7 r JLji VOL. XIV-NO. 112. RAXiEIGH, N. (J. SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 12,: 1.8 7 9, $5.00 PER ANNUM KaIjEIGH EWS TUUA'tl TOl'ICS. Old Lincoln fcafe. With Graham In tbe Sen.ite' and . b in 'he Hou L'neolu's interests r- i:t al baud. How Lun: ? Yta-uR p.t lean. With ovr l.luO convict in the Pen- itectmy. it i for the Legislature t r how I r the great thoroughfare ,f'the tate hall rwnam nubinl.. He M ill be fleeted. Tbe Sutb is clamorous for tbe elec tion of Zebulon B. Vance, I. S. Sena tor; the people of North Carolija will be ati-fi-d with nothing klu rt of it. He wil be elected. The w .Supreme Court. Salisbury Watchman. Smith, Aheand iil!ard form a bench in every respect worthy the ancient renowu of tbe State's judiciary. We thu reccrd one rn re triutuph over the dark w..ik of RaJiclna in North Carolina. Tlie Sarlr Feature. ' Wlnto3 Ri u Milan. B th Houses are Democratic, The saving feature of the body, however, is the prenc of a Koxily nun. bar of Ropubl can ami iuelfpendent member, who fr the mot par: are intent on the good ot the peop, and aie, ruerl.j pekin. experienced, able aud euer- getlO IUeO. llrower oriul Condition.' VMastoa Kep .it beau. Mr. Brower wu elected as a straight out Republican, aud khou,;h the can didate of. the Greenback paity iu the late Congrcjtfioual contest, now that that party i defunct if. inde.-d, i. ever haJ v.taly euouU tj ineiit the name xe e-xiH.-c: to -e h in return to hs uoriiiai coiuli' i u, aud ahu LiiJistli. wlicte be luhi.uily oelouH, wuu the rct lir t ulnieau Pan cl lie &Ut. OurTaiuauy Hall. !S.ulbru Uoine e hope to nay in our next is-ue that Got. Yauce has beeu selecte i as United Skate Senator. He certainly i enti tled to the ho ft or above any other man in Nortn Carolina, on accouttt of bu uuiweruu patriotism auu ap.ecdid tduiu ia every canvas aiuoe tha war. Wke couuty tne i am many Hall of Notih Carolina, with ua trkUt; ceutral . intlucuce, aud loug array ot politicians and oth.e-eeer. may poeaioly, how ever, Oeleat him. Duty oT Ufpubllcans. . Hew io tu Mate. I Le oulj course open to the Repub lican members of tue Legulaturv, by J following which ihey can preserve their self respect aud avoid betraying the co-fideiice of their coustitueLts, is t votr sUadily for some Republicau ot Li,h character and unduuOLrd tide lit to toe prt. Wiiiie we hU ni pif- uaie tjUiciate to ibt-ru, we ve.iu.e to sugAt lue Lame oi Liuu. tiwiu ii. litue, late Aciate Juitive of the uuicine court, a oue e.l titled to adiu uai tial.cJ pooitiou. I'ubllc lrlutiu. kou; h-i a lioni'-. Te Ulfigh News cow offcis to do it at half the prce given it last year. We take no suits between the to Ilaltigh papers uow contending for the printing, but insi.t on it being given to tue loet rcpouible bidder; and wnl not spare the Legislator who vote otherwise, we dou't care who he i, or wuere ha u from. We are for a reduc tion of laxali-mand the tiruea demauu it UiU. be accoivied u. A .Much Kretltd Law. Charktte Dmocrat- The South Carolina L'gis'ature pass ed a law providing that any person convicted of carrying coucealed weap ons oc arms on the s reeU or highways shall be punishable by a Hue of not les than f 2J nor m re than $ 1 000. and imprtouuient for n-t lew than s X mouths uor more thau one ytar. A kimiUr law, rig-iily enforced, in tMs State, i on ot our g-aveii lueiln. Onr Lemiatufe could in no oilier way do taeir cous'.itueuwa s imputant a ser v ice. Mne-TeutLi re Tor Vunee. torreP" ik1 n"e ol Jor Mail. Your crrespondent "Duplin" misses th mark very far wheu ho a-yfe the pH.j L if KaMtem Caio ini p e'er il.r rinion to Yuc fr I. S. S ntor. I veiily bel'.eve nine tont'ii f the people vflhe State are for Va-.ie forth.it h gh peition. Tbi-k wrii.-r Daplin i liae tue pig ti at h.d h a ht ad uiu'.n the It ae nl think' Uc-ue ht . m uo on no oce Keen him: le.aaw he lavor- Merriinou, is uo icaaou eery lie do s. And I pay to h;m ana ctheis. it win t a bad day f r the IKuiocra ic party when a maa hive auce who baa aU ways been "fsiilifui, found a nogthe laiihle" is la:d aide for any one. KirtMlve taxation. There a;e many wrongs which await rcdi-9 at it ha id excessive taxa tion being cot tbe Last among the al and the State wi',1 expect much from it I might we. I c.Lkler among othr thiog tue propriety ol rettorina tbe whipping put as a uienns of prevent ing the petty thefts which are so oou stantlr furnishing our prisous with inmiUi at the public ct, and of re dnrinc thesa'ari-s of public officials w h rm n.-.h in seeo t tx eire-siVe. We hop the Ikilatnr will cnjbme prudence, dispatch and haid sense in it deliU.iatiot.8 tLU winter aud ibere- l.v iti -lir rat re OUT HaIIs of lgiUture to the prood standaid of luimer times. Speaker Moriu; at Home. C-.iaru Recorder. It i. with the greatest pleasure tLa t we coucratulate, our noble countymn t jk n his election to so exalted a posi tion, as Speaker of the lions of Representatives, and we also congratu late our fellow-citizen of Chatham npon the honor thus conferred upon our old county. This is the first time that the speaker baa ever been elected Itom Chatham, and the honor cvu d not have been bestowed upon a uiore deserving gentleman. Iu Mr. Muting, the Uoum will have a Speaker vtho brings to the po.