I'- V ' '. i.bf f.rt-e t'hecfi Jl the dispatpbr VJ tiiipe, - which they expect previoui rSnSof Congress; indeed all they ,0 Mr; Baker from France via TTaS Mr. Noorse from England have S yet we hear nothing atout raising Embargo, infactithnoweirunder " Sh,t the Embargo cannot be raised un Slitl.FranceKbfcourseth :SUt their heartrat rest; so the P0 n if it s in power of Admw have co-nut'1' TTITii11.It- ' - N ...k. KaP nnt .their hands to1 the plough, S he will not "Suffer them to look buck. His hntruage to them now i keepyourseWes m Sir hcll if you would keep out o harm. Ly for if you come out you shall fight or Z aeainst me."' This language to men of 4irit appears rather insulting ; but the silent language of England is still more so ; it is, , as you are not worth minding you may do as you please." Was ever any nation more .waded than ours. Empires and kingdoms . . - A . :nno knr Ko.in Cllll- .:TWe again-are authoi istd to noimce to th e ,.;'' We declare 'it M our opinion, that if tli federalists of Virginia would Wto, and form 1, i .1 . Kut arc the first neoole whomever CXKU , . . . . , irn.H their exigence as a nation without a ': ;.i. . . ' Wash. Fed. . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 18U8. Delaware Federal ! ' - The election hskl in Delaware, on the 3d instant, was contested with unusual ani mation, and has terminated in the same man-! nei as most elections hitherto held, since the Embargo was laid, and the partiality ."of the Administration to France becaifie apparent In SJew-Castle county, the scat of JJemocra tic strength, their majority has been reduced "Vt00 votes, notwithstanding they propped their cause with all their energy, and with many metn and dishonourable practices. It stands thus : . . . y majorities; Federal. aimce to the Public ibatV'VViLLrAM Diikw, of Halifax, 1 LsqV offers himself as an Elector for this dis- .a ticket for "electors crPresemCanarVicei trict, to elect a President and Vice-President lpreder.t of the LVit'ed States, thatit would of the United . States He 'pledges' himself, . be. ' handsomely supported, by 'the. JPwe-nd anddedarcs (it thSdecfaration be necessary) although we a ill not undertake tp'say that the ' to'rvdte for M,r." James .Monroe as President, federalists, would certainly succeed, ytX their j and some other character eligible as Vice. would be io respectable a to cause the" 1 jieWjPresidentr wuoevtr ne may pey i" wiow thicU has tiotr been the case for more than seven years) that theprinciple's of Washington are not enterely abandoned in he.'4ncihnt Do Trillion, the. declaration of many to the contrary notwithstanding , ; . . : Virginia Gat. Though rnonths have elapsed since the offi cers in the new atariding army were appointed, it is worthy of remark that not one of the ma ny printers included in hc list, has been call, ed upon to ' diicharga ' bismiliterjrcluties. These duties have been imposed dn others, while they, according to the probable cxindition of their appointment, are to be kept at their ordinary avocation till the important election now pending ate determinedr yXt7, sj GaZt buane has received Tor six months past Ae pay and emolumeis of a lieutenant colonel in, the new ataiid-iugormy, amounting to upwards of a hundred dollars a month, and we should "it glad to learn . what "military duties be has vet performed? Is this not rifling the public I'resident At any -rate no time or circum stance can induce him to vote for' or support the pretemioni: oT Mr. Madisohi-aa-c Journal, ' ' 4 - ' v . " The Following tatementSj will show the extravagant pretentions of the friends of Jlad ison and Moiiroi. From tsk Nationai. Intelligeiicer ,f For Madtson