Mil r - Commodore Cliecseborongb, of the i i ... ..W Tl... vi'vJ rmikiyii i iu ... - - - ---. 1 .- I ll r.A ' I.lll -.line oUluio iruni uwii - DAILY NEWS.1 1- t.KCEMHU: 14. .ST7 and I -avoid the thM-jre, or WaHJS K"'" i io..k the route tbnuU tbe .V- V U. q- PRINTERTO THE STATE. ' ' The Organ of tne City. : J the Matmic rnusHiD is ) i,IvlUiVn. we publish a list of tbe oth- Tke Bulldln. No. 5. Mirtin Street !cr of U.c Grand I-ode of irvpnia, . elected mgbt lefore lat : TtKx ; Devcrly H. Wellforvl, c;raud master; IVvtourv Cole, deputy Kfaud master; Mnirroji tTM.-ittilj )-" '' l'cuben M. Paze, graml senior warden; V,&TVUZ May.. It. Carnn.tou Krand junior .uwv- 1 warden; car M. MarhalL km ml - 1 - .-, i tna-Mirvr. J. T. Krc-v, deputy j;'" rJ5sV!. weaMirer: William It. Isaac. crand u !t tu-xrtioj m i..tu - ),rv ; William It. Isaac, Jr.. depu .'. t ji . u ..I. n.. y,"T; ! t tiau.l Hx-rrury; Heury W. Murray, . 1 L 7. ... . I.., ... ...w o.- t.iuc tan 1 iriand iwunr deacon; t . II. llill, grand u t iu u"., jumor deacon; I Ice. tieortfe V. Dame, i0wu.tiw.l!rti .-- rami Chjpliu; James E. HidJick.rand t-.J e; .u-u iuv,. .i i i...; putsuivaut; Ihoiua Angel, grand .lewarti; Jimrs .. ...... ! Janus Evans. :raud lecturer. enter the now year ' v i'h hi;h h .pes of . . liRlliH , 'teuevred hucce?. The Uepubln in pi ' (..S ' patty $ias h lilt 'b.-bl m the omnium- j .LllCIl' O V U I ,' tie's f tbe NoT'i: it i ;i t inking f ir- ; , casa hf tbo fVmb; -4lo .sccjiin; of i has.fallen r.on. i..ur, and the Cm.W- I l.'K.'KNTI.V ims. -VKKKl. Kl MEDV in lingnand the Illaine do but l:il r in ' vain to restore it. In tbu dyin wriU ltKM 111 I . I 5tCII. HAY FKVKK. ' LI). & . UlU I 1. V I lt. Tn liii c f. tt. ur.-."c-:) elf Dcuioeratlr lu of IH7 . UrV- trt.-i luca-kilu lu ;- Tbe year just closing is what is tcrin- t", MMM n:,ua!k.. of tbo lui y and J J an ' jcar ' in pwliti. LiU.e ex v,Kki.Miiuro ,u,iudi.a.t;" citemeiit has attended tbe contests iu ,mk i tbe Tanoi Mate, if we except thoc iu New Yoik New Jersey, Pennsylvania . . . . . i i and Ohio; but the result are not to be :i.)iuumi,iu utwfc iiiu i i uuJervasuetl f.r that. Tbey seem to .V. Zttn ur-inui t Vw. ., a j indicate tbe direction Ukeu by tbe pj- u au u ., c. i., i t ian j d j K,niocraU may review Vk 4 in tww.n a u.h i ut ti,e rfctKns of tlie year with feelings i'..cU.waM. lJ.t..facU.u Out of lbUrad -aui ttat.k:-kti. J aUJir-rl ijirve-.j-iarter millions of ballot ca-t in tur. .. l-il-.ih. 1 ei.-btcrn stales, tepreeutin tclbiii2 than oitc-baf of tlie voting Oar abcrttr will srai:r o&.te us .t,VI1 ,, ,,f tnf t'niou. tbeie was a net r cilb protipt i&ljrmsiioD ol ... . . r dij a rc;a iar ptr. : Ifni.-rratic gam. nice Ut yt-ar. a quarter of million ih"m. a.rN-:-".fc;:.!0.:" h.: sr t'.8 Oaring lb. idi year state Iee -ocar -f uvi.. o. 4. in t;oua of on sort were held to twenty- tbter s ate, but in e era! the contest 6 i i Mx o. fi. i : ; f: r --! ' uo t-t ceu of aj pnliinate accu- ti,jt i. o r.-- i ) - of its greatest If.ub'r. -Olivfi I. Morion. tbe HepubJiiMn p.iit y ina well exclaim. "I am Worn out " j Tbe IVisrwit IU I'ritivu t . j i 'Wednesday's cue 'iint-r in t!n- Sv-n uc was one of tbe mjt siuiiicaui oi' i !icf present et.iou. 1 milli i o.mie out iu ail bis war paint. He i bb-ntly means bitter, relentless anri p. .ti,K d w.u .1,1 I tbe aduiiolstratiou. It is not simply a w.u tlie , as some think. Hy n im am. Tue conllict. it is tme, has arl 11 i..i u.uni liatious to oJli:c, but it j .1 struggle tor matcty in tbe SeuaU- The oppo sition manifested iu smb patent shape by tbe Xew York S-iirttoi, i the j crjstalizatiou .of the Republican m-hu-ineut against President llayts; ami means a struggle can ou!y end iu-n Coukliug and Iho 1 .i.i. r- w!. follow him are overthrown. 