-iiiou the exce llence ot many years service, aud a thoiouh knowledge of its duties. He uu a Cool lu ad aud an boneat heart, aiilcauuot be briUd, bought or inumidated, but will discharge the delicate aud ltspouaible duties of bis uij.h ithce faitufully, fearlessly im pait a: , and witn uausual ability. A Teetotaler Opinion. S. C. Pretbyierlau. I tue JJ.tlett liquor law an advan uge or otherwise to any State adopting it Ye b lieve that propei ly executed it w ill raise a very large amount of reveuue, but we bel eve further that is t i say tbe wuUi believes tiiat total prohibition ot the sale of liquor is the pr per and most effective measure n.t tor taistng reyeuue, but tor ren dering reveuue uunyO'Saai-y, at Last to a great part of lue extent to wtuoh it is Duilaiug and suppoiLing "Jtiln, peni leuliar.e sheritla. judge, et.-., etc. But a to t..e .n. tlttt la, here is what the Auduur ot Virginia says: A udi Vr la loi s.nt iu a report of the optra ious ot the Moflett 1 quor law tuiow.ng the total leceipU troin lio luue oi iU commencement to be fc-lSi,-Nii. temgau exoei of 210,W'5 over a.tsiuems of the preceding jear, which, slier dtductiug tbe rebates allowed under tue la, leaves a uet Ualan. e oi a 1 10,701 iu exc as ot the re sults of tbe cna ia. 1 he Auditor rays the rcsuil of the experiment shows c:ra ly taat the law is uapaole ot bem made a piwtrlal agency lor taking rtvvcue, and uigebU a Lumber oi moditicallons aud chai gea lo that end. yiizulded DfUiotmU. Wllin.UKiou tfuu. e would nut insult the Demi cratic pait of the siltiug Leg.siature by tbe asun.ttion thatauy considerable cuui bei of men belougiug to it could be il duced to coutravcue llally tue will ol the pal ty, although wituto the last scviu years thuie nave been elected as DemuCtaU wbo nave dated lo no th's very thiug. Oar coutideuce is chudy in au imoroved public couscieuee, iu regard to this mailer. The elec ion ol a Senator by the aid ot Republican ..... Larulv be atltmited this rear, and if it suould be attempted it " C 1 . 1 will uot be agaiu succeaaiui. nwutu by the defeat Ot two able Congressmeu last fall, the party will exact of its Representatives tbe strictest alignment. Tuere are a lew who, ratuer man see ihAir fantriieB deleated. would even consent to the temporary severance of party ties. Theae are m.aguiueu Lem- ociau. Ketreuclimens. The special committee on retrench ment should be constituted at once, and by Monday should be comfortably fix ed in a com mil tee room and at work. From the number of earnest and able re ormers iu the Legislature there will oe no lack of the necessary material it the committee. The essential ele ment of such a com mittee will be active and earnest agreemeut. Every day is ot great consequence. Usper the extravagant rule of the Republican paity the highest vote of taxation was 43 ceuU. Under Demo. Ciatic rule the rat is 33 cents, but this is net iu proportion to the shrinkage of ii values. The rate oi taxation sUoum conform to the reduction in prices. l'ork was $13 30 por barrel iu lbiJO, U in 1802,and $42, tu- maximum, in 1864; to-day it is at its m.ninium, $7 8. Lard was 12 cnts per pound in lbo , 7 Mn 1861. 2'J in aud to-day is at ... a. i i its minimum. neat was si a ousuei in lbtit); at iu minimum, 85 cents, m 1;1; at its maximum, f l.yo, in 1806. i'..rn wu 43 cents a bushel in i860, 21 cents iu 1S61, $1.24 in 1864, and is 34 cents io-day. The work of retrenchment begins auspiciously iu the House. Yesterday Mr. Yaugban, of Alleghany, called up aud pansed his bill to reduce the pi ice of the public printing. The bill con forms to the rates proposed .by tho News, which will save the 1 a. State between six anu len H Holl irs. The work can be dime, and wt 11 done, at the price. It will hardly go begging, however. The v.a iM ecomnlihed its purpose, hould the Senate concur iu the House bill. As to who shall have ths work at the reduced rates is a secondary con sider. on. When Mr.Gulliver woke up in Lilli put and found himself securely bound with minute things by the tioy people of the neighborhood, and discovered that his baptismal and family names bad been sacrificed to local prejudice, hs learned a lesson which oue of our Solors will do well to taka to heart, to-wit: that no man is too great to be riticited or too small to annoy his fellow creature?. Another name is added to the death-roll of the present Congress, making the eighth on the list that of Julim Ilartridge. R-presentative from the 1st Gecrg;a district, a brilliant hwur. an able and conscientious Representative and a man of good ability aud record. Mr. Uai tndge had been sick only a few days, of pneumo nia, but like so many other Georgians, he dies in tbe middie ajje, while the venerable Stephens, recoviug fionthe latent of his many dangerous illnesses, lives to p-y tribute to his memory. Tub constitutional convention abo'- ishmg annual sessions of tbe Legisla ture saved 1 30 000. Taxes are not reduc d but there is a deficit, according to the Governor's mescage, of ne uly S 100 000 in the State TreaSUiV. UoW is it ? Congress. By Telegraph. WaaniNQTOJi, Jan . 