0 rn RalEigh - VOL XUSO. 3$. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1877. S5.00 PER ANNUM. N u If Tll FORTY. FIFTH COSt.RFJI. (fkU rtftitJa arllaa Asks for kh KcatTk IBvria Ra4 Bill Hr. svoraeeaa RrMla i riaaafe 'lordo U aNIWOTt. iK-v M "KTK ( UtolOu. of V ImT- "Wlu, prMOUlAvl pe tit!. -n f PavM T t".-f r.m. of -urh I r hiui. that hi risim i. cst in tb- rvn l lrra tbl ist ho id- .pnrwU iMmmhI iWdi lJf th.- il4te t tu tntnto. II Rrtitm that ihv pwliiiun t up th table fir lb pres tmt UJlit invar th-t wiAl call t ap ar4J U-r sod nov it rrirnc !- tb citaaiUoa pdvtl,- tint e U t hh - o cW rl TW aHMus4l Un llous nailed t4 vUvavrtIvsa of o I- tatta Mr tteintts -n H and af Urward bvanl Lrvnersl lla ths IS tin CfMrr. TV S. Bat Pcirtc Railroad1 ttD no it 's rsfartsd tbe Trias Pscif.o RsOrvsi Kaiuvewx. ustr, ivy. sssiMiac asi IUtmm TWcwMirwrts cooa alua i sd- - farar I tb nawi. Tb P" fi tMtirniita a.'rel lo report Vickfhaa sain fat-nsbi. Situate Mr. Vo.nbe. ef "Indianr, ut ruttlrO Ihm folio in revoiuitou, auu tuMic that h .ulvl a3 u up os Iuvlsy. Jiuary lth. 10 H. fur the liiips aliim tiurf vtu rciusik lleri : fit. Tint it i f the I ihet mi (u lK ttw( th hainrul ci .III of the grant b marmatrted. and m rler U tl minmnl it-cif". in ail il Vputmcnit, hut hi gal Iji li kevp an ti cotiti.ct au I 111.4th u enlcrrd int.. itb it ou CI isvum. n Ki.I intrutiiao t l, lr. M ty of 1 1- ..!(.. . Aifl rvf-(ii I-- i o Pao fie (t ii l I umiuil f a!!.'!:!!,; the H-alt-n Pieihc i.irni. t omuiiue i' r 4t Ir ai Foil ii u Alone tlic r-ui lci -! f. idr Ti i' P-itio UJ until ila track urt'i t. t of ttis Ltltrr Fb- b ii .14 ifi tin- I rH tx-iutv !;ttl u llic Tex4 14.-h-- hic'i thai lTt. lit fo. ft itrtl l li( n piling suit ' (- I k w nqu rin' tltr hi l lm .; tlir ditbiO 4 rrr tta titu. TU biit o-iitruipi4'e' t lr 1 pa iiinn.- 1 r ni opji it rinit t.i4il 4 HM-rtti' i'it Tlx- ilmuuioll t M.!l-. 'U 1 rr'u't a - il I -ut l l lr ." r.'- tln rut 'iito u u Hr wMioti U . it in 1 iy lotir tur. aii-l rr'iUi ii tii oMtiiiu rt.tn for tut.-v-'or of lVtrislur. huanv', auU 1 U rr a ju-!xr i tlir 4 ! jtxlt4A r lieu. I. i;i r. it; rr o . ti -ir4vl I.uut. 4 A'Ioiikj ..r tlir U rtrro (luMIICt of ll.Hll4. I I - t uuiiiiwxNirr of (Inn : ra lnr III ullur Mf foriuc Vd.iii ill I I uii r TU PrHlnl nt 4 d.irn ir.piof i m i u-t( -.oc to lltr ?ii4t ttvi4jr. h!ch r of in ,rnn -r .iifirn inttr:a Hot Aftrr lliw ri-u latlii till h o'clvrk. Mr p4iu-ru. !m Iroio Uc nirt utn tae ( ! n lu cwl 1i h nip ami i K-k. thr tirt 't t.i --4i IWi f rl. II -.'Ik--i. Tliia Mwki i 14 I 111. IMJ I i A .. Ij u n -"44 on motion K4t Hi. rr 4 o- .Ji.l rlrctiou. )t a. It o I 1 7. iv-innit oii.t 4p 4lwr. WliilS Fli -t" t !- rwmrM o " Hiifwitr retrt. rtfi r4lirn. jvm ni. jea-s llv H kami:. npalatla altsa- the lar tkalotaslbrr ew Oeparlart The ITaaaparlll lesrl ItaeHah. Paeua. le-. 13 In i'plji"C l" ll lptatin of N-natora f r uo th depart ment of ViSirt W tbe c:iy. and aaaDJ wlv rep eufd th depression id irsJ- aoJ with th ltaiy lhat th 'iei lcnt suid place Liniae'f in direct csmu.b animation with the M teist i-mK I .. Macyalion wa niuob moer.1. dcclarvl that he ha.1 n pera-ual as!.tioo. and was lodifterent slise lu te .4..1 to the luurt de Chamber, th wtrtde Parr ao-l the Prince Imr.al. ar. would rnamtaii the KpublH.an InsUtstsooa nutd l He a ire.1 lb ttetuiaino that he i actuated by the inlesiioas and W.Kild d ootbui. that wa. not dic'atei by ht coiiaoeoc aidth interest of tlicouuliy. Tlx uncertainly aa to the foruialioa iw. rttnet rontinil" Tk. mlinol t!. Ueimbl.ca i I n .n , today reaoiied the rl v n t 1 ... n.,rti.n of Lb budget so 1 to vite on ' aa 1 avational Jib are not cmii lately M' thrd. . t"h Vf'.'o. u' niintrt that M afaure ail th. Ike l AuilijTiet psimr were aam summoned 1 r-ly- yeterday. as President MacMah-.n refused U accept the proramm pro posvrd by M. Haibie af Ihifaur staled lo have submit ted s list of the parliamentary eahiut. tnclsdin MM. Uordaut, lvethmout. ay sad t artuiBiiwm. Tb dt. publishes ll nine m- inlelliifeoc Tb Ilepublicao ppcraip e great .hrt of tl. negotiations, aud o elare that the Left reaiains nrrnly re solvssl to otXaio su eiecutioo of He b4 programme U.xpo.x. Ic W-A Pa l Mall Ga t,,-s de patch fnm Pai is aay a depu IttwU from the llonapart-t intervw J President MacMahon tv-tUy and t.e ciared that they could no louder up i.rt ba poly. Tt lttO-KlHl WAR. UesllMK AHer the Haiti. Here -f l ' r Vlnmu" Ueaperale Flf hll-g Turk. Ke-e-l-1 OUeai-le Oprra-..Op-lai.-i tk Turkl-h rarllwaeal. Imp,,,. Iec. U A Rus.iau offlcsJ 'o-nt of the capture of Plevna cor rTrujs the dctatla already tcletiaphed It ITe tbe Turke f.igbt Ilk. bo.... Set... Kl -ere cap-uretl. Th. counting o( liners and trophies baa o H yet been LtPro' present at thauke Svmg eervie held on tb s.m T th. former bea.!.iUArtr. of U.nsn asha Tbe Pai Lament b reprt. o;ui to Jsaasrv 17 th. Ttc Hus-susos b.i ioforwation ti.re ,Uya adranoe of O aa Pba t iatKKi to stie. At vn in lb. ot- iu. L'soiau ti - - . VII 11 LAIS IWW .Za m. .mi attacked tb Kom.su posi- with such fury that ihey C ' luietl etfue csoums uib.UU! tbaSiberski grenadier ,r Tie To.ka then found tlin- uti ta a icw iu" - saost aa iwfvas ua-dex firs of hundred of cz 1 n as r a l4xi I of a !lujilan aecorxl line sod wi at j larkl by (frrnalieni who rraolvsd Ut i captxir tbrtr cnns. Tli Turk wrr ' I drivm back sftsr fifteen rnlsalss bsyow oet fl.'hiinjf. tut? contmat tuflie fnmt . tbe hvlter of the batika of the Vid until 1J:IS, hn firing ceaiapd oa botli ant. J s quarter of an hour af er warda, (Htnan arnt ao eoTojf Ut treat for I s aurreoIr. I (Wmu'i Wind i in hit leg and is : ooi aeriou. TVs Turk ero have renewed of frnaiv owr4 tou in lbs neihorbuod nf Kntarhuk. A report piailel at (Vmatantiaopls lat oin hi thai s treat laltle Ii4i beVn I fowf kt b4wv MUsbks artd KuUkak, the result of which i unknown. Thai far. however, official rsp ta from tbe Turk mb bealqaa,rtrs cmlr mention an sfTair with aim Ruuiu Uat'aliort. The 7avj' Pr dipicb. daiad yea- - - . - l.