' ' ' '' : - . . ' :' 'I Mr " ..-t:;;' 1 Jow the Trtijhn Fed&aUtt,. . - DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT. -. J0a Tuesday last the Ljpsiaiure"convened m this place. A quorum of both IJoutesap peared.. The Council made, choice of, Ebenef zerjSeeley, Eiq. for. Vice President, and tht MsttnWjrQVLewfctyndxt, Esq. Speaker; tboutpposiuffl. j The parties in the Legis lature stand as .atated iivour last-la "democra tic majority of 6: in the lAsieijLandU4n- Councu-AU the members returned by tne duterentctanties appeared and took, their seats On the, first day of, the Sitting a committee" was appointed by thejlousie of Assembly, con 5isingf Messrs.: Parker, KLerr and Garrison, td enpe into the validity o.the law passed atJtbi lastvSessmn 'of the liCgislatu'-e. for the choice of Electrs pf president ana Vice-Pre-8idintof,the United States and Members of Congress.. This committee we are informed, ftWevd.10 report a bill touspend the Election for a Te days, fai order that the appointment tiLEleclors might coma within the time pTe Bcribed by the act' of Cong'risss regulating the fcfoon of ElecLors but,, on. the following ' xnmtiing. the democratic mt mbers of the com tuittce refused to report the bill agreed upon, ifid-.ihinjfsT)rought, before the House -ponv-iTiaf'-85'ect till the afiernoon, when jr. Parker movtd that the committee might lie discharged. This motipn was opposed by Sietnaiority "nd negatived. . A motion "was ttien made oy one 01 inc ousscx uacgauuii w I three more member to the committee. A debate ensued, and after some discussion, this motion, wassuperceded by anpthtr to add four mtmbers, which was carried. This committee,which may justly be styled, as it was undoubtedly intended, the Committee ttfoiiivionfas made no report, and on Friday, motion of Mr. Kenedy, the hoiite adjourn ed, till Monday, so that all chance of taking a ry measures relative to. the Election was tbirtby done away. . ,the sape day (Wednesday) Mr. Frelipg huy'sen movd for leave, in Council, to present a bill to amend the law passed-at the last ses sion for the chei'ce of Electors, fcc. the object t which was to direct the; judges- of Election iivthc respective Election districts in the Sfate,, to continue the pplls open three days instead-of. two, so that the time of chusing Electors might brought within that spec'i lied by the. act of Congress. This was nai W by. the democratic majority in Council and tlte-bill -vowft.ffrf.Hethen-Te duced his motion to writing, explanatory of his views, and the entry of this motion on the Journals was oflfiosed. The chair, however, decided, as a point of order, that the motion iriust be entered ou the Journals, : The proceeding above Istateu have develop ed the views of the, party in poer.--The choice of Electors of the Peofde through the defect in the law of the last session, and, the rtusdl of -the present Legislature to remedy that defect, is thtfi-eby rendered a mere nullity. ' Hence it appears that after ntt the parade that has been made by the ruling pat ty, that i was the ifhmrdiate right tf ike fieoik to Choose the Electors, and the duty of the Le gislature to make provision for the eaercise of that right, it has come to nothing. The, Elec tors must rbfidfif.oinud h'j the- Legislature, or their votes are 3 good for .nothing. So, that, the Leglat;urei after subjecting the State to all the expen.and loss of time of a separati; , Election fraA ttlal which wks held the eleventh ' and twelfth" of'tlda tibntK, will still have he ' 'rpp in)-nent of Elector's in their own hands. We are pleased to Sud that the committee which prepared -and reported ;the Election , law for the choise of Electors, 8cerwas ;xcl.u si vels composed of demticrats -Messrs. Con- AVer, Hankinson, and Varliorn ; lor, nad a single federal mail been appointed upon' that . committee, on our party, would have been 7 levied the ' whole censure of the blunder, if we-, may judge from what ha heretoToi-e been ' the practice pf the democratic printer of this place. JLIe has made it. a point to endeavour ; to throw the odium of whatever act of the Legislature he has , deemed unpopular, upon, thefederal minority, as