DAT 1. Y NEWS KRMUY, JAM AKY. :4. 1st. tTeatlier Probabilities. Wamiimuto. I). C, Jan. .L y.,r ttw S.iith AtUntic S-t wev. rlr wind 'hi tlnjf lo northerly and rastrily niu U.rtnMr. lrr temperature- and partly cluy wrallier l h local mlui m thr nu, tberu portion. TEC23 CITY. lutlri to r .irrtleiuent.. I'FTTT i. Ji NE-lUren. . T. I.kai H Co. Cv parluership Notice. I.O( ILItKIKN. A trle;rani for Cbailes II. avers a al the cilice, undcln cied . TLe will of Mrs .NancjSturdiva-it was admitted to rolate yeterday. A runaway match yrsterday creat-! some bat of a cuatiou. HusinrM continues to show a:i iiiitroteioent w icb is ,Iea-ant to the merchant. The streets are petting litly hd aaiu, an J c vcial fat teams weie tut y ste rdy. The uew masonic hall iu the liollcman building is ijuite L.udou.e auJ cotvcLitu:. The co. ton market wu quiet and jtc? tf-a ly yesterday, bales fif receiveu during the day. The broken portion of the swer down in llUds e heid, near the Kay ettcville road. Lis not been retailed. --Tbe sidewalk in frout of the post othce ia soon to be fl iVed with tfrauite bim li, hLkL w ill l' a u cidctl improve ment. The excellent music furui.-hed at Tucker Hall by Water's bue klinw baud added nana to the erj.)Uient ol iLe audience. Luer.!: iud for the ensii.n' Jttfoa tor fie tule f rTt.i.--x bv the ftate Tref mirer : I'o. . (.'har.v tji', ed Lvne. .Saprriiie (onrt. C-onrt opened at 10 o'clock on Tester day, Present, Chief Justice Smith and Justice Dillard. Justice Ashe, absent on account of illness. Appeal from the 5th district calle 1 as follows : State vs. Henry A. Davis et. al from Orange. Aruod by tbo Attorney ueueral for th Mate : no couustd con tra. bauiucl rtufhn et. al. vs. C B. Uar- nson et. al. from Franklin; (' appeals.) arii-u oy ueade, l$ustMe c D us bee and L U. Haywood for the plaintiff, and I). G. Kowle, A. M. Lewis, and Davis & Look for defendant. l'endinir the arirunient in the list case the court adjourned until to-day at 1U o clock. Personal. Kev. Hix'er Ciaven, I) I), President of Trinity College, ia in the city. Col. H. II. Short, of Waccatnaw Lake, a Sjuator in the last General Assembly, is in the city. Solicitor F N Strudwick, of Hillsboro, is registered at the Yarboro. Mis Cicero V Htiris, of Wiltniug tou, fditor of the South A Untie, is at the Yarborougb. Kev J W Wellons, of Frank linton, is registered at the Yarboro. Prof, Harrell. of Henderson, a suo ceaslul merctaut aud new: p.ipr mau.is in the city. Hon. V. K. Shobcr has been in the city several days attending a nieetinif of the Board of 1). rectors of the Weft ern North droliua ltailr ad. He has outirely recovered from his iee.nt ill- UCM. Hon. Joseph J. Davis arrived from Wanbiuton jterday, t look after some CAM- in the Supreme court. Col. . r . Heasly, the irrepressible North Caioliuian of Hi!timoe, is here. Unltrl we Ntttiid. " Attendants on weddintr parties re Tlio Her en Spring Iron and Al um Mass Tor Sick and Nerrons wv A,a,v nf sir.VER. no-1 iieaaaclies. HEM I AN, CHINA, JAPANESE, Ac, e wi" k a?y person a present of Jtc at LAW'S never was so fine, nor a nice $10.00 Bible, who suffer with prices so low as now. The. method of H,ck r nervous headache, if they will buying all the Wed ling Presents at U8e the ' Seven. Springs Mass" accord one place, where the variety is so in8 our directions, and then consci- I entiously say that it will not relieve it. ' This is a bona fide offer, and we mean agoiis, carix auu iiukkcs Manufactured and repaired at our shops on Hargett street, immediately beyond the rid city ceuietary. Our facilities are unsurpassed by any es- (UnnEKClAL BPOBT8. UALIGH H4BKETS. OOTTOlf MARKET : Reported by TARKEB & A VERA, Co ton Brokers Balkioh. N V., January 23. 1.79. Middling, 8 Strict Low MlddUag, 84 Low Middllne. 8! Strict (iooa urainary FOB BENT OB, FOB SALE. Fentress' Store for Rent. Located on the business side of Fayeite ville Street, No. 15. Possession given January 28th, 1879. Apply to Jan 4-dlm. T R. FENTRESS. what we Mrs. We will not require any I Good Ordinary, g . unreasonable oondit. nna. " I "ia6 .S?.W"U!