1 ' - ' ' -ti ", " ' . - t- .. iiiiilii .., jull.FlU J 3BT PUBLISHED (weekly) BY WILLIAM BYL AN. C TWO DOLLS. F .RAN 1 1 Vol IM RALEIGH, (n. c.) THURSDAY, APRIL 201 809 No:. 68 i; 'VASHrNG-TOU City. April 10. ,lC3j inst. his Britannic Majesty's f U' Rosamond, captain Walker, 41 i,.nili 'irriu.-el at 'Mnrfnlk with if ''1' , .r r. i.: txr- i - L " tn the Oili nt" Ffhruarv. which we nave mane copious exudes. KUKMCIi BULLETINS. ,ut Uulietin contains nothing impor- I slot's the departure of the Emperor J mains ofthe army of .Majorca, of Iberia, of Barcelona, and .of Naples, are made prison ers. ... ? . , . . ""' : ; " -.The Spanish peasantry Lave no mercy on the English. Notwithstanding the .strictest order to the contrary, we every day find - a number of Encash assasinated. The duke of Belluho is on the Tagus. The whole of the Imperial Guard is con centrated at Valladolid. ' the 2a 1 of December ajidH The cities of Valladolid, of Palmeira, Se . .u.. ... n- frovia. Avilla. Astoria. I ..eon. Uc. occ. Have N 111V 7 -T - 11 cl' ill Jajrifi on tr ' LI III i lie 1II r J 1 Jll II iiii a t 1 1 ' i . - ifii ir n ui- I'M inn inr i'inr:4w r i . "- vi.. v . . - -- - - - - hto. t linii " ""'(, . . . - r ,M nfli'tirs toot n ace. ",ui"u v,.... i, ii.tFeMn n-jars date, oenevenio, h.-.um vj-v..... from vvh ch the Bntl?h amiV nunurcu iicmis utauiiuta nave iah.cn uitvam :j, amliinnounces no events .ol vmagm- eJjti Ualic:iivis dated Benevento, Jan i. '.l . nl IJnmarn. with 1ns4 03 pVisoirtrs, and the reduction ot Ko 'sarmy from 50,000 to 5,0ornnen, who ' brown themselves imu rvnun -24th liulletin is dated Astorga, jan- , where the Emperor arrived the pre- i ' . r :,&-jv I; states the miseraDie state oi ' . l . i r.. ' - t nj arm ana me roaa iroin ochcvcm-strewt-d with the dead horses, travelling y,Ls and artillery of the British, and . 1 1-1 1 A l..L. at the. emptror naa cnargeu me LtiKe .t i . . r .. imuiaw.tn tne glorious mission oi pur- the English to the place of their debar- ll, ailU (H til I ViK iliciil iitiu Uic oa at uis. of the sword. WENI Y FTFT.cI DTLLETIn. inertc, Jan. 5. Tne head of Merle's n, forming part of the duke of Dalma- :orps, cam-' up with the advanced guard ie 3(1. ' 4 P.M. it reached the rear guard of ,ndish, who vere tipon the heights of ros, a league be for- V illafi aiica, consist-- 5000 iiihntry and 6' 0 cavalry This . .1 I'nr i- on was a very nne posiuon, arui uinicuu ,j(.k. Gtrallerle made his riisposi.. The inl'uutry advanced, best ihe charge, he English were entirely routed. The ity of Ihc ground did not permit the ry torharge, and only 2C0 prisoners were ...We had sonie hfty men killed or led. .General Colbert advanced to see cavalry could form; his hour was ar- l j ball struck him on the forehead, and eJ but a quarter of an hour. ere are two roads from Astorga to Villa- lhe LiiL'lish took the right, the ards the left; they marched without l-were. cot off and surrounded by. the venan Chasseurs. penera' ol brigade whole division laid down their arms. ce the 27th ujt. we Imvc taken more 10,000 prhrTnipT3vr7among whom M-e English. We have taken also - more i09 baegage-'wsggons,!! 53Yaggoris of ocks, their magazines and hospitals. English retreat in. disorder, leaving ma sick, and equipage. They will expe- still greater lss and if they be able lihark, it isirobable it will not be without oss of half their army. But informed hat army was reduced below 20,000 men, aiperor resolved to remove his head rs from Astorga to Benevtnte. wuid in the barns several English who en hanged by the Spaniards. His ina- vv indignant, and ordered the barn to The peasants, whatever may be rtsentmtnt, have no right to attempt ivts o'fjjie waggoners of either army. pajesty has ordered the. English prison- w.trea.ed with all the respect due to rs who have manifested liberal ideas and mitts of honour. Hie-4th, at nisht, the duke of Dalma- head quarters were tcn leagues from vernor de St. Cvr's division entered Bar- Jon the -17th." On the 15th he came, ARenerds Reding and Vive's troops at 5i i and completely vou'ed them. He s'x pieces of cannon, 30 waggons, and men. :1 i" PWENTY-SIXTH BULLETIN. L "ffolidyJan. 