News ALEIGH VOL. X. NO 111. ; HALE I Gil, NORTH CAROLINA,. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11. 1877, PRICE : FIVE CENTS. GRUX AX FEED 8TOREM. J B O II N s GRAIN AND FEED STORt V C.Ol 5i 1T1.Y OK Horse and Cow Food, Grain, Hay, Flour, Meal, WOOD AND OAL ' LOW FOR CASH, tt-fflce at W&Jnwrlffht. Williams A. Hood More, and Wxrehouvi at the Nonh Carolina FrrlKBt depot. deel-Mf . S EW AI)VKRTIHtMKr. A-AdnUse H a parr of t'nlvrrvil irc Ulloo : a paper whl-h maintain right priii. i. plea In all talac: a (upvr pti- ante coo m f a4 PrUr: and acb a paper lb X KW8 U rooeeded to be h all men hu ovlulvit U worth aarlujc. O B A N ; K H ! : Wfcw HaTana lrang- at ' rt pr do. Lfc the 100. AT . W. C.lA.H. STKtiN ACir.-v W A N T K 1 . TO RENT A Kood 1 inu or I'arlor Oijan. ppl at TH I" OFFICE. U S T x . n lat Taurxlay night. Jjm. 4. I"", a nin hiack fur rap. TVe finder ill A-nfer a favor by returning it to thi ofl.c. J 11 It. o u K N r At rrureJ ptW, on nice rottaic aud one larft rMldiw. Apply at WATXJN'S UAI.LKICY. ). i-u. L z 5 T Was k-nt about Icmbrr li. a l-U-k and wlUte Ft INTER PUT. alwt moulb old answer ta tlx nam of '-Scott." A liberal rr. ard will be paid for hU return Co tl - South era FpreComrmay. aall-l. L o 1 on Hargett Mwl. N-iren aa-luo and -wain. TuedaT"- a TortoWTbeU Kar- rlnf. Tb finder will te rv a rdel h laiinf it at tala office. Jall-lt. , N O T 1 K "TaU to eertlfy that I have lost -r mitpiaoeU FIFTEEN SIIAKFSnKSTiN K. In In Wllmlnfton Jt Wrldon Railroad l oin pany. SYLV1XTF.U -v I : H. janl!-w4w RaU-ich. N. C. W I x K : wink:: RUKE WINES AT RKIUTKH ITU I S 75,000 G RAtflCVTT I M : S. TTRAWBEiriiY I'l.ANTS. KASrRERKYt IMI KOVKO BLACKREKUT. Cl'RKAXT ' and GOOSEBERRT PLANTS. l"or"aie at red4n-el pricei. S. T.MICK FY, SaW-ir. N.C. Janll 3m. D Iii-OLtTION OK CO-PAETNEESniP. Ta Co-Iaj-tnerhip heretofore exitruc der the same ot Carpenter Jk Eart. U this day drAoired by natual consent. Their succe ra In bosineai. Mer. . W. I AKFEN TKR & CO, are authortie1 to rolleet all debU due the old Ira- n. W. CARPENTER, JOHN EAKL. Rjl. igh. K.C, Ian. lu, VC7. A luMYHun of Ieri. Crent r KatL we shall continue the CoaL, Wood and Lumber btuiaeaaaX Uteix okl place. aiul.aLall U: pre parej to flU orders left atCariner -druu store, or sent to u. either by maiL or lo yinl di re -t. Janll tl. O. W. CARPENTER . CO. COITIACTORS AM BUILIiKHf yjpA u-yTlL L w K I R. CO JITK ACTOR nUILlKK. 1KAXXK9 T Marble and Utooe Work. Llnse. RoMemUle and Boataa Oratent, Hair. Laths, and JIAXUTACTUJtEKi OF BRICK. rf Famtth CarMac at one half nsnal iwtFlaf la a mall adaiK 00 bi Ick : W Indowand fioJr ntfts VTimi Tablet, htepa and carrUr Blocks lor a Ulfle mre than wood. Alirroni oXurarw aaone. tatlnsatea lor any cla o: work furnished on application. oURtea rayetteTtlH. atreet. next to .vtaiidartl t-lldUf. KaJeUh.. C. -T CORN. OATi MEAI FLUl'V. KtWini SUUCKJ. ui Very Clienp. At CATTU.4 JONES. i3 FayetteviUe .-t. R' (YE CBOrSk MA1E TU UKlEl:'ni OWN RECIPE Th B ITra aaw Caw Feed Fxtaat, At THE CITY. -IIIK I M : H m:vs is th- f I it I'All T KW'nCtK l 1 ..U.EIOII. A1 HA 1 I IK I.AKl.LT I A 1 1 1 i lid I I. ATI' N !N MUIHI All' 111. AMI di'ilf TllVN IOI Ml . TIIATOK V. T (rilEK i A I i 1 l Tilt ITV l I. M I It II. -TllF V r.l.kl V i; ti:i: l aim. I -T it Hi I' I.ATION l ' iril ' A KOI IN X. M !- I" K "4tT V A I.I' III T MI-MI M of A l hit Tl -K M t S t foK A STKlATI.l -F.;MKI lUll'K. Tin- DaII.Y Nt h v rwil l f.iit lltiil .' I : I I -ll.iNc carriers lo all part of lite city fur 1-' it-ill m-r weA-k. I i-in4.iis iii-i ii.K to b.i th p.ipvr left at their reM.lene- 1. 1 please call o.- -M-ml address lo the oitu-. . No. t'. M.i-tiu Mrwl. lndt- to Nen AiHerlUemciwiu i . A. V. mi;i in v H ' irangi s. rt:.i'i.MHi & Kki 1 ls4lul ion of ropjrv nc ihl' x 1". Mil ki: N in-. K AUKIM. I iiT KrlUI 11 II to this otrW. oi r.H KN I jm:i- rin i I up h-1 tTxiN - i. vi.l l HV UfMdfiKf :ind "tt for r-ti! 1 1 .: i us Ij-r i:turi it to iJ-N o'liiH-. UK A I. ItKllll . I I'luilie Y.nuluTs lui1 l t hi I pintor pnrp. Carry it ti tl ih I oflico. sSt hin ail. J ?iOv. u;n e on ycsi-r.i.y ni- pintel Mr. W. ft. Simmons, f VVuki Fort ft CflU-jc-. a imtary puMio. Mir liuuiiH t!i"Ni ila;, are afivo wilh new ami iatcrttin. a-lvoi ti-H-nit iit. Kvtrrylt le .houll rl thrtn. a everybKlj Kh. The Yoiin' Men' Cluttiun A. AtK-iatioii bavo iHtsuoil tUcir annual eltcti-'U oi ittii-i? t next Tm'liy uiiht. The it iii five inclieH thick on Miiutii jw-tml. am! the fwatiu i- i-x-efllent. A nunilvr wf youii la.uo. arc e. ,'. If I to o out ti-!aj. . t v.'iiu'liow or oihr f iloii't Hi t- , .tk rnin h o." t)ie pictutt-a of U;a:it au l Haven Sjanin up in tin.