1' ' ':'-fV rin ti i VOL. X. NO 10.1. RALEIG, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1877. PRICE : FIVE CENTS. Mews ;...A.LKIGfJ ' , I -- 8 ii GRAIN AND FCKI) STORI-H. J o It K GRAIN AND FEED STORE. a good srrrLY of Horse and Cow Food, Grain, Hay, Flour, Meal, WOdD AND COL I.OW KnR C.l. lf!W at Wi.iWiiKbt, WMLiuis & Hood's store, an. I Warehouse at th Freight dep.. North CnroMn.i decl'Mf AHVKRT11KMKMJI i..lertlv U a paper of Universal circu lation j a puprr uld h nialn'aJns :t-lit prlnoi pie l;ratl ttiitgs; a pu;-r acceptable alike to pood men of All parti--: and such a pa;er the N EWS Is ciMHt d'tl to U b" all meu whose opinion I worth havln,.'. OTToN SToR AG K- .t o N L V Many tl.in cotton U l- UUlier I have Large Storage Room and farlHti-vi for arivartflnz on Cotton for Itu met!Ut sale or to l- li' M. l ow TU'. NtUfof :. .i. tTpmas rouimid.n Merchant. aaJT-da w on . No, ..lanm cirwfr . ENTEEJ BOAUDlNti. IltrVK. No. 15 Fa)ettevil'e Street," ( An reonim.late ten or :lvr inenikerof the leiULure at a ra..t;aM" ptl.-". anil vr (r void self. a- ih- .tii.nu-e Isshort roio the jan-'-idw C I T V I. ti T S V a V. A On FFir.V. MM'VI.Y 'U. p7T. I shall offer lor ssil. lit the. hi-hest lKlder.lll.ee or more iiupiove.1 li :. -i he buii.'tnjrs .ne new and have from four to five n mi raeh. Ihe pniertT is on or n.-ar ."uth I lount Mreet. near upper s .)il-'r. n louiul-liih, healthy and pU.iiit. iEkws: ne-ttd.d cah. th- lialanee In lx and twelve tnomhs. Jau.Vi.lt J. M. wiiirn . lN is hki:i:i.v k that applicaiiou ill l- ma 1" to th' pr's. at "s-;i n I the .eeial ts-m I . f mill ' aroii...i. for an ,t to ins:; hmu:.- li- I :! Uh ev t oinpany." of tne ci.y of i a!- i.-h. i . jaiv-i SALE OF VAl.fABI.E I,AXD AT ATT T... 1 By virtue of a judgment rendenst at the last term Wake Mipeior iuri in the case, of W. S. M.Siniio. isiee of Klrn i.anroo and others, araiiisi . ;.ul Huomi and P. L'owper.I sU- 1 o:i th r h day of fb:ua:y is., at the I'oukihonse lo..r in Kal. l-'h. s II for eu.h. that-l-ai e." i .'f lard k i.om ii as i h- l.'onrke Lu.l. u n-i;lt ss.i. .( Neu liei n Avenue, ad joiioug the lui:d of N. . lh-nton and .Mhers, aii.t r4';tuated to eoniutn fiiu-en andll-Uu . . s.MI 1 II. t'onnnisMoiwr. Jan. 4-la t-fd t; i; f s At : he old -tan I -)f N .rr i s f ait. haw inn. n. c . Wholesale Ketail Urk-cers ud O mmis:on M i-,hiit? ! I onl"nments ..f o:ton an I oth-r prcnluee )Mfi.ed f es: p.i,-es jruaraiileed. m. i. .Nonhis & Hi. an !-r.m " ' II A L E I (i H ILIfl il SCHOOL i.T. J. SI. AThLVs. 1 riinlp.il'4- I. ti. fCOTT. The f xercis of tM- lio. 1 will U res;:ned oa MOwaV, Ja.V it... - . . t Ireutar s.-nt on abdication- tt"n;i.-.n I- ca led i th- foil-mln; testi monial from the . tv-l lT.tof th . nUe; ;j oT .North an.litxa: University or Nokth ' akoi.ina. i i hatel i.ii.u an. th. is... I take plea-air In ta:inv: that tie- ;e;:l y of th- l r.lTe:i y p port U.a! a pi.jd! U.eiy trained at the scji.d o( tk-iuson .v. scon. In allfi. ti -.t . n . x y""V' that he bad ueeu v-ry W'lt sroun b;-i In the ait. ma "I.-. All I.mU-i udlMte. -ilte lo. adn.l- Ion dko ttie Us-ual 1 fpart Bent of th" uiveri y. HatnK n.- a n at this wrtook I. Itmx my own kn.wlrdr. roruUily rrcmni'ii J U u. ihe Pironaic Utt hav to ,ue' ,K jan&XSt N o Fv virtue of two inortpaee on jeal es late made to in by It uo.i W i! iiiy And ,Lsi o. NM:.W r reni.te.ed l and I )( t. l."' Ake Leglsti). l wiuTs- llat pubdc auction at the . oiul hoa d.rlutbert.y of lUllsh. on .U.:a.Uy. ihe ad day of . auuai . IV... two lots of l.wul si., uaud n.-arlhe .uih. as.oi n pavt oi ald el . . :i i I - of the i olieiuan loa.l " -1.4 'in. iiiirl o Med 1V . .. 1 likuain, bo h . ... ... i.... ."w..i.i ii.ilf of an a.'ie on one Z h.,'. Li m r.-sl dvw.llns hous.-. . !.- nvI.I if soid s-parately. e!iiiscan. j be above w.-' h- Ut U Msipotiel uu; il January i. . wf. i:. rKi A pent. Jan-Wltd C H o o L N H T I C L - T..nrv.Thlri! S.vl.n Of I1S IROL3 A- .aTWOod chool wui eon.iui t.c-- on ...oa daV. - auua: s. h. isTT. . j Ijniei.1. pan in advane.t.r iuoii'.ii!. Jaife4l I,.SLL IU. OF OPAKTNKKSlliroF D NORRIS & MYATT. Th copartn. rsM? heretofore exis nam", him an i ti- i -soms ...V... . iv, u JKso.v. .1 by mutuali hxs IhU lartlfsinlelK.d .o.nentin vl.l p.eas- e.i Z. oGie- ler. t..for, -s-cupi-d by ..o:. t . at vV T . .. ....t.r.l.. i KsuUllnllUI III' ll.lll fMUire AU adjust..;: id o. a.l lie I. claims. W. A. JiV.Vli.JK. r.k igb, Jau. 4th. 1ST7- E K M Notice to the Public ! I hav.' this rt ty purchased th- Interest of . i . vatt. la the dim ot ..or; is o. ...ait, aiu have as.iat d wi n me .!. . oiK . tv x. Wake couu.y. au.I wt.l cuihiue todobusi.. 