- .M -J UL... m ..tit nlMan . 1K4 Turk nrJW so it is lropoibl to eatimats tta effect apno th pipsUtioa. wkkh, howsvsr, will prohsbly tusinisin Its uul ca'ru. OMTA.TI!orUE, Deo. IS. N'n utr tor f fur roJiatka bare y bn rosds I any of t tW'Jiwafn -wmWitW br. fbakir I'aaIis who a appoiut-d t replace Mrlxmet All. baa reaizued bia corn in4Ql iki utouh of tU-heallh Tbe nrwaof the fall of Plcn waa rreened here with cjlmnem ami forti- tuilr. I Ur jtiui nala urn" rriitaoce to I tkv laf. The Turkish parltaruent was pe-ret! to-d4 by th Sultan. Tbe Turkinb diniianr sod foreiirn r nli.4lnm were prrnrnt I lir j-rc?i fiom the thro w J re rivnl in tMiif. and alhidcd nrither ti p.m- l..-r ma li4l Iwll. ohi:k. . hn((llu t Make oulautl uple a Free Cllj. Knisn- m. i. Ie I.I Tli s .v ri.ii' lnd-n coriepondent tele ia h 4- foil.iw : Kii'iu th mt in tl iutial .j iartri a u;frtioii ha been laid hefoie the Flrltiah ( abiuet, that t ont tut lu-ipi be made a fie cily pi under the srn.rntee pvau I'uvrfv if the Karv- Flre- In lleleww. trkaiiB. M-Ut-lll. Ie- i:l. Tlie fire at II' ena. Ark.. la-t nikht. butnr.l a ''lock. The f ll '"ni wrre the pntu ipl u'Vr rr- I K. .-fen. -picensware. 1 3. ; a.'r A Iturke. In-ks and stationer , ; .",. 1: ottl of ' liVj U'.-ri i. J. K. iide, .'inni:sin inrrchant. .t The p t office in the san e biiiMiu; a l.s:roed. Lut tL ma la eie el Rvnistlsc an old Landiuark- Nale art'.al India Itlllo. I-Mm. Ic . The wt k of re mvlni; Temple liar commenced yester day ln.li Council esterday sold J.O -uii'I of hdU at on -hilling i KJ-f d p-r rup-. Thi is lowrr than antici pated and cmplct ly demobilized the ilrr market. i ailirairtiia larlslal M r. urx-ni City. C"aI... Ihc. 12 V I .h lemocratic caucus of both housea of th Ix-fisUlure tonnht. C. T. Hvlan, Iark MclV.nald. J. T. Farlev. Judpt linger. Judre Seulveda snd J. P Hameron were pla.-etl in nomination for l ulled M.ve Senator. Thie ballot? wr takcu without a clioice. tYasblagtou ioles. V-niOT..x. Dec. 1.1 Political cir cles have not recoveied fiom the sU-h k of vetcplav" lattle. The President and bis Secretary o tate are rvp-.itrd aa utterly indignant but tbeir futuie course has sot yet ben IlldlcaU-d. i eMleted oC l.lbel. iv,,..i.o.i.r- Pa. Dec. 1:1 The mrv iu 'lie c- rWlwrii & Horaii. publishers o f 'he Sun-lay AVw. charged with liel hy zerne county Shenir KerkciidaM. ! I-u-broujjht in a veidi .t f guilty. Fire la ! i svslle. t aaada. Nrw Casti.f, ixt.. Iec. :l Tte Itoyal Hotel and a block of buildings, coioprisiug the principal busineaa por t.oU of the town, were burned lat "K'' The lu is estimated at U'). ". Npentaaraa t smbustlen. Toit-Po. Iec. II A spontaneous combustion in the tlyin rHm iiurnrti 1.1 th Milburn wsgou company buildnja. I. f 4-Yom. Recruit for iegim-iit m Teas wi.l k sent by sew from New " ork to w Orlesna and thence overland o l.aUes too. toother Ilea Failure. v.wVouk IW 13 James I-e-al y. foreign and ilomrelic dry good, failed. Liabilities fl2".. aeis .-o".o.- I.. K. W"tl. (Succevsor to Rand A Wyatt,) wi.l continue the wholesale and retail grtK rv and cotton business at the old stand, where he will I pleased to serve cus tomer and friends of the late turn with First CUs KU ur. Bacon, Ird. Sugar. Cotre, MoUssts, Salt, Bagging and , Ties Ac. at pruts to suit. Consignments of Cotton, Hour tXc, 1 solicited for storage au.l sale which will have prompt attentiou in sales and re turns. tCtin Tet anulr; MfrUaula. Thro i no necessity for your going North after uu ware. Semi your orders i'a.I t" U,ewster. Ilolleman Building. ar !. vsail ran have vour Northern bills W IU l mf m 1...1. ,i .iili x letter unalitv Ol tlUllt v . - ....1 lower urice. enl lor p .11 r ii'J 1 p.ice ht of hardware ami stoves. mm Well d strou. suirwAK. II1 . June i.t, 1S- lr K. V. rir' tluUalo, . Y.: lieir Sir: -f wish lo slate that my ttaui-'h-i.r aite.J l was prooouuce.l lucurable and I' tit Inline, -the ttoclor- tbouitUl. with roVu m pt ion I ob a.netl a half tloeu tx,l Z" "f ,our Hiscovery for her .n.l itie coiji. ru ncetllmprevmitat .;oee. aoj Is no r U ai.U U.tmit hhionk the inscoveiy last fall. ' . I . ..I. Villi t. ' ' " Ms. ISAAC x. Attn stin. 1 BiewsU-r is the man who sells the Coltoa King Cook Stove, lb i stove has mot iisptoTemeots than any other stove iu the market, lie lurinsnes more than is s'-vvti with any other ... 1 . .... . . n . . liitunt io I be lr ce 01 uns . . .ii.i. i.., r man ever, o n t" ' J - made expressly .1. onlv rtove ill me J ; J" J to bUia wood, t-a'ieanj anu yvt.,c iu in s.ove in me .laie. V. Breweier, HoUeiuan UuiUing. TIIK HIF.tiK OF PI.EVXA. l.rUf.t. sflhe lair.l.af ut of Ike Ureal Ktroaghvld. N V. Tntnino ) Th" town of Plevna, with whuli probably tbe I at of the ttnnii t-ui-pire 1 interwoven, acquired strategical Importance early in the war. After crossing the Dauul) si Sistuva. lat May. tbe Husiaiia took Kief to cap ture tlie nei;rilonnj!tovm. They .aent tbs Ninth C orpa against Nikopolis a Danuhian fort reus and seized it after alight rrsitance. While they were tbu.t eiiKAircii. OMiian Psnha. aiationt-d st Widdin, s atrotufhold near the Servi an frontier. slvancei to the aid of Ni kopoliii. Kind 1 iu the town already in tbe Kuiwians' haul'. In- turned