- t . .itive of fice a-, wo ui il to. i .i-i outi-r larkm-a p'l l. J. K. !' ton. who i- U;r in the intervM i" Wirtlu-rn mu vr1u i-y Ninth t'uroliiwa iK'inl. ii.i'i a o in:-ieni-e yt'.-t',ilay ai't-rn "i wn'u tin- Uoii-h-t m:niitt'' o.i '.lik Kxi--'.'cn'y. too tvrn r, on y I'Mei ila i-uci 1 4i.nii;-.i-tu to Hon. Walti-r I.. Stifl,-. m -:n'.-r of C.n;rt'vs el-t t'roni tlu- Si;tli Iitiii: firul to IIn. Win. l ihSiiis. t '.i!i,.i -Mti :i i led from the Seventh fifn r. W ry lew of tho clerk- of c.-u.t. rx-ist rs 4" 1jj1 anl Hheii:Viha.".- Illi l 1 caio of their br-iuls w ith the Au-lito: . ani j-fftrn?"y I t- was ne-mlinj" ont littli" mi.HHiveii t nuuiy of titene.- informi i' thei.i of the law on thi.-v siilijc t an l a-tkini; for tlnHr t-rmpKani-o tliori with. Vn army of jxple who want t (jet situations an All the rte.Titenfi.ii-y. or iiiie or the other of the a y hi 11 is. arJ waiting laily in the lohlm of the Senate, their 111 nilii oj -.. for ilie a'.inou:icc:ia i:t a me-wio f: om the lioTernor e mtariiu the n.uiios of the menilK-i s : the ili;l'ereut 'a; ls of t ?ose iiitituti 'l.-. Mr. C. I. .-.n ha-, n nte l the propA-rty well known a- tin- '"I'd-ilyiy, Hotel." an-l will in future comlnc. tlie hotel I'UMno-i r the name of t!a- ()lirn'. I i.ih hoii-t? i- -onve-nient .y l.w it l to !.isines-. an. I u;nl 1 Mr. 1 -.!.: n"s ;einent w.ll lie a j. lean nit pla. " to Ix-anl. See a lve:ti e men.. I he Week ! I'rayer. Tlie Vhinl I'ni. !i Prayer meeting, in accoTALmc r with the arrangement liefbie aouounr-il. was held at K.lent u Mr ock MethmlUt Chiirch lat night, and was largely' aitenle.l.V Jlev. Dr. Iiuikhoa4 conductel the serviA-ea.f He read appro priate scripture from the Hh .and 'chapter of Kplu-sians, and'Tnade ai intetrsting nddieiss 0:1 the subject bV fore tlie rttoct'1?- I'v- Hr. rriti h.artL, Rev. Dr. Varrghan J, C. S arb;ough, C. D. Fain hihl; Prof. W. C. K r an( W. J. W. Crowder took part in the meeting. Tne meeting to-night U sit the Swain Stieet liaptit Churcli. Subject : Prayer for Nationr ir nilepA, magistrates, statesmen ; for p!iQ anthropic and iM-nevoleiit institutions for a pure literature, and the aprv.ul yf i sound edui-ation among the jn'ople. North Carvllua lpir Fire ( vmiic . Yesterday the at.veWh 'Lierfc JY this comiiany held their annual irfVeting. Of tti'T,MX iJiart AlP-tcla VV,0 were represents d. D. M. Carter. W. K. An !crs. n C. B. Uvt. It. II. Battle, Jr., A. W. Sb iff.-r. R. II. Jones, T. 0. M.iHin. L. Ilyatfeyl C. M. Busle. W. II. liagler, A. B Andrews, anl, John W, O. Tj- hurch. i;. W. How; I jng. . Nichols and Ya. N. II. Mmth.Lf ,0 fct, rodarr-coMatj, fAr m vn l-fp.l ilire'-t IS. 1 The directors w;ll meet this afternoon at 4 oVl'K-k when tin Airtieeia, of the ixinpany will be oaown for the ensuing year. , t , Protracted Mettlug. ' A series of special meetings v ill legin in Salisbury Str. t t Haptit Cht-lt on the tliinl Siuulay of this month. The. taator. Kr.'lr. -1'riUlwWl. -wilWw as sisteilby Jhy cvlebratU Tirginia revival irt, RcT.'jK.IIintior PeUisburg. Ills Excelleuoy, the .(ipveimir, ihas signiticdhis piupse to app nut Ms. Patrick' Mcrtir wan. of ' this t-lf. Keeper ; 'v " ""J ' " '1MfA.MTV'RoWiis -fa-'theiproTiso SleusmtAdi and tlie corn- fr ilecklcubUrg, op-. mission will be issuel lMla tohe : p , Vpoid ifci' Other Senators trjok port in , pointee. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA. SESSION OF 187f-"77. Wkdnkhday, .Tan. 10. Tlie Senate was i-allel to orler at 10::.ii A. M., Lieutenant (rovernor Jarvis lUt' elvvir. . i -Vhv ii4tn1Vf reterday was rTal, correct eAl anil approveil. KKI'DKTS (SK STAXUINO COMMITTERS. Mr. D rtch. from the CAuninittee on I'rop isitionsaml (irievances; Mr. Scales, In. m the A-ominittee An Corporations ; Mr. lhriht. from the committee on Corporations; Mr. Thorne from com mittee on (,'oriratious ; Mr. Johnstou, from committee on Internal Improve ments: Mr. Finder, from the committer on Kdiuation : M.r. Samlifer, from the m ntitttee on Corptrat ions ; Mr. Crawford, u-oin tlie committee on Corporation ; suImiuUa'aI rejKrts. (HMMVSirAT10X. Tlie followin'r A'ommuJiicatiou wa re eeivcil from the State Treasurer ami : Stats pr Nhhtii CAtbi is. Tkkasi'ky Depaktment, Haleijjh, Jan. 9th, 1H77. il i. Thom as J. Jarvis, Prcfvlt-nt of the Senate: f siu: I have received from Die Secre tarv of the Senate a certitiel CApy of a l joint resolution as follows, to-wit : A'fWv, bv the House of Kepre- scntatives, the Senato CAncnrring. That the Treasurer of the State be reijueated to furnish the General Assemby with information as tA the amount paid sher i;is for making elect.AUi returns in the Stale eh- Hon umler the election laws, ami the probable amount paid by the (HHoient counties for making returns in presidential election, together with any su;-jjest;oii9 he uta' be able to make to this bixli-; with SView to 'a reduction of lh;s bianch of exitense." I inl r clectin.; laws the sheriffs aro r.u t on 1 of the State treasury for mak-!-i . ii-tuitio of onlv the ele-tion of State oLiem. To this date 4 sherirls have i-i civinl eoui jKnvit ion at the rate f $3 per day for the time ai-tually employed, .itni ten cents jer mile for distance travA-led. in making returns of aaid election, amounting in the aggregate to .'). JU. At the same rate if all the iKlfAyfitf-A shintld'1 receive tins compensa tion, the total expense would amount to almut i-l.iUK). The expense attending all other ele'- tions is met by the counties, ami I am not able to estimate their aggregate cost t the counties except as to the presiden tial election, which will aUmt equal that of the election for State oftieers. As tho Aiuliur uf the State is a judi cial olttccr. it is his province alone to ile termine to what extent sheriffs are tn-titli-d to comix.Misation for making re turns of the election for State ofiWrs; hence the question of compensation, where the returns were transmitted by mail or through an individual not spe c ally sent to the seat of government on t:iat mi-4.ioii. is for his leciion. A case i'.Mih in this point is now lefore him, i!itl until liis decision is made I cannot iiaV d.-tinitely how many shoritTs will ; i t 1 e With a view to economy in making ttioiscjUUirni. smcTefiMLtion i neces sary: but the only amendment to the law that suggests itself at the present, is to require the sheriffs to transmit them to tlie proper othi-er at the seat of government in a a sealed package by ax-piv-ss or regLitereil letter. Very respectfully, .1. M. Wokth. State Treasurer. The communication was, upon mo tion, i-et'enetLt J'lhoiooainuUjeo , on Fi nntice. M:-aVC.E KKOM THE IHH'SE, informing the Senate of the passage of cngrossel arnemlments to several bills. Also a message informing the Senate of concurrence in several Senate amend ments to different bills. IXTKODIX'TION OK BILLS.' Uy lAore, coL, of New Hanover: A bill in relation to public roads, j Corpo rations. ? ? iiSbi lItV. It tHtWl lA iMll amend chapter 6. IJattlc s Jievisai, concern ing the Insane Asylum. Committee on 1 11 rat to Atyliun. By Mr. MH)re, of Mecklenburg: A bill td ' inc rporat BIdille Univeisity. CAnoration. By Mr. Dortch: An Act to amend ;fih3fjrcf;C3f section 13, BAttle's Revisal. JudH-iaxy. i - By Moorw ool.t- of New Hanover: A tCVXxtiOTi . ir rtrrl V convicts of the State.' :Coaimitiee on Penal In stitutions. ELECTIo'x OF EXGROflSIXC. CLERK. Qn, motion of Mr. Robinsoa the Sen aU weul into the electknaofan eugross inreferk. Mr. Robinson pitt in nomination C'apt, . J. uaon, of Haywood ?MaJn, y; pJ?, nimr m '. )oiination Nathan Boytl. of Elgecombe The ballot being taken, resulted: Wilson 3v,,iloydiJ- t Mr.' Wilaon was der larl duly ekn-ted, ami was qualified. ; ' . CALENDAR. Upon , motion , of Mr. Ltham, the rules were suspended and the Senate took rrp the bill to regulate tlie holding of the Suparior Courts in the 1st jndicial district. ; . 