ETWO DOLI S TJ AI Pavahlttn advam i u " ' RALEIGH) (n. c.) THURSDAY, OCJOJiER 1809. No. 706 as PUBLISHED (weekly) BY WILLIAM BOYLAN. by a letter irom '"s0" now b, found to hide him f,om this open f The French fcet are run up towards Ant. - tSSSTSt ib dated tfce 20th May 1790 ,No. 30,) an renlbhane ? HlS commercial spe- werp, I fear out of our reach at present. tX We they wer" lhipment which was by .the general's on no cover for .hi, pblitical cor- Our small pun-boat, dul great execution, only j, y L made him their W nt to Have been made m December, t1on, anr, fiower Ilobabe it may be that two men killed on board .' them ITl been 6 long wit 1f "ul r: n T T"r : r ' 1 " lp he cheated ms partners, ins ii.iamou excuse - hearing from him, as well as from other 0Win? year. And here, f our sole .R in5ufficjcnt aflcr these ro to clear him style. , v bable reasons, welboueht he had been ki " . No. VI PROOFS whom M Short had ih despair surrendered by the tJongrcveV rocket..: The, Inland. .is TWEN TY-,1 th and the task) he was forcedto a.setUement, that beautiful, though, the weather is very bad, FUS , his accounts exhibits tofcffif New-Orleans, no tobacco stored there,- none, u n reporicuauai mc uc u nu . , . . . , ' ... - ... . i ... j . o-v - mc iui met nave uiuicu tnumuuof . .v "rrt- -f .1 :'rJ ...L... L.'ni.n ni.(.f II I SL -. TTI .1 rfMl 1 II f mWamS AniWCI'll Willi OUiVU Hint. . hi I niisr : xiii n f i iu in w iirm.r iir- i iuuuvbi n i ' ' . . i i 1 I i i 1. . 1 . . . u n L. npni nr''! 111a Tnurniiiiif mwarus viiiivci i wiiii ouuvu iiirn. . . . ..... . tfcB. sxoV,' We are loins to join Lord Gardner inanat wounded, and had no horse J,Ued under LJirm with jlaron Uiar'inth .f60.1 wealth.. . an t- . kS,.,-htP, n.him ; but as he was coining back from car- tate ot major uunn win oeiounn 10 Cuuf, r v -.--"V"-- . .-v- . "7.:. rvinir to the duke of Monubello the rde aWn oj .1uUH.u;,. n onthupoinf, and those of bis other part- pent a yesieraay evening. couiu oubcrvc on trath ' his moveincnc on account eWfer c rf'--,n ar( now lufnr, the rmtdie. What the town on fire ; and from the mast-head, ,?ont aAV!? T.,, TlT 1! TJ rffmalion oj iiion ... rpiiinit -him ,xafs by a letter irom " ..... rr i ra u.ciiiirTiAn r i ni' nvifinrFC. f in nt s. J.t device ? what evidence ? what excuse can l? v,!,u,c. . of Mav. he crossed a holloTwhere he found ffas to refute the half uttered hesi Aug. 10 No official intelligence has been reasons, -welhought he had been e expediiion later than the ' 7 he gener;d of division has killel has take! -rh,. .-,. a the command of the baxons, and . occupies -esse! had amvd"at Vurg. ; " intelligence of the . iviarsnaiiacaonain gene . londav roornine, m u,c,u" Ul 13 eroveninir ueneai i mc , on wum f - r . . -j -, nec4ed he will enter to cay. -Jb- n,.toptra? no reformation. c.tion no ".W, J V - f '- mi i . t iikii luinr. i mi ii miv.ii nur nii'D i n c fo Mav i"90. are xlosed, irrevocably . rfF ... The generals snature to.jne ac iSests Hi i bet Ration ju'. I bent stake oi ayear,anu auer&uuwjumau. f.. oninea. ycry.auou one. uwy . . . . . U- k.. ,.f Lmeicial operations in the year ,'89, I , , becn . execuled U tV-occupation of er 'rom uie empeioi o , . oosdearlythatthey were not pro.. , r-'ffl ENGND. by the Saxon troops under gen. Regnie, tl S 723 !iy those uil790,which by lusown con- Ne4 York. Sentember 27-By the ship -Macfonald is represented asnli: march ihoiml chamDacnv,. : i ,ast ot hls commercial cn orth, capt. Skelchley 4? day, to Uratz, whcii he was expected to enter on 'xmmercial boatV whiph the events 6? . , iU fromUverpooCW' have received. London tbe ' '.-.r'.