- tabiisnmeut in Lewis A: Co., IUleigh, N. C- Address, Landrum & Litchfikd, Abingdon, Va. P. S. Headache is the least com- the State. Julius plaint for which this remedy, the "Iron Low Middling Stains, Good Ordinary Stains, - Market firm, 7547 none. H aid ware Merchants, Sweet to the Sweet. Those who love things sweot to the palate, or wish to give their friends something choice, should call at and Alum Mass" is efficient. For sale by Wm. Simpson, Pescud, Lee & Co., and F. H. Heartt. Raleigh, N. C. Male and Hoard Stable. Having this day sold our Livery dnd lloyster's confec'iouery aud invest iu a Omnibus line to O'Kelley & Baker, we box of bis delicious chocolve caramels. which aie made in his factory, fresh and pure, every day. K'.iwin Phosphate C. Ltmau l:solv The c.pi".ol 4Uire is to be made prrttier th.tu ever this sprinj:. and i:h the iiely gravt Led vruiks i:d jfung hade tirts will present a credi table appearance No tr pn are le:i taken to c n- Lect the c-u: t Im isi' ai.J jail lib tin irovernni'Bt ?eer, H uU it f.a leen allowed witho.it c-'.-t to the cuiuty. The t Illcials a) tLat the mj'.ia id.ouid b' attended t-. The !. r . f fiiu H'Ol with prciii'ar . .wiie to t!i for ard p'jin oi ir,e rka'.in; u: and it is gi'.n to l-o tLf i puir .nourmcit of the ttuje. i;u a uikI LaL aud popular I r the ml .;1 prove a gratid .-jo i tn to it mauaers. The divorce bill was argued at K'reat '; nth in the H ue yeteiday, and aouie of the best speeches of the e.t.i-n wer made. 3Iears. Coviugtou and LtLer;de, the cuugt-at iiKinbt-rs of the House, did t ' ciwl v; it:tinit i it d.t in the delu'e". Messrs M T Leach & C -., tLe aoive and reliable croceis ard con.m s-iou m 'rchauts, have am acptd the general pgrncy for th- Pte N.acd guauo, uue il" tl e i-ad i. and in st r.'Iiab'.e brands ou the in . krt. 1 h- f.i: ii.rn of this aeciit n w.ii do t l! to all oil Mim L.icl).Ld iu:n- n,: tLe la-riia cl ll.t- ' P.ue The regul.r wf.kly mceti ie of the Junior Debit. i. r.it:y w;K take I Iae ou r-"i rr evening 7jp:ni- promp .y. j .. proceeding of last wees' nue" saiict ii.r.t-i. wara the r rjnizat.on of tuis S- Cjety w-t;: be tak. a tLueveLiug. hery memb. r who can r-oaibly at trt.d. i eatn-Ntv r. ti ... ..r. lVskr Forest olleje. 1 he anniversary of the two liteiary .societies id this iuMtituti u will be held on the 14th of February. The exer cises of the day will begin at - p. m. in the college chajel, whn there will bo a public debate between the choeu oiatoi.s, who are the following gentle men: Mr J. K. .Mj.Miilati, of Lumbertu; Mr. J. N. liulding, of Wake Koreal; Mr. II. F. Aydlett, ol C'aiudeu, C ; aud Mr. II. ii-nt.igu , ot Wake Forest. At 7 o'clwk in th.? evening the an- uivera:y or it ire, cho.-en by the two socitt'.es, will m ak. These are Mr. W. L- Wright, f Troy, .C.. of the Pi.i omatte?ian ; and Mr. W. N. Joues. of H il-ih. of tbo Fuz I:an. 1 he niar.h kU mi this wcision are Me!. J. 1. Alhrinan, ot Cmton; L. T. C arioll. of Clumbus county; J .M Davis, of lieudersouville; aid W T Jones, of Wilmi- gt n. The president is Mr. Co.) T Piichanl, of K chmond, Va; ,Le StotUry Mr. J T J liattle, ol Wak Fortt. The ammersr es at this coilece are always occusiis of opecial erj ) uictit to visitois, ot whom Kaleigh aiways sendt her hhare. The institution is more tl .'unfiling now than for some ya:s, and even a more enjoyable, anniveisury thtu uual m predict e I . Unheard of HargaliiN! AT T1IK INDEFATIGABLE ENDEAVORS TO l'LHLVSE THE TCllLIC. SO HEKEOOES. Ye muses nine, inspire my pen, To sing of rayetteville streeet.No 10, who trios his best to please his friends A.nd in his labors never ends, Bargains he'll give you when you call For .No. 10 is all and all. Of other houses youhear thern talk; InFayetteviUe streot just take a walk, And only ask for No. 10, h.ept by the most ingenious of men, Aud when his friends by chance drop in lhen foitn becomes, Lord what a fcriD, And to their wouderug eyes displays Such heaps of brackets aud window shades. His pictures are exp.ed