r R ALEIGE HE 71 EWS VOL. XII-NO.Sii. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNLSTG, DECEMBER 12, 1877. $5.00 PER ANNUM. Tl BIt.RlMI4X WAR. The Fall r PleTaa Rejelelai la HI. Pel ertbarg. laeldcMia aad nf uraU kffir Ike aarrf-der 0n.aa futha'i Braver. Th im- i f the fall of llevaa OCCUHoUS real reroumif. here. The theatres are rtiebii'm; tb K.-t-ry by poci,l sMi I iun t- t!-ir usual prrirrlino. Lo- ihutaCK and p puUr dcsoMit rat ions 10 b.wr of the Imperial family a a J armv tic ma-le in the streets and public pJicv (irt croda are acrablcd. cheer mnjcinjj tb ftAthmal ao thxtn The cut i partially illuminjUed. B....'T. IV-. At o'clock Ibl nHHUin; l(mB Pabaa ntire aria? tV-fcei tbe K1m 4irraadier eocpe. while n4iia the lose i arret. ueot io tbe eft tank if tW rlvrr VkI, a oj endeavoring to fusee laiu. Tb a.tai k w hj1- aiin deperate nxTjij. aud porttou of tbe Tuiktab tro .). iu fart, petxtrale tL line of lbe caUea;bMeu ad aallerie. but U axlfotpta to break laroak Lb p" tko ef lb GieaaUirr vara LoeQeo tnal After ne boor of arvera Ubi. tag tae Tuias weta ef.atil rJ wa tax Tno hole army. rp to tbe p i mpiol to estimate Turkish po.iici or war tnttcrul taken W mittee ou I r importation routes to Urn 3 aa board, reported favorably o i the Senate bill to provide for tbe survey tf an miaou water rou e and canal from tbe Miaaittippi river to tbe Atlantic cceaa. CALX x DAK. Mr. Kuitiit, of Louisiana, appropria tins reooe v to opeL and keen aaobstrue led ntL-ati m of I ted Kiveraod to car ror the property of tbe failed States referred to tbe committee of oetnmerce Matthews' silver reaolutioa was re-auned. Washlagtoa Netea. sr. - v niN0T5, iiec. 11. oojrreasman Small, ol South Carolina. U oat on bail under motion for a uew trial In kia seat Tbe oontlrnMNl 101 tnaatets, including Jiia. jonuaon of tvbclbrrilla, Tenn , were four in Arkansas and wni twenty miliar northern txistal nominations. Tbe Cabinet couriered aona minor appointmeut to-day. Tbe Secretary ol War had nothing new from tbe Ra Grande border, llaree baa ausxribed a burn I red dollars to a monument to Mor ton. ier wim Iks ent time it the narnber uautity of tbAt rvervtbin iu Plevna has failen into our band. Tbe lu:au Are iocoQAd .'rabie i mjrr-i with ttie ruUa obtain d Ixxr?i. IVe II rif Utet a.I- c from HucbAic'. v C tUe uuiuUer i' Tarkih ptioon at forty thousand '.nan IAba on1erl a -itsc in the hirti.o ( Widdin. Il.4:r. abu'll m .i. nli aa deiiair, i i e. j where tbe thrme of om crt i-a. Tie sutlerin of tbe ruriksiiatlie be ls.u;d l-wa Are Awful; cold. it. -. A Oil fatsitM.- drcitUAtad the rjokv aiui redocvJ the oidier 'o Imn krletiHiv To,;tk: the lu'liim.-t, n doctor, and no metiwine - uM l- ot taioed. Four bundrea nuu fell into tbe Lia ru.1 s of Lba KusAaaA Tbe frouad. w Kwrb was the soeue of a sortie, is litna.lv t tewn w ith dead and mn I l.in elf, w a semrrrly w oxt o. i" 1 Urf.ne h- w owl ct,vut t a arrender There bj an inirtAut all cLa& of Itiiuijn M-vrit:r ti tUe mAintAin irreal tiroi .ir., ntwith tB lb lAtt thai Ui.t ralixm air have been turosro upiu the niAtkrt. Tbe keurAl ion? ( tlx yrl n Deruaad farf Nabalaallal Guar. nlrrS"-Tlir Prebakle t'aup tl'Ktal- .The Itoaapartlata la try tUelr baadt aim Nalnlloa. Pa km, Dec. 11. Tbe Bonapartitt and Ho ah t Vminis will demand substan iiai UArAiitees oeiore cnseniiuir to a lis- -,ii don of tbe Cbarnber of Deputies. All muiteri3l combinations are coujee tural. The lludcet is tbe only obstacle j to the second dissolution Arojot of j fj-jl s. j .(. un in ntAkin tbe f dis..!utiou uiulei llue circuuiitAiicvs, I the gotcrutueut rop-s to supply s-me j bow or other the absence of h Uu let, and whitev.r that meoure bs.il must set l licttAui-e the coustiLulion and beloa; lo the category of ro-iy dt tl-tt. Arnoug those wh-aie conleatplAlin this solu tion, tbvie aie some for wb.n it has a pAituuUr auractiou. They think the UAtion t At length losing patience and will furnib tht-m v pUusible a pretaxt for one ef Iboee arts of rrpicsi'a, that in the don.,; of bich, liberties will per uU and tiiciAtorabipa will arise from tbe hi .-1 tA:u-d soil. Others think ibat tbe MarsbAl, who was gradually lured dowu the slipperv decent of illegality, will wind up by going to extrcmelies rie in j aud Allowing his authority over the ar my t lie employed for fresh violence a-nt the itationAl will, which will T. M. CIRCUIT COURT. Cell a n. llawklaa it. AUaatle aad Werlh Carallsa Ball rassd C'eupaar ippalataisit af Receiver Dealed.ete. etc. Tbe United State Circuit Court for the Eaatara District of North Carolina met in Metropolitan Hall, this city at 10 A. M., Yesterday, puisuant to adjourn ment. Judges Hood, and U rooks presid in. Tbe caaa of Colin )L Ilawkiaa, of Maryland, tb. Lbe Atlantic and Isorth Carolina Railroad Company and John II. Dillard aad John K. Piokere.ll aa trustees, was rasamad. IIoo. Daniel Q. Fowls, attorney for tbe defendant, read aad filed an affidavit by Ilia Excellency, Gov. - Vance, reply ing to ceitaio allegations la tbe affidavit of John L. More be ad filed by the attor neys for tbe plaintiff on Monday. We Enbllab that portion of Mr. More ead'a affidavit to which Gov. Vance refers: ad wsh rVriliwxl he Mai. John W. Grt ham and Col. T. C. roller, counsel fof the plaintiff These gentlemen present ea a verv able snrnmeni i their o.liinr At 1 P. M. CoL Fttnef concluded, when tbe Uon. D. G. Fowl arose to close the argument lor toe de fence. "It U not necessary for jou to speak." said Ilia Honor Judge loa "I am vrr much abliired. to too, re sponded Jud?e Fowle, Further proceedings ia tbe matter were discontinued by Judge Bond, who announced the decision of the Court, j