ales -f .4 0 1 14 t I If. V THE TAIR THIEF. - SY TKB LATE EAL OF CdtEMONT, y I TELL with equal truth and grief, - ' That Jittle Kittj an a runt tbiet . "1,': Before the v rehire well could go, - ( She stole le wniieness of tlx; inov; . And more, that whiteness to adorn, She stole the blushe of the rtiomy Stole ail tbe 8fta1ei her pcxrs ' "On primrose buds in vernal sbow'rs. -"There's no repeating at her wiles 3ke stole the Graces' winning smile j V Twa qufckly seen she robb'd the skyi -. To plant a sta in eitner eye ; . "She pilier'd oriental pearl ijr reeih, And stole the cosr.slip's sweeten breath' Thi cherry steep'd in morning dew, sfTljve mois:ureu herkpg, and hue, -.I'i yj fese were her infant Ip-ils ; a store 2 a,t : T.icn in time ane aaaeo m;re : wtive., sue sroie nam u prus quean, fi air. and love commanding mien ; Mute Jurvi dignityvand s ole t- Fr.-m Pallas sense to 'charm the soul. She ung amat'd the Syrens heard, , And to sert their voice appear'dTV, v She play'd -the Muses from their hill,' Won,dir'd who ihus had Stole their skill ; Apollo's wu was next her p ey, ... V " ", And Chen the beams that light t've day ; ' While Jove her pilf 'ring tricks to crown, 4 -frohoune'd thee beauties all her own l'j . . JardnM hei cimeiand prats.' d her art, And t'ot icr day she t;k rhy heart. ' Cupid I If Ijvt ire thy care, f Revenge thy vjt'ry on the iaj , j justice 6a her stolen charm, 1 And let her priion be my arms. ' f New Names of Rivers It appears. by the. Journal of Patrick Glass, one of Waaderers oftne West with Lew 's s and Clark, that at thepxiiots where the Mmouri becomes divided into three snmll streamer they were named Jkfkrsoi, Ma dison, and ..Gallatin: Several still smaller Streams in the vicloity lVere ewlled, Philosophy, Pfiiia ihrofihy, and iViom. Editors of ,the B oil Anthology reniark that if the diicove ry h;id been a little laer, the stream between u jeffersoii" and "Wisdom." ' woild hive been called Embargo t " .it 'J. Promt fie Balance. EtrE-RfON AND A rRENCHMtAV. A'view oj the whole ground' or AfuUun in - ; Parvo, j In Vdlneys View of America, page Tf, to wards the bottdm, we find two sentences which contain a vol urns of meaning. Great men are best learnt by trnzll aots : and it would really b a diiBcult task; to select a more character, istic trait of Mr. Jefferson than what we dis cover in KhSbitle view of the whole ground'' Tiie inform ition the nature of it the source whence derived the book where recorded tKe effect it had 11 all bespeak tb. Jeffcrxon all scer-t 6i garlic k.-l:i short, this is a com plete little key to the whole history of the iaani' lif- aid nw. esyeplally' of hi admi nistrations iiorio pro-ipect, could he but have clifrted hih eifbdgh to see it. fi - it; alas I during the wa:r his strength failed him ; and he sat down cqntentei with thth iise dixifoi a Frenchman, . " He lireamt his dream Vert real tcenrf . '.He dreamt rtahtiet all sf.',''...'. ' ,ti.pnCij.miag;;4iyv.