. '-;r,:-.;. ?:Vi f..,.-. rf Attn. Tpatmhl KlfTkrly:;i Vol. 13.? i 7 RALEIGH,.(n..c) THURSDAY, NOFEMBER 3; 1808: tM'- '5 '':',' No.'v6mK- . , v;" : .' -i .i.-r.,,- 11111 the:: m. ' J - 4 Si. :lii uV 4 i' 7" '"',ri7 rs: da C. WILL be -sold at the CouruHre io Green ville, Pitt county, on the l-xto-tnach-of-the foil will pay the taxes and 300 Acres of Land on Swjlt-Cr. W 'liana Pojh' dis - trier, tu , ay .he laxes for l&Of, 4, 3. 6t At T,-f - 1-2 acre, property Abaj)rn Ptxu.i.' QiU Nelson do. ' Sarnl. EJt Sei!A do. ibQG & 7 that Ffanc never before pose5e4 . more rul f merbus or Letter appointed ' armies, , and that ' ., -' they ; were never better kept up, ir better pro. , ;- visioned,- -ae yi,.2 ':rS' p '' t : "' x " c Ndtfiiistandir ho v ever, the dinVrent -events vlikfi hTe ITTth"plac occasioned a pretty; ccnsU'erable loss, in con-' V - stqutnte of an operation as inconceivahle 9s it" is "painful, of the division under Duppnt ; vour niajesiy has, notified the resolution you nave " , taktt), ofSF.ciii!ing more than" two hunctrtd-1! thousand mea btymd the JPyrtnnets, without, however, wealfenijig either the amies in Ger- ; many or that of Da!rnatia ' For the attain- ;: n.ent of ih.t3 end, a levy pf ight thousand ' men appears to be jndispensaUe. 7 t-- The Minister concludes with rtcornmeiiding the calling cut of the next cohctiiti$nf l December ,ving " Lands as nses: FOREIGN' of the- campaign -in ' Spain.", They1 have smoothed oyer cvefy thing as weHas tley pos sibl v . could. Dnnnht'si troonn are; arknnw. Bj the arrival at . ihik jtort' of. thktllCankL Icdged at 2 OfipOl is prdri ouhced ' up fit BOSTON, October 18. CIS acres V:b do. ' 3ido. ' i !-2 da. 60 do. 72 do. 100 do. 100 do. -' 15 fio. :.. jt; Utshy' Mil, ' do. ;' Sarah Neiion;; do. : Wilfaipto jpjjbel.0'."- do. v 1 SamfA faiylor . vVj do. , tliibS.h AriK.'W,;i'i!, do. Estate Of Jai But do. Henry Aib iftain-H ' dw; h Capt; Sherwood B'n)e diarict, tax due fot 307,r tnly, 62 . ftoperty ol Jacob jvaiicr, , ? . - ... I do do. ' do, .1801. ; do. !,d0. :' '.do.'- i. do. . 5U 300- 10 Jaroe White, , 5) Etiick Albrrtiarp, 53 Jeihro Warren, VOO r .oho. Braxton, 300 William F.ite-.. John Fullofd, '. . , . banc Vy innate, , 100 -Hardee. Hancsck-..';' 30" jotei C. Ciaft ;rw -'145 Jaroeafrii-p.?.'- . .125 , Joseph yadixon, junr7 .398 gUen by WilLam Moye, lor Sifting Djpree, fa Cat. Jordan Anderori'e ds . . ' 7 ALSO the f')llovrng Town Lots, Npv 4, 5, 7, 8 ?T 12, 13, 14, i.eLthein much loss 15, 18, 21, 24, 2J. 3fr, 48, bS.-W, "Jy. 01, iS 1 W U6j 122 12(t 12j! 147, l4d;;2L157,'15. J59.'- . " . T ; " Cannon jSmith, heff. 1 State, of N. CAROLiNArr Sept. Sessiou, franklin aunty., V David Sffisr" 1 Petition' exhV I I .1 A The heirs of Wm. Kerby J Grist Mil!. ' IT appearing to the courts Heddick Bridgeri'tind Judia his w'di', and John Ker!y, two of the heirs and rtpesentstives of the feaid decedent William, are non residents-- is therefore ordered that unless the sa'd Rd ijick a)nd Judia his wife, and John Kerlyy, r pear at our court of pleas and quarter stssions to Se iheld for the county of f' rarikljn, at the roUrt jhipuse in Lou'rsbiu'g, on the second Moif day of December neKt, and Imswer the " alle gations set