OPisroJt or tee .ootjbt. j -The complainant files this bill to fore close hia mortgage,- allaginir that , bis debt la due and unpaid. L lie then asks that . uoiil the final hearing, the mortgaged property may; be taken out of tbe hands of the Ra3-' road Company, and pot into the hands ei a receiver. I bis Utter motion .m Cotton North antl Factories South. (N.Y. Times.) In reply to a statement to the effect that the cotton manufactories of New England had seen their best days, and that their trade would soon be controll ed by the Southern States, ex -Gov. 8' raw, of New-Hampshire, has recently given expression to views which have excited a very warm, and not uninstruc tive, controversy between the leading mOl-owiiers of the two sections. Ia the publication referred to Mr. Straw is represented as having stated, among other tilings, that the cotton factories of the South eould never hope to success fully ompete with those of New-England, because the climate rendered it impossible for any but the negroes, who never become good 'operatives, to work ten and eleven hours a day, and because manufacturing could never hope to V m 1 TCI. 1UII UhWI UTOMVU ''OTJ a addressed to the discretion 'ofL-is.it lryi-aJocaHty in which men and court. It ooght oueut paw- - - .-- r a;i . it K .krd to in -coon uu uw I r. a pro; EXTRACT FROM A V VI OA TIT J That accord in to the dm- sage as ema' Hxcenmcy, uov. nance, dated 20th January, 1977, to the Gan eral Assembly of the State, then in session, there was imminent dauger of sale of tbe road, because of its In debtedness. Tbat, accord i u to said message, the HoatiPK debt of tbe company bad swelled to over 26,OUO, with no means much by working In uVvred nronartt ia baiBP-waeXea. OT I wemv sua similar sosoniuuo, uo .1 that he lain Tmmrdiate danger of kY I that the mills of Georgia were not as a and that the court, through its receivifVtrule, successful, that only those which yjlyvj a locaiwtnauu were prou 1 could aana?e the property more. nomtcally and honestly than the pres ent management. We think that the proof shows that the security of the complainant is ample, and there is no danger "of any immediate loss. There is no proof whatever of any misconduct of the defendants or the conduct of the railroad finances, nor is table, aad that many of the most exten sive enterprises bad resulted in such losses that the men who had underta ken them were not able to pay for their machinery. As might have been ex peeted, these assertions have excited the people of the South to a degree which is altogether out of proportion to the demands of the occasion. It cannot be denied, however, that Mr Straw has to nav the ame and no oroviston for proof of any waste of its means. , . nowever, mat Mr htraw th:hJ , PT. uL!! and Under the circumstance, the court will one. or two grave blunders in I 1- f give Axtr Kiauce paAsive and couueicd to the arbitrary will of a single man. Duvsotutiou ami legality can not longer be co:uu-ct. I. Hut of the apotbeses meetimr the interest then acciued and soou again to accrue, and it is strongly urged upou the Legislature to authorize an assessment of one and one-half per cout. mi the capital stock of tbe coin pAuy, to enable it to pay off its indebt edness, which suggestion the said As sembly adopted, aud by au act ratified on tbe 12th day of March, 1877, author izing such sn assessment to be made, provided a majority of the stockholders should approve thereof, which approval has not up to this time been given, so great did the Assembly regard tho din ger of the loss of the road to be, that it authorized tbe Governor, in the event "an emergency" should arise, to draw from the Treasurer whatever sura he might deem necessary to protect tbe State's interest. And affiant further shows tbst so late as July 19th. 1S77, the acting President of said road, in a letter published in the newspapers of tbat day, declared that "the sickne.s oT the road, financially, is alarm ;.. s I'rvA. in c. miurotiD; mi tbe fa l of I from aiiHn which one is reduced to se- rUrna. islu ure the oerunrul to j Jm. it is uuposAibU to decide which ia seise tbe pcsni opportunity for medi- tbe moot likrlv. or what is tbe aual plan aUoo. aad while it may yet n,t be Uo entcita ncd. It i. however, evident late. ) that the hour of a-e hxa not struck The li'.j say it u the duty of ! for France. And errv lav briuv addi- Mmister I, i yard to nopresa upou the taiod of tbe uitan .he urgent eipedi-e-wryo.' giving weight to pv-'rtc couuscla before the resource of the Kmpirr are utterly etbautrd. Bn rtiT, Iec. 11 The ss bein sue bcre iu celebration of tbe Kustiau iK"r s at I'letna. Prince iortschAka.rT and tbe Hus iAa and KouiuAniAo autbovitaea were preaaut- TVe "- ft a lb Ciar. lions) il infers. j Nnr Ktrala. the capture! I'resi- dent f t uba, lis Arrived at Cadiz, and I i pnxner in the Fortress at Barcelona. I MacMah-.ri is .juoted aa uot having ! sucoreded iu forming the Cabinet ac ceptable to tbe majority of the Chamber, aod that be would constitute eoe to suit the majority of the Senate. If the ben- ate refused to accept 1L Li- woJa re I..IV. VAXCK. sworn, deposes wll lHJlUffte far of ft- after tbe wrreasleT m i his own cArriae a cjet at tbe dispo-Al of tHman PasI.s lOBTY.lIlTH t o X Ci R reiiu r.r kTh! fff" nill far -r'i- IheTttaa rranll- , . f t Dec. II. :.- If 15 'i Ik -" tnorouv hour ATt-Neaxly tb wreoutiuo was s-.