11. 1 he Com mittee on Ways and Means this morn ing went through the testimony sub mitted on the sugar tariff question but arrived at no conclusion. In his prayer th s morning.the chap laiu feelingly alluded to the death of Mr. bchieict er, of Texas, and iuvoked Divine prolectertion ou the remaining members pi the Houe. Mr. Uiddiugi, of Texas, auuounced the death ot Oustav S-hhicuer, of fexa, and pieseuted a resolution whioti was adopted, for tbe appoint ment of seven representative sand three aenators to take an order for superin tending the funeral and escort iug the remains to Sau Ancon'o. The Speaker appointed (4irir1ins, Shells, McKenzie, Mueller, L-Tiiig', Bitu-ano, Towcsoud, of New Yoik, and Towers as such committfte ou part of the House, aud ihe House then, as a mark of re pec 0 for the dece-ated, adjourned. Tbe Senate rluance committee, con sidered the Louse bill proposing a re luction of the tax on tobacco. No action. The ways and means committee con sidered the sugar question with the same result. The funeral services of representative Schleithor will be conducted in the Hall of tbe House of Representative Monday afternoon. The Texas delega tiou this afternoon adopted resolutions j of condolei.ee with the family ofthe oe Ceased. The sub committee is prr paring the p tho army appropriations bill for coo sideretion by the House. Tue committee ou appropriations tuld a long session, and have neaily coin let jd th?irwoik. The ul-commitcee cnntemplate the insertii n of suudry legislative pro v sious for reorgamzatio of the line and staff, soiuewbat upon the principles uf the Buiuside bill. Tbe proposition, it is undeasto.!, emanates from several geueral jjtlioers of the aimy. , They hive uot taken definite action on the sulj- rt. Uv-miiiiss'orer Raum hai a tele gram Irwiu Cetliector Gray, Raleigh, N. Ct-ayiuir. "A iniding party iu Stanley connly eizd e'giit still- in full blast, audai nsted eight distilie r. O ieol my parly was shot in the head but not fatally." Harvard ltoat Club. Ry Telegraph. Boston. Jan. 11. At a meeting of Harvar-i University Boat Club, Thurs day night, Oxford and Cornell letters were read, and a resolution passed ap proving the action of tbe Executive committee in regard to the Cornell matter. It was announced that ou the failure to arrange the English race, the old crew had bioken up, and Richard Trumbull elected captain to fucceed Bancroft, and also announced Garfield of N. A. A. O., had telegraphed asking if Uarvaid would row Oxford or Cam bridge in case either come to this country, in National Association race. Owing to the disbandinent, old crew thought it the best reply, and Harvard will be unable to enter lor that race. Tbe Potter Committee. "Vashinoton, Jau. 11. The Potter Con, mittee, by a party vote of 6 Demo crats and 2 Republicans, adopted a res olution that the Chaiiman return to the counsel Secretary Sherman's af fidavit of St. Martin, farmer deputy sergeant-alarms of the c imm'ttee,con-le-smg that he had sworu falsely before the bubcnmitte w iind catiug imputa tions upon representative Sanger in that counection, aud that he furtuer informed Shermaa that St. Martin will be examined touching matters em braced in the affidavit, shou.d the same be desired by uerman or any member of the commitiee. 4 aptatn K. A. Ashe. Ualeiou, Jan. 11, 1879. Editor News : 1 have eeu in several papers state ments similar to one contained in your issue of this morning (Saturday), to the ettfcu that I have prostituted my portion as chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee to advauce the interest of Jude jurrimon. i ue- nouuee all such statemeets sa false hoods, and their writers as base sland deiers. A. A she, Chairman Democratic Ex. Committee, TOM JAUVls." Whit will Rejoice the Demo cratic Heart oi raiunco. Correspondence of tfce News. Pamlico Co., Jauuary 9th. Tbinlriny it wonld DeihaDS not be amiMi to let th se who hae to s-lect a Senator to lillJude Menimon's seat know the seutim-nt ot tno umocrais f thi- c .uuty. 1 am conQ ie:.t tnit 4y oat of 50 of all of them are in favor of ihe electiou oi nov. Yance. I do not I. nt n Democrat who is for Mi rrimon. aud I am ot opinion that he is so only to differ with the rest ; in otner wouis ne is cuumuic, wanU to take the part of the weak. It is true some advance the idea that th. are not willing to give up Vance for