V Cl We DOL L H A bltktlf yearly. . J PUBLISHED (weekly) BY WILLIAM BOYL AN. RALEIGH, (. c.) THURSDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1809. No. 709 11 Baltimore Federal RefiubHean. .ating disposition vj 'the French notion. Nothing They were succeeded by a gang ofohungry the next victim, and the arts which were es idimt. It has lately become fash- ?ouW have been kept stcriAhe popular speculators, and greedy half-starved office- sayed to crown this second disgraceful project f with the democratic party to quote clarn0ur lor peace on 1 any terms would have seekers, who were as remarkable for their with success, will long continue singular io. r f u: M A... I 11 ben Vd'V diflKnilr if nni ln.kU ...i. ri,f want rf talents ,nd rrnnA hfe..rliirr is thit' tC. nnnsU nf 1 ffrii.lnriv npnrmr)in - . ' i r..;ti!v r Tht multitude in PMhiHitt,hin n Itatrtt wcri nnfArinm fnp nnvurtv nnrl rlpdfi- Soon after th trnnhUi rf flip raw.lntmn jpavty are disputed. It ii&icvL' $v t,uU m? 1 home at Utep had been' tuteof principle. ' ;;A' fetid .tnass of craWl'iRg minated and our independence was ackhovv- twho has just lived long enough to ven -n tflc niht of the fait day, the tureeis ruption and political.degeneracy of the times, the States of iheJUnion to foster seminaries of L blackness and malignatv of his we're CTded with muttituainoun assemblies of Not less disgusting to the senses, than threat- learning. The encouragement of science and ml the weakness ot his head,l can sav 'ctf"c ceuxiauy mat oiforevnj deor, ana Kept mniS io me staie- inese mmi&ra cormoranis uwjui kuowicuc was consmerca piomonv.r2 nhe federal party will 'desttoy its repu in lucr many peoite thougit, by a iiau- uiiuujy assaueu .uiu seemea rpauy loaevour wiuiuc, auu as esseuuai io me support 1" . iutrwt, tjraereay i oclteve oy tne governor ",c "try vuais 01 me uouy ponuc. now pas- caijicih,s i uur icyuuucan insiuuuons . m.. k pnort tektimonv fnr th of Pennsylvania. sing strange it is, that the constitution and the banishing ignorance from the land, an kir. i-U"J - D J - ... . . . w .. j. . . .... .. :.. . . . j. nirlv. he is eauallv e-ood ae-ainat Vhen the Lhief Magistrate of the Union laws ftave weatherdd the storm, and are still ing tacilities to the enlightening of youth! IOC r . rnuhl rnl firvH rnntt',.n (- U-. .,: lrirvr'-1 ' ' waa thono-ht trt -valt ihu niilnl U I lmonc an ine !n anu nonsense " jiuhhiuu uum mc iuiw".c r - r v nanuuai kiidiaui has commiied to paper, the thir- ot a democratic taction, in a military guard, VV hen tlit fatal effects ot a system of policy and promate the happiness ot the people. Ta letter which was published in the Bos- "1C 13 1,tuc room icoesiow praise upon a "s'""g me iony ana iniaiuauon oi a uu cuu, mc jcgibiaiure oi uus state entered . i .1 i i ,i ' ii rturtv whirh u'i -vn K.'1!-'-. nrK nwnitcti. WPJk anrt niPKiimn(iinii rtid tmin nrl a r-i into H solemn 5nl i-.i-t- n-jl h rinl C0ntlllS U UUI5 Wllicn inC OlU l V vn u . n uui (.miuijou- --- .viwui luuwaik Willt ,jaiu' ... ......i.. .i . n I.:. ... j A.t p i i :,.,.'... . .' dinTrei' ought to blush while they r,cs ' emauousiy exnwuea oy trencn cock- Priy, o rove me ieaerai party irom tcuam umiiuuai, guaranieeiHg to them thtt U contains evidence of the existence crff against American C9ckadc8" and sent power, the hateful spectacle was "witnessed in payment 6f a certain stipulated sum, ' anuw Wncratic French faction, who were across the Atlantic tor the avowed purpose ot tnis state, ot erutfue, venerable and. patriotic aiiy jorever, to be paid out of the treasury ij$ ripe to pull resident Adams out inirouucmg anarcny ana comusion in vnese B"m.i, giving piacc io nmerate, urae o uuu ur uic suppon or cat. jonn s College, iinnse as thev were to dethrone Wash- happy states.? Adamns iener, serving, mushroom politicians emigrants and The condition to be performed on the part of JlQUfc . ..A 1 a T it. . " ! !. ' - J..