-'ferie!kstown (siys , Volaey) we e t ally see nothing of the rich prospect m ihuoned irt Mr Jefferson's Notes -On my making this remark to.that gentle 4 Juan a few days after, he informed me, that" he had hiecrifiitenfroma FR&vc1i engineer who during the vur, had ascended the-summlt of the: mountain ; and I canveasily conceive mark the eharity that from such an elevation s in the clouds the prbspect mus be noble in a wild country, the view of which is uninter" the , ahiie dance, cotillions ge ot a cloud, tup his pocket hand kerchief in- the rainbow, and ump down again without breaking his neck, he would return ta earth a true philosopher. . "He dream: SaH fountains in the atr, - f vviih a ridam Hull Embargo ; -V He bought, hw ni otnnjonndthnn Vure, . iifT:gdaift Mighty 'Bull nbargu. p-ir 9, wild country t the view of which i m ' ; rupttd." JL Glorious .FiVw of ' X-r r'S -mn- ladder, dancj fl 1 n thi . fringe of "a cloud, dip his poi 2 7 t . m TV - t . m wgni r.xiratrs as a specimen fit the calmness, moderation ana decency, which- M'jphjrictCfiic most of our thorough going de- t,,n mocrattc gazettes, take Xhc ioHowing, from an address; which originated in Vermont, and . wnicfvw now gotnt; u England has sent a mniister vhos? very. BitEA rfl is pollution, and in' whom. tW reeyy nisc the hcU-bdrh iH4a$e of 'trencher? and mur drf ! JXCKSQ.Y! Jackson, the murderer of thousands the minister at Copenhagen, -who without pretknc a of injury, km a JiD&b the SORUKNDKR OF HFR FLSit T- AND TB.N LAID" JiER-CAPITAL-IN HUl.Vi ii sent to A merica 1 1 '. . My God I Sfull this nation be' longer insulted with impunity i Foibid it J Foiijjtip it etehn al jusTici ! ''. " Shall we accredit a man, and shall we ne pect tO hear tjhe thunder .of a British maMiU war, Tttirigled with the groans f American citizens I YellOWI'ayseuC88tll Dlundered antlbur "commerce ravaged S and at the footstool pfcotirtly, intrigue "and 'monarchi-, al perfidy, we see our bleeding ftonor ana . in-, gulted faith I? " t . 'fy ySp- "J ,v, Reader,' be not alarmed 'NVrther Mr, Jackson, nor, the British ships, those terrible engines ol death, , have yet arrived. So fou have a few tnofnents lomrer to live. Let Us proceed a little further. . Read the following s Look at henmark ; See Copenhagen in flames j and tell How fars that Wtlwark of in-', 'dependence" the British Navyl conduced to the' preservation of Danhh liberty ! Look at Austria X Look at Portugal and Spain ! Look, and with! British alliance, see Empires fall, and Liberty vanish at her approach ' ; r Austria, Spain and Portugal destroyed by Britain ! Is this writer a fool or a madman ? Was not Spain in .alliance with France, when Bonaparte, under th,e idle pretext of invading Gibraltar, poured, his legions into the very heart of the Spanishirovinces ? Had not the wealth of Spain been drained,' hgr trade ruin ed, and her effects sacrificed to aid the cause of her dear friend and Imperial laity t "And was she not at war. with Englandat the very mo ment, that Bonaparte seized the Royal FaHv ly, took possession of the kingdom and ds clared Xlurat governorrunlil he should fix the crownim the head of his brother Joseph I Was Portugal jn alliance with Ef gland when the French invaded Lisbcfn ? And as to Aus tria were not her ports shut against the Brt tish, until the crimes and" usurpations of France, and the boundless amBitiou cf frapo lcon,, had 'conipelltd the Emptlor Francis to resort to arms, for the security of Iris dom it ions and the welfare of GevmanyJ? These tacts cannot, be denied. They are "know to Eu rope, and to all the world. .But there are men in this country, who can see no injustice ex cept in British perfidy and British violence. Not one word do they uif er against the outra ges of France. No no, she