ff, Campbells ; Icircum stances -oTthe ;nrntior.'does sif;;T: A Ny : " "V; j-TT- J . nlhisby CapVtd. Fitroy Som?rs . ; Lateft f rom Spain, 4 ril rive V0ur li0rob . fw.V"1 .'.,vioum'J",w inc.ii;TOpt).!V w vjieosiyfracom Wjmkt. iwe.r - --.riP , - ' NEW yoke " OCT. 4. r'andwRom beg leave., wrewnv; mand-. here lore, Ma.. -,ke, with hi corps kkctV ' ? Late hit i,iKt, ihe SpaU in Comelfv Opu Pi have the honor tObeO fly ' V" "jDon Joseph Rodrigue tie' At ia , a. rived at quarantine I- a- . WU1 turn over to maj. Piktlie puiliC proptr- I Schley 2757 ' Baer 2763 gnwL tatted iiutn Cao m tbe 0h August A uia - ARTHUR WELLESLEV. Xy of every "specie,: in JU charge, for wrich lUagiil , 2755 . L ' ' J. H. Thomas -170 Z'VP " Exc,?c,cy 3" Hw' dt T u " '. i J ,' ,y - i . ' 0,,,. ,- ...,- on? Mtiiuter lleniuotentiary aatiEnvv Extiauidii.ary Iroia ht ... . he 18 to take trmlicate recciDi l, . y J. Myirs 27lg - . Sappington 27j7 ... ... 3. c j ,0A Utter from Lieutenant General Tfc order. : SUCU for the Security' of It MARY'S COUNTY America. Also Don Barthojonjew Rengenet. Co.uulfrorr X. umhle Sir Arthur WeUesley, .V , .u !, "r !.V yA.I o.., x..L o..:iA, J S.COU?ITi ' Catholic Majesty lor PbiUdelubia: their i.adieS, r?;?7f " . . . . v"c Ol U1C IfntiUl V Ul VllCtUIS. nil juiiuiuusuv rwra, I U,,U.. J .; j m. u,;i l.,.;, i i,ui:..-r-y wreslcU'irom nimrtO-lVr It to a soldier OI xomas Bldlttston 1 Wyberg, 37 day Iroro Liverpool Kr Char-estouiulorm- 1 had the honor of addressing ydji on yesterday ; a patallte of Wilkinson the idn- ":. .4- -'ANNEARUNDEL. , eo, that the English had gpi possession of "all -e fcliuu in. .. ; r T.,ir the enemv have continued to .v. . ..,- i,...., .rn ,M.tia in m...,. rii w; ;i nti ,;. ihe cost ot HJIand. .1. fl I lit I mm-- j L1V. L 1IIU.I VI Ml. tl 1IL.I B.X. I I . I I II llullli (1.1.1 1 11 ii! Si ULI1. LUI 3VVk TI SillfllllOi A1IU Ulllliail. 1L11 f . - a m . ' ,rWaid of about iO,00bmeliOnthe bullvine and bcatlnir the editor of the Uea'dW W, are elected ' ' w e also Uarn tuat atter the battle ot iuvera, tbe trench -V 'u! f ,Hp Alherrhe. ,1,! ' . TALBOT COUUTY. attacked Geuetai V ntgaVn Aranjutz, -and wer.ctue, , 300 tne 1C V c,1,I7l,,ia yccausc i,k; uau iuc ui ' Republican Fedrral consiaeiaote ios a.ier mite najc i jugitt nauies. - 4 '.extreme fatigue of the troops, the-Want pudence to deny the infallibility of John Afosiv&et ' 771 ; " Edmondjcn 6 IT .Y.,negasaUeiwaro.returi.edtoward the iieira Mowna, ' ' r 1 frnm . i . . . . ... v . . .'. ;.... . -a . , jiroyei, every thniR. T ne Frencii carnson ot Madrid had : i iCD.care OI, nave P.'u.y lately exerted mmstlt muct) H ptocuring me r'". . ' go..e into the :Retero, with the.r adherit8, the peopl, . . f.m mv position. ' names of authors who have tnrleavured to ex- p,fCIr:' 9 . . 'L.. . oiasDoro&a 303 hi risnr, m. aami ihim. inJmt u. mmr v. ' Lier Gen. Cranfurd arrived with his thf, ptly 0f t h& Jonathan W ild of the l: Renb!im h 1 " wvauce. ' f . 29th in the morning having Hnrr mnsniraru H;tv wp :i-vcr cn the. T'Wiilnn.Sii. An . wt fi,-,i,imo a.fi7 VVc ltarn 'Urther by the Spanish frigatef that Gerona, , f.;,elve Spanish leagues in little more name of mior MacRea emulov.d in the S. i: Weerri&S . ' M Thos. Blake 403 h!J1 . . r-.... Umir. ..-iv.- - K W. Somen-ill jyi - Jos. Ii eland 40i . . !. . ' . . . Keniy"1" nsnopu um uwin; uiov 514,11 3') Tho Reynolds 401 anmery at lonosa, to go against aa agosa, -ne'.p ,cj 0f a letter from 1a eutenant General Jiere then" ends' the mystevy. A junior offi- " - ihe Frencu have been obliged to concentrate themsel Arthur Weiietiey, to juotu ru cer 1S not app0initd to ihe command ot the oo iar as we nave returns, u is reauced to " -"iuc"v u. .i6UU uvlUB a i 10 no ""r . . H'l vi.u.t.r.H5.w. r- : r 7 ; rf - TheSpanhhmowttineersirom Arragon KavarrW r 11 .... A .