01 Mi. I Hjvcs is rendered as ptwerb-M a Au h I 1 Johnson. So far tUu only Diuociats is bo 1 tain Coukliug iu ibis war 011 tbo l'ici- i lent, aie Messrs. Katon, Dennis, W ltc and Maxey ; while of tbe l'vjubl.c.i:i. Messrs. I'uuisiile, C'hristiaucy, Hii, Hoar. Matthews, and C'onovi-i, ui- ;him ttlKH. FOtW'UERSt AND MACIIIMEST. MANlTFACllltKRS. I Vnla! dl'a"" -s i' tiif K"-inttnr o. aLS W uti)lrliil Hr-f. Ju"y?-!aw'iin. PESCUD, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE and RETAIL I i-u : it ' l K I II. C sr tri; . Ua.'avd ' - tx. y f the strength of part;e, .ttiet Uvaje f their iutiioie eharaet' r r ( ( '. cau to lc described. J s l ii'.niuv t' :in-v ttcut and .i ! gut tbe Male Tote a 011 1 ont:tuti'!.al iuitn-lnic nt or c nenti i . in ( tlra- T.iiv. 1 :..; l-.u ,j j, jMttea voted far tbe same am- i iatc e: ti.e Uiu 'a I. a 'id iu U rt I: : a:.l t-'. I ;.a I M.-!u tr.-.n.a the .j-t:o3 a which su'Tia- . tf U. i-s. a . u- . i. ti. 't at a 1 1 t . 1 e p t .tr ... Ur.4. ' u I a wit !...!. a.; ) Ui! ii i. L! 1..; . u...'i t . !' ;' i.-n:. I v. I..:; . r 'e .' -r ' . : . a : : - ' t : i. ' . . . m' r. a . . I '.. . ,..( ' r 1 . . r.. a i a a i. 4 i. a !.. t tri. isall !"iri...l . ' . . sr : . : i l. 4 :" . t t I X i - iu l.; -r,u a."'.!-ti;a-I ir..t !. .-ti ? : .c!.i i. .t.t U'.. a: a !....- ufa.- t.. . JE-m ..!. c gUt f. tu t' e c t : i: li . ar -i m ii I L. it l a .jrc w:.:!, ar.-vul.. t. n'.i.', W hat fj.;.. Kai.o Kr n". .. r were iu ited was ibe future !.call -u t..' ll.r Mite capita'.. In Muuuippl a:d .r s.i n .-.gaair i opj.s:t in a- ..T. rvl rcuUr I ru J-.alic u iui I.e J J l.r : ee. trn'.i .l if t'.fsr Ma'.c i lUlf- f.,,f ... ji t!e. !'i Nebraska thi- ontest was tJttr'.j ii..:n.iia tbe l..msrat h. 'l.luig n. ev..enti u and bc ate I ..EB!u-tlec lueiciy ad.:u lb ni.-ui-U : : Jatt t. te i r an i i e .i toil D'niir.ff for -ie tl.c linn' i. :!. . to U' t.'.'.e.l ! i' a iva-lv :-i tbr :.: lathe t. "..-ti i .nN "al the ;e f t lb b:U; K.d.v l bv ti.led is New Goo's Fvery Day. aint him. Witb the except on "f I nm'i;, M KiK'IN I, I'HKMR'AI.S, HKT KlVi: t'KN I Si:'..Yl;l. THI. i 1 1 V. KINK KNCI.ISII Ti Til Illu MIKv . iii;ii;gi.I ..beet the four Ih'inocratic Sen .tors, above naui.-tl tbp I Vin.M-ralir siuc l lli.n i . , , , Ml: ' T. ;a u ATi.i boly arv standing In inly in suppit oi i r . Hie iri!!j:-- Mr. Haves; an 1 tbe n: Shall the I prptl nl IYU TlHU'T KiK .. i ... l.lll . .1.11' I "11... '". r iin the l i t-Mdeiit.' P iii'jratu pai ty sustain is ic.i'ly no longer a tjuc len ileenle.l iu tbe aihrm.nive Jacob Higs, ;i:ttA i COMMISSION MERCHANT, holrsule uuii Uetasil l'euler lu Jroc iries. Strict attentioii to all e .ns gmneuts, and prompt returns made Cotton stored on reas -liable terms tMerr soliclteJ ami Suti-. B-tloa (ji n ran teed. Opposite New Posmftk-e, It ALEICH, N. C. se, III. K. H. llAUBSK. C ii. I.AT'lA. ItVItlEKK A I.VTTA. Clreeers A f.'oiuuiiMion .flrr ebaiils. MAKKHTANH MAKTIN STKEL.-v M l;K Kl A v I ) Al Alii I Sl iiKK I s. It tLi.I;ii. . . Alw ;is on hand la: ne stock of .iii;.rs, ' ol fees, I Vac-ii, ioiid, ..i I, .vioi.i-s -., l oha. eo, l-natlier PI -b, 1 aeg lit:, lies, 1 Ine, ir., it. oLii Morro l- sai.e -iN D b.MALi. i'l t.