forth in the plaintiff's petit'nm, the 4an'e w 131 be taken pro confess6,r01eve: given' accordingly and that publication there of for three weeksVbe made, in the Minerva. : ' ' ' J ' ' Stale, of Y. Cdrolina,Y dtigust Term, 1 808. Johr.nt on County, . ' " . ! Samuel ini'th " Oi igTnaf Attacrtrftent. . v.1. L Levied in the hands of John 'Ai Smith J Sundry Persons, Scc. . ; iT appearing to the cour that the Defend: ahl. resides without the limits of this sUte ; It is therefore ordered that pubfieation be made in the INUneiva of Rakish ipr three weeks Sjucccs5jvely,- that' unless the defendant ap "jpjjars and pleads at the next Term, judgment final will be taken against him. . Attest . R, SANDERS, c. c. fiance, rrilZEHays from Livirfiooli ojeyfJLon' don fittiers fveresfcdved. as late a thek6th Sctitlbut no, regular files', -rV " ; , '' & ' sp.AiNf.- - '-' ' .-'?'" Aa :-Madrid, Aug:. 24. Yesterday arrived,-his - Excellency -Don. j .rrancisco eXavier . Castanos, with the van. guard of his army. t is irapossible to .form '.. an idea of the enthusiasm manifested by the, people bif that ocsion,,eac.Hviein;. with th. other, to express their admif ation, gratitude, and joy.jj-- -' - , ,-y. lA-: r s-- : l2SiJ" v: i- -w . , LERinA, Aua;. .13. , . ' - ' ' - ' ' We learn Uiat on the 6th and 7th inst. the Erench made a fresh attack upon G erf n a, but Were repulsed with inexpressible valour by; its inhabitafits, who occasioned 4the enemy the Joss of 12,000 meriircarr'yin- tow aVdsPernicr- nan 14 waggong of Wounded -the. ;,m1qulet and smusIers followed' in pursuit, -irti in tiring a well dire cten htv cf musq jetry," wlrcli caus- Santiago Diary, ilugt V ' l'eo,v Aug.,'24.' T resterdiv 'order's W;re given to all. the fli vi sions of GaUicia to assem!lc in tbalcUy on the' 1st of Svpieiuhtr, and for the whole-army to . xmvcjTtlie following day for 'Hurgos; the 'f renffh arei:T number from 35 te 4'0 090 men ; the army of Galicia ubiarat 40 otv, and that of Aust'urias will amunt'to 3 Tx)o." It is to be observed that on the day bf attack, ofwhiclf. "day we afe "rgnorant, -though th$ Jfth S( pt is nafiisdr tlj greater p u t of pur r.fn'iie's". will join in order t.t attack t!,e l reiich in differ tnt points; and surround tlicm ; the army of Spain, which will enter into action in conjunc tion with our allies, wdl amount to 70,000 Mien ; rnnsf-mifrftly we uect that not a Boarding OSI AH DILLIARD returns his sincere tfcnaks vto those Gentlcmeb who favored him wjth theircustoro during the last Gereral As sembly; assures those who may btpleasedtd call on him, 'that every attention will be paid tt render them as agreeable1 as possible. He lra9 made a small addition to his buildings - since last session, end has procured other rooms exclusive of his own . buildings, sufhei .enVto. accomodate 10 or 12 boarders more than he had,last session ; and any persons having business at Raleigh du-Ang the! Assembly, or at any other time, he hopes will favor him with their custom, as. hi has . good, dry and Convenient staples well furnished. IC7" servants wilt not be boarded during :i toe session for . 4heir work. H 4 October 26. ,c Y. '" sbigls trenchmin v.!lescape out of Spain. . ' S A I.AM A KC A, Al!g. .0. 