-cup.ed Jurof lb- country iu titwoa from alodmenl of fae ..j. favr of an iroiauU states from tattoo so as c,tue0a on account of d-f'ahj the appointment of a cxra- U entjuire into the alcoholic m tfrA.'hc, ami urging Coosfresa not lLIke any action concerning tbe revis it of the tariff, until after it ahall bse ascertained by inquiry the con dition of business f the country, and legislation shall be such aa in the opin ion of practical business men will pro mote business prosperity of the coun try. All of which were referred lo the appropriate committees. The Finance Committee agreed to report favorably on tbe renomination of treo. Brady a Collector of Revenue in Virginia. This is significant a decla rative of the President's right to re nominate In the ca of tbe Toleio Postmaster, tbe President baa amended bis nomina tion so that the nominee, iustead of succeeding himself, succeeds his prede cessor, and iu the meanwhile tbe prede cessor resumes. Tbe House bill, providing a suitable burial for the ictims of the Huron, passed. The deficiency appropriation bill was resumed. Hoic The ssion was occupied in v.-t;ng on tbe Senate amendments to tie deficiency bill. The most import Aut one was that appropriating i-0,0iO for inland mail transportation on star routes aad by steaaibcAts audasll ytber thin Rail 1 toad routes. The coTumittce oc appropriations recommended noo coocunence. but tbe House decided otherwise anJ concurred in the amend ment by a vote of 143 to lo7. The bill go back to the Senate on minor amendments. Hewitt, of New York, was app unit d oo the Pacific Rail ILd committee in lbe place of Potter, of New York. Nemioaltoos: Heury L. IUe, m pennteodent of the mint, Sati Francisco; Cysus II. Baldwin, cJWtor of custom, ChAxleatop. S. C; Dealonde, post mas ter, Piuemioe, I-a. ; Leland, Wac, Texas; Commodore Daniel Auinien, Hear Admiral. Muie Cooklin offered a resolu tion for a committee of scen S natois to eoquixe aad report measures to prt mots commercial intercourse with Mex ico aad establish a quiet and peAceful cood.Uoo of affAirs on tbe berder. with the power to send for persous aud pa pir; adopted. Keliogi offered a bill for tbe eaUb liahment of steamship seivue between Jisw OrWaos anl various ports. A vast number of petitKKW were pre- seated allowing wouseo to vote. Maxey, of Texas, from thecoramitue j on military affAirs, to whom was refer- ! tbe resolution of the 1 lib of No vta'Jer, insiructiog tbat committee to MB f and report upon a system of de- , fciiAive works loc the Itw Uraxule froo- ! r. reported a bill makiog appropnav i lla lor the erection of saiUble pots the proUctioa of the UioGrsude frocusr: placed oa the calendar. Mr Coaover. from the select cm- "aJsIW iLaVaria dts pa'ch to the Ceardaaa sey ft Is believed if M. BalLtea' combination fails, tbe ministry of experienced Bonapartisla will take the problem in hand and find a prompt solution of it. (olloa W rop Report bsr. lor .o etn iiiot, IVc 11. Tlie follow ing was te rie 1 Ijo late for distribu tion last nihl : Momt.K, A I.., Dec. 10. Eizbtv l wo replies have been leceivet from -X0 counties. The weather during November has beeo less favorable for gathering the crop than dunug the cor respomiing penl last year. Abou three quarters of the crop has been picked, and will all le gathered by the - jib of IVceinber 1 he yield in eleven prairie or bottom land counties is esti mated at about 9 per cent, more than last vear. In twelve upland counties ! about tbe same, and iu sixteen upland counties about 8 per cent. less. About fifty per cent, of tbe crop ia reported as having been marketed. Mississippi. Twenty counties fifty- four icplics. The weather is reported a being less favorable than last year About seventy per cent, of the crop has been picked, aud will all bo gathered by the end of December, the yield, compared with last year, is estimated at about fourteen per cent less. About fifty per cent, of tbe crop is reported ss bsving been marketed. Union LfS(se Endorsri llajee Piilt.ADi.Lriu a. P., Dec. 11. The fifteenth annual report of the I'nion League endorse the President's South ern policy. Coal ha. advanced forty cents on tbe ton. Crawley's cotton mill is bumcd, and a hundred employees were outed out of employment. Another Bank li Law rem l Kan., Liquidation. Dec. 11. Ths Simpson Bank, of this city, went into voluntary liquidatiou yesterday, and J. S. Chew was appointed Receiver. It is the oldest banking institution in tbe city. It is believed the assets, if not sacrificed, will be sufficient to pay the creditors in full. FOKEICJX. Louden Tlmrseo lbe Nltnallou. London, Iec. 11. The 7iW urges tbat the moment has now arrived when mediatiou between Russia ajd Turkey is possioie, aru n is i ue uwpuu iuai the British government will uh efforts to that effect, all Lotto by lbe Fire, C'im inxati. 0.. Dec., II. Tbe loss bv fire in tbe Meatier r urniture Com pa . & . S. A ny s tactery iai Insurance 140,000. vu iim,oo.i. C'nlirornla on lbe Chinese BUI. San Fkanciwo, Dec. 11. Tbe Senate has passed concurrent resolutions in structing Congressmen to support Gen. Sbel ey s Chinese bill. Drlaya breed remorse ! " The best Insurance Co.'s will insure you citEArkWT when you burn you want prompt paymen: of your less. "The Va. Fire and Marine." "Tbe Royal Ins. Co." "Tbe MauhatUn Ins. Co ' "The Franklin Ins. Co." See E. 0. Brown, Agent, in llollemau building. A t VI DA IT BT Z. B. Vance being and says : Ibat the extracts quoteU in tbe affidavit of John L. Moreheaii are from a letter written by affiant on tbe 17th of July last to citizens of Golds boro, in relation to certain contracts entered into by John Hughes as Re ceiver of the Atlantic aud North Caro lina Huilroad Company, with the Wil mington & Weldon Railroad, aid the R. A G. Ra:l- oad, for the maintaining of freight rates at Raleigh and Goldsboro: that said extracts are disconnected from the coutext and their meaning per verted, as the correct copy of said letter in full, which is attached hereto, will from contending N ?