DAI LY NEWS SATCRDAT. JtM'AKY. H It', Now u the winter of oar discontent, made happy by the glorious iao of York Trjre, of Wilke. Wi tain something. Oh, yes ' ' Of ficial organ of the Democratic party." The tail is wagging the dog bow. 1 "The News must be rebuked for presuming to dictate to the Democratic confidence of the people. The Watcb party who should be elected United mn ,: .... Bute Senator. "Wbaiet may be the popular de. sire fur my election cause a and indu noes have Wen brought to bear to prevent it." That's a melancholy fact. Judge; we feel it too. Associates on the supreme bench sick en and die, but old Judge Clifford st.ll holds to his purpose that "he'd bed d if he would die or resign until there was a Democratic President." Tns tar la ted office holders may sneer at the demands of the people for retrench rn on t, but nole&s we are woful ly mistaken la the aigos of tL Umea the day of pampered far on tea and high salariea in Xurth Carolina are over. What Keogh said to 'Hath" Cin cinnati Enquirer about the ' forbear ing and christian population of North Carolina" has gone the rounds of the press until it has reached the great London Timea. rThe argua-eyed Kiwi first discovered the obeenre paragraph. Got. McLellasd, in his message to the New Jersey Legislature points out where true reform begins : The people should attend the primary elections, cure good nominations, and work for their election, and thus make a long strike in the direction of county and municipal reform and of relief from the I harden which oppress them. The communication of 'A t.ua Democrat" we must decline to pub lish. The caucus has settled the quea tioo. No good can come of further agitation. Whatever were the "causes .. . . quiet of the Democratic party." We I appreciate fjUy what "A true Demo crat" says. One reform member in the Maine Legislature haa refused to accept the pocket-knife, which it haa. been the custom to give members with their ana mnaencea that defeated the tain s gnincatiou under the cucum INkwsU is best not "to disturb the I taacea are unbecoming the Judge and aiauoaryt but tne other eighty four I ao my daughwrbad a xrerr aitnek ofrneu or five of his associates am,rl tA .0J 1X thick that so article of cutbrr n.A I . .v . leiuw uj ium. Anotter member na- introOuctM aa order that the extra boxes of stationery, wt rth about l C . ,, . J I snouli nt be tasueJ meuabers. This I important meaaure was discul two hours each for twj days and then in- flnileiy j"us'poned. LcHiAN talented wife is now doing the best work of his campaign for the Illinois Senatorsbip. E;ht years ago she was given the credit for electing her husband to a seat in the Senate; two years sgi he worked bard, but it was against fate, and all her tact and skill were unavailing. She is aain in fharanf K- T,... . i . I cuarbe ol tne Logao he adquaaters at SpnngUeM. asuUtl br a daucrhtxr quite aa pretty and very nea.Iy as akill- ful a pIiucian as the mother. An ob stinate legislator who fa.l into these fair hands haa got to thaw out or treat without unnecessary delay. Ben Hill ba haa issued a vigorous addreeto the people of h i State on , - . . wnat neca-.j lurphyism in Geore:a " I he atoryuthis; Mdrphy, a clerk in the S.ate trea.urer a ofbce.recei ved fiom interested wrlie IS.OijO f.,r Governor Colqmtfa indorsement of eertaia d'sputed railway bonds; Mill told the Governor, and expected him to discharge the clerk; instead be retain ed and defended him; and a legislative committee which Co!qui't asked to in vestigate the affair