'flie British Genei;d Dojleand our inesti es'imablt Duke del Inl'untado, arrived yester day in this city, and have tet o"ut for Alva de Fornes, where Central Cvitista has his head quanei&s - . , v.'. , - ci JON, Sept. 3. A gem It man has ?riivtd litre this instant from. .Saiitandeiywith an account ;pf a" "victory gahled ovyt.a body of -French troops, near iJatnpeluna, by pa:tFjx, :'who v;erLKrdtfeatut with -the loss .ot'SOOc killed,' 8c low pnstjntrs. It is said, that had Palafux knouivGin. .lilake was SjO-ruh, he "would hac thtere Fampe- luna. - ------ Ctpy of the letter of Don Pedro Getdlloi,lm re-" ! '&':g the office tf M;n:; trr, lovrhicli he ivas nominal) d by Jottejih Jh:oroi. " SiK-When;j;our ' Jlajtsty had the good ness to offer to continue jiie ik V.he ( like of Minisitr 01 Foreign Aflairs.'l thought ni) sell, obl'urtd to make S(;in leniaiKs, on acrount -4'4j;hich your majCtyvco)ild not have less confidence in me, nor 1 be Itts secure .of1 the .protection gi' your jinajesty ; finciing; myself asiclo, jealously watciied and ahtvnted by "lhejimperor "your.jiiajejtyjs- august bfoiher. whose niuuence over the ; : v HORSES FED. '-.!.' The subscriber who lives within four rnites .'L. f;RaIei'gtt, lias good stables, and having rais K plenty of Corn,Oats and Fodder, will take tfie horses pf the embers of the generarAs somblyassuaLtQkef:pdiin ; on moderate trrms. . He will give - every ne cessftfy attention ' to the horst-s placed under -K15 care, but will not be answerable forvany accident or escaped He wiil attend ,'tfrKa JeVgh on .the day in which the members are ' expected. : - - -: - ,-":'l. ; ' MERIT DILLIARD. Wake, 25Jh October. " minunt your nia- ! jesty is, I lear, by no means i'aVoiu'alileT to me. . -' , " x our majesty persisted in your resoluti on, say iirg, that you - wished to have at. your side pei sons who -possessed the confidence of the nation. As I desire nothing so ardently as to return to my belov td country, 'which 'hadben denied me dicing two months, 'not withstanding rjy tamest requests toTihe Em peror, 1 was forced to yield to the nominati on, in order to put a pei iod to my mcU nchol ly separation from riiy- family and country ; reserving, to myself the right 6f -conforming tothe will of the nation, in case it should nU be disposed tai iecognise your majesty as So- 15ISS0l0TION OF-tPARTNERSHIP. Tlw C-Partttenhinof SHAW & BURC11 """ttavipg expired this day UyrTunitntion. All persons havirtgdernar.ds agajnstt'uid all those Indebted to said 'concern; are requested to caU on Wilf.a w:5haw for sttilemen't of the' same, who cluly authqrised to collect all debts due . said fifm,and to settle and discharge all just demands which inay be brought -forward a gainst the same,". .' V" - ' J - ;1: '; '-v WjtrSHAW. - - 1 D mJRCil. R!cigh,?'6ct.