to public view And a variety of cord t j suspend them too, His looking glasses and toilet caes N ill help a-lornyour (onus and faces; Picture frames a id in mldiugs too Iu great-variety, black, brovvn aud blue. His wi. id. iw cornices au I i iinbreuins line, r ) us :ui 1 parlor will give our personal attention to the sale of horses and mules, and will keep a first class boarding stable. Our sta bles will be open day and night, and especial attention eriveo to transcient aud monthly bosrdersf Thankful for the patronage so liber ally bestowed heretofore, we trust by strict attention, to merit a continu ance of the same in our sale and board ing stables. Geo. W. Wyknb & Co. 3 Prs. good 1-2 hose for 25 cents. 6 White handkerchiefs for 25 cents. Our uulaundered Linen Bosom shirt for G5 cents, worth $ 100. 12 Spools cotton 200 yards on a spool for 30 cents, at Woollcott's Open Front Store, Wilmington street. vVill -ii i y ir h no. Pt rfor.tt. ! mottoes, au 1 wiiite holly b.ts'rvets. And ewry other sort of stufl, Ot whic'i li j hop is t ) a vj e i i ; i. So now be bids your nil li lie i And wishes a hap;y new year : n. V:.d not forget C. C. Clans 'ii, No. l'J Fayetteville St. To the l'uhlie. (i. N . King, in rear of f . H. Brings v; ti', 11. ml ware Siore is prepared to repair in lirst class style Breech Load ing and M.i2zle Loading sviot guns and Fne Anns of all descriptions. Door L ck, Truuk L cks aud all kind of Lock work, Cinbrel'as. Fluting Ma chines and anything in too line of small Hardware, either liians or Iron. Sign add Bell Hanging a speciality. Orders from a distance will receive prompt at-tent:-n. Al! n-ork warranted. I. S. Nauderw, Beaufort, N. C, dealer in salt and fresh tish of every description, by pack ago or barrel. All orders accompanied witn cash or good reference, will re ceive prompt attention, and be filled at the lowest market prices. oct 4-tf. On the European I'lati. Ohe of the best plajes in the city is the H'ggs House, on Hargett and Salisbury streets, which is open at all hours. There are to be found choice sjame, oysters and all the delicacies of the seasou. The house has attained note for the excellence of its cuisine and its many m rit- have made it very popular bote. 1 tie Tucker Huase This hostlery has not loug been opened, but has already made itself a favorite here and with the traveling public. Tbo fare is good, the rocm favorable, while the location is very convenient. These many advantages are appreciated. CITY MARKKT WHOLBS AXB CASH PRICKS Corrected by CHRISTOPHERS & BOIiKELL Official Reporters for Grocers A Cotton JLi cnanee, ralbtoh, N. C January 23, 1879. APPLES, Northern, per bush. 1.5al.50. uoxioft llKa, new, 4i " spliced sU BAGGING 11 h 13 FLOUR, North Carolina, 1 5.00 05.25 Patapsco Family 7.50 CORN 50 55 FOdDER 80 1.00 Corn mkal 55&60 BACON, N. C. Hog, round. . . 8 Ha jus 21 B ULK MEAT, Clear Rib Sid'es, '. . " ' shoulders, 4 NORTH CAROLINA, fork 44 5 BKEK u LARD, North Carolina 9 " Western s COFFEE, prime, Rio, 17 good, 15 SYRUP, 8. H., 27 MOLASSES. Cuba, 35 SALT, Liverpool fine............ $l.8u Q SUGAR, white, yi&9 " yellow, ; 7i48 LEATHER, Red Sole, SStZxiii " OakUuned : 35 TALLOW 7 POTATOES, sweet, per bush .. . 25 Irish '. 65 OATS, sh 3 iled 4550 E(JS, - .. I5al7 BDTTKtt 15a20 CHICKENS x5 bags laiji PEAS per bush, white 90c ; stock 50c Above price are for large lots, when small er quantities are wanted ulgher prices will be charged. We offer for rent, for twelve months from the 1st January next, the store now occupieu by us. belonging to Mills H. Brown. The store is well known as one of the best business stands iu the City, and wTl be rented at a reasonable piioeto a goou and responsible tenant. IIAItlI, A CO. dec 29-tf Interesting to Housekeepers. SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of Furniture. GRAND AUCTION SALE. Parties wis'iin to buy corn, meal, oits, hay, or anything, you may say, .11 the way of country " produce had b.