DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY. i 1ST. leather Probabilities. WasihotO!..D. C Jan. 7. For th South Atlantic Ftatea. fail le barometer; warmer outh?ast winds, cioodr waihrand poxlbir rain- dex te It mm AdTrlUtmenU C W Lambrkth - Fire cistern. F JfoRDECAl fc J SO DlVKRKCX- Ti utters' SaJe. H R STKrrs Vegetine. F Okckndlm Fine Cigars. State Agricultural Society. . A large meeting of the Executive committee of the Butte Agricultural Society waa held at the Yarboro last evening. Sevei&i business matters re ceived attention. Cspt, C. B. Denson,so vaiuea and efficient as Secretary, waa elected for another year. It waa also decided to hold a fair beginning on the 15th of October, continuing for a week. LOCAL BUIKFM. da j. t -The Legislature assembles The streets wear a lively l-ok again. Policeman Ferrellgave the alarm ol flVe yesterday morning. Pork is abundant in market, srllicf at live cents per puud. The Magistrate held no meeting jcateiday, do quorum beitg present. The cold snap is said to be the loo gast and hardest of any ainco 1S57. A Work of 1 111 1 rovcinent The ruins of the houses on Fayette- ville street, belon&rinz to the estate of the late 11. F. aloore, which were burned not long since, were yesterday toru uowu. it is suted that Major Uailitrg will erect in their place a couple of substantial business houses, which will be au ornament to the street. This is certainly a step fo.ward, and long uceded. one The back of the eold broken, and lb weather has chill. KOSp IS lost its Benefit Performance. That tine troupe of ama'eur per formers, the Cailiopean Minstrels, will tin erouin give a performance at Metropolitan il all lor the benefit of iletr. Joucs tt O'Neil, who lately lat J1 Uieir prupety by the burning of their cigar manufactory on Fayette villo street, lhe performance will hare auiae features wuiclxare at once special and attractive. It is hoped that the public ili show proper spirit and atleud the performance. AU who go may led auie of passing a pleasant tit'tUiUg, aiid doing a good deed. An important advertisement of Mr. J. H. II. Carta er will appear to-morrow. The city seems to be passing through a regular epidemic cf fires just now. There is a regular crush at the hotels, while the boarding Loue6 are fast filling. Messrs. 3fordecai Jfc Devertux. Trustees .advertise valuab.e property lor sale. Read notice. Oje thing noticeable about the members of the LeKla. ure preeui is the number of atrange faces. A good deal of lobbying was carried oa yesterday, and the candi date was seen everywhere. The latest sensation is moonlight skating parties, aud these are held n ghily uuUe pobds near the city. Attention is called to the notice of Mr. F. Giundler, the propiilor ol tSe Raleigh Favorite C gar Factory. MieriU Settles). Tbe follow ioir settled their taxes wan totals Treasurer Worth yester day : Josepli G. Ncal, McDowell county : 1'ubtic taJtes, $ 766.33 SVwcial 1,565.41 T. tal, orge N. L. Public taxu. toptciai $ 2,340.7s wis, Nash county : $ 2,937.91 6,tf04.13 Toui, N. M. Wilsoj, Public lae&, apwciai Total, W. II. Uituc, 1'ubiic tax.., bpcCljl " t y,S44.04 Yaucey couuty : 343.15 7 75 .06 1.118.2U fi.ajiey coan'y : t 1.362 15 1,176. ;u Tola!, $ 2.537.70 A package is held st the post of- Cce, addreae: to Mrs. Dr. F. A. Os born, Lawrenceville, Va., as it is un stamped. Ebe w here will be reen an adver tisement :or propoa's for bu ldu g five Lara cisuins Tor protection against fire. Rt member the benefit pei form ate in aid of Jones & O'Neil at Met ropolitan II all this eveniug. Tickets on sale at Ileartt's. The mail train on the Raleigh and Gaaton Railroad waa delayed last o-ght, owing to the breaking of a tyre ou one of the drivers at Weidon. , The Rescue steamer weat no further than tbecapitol cistern jester day. There was no need of going fuith er.as the water urp!y was Let at band. The work of gathering ice is cocducttd rigorously still, but the bouses are ntariy all filled. o such cnp oi it nas oeen taken, here in macj yea:a. Mx. Willis Le,wb;"who was so terribly -iniurea oy iae ore yesterday.waa earned horw, and at last accounts his condi tion showed some improvement. Hopes in are entertained of his recovery. the ntgnt pouoe request store keepers to always hare a light in the rear pottion of their stores, and not the front part, a they will thus be much better able to see the interiors. Some oce suggests that the bells of any factories etc, in a part of the citycioeby a tire be rung at such. times, as the city bell fails to awaken the people at a distance. The