-, . a l ii It. 1 i w T a1 1 I" " J I . f n. r r i' Knt t . air lhiQf will nnf Hrt tn nrnv ih aaveniurers. A l.arrnll. Unwarrl. nnrl Hind- tnose incliviclua s. wnihe rammir h in ine imic oi vjciici . . ... w w j - vmoiu ( e democrats what follows, and then istenceoi a taction in tins country more aevo " ",u omer sage politicians were iorcea um wu uicirpart. io oe appropriated toward bubble about president .Adams. w "v-fc iun iu mc umicu umic) jcv -......v;.in iv iuim jr n. -7, "v -uiimmwuh ,ui ovnLiuaijr siim A, , YTiTth T - us read another extract from the letter of this, John Montgomery a James JVbbb und Ja condition was strictly and honorably' perform." teiiow ciiizens . -uur iorm . e . . .. . , irnni .uui: : i:u .u...-. rTr i..,.u.. i. uc iuuiiu mat me ooject oi contention was noi '5iii'h uauunnjj puiiLiiaus urc hicsc, vmo jUm,iuan iuwhijjij vuii us engage- merely cratic . ... -i.... -fl.ti.i- meir o joining tm 1,)ffx,ulc neu "u" followi g testimony of Mr. Adams. The creatures and advisers of these men 'Maryland can boast of numerous and bright secret intrigues ot tne.ngusn aim Hie Kioc W ,..l,l k. JVilnlnni m . n. this favourite muit.nt'an entire new orsrani- narv who are an ornament tn sneitv anA or. bae been employed for centunesin . . r ,k..u i ..... atln nf the ..mment watnf (.rU. Imnnr to ihir r,ntrv. li.o.r.m. i -iViie An attfl f.k u intantlv rti-ditterl a(rsni.t the At le.Ufth fiemoriactf rpavprl it. hoispam, iioiiangi uerraany, Kussia, thratnivr -:nuflrf, ,kf President bu imUhiv judiciary svstem. and a nlan for its abolition heads and with its pestilential breath threat. :: 1 Denmark, FrOSSia, -Italy and .1 Urkeyf i-l'1",,, -i tU A--p. a,1...w sneedilv H-vim-d. ttit tn rarrv 'intn eflVr.t thi eneri to hliMhi. whnlenm. fwnro irKlA u' ' fc last hunurea years now many em- fA, ,,,T,,. ..,. 4it.d hnn- im; ,.. bolo and extensive schftne of nartv excom- iust ripened and come to Derfectmn. A w ' y .w . t w j ' 1 u v v my yk"J g 4 j . f -. - w v v in oftfioiiion ta the black cockodt or uion the munication, it was essential to seat themselves Senator of the state, now Collector of the port declarations and oaths, which I know were made securely in power. The out posts were tobe of Baltimore, made the wonderful discovery by no small numbers, that if we went, to war seized and strongly guarded, and every poll- that science -was unfriendly to Republic. Hi with France, Avb-tu'B French should com tal fortress in-vested and well defended. fulminations against learning were heard oa here fttiiT wqvlo Join ji'hem jGJissr lun Accordingly the first material :moeineiit was the floor of the Legislature. He - boldly do Federalists a&d The FJxglish " to alter the constitution as to the modesof vo- claimed against literature as contaiuingNi i-u.. : .1,... ' -1.. -l - tii'io. In rvrrier tf. niifn n rrnr for frnild. t It? seeds of de.st rnr.tirvn tn nnnnini- (ri.turnn.intr sua nope exists in eitner power, oi . . ... , . ' . .. moifc of voting hv hnilm u'mi Kiibstitii.fd to 'He thoutrht thai all thf lenrfiino- u'liirh onrrlife l . - v- j . j uut vu,uo nut iiiauc uy iiu siucui iiuui'cia, n j - , .