21obl.aodof .onis cw , yail. where fuail be pUa-u u n forinei pa.rons and costoine- '.. T. NOl.KIS. 1 aU 1-h an. f h. irr. M. T. NOKKI. it i, A. Norms. THE CITY. -1IIK IJAI.I I'MI NEWS IS THE OLDEST Vitr N k irjr vl'FX in I'.uttc.ii. ami iiaSTI.k Attst IMUI.VVlJWI-ATION IN No.tTH i AKO I.IN i. AND MOuf! THVN POI'HUC TniTOf AM ortiF.K I All.T IN THK i IT OK ALEI.1I. Tnr. Weeki.t Nkw hah tHei.aicoe.-t rtKri f.TION tS 'OUTrft AKOI.INA. AND IS Till. ViMT VvLIABI.1" V KI'II'M OT ADVKKTISK.MENT FOK A STRICTLY "FAKMEKS TKAPE." i v - .' i - The Pailt vewIs served bv faithful ami re-, liable canh'rsM all parts or the city for 124 cent fT I ersw dl!iug to have iliciuwr bft at their residence will please fall or send address to the olllce, .No. 6 .titrtiu Stiff t. Index to e AdTertlfaemeuis. Noams S MtaTT ' I solution. , l ev. J. M. ATkLVsos ,.aleii;li lllh School. Wm. If. I 001. Notice. Miss Fit ivcks A. haywootv-hool notleT1, .1. .1. 1 uoi s ottoti, storage, money. .1. M. White ity lots for sale. The L ai i n. n News i o. Notice. . r Enu boarding house. GENERAL ASSEM3LY OF NORTH CAROLINA. SIISSIOX OF 1S7(-- T7. i si: vtk. Tm km)ay, Jan. 4. The Smi itc was failed to order ai 10 i i t . . ... :1 :.. jiciin'k. i.ifUieiLiiii-woveriior .i.tris iu the tluiir. Fnivt r V liv- I.. S. r.urkhead. !,!. The jounul of yesteulay was riui atd :tproved. petitions. Mr. Sticknen- pivsentcd a ietiti.u frm itiimtatiAens tf the town f Trento!!, ir rtlatiH to the sale of spirituous li.iui"is iu sairlvtown. Referred to the eomntitti'on prWjisitions aiul j;riev amvs. Air. I 'aho : A pc ti ti . m 'p- .mice i tain titi2eiof Pamlico county, fcijrelatiou to Ri-llihR iii ituous h.pioi s near firove Cieol Ishi'ud Church, with a bill to re eal thc'kvw pniibjtiii the fsiin.-. Tlie Mime ieferiiw w;tiliiade. j INTUiIrrTIO.V 6f KILIJ. Mr. Finder : Hill to provide for the aj.p.iut meat of a Fish t 'oniniLssioiiei lor the State of Noith Carolina. Refer red to the committee on propisitions orievances. and ' Air. FoLk : Hill to enable railroad c iiiipanics. miiivis ami m ituiiactureis in the State, t pu.eliase steanib.Kits for their usi'. Referred to the eommlttee on internal impiMVements. M. .Inttirr r-iirti mrfmrter the RUth-' cr:' .nl A: Spirtatibnr R.iilro;id Couiia- ny. Refeinl to' the iMiiynitte. on internal ini. ovoments. 1 j Muoie, i JSew ll.i.iover : Resolirtion relating" tothA fr iuhlic Schools ot (he State. Refer.vd to the committee on eiiactttioiu ' Mr. Ferifitsoii: Hill prescribing ;the time for holdinthe Supeii u- Coinfcs in the twelfth judicial district. Refl-ired to iae committee on the judiciary. ' MISSAflK FROM THK. HOI SK. ' transmitting a resolniion pr p siirp; to. rjiit A jint oUlnntCre pr live to watt umhi the Govcin r to inform him of the readiness of the Ccneral Assembly to receive any communication whieiihe uia" have to make, which, on motion of Mr. Kolinn. wxs concurred iu,auil the President dexixnated Iessrs. R6Uuiso:i ami Mercer as tlie Senate brauch of the conimittre. rnthwciuently the coininit tee. tlinmh Mr. Robinson. reportcft!iat the (jovinor wa-s pii-jiariu; a cMjJmu nicati.Miul wouki .tmbiuit it U. the tJt'iO'rally Assembl -- in a vhort tim. j 1 1 FA'I Vi. OKOEit. ! Resolntion in relation to heati i the rapiiol huildrfi'., alter otn? di"sruH--kn. pscl. (Provi los lor hc-atintfthv eJuni Luii of tlie S-iiaUi uutt House of 'Hepre wntativejt with stoves, in addition to the hiv j!aces.) MI.-SA..K KIMM THKUOl'S!-. transmitting the following Wlls atid follows, to-wltt: " Hill to iiicoip raf Zetio.th Tjodp? Ko. 2'X't I. O. B.. in thetownof TarbdnH Re teiud txotlto TnrnrrtJnvrpia;tii)ns. Kesoiut ion couceinhi:; the relations lx t ween tho white , and coloivd peole of this State Ri ferred to the commit tee on the judiciary, j Ro.-olntioii prup"sin-to raise a joint coin mitt oo on tho State debt, ri.ucir on th? calendar. i CVI.ENn.VK. Hill t amend chapter 3? of IittJe's' Revival so as to m ike tlie abaniMimcirt Ibr three yean of tho wife im the part' of the husband, without hef consent, a, stuh. i. ut ctiiic for divoice.' A majoiitf of the tuMiimittoi reported adveiely to the passage of the bill. OonsHerable discussion ensued. Messrs. (irahainT litliain. Finder. Stanford. Rbiiusou ami Mei er adv.K-ated its pasav, hml .Messrs. Folk, Mickney and .Thome spake in opp iti n. Filially the bill was lost bv a vote of 0 to 24. ' Hiil in relation, to kilfin:-' tUer in cer tain cjimtics of the State. Wtwoen the 1st of February and the lath of August, pa-sed its several readings. ' , Hill to pi event the sale of siiirititous or malt