haa whitewashed him. The senator sppeale to the pee- ts1 o : . i .. . . i utuvauuuin,' - iweeUisn to its beginnlcg." and it will be interestiui? " " wj ) oica, up LolQUllt I or LIi:i. Th Retreschxe.it commifee of of the MaaaacLuaetts L-cisla:urv thus concludes it report: "But tha commit tee would not reeommend tbe changes -for the sake of saving, if, in their "judgement, it would impair the qual ity of the service to be rendered. In "our opinion the silar es recommend "ed are not so small as to deter the "best men in all the walks of life from "accepting service in the Legislature, "nor ao large as to lend a temotation tounnt men to seek the office f r the I .. v- . I " w um tooaper-sanon. VniIe I "we believe them to in.e t I the State, we also consider them "sufficient to enable the poorest aa well "as the riches: to contribute bis service "to the publu in this direction, ir chos "en todo sn, for I he limited nortioc of "the year duriog which li is for the "public interest that the L-gis!ature "should sit." Redaee Sbipendltarea. TT ft V Jl tha n-sw-ar1 A K.m J - I 1 J 1 f.i . ... . KVL-.W UPIUIliNI n W I "uiiKi . iue name-cry in the last great campaign when the Democratic party waved Its victorious banner over eur enUre Sute, was "Retrenchment and Reform," so, now, "when the smoke of battle ts cleared 'J . vua wuue-w.rgeddoveof 1, ym uu.ni oTer our Deloved Und. "tha larilatiw anV.n.; . . --u" i. j anouia see "to it that the people have not been "deluded by false promises, but that the "frnits f their victory are subitant al "and beneficial. "If hard times means anything, it "teaches that all, both high and low "rich nd por should reduce expendi- ... ... I - vk vu v&uaiaiocei, exerctae i "Self J:i:.aU "one will deny. But that the bright day dawn of prosperity will speedily "follow this dark nigot of apparent "adversitj, if the Legislature will "carry out in letter and in spirit the "great principles proclaimed in 1976, "no one can deny." The People 1YII1 Submit us Longer. TbeSalisbuxy Watchman admonishes I i T . a a : aJ :. a w loe lS',li"un' DOt lo ,nnB WIin "iax-payer, ib hip ntiru "of the 11th January, brings forward I "the figures showing the expenses of "the Stat) Government before the war "and now. If this important paper "escaped the attention of member of "the Legislature they should immedi- "ately obtain a copy of it. It will be a "very serviceable document in the "hands of our delegate Mr. Bar ringer, "who so emphatically pledged him "self to work for the reduction of "public expenses and the taxee. There "is an unaccountable difference be- 'tween 153,180 in the year 1S60,' and "$75,315 in the year 1S7S. The ei "penses of the State Capitol sprang np "uoder the administration of the Rad ical party, but it reruaics to be shown "that the Democratic party has done "its whole duty in reducing them. "We verily beliere the fate of the "Democratic party in this State hangs "on lbe iiilX. wisdom and firmness itut P General Assembly in ,th Prform,no of tLe work the P- "pl re expecting them to do. They "Dare suomuieo 10 aisappoinimeuia "heretofore, but there is a limit to "these things beyond which confidence "is clean gone forever." What "Everybody will waut to Know." Salisbury Watchman. In withdrawing from the Senatorial contest "we regret the Judge has seen fit to use ambiguous terms in this abort note. Almost everjbody will waut tokuow what is meant by "caus es aad influences have been brought to txar,"ic. To our mind it seems to be a very clear ca of popalar prefer ence for Gov. Vance