-14i-1.808: -veiettrm- "1 have shewn y pur majesty "iliat Spain has almost lyiani'mouslyrefus'td ; to recognise you as .Monarch ; andwaniing this ':iitle4.h'ere , reign ofltfese kingdoms I shouid therefore iae been guilty of treason against niy prin ciples' had I continued id txt-cise .'inyfMini s iy1 'under such circumstari.s.v I desire no longer to retain aTty-influence in Ujc - govern ment, bin instantly ta goiuto retirement, and th ere d e vote my tears and my prayers in be lief of n noble, loyal, and brave people, vvhoie evils ! wish to"remedy." y 'r; x The 'Austrian and Rusvsian MiniSTers. -at 'Madrid; have their dispatches fonvafded by the Fall iotic Junt Tud'ig 'm.:S'itt'nj 45 miles' from Sarajosta, wasrpyacbated by the French Aug. 13. : ;r J2i3 rHrelvanpafiish troops (nave taken the Ca3tle pf Matfgat, with iti Frencli garriiion. The Ficacli have published an otLcial account 10 command an army, or to necociation- capitulation. The account states that King Joseph left Madrid on account of the heat of the weather la concent rate his forces at Bur gosy where he as Aug. 22d, and that the French held aragossa and Barcelona. ' : , :Dupont may rejoice at his being eramed in Spain. ..-. ' .'- v- '. . - : ;. French papers say, Austria and Russia have; recoguized King. Joseph. ' T,::l: SWEpEN. ' --' "":., :y'r.':I:. stocKH6iM, Aug. 31. - : - : iBll Bjt:t!e t"xucted. ... -. Wc are in momentary expectation of great fiewe from' the fletts. Uatibn Major Dalrym ple, and some pthers, whose names . are not known, arrived yesterday. They left Crou stradt, on the.jjth of August, and on the fol lo.wing day, oil 1011 Haltic, fell in with the Swedish frigate, Camilla, which; jn formed , theni that the Russians '.had'fled.lhither, witli nine sail of the litiei besides smalier vessels. They were : blocladcd-by t-.e Swei'es with ten sail of tlie line, and Admiral llopd, with two sail ; r.utl vtte in houijy expectatiblv of Sir J. Saurfttre, with .four more. K "if was the inixn ion' of the com' iired flct'ts to atta:k the Mussiar?s,.in Fort Iiuhic. Ad niiral' Si.uniaix was ofi' the Gul,)!i on Sun tiay, and 'had the. .needful information'; con-, seqentlv " ci-e . tins' the business is decided. Fnm -Fitih-nd wc . have grid news. Nt,-ar . CrTristiiii.Jlc'dt the Swedes Kave again, .hetif victf-aious. in 'a pi'dutt balde, but -tllty have -su fie red. very scveiely. r' ' ! '.. IMPOR T A N'l EXTRACTS. Extract from th French Mxf.ose, iV.. 1803. The court 6.f Vierina pas const tn'vy testified to your. majesty the mosvaniicalj'el.itetiiions ; ir.durn'arrrWTtie"" polrcyxf Enp-airu!, - she has - ' . CREDIT BRITAIN.' London, Sent.l 5". J , Ofncial accounts have been received of the capture of Junot's tiimy and the Russian fit-et . at : JJsfon. The whole number of rytsseis: tiiken including some French " frigates, is .27. r .The solciers, it is said, hie to" fee- returned to Trance, without a stipulation .that they 'shall" ;. not serve, ugain. The Russian sailors-to he st;PliL9ni5atl(' their ' Ships to be restored six moinhs alter peace. The7"tc't.'tvth7h(",,,' fleet may arise frolb' a' wish to conciliate the f Russians. ' The conditions however vVith thera ' '". i' and-1 he Frer cli are ric'-t relished in -London The Russian fleet which syrr rendered to 'the Rritisircovtibted of 9 sail of the line, and one 'fiiga.te. x - ';-' -M) " -' - - ..' "N : ., It is reported thf t Sir Hew D At'RYM'ipis is. ' rto-be-rtcatlell, and that a fast sailing vessel ;s 'o be dispatched, to prevent; the exection of the Ccnv t ntipnv,hut4lu4piibabiy thr6wn tnt toiecoi ( ile tie