-ttMr call on Stionach & AJlcott be fore bu)ing elsewhere. They have received this day, 5iK) bales hay, 5(H) bushels coin, Ho ) bushels oats and loO sacks 1ne.1l. TIAICIitr.S BY TJKLKKAPH. NOON. Paais, Jan. 23. Rentes l.l3f. and 65c. London, Jan 23. Corsols for money 96 ; Erie 24. Ltvekpool, January 22 vjunuii uiui ana easier; nuaalii) o?i; miaaung Orleans 5 9 16; Siles 8 anon an i exports 1,(W : receipts 2 100 American l,95o. utures 1-32 cheaier:uplanis low middling clause, January delivery 5 5 16;Januaiy Hnd February do.; February and March do. ;March aud April 511-32; April atidMay5 13 32;Mav aod June 5 7-i6; June and Jaly 5 1-2; July and August 5 17-32 r IT! I'luuui upianas 5o-l6: mlddllnf Orleans 5 9-16; low middling upUnds t good ordinary uplands c; ordinary upianus 44; uplands low middline clause, new crop snipped December sul 5, December aud January sail 5; shipped February and March 5 13-32. 0 , Nw Yokk. January 23. fctocks strong. Money 2i3. Exchituge quiet 4.85. Mate bonds dull. Governments weak. Freights quiet. Cotton quiet; sales 8; mid lling uplands 9 .-ltf; orie.tus,y -lti; Futures easier ; January 0.10 Kebruary y 3rf: March 9.5a; Am il a 7tj May9y2;Juneuo.00,July00O(t; August 000. i-iour a 'in. Wheat qultt. Pork lar t fir-n 8 Spi.its turpentine Kwbin 1 3. Frt-ights quiet. The undersigned will sell his entire Stoci. of New Furniture, consisting of Fine, Med ium and Common Walnut and Poplar Cham ber Sets, Ward obes to Match, Marble and Wood Top bureaus and Washstands, Marble and Wood Top Tables, Walnut. Poplar and Maple Bedsteads, Walnut, Oak and Maple Cane Seat Rocking Chaiis and Chairs, Wood Seat Rocking Chairs and Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Walnut, Ac, 4c. The Sale will commence on the 26th day o. December, and be continued until all s sold. Up to that day every article will be sold at cost. If parties buying do not wish to re. move their artiils immediately, tliey cat. be left until ii eD. is. , xUUTJVTjj,, KING OF SHIRTS ' WITH PATENT SLEEVE ADJUSTER The best and Cheapest u u.e v (,rll, ACKNOWLELGED FACTS. THAT they are made from the u. Wamsu ta XX Muslin "cut fnii ? ,ra',1' extra lone." HnsM cu.ValH.. a,, made of the BEST LINEN. Thev J' iU,d onlv by capable and experlen, I f .?,re."u ()" carefully inspecteaiid are una ' V v u-' anyotherin workmanship l'l'v''1! .y Toeery shirt is attached th PATENT SLEEVE Ulm Which Ii the simplest and best 1,, ever known for regulating the il,J . Shirt Sleeve: it has only tG b N? t' Vf predated. No farther use for Elastic," Every Shirt Complete I .egnaranteethem to give neiffw . factloa in make, he and quallu 0r , Ms refunded. or in,,,lry "Try them and be convinced. t o1dyUbfyCtUre1 6XPre88ly fr aud 'r J RALEKili, N. , decl2 A. W. FliAPS. '"siec? Trustees Sale of Valuable Land lvear narrenton uepot, a. u. lY VIRTUE OF A DEED OF trust to me as trustee, and for purposes thereiu mentioned, I will sell at puuhc auc tion, at VVarrtutou Depot, or Wanen Plains, at 10 o'clock, on the 21st day of Jauuary,187a, the following valuable real estate, viz.. : All thai traet or parcel of laud, situated iu tne county of Warreii, Nortu Carolina, near the Warren ton De)ot, adloining the lauds 01 Mrs. Mary Walker, the estate of Wiliiaai F. iambkius, ueceased, and others, containing ni ty and one-fourth acres, moreor less, slu lanu ueiug tnat wlicu was so;d to JohuO urake by A. e. Martin. TK.iMS csn, balance on a credit of 3 aiui 0 montiia, Dearmg interest ol S per ecu notes to be s.cureu by deed of trut. W, T. TALlAFEttRO, janll-td Trustee. "pIRE CISTERNS ! Sealed proposals will berHy- i ... . twelve o'clock m.. January 12 1 ix- i ' ' building of five cstern ?.f ,,,r.' caoacltv fmh tn . . kaiIui: mfttee i'n charJ " ai "y " Each bid must be accompanied i,v and snecitionn '' Mai 'in Bidders will be allowed to ,,, ...r , . tSS wS?lttee ,n ,,eVson at th" Bids are also solicited on ' plans ail 1 , fica.t n'w in tne clerk's otHce '" " Bids will bi sealed and address-d t, n TKRsC mark6d PapOAL8 -OI , By order of the Board of Aldermen an 8 eodtd ' C W" LA1, STOP AT FENTRESS Ilo JhV ' 'k dull 2SJ. Tlie T IioMtre C unin