7 After Governor De St. ptered Barcelona hproceeded to the rS, and forced the enemy's intrenched 'JMJtook-Ss nieces f-eanwon- II Torrogero, a place of great impbr- TENIYevent H . BULLETIN. "aW, 7an"2 :T'ne duke of Dalmatia ttie hrttlc.oj Rteiios, proceeded to expel "8h Irom the post of Pitdra 1-eila. ere t(gvk t soo" English prisoners, five lf cannon, and several caissons. The frwas obliged, to destroy a -quantity of . 5 ann .stores. .The precipices .were ,llh them Such was their DrccinUawT of allegiance brfore the holy scramenty The citizens have promised his imperial majesty, that if he. will place his brothe r on the throne, they will serve him with all tluik, efforts, and defend him with all their means. NlJ TWENTY-EIGHTH BULLETIN.X VaUadpUd. Jan. x 3 That part of the trea sure of the t iiemy which has fallen into" our hands is 1,800,000 fr. -The inhabitants as sert that the English have carried off from eight to ten millions. The English general deeming It impossible that the French infantry and artillery should have followed him, and gained upon him. a certain number of marches, particularly in mountains to diflictdt1 as those of Gallkia, thought he could only be pursued by cavalry ami sharpshooters.. He took, therefore, the posiuon o,f Castro on his right supported by the river Tombago, which passes by "Lugo, i and is not fordable. - The duke of Dalrriatia arrvied on the 6th in the presence of the enemy. He employed the 7th and 8th in rtconnoi'ering the enemy, and collecting his infantry and artillery, which v.ere still in the rear, lie formed hin.plan of attack. The h it only of the enemy was at tatkahltr he manoeuvred on their left. His (tx?poiiuns.Tvijuivtd some movements on the 8th. the duke being determined to attack or. the 9th, but the enemy letreated in the night, and in the rnorniv-g cur advanced iruard en ttredLugo. The enemy Ieft 3o0 sick in-the hospitals, a park of 18 pieces of cannoiTi and 300 waggons of ammunition. We matte 700 prisoners. . The town and environs of Lugo are choak ed with the bodies of Ehgli: horses. Hence upwards of 2,500 horses have been killed in the retreat: The English are marching to Corunna in great haste, where they have 400 transports. They "have already lost baggage, ammurifion, a part of their most maty ial artillery, and up wards of 3000 prisoners. , .',OjcLlhe--10lli..-ciiir.ail'aiKed.-ptiard was ar Betarzost a short distance from Corunna. The duke of- Elchingeb is with his corps near Lugo. fn reccning the sick, missed, those who have been killed by the peasants and made prisoners by our troops, we may calculate the loss of t he English at one thiru (f their arniy. They are i educed to 18 000 men, : r.c ait not yet embarked. From Shaun th y retreat ed 150 leagues in bad weathH-. worse roads, through mountains, whole clays closely pursu ed at the'point of the'stford. . It is difiicult to .conceive 'the folly :f tRir plan of campaign, li muvt be atti ibottdnot tivJhe genera: who coiurminds, and 'ho is i clever and s-kilful mall, hut to tl;a- spirit of hatred end rage wl ich ai'imat'. s the English ministiy. ' lo pusn tcrwaru m una uimnjvi 30,000 men, c-xposmgtln to.dfstrucii.oi.. or to flight as their only ivsnUrre,: is a con- cTption