DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY MAY 15' 18TS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE STATE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Tht Newt Building. No. 6. Martin Street TERMS OF StBHOUITIO. TIIE DAILY. One year, by mall SIX QlODtUS ,5, Turte nionihs. tme most a The Dailt News is smed t y faithful and wliibtowriers to all prw ot cliy lor cenu per week- reruns cesuiug o &ve Mie papw eft their re.iaeuce wih pfease cadoV jetd addres to the ou.ce, o. 6 Martin street' THE V AJiKLY. Stogie copy, ono year. I t v .mi .m. KIT 111. tllLilH ... . .. - 5o lHVisii.TL3 euw SseMlairus vi plain pnuut i-es iroui every s. c.iou oi lhr ountry.ua important advertisements. -xuese terms luciuue prepayment ol Pirr y m e n ts always to be made ia ad- V Money may be sent In post-ofSce orders regis ued lekteis, or i y excess, or ny bank draft or cuecas. e ul uoi 0r repn.-iue lor kO.MV lost in Its t ausiiiisffUHi 13 JarspeCimeu COpieS sent u appuca- Uou. Thk piet dispatches auiiouuce the adjournment of the Southern Baptist Convention, at Nashville. As wixx be seen by special dispatch to the News, the General Conference, in session at Atlanta, decides against division of the North Carolina Confer ence. It begins to look now as if the long predicted new or third paity had been born; audits name is the National. " A daily organ, calkd the National 6Um dard, makes its appearance at Wash ington City, this week. The Greensboro Patriot, very good authority, says, "If the electiou of the next United States Senator rest ed with the Democratic masses Zeb. Vance would have ninety-nine out of a hundred, and that hundredth mm would want to be Senator himself' We can well understand now why the who oppose Gov. Vance's election to the United States Senate, as well as those who helped to thwart the Demo cratic party of North Carolina in 1872, are so anxious to keep back expressions, of opinion about the U. S. Senatorship by the Democratic masses. Some astounding frauds are alleged to haTe been unearthed in the govern ment printing office at Washington, principally in the purchase of paper. But this is only another illu-tiation of the bent of American genius. We can beat the world in these sort of things; for example, take the larceny of the Presidency. In tbe light of that his toric and transcendent theft, the gov ernment printer doubtless fancied him self entitled to the whole public print ing establishment, including the back volumes of tLe Congressional Globe, Patent Office and Agricultural Depart ment Reports. The Greensboro Patriot thinks the peo; le are not goin to make the Sena torial contest "an issue in the selection of their representatives in the Legisla ture." While it may be wis?, wherever our party is weak, to av.id any isuc that would produce the least dUtiacti .u in our ranks, there certainly can be no harm in the people of any county de claring their choice for United States Senator. The choice of the Democratic party mus'., and no doubt will be, tLe successor to Senator ilerriraoa. What ever tends to make manifest that choice, is in itself a good thing viewed from a Democratic standpoint, and cannot be objected to upon any grounds that do not bear the impress of absurdity upou their very face. Xorth Carolina A Republican State ! ! ! It seems that the Washington Repub lican has been cataloguing North Caro lina as a Republican State ! It has th temerity to assert that the elections ol 1876 were carried against the Republi cans by Democratic force and through Republican fear. Two facts refute this falsehood : There is no Stale in tbe Union where freedom of elections pre vails more completely than in North Carolina, when not influenced, as in the recent past, by Federal officials and U. S. troops; and at the elections in 1S7U the Republicans polled a heavier vote, by many thousands, than was ever be fore returned by that party. Whenever the Federal power does not usurp the ballot box in North Carolina the elec tions are always free, and voters un trammelled. We of this State pride nnrealvaa An .