the cargo, without any impediment And it agreed, that all proper measures shall he 'taker, to prevent delay, in deriding the cases $f ships prcargpes so broug ht in for adjucika. l'tQn ; ai.il in the piyment or recovery of any tindemcification acjvIgctl.or agreed tj be paid rto the masters or owners vl 'such ship?, j jt is also agrtec , thatj 11 rases of unfottn- Vied detention or ether 'contravention of the rtgukf.ions stipulated by the present treaty, : theowners of the Vessels anc c argo so detain ed shall be allowed damages proper Jontd to It her loss cccasiontd thereby, together vT lib the :r-cost find chasgesof the trial. - Article ix. : . ;! In orrJf;r .t'o sVgulate. what is in future to be esteemet. contraband of war, ijfis agreed thai under the said ilent'mination siball be ccinpri ,sed all arms and implements serving fo"r the purpose or war, by Jana or sea, such as cannon (muskets, moitars, pefardsV bombs, greniuioes,.. carcasses, satrcisses, cariages for eannon - 'muskets rests, bandoliers, gun powder, match saltpetre, bail, pikes, swords, head pieces,. col grasses, halberts, lancet, javelins, horse furni ture, holsters, belts, and generally all otneriro- iPlenuhiS ot.war, as rdso .timber for ship bnild- tng, copjser in sheets, sail cloth, nemp, aim cordao-e. . and in yent ral with the exception ioI" tuYwranght iron-and fire pUmks ; and also . wiui trie exception oi tar aim piicn -ncn mu going to a port ot 'natal epuipment, in wnicn tase. they shall bt eutitl 'd to pie-emptibn) whatever may serve directly to the equipment of vessels ; and, alfvthe above articles are hereby dctlartd tevbe just objects of confisca tioii, vvTientver they are attempjed to be car Med. ti) an tn;niy,i Butnl famed on pretence' ot carmrh. contraband ot iT .: -ir:.:i...if,... ii,ix...r.l .4,.. ' ;u. J 11II.IC JHI1UCU lUl ' lire , J llLJCt IIIC I lgillS ,UI '.1. uolii auica Bnaiircvjvc auu ue in jui.a juivj 1 w-" " . And wherfas it' is expedient to make p; . rial provisions respecting the maruiijife . ji , irtirtinn nf flic l.,urh r'nntrarttncv' naffTi' fit the coasts of their respective . possessions 'Av North America, eh account of peculiar cif cumstances belonging to. those coasts, it is J preef! that in all ciiSfs vrl'Jre- nm- tf thf : sai high 'contracting parties shall bt engaged it N' war, and tne other -shall be at pe'ake, the belli A JV. 1 LVW Ull0.il UUl OU'iy, V.AVt- .!t M VAl the neutral power, or the"iinarmt;d .vessels of other nations within five inai'inq miles front the shore belonging to.the.said neutral power fin the American seas. 1 H v ' H'ovjded. .that" the said btipufatiipns shall not tateTfiect in favor of the ihips of any nation or -nations which shall not hwve agreed to respect the limit aforesaid as 'the line of maritime 'jurisdiction of "ihFsaid nmral state. And it is further stipulated,. that if eiilk t ol ibc high contracting parties shall Jie -at w'aV with any nation 01 nations wliich., shall not haVc agreed tw-respect the said sptcial limit or line of maritime jurisdiction herein agreed-upon, stop or search any vessel beyci d-' the limit . I of a cannoti Shot or three marine miles from k the said coasts of the neutral i;6wer, for the purpose of ascertaining the 'nation to --which such Vessel shall belong. And with respect to the ships and propertyof the nation or na tions not having agreed to respect'' the aforje' , ' said line of jurisdiction, thebf lligerent powet shall exercise the sunn? light ' as if 4his artN c4e did net exist ; antf the several provisions stipulated by tills article shall Jiave full pow- . er and eHWcf onlv during the continuance of the present treaty. ,.' ' article vttl. ' ' With respect to the t-fearchihgof in enchant t -sl-Mpr-the-Gt-mmanderot"' shipsof-iM, And b'y 9 the coit'seof-the Abiib&ffi&titi)t lJ may ")pst,ibly pel mit towards the ' tnosyebd-. . ' povtr uicii 11 lay. innaiii iiciici, uunuig lis much' as - i-tORsille t he acknowledged Arai-. Its and rules of the'lavv of nations. 