Itoxy. )i Ms Genevieve Holers anl b.r T' i-rtveoiiuir of :ae I en university l further htfps to Lat r. Criminal utr. A nrj;ro mau. fir fnit a itolin tLe Mtroets, was Jlorw th Major e ter.lay. and w rl ni $I.it anJ sent to Jail to te Le d'uuui the next term ui tur crin-uui court, in default of i-l 1. JIrk .Vitaberly, white, was be I on- I ntteil Mr Ct ninuiouer yesterday, lor rcsi.nr: an. ttcer in the discbartte ofb:duty, ai.d wasbrld in f v! V fur II ial. TL IIarii. KtwLere aprear a very attrtcthtly totleu uj aJcrtit iueut, reri'huiiug te Ilavrn brand of alaccas that have to-l the test f r yeais and rank 10 bih amooif the experienced aj. pr tlatthey have quite a run iu this m.ir- ei. .neSr. lefy Joue?. a firm wb.e reputation lor energy ami tu trrprue is fA-t sprea-imjf, hvo the excuisue aale ot these goods f. r which there ia Ur;e denuud iulti.s stttiuu. tioupe kept up will ibcir 1 eputa ions iu tt.i p iy ol" "i .'ii'i 1 K jxy," at Tuck er iiii it tvtiuux'. 1 Le piay is a (.'lcaant sketch of Sithi'rn life and i: was rendi retl with sj.in'.. The comic p-irtii ns of the play were the peeial delight of the audu-uce. M-ss Uopers. a li 'XV. ws foiicito.is aiid as usuai voiy p:i!tld and real in her ac'-ing. Mr. Aiki n -hows Lis taU ut in the chai icter of r.ui Iteiiiiick, while Aichie II jd t r etid with .rt at favi r. .M:.-i Al.ij.i- Mot t in:er and Mi KlontHc N -ti'e each d d full justice to thtirioU-A, wiiilo Mt. 11 iiry Cl f.ou' per It 1 ;ua. ice w.is mcritor.ous. The audience wtr- p'.t used v nil so excellent x I e; f ..rmauce, aud ai! who have sen them greet a sc iid i.-it if tLe tioupe w iia pi asure. I'.eUrt - Oi.tn ire a.-ured of alas w it:ie.-.-in a ctpital pe. f-t: maoce by 1 la 1 company. Hi" V. Huuie. I; i . a j lecture to speak of this fav oiite Insurance (.'onipiny. It i iu the hamla of reliable and su.ctfsiul Lusi- in-s! men and managed with touspicu 'us ability. The ja.it jear h.is been a jToii .uLlc aud qatt sati.- fn io. y one. Its jru ra'.i of lushes 1 a.s ! 11 diminished seven liuurs during tLe ; .vst yeir and rtueti the lushest cmlii on tbe care fui manaetnetu of the Secretary. Mr. . rv 1 of a uf s mn A lon; and ucc-fisru! cic er is pre. dieted for thin c ropar.y anJ it has th beat w ishes a:td hearty tf'ljj.oit of th N 1 V V liul oil . t-eil. Mi.-s s l'ritoh.iid vtBrooks have just icceiMil at tlie r 'b.oie on llillhboio a: d tvi'tsbury tlc,;. au ahiindaut supply of fiesli t K and chickens. 1 just from tht'ir branch .-t.ue at New Ui!l. r, gives capital epportunitv to 1 ty iu a Mipply . 1' the tilings, wbicb .'liouU not b in.sied. Al-o the til in Lave jut received a !itge i 1a11t.lv ol host oak wood. They wiil d. -liver it iu any pa; t (,f the cry. .it l .t .t'iu jm ices. lt e,iV;mru more serious Weru &t ls h as IVumunu. Hemor- saSJS: Marct. 7a7. southern V01. quiet a r uug troubbs wheuauim- WUu 8U,a!l offerings. Western qmet and i iT.' iiVh ,7jl L-vuun iH mu waii yeiiow 4. Iria' Hoarding. H .viiif; re 1 ted the l.tre and well ar tai'si 'l tl wi lling h u-e ou Morgan trtvt near I 'A u.it stiee known as tne Cajtoa llousi, I havo furnished the same a'id am j repar d to accommouste the j. u !ic with good room-;, good faie m l Co ti 1 . n table accommodations, riitc lo-. Tiausietit l a' d l.H) jer d iy. Applj ear y, Mrs. I'. Waller. It Iight lliave lteeu. AN bi n taking a retrospection -of our J)tStllVi-s, bow ol'eil loe- nscibt:Ce whi-ijH-r to b.-oketi plrit.s and wouuded nca; ts the sad, sad w ids. ' It might have hf -ti '' ' ThriH ir. mv tiA mti. tLe soil r.-r v. h. en. hi; s the agonies of hi 111. i 1 h .iid-. .r jiU-.s, and heeds not the ounse; t try 1 11 ham's Infalli;ihln U iij Will You Allow a cold to advance iu your sys tern a u luu maladies, sue rha-es and Luu mediate relief can ba so readily attain ed. Boscbee's German Syrup has gait ed tbe largest sale iu the world for the cure ol Coughs, Co.ds aud these- vere.