- Hmltmiaa "tbe whole tenor of his argument was to show that it was being ruined by tbe previous management for tbe benefit of others, and that under tbe new management it could be made to flourish and discharge its entire debt in a short time. Affiant further swears thtt in his opinion tbe embarrassments which surrounded said road iu lV7C-'7. were partly the result of bad management and partly of de sign: and that in his opinion said A. 4 N. C. Railroad is fully worth 1500,000 ic cash intrinsically, aud that owing to the peculiar positiou it occupies, which enables it to control freight rates iu middle and eastern North Carolina, it is worth vastly more than that sura, as proof of which affiant refers to the said contract existing between it and the said W. Jt W. and,R. & G. Railroads, by which the latter reads pay to it a bo nus on all freights carried to and from Raleigb and Goldsboro, amounting by estimate made from five months trial thereof to $23,00.) or 130, OUO per annum, for the cons-deration that it, tbe Atlant ic and . C. K. K. shall maintain rates at those point, and a leading and experienced officer has assured affiant that said bonus was much too small. And this affiant is firmly of the opin lontnat it tnese contracts remain in force and the present management of said road is not disturbed, what with the sum to be received under said con tracts, and with the prudence, economy, thrift and integrity of its chief officer, it will rapidly discbarge all its liabilities and will soon be able to pav a dividend. it being one of the cheapest roads to operate and keep in repair of which af fiant has any knowledge, and running through a very rich agricultural coun try to the best harbor in North Caroli na. 1 hat in regard to the claims ef said A. & N. C. Railroad against tbe N. C. Railroad for about $10,000. tbe affiant ia informed that bis predecessor in office, Gov. C. H. Brogden, instructed the directors on the part of the State, being eight in number, and a majority, not to plead the statute of limitation in bar of said claims, but to settle it on equitable terms; and if any such reso lution as is alleged in the affidavit of R. allow the suit to progress like any other suit to foreclose a mortgage, and will not exercise the extraordinary power of appointment of receiver now ANOTHER IMPORTANT SUIT. Scott vs. city of Raleigh, Raleigh & Augusta I tail road and Raleigh & Gas ton 1 tail road Company. This case was caded and was argued by Merrimon, Fuller it Ashe for plain tiff and W. N. H. Smith, J. B. Batche lor and Walter Clark for the Railroads, aud Badger & Deveroux and F. H. Bus bee for the city of Raleigh. The ground of the action was to aid in building tbe Chatham Railroad. The city of Raleijzh subscribed $"i0,000 to said road and the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad $300,000, both in the year 1862. To enable there to pay said subscrip tion, they exchanged with the State their bonds for said amount and re ceived a like amount of Stato bonds, which last were ul on tbe market and with the proceeds the subscription was paid. This is an action by tbe holder of one of such State bonds lo subject tbe bonds given to the State by the city and said Railroad to tbe pay ment of bis State bond. The court beard tbe argumc.it iu full and reserved its opinion till this morning. ADDITIONAL PROCEEDINGS. A la ii von Capeheart vs. Kader Biggs & Co., of Norfolk, Va. This case was removed from the Sujierior Court of Northampton county, argued by Messrs. Busbee & Busbce for tho plaintiff, Hon. W. N. H. Smith for defendants. Mo tion to remand, for want of jurisdiction, was allowed. Judgment against Uo aeienaants I or costs iniuiaoouii. The iurv was discharged for the term. Win ia ail eaeas i eendnur werfaP uiscoargeu. " ytm inai urge nam- oer oi witnesses came up last evening to appear in the case of the United States vs. the property ef O. W. Watkins, of Granville, but were discharged. The court adjourned until this morn irg at 10 o clock. Tbe Snw TtsrilT and Internal Revenue BillLighter Unties nnd Lower Tnxes. i 71 I e I B. Haywood was passed by the present Board of Directors of said N. C. Rail road, directing said claims to be resisted by such a plea, that affiant has no knowledge of the same, and does not coaseut thereto, but would instruct tbe directors of his appointment to adoet the juster course prescribed by Gov. Brogden. Tbat affiant, as Governor of the State, is desirous tbat all just credi tors shall be paid, and is sincerely anx ious to promote the welfare of said road, not only because of tbe public property which is involved, but because of in terests of the private stockholders, and the right, whatever I hey may be, of the holders of the construction bonds there of, all of which right sand interests, sav ing only those of tbe holders of the mortgage bonds, will be destroyed should said road be brought to sale, and as affiant verily believes will be greatly injured by tbe breaking up of the present management, and the re moval of its present most efficient con trolling officer. (Signed.) L. B. Vance. Sworn and subset ibed before me, De cember 11th, 1877. H. J. Riddick, Clerk. Then" follows a true copy of tbe letter referred to, from Gov. Vauce, to Messrs. Bonitx, Weil and others, committee at Goldsboro, dated July 17th, 1877, which has already appeared in the News. Uon. Charles K. Thomas, of counsel for the defendants, opened the argu ment, reviewing in an able and forcible manner all the facta bearing upon tbe He continaed for thirty