-Hi' I , . tv,?;-. . '' i ' r L-- - :.rETEttSUBC, June 14. - , We .understand hat the Commissioners ap- 'jpoi-vted by "an actt)f ihe last session of the Le j? gislature-of. Virginia-for the purpose of aseer .'" gaining the practicability; of opening a atkb. coMMUNrcATiow from ROANOKE River to PETERSBURG, have held two meetings P the subject, 'and art? Again to 'meet on Tujirifaf the. 2 1 st iustant, at Sinimonss's tajgwrin Ihis town, for.hc purpose-of employg1gets and engtneers.to oirry into tifuet this acsiraoie and important7dbject-rrd it is much to wished that as numerous a meeting oF the' Xommissionervstfould take place,' as possible. Jr acts' ofAsBembly, are as follows Samuel GoodeV -- Charles G. Field, John B. Goode, reoxge K. TaylorvJarjies Harrison, Thomas Maclin, "Francis Hill, John Shore, Robert Bt?t- ling, 'Benjamin Harrison, William Prentjs, Qhai les Caudle, James Byrne and John Alli son. . "". , ' : . Perhaps no country in the, world, of equal 'teiit, is possessed of more natural advanta ges arising from water communications, than the Stat of Virginia. These great, benefits are sensibly experiencedin-the middle 'and north -western districts,. where by improving the inland navigation, rands' haVe increased in value very considerably The farmer finds an easy, safe and dxperfitious channel, thro' which he can convey his produce to market, atave- trifling jtxpence But in the south-vvestern district, either from inatteiition, or frorn a be lief that such improvements are impracticable," no active measures, until very lately, have been pursued, to ascertain so important and interesting a question. , The"Roanoke and its waters, whighcjftbrace a country nearly, equal in,xtent to me miciaie ana iiorin-wcsiei u districts of Virginia, enjoying,a climate in the west equally wholesome and salubrious, and a fertility of sod not surpassed by any other parWT the motive; nor any ground for misrepresent of the State, Ubors under every disadvantage from the want of a safe communication to tide water. . It costs the fanner at least one fourth of the value of his produce to get it to market, and this of course operating on the value ot land, reduces its price in, trie same ratio. Thai il is the inierest of land-holders to effect such a communication, is too apparent to need an - elucidation ; the object should be embraced ,. with enthusiasm, and should kindle the Same of energy and exertion in every.breast :-Thc , increase inniYevalue of their lands-alone. would nrobablv reimburse the exnence. That ' it is the interesfbf the public, is also obvious, as it woifTopcn a very large extent of country -to the Alleghany mountains, and ' consequent 'ly facilitate the transportation of militia, -arms, military stores. &c. in an eastern or western xhrccxion, in case of war or internal eommo tion. " The Secretary of tie Treasury; in Tiis re port to the Senate ol the United States on the subject of Inland Navigation, (a report which merits the perusal ot every citizen ot Amen ci) mentions that the only obstacle to a water C('mmuuication from Roanoke to Petersburg, is the crossing the branches of Chowan, "which are Mehernn and Nottoway livers. Active measures ore now m a train to ascertain its practicability, which measures we hope will be pursed, until the grand olrject in' view .tVuriv1. accomplished The Wowing,, says the New York Evening 'ost, comes irom w mu we tieem a respeciarjie qjai'tt and one entitled to credit. " Extract of a firivate letter. ' ' ! ,.. ' Parts, Feb. 24, 18X)8. - Pwierly "the American ministers here, nns Representatives of a"Sister Republic, were rerxived. Ut the' audiences, and in the circles our rulers, before all the Ambassadors of princes ; at presren't, the most petty agent of the most petty or upstait pnr.ee precedes Arm 6tron, who on all occains, is-treated more clare Var gainst cngtahd, .his eeal and his crilnjg, will not preserve him froni a.visit. to the iemple, or atleasj to v eruun, wnei c ir crews of sevwl'Aniei,tcan ships, capturtd