-s. v ...isii.ineilts of oil'i -obciled, lllglies pr i-e nhtaliied a -it p. (( lean s mail. . J iu -LVXcOiillinii fe Cooper, ;omn: - ij !. oliill irtf-. kl v , . RALEIGH, N. C. M V N U l- ACT UK KKS OK JL'Iie" ) ii' - ft i 1 iigine a 1 tt We call special atteut.ou lot lie HnPK KMilNK as u A W-AIH L l-'N'M N K, for whcli pur pose we inuke ill UK w hicli will-r nir m ;'.ti i-e o u sjd inch saw. lis siifety, lnr pheity and eliabioty . oup ed with ils compact ne.v and Mrta d ty. iem. r it the Bhi sa null eogui in use. v. e furnish saws and saw-mi Is uoniple e or hy pans, with anystyleM hea i bio- k a-' short no: Ice (xinniiig and Agricultural Fngine. ,est ,"f follr '-ais. her- at home and is stead! h Kr'Wn in fawr. Over .mii use in th.shtnte ami half of them in this ( ak ) count v. Having the i est an poinled works In til- tale, employing none hut SMi.Lhl) .or men nn.! using none but the U S'l linifi lals. we are p,ep;ned to 1'uru sh CHIiAl I. and PKOMi'l'LV all Kinds of Mid. Saw-mill, Mining and Munuiactui nig -Muchinei v, Shaft ing, i'ulleys, Hangers, Boxe. lanks, B-JlLfc.Kf, &c, &c. rattei ns of all kinds made from Drawings. We will he pleased to a u swer inquiries, furnish e.-tiiuaies i.nd make drawings Direct all .inquires to i. 1 1. Bo y. A I I 1 M i MKlPKh t sleigh. . C .1 . . i . I.I. AfMtt ' (HKI Itll I'll II is ica. iv n-i loader a .iucsuou. n . , , 1 .,, umi nla Lon ianm ni. Hi-l' ty t i e.on 1 ..I lar iiim da. w v!. :,m.Is f i'v -Mn:N .ma -pices Mlur i os slsuli i. ti I I 1'ie - g. I v. l . AR l. A S Oi- l.Al.llil, HA ,hut h. usne . and IU.k k.ii, FINE LIQUORS l Km: ; r.iHi l n a - i'r'.i'oi:s. Hailt ia.1 Company lk place m Uicb- 4I rrl., i ,,.,1,, a,., by on Wcdnesilay Tin- total net i Ilrn.'.. ii . ' 0:.K: H TI li K . PATENT STEtL BARS fEIQK, r r r i A STEEL Thopi IJedge. No other Fencing so i: cheap or put up so quickly. Never tuSts. stains, doc-ayB, shrinks, nor wirps. Unafieotad by fire, wind, or flood. A complete barrier to the most unruly stock. Impassable by man or beast TWO THOUSAND TONS SOLD AND PUT UP iiURINO THE LAST YEAR. SEND FOR CIRCULAR TO S. !!. BRI ns i SONS, SOIjE AQEXTS, Itri-s Itiiildiiig. Kivfo,. . '., T . Tux annual inei :i:i o the t..". of the K.i hni -.iil .V Huuville i 1 oni: i i xl i .i.u ii ksi: i -aim: i ; i om: No. is; ;. i .. w.v ;hn. -v : r- c. ! 1 1 it'.. !a.- -e"' t :."' a:-s :..! ..... e nr ... :a -' t i i a: ut; Va tLc '.:u i-f tbe Hiivit-if Isr :c t. rp .s i A i .;. -u i : tat -r r! 1 ar Ur a w u. l-r ri-L'.r.J ! ) t . imtcitt'-r 1 !: r .r.. U ::i-.e. 1 t -r raj- a:.-i Iartlaud I nr.-art : ti e U.' 'er-.i o.- U a n -u M a.a b a c t : s. I ' 1 vUi t Michigan ..a;: f. " - Tbe b si, ..f John Ntbtai.a t irifbei!, ti. ei rei rr.a t:, with , Haun-soue I i. ...fu;ur.i..o, a C'irt.l w..rnn, as I m Jer rf''5rri rrir aTVi;rrii' f. ,.. ot. iVnusyieXaia c:...t a:"eru..u a it rah.e d;l- ' "h Island a:..-e UI w the dam. At U.t ..-...-..o. V;.;.-nin tt. Is dv . : t..- m i . ri i.a i ., .t ! .i The fallowing shows thv total vote r."- '.ervt. ' MilrfuiT. I..t .;. it vrtn-r. 1 teas irer. t.overu.-r i .-nipt r-Jler . iovernor. !uUe . V. .Jo4g S t i.oivernor. iovernor. ' so . . Judge b. C. ttoveittr. Gateruor. r ti. 1 'i-tu nT' t. and K i-u";'.ica:i car . . a , l..!at' i:i lb Slates: ''-"' v.ltM UK .111.1 tN H77. : j. i ;t i v.i 1M.T '1 41. vl-, wt.-ru A s' . ... r i a i was ti .-. ,:i t l.e I -i :.-1 ;r . s.o in in to;.. !v. i .. . . ty . a:i t wb-ra lb.- j-iiv rvt.uerv.i a ff. ' t il ku.:tt. she teli Leadlon- from ,w rl.e ; its. .ti, r !:: b to the ll.r. aui Kaiisa a )j paftuvl) bcrri'l ! ',:!. Ihe.-uit K' was tbi tn luto us;.. u I'r..f: the Main .. :;is'.j.;ice, and the v r.i pa", by of '. Irvl.i.d ;-ril as i.-uu-i t". .t t'.e . t unate , aachuett. :.. in. l.o tt i U-u.-v.-J a-1 sb ,i.el t death :;.ni tbe vfc;d;.l i I Nrbras.a '.be ; a.-y. L wa.s conveyed t-. ;a.t a:.d -w llarn psbirc. s. a.n : t- 'ter- i. liav iu oio v . t--r i. -,.