-iii .Kic mnminfr. I hfA 1 . i. 1 ' . 1 .... - . . . . 1 mnnli I 1. C .. U 1 t.' . 1 . . . j 1 : j . : t K tVn 1 aooreaacu juu u" .v....&, " uui, ior naving exeneu every nerve to prop ujo muui wi vjv. u. jwuu 3 unucrv. , .rnuw, ourm some wwns. aito icvu-u tumnDunons a -rtived the report. 11 oui uicuuipusia. "-rotten lame otttie tmmancier in cniei '.; . '." "V '. T , . fflW. "fef:f"' the sUtrv ot UU " j3fllinl, . , - feXKSZ S,' iwhich was posted on the heights on ingenious order ; it breathes "the very spirit T '.';cph Bonaparte, with 6uoo men, had a sccoi.d timefftct-,:'' ;iiof the Alberche last njgnt at eicvqn 0f the preserver of the holy attributes 01 - - ed his escape. ' He was gone to Somma Sie ra, a strooj It and the whole army marched towards the constitution,"- You will discover, if you THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12; 1809; s pas.ituared.6nth road irom Maaia to F-,ance,-upposed . 7 ialla. I conclude, with an'intention of read it attentively, that, as the frequent shift- . . ' . to befortte purpose oi seconnga rctreatas Beresiord did, ... . - la nositioniri the -neighborhood of inff 0f command from hand to l.ahd, tends The Minerva, of today, contains important ZrW " Vi snia. lo destroy responsibility, the vital' sfiring of toreign intelligence; - j t , ' , ' military efficiency.- and to produce collisions- British'-army in. Spain- has beaten the French' was 'saioi bt;ooo ineoi"- 4-?w,-5. destructive of the public interests," the com 011 me Aioercne, iy leagues south-west ot . V" ' ,7 " " "" """-t. . Aaven has been abandoned byourtroops mander in cef becn induced t0 change . Madrfd. .The British ..Expedition, to the . lctf WM ? Vainly fchelast ac - f advance Pt a rrencn corps, ceuintu iu . Jitf- C(mtnani jrom major Mac Rea t? major Scheldt has suceeded in taking the Island of . T.te.St, Fufgencio. a Spanish 74, h44 arrived at Cad A possession of that place. f ike. Thus, we see5 according to Wilkin- VValcheren, landed on South r Beveland,, and fronifcima,' wuh igut roiion ofdoiiar$ -" ,1 tnn-m Va-rnrnth ,tnfps fl rrnort tO r . . . . , .. : . i I. . ' tt r-.ivt rCl 1 a ' IVifouo colLJ .m Ui C-Ul.l.. . ' Alter thie battle ot lalavtra. ihp Kriri ,h anrt SfianUk ' '' 3 ituci iiwi ..v.v.. - t- - son sown coiucssiun, tins (tisuusuion nas occu '" miw up mc oihciul 10 , t - . 7. - r brou?h( by a vi.Uothat pboe, for theavowed :purpMcof:w destrov. ..tack .Antwerp, wfcW Ac Trench .have . SKJJ 5? , i.vi.v... r - ------o -- - mg mc wot jncury cjncrii.y. ;-r- v-.v.v "n....., inn n. ia piovistons ano uiage, uefitnct. navi.g Da ut an. estiuy for the relief of Flushing having been Thi9 i bad losric.- as well as what immediate-the obectof the British to take destroy, ed the tiaivets. This ame' circum.tar induced th i Mdrowned or taken. lv follows it,-viz; That major 'Mac Rea's Sir JL Sauratrez. has ' made Jan' attack on ''fibiMd atmies to fah back, a short oisjance, the la- Saturday Uispatcne irom me -u rfl rfoM M0, ve a ,. under the exist, ai ciiangei, (Kussta ; and taken 100 ships in J,7e & aTmy o, 2(S , received irom airj. oauiueicA. ms distribution oj the ircQfisJ to so extenuve a .inai-naioour. inouier expedition has taken nien which had been sent back upon the rea. oi the Eng- ui account of a successful attack upon command . .This is the first time we ever from the French the town of "Senegal bn the hsh ior the uurpose oi -'cutting them to pieces on tt.eir re- rt of Archangel. A previous naval at- heard of the rank of a senior being unequal AHcan coast. . treat to Li.boti, which theFxench had so a, uredjycaltulai upon oij. i.