if that minority had It n their power to. confront the majority, and decide all questions winch -came before the House. . v ' ' ' ' But what shall we say of the conduct of the democratic majority these 'boasted "friends of the I people trese m . their professions'o? ' veneration ; for ht voice of "f the ficoilci when havinc ihe' efinortunitv of I' I-V-feiriy submitting' to the people thtrdecisjon. --ao r ha retused-even to hear a bill read, ( making provision, for that objecjL -v, ?l-Had the' federalists cbmmirfhf sttch'an act. ' the clamoUi-s of democracv would : have been ' ' mI theobscurest cottage in the State--The de2! .i' iv iect in the lav"would have been ascribed to a rliili eettlrd design lo cfieat the fieofile out of their" rights and a refusal to remedy that fleect, wuen. oiscoverca, wouiu nave ueen iwuueeu as Positive firbof oi the fad. : ' . V t The FREEMEN OF NEW JERSEV we II trust will mark well this .transacti6n.Iet mem, as one man come out ami ie in ineir ;4r;6tes,J not" only ' fot-iAIcmbers Congreas,, 1 4 but fcr electors. -Those who deltise the" voice of the people, though forevejr canting their feneration for t aouearj mayet be . brought to know that the people cannot be in vutedandlLrampied tlpon with impunity, . ' Moai DnrocitATtcMAKAonftirT. '-f v Gloucester Itfton-Of terebbdin'gV that strange Work'Vhad taken, place In miji coun ty are veritd 1 The candidates on the fede ral ticket of tlie county have presented a me morial tp the Legislature, m which hey yte present lhafmost ppjrefsi've ' and un warrant able proceedings have; taken 'place in the township of, Calloway.' 1 hey "r alledge s that they have testimony otyitf persons that vot-" ed federalkcts in that township, yet 'the omcers of 'the election returned but gy-'Votcs JforaatikktiThat?thcyx the" judge refused 'to put into the box federal tick e s that were given in that he took votes of persons residing in other townshipsthat he tooli votes of peH sons whose names were not en tered on the duplicate, nor on the poll list That he tkrew behind hinvfederal votes whsn handed in that in counting off the votes the federal tickets he suppressed by putting them in his pocketj saying he would count them altogether fey and by. These are the charg es, asj nearly asVe can recollect, which "are brought forward against the officers of the e Jectlouin' Galloway. We trust that .those concerned in the prosecution of this afFafr will be zealous to do strict juslice to the violators of the laws and rights of the people. Jt is high time a signal example was made of the perpetrators f such diabolical acts. ' The sixteenth, day of November is the day appointed to hear testimony on the subject of the Gloucester election. , ""anact Authorizing the President of the United States to accept the service of a number of volunteer companies, not exceeding thirty thousand men,. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Refireaentaiives of (he United States if Ame rica, in Congress assembled. Thai the Presi dent of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized to accept of any company or companies, of volunteers either of artillery, cavalry, or infantry, who may associate and offer themselves for the service, not exceed ing thirty thousand men, Who shall be cloth ed ?nd furnished with horses ct their own ex jense, and armed and equipped at the ex pense of the United States, after they shall be called into serrice, except such of them as may choose to furnish their own arms, and "whosecommissignd officers shall beppointed in the manner prescribed by law in the Seve ral states and territories to which such com panies shall, respective belong : 'Provided, That where any company, battalion, regi-hxentjj;i'gade, dy. organized, shall tender their voluntary Feb. 14, 1 iCff'm Appaoviii v 7TH : 'JEFFERSON, AN ACT Authorising a detachment from the Militia of . . . , the United States. - BR it enacted by the Senate amd House of Jtcftreseritarivti of tike United State of jimM cd in Cdngret assembled. That thef President of the United States be, and he is hereby au thorised, at such times as he 'shall deem nc- cessary2Jpjrrq uireof the- Executives'onhe