-t Lung Diseases. It is Dr. Bos cheu's, faui..us G-rmua piesciiptiou, and is p.epared with the greatest care aud no fear need be entcrtaiued ia ad mini teriug it to the youngest child, as per directions. The sa e of this medi ciue is unprecedented. Siuce first itii trolucd there bes been a constaut in creasing demaud aud without a single report of a failure to do its work in auv cae. Ask jour Druggist as to tbe truth ol these remarks! Large size 73 ctu s. Try it aud be convinced. Baltimore, January 23. Flwur fairly active and firmer. Howard street and Western supr 2,7oa25 ; extra 3 50a4 10: family super a 75i3 2"i; extra 3 50a 4.01. K10 brands 5 25A5.50- paiapsco famil, 5 25, Sjutii-iru wheat qui t and steady; for small Stock; wvste n quiet and a snade firmer. Souti.eiu red ltdti aT- mii a No 1 iVnnsjlvpma rtd 6lA: So. 2 i. iter red' II ill i rl t ables for Sale, Tbe two billiard tables now in use at the Yaib ro House bar will be sold at a bargain. Enquire of M. Bills, City Bottling Works. b J uro, whuli I- wan anted t jxiMed, 1 murine, a eutleman possessed ly an 1 j.er.-n aneoMy cure this distress U the jua:i'ies tf a titt class bust- ii.g ditieax". Marmfactnred by the. DarlnmlVe Cure Co., Durham, N. C IIuuibairN. There are jeople vho a-ivortise who :v humbugs, but this is au exception Messrs. A. C. Sanders & Co., went to sell 1 ti-.e top bug,:y, 1 two-horse dray, I two-h.rsa wagon, 1 four year-old man , fast in harness and au elegant saddle critter. Sheriff Settled. A ccoplc r.f ht rills Mt'Vl the taxes of their ri-tA.ie c ut tie with tbe "ate Treasurer yt st-n!.iy. jaing in the following nume D. I il.gh, I'uLiic taxts pecal Ir. J. A. Sextou. 9 TLrs saccossf il and p j ilar p;ac titioti r comes to Ktlcib to make it hi future borne. IU bears 11 high reputati jii aruaug bis fa rmer clientele in the Caj.) rear section where he has built uj a large ai d successful practice. Ms prolessional her vices are teudered the people of Iiilngb as a pbmcian ar.d surgeoi. . ffi; iiutticy Building. ouvoiiiii C heap and C!ooI. Tuo Oid City ot Cookes Hotel ;s now uuder tLe charge of Mr. S. 1'. Ih.rtou. who has made i.rraugt inetits to furnish the public with car.abln u" d loa:d mil tl e ..-. a t Mioii at a' lowiat-. Uwii;p.. y.,u to call and ko Liin. CoiiMigiiiuentN orcotton, Oiir facilities lor handling consign meu s of ooiton are such as t j enable us to tru wan ee the hi.rhesr. marlrof price iu eviry instance. Farmers will lit d it to their advantage to ship to us. Com espocde nee s ! ici ' ed. M. T. Nokkis ccCo., liileigh, N. C. NIGHT. Nbw York, Jan. 23. t-tock easy. Money 2fi3. Exchange, lon 48;sbort, 4 87; Stale bonds weak. Governments Jo ver Cotton Net receipts 2,7:5; gross 4,533 Fu tures closed steady but firm; sale. 07,000 ; January h.15,9.41?: February 9 48; March u &r April y..-3a'j. 84; Mav V.9-S 9.y9 : June 10 10ali.ll;'. July lu.2CHs 10 22; August 1 i.LiO. til Cotton I'ull; sales 3,441 bales; middling uplands 9 7 .6: rleaus 9 9 16; consolidated net receit. Is 2ii.rS3: exnori. 111 iin.nl Uriiin 8,316 ' QAiVBSTON, Jan. 23. Cotton steady: mlddIing9.Iow middlineSU good ordinary 8; sales i.g; consolhtatcu net receipts uotO gross 3,486, stock 90.632 Norfolk, January 23. C-nton quiet,; middling 9 : net receipts 1,651; gross ouo ; stock 2,iJ; talis 660. Baltimore, January 23. Cotumfi.m; middling 9 ; low mlddHnir v: Kuod ordinary H., dated net recij.ts 625; gross i2i;stocn 12,(07" Bo-iton, January 23. qi"01,1 q.Et; 9: low middling SAhsjtoJ; consolidated net recelut ooo Kioss blauk; stooa 2,575. ' Wilmington. Jannarv 53. 1 iW'? Lurnt'De nrm26 ; rosin firm . i'J --v j ucui cruue turpentine Arm L25 for hard, and 1.85 for yellow din and grgln. -TarArmatLSi Co?n Ann ; mixed SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8th Vy lb79, at the Court House door in iialeign we ili sfli at auction a tr act of land Con 'ainiu tl acres, more or ies, adjoining the lauds of uufus tl. JLay, VV. G. iiiddick and others in w ake cuunty, about seven miles northeast or KaleiKh- ALU : At same time and place, a lot or parcel ot landiu the village of Ooerlin. ad joining the lauds of Henry Mordecal, da- c--aseu, auu n outing on me oia Hills Uoro