which can only be' inspired by, the spirit of passion or. the most extravagant pi e sumption. Lugo was pillaged and sacked by the ene my. We cannot impute. these disasters-to the English general ; it is, the usual aud ine vitable effect of forced marclies and precipi tate, retreat. y.imora. whose Jnhabtanfs, had been, ani mated by the presence f the EngVishtshttt their tates aeainst Gir.eral Mangettt: Gen. Domeau . proceeded against it with fo4f:boai d' ivere taken. Thirtieth Bulletin of the, Army of Sfiain. , . Vax-lAdolid, Jan. 21. The duke of Dalmatia left Betanzos on the 12th instant. Having reached the Mero, he found the bridge of Burgo cut. The ene my was dislodged from the village of Burgo. In the mean while general Franceschi ascend ed iht; river which he crossed at the bridge of Sela. He made himself master of the high road from Corunna to Santiago, and took six oflicers and sixty soldiers prisonera. On the same day a body of 30 marines who were fetching water from the bay nvar Mero were taken. From the village of Prillo, the English fleet could be observed irwle harbor of Corunna. ' On the 13th the ehemy caused twopowdef magazines, situated near the heights of St. Margeiet at half a league fiom Corunna, to be blown. The exp!osionwas terrible, and was felt at the distance of three leagues. On the 14th. the bridge at Burgo was re paired, and thi French . artilh ry was abk' to vtiasS. I ne enemy nan uisen a jjusiiiuu tit. iu ItJa-gues distance, halt a league tx tore corunna He vva seen empl yed in hastily embarking his sick and wounded, the numbers' of which, according to Spies and deserters, amounts to 3 or 40OO meru" The LnglisM were in' the meanwhile occupieWn (destroying the batte lies on the coast, and laying wate the ccun iry on the sta shore. . The.commandant of the Fort St. Philip, suspectisig- the fate in tendedtbr his fortification, refused to admit them in. - ' On the evtttune ol the. 14th we saw u convov of 160 sail arrive, among which were four sb'.p . of the line. On the morning of the 15th, the visions oSvMerie an 1 Mcrmet, occupied the heights of '?Uh! ion, where the enemy's ad vanced gu a rd was"' s'a ioneci, vhich was attacked and de stroyec. Our right wing was stationed on the point where thq road iiom Corunna to Lugo, and that from Corunna to Santiago, meet. The left was placed behind the village of 'EI via. The enemy was stationed behind some advantageous heights. The rwt or the 15th was spent in fixing a battery ofl i ;)icce ofcainion ; and it was not till the 16th, at three o'clock in the afternoon, that the duke of Dalmatia gave orders to at tack. The assault was made upon the English by tin: fii-st brigade of the division of iMertiet, which overthrew them, and drove them from the village of ElvinaiT The second regiment of light infantry covered itself with glory. GeneralJordan, at the head of the Volligiicrs, wrought a terrible carnage. The . tnuny, driven from his; positions, retreated to the sjardens which su round Corunna. The night giowiug very dail:, it was ncces sary to ' suspend the attack. The enemy a vailed himself of i his to emoaik with precipi tation. Only 6000 of our men were engagtd, k every arrangement was made for abandonii g the positions of the night, and advancing next day la a general att;itk. The los of I he e'tu-inv has httn immtnse. - Two or our bat" ttiies phyul'npon them .during tne wnoio oi i he-engagement. 