-i the Var had scattered in various diiections, k agreement for ssolvmg the .part- .aprVto the eveiiing of the 10th of August, . fhis is the P were the count de J;y. en collected and repir:d.on- the 11. ?,as we nave seen, u vu .. u inteigence that ..tire .English" ''-' ,v 1C Danube. They come evVrv day ladett rell's cargo was to have beep invested ,faun three of the islands, and by the armistice it was to have been given up on the." e Wfretabics corB and flour. co,on the acc. unt ot the parureranip. . c, . ,itT1. a , Fhl)iKin- whu-h 16th. Wothmg is said ot- urunn ueing occu- -u' ' letters No. 29 and, SO, it appears that . . . ffer. - canitlllave aJ at ysb,n, but Ped by the enemy. In this bu letm we have Ir utL r;ft thJ Wn.ri,! fc..' keeds were so invested i that purchan M,ic, ,r,n,r,nti Kap reived of no information that throw any light upon the t, kL;.ci; to a arge amount were a so c mMMA. subject of negotiation. ; Pnnce John of Lich-. q . J ' f lhe, n.j. ... ..n... . .r.tinf Kill-that . . . . a ivnoum iwVin iv rnr.ipr nrfi had hccnunt tn """"u " . .' rlc, . ,rw": r " u ' Liverpool papers mention, that 317 Amc -v!,,uv v " . -v ment, Kasinowski, of the 2d regiment ot th ise the risk, the whole was thiowr ,n- J harrive(1 8 that po,Cbetween Buda, where tlte emperor Francis ,s has re- I)iagrem;nt, of the 13th regiment: Mmon account, the proceeds to be diyi- Qlf June tf- d th , J( of u ust, - turned to lepna with a letter to Bonaparte v cureJ gaint r N chief of the ; Yr:" l" m v .vvww.w ., - rnce ot stocks at London, - August iu- - ----- , . "taff of the 3d rorcs ot the army in Spain ; exn citlvr stated in both letters ana r .. , 01 ,wfr SDeak more openif upon me suoiectot nego.- -.. .7., f - ...r.. .... per wins lur money oo i o i v : . Haxo, COUimanaant Ol ine engineers uciuiiiik mnccoi it, ,we are iurnisneu wu 6g 3 8-.omn;un1 1 j. K'l." L -.1 ' -L1..IJ-.1 hol ' - ,1 I la ui tof Hrto IfOnCM Kali i. cut. 'rv ppeedrsargo had been separately bb at Livcrpoo 50 to 5 Is. per bhl. lu n viiia uua(ii99 w y 68 1 8 14-dofor ac. speaK mere open.y upon ine uyipi 1 go- . coaianJan ofthe engineers belonging jrn tviiMtTos ciations. They say that " the negoc.atioTis "a , ' T j n vr.i iU..Z 4 prem. w heat 7s. " . .f . ' , , e-to the samecorns ; Devallous, of the th re- 10 85s. American flour foceca, ana ma; wnat ua. iwnpircu mu- & d M aid decamp 50 to 5 is. .er bhl. nc.ent to dispel every apprehension o the re- SSsnf nffi..r. of L leeion of hX - . r u newal ot hosu ries. Manv anc, consitierab e s "-"r VT- r . . 0 . . 1,0NDN, AUir. O r lOI'inai lnuniailUll tias " --- . . 'nrr. i t , unts. ot tna in- ,atd been givch lo' lhe Ame.icans at Paris, Aihces on the parrot Austria are. mention, . r s only partial in- :h h government of the United States ed.? 1 here is a rujnour that the emperof By the jk .id that the mo- 80Ottb determine to join the French or Austr.aisto send (,0,000 mento j-n the rrepch tiered the d . Kx.n rrfll i. . . . ....n Tn.L-c 1 nc t t iw Kail onfl hnrn Ifrifin Of nfll ted by SSoIan, his accounts of that in- i bt would have given us 1., M(W ,.H.. wV t detfinnne to torn the rrencn . or : j . . . 1 ve -proved to have been received . ...... . h vouW no ,onrtr against the TurksTh.s is the bait and boon eg.on o honor amorg nc ,cS ' same decree, the emperor Ires .ojS-? istnbution ot 97 decorauons, 01 tne orocieds of the residue of the ship- lne "n "Y. Zt V " ' . .1 :,TVi?n which lionaoarte. we Aspect, will hold out to ing tc the third corps of the army ot bpa.n, but the whole being carried to one 2TZ,tvi ' Austria, In return for the cessions she m,y which distinguished themselves m. the battle, laceount,Mr. Clark was entitled to an ' Auust 9 Z.vVe have received Spanish pa- make of htr ancient possessions; he will offer of Sarragossa and Belchite. tsales