-.' New .lrey a t to 1. . b !.e :s almJ.; dai v sub- N-w ork . :S'.UW rc 'bi i :i. ;.' ' ,, iVnnavlvania . VJII.UO TL ll.nder-.nvi.:.. A- .. t j:, ..f ltuo.leI.Uod . 1 1.7-7 a . a:.t.c t.:..i.e hv uhicaaa K i.-bsh- ,-jusiu T",4-v; n.aa i-ame-i T A. WistoO a rohhe.i . of Uls.eti ami : i thousand .1 -1 Tota's 1 ill 7 s-V-i ar I u of the a .a.r n : M i s::is. . M-:l ita c UH'.i, arc! t. 7 i.lVi r la.ii:e. U'l. 7 .' I '7 :!7 revi ri-.ic of the Ku lniion I ,iud Pauville autl I'.etlinoiil lLaihoa.1 "ovei aiiexprn dilures i hi ib i o ul and proici t v ' are i c portcd at e-'tWi.Sn 'I"he iej...rt ul the I'm si. b ut s.iv s that tbo net earnings tbe Niiitb Western Noilh i.'arolu:a Kail. cad for tbr same t.iuo w as 1 .V-. -".'I. and tbr lota! net icveiuies for tbe year on tbe Noitb (" load were il'J i, "-.. 77. The following oJlceis oi' I lo I ollip.tny win1 unanimously i. -i ie- ted foi lh eusnin yrnr : ol A. . i-utoid. I'rrsidciit I he oS,.nmj lit . i nn ii virir :e e!eted liiniois . T. u ; lit r I in. W . I.. I eli, t i ic . '.in I lui .4-.v. I-ia. I avenprl. .'i . A. i Nuke, ill liardsu-y. A J t ava, 1 ainij. N. I n b.w i y . Kaii;i iin,; ( c: W . 15. Isiu'v, I homas 71. Neal. d.ibu 1'. Ib.inch. li i'. I .a: rett Sim . 1 tt. f Vptlncsl.iy Senator Pa vis, of Wist uiiua. p.escn'i.l a I esoIiUton taliin' iijoii the eiielaiy d W'ar foi mfoi inalion in iiai-i to (he pitsenl P?-r44'u, t!,e nil :t ir ol tbo seeraJ aimed, and i .p, alllj ulucr inl'oruialion a-s wi.l lady ojVe tbe status ol tbc miiitia iu cvei v Matt : :.:id whether the ptrsebt sain annual y appi oj.t iated by ( on-r-s, to arm and t-iijip the luibtia is .sulh.unt. .V:c. The lcsoiu ti n looks to a hi of tbo tuiotia ou a iij,,;c eih :i-ut looting. Csr t.u.ily, I .m-rrss cou'.J no: do a wjser thrr)' than tu adopt niea.-iKcs tint wiU A i u.isizi.iii i.l ii. NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR Al way - on haiij C'l the B i v4 vv c'll.vl'K O. U itf COOKC St WAINWRICHT, n 9 and H Adams liui:, GROCERS AND l.M.2-57 'i.li7.' V!,ly.i -Vi. iJU lo-.tiii a-s will cuabie each Mate to r, i i "''T' lake tare ol" itself m Wf :if Const i:t! le. l i x eiv Iin Is. , Hid are selltni; III in ;i. lit - ms.'-l mirkit . ralev .Sin-oial att- utlou ir-ven t i o..l.-.s , h Vr- -::- il.l :ni. i-t s;,h' I-ay el lev i le ;r-e'.. seven lir- i-el.iw l ap to! -.juaie, sljjn of j:old -i. moi iar v.tvr u- a i-a I TKX t D. I L::al'J.. Iru,-c.sts hov LVv rtui lu Open I.r.lf-r to the Public. New Yo.k. Octolver I, lr: I hat ie -oted twen years of patient stutiy to (he Liver and I's relations to the limn in . i-.i sarcii of a remedy whieli huii il v h v hen dlsexsed. t- its normal . n-diUori. I he resu.t of thai labor has been III1' -ro.l ucUoli of TI TTT'S 2.11 Ell III.LS. Tie"!' poi-uUi i: h:i. hemmr o ex leaded and tbe dein.iii.l . K-"'t as lo in.Uir-e uuscrupu 1., is pait.i-s i . i.-u-.i-' fi-i: thet.i, thereby hosh soy Lot ti..- ivwaiM, ami ibe attlieted of tue.r v in urs. To Caution the Public sml pro'e til. in from v I'e lint os tlont, aave ad i- est a new la Ik-I, which btarsmy trade m irk and n t ee ol lis entry in tl.e Of-rie-- of ti e l.l n .iclaii of i u i es, also lily sinatUI e, t lius ; w fo.iMTrKrFiT mis ts pokgehi'.-Cc 1-ef.vre purchasing, examine the label eiusely. THE U FN CINE Tl'TT'S TILLS exert a iutlueuo on the system I heir act ion is pi ompt, and th-ir koikI eilecls are Mil i.i a lew hours A quarter of a ceu lury if the study of the l.lver has demon si rat. d that It everts a cit-al.