awnle, sod eocupii Plevna, which tbe Uu ai D commander had neglecU-d to oo u py with cavalry, when uiar- huii: on Ni kopolis. Here, at thirty inili-a from Suitovs, Oamau Pha was on the hih road from Widdin to Varna, as well sa indirect coiumiinicatiiin wi'b Sophia, distsJit niuety tudea. In guide books tbs place wsa.kupwo simply, m s centre or iatemal trsde'and rrsnufartures. It wa uar the river Vid. and had a jfood ion. Politically, Plevna was known as s hotbed of Muscovite intrip ie. schools having Keen established there by Kussia to teach llu'arians the Slavonic tongue. mnd inapiis them with yearning for freeloro. I Diacenilng the i-np-.rtanc of the place, Geneial Knideiier. Kussi:in j commander, sent f.luly l'.) : hree ie;i iii. nt of infantry to upy it. These after sharp akii mii-hinjr entereo the town. Tlu-y had laid aside tl cir eipiip menU and were Mrac-hn through the str tit. when Midilenly from 1 bundled windows and b.ilcoii e. a vehement tiie was p mu d into them. i'hey were beset on all -.iden. and had to e-apo best they could. In the tihi about 2. Wnien w.-re lost. This iiirideut at once cve Pievna military importance. It hitherto the Turks hsd left it almost defenceless, they were now d --termiiied to hold it at any rik. Osman Pasha rH'an to foitifv the positions command' 111 Uie town Tue land north and - ut h of Plevna, is i 11 1 e r se c t e d by small streams tributary to the Vid Tbase divide the surface into waves 01 rnUea twrallcl to euch other and at rihl angles to the Vid. n t'iee rid- es tlie I Ul ks coul i nciou I n ir iiciriivs. which formed time n four cotict-Pti ic rinc of earth works round tlie town The advanced villages were occupied. and batteries were coiistrilcteil to weep the rouiis. These foitnidable eartli woiki were maunetl by at It st "i i.tuHl sonii.-rs collectctl fiom the & tlis 'tis ol W c-teiii llularia. TIIK KIKr fiKM A-SAI I.T. KukIiiii; that they could not advance air ly into Houmtlia. v.i:h ibe.-tr-'iu: army at Plevna, on their tl tnk, the Kus ai.uis resolved to regain it t any ewt . riiey coiiccutr-tel an army almt :!-'.- tn) st 1. n. with live regiments 01 cav- aliy and 16 t :uus. Huh this valiant force, the Russians made (duly :ll ) the fatal blunder of atte upline to take the place by storm, tieneral Kiudencr. ith his hea.liuaiters at insieiim. con ducted 1 he attack on t.nvitza. 1 mice ,t iniiiIiai aiiet'ceti 1 uie uiiuu" -...;.t iKa vflla.i of Hadishova, Find iuic abvut I o clock mat n.ruvienei u-o aiade scarcely any progress, Priuce Schackokov resolved to act iii.Jepon i enllv. l.oui: and anxious." say an eve witness describing this cpisodi. "was the inspection which the Prince made, as he and his staff rode aloiij; the ridges where the Uussian batteries were firing: but at half past J his resolution w.i formed, lor he believed his men could stiike with effect, lhis conclu sion was arrived at in the lace ol tlie fact that he had under him only three brigades, a'd tol I, one of which coiititu td the reserve. In other wonts, ne 1. s..iu in launch twelve 01 tifteen thousand men against entrenched posi tions held by an immensely superior force, and no whii crushed by Ins pre liminary artillery tire. The word once iten was hailed with cheei the hatlalions with a swift, swuiiti' step, streamed forward through the glcu and up the strep slop? behind, in trclnti ; in company columns, the rille companies leadiii''. The crest surmounted, a slope had lo be descended, and tlie vauey ..nyiwl the battalions having been tle- ployed into line justbefore reaching t he , brow of the hill. I ne 1 ursisu sue.. whistled through them as they ad- ) .i.-.-d. and the men fell in num Oors, bat 011 they went, unlit oe tween impatience and the havoc caused bv the enemy's guns, the tigbtui line bloke into a ragged spray of human-.ty, aud snrged up swiftly and loosely. Ai length, when thousands had fallen in pressing forwaid totheshelter trenches winch piotected the Turkf, the assail ants were not able lo go further. They would not give up, and they could not succeed. They charged again and again, and when they could charge no more fiom sheer fatigue, they stood and died, for they would not retire. The reserve csnic up. but only to swell uie siaunu ter. Now was the time for tbe -Turks, and when it c m Schackoskoy had not a 111.111 left to cover the retreat. I he l uiks stiuck without siiut. They had the upjer hand for once, and weie de . ,. I r.. Jin that ihev knew how t IHI1V. S.V - " ----- - to make the most of it. 1 he Russians w.thdrew with a much order as they could, but wuh broken forces, and leav ing thousands of wounded comrades to b stabbed on the fields within au hour or two by the Circassian, the .. ibach or Basbi-Bazouk." HOTH COM HAT AS TS IlKINKiUU KO. This disaster thrilled Kurope ami elated the Tuiks. It destroyed lor. the moment the spell of Russl .11 prowess, which had caused the gloomiest lei ebod inga iu tiieat Britain. It was now be lieved c.mtidently, that the tide of victory was in Tavor of the Turks, and ii was too late this year for Russia to retrieve ber losses. For the moment the Russiasa seemed stunned by the blow, but wilhin a week they had re sumed the operations which have enuen in ineit victory In a short lime, men i... .rtoiiHed from Tnsteuik on the northeast to Bogot on the southeast of ; the Ottoman stronghold. Reinforce- ments wcte sent forward from Russia, ; as well as from garrisons in Bulgaria. , Within a mouth the army was increased so as to number bt,0OO infautry, includ- ing 2!i,is0 R mmanians. The cavalry j mustered P',000. With the addition