simply that and nothing more and as such fair and hooorabU to al ; and terms of uncer- "'""P""' 10 lbe PPulaf "t- Vegetine 111 Car KheamaUsm. Colcx '- CS, O, Feb. 14 13T7. H. B.STKvshs : Dear e-ir. i th to Inform you what Vef tine advi?d her to try lLaud udid ao t - rlect ucc-j. tor ir usiuic a few dou uslug a few Dottie j it a t--cm eiitirety cured 1 am my cured 1 am mv- rlf, at lbe pr Mut iluitr, usujg tbe VegUu oia.r uutter ce4 the Veretiue tot MU,ri1 Ul1 o". iooj nebiLty and nas ufrg icreUr bonitea iy Us u. 1 have io rrff ruetded It to luany others witn Vettin uibe lxt medwiue lr the above uatued dUae Ui ibrre Is. and 1 always wb to krrp it to ui boj as faiully intd leiue K. A. KISTLER. No. It Wi j; FuUon at.. Columbus, O. VEGETINE. Will Cure Illieuuiwtiaui. Uiii.ii Keb. 19t 1S77. Mr U. B. STET.ii.-s tkt-ti, MS4.. Dr Sir. 1 lerl Rr--tly ludebt a lo your excrileiil uie .Iciue. Vmusi, lor wnt li bms doite Ivr m. 1 have t'ttrn aubiecled t Kbcuiuatifm ad my uie. was atiMrkedwitb 11 tnree years a. aua suueriug Lernu- pains lu ay euesi, 0rk. aua Uuiu- for sx r a lid m"1"' l wnicn time l commenced , - - - - - . wuo bad intra entirely curd iy 11. 1 had seaiiely uaed a uali butUe uutiltbe ialu bad Ull me. and uiy geaeral beaub began toioi prove racial under inllueore ol Lhis great blood purifier. 1 bad al-o auAe ed dreadful ly from a asal Catarrh tor Hven or eight yoara After takinc the first bottle of Vau kTiva I noticed a grrai changa for the better. The ce. slant pains aud heaviness that lhad over my eyt-s fur years aUappearea, aud tbe d lac barge ot mucus ixou Uio had ceased. Mj app'-4iir got better, and trrngth seemed Iu uur wild c in j uux vi uiruitiuc. a in I muca eauuot be sid iu lu Uvoriaad I al to come with every dose of medicine. Too ways laae pieiaure iu leiTmiscuaing u vu my friends wno may ie suffering from any idM-iMof be bld. for l feel &aU&edt they try U tbey are uxo of a cure. lve pe.tf u.ly. J. rl. RQUDSK, Manaer Wrsttrn Unioa Tcigra4 U ouice, Urbam. U. Vegetine A Ftsmtly Jledlelue. CtSCTXSATI, O., Aprllll. 1TT. Dear sir, I have beeu uouclmi and auilered a great d-ai froo catarro. 1 have tried many reme lies, tbey did not cure me, and be ue tiled uie but very Utile; and, de-r air. bveteeu cured. a.y i-iece aa Cured en ttrely of Kheamatisiu by using your aisdl clue, Vegetiue, so she lsabie loait-eod to bar ludlft atscbool ebe feels very tbaukiulfor your medicine, for be ben a great sufferer lnm rh-uuatiui I w. uld iay lo o lie and all. try the V" g-Uno for such coiuplaiUts. A fev u-'ttles will curv yiu. ) uun truly, DAVID AKVfcr, ELIAtttU AK.Ntl (bin wif.-). 13o Bay vonvtlie .t. JlTIK(X)RT (biauiece. Lvorelts at.. CiuciAiiatl. O. Mr. A met Is a lr,;e ral estate owner, a wt-altiiy man. an .td resident, aud well known Ju L luctun.vti. ICUeuuiatiae 1 a ll.t aie of the lilood. The MoimI In this disease. Is found to con tain an exce if ntrin. Vegotine arta !' JllK'u tu heJlli" circulation, one iKttie t.f Vegvtine will give relief, l-nt to erlect a pertuatient cans 11 ruast If taken regularly-, ud mayteke aeveral botUea. es.-vcially in a's ol lc4ig stajidlng. ForelgU Itrporta. DAWMJ.N A BAATEK. l'recrii lieu Drulsts, Cbicago. 111. Vegvi.ne i uighly i.