lioaa. containing about lA acre. ou MUJNDAx. February 10th. n.e uouri nouse aoor in omitnntld. Sanaers' interest in the tract of land hnston couutv. covered bv the dnwsr ot jm. ai. sauu rs wiaow oi tne late L,uclan a. banders. LaKij. sold on the terms of ten percent, purchase inoiie cash. Kesidue ou a credit 01 nine m julus trom day 01 sale, aond witn security required lor deferred payment, lntei est 6 per cent lrom sale. Above property sold by virtue of Deed of trust executed by A. C. Sanders and wife to tbe und' islan d recorded tn the .Register's ouice or nase county. W. F JIORDKCAT. JOHN JJliVJiRKUX. Jr.. Jau8-td lrustee9. IVotioe ! BY VIRTUE of a power of sale con tained iu a mortgage deed executed ou the 9th day 01 February. 1878 bv B. F. Jor dan and .Sarah ii. Joraan, to Maddrj Bridges jit Co., as appears of record on page 79, book 52, Public Hegister's office for Northampton couniy, we will, at the court house door, in the town of Jackson in said county n Monday, the loth day of Febru ary, A. D., 183, sell at public auction to the highest oiduer, for cash, the tract 01 land ou wnich Allen fcpkes livea last year, con taining one huuored aces more 01 l-ss. JOSEPH X. MAbUKY AisD J, G. L. CliOCKJiK, Surviving partuert 01 Madtiry s Company. iaui-td ECONOMY IS WEALTH. County Superintendents of Public ; tion, Boardsoi ucatlon, a.ul l-1Ul cipals of Private Schools, eic.. is called tothe following Valuable Edtication ; 1 yorks - Sanford's Serie.3 Analytical Arithmetics AND Worcester's Dictionaries San'ord's Ser'es comprises four books a-, is based upon the analytic system- Sanford's First Lessons in Aiia'ytiai Arithmetic, 16 mo., 27 cents l,ul Sanford's Intermediate Analytical ri- motlcl16mo-232PP- Half hound, 45 Sanford's Common School Aua.ytlcu Arithmetic, 355 pp. Half roan, hO cent. ,Pf?'? 8 Biehe Analytical Arithm.ti hm-'i1pP-, ab roan. Cloth Mdes. ?i - The definitions are dear, and the uiu. m, exhaustive. The work is practical, avi abounds in slate exercises. The expert.-!,', of a large number of the best teachers in ibn coun'ry.ls tnat, with Sanford Ju iml , pils discover an unwonted entlntsia -111 u studying the science of numbers. The Complete Series or Wui. center's licf ionari s. Quarto Dictionary. Illustrated and 1 ,u brldged. Library sheep, 310. Octavo (Universal and critical,) Di. t i. . ry. Library sheep, $i 25. Academic Lictionary. Crown 8v . Hi roan, 1.8-. Comprehensive nipti 12 mo Half roan. 1.7.". Sctioo! (ilement.a.rv i i un, ., ... i Half roani tl. " ' uruimary1ic,ionary- Illustrated Mid Hali roan, t-0 cenis. i'o ket Diet 63 cents; rotu. il xible. nt i ... gntedes. 51. r Cincinnxti, January 23 Fork lower at 9.00. Lard in Rood demand na -higher; steam 6 d5 Balk meau rft snrnH; shoulders 3 603.60; short hiii,-; !kSa iiacon 8cce so firm and higher ; shoulders 4- .uq.- . sides 5!. ' tlor Cse French's India Kubber Cement for mending Furniture, Toys, Glassware, China. &c. livery ta rally should have a vial in the house. Manufactured bv WM. E FRENCH, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, , . Pe-ersbursr Va For sale by Wm. Simpson, F. li. H art uRgisia, naieign, xm . U . uoy i-Obm 9 JJANCY 'f'ABDS, SNOWFLAKK DA ZJU MASK, Assorted in 25 styles, with lOme, curs., Massau Card Co., Nassau, N.Y decl2t-ig Ou Hand. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VALLEY WHISKEY- reliable in the ICeiiioTal. J. A. Il.aai.-i las j;it i em'ivr.l from 1 Fayetteville 6tnet to 11 Fv- eltt-vilic ttrett. Loaders r Id stand, ith The Scn.ite and Ilou-e have agreed mi re-o!ved t buv orlmvo their meas ures 1 r tlurts at L wy' tampion im Itove.l yoke shirt fact iy -.pposita the st ollij -, as they are ttu: bust tittinir. tx st ina-le ami a home entet ptie. hrh Mmuld ho encu nac 1, y u ai1 also linJ tho bt-st as.-ortmrnt ."i 'nt U-ineu'e line fiirni.lm u.hh iu the cay. Hi member L-vy siudioi to i1-;irc." Patipsco Family Flour, Xorth Carolina Family Flour, Orange Grove Extra Flour, Baltimore Family Flour, Bolted Virginia Corn Meal, Marshall's Liverpool Salt, Clear Kib Bulk Meat, Kgertou's Scotch Snuff, For sale at w holesale by W. II . Dodu. 2,Uo0.4C J a lu.l stock of confections and toy' Total A. H. I.W;r Public taxt s special Ti tal Kiti.. f..