Governor, h birg to acceptable to the whole Sute. A 1 ot tbe thinking oni-8 eay wben they voted t-r V.ince and J irvis. th-y did it with tbe firm bedi -I that Vance would be se nt to the 8 nate tohltibe place he had been cheatt-d out of hy Jude Merrimon and the Radicals of North Carolina against the winbes ol ne riy the whole Demo crat ic paity. I am sure there is not a cit zen in Eastern Carolina wno una a hcintilia of doubt as to the ability of Gov. Jarvis to administirj the affairs ot our Stat wiih as much honor and diguity as any roan living, and the Democrats of our county will rejoice wbeu the time arrives for him to do so, for com it will. We have not forgoU ten the talent, energy aud perseverance iii. nrhih ho (niic-nt the Radical Dirty in the Legislature of 1868-'69,for which every true Democrat in tne cast win ovi nronrl nf Tom JlTviS. S8 he is ra n-.il nriv railed in our section. So we say eiect Gov. Vance and let us hive Hon. Tom Jarvis lor Governor and therewith we will be content and H.tll art The weather has been exceedingly fnr our section the creeks and rivers all being frozen over so as to stop navgitingtnem aiaoosi entirely. Mr. J no. F. Rich, oue of our most useful citizens, died a his residence on Neue river in this county last week. His disease was pneumonia. Cosmopolitan. "Vrrr ttytt thri llt D B 9 D tat 1 V P. a a www - r 9 M-. Vnghan, has commenced the a i ma gcod work let It ro Draveiy on. mere ie no lawyers in the House t obitruct 1 .A. ia'of 1At anu couip'cav iio.iivu, SENATE. JARUAKY llTH. Presideat Jarvis called the Senate to order. The fesion was opened by prayer by the Rev. Dr. Prltchard of the city. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. REBOLTJTIOHn: , By Mr Caldwell, a resolution of en quiry from the Judiciary eoramittee. Calendar. By Mr. Dilliard, a resolntion requir ing the warden of the Peuitentat y to make a report. Calendar. By Mr. Harris, a resolution instruct ing the linancrt committee to report a bill, providing for the Moffett Bell Jnoch tax. Calendar. By Mr. Bryan, of Pender, a bill to be entitled an act to regulate the pty of the officers of the Genoral Assembly. Tbe bill provides that the Principal aud Assistant clerks of thetwo houses of tbe Genet al Assembly shall receive live dollars per :ay and mileage at the rates ol ten cents per mile from their homes to and frcm the capital; the En rolling aud engrossing clerks, the Doorkeeper and assistant Doorkeeper, hall each receive four dollars per day and mileage at the rate of ten cents per mile from their homes tand from tbe capital. Calendar, and referred to the committee on sauries and fees. By Mr. William Bon, a bill to be en titled an act for the better preserva t on of county books and papers. Calen dar, aud referred to the Judiciaiy Committee. By Mr. Henderson, a bill to be enti tied, an act to prohib t the removal of criminal cau8"8 except when the ends of jus ice absolutely require it. Calen dar, referred to the Judicial y comuiit tee and ortlered to be priuted. By Mr. Bledsoe, a bill t. be entitled au a t to auwnd Sec. 17 Chapter 150. Lws of 1870-77. Caleudar and referred to the Finance Committee. . By Mr. Caldwell, a bdl to make Jus tice of the Peace eXMfficio rangers Calendar and referred to the Judiciary Committee. By Mr. Nicholson, a bi',1 to be enti tled an act to authorize coststo be taxed aud collected in trials had before boards of County Commissioners in the several counties of the State. Calen dar and referred to the Judiciary Com mitte'e. By Mr. Henderson, a bill to be enti tled" au act to define the criminal juris diction of Justice of the Ptace, (enlarges t eir Jurisdiction) Calendar and re ferred to the Judiciary committee ar.d ordered to be priuted. By Mr. White, a bill to modify the landlord and tenant act of 1874-'75. Calendar and reierred to Judiciary Committee. Br Mr. Caldwell, a bill to amend chapter 27, section 4, of Battle's Ret visal. Calendar and leferred tJ the Judiciary Committee. By Mr. Bryan, or fenaer, a nui to oe entitled an set for the benefit of W. P. Old man and others. Calendar and re ferred to the Judiciary Committee. Bv Mr. Brvan. of Pender, a Dill tooe entitled au act t; prevent tjie sale of intoxicating liquor within two milea of Wesleyan Chapel in tnecounty or reus der. Calendar and referred to the Committee on Propositions and Griev ances. Bv Mr. Bryan, of Pender, a bill to be entitled an act to amend chapter 176 of the acts of tint General Assem bly of 1 873-' 74. Caleudar and(iefeired to th Judiciary Committee. Bv Mr. Henderson, a bill to be enti tled au act to repeal a purt of section 13, chapter 37 of Battle's Re visal. Cal endar and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Bv Mr H.