liquors on tlie bildtitli day, ex cept on a ccitilica-te from a physician, p.sjcd it-s second icadin ;. : t J , Mr. R l)i'is.ii tn ned tT npCTid the rules in oider to put the bill oil ito .third Hading, which iuotion.irrvailcd. M r.lCobiuaoii moved to amend by strik in i nut tlK cLius. authotuiti g lie kvle i"liptor on a jhysieiai" ccrtitiuate. Adoitel. Mi. Sandifer offered to arrretid' by m ikin ' the punishment 6r a vjoUti n .1 the Taw not less than $50 ljuVand imprisonment not in ie tliiinouo inoiith, .v.ncli was lost and tlie bill passed by, a vote of of &5 to 6. ' r Hid to amend the charter of the city of New bein, passed its second read iu. I im in. iii. in of Mr. CaJiothc rules were ..uspeiule.l in order to put th bill ou itsq .null reading. ' M . ore. o f ffevr II auover, , ojTeed scv- ral ainendmendts whicli were reject wi aad after some dAscusAiuu-Uhe bill .va-s recoaiinitteU. ff I N DF. ?I N IT ELY PO.STPOXEP. ! Tlie ftllowin .bills wen indt liuitcly t stpmed: ' i ' linl to allow meehauics l63 with al which to rilo their liens. ; ' liiil in relation to minors. i HLil in leuitioii to tlie bolus of -county ..li.s-iM. ' ' : l 1 id auihoiuin; the Secretory of State to ftuTrish copies of Battle's Kevbal to the justices of the peace throughout the State.' ' Mr. Fennison-moved frebvmsidor the vote, bv which the hill to allow nut- ehn etllr8 trtilrTihrir Hens, wa indefinitely p isrponed. which prevailed, ami on his m .ti.ci 1 1 1 hill was made the special order for Tuesilay at V2 n'cU'If. Mr. S;ale presented a voluminous itemized reiort oT the Suikm intendent of the I tisane Asvlum. as to the mana.e- But vt 'iit tiistitntiou iu response to a rVriatt rtoltitirrrr On' rri rnotioii i00 eopies were ntleied to be pinted. Oji motion the Senate adjourned un til to-morrow at' l! o'clock. H'U'm.; of ri;iuii:x rA i irnv. At 10 a. m. Mr. Speaker Price o;illd the i i(mse t oMer. .loiirual oi . -tenia y ivjwI ami ap proved. PETITIONS. MKMOKIAI.S, Mr. t m'es presented .:i petition tpm verta'n -pvsiriafrs aftkin relief 3'he ih titi'in was placed on the table. Mr. MeVlure res.eitel a js'titi n for the removal of nulioad e.veniition jn on tne caieniiar. Tt "POUTS Or OOMMTTTEK8. .... i Mr. tai)les. lrom the ludioiarv ctm- m'ttee ; Mr. (Indirer, from the commit tee on proposition and grievanos; Mr. Mclbh e. from the conuuitteey' on nnain-e: Mr.Jsharkelfoiil. from the c(im- mittee on e i 'iissed bills; Mr. Pingix, fnmi t!ie judlc:arv etr.ninittee.siib'niWed rejM.it s from tlieii' respective eomiiiit- U'c.s. I: !. ITKWS'S A.ND .iILLri. d-Ky .Mr.' iInvknon : A reMe4utioi in favor of- the- Nk Pirwi.isKi.v! Com pany. ComiMittcUil fliiiUacti . ' By Mr. Fennell : "X bill amendatory of the act t amend the act to prohibit the 'Sale of cotton within certain hours. aC' mun it tee n prop sitions and rfc-v-ames. By Mr. Ivinj : A bill to enlarge the .ntTTs.Urirt!i "f tiin'istrates. t paimittee on jndi -ia; v. Bv Mr. RichnnLson: A bid to inr- poraie B.'llev u j Cemetery. Committee on corporation;. On in li .ii of Mr. R se the rules were suspended nnd tin- Smate bill for the relief of shei i.Ts and tax c UeetoVs was taken, up. The bill allows the oolleotToii 'of iu-i-earae of taxes for the years 187J, '73, "74 and "7. with the exception of in solvent taxe. The bill passed its second leading, and under a susjx nion of the rules came up on its thiol reading. Mr. Richardson moved to ttrike out the exception as to insolvent taxes. Mr. Carter, of Bnnr inbe. moved t recommit the bi!l to tlie judiciary coin mi; tee. i " This njotiriu elicited considerable deV Irate nrtd the rfiotton to recommit was finally withdrawn. Mr. Staphs ffeied an amendment that the provixt shail not apply to tax coliectint jwvliberi:fs in oUj. e. tht rfrofih W MnGarfer. of Hun cohiIh. tin w hole matter was made spe cial order for nvxt Tuesdav at l' M. . , CALKS IAH. lillsfor tlie relief o severnt sheriffs were taken up, and laid on the tarble. The bill to incorporate tho New Han over County. Iiulustri.d Fair Association was taken up,, and passed over inform all v. Tin- bill to pcvent the felling of tim ber in the Tennessee river, in Macon county, was ta'ien up. and re ferred to tlie eoniinitte on propositions and gi ic vancos. The i t solution inst i net ini the com mit tea Oil public Iniihliiigs and grounds, to in juin" into' tlie expediency of selling the State Arsenal, at Fayetteville. wan taken up and adopted:, Jiy Mr. FuiclU A bUl.for. the relief SfJ Jlhetairniiyerso HI idcri , county. Committee on finance. The bill t makeCashmel River. Ber tie county, a lawful fence, was taken up. and. on