-K. n of by all wlio have tried It. JOSKPII WILLAKD. Druggists and Chemit. Chicago, m. Sell a Kreat deal of Vegetine, audit given good aatutfaction lu all raaea. T. P. JMITH a CO.. Dispenniug Pharua4'Utt. Ceicao. '111. Vegetin5 -ll tlrst-rale, gives good satls factiou. and la a good medciue. Mm ZJtU--lt rrei-ued by 11. R. STEVJiS, Boston, llaas. Vegetine Is sold by ail DragjrisM. - - - - - - - - X 1 T 1 0 S 1 L I10TEL, lsdt Street, Neaa Broad- WAT, NEW YORK. aOTCllKISS & POND, Proprietors. Oo tbe Eoropean I'lao. The restao'ant. eafe and lunch room at taebed, ar unsurpassed fr eheaoneas and exelleore of service. Kooms 50 rts. to ta per day. S4 to S10 pjr week. Couveulent to UJI1., i city railroads ew r urnitore, Wew alans lanagemeau uuain me. 10 cnu.. Maaaaa rnH rv v.... v v niSCELLAHEOCN. 7 S A V E 1 TO LEARN HO V TO DO YOUR j IT READ AND HEED EAIR! what follows, SAVK YOl'K 1IAIK. Tbj L.w of Health I od Lonj-wTity da-mand i., iittt.oou of oc'ai lit e-juirw i.. Ti. later I r preni imiwium m tfmty Wj. BILimFT TOI R 11A1K. It U the sui aavncruwnur glory, ao.1 fr tlio laaof it than a l.e oiu penat ion. Tjr.TTVATr. Ycn HAITI. For Vy mm rfaer m- 'i enn it - .1 an J beautiOad. KATHAI DiOTrtsl f..irtT-fiT J ear aeo l Trof. Lyon, is t '.i r.'yt l-srf.i t preparation i tha worl4 or firvrvnj aa J bonii- -l'ving tLe hair. Besides xln; tl e le.t Iialr dreasinfi rtr prouuird, I ou'i latJalr vrUl K.ltlv:y preveut grm jrea, Jid will I .tore ttrr laalr to lialtl liead., if tha tota ..- Jciiuyed. :. !.! :'.owingi A FATE. SPECIMXN. .. . i I :itin. I ;, i r yeurs, oi ,::-- . 1 -evr bottio of n ut irjirne, I have a thick HN 7- :oUttANCE, V. S. j : ; Y-J.'. Inc-si. -.orCra" TIir. a:. I Tat.(r nair. IX MIXT5. IUo KatLa ron is na .. ; i : .iilur na.1 si-ar-uMeil, to pial 'jo 1 ir aud rnrdja do brain. "Jt is Mi3i;:i v.c"-'J ! iaieade U re- - i r :'. r-r-'-' .li :-nt rtavigviratioa. . j...- t .'el-rLtful i i...;'i(fp-ti!kma' U t .A irk:' I - CaLOCEItlavS. T7E pahllc grii 7E WOULD CALL THE AT- ENTION of our patrons and the uerally. I our Bne atoc a ol FANCY CONFECTIONS AND GROCERIES WE KEEP AS FINE STOCK AND more of It than ever. We are located at A. U Baler's old Mtand, on VSilmlugbon street, and can orter Inducements in many kinds of goods. We have beautnul COFFEE at ISCts per lb. and the rrettiet lu tne city at 25 ct Fine Gotden Sugars ax 10 cts, Kereie Oil 25 cts Kall-n. Kerosene oil by the bbl qu.te low. WE SELL West's Kerosene Oil ! WLicli Is the very best on the Market. Our stock of FASCY ASDHEIVY CRO- CLitit at Is quite compMe. We are selling the very nnewt Kaiscns: Nuts ant French candy at about e et. Try um and aee If ts not m. rWveral banals ol Hhe-p Nose, Baldwin and Rhode isiaud oreeniug Apples juM re eelved. A lot of floe Orauges Just receired. Call and e us. We hate the only FANCYCROCERY Ou Wilmington street. J.RILCARMbR, Manager Oak city Orocery. W. B, Majtk. forrufrly w.th I) S. Wait A Bro. C W. Tootsc, ot t ary, W ake co W FIRM ! W. B. MANN & CO, Having formed a copartnership under the above tHle, sad takn the stand formerly orcup.e ' by B. II. WoodelL No. 4 Uargett street, we intend to carry a full line of Groceries and Provisions, as well as a complete stock or Boots and Shot s, Dry Gooa. otiona. Hardware, cu lery. Sic . Ac. Buylug our gxxla at bot ooi prices lor easn we are aeiermmea to oner maure mtuts to our customers, unsurpassed by any house in Raleigh.' uivusa ulala d be convinced of what we aay. f ry respectiully, W.B MAaM U CO. Having wld out my entire stock of frnods at the above staud to Messrs. W B. Mann & Co., I take p!emw in recommend ing tbsin to tbe pub! c tor a liberal snare of their i-atrunane. oeiieviiig- mat tueir conn ce ce will not be nili, lad. I shall in future devote my time to a Gen eral Commission business, and can befoind at my office In the Prairie Building ou Wil mington Street. Thanking a kind