-nJeison, a b:il to be enti tled an act to repeal section 40, cbaptjr 105 of Battle's Rev sal. Bv Mr. Robinson, a resolution au thorizing the purchase of a htatiug stove or stoves for the une of the Sen ate. Rules susDended and the resolu tion passed its several reading. Un motiou ot Mr. usspass tne oiu for the r.lief of F. J. Satchwell, sheriff of Beaufort, alter an amendment by Mr. ltobmson, passed its several reau iugs. Upon motion of Mr. uranm, oi Liuooln, the rules were suspended, and the mil for the relief or lion, uavia Sohftnck. .Tudtreof the Superior Court, passed its several readings by a vote of 23 to 2. A message from the House of Rep resentatives, informing the Sen ite ot the passage of various bills. Calen dar. The Pres;dent appointed Messrs. Dortch. Robinson aud Scales, as a committee on joint rules. llnon motion of Mr. Dortoh, House bill entitied an .ct to rep -al au act en titled an act provid ng icr aauiuonai terms of the Supe ioi Cruris of Norta ampton county, rati fid the I7lh day of March. 1875, was taken up aud pas.-ed its sever. 1 rea iins. Mr. Rubinfon moved to recons der the vote by which the bill passed its thud reading, a id moven to lay mm motion ou the table. Adopted. Upon motion of Mr. Evtieit the rules weie suspended by a vote ol 30 ayes to 12 nays aud H use bill to be entitled an act toamena o-c. a, cn.. 156 of the laws of l876-'77 rcia in to piivileue tax ou merchants was t tken un. Mr. Scales moved to refer the b ll to the Finance Committee. Lost. Messrs. Everett, Henderson, Caldw. n, Austin and Suow, advocated the irame- d ate passage of the bill. Mr. Scales thought that the bi'l should not be lushed tutouen tne oenuto "mu'ui investigation by the committee on Fiuiuce. Mr. Grabam, of Lincoln, thought that perhaps the law was unjust but it had better be referred to the Finance committee for considera tion. Did nor, believe it necessary to amend a law which would be reea'ed in forty days Mi . D ivis on also favor ed reference. Mr Eveieti cal ed for the ayes and nays, ih c ill was sus tained and the bill ptsscd its third and final reading. Mr. Everett asked le ;ve of aar ts until Tuesday next which was granted. Mr. Drtch introduced the following resolutions: Whereas, it is proposed by the m ru bers of the bar to hold a rot-etiojr in this chamber to-day at 12 o'cloek M , in respect to the memory of the late Hon. Barthcl-men F. More one of the most distinguished patriots and jurists of the State to who jx the peop'e are indexed for many of the best laws pf the State. Therefore, Resolved, That tbi Senate d now adj- u.n and attend the said mectin;. Adopted. Nots In the report of the pro ceedings of th Senate of Thursday and Friday's the News coatamed an error. I should hive reioit d a bill by Mr Williamson, ent tied a j act tu repeal an act to allow Milton township in the county of Caswell, to subset ibe $15,000 in payment of stock in the Milton and Soutbei land Nairow Guage R R, Dsased by the General Assembly oflb76-'77. HOTJSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Januakt llth, 1879. The House was called to. ordtr by Mr. Cook in the chair. Af tr a prayer by the Rev. M. M. Marshall, D D., tbe journal of yesterday was read and ap proved. MEMORIALS A5D PETITION. The following were sent to the Speaker's dt-sk: By Mr. TIeinard, a pe tition of citizens of Pitt, and otner counties, in regard to the prohibition of fishnets, etc., in Albemarle Bound. By Mr. Foster, a petition of citizens of Ashe, to incorporate a camping ground. By Mr. Jbne-, a petition of citizens of Wilkes, in regard to a oh inge of the county line. R Mr. . a netition of the citi zen of Rowan, asking for the abolition of the homestead law, and a revival of the whipping post. By Mr. Scotr, a petition from New Hanover, asking for repeal of prohi bition law in Harnett township. By Mr. Covington, a petition to amend chapter 16, laws ot 1876-'77 ; also for the protection of birds in Union couuty. By Mr. CofhV Id, a petition from peo ple of Harnett, in relation to debts con tracted prior to the adoption of the Constitution. RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. Blocker: Ii; regard to tbe ap pointment of a cummitiee of 3, to in quire into certain facts alleged as to Mr Brown, member from Yadkin, Calendar. By Mr. CofhVd: In regard t an amendment of the resolution as to mileage and per diem, in laws- of 1876-'77. Calendar. By Mr. Wynne: In regard to a reduc tion of the pay of State officers and members. Calendar. By Mr. Cobb: requesting informa tion from Attorney General. By Mr. J,nes: In regard to appoint ment of a committee of 5, to draw up r les for the government of the-Houe. Calendar. My Mr. Turner: In regard to erapow ering the col mittee of 3, who, in con nection wiih the Attorney General, are investigating the Swepson matter, to look into any cases of fraud, and allow ing a sum not abnve 100 for expenses. Calendar. Also, by the same member: In re gird to the creation of a sinking fund. Calendar. REPOttT or COMMITTIES. The Committee on engrossed bills re ported that the b:ll to amend section 12, chapter 