motion, leferred Ut the judiciary committee. , Tlie bill to make the embezzlement of th? funds ot'any incorporated city or tow;n. or of any c haritable or jtenal in stitution, a ; felony, ws talAm up. and, on motion of .Mr. Totrt, f-.she, n-feN' red to the judiciary committee. The bill to prevent tho iefiing of trees In Northeast River. Dnplin coiin y. was token up. and. on '-nnvfion of Mr. ilen derson. referreil to the judiciary cin mitaVy. ... ; - ' The resolution declaxingtliat iaXuturv the House shall hereafter meet daily at 10 A. M. ami adjourn at 2 P. SI., was token up. Mr. lindgi-r moved to ainuid. by ma king the hour -of meetiiiglOiiiO, and leaving the time for adjomumeut open. .Mr. Ransom, the introducer Jf the resolution, accepted the amHiulmeut i - The question recurred irptm Hie reso lution, and it was rejected 1 A jH-tition was read IVornL.Tosisxli f1" ner. asking tlie impeachment 'of S. W. Watts, Judge of tlie 6tTi .jucliial district, for coiruptionanrt Vho-taking, &c, . ; Mr. Parrish moveil'toTt'ter the peti tion to a select comniitteifortlve. Mr. Ransom siiw: no Uslj of the refcr enre, as he was leliablv iu formed that Judge Watts would irf ii few days send in his resi.natlon : and that T. N. Hill, of Halifax, would be.appointcd Judge in his slead. The motion io refer to a seldct com mittee wa; adopted. "ftntUtlie Speaker nainrd Messrs. Panisu. Todd, ol Ashe Yaaghan, Moring select committee. an4 Pimieif-ns said A. message was re-eived from the Senate, .aun.)uncnig eoncui rence; in the proposition tu rafse a rjoinr select coni mittee to w.iiCoiPtheriiove;n r, and i:i fonn him- of tlie rieadessf the General Assembly to"reeive imy com munication ho may "Gave to make, and naming Senator Mercer aud Robinson as the "Senate bnwicrr of the said com "mittee. The speaker named Messrs. "Pinnixr GndgerKand Ming as ftiie House branch of he, committee. - The bilTto jpe:il?sectiAi 13 and hr amend section 14, chapter 8J, Battle's RevisaL was token up. and on motion of Mr. Pariish, referred to the JudicLiry The birf to amend soeWn 40. diap 'ti'r tl.'c: c. p.V-w"a taken up, and. on motion of Mr. Rose, -referred to the. ja diciary eommiitet;. . ... ... . The bill in regard to the exchange ofthe documciitsofthoStotf5 forthse of other States, vmtatoen up. and on mo Urvyf Mr, PauisNi rcierred to tne .U idiciafv committee. ; ,.i . . . . The Senate resoiuiious io iamc j-.v standing committee of 7 on the part of j the House, and 5 on the part .of the Sen ate on the public- debt, was takep up and adopted. 1 J Alivl jam -iiie.., cammittee ap pointed to wait, on the .Governor, i"e- portml that Ilii Ex-eellejiyrptild com municate w itli the Hmawe at an early lay in regard to matters of public in terest. :" : 'f Messrs. McGehee MoriajK' Simpfcon. McCubbius, Swaim. I laixis and Russell were announced -as the House brancji of the joint standing committee , on j the Suite debt. I i Mr. Staples presented a memorial from S. M. Dunn, late' Sheriff of Wake-" county, asking a reieal of .the law of. 1874-' 75, . chapter 200, which divested the Superior Court of jurisdiction over lunlemeATiers m-taumtr toust polls and property for taxation, this law debart rii,i him o 64 which romains ;un paid 1 realise of thi.i law. .The petition was placed on the calerular, SPECIAL ORDER. ' ' j Tho motion to reconsiders tlie vote by wjncli tko-- resolution, ,.givmzv lion. lhomas Settle ?10O for ihis: services in organizing the late Constitutional Gon ventiou was laid oifth"e table, was ta ken up as the special- order. The mo tion to reconsider was adopted. On motion of Mr. Staples, the resolu tion was referred to tho committee on claims. The bill for the relief of J. p. Bich- anan, tax collector . of Jackson, oouity, was taken up ami laid on the table. Tlie resolution in favor of soldiers of North Carolina, who :losf both-eyes in tlu Confederate service, was taken .up. (rives sueh persons $r0 each. Mr. Hajley offered an amendment which included all blind ' persoiiB in the Stato in thebenefits of the bill. Lost, Mr. Looner moved to reter the whole matter to the muiciary committee Mr. Bagley moved ' :to-f mdehnitely post p ne the whole matter. 1 The vea ana nays were'caflled oa the im t ion to indefinitely1 "postpone artd it w a s reject ed by a vote ot yea& iv ; nay . 7. 