as V resident. Verraant Hew Jersey reiiruylvama , Mat7land Ndrtti-Carolina ' Virginia Souih-Caroin Gfcor'u, - ' ' Kentucky Tennessee Ohio - 19 "A 9 J3f.' 19 $ 5 3 New-Castle, Kent' -bussex, 430 8X) Demo. And he m.iy be ides have the vdtes of Kfoa-Uampsliire and Rhode hUud. ' . . From the - Spirit of Seventy Six'. TJie following calculations we think proper to re-publish, as the prospect brightens daily Firmness, perseverance' and resolution may yetrensure success ta the Cause of free gov5 ernment. , : ' Monroe, .19 ...... .1230 . , Each county sends 7 representatives r.nd 3 senators to the state legislatures, and as1 both toTlhe Iowcp counties- ai'e federal. It follows that there will be a federal majority of one third of the representation of the state--that it, seyert re preventatives 5id three senators. As he Ltgi'ihtare will have ttfe choice of the Uxfbrs.f )r President and Vice-President of the United States, : they will of course be federalists and as -Mr. -Whitens senatorial term expires on the Avof March next, he will in all probability jfe reappointed for six years more. - FEDERALISM's'. , ! Glorioqs 'liiumih in Martlaird. It is now admitted and settled, that the ma jority of the .next House of Delegates must be federal. It will certainly be from t ight to ten, and should the votes of two-couniies, Svliteh are said to have been made derriocrati- "Coi, by a greater number of.iliegil votes han their respective majoir.ies "consist of, be re- ' stored to the Federalists, it will reduce the number of dcmocratical- votes from Sj to 24 whilst the federal will in ttrat case be from 58 to 60. " Thus democracy . will be obliged to assume the diminutive figure cf less than one third of the sixe of FederaTism in Maryland. A happy presage this, of the accession of weight Maryland wi!J yield to the scale cf Oeneral Pinckney us President of the United States. : . ' " ; , v ' In Kent the highest Federalist ta9 within five votes of the lowes Pemoci at, so thai three illegal TOtcs Would turn the scale. In Cecil the highesttederalist was Jiithin 16 V otes of the lowest Democrat, and in like manner 9 illegal voles deducted, would 'rein'-' state the Federalists. . :... -Imputations of unfairness on the democra- tic sidei he against both these counties, and will probably cancel theirYeturns. - ; ' At all events, the near-pproierr the Fede ralists have made to the majorities returned for the Democrats in those and other coun ' ties, would enable them, at another election to snatch from the latter, almost the whole of the few members they possess, and leave tb.em scarcely represented in' the House of : Dn legates. . ',.:- ..'' fiT 'Maryland ought, after the present success, to give at least eight votes forXiene ral Pikgrmey as President.. -,Ji , - . .. ; No senator to congress will chos'ni ', Ific nvxt' Legislature, because each branch ) ?avig a majority of a different pjiitai com-' JruAhig, whereby 7 One! trartch would over; v;helm the other. This policy, we learn, give - tien. Ainiih his entrance into the 5ert.ate. "The legislature tcTbe elected next fall,, willi - ' liTeet" belore Congress -so that ttre cannot ;; be any incouvenieiice sustaint'd. .M. ,4m. New-York', Delaware, Maryland, Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio-, N. Carolina, N. Hampshieri Massachusetts Rhode-Island, . Connecticut, New-Jerseyr Virginia, Penirsylvania, S. Carolina, Vermont, Kentucky, 3 5 '6 6 7 19 4 9 8 ' "00 " bo oo 6 00.' 95 Doubtful, 00 00 oo 00 00 .00 bo oo ..: ' po " bo po bo 24 ' 20 00 ':' "OO4 Madiori. 