-r ioilueuce over the syteiu than any olii-T o. i;aii of lie body, i sped . a:tei i ..n t ven I ami o lieu ii is. aseu 1 lie eiu re oi khii :sin IS ue anxeit. It Is specially l r the lieadtij; of this I C. t ! l - 'L?li I. t t I I v lUal origan t h .t I bav e spviu so iiiany years . " toil, ami having lound tlie remedy, -shieli ha proved the greatest boon ever furnished ai.d all i l,JTa . I il i JCL. U b 'ill 1 li ti' .-9 ! -i R U F F I N P ' ! E S . Sash, Door awu t;;.,u t i . Dealer In Dr.-sse.l Lumber i.f all k n JTtiorliiK. tViiiiiL, l urn i scr- II Hawing, Witd w and ro t Tranies. Manlels , AT kind of Mouldings, itrackits, lianisiers. MtMfr Ualls, Newell Tosts, Hnd Fancy W .. Work made at short not Ire. MANUFACTURER OF Walnut. 1'oplar, Maple and Pine Purintiir.,. Bedsteads Bureaus, Wardrobes. Wiish-Stnds, 8afes, dc. COMPLETE CHAMBER SETS of my own designs, made ,ln l-eatitlful un i durable styles. All work entrusted lo n wi 1 he done in the lest manner. Satisfaction Guaranteea. , Mach-ne Simp lietween Morgan and II n gelt Greets" on the K. f . Knilroail. HUKHN KOLKS, odtf llHleluh. N . ' Wi". 31. .Foik'-i I'AKV, N. .. maxi:fhtii:k of i ft I p. Juvl lleceitetl I OjG Bushels Fine Se.-d Oits. A 1 .IKC lo' iim;.i; i.i iif.s. Baco;'. Urd. i ioUi , -Meal. Bools. Aiola-ses, Mines, alt. "n rws, '' S- le hethei- I'ol'ars, llariiess 70 '1 ous. LT. A LE V'S A A .si TL'.ir'K l-d'll Al K l.r. ME pu: lip epr siy for wheat. The piih ic vvili In.,, i; to tl.eli luieiest t , Ca 1 ami sve tl em. I t c HARDWARE, '.i;n i. hi; ctHA siovi:s. .white aist) vkj.lo.v pink SaSH, UODHS AM) ! I. IADS. iiiirLaOia.rJis.s ac a Ties, I'isi.its. Oils. (;i is.. sto:tui lO.iiiM's. Hiil MMcliiaery Cauiu to it l,';itin'i- lteiliii. ilM.KlGll Ll:ii UOIJSK ! '' 1 i I f'4ttltri l0 ill1 SOViltll, iii.K o: v il l . i.lSitL 1 V S I KELTS. (.iiinuess i ul 'i i XXX u Stoiil on di'augi.t itii Bass ale, tlie Id Kngl'.Sii d ink of i nl alf. 'M i lr- ili" ' In tin ii ii e ! Tim l.ije s i lu.i 1 -use. Als on hand o Id Kobe- I son c .iiiiiy vvlii k.-y b ulu of i l.inli.i i Iniiie,-. . j I i Sash, Blinds Doors, Frames, UOl'iiH AND DIILSSKD I.T M Mim " rite lor I'riee I.I-.I. Baltimore Meat and all Delicacies of tbe Season Servec SINK IMvIVATK SUTiNb KdO.VN Sd THAI I'A I I'S (. ATv ALA. 'IE . HIV ATE. ri'"i:-;Ni !! i imK oetl'i '77DSm Ali ItlM I TS. Ill il.DLUS 4l OVI'ltA k'OKS. Il "'t I in t uuipllll.CS, .101) a.ssi.xia:n e iioru the r cdcial 4".7V lofn 371.7y the a fit :r el. Shall tliev lie ileiuivi-il of lis I lMiirt :.i..l vil.. it.iir .r l..ii i....w.m.1 i,.... place the volunteer nniiti.i on such a1"''"'" ' " Let trie honest H'ojie or America see to it ' " r.i. . .) I uj.i.. tht they are nut defraudisd. Scrut inlze th j - lal-ei closely, s.-e that il bears a.l i he marks . , . r-vj above meiuioned, and buy the mediciue only 1 A' lOllt. ; I from respoctabie dealers. It can befouiij I everywhere. Very respecilully, W. 11. 1 UT M. Mia I l.'-l7-. The t 5reeub.ick vote in tbcs I r . n ami t, i.-.-.l ; ......... S'.atCS Wa-s I , 1. l'i". Prohlbitio I. -Jl'.'il: ..4 . a. :s ea h. .! ";..i va'ut-t I-vlr. CVi, ani scatteriotf. 2,9M; , brSn took his ta::.f(r:v;l i;.,v ca.,, t- z-.v ,u. as tbe total votes of all tbe ,"'-!- U'rm uf otlk'e n V'-r- re;t: -" State, the fibres 3 l.lMa. I, tU, "hn h. w n. .o i u .aue.pnia paitv. Iheiue ...... . . .... v .'..una tbeir vsav U I.:, j I5u- territory there were ca t for IVes- U,tto,e;1 '' tLc whom -l ea Mr. esto.i iamo out t , see bis .Jent last year 4.W. ii votes, a failiu- l'rv"nt ''"lature wP.I elect. i J " 1 Cahforuia Lcis'ature is ballot- COMMI-sKlllil NEKtlUNIs. ni- L.r l uilcd .