pub'ic for so liberal a patrouane for Ore years pa-t. 1 hope they will not forget me in future, and give my succesor as much of their patronage as they possibly can. Very Kespeclful y. Jan 12 dim B, li. WoODELL. ' C COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. I have this day associated with me In bus iness my brother Mr. U. KDOAK LEACii. The busineas in future will be conducted under the name and style of M. T. LEACH & CW. All parties Indebted to me by note or open account past due, must come forward and make immediate pavment, as the stringency of the times forces me to demand prompt settlement of business done on close mar gins. M. T. LEACH. Raliioh, N. C, Jan. 1, 1879. M. T. LaaCH- o. E. Leach UfOjfS IRON, JUST RECEIVED : 20.000 pounds Timothy Hay. 10,000 pounds Clear Rib Sides. 1 ear load Richmond Meal, 1 car load White Corn. 50 bags Rio Coffee, 26 barrels Sugar all grades, 100 cases canned goods. These goods are offered LOW to cash buyers. -Correspondence solicited from parties de siring to purchase In large lots. M. T. LEACH & CO. Raleigh, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARD. WALTER CLARK, ATTORNEY a'1 LAV ZJLLSKill, N. C 4 raettcea Irtli9&taf and Federal C-tjc. Collections made In any part of the St?ts Offlceln Barley BuiMlcgrrer rav vlle and Martin treats. W291V TMOS. R. PURNELL ATTORNEY A T L A VV Practices in all the State and Federal Courts ang 9-6m Will. G. Bt'RKUEAD ATTORNEY AT LAW NEWTON, N. C. Will Draetlee in the Courts of .he igh Judical District. Collections made In all parts of the State July 20-tf EDWARD T. CLARK. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ian9-ly HALIFAX, N. a A. W. HAYWOOD, ATTORNEY AN D COUNSELLOii AT LAW. Office In "Bagley BuUdlne'oppostte the new Post Office. Kalelgh. It. O. rrompt arteniion Even to all business entrasted to his care avlng bad four years experience in the banking business, previous to obtaining his license to practice law, he is a practical book keeper, and will devote special attention tc settling the estates of deceased persons, taking accounts, Ac. Refers by express per mission to each of the Banks In Raleigh. Jan 3-12m . . JOHS W. HINSDALK, JOH DIVXB.UX, ja. HINSDALE & DEYEREUX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Prompt attention given to al collections entrusted to tne m. Refer by permission to the Banks of Raleigh J.W.Hinsdale Fayetterille ; Hinsdale & Worthy. Carthage. oct I -6m WILLIAM 11. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practices In State and Federal Courts. Offiie oppos te P. O , 2nd flojr Bagley Buil.iiuff. lan iOlm JAMES A. WORTHY, Attoruej -t Coooacllor at La Oartlaasoy 13". O. Practices In Moore and adjolnlrg counties. Sseeal attention given to the collection of claims. mr a-dlr B.F.MONTAGUE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offloeover J. P. Galley's Store, RALEIGH, N. C. Special Attention Given to Collection of Claims and RemtUaneea Promptly made. KKFBas bt raKMissioN to tace national Bana; Kaleieh National Bank; Citizens National BanV: Chief Justice W. N. H. Smith and Judge ueo. V. Strong, RalehN. B. B. Massenburg, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practices In t e Courts of Franklin, Wake, Warren, Nash, o anvilie and Johnston, also In the United state, and supreme Court. Special attention given to collection of rial ins. C'ffic. LouUburg, N. C nov 16-dl2m O- Troyi ATTORNEY AT LA , Fajetteville, fi , V , Prompt attention given to ail business entrusted to bis car. itefers br permission to Merrlmon. Fuller