may sequester our property, burn our ships, and imprison bur unfortunate countrymen. It is all well. we must not complain .".we should end u vor to conciliate !" The truth is, 'efforts have been made, are still making, and will indubitably be persever ed in, to drag us into a ruinous war with Englandfund into a fatal alliance with France. l behoves the American people, therefore, io look to it : for if we once get within the iron gripeipf Napoleon, we must bid a " long tare well to all our greatness."?, r. smetAtoit, From Cartmaoena. In the Mercury, Capt. Barnard, from Car thagena, came passengers Messrs. Henry Sperry aod Samuel Cook two of the unlortu nate men who were taken prisoners in Miran da's abortive expedition. Mr. Sperry sailed from NevT York in the ship Leander, desuiud, as he understood, to New-OrIeans,vherc he expected to have served in the corpo of. ehgi neers ; but at Jacquemel he discovered soin : thing of the object df the voyage, anil engag ed with ctheys in resistance to being ctiTitd on such an expedition ; they were, li iwevei", ofsrpowercd, and the consequence has been what is well known to the pubfic. Thre years has he worn the chains and perfo tutd the labors of slavery, in Carthagena, H;dtjr the most distressing circumst.ances. At length Mr. Sperry having recerved some money from his friends at New-York and Philadelphia, ne made use of it to effect his own escape and that of three more of his fellow sufferers, leav mg From 25 to 30 still enduring the horrors of slavery. These men Mr. S- informs us, could" easily do as he has done with 6Jly a small sum' of money. Erom what he could understand of the disposition of the Spaniards, they would probably release every Ame: can, if our guvemmenrwoukl only ask it, as uey repeatedly enquired, with astonishnent, why. this wa notjjone ? And when'' anjf one was reported to the Governor, as having escaped, he ordered no search alter thtsm ; and c ' this connivance it was owing that Miv Spep y and , hi& companion got clear off. EXTR AOROlN ART PaEfTOMKNOK. At Landide, in the parish of Beay, Ji the county of Caithness, was s eni about the 1 sth of April last, an animal, supposed to be tlie Mermaid. ' The head and the chest, beiri t!l that was visible, exactly resembled those p a full grown young wonvan. The Manias wc e pt fectly formed i the arms loiter than -at htVman body, and the eyts somjwliat sml ler. Wn the waves dashed the hatr? which was of a sea green shade, over the face, the hn' ds ye re immediately employed to replace it. Theskin waf of a pink colour. Tiiough ob served by several persons, within thdis arise of twenty yards, for about an hour and1 a -a," it discotred iip ?ymptoms of alarm. It 'as seeni by four or five individuals of tinqtiest' .-n--able'. veracity , yheraivre.iimev. : Something ; of tlie sa rne kind was observed in the same neighborhood, about seven of eight yearsnigo, by a gendeman residing near the spot. ' Edinburgh Weekly Joumr aewsOt09MO( w two rnqoaeoaamajcjpoegoa NOTICE; - a lie in , WllXlell the following : lands pi ujtnvt1 thereof. ttxC wiTi bay the Ta an3 cay due thereon at tbe-tourt-H In atesAiUe, on Tbursdiy the S6th i ay. ot Dcxiw i given in b; it. given in by t 7iae, given in; by Andrew xiarraon, w. c.j . ii acres,. grfn in by Sterling Shepherfl, , ? i- - CO. 6.7acreJgivn in by 1 he. Shepherd, Clark!" : rot, i by Wm, WJiket M'Kmne'g;,' do. f ,5-jfli acres g3 isy John tittle, sen. tock'V : Co. fiw .Samuel Woodside. do. "" ' co. ' 50 acres, given ic by John SrjjJw,. Woodside. : acre", given. in by W;m. Bluford, Uwson'l. 4 ucrei, given 4n by Joho Pavts, ' do..'V' 11 (riven in - 6w v R. S1MONTON, SVjf. .4 tneRaleiglrAcady, and haviug signified his intention w l! situation - at the close of thif H tants of the .C are dtsiSWN w tuppiy rus piace : Clergvman of jmisM ' tct-caiioii J!,. 