-states Senator. A IK-mo- . , EK. Jxo. J. that I J. 4 "- trat win, wf course, be elected. Aaron s,7V. A Sargent ami New ton Ilaoth l'mih. licaiis. are now the Senators from Cali fornia. Iljo.b t.ik his scat March 9. l. i. His term of tserricc will expire seat will ill be the 250 i;a!.::kls kl ri:, all hiai-L-i. year l.i'.'ii"! votes. ,.-uit.xrr.t .Ionium of l-M . .9 this vear of 1.1 1 1.471. i x x, w u.-..x: iiiiri prove.j a oare a el fra-ii the .j cae l "i rt (lispatcbes this mm nin.r . .ni o :.. Tins f.ill.iwin . fhl... kliiiv t)i4 m-ii.,r. I ..... entries - " -j- limner details of Oxtiiin's sunv i.l.r . o, no i,i; -bat.-,er OUirr, ! of l7n aU, 1h77. Democratic over n wracia, Hu,M.lD bulIotins ... .... .a.'..i in .. manner Kepub'.naii. an 1 Kcpublican over Mem- TurU ..f, . . ... .. , . r 1 lurks louht like lions. The snlcu- LEE, FRAY & MIAL, NO. 3. MAKTIN ST., K A I. E I U II , . V . lTIIUt 1 ae iria.a ;u".e t-:.'a'. Au. t i has ls-e n tn xs,i..u iu.. ci k, at k.tu ni.!, a. icr.-.tic VI v.j. n;t ill- 1 -.7'' In, I mi Kansas Kerituc v . Maine did fibtin' of those 'ttomau subject's will add fresh cm abasia to the ohl a. I .ro I Hiavc as a Turk." The fait ..r Pu vna w h,S -Vlt ,,lC" f 'lwed by jH-ace Ti.e Mi.-r.:c -.a:"..l f..'- - f tb '' "tta. is l.-l.l.;.,: u auo-aal Mrj!and a U iciuaond Mas.sax-l.asc It !:. p-Tt from the c ttT. -ta't s in rt - 'f'""'4"" a..! to theoKi hu .nof lu, c., pare n..t lavocabie as Csui 1 U, desuv.l ! t W Hatubiro . . New Jersey .:. v T I. f.'..-n. i f" Peters'. jr;, i, e York . ..i r n t".s ireturr on ' ot:ian :.. i ih;o l'", "i'is. Cotton Faffors, Ctwral Comm'ssiea IcrchaoU aP (,'rneral Nerchandise Brokers. Consignments of Cotton am all kinds of Troduce solicited to which our strict personal attention will be given. ritOMPT KKTUKXS MADK. Highest prices and satisfaction guaranteed Cotton A specialtt. Refer to Citizens' National Bank, Ralebjh. 1 or sale ei y o f ..r l A -1 1, bj (JAT.Ls, .luNK.i K LI. I'S, BOLTED CORN MEAL ill-: Lest ijnality at who'esae far le.s tha.i it oa.i be h ul li o.-i any wlie. e hy iLv lTIS, JU vhs 5. KLLI-. ISLXaNTOSIjlIIY cjfe? AHTTT.i7!v ARCHITECTS AND GUILDERS. RALEIGH PLAINING MILLS Mi l n s ) . I, -A I G. OIIDKKS I.Ki'T v I I ti JULIUS LEWIS cfc? OO., I' HUM 1' I'LY A i'TL.N !Ki . I. It lLLIbll, X. o A LSI i Kill KKNT, Three New Cottages lust Completed, Ke 16d3lll ALLEM & CRAM PRACTICAL FOUNDERS -AND- Machinists, It II. KM. II, N. 4 . B I tlavill-' bntivht nil Ihe I kllnin. -....I M chlnery of the late firm hi . I . Adams i Sons, we propose lo make or repaii, si the same plac , .ill kinds of ENGINE, MILL COTTON GIN AND GENERAL MAl'HINEHV. TEA M U It t' 11 A X TS. TEAS, TEAS. Wholesale and Retail direct from the importer. Send for samples. Extra inducements of FOK TIIC IlIiST MIM. FEi:i ever offered in tiiis market for horses or cows or for Coi n. )ats, seed hea., Kye, or auv aindot Toiae ahon ti ATT Is, JONES & ELLIS ferd to dealei s o n m i j i o x By a knoAled,- of an. I pers m t ajiplieatioii to bu iness, we hope not on! to merit a continuation of, but to add to th patronatre e have heretofore thankfully received. j Resreet fully, I (i. M. ALLEN, I oct 17 tit f WM. fit AM. MILLS & SAMUELS. Klchuiond. Va ! IV' 11 A K I" t n i; it t ii a x r s . talk. I-eace j Bept :.d&wiy Mn;r: heavy fa. hues reported this 11, Js ; norning. It is L'ratif v in-r to know that U U the' a11 occ,,r ' the other side of tbe ;; i)i"i lt-'mac. IflhcSjuvh is not growin- I ,41.-, ::.'.7" a. aa :,ta., iu v ir,-i:u,. i nrisv U ania l.'L.'Il '.. IVBn:!c m baries- ,'h "' ,U',', . . raav-waity rlr. tma on Ue.lues ' -nsin .;, w a 1" Ma;..r W W Saic a. e n xcsaful caadi: : for ma;.r j 1 ' .r-.aia ba a new enterpris-. A Nc; B'oua nanittl ?!s:T from .oe of 1 i i j. i;t ti I - I r..riam ct'-.esj, p-it ct:a.i ,rM. i ... i . .. i . i . i . I .. . . rich it is certs i uly not breakim while btiine.s crashes are stai tliii'' tbe North .1'' in ranul siii-.