D A I I. Y NWS FiutAY. 3 vNI'ahy !:::. ORGiNOF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTT Thk Komio Snt, onot tbfl proud arbiter of the destinies of the world, had lost its o!deo power when the iway ofth Eoapron greatest. With th growth of Jr spotiaru the emp:re de- clinwl. Princ D.aanarck's policy of b'.ood and iroti," whit it ruay tren;tur-n the hand of the Kaiser for the time, muM, in the end, fail of its object. Whatever may be thought of the dargoroa Uudenciee of Sooialism, it may fauly be qaestioned whether the methods employel for its suppression io tiarniAuy wi.l prove e3caciou. Bis marck has banished tha Socialist load ers and has gi the (tcrman press. He cow attempe to throttle debate. What is any Legislature Assembly, stripped of iu rif b.t tocrtici the aims and conduct o Coernmcnt. "stroy the property the debtas based "opon, and of ccurse they should lose "their share, aud we learn they are 'willing to make a compromise, and "the legislature should do something "thii session tbat would Bettle the ma wr, as tue interKt is giowirg "eTery year." Thj State press without scarcely an exception t in bartno iv with t'io Sv-u- tinrl's position. The (JoTernor in his message recom mend adjustment. Tjo Treasurer in his abltf report nrs ajmtment. When di btor and creditor are iu ear nest a bais for an understanding can always be reached to the satisfaction of both, and to the prejudice of neither. The creditor of North Care Una hare not appreciated her. They have not uoderstood her position, nor hsre they acquainted themselves with her condition as she has realised it. Her GLOCEUIES. PROFKsiNIONAL !AU. KIC IIBOWP, VA WT& WOULD CALL THE AT- f TKTION oi our patrons anu me puDlie generally, to our Que mock, oi FANCY CONFECTIONS AND GROCERIES TT7 E KEEP AS FINE STOCK AND If more of It than ever. We ate located t A. (1 Bauer's old ftand, on W llrulngtrn vtrrft. ami c iu otter Inducements iu many kinds vl goods. e nave beautiful COFFEE at IScts Dr lb. and the l'rt-ttiet In the city at 25 eta. Hue (tojjen S'ltrars at 10 cts, . tt.erjeut! O 1 25 cts trail in. Keros -no oil br the bbl tju'te low. WE SELL West's Kerosene Oil ! WLic'.i is the very best on the Market. Our stock of a F.tMl AXDHEtVY UICO-C'UKIfcJS WALTER CLARK, ATTORN F AT KALKiGli, N. O. ti i honor and her ab hty to meet obliga- I quite complete. We are selling the very I rinest Hats us; Mils an i rrencn uauuy ai Practices In ths State aud Federal '"o-jr-Collections made In any part of th? at" OfiicMn Barley Building, cor lcr J'.v:'' vDe and M.irun dtreU. THOS. R. PURNELL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fractlces lu all the 8tte anl Federal Courts ang 8 -6m WILL G. BLHKUEAD ATTORNEY AT LAW NEWION, N. C. Will practice In the Courts of .he Eighth Judical District. Collections made m an parts of the State juiy w-ir iSTAfiTLINi; BUT Hill. Ovsi) osia. S'ck-Headavhe a Tn soi;u sto ini f;sh iv.uv By that WoiuleTu: ltemy ANT!--0YS?PTIC DROPS, If you xre a sunVrer ga a ottle, and ' cured. IT HAS JOT ITS EQUAL. PRICE 7 EX IS Sold by all Druggists. 