1 :i ; - ' Mr. Sandifer offered an amendment, which- -was nut 'Adopted.' a 1 1 The bill then pasted, its second read- paairttenane 1 .of. 1 liuaaiw 1 for the year 1875, pasaed its.Uiird reading, ayes 82, nays 8. Ordered to be en tolled , for ratification. ... ,. 'i ' Bill to batUleti Rt fyt the relief of sheriffs' ftjid'- taJC'col!KtAn with en genfyixt'l'ii and the bill was ordered toi ba emx)leU. Bill to prohibit tbe'aje.;'bf liquor on the Sabbath dar;W'hiigTO-e,J arnend TavTairojoW to stlfke otit "Sabbath" and insert -SurMUy,".fiiWid except '1JS Pn no prescription of a phfkician or'for niexlibal trj!re4 , Tlu), first aineptlin4,,trikfiir out SaA)batuT' and inScrlriig ''Sunday,' lue seoona amenampni, excepwng 4ftheipYeoriptibi( of a' pliysicuiii or foriiaedical ( Durjjp", .wted name. thf rtelKitex a The vote was taken and the amend- I ment was concurred in. Resolution in relation to the expen ses incurred by the commission for the purchase of the Western North Caroli na KailroAAl. came up fi-om the calendar. Mr. Moore, of Mecklenburg, offered an amendment giving the commission the same per diem and mileage as were paid menders of the. I ieuera? Assembly which appointed them. Mr. Moore, of Mecklenburg, Mr. Dortch and Mr. Finger supported tlie amendment. Mr. Troy offered an amendment to the amendment, proposing to strike out "mileage." ami insert in lieu thereof "actual expenses incurred while in the discliarge of their duties as commission ers." Mr. Troy and Mr. Robins supported the amendment of the former, and Mr. erguson and Mr. Justice opposed. Mr. Jloore, Of Mecklenburg, by con sent, withdrew his amendment. Mr, TrAiy offered an amendment al lowing Mr. Armlield $400 and Mr. Robinson 300. The amendment was ltot adopted. Mr. Moore, of Mecklenburg, then sub stituted for his previous amendment, an amendment which proposes to give Mr. Armfleld 450 instead of $350, and Mr. Robinson $350 instead of $250. Mr. Crawfonl opposed the last amend ment, saying that the Western North Carolina Railroad was. anyway, and always had been, an elephant ' on the hands of the State. He would propose to give it to the gentlemen composing the commission in payment of tne sei vices 'rendered it, it they would take it as a gift and give a lvnui for its comple tion. Messrs. Bingham. Justice, Moore, col, of New Hanover. Holt and Fmger, fa vored it. Mr. Justice could riot see that the fact that the railroad was an elephant lessened the obligation of the General Assembly to pay these gentle men for services which they had render ed it. Mr. Troy moved to strike out nil sums and insert "the per iliem allowed members Af the last General Assembly, and expenses actually inem-reil." I' poll this motion Moore, col, tf New Hanover, demandeil the ayes and noes, and the iall leing sustained the amend ment was not adopted. Mr. Dockery offered an amendment, allowing Gov. Brogden his actual expen ses while engaged in the work Af this commission. Mr. Scab's asked if the constitution did not stand in the way of. the Govern or receiving remuneration in a case of this kind-.' Mr. Robins thought it did. Mr. Troy thought not. On tho vote being taken the ' on a iHvisioti adopted the amendment. ' The question then recurreil on the passage of the original bill on its third reading." as amended." ami it passed ; aves 30, noes 11. (hdered t been-gro.-:seil and sent to the Senat'. , l'jon motion of Senator Inlc. tlie resolutiim in relation to the clerks of the General Assembly was taken up. It proposes to pav the assistants of the two principal clerks of the two Houses the same per Alieni and mileage as al lowed Ather clerks, the resolution to take effect from the first dav of the sa s- sion.l Mr.'Stickney offered an amendment. striking out mileage. I' pou motion of Mr. Scales, the whole matter was indefinitely postponeil. Upon motion of Mr. Latham, the bill to change the holding of .courts in the 1st judicial district was takeu up. Mr. Latham offered an amendment striking out Hvde ami inserting Dare, and striking out Dare and inserting Hyde. Adopted. The bill then passed its third and final reading. Upon motion the Senate took up the bill to iniMirpAirate the Independent Or der No. 2 of the Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, of America, iii North Carolina, and it passed its second reading. Mr. Scales offered an amendment pro hibiting this corporation from holding an amount of propertv in excess of $0,000. Adopted. The bill then passed its third and final reading. Upon motion the Senate then ad journed until to-morrow morning at 10:30 o'clock. IK;USK OF RKFRli-tlCXTA FIVES The HAuse was calletl to Arder at 1 1 A. M., by Jlr. Sieaker I'rice. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. REPORTS OF COMMITTEE--. Mr. Shackelford, from the committee on Engrossed Bills; Mr. Moring, from the committee 01 .Judiciary; Mr. (4ud ger, from the counnitte on Propositions and Grievances: Mr. McBrayer, from the committee on Judiciary; Air. Powell, from the committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, submitted reports. rrsolctioxs and bills. By Mr. Spake : A bill to prevent the sale of liquor within threo miles of Yellow Mountain Church and School- house, Jackson county. Committee on Propositions and (irievances. By Mr. Shackelford : A bill to amend chap. 131, laws of iy74-'7o, in relation to the charter of the town of Kinston. Committee on Corporations. CALENDAR. The bill to repeal sections 14. 15 and 17, Battle's RevisaL was taken 'up and, on motion of Mr. McCubbins, referred to the committee ou Agriculture, &c. The bill t- amend section 41, chap. 104, Battle's Kevisal, was taken up and, on motioa of Mr. G odwin," laid au the table. Tlie bill' to prohibit the sale of liquor within one mile of King's Mountain High School. Cleave kind county, was takeu up and passed its second reading. Tlie bill to amend section o.chap. 105. Battle's Reyisal, was taken up and, on motion of Mr. Cooper, passed over in formally. The bill to punish the felling of tim ber in the Tennessee river in the oounty of Maoon, was taken up and passed its several readings under a suspension of tlie rules. The bill to ameud the act to prevent the destruction of rish in the waters of H m river ; ;wl Si Ram in Duplin, NfW Hanover, Ptmihjr, Sampson and saiiiherlard cHnties, was taken up and passed its gecond reading. , v . The bCl to pi-ohibii the sale of liquor within two miles of WaynesviUe Aciid my . JJaywood county, was taken up and passed its several readings under a tuspension of the rules, The bill to amend sect ions 4 and 10, diaper 8. Battle's Revisal, was taken up. The bill prevents the hauling of seines in any navigable river or creek be tween the hours f noon on Saturday ami sunrise on Monday of each week, and also prevents the waters being beat for the purpose of driviug fish into seines between the aforesaid hours. The bill passed its second reading, der a suspension of the rules the Un bill came up on its third reatling. On motion of Mr. McLean the fui- ther consideration of the bill was post poned until Thursday next at 12 m. The bill to amend section 1, chapter 231, laws Af l874-'75, was taken up and failed to pass its thinl reading. On motion of Mr. Pinnix. the vote by which the bill failed to pass its third realing was reconsidered and the bill passed over informally aii accAMint of the absence of tlie introducer, Mr. Purnell, The resolution requesting the State Geologist to furnish the members of the General Assembly with copies of the Geological Survey of the State was taken up and adopted. Tl he resolution in favor of J. I. Jay- cocks, sheriff of Perquimans county, was taken up. Allows him until May 1st 1877 to settle with the county treasurer Mr. Bagley moved to refer-to the committee on Judiciary. Mr. Ransom ipposed the reference. After a debate of some length the mo tion to refer was rejected. The question recurred upon the reso lution and it passed its second reading. Untler a suspension of the rules the resolution came up on its third reading. Mr. Todd, of Ashe, moved to refer to the committee on Juiliciary, which mo tion prevailed. Si'KOIU, ORDER. The bill for the incorporation of Co operative Building, Loan, Saving and Trust Associations was taken up as the special order of the hour, 12:30 p. m. Mr. Henderson, the introducer, took tin iioor in explanation of the measuie. On motion of Mr. Bledsoe, the bill was referred to the Judiciary c unmit tee. Senate bill to prevent the hauling