156, laws 1876-'77,had been engrossed, aud it was sent the Senate. INTRODUCTION OF BIXLS. The following were introduced and placed on the caleudar: By Mr. York: exempting bills and mortgages from seal tax. By Mr. Conucil: amending an act to aid in construction of the Chester and Lenoir N. G. R. R. By Mr. Bernard: repealing section 1, chapter 105. laws l876-'77, and substU tuting another therefor. By Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg : permitting the extension of the Raleigh A Augusta Air-Line ra lroad to Char lotte. By Mr. F wd: abolishing offlje of Stat Ueclogiit. By Mr. Rr.yuold.s : reducing salaries of Stat4 officers. By Mr. Couucil: amending section 1, chapter 14, laws lS74-'7o. By Mr. Burroughs: in regard to list ing property. By Air. Wynne: repealing ohapter 141, laws 1876-'77. By Mr. Christinas: providing com pehsatiou for persons wrongfully im prisoned. By Mr. Ellism: enlarging and defin ing the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace. By Mr. Foy : Limiting jurisdiction of Sjperior Court Judges in criminal actions. By Mr. CoviDgon : Amending chap. 195, laws 1874 '75. Also : Amending chap. 61, laws 1876 -'77. By Mr. Horton : Allowing sheriff of Hertford to collect arrears of taxes. By Mr. Foy : Defining the rights of mortgagees and mortgagors. By Mr. Carter, of Buncombe : In corporating the Bank of Asheville- By Mr. Bro wn, of Mecklenturg : Amending the act to establish county governments By Mr. York : Relieving drcvers from tax of $10 on horses and mules bought in this St ate. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES. The morning hour having expired, a message from the Senate was read, transmitting a resolution to appoiut a joint c marittee to det'n nine the rid ings of th Superior Court -Judges, which was placed on the calendar. The Speaker announced the following Housh Committees : Jud;c:ary : Messrs C ok, Carter, of Buncombe, Cobb, Lockhart, Coving ton. Vaughau, Foard. T-orment, Eth eridge, Bernard, Clarke, Atkinson, Dll'HK Finance : Richardson, of Columbus, Brown, of Mecklenburg, Lewis, Cal well, Asois, Blalock, Chadwick, Gat ling, Carter, of Yancey, Goldston, An gitr, Deans, Reynolds, Carter, of VVarren, Lowrie, Ewmg, Internal Improvements : Carter, of Buncombe. Brygon, Gold ston, Coffield, Davis, of Haywood; B-own, of Mecklenburg; Rawley, Richardson, Forbes, Council, McCor kls Taylor, of Columbus, Chadwick, Meares, Lutterioh, Miller, Bateman, and Wynne. Penal Institutions: English, Mebane. Harrell, Reid, of McDowell, Wheeler, Leather wcod, Ritchey, Carroll, Turn er, Roberson, Bonner, Dixon, Hobbs, Henderson, and Brown, of Yadkin. Apiculture. Mechanics and Mining: Aubrey, Colwell, Davis, of Catawba, Lewis, Grant, Atkinson, Burroughs, Woodhouse, Smith, Ritchey, Huffstet ler, Raid, of Macon, Blalock, Blocker, Scott, White and Newel . Propositions aud Grievances: Lock hart, Aruis-rong, Bizzell, Burro ighs, Angier, Bofet, Buchan, Young, Raid, of Macon, CI ck, Foster, Grant, Ht w iit. Powers, B.uce. Foy, Turner, Wad dell and Battle, Privileges and Elections; Co no, Covington. York, Richardson, ol t;tp11 Moore. Clarke and 4AW, J 7 Osborne. Corporations: Jones Holt, Orchard, Lindsey, Melson, flinea, Grant, Lamb, Fe.rell. Bird, Co! Cirter, of Warren. Private Bills: Ditris, of Catawba, McComie, Leatherwooei, Foard, HufT gtstler, Wheeler, Carroll, Leach, Ba- cban; Lamb, Foibea, Duvis, of Madi 10 1, Vm ble, Dirasdale, B ngbatr, teott, H rtou and Blocker, The calendar was taken up, .and on motion of Mr. Vanghan the rules were suspended and the resolution ottered by Mr. Blocker, in regard to Mr. Brown, of Yadkin, was taken up. Mr. Blocker, spoke of the matter as one requiring; investigation. Mr. Nbr mant advocated a postponement until Wednesday. Mr. Jouesdid not favor the resolution in its present shape, and favored a modification so that the com tuit tee felon Id examine the case and then . rocommend to the House the cou: se proper to be taken. This amend ment was accepted. Mr. Blocker again spoke on the resolution, saying this was a reform legislature of which the people expected much,, and this was the way to inaugurate reforms. The resolution was then voted on and adopted. ' Mr. Foard moved . to repeal the res olution in regard to the committee of investigation of the matter of Jude ! Henry, Swrp30n and o hers. He said" the work hai be gun and already the commiuee had '-struck oil." But the poves of the committee were not large enough. He offered a resolution to take the place of theotbe-, proposing that a joint select committee of eight be laised, to take into consideration that portion ot the Governor's mesenge which specially refers to the subject, with a clause allowing the said com mittee to send ior persons aud papers. This was opposed by Mr. Turner, who said that the present committee, (of which hew -s a member) would thus be abolished, and asked the adoption of the