1 tionable moral character, a libtral ! V1 be givenr orthewltoteprcfittti, faftef navinp- th nc;ct . . handsome snbscrlntinn fr, .iC:'er).i! of the City aNelgi-.boihuHl.W'ff ces as a Preacher. . 8 rriil A a o rl 'w , lin . a Females, principally in the 'cur r..r 1 5i PrmAipal of the, A'cutlen.y, (taught in 1 KiillfltVirr rwftpf irr' tl r.., r' nc v-i-uuic x,uy, granvd to tli tees by the Legislature) and ti e ntffi, Sti.dt nts JreretGfore jiss annually Wr. . . Raleigh being thtt beat Coven mutt Caiblina, a Very heahhy and pleusantl tion, in the hilly country, 'conuininp a and respt clalJe Society, wfrere eveiy oie terms, anawntre most ct Uieprictitti is presumed thai this Seminary till ,ii have a prefererce tP ar.y other' AUfi& the Southern States. ,1 ? if A Lady, of talents and acquireTPents J to the iindcrtaking, j aho -wai ted to charge of the Temple Depai tfWtoftte, Ldemy;, end a loving Genthan, !Kj qualified, as ah Assistant .Teat-her Latin and Greek Languages, Sec. Applications for any of these sitikil made to theFrustees of the Rslesli Atl my, by letter, post paid, wiJl bedtlyr. ed to, and immediate fy answerctl, ani lurtherinformation vivtn. as may btrtifc; " . , N. JONESrW August 30 do. do. do. do. The- following tracts of LJWtffoTjatect the Court htme in Saabury7 on ihe$fth oj Ko vmber ncxty to satisfy the taxes due for the year's-1 806 '7 '8, ' viz : ' ' x20) ACies'ln Captain Graham's company,- sfipposed to be the propifty lUber-Cailisles. heirs ;t ' . , , 'j! U Acres in i.e same company, supposed to be the pio- pecy of Philip M'Devvt. -. . 100 Actes in Capt. Stertwall's compioiy, owners name unknown, joining the lands vt John Lejifcer. -jj 1 43 Ac cs in the same : comj -any, suppoJed to bethe piopeity ol Ellioit's heirs, Man land. ri, 4f Acres ihe property of Vah-B'ine frey'sjirirs n. ; s:Wd in, joining' the St kes line, 'and Moravian Mectii g- jllousc. . ' "r' ' ' ' 114 Acres not given in, the property of Joseph Wak, in Capt. Merrell's coRii any.f. r . . r - 1 r-,l- ' .!r 101) Acres returned m tiie name m jonr weiis, join.Hg hn Little,' Seru on the Waters ot lik nnp C et k. 15 ACrcs on Dutchman s Cre ek, aupji d to oe. me pio petty of John Htr.kle, Geo., Gray -aLWni. M evens. 40 " Acres the propeny of johjri, Hughtt, ii.. Captain Little' company, . a. , . 200 Acrcjis hv property of Samuel' Barhs, joihyng RKb mond Ba'ily.andTh mas Blacking. '- 15 AcifeVin Capt. Tcarioh'scerni-any, given in by Sa muel Johnson. 1' ED. CHAMBERS, Sh'ff. Johr Will be Sold , At Montgomery Court-House,' in ihe town of H,ne'er l r ou the fiUt Monday in October ntxt, to the highest bidder, the Lot and. BuiWings,r la ely occupied by Kail Mnd Mask. Besides a More hoiisew tll finifhed, -iheie is .i large and convenient Ware-hotie. The lot is und'r a gixiil fence. Six months credit v Ul begi en to the pur chaser, he givmg. Vond with a proved sccuriiy. 