1KCELL, LA DD & CO. , apr 6-d-awly Ar't. Richmond, a. METROPOLITAN WORKS. S M O K 1 N T O il A C C O IMADC MARK. mi. f OR PLEASURE, vvmrVKT,nEALTH. SMOKE THE ..MANUFACTURED ONLY. BY W.T.BLascKitajA is Co, Jjg$ SMOKE THE OLDCKjrf I XJPPPLILAR BEEAU3E RELIABI r GRIFFIN BROTHERS. UAHUFACTKERS OP lions incuireii at a lime when no man living coulJ foresee the disastrous oon- srquences tbat followed the war are two different things. Her honor has not been tarnished by any attempt or deire to repudiate her obligations. tier ability has been will uigh destroy ed. Her resources have been well tiih exhausted, under th? reckless and extravagant rulj of the Republican party. Her government for many years, at Tue entrance of Louisville, Ky, upon a course of economy, hich would enable it to live within the means and begin making provision for meeting its debt, has been delayed for some time by the filibustering of the city council over proposed measures for retrench ment, though Mayor Jacobs effectually blocked the way against the repudia- ' tion of the debt itself. A new city gov eromeot was sworn in the other night the most nitLal time in our recuoera however, and the counci'.men put an tire proceea, was in the hands of aliens crdiaace right through cutting down aud straugers who plundered her. Ru salaries all around. The aldermen took inous taxati n, which now calls so the bill op the same eveniag, and went loudly for letrenchmut aud the prac- to hwrcliac over its provisions, uutil a tice of the most rigid economy, is the mtn.bor called on the uew 3Iayor Bax- rt suit tr f.tr hi nr.; num. lie aroe aud told Rut N -ith Caroiiua is acn.MtivH of her tLe board that the very IifVs bixd was honor. There is a growing puMic sen tirg sjuezed out of the tax-payers, timcut n the tate iu favor of an eaily and that the pxst cxtravagancj of the "d r.juitable a"justnun: ol her debt. city's government must end, for he Can it be djne ".' Wliat say our credi- msint tbat Louisville should live with- tors ? What do t'jcy want, and if they iu its means and restore its cred.t by can"t get that, what will they take ? rar down expenses beiniiin w ih What cm the S: ate afford to pay aboat ent. Trv ua and e If Is not -o. Heveral barisls of 8he,-p Nose, Baldwin and llhode island Greening Apples Just re ceived. , A lot of floe Oranees Just received. Call and e us. We nave the only FANCYCROCERY On Wilmington street. J. It II, CAKM Kit, Manag. r Oak. City Grocery. EDWARD T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 1an-ly HALIFAX, N. C FINTE OIGA GOLDSBOEO, N. C. Brands: Roman Aliones. The X L N T., the Brothers, the Brother's half-dime Cltrr. The Reuna Little Flirt Bauker's Choice Gold Medal, The Queen, iola, La Kosa A TV. UAYWOOD, ATTOKIM ii x aw u X. COUNSKLLOJt AT iiAW, Office in "B Post Office, or i van va ail Having had four years experience In the Canal Street from Sixth to Seventh RICHMOND, VA. i I trtjn t V PQ rv.t-aM arA otatlnnnrv SAW agley BuIIding.'pposiie rr "Yr" ; wwr.ViTJ Wast. SS ntxnsted ?Yo hiscareJ GS of BKAtsS and i.KoN, tORGINOS, I &c. MACHINERY for tiold and uoai .Mines, W, B, Mann. f. rmerly w th 1 S. Wail ft Bro. C. VV. Yot NO, of v ary. rt ake co. fr.nirinh..ai...au n"i--viAii to obtaining bis I Blast furnaces, c ."J-"? " L":'".-' 'I. . t.r.ii..i tnV. I Wecallsoecialat UCenSBHipuc MMW, uo r." "Vrr:.""" PflKTiKLfc KNIillSIK fnr arrin1tr.ral and w e ca 11 special attention to our IMPROVED lrAnr and will (IRVnEA BDtJCiai lucuuuuw AT, .v. ..J a aAaa rurniiM. I other nurnoses. r.kini Ac. Refers ly express per- I cultural Engl I rA-lKNT ruts. the of the city cfficiU. A!l S-auD'luieoU wre speedily voted down fur that appeal, and ths ordiuacc wis passed as it s'.ood. Tncfcf iiuesti iis ought t be ettled, aud hetiled by the present Ls g slature. Tue News unavoidably lost its eas tern mail yesterday. A promiuent tttlJsboro merchant premply witte f.y return mail: Niws failed to cxme. We are happy here "over Vance's nomination. I sup pose you were too full for utte: ance? JIISCE 1. 