resolution offered by him during the morning hour. Mr. Foaid said power was asked to send for persons aud papeis, an enlargement of the sphere of the commitlee's investigation which was necessary. Mr. Norment favored Mr. Turner's resolution, and said the Gen eral Assembly or the State could gain nothing by the inquiry. Mr. Carter, of Buncombe, said it was too late for the Senate to act upon the resolution to-day, and wished no delay. Mr. Jones asked for a suspension of the rules for the passage of a resolut ion in regard to the appointment- of a committee to prepare rulds for the House. This was adopted, and the chair appointed as the comm ttee. Mr. Speaker, Messrs. Jones, Vaughan, Bry sou and Harrison. " A motion to suspend the rules being made by Mr. Vaughan, H. B. 2., which reduces and regulates tho cost of public printing to one-half the price allowed by the present law, was taken up. Mr. Vaughan then asked that the bill be put upon its immediate passage. Mr. Atkinson desired to iutroduee an amendment that the price shall be one-half of the present rates. Mr. Vaughan, replying, stated, that though the law authorized a price ef 80 cents pir thousand em, yet the Public Printer had been doing the wovk for 75 cents. He then called the previous question. Mr. Atkinson's amendment was lost. The original bill then passed both its second and third readings, and was then, on motion of Mr. Vaughan, laid on the table. The reconsideration of the investiga tion question was then resumed, and the resolution of Mr. Foard failed to pass. On motion of Mr Vaughan, at 1 30 p. m.,' the House adjourned until Mon day at 10 o'clock. Cheap Joliu. Conespcndence to the News. Soma neonle who are anxious to continue to spand freely other people s money stigma ise ait enorts to reiorm the present extravagant State and county expeuseb as Cheap John. It is natural that they should. This thing has gone on so long that they regard ihe request of the people for a reduc tion eif burdens as impudence. We the tax payers have made brick without straw as long as we intend to stand it and we demand that the Legislature shall reduce our burdens. A Farmer All hope of the passage of Edmund's electoral bill, or any other measure on that subject, might as well be given up. The House committee on this question has decided to icport the Senate bill adversely, which Kills it, and directed the chairman to call up for early ection the House bill, which is now on the Speaker's table, will be reached as early as n?xt week, but it is not cer tain that it will ever pacs the lower branob, while if it should, it woild probably fail in the Senate. We learn of three additional new brick stoi es to be eree t :d in the spring on the western side ot Main street, to take the place of some of the small stores now filling up valuable space. Our friend. Tom Johnston, intends erecting a three story building in the space now occupied bv his own office and the jewelry stoieof Mr. Co wan Citizen. Longevity. The average of human life is about thirthy-three years. Or every one thousand persons, one rare ly i caches the age of one hundred years, and not more than one inahuu dred will reach the age of eighty. There are on the earth l ,0o(000 0u0 in habitants. Of these, about 33,333,333 die every year;' 91,82 i die every day; 7 780 every hour, and and six yevery minutd. The marri d are longer lived than the single. Tom, Drokand Ha y are now ap pearing with their Grandfather's re cipes for Coughs, etc., aud seeking a fortune through adveititsing. but the people kn -w the value ot Dr. Bull's uougu Syrup aud will take no other. Price, 25 c nts a bottle. Senatorial Election. Pools will, be sold ou the Senato rial election at'litf Leis'sClub Uou-tfc, commencing on Saturday evening Jan. 4 ,h, at 7 o'clock, and will ba contin ued each evening unci! tfn favorite is eleoted. The Linis of Gv. Vansa, Jud4i Aldaimm and all the Black H rd a cordUily iuvitjd to be pres eut. Private Boarding, H ivine; rented the large and well ar ranged dwelling house ou Morgan street near Bl -unt street, known as tne Caytoa Hauw, I have furnished the same aud am prepared to accommodate the public with good rooms, good fare and co .n for table accommodations. Piices low. Tiausient Board $1.00 per day. Apply early, Mrs. C. Waller. Uaf nrnished Booms. Co ufortable and convenient to busi ness! cau be rented on favorable terms by appjyiug early at the Naw Office Stronach & Alleott,roinuilNston Jlerehaiit J Are selling from N. O. and R. & G. depots, and their Agricultural Machin ery Warehouse, three par loads best Timothy hay, one car load oats, one car load white corn, ode car Iod bolted ' meal, one car load N .0. family floor, , and obickens, eggs, North Carolina aod. , Virginia butter, j otatoes, oniojis and, all kinds of country produce, at re' duced pr!cev General inttiuttlon to" "bell ou arrival." , Tbe Tucker lloose- Thia hostlery