iews earnestly pointed cut : J - - i jit? piTsajcg oeeu vi m cisiern at a point near the railroad bridge on Hi1 la bor Avenue. The late fire proved the correctneas of its judgment. -The regular semi-monthly meet icg of bt. John's Guild will be held in V 1 . . o , . . . . Ui i ruiujj lUUIit at O O ClOCK inis p. m. A lull atteudsnoe is desired a business of importance will be consid ered. a prommeni city cmciaJ says that a cistern should at once be built st a point where Blount and Jones streets intersect, as a great deal cf val uable property in that part of the city is m uouxiy aanger irum lire, witn no protection whatever. Perhsps the sad lessens the late disastrous fires hare taught will not be thrown away on the Board of Alder men. The public wish to know wheth er their property is to recjivje protec tion or not. Tbe city fathers should bear this in mind. Speaking of the late Mrs. Juo. B. Barwell, tne V'tiarlotte Observer says: "The deceased was for aeveial jers a resident of this city, and is af- lecuonately remembered as Udy posMasing in an unusual debtee the virtues and chaiacuiisucs which adoru trus womanhood. Couuty CotnuilMiuners. Tne Board met at 10 o'clock yester day at tbe Mayor's office. A good ueU of routine business, aoioug wnich was the order for a uw roid lu VVaka Forest Towaahip, from . li. Duua's to Uie Franklin hue, was traLeacied. Tne now Superintendent of tbe Poor House was pid for support of poor. Comuiiaaiouer Moils 1L iirown was Kppoiiited to settle with the late incumbent ol lht office. The Registrars ol tke late election were paid each, in fud lor servi ces. Capt. C. II. Scott was appointed Couuty Surveyor rice W. B. Fowler, elected, who li.ed to qualify. It waa urueied that ocnp be issued to thoe tax-pajeis who had paid taxss upon the late ueci&ion of Judge Sj mour, reducing the taxes of the county. aid scrip to be lor the difference be tween H cents aud bo .'-3 centwr property, aud between Jf2.- 25 a 2.00 ou ine poll. Tl&se -rfences 17 1-3 aud 5"prri..to be receivable in county for lTy. Tne Clerk of the Board was oidcied to .issue this scrip, he being governed by the tax list in the bands oi .lie SjenlT foi collection, in aacenaming wUvj iaid taxes before said decision, to w Uoui .ioiie this scrip shall be issued. Tne appointment of a Constable to the tfrsuu jary was decided to be a pretogitivc ol me S'-snii. T. i'. Dovervux. was appointed to look after bi.l in the county, in cases whvre paupers and lunatics nave btea sent t other counties. The B.ard, sr.tiug as a school com mute?, transacted a deal of business in relation of ihe county schools, such as the appointment of committees, etc. Some business in relation to the Poor House was also looked after, and the bond of Mr. Allen, the new keeper, was accepted. lhe Board then adiourned ui til to day at 10 o'clock. A DISASTROUS FIRE. A Work of IlnlnTwo Stores and two Private Residences llarned, As was stated in the News of y ester day, tbe alarm of fire was given yester day morning abeut 3.15 o'clock, from the store ol La wis & Jones, on Hills boro Avenue, near tne railway crossing, l he buildiug was in a briet space of time a mass of flame, and the store next door,owned by Rush Jolly, caught at once. The great distance caused the time before the fire comuaniea reached the scene to be long, and the tUmts spread west to tbe residence of R. W. Best. Esq., which was soon de stroyed. East of the burning build ings, on tbe same block, stood the resi dence of the veuerable Airs. Drake. It was at diet thought that this would be saved, but it soou shared the fate of the other buildings. 1 lie store of .Lewis fc Jones was a two story frame buildioir. with a stock of general merchandise. The entire contents were destroyed; nothing was saved. The loss on stock was about 4,0 j0, ou building 15J0. On the former there was an insurance of $2,000, in tne Etna. No insurance was neid ou the buildiug. 1 he store of Mr. Jolly was a small frame, one story structure, bat tilled with a stock of ttoods valued at about $1500. 