-esxi,.n 1 . .1 . 1 . . I . n--. 141 t reuch situatiou remains un changed. McMaboi. still holds out -a:l.C5l tirmly a,;iiiist the L.-ft, who socm de- Pi-'.tlii U'rlu""-,, ,,,,t " J'eld an inch m tbeir ucrnanus. - tl '.Xl I TUW L"Ury H'" rM the Ilousa 5 :,M1 '"-T'-euUliwes of South Carwliua by an overwhelming majority. Tbe opp, ll.XJn aitn.n fill 11 lu .,Cces. r La;i) iut j tae ca tnaVi.ti of . ; . ...-' fra'.v a.i-l .r !tn pro- Ken'.Ux ky. Maine 1 t nuLiv 'taIc of . a ci-.ixli en, Maryland r ;.;: t. e elett yrsrs ..i.l. accused MauucliUM tls i. : i t a jre:itci M oilat in a ' Michigan - . n'-.a i s. C ) court U hue p.. kit.,; ' .Nelraka i .-f U.e r. was struck, by a ; Nw llamh:re ':; -aJ. bom they unitedly attacked, i New Jersey ; uti-is sUli rruit.i u. bis New ork .til TV ae i without a I'hio 7 l, ." :! :7-. lJ.n; i i 25.7V. ! :' ".- .;. 4tix the Huron r j u'j.. atter.t.oa h.ia bu cad- Ianj5an-.a IL'wsiie I si a if i. is: itisii. r:.7i ; u '2i.i 6.,i) -Suiiutl ItctkMous) for Faith. The Ani- rlrin rta-i.r,- .... . i . . . I'IU'jI 1 sr.i . "Z. "'u anu ..o- J II V4 ' sal preteiLion siuii illseover ' trr not mu-a d-teived by in; but w!.e th are, they heir error, if Hosteller's Momseh Hitter, ha l t-ei, asharr.theyyi.i I 'll slnee have dis. aril.-d li i..o n ,..i . . t irre s not a tlalru but f.irth o, i,. iuL.i I .uT ! IL BAGGING ANI) TIES, O.I ''"x.xX',v .x risv 1 uw iias A, XX. Bakerf (Successor to I'zzle & Paker) WHOLESALE GROCER, Commission Merchant, AND tOTTOX NELL.EK, Wilmington St., RALEKiH, N. C. Dealer in and keeps constantly on hand j larue slock of Sugars. Coffees, Hour, Bulk Clear Rib sides and Shoulders. North Carolina and Viritinla Sides, Hams and Shoulders, Lir.-rpool Flue -xalt KuufT, Tobacco. 1'lgarM, I.KATIIKIt, KIS1I. CORN, OATS, Richmond Fine Bolted Me-.!, CHEESE, CANDLES, KEROSENE foi: coal ok wood Send ordeis ,n advance to MYERS & H0YKI1N COTTON FAOTOES A WD (i ivKfL4ii ( OHHISSIOiV K It (II A IX No. 8 Commerce St., Noi-folk, Va. iMaunracliirer ol CARRIAGES, j PFLETONS, j ROCKAWAVS. i BUGGIES, Jcc, Ac. Ilasa full line of work for the fall trade and will take pleasure in showing It. by - A il itimkI i exehang. l for at smal est. margin by UATTIa, J jNEi & LLLIS.oi- J. A. .lU.NEs. no.edtf Opeu Uuggiew, 0, 100 to 150 Top RiiKKifN. I25, I75 lo J. A. .IONICS. BLACKSMITH COAL, the bed ever brought to this market, for sale I ' A 1" r UK A-M),IL a fo s AJ1.MOMATEI) BONE SITI'EK-PHOSPHATE, ICS- J A. .lONEs. , l.'Vlil.silLJJ l.V 1 4,1. We e ve produce consign, d to us prompt attention, guarantee the highest market price and I 11 w ' ' k wirrauti n re,iins"iited. nd check upon d .y oi sa e. ' ",,u epa f n ' d ., p. nV;ly lye CAS, I "ageing usl Tiesi Fiiriiished Free of ommlstiou. ix rr . If you want best water ground lUchmond Meal, If you want choi e Timothy Hay, ii you want choice v . Hay, If you want Ura.i good for vburcow. If you want best Kve Chop's, If you wa it Black oat for seed. If you want pure H hire Oats for seed, If you want MUe I Oats for feed, If you waul corn. If you v.unt .eir-iev'., Fer.ili.t is, the best made for Wheat. If you want pin.-oi had wool, lr you wain bes. i.a, at I vv tiu es, care full, weijjhid oh Kaii haiiks .-eahs, . e..d vour jrd -rs to J. O-ilioKN. Wes of N. C. Kieiyht Depot. ocl ld.f Ct-ld I A lid liberal ad van.-e.x in::. if .-..i ot iiwi im n.. , tc It, i, ., 1 i;ii. .,f t..i: i . , . . desired t,........ . ... .....u. vi uiuaii, iouiuj. i i uuuee neiu wnetl aCMUOIll "i - . t- uv- 41 ax only i s v . . sc, ( -'. X "ed'u ' trr:l '"rr P'-'-Itentlcn.rlTen to the saleo' a..- i rii ' he metlieal lrur- 4.a, I nit a d the n. voapr press. It ovroom. I - ' I' ' -s.f t,-, tfc, uth. bj t!.5 A.f-'ni rle aad Totals l".7.7'4 1 a- a-;a. T . I . I. . .i . fciixr i.t.w- . x - . . . x. j- , o eanai. to hole;: h. ma......... tSf ik is-u -et toe J. uir. b Uvula it is neu that the total net '.""es fhe v-srrin. bni.hes dvspusiv. iCn,,.! vrTta.. k.s. or-, ft -., tnf,K,n , vi ....... ,x.. r::'r:r. .,:' tx'r r""". t,v7 . . - s r- . - r . . , wW nv.tiM.ivui, aUU l.UCUOaS III l...,i. jrij:t, v,f. . ,f lt t. .... the Uiauderaiid kiuuevs l,X)r. aa.i. Usr n ' . . v Vr. James K Kenny .r,.) , yie.uua following with 21.44. ar,d l ori , -raUT, ;,...a. ,he:r fathrr Mxsaa. tbutU coining ne at witb .' 1 i:W. I "PVil"',!.,V l'M'A' ' na Crat: m -i s .,t ,cUh III I',,. ...iixiir. e it. in.l.l,ll I., ar- mere!, irrrs, irr eh vrms A'v e..m. cor- country produce. ..ram i . , . ,, l-,UM . . . . ine .-vew IOK imnj . f-, ...'.-j i "u an.. a nsy 0seu:b A s.. t: al I"a3r1, eiS-. i i t . iel SUam ja-L. Ho V'l'J .1 tOB L..U. Ukjogief Ua p riioo, tl.e chief component of b au v. is iiiprw-i Ii prrl'ition oy no prep aall-n Wuh such a rrcovd a. this for tie IV u."'"'.4 .? "PL"-V" .,. jer, the Uem jeratic party may Agent aud prompt i eiurua made. e iai in .J. .1.1031 No, 8 Martin Htreet, KalelarU, N. t". CSKM EKAL Commission ftj erohant. illlMLLLWIiUI.V ! Law School. j UK UNDEKsIGNEI) ITRPOSES I establishing a Sc-huol Li Kal i.h for the pieparailon of ynuii; geiiilmeu for ailmis xi n t.i the II . r. Tue advantages w tilch t is c tv offer in the co. . veine-.iee . f access to the lie 't Libraries, in opportii -II i. s for attending the Courts which are in css on m..reth .n lrilf the year, a d In visiting members of ihe B ir and pioiu:iieiil C-ntieiuen. surpaxs those of any other I ci.luv I . th state. wi 1 be del.vere.l at nigh, for the lieuefit of those engaged n business. I ee lor th course, one hundred dollars. I. is propose 1 to lo.-ni a u w cl 8 o i the li s, ot Ja uia y h xt. .Vpplicaiit- received I nmediritely. i.tulKJE V. SlKOMi. .et 1 Kaleiicli. V C. NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR. Egerton's Scotch Snuff. PATAPSCO BAKING POWDER. !-,!:: vvts C H AM1M O N I M P R O V E D VekeMiirt Facln. i iia.;k i:. Third Door from Julius IwisiCo. STJOLrtJS jJSTJD COFFEES. FOR SALE BY dec d: l Y. I. UODD. IOHNS HOPKINS UNIVER3I1 Y KALIIJIOUE. rjiVr i v:i::iesicni.lmec ii., r aui 71 OA, V. j d -c t: If Al p rsons in '.ebied to Hie um'e; signeil hv note or account, a.e requested torn ke im- , "enraie paynieir. 1 1 ose not suttle bv 1. - i cember lt, .ST., will be placed in the hands j The programme of st- dies for tl e vear e ,! ginniug September IS, 877. w.H be sent on N.S.HAKP, j npp'catiou. Raleigh, N. C. ! oet: d2m CHROMO CARDS, ten styles, w fwith name, JOc, post-paid. J. B UTJ--IKD.Naaaau, N. V. )X ELEGANT CAK' S, notwoallke, with ijiiame, ioc. pos; p iid, ept!U- w.iru J B.UUSTEIi, Nassnu, N. Y. SHIRTS MADE TO OKDER and a peri. , fit guaranteed. Finest Linen and Best Bleaching Used. Send for lustructions how .to tae y.-ur measure for MllKlS AND DRAWERS Perrect Ot guarantied or money refunded' Call and see SHIkTS in all styles and differ ent qualities at reasonable prices, which wll Induce you to leave your order at e. W-t LEVT8. PriuMpticn free, L OR the speedy cure of Semiua I Weakness, Lost Manhood, and all dlv.r ers brought on by Indiscretion or Excess. Any Druggist has the ingedient. Dr 'yt'KS fH -"rnraf