of seines and drag nets in the mouths of Upper Goose, Bear, Carson's and Smith's creeks. Pamlico county, was taken up and passed its several readings. Senate bill to prohibit the sale of liquor near Shoceo Chajiel and Peoples' Hall. Warren county, was taken up and passed its several readings. Senate res lution requesting our con gressmen to ask for appropriations to rebuild on tain A- urt houses and jails, in this State, destroyed by federal troops during tho war. was taken up. After a long debate Mr. Rose moved to lay the whole matter 011 the table, which motion prevailed Adjourned. P r oual. Hon. John Kerr arrived in the 1 ity yesterilay afternoon. Rev. C. T. Bailey, of the IHbUcal Re corder, has m iveAl his family to this citv. No paper in the State has two : more scholarly editors than this. That estimable gentleman. Col. M. L McCorkle, of tlie gallant little county of Catawba, is in the city. . Col. Geo. N. Folk, Senator from Cald well, is still confined to his room by tonsilitis. , r Rev. Geo. Patterson, of Wilmington, is in the city. Col. John D. Shaw, of Lincoliiton, is registered at the Yarbrough House. Dr. P. E. Hines has returned from a trip to Newbern." Dr. C. Tate Murphy, of Sampson, is at the Yarbrough. Rev. N. M. Journey, formerly ' pastor of Person Street M. E. Church, of this city, is on a visit to friends here, before going to his new field of labor in Carte ret county. The Hillsboro Recorder says that Capt. T. C. Evans, who has been for a long time connected with the Raleigh press, passed up the road last Sunday on the look out for a location for a newspaper, ami that he will probabty fix himself at Reidsville. The Supreme Court. The following was the business be fore this tribunal yesterday: J. J. Nance vs. Carolina Central Rail way Company, from Bladen; argued. Thos. H. Sutton and Lyon & Lyon for the plaintiff, and W. Foster French for the defendant. State vs. James Heaton, from Colum bus; argued. Attorneyleneral for the State, and D. L. Russell and Wr. S..fe D. J. Devane for defendant. K. M. C. Williamson vs. Flat Swamp, Tock's Creek and Evans' Creek Canal Company, from Moore; argued. N. R. Ray for plaintiff, MacRea & Bro:ulf t for defendant. The last named case comes up from the fifth district, which district will be called again this morning. Fish for Haw River. Passengers from the west yesterday afternoon state that Maj, Ferguson, who is sent out by the United States Com mission, arrived yesterday at Haw River Station with 8 cans containing about 18,000 young salmon with Avhich he will proceed to stock the river. The eggs were brought from California and the fish spawned at Baltimore. It is sup posed that about half of them were dead when they arrived at their desti- n a firm Tb flab will be nut in the river both above and below Holt's factory. Canned tomatoes, 15 to 30 .cents, can ned peaches 20 to 30 cents, canned gooseberries, damsons, pine apples, strawberries, and raspberries 25 cents a can. drietl annles 10 cents per lb, dried peache'fe 30 to 35 cents per pound at Woolloott s open iront store, hbius- lon street. , - A sulendid breakfast on the table su; idunded with a family of coughs. kiiey used Dr. Bull Uougn Pyrup ana that family now , keeps, it on hand al ways, and reoommenn it, only costs H?t tents a little. ? RELIEF FOR THE POOR. Id At of Distributors of the Y. M. C A.' In order that every one may know to whom to send poor persons applying for aid the following list of distributors of the-Ytiung Men's Christian Ass ciati t-n is published. Let it be remembered first, that FayetteviUe and Halifax streets run right through tlie city, from north to south, dividing it into cast and west. The ward .divisions comme?ice with the central Alivision f FayetteviUe and Halifax streets, and run east and west, and will be so termed: Nt. 1 John Armstrong, between ("a liarrus and South street--, west; AY. W. Holden, assistant. No. W. C. Suoiiaeh.. lictvveen Ca barrus and South streets, east; S. I). Wait, assistant. No. 3 s. L. Riddle, between Martin and-Cabarrus streets, west. No. 4 N. 15. Broiightou, bet.vveen Martin and Vabarrus streets, east. No. 5 A. M. ' MePheeters, between Morgan and Martin streets, west. Xo. o