'lhe building was worth abost f500. Both were a total loss. No in surance was held on either. Ihe dwelling house of Mr. Best was a handsome edifice, of wood, two sto ries high. It was entirely destroyed, uui au me nousehold property was saved. The loss ou the building, on which no insurance was held, is about 3,000. The house of Mrs. Drake, which was one of the sandmarksof the street, was also uninsured. It was of woo J, two stoiies in height, and valued at about l,5i0. Ine lurniture, etc, was saved. It was feared for a time that the fire would spread to the next block, but the firemen were prepared for it. The Chemical engine was first on the scene lollowed by me Victor and Hook and Ladder Companies. All did good work as far as possible. The hoe of the engines was so frozen that it re juued tnawing to be tit for use. There wereuowatr facilities, a well beinj tue only means anywhere near by. So all that oould be aone was to prevent W4 i ii0 names, ana this was difficult, as a great shower of heavy tl,kes of fire fell for many blocks away. Mr. Willie Lewis, a son of A. Y. Lewis, Esq., and one of the proprietors, skpt over Jones 4 Lewis' store. About 3 o clock a butcher was driving by and heard a noise as of some one walking. A momeat after some one ran to a irout wiudow. He drove on and soon heard the cry of tire. Not long after wards Mr. Lewis jumped out of the wmdow, fell on a shed and tbence to the sidewalk. The fall broke his right arm, besides injuring his hip seriously. He was also badly burned. A gentle- fmn took the sufferer across the street where he was looked sfter. He re mained unconscious and speechless. from the time till 11 o'clock in tbe? morniug when he spoke infr' Utly c puyeicians proixctfcrwaTd-ie esse a serious one j UwfeT hopeful of recoreiy: Tueioas by the fire proves a great hardship to those upon whom it fell, who nearly all lose their all. Personals sales 7,000; bales ; speculation and exacts 1 OuO; net receipts 14 200: American 11.700. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. ITr R Wn fnr ia nast throA Matures 51 16 cheaper ; upland low middling VN Mr. . WeiL who for tue past three , clause jUary delirery 5: January and l lVa rears has been in charge or the store February 5 3 8a5 11-32; February and March 1 weiT No. 54, Fayetterille street, leares to- 53 s. - H fA, tir.;ua an fcr on, in I 13) p. m.-Futures weaker, free s llfrs at J. v o- i ast quotations; uplands low middhng clause uusmess mere. Messrs J M Dorrance and A H Boy den hare returned from their holiday risit to New York. Mr. Rufus A. Doughten, of Allegha ny county, candidate for reading clerk of the House, arrired in the city this morning. Mr Djughton b?ars strong credentials. Mr. J. W. Ramsey, representing Messrs. Win. A. Tottle & Co., Balti more 3Iaryland, one of tbe most popu lar and successful salesmen in the State is in the city. Congressman Arm field is at the National. The "Tobacco King" holds forth at the Yarboro. Hon. John Manning, of Pittsboro, Judge Avery, of Morganton. and Prest. J. W. Wilson, of the Western North Carolina Railroad. Col. L. W. Humphrey. Maj. W. A Smith, Hon. D.8. Russell. Col. Jno. W. Atkinson and Col. Jno. W. Gordon, both prominent insurance agents of Wilmi ton, are in the city to adjust a loss by one of the late fires. Hotel Arrivals OAK CITY HOTEL. Paul P Larbocher; F B Roberts; Robinson Wood; S W Blacock; D G Corten; M C Byrd; Daniel Ritchey. national hotel. Dr J O E Allen and wife, Norfolk; Prof J C Bodin, Phil; H C Bost, C E Mills, John S Henderson, Salisbury; R F Armfield, Siatesville; J B Evans, Rutherford; F H L-atherwood, Miss IdaEulow, Webster; LE Paraer.s, Cleareiand; B R Brown, Yadkin Co G Bernard, Gieeuville; W A De;ind, O C Bucham, Uoldsbor s A C Olirer, Robeson Co; Jno W Mills, Anson Co; E L Vau-rhn. Alleghany Co; W H Orchard, Cabarrus Co; Benj FMebane. Alamance Co; J A McLean. Guilford; U r Caldwell, J 1 Scle, (jrreensooro; J ll McCorkle, M i risville; J U Ulick. Iredell Cj; Wm E Ardry, M-jckien- burg; J M Carson, Fayetteville; J R rage, Cary; C E M lis, George Wil- Iiauihon. JN c; J Keid, Franklin Co; v uaroT, wiiksboro; John Hen derson, J J Gol6ton. Chatham; J S Gibson, Jr ayetteville; L Harrald, Tyre York, Wilkes Co; T A Nicholson. Iredell Co: J P Matheson, Alexander Co; B Counc 1, Watauga; Samuel F Osborn, Wasbiugtou; P W Dowd, C F Dowd, Q J HaJson, Apex; W F Craig. M uion. March and April 53 8. Nw York, Jan. 7. , Ftocka strong:. Money 45. Exchange, long 4 82& ; short, 4 86H ; Wtate bonds dull. Governments actlre. Cotton dull ; sales 657; middling uplands 9 ;-!6 ; Orleans 9 9-16. Futures easy; Janu ary Mi; Kebraary .60; March 9.17; April 9 91 LJiayw.w. I , Mour dull. Wheat quiet, Pork dull; lairl steady 75 Spliiis turpentine 58. Boeln 1 Jo. Frehihts heavya Baxtikoss. January 7. Fic ur firm and active ; Howard street and Western super 2. 5A26; extra 3.900; rmilv 4.2505.00: City Mills super 2 75U3 25: exti a a.504.00;Rlo brands 5 25;4atapsco 6.25. Southern waeat Arm; small offerings; Wes tern quiet: oouineru rea oi.uo: smuer l.OttfJl-08; Wo. 2 rennsylva.Dia red i 07; No. 2 western winter rea spot, i-ion-roa; jauu- ern Corn quiet; Western god ordinary but offri lags light. NIGHT. 