-v.. T C l . opinion, and we take pleasure in ac cording to every man hid full, free po litical choice in all public matters. Wt pity the prostitution of that public sen timent the Republican either represent or influences. A Sew Crusade of IIa.tt. The South must be prepared to with stand a new crusade by the apostles o hate in the North. The Republican. will spare no efforts to carry the elec tion in 1880. Grant is to be put for ward. The horoscope of the politica future dibclcses no more certain event lie is to be supported by a giand on slaught upon the "Confederate power, Tub Northern heart is again to be fired. Angus Cameron, United States Seuatoi from Wisconsin, leads off in tbe North American Review, with an article, Whioh fnr fin wo ,J i . . , f " Mwocuuess, nas nai no superior in tbe periodical literature of the day. He undertakes to show that the success of the Democratic party means the ascendancy of the South in the General Government. lie iay among other things, "I do not say the South should not rule the .Republic solely or c one fly because its leaders were traitors to the Republic That, surely, is a sufficient reason.' A protest against the rule of the ruinew is the dictate of prudence, not the utterance of hate. JIagnanimity becomes imbecility; man ly fbrgiTenesbecomes eunucbal ienti peutalitj; Bsakwtjcarj become. . Tcppek when it is contended that we have not condoned the colossal crinar cf the nineteenth century until we shall have subjected otfrselvts to the rate of its chief confederates." This reduced means that 'the triumph of any party but the Radical Iparty, is the triumph of traitors," to quote the language of a contemporary. When we consider that tbe Radical party is chiefly distin guished for its robberies of the govern ment, we may not feel very bad at be ing designated by them collectitely or by any oce of them individually, as "traitors." In the Cameronian vocabu larv. "confederate" and "traitor" are synonymous terms. The Courier Journal says on this part of the letter: -'All ibis is meant to road the South and inflame the K North. A few pen strokes might easi ly topple down the theory, it seis up. Ucder Southern statesmanship the coun try grew great and potent. Whilst the South was taking care of the Govern ment, the North was feathering it nest. The last fifteen years of corrup tion tell the tale of Republican ascen dtncj, as against fifty years of Demo cratic progress, purity and glory. But the animus of the writer who put his blackguard nature into dubious En glish in order that knaves and fools may get a cue for renewed, malevolence, shows the store which experienced ras cals set upon questions of even vulgar sentiment." Tbe Presidential Title. At last the electoral frauds in Florida and Louisiana are to be investigated The lid is to be torn from the Repub lican iniquities practised in those States in the winter of 1876-'T7, and the full, free light of a congressional inquisition is to be let in on the dark deeds which lie about the tap root of the Presiden tial title. We taka it for granted the resolution sprung in the House Monday will pass. It failed then for lack of a quorum. When it comes up for finai action it is very, certain that a quorum will be present, and the resolution can be pressed through without the aid of a single Republican vote. The Demo cratic course of action is clearly defined, and they have determined with singular unanimity to pursue it to the bitter end. The determination of the