-0 . j.... ft u f'" wotngagtin a w on nissmc ana til" if we went to war with France, and the at of vh;a vow. To encourage intrigue, to be given to young men in Republics, was : niy' W- . ' French should come here theu would join than cabal and violence, numerous districtswere rending, writing and arithmetic, and a little tK wlCfot rK yir thejederausts and Fnglish." The oaths created, and Hie influence oi every demagogue taim,tj nccary. i nis speech vs received iverwas mere a grosser rmstaKe oi pub- .... . . rmicreri ten fn'H mnr, imnm-tsnr u, a with nnlaris. It was tKm.oht ik, twin, than that ot Mr. Hamilton.-! he .,c:.Lr ..1.- .L.. ... u.n .n.u.;ntMi ..h m..:n. f.;An. nt ii nir the amw m pnn.' ; ,.;i-niihiir t , u. crai onmii was ainou.tnat numoer vvuo inreat- -ff ft'"""- - " "k- v ifa?i nl.r? The Frenrh rennMir ned " to join the Frenth: as friends if they The next popular step was" to destroy the Worth all the Uau: :ies of . Shakes are, Homer, leu UUei place. I lie t lencn repUDUC .A..u' . ,r. r.i "c. nrm.er onalifir.atinn of elerlors. and therebv Milton. Pone or Burke, anr uas-wnre vain.. tti1 TU Konli tvt cfill '"utu a.i Eiiciiiica. ine utuciai.iniua l- l it z i - r- i . n irenen people were Still nt.t t3fr.. j Ji.. :. frnniiiUhed'lh weio-ht ut inHnence ot those bte than the most mvalnahle dismveiW ,A a and kings have fallen victims to the al k triumphs of patties excited by English- ud Frenchmen : and can we expect to it the vigilent attention of politicians so cnted so keen and so jich r It we con them' that our attachment to neutrality ingeable, they will let us alone ; but 3T t nUhnP "for hStV a il JPterial to fiis popularity now to deny it, diminished the weight and influence ot those ble than the most iuvalu tV&l!01 ii tut it is notorious that he was one of thfse hose stake in society give them an interesr-Newton. The College received its death ir tWMV ZZt thl volt Jacobins, who was at all times ready m the proper administration of the govern- blow : a solemn contract was, illegally annul- n,Tf SnlrLhv to assistin deLhtuing President Washington." mcnt. An Mniveml suifragc bill, , which led, the honor of the state was violated, and S heer,,, to tear down the American cockade, and amonce Psed could never be repealed, was car- those individuals who vre parlies With th ilr-J 8titutc the Frnch cockade' ad to i,n lhe i;ied lhrou8h-lhc legislature with acclamation, statevvvere by i legislative act, wittoyt aa STnnnrvirnr '1 invaded the country. Yes, and thus armed and equipped the democratic indemnification, : defrauded of the moft which atnul fort ScL 2S W Sfnno a candidate fopi beat in phalanx .allied forth to commence the dread- they, advanced. He that has hard hood iviU :C: yi-l"I:!.n.d!8 the Senate, was and still is of .hat nanv which work of devastation and destruction. The deny these facts. rtvolutinn. hv far mnre nrere nnr. r. W1C OBUBie, W3S ailU 51111 IS OI mat pany bt reason or justice could warrant, still to introduce anarchy and cop fusion, ti on the minds not . only of our rehubli- wu,tu cu.yuihcu umraucu u,q great body of the people, as "in the .days of Here we find another artful attempt to pet Robespierre and Marat, were intoxicated with petuate the poweroi denMomcy. Learning, i - . i i -.:V . i-r . 1. 