ft Ashe, ttaleih. N. C. aud llou R P Buxton, Fayetteville. no 2s-tf ALFRED ROWLAND, ATTORVKYAT law. Office n the Court-Douse. LUAIBERTON, N. C. HOTELS, Ac. FENTRESS' BOARDING HOUSE NO. 15 KAYETTEViLLE STREET Near the Capital SPECIAL : Members of the Legislature, Visitors to theCitr and Sheriffs are requested to trlve us a call: tbey will rind rood accommoda tions. Pare, the bet the market affords. and rollte attendance. aua ronve anc uauco. REGULAR BOARDERS SOLICITED. TKRM8 WILL BE MODERATE. X? o ar 1 i 11 g . MR. 8. H. MONTGOMERY is prepared to furnish good board by day. week, or month, at reasonable rates at her house on East Martin street, 2 squares from Fayetteville. The situation is particularly convenient for members of the Lgislatnra. dec 21-lm Atlantic Hotel, NORFOLK. VA. II. S. Dodson, Proprietor. Board First and feeond Floors, pr dy, f20; Third and Fourth Floors, per day,r2,5C, Special terma for permanent boarders. dec3-tf . 1 IIm SLff YEAR TO ILit J. A. Bragassa. I return ray sincre thanks to thj jiublic for tholr Ubaral pv.rjn;s for th short space of time tliit I nave aee a auua ; them and hope I may contl mi to merit their patronage in the future. I will ke-p constantly on hand ev'rythin? usually kept in a first-class Confectionary Store: Consisting in part of Orange s Lemons, Bananas, Figs, Raisins, Kuts, Cit- on and other good things too numerous to mention. J. A. BPAGASSA, 15 Fayetteville Street, Ra!elgh, N, C. jan 2 tf Con'lirnments of everv thing solicited, ex cept ti h. Special attention gien to thip menta of cotton and country produce decJltl. W. O. AicMACKIN. HERE THEY ARE. A match of fine Carriaze Horses. Black in color, 1514 hands hi Kb. 7 and 8 Tears old. round bodied, clean limbed and sound. The most sty llab team in the State, without ex ception, a perfect match in every es ect. speed together as one horse and fa i Drive single, dont shy or pull, no f f alio- an engine. In fact a perfect famil teun. Cor respondence solicited. Ph uraphs of team sent to parties at a distance . decsl tf . W. C MCMACKIN. ECONOMY IS WEALTH, Use French's India Rubber Cement for mending Furniture. Toys, Glassware. China. &e. Every Thirdly should have a vial in the house. Manufactured by W1L E. FRENCH, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, PeersburT. Va. For sale bv Wm. Slmnson. F. U. Heart STARTLING fiUT TRUE. Dvsp p$ia, S'ck-Headache at:d sourt cto.! Vi'Ti positively t'UHED By thai Wouderfm Remedy lr I. ArmstPdt's A NTI--0YS PEPTIC DRlPS, If you n.r6 a sufferer get a rottle, and cured. IT HAS NOT ITS EQUAL. PKICB 75 CEX IS Sold by all Drugalsts. PUROELL, LADD&CO., apr fi-d-awly Agr'ta. Richmond, v a. METROPOLITAN WORKS. Canal Street from Sixth to Seventh RICHMOND, VA. ZRNG I NES, portable and stationary. SAW - - - ' -j J uau a. aiaAAAajrj avauui0 vaa,a LNGS of BRASS and IRON. FORGINGS. sc. MAi ni.i ru. i ioruoiu ana uoai mines. mt war a rm w .r n va r g- s j a max Blast Furnaces, &e. w . ca U special attention to our IMPROVED PORTABLE EJNG1N&, tor agricultural and other purposes. The Boilers of oar Jgri cnltural Engines are provided with our l-ATENT PREMIUM SPARK ARRESTERS, a device by which t.".--r forced to effectually extinguished without the use of wire gaure. Our is the only arrangement of truVklnd which affords free access to the boiler 'robes for cleaning from each end. Also, to our new styles SMALL LOCO MOTIVES for hauling lumber, and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railways. lue ucpii ruiumri icKaru oui uinninr ENGINES superior to any In use bend for lllu'trated Catalogue free- Other things being equal encourage southern institutions. Repair work solicited and promptly done. Shafting. Pulleys, sc., for bm Houses. 