of: other arms of the service there was a j compact, woll i'iiipt d force of about 1 loO.OOO meo, with 25 guns, including 1 siege aitillcry. n his part, Osmau Pa ha was not idle. He gathered troops ; from all available ioiut, and 1 bus raised I hie army touearly iJ.OUtj men. seeing that a chaiu of fortified positions was gradually encircling him, Osman made one strong efLit to break the Russian uea. Kaity in the morning (August 31) he directed an attack ajainst the Russian left centi in front of Pored 10, IPs cavalry first drove back the Russt. n picket line between Palishat and Zt;al iDtze. Then, the Ottoman infautry, es timated at 2.V000meai. were brought in- to sctioi! Stuhhorti flirhtinz ensued. Th villa . of Zalintze. and another near it, four tiiuos changed hands, bnt ultimately remained in posses don of the IdisKiaiis Finding thev could not make a firm lodgment st any point the Turks withdrew, and asaoined theottentive no more. THE CAl'TinE OF LOVATZ. It was now the Russians' turn to act. A week after the repulse at Plevna, General SkoteJoffexainined the Turkish defences at Loatz. Ho found that tho position was stronger thau he had sup posed. The low hi.ls surrounding tUe town were siroorly entrenched, and Lo vatz itself was occupied by from 15,000 to 20,000 Turks, whose tents were stand ing. There was a stronsr redoubt 011 a low hill overlooking the Plevusw road.and a high hill on that leading to Selva was covered with trenches. Skolloff pru dently deferred attacking theaa defence' until -eptember 3, when, reiarnmg wun a larger force, he. carried the two re doubts atter a tierce engagement, and was soon in possession et Lovatz TIIK SKCOXD A&SAUl.T. Having Lovatz in their bands, the Russians felt encouraged to make an other assault 011 the Plevna defences. Cannonading began on Friday, feptem ber 7, and was maintained with great vi-'or. On the Monday following Gen eral Skobeloff began the attack, and se cured a pos tion nearer to tho Turkish lines. The cannonade meanwhile was kept up cu lioth sides, day aud uiht. At ;J o'clock on Tuesday (September 10) an attack was made by the Russo-Rou-nianians, on the Griv;tza redoubts and on those near the Lovatz road. After teriibh lighting, during which the loses of the Russians were enormous thecon Mict ended leaving them as the net re sult iu possession of a Grivilz-i redoubt. The burnt of the conflict had (alien on General Skobclotf, who captured sever al redoubts, but was forced to abai. don them for lick of reinforcements. This affair convinced the Rust-ians that Plevna could only be reduced by i u Ur sie;e operations. Tho Imperial Guard was haslenel to the sot ne 01 con flict. General Todleben. the defender, was placed practically in full control. I'ndt-rh s guidance, Russian ti lops were sent acioss the Vid to the rear of Plev na In this tjuirter. their operations were attendeil with signal success. They completed the investment, "f the town, ami advanced westward to Etropol. When these movements wet effected, O-inan Pasha was completely isolated, and depi lved of all chance of 1 chef. The sffort t escape toward NViddm which h.u ended 111 hi sunender, w;o the on ly one which he ould make with the slightest chance 01 success. U iltl Man oT tlie- .Monnla'ns. .Matesvllle Uin!iu:irk. J The old adage, wonders neverceii.se, is a-ain ventied. A gentleman who resi.ies near Fairview, Watauga coun ty, writes uuder date of N'ovembe.- 28th, nVeSV. Ife'wWeW. tpcroJ-' before, of the G loins alley. W lule in the heart of the Valley, so:ue n.iles from any place of habitation, their at tention was attracted toward a peculiar specimen of humanity, some forty yards distant. They acared t he object, or giant as he seemed, until they came within twenty steps of him. Then they stopped still, to advise with each other as to whether they should go ueaier. While thov were consulting, one ol the gentlemen gafo a yell Jh1 jumped to waid the wild man. when he started toward the party a lew step-, still and befcau to pound himself iu the breast with his powdeious lists. There he stood for two minutes, eviucing no power of speech. Suddenly he turned and hounded olf with tlie steed of a deer. The party then repaired to the house of one of the men, secured a gun, pistol, and other articles of war fire, a ,d went in pursuit of this strange bein" They searched the balance ol the da v, but nothing could be seen ol the object of their pursui'.. Duriug the se.irci h they ascenueu uie -i-ii,0 Blowing Rock aut aiscoveieti om-n cave, iu which was tound a oeu 01 leaves an-1 many bones, resemomig t'nn. It is supposed ---uVliriiHti thu wild man a " 0I ho.no lor maUV vears. UUr curiniwu- ,ient describes the wild man as bemg about six feet five inches tall, with broad shoulders and long ape su aim. smooth face aud fuunel-suaia n;o LlIv kiMH-reil with dark head brown 1 l n wv.j ; I...... tiar f.wo inches Ion II is head and a greater portion of his forehead is covered with long, luxuriant, dark red tresses. Our correspondent affirms this is the first time this wild mau has ever been seen or heard of in neighboihood. the A t onfederate Sliver luarler Kroni tbe Columbus, ((Ja ) Eii'ivlrer. We learned last night that such a coin is in exiteuce as the Confederate n...-tr of a dollar. On out- side it is stamped with the bead of President r.v.....n it.ivis. ano was conieu in iviiv A irentleman of undoubted ve racitV said that he saw this piece of .v while on the Alabama River, and that as high as 25 was bid for the .0.,,.. hv tho caDtain of tho steamer, ohr homo- made from 85 upwards. 