veral '"States & Territories, to take effectual measures to organize, arm and equip, . accord ing to law, and hold in readiness to march at a moment's warning, their respective propor tions of one hundred thousand militia, officers, inclucul, to be apportincd by the President of the S. y. from the latest militia returns in the department of war, and in cases where such return hive not been made by such other data s he shall judge equitable. Sec. . And be it further enacted, That the executives of the several states and territories "may accept, as part of the said detachment, any Corps of volunteers who shall engage to continue in service six months after they ar rive at the place of rendezvous. 1ecr3; And be it further enacted, Thai the detachment of militia and volunteers afore said shall be officered out of the present militia officers, or others, at the option and discre tion, of the constitutional authority in the re spectivetates and territories, the President appoi tioning the general officers among the rerpective states and territories, as he may deem proper. Sec. 4. And be it further ermcted, That the said detachments 6hall not be compelled to serve a longer time than six months after they arrive at the place of rendezvous, arid that during the lime of their Service, they shall be entitled to the same pay, rations and allowance for clothing, hs are established by law, for the army of the United States. - Sec, 5. Aid be it further enacted, That the president of the United States be, and he is hereby atthorrsed to call into actual service any part, or the whole of said detachment, when he shall judge that the exigencies of the United States require it ; and, if a part only of the said detachment shall be called into atttial service, they shall be taken from such part thereof, as' the President of the United States shall deem proper. f 'Sec. 6. Mi be it further enacted, That a sum not exceeding one million oPdollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, outof any monies1 in. the 'reasury, not otherwise ap piop4iated,-fjrl heyuhsisfence, and sup port of such par t of said detachment as may be called, into actual service. Sec 7. And be it further enacted, That this act shall continue and be in force for the term ol two years from the passin"therefi and no longer. . r . J. B. VARNUM, Sjieakerlifihe Ihusc of Representatives. "V GEORGE CLINTON, Vice-President of the United Slates, and resident oj the Stnate. - MaixhSO, 1808.' ArfRovRui TH : JEF1TRSON. Scheme of 3 TOttl.Trc , ..r Ladles, ic. 8cc& TOT 1006 dak VnnriU 2rr .. ' I L.I Im lit J I r " : I r . . . - . . . . Chain kild K.y, worth V " " 8 TA l do. firw drawn blank, after 8W humhen .'" m awn. -ntit m- .a : .. . . --'ft " .oiivcr-watch. (.haw and Key. 1 I d: G-4d Waich. Cha.n -rxlorXtforen fceu Silver I aM s't. " k. du: ; do . rto. do. - 4u, jT'Siilar Tongsi 1 doNjo. Ita-Spopaj Ladle u4 M a Ho. J. 2 do. Sirve Watchei, each worth dol(. 35 ' : u. u now., eiMjn, ween up many article : 0 o lOdolieachjlo. MS m I - n - service to the United States, "such company, battalion, regiment, brigade fr division shall continue" to be commanded by the oHicers holding commissions in the same, at the time of such tender, and any vacancy thereafter occurring shall be filled in the mode pointed out by law in the state, or territory, wherein the said company, battalion, regiment, bri gade, or division shall hive been,, loi iginally raised. " " ; ... ' Sec. And befit further enacted, That any company, battalion, Tegiment, brigade, or division thus offering itself for the service, shall be liable to be called r-;xn to do military- duty at any time the President of thef Unued States shall judge proper, within two years after he shall accept the same, and shall be bound to (continue in' the s ervice for the term of twelve months after they shall hae arrived atthtt place of rendezvous, unless sooner dis charged, and when calleu into actual service, and whilst remaining therein, shall be under the same rules and regulations, and be enti tled to the same pay, rations, forage and emo luments of every kirrdt bounty and clothing excepted, with the regular troops