minutes, Special to the Baltimore Sun. Washington, Dec. 7. The Ways and Means committee are already busily at work in laying the foundations of tbe new tariff and internal revenue bill The bill will net probably be reported before some time in February, as the Ways and Means committee desire to delay its completion until the appropri atioc bills are reported. When the appro priation bills are all in it will then be seen what tbe expenditures of the govern ment are likely to be, and tbe tariff and tax bill will be framed to meet those necessities. The whole tendency of the tariff bill will be toward lighter duties and free trade. Conversations with members or the w ays ana Means com mittee confirm very ully the views here tofore expressed in these dispatches that the new bill will reduce the taxes to the lowest point compatible with the proper administration of the govern meut and the payment of the public obligations. Among the propositions which are likely to receive the favorable consideration of the committee is the suspension for six years of the sinking fund. It is said that according to the report of the Secretary of the Treasury it is shown tbat tbe reduction of the public debt and the accumulation of the sinking fund is ia a much greater ratio than required by law, and that the operations of this fund may be suspend ed for -six years without any incouveni- V A 1 I A 1 J.i ence. it this is aone ana me amy on tea aud coffee is restored, as is proposed, it is calculat d that it will make a dif ference of $50,000,000 annually, and that a burden of taxation may be light ened to tbat amount. It should be un derstood tbat it is assumed the re im position of the tea and coffee duty will not add to the cost to the consumer in this country, as the export tax in the couutries where these articles are pro duced would probably be lifted. It is probable tbat tbe internal tax on whiskey will be reduced to 50 cents per gallon and on tobacco to 10 cents per pound. Tbe duties on iron, steel, silks and woolens will all be largely reduced. The object will be to simplify as much as possible the internal revenue and tariff sy tem.and to confine the taxes to as few articles as possible. In any event the free list on the tariff bill will be much enlarged. It may be that the tariff bill will be reported in such shape that the free list will be omitted entire ly and the bill will specify only such ar ticles as a duty is to be levied upon, ith the rates. This is, however, sub ject to future consideration, but it is be lieved that the above cives a clear out line of the character of the bill that will come from the committee. re. I gard to the conditions under which cot ton can be and is manufactured in the Southern States. For instance, his statement to the effect that none but negroes can endure the, work in the mills of the section named is entirely a mistake. In Columbus, Augusta, Gran iteville, and several other places of mi nor importance, the white operatives, nineteen out of twenty of whom are na tives of the South, work for ten and eleven hours a day from one year's end to the other. They are contented, well satisfied with the compensation they receive, and have never even talk, d of a strike. Further than this, it must be admit ted that the South has many natural advantages for cotton manufacturing which are not possessed by the North. The mills of Georgia and the other Southern States have an unfailing sup ply of water. The streams that run their spindles are never frozen, and up to this time they have never been seri ously affected by the droughts of Sum mer. The climate is particularly af'a.r ted for the first manipulation of the delicate raw material. Iu tho North the air is frequently so dry that steam has to be introduced into the weaving rooms to keep the threads moist and prevent them from breaking. Such an expedient is never necessary in tho South; even in Midsummer, the atmos phere is always sufficiently humid to al low the spinning and weaving process to goon without interruption. Further than this, the Southern mills require less g u ana less luel than their .North ern rivals, and the original cost of iheir oonstaictiouis invariably much smaller. Their owner derive still cxeater advan- owever, from the fact that they ana can nave it delivered at their UJors rresn irom tne neids and without any charge for freight, brokerage, or factors' commissions. Mr. W. II. Voung, of Columbus, Ga., who is one of the best known and most reliable manufacturers in the South, estimates that on this one item alone the Georgia mill proprietors, as compared with those of New-England, save six to eight dol lars on every bale of raw material. After conceding all these and many other advantages to the South, howev er, we can still find no sufficient proof of the statement made in certain quar ters that the Southern States will, in the not far-distant future, control the greater part of the trade now held by the manufacturers of New-England, ft caunot be denied that the cotton mills of the South have rapidly increased du ring the past eight or ten years, or that in the majority of cases they have, even In dull times, made large profits. There is every reason to believe that under intelligent and enterprising man agement this prosperity will not only coutinue but increase. Indeed, it is now certain, according to reliable state ments recently published, that the Southern mills will be doubled in num ber and capacity during the next two years. But all this does not argue that the New-Englaud factories must close their doors and go out of business. They still have, and will continue to have, over their rivals the advantage of abundant capital, the latest improve ments in machinery, skilled labor that cannot be excelled in the world, and a situation whi. h makos it possible for them to deal directly with all tho mark ets of this country and Europe. The mills of the South have increased and are increasing in number, but the same statement is also truo of tho North. They will continue to multiply as long as they continue to find new markets. and' that they are doing daily. Accord ing to competent and trustworthy au thority, it appears that auring (he elev en months of the year already passed. 