'Manufacturers of Jones' patent Tobacco Lump Machines to work bv hand or pewer.'- WM. H TAAflliaaUU. K. R.; BAUOHAM, Rich square, N. C, Gen'l Agent in Eastern North Carolina. mar 3 '78-dawly FURNITURE FURNITURE ! FURNITURE 1 I On hand and for sale 20"! sultsof CH AMB FURNITURE, In prices from 425 to Also, BUREAUS, WARDROBE-, WASH STANDS, SAFES, CHAIRS and every article usually found in a well stocked Furniture store. Furniture in Great Varietv, Parties in want will consult their terest by paying me a call. orders oy mail promptly attended to. WILLIAM DAFFRON, 14T8 Main Street, Richmond, Va. Mattress anri UpnoUterine Rooms. 16. 18 20, 22, North Fifteenth street, sep 13-d 1? GEO. W. AXDERS05 & SOA, carpets, oil cloths, paper hang- IUS. LACE CURTAINS. Window Shades, Matting, Rugs. I ruggets Mats, &c. Estimates lurn sht-d by mail. Ti e attentio'i of Mei chants and Housekeepers is called to our general stock. i20i Main Mreet, RICHJUO.nD, VA. sep 13-d 12m JEWELRY, WATCHES, Diaiacnds, Spectacles, FA GOODS AMD MILITARY tf KT S AD It :.K,-IIfS A .Sa'iiCI.lLiTY. THE largest "tock of goods in the South Holid silver and Plated ware. joods sold at factory p ices. Watch repairing a specialty. Orders by mai! promptly attend ed to and atisfae;lon in all cases Guaran teed. J0IL1 II. TYLER & CO., Successors to MITCHELLS TYLER aNo. Hi'3 MAN STBEET, RCHMOKl), VA, Thf oldest Jewelry House In the &-uth. aug 27-d,w&fiuly i . . JEWELLEE, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, DFALKR IV WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry. Solid Silverware, Fine Plat-d are .P1". P' S1've fla? Silrer Cups. Mlver Thirabies, Setts of J Riugs. for enga ware, CI cks, pecteles, Rve Glasses. Silver Cups, silver Thimbles, Setts of Jew elry. Plain !8 Karat Gold Riugs. for engage ment ni w ed imir Kln.cs. Aniethv-st and Stone Cameo Rings, Ladies' and Gentle men s Gold Chains. HAIR WORK Made to Order. -Watch8 and Jewelry repaired. novl3-d&w3m. HlRIIWAKE. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHIMQ IN OUR LINE." 3COA?E IN AND EXAMINE OUR ST DCK Prescription Free FOR the speedy cure of Seminal Weakness ist Manhood, and all disorders brought on by Indlscr ti n or Kxcess. Any Druggist has the ingredients. Address, DR. JAQDES k CC, 130 W.- SixthSt. Cinclnna We respectfully announce to our cus tomers and the public that on the 1st Janu ary next, we shall occupy the large and handsome store in the Holleman tmi'ding, next door to J. G. Brewster, and lately occu- -V TOYPAKS fiL, a f'HIMES. " sm Tool Ciests. r ..T3sfe Jail and see tV -the- imJr REEDMOOR I JJ BERECH V LOADING CTv implements 9m POWDER. ZZ frOT, j) SHELLS, &c. ti I DIT MAR'S P POWPER. S M O Ifc lWll'S;.-SiliUSSsS: IIIIOATV i v i wo a w m- umiiurTiiDrn nyiv bv W.T.BiJtciahTLJa 5j Co. O-iti Jb Jb IN- BROTHERS MANUFACTRERS OF ' G 0 L D S Brands: Roman Aliones. The X L N T., the Brotheri tne Brother's half-dlm The Reuna Little Flirt Banker's Choice Gold Medal, fH i Queen, flo'a? i a Ru F. MANUFACTURER OF FINE OIOA-RS, AND DEALER IN ' . SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCOS, PIPES, AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES IN GENERAL. a I T N" "F. DOOR ABOVE I ' Orders from.abroad solicited and A. TTA lilil N CLTLHf. J. Harrington CAMERON, TV. O. I Mufaanturers of all kinds of rou eh lumber.. Orders solicited and filled promDt v w. I give our business our personal attention an1 guarantee satisfaction oM7ri FOUNDERS. SPil5 HEGE'S PATENT IMPROVED CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MANUFACTURED BT TBE Mil A&SICULTUm WC&ESj SALEM. N. C. 0) A H H c zi w 32 a c c Send for Descriptive Circular. Fig. S ibows tb4 mecbaoical moremeoU in Log Beam. Warranted to Saw Lumber Even and True. Haa tha simplest and most aoourate Setting Se vice in existence. THE NEW IMPROVED dak Ballt entirely ires, ua oarble. 