1. A X VAi VS . Tue achic vuiett of 31. s. AnUrsou, Jie Konliahwoman, who corup'eU-d iu Hr,,khn ilondar the task of walk- iog 2"V) quarter-miles in an as many quarterhour, is a uaiq je ff at, which, while q -aest ijnal ie as a self totl cted crueltT. is wt rth noticing perLapt as n,thr rtmarkable disrlav of the TIIK ATI L.MKM OI" . ,r.v. v r I . iauni cjr..i ji iiv uum.u (.OOLlJf iup.rlnteal!n's of Public :.'t. for physical endurance. Oi the 16th tl..n. BwrJso. actlon. and Prtn- of December Mrs. Anderson started ciptls of PiivAt Seho-K etc , .u. on her first quarter upon a track is called to the fjnjlii ab ut the sir of a cucus rirg, which ha i to u compas.ed seven t.mcs for Valuable Education 1 Works Ai h quarter-mile. If we may beUevo a relay of trusty timekeepers, me wuruaa has performed her undertake SailfOPd'S SerlO 3 Analytical i.h)ut the sl'gLt;t deviation from ... the terms of one quarter m:le for each quarttrbour. Iu addit on she walked over 14 roilis ia g- ing to and fro from lb track to her couch. Of course, the JCregaJe number of miles accomplish ed in this feat is not remarkab.e: it s tt rndiirirz contancy -f the efl rt re-tu:red th.t a'tracts attention. A V. B. MANN & CO, Having formed a copartnership under the above title, and tak-u the stand formerly occupie i bv B. U. Wood ell. 'o. 4 II ...t.tt k. a Int.i.H t .a.ptf full nil frit aiirci. t. v luvcu nj .1 i j tun line f UrocTis and Provision, as well as a complete s' ocx of Bots ul JSbots, JJry i;h i. Motions. Hard waie. Cu lery. &c . 4c, Buying our g.Mxls at botiom prices lor cash, we art determined to oiler induce ments t our customers, uusurparsed by any House iu Kaieigti. Olvr- us a tilal a d b convinced of what we fay. Very res iect fully, W. B. MANN & CO. TTavInc .oM out my entire stock f eod Li Rt tlie aiove staud to Messis. V B Maiin Sito.. 1 take olMure iu recumoieud- ng them to the vubic for a liberal sliare or ineir patronage. ienevin ir.ai ineir cuiin jer c win not be n:is. Li d. I fha.l in future devote my time to a (ien- eral Commi.ision tj.ihl.ieNS n.i -aa be found atniyoUl.ein the Prairie Bu'ldmg ou Wil minRtoD Mreet. TiiaukuiK a kind pub'lc for so lll-eral a ratioiiSKe lor nve y-an pa-t. 1 hope tliey win uot forut ui- in Iiture, ai'd jive uiy sjccesr a much oi their puronage as tliey io?lt'ly can. v ery i.espectiuny. Ii, n. w. mission to each of the Banks In Haleigh. JanU-12ra E. Q.RKADK, C . BDSBKB, F. U BDSBEi READE, ULSBEE & BLSDEE, ATTORNETS AND COUNSELORS, MOTIVES for hauling lumber, and other HAM II-", N. C. The Boilers cf our Aert nes are provided with our M1UMSPAKL AKKJSSlJi'KB. a device by which the Sparks, are forced to oass downward over a reservoir of water and effectually extinguished without the use oi wire gau?e. Our is the only arrangement of this kind which affords free access to tne boiler tubes for clearjinc from each end. Also, to our new styles SMALL LOCO- j. A. HARRINGTON. GASTON THOMPSON Harrington & Thompson, CAMERON, N, C. Mnfaanturers of all kinds of rough lumber.. Orders solicited and filled oromDtv w give our business our personal attention and gaarantea satisfaction ocl7-riftm LIFE INSURANCE. LIBERALITY OF1 TfIS 2ETIil PLAN PECULIARLY ADAPTED TO THE TIMES. READ COMPARE, Consider, Act. The-. Renewable Term Policies issued bv the Etna Life. Tns. Co . nttttr tr .all who H.i t. articles upon tramways and uarrow gauge insure their lives at the smallest out lay of mouey.the most desirable ipolicy now iHsued t. v rauwaya. ,Tr, I any company. The beht Planters regard oar GINNING I ii Tha Will practice in 1 State and federal Courts ENG1N KS superior to any in use. Send for 2,1(i. They are non-forfoitable after three years. ' h rHVer ripsiri'il .J lid te lteaie WUi per- I lllnatrated (JatalOSTUe Iree. Other tflines I sH ThuuMn lw rnh,wil wrlthnnt. rp-'vnminatinn n,1 tho avr. rionaAfthu i soua uy aiteuu i w inguo -uu ..e.., i utjiusnju! cutuuiaijc ouumciu nwniauuui ar ls Lnat lug next cerm win cost no more inarr ine isc aia; a id upon prof .