'And ,jucts aiuT citizens of thc contracting -parrteA .i-viTrn prevent their suffering injuries by flh VX men oi vai oi - inatcca ui vuiivi y .j , i, --. commanders ot Ships oi war ana pnvaiycisr nd-;vl l-othtrt-laKiTMiMjefcis-sMr4- f " shall iorbcai tlomg any tiamage io uiuep'. uv the otter 'partft or committing-any .outrige a giAnstriieW rnd jf they act to the cquAary, ihey 'shall bs'rabd, and shall sdsoJjWund in thtittsotCand'ptatts tomake satifac tion and reparation JtH"amage, and ) the 'iiueiest ihtreiiPcJr'a theisaid liarriagesrii ay be. ' . ; (v ' - 1-or tuis cause all commanders oi pnvaieersf commissionsi iSiiau iwar, Unless some of the above, iiutvicnet! arti cles, not excepted, are found on board, of the Isaid vessel atbe time it is searched. Articlk x. , " Whereas in cousideratiV of the distance and other circumstarces incidtnt t the situ- .atinn of hiirl, rotitVattinc4artscs-, it- may fwiK-ly-bajp-that--?sb'may-'-ail -for- -a-lwti- nb'i" "y " ?v,l- nt-my W i'lhout Knowing tiiat uir nuiuv. i-. - KUterl-,,:. invested, it Ts as,reeih that every ; vessel so ciicutiistanced maybe turned away Uc,.l.'nfi M-.. nlacc s but she st all not be fcit tamed', hor lier"carKo i not,coTitraband, be confiscated, unless aher sucn vonce b.e Iiin attempt to entvh Rut she snail ne pti - muled 10 PO 10-any ouiu i y - , ,i.-iWL-"rir,i-.er.. Nor shall any vessel, or g, Mds of either party, that may have entered imrt or nlace bed'ors the same was besieged, blockaded or invesvl by the other f . tnv.fri.Iutftei- the rctluctifnJLorsur- render otsuc n j:ace ; ue n-.sun-vy'" -BiitUh .ports in Europe.- ' I ? .11 vectored t6-.Owev of FtEonuis cause all cornm It is agreed that in the -trade of the two, but shi 11 be testmed to ownei forc tllCy receive, tlujr: quntiics with each other, the same VP ftbe tietTaW be ccmpe)led -iexndrtation and importation on all gooos and , htLPLA JrTof t t,e,av, tu tpetcn. judge, sujtcyer j . r , ' ..j ih. laame f!rawback3 mercnanuize -, auu , t i-.. Ttaul and abowea m and uomuies au v- :vi.o.; v.,.,., v. whether such importation o exportation shall be in Bt iUsocAmCi ican ves..-els. . UtlCLE VI. The-iMRb contracting .parties iioi iMviug. be. ere enrreanv commercuh iiUercrs.betweeirtl terrim- , or -tice. The ties of the United States and his . Majesty s or lice, fj'v . . ... .t inct,.s ariee islands anu. ioii. .... - , J. , that nrtil that subject shall be regt lu'ed iua . ,.:;rrr.,&, tmiivier each of theiP4ili bad remain in the complete possession oi its rights, rniespect to such an tn'eicourse Auiici.k VII. " it shall be free lorAhe two contractihg.par ties respectively tto apiiy""- protec tion of trade, to r .Vule in the domuu.ws tM-i.nues aforesaid; and the said con-;, aii -T7 i-i t i. ,U,.11 pnirw most lioeillcs an it w . - j . riffhts the conuntrauce ot tne i.e.uj, fiom.on board tbeessels ot the otbe', the --f- .i. -;t.!iii ll;.n rent rmiL'SS subjects .4oi me iijijio'- .,v...r, theybe in.thc actual .etnploj muit oi suca belli geftuti" .. "- " ;-.' ' - Antih-F t- r 1 Vhereasr difTei ences ' Uj e scr. cr-ncefn-. ihg the trading with, the i olonies .ot his ma jesty & enemies, and, the inhl ructions j;vvtn by. his majehtv to criiizers in regard thereto, it ij agreed. -4hut cfmwthe present l ostih jes o-n arritlea of the growth, pt-oclutfe and n.'an.uiac ture 'oi Furope not. .being Contraband tM war, muy br freely carnteV ITom the 'Cniied States, tothe port ol any eolbuy not blockaded belong ing to his fnajesiV. theimts. Pr.Aided sut h .r-(1f.d9 shallnrevlously have bceu: entered, ai.d bmled inthe United States, and shalUms. paid the ofdinary duties dn such artidesso imported lor home consumption, -v (n chflll after the drawbacks remain subject to-a dutv equivalent to no less than in the said pnvaieer, eatu oi iioui, with 'the said conhiander,v. shall ; be jpintlyJ - . i 11., sai id pouh'ls sterling ; it sucn snip ue provia ed with above one hundno ano uuy seamen :.v;i.c n. iUp smr. of four thousand pounds r,. ,., v.,Ufv nU damacres and nuunts-. vvhichtiie said pi i yagers or officers, or men, do or comnVit durinc? s j OI ililV VJi .,..v.. 7 . . i- -C. J their cruizes contrary to the tenor oi iniue- - ty, or to the Isw's and insticiions fbrregulaU: and fui'ther, that in all xBases '' oVairressious, the said commtssiqns ;iall be f revoked and arnuueu. It is also at reed that whenever -a. judge rf -..fltt . .i ah v of either of the liavti .i. Win . v ... ....".