and COndemnejdf are already prisoners ot War. , "ic-editor of the American Citizen has come out openly 'and taken his &nd on the subiect of the nou Freiiddnt He'd'ttcrmin'es for CLIN t ON MUNKUL-Ana nesitaies not todeclartbt bthef, that Mr. M ADISON obtained -his noniination iy . ' surprize or by collusion;" end that if "elected THE EX TEHNAlxCOMMEUCE OF THE UNIT LD STATES WILL BE' ANN HH LA f Dr hiellowing is his "brief mtiee-on this su'bfect. " ' - ' " From i he jmerican Viizen, of May SO.: Brief no' ice. X nw ascertained that the Republican party in this stae was successful at the late ekcliun. The Governor and Lieutenant-Governor are, Republican,- the Senate, with the exception of a single Federalist, and of tw o or three quids, is rXfpublicanl and in the Assembly, we have a republican, majority elect of at least fourteen not unless ycu in clude 5 Lewisites. Whether this ascenden cy can of cannct be maintained, or whether we are destined fro sink mtoa minority, de pends upon the electfn of a President, which is to take place next March, and upon the coursenwhicli that President, co-operating with an enlightened Congress, shall pursue. My opinion is,, and the reasons which have induced it shall hereafter be assigned liberaF ly and -airfargertiatTf-AlfMadison, whoby surprize if not by coUusbn has been nominat ed lor Presidency be elected, the external commerce of United States will be annihilat ed,, and that nothing short of a . miracle can save the republican party from destruction-! AM THKltKFORK OPPOSED TO HIS KLECTIOJi. Cut that there may be no misconception of ' V ' Petec Fish'eri-1.' ; , .-' !?;: . : -6. - -James Bell and Nicholas Madgett. ..Reptirtriifnndfiue', andComtcissionras to, BelL-Leate tnakteitMonry. uraer of puiiiKaiioarenuea. IT appearing to the satisfaction of, the court, that Nicholas Mulgett,"ooe of the defaiidants, resides Outof this state :. It is therefore oi der- ld, that unless the said Nicholas appear with- LinHhe three firs! days of the next term and pled answor or demur, the bill, as to him self, will be taken firo confeeso and set for hear ing cxfiarte,... Ordered also, that this order be published "three weeks ' successively in ;1he Minerva) - . Copy..... Attest, - . NOAtl HAMPTON, cm. e.- . , - , North-Carolina, Burke County Court of Equity, ApULJeunyOi. '. - " Silas Alexander, . , ingthe object of th is paper, it is proper t6 de dare,. that it shall te devoted to the election of the venerable GEORGE CLINTON, of N. York, for the next President, h of the patri otic" J amks Monroe, oi Virginia, for the next Vice-President of the U. States. The liberty of the press, with which , we are familiar, vhich we have iniierited from an enlightened nation, and without wliich tht;re can be no other liberty, is our boast and glo ry. Gentlemen jwho coincide with me in opinion on this great & national question, are at liberty to communicate their thoughts up on it. to the public through the medium of my press. --But as the integrity of the repub lican party is the leading object of this' pa perVpersonalitics will be discountenanced. Every difierence of opinion is not a differencn--pi4nciple-Way-lfc to men without dividing as a parly- Nothing more is meant than a candid appeal to the ood sense and patriotism of 'the state. The legislature, unbiassed by public meetings, will choose the electors, and in the choice of the electors the republican party will acquiesce. 8 4 i 'Xtniti jr. 