1 his is the ballot: j J ea Messrs. Bagley. Illedspe, cliuhn, Cale. Ci-ews, Davis of Iiemoin, 1 Ducfgan, Ennis. Ewinir, llaynes. Hood, 1 tort on of Hertford. Johnson of A arron, John ston of WashiiKrton, Linebaek, Ormohd, To.hl of 'Wake. Ward of Chowan, Wil son of Transylvania. Xtn Abliott. Ardrev. Avcock, Bax ter, Beam, Bizy.ell, Brown, Carter! of Buncombe, Clarke ot Craven, Cobb Cooper, CounciK Iillaid,Diinlap,Fa";aii, r eniielL x ox, 1 uleher, laither, (.teol- frov, (todwin, UntUzer, Harrisnf-,ilar- i iss. IlaitselL Henderson, HilkHorton f . Wilkes, Houkf Hughes, Jams, of Kenan, King," Leach, Lloyd, McBrayer, . McCubbins, Ie4etiee, McLean, Mc- ClUTe. McRae, Moring. Morris, Mose- ef, -Parish. Peel. Pinnix, Powell, Prof fitti I'urnell, (uinneiiy, Ransom, Rey nolds. Richardson. Rogers,' Rose.-. Row- r twid. Rush; Rvals Sains, Shackelford, Sharpe, Shotwell. Simnious, Singeltary, Smith, Staples. Stephenson, Swain, Todd 'of Ashe, Vaughan, .' Williamson, Wilson of Burke, Winslow, Worth, Yount. Mr. Vaughan moved to amend by in serting before "the word "eye"'' the words "manual labor."' s The nibtion to refer to the judiciary committee was put to a ''vote and re jected. Mr. Vaii.jhans amendment .s put to a vote and rejected. : The resolution then passed its third reading and wis 'ordered to be en grossctl arid sent to the-Senate. The resolution in favor of enrolling and engrossing clerks was taken up and laid on the table. , ; - . By consent Mr. Pinnix introduced resolutions of respect to the memory of tho late Dr. P. M. Winchester, late member of this House from Rocking ham county. ..He spoke- feelingly . in support of the resolutions, as did also Messi.i. Dillard, Parishy Staples, Swain, Bledsoe, Reynolds, col. and Bagley.. On motion of Mr. Rose the resolu tions were adopted by. a rising vote, and the House adjourned until to-morrow at 10 a. m. 1 : Cotton receipt" were better yies- tei-day. f -The sleighs were going all day yesterday. ' The board of county commission ers was in session again yesterday.. -No busiuesH of interest. . .1 Ills Excellency, the Governor, on yesterday issued his commission to Dr. W. G.' Curtis as ipiarantirie physician at Smithville. j Attention is called to the adver tisement of the Fentress boarding house. It is a most excellent house, an4 well merits the large patronage which it. re-, ceives. 1 The snow don't" melt worth much. Tlie plenti fulness of the lack of news about the capitol yesterday, loom ed 'up with striking painfullness before the reportorial vision, and smote with sadness thp meek and virtuous reporto rial heart. ' Change of Firm. , Advertisement in another column in form tho iHiblic. of tlie dissolution of the co-partnership heretofore existing, in this city, between M. T. N orris and W. A. Myatt, Jr., under the firm name of Norris fc Myatt, aud of the forma tion of a partnership between M. T. Norris and .1. A. Norris, of Apex, under the name of M. T. Norris & Co. The senior of this firm is well known as one of the best and most careful young business men in the city. The former firm had a most excellent repu tation for the nudity antl price of goods sold, as well as ur the 'honesty and fair ness which rtraraeterized all its deal ings, and the new firm vill be ifrs wor thy successor, falling behind it in hone of these respects. They solicit ;Con-. signments of cotton aud other produce, ami guarantee best priees. We cordial ly commend the gentlemen to the faor aud patronage ofthe public. J Bad habits are easily cofitra'ctefl; so are colds: and both are veryTiard th get! . . ' i. . .. .I I., n n i lrl v ? rid Klir fi ll.! Ol.- 1 11C couis , ly cured by Dr. Bull's Coivji Syrup. rice 25 cents. County Examining: Board for Wake County. . The board was in session yesterday; and will be to-day and to-morrow at Branson's Bookstore. All applicants applying during these three days are examined at the expense of the county. Let the teachers lake notice. Those examined yesterday - were Mr. W. H. Ellen, of Raleigh, who was awarded a nrst grade certificate, and Alice Holden, colored, of Forrestville, who was rejec ted. 4 Cariosity iu These Parts. Mr. Wm. Whitley, of Johnston coun ty, killed near Selma, in that county, on Wednesday, a large black eagle, meas uring 6 feet 7 inches from tip to tip, and weighing 45 pounds. This is an unusual visitor for this section. A grey eagle is frequently seen, but the black eagle is altogether rare. Indeed we do not know tlrafe-one -was ever before seen in this region 'It -was" sent to ex-Sheriff T. F. Lee, of this city, who is having it stuffed to be placed on exhibition at his club house, corner' Martin and Salisbury streets. Personal, ' Hon. Thos. Settle and Hon. W. A. Smith, of the late firm of Settle and Smith, were both in the city yesterday, and both at the Yarborough House. Hon. David A. Barnes, of Murfrees- boro, is in thejeity. I 1 A. il. Galloway, Esq., of