Dr. C. J. Nail, between Mor gan and Martin streets, east. No. 7 11. W. Best, between Hdeuton and Morgan streets, west. No. 8 W. S. Primrose. between Edenton and Morgan streets, east. No. 9 W. J. Young, between Lane and Edenton streets, west. No. 10 W. R. Atkinson, between Lane and Edenton streets', east. No. 11 B. R. Harding, between John son ami Lane streets, west. No. 12 T; M. Heck., between John son and Lane streets, east. Academy of Medicine. The Raleigh Academy of M .'dicine met last night iii the Mahler building and elected the following officers for tlie eusHing term : President Dr. F.J. Hayvood. Jr. Treasurer Dr. Peter E. Hines. Secretary f)r. R. B. Haywood. It was decided to have semi-monthly iusteaAl of monthly meetings of the acad em v. NOUTJI CAROLINA. The cotton trade of Monroe ishiiig. Tlie Wilmington Historical . tific Society is in full blast. Hour :id S -ion- Ice in the Catawba io inches thick. said to be ft Immense numbers of partridges are being slaughtered mJbUe west. G. N. Cheek, of Alamance, hax a hen that lays 28 eggs in 30 days. Statesville has been flush of Sunday school entertainments recently. Corn sells in Pamlico county at 35 cents a tiiisnci. J. S. Shaffer, of Charlotte, offers to bet he can eat 30 partriilges in Co days one per day. One hundred and fifty thousand trout were recently taken near Jacksonville, Onslow count-. Judge Cloud will preside at the Spring term of the Cabarrus county court. Captain T. L. Vail has been chosen chairman of the Mecklenburg county board of commissioners. The Hillsboro Recorder predicts a fine grain crop and an abundance of fruit for next summer. Rev. Mr. Wheeler ha resigned the pastorate of the Hillsboro Methodist Chufch. Trains on the Richmond and Atlanta Air-Line Railroad have been greatly de layed on account of the stress of the weather. A man by the name of Falkner, who lived near Wadesboro, shot and killed himself the other day in attempting to take his loadcil gun from the rack. Thursday last t wo young nc?gro men were drowned in thj Cape Fear river, near White . Hall, Bladen county, by the swamping of . a boat. The third man succeeded in , reaching the shore in a tho. ough state of exhaustion. Vww York. Jan. 25. 1877. The Messrs. Fairbanks have received this wek from the American Institute a silver medal for the "best scales" ex hibited at their last exhibition. .Tubus Lewis & Co.. Ralenh. .N.C.. are the North Carolina agents for these celebrated scales. They keep them in stock at manufacturer s lowest puces. Disease Grows Apace, Like an ill wind, snrt cannot lie mastered too early.. What b a trifling attack of sickness to-day may, if unattended to, bcomc a serious case in a week. Small ailments snoiuu oe ,0.0.1 in tho Viu1 Itpfm-p thev blossom into full U1UA U V II ' - .... I blown maladies. If this advice were attended 1 to, many tf heavy bill for medical attendance might be avoided. When the liver is dlsnr- .1 . .1 hn tho fillet ri iitti 1 UC1 U, I lit nilnut. m . .- - " or the nerves Alistarbed, Host-tters Momach Bitters, a lew uosa-s au uiirii win irsiure 1 i.t... n,.llfki. quH nut Alio txtAiti In Iko rfft UCiUUIV miliu ' J'U .v ... t... .... 1 I - I . . nrAOilt Itfhil T l Irtiffn the i I . comparable preventive in the house, since it ClieCKS, Willi UiiiMitucii .MmiMiuiur, tiiaui ders wiiieh breed others far more daiiKerous, ,1,1 in thnr latest ilevelomuents -aie them selves often fatal. ' For children, convalescents, and involids of weak constitutions, the use of Colden's lAf hiX s Liquid rxtract Beer and ionic lu- viKorator win be round invaluable. A. L O POROUS PI.ASTERS. Ask for Alleock's, and obtain them, and so avoid miserable imitations. B. BKANDUKTH, I'res t. Office 291 Canal St., N. Y. no4d&w3m. w A X T 1 A situation'by a yountr man. who is willine. able and will work. Of steady habits. (i.Kxl reference. AVagesare no object. Apply -t LAA IT, ; Jaii6-tf Past Office. N JOTCE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT application will be made to the present sessl in ot the lie n ?ral Assembly of North Cafoliaa , 1 or an act to lucorrtorai "ine itai -mu .e.i Company," of the city of KaliRh, N. , jan.