has not, loo; been opened, but has already made Vsalf a favorite here and withtbe"traveling' public. The fare is good, tbe rami favorable, white the location ia very convenient. These many advantage are appreciated. The first number of Andrew's Amer ican Queen, a uqw ill u, rated Public tion devoted to Alt, Music,. Literature and Society, is before us. f Its , depart meuts are fail and .complete, covering the frefchetit society news and' gossip irom ah parts of tne United States and Europe, nook, muslpat, dramatic, and art ciidcisinu, essays, sketches, ptories, poemp, etc. A comiuuud story by one ot the ablest of contemporary writers ofnutiou will be an attractive feature, and its editorial expression of opinion will be keeu, bright, i ad fearless. The? editor aud pivp.ie'or pledges himself to make the Americ in Q teen a lead ing journal of us ciasM, and to spare no trouble or expense to make it a fa vorite iu all family circles of culture aud leftueuient. Thy new journal will covera field in some respects dif ferent froja any other and present freh and attractive features' through out. The tiiso number iu its vaiiuty aud interest justifies the expectations held ou by its editor and proprietor, whose brilliant venture, Andrews' Bazar, has uow become a household woi.d throughout th? land. A.sanaplt o py of Andre wm' American Q i6n can be obtained by enclosing' 15 cents to W. R. Andrews, Tribune Building, New Yoik. Scrofula Cured. Mrs Joa Person's S-sroluia Remedy is pronounced to be tue best in use by all who have tried it. Sold by all druggists. A gentlemau living about 40 miles from our city was commissioned, a few days siuce, by his ueigubors, to selcub suitable presouls for a wedding ab mr to take place. Of ourso be went to "Law's Silvek an j China House," aud from their spleudid stock of fiuo Silveb Ware, purchased a large num ber of articles, wuijh, together, made a rich outfit for the young couple. Male aud BuarU stable. Having this day sold our Livery aud Omnibus line to O'Kelley Aiiaker, we will give our paraooai attautioa to the sale of horses aud mules, and will keep a first class boarding staoie. Oar sta bles will b open d ty aud nigtic, aud especial attention given to rrauscient and mouxhly bosi-darst Thankful for the patrouage so liber ally bestowed heretofore, we trust by strict atteutiou, to merit a ooutinu anoe of the same in our sale and board ing stabies. Geo. W. Wtsnk & Co. i It Ii5ut llAve B job. When taking a retrospction of our ptst lives, how ofcea djes c us3ienc J whisper fo broken spirits aui woa ided hearts the svi, sad w nds. "Ic mi,iuc hive bean?" Thus it may Da wita trie suffVrer who endures tu aajoaies of hemorrhoids, or piles, aa i hjods no; the c mnsel to try B irha-n's Infalhabie ble 'Jure, waioaiiwarradceltpje ly an 1 per n meanly cum this diseas ing disease. Manufactured by th 3. DarhamPile Cure Co. Da.haja, N. 0 Milliard Tables fr Sale, Tbe two billiard tobies now in Mid at the Yarboro Ujuso bar wili be old at a bargain. E iquire of M. Bifcii, City Bottling Work. Humbugs. There are people wuo a.lvjrtUe who i;eliuuibu'S, but this is au exception Messrs. A. C. Sanders & Co., weut to sell 1 fine top buggy, 1 two-hore dray, 1 two-horsa wagou, 1 four year-old niar?. fast in harness and au elegant fikiddle critter. A Xew Literary Magazine, The D )l!ar Magazine of current for eign literature is anuouuu :d by the Ameiicau B ok Exsh ine, 5 Bekmaa street, Ne v Y rii. the ti sc nuoibar to appear Januiry 15th. Io will bj simi lar in character to tha well khown Li.tdH's Liviug A ;e and E dectio Magaz ne, coataiuin, iu a year's num bers, about one-third as much ma'ter as the former, and foursfift'is as mu Jh as the 1 itter. Mo i'hly 123 pages. $1 00 a year. Spiciuaen uuaoar sjut fj cents postage. . Unlieard of UargaluM! . AT THE INDEFATIGABLE ENDEAVORS TO PLEASE TUE PUBLIC. SO ttEHEOOKS. Ye musrfs nine, inspire my p3n, To 8in ol Fayelteville streeet.No 10. who trios his best to pletse his trien Is And in his labors nevec ends, Bargains he'll gfre you wben you cill For No. 10 ia all and all. Of other houses youhearthem talk; InFayetfeville street just take a walk, And only ask for No. lu, Kept by th most ingenious of men, And wheu his friends by chance drop in Then forth he comes, Lord what a grin, And to their wondering eyes displays Sujh heaps-of brack jts and. window shades. His pictures are expo&dl;o public view And a variety of cord to suspend thm too.. His lookiDg glasses and t6ilet cases Will help adoi-uyour lorinsaod faces; Picture f -a u an 1 moul I in js to-i In grjai Viri ty, b ack, biow:! a id blue. - His window cor-iice aui limb equms liae, will make your roons and parlor BQine , . . P rforateu mottoes, aid whi holly baskets. And ev ry o her sort of stuff, Of wh;ch ho?3a to atvd e.io 3 j now he bidi-yur all adieu And wishes a bap fiy ce v year t o. Vnd not forget 0. C. Clawson, No; .1- FayettUle3t,