Democratic members of Congress to enter into an investigation of these frauds is some what surprising, in view of the recent interviews published by the New York Herald, wherein nearly every Demo cratic Congressman expressed himself against the adoption of any proceedings likely to call in question Hayes titfe to the Presidency. But it must be remem bered that at the time those interviews were obtained, McLin, the penitent chairman of the Florida Returnincr Board, had not made his startling con cession. It is upon the allegations con tained in his statement that tbe resolu tion for investigation is based, the Blair memorial furnishing the pretext for the inauguration of the movement. The time hasXwme for the prosecution of an enquiry into the means by which Tildea was robbed of his majorities io the States of Louisiana and Florida. There is no danger now that the peace of the country would be in the hast dis turbed by the investigations proposed. Indeed, the frauds have been so clearly established by the newspapers that an examination into the matter by a com mittee would hardly cause more than a iaiot ripple of excitement. The revela tions such a committee would bring out would not possess even the charm of novelty. The question of expediency being set tled, no good objections can be raised agaicst the adoption of Mr. Potter's re solution. It is right tbat the great outrage perpetrated by the Republicans should be fully and clearly exposed, in au official, authoritative and lasting way. None but those who are parties to the crime, and those of their house hold of political faith, will offer resist ance. A stout, bitter fight may be expected in Congress ; and tbe contest on Potter's resolution be prolonged. The object of this investigation is not simply to collect into durable form the evidence of frauds in the stolen States. It said that the complicity of President ilaycsand Secretary Sherman will be cleaiiy established. If such shall be the case, the impeachment of both thes high cfhciala is among the possibilities of the immediate future. Iudeed, that would be a logical sequence of the in vestigation. But, whether in case of the impeachment and removal of Mr. Hayes, Mr. Tilden would be seated as President, is a question to' be consider ed. We are disposed to think that Mr Tilden could secure the Presidency only through judicial proceedings instituted undt-r aud by virtue of the saving clause in the Electoral Commission law. Should the proposed investigation re sult in an invalidation of tVi Hfi of Preaideut Hayes, it would also destroy the title of Vice-Presideut Wheeler ; and under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States, the duty would devolve upon Congress of declaring what officer shall thou act as President. But we drift inio a useless vin ot speculation. It is idle to count Democratic chickens be fore our legal eggs, just about to under g incubation in Congiess. are hatched. It is enough to know that the frauds are to be dragged tof the liht before a Con gressional Committee, and that the Re publican party .with all its reeking ini quities is to be ionce more pilloried in history. Mr. Tlden's right to the Presidency will be established beyond all controversy ; but whether he can re cover his stolen' ieat remains to be seen State 91 edleal Society. Tbe State iledical Society of North Carolina met in Vnnual session yester day at Ooldsboni Arrangements were made for special reports of the pro S ceedings for the SNews, but up to thU hour nothing has been heard, from - the transaction yesterday. Full report L fC - will be published at tbey come to hni, DRUGS. PESCUD, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE and RETAIL RALEIG H, N. O. We are constantly receiving New Goods, and are selline them at