8ATUROAY. FEBRUARY 8th, 1879, at tbe Court House door In ralelgu wa vlU itllat Auction a tract of laud eu- tainlnic 67 acres, more or le-s, a i i Inln tne lands of nuins U. Day, W- O. tfidick and others In Wake county, about seven miles ncitheastoi italeigh- -a AL -U : At same time and place, a lot or fiarcel of land la the vilUge ol Oaerlla, ad oiaiun the lands of Hnry jtfordetal, d e ased, and Ironting on the old Uillsboro Eoad. con tal urn g about acre. 4. ALSJ:-On MO.NDAY. Febiuiry 10th, 1879. at tLe Curt House door in nii?hn, id, a.. C.tfauaei s' interest in tue tract ol lan l lu Johuoton couusy, eorer.d by tne dowr of M. M. saud is' vwiaow cf the late i.uclan H. Sanders. sold on tbe terms of: ten percent, purchase mone cah. Kesidue ou a credit of nine months from lay of sale. tioQ j witn security rxqaireu l r deferred iaymen. lntei es. 6 per cent ir iB sale. . Above property solu by virtue of need of trust txecuted by A. C. Sli ders and wife to the und rs gnd recorded lu tbe B lister's omce of Wake county. is. F aaORDECAT. JOHN" lJsiVJ2.P.M.'X. Jr.. Jau8 td Xrustees. ! sniuTn. llBWUltirYOtJllrjY AH TARBOROCGH The) General lasemblj. Tbe LegiAlature of Noith Carolina aaembleaat Doon to-day, to begin their biennial session, which will last 60 dara. Full reports of tbe proceeds will appear ia uie ewscaiiy. Hoard ofAldernieu. An adjourned meeting of tbe Board was beid last evening. the committee on insurance of tbe city hall reported tbat a reduction could be obtained in the rates, nro- rided the scenery in the ba.l was re movrd. Oa motion Ol Alderman Blake it waa deciJed to reduco tbe anion ntf ins Jrance to 15.0 X). A resolution was offered and adoDtod tbat tbe light committee put the Limps in repair aud tbat the latnulizbter at tend to them properly, under the di rection of the cumtnittee, who will promptly report any negligence on his part. lhe committee on c. sterns retorted that the need oi these was prcssit.g, and tbat tbey must be built ii it is de sired to tave the cay from destruction. The report waa adopted and it was de cided to build live cisterns in the streets, of a capacity of 30,0 X) each, to be located at such points as ruav be chosen by tbe Street Committee, Fne Warden and Chief Engineer of the Fixe Department. It was orden-l that an advertisement be at once iLsertrd. asking for bi Is for these cistern-, such bids to be opened on tbe 22od u.stant. by the aforenamed parties. A license as auctioneers was lt jnted Towles &, Monie. Kenfrow & Lswrence were t ranted licei.se to retail tpirits. lue lijard thtn adjourned. Hop rem e Court. ihe only business before this tri bunal yesterday was the examination of applicauts for license, continued from the day previous. This was con eluded by tbe Justices, and the follow- in? young gentlemen were granted licenses to practice law in this State: Jacob Thomas Barron, Edgecombe county. nham Wainwright Barber. Wi'kes county. George Samael Bradshaw, Randolph county. Cerge William Britt, Sampson county. Will iam Franklin Carter, Rocking ham county. Parish Alexander Cummings. Madison county. James Alexander Davis, Orange county. John Hamlin, Djbson, Surry county Theophilus Burt Eldridce, Guilford county. Swjft Miller Euipie, New II a never county. S.imuel James Errin, Burke county Benjamin tancell Giy, Northainp ton county. , John Sttel Gibson, Cumberland county. Eugene Early Gray, F.rsYt he county James MadLsoo Grar, Ruwao couuty. Fernando Go ifrey James.Pitt county. itobert liaseu 3lch.oy, New llanorer ooucty. iDomaaiiaii mcxloj, Jr., bam peon county. James Bryan Martin, Bertie co-mty Z ichariah B)ardrnan Newton, Cum berland county. Benjamin Posey. Henderson county. Addison Guv Rijaud, New Uanorer county. Bsrnaid Philip Ryan, New Hanover county. Foster Alexander Sondley, Bun combe county. George Archibald Shuford, Transyl rania coiioty. John Peyre Tl-omas, Mecklenburg county. T'jouiaa Devereux Turner, Orange county. David Mitchell V.noe, Mecklenburg county. George Henry White. Craven county. William Roberts Whitsoa, ' Bun combe couuty. Rooert Clarence Williamson, "Wake county. HOCSK. Gen M W Ransom, N C; G B Alford, Holiy Springs; L R Warden, Richmond; Jno Gray Bynum, Morganton; Joe H Camary;Puii; II S Harrison, Rich mond; R A Byuum, B C Pearce, Pitt Co; W E Phiilips, A II Arrington, N C;LWebb, Moreheai; G N Lewis, Nash Co; A L Parker, Wilson's Mills; Eaton Tharnnton, Franklin; D G Carter, M C Byrd, Yancey; W C Couhenor, Salisbury; L