'uw i da not tn'A r . r! cavaliercmeiit than .the supplicating deputies of the conquereandi)eggared llanee Towns Our emperor never addresses this member of a sovereign people but with a hauteur ofm.an ner and con tern p.l or txpressiou seldon expe-nencd-by: his lovyest valet. One tiniejhe tHs him ha'ftjhlyjiam offended with iKose who 'emifoy. you why do they hesitate arising a- ! gai4VtEii gland ; do they tSmi of my power of crushing (ci-astr) bothSVhrrica'ai!d Bii- A ? '1VU llitfin not in ahusu lonp-f-r lTiv'mn- Al another. time he has been f a foneof, command Why i.Mitniioy you uere, .recai uku other agtits from England and order away the English" agents from America JI.w.iJl, I repeat , agini'v suirer w more neutrals rxill Statts represented in England, or 'enduring. EhgTish agents, will le Considered as the enef mies of h gr&at nation"' At the-last levee A ' he-passed several times by Armstrong with cut noticfrrj him,' -eitiiep.f'"b6wing-.0ri) scra'p- $ . ng. 15 juatusWhen tnc levee was over, anu ;- -wHti his imperial back hair turned t this am-rLi-r b'assador- of-brtfUidejiendent sla' e, heji bawlSr'd "r out; " HW dare your writers inake free with S I . o 4ovfreiirn of rav oower ': tell tbcsc ivhoem vow, tliatbjey; shall be responsible to me. for' the licentiousness of your presses, as vycL tetffir tberaudacity of yo'jr scribblers.." The ..egs. of erfufrtitf is past, and that of yengeahce - r in'ociwR ;' the impertinence of your Ieyel- l.. 1 . rs fcrinsunportabte any longer.1 . The situa- ( ' " i .on ot A rmstrong, you may therefore perceive, A nul yei-y enviaoic ; ; ana inougn nc perbonan 4y des every thing inhispo4er to flatter Na jn4eon and to court oi JrcArtiheyoodwish" esvcf our iifiisters.' "a"nd 'imperial ' favorites, i4ald the American govermneufcnot soon de- Sr Ate of No.vTh-Car'olina, Iioivan County. Sarah Cowan, vs. Steward, Mary M'Ravy, Thomas Stevv aid and David Steward, heirs of David Steward. 5 " Priithr for division rf real estate. , , IT appmring to the court, that the heirs of the said . David Steward, named in the said petition, live without the limits of this state Ordered, that if the said heirs do not appear at the county court of pleas.and quarter-sessions ta be held for Rowan county oni thetirst Monday ot August next, and answer to the said pet'uior), judgment thereon wilUbe, en tered pra cohfessHQ. WilnessV" Ad. Osbprn, dlerk of our said court, at office, the first Mon day :pfM ay j.Ii.lSua,, ' . f AD; OSBORN, Clk. State or Nohth-Cauolina, Irsdell County. ' - . If.:. c. . 'Vaam "! - . itay ,3C6wy7j, 1 OU$. ' , John Sncw, sen. . John Snow, jun. ' OriginalatIachnicril levied opt seventy acres of '"" , land. - - '; JNthis case it Appearing that the defend ai'it tlfein 4he state of Tennessee : --There-fore ordered by the oouit, tliafrrt case the: said John Snow,-jun. fails to appear within the three first days of next quarter sessions and.replevy the . said land, Judgfhent by dffr tault will be taken against him ; aiid -that this order be published successively three weeks in the Minerva. ' 7 ' -f-- . r JOHN .NESBIT, c.c. 1 St at & 'd? Nob t hC:Xrolin a," ji lre(telL,C(junty r r - y . . 7 Court of KquUy jjiril.Trm, QZj. , George L. I)aidson,- . -" - . -' ' 'vs. ' ; ' ' '' :''.' ' fllathew OJiphant: andAlex7pidsbnVxe cutors cf John O I i phant vjun r" -.rPV IN this case it appearing that Alex. David-' son lives out ol this slate : It is thfrefbie or deredby tlveTcourC .thatrtmless the said d fendanf do file his answ er to thti bill Vf coirjl .plaint, -within' tlie three first days of tle next October -term, that the bill wiH beki-n firs.' conftsso against him ; and that publication or Ihis order be' made" three weeks successUly in the Mintnsur1- ' - 'r' t .. r Wm. SIIARPE, c m. e,' ..May 10, U03. 7'.---"' 7 Jr--V ' Of Dispose; . Oie"Tb6wlcdge and cure oldl x c , era iii general. Of iniemvittiog-fevers or aguesi Of an acute continui 1 fever. " . r Ol the pleurisy; bastard i-k, : Inflammaiiim of the lungs. r Of consumptions. - Of the slow or nervous fever Malignant, putrid or spoiuu fever.' V Miliary fever. : - , ) Remitting fever. 