ofall the adventure, and he was wc g7hand Portuguese to the 27th her rt of the plunder of Turkey : ...and when i . - or his proportion. pf any loss that might JJu sic Arthur Wellesley's army h-d broke "these cessions hae been made,' he will pv Vienna, July 15 It is stated that thr appened by the" damage done to any 'f.pi-,.,,.;. .in iRth. anfi nroceed- haps find a pretext for refusing her the pro- rrcnch and Austrian plenipotentiaries, who We accordintrlv find that the eeneral .. l .. .1 ' J f .1... on a ,llir f'll. raised plunder :'or if he let her enjoy it, it ar- 1o rnnrlnde and sien a treaty o , . . ' . , , . . CilUiirci iui iviai-uiu. ju mc smuv vju; , . . ... " . - " o - Wpric miniilu nc lr tkit InQS atlll StlileS . . ... - . . . .i l ti'ill nnlv h till II v.mli hlH nlmns t(l WTeSt It ...til ... U . nn,l rrennril rr first f peace,- mi-it- Anj eteis. mssprl the -1 atms. and on the lUi reacn- i ,Viu nicci aw uiuuu , "iv letter that a flat with 40 hbds. had xv .,, . K. vi, f nneM. from her. , flnos;v. and nrince Lichtenstcin, are pointed r- r-i idn Ltiui au till .ii iiiai.ii w t uwvm- - . . - - ink, which by the second . appears to 0n the -oth js stJppoSed the English and In an article from Augsburg ot the 20th, out asthe peiSons entrusted with that impoR. fenrecovered,ywitb loss of about twelve 'Snamards formed a junction, unless they we find that afier the departure oMKe French, lant mission. Nothing had"ye transpired of tenhhds. In the 'second letter, June nnt to pr0qeed by thrTerent rwites to Mad- the Aus-nans immediately resumed posses- lhe negociations which hdVe already taken 90, (No. 31,) the general expresses his woich appearS t0 be more probably the sion of Iower byrii, whichfvas to have" been place. It only remarked, that the greatest btion that the tobacco is not yet gMfle caset ome of the papers announce the re given up to the French-r-- this province' adds activity prevails in the office of the .count says, Events have justified the pro- ce- Gf pi.ivale letters, which bring down the the article, contributes ' at the present mo- champagny, minister for foreign affairs. His fof my makihg no distinction in the to- atiorfs wme days later; of ihese, a letter ment, by its fertility- to the supply of Lower excellency repairs every day to Schoenbrunn, shipped at this. time or allotting ,any se- dtcd falavera, the 24th it is said, announces Austria, and particularly of Vieftna, with pro- spends several hours with his impenaj. 1 Prt'n &r the account of the Speed- thftt the tWQ arie- had joined, and were inYisLojns..G,rutz, the capital,; is one of the D1'ajc8ty; . ; "three. of the fleet are still aground in Df Victbr ; that on the 22d there w3s most important towns belonging to tie Aus- Many. proinof,ons have taken place in the river, with 18 hhds. on board.' & aflair in which the German light dragoons trian monarchy. . . : . ; . . w .We are told that his majesty has pre- inarmed with this shipment tobae- d 23d light dragoods under" Col. "Ansgn and The intelligence: of the Austrian irt the scm;d thecro5SOf theL fgiouofHonoi togeu.- Jwm sold to government; -it was sold nd M.K-n2ie.s bride cf Tyrol having attacked the Bavarians, after N fo g0vtrnov of Raab. et sum of 15,850 dollars. The ac- fnfantr?) were engaged, and in which, the the armitice was noufied to them is confirm. Qej). . Matthicu Dumas fills the office of V well of the purchase as the salcs enemvs ;Aosts wcre driven -inT and that, on cd.' . . ;; .... " V.. -"rhf '.f-th .arniv -.under -the comroand.of The news trom Madrid is as late as tne autn llir rinsed. All V v VIIWII C1IIW-4T w - mf - ,., Hlli wwjiw r mu.f t.r k..n Mr. mtrt? r vn v ro V n TTTn A. fiint ' fm fr rnrnmainn avingbeen charged with his propor- Extract of letters from officers on the t- rica, having betn succeeded by, admiral de a The day of Enicrsdorff, nd the decisive the whalu nni.nro mnnA K-vo hren j.j c ' r., . r ko.ti nf Wfltrram. have crowned with success ti to his share of the salts of 'any re-" - . East Schel-dt, Aug. 3. - " the most complete and ;.the-most .glorious tor 'Mop ro r .1 . , " r . : .. . .... 