Goldsboro, is registered at the Yarborough. j Col. Robt, Strange, of Wilmington, and Jas. E. Shepherd, Esq., of Wash ington, arrived, at" the Yarborough House last night. Train ' Delay- Ice and Snow the cause. , The railroads are sadly out of joint. Almost impassable ice covers the tracks, and the pumps and everything else are frozen hard. The North Carolina train from the west was again behind time yesterday afternoon, on account of de lays caused by the extreme severity of the weather. The Raleigh & Gaston was w" "m' ifc cswm5 "iiaioui ahy Northern mail, having left Weldon before the Petersburg train could arrive. No express from Baltimore has reached this city since the 29th of December, and there is no immediate prospect here of any but a local business.. The North Carolina freight train which left Golds boro at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, did not arrive here .until 4 yesterday morning, the engine having slipped from the rails bj' the peculiar condition of the track.' The weather shows little sign of mod erating, and until it does, there is little likelihood of any improvement in the running of trains. The Supreme Court. This tribunal convened yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. Tiie following was the business of the iay : T. H. SatteXwhite et. al., vs. Commis sioners of Beaufort county. .. Sparrow & Sparrow for plaintiffs, Geo. H. Brpwn, Jr., for defendant. Continued for ar gument. - Wm. .Whitehead, et al., vs. John F. Hellen, from Pitt. D. M. Carter for plaintiff; no counsel for defendant. J. B. Hare, administrator, &c, vs John H. Jemigan, from Hertford. Wal ter Clark for plaintiff; Moore & Gatling, Gilliam & Pruden for defendant. Placed at the end of the docket. The second district will be resumed this morning. The bench . is now com plete, Judge Bynum having arrived in the city Wednesday evening aud taken his seat yesterday. The following is the order in which it has been decided the different districts shall be called : 1st week, 1st and 2nd districts; 2nd week, 4th and 5th districts; 3rd week, 3rd and 7th districts; 4th week, 8th and 9th district 5th week 10th and 11th districts; 6th . week, 12th and 6th districts. ' . HOMICIDE IN ORANGE. George IJoyd hoots and Kills Will. Thompson. i We learn of a homicide which took place in Orange couiity, on Wednesday, under the circumstances narrated below. Mr. Will. Thompson; who lives in the county of Orange, had been with his family on a visit to friends at Chapel Hill, and returning home; stopped Mori day night at the residence of Thomas Lloyd, where he and the family remain ed until the next morning. Wednesday morning after breakfast, the Lloyd fam ily, Mr. Thompson and perhaps others, were out in the yard snow-balling, when Geo. Lloyd, a son of Thomas, got angry with Thompson, and drawing out a pistol, shot him in such manner that he died in a few moments. Our informant did not learn the locality of the shot, nor whether or no the slayer was appi-e-' hended. Thompson, the slain man, was a broth er of Mr. Henry C. Thompson, who is a clerk in the office of Col.' I. J. Young, of this city. He was or had been a rev enue' officer, and was at one time a can didate on the Republican ticket for the sheriffalty of Orange county, against Sheriff Hughes. .His remains were in terred yesterday. Last night, at Metropolitan Hall or in the street,afiiie thread cambric handker chief, with tatting border. The finder will please return.' t to this office, ' It ' Destruction of a Cotton Factory. The large cotton factory of- Messrs Williams & Murchison, 12 miles from Fayetteville, was destroyed by fire Wed-r nesday morning about 3 o'clock. . The origin of the fire is unknown. Tlie loss is about $60, 000, amount of insurance not ascertained; The fire throws about 75 operatives out of employment. Mr. Wynne's 1 on union. Mr. George W. Wynne, who was so seriously injured on 'Wednesday, has improved very greatly since our last issue. .Late last evening he was resting very easily, and was quite cheerful. His physicians now entertain no doubt of his ultimate recovery. Metropolitan Hall Last Night. As previously announced, the Ral eigh Amateur Dramatic corps made their second appearance in "Our Ameri can Cousin" at Metropolitan Hall last, night. ; . ' The entertainment -of the evening opened with a presentation of 'The Ma niac" by 'Mr. Louis Haywood, who evi dently entered into the spirit of the poetry and. sentiment of the piece and elicited the applause of the audience. In noticing the main feature of the evening, the comedy of "Our American