1" 'flif. irlt'a rf lilifrtv Viiirl f-rmalilv. mid i-nnnsitu oup-ht not to be enrnnrap-ed in a inv.rnmpnf hit At t,r.nt t ,,,!., , f. mcnt, aim nas ever 5ince proeu mniitii iuc . v - - j i rt --c--- ; - - - W 0 great numbers of our soundest Je- J , . e . .n1 nnr nn.v ImuXr, Uut mfrhf havt- been Ike this, because. iinb-A the nennU tr 5'rw. w )'f Ifr Hnmiltnn remlhrt th tnt riena ana auvocaie ox me ...rencn gUVCUl- -----. - . " " . rr - - f "AiO iVr. namillOn rCCQUCCt trie SiaiC .nu.w .l ....I. I in lk n. i-aiiF ilMnniTIrnmmlflr;.!. Tk. .!k.. iie.? Recollect the name and fioflu 'fujice of the position papers? That fvU'r and that caustic malignity of soiil 1-mrea--j6 remarkably in the writings " Puine and Cullender' which to the :'t of human nature . never fails ta com- mntion and ahldautte 2 Tun mcnt. mooooooooo tXOM THl iriM. RK KEDEKAl REPUBLICAN. Strength of parties m.V807 18C9. squences taiai to me peac and 4)appiness of tlie state. , of such a sentiment would have received Paity animosity knowing no bounds, and diadem if he had lived in the darkages. the people being prepared to advocate what- During the eieht years that the democratic ever changes mrght originate with their fa- fActionTore sway in this state, they have I gone vriitrif-pc. tti nrnnirinns mnment harl arrived 1 . . : .u . .- r i To year, ag, popular d.lu.ion ,.. cam- r"..- of r form. ion. ? ZrJTl' r t tviiiaiij uwuvuvni unu wnncut 1 lAUllUr liUi" ruott., nn alarrmmr and nn.amnled excess in equally oiaooucai ana w Mv ,vn rtf,c-. rPp, thU.t.t. Peral Rennhfir.nism was scarce. . TJ ,Va . w" v . -fe ruption, uiegai violence .ana immorality-nay . vw j., w rw w.. -..-w. - i ,a he Kni Kinarpi were insiannv awenr . j . . -. . . .. 10. . .1 Hair i,V"rf 1.. t. f ;inl f wimHurf ' J ! ' . U"1' never wamea paironuge. - uenerai omun, me . - Jfj4M ii,f 7 v.,w.. .v....v v.- w. ...... . away, and under the tascinating name ot re- t eo-iilature the FxrrntJve nd Rncfpr'IVi, Uon YwrnvAL intercourse AttB COMMIT- been, and our party was completely broken up 2' ,n n.-ie.,f n.i,hM.it!fi8i.Ur5r. Mek-? r.ss,ww; The and scattered, and generally cohered as ai- iiloni f enlighiened men had framed 3 S clamour against the alien Jaw, and most.extmct. The name of l-ederahs was was violently broWen down, and learncd and to ,S their m ! 1 considered as levefled entire, thought a-obnoxious that ourpar.ycould ne- inrruptiWey judges dismis8cd from.ofRcc, t0 Irm u to SUe ?HeTsW me rrencb and their tnends. and ver aeain rise unless unaer some new a j peiia i rrt r nc .u r--T - - r- - . " render aeroHm. h rtrWScV. ,r.ntv tio. w To anticinate recovery of the oower j j J V " bey have gone on, uncontrouled, Item ono 1. 1 - . b rr . . . . " . . mere new iiogKinK, sauuie-oaK lawyers. - me- .n..e . of mitrai nnrl cnmmiinn. fA.tAik.' r nsn murderer Nash, imposed upon and influence which had been wrested irom wpv fl'm(.ndnr to the constitution cotriveii "r Z V. " tor Jonathan Robbins ? Did he re- us by toul and perhdious fZ usBRMEcriQii in PenvstlvA' universally, visionary and "leuniveriijl r.o.n.iM.1 flammoin. av ner'iT.rpfl nnlitir.tans hi nuu uti utiuai iiiiiaiiiiiiaiu fcuwi"v- i . ocanons ao-m u l l . nv -.nl aerendaneirand Knrrendered everv thin? .... . . w .- . ,; .... . some mages wno were not lawyers, ana ms- or te. and thev HrcnrWfo1v-rjtf.timie! unthk i means, was deemed ' V" , , --"-V 7, evcu-:iruui pununizmg larnvg ana cowering i means, ws uccmcu . j j ,irl,sritahV uptrari .... .. .... .l..