Thpmnjtr- v iaucocit, i u lusi-cc-, Danbury; A M Erwin, -Msriou; Judge A C Avery, J W 1180U. Jl iranton- 1 Krv n v w itoiiins, (jr ii- bards, Asheville; E C Jones and wife, Franklin; Col L W Humphrey, Jno P Cobb, Goldsboro: IT tlT a . i -r-r non v a s?miin, lion u L, Kussell, Gor T J Jarvis and wife, Jas T Res peas, u t JJans, N C; K M Norment, Robe son; A Koss, Brunswick; Jno W Gor don, Wilmingtoi; A M Noble, Selma; T W Patton, Asheville; H Kelloifif, Norwalk, O; R W Pulliam, Asbenlle: Jno Mclver, Jonesboro; E G Muse menmona; i n-ing, Ur J M Tavlor, Wilson; C M lJarks, Uillsboro; J Nor man Carr, Balto; Geo H Brown, Jr, rvasningxon; i Stephens, J A Adams. ake; at arnitn, Harnett; W S Harris, rranklin; J W Grnt. North anipton; Dr J W Jones and daughter, lar boro; Jas A .Lock hart, Anson; Dr J no j1 V orth, Randolph; J M Brower, m Airy. Juo W Graham, Hillsboro: n ... : o y en a Die, stokes; Jno Wilder Atkin son, Wilmington: yy TBlackwell. .1 L Robinson, Durham: W A Lowerr. For- 8ytne;A. i uzzie, JN U; C B Denson, i-uiaooro; t. xt stauley, Kockway. N J; uon Jno JlauniDir. Fittsboro. D P Mciacheru, Robeson; A H Merrltt, Chatham; D M Henderson, Rich mond; J A Norri, Apex; F B uancey, B C Sharpe, Chapel Hill; Nsw Y0&X, January 7. Stocks quiet. Money 3. Exhange. quiet .81. state bonds firm. Goreruments st-ady. F. eights quiet Cetton et receipts 733 ; gross 19,08. Fu tures closed barely steady; sales 76,000; January .39 19 3 ; February 9.52as 63 ; March 9 63; April 83a9.84 ; May 9 s:a9.55 ; June 10 c6alJ.07; J uiy 10.1510 17 ; August lo.24u0.- Cotton steady; sales l,3o6 bales ; middling uplands 9 7-lb; Oneans 9 -16 ; consolidated net receipts 14 628;, exports to Great Britain 6.835; France 3,3al; continent 5,9-56. UAxrssTON, January 7. Cotton easy; miauung9; low miudiing 8; good ordinary '8j; saleo 4 610; consoduatcu net receipts 4 2-6;. gross 1.6c; stock i0i,l78. SSoutoLK, January 7. Cotton quiet : middling 9; net receipts 13 Li; gross ooo ; stoca 4i,ii. ' Bali iMObjt, January 7. Cot r on firm; middling 9; loa midadnK. 9, good ordinary ; Sit.es 200: congou- dated net receipts 3 6, gras 15u ;stoci 8.065. BO sToa, January Cotton quiet; midHine 912; low middling 9 1-8; salt s 54; consolidated net receipt 3616. Wii,a.iNjion, January 7. Cotton . dull; miauling ;. low middling tH i . good ordinary 8i ; net receipts alO; gioets (XO. ; sales Ouu ; stock 6,376; exports to Great Britain 0,0 JO. Spirits turpentine quiet 26.; rosin firm 1.17X for straiued. Crude turpentine steady 1.2 i or hard, aud 15 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar steady 1-35 Com unchanged . . CiitCTKMATl, January 7. Pork quiet: Jobbing Lard oponed st oug and aiguer, iut closed at Inside prices; steam 5 45a5.5J. Bulk meats nrtn but not q lotably higher, tihoulaers 2 5ua 2 60; clear sides 3 70. Bacon dull : ?houl iers 43; clear rio, iY; clear sides 4al. ixuks la active demand aud n ther; ua,x ing S.T5&2.90. Livskpool, Jan 7. Futures fla. uDlands low mi.i.in we i Febi uary and Marcn deUverv 6 11-2: Mkv t nd June5 T-.6. kew alv;ktiktjk.tn. Grand Excursi o n TO WILMINGTON STREET MEAT MARKET. If you want to buy GROCERIES go to F. C CHRISTOPHERS & CO., where you wil find a full stock of Groceries and Notions, at the lowest p-ices, come and bay your CHRISTMAS GOUD3. FRESH BEEF AN J FORK, The finest In the Market, Sausage, Tur keys, Geese, Spare Rib, Backbone and everything In the eating 11 e, also Boots and Shoes! c At the lowest prices. Home-made SHOES a specialty. FLOUR ! FLOUR ! ! FLOUR Ml All graces an 1 all p-ices, to suit the times. TOBACCO AND C GARS, At the lowest botton pries. Also, furnishes on short notice WOOD A.ND LUMBER. Give ns a trial, F. C. CHRISTOPHERS & CO., H irgett Street. d-c22-tf KINGOFSHiaiS WITH PATENT 8LKEFE ADJUSTER The best and Cheapest la tfct -otii T ACKNOWLEDGED FACTS. MfAT theyaf Whidsu extra made of onlv by capable and experienced eareroiiy inspecua ami are ii iur, r- 'inw irum jne cVh HID9U a XX Muslin, " cut full hi. 'd long." BMUIS ae t h rei ., ,1 of the BK4T LINt'N. 7 hey " t. Onaurr... . ''! anyoiher In workmanship. sa t,r To e ery shirt is atueued tha Patent sleek- mmii !est a Ait I a Mr Whl -bl the s m: ind btst In-.... ev-r knowu for n'iuiatinf?the leojt h n? S-.lrt tf Here ; itfias only o n sn t0 h. ' predated. No further use for Elastics Every Slilrt Complete In Iifjf "e gasranteethera to jrlve perfect quality, or n, " faction in max 3. fit r. funded. and Try them and b9 Manufac urei expressly only by T IE. nov27-tf Convinced. -sj for and for 1, R.rTr;rr y Hi;tUAAhAA.J aoc., : I TUCKER HALL, ' ONE NIGHT ONLY, Tbursdaf, Jaonarj 9tb, TUE . GREATEST ON EAUTiL TONY DENIER A3.I Car 3E. I 3VX J. Xj 3D X Geprge H. Adams, WITH Humpty Dumpty A GRAND CONSTEILATlUS Cf Pantomimic Artists , AND BRAS BAND AND ORCHESTRl,. DOW OL A'Inils&lon as usual: Reserved Sats sale at K. H. Be rtt'a Drue 8f or-. jan5 7,8,f D. ri. HOUGhS Hu!. Aj VEGETINE IV ill Cure Rheumatism. . Hrbaa O., Feb. 19. 