115,338 paekajres ot cotton goods of Northern manufactui-e were exported frain New-York and Boston, while du ring the same period in 1876 only 87,- 000 packages were sent out, and in 1875 only 44,500. There is every reason to believe that this foreign trade will con tinue to increase, and as it is chiefly in the liner sorts of cotton goods, there need be no fear of successful competi tion from the South. That section will doubtless find abundant opportunity at home toHlispose of the admirable quali ty of coarse cloths made there; and for the excellent cotton blankets manufac tured in Columbus there will doubtless continue to be a good market in the West. The trado in shirtings, sheet ings, and other line geods, however, wUl naturally and for obvious reasons remain for an indefiuite period in the hands of the New-Englaud manufactu rers. Frnit Culture in North Carolina V? V Farmer and Mechanic. TheUisplay oin xiuns at our late fair was a" matter of both pride and gratification to all who feel au in terest in the welfare of our State. The various exhibitors are entitled to the thanks of the public, but in an especial manner should praise be awarded to those gentlemen who exhibited the growth of their own orchards Most proaiinout among these was Mr. J. R. Neill, of Yancv county. His display, we venture 'to say, was the most splen did ever made from one orchard by one grower in North Carolina, both in size, quality and variety. Of the two bar rels of Gl-oria Mundi the average weight was 30 ounces, while many reached 32$ ounces. The appearance of this variety was beautiful in the extreme and the flavor unexcelled iu Americ?. Mr. Neill's career as a pomologist imparts a useful lesson to all who are disposed to make an independent living . .. i It -1 vlmalLjnieanj to Peg", w oeiore of Asheville. noted for intelligence industry and integrity, but possessed of little capital. About the beginning of the war, having married in that county. he settled in l ancey on a small moun tain farm on Bald Creek, a tributary of Caney River. On this farm was the nucleus of an orchard, and perceiving the caDacitv of the country for fruit growing, he set to work, resolved to devote himself to the business. He pruned, grafted and planted, selecting the best varieties, aud expending all his time and means beyond the support of his laniuy, and labored witn dilJigence, patience and practical inteligence until he succeeded in establishing the best orchard of the size perhaps in the State His example has had a happy influence on all his neighborhood, and though he is so far from market about 45 miles from the market railroad depot as to make his present profits less than they should be, he has laid the foundation of a fortune for his children, and poin ted the way to a great prosperity lor his county. "Riley Neill's" apples are already known further away than any man's in North Carolina, and their celebrity is still advancing. Four years ago Gov. Vance sent two barrels of them to a friend iu England who re ported them among the best he had ever seen iu any part of the world. Such men are worth something to the country. We would be glad to have the benefit of his experience for the readers of the Farmer and Mechanic, and if any occasion should arise for North Carolina fruits to be displayed abroad, J. R. Neill is the man to do it. A Singular Accident on the New York. Mew Haven v Hartford Railroad. New Haven, Aug. 7, 187L Dr oiles: While on duty as fireman on engine 47, about ten miles from this city, on Hhore Line Koad, was aceidently thrown off against a rock, train under full head about ihlrtv-flve miles an hour. Was very badly bruised. Your agent was on board. He fur nished me with two bottles of Liniment Iodide of Ammonia, from which I received the greatest possible benefit. In four days was able to sit up. and am uow ready to com mence work. My aged mother also used the Liniment for rheumatism, whic h it cured. John Oaffnet. The above wa- witnessed by number of passengers, .-ind vouched for tv T. Magee, conductor, l'eseud, l.ce & Co., Agents. Coral Lips.- Lustrous Kycs, Au burn Lock are merely accessory charms. A lovely com plexion, the chief component of beauty, is imparted i i perfection by no prepiaatin save Uouraud's O ymplan Cream, l-'or sale uy uruggists everywaere. . , t. n. nearii Agent FEED STOKE.' 250 BARRELS FLOUR, UKADE9. ALL For sale very low for CASH, by (JATriS, JONES St KLI.IS, BOLTED CORN MEAL the best oualitv at wholesale fur 1hs than It can be had from anywhere by JA'l T1S, JONES & ELLIS. Sore Legs, varicose veins and ulcers sere ous discharge, desquamation of the cuticle, are all cured by Nile's Liniment Iodide of Ammonia. Pescud, Lee & Co., Druggists. mSCELLAXEOUS. ALMANAC FOR J M7H--I1TI1 VEArt. Calculated from the first Vy B. Craven, 11 D. LL. D., President of Trinity College, N C Best and chapest edition ever publisned. 