4V.e. counted on the field of battle more than i!.t hundred of their dead bodies, among. which was the body of Geneurl Hamilton, "and' ilio:,e of two other general xHeersr --vrtTbse n . mes-we a.re.unacquaii .ttd ithr-NV-ki,v"9 taken '.j.Q'.ofiicers, 300 mttii and four p:eces 6T cannon. The English have left behirfdthem more thrav 1,500 horses, which they had killed. Our loss amounts lo 100 killed and 150 wounded.' . . . I'h tvofbnel of the 47th regiment distin ffu'shed hiutlf-T-n Ensign o'f the 31 infan tvy, killed w'uli his own hand an Epelish cf ficer,, v. ho had endcayortd to wrest fromhim his" Hagle." Tin general of artillery-, rBomgeat and coLjiitl Foiutnay, have signalized them selves. '- ' ' . . . "' At day break on the. 17th, we saw the English convoy under sail. On' -the T 8th the 'whol'e'ftsiddisappeatcdi ; . : " The duke of Dalmatia had caused a can- l ionade to be commenced upah the vessels .from the fort of Santiago. SeveraUranspurls ran" aground, and "all the mtnwho vere on i and confusiotif that, they left behind ,Q their-carriages a quantity of gold inc ' ItlQi is PRtimntit at lun millinns of remains of Romana's army ,rc found.' iriag About in all Cirections. The re- tallions, he scaled the city, took it, ai.d put the most guilty to the sword. --Hicia-isJJieLrimyjn nifests the best disposition, it - receives .the French as deliverers. . - . - - Valladolid has taken the oath to King Jo seph. 1 The Tuenty-7i;nth Bulein of the army of Sfiain ' Is dated from Valladolid, on the 1 6th ol January. It treats ot the transactions m tii centre of Spain7 and relates that on the 13th ult:. the Duke de Beltuno hadompelled -Soil oHcers, 2 generals, T colonels, 20 It. co nels, and ls.COOHmeiu. to lay down their arms while relieving to Alcizar, vl he com -mander, 'lc-omrfie I'enegas," was killed The bulletin afterwards recites the coinpub sory Addresses rthe Council of tate. and, other public bud., at Madrid, lo the contiiier or. J We found in 'the establishment of the Pal-' loza a large manufactory, &;c. in. the subuibs left behind. The rnen who have found an asylum on board yieir vessels are hariassed and dejected. -In another Season of.the year not one of them would Jiave escajed. Thev facility of cutting the bridges, the rapidity of the torrents, which in winter swell to deep river3uthe shortness of the days and thtj length of nights, are very favorable td an annjr on their retreat. Of, the 38,000 men whom theEjuglish had disembarked, we may be assured that scarce ly 24,000 will ltturn to England. The army of RomanaTwhich at the end o December, by the aid of ivinforcementsf 'which it had received from Galliua, consist ed of 16,009 men, is reduced to 5000 men, '"who are wandering between Vigo and Santia go, and are closely ( pursued. The kingdom pf Leon, the province of Zamora, and all Gal licia, which the English had been desirous to cover, are conquered and subdued. The general of division Lapisse' lias sent patroles into Portugal, who.have bfcen well re ceived there. ! . . G neral Maupstlt has entered Salamanca $ he met there with sbmcr sick of the, English troop3. - " "' ENGLISH ACCOUNT i- . . - i-- - Bxtile of Corunna London Gazette ExtraortU nunjt dated Downing vrctty Jan. 24 I S09. The hoii. captain Hope arrived last night with a dispatch from lieutenant, gtneral iir David Baud to Lbvd Viscount Castlen-agh, one of his majesty.'s principal Secretaries of xstate, of which the following is a cnpy7 K jis majesty's ship Ville de Paris, ,aL sea, Janvikfy 18 180My Lord By the much. lamented4eat-h f Lieutenant General Sir Jokn Moo;r,evvho fell in the action with ths enemy on the ltb instant, it-has become . my duty to acquaint yonr L-ofdsiitp, that .the French attacked the BilHsh troops in the posi tion they occupied in frontof Ccirunna, at a bout2 o'clock in the aftcrnwrtspf th'at day . A 'severerwmmdrsv hich compclleome to quit the field a short time previous to tlfeall of sir John Moore,' obliges me to refer - yetir Lortship-for the particulars of the 'aciionVx which was long, and obstinately contested, to sXs the inclosed re port .of jieutenant gen. Hope, who succeetled to the command of the army and to whose ability and exeitions in direc tion of the ardent "zeal and unconquerable! valor of his majesty's troops, is to attributed, under Providence, the success of the day which ttrminattd in the complete and entire repulse and defeat of the enemy at eervj point of attack. 