-wionai cons ltailons gen erallv. Office in Mahlei P.ulK ir.g oppositd aiarKet, House. dec 13 dim JOHS W. UlNSOvL.tC, J jRH uBVBlltUi , JK. HINSDALE & DEVEREUX, ATTORN HYS AT LAW, Prnmnt itteutlon eiven to al collections entrusted to tiiem. Kefer by permission to the Bank of halelvh . J. w. lliu-dal Fayettevilie; ilinsdaies Worthy. Carthage. oet i bin Kepairwork solicited and rrompiiy douo. m pvs ffli. tor i.:n nouses. Mauuiaciurers or jones paieui Aouaccu .ieaicai JXiraiaer c. viuivks, zl, i. ji.naok & ubk L AG T lULEIdH N c Jtn 12 dim JODELL. u OPAKTNKRIIIP NDTIl'K. I havo this day associated with me in bus- Ilie.-.H my Lrother Mr. U. hltK.Ml LbALll. The l.iiHiiioss in future will tx conducted under the name and style of M. T. LEACH & All parties indebted to me by note or open account past due. inut com forward and malxc iinm.-l iate pavuicnt. as the strinren-y .f the iiiiM forces me to demand prompt riftllflUt nl c( business done n close uiar huh. M. T. LKACH. K ii eh. n. X. ' . Jan 1. 1 -Ti Arithmetics AM) hour iUi tier iUn . heme by a pL v:cian with bis p i!e at It ) anJ serio-islv U"tl up. Iu tl.e - diaofher walk Mr. A i-lrrsm has r. t avtra i more tbau two an 1 in- L:uf hour s atiil sleep iu ths 21. It tli niosstrates at i?as'. that wornau can wIk as well as talk. V7cr :s s ts r's Dictionriss Sin or I er e ninn.r.CH four lMk nm pa--i uin in an ii t ic si-it-in: siiiford'i Hrt l-eoni la Analytical Arithmetic. l iu ., 27 rei.t-. .-aiitoril . Intern. fill ;t Analytical Arl'h- m iii'.jo ii,i :,i:n iia:r lo'inj 4 cents. MUltllli 1 HlilU' II .-V b''l ' a. ' Y liv.l Aiuan.ei ie, .v pp. Hall roan, -0 ie.it. Sa a ford s lumber Aualvt cal Aritlim. tb,. I.iuo 4U p;. naif roa-i. Cloth ! ie. $1.-5 . 1 he definition are dear, an l th4- unlives 'iliimt v- I he work M practicL and wuuui In s.Aie eiercines- The exprten e of a Urne number of the best teachers in this cotin rv.li mat, with sanford in hud. pu- piis uicover an uawoiiiej ei.inuiiam la sludyiK the science of u umbers. The Complete B$erle of Vor tester's lllellouarieN. Quarto Dictionary. Illustrated at.d Una bridged. 1-lb-ary sheen. SiO oc avo (i iilversal and crl l -al.) rictlona- ry. L.iDrar stie -p. ft ij. Araden.le I Icilonary. Crown 8vo. Half roan. !.. Comprehensive IMctlcnar-. Illustrated. ii mo ii ah roan, ii ,5. rbool I Element ar i Dictionarv. lm-. Hal r roan. ;l. frlmary IUcfionarv. Illustrate 1 ltimo. 1111 roan. K cents. fu ket Dl'-tiou rv III-iHtrnt1 ''i nn Tlnlh Lbertj of worship for tnemselves ana I ticent. rom. ti x:oie, c uts.roaii, tucks. I4uii;i:. lug i Jiuiii iiu bailie aner the Pilgrims were dogmatic, int lerant, se.r-nhteouaaad ijraanicai.iu iavr ol j-any da! ai Is to .-.id-nts. nU!pii.n uakinz ether poori aree witb them ; -uh proa .unciu' and le.ini KrH.vou . . , . Urv. make tb above named b v. its, "in lb tr suiTer destruction. Tbis is the spirit I opinion oi ojr m n di.sti .:ulu, a dura M. T. Lzacu- K. I.KACH JUST RECEIVED : 3J 0"O pounds Tim th Hay. l".iUp unds clear Kll. Sides. 