7 ; -'Ihe smallpox, innoe.ulation." The Mieasles,catltVfeverr&inous St. Anthony's fire. v - ' -" Iiiflammaiicn of the : pram. Inflammation gf the4;yes. Thf Quinsey, malignant ditt6. . Coius and toughs, a common ccuHi, hmn. VS." Joseph Mott and Wtdter Bellari ali Met. W'altcr Bellah. ' ' Bill to foreclose, wd amendment IT appearing to 4he court that the defend, ants reside?"vvithout this state, that they can not beT served 'with process : Therefore or dered, that unless they appear at the next term of this court, to be held on the 1st Mon day of October next, and make de'enct, t'4's bill will be taken pro confess and set jbr hear ing exiari . ..Ordered also, that this order be published three weeks successively in the Minerva. - :";" Copy Teste, . , -' GEO ; NEWTON, c m. f. Jstorth-C a rolin-a ,i..Buncombe Vcun'.y. Court of Equity, jtjiril 7 rm, 1808. Amos Alexander, . Joseph Mott and Walter Bellar, alias diet Walter Belah. Bill to fort close. IT appearing to the court that. the defend ants reside without. this state, that they can not be served with proce ss : Therefore or dered, that unless they appear at the next term of this court, to be held on tfu first Monday of October-next and make defence, this bill will be taken proconfesso and set for hearing cxfiarte.... Ordered also, that this or der be published tlirce weeks successively in the Minerva. Copy Teste, - ' GEO. NEWTQNcvm. e. . ran a Way, ON Saturday night last, from the subscri ber, two mulatto fellows ANTHONY and D AN. It is supposed they took with them a likely dark brown gelding, pearly black, a bout (" or 7 years old, with a white spot in his forehead, and his near hind foot white, .and an iron-grey likely mare,' about 9 years old, and 1 5 hands high. The tallest of the mulat oes has a scar on one of his rists, and : ano ther on the cap of his knee. The other is low and thickset, and has a scar rather over his left eye, both young, little more than 20. Their working dress is negro cotton, but they have '.with them two. good swansdown waistcoats,. one a deep orange colour, a blue' second cloth coat, and various mixed home spun pantaloons and coats. The smallest had - two 8c an half yards of woollen cloth, deliver-. d him just before he went away, and a blanket i They took an old saddle with large plated bosses, iron , stirrups and red padding, the . leather, torn, .and-ai eouvitry twilled meaJ-bag an old plated. bit bridle', and some leading lines. It is supposed they'are making for Tennessee or the Miamia. They; have money, and it is said one has a rifle and Uie other a musket Any person who will bring ihe mulattoes and ' horses to the subscriber, shall receive 100 dol lars reward, and-hisTleasonablj expences paid, hini by JOHN WILL4AMS. Chatham, Nov. 56, 1 807. rr. , , For sale by the-Printcr hereof "THE FAMILY. PHYSICIAN, 1 . ' - - J . ..... . : . ' or ; ; .. Domestic Medicine ; a Treatise on' the prevention and cure of Diseases-by Regimen and simple Medicines ; with an Appendix!, containing a Dispensatory for the use of pri vate Practitioners. To which are added, Ob servations on the Diet "of lhe"common people ; recommending a method of living-tesTrxptn-sive, and more conducive' to health, than the present? " RyffiUiam Biichanr Mr D: lVlibv o'f the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh.' Price two dollars. . A liberal allowance will be made" to'country merchants. CONTENTS.' . " -' Of the gemrutjiauses of Diseases. OF children, diseased parents, clothing of children, food of do. exercise of do! bad i cU tects of unwholesome air ujn do. nurses. Of the laborious, fcc.Hhe sedentary, "the stu dious. -.' "-.;"".-"-"-"-;" Of aliment. - " Of air. . ' j: ; . ; - --77- Of exercise. V ) - :- 'y'l-TJ,-'- - Of sleep, cfothjng, -- . Of intemperance. .. ' " , Of cleanliness-rT . . ' ; : .- -.- : . '- , Of infection. . - '...''.' 7 '' Of the passlonangefeBrpgriefrloTCr religious- mclariholy-. 77-";-. -: ' 7 . Of the, common evacuations Tstool urine, bung affected by changes, the1 nnr cough. ' Inflammation of th stomach, do. tf intestines, tf the cholic infiamniation of tbj kidnies, do. of the b'adder, do. of the liver. .Of thecholera m6ibus and other excessive 4 discharges fi-em die" stomach and botis 1 diarrhoea or looseness, vpnotiiig. 