1 . 1 V: 1 .1,. ..rf3iniirnri'f whlf.h -their 5 fi. w ineiooacco. nut as w cu- i he division wnicn lanuea neremci wuu T .vri a..-, xjo official accounts our arms, r ;-- ----- -70 . . . - . .r a:t nrl ih. nrenethnfi- .DaiUCS Jiaa urcuaicu. bnk., .l ... -1 .-t - .L ...1 i .. . . ... . . ONDCi, u8 'V . " ,v " . .v, .j .u- Kitlfi had nrensted. iu, luc accounts (wo. 32,; ine .wv n0 opposition on tneir landing, owinjj iu hc'.WiTccejlyed from the Is e o Walche- tQiis F 'b v r V p NmwasrW. m- nwc timnortion . v. K;, thP tslanH at nave oeenrcceweu ironi TU-Mmv has lost an jmmense number of n -"-v-va , i... . .u. n K.wr---- aiwvaa - ven Binceiunday : out oispaicnesninuuiit.jK ' ' . , nj.qt(vi i - mu W me pjiuoi .v ts taaen except riuwViiS, -hiwi v- -- it appears, however, irom some private F'uc. N's debts. hia Ximr, hfincr jt that .u;a , lvmharrlincr hnt. as we are fu 1 yv. 7. u: r h? dead, arid all the -neighbouring villages r --j v. vvitvtM O . cib wi. uiutiiviit f . rcnderrH K Mr,!an . th fnrme.r dated . . . r.l .i i kv, 7th Mv. 7Qn. nH the latter New .. . 5j n i. nit .Tosenh BonaDar.e was still there , ' - ' - victor pursuea nis reueai. J viuiu v" " r . . 'US-3lKtKntnhr in lhSame Vear. . :js j -Vv-v . ' r .-- PaiiTSMOUTH. ; - AutT. 9. Ai rived, tl ... ------ . roaa to Maana. UdVPnllir. tuao Ikon Rn, ir rWrl. All maWr P-ene'ral the prince of Neufchatel. ri.L '. . .r.. i ko k'.itlonf Wflirram til 11... n.t.i A i irt Q AiiiiH. tliA 111. ' . . , -Aimed, tne ui- , ... ,r,L , aw wa nwhikh. d :i ana, 36,year adimral h,r Sidney rmth cap- h J . land at aoutn Ame- . .iCBu-v'1"' " M1 3 Sany and rlaninrnii. IndT-pd so much :nr h rrncral Monrev hflFThrown him . j. i-.i.- ...:.:-.r T.- arp filled with his wounded. 1 ... wv. j-, --- - - SOlVed not lOOClcly WIC C&ctuuun ui 111 urnvi - . afa " thtn nrR!fl. "tW tKnmrh an Vnor of -ir K nlnri- with Anno trien. there is . . . . i ' -u- rn "r i. ' . -His imoehal matesty expresses nis ap 1 - ; -- - av.ii "- r'" ....... , . n0inrs Ot niS Ulan, unui llic iii uiiuai -- , : - , r.i Part of the force whkh had not debarked on atik the 2d, but remained at anchor in the Vere ' ne ai tiuery, oy uic J j Gat, has proceeded p the. eas Should our armament thus divided m the two by . tlie. P'' e,ietiy H5 5y th4- branches of this river, overcome, all inter- bridges umkr e ofje e.emy gy t es, it will unite before Antwerp immense -lanouis u. u ''J . 1 . a 1 1 r 1 V F II Tl ! V 1 ' T Ul. Mi HIT as discovered in the former 'ftrtified hw Knlan. Mn. 33 Y vet he hf hmwvrr. cannftt he lonff : neither shall . - j waM..T y - - y wiiak ----- - -- o f1 ?ot discharge it, but it still remains due. we w'ait 'for it before we proceed to other ope- 'tfrx': year-Wilkinson became a' general, rations. Lord Iosslyn's division proceeds tip iitcic wjr olM... mav expect a very formidable resistance ana ?vbrih.. .w v-f . -. eh en. Ail?. 4. we . f r . i aL f - c-k;,k hi nartictiUp approbation oftheir conduct. ;W hunteff of his offidaltation- to el- . Tbortre. Jf Camvere f.. presume the eemy made every possible, (bigued) " v. payment oi nis aeota ana wnc pomDaroment oeioie u. ui renvoi wt nadxwn - - fv --.. ' the-firmttesi.(ifMr.; James Hughes Q: heuscs are damaged, one completely burny f -, f; X - ; -.. ; . V' - v. 4!?. -i .;.v.

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