10 cents per single copy (sent per mail.) 50 cents per dozen copies (sent ( er mull.) ?3.00 per hundred copies (-(.liosent per mail.) Order earlv from L. ISltA.N'sox, Prni.isiiEK. Kaleigh, X.C. 3faw--;w. FOR THE REST JI ILL FEED ever offered in this market for horses or cows or for Corn. Oats, Seed Wheat, Hye, or any vi ronvge can oil Send orders In advance to J. A. .IONKS BLACKSMITH COAL, 4 ever I TJU"lil to till the be by market, i.x -:U. I. A. JONE. On Saturday.December l.jtli, 1S77, I will sell at. the riui't ilfkiK. in i;tli.rii tw.iit- acres, more or less, of the land bi-longiui; to I yT...? wnllt Miss Minerva A fJreen npir tln.i'itv inst I ",y''l beyond Walnut Creek, on the Asvluin road. all well timbered in, original growth. This is very valuable laud, b. tii on account of its nearness to the city ami the timber on it. Til le good. Will be sold in two tracts, ten acres each. Te.ms ;ASH. A. M. 1.KW1S, Attnrii. v. decS THE INSURANCE WATCHMAN A LIVE IXSCKAXCE JOL'KNAL, Published monthly at All goods exchanged for e.isir- at smallest martriii bv liATTI.S. .IONKS A- Kl 1.14 nr. I A JONES nolkidif TV IV rJT if you want best water around lllclmion.l If you want choice Tiniotliv H.iv. If you want choice N. c. Hay, If you want Hran good for your cow, if you want best live ('Imps, If you want pure Hiack Oats for seed, If you want pure hiie Oals lor seed. If you want Mix el cats for reed, If you want corn. If you wai.t eaisley .s 1 't-i t ilicrs, itlio best made for Whe it. If you want pine or hard wood, If you want best Coal, at l .w figures, care fully weighed on Fairbanks I Scales, send , in orders to J. OS HOP N. Wcs.of X.C. Freight Iepot. oetUdtf for It is invaluable as a source of information INSURANCE AGENTS who insure thei and property holders erty. Contains all the ture of the day. prop- current issu.'sand lilera- Itov. J. Ludlow Writes: -I Bai.t.c Stkeet, Brooklyn. X. Y ov. 14, is; I. II. R. STEVENS, K8Q. Hear Sir, From personal benefit received by Its us?, as well us from personal know ledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I can most hearti ly and sincerely recommend tbe...Yaget 'ti TKc-vnnmiiiii wiucu ii is ciBimeu tueure JAMES P. LUDLOW, Late Pastor Calvary Baptist Church, Sacramento, Cal. PKICE Address oct.31d'f n:i: annum, in advance. HOTELS. CARROLLTON HOTEL, Baltimore, J?:,!. Baltimore, Light and Crecn Street. 91, and per lajT It. B C. P. BKOU X & CO , Editors, .iialoigli, N, ('. In Store and to Arrive. 5) r. a u s a a e l S Z a sa " S w mm sel'di'dii COLE.M AX & CO. rrirlelr. METKOr'OLI I AN hUlt Washington, !.('. feimsylv :i ! i A v. bet Olh andTtli sts. 1, 3 tend fcaO per Hay. se I5dm II. B. COLEMAN & Ci ., I'roprletoi s. Stop at The ilJaDiiinir lioasi aV-aT 'na. VEGETINE She Rests Well. SOLTH POLASD. Me., Ocf. 11, 1S70. Mr. II. R. Stevens. Dear (sir, I have been sick two years with the liver complaint, and during that time have taken a great many different medi cines, but none of them did me any good. I was restless nights, and bad uo appetite. Mnce taking the egetine 1 rest welt, and relish my food. Can recommend the Vege- iine ior wn it it nas none ior me. Yours respect fully. Mus. ALBEltTKlCKEK. Witness of the above, Mk. UEOKUE M. VAL'GHAN , Medford. Mass. VEGETINE (ood Tor the Children. . Boston Home, 14 Tyler Stre at, ) Boston, April, 18d, H. li. Stevens Dear Sir, We reel that the children In our home have been greatly benefited by the egetine you have so kindly given us from time to time, especially those troubled with the S rofula. With respect. Mus. N. W OKMELL, Matron. VEGETINE Rev, O. T. W alker Says, Providence, R. I., 164 Transit Street. II. K. STEVENS, esq. I feel bound to express with my signature tne nign value l place upon your v egetine. My ramilv have used it ror tne last two years. Iu nervous debility it is invaluable, and I lecomiuend it to all who may need aniuvigc r.iting'. renovating tonic. O. T. WALKER, formerly Pastor of Bowdo:n-square Church, uostoii. 25,000; Ifards Heavy Bagging. au ana iuu isra icon. 1,000 Yards Dundee Raggiu for Sheets. 1,000 Bundles New Arrow Ties. 2,000 lbs Bagging Twine. lOOOO lbs Bulk Heat. NO. 1 PERUVIAN OUANO. LEE'S PKEPAKEO AG h'iCi !.l UKA I LIME, (both of which I can recmiiien for wheat. The above ohV red to the trade, to farm i and ginners upon very best terms. J. J. 11IOM s, Commission Merchant, No S Maitin si rtet, sepldawCm . Raleigh, N. C. SEW ADVERTLSEJIEVr K. CURATIVE PADS! A sure cure for Torpid Liver and all diseases arism!? llierefioni l.imir Kilniv siniiii JMauuci . muiiiu. unu an reniaie iiseases. JUhilis and Fever, Costiveuess, Dyspepsia Headache. Our Liver, Lung and Ague Pari, $2. Kidney and Spinal Pail, Si. Pad lor l e male Weakness, $i We send tliem by maii free on recelut of Drice. Address E. F. NY. DER & CO., Cincinnati, O. -ft;i I'aaacil C lilN'KU M.VHKKT AND KC'X1 KTKKKT8. WILJIIXCiVO. X. V. ED. WILSON MANNING,- Ciku'iciktok. Board S-'.IO ani $2.)0 i-kii Day. Special rates in ide for a week or more to s it the titii s. omnibus and porter at till I alns. seiidtf fe lib Hole!," vt: z ii'tsHtnu; 'UN K i Ol L'M)N AND JNCTOX STREETS, VA. YVA II- KIIN ati:i:, l'roprielor. I his hotel, which has now a full run of bus incss, by t he i cetii additions, is prepared to omiuodatu b urrii'is and transient vlnl. is in the lie-1 -I j ie ami on aecniiimodal lug f . ins. Convenient to the car, and possess . . all th- re luh i iiit iits of a liisl class Ii le .! hop st'm,;rlt acMii;inua.ice ol f.nots. . v 1 1 1 1 1 1 HE SOUTHERN HALIFAX, V HOTEL, '. your own towr. outfit free. II. HAL- VEGETINE Nothing Equal to It. South Salem. Mass.. Nov. n. 1870. Mr. H. R. t-TEVENS Dear Sir, I have been troubled with Scro fula. Canker, and Liver fe'omplaiut for three years. Nothingever did me any good until I commenced using the Vegetine. I am now getting along first-rate, and still using the Vegetlne. 