1 , Disorders of the kidiiles anci bladder, of Ut diabetes or excessive discharge Of urine, sup. pression of ditto, the gravel ami stone: Involuntary discharges of Llotid, bleeding" at the nose, bleedingand, blind piles, spilling ol blood, vomiting ot, do. bloody- urine, flus cteliac passion. v - . Of the head-ache, tooth-ache, ear-ache, pai,a of the stomach, Sec. 1 "Of worms. Of the jaundice. Of the -dropsy. ' ' Of the gout, iheumatism. Of the" scurvy, suiipLula, itch. Of the asthma. Of the apoplexy. Of eosiiveiiess, waftt of Sppe'ite, lieartbvm Of" nervous diseases7 melancholy, the p;Jsjr, the epilepsy or falling bicliiicss, the liitctip, cramp of the stornach, the night foTcsttoon. ings, flatulencies or wind, low spirits, hysteric affections, hypochondriac afTecttoi.s. . Disorders of the senses, do. rf tfie eyea g'utta serena, a cataract, short-sightedness, J seeing only j.t too great a distance, squinting, ipotS'Or specks, bloodshot eye, wytiry or weeping eye, of the ear, taste aniPsmeH, touch Of a scirrhus and cancer. Of Poisons, Mineral, Poisons, Vegetable do. Bites of poisonous animals, of the m d dog, of the viper, of poisonous insects, of the rattle snakeTI " 1 OJthe veneretiFdiseaser'inilent goiiotitri)' gleets, swelled testicle, Buboes, ch;tnrTes, 1 confirmed lues or pox, general observations. Diseases of women, of the Menstnral &s c hai ge , pregnancy, chiM birth, bar renues Diseases "ot children, of the meconrumj theapthx or thrus'i, acrditiw, galfing "t excori ation, stoppage of the nose, vomiting, a loose ness, eruptions, the croup, teething, the rick ets, convulsions, water in the hea'd- Of surgery, bleeding, inflammations and abscesses, wounds, bums, bruises, ulcers. Of dislocations, dislocation of the jaw.cf the netfk, of the"ribs, of the Shoulder, of the elbow, of the' w rist and lingers, cf the thigh, oflhc knees, of the ancles, of the toe's. Of broken bones, stiains, ruptures. Of casualties subsTauce's stopt; between tltc mouthrahd stomach, croivned p - ;ons, riox- ; ious vapours, tfi't ets of" extreme cold,. l;e;;t Of f;-.mting fit 3, and other cases which-' re quire immediate assistance, intoxication. s. . location and strangling, persons who expire ia -convulsion fits.- Cautions concerningcold bathing,- Wi drinking the. mineral' waters. Observations concerning the diet of the common people ; recommending alnethail "f living less expensiveariil more conducive w : health than the prescti'. . G'neial .'observations on a"im?r.t, cf bread, of boiled -gr ain, of .Jb.utter,'ofllli;its-!aul'.roo:s,- of broths and soups. '"' ' " f '' . '' Medical Prefiara'ion.. Balsams, boluses, cataplasms and sinapism"! - clysters, coll vria, or eye-waters, contrftioa - conserves and preserves, decoctions, dt a'u;,, electuaries, extracts, fomentations, garj;f fr infusions, juleps, mixtureir-ointnTen, llul" t ments, and cerates, pills, . plastere? powiei syrups, tiiKturcs, elixirs, Sec. vinegars, stc. by 'inlusion, fee. simple distilled vaU.t'M?ir" ttousdistilled waters, t vvheys, win&s. -mj-:. " 7 - W. COYLAN r Has just received from New; York? th--. : .-lowing valuabj '-...' BOOKS., Secret liistory, or th"e4orror?. of St. Doni - in a series' of letters, written by 1? ut Cape Francois, to Col. Buir, hue Vice 1'ie r : sideni2of;tlu: ;U-S. principally during tl.c coinmand of gen. Rothaml-eaiN The Wild Irish Cirh.-nalional lafe' - -V ThsXay of ah, Irish Harp, or Metrical Frag- -'-mentSi.'-'' ' :'" ' - '" v-- A Digested Index to the Modem Rtpfrt J , Chancery," coiitainirfg the points r f 1 (l!l7 delern.intd in the-High Coiiit 1 1 1,"-eI-' lipm the year 168?.lo 1605. 'Tii FVti! !u nn. n f:1hi1nni.liist01'V of llie.He the-n G'Klsv &c.bv Andrew 'FoojA: A. pers'pi ration, atmospnere. : . , . ; ;, . . .v j... Of wet Clothes, wet'feet, .night air, damp beds, damp' houses' sudden transitions from heat to coldr ; ' - ' .. . . '-. - . , -x . ... . : .- - " (. - . Entick's l'ocket Dictionary" W r Jr biison' do. ' do.. 125 cents. . - . . Walker's Pronouncing d.o.' S . f Pocket do. 155 ets. ' . Greek Grammar, English tnrhlationj . Theffedtiidisi, iJahKandTljijgJ also, :'-:.rr' '-. Glass fountain Ink-stands ' 0 ' Best DttlU Quills,' g5 per l'CO. J f r 4 -