the lowest market rates. Special attention Riven to orders. Store west side Kayettevllle street, seven doors below Capitol square, sign of golden mortar uiveusacaU. TETJSSES, $1.00 THTJSSE5, $1.00 TRUSSES, 51.50 TRUSSES, $1.50 TRUSSES. $2.00 TRUSSES, $2.00 GCELEYS HARD RUBBER TRUSSES, Comfort, Safety, Relief aed CURE for RUPTURE. yde tn rvpr.ilrblepMrn ttjrht.cool.cleanlr. fe from all sour, rusty. cLfinc. or Pld!ng uniVf" atn. ss-cseil In buthin. Always re.Uble- Pri. f 4 A f. Avoid tmiution. Gamine sumped I. V Seeiey." Complete assortment for ia!e by PESCUD, LEE & CO.. Druggists. dec 20-dAw8ifl. KAIL.ROAIJS. QUANGE OF SCHEDULE ICaleigli A Gastoa Railroad. KALEItfU & GASTON RA1LKOAD, ) SCPEKI.NTENDENT'S OFFICE, Kaleiuh. N. C. Jan. 19. 1ST8. On and after tunday, January 19, 1878, trains on the iuileigh & tiastou icailroad will run daily i&unaays excepted as iouows: MAIL 11UI.NS. Leave Ealeteh at 10: A. M Arrive at Weldou 3:00 P. M Leave eldon at 12: u P. M Arrive at ualeigh 5:15 1. M ACCOMMODATION TEAIN. Leaves Baleigh at 9:3 P. M mvesat Weidon 5:0 A. M Leaves Weidon at s:3i P. M Arrives at Kaieigh 5 'J a M Mall train makes close connec'iou at Wt 1- don with tbe .-eaboard nd Koaiio;e Lau- road and Bay Line Steamers via t altlniore, to and from all points oi th. West and .North west, and with Ptter.sburtr. l.iviiui n.i, and Washington City, to uuU Lorn all points North aud ortu-west. And hi Kaleigh witb the Kaletgh and Augusta Air-Line to Hay wood and rayetteville. Hainlet, Charlotte. n uuiingtoa, and ail points buutn. JOHN c. WIXDMt, nu 6-tf General Superintendent. gCHEDULE OF TRAINS. To Take Ellect Thnrsd,, Jan uary zltli. PETEESBCliO RaJLl:OADCNMPJlST. OrF.CKOF MTPEKINTE .DKST, PSTEB6BBUO, Va.. January 24, l-.8. Going HoutJLi. New York Express leave Peters burg daily at 9:50 A. M Arrive at Weidon at 12:ij P. M Southern Lxpress leave i'eit rsbai: daily, except Monday, at 12:35 A. M Arrive at Weldou at o:i7 A.Ai Freight with Passenger Coach at tached, leave t'eteishuri; daily, except miu ay, at 12:25 P. M Arrive at Weldou at 6:i0 I'. Ai. Cioiug ftortti. New York Express leave W eidon dally at 3:'f P. M. Arrive at Petersburg at 6:12 P. bl Southern Express leave Weidon daily, Mouuay's excepted, at 2:37 A. M. Arrive at retersourg at b:ij A. 51. freight, with Passenger Coach at tached, leave Weldou daily, ex cept Sunday, at . 7SO P. M. Arrive at Petersburg at 12-.2 A. M. Pirst -class coaches and pa: lor cars wili run through i.e:tveen v nruiugioii and New vork on day '.rams, and sleeping cars on night trains. Si-epiug car blrtUs can be had for one doiltr Irom Kichuioud to Baltimore. No change uf cars. Ihrouxh tickets sold to all Eastern and southern points, aud baggage c necked through. L.. E. CLARKE, Dispatcher of irallis R. SI. Scllt, General &uperln:endeut. Ieb 2 tl nONDENS ED TIME I'lEDJIOXT Allt-LIXE. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILKOA1 TRAINS GOIG SOl'Til Time, Feb. 3rd. 1378. No. 1.: ,'o. 3 Meul Stutiona ' Lally.i Daily- Lt Greensboro 5.25 pni R.45 a ru Ar Salisbury 7 35pm !0.3ja u. Lv Salisbury 37 Ar Air-Liue Junction 9 Ijpm f.4i i- n. .2.15 m Ar Charlotte t 3u p IL No. 1 Connects at Greenboro with Salem Branch; at Air. Line Junctiou for Atlantaanti all points iu the Suuin and southwest: at Charlotte with c, C. & A. it. R. for all pi.ints" m uie ckuiu ana out&east ana fiorida points. No. :J Connects at Greensboro for ILalfitrh GolCiSboro. and all point.' on N. C. R. K. : at Salisbury, with W. N. C. R; R. for all points in Mesiem .ortu Carolina: at ctiariottt with C, C. & A. R. II. lor Columt.ia and tht South, and A. & c. Air-Line for Atlanta, anc tue Hutnwe-t. TRAINS GOING NORTH, Time, Keb. 3rd 1878. : No. 2. , No. 4. 