-JUl t ? T H 11 Raleigh Weekly News. The Great Democratic News paper of the Metropolis. THE'BKSrAND l.IJE CHEAP ES T JOUR N AL YQ H S TA TK AM) SOUTHERN ( 111 CULATION. Price, One Dollar for One Year. AN liXTRA COPY TO THE GUTTER-UP OF A CLUB OF TEN. A Daily Xcvvs to a tictter-l'p of a (Tub of -FifM. . POSTAGE PREPAID. Thk I!;u Weekly News the avoweil and acknowledged orfnan of tlie Democracy of of the city and State takes this opportunity of gratefully returning its thanks for the gen erous support accorded to it since tho opAMi ingof the lati arduous campaign, and re spectfully solicits of its friends a continuance of that patronage which they have hitherto so liberally bestowed, and pledges: 1. That it will continue to be in the future, as it has been in the past, a faithful sentinel of the Democratic party of the city, the State and the nation. 2. That it will be constantly on guard to do fend and battle for the cardinal pi hu-iples of the Democratic party, 3. That its policy v ill be progressive, and that it will tlo its utnnist ,io assist in pushing' forward to completion the gn at reforms al ready inaugurated by the chosen leaders of the Democratic party. It will makn an ag gressive and tireless walfare upon tyranny, corruption, vice and ignorance. It will faith fully and zealously labor to impart to an in telligent people a full and correct knowledge of their rights, duties and responsibUitles as citizens'. It will work for the success" of the Democratic party in the city, state and nation, believing, as -it does, that the welfare and prosperity ijf the country can lx best suK served by the A-lev.ilioii f the party to influ ence and power. The columns of Tin. Yki:ki.y News will contain Ably-written and timely editorial articles on the topics of theday ; The choicest literature of the period: Agricultural information of the most -interesting and important character ; A carefully arranged compendium of jur political news of the week ; Accurate market reports, and full and re. liabli financial reviews ; Telegraphic news from all parts of the woi.Id presented in the most attractive form that news can be made to assume ; and Everything else that can contribute to the production of a perfect family newspaper. In fine, Tnic Weekly News will be a complete record of the enterprise, progress and induc- try of the country. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUNSCKIRE. Samnle copies sent fres 011 application . AKDKKSS ALL LETTERS AXI) ORDEli'i TO rrii? News, RALEIGH, N. C. O s is o 1: N II o r S K Corner Wilmington and Davie Hit. RALEIGH, N. C. This house is pleasantly located in the !m:- ness part of the city, convenient to the post olliee and and has undergone THOROUGH KEPAIKS, and litted up In a style to gire the travelling punue every satisfaction, witu ATTENTIVE SEKYANTS, the Proprietor; pledges himself to make the House inrciA' amines ann conuort luisurpassA'U by any other in the city. ADMISSION AT ALL HOUR-;, and charges moderate. C. D. OSnORN, Proprietor. - S1..V). 7.0(1. - 20.00. HOARD, per day, " per week. -" imt month janlO-lmon XOTIIER CERTIFICATE OX THE purity of Liquors soM by TONNOFFSIvI. I5 y t: it 1: a p.p 1. k n R a x d y at TONXOFFSKIS. 1 YEAR OLD NORTH CAROLINA C RN I Wh'sy at TONXOFFSKI S. jpFETFFEK JEFFERSON RYE WHISKY. a pure article, at TON NOFFBK I S. v W. FARRETT & CO.'.S FURE SfTP- pernong and lilaekberry Wines at iua.witsm s A FULL LINE OF ;ROCERIllS AND Confections at TONXOFFSKIS. Jan 9 o u i H : : no2-d3m O O D NOW. if the "Gootlnough" Horse Shoo will last twice as long as the ordinary 8hoe and 1 claim it does and it costs no more 10 nav e them put on your horse what do you say to sending your horse to he shod by VJWU(l- HAlA llt-Ll-tli, Near New Fair Grounds. T F MONEY- IS SCARCE! "Wagons, Buggies, Carriages and Carts are m.iTuiifaeturA'd and repaired at price U suit that scawity all work guaranteed. IjcUKtiC HA IAJJir.iir.Ji. Near New Fair Grounds, Hillsboro St. Road, Raleigh, N. C; ft ock iuttom and no mistake. s nnr nlatform for r; ices on Wines. Wh In kles. Brandies. Cigars. &.e. Grocerlea, of ev erv description, mli-io-ln Gi:ilR;E P.ATCIIFJ.DER, la a l(M ' It t - sir . t

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