1877. Mb. H. R. Stevkws, Boston, Mass.: Dear Sir. I feel irreatlv lndebt-d to vnnr excellent mecicine. Vegk tinf, for what it s aone Tor me. I have been suhlpotpri t- RheumatUm all my life. Was attacked with lt three years ag. and suffering termi Dlns In uav cuest. back, and llmhs fnr W nr ei- ht months, at which time I commenced uslog Vxgbtinb oa the advice of friend. wno had been entirely euraAwfrv it 1 h.H scarcely used a naif nofe until th nain hoH left me, and 5feTieral health beean to im. BWW TSStalj under Influence oi this eieat blood Purifier. I had also suffered dreadful ly from a Nasal Catarrh for seven or eight years After lak ins he first bottle of Vg- rriKK I noticed a arfal chance for the bAtter. The ce stant pains and heaviness that I had over my eves for vears disannear und t n m diaebarge of mucus irom the head ceased. Mr appetite jrot better, and Htrmeth nrvmtui to come with every dose of medicine. Too much cannot be said in Its favor : and I al ways take pleasure In recommending it to my friends who may be suffering from any disease of ihe blood, for 1 feel satisfied ii they try lt they are sure of a cure. Ketpectluily. J. H. RHOBSF. Manager Western Union Telfgrai-h Office. uruana, u. F. CRUENDLER, manupa';turkr of 01 o a. is AND DEALER IX S M O K I N C A :i D CHEWING FINE ONE D O 0 I AXD xMoKFUy A'lTX A D 0 V Y. T IT Orders fron ab' Jan 8 tf -1 tv!l c, t- ) n TOBACCOS LES IN GENERAL. Y Au BORO II O U. E. tn 11 to. R A L E 1 G H O L "THE DELM0NIC0 0 CORNER MARTIN AND U B THE 6 A LIS B TJ R T H O SOUTH" u s -is 8 T R I S Ti IV anted to Bent. A small house, well-improved conveniently located. Apply at office. and this Giles Liueiuent Iodide of Am monia Cures Neuralela, Face AchQ. Rheuma tism, uout, Frosted Feet, Chilblains. Sore Throat, tryjipelas. Bruises, and Wounds of evry nature in man or an.inal. In re markable cures this remedy has fftVcted clan- s it as one of the most importaut aud valuable remedies ever discovered lor the cure and rent I ol pa.n . M.;iles So. 451 Sixth Ave.; Your Lini ment Iodide of Ammonia has cured in v 1 A. 0. ll.AliIVOV.l. Tlv 11, Dutchess County. .N. Y. So d by all druggist. ilALKIGU MARKETS. OOTTOH MABKXT: .tepoited by faul FAISON, Official Re porter for the Board of Trade. RaxciSH, N C, January 7, 1 7. Vegetine Will Care Rheamattsm. Colum bus. O.. Feb. 14 1877. H. R. Stkvens : lear i, t wish to Inform you what Ve- etine bas done for family. Eighteen inontLs ago my daughter had a severe a; tack of rheu matism, and a fii-ud who had used tbe veg tine advised her to try it, and she did so with perfect success, for attr using a few bottles oi lt she became entirely cured. I am my self, at the present time, using the Vegeti' e fsr Kheumatism with tcooa success. My other da ug iter has also csed the Vegetine ior catarrh ana ner.ions debility and has been grettly benefitted oy its use. 1 have also recommended it to many others with groon sucsess ; and I honest ly believe that the Vegetine is he best medicine for the above named diseases that there is, and I always wish to keep it in my house as a family medicine. K. A. KISTLER, No. 14 West Fulton St.. Columbus, O. Vegetine A Family Hedieine. CfKCINXATr. O.. At)t1111 1S77 i Dear Sir, I have been troubled and suffered a great dai fro u catarin. 1 have tried many remedies: they did not care me, and benefited me but very little; and, derdr, by ut-ing your medicn e called tii Vecetinw httvebeeu cured, mv lk(h a.s cured en tirely of Rheumatisui by using your medi clue, Vegetine, so she isab:e toatieod to her studies at school, fche feels very thankiullor your medicine, for shebeen a great bufferer from rheumatism. I would sav to one and all, try the Vegetine for such complaints, a. iew LMjn.es win cure you. V ours truly, DAVID ARNET, ELIZAUESH AK EX (bis wife). , ' 135 Bayvonville 8t. JESTIE CORT (his niece;, EverettS St.. Cincinnati O Mr. Arnet is a larcre real estate. wn-r a wealthy man, an old resident, and well known in Cincinnati. ffaalaaessDnblin XXT "Bro-vu ftut on 4r?ag!:t rrl'h 'Xass a'e, tho old Kngllaa dr.iki Rolf Half, eaa be procured in ti future at lina L"e' rn u- Hocse. Alt kK J of beson county wDiekey bougbtot iia'-din 3 r m. a ri Meats and all DerwuV ai the Season served m Fi-st-c ass oraer alwaybe private. m-KEKNOU COOK .N iae irirate sit t IX g .looaia, re tkat par.ie i l KINGSLBT & ASHLEY, ARCHITECTS AD RiJILDERS. RALEIGH PLANING w MILLS MOULDINGS, SCROLL SAWING, c .Ac. PSOMPTLT ATTB SDVD TO. ELLINGTON,.'