00 00 I . fi 00 ri O 8 . IX). . I CO " 00 r6 . bo k oo ' 10 oo 8 "From the Wasiixng'Tcn Federalist. - .. (Monroe Viiltnil C:ntm. 7 fo 0,1 Statft New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, . Unbde-liland, Connecticut, Vermont, Kfw-Yoik, iew-Jei sey. Pennsylvania Delaware, Ma ylnnJ, .. Virginia, Nonh Carolini; Sontli-Caiolina, Gejrijia, Kentucky, - Tennesle'Bi'-' Oiiio, 4. 9 f no 8 3 .. 4 (X) no ( bo 1)0 (K) HO 14. 00 00 00 4 .00 6 4 1 00 00 00 00 00 f'O 00 oo 00 00 .3 C4 4 4 00 - 4 4 3 nnrsi. ? ta it hot the worst species ol Iraud and corruption j because, being indirect, it is not easy of punishment J Ata'dmnnef given, by Ware to the Spanish Deputies, lord Ersktne, who was pre sent, commented very seVertly on the toast lately received with such disapprobation at-a public meeting. I dislike as; much as any one.'said the. Noble Lord " fnany of the measures that have been pursued by this country towards America ; but I would never propose', in Champaign or Jjurgundy, to drink the health cf that man who refuse or braw tars a drop of wate'i 1" f Mi-.i'MKAnK, the U. iv'Na'vy Ajjent in Ca llz, wires to a gentleman in Salem,' that in Spain arid, Portugal 140,000 French trOops n"a4-fe,'.J.esiroyed.' ' 4900 were Tneh prisoners in the province ofAwlalusia ; and that to hope to effect any thing in Spain, Bon3pirie'must seAd a force ol 400,000 men. The remarks contained in the Spjvit of :76,"bf the 1 1th inst. concerning the' F.tlitor of t he Enqliirerrftaveof passed nnTioticed.'nie' , i'nterpusitv.of. the Civil Authority prevented 'the IVvricipnls from eithcV adjusting' the mis: . UiKlerstanding,''or;cai,i7ing the difference to extremities, This. information is given tothe inquisitive', -by the -Oentlemah who acted as the friend op the Editor, of the Kn'quircr, in the cortimuiiications.1 vvhif h took place be tween himself and theEdilor of the u Spirit of 7 6." ' : . .. r-r'T-7-' AXOTIIER WARNING I Letter Irom 'Pablo' bECR A, ct 1. DISSOLUTION Of PARTNTRSHir. h: The Coartnershipof SHAW & BU1U 11 ; persons having demands against, and all those indebted to said cohebrn .are requested to call oil William Sha w for settlement of the same, who is duly aut horised to collect all debts duo said Hrm, and to settle and discharge all just -r demands which may be "brotght forward a. . gainst te same. ' ' Wt. SHAW. ' v J , .. ;;: . .. . T.D.BURCH. 'Raleigh, Oct. u, iteAa. - SAMUEL PEARSON, ' '' :' tvJIO cariies on tbc business of Tailorjtt the house formerly occupied , by Mr. "Olivet Tbomasj on Fayettevillc Street, solicits thi encouragement of the citizens of Raleigh and its vicinitv -He wishes to employ - . A Joii rneymah Taylor j Of scJier and industrious habits. Raleigh, OctrlJ, : ' iL6i5tf. subscriber Vean'erfiillv in form iKr Members of the Genefal Assembly, that he will be glad to accommodate 'twelviror fif ee nf such as will favour him with- their custom Every attention will be paid to render their si tuation agreeable 4 ' r u ; ' VrfiENl. PULLIAM., Raleigh, October 19 -i655 1 'ana, dated Sunt. 2 I. Extract of the Ha -'.: We have hTdji second 'meeting of Plan ters and JJerctan'tS, .to deliberate on ouf situ ation; arid it was decided to admit neutral vessels, with every description of goods, until Spain shall be ifV a situaliotio provide for our . wants'. ' ',''" . i Wt expect tafga; supplies from' England ; ; aful 1 think it would be of great importance ticket of elec- ! to'Arnierica to raise the Embargo before our thr, will rarive ah almost unanimous votf m PP w u.h1uu,... that 1 rnnntr. It is believed with Common --rtinn Mr.'MadisOn may Invd himse appointed, in the Vlrginia'-yOte. Alex, Gat Sept. Session, 1 808. Petition exhi bited to erect a Grist Mill. - court, that Reddick jSTATK OK N. CAROLtKA, franklin County, David Sills Tlie lieirs of Wm. Kefby 