1 v.i.,Kor nrices would have been .or.n.l'liiit the owner of the "quarter ...,.t ii,..t hi wnuld not irive it for the !.i-mi. and its contents. This, of stonned the bidding, more es .IK- afier the centleman sa d that the memento could not be purchased at any price. His object is to sell it for j an immense amount, by some means ; unknown to any one. That the Con I federaey ever coined money is some ' thin" new to us, as tho government never hail a mint. How this above I mentioned piece came into existence is ' a mystery, but we do not doubt the I same, as a tiuthful gentleman said that he saw it and offered " for the same. 1 Mnii'ilar Accident on the Xew lork, Xew Haven Ac Hartford Railroad. Xkw IIavkn, Am- 7, 1ST4. Dr (Jites: whlie on duty as fireman on engine 47, about ten miles iroro ims cuy, on Sli-ire Line t oad, a aooloeiitly thrown off saalnst a rock, train under full head-about hirtv-tlve miles an hour, was very badly bruised. Your agent was on board. He fur iiis ed me with two bottles of Liniment Iodide of Ammonia, front which I received .h ..r..tesi uossible be efit. In four days 1 M r: r . 1 ... r. -l v r,4.,im. s soli- to si 1 up. a hi am ii. 1 . . irience worn, .wy ageu imiinr ww " " " Lluiiuei.t for rheumatism, whn h yJ.y The above was witnessed by 1 num' er of i!ssiigers, and vouched for by X. Mauce, eonduefor. Peacud, I e & Co., Aiseut. Albemarle Sound. Farmer and Mechanic, Oct. P.. Col. Polk, accompanied by Maj. T. B. Ferguson. Fish Commissioner of Maryland, made a survey of the fish ing grounds of the Albemarle and its tributaries, last week, with a. view to the establishment of a large hatchery for the propagation of shad next spring. They were very favorably impressed with the apparent superior advantages presented by this locality, for such an enterprise, and if satisfac tory arrangements can be made, they propose trying the experiment. Should thev realize thpir expectations ther 1- will operate the largest hatchery now known in the world,- and from which all the shad streams in our htate can bo abundantly supplied wit h this cheap anda'uable food fish. We get from our Commissioner some interesting statistics, from which we learn that the average aggregate catch during the session in these fisheries, is herring, 49,000,000; shad, 775,000, and about 250,000, pounds of Rock fish. Many 0 these seines are over 2,0 M) yards in length, and are drawn in by steam er- gines. It is in contemplation, for tn commissioners of Maryland, Virgiuia and North Carolina to meet in confer ence with Prof. Baird, chief of the United States Commission, at an early day, to ma'ure if practicable, some plan to effect the co-operation of these three States, in this important work. With our magnificent stream, we ought, and must have an abundance of this cheap and healthful food for our people and iu his work for this object we wish our Commissioner the very best success. Two Types of Life Iu evada. from tbe Virginia City Enterprise In the C 'arson Tiib'ine of last eveuing we find this little item : Judge F. K. Bechtel arrived on the stage this afternoon from Bodie. He is cn route to the scenes of his boyhood days in Pennsylvania. The Judge has resided in Bodie since 180. ins im plicit fauh in the mines has been finally rewarded, and he returns t- his Eastern home a wealthy man. On Friday last a man named carroi- ton, here in lrginia City, uity yers 01 e, blew his brains out. A day or two 1 1 . a . 1 4. pivvious he remarked to a irienu iuai he had a daughter, eighteen years of age. to educate wnom ne 1 aa sent uiouev Last : that his daughter had re cently married a gentleman there ; that they were coming here to see him, ana that he would rather die thau have his daughter come here and riud him poor. He was discharged a few days since from one of the mines ; he had drank heavily for two or three days, and ou Friday borrowed a pistol from a friend and, bidding him good-bye, turned around aud blew his braius out. The cases of Bechtel and of the suicide make between them a pretty good history of this coun try. In the Consolidated Virginia office yesterday we saw half a million dollars' worth of silver bricks, and outside sat a beggar. Both were types of Nevada the latter the more common type. A Xecessiary Work. Norfolk Landmark. npir: vurwts jji .i ui and, though not remote trom me suauou it is sufficiently renioveu iroui we mgu- way of travel to find a disadvantage in this circumstance. In the "gooa oiu times" this was a matter of uo conse queuce, aud the rivals of the great school were, for the most part, in the Atne condition. This has beeu altered of late years, however, and now time and money are both important elements to be considered. Taking this view of the matter, it has beeu aeciaea, we learn, to build a branch road to Chapel Hill, and this necessary woik snouij be pushed forward without delay. All parts of North Carolina should unite in approving this measure, for it win aau greatly to the patronage of the Univer sity, which deserves the warmest and " ... . . L ..II ..l.icanu of most liberal support, uom an cmoavc people in our sister State. Bad Policy, i Farmer and Mechanic, Dec. 3j We learn that a barrel of chestnuts. weighing 17 lbs. was lately snippeo. from Henrv s. on the W. N C. road to a merchant in Raleigh. The freight charges on the barrel were 3.39. to wit: jfl.OUiorme w- '""r" 119 miles, and 2.39 over tne k. o. Danville road 135 miles. The price realized did not quite pay the freight and commissions, inciuuiijg me gon charges from Asnevuie 10 me Railroad. 