of the vU States: Provided, That in lieu of - clothing every non commissioned officer and private, in any company, who may thus offer them stives, shaM be entitled, when called into ac tual srvice, to receive in money, a sfem equal to the fcftat of the clothing of a pcnlcommi$ sioned officer, or private (as the case may be) in the regular troops of the United -States, Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and he here-by is authorized to organize the com paniejs so. tendering their service as aforesaid info battalions, sjjdrns, regiments, bri gades and divisions, as soon as the number of volunteers shall render such organization, in his judgment expedient ; but until Called into actual service, such companies shall be bound to do regular militia dAity as is requir ed by Uw in like manner' as before the pas sage of this act. ' . Sec. "4lAnd be it furihefeitactedrTbzt in case anyolunteei' above mentioned, while in "acItrarservTce, shairsustain 'any damage, by injury done to his horse, or such other equip ment as shall, have been furnished at bis own expense, er by loss of the same, "without any fault or, negligence on. his part, a reasonable sum, to he ascertained in such manner as: the piesident 6? the United States mav di rect, shah" be allowed and paid to such volun bu Jcgti0 .hifiluQt.jiaderui: - a -drk-teerforcacrand ever MChlnw Ctnun 5 ha'twu of his, under fore teeth outi Sas a LI t - -'i dlmjgl? : f !,u ,n Wofhii ear. occa ioned by fighting. The fcwner- suna of five In ndied thousapd dollars,' to be paid outof, any monies in the treasury . not otherwjse'Iapropriated, ;be and the same is hereby appropriated "towards defraying any expense incurred byTvirtue of the -provisions of this act, ;"' ' . ' . v ' 'JSjieaker of the House tf Representative st GEOfl jrl CLINTON, . . ( . ftce-r&tidtnt of the United States, and Pircti. xlent of the Senate. : ; v CHEAP CASH STOKE. Wm. Sll W has just received from New York, a part of his fail supply of goqoV 1 he remainder is expected in a very few days, which wihen added to his large stock now on hand, wll form a very superior assortment of choice, well selected goods, suitable far all seasons, JFhich will be disposed of at his usual re duced prices-Jbr ( ash or on short "credit : to punctual customere. Merchantable cotton in the seed, will be received , in - p" ay ineht at the markat price N. B. he has also received a Supply of Sherry and Lisbon vvtne of very superior quality, with other liqi brs in common U3e and almost every species of groceries. Raleigh, ifWi Aov . "l 80 8 . TEN DOLLARS REWARD. ANAWAY from the- Sibicrjbrr, oji the I7 h of Auuusi last, a Near lrnan iwracd JEliltY, . ab mt twenty year ol age, five fret ten or clevtn incbt-s.hih, of a yellowish complcx'un,- ha had" his leit ntt brokfc and his ears scarified bythe, cut ot kni te and by a bite. A.iv pers -n tdat will secure ttte-aid Ncrro in any uil wiihil on fe- this State, or rfeliver film' to ice in Johnston cjtinty, jseass tviver, neat uwu- ierry,Daii receive the ab m 3 I 22dff.5 30(kj. 4 60 do. J .each, earh, 45 100 Hi 1S 134 Prites, realfe "T- 1OU0 Tickets, 1 dollar each, njk 1 he d.awmg d! thi LVtte,y willc mmJ Hou?e, the first (nda in Dtctmber ntxt r who have been so good as to seb Tickei. ( '. ""tlB qaesied to return thoe uni,L ii . .1..... imh xovtmber utxt. 3 SCOTT, Kespecuuiiy tnioms his triendi 1.) by u. titled hiroseJf j Raieijh, and hote I Tm. I ot patronage he de.erv,.. ,nt has made, in'aill. buucuis. brea t Dinsof evefv rtwrtt; . 1 ' 1 ... ,'tvt T("a . Subjoin. -r r - ' uu sauce LadiM Ton,s, Salt sLv.U, Lnie. Chain-f fcc. k A the best sivtr. Orders trom the country w ill k attended to State Gold, SpanUb Cob pkcet, 1 pl half Joes, oroki strver j-eceiveoin payn.enu ' ;s, jet Necklace, omamenieo.Con.t,, ',. Sec. ol the S,ate. Cold. UlV, D ., up, Pu-ch, and Sauce 'Ld' ,5 Raleighr- October 25. Octirber ifj, siai 1803.', Basel I Biscae. SfATK OF OltTH-CAKOl.lJA, Anson county. Geolge Buchanan t- VS. Judicial Atiarw, j - pv4UlU, Returned levied, in the hans ol WiHism R, Pickett end Toddy, Robinson, ahd btin 4 swfirn la tfjfen court, W.'R. Pickett deceits a 111s uarnisnment tbat tic