- . . r .. idle Our most , . r . " . aown io purcnasmg votes at elections wun tno u. .. scarcely uDon record, before its flatrrant vio- .,ki; n... k i : j,i:u. a hnai acueu.lO ie- , w tnsed in the anno ntment of . i. . i , . r mk. 1. IJL.I1IL' J 1 1 J L. BBV. .111111 II 1IW I I 1 t II y ------ SStr Sm,-C jild.gS0Vh lawyer8'.a.nd ds- vorites, and they accQr.Hngly.xontin.t TSe tothi"qMl,?edb?tl,.cfCt if frm'eXCrC.,Sf g thC and regardless of their rights.. - .1 c PeP.Ie .,rom ,.e e functions of a udge. The designs ol the par- . , ;T . the delusion, whichTps sense J - . . .. . . Vffir thv wprp iiHdnlv-aAicH frrwr- ty Mere, however, gratihed,-. ana tftese luirh , . ;V . - Vt . 7, T ,vr "w"' tL.,i .tltntinn,iUt f!r nn nth-r r;. their slumbers. Almost ruined Ad driven t0 bility than what was due to themselves.- ,dpairbrthe embargo, they began ta move t,..i .i -i.A aIl.aaj , a little. propriety or ritrht. 1 heir exultation at ele x, excise law and 8 Der cent loan ? as' lost, unless. some jneyjr see nor hear of the circular let- tion should arouse th 'members of Con? ress Irom the m iddle tharcrv, and Jissipate en states? Did he know nothing a cloud, hung around and obscuredtheu; r bitiui; sarcasm. hnmino- mo-e. a. and better reason. v - f himself and his own army ? Did he "For eight years, democracy reigned uncon f "Othmtr of n lrSnrt r :..n,i i,ot ao trilled and triumnhantin Maryland. An un fi of everv In-.,, ftf4. rr.. KniinMH awav.was Given to the il 'i. J AW&lUiUl uL,L Ul ail T UlllLVfi " j f3leri of everv Tnii;tor r...r.;cKm.nt that nmhition of evil and unnrincinled men. !5fljcted, under Uie appellation of the most wild and' 'immature schemes ofstattre Ptotrress ? Did he see. nothinir of formation were executed in unitk successioj,, ch cockades ostentatiously exldbiied and free Irom . check or -restraint, . demagogues tlicpebpj Vht American cxlmd.. ?' wre left 4cr fence in their power by barriers ntu. . iu . - ..., i unuviivr w vivM vii iiwu jwt a i r .. - . ;a rirApf r n re wA difficult to be broken down. AU their leading lel. providing for thcir fricndSf and makin cmoargo many oi tne most pi.ant and passiVp vould l'h inatth, intnrm nd inmortant measures jwere first conceived .i.i uui .u,, . ..usrno1! to' ot democracy determined, for a while source ad admhtom rf discontent, iu an untamed and implacable spirit of re- pvlM!nie Umice wks . broutrht to everv man's shake off the chains which had so long igno- Like the snake, to whom the genial I warmth of spring has communicated a littl every irregular act of any officer bounded away .was given to the ilhdiiected ating.lheir friends and depressing their op- mmal'9u theymade a sort oreffprtto bito. ... .,. j A ...... .. - -vriicii uuu iu rovcriy pucneu mtm anu interval for remorse of conscience. ; they. begai taBect. - Opprtssion irritated Still sludving to please while they deluded "em, ana ineragreeo io act. i he gun tax e, this new born .action threw out ;"t - .- -- ba.tto catch popular applause. Af- ,UBUT'- w , K"cvds nunnen oi in 1ry Frenchman upon iht. continent, and venge, and had for their final object the total the cry of eCouomy in lhe administra. miniously J then numerous in all the staiei; would extinction of federal principles, and the anni- iiQu of govemment resounded throughout the sh,p at th' efiloyed in criminating the American hilation of our party. - . , - slate, St. John's College was singled out as eSfnerat m "Minding the condescention of Alter a long ana arauous MiugB.5 tfjr. 4. ... , ;- ItiirL -j ' ' . . - .i ... iota w Mtlm rri 7tt. h m. xv. rnat. vrevyy, und the riendly wnft: eral party, first gave way io t--i . bound them down a vassals to wor- the foot stool of Jacobinism. Like the; rate sons of ancient Castile, they roi in theinajesty of their strength to dispossesja rljeir cuemUs, their opprcsiorj aod the