-u V?"" t0 tbat.pt a junior oil.cer.-We ask, m what At the commencement, Princetotf Cpllege,.Arlry wthJr claf-onv the. Marsha 7mfiU jo throughout tne oay oi nrcnanget has major Mac Rea forfeited the confidence . Sept. 27,'Stne exercise of the" day werecom-C road became, his army being witWuruitery or even ne,i e adjacent seas. In order to disappoint 0c hjs country ? He has been in command at menced, after prayer by the President, with cessar'.es h" ; - " v v ai us uiw iiiwuv.. .w mis post neany tignieen monins, ana we a .bairn salutatory oration bv George W. " . K r- -, .6...w... -,v jj Vl-1,..; unu. fK . ' . . . .. 1- ' J ', was njl m the r.'itirenten;.tle.t the uruund in a iamr and proceeded against Kolskoi entered the have never heard a murmur. On the con. Cook of North rimlin. , .nd' .1- -11;. L .?W 'T " a Jian,c '! 1 iwliinr.l mliopo ... . . 7 1 1 J ' "w reporea in, tatavaa tnai an wa. i , in consequence ox pis, and advanced to Arcnangei, wnere trafy he ha& aiway& SUppoited the reputation by Jacob G. McWhorter, orSouth Carolina, wmch theTnier.da .t oi the Aimy ordered all the provisions Kunate adventurers nave succeeded in Df having acted with promptitude and with an Honorary orations were delivered by Thomas to iaii back, to the Tafcus, by means a which ha ty mea ?possession of about 100 ships in the extreme attention towards the good of the T. Stanley and Thomas Skinner of N. Caroli- Jbe army w, icu had been engaged for . eajy; two . Men with tallow and other commo- Dublic scrvico. , ' ar. ,The dePree oF Bachelor oflriswt,,. y A u""iC , w',hv,s,oni or "' 4ours-- It was expected that this event would ferrecTon 41 yl-ung gentlemen ; the following gimem, was executi i o,nhe spot, andw give., to p produced a material change in the price Baltimore. Oct. 3. of wkm are of-XWih t7nmlina. ; lodeath'everv UiiroonWei'a.:fc"cverv tenth maii.Li'oidier- Idua commodities, but it had occasioned jrrom tne Coffee-house books.-. Arrived, sch. W. Cook and Thomas T. Staniev of Newbern. Pai 1 ,he execulk"ls l" k i 'ace. bu V 41 K WasB Pul td Pc Fanuuon; rim, M. b. liuhbury, ' trom Messina and Thomas H. Skinner and William Skinner of 'T lnZ JXZ uoiic acc.oum menuon, uiaioir j.-u- Gibraltar, 26 days-sundnes-George Stiles. Edenton. The degree of Master of Arts, was w, the coming armies jhund(l ue eut'Uk .with the squadron under his orders, The Spaniards and French had a severe ac, conferred on 2 1 gentlemen, among whom we , ; pcarcu uu xuiisiaui, i.u tuai a., tlon Wltmn 7 leagues ot beville the-22d tAUg. observe the name of James Iredell, we pre- wawc, 0; tm-cw ; as therefore imposed in all the Russt- The French armv consisted of 30.000 men sum of -RnVntnru th.hek trmmg ue,, mat t. rea k-at ej v nmat, mnr iu. n.u;. . . ' . . . , , - presented hit taking inticpwui a mill .m. and reanuted m 01 the uauic-r , the result was not known at Gibraltar the 27th We hcar noching more 0f the report, that tmt ne. miyh perm&w to tend hit larger thttenif fn.,k, of Br.m.wirlr n'lt arriCerl AuSusU ' . L ' . , Wilkinson was ordered to Washington, to thw's -f K'"ft , . - -,. eUuke of Brunswick, Oels, js aruved Cuesta and some other Spanish generals ,;'Wi tr:, anfi rhaf r.Pn HammL L .4ftrt,telatticjflalim, Ifflf-MmJ.