1 c r load Blcbmond Meal, 1 car 1 ad Whl e C rn. D ba;s Kio (' flee, 2T bitrre's SiiRr .!' grades. l' CSieS C-IlUid k J Tutse ,i ds are o l. red I.o W t. c sh bu . ers. t or . eipond etc-. stli- !t J from part:es dc sliin to purch.e iu large 1 ts. M. T. LEACH & CO. Raleifib, N. C. Till Phokk diatiuction is not al ways made, tb:u5n a correspondent of tie Brooklyn Eale, between "l'll grinia" and Puritans." The Pili imt who landed oi Plymoutb rock bj no n.eans set an example of intolerance to their descendanta. They are described tj writer on the tubjet as bn-ad and libeial in their views, and seeking only l01Ti. FACTO II., J. J. f HO MAS Commission Merchar;t AND Cotton ellci- 8 Martin street RALEIGH, N. C. which reiJea in su:h men as Ikiutwcll, the Sherman, Chaadlers, Townwuls, E Imuods, ttc It was the Puritaus, one of b"W coaiplaiuta aaint the hnlUh Governrtt-a: was tin, tbey were onrous'.j taxed without n pitseu ta:ion, wh.ia 17t i Connecticut taa eii members of all sects, tut slijwel only their owu church rucmlers, the I culars nd descriptive c-aai.-Kue firuisbed Cutiite.iuoUiiu s, to vote, ata wto tors, ti e m st complete wed as y far the ch -ajHMt l,ct i narl-s of our Urm ae. oicester s . riMl IMcuonaries ne based upou ih quarto, which ls preferre I over all iKt.erj ty eoilncut sc'io wrj and me -n or let irr. i i.f series is a imiraDIy adapted to us- In Schools, A-al. Mile-. fir. mr i.ii. rai terms f .r iuiro.lu.'H n w d-Mre Uiat anfor 1 and W orcester be exanj ni-u oy t oui.ty lards and principals of pn vat scfio rorrespoadence solicited: e Invile at!i-nll.Mi l T- nchers to l!hn. venet's Mathen atlcs. Cutler s Physiolorv in . w . . .!, ..... . .1. .1 w. .. .C' u m -u.vi, n wui U'lUI MUUI 1 11 I) II. I Ir 1 1 JtfMFi $ M mm I Io SIcck Uil lo Arrjve 25,' 0 Yard- Cot'on EaKi'ir.pr l.i Oo liuinni'h New At row Ties, .J0 liundles Piioed Ties, 1 000 Yards Dundee Bagging for Cot ton Sheets, .p00 pounds Baling Twine, Abtch I offer upon as favorat'e terms as can be bad ANVWHi-KK. SPEvlAL prices to tte tra le and oinners. Personal attention irtven to tbe sale of 'ottou, aud for tnoe who may wish to hold I have ample storage room and will make . II il m 11 I I LIBIKAl. CASH lUVilllll IIU IOW rirj vi ere most iaDltfrant, and tLat inttler- .Ii I I U J .1 L II I) 1 L I . Interest and storage charges on any couou TI ropriated publ c 'and and money (or the upport of Coprea'.ioiial ruin- la.e's. Pur. tans w th oulj sect iu the country which uuit.d Cuurch and State. Massachuaetta and C-mtct icut bwtb bai their religious etab:islm nt, the principle of whicti waa Lot give.i up u Connecticut until lSlS. and io aLasachusttts un-.il Toward all other sects in these States the Puritans Ad.'riss, J. B. LIPPINCOTT 4 CO., 7 5 ai d 717 Maret stiet. Ph;Udelphla. tr MARTIN V. CALVIN, General Southern Apei.t, Al'iilbTA, ;a. dec 17ceoda4ra. ance which declares, "Think as I ! or I will kill jou." Pilgrims" aud Pu ritans" should not be confounded in thus th tegard. The .MaAj-acbusett colony waa the breeding place of reed dlinf, intolerant Puritani m in tbis cuuotry, atd not the PI v mouth colony. tVllTUMiT S 'IF.KT. NeR Bl;OAI- WAV, NEW YORK. PU i'CHKISS & rOND, Proprietors. Oi the I'.uropean IMau. I am tole Acent here for the celebrated Taylor Georgia '"otton Gin an I have m s'ore 1 4o Saw .rln, 1-50 " " - which I will sell at Kac ory prices. Prelgh added. Correspond e nee solicited. J J.TlluM Va, 6 Martin street, sept 7 d6m KaleUb, H.C Th restau ant. eafe lrd luneh nwm ar. tsciid. ar- unsurpassed f-r cheapness and I ATOTICE exc -iieo.