Cousin," we can but reiterate what we said of it on its first presentation. Each and every one of the young ladies and gentlemen composing thejroupe acquhV ted themselves to the entire' "satisfaction of all present, and they may well con gratulate themselves on their brilliant "success. . We would like to extend our notice of the performance and allude to each of the actors separately, but ' the lateness of the hour at, which the curtain fell up on the last scenes prevents. In the middle "of the second act an alarm of fire was raised, caused by the burning of a stable ' in the eastern part of the city, whieTi caused .great alarm and confusion, and came very near bringing the performance to an abrupt" conclusion. - Members ofthe Citizens' Cornet Band formed amateur orchester and enliven ed the pocasion and added much to the entertainment of the evening. FIRES L.AST XIGIIT. Two in First WarJ-f-ffht .Losses. 7 There were tw-o fires in first ward last night. About 10 o'clock the first alarm was given, and it was discovered that the hot house of Messrs. Pullen & Pal mer, on Polk street, near Oakwood Cemetery, was on fire. This was en tirely destroyed, and with it the stable adjoining, which belonged to Mr. Stan hope Pullen, as did also the hot house. A horse and wagoin were burned with the stable. The fire is supposed to haVe caught from the stove in the hot house. The loss is about $200, over and above the value of the buildings and tlie horse and wagon. y At 11 o'clock the-alarm was again sounded. The fire was in the same sec tion of the city. A visit to the scene revealed that the stable on the premi ses of Dr. B. F. fcViiington, comer Per son and Polk streets, which premises are now occupied by Dr. T- DAMartrn, was on fire. Before any decided steps could be taken to stop the flames, they had entirely destroyed the stable. Dr. Martin's horse, carriage and harness, were saved. The- former was driven out by policeman Scales and a colored man huthe employ of Dr. Martin. The loss in this instance, exclusive of the stable, was about $20 in forage, ,&c. It is manifest that this tire w as the work of an incendiarv. i In both cases the firemen turned out, but could be of no service. Superior Court. Court met yesterday- morning at 10 o'clock. The following cases were taken up: State vs. John Mitchell, col., larceny; verdict guilty and sentenced to the pen itentiary for two years. State vs. Alfred Gorham,-col.. larceny: defendant pled guilty and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. State vs. James Jeffreys, white, as sault with deadly weapon;, defendant plead guilty in this case and was sen tenced to two years and three months in the county jail, and in default of cost to be sent to the work house. State vs. William Jackson, larceny : .verdict not guilty. State vs. Charles Johnson, white, as sault and battery; defendant submitted and judgment was hot. passed. . State vs. William Bright, col: verdict not guilty. State vs. Joseph Kelly, col., larceny; verdict guilty and sentenced to the Work house. State vs. William. Bright, Henry. Hicks et al., all colored, assault; and battery; verdict guilty and judgment reserved. - State vs. Henderson Davis, col., lar ceny; verdict rtot guilty. State vs. Samuel Thompson, col., lar ceny: defendant plead guilty: judg ment not passe L The court then adjourned until this motrning at 10 o'clock. . Dried peaches, apples, maccaroni, . roasted coffee o0 cents per lb., . roasted and ground coffee 25 cents per 11.. and the best flour ' at 5 cents; per lb., at Woollcott's open front store. . Vance's Inaugural. .. Norfolk Landmark. When our party 'was diseirssin.' the claims of possible candidates, Yance was the man whose banner we unfurled, and we iiailed his nomination with do- iigiit, ior we Knew that he would kindle a flame like a prairie fire in the hearts of his countrymen, and thus burn out the' aliens and native traitors who held possession of his State. He did his du ty manfully ! and .well , in the canvass and his inaugural shows that he under' stands the gravity of. the issues now before tlje American people. , It happens that his speech gives a very conclusive answer to Judge Mackey, who very gratuitously undertook to speak for Governor Vance the other day in Cincinnati. The- Captain-General of North Carolina in 'his own person savs what he thinks ot the duty of his State in this crisis, and his views certainly arc not those attributed to him by the gen tleman atove referred to. ' On the con trary, Vance is firm and decided in his belief that Tilden and Hendricks have been elected, and, in -his belief that the will of the majority should not be ig nored, by the powers that be. His speech, however, requires-no comment. It is pitched in a lofty key, and will vi brate from one end to the other ?f the American Uiiion, rousing a responsive echo in every manly heart. 