21 miles. No wonder there are few products in the Raleigh mar- ket from the mountains 01 om whilst it is flooded with such things 1 from Maine and Massachu setts No wonder that our farmers despair and our railroads go into bankruptcy- Such a policy is death to both country and railroads. .Father UruniEoole' Proteges. -There is a very worthy Catholic priest in Nw York, whose heart warmed years ago inwards tne friendless urchins wno circulate the great newspapers of tbe metropolis, 'agerftsastliey a.-Vin their small way, of souieofthe most prosperous instiiuMons in tli- country, until fattier Drumgoole ross up as the r advocate two-thirds ot the ciildish bos livtd as carelessly as wild beasts, rather L.Vuingooie established a refuge for them, supplied the lacking care and protection of their parents, saw that they were cleaned : .. ...u ..01. mi. ami When ttiey Came to him cut. woundea and bruised, as suc'a waifs ai-e aDt to be, applied Oiles1 Liuinieni iodide 01 Aiomonia to Uieir sorea. i his is the only suritery that he uses, and his honorable name is o..e of iis si longest endor-eineiiis. Pecud I'e & Co . Agents To be Attractive is a Duty.; of vchich ladles may best acquit themselves by the use of Houraid's Olympian cre-ni, an an cle which no lany has ever tiled without becming its lasting patron. Large r. itles reduced t Qhe-dar.y. H. Hearit, afienu Another reduction in the price of Zephjr and Shetland Wool at Isaac (LHtiiiger's. Prices that will suit all those wno have beeu ordering lrom New York. Come and see for yourself. Your life is in danger when you allo w a severe cough or cold to go unchecked' Ur. Bub's Cough Syiup is a cheap harmless and reliable remedy. Happy tidings for nervous sufferers, and those who have been dosed drugged, and quacked. Pulvermacher s "f" lwe. S lectuallycure premature deb lity, eaKneas, and eeiy. Book a-.d Journal, with in-orma-t on worth thousands, mailed free, address PCLVBKMarHER GALVaitlC co , cinciuali.v , uoiSd.-odaw Six hundred pairs plow traces, Oli ver's celebrated drilled Plows, Swede s iron aud farmer's hardware of all kinds at lowest prices. Julius Lewis & Co, II r'ware Dealers, Raleigh, 0. SORK LK 'S. varicose veins and u cers sere ousdi-charge. des-iuainatlon of the cuticle are all cureS by tiiLK's Lin mknt IodiM or A M mom a- Pescud, Lee & Co., Di uggists. The Fisheries of the BUSINI3) "OTIC is. AatwBfabfas Maece-sr. It is the duty of eveiy person who has used Boschee's German Syiup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and iu fact all throat snd lung diseases. All persons can nse it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggist to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were s.ild last year, and no one ea.se where it failed was reported. Hwon a medicine as the German Syrup cannot be too widely kuown. Ask your Druggist about it. Sample bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. For sale by all first-class Druggists in the United Stat- s. Trunks satchels, valises, shawl straps and a full line of rubbers can now oe found at Heller Bros, shoe store. Just received at Heller Bros, popular shoe store, for children, the best Quali ty mrmi and -lace shoes VittV rwnid1c ' ips, neat looking and durable. The bestquality boys and girls school shoes always to be found at the regular shoe store of Heller Bros., No. 31 Fay- i etteville street. Ladies' glove kid Congress, lace and button boots, low heel and wide bottom low cut glove kid shoes for Old ladies at Heller Bros shoe store. Gents t&nest quality hand stitched French calf boots and gaiters, heavy kip boots, Virginia Penitentiary sewed shoes, plough shoes aud a prime stock of brogans to be found at the popular s ioe house of Heller Bros. Heller Bros, motto, a yood shoe nts low price. Guns, pistols, powder flasks and sporting goodsof all kinds at Lumsden's. Go and see hits patent cake pan that you can take to peices from around the cake without cracking or breaking it. Lums den's is also the place to buy stoves, tin ware, lamps, crockery fcc, cheap. He also repairs guns, aewing machines, stoves, ranges, tin ware and all kind of metals. Don't forget his patent cake pa when you bake your Christmas is It. Segurs. Pescud, Lee & Co., Druggists, west side, Fayetteville street, seven doois below Capitol Square, have received another supply of fine segars. They have a five cent segar that cannot be e -celled. Try them. Baker's Cod Liver Oil, Lime, and Wild Cherry a pleasant medicine, snd certain remedy for consumption, scrofula, debil ty, etc. Now is the tune to use it. John C. Baker & Co., bruugists, Philadelphia. dec4dlawlmwlm DRY GOODS. lil'T lis ALREADY HERE With his Third Stock of WINTER GOODS FOR OTLEMEn WEAR. ; Having purchased his stm'k since the re cent decline, he is prepared to se 1 jroods at greatly reducei Azures. DRESS SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS. or parts ofsults put up nt th" shortest notice and satisfaction guaranteed as to fit. CALL AND SEE HIS NUl'XTST' STOCK.. Remember the Place and Sign C. WEIKEL, No 1 Hoi.lemas Br iloing, Nearly Opposite Mktkopoli r an Hall. dec 12 tf IN. H. & I S. TICKER Second Opening of LINES OF Ui JiARGE IN ALL DEPARTMEN TM. Including many Novelties in Onr Late Purchase, and A GREAT REDUCTION ' M PRICE Of Mmy Style of Goods. A Insp ctlon of our vai I us depa tnients wi l prove verv REMl NEK ATJVt to th se whose ME N ARE LIMITED. A erea deal c be bought FOR A 1 1TTLK MONEY . IN COLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS, r.ms stlnirof SNOW FLAKES, HARLEQUIN, Also BOUREITS. MALTES8ES, BASivisi CLOTHS. ARMLBES, &c. W. H. & R. M- TUCKER. no "dtf At a sacrlAc good will and