-: . should pronounce, sentence against, any vessel ov eodb,orpr,;puty, belonging tqjhe. .seb? . ;ne .nfthr otheT naitv, a iormal ,i and duly authenticated copy ofaiI the pro ceedings in the causer and efthe said sen-M ,,nrp. shall, if required, he deuvered' to-lhc :.A..t. f '.ihp' .'said- vessel,' without thct smallest llelay, he paying ' ;w.wt? "" viinrt nr thie same. t-'j.-. v w. - ',, : " ' . AiiTrr.f.r. xiv- It is further agreed Uiat lx)th Jhf &1J con tractine parties shall not-oniy reMic w i,w w,M. ftfrTjinf bttlieir ports,' haven's, bri ioTorreimit any of: tbeir -inhabitants to . receive, protect narnor, cuiecw. vi u,lu. in any manner. i7utwill bring to: condign msbrs-.ent all suclT; lnnaouama ui. y trinity of such acts or oHencts.. - , . A siUithe'ir shins, rth the goods or . KanrTiv.e. taken bv them and brought into -mrts ol eitherl tlie said parties, snau vr r. tnred: toibe owi ers. oilhe Lcto irdttlvSdenuted. and' iitthm isedin M ing bv them ipi oner eyioev-ec VL in:the cotiit :;of admiraltfV;r pr inifhV sf l-pet pas bound in the sflVn. of tvmt,hou4 -V hich belongto them by reason ot tnet 3" valorem ami that the said n... hfW anv consul shall act asW!H3ne ,Pv' ... ,i1t come nuii. uiiLiw . . i iLif :i wnndu - und tne vessels wKntpun . r ; he shalfbe m the osuaf aporoyed .fhe time of thilr clgaiance .from adnvitted'by the,partyT tow homj ffSiln efidhe property And it is hereby declared toeJawhjl arlJ, 5S-1ntst,f the United States. propel that in -s-ofa artielr s, hot be. eon. lect :tvvao : It It IS, aim ,inrlprtnn.'l- V itr the PCfm anted bv this article, is Hot -to extend to al- ,lAvthe wsselVnf ikft United States o carvy UU he punished according to consul hut ..- - jlj -Ki.fJ . ., .'. fr..'.- ,;n -,.h the case, or neTI r sent batk, the .offended go-; to tne ornei in ti i.tuv p . , for the- same :; . r .1 - y ui.un. .w.t... , .. j, .-, i i7;,u. ,FiVo. narties mav- except iyi "'-. ttjaiiy naitcfthe coasline trade of th-3 said E th-1 oTthc pa t , ,accs "usa letritoues ; out me-esviajjuv . . lait ue, dgeof-jartieaii' teir lYrirrVmi raio-fti-c. nr rB.it thereoi, lm port or dish arge to another, ate to be con- v k tea as . carrying ori - thevcoastin g' trade . Ac:tUerU.this article AO be.coimrneu tbe citizens of the sairfstates to settle .i.i. ..' iv.-t ..t-j- .-i...;.8 rr tovetiinto V- . . . - r. :..:, t....t tlvrt ScTiXty.: shall judge proper to be so ex?. ittd. '. . , . - " ---" ,;- ,- ' U ao-reeir: fhatin all cas-s where vesscU' shaU be captured ;ordimi3i0ji 'j.Jspi. .n oth-iiii,' on byard:jciwroy's p.roietiyrti . - ... jrt i. if .It-..- ftir lf jithln tliesaM territories in id iiiv t nil jl. i v y. , . j. w J th re f.tt?.Hinted against- tb'e nil eauov., - , X r.u.l ,u nnawst or most convenim i;'u v - a'"!." ,1 lr, ,1;; k;p anr oroberty of an enemy .siioua do wuu wV ing contixiband of war, and being the growth aitapioducef the enemy's coioui in7 brought to the United States, ah.d after having been there landed, may be freely, earned, bom thence to every irt Of EuropenoVck-.ded- r.vidediicrS6o lltviously hbeefSitertdrand landed in the U. States; .and ' shall h ve p.V.d the ord, nary clutns on colonial alleles so imponea snmmion,-- and on mes potation 5balllter tiilwbaok remain sebject .t dufy equl ... i'rf ...nt ihin two ner jceht. ad vlo-- ru.! and provided. tbaHhe suid goods; and the vessels cJpveymg tlie same b bona fide t Im properly oilizens and iiinuuuV r Un ted States 5. ; ; ; ... " ',,.;.,, . - : - - f provided always, that this ; arttcie-or-any hjpg , thorein." containedj -slialEnot' ope- 1 ty) evtn'in case such tfiects s'b'iV ,scd into v4tr hand - by if it, be ) v, . .... I- ' ' . . - r' " ;"- .::.J 1'