- ROYSTER Building I -.-Is 116 DemocrtIc Caacnsei, Tbe Democratic members of the Sen ate will bold a caucus in the Senate Chamber this morning at 10 o'clock. sharp, for tbe purpose of nominating oCjoeta. Every Democratic member cf tie Senate is urged to be present. At tbe same hour tbe Democratic mem- Dersofthe House will meet in the xi ail or tne House lor the purpose of pominaupg a speaker and other offi cers. Be prompt at 10 o'clock. Wake Superior Court. Court met at 10 re'lock. Ju''rc Se - lollowing cases The Week fl'rsjer. A good coogTegatiou assembled last cig bt at the Edenton Street Methodist church. to attend tbe second Union Prayer meeting of tbe week. All tbe pastorii of tbe Methodist, Presbyterian aad Baptist churches were nrcnt rr-v r . T Aoevervices were coadopted mour presiding, were tried: R H Jones rs C B Harrison. Adner. et a!s; judgments o be drawn. Jas W AUton and Wife vs N C Home and OU North State Fira Insurance Companies. Called and set for trial Saturday. City of iUleic-h vs W. H Martin and sureties. Former reference set aside. Ashe & Busbee appointed to state account. E B Bouffour vs Font hern Under writers Association. Judgment non uit stricken out. State ex-el. John Norwood, adminis trator, vs Martha Ferrel et. als. Plain tiff has leave to amend, on rjavmnt of ' : were mruinrtrA h Umw Mr. Blackttb Pastor of the churcb.who 10 to th" clerk, the former referree made astirriag address in openine tbs Calvio J Oreen vs. N. C. Ii. R. called eeimg- Aooreasee were delist red bv I DU ,trl Iur lrul to aay. A. D. Tavlor and Rev. J. M. AUiIlo'o, aad fervent prsjers offered by Iter Mr' Watkina, John . Ray and Rev." ITr! Kormaa. Tbe services were very iol tare stir u, i&Urspersed as they were by baotiful hymns sunf by tbe choir. The meetiog to-nrgbt will be at tbe Person HhMt ilathodiat rhnnh SnKIi . Christian Education : the family, the jounjr, coUeges, seminariaa of learniag, Sabbatb and other echools: Christian Asaocistiona of Young Men and Yourg Women. Court then adjourned to-day. until 10 a. m. Svipo ihii at one by the imme- d ate use of Dr Bah C'ouh Syrup; 23 cents a bottle. Mrs. Win. Wcoloott hai removed her millinery and fancy goods to th Prairie building; on Wilmington street. CV L . a ... ue uas on nana a iartre lot or chil dren's and ladies' hosiery, which can be vuugm cneap ior caab. Legislative Persontsls. NATIONAL . r v i i il . i . jir cnuisou, tne experiencea, in fluential senator from Iredell, and his collegue, Mr J P Matheson, from AU exauder. Dr Tyre lurk, the able member from Wilkes. Mr E L Vaughn, of Alleghany, gentleman of characteristic ability, as a legislator, a lawyer of fine talent aid a speaker of telling force in public de bate, takes rank among the leading members of the House. Col J D Scales, of Guilford, who was a senator of conspicuous ability in the last legislature, will be prom inent in tbe present Senate. Messrs L Powers, of Cleaveland: uenj r jueosne. or Alamance; J A McLean, of Guilford; J Ii McCorkle and J D Click, of Iredell. L Harrold. of Wilkes, and W B Council, of Watau. ga, are all members tbat will take ac tive part in tbe deliberations of tbe Hoase. Mr W E Ardrey who again repre sents Mecklenburg in the House, will be one of the most efficient and earn est members In the Assembly. Major A M Erwin, senator from Mc Dowell, and his collegue, Mr J G By num, of Buike, will take leadine parts In tbe important work of. the Senate. Maj W A Graham, of Lincoln, w 1 take rank among the leading and mcs, useful members of tbe Senate, lit 3 13 Middling. Strict Low Middling, Low Middling, strict Good Ordinary. Good Ordinary, Ordinary, Middling Stains. Low Middling Stains. Uood Ordinary Stains, Tone of market stead v. Kecints tr-,i Ooo bales. CiTY MARKET WHOLESALE CASH PRICES Corrected by MaCOil a ALFOBD, Official Reporter for Grocers A Cotton Ri cnanse. Ralbtoh, N. C, January 7, 1879. APPLES, Northern, per bush. $L4aal.50. wiiun liiii,new, " spliced-,... RAGGING :. FLOUK, North Carolina 1 5.00 Patapsco Family 7.50 OOKN 50 FOuDEB 801.00 UuKxN Al KAL 55S60 BACON, N. C. Hog, round. X Q 9 " Dams, il BULK MEAT, Clear Bib Sides, .. 5 shoulders, 4 NORTH CAROLINA, Pork. 5 5X BKKr Sa4 LAitD, North CaroUna " Western 8 OOFFKE, prime, Rio, IS good, ,. 