-f or service, it. oms w cts. to 2 I XI that I It day. 1 1 to f :0 pr ween. Con v enleiit to all fe'rtes and cuy railroads rurniiure. ( m tbaceruem. Jaui 11m S.u KANCY CARm. sxowflake da. . ' ) MAsK, Assortel In 2.S styles, with me. 10 ciiji.. asstu Card Co., Nasau, N.Y, - ti ..l IK 1 lie NtMte Debt. The Winaton bstntioel urges an ad- U4tment ol tne t state ueot. "question, aays the Sentinel will come "before the legislature of more impor "tance mva tne adjustment or our 'public debt. Our debt at present "as it stands out lo the woild Ls more "than forty millions, which is enough "to scare capita! and immigration from . ' l. 1 T l . ..I .1 I . -our wrucra. "r," '-' ueu , 5an,, 6 yelfcr. n. WVj hands hlfh. dark Niya. "according to the Treasurer's repoit is hir sisters, ca t te.l tt.cm apart, perfect . .,.-N.r :i am tii ie- atlrs gentle, kind ana iouc. trot fa,t. - rw,vwiiiuiii,u iv,ivv,iv. - i tog,.; net or single. "ZTt interest. The carptt-bag special ALSO, l'ili.il Aht waaa fraud and a As:l.b family, single h rse 7 years old, .on-. ladical debt was a iraua ana a faM uild m every respect, bay In color. iu .1 . s.bich should nrt be paid. c Mc ACKIV- "vf i the recognixeu aeni oi me ! w largely based on property VfOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN . i. rl i-v that I will make aorllcaMon to the -I. a: a royeu oy wie- mum vi i (jenerai Assuiblyol orti Carolina for the u. m 1 Northern nole own Psme of an aet lnorpiratlii U) -Jiortb , - - 1 Carolina Chemical v orks. 11 FINE PAIR OF ; i IS HEREBY GIVEN rPI make ai pit atlnn to the Oeiieral Assembly o: North Carolina lor the Fasia;e oi an act incorporating me "luapei lill Iron Mountain Company." JanltJiH R. F. HOKE. FltlST CLASS 11 A K JLD UEST1URAXT, WITH t-LEEPlNQ APARTMENTS AT TACIIED. Where he eommodatlons will be found for. r e I and permanent board er i. House open all hours, day and night. at 6i'A rajettevuie Mreei. J.S.TAYLOR, Proprietor. Successor t j W. U. Martin. dee 3-d3m i W. S. MOORE, G It L b X MI O U O' N . c . Sells MASON & HAMLIN, and WATERS & SO.NS Oigaua. at very close rates (from 140 up) Elegant 11 stop Organ, 2 2 3 setts reeds, two Knee swells, ueir ered for a75. uiat f the debt, ac '.hey helped de- janlJ-t R. F. HOKE- New Pianoe'a from S135,!up. years, nrcuiars rree. dec 2-dU Warrauted 5 UILLIATI It. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practices in Sta'e and Federal Courts. Ofllee oppos te P. o, 2nd liooi liagley Bu11.iln(r. Jan iu-lm JAM KM A. W OKTII1, Attorney Counsellor at Law Oartlaaso, !N". O- rrartlcesln Moore and adjoining conntles. Spxial attention given to the collect Ion of claims. tur s-dly B. F. MONTAGUE, ATTORNEY" AT LAW, OSlceover J. P. Gulley's Ptore, RALEIGH, N. C. fpec'al Attention Otven to Collection of C'U i ins and Remittances Promptly made. 1;kMK3 bt PaitM'iwiON TO 'late isaiiouai Bank : Kaiei?h National Bank; Citizens' VaMnnat Rink: Chief Justice W. N. H. Smith and Judge vieo. V. Siroug, ltale'gh. C. oct 10-tf DR. W. W. JONES KKKllt nis prores-sionai services tc mo V citizens of llal. igh aud surrounding 0 uutry. . , Otfics uver p.nniss uo-k iore. suoou below Pes-ud, Le.A Co. j an 1 3-d 12m Shafting. Pulleys, Ac, for "Manufacturers of Jones LiiciD Machines to work bv hand or powe WM. K TANNKR A CO. K. R.;BAlTOHAM, Rich square, t Qen'l Agent in Eastern North Carolina, mar 3 '78-dwiy FURNITURE FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! nnfc .nd an 1 for sale 20 suits of i?H.Y M 8 FURNITURE, lu p'ices fiom .f2.5 to Also, BUREAUS, WARDROBE-, WASHSTANDS, SAFES, C1IAIR3 and every article usually found in a well stocked r uruiture store. Furniture in Great Varietv, Parties in want will consult their tei est by paying me a call. Orders oy mail promptly attended to. WILLIAM DAFFRON, 1438 Main Street, Richmond, Va. Mattress and l.'phoisteriug Rooms, 16, 18 20, 22, North Fifteenth street. sep lvdlv GEO. ff. AXDERSOJ & SOJ, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, PAPKR HANG INGS, lack curtains. Window Shades, Mattirp, Hilars. Ingpete Mats, &c. Kbtlm.ites lurn siied b m::il. lLe atceutio'i of JUeiCJiants and ttou ie.ceepers is caueu to our general stock. 