11 appearing to the Undgers and Judia his wife, and John Kerby, tNvoof the heirs and representatives of tlie said decedent' William, are non residents--It is therefore Ordered that unless the said Red Jdick and Judia his wife, andJohn Kerby, op pear at our court of pleas and quarter Sessions lobe Iveld for the county of Franklin,' at the court houfeCin Lo'brsbUrri;, on the second Abn ilay of l)ecembei' nexf, and answer the alle gations set forth iri the plaintiff's petition, the same will be taken pro. confesso, and leave given accordinglyand that publication there of for three Weeks, be made in the Minerva. ..... GREEN HILL, Juh. c. c. 1)C l-'i acres. 42 Advices from the western parts of Vir . . .i . m.. l.....'c ginia state, mat ir.4muuiw ' PHiLADF.r.riiiA, Oct. C. . .' WARD ELECTIONS. Thc following is an accurate statement of the resylt of the ward elections, held on Fri day Jast, agreeably to lawy for the choice of two insiectors of the general election, and of an assctsor, for each of the wards of this city? to wit. ". .. iVardr federalists, -Democrats. . Upper Delawnve, 2., Lower Delaware, ;3. High Street, T 4 Chesnut, 4 . 5, Walnut, 6. t)ock?!-. . 7..KevMarkct, 8. North Mulberry, 9. South Jtulbeiry, 10. North, - , i. Middlq, lj. Sobthi 1 3. Locust, -4Xd thpfwiw voa mav be excluded entirely ov. an If 'diS-1 'arrangemL-nt with England, whichmay lie ea sily erecbu, under our prest-nt impr-ssion of your attacnTheht to Francerand hostility to our glorious Cause.?' " ' The democratic prints', still persist in stat ingthat the Vermont election has not termi- - liated in favour of federalism.r-This is done- ' i to answer electioneering1 purposes.- For the same reason they .will Jot allow that a majorir VV'-ot ihe House of Delegates Ot iuaryiana is federal. ' ' ' . ' " , ; ' 187 . 226. .' 175 132 , 80 205 , 192 . ' 139 '122 2Z:. 220 -48 . Rl. -J4-0 . 37 194 190 , 3'2.-., 179. . 65 1K2 r Fion 'Serra the writer of the letter, from which thgabove is exit acted, is well known to the mexdvuv of the United States, and1 is a member of one of the political bodies at Ha vana, who participate in its legislation.' Edit. N. Am. COMMUNICATION. To the Managers of the Philadelphia Loei lor the promotion of Useful Arts-' J- The dvemures in Northcarortna are solici-; tous to know whetlier the aboye Lottery has been "drawn (whicli wai to have commenced last February,) and if not, whether it ever will be, for they have heard nothing. of Blanks or Prizes, since tbey purchased your tickets. Sheriff's Sale. WILL be sold at ttic Court-House in Green , ville, Pitt county, on the 17th December next, so much of the following Lands av will pay the taxes and expenses : 300 Acres of Land on Stfift.Crcek, SVillismPugli's dii trici, to ay he taxes lor 1803, 4, 5, ft, "& protriy Ab iurn Dixoi.r Car; Nelson's rfitio. &nnl. Elks, Seii'r, do. 1806 & 1. V!dam Arnold, tlo. '. " do. h r,y Milts,- du. dj. Sa ali Nl.on . '1!. dj d ?. W illiam Campbell, , du. 1807. Sam I. Tay ljr ikC ' "' cb. LUe.ibcih Arn"l4, ""LT "7'do. fcsiaie of" J. Beck, ck. " 1 do. Htiiry AUiiiaiii do.' dev Sherwora Hiiife', di-tiici, Ui IueLr l80T,-culf. Jfcity ol JacJ VVailer, , Wu. Norij :' .'! John Fulioid, . I a.c '.Vingatc. 100 Hardee Harcck, ' 50 John C, Crlr.-5 .. 14.' jmvs Tii j:. j ' " . 1'25, .osfph 7aikion, junr; 598 "aivtii by William MovP. ioi S tiling Dujwae, in Cat. JuiUat Anderf dii--t.ic, . . - " . A I. So . " "' The r Homing Town tot. 'hovV'. 1, 3.9, 12,13, 14, 15, IS, 21, ', 2,. 36, 48,,fl. 6i, -Jsr.M, 10-, 10, 11c, t-U',126, l7l-i7. I4, Xl 157; 18, & 159. Uonr.'O.i S niih, J'hcff. . 7 1 S acres rViS do. ' ""30 do. ' n -2 do, 60 dO. ..