4 to 6 Power. INTERNAL Triple-Gear Gin Horse - AJ I (With Bmnd Wheel ta Centre, directly Ter Pwer,) TOB. COTTOH" OUTS, a. FAEM MILLS, &o. ttxmrwicmm mr mm Salem Agricultural Works C. A. Hege. Prop.. Salem. THE SALEM o m Corn Sheller. Salem Aerie u It' I Works. 0 h' o u Q a A i A7" . Mb HABIjISToX cto OO.. fBranch ol Habliston & Bro . Richm cd.) NO. 4 IRON FRO-NT. SCMOKE STREET, PEl'KRBl.'RO. VIRGINIA. An entire new and varied st ck of Furniture of theiaest designs Charnter Sets. Paro' Sets, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Tables, Safes, Book Cases, Lounges, Bedsteads, Cba'r Racks, Bureaus, Mattress, &c. Havi ig purchased our entire stock for CASH, we re aoi tooffer greater inducements than any house in this section and guarantee to sell as chap aathe goods can be bought in New Vork or Omclunatl. Our house Is the largest In the siuiu and we thererore can give tbe largest assortment to select irom, and offer superior i du '? ments in freig'hts. sep i-o 0. HUNTER. C. H. BECKV ITU- HUNTER & BECK WITH. rj DEALERS IN R O U O HAND DRESSED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; r -Also, Lathes and HavineZbeen thorough knowledge mr a . if a i. yve nave uuiitup a large easiness, ana navt enicatrea in ine luraoer dusidbss r me va eimu -.... . . . , . . , r . . .uv nan .a arA ri!lVP SI A ! of the bsst maaner and style to manufacture lumber oi ev?ry oi,ate. uur cniei aim is to ai ways pie ise our omnuBruu c -- rt .. j to this, we refer to any of oar nu.neroas customers. Orders solicited and P'ompi ly ' 'u-augl-d6m MaNLY HsiAiiun. Go odWork at yvfr Sashe$1 BUILDERS MARBLE ft 110 SLATE. Mouldings Coralce, IatH Sliiugles, &c, II AEDWARE OB EVERY DESCRIPTION- Julius Lewis & Co., SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOUQ . 1 N G T f A c c THAT IT! BEARS THq PPPtltaW BECAUSE RELIaBI rj B O K c v c e Clear itosa fa. ENDUR, THE YARBORO HOUSE, promptly attended to. STON THOMPsov & Thompson, TalbottaSc !Sons Shdckoe Iron Works. KlfJHTIOVD, VIltlilMv 5 Manufacturers of Engines and Boil rs. -aw Mil r,n. Mills,shaftlng,Ha'igersan i Pu!l-yi in,' 1 bine Water Wheels Tob icc K'oinrv Machinery, Wrought Iron Works KrJ. Castings and Iron Mat hinery of evrv description Repairing prom;tcV d cue uiij uuuc inolns and 'lhreliing i: aWHeDd for illustraied Catalomi" Branch of ice. RAJ .EI GIL X i MTUUAACfl V ALLC'OTT. 3Iauu';cturrs' Aietiti THE NEW IMPROVED j Descriptive c on strongl Hone - For Thresher and Cleaner. INTERNAL Triple-Gear Horse-Power, MAKUTACTUaZS BT TUB w 3 - - f Power, Salem Agricultural Works HEGE'S DIAGONAL i6 NX LeTer Feed-Cutter, : ivwicnnu ar tb Salem Agricultural Worki EaailT Recnlaled. n ansa l(hb 3 TS p er l, U M H K " Shingles. our m-nuoi " 'Y, ' .TV i , 1 Lowest Prices 1865. Blinds a" Doo SUPPLIES WOODEN MANTELS I 1 1 A S CtmftM M vlroiif as je is ' flK 5 5 ? r vsf er o w f . '-iaia4. 1una" (o-ca!:eJ) is npon us, no ! -ecl2t-u " ' Druggists, Balelgtr, N. C. nov 1-dfjm piea uy yj. vt eiaei. hardin, grimes & co., dec 29-tf

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