1201 Jaiu street, RICHMOND, VA. sep 13-d 12m "jEvelry, watches, . Diamonds, Spectacles, W. II. CROW, FOUSDEKN. mm 4 1 1 TalboTtiSt Nohm Shockoe Iron Works. scirjiiTiovi, i:t(;iiv. Manufacturers of Knglnes and Boil rs saw Mil's, (!rii; MiIls,liafting,Ha"g.-jrsan 1 Pulleys. Tin. i:ie V ..ter Vhe -Is Tob e,co Factory fachine y, W-ought Iron Works. Brass Castintrs a id Iron Ma'-liiaery of evry desc;-ii'ion Repairing- promptly mii car'1 ully done. 5 tjiisininr Hinl 'I hrcMhiiig Fii ginew a Setrulty. i -end for tllustrared Catalogue.. !h;tnch (tfice. HAL LIU 11, N. C. 1K.?ACH cfc ALLt'OTT, ?ii ii3ii'actui eis' Atrents. c w HEGE'S PATENT IMPROVED CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MANUFACTUKKD BY IBS SALES AES1CUL1CSAL mm, SALEM, N. C Send for Descriptive Circular. FA OO DS AND 31 1 LITARY 1 1 r; r-'J. 1E! S AM) IS IMK-PIXS A Kl'UC'IAIrY. I rpHK 'arpest stock of goods in The South I A Solid silver and Piai-d ware. -oods B. B. JVhssenburg, A T T O R N E Y AT L A W . Koldnt factory pices. Watch repairing a jiairy. orders oy Iecialfy. Orders by ma ed o and ttlsfae.iou iu teed. promptly attend mi cases tiuaran JOiiA II. TYLER & CO., Practices In t ie Courts of Krankllri, Wake, VS arren, Nash, (1 auville and Johnston, also mine uiuieu mswjs, uu iii'icnic wun. 0 iiiT(-iiri i p r-n Siecial attentio i giv u to collection of bUCCeSSOrS tO M I I U H ELL & TYLE.R claims. i fflce. Loulsburg, U-C nov 16-dl2m John O- Troyj ATTORNEY AT LA Fayettevilie, N , C , Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to bis care. betersbv permission to Merrlmon. Fuller & Ashe, Raleigh. N. c. and Hon R P Buxton, layette vllie uov 28-tf iNo. U33 MAN STREET, RICHMOND, VA Th-- oldest ie elry House in the South, aug 27 d.Wiifru y M U R C U I S O N Attorupy at Law, LILLINGTON, N. C. Practices In Harnett, Cumberland. Chat ham and Johnston, collections made lu all I arts of the state. dec 3-d Urn ALFRED ROWLAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office u the Court-House. LUMBERTON, N. 0. JEWELLEF, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, TAFALER IV WATCHES, DIAMOND? JLS jewelry. Solid Silverware, Fine Plat c ware, CI cks, Hpect icles, Ee Glasses Silver Cups, silver Thimbles. Setts of Jew elry. Plain !8 Karat Gold Riugj. for engage ment and Wedding- Rings, Amethvst and atone cameo Kings, Ladies aud Gentle men s Gold Chains. II AIR W ORK Made; to Order. 9-Watchs and Jewelry repaired. novl3-d&w3m. II A RIMY ARE. c l.onn At;. CLOTHING AND j GEXTLEHEXS' FCRSISHISG GOODS THE BEST ASSORTMENT EVER IN THE CITY CAN BE FOUND AT J. HQSENBAU'S ! Corner Faj( Ltrville m ani HargeU Mieets. Which, havltg been purchased from first hands for CAV11, will be offered at so low a price that all can buy. -WALL SIZES ON HAND. GENTS' FURN1S1IIXQ GOODS OF EVKRY DESCRIPTION, A LARGE AND . COMPLETE STOCK ON HAND. OP fcVfcl DESCRIPTION AND PRICE. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF THEM, 7 CHntVsKS !!3r and see Mi!i). x VA BKEFCH J LOALINa J rMPLEMENTS fl POWDER. SHOT, wspk,-, SHELLS, &c. Xf DITMAR'S r.