- ;. 1od. , have resigned, and the com mind of the Spa- Seftt he canShlr IMS' !2 fAW"' T T; ?1 - - . . - . t ... . ,., ,, , r ceeOeil tO tne Command Ot the army. lt IS the trench were onctntrattne towards lolfdo. andJe.L back tatfciM-cr.,, m 1 K ", "V :PWbaTile'thi$ report was circulated to aid the r o in th position Ue at attacked tkret : , rKOM THfc ORLEAN S GAZETTE. The reason the Spaiush generals give for re- rpm,hliran r.lnv inVh.W Marolnrl -rtion 'the Frenrk but ne repulsed them with great hvice prevails, and imfiigm men bear signing, is, that they could not depend' on , uowing what a staW ft m on' the 1. trJ!J:k - xncir men. r,uner generaiuesta or ixomana. tion lo relain suc1l. a . mn Wlkins6n' at the-r 'J " M honor is the firrvate station. was at Algeztras the 27tb of August as a pn- head of the army. If he is nqt dismissed, we The Grand Jurors oi our late Superior Court, gaveup wiiivw lUIUtai IU ittV UUi ICaU- CWWlliau. auu LUV fcV Hottaf Alirci ItPC iVIlv Moicnrt- ri 1 1 rf retain th r rgv -i ; a lam i Vioh Arumv. " :"WA following extraordinary general order, returned to their houses. him much loneer. ' -"- hope this worthy Sample will be loliowed. " ; J was issued ai neaa-uarters on me zm - v-api. o. saya me auove was oiiriii cxpicaa . . - - a-:eg;w . s; Kffnwis "K,,, on- -f ,1,. tr, r.iKr.hr. hP r.r,i it f,nm i Kilish Mr. Mrskiiie on the 2d, presented his let- mfl-rih. "- - and malevolence of Wilkinson, officer. But it was not in the papers. How- ters of recaU and took leave of the Prestdent; At M.s. Mary Lew, in G anville, Major RoM?T - r some late usurpations and atrocities, ever Capt. B. brought only one Gibraltar pa- ttn" "'?. l"c F-"u. -"5. 01 warren, to mr sarah u wng 0. na.... .- , ffldered himself h.a ohnovio.iH to hts oer. - r . to him. ; - - , m . - ' . " - 7 ktable brethren in arms, as he had for- , -' . - .. Our affairs with France Froth all We can ; " Just received ' .K done by similar conduct, to the citizens extract oj a tetter jrom a ceteoratea rnyspan gather by the late arrivals liom Lurope it ap- At the Mmerva Book-Store, price dollar) v L-Oleans, Jin MarieiUeit, dated in May. to ftis friend iirdrsiTy evident that Pgr affairs with France - A tatise ' ' 'GENERaT, ORDERS. Cambridge. - are still 'in .a bad situation. . It is again r- ' hlQuarters. Terre aux Beuf August " Poor Charles the IVthf formerly King of moured that gen. Aimstrong has demanded MARTIAL LAW . t ina - Spam, is still here ; with feet, legs, knees and his pasports, preparatory to his leaving that il. ISUy - 1 1 - 11. .1 ... .... ''".1 l. . T ... " !-.. . l i -1 r. V -' , -.A u l, , , . nanus stvcncu, uy a gouty auu tiicuumtit,ai ai- country, jjut mis rumour nas ueen so oiien C O U RT'?-M ARTIA L' tae main body of the troops being under fprtion - H hni with him a -Snanish fpntla. Sftf m,--k t I iU , . K. . ...... .wr,.-. 7.., jt-bv, IV..W.M, wM.vu. pivvu , ' AS PRACTIttp IN THE UNITED STATES. " march for the- upper country ; the man 0f the faulty, but he has called for my on it. However, whether he comes home olv p . j 1 , rtl M Tf P1 , , c y .of the public service, and the se- opinipn, and I h paid him a.few visits' 'stays in France, we have no hope that he UrM"Wi? "de, of tke Military thecal Society. - ?ohhe capital of the territory of Orleans, . t. v 1 accWisb any arrangement - ;Mne general to make the following ar- MARYLAND ELECTION . of his country. it is now pretty well under-, 'or in the United States Corps of Engt "nts, which are to take immediate et prince geobges covntr. stood that the imperial Corsican is determin- neers, late Judge Advocate on eeve- e u." , . UP- .ad- vans- wot- ns- o- efjthatv;e shall fight for him or against him. rat special i rials, tsc.vc. or MacRea being especially instruct- ""l. Mart ensb. vilh,. . nngiu -cat.