'Meal stations. laily. i Daily. lt Greensboro 110.4-pm1 .16 a n, Ar Danv ille 1 12. -7 p m laly a a ftuiiie iu ss) p m a.i wuiiueq .miq junc, iiiti y m 10.14 a a Ar Burke vi lie 07p ml 3.i0 a n Lv Burk ville.. Ar Belle Isle.. Ar Richmond. 5.10 pm pin 5.55 a m 7.45 p m! li to a it No. 2 Connects at Grpsi Ooldsboro. and ail poinis on Saiem brucl and N. C. R. h.; at iturkeville witi. A. M. i O. R. R. for Petersburg, etc. ; at Belie Isle with Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac U. It for all points North, Last and West: at Richmond with C. & O. R, R. for tht W est. AI1.A.NT1C AND NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, on and after Sunday, March 10, 1878, trains Kuuiuau win i uii as ionows: t AST E R.N ilAIL. Leave Goldsboro at 12.15 p M Arrive at Morehead City 6.54 P. M. WBSTBRM MAJU ceave Moreneaa City at 1 1 -no r m Aiiire aiuwusuoiosi. 5:41 A. M JOHN HFUheH. mnr Superlndent. lime i H v AngiiKta Air Line. SUftlu.MKNUENT S OFFICE.) Kaleigh, N. C. Occ. 6, 18 7. J un and after Sundav. Oct. 7th. iar7 train. on this Koad wilt run as follows: (.Sundays PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Ralelh at fi-nn a xt Arrive at Hamlet l'-is p- m Leave llamlet at 2 00 " Arrive at Kaleign 910 .fi.tf JOHN C. WILDER, mr b-tl Superintendent. HOTELS. PACE'S HOTEL, W. C. PAGE. Proprietor. Breakfast on R. & A- It., going South, and SupDer on trains going North. Mrst class fare. febl6-tf EXCHANGE HOTEL Green St., Market Square, fayetteville, n. c. milU00 PeILDay- Special arrangements made by the week or month. J. M. MATTHEWS, Proprietor. feb 10-dIro O P THE BOTDEN HOUSE Salisbury, sr. c. O. S. BROWN JLLate of the Rational Hotel,RaIeteh.i g. Brown, Jr Chief Clerk F W. flhei. . . earn. Assistant. Jan Mq PRO FSF.sN 41 CARDS. ? DR. RICHARD Hi LEWIS (Late Professor of Diseases ef the Eye t-ar m the Savannah Medical college Practice Limited to the Refers to the State Medical Society and of the Georgia Medical Society, i June fci-ly DR. CEO. .W. GRAHAM, RALIGn,H.C. PRACTICE LIMITED, JO EYE, EAR & THROAT. sept 4-d&wly ,VXT ALTEE CLABK w ATTORNEY AT LAW. RALEIGH, N. C. Practices in the State and Federal Courts. Collections made In anv nart of the State. Office in Bagley Building, corner Fayette- Tiue auu jsiarun streets, deeply JAJIXS A. WORTHY, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, Practices In Moore and adjoining counties. Spec al attention given to the collection of claims mr 6-dly ALFRED ROWLAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in the Court-House XiUmberton, N. C Attorney and Counsellor at Law, CARTHAGE, N. C. Practices In the Courts of Mooie andlad- t lu;ng counties. coilectiiius made in any part of the State. mar dtiin DR. W. W. JONES OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Raleigh and surrounding c uutry. office Over Ennlss' Book Store, 4 doors Delw I'fscad, Le Co. jani3-di2in JAMES D. MclVER, Attorney At Law, JARTHAGEi N C. Practices In all the Courts of the Ftate. Prompt attention given to all business en- tru.ste-t to him. feb 16-d6m J. T. REDWINE, Attorney at Law,. ALBEMARLE, N. C. ap is-tr W E. MURCHISON Attorney At Low, LILLISOTO J, N. C Practices in Harnett, Cumberland, Chat ham and Johnston. Collections made in all parts uf he Stale. ti'O lu drui ATTORNEY AT LAW, IScIcigii, A'. C. Practices In the Courts of Wake and Orange ana the supreme court or jsorth carouna. speci-1 attention fcdveu to collections of nanus a'ir tothe adiutment auu eettlem nt Of accounts, raniculiily to the accounts oi 'xuardian ana w.-ird. t-x.