stock of a PynS busVessni the flourishing town of Durham, i.ood reasons for sell ng. AddreMBUSINESS, dec 12-tf P. O. Box 1 7. Utirham. t I CHRISTMAS IS COMING COMMISSION MERCIIAXTP. BUGGIES, PHOTS, &C. Just received direct from the manufactory of LolTS COOK,' C ncinnatl, liio, a lot of tine top and no-ton Buggies, l'liaeions, Spring Wagons and Carriages, which will be sold low tor cash. WILLIAMSON & I'PCHURCH, nov25-tf Commission Merchants. Chas, E. Johnson, ( otton itlerelnuit WILMINGTON SSTKEET, O CONSIGNMENTS OF "COTTON SO LICITED. CASH ADVANCLH inadeon shipments when desire.l, o receln of bill of lading. fttoMPI 1'EliSO.ULAt TENTION given. HIGHKST 1KICES SK CURED and SATlSFACriOX guaranteed Having ample STORAGE ROOM, will store cotton for those who may wish to hold, and maire ubgkal i ash auvaalu) mereon efers to haleluh National nank. s -23dawni In Store and to Arrive. 25,000' Vards Heavy Bagging. 50 and IOO Yard Rolls. l.OOO Yards Dundee Bagging for Sheets. 1,000 Bundles Xew Arrow lie. 2,000 lbs Bagging Twine. 10000 lbs Bulk Meat. NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. LEE'S PREPARKO AGRIOL'LTURAl LiME, (both of which I can recommend for wheat. The above oflcred to the trade, to farmei s and ginners upon very best terms. J. J. THOMAS, Commission Merchant, , No 8 Martin st leet. sepldawtim Raleigh, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SIVYDEPL'S CURATIVE PADS! A sure cure for Torpid Liver and all diseases arising therefrom bung. Kidney, Spine. Bladder, Womb, and all Kemiile Liiseaes, Chills and Fever, Costiveness, Ovsprpsia, Headache. Our Liver, Lung and Ague Pad, Vi. Kidney and Sp.ual Pad. $ Pad for fe male Weakness, $ii We send tliem by inaii free on receipt of price. Address n. K. .s V DER & v 'O. , Cincinnati, .(). t week in your own towb pllUTerms and $. outfit five. i. tlAL LETT & CO., Portland, Maine. Vo 11 WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 829 Broadway, New York City ; ' Chicago, III.. New Orleans, Li. ; Or San Francisco, Cal Mary J. Holmes fhe new novel, MILDRED, by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, author of those splendid books Edith Lite est Lawn Te in pe -t and Sun shine Lena Livers etc., is now ready, and for sale by all bojkelleis. Price rl.-n. It is one of the finest novels evhr written, mni everj'body should read it. (J. W. Carleton & Co., Publishers, XEW YORK. Send for reduced Price List of MASON & HAMLIN Cabinet Organs New snd splendid styles; prices deduced $10 to $.Ml each, tuis moiitli. (Nov. n 7.) Ad dress MASON A HaMLIN ORh AX K.. B. s ton, Ne York, or t hicao. $" fltOl P61- day at home. 1 zKJ Samples worth $5 free- Stinsos & Co., PortUyjd. Maine. J AC Kx50 N 'S BEST Sweet Navy Chewing Tobacco! was awarded the highest prize at Centennial Exposition for its fine chewing .tun Uies the excellence and lasting el.ariicter .f its sw.-.-r eniiigand ilavonng- If "U ant the best tobacco ever made ask your grocer u.r t li.s and see that each flug bears mir blue stii. fade mark with words .lacksmi s best 011 it Sold whole-ale by all jobbers. :s.-iH fnrsam tc a -IA kmi.N A-CO.. Mauufactiireis, Petersburg, Va. DBITTV HANo. OROAX best. -b k: DElAl 1 1 s'artluig news. Uigtus, 1J stops. Pianos only :H , cost ..-. 1 Ircular free. D. F. Beatty, Washington, N. J- To all who are sutteiing from theerrors aim indiscretions of yomli. n-ivous vakii.-ss eailv tlecav. oss of mauhood, &c, 1 will send a receipt liiat will wire you, tree of charge. This gi eat lem.'dy was msc.v. ied by a i mis sionary in South Aineiica. Send a self ad dressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. iSK sfa.louU. Bible House, New York i)v tct2htlsw l.y BARBER SHOP. The Yarborough House Barber Shop and Bath room is uo.v open tor tne accoiiiinoiia Uo ol th" guests ottlie h. tel. it is m ge... 1 n-.o f H. Iniuston. the oil arlwrough House barber, has taken t hai g of tne sdiop. and hopes that his friends ge erallv will give hull llo ir pationage as he Is agisted by 1. on--i.ui accouu lished 'lonsors Porters always r.-m.y to as-i.st, mid local infoiination g.ve . with, P e'""- .,' borough House, c. NV. bUciran. ot- decl3tf - j,.,,;,,.. Dollar-and-a-ilalf For Ton Ce:is. Stoddart's Musical Liukahy, just pub lishing 12 pages, fun size, i.esi and most Popular music for lOcents. New and l'puiar Tugs. Dance and Instrumental Mu-ic, peras, Hymns, etc.. etc. l-or sale by ad news-dealers. Postage 2 rents, to be. sent 11 idditb 11 to above, 11 ornereu nun i'"" lishei s J M. S I' )1'1 All 1 & O., oecl':;!3t :2? Chestnut at., Fhiladclpi ia. DISSOLUTION. The CopartiK isl.ip heretofore existing be tween J. P. Prltchanl. .ir., anu o. 1-01-under the firm name of Piltchard & Lewis is this day dissolve 1 by n iitual coi sent. J. P. Pritchanl.-lr., will open a new stoic cor ner HUisboro" e.ud sa.isoury s ne.s. G, Lewis, has associated with hiru Mr. T. A. j Jones anl will carry on nusiiie-s ai .... olu stand. . , . , The business of Prltcbard & Lewis ill be ett'ed up bv either uieiiilxT of the firm. 6 " .I.P. PRU. HARD, Jr. decl3 2t W.G. LKWiS. CcL Fancy Cards. Suowrlake, Damask kZO etc.. no two alike, with name 10 ents Bissau card Co.. Nassau. N .Y nolawly FOR SALE OR It EXT. FOR SALE OR RENT." A two story brick Dwelliro; situated on the corner of Fayetteville and houth 'Streets. Possession given the 1st day January, is.s Apply to E. T. If ALL. decl.'tjl hf A, Creech s. A first class portion of the Box, 2C2 dec 11 tf PwelhnR In a most eleeibb- lty for Lent. Address P. o. CHURCH OIU; AN FOR SALE. We offer one of llnry Krben & Sons (second hand, but in good order,) at very low figures. Apply at once. Wm. Simpson, W. H. Down, novlldoin Committee II 0USE AND LOT FOR SALE. Corner of Davie and McDowell streets, a valuable corner lot will be sold low. nl val uation price, or I will w-f 1 part of lot; part cash and pait on good time. For particulars apply to J. n. WHITAKEK. Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 27. dtf On s.-iturdny, December iMh, l-m, 1 -will suit at ti.e Court House, in KuIcIkIi, twenty acres, nunc or less, of the laud belonging to MissMineiva A." Green, near the city. Just beyond Walnut Creek, on the Asylum road, all well timbered in original growth, 'this is very valuable land, b Hi on account nt It nearness to the city and tte flintier on It. Title good. WW be sold in two tracts, ten acres each. Te.ms 'ASH. A. M. LEWIS. Attorn. decs Notice. Wil be s.'ld at the Court House In Ha'elgli. on the 7th day of January, ls?s, mie lot in 1 he city of haleis'li adjoining the land of Anih. uy Fowler, lieorge Alston, and other, on the north side of the North Carolina Railroad. This land Is sold under judgment ol court incase of John C. Blake vs JeuVrsju A. 11 111 ton and his wife. Terms CASH. W. 1". UATl'IIKl.oi:. novGdlt decldlin Commissioner. MORTGAGE SALE OF LUND. Byviitueoi ln lli cds .f Mortgage in Llde by Win. C. Rhciles and v. lie Sara 1 1 ) to Jo. )'. Crowder. as recoided ins t-ook at, iag - d' and Mi), 111 Registers ollice. Wake count), I will oiler lor s;ile at the l oili t House iloor, on the 7th day of January HTs. to the IiIl'Iicm iiidoer, a tract of hind 111 via e. enmity a 1-. joining the lauds of .1. .1. Rhodes mid Mrs. .sUs;uiA. iia'iks, co italniiig lilij acr. s, in. ie or less. ai.l l.i 1. 1 1 ,ie- l'ii in 1 1. - south of It a! cigh. lerinsof sale CASH. W. A A I I . Raleigh. X. -., LViMi, Is;:. FOR SALE. II VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOI Till-. CITY OF Will he soMal au.-iiou on Monday, Decem ber 31st, at 1 2 III., on the premises, the house and lot on Wes. slie.t. neir I lie lei m. litis . f Jones street. latelv occupied by Mrs. tiin dace licavci s. Tne hnus .1 tw..-sl. .1 j , and contains t rooms, lot lin-in with Hp-p'ace. well of e.xceileul water at I In-door. 1 h lot. contains unci hi id ol an acic : ill -i e is mi t besides ne dweilim.', a Kitchen with two rooms, eacn hav.ng a lire place ; -nuikc-noti st and an excellent -ii'-bMi ci.nl iiinln ; peach, apple, apricot ami llm" tree- nl choice va rieties. Possession given at once. I Ids property is sold for division nmoiig l lie ben s of tlie estate. . inWiMS inri-.m rf- -s-- r--if- will be chared. h. F. PARK. ' n.-viiltf Ageid lor the heirs. NOTICE. Th -.ronzli-bre i Stick for Sal'. "Bettv Broutiiig-'." 11 or ye us o'd by BUic'in r, her dam .i- w.u. s.ie n pertal Mar.rase. i.i . 1 . ' 7 vm.ii-s o il. si red by I. it SI l ed ; 1 111 Dick dam t'iegin 1 registeied 111 Price s.mu I'.o.d Biy Fiby 1 yar ol 1, d.un Id 1I1.1, su "At) e; -horee uri.wn iloi-e olt. 2 yeirsold Apiil. ild April. Is s. .luiii- Lint cause." sue Lynclilnir Ins -lie linpeliai Uliningioii. Br ie '1 h. alinVv- Slock will I"' .st ml Bo k sold at ' r h'.v prices. , , Ap;lv for particulars to 1 WALTKIt BRI-.M. dec 12 21 Y ( 'harlot le. N. ' NORTH FOR 1H7H--UTII YEAR. C leulated from the hist hv It. C1.1v.11. H LL. !.. Pre.-lilenl or Trinity ol ei;.-, i..... I ,11 iiirsT eilillnll rll'l' I'll I 'I islied lu cents nei'Mng.e copy (fill (s -nt p r mail I . (s lit 1 rr III dl I iseiit per mail. 1 Tin cents per do.i'ii co,ili s:(.ii.y i.er hundred copie. ( ( lider eanv from L. Hli A Nsi iN. Prn1.1s11r.il lt.llcl 3taw-:!w. C. r L,iuI lor Being engaged in other business 1 orTer m iract .1 land; lymg o" 1 1 .uthshb-of Pain , ar ii inou'h of Cl.ocow.i. ty na. II OIINir, 11 ,.w tie annul n.i. 1. hniirlr. d ........ ... v iwn, ill' 1111. ' acre- or nioi-e, III. 11 ... . 1 ..i.tv. 11 1 liel V ai'l'C fun - linnui. 1 mi'ij .- ' . ..1... lint lias in heen ciiltivaie.i 101 nu vl ...i.l his L'llUMI UU ffi!, ' : ,v sih.-oll with inarl Im-Is, hm.l 1 .. 1 res hat very Utile drainage. smile ml sn-ccDtmle of a nigh st t id cnltlv.l linn. Ih. -re Is a tw st ;i-y ll. lung on the .11 se-. 0 11 1 1 couple. nil Hie ill Id'-. nut huildiims. Wl II an Il.lnt. s i:ie l) acl ii tor spiing -in 1 -niio .. . .. Vl.oilt .''I ' bbLs. uiruciillliu can oe ni.iu K?-t lowat'e opportunity, for Ju.i- h. i lue aud nt i-r wood for inn Xorllierii ni u ke 'an'l Hi s niarket, and wl.liin 21 noius . . . . r I I... .luilllllllitl " w.o i i ,,,. rc. t.'. sell one half to some g .. I... ir .11 iiiki lie: im.i ill hand ami i llllivate to I. est aiivantw 1 - V 11 render wnat assistance can, ..1 will sel t ie wncletiaet, it d.-iied. ill ... .... i-iii mi. or address .th sub-ci iIht, at l.tlllie. - ii, imi'lie Vvashiumon. .Sort 1 C irolnia. ll. B. WIllTWAI!. no2-'.dlm H 0KSE.- , cakkia;i:s, r.ri;;ii:s The l'ubllc Can always find lirsl-class coi.yeyanj-es, wlietne.- f or 1-lea s, re or business at o .1 L erv looms. We hive, the Unreal and m- si co np eteesUblish.ue,,.,.. ;"'";, mules, carnages, biiggie.. -. always on nand for sale, h re .. 'wVN N K O. SelTxltf I I lt IT I' RE. FIRMTLRE! FLRMTIRE! W. H. MORRIS fit CO., Dl-ALERS IN ALL KINDS P Iiiiiiitnie, SPRING BEOS AiMAIMSSES, No. 3 Fatkttevii-i.e Stkeet, RALEIGH, N. C. We are daily receiving our largeaml vaj-ia.i stock of rURNlTUBE of new ami original aeVe would invite the public an I thloorM tending our Slate Fair to call and exautlno onr sloe and price, even if thd no v Is 1 to purchase. o trouble to si,, w g is. W, 11. MORKlss &n.. , FaNbHeville Str.et octl7-dtf Ui.lel.li, N C, r. 111. r.AII 'l, Augusta, Me,