-7 j.. 100 da. IwO do. 15 do. In Ct 33 ;0 SOx Y U 55 300 fane U'liite, t'lck. AlbiiuaiTj Jciii'o Wanen, John Ivr.:on, William F.ne-; , LIST OF Li: ITERS ; ; iicvtainiiit? in lMt.GjL, at italeigh.. Wm. A. Liukjohn; tiavin Alves, Vi!lianv AiJiK l. . .-. V' ' -'' - -: -Lis- Jesje Barham, Isaac. Uledsoe, Mrs. M Totals, 5, 2321 We observe that the' Wilmington (tazettfej '.transferred -to. fr: Wjm A Haselv wio pi-otnise's to be a greatciumfioii to the dis- flales of Waihin:to'i'M tht"t'a-- ' '" From the above statement if will appear, that notwithstanding theircipponeiitshavfr-ex-rted every nerve the result has beeFbrilliant to the contutionalists. They h ave it Js true, one ward lets, this year, but they have "lbst.it by the most abominable villainy, and the citi zens are determined o punish by legal mean? .he perpetrators of fraud and corruption. The constitutionalists have reduced their op p6nentstin bosthwarK antrtne' rsonnern j.i berticst small majorities. Mr. Ross will jiave a hahds'omq, rhaioritf a.tthe general clec-i tton.s. . .. ;:.-y-'r-7--, . ' -..r:' ': VTuT constitutionalists have succeeded in 18 townships in Delaware coimly'-rThe J.ac bib in 0rrt; . ' . " ,. " ;'':, '' ; YLANO CONGRESSMFX. . - - 'RcfiuMcun. -Roger NeUon, Nicholas Bux ton, Moore, Alexander M'K.im, John Mont g6meiyT Mr. Brown, (in the room of Edward ! V i t' i x '" y ' . '. ' m n it il w- ' - l-ioyu, aecnnea ana ;rcnioaia v annorn u. 'Ftffra.-l-Phihn "-"Barton Key,. Jobn.Camp- bell, -.";;''' G61dsborough-jrl. -3 '' - ..'-. ! i . riivn -- ' "' - :.. '.."" rAt Warrehton, on Frjday last, rienry L. Chapman Esq. of Newbern, a young man o( talents and handsome acquirements. " On the 1 lh, in the65lh year of his age, tlie patriot, John' Page, Esq. Commissioner of Loans for Virginia, and date gowmorof that state. .' 'v-- '"' v' ' ' -.' On the 5th instant, ather ho.use in Franklin 7Courtr Philadrfphia, agetL34 fears Mrs. ia Va'h Ba!che,lTrife of Richard Bache, Esq. and .only daughter of the late venerable father of ,; his country. Dr. Beni. Franklin. - On the 5th vt Wilmingtoni Mr. Alex. Dulgairne. And on the 9th" Nathaniel Hill, son of Dr. Ili!l.i t . , " ai-g't Battle, Mi3S !Senthy Brown, Isaac II; UolliBg,.;. Peter Bird, Ldrnond Barker. 11 "'"':'"' s Christopher Cuilis, John Chaves, Samuel and Rkhard Gardv MarliXooR, Henry Carra way, Christopher Christophers,' William Caol rel, J. Chriskiv ' -i, - . r r'C" ; Josiah Dilliaixh; Jonathan Davis, sen James Denby. . ' ' -1 ' . xl'rederick' Fzzcl, Nancy Ellis, Jesse Elling-' tonTtjih. Worsham Lllhigtbp, Britain Edcock VVillie ..Fennel, Susannah. Fearie, Doctor Wni.jreneh, David Fouler, Stephen S. Fer rand, YVm. Farrow. "' ' " JJoctor Allen W. Gilchrist, Samuel Cluth" He,' Joseph Giirahtr,-Mis Sally A.rM'Glan lon, Anthony G.Grtvil, Allen Gi-iffert,dward: Gatlar, II. (iornian. . Wm. Hill 2, Abisai Horn, Dafidltead, Edward Hokft, John Heplen, Wm. IlaUibur,; ton, John Hollarman, Roger Handcock4 Eliza IrHoHingworth; Rob't 11 all, Ransom Hoas i Nathaniel Jones, (m. c ) Nathaniel Jones (c T. i Abel Johnson, Jesse Jones, sen. V. inter . Jbnesi JobC Jones,; Miss' Nancy Jones, Jtssei lsier, iteoiBgones, ' . Rev. Charleg Kef.non, Wm. Ktrkham. : .'. jLewis Lashle, hdmond Lane.- ' ' - T.Medcaresf Morgan Murettf John ; Meats, Miss Elizabeth 1). Moorer Absolam MaV, Coalman Millar, Cy ran Myatt, Lodrick Alford JohivMoiirig, "A. D. Murphey. ' " George Nance, Marton Nail, Giles iNance '"iWrri. Owen , John Owen-, Robert UdCn r. Tanei Periy, Thornas Price, John J Vrry, John Pair, Roliert Fowel, China Pattersfn.V Miss Sally Roberts, 2, Hannah' Robertf, John Rivers John Rhbdes, Wm. Thoma, Tbhn M. Roulhac. IL Rogers. Jr. t ; bhion amttn, wm. urcmoos. jchua 'Hrjj j -jj J; .v-