public to the result.1, ,; V- Sir A Vllesi.kV is mtnticntd asbeirg s extremely (iisstitfied with the prociet dings which have tskeu -'place in Portugal, since he was 'supersered litne command, ami 11 nas1 recalled her Minister frohi Iondcn, sent back the Minister who was "at" Vienna, shqt'.'lfcr )orts'agains.t luiRhtnd, lino places! l.erbiil in a state-of hostility ' with that powtr. " ST e has added tp these mtasures' an irtttrdict in her polls against th' jic'ftv.siif u of vesstis. vvhich, under a neutral fl.sg, aie only tlie car "riejs of English pioduce af)d merchandize. Latterly, however, this Power: has earned it armament ' beyond measure-i-its niilitary force is out'if all "proportion "" to its population and .finances. Yuiir Ministers, Sire, fjily wish to ''remai-klh'is, in oipr that y'oitr majesty may perceive the necessity "of augmenting your force, for t!if pmposw' of still preserving the ' relative superiority hlc1i exists U-l v. ttiji the p'ovtrand th population of the two esapires; The Amc i n ans, a people whS iii'.o!ve tlu ir fortune, theiFpiosperity, anJ almost tlieir ex istence, in commerce, have, gvcri the exam ple of a great and confag'eoi 1 s: sac ri lice. Tlu-y l;ve suspended, by a g'ticial ttiiboigo, ' all commeire and all h.iU.;ation, r.itb'.r llian 'sh'nme fully si;bn;it to that U'ibdte.-wbicrr the f Engii-h in.pose onthe iiavieatioiAif all nati ons. Germany, Italy, Su itztii.md, and llol land,'art pcateabre; and wait only for STmari jiriie peace to cXert all thuir. industry. ' - '''', - ;' '. ' --'-'3 - ' ---' - IJorJ ir.fffl&U in a naliorfvhone- e.rtrava- gant blockading dcrcrti against .England!, were .the tmvtr--nt th:iluiigs and "are lhcausef the (ontimtwg, if the 'Order, vf.Cu until. The J'ltnch seizurts'afid" condemnations are to givr no uJJ'encc, ' . ".: ? - Exitait from the Message" of the &tnfiet6r to --".' th S-'rate. ' :;- .. I am determined ta carry on the war With Spain with the -iitihost activity, and clek'roy thY arniies which Eiigland has diseanbai ktd tire that country. The future serurity of my sub--jects,; the prppperiiy of ccmniercty and a maratime peace", must alike depend pii these .iinjortajit qperatifins. . ' . ' --,. . .IVIv alliance with' the' Emperor of RussiaT extinguishes -every' hope which: England jcah. cntenain trum lu-r prHct?iT 1 rcpectingtbe peace of -trie Continent, but I neither wiil, no? "ought to" rtly upon' the"" "fajse cakulat iohs a? id errors of other cou rtf,"' and Mnce'my heVglirsTnlc'rtase "fheir armies, it is a duty.'incnmbtht on me to increase hiine.- -The. Ent ti e .f-'-Consfen'tinople is strugU, piPo v;1'1 Uui most y olent convulsions ; Suh tan, Selhn, the?" best Emror tlie Ottomans have had .for a JeHgt'pC li'rn, Jus'gust ilallen by the irijijds of his ovn nepKewsTTTlaa; tastropl.3 has deeply aiiVcied jne.