4 i flALL & MASK. . ' August 26, 1809. y ' ' 01 4 w "notice. THE copartner?hip f SAKPERS & THOMP?ON. te ing thi day dessoiveri 1 y n uiual ccnst-iit j al. ptr, i-rif .In r lore h r't-btfd to laic fVm ait-dtiied 10 rake inimcdia.e paymer.l, and ihose hav;rg c!m i x ituttud ii prettnt htrrr wnhout delay. , , .. ... ; RFUriEN SANDFFS, -. ' JAMFS THOMl'b'ON. -.Paleigh Seht. 4, 1809. r - "" - ' ' ' '" ilr - NOTICE. AT a Court of Meas aui Q.auei-esciong held for the cunty oi Wamn, atAuu tit ni UC9,, JLttte i cl .f1 minisiraii n were grafted m t i J-sia t of ' Vioses K yrick, cite'd to the .fubscribtr, Alpper otis havii-jg dcrrat 1 1 agiirst the said Estate are rcqu' 5 ted to n ake tht rr. ki owr wnliin tUe lime pceicr.bed by fht act 6i A'iritl), o hir wi4Vhfy will be blneo of tecovery. A i jtr.oni inoefclcd to the iu Ei ate aie requCiteo to tt:k. tim tciau pay ment. j;.. : GARDENOR SilEARIN, Jdm; Sept, 2, 1809. , I $w Land far Sale. - THE subsc ibei will c .spo.-t ol the 1 CT t LAN D whetfon le now reices,'ly in? on C,prt!s if LiMjt-t'r'ttk in Franklin cunfy. about cighi rm ci lr rr Ltui b..iv antl i irem o. Bricneii aiort ; coi .ni nit -tr-k iwith ordina.y bwtldi gs. and an excellent. rir g 1 1 water convenient: Applt a Fach orchard; .-Al t a G isa-Alill recently built on a , reck jounratipn, on a tt.m vl h s-l-d m tails, with aec-ori rck-clam.- Aho a Cotton !ach.r1 m orkinp, in the same House. The land is ve ry If ri ai d well adapied to the cunmeof Corn, G lion, anri Tobatro and a si;njcicnt quanuty enclosed to Wi rk our or five hand? .i to advantage. Any ptison i: clined to pi icbat'e a:d-'-ian.. rr:ay appiy to subciiber mi the prtnii-A, nUuwil stll low-, lor cah of oir a credits Youtig , Igroi;s w. ulo. be taken in payment. 4 , . ' VINES TURNER. Sept. iy 1809. iAx:- 01 6w. " " - ' ,V ' NOTICE. . - THE subscribers qualified as ex ecu ton to the last will , 8t lesiaoieniol George W.Smarlt, Esq. at thr July sosm n 1809.-' Those indebted to the estate ire itqufsted to' call ! upon John kindrick, whe is in poi.-e-ipn' tj. thf paper l the deceased, and makeups raent wiiftciii d ia ; th'e ho. atit.rt ol the estan' not atmittlr.g or ii'uitit.ce. i uih'-3a. have cerr.ands will make iem kiT&tt to ' J. KinV, ithin the time prescfittc b act ii iiitmby, ior,rnset.ri. irg ( latm- against ihe estate oi deceastd pcrstns, ithirvti&e that act-will be plitd in bar ol rrctvot. L Lxr's B OOKS, a ALL prsoas who ar indebted to the nmne" of Hamtl- I ton and compa.'.y, eitfer in Virginia, or h North, go late Witn a minister whose hinds Still reek, ftkerindalge.ic.can b?rante and atl thoie whhave anr mi l t ic iiriuu ui Ldnisn innocence :-vnat I ocnaiai a jaiast tae-satd firm; are reqy act-will be plitd in bar oj rfcovoi). jP M FOIK. JGHfr KLRICK. Aerklenhugh eounty, . i r- '. . August 4, 1809. n NORTH-CAROLINA, ' vrrfc-VV Treasury-Office, dug. 1 1 $09. .a THE SherifFi and - thtr Teverut-r fticrrs of the "late fortbau',,: by a 'put ctual anri:, tfcl-arge ol ib Tu tiff requ-ec ot tu rn by law, in ief'aVd; to . iljt eo'tlthibi and parntnt into the Trta uijrol il t tdXts ahu othr tul- WviuK shTjlhobsor,' Life of lie rut lor ihe current Mar. w li c'cthtBistrves, citrlit art. J Mornnh nn fruirtQ TV"'i7ti&I: 8 T 4 - . , " . T . li'V V. . . loiicloSe the ptsibilnv .ol itialtv u U iftiture ShcLln any unlorturauly tail t ; this very tsT.tial icir.ti thfwi.l hear in mind that