-cutors, Aaioiuistra- .ors and lrostees. and a uusipcsS in tbe Irobate Court jsen.'rally. uiiice coiner rayeuenue ana Martin Streets, opposite Citizeus National Bank, upstairs. Jan Z d U't W. HAYWOOD, ATTORNEY AND CO U Ns V. L LOU AT LAW. miice in "Barley builling'opposite tbe new l ostuinc", i.aieun. c. riompt attention g.ven to all business entrusted to his care uavniL' had lour years experience in the banking business, previous to obtaining his license to practice law, he is a practical book keeper, and will uevote special attention to setiliu.; the estaies of deceased persons, taxing accounts, ic, neiers t y express per mission to eacn oi tne ianKsin liaieigh. jau z uui vv w O N E S, Attorney aud Counsellor at Lan RALEIGH. N. C. Practices in the District and Circuit Court of the I'nited "tales and the Courts of the 6th Judicial District of the State: office on corner of Martin and l ayetteyille fetreet, op posite 'ovemmt-nt liuuaiiig up stairs. ap-3-nti T. C. HARRIS, ENGRAVER OJ Wood R A LEIG II , W. C. dec E U G E N E L. HARRIS Artist in Crayon, CHAPEL HILL, N . C. Portraits enlarged in the most finished style of crayon drawing from any kind of small picture 14x17 $10; Framed 3; 18x22 $15 JM-SEND FOR CIRCULAR. B?id 1 have Just been Informed, that a consign ment of light trotting Wagons and Buggies, will be forwarded In a few days. I advise all to wait and examine the work and hear the prices. ap 2Vtf W. C. McMACKIN. ""ICE HOME-MADE LARD IN SMALL Packages to suit Families at F. C CHRISTOPHERS & CO'S ft U tf Meat Murkflt. Harriett 8t TIIE FARMER A5D JBECHMK, RALEIGH, N. C. $2.00 Year in Advance. RANDOLPH A. SHOTWELL, lanaging Editor. The offlcial organ of the Department of Agriculture. ap ltf NORFOLK, VA. Q O O D E HOUSE Corner Commerce and Main Streets, NORFOLK, VTRGLNIA. JESSE C. JACOCllS,Proprietor. T. H. MILLAR, Clerk, Board Per Day, $1.50 angSdtf I JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. BALTIMORE. The Droeramme of studies fer the Tear be gtDDtug September 18, 1877. will be gent on B A HATING PURCHASED LARGELY AT THE LATE B A N KR UPT IN NEW YORK. We can sell Goods lower than any "We offer choice Prints at 25c. per pain Bleached Domestic 5i cts. per yard;- Pique gc. yard; Grass Cloth qc. yard; Eeal Percales 8 1-3 Our Stock is as fine as can be found in the City, and we offer it other house. 25 Cases Straw Hats at 15c. apr 16-tf GROCERIES. uttention! EATERS AND BUYERS!! 25,00) Pounds of ew Smoked llASls, SHOULDERS and SIDES, well trim and emoked with Hickory, now ready for de livery at F. C. CHRISTOPHERS & CO'S., fet24-tf New Market. Hargett St. TOLTED MEAL. FRESHLY GROUND J Hoxxt from $&50to 14.00 per Sack, juet from Walnut Creek Mills, at mr. ll-tl (tATTIo, joes U.ts . 150 Barrch Flonr, All erades. nrrces lower than ever. Retail good flour at 4c., at F. C. CHRISTOPHERS & CO S. feb 24-tf A NOTHER LOT OF FINE MOUNTAINS Beeves, arrived for F. C. CHRISTOPHERS & CO S., feb 24-tf Meat Market Hargett St. TOBACCO ! TOBACCO ! ! rjK BOXES ALL GRADES. CALL AND try it at feb24-t F. C. CHRISTOPHERS & CO S., nargett Street W. C. & A. 8. JUST RECEIVED, 10 DDLS. IRISn POTATOES For LATE PLANTING. DESSERT FRUITS Grated Pine 4pple. Strawberrie?. Peaches. Raspbe ry Jam, Damson, Plums, herries. Pears, Ouince. reach Marmalade, rluins. oreen Oages, ulacKDeiry Jam. Cracked Pearl Wheat,5 l'os. Tkg's. Fresh Dessicateu Cccoanut, Wilson Packing Company Corned Beef, Gilt Edge (iohen Butter, Fresh bottled Pickles, Pt. Qts and Gals, Pickled Oysters and Capers, 75 Cases Fresh CanneiTomatoes and Peaches 13 Hbls. Irish Potatoes,for late Planting, Patapsco Family Flour, We receive every week selected lots N. family Flour. SUGARS. Cut Loaf. Crushed. Granu uted. Powdered ana .Manuara A ' ana yellow sugars verv low. MERCHANT TAILOR. Fashion Bazaar. BEAUTIFUL STOCK. 0-37fiac3L Opening WEIKBL The Merchant Tailor. Will offer a Magnificent stock of AND SUMMER GOODS At Astonishingly low Prices. NOW IS THE TIME To Secure FIRST CLASS BARGAINS, A PERFECT FIT WARRANTED. The Goods are all First-Class and the Workmanship will be guaranteed. REMEMBER, SSliiiSi WEIKEL. mar 33-ti , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. THOMAS 8 Martin Street. Ralelsrh. N- r. GENERAL O ommission Mercliajit WILL RECETTTE, SEt r OR STORE, AND ADVANCE ON COTTON. Low rateofo terest and Jtcrajte charges. . Refers te Clti Kens' National uaiu Ralelirh. w. cf TJ 8 the State. 