- Which side-0ur government .will take re- I k;'- : 'the secretary of war to superintend the a?.ruder ?? h5-, H! a?nato h. AtnA. w.SMnir -k- . COMMITTED K. thTetlomncations of the river and j,g;Herbert 159 131 100 130 525 845 ver, the emperor has but little chance of levy- TTOibeJaiiof this County on t,e 26th day of lsc a7V 7 s' W,U De rel,eved trom the c. d. Peirce 157 432 90 147 313 -P38 ing contributions and conscriptions on this CJZ P K ' J 5ar pud oi the garrison of New-Orleans. i?obmcan. .w- K.iotr. i, uj ' r. r;.n,i. m , 1 to confine his authoritv to'the barrier k. Bowie 125 1J 266 239 65 818 -v .w w.. - w vMMl . . ioftK. i? , ? tnomy l.o tne earner m 26 22J , 95 826 m this country, but fortunately for mankind, And that she belongs to vi!i,ar MoJrryof O.ange county , .. iwiiuitn 1 urn ana naquemmes, j. Ctpss 123 131 270 224 63 81&" they are very tew j and those few are com- wno bou8ht her of William Martin of this county . The e 13 immediatelv to reinforce bv cant. fjiroW " HO loc 014 3 787 mcp mn-.t f nnnl , ,koW- ' owner is desired 10 prove his Dronerrv. cav the charges and 'Company. He will be held responsi- , John Darnall was elected Sheriff by a large majority. , T ' ' i .... , . '-':' - lake his negro away. Wm. DQLBXJaior, 1 1 me protrress of the works of those nla- ln -Montgomery iounty mere was no oppouiui to 10c . - ... u..i.Wi.i,,1u,ia-.j. ,10 ji .Wt ,or.g,'-- , KtNT COPNTY. - i tili.Sf - ' - NOTlCt-.. " 7CZ"X?LT" TJZ . ' i.. Ftp d W4.Wm transmitted to France. Ti&-".' f "l1 b..iguu ui nr,ffl-viitiiJ- aiiuuiu vim nujici , ; ,,-...,..,,(, . ' THF TUliF . JL James rorsyine on my Account, as tie bas no au- 51(1 it necessary But as 'the frequent Wrn. Moftu 631, Richard Frisby 603 r - e li ;j i. j thority tronl'mo for so doing witi.es my hant, -r ' "w ....... . tr.11 cio" !.- in.ni'nr 551 T hp FairhpU rares rnmmpnrpil nn ti OA - ......... 'troi r?iv ?i ! r 1 Hifri i9 - W' Burncstyo 544 The ftrst day's race cohs'stake's) five sub- Of0e umttfCfa 5, 1809. 706-3:paiJ effiSub,b7r T1'.- 8 f 'rJri -cribers, g 100 entrance, was won by . Ar. - , " eiticiency, and to produce collisions, . BALTIMORE COUNTY. f -t V.il .- in - : pveqfthe public In crests, Maj. Mac- 777 7 ?? STOCKING LOO - 2 ,.. . - . J. . - i.. . -c c..-.t.i, a - lockev Cluh nurse of s 400: was wop hv A7 , . '-uiiointerlere with thi rnmmano ol N. su""" a . . . ; ' . ifue SALt.) . Jr I .i ? . O-rjntenor commotions. The in- Beale Randal, ) t . . o 'rx lnrtr. . . ' middling fine wv.k-wiil be hold on l- w terms as soon as . "18 importance Of the dutiesimposed - BALUMUKIv cil x, . . a uc miLii ivoc, aui iwvy puna, uebt j Adm ntrauon can be on the estate at Novtmber. sensi, MacRea and his responsibility w Worthington 2970) , in '5 miles between Gen. Carney's Citjzen, ns. ' Any person hx-miog topiirchae, may then apply, ' Ports below,-make it impossible for ' landt ' 2133 Repubfican. : f and Mr. Moore's mare ran by Dr. Jones of or. letter post paid taStateiville, wiU fce ansd by the ve thatf- minute attention and inces- h"'w0 first are elecii. Zlenno Franklinwas decided few days age over the " e,tml(r22m, ' -: UUr,a T 'leQco t. Uie-command of Ncw-Or-siaie. ; - , Halifax turf, and won by Citizen. : . ; y .