the pubiic"lr-atuiei has ik option wi h respect tothe ci oe to be pursued, his iuy butgliniii rative ; and that iheretcrairrucwifiV ftcired aga nsl according to law and in tire superontourt lor the co'ujty of Wake, which wiv'l happen ic October rext.t. 1 Just received at the Minerva Pooi -&i Vovl?s of Fisher Ames. " Trial of Smith and Ogden. Rol ert oh Frauds. Burr's Trial. N Kosweil's Life of Dr Jo!irsor, tlepiit, Do. 9 dollars. Dot 7 dollars anti 50 Lavater's Fhysiognr nty, ciy tletMt,j Memoirs oi jtiiei sen. Thet'ceiis f Warsaw. . Hurgarian Fiotheis. AUmoirs of an Ajncjican Lads valmagurdi. j r " Wat's' Psalms, Dwht's cditicSf htli's Surety, 4 -ls. -. ... ' Do do. by Vrcturs,.Vvcl. BetVoes on Testis. Do. tn Ccr.Mft Darwin's Eo'.anic Carton. . i r n va rn Ccnti acts, a late wsik. Walker's Key to the prctjurtiation cfQ Latin and tc.ripune Fitptr lurries, M Pope's Komer's Ilrad. Humphrey Clirktr. Tiistrrm JBhandy. Peregi ice, Pickle. Rcderitk Rrrc'tff. Shskespeal-t's plavs and arii ot aliens, f (,. 45 t ells. l)o. do. 8 ul. lSdctf ITt rier on the Bleed. j allj'T'Z'ilrii's Tracts. . . ' C- yefs Metlical ivlusetirh, 5 vel.andSm Caldwell Medical 1 heais for-1 805 and Darwin's Xocnomia. Alibert on Fevers'' - rVhimanlch's Pbisitlbgjr. Harniltcn's Midwifery. ', Mv-; Ditto I' FJitto with plates. ; Currieon Disellcs of the C. State ' on Billious Fever. on YVafer. Cullen's Materia Medtca. ' ........... Synopsis. ;;s" ,ri7,T7.Tirdeniil Lectures y: ...i. - Practice -, ) Hunter on Vererial. ; Bell on do. i ,; Lavr isier's ( hemistry J. , - ' ; Kinglake on Gout. 'V . - ' Fordyce en Fever. Ryed oh Consumption Bell on L!evs. I Smellie's Tables. Mcmoe's Aratomy '. - W liytt t n Dropsy D? on ."tht Pulmr?ry Sirstftn. A i nistixr p orrft e diseases ol cliildn Dewcts Midwiff i-y. ; . Merreirs of Cth. Lee. Superior Court of Law, March J Term, 180.n- confidence can we place in lh . honor of a Rri. ush minister i And where is tht faith aud sa . credits of diplomacy r .4 reqyssted to send 1 ie.r cai ms 10 ine snnsenber, or,to Wiuie yv. jonci, noar Halifax in North-Carolina. lOilM HAMILTSSJ. I Vndik Virginia; Jaly 6tk' 180. , in Esq State of North 'Carolina, Granville county. , ! William Pannfll, V ex. . , Original Attachment. jjnntiaii. 5 - i- '." ' . ' JV; Levied in the hands Joseph B. Littlejohn, Esq.Jrhn Pro die, sen. Lemuel Goodwin, Major James H. hichnlson 1 and Tatlton Johnson, and tby summoned as Garnishees.' IT " oidered and dtcrerd by this Court that all proceeds wgs,in this cause be stay rd for sil months, and that publication hcreol be made ir. th Paleigh Mineiva tor ttt s ace of three m. nlhs. that the De.itrdart may'ciine for ward, replevy the property and plead 10 issue, or tUe judg ment fir-ai will be enterff 11 again t hjm. -. Wiu.t., UILUAM M. iKELD, Clerk. r 1 .-' i rererTn.trtifa d) uti.ti-i- ( '.Davie.'. .. . : . jSmi h's Ccrr.Farafive Xkv ! ns of the s ef ei al states vitb epeu . Gillie's History of the vorld. Rich's Memoirs of Europe. rf Pleasvresf Hcpc. Ditto of ' Erorrmy of Human Life-Jos-, linus works, " vols. " r Cermph Theatre, f vols, very tltl. Pttitpierre on Divine Coocreis v Blair's Sermons. ... : r Wediurt Paper for Drav Price ard .S't-cM"'' . MAp'of'KOKI H vrt WITH ROUI-K -- "'; "For sale at ihb oficd BLANKS . . ,;!, : 0 all kinds far Sale at thyt -' r

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