5c. yard ; Ladies' Shoes 75c. per pair; Children's Shoes cts. per yard. of JE&eadyrmadLe Olotiiiiig, J. Y. JACKSON & CO., 5 & 7 Hargett St. FEED STORES. OSBOfifi'S CRJilfl AND FEED Store. 1 Car Load Choice Feed Oats. 1 CAR LOAD CHOICE TIMOTHY HAY, 2 " N. C, HAY, 1 " " FODDEK, 1 " WHEAT jtfRAN, l " " RICHMOND Bo ted MEAL, 1 " " CORN. Tiie above can be had at very low figures lor A.i- WOOL) AND COAL ti vuys ou "ia:,d di C b o r n n iji:'Liin And Feei Store, -West N. C. U. R. Dcvot. Raleigh, N. C. ap :4-ti FODDER! FODDER ! ! A good article just receivrd by OAT XLS, JONES & ELLIS'. mar 13 tf Another arrival of S; lendid Seed Oats, low for cash at GATTIS, JONES & ELLIS', mar 13-tf 53 PayetteviPe, .-t. f f m Several carloads prime Bay. native and foreign, just received at mar 13-tr gatti. JOi-.s &eili- FOR BOLTED COM MEAL, FLOUR, Or any kind of Grain or Forage, call on GATTIS. J ONEs & tCLLl.-?, 53 Fayette ville Street, feb 10-3m Kaltigh, N. C- BALilMOBE. JENNINGS' EAU D EN TIFRIC F, an ele gant, safe and efficient MOUTH WASH, for oleanslng, teautlfy lisg and preserving the Teeth and Gums, and imparting an anreea Dle odor to the breath Yi' cola or rHo riri t t . ml driis stort-x. Prniri.d N. HYNSOSN A JENNINGS CO.. No. 9 North Charles Street, Baltin.ore s p 2;dawly BALTIMORE IIUKINESS US- RECTORY. FERTILIZERS. Baker, R.J. & Co. Pure Ground Bone and '. 'hemicals for rertillzers, a. cnanes Ptpdmont Gnano & Man. Co.. 81 South street Rasin. R. W. L. & Co. 32 South Street, chemi cal Fertilizer Manufacturers. Rhods& Co., 80 South Street. may 27-dawly WIRE RAILING & ORNAMENTAL W0HKS. j DIFI R & CO., NO. 36. N. HOWARD STM BALTIMORE, MD. W!m T? Q Tlir era tnr Paniatarlaa PilnnntAa &c.. Sieves, Fenders. Cases. Sand and Coal Screen Woven Wire, &c. aio. iron Bedsteads, Chairs, Settees, &c. Jan 31-lSwllm 1 resnectfullv call tne attention of mv friends, patrons and the public generally Ib the south o. my kw. TTXATm.TirRATvr iKu HEALTH Y LAG ER, brewed purely ol malt and hops, after, the v icnna meinoa ana expressly tor export, 2 German street, Baltimore, Md Jan Sl-dly MISCELLANEOUS. rORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. Tne Public Can alwavs find first-class conveyance.. whether for pleascre or business, at our Liv ery rooms. We have the largest and mrst complete establishment in the state. Horses, mules, carriages, buggies, &c., always op baud for sale, hire or exchange. G. W. WYNNE & CO. sel5dtf hj O 1 jj w E iea? 2 0 J? f a q s IB r' z-.-t X a. C a sir's us! O p-3 n to 5- Si C3 o - - OS tea to 5 tn 7 1 r 5 s ? r dec 6mata tf 1 11 No. 25 Old Street. Petbrsbxhio. Vi. I will pay the highest market value for the following articles: Furs, Wool, Hides Peer Skins, Feathers. Cotton and W olen Rags ocrap raDer, uid Kope. Old Carpet, old I on. Old Metals, Bees Wax, Tallow, Dried Fruits. All kinds of Seeds, Roots, Sumac Eggs and Country Produce generally. Gin Sweepings, Motes and Dirty Cotton. All consignments will receive prompt attention and remittance, mar 10-H2aw3in GREGORY H OUSE. . GOLDSBORO, JV. C. House new and. elegantly furnished. Ac commodations best in the city. Every room has an outdoor window. Mo skylights, ho other building within 0 feetto obstruct light and air. In the centre of business, being on the corner of two of the leading stiee'sof the city. R ilroad licket office. Telegraph office, and Post Office located in the building. The Gregory House is the oniy first-c ass house in tne city. I MM tJT- TTT' i zz 8 03 o OREOPBI it FREEMAN, ' E - S ALE House in 25 per cent lower than any FURNITURE FURNITURE ! FUM1TURE ! W. H. MORR'Q fit CO., DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF SPrliftC BEDS AND MATRASSES No. 3 Fatettevilli.Strest, RALEIGH, N. C. We are daily receiving our large and varied stock ot FUuNlTURK of new and orlgioal design. We would invite the public and thhse tending our State Fair to call and examln our stoo i aud prices, even if they do do. wish to purchase. o trouble to show eoodi. w, H. MOKKIms &CO 3, Fayettevllle stree onl7-dtft Kaiflitrh. VA LLE Y W lllfSKE Y R. F. J o n e s & C o., I7ALEICH, N. C. , AGENTS FOR 5 TOM COOPKS. Jurmrel Valley CENTENNIAL OLD EYE AND WHEAT WHISKEY, a large lot aLysonhand from twotofoui YEAltS OLD. universally acknowledgedto be THE FINEST WHISKY MADE IN THE SOUTJ. PERSONS WISHING Strictly Pure Spirits FOR MEDICAL AND OTHER URPOSE3 can get any size package From 3 to 50 Gallons, By addressing T. N. COOPER, Eagle Mil& V. O. IiedeU county, N. C. Sold by A. W. FRAPS, lUleigh, . C. tanlly T. N. CXXiPK niSCELIi.lE() us. KELVYN NURSERY, PITTSBORO, N. C. ' ORXAJMENTAL planting. Citizens of Raleigh, or of other points, desiring to improve tr.eir grounds during the winter and i-prlng, are invited to correspond with the subscriber. He offers a very larjt stock of Ornamental Evergreens. Trees, Roses, Shrubs, Pulbs, including many hun dred varieties. The stock leing very heavy iu amount will be otter d very low during tht present (eleventh) year of the Nursery. Ai biils of t5ani upward will he delivered free of expr-ss. in Raleigh. teud for Cata logue, Plans of impiovements carefully prepared. The subscriber may be personally consul: ed in Raieign. if notiiled by posUl card. It is t elifved that tin. present stock Is not excelled anywhere. Dutch Bulbs, Floww Seeds aud small p ants mailed promptly. now In hand I t me lot oi imported Hyacinths, Tulips. At , C. B. DENSO.V. Pittsboro, C dec29-tf TO ALL WHO RIDE. Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Platform Spring Wagons and Carriages, Road and Farm Wagons. ap 25-tf W. C. McMACKIN. HAPPY h CLIEF. To all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited personail v or by mall, .iew met hod of treat ment. Npw and reliable remedies. Book and circulars sent free in sealed envelopes, address Howard Asso lation, 419, S. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., t n institution baTlnf a high reputation for honorable conduct and profe&sionablObkill. maylfdlv Zeiglor, Manufacturer of Cigars and Dpalpr ia SmoKingand Chewine iob.ccn. I'iDe. Ac. Always ke ps on hand a good assortment of nne clears ana smokers . rticles, in fact everything kept In a lirst class Ciar store. The best 5c. clears in the r-itv. Factorrand Store 1 coor north of the Yarborouah, Ral eigh, N. C. apza-ijm . . GEO. ZEIOLER. The most remarkable cures of SCRuFULA have been and are now being made by th use of MRS. J JS PERSON'S REMEDY f0F that disease. Cure Certain, Speedy and Per. manent. For personal reliability refers by Sermlssion to the ku Rev. Thos Atkinson, . D., of N. Carolina, Geo. A. Fcote, M. P., Wrreu Co., aud Hoes. J. J. Davis and C M. Cooke, of Franklin Co. For certificate of cures, circulars, terms, &c.. enclose stamp to MR-. JOE PERSON, mar l-tf Franklinton, N. C. I G A R 3, All Havana. 5c. The best Una fie Cttars hi the city. Clone figures to the trade. W. ti. & A. B HTRONaOB POR rSMOUTII, VA. J. & Er MAH0NEY, , Rectifiers and Wholesale-Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Liquors, ASD HOST CKLSBRATED BKXHDS or , . PURE RYS LND BOURBON WHISKEYS No. U High Street, Portsmouth, Virginia. J A E. Mahonev handle at all times frets . tliree to foui thousand barrels of the flaeat lmtorted whiskies, Wines, Gins, C. appuoaiwu. ) au37'77-dAW-Ay. mayS-tfT