- POWDER. Sfy, I I ALSO KEEP A FULL LINE OF Adjoining the Clothing Store, on Hargett street, to which I invite the attention of close buyers. octl5-3m J. M. ROSENBAUM W. J. TOUNO. J. B. YOTJNO. D. CARDLB. Y0U5G BROTHERS & CO. 3ameron, 1ST. O, Manufacturers aud Dealers In every kind of OUCH LUMBER. Orders solicited and promptlv filled By giving our business our personal attention. we guarantee satisiacti n. dec iu-atr HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERY! RTMG IN OUR LINE. 3CO!E IN AND EXAMINE OUR ST DCK Prescription Free FOR the speedy cure of Seminal Weakness i ( St Manhot d. and all d'sorders brought on by Indiscr ti norKxce3s. Any Druggist has the ingredients. Address, DR. JAQUES & CO, 130 W. 8ix.th.St. Cinclana nemoval. We respectfully announce to our cus tomers and the public that on tho 1st Janu- MltS. S. H. MOVTfinMERT Is orCDared to I arv next, we shall occuov the laree and furnish good board by day. week, or month, handsome store in the Holleman nol ding, at reasonable rates at her' house on East 1 next door to J. C. Brewster, and lately occu VI art! n atreet. 2 snnarft from Favettevllle. I Died bv O. Welkel. The situation is particularly convenient for I HaRDIN, GRIMES St CO., members oi tne Legislature. uec ai-im i uec zu-ti Boai'diiis. Fig. 3 shows the mechauical movemcDta In Log Beam. Warranted to Saw Lumber Even and True.! Sas the simplest and most accurate Setting De vice in existence. THE NEW IMPROVED Built entirely of iron, strongl ana uarable. 4 to 6 Horse Power. am 0 KU INTERNAL Triple-Gear Gin Horse-Power, (With Band Wheel in Centre. directly over rower.) FOB COTTON GINS, 1 FAEM MILLS. &C. MAItX7FACTURD BT THB Salem Agricultural Works C. A. Hege, Prop.. Salem. N.C THE SALEM CO u m "5 o J- o i c o a & a "5 lL m THE NEW IMPROVED t 3 times as strong a mi single-gear rower. Descriptive . Circulars Free. Tor Threshers and Cleanen. TaV" INTERNAL Triple-Gear Horse-Power, H AHtTTACTUSID BT THB Salem Agricultural Works HEGE'S DIAGONAL 2-2 a 02 Lerer Feei-Cuiter, MANCVACTPKID BT THB Salem Agricultural Works SALEM, N. C. V K PS o c: H I c f W ss 3 a. a K O t X 3 S J. n -1 CD 3- , 1 w w r o Q 1 o J Easily Regulated. Kun9 Light. Corn Shelter, HANUFACruBJCD BT THB Salem Aerlcult'l Works. sALKM.N.c. New Imnrnvpi Salfitn Plnwj. jm m ... & ,r"' uio. o a TS SB H a w sa (X C B r U 13, X7V . M. HABXjIST 1ST cto OO. (Branch ot Habllston & Bro , Richm.Dd.) NO. 4 IRON FROJSIT. SYCA.MOHE 8 CRKKT, PETKKSB UHO. VIRQ'NIA. An entire new and varied stock of Furniture of the late it desizns. Cham tier Sets. Pnror Sets, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Tables, Safes, Book Cases, Lounges, Bedsteads, Chairs. JImS Kacks, Bureaus, Mattress, &c. Havin g purchased our entire stock for CASH, we are able tooffer greater inducements tban any louse in this section and guarantee to sell as cheap aathe goods cau be bought in New York or Cincinnati. Our bouse is the largest in the Houtli sep and we therefore can give the largest assortment to select irom, and offer superior ii)du e- ments in ireignts. C. HUNTER. C. Li. icECKWITII. HUNTER & BECK WIT II. DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED r U M Hi K 11 OF EVERY R 9CRIPTION ; --Also, Lathes and Shingles. HavisE-'hopn encraceri in rha lntnhop hnKiness fo the past eight years, we have gaine'1 thorough knowledge of the best maansr and style to manufacture lumber ol every gnui. .We nave ouutuD a targe on -in-sss. and have pu-e i our lu-nufli iu wcuoi hi State, our chiet aim to this . we refer to ny augi-dbm is to always pie ise our customers and naer give dissatisfaction. As of oar umuerous customers. Orders solicited and promptly flJ.i MANL.VH MTATION. N.C. G ood Work at Lowest Prices. 1865. Ao Sashes, Blinds and BUILDERS SUPPLIES SLATE. MARBLE AND WOODEN MANTELS mouldings, Coraiee. Litlu, STiiaglcs, &c, HARDWARE OE EVERY DESCRIPTION. Julius Lewis & Co., SEN.D FOR ILLUSTRATED GAT ALOUGB . 6 1