- 1 " i Extract from thc Report of-' the Minister at "iREr I have the honour of laying 'before' youf majesty tlie state and situation of ypui ;majesiyX ajmii js inoTand, in Frussia, .itul n Silea,' In Denmaj k, in DalmaliaTirr Al-4xiria,-fiT lialv, lliililES. aud in Snain - T aim.i' 1 Ta it that of vo jr iiiaiesfis armitTs, of rt prvhi t B&utogne, on theeTjmsjWtherlvhtiven in the interior7Your majesty '. will perceive ll 'I. ; 1! been suicp that he was about to return home ia 1 disgust. The troops, sent andO he embarked few .Fpain ft om this country, will amoiiiit to near ly 7( CCO mtn ; they are the ower of pur troops, and will compose a' greater force than was evef before sent abroad at one time . The Spanish accounts to the 9th inst haH 4 been veceived. . .They advise, that th French have, retr eatetl f t om Burgos, and. fallen back as ; farsfyampUuiiia, w.here,ivis said, they have been again defeated by the gallant Paca" foT , The Spanish I oires' aie all . pouring-iii thatj. 'direction The AuMi 'tan and Russian .amba3,..v 3 'sadors remain at. Madrid, .and crry on their v ; respe'ctlv Courts through Trieste ' -i'-'';'.:.v5. In tlie battle, near Farapeluna, Gen Pala fox killed 00O of the enemy, and took' TC00 "fit ! ,i prisoners. Gen Llake has advacced fcm Leon to Rio StejvHlo. . - -..r--- A'.,:: -:.'. 'The French Senate has been summoned-tJ meet to take the ailiiiis of Spainjnlo Ccnside .ration. - 'j'-- .- ,:- , -T-' ' ' -:-;'',:::' '.: '' , F.ynapa5 appears at length thoroughly roiistdjo' a sense' sf.hUr. clanger from the-un-, fxptqted and glericus efforts of Spain. Trench "detachments are marching froni S:ra, from -Mgndftiburtrhiv.A indeed from every part of Prussia as weU.as.:cftheruartejtowaTds the-' Pvfek. Marshal Ney( has already passed" -ti-to'f hLBflyoaaff'''on his vtty ix' Burgos, -woefeA':. y bets to assume the command ot the FrtncU 1 3. armies in Spain. - ".":''-' Jz.-f.. r.V ; . Fherenort of an msitrrection having broken - -f - w ''J i UUl Itl inai pan i 1 iniivv. uw.uv....(, j was reported on authority of the Captain, of a..X:f ship from' Bordeatfx, at whith city Gea. New . .y had'arrivixi.- , ' 4 .--i f' Tiie Moniteur'has at-lerlgth been obliged- . to notic What could le no lonrer concealed jr from the eyes of-all Europe with regard to I ; , the political "state of affaits' between Austria I ' 1 1 1 and France; and to impresS xtpen the minds - of tlve people, t hat , tlie Spanish Patriots must it Z'-f ultimately be -subdued; though in the first in- i it, lnn.staiuupprelit vo" h vernnieht itserf is abundantly , mamfested"bjr Iie j -observa'tion,-Lthat -no dotibt ., can be' fjf emcVtainet of the alilit of- " France and I - . - - . ...... 1' her allies;, to inaKe war against ,vu5j,m ana Spain ;" though,in the sums breath, we are .V lolu, tnerencver yas a more auueauic uiiuti- standing than that; which exists in thepreseut -moment with' Austria. -:'' vAi.-. Meanwlrile the French and Austrian prepff L . ' " . 1 f..H -:.C I v ' - rations lor ,-vrar seem 10 seep iuu puw w'P '', tach other. : V ' " -"''-,.-' I 1 - f The FK.:ncli statement says, the - Frerl general uuntssme revecuuea jjurcetona. adds; That the risiiifc in Bilboa haditien Mfrl pressed., ':;'. 1'.'-:'-: '.-.:'':' :i Advtcts have been receive,! !rom Lorunf M. t f . . 1 of to'the 6;h inst. 1 We undei-stand they JpJ that the trench have4 retreated horn Uurg 4 and atancecl Vsiiar asjlib'1 Stquillo, Cn march-to DurgosT-GenvXastairoijv'asl appioaciiing, vi ith a considerable fo; f it A- r. --- - --

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