1 be honorable captain L.oiv don, ray aid-de camp, wiil have the honor of delivering this--dispatch, and will be able to give your Lordship any further inforaiaUQA which may be required. - I have the honor to be, he D.DAlllD, w Lieutenant General. ! His majesty's ship Audacious, off Corunna January 18, 109 Sir, in corrpliunce wuh the de silt '.contained in your cemmunicationv ... of yisterday, I avail myself of the first mo ment 1 havejbecn able to command, to detail to you occurranct.s of the action vhich took, pLce in front of Corunna, oii'the 1 6th instant It will be in' your recolletlion, that 'about v one in the afternoon pf that day, the- enerriy who had in the morning receitd reinforce nants, and who hadplaced some" guns iH Iron; pf the right and Eft of his line, was ob served to be moving troobs towards hisfiankj and forming various columns of attack at that extremity, of the strong and commanding poSTjpn which, on the. morning of the 1 5 tb . he had 'taken in our immediate front. Thi indication of -his intention was immediately succeeded by the rapid and determined attack which made upon your divisron, which oc cupied the right of on: position. The event which occurred during that period of the ac- tion vou are" fully' acquainted with. The firstf--n r effort of the enemy was met by the comtnan- der of.the forces, apd by yoursell, at ti:e head of the 42d regiment, atxl .the brigada- imdcr major general rtV William Bentinc'.: Tb'e village on ycur rih became an objecft of obstinate contest. I lament to say, thac soon alter ,th? severe wound which tltprivejcl teCorjmihe.rifi ously been encamped, 3000 Ehglish muskets; Magazines' also' were seized, containing a great quantity of ammunition and other ef X.'CtSji AStlong'tig to the hostile army. great number of wonnfcl were picked up in the subuibs. The opinion of the inhabitants" on ifrespot, an-.l deserters is, thdt the number of wounded in the b.il'tle. exceeds 2.3O'0nten. ' Thus has terminated the English espedi tion, whjrh was sent into Spain. After hav ing fermgiued the war in this unhappy coum iry, th'j Efiglish have- abandoned "Tt. They. Bad disernlwrtedijooom 6030 hor ses. : We have taken (VomthtMn, according-, to calculation, 6. iOOmen, exclusive of the sick. They have re-embarked very little basr" gage, verv little ammunition, and very few horses. 1 We have counted 5000, killed fciid Moote, v ho had mst d.rectetl the most amo dispositions, fell by a cahnon shot;. The troops, thourh npt unacquainted with the. -irreparable loss they had sustained, were nott dismayed, but by the most determined brave ry not only i epelltd every attempt of the ene- f my to gain -Aground, but actualty forced r im to "iiclixei I allhouglr-ric pad brongnt up tiesn troops in support of4hM; originally engaged. Tfie enemy, -finding himself Liled In eierjC ajtempt to force the right of the poditi.-ri endeavored by numbers to turn ii. A judici ous & wett timtd movement, w'nich was made by major gen, Paget wi'h the reserve, winch . rorns had moved out-of iti 'cantonment, t up'iorttnev right oLtlie army, by a vigorous' attack defeated tlusintehiion. Th 5-ajrjr (See iatfQ$e,J

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