is. indebted to the . delcr.dant by note g J 33, and Toddy 'Kohin son also declares' on his guamisliment thit W is indebted to the' defendant by note the sum ol 56 a 50, payable the first day of January ' last, and it is suggested to the cotut that the defendant resides without the limits "cf lhi state ; and It is ordered by said coutt,tbat pub lication be made thiee months in the Minerva, tha'tjURless the defchdant appears at thenat cetmtycwTxf pleasM'quarter sessfons to be held for said county on the second Mon day in January .'next, and replevy and enter his plea that final judgment will be entered ' against him. Test TODDY ROBINSONf : : , State ofAr. Carolina, " August Term, 1 S08. T Johnston County. $ Samuel Smith 1 Original Attachment. V V9. y Levied in ihe hand ef Jchn A. SmithJ Sundry Persons, &cji IT appearing to the court tHat-the Deferit!. ant resides whhout the limits of this st. te ; It is therelore ordered that publication be made , in the Mineiva of Raleigh fof three wcr'ks successively, that nikss the defendant ap. pears jand pleads at.theiiext Term, judgment final wiil be taken against him. Attest ,R. SANDERS, c.c. JBodtding. ward. .November 3, t83 WILLIS WIMON 58 tf COMMITTED, TO he Gaol of this County on the 1st day. oLlbui month, a Negro womar who sayt hsr narpe is AlilGAiLxni that she belongs Mi Mr. E heldred Debcrry of Vayne or Dobb County, and purchased by the laid Dcbtrrv-. from a Mr. Thuftu Hack.et, boot and shoe-maker, t-f Favetteville.q aooui inie or wur wceie- ago. 1 tie Owner is icqucjted to come forward, prove his property, pay charges and take her -sway , vr yke-wtff brTOhrttr"rirg'i acrrTnnfry" rt ihat case.' JOHN STEVTj-NS, jun. Sheriff1. ' John tor rnuntv. Nov 4. 1808. J 583w V COMMITTED, r TO Wake Jail the 8ih -November, a negro' nian who , say his naraei; JACOB, and tha: he-bflongi to Mr. Jesse Rhymes" of Halifax county l and ranawav irom Mr. John RhymeAol Geo; gia about 12 rnonths agoj-fie is js reduett'd to come forward, prove pfoiiertY paV charts t and uke him away. : Wm. SCOTT, Jailor SAMUEL PEARSON," -WHO carries on the business of TaiIorrh the house formerly occupied by Mr. Qliver Thomas on :FayetteVille7Street, solicits the encouragement of the cittzen of. Raleigh and its vicinityIfe wishestoemplo" - - " -A Journeyman Taylor Ofsobermid industiigus habits. Rakish, Oct. 18. 6f5-.tf. "- JOSTAH DILLIARD returns ,Ki4 sincere hnaks to those Genttemeh who favored liinv with their custom during the last General As sembly : Se as? ures those who may be pleased to call on him, liui every' sttention will be rVd to rtndetthem as agreeable as possible, lie has made a small addition to lis buiMinge since last session, and has j rnrured jothes rooms exclusive of hb own buildings, suffici ent to accomodate 10 or 12 boarders more than he had last session i and any perrons hau: g business at Raleitrh duriner the Assembly, "or at any other time, he hopes Mill lavcr ram with their custom, as he has, good, dry and Jconvenient atables well furnished. October 26. -!' ' NOTICE. THE Subscriber qualified as Executor to the last Will and Testament of Windsoi : Freer man, at August Term of Wake Court; tUie having claims against the estate, arc requested to present them for payme'nt vthjn the t.rnc prescrjbtd by lawrolberwise 'this notice he )lead in bar of a tecoyei y. s7 ,1firt V A' wlJoJheJtate diate paymnVas the Mtution of Uic estate will not admit of indulgence. . " P.SUillEHLANlV''--'Octoner 28, 1808. ' " ' 37-3t ' ' : BOOK DTND1SG THE EfeoLheJrliDerv.aJbasJ-tflj: lj, cellenj ikpok-Einder, whor will stay wi'h t"lti fj moruhi, Those who have old bks 16 rbi:id. well t I ring thesi noju or send them ith per or. rmj tothe jpetlefai Court ttrtlie Assembly. ' J1.-. : T XT fltt Edito.1 ishes ro send a box of Bk ,J.eU loneob wuch. Knoxville or Nashvi:e in Tcrineflsee.i-r" waggonajfr of which he will gie a very jeneroc ?'" Thos'e'who are moving out to thai Slate,' and re C loaded, will do well to-avail therasehes ol in moriev (bete hardies, which iu will pjf 7..- some distancis oo the road. . , i"k" vr' --MimilAY's '. ' ': r EAVLISH SPFLLLfG-BO OiT j , v For select this office. ' I . $ .f.;...