1 consider there is nothing equal t it for such complaints. Can heartily re commend It to everybody. Yours truly, .Mrs. LIZZIE M. PACKARD. No. lt Lagrange Stieet, South Salem, Mass. VEGETINE Recommeud it Heartily. Soctu Boston. Mk. Stevens Dear sir, I have taken several bottles of your Vegetine, and am convinced it is a valuable remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, aud General Debility of tbe Sys tem. I can heartily recommend it to all sufferers from the above complaints. Y ours respectfully. Mrs. MU.nROE PARKER VEGrETIJNTE Prepared by H. M. STEVENS; Boston, Mass, dJ a week in D I llTerms and $5 LETT & CO., Portland, Maine. Wtmtecl! FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE GO. n-i'J Broadway, New York city; Chicago, ill.. New Orleans, Li. Or San Fruiielscjh, Cal Mary J. Holmes The new novel. MILDRED, bv Mrs. Mai v .1. Holmes, author of those sulendid books- Edith Lite w est Lawn Tempest aud Sun shine Lena Rivers etc.. is now readv. iiml for sale by all booksellers. Price M. "'. It is one of the finest novels evhr written, aim everybody should read it. G. W. Carlcton & Co., Publishers, NEW YORK. Send for reduced Price List of MASON & HAMLIN Cabinet Organs New and splendid styles: pric !IV . MIIIE.V, Proprietor. lie talihi is supplied oik and Portsmouth with the best markets afford. the Board per Iy. j ol.;d.;ni Briggs House, WILSON, 2T. o. T. S. Yonv"- Prop. First-Class Accommodation. ;d".ll NEW.-IVVrER. BEST CHANCE OF THE YEAR ! ices 'educed SKI to $;0 each, this month, (Nov. .s 7.) Ad dress MASON & II AM LI Jf OKOAN CO., Bos ton, Nev York, or ( hlcago. L. R. Wyatt, (Successor to Rand te rVyatt.) a ill continue tbe wholesale and retail groce ry ana cotton Dusiness at the old stand, wuere ne win oe pieaaeu to serve cus tomers and friends of the late firm with First Claim r lour. Rannn T.a-H Mil TO 1" Coffe, Molasses, Salt, Bafireine and Ties lie, at prices to suit. Consignments of Cotton. Flour &c. solicited for storage aud sale which will have prompt atteution in sales and re turns. d3m A Wrecked Existeuee. Other conditions being eaual. there Is no reason why a healthy man er womsn should net enjoy : and it may well be doubted wheth er adverse fortune has the power entirely t destroy the happiness of one who sleeps seundlv and whose digestion is eood. But for tie nervous, feeble, dyspeptic invalid, there is no comfort in life. His existence is indeed a wretched one. But he should not despair of relief. That benignant restorative, Hos- texer s stomach Bitters, has imparted healthful vigor to many a self-supposed in curable. It is an unequalled builder up of br Iken down physiquess, and is besides a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia, nervous ness, irregular habit of bodv. billiousness ar, 4 kidney and bladder difficulties. It elim ln:les from the blood the acrid element wucu gives rise 10 rheumatic ailments, rh'ers and relieves the aged and infirm, and in;- be used with great advantage by ladies In feeble heal 1. 1. Its perfect purity aisocom uuflds it to the use of invalids. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. dec 12 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .1. .1. THOMAS "... - Mrtn Street, Raleigh, N. C. UEMERAL '. ? mmission crehant. WILL RECEIVE, SEt OH STORE, AND ADVANCE ON COTTON. Low rate of in- terest and storage charges. Refers to Citi zens' National i Raleigh, N. C 11127 '77-daw-i- to 0 ( per da at homc sP1 1 sOVy Samples worth 85 free Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. JACKSON'S BEST Sweet Navy Chewing Tobacco! was awarded the highest prizo at Centennial Exposition for its tine chewing qualities. Hie excellence and lasting character of its sweet ening and flavoring. If you want the best tobacco ever made ask your grocer lor this, and see that each i lun bears -ur blue strip tpade mark with word' .lackson s Best on it. 8old wholesale by all Jobbers. Send for sam ple toC. A. JA K.-.ON Ji CO , Manufacturers, Petersburg, Va. owing away money to adv rli-e. our -ard appears in a p ilicr llial is widely read and by tin right kind of people. More than WELVE THOUSAND ;i most substantial citizens will rea l tin i:ial numbers of -hat splendid eight- age, tort v-elght column, fam ily newspaper, tho FARMER AUD MECHANIC, Oran of the AGRICULTURAL ami of the intelligent Industrial North Carolina. DEPARTMENT, Phisie I HV 1TTY 1 AN OltOAN best. S-Look ! VEiAl 1 1 startling news. Organs, 12 stops, $55. free. Pianos only rl-5 , cost S'i-i". Circular 1). P. Beatty, Washington, N. J- BUGGIES. PHOTS, E. Ja-t received direct from the manufactory of L 'l'IS COOK, C'ncinnatl. Ohio, a lot of fine top and no-top Buggies. Phaetons, Spring Wagons and Carriages, which will be sold low tor cash. WILLIAMSON & UPCCRCH, liov25-tf Commission Merchants. .A. Toallwhoare suffering from tne error and indiscretions of youth, nervo-is weakuess, eaily decay, loss of manhood, &c., 1 will send a receipt that will cure you, tree of charge. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary In South America. Send a self ad dressed envelope to the Itev. Joseph r. Isman, Station i, Bible House, New York City. oct2dwly A Tremendous Edition Mi; Hstributed each week and will go t t 011 amis ot homes, from Currituck to chcokee. Merchants, Manufacturers, Ma cho u, Professional ineD, School Teachers, To'. o and Cotton Buyers, Hotel keeper ail ej ses of business men send In your ad-v.-. merits at ouce. 'THE FARMER AND MECHANIC vm.Ii idit Kalelgh, N.C. ' A f Extra Fine Mixed Cards, with 4t ' name, 10 cts., post-paid. L. JONKi ft V.,Nassau. N. Y.