15 SYRC7P, S.H., 27 MOLASSES. Cuba SS 8ALT, Liverpool fine, $1.80 Q SUGAR, white, io yellow LKATHER, Red Sole, 22 27U " oak tanned 35 TALLOW 7 POTATOES, sweet, per bush 25 Irish - 65 OAT?, sh ailed 45Q50 EGOS, 15 BUTTE! 20 CHICKENS. 1ft KAGS- 15 PEA J per bush, wbtte 90c. ; stock 50c. Atove prices are for lareelots. when small er quantities are wanted nigher prices will be charged. M H HETs BY TELEGRA PH. Bbeumatiie is a Disease of the Blood. The blood in this disease, is found to con tain an excess of fibrin. Vegetine acts by converting the blood from its diseased con dition to a healthy circulation. One bottle of Vegetine will give relief, but to effect a permanent cure it must be taken regularly, and may take several bottles, especially in tses oi long stanuing. Foreigh Reports. DAWSON & BAXTER. Prescription Drug-gists, Chicago, 111. Vegetine is highly spsken of by all who have tried it. JOSEPH WILL A RD, Druggists and Chemist, Chicago, 111. Sell a great deal of Vegetine, and it gives good satisfaction in all cases. TP. SMITH & CO., .Dispensing Pharmacists. Ceicago, 111. Vegetine sells tirst-rate, gives good satis faction, and is a good med2cine. Contractors . SUCESSORS TO BETTS & 1LL0, MAiSTJFACTTJRERS OF SASH. BOORS UNO BLINDS MOULDINGS, BRACKETS Sawed and Turned Balusters, NEWELL POSTS, ALL KINDS OF SCROLL 8AWING TURNING OF EVERY VARIETY OF SIZE AND STYLE, ' We also keep an assortment of Rsufrh and Dressed l.umoer. Lath s, Ablngles, Dr" Weather-boarding and Fleoring at low prices. We will sell the same class of Yellow Pine Werk at White Pine prices. Come aad i' amine our work before purchasing. Satisfaction guaranteed. We are prepared to werk reasonably and we propose to do so. Plans and estimates famished on application First elass work at low prices. All orders claim prompt attention. Office and Planing Mills West of the B. A U. H. snops. Orders coming from a Hio will be tiled with promptness, and as We are very ' conveniently located for snlpplni work we aie able to give special inducement to all parts of the State Will eonirs' buildings anvwhere, using seasoned lumber where necessary. W. J. ELJJNGTON 1 It- F PAJtK, feb20-tf Business Managers, K.E. PINKfilTON,Ar" FOUS UERN, 7 A Iron accompanied by plans NOON. Rentes lit. and Cin. Paris, Jan. 7, Lo.tdoji, Jan 7, for sols for money 95 9-16; account 95; 5 16. Erie 1. Lttkbpool, January 7. Cotton east r nnl mint &hlT lower- miAA. ling uplands 5 7-16; middling Orleans 5 7-16 I v - - - Prepared by H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass Vegetine Is sold by all Druggists, dec 1 eou2w. JpiRE CISTERNS ! , . Sealed proposals will be received up to 12 twelve o'clock m., January S2i 18:9. for the building of five cisterns of SO.OOO gallons' ciciiv eacn. to ne located , ty tbe com- I mittee in charee. Each -bid must be and specifications. Bidders Will be allowed to nnnpar hatnra the committee In person at the opening of ine mas. Bids are also solicited on nlans anri CeatiOLS nw In tbe Clerk's Office. BkIs will ba MtalAd nn1 sidmuui tn y. f , . . ' - - --vwv.u WW ' V. u iiy uirK marked PKOPOaALS POK CTS TiiK.N8, By order of the Board of Aldermen.J C W. LAMBETH, JanS eodtd City C erk. T AND AND PERSONAL PROP J ERTYPOR SALE; ON 8ATURDAY. January Vith, 1879, at the court house door. m Ktieign, tne nnaers gned trus ees will sell at auction, for CASH. : To hordes, two buggies, one dray, one iron safe and other personal property. S, F. MORDECAI. j JOHN DEVEREUX, Jrn JanS tfl Trustees. AND LLEN& and J3ia5 MACHINISTS, RALEIGH, N. Manufactarers and Importers oi Engines, C. PORTABLE AND STATIONARY. Cotton Gins, Power Presses, Saw and Grist Mills, 8haftlngk Pulle: Plows txiitl i iu5 uu Mhui.ot rurmsnea on au Classes oi Maenmery. we call p pec i a ofthefollowlngfiroods, manufactured, by the TAYLOR MANUFACTURING C s. Hangers. Boiei. Plow On-stiiig'H Classes of Machinery. We call special aiteni which we axe offering at Manufacturers' Prices. THE DRY STEAM ENGINE,. 2 wheels- Admitted to be the best Portable Eaglne In tbe state. A LJS??KTENGINE off orOQ wneels, at the following low prices: 6 Horsa Engine, oi I355.M0; 6 Horse Engine, on wheels, 45-00. Other slaes and style ef Engine st rrop The Iron Framed Saw Mills. the best In use, aad only one of the kind old In the State. Write l-9t f ?1rnlsr cd l'rf( NATIONAL HOTEL, THE AGGOMMOOATIOnS EQUAL ruts sir wIver cm board nmPEB DAT. De TlftATlf-a m m ri n w mwvm lanunou X roups. fO BKHAD IS THE LIT. htfully situated aezc to CaplUl Square tMunple Rooms oa first and aeoond leor ALL HOURS, DAT AUD NIGHT.