1)1 D BLEDSOE. ElRht miles south of KaleiKh, of ' consumption, Jacob IjLEdsoe, in the 77th year of his age. Eicht Hundred Dozen Pocket Knives Table knives in. endless variety, cut lery of all kinds, all of our own impor tation. An inspection invited. Julius Lewis & Co.. hardware merchants, Ral eigh, N. C. f Dlsstons' Celebrated Ircular Saws, - Crosscut, mill and hand saws, files and other goods manufactured by that old, well known and reliable firm, Henry Disstons & Sons,, kept in stock and at manufacturers' lowest prices. Julius Lewis & Co., Raleigh, N. C. Just received at S. D. Harrison's, a good lot of cabbage, spice, apples,- Raid win apples, cranberries, currants, mince meat,- spiced pigs' feet, ifcc, &c. It 'Prepare for Christmas Eggs, butter, N. C., hams, corned pork, apples, sugar, coffee, &c. , Also, oats, corn, stock peas and many other articles, all going at prices to suit the times, D. ,T. John son, Wilmington street. ICHMOST) & DANVILLE RAILKOAP. 550 Richmond & Danville, Richmond" A Danville R. W., N. C. Division & North Western N. C. R. W fONDRJiM'l) 1 1ME-TABTLE. In pffect on and after SUNDAY, Dec. 10th, 1876. - OOINO NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. -Leave t harlotte ..... ... ' ir-i ine Junction... " Salisbury " Greensboro ' Danville " 1 uiulee . , " I'urkville Arrive at l.lclnnond..... 4 :-V A. M. .1:20 " 7:.'tf " ' 9:.1-1 '" 12:2Sj. M. 12:40 " .1:11.1 " 7:4.'$ " JOIN(J SOUTH. STATIONS. ! MAIL. Leave 1 Ichinond;.: " rurkevllle " Dundee. " l anvill " Greensboro " Salisbury " . jr-l i lie Junction Arrive at t haiiotie 7:-10 a. M. 1H:40 2:1.1 P, M 2 :"'.' " J:40 " "'K:11 - " 10:2.1 " 0::'.7 ' (JOINT, EAST. j GUI NO WEST. I MaiiI ST A I IONS. Mail. ve fii-pensnoro, cio.. a mj . rr. .vir. m. " Co. Miops, 1L2I '" IsL've 4.1,1 " " KaleiKli, 2.41 P Ms -3 " 12.H0. - Arr. t:oldsiMro, i s .5.11 iPL'velo.10 IVO RT U W V.aty. R N , N. C. R. H. (SALfef I'RAVCn.) leave ('reensborOVi Ar.i Ive at saiem hv Leave .' aleni i An ive at Jrcensboio . V .1: ) p. M. - S :00 A. M. 7:.'!ll " J:35 " Passenger Train Tfavlng Paleich at 1 2 :34 P. m., connects at reerisboro wit h the .-outliern bound train : making th5 quickest tinrc to all .-out hern ci! i?s. ochainreof Pars between Charlotte and Kic.Innond, 2S2 miles. fapers that have arranscments to advprtiis the. schedule of this ( onipiiiiy will please print as above and forward copies to lo-ncral J'as sener A pent. l or further information address JiOtN It. iMAl.'AI URDO, i Len'l 'I'aswnirer A Rent. oc2.1-tf Idclnnond, V'a. C" A N G E O F S( CEDUI.R Office Sup't ok 'I ransportation ) hEABOAill) 6i' OANOKE i. A1I.KOA1) O., 1 OKTSMOTH, A., ept. 14, l7. On and after WEDNESDAY, the 11th inst.; trains will leave I ortsmoulh, daily, excepX rundavs. as follows: .Vail train at - .1:10 A. No.. 1 freight train at l0:3oA. M. No. 2 l-reight train, except atur- days, at 7:M1 ARRIVE AT- I'ORTSMOUTIL Mail train daily at 7:1.11 M. No. 1 1 leighr train at 12:00 I'. .V No. 2 Freight tl'tin al 4-00 ' - v air tram will st.vp onlv at Suffolk Franklin, Neusoni s, lioykius-," Aiarearetlv ville and r ea.boanl. Ereiglil trains have a passenger car attached and will stop at stations for passenger. ail tiain connects at Weldon with th Mail trains of the ilniington and Weldon bah lirh aintasioii 1 ailrouds. Aiid on Moiidaysi Wednesdays and Erldav at I rankiin, itlr ..eaiiicrs for hilenton l lil in mth, and I and bigs 011 l.lackwati r and c howan 1 i vers. 1 reight received daily, except SunMays, from 8 A. -i. to 4 J .M. K. -G. GI jo. Supt. of Transportation. Relo-tf N D l 1: in pursuance of a decree of the Siipreme Court of North 'Carolina, rendered at th JuUftenn lSTD. or the said -court, we will proceed to sel! on the premises at 11 a. m., on the loth of January, 1577. that valuable Uact of laud King on lioanoke 1'jver in Halifax county, known "as -CONOCON AIIE.'f con taining''!' wo U,ouo) Thousand Acres more or 1. ' ' Also at sani" time and place the adjoining pi f niises known as "1-"ELTON'S," coiitaininn Eighteen (lsoo) Hundred Acres more or 1. ss. 'l ERMm: one third cash, balance mi1 and two years, with H per cent, interest. Title re tained till pin chace money is paid. . JOHN DK EREUX. WALTER CLARK. De .VdAwtd Couimisiyiiers, ' Roiuokc News copy v 4 r i A 1 v

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