-,!; l-i.03U.01 2,015.17 1,698 40 - s Il is averted that Misses Kelloe, Ab bott, dates, au i our other famous n;tt e.-es manage to kt et thrir vnir. a cUar bv t he iif.e of 1).. Lull's Con h tverjbotly Wan's t- l:tr w whrre IJr w.-'crk i is b-v In,. ..1. iu.,r 1 t:i it he Sjils '. ds Chi, l-'Hlse Humour, Weikel takes pleasure in in - QOPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. I have this day associated with me in bus itiess my brother Mr. o. EPOAR LEACH. n.,L UIUesS 111 futre will be conducted under the name and style of M. T. LEACH & All parties indebted account past due. must come forward and make immediate pavment, as the stringency oi the times forces me to demand prompt settlement of business done on close mar-llls- M. T. LEACH. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 1, 1879. R. F. J ones & C o., RALEIGH, N . C. AGENTS FOR TOM COOPER'S' li&tirsl Valley 3-sntennlIl OLD RYE IV'any stecial aids t.i- mt ..t ... . - - v ..u m i, u. i(j Ml' toa run D.-oii.iiinpitu um.i ..! . Urv make th above-named bioks, n: opinion ol our nwxjt vtiji. . i ' , tors, the m.st complete ss well a y far u,e cheapest Dictluarifsof ourlaugi ae um ,,?Ster StScho1 iictionaries lu l,;is, ,! upon 111 i uuarto. Whinh ia nrofo... ,aa5ch,e Ffrie.s is a-imlraoiy adapted u. us in Schools, Academies, &c. TIT Siri hl?.t0af01Ld aDd Worcester b.-exa.... med by County Boards and princii ils ,.f private schools. Correspondent s'ii, ,r, ,i V'B' attention of Teachers to Ch-lfi Xf-LJ? Ma.clionjtics. Cutter's hiiysiyio). inia0H,oufSh001 Publications, (u S I f d.fescrll'tlve catalogue furuM,, ,! on applic lion. AJ r s., ' Ji. UPPiMOTT 4 CO., o7:5at;d 717 Market street, fhilideli In ... MARTIN V. CALVIN, General Southern Aeei.t, dec 17deodw4m. AUOtSTA, 3, 7 13. 75 y up. l rioe, cents a b til 1'arUocr tl. Ilis Kict-Keucjr Cov. Uy iasaed w couictd ll."llu. 01..I 1. , i t t, . k. . .1. 1 UV..t- . UHW V1IU O' d U OtJieClCU "took in the Hardware and stove line 'n the State. Ho is agent for Dufont powder, and has the only brick maga zine in the city. A'l orders filled rear jweh. iomcr lot loo it M.ure. i.,. i " A new I'or Male. four room house. fiont and formkiK the comniuuity. that he has not made an assignment but has turned over all accounts duo him to K. O Lew is Attorney for Collection. "Take due Notice fit m f ami- govern j our selves accoi tiiulv. u v ! (Is s 'Id at bct'.om prices fo:- cash only. C. Weikkl. v-. ace yclf.l tt..i M, , tr. , ' ;. . ' a nardon to LmU th -u k Kv .ues ,Meat vanctv. irtin material of all kino- only Hebrew in tie IVnitent.arv. He I t ' i i . . . -i11? furnirhetl. Also Me takes tdcasuie in siipidvinir the M. T. U.ACH & CO., c;i:)i:ks am (outiissioa MEICt'IlAXTS, itentiary. manlauuter T,:-'"?;!.""1 -ants of hs customeis. SupenorCoutt. and wa. sentenced if. luitbt r art cuiars call at 10 jears irrprinmet t. The p-t tum kwsPkkjck. for parHon wa nntd by Jude McKov - TT Solicitor I'emUr ion, aud a Ur.ce nunl- A rrUIiig 1 o-cl-j br of citizens of t'ni.-n co unty, and of n umiiiKicn. me c-e tue 0 mansIauLter. not aggravated. On tbe l-pr in the cjm appo ,r tb followiu -Ddc i cement by iii Licellt-ucy tLe lover nor : "I tke t!ia-u.i in ..,,., tbat I tin tLe paruou iu pait recoxui tu n cf the K.i Dd Uw-bidintf char acter of our Jewish cit:ins, this bein the tir?t ieriou uMcur brought to mi u K oi any or that people. Jlllitary C;o. A company hasjut betu orKai.ied at lI.aufort, and ti. c.ut town, now an ne companies. Special men-io is due two newly forimd e.jOijum, the Durham Li'ht Infantry, Cat. j F. Fieeland, aud the K lsuu H 1. C'upt. IL II. Lewis, commanding. Thj pe.socnel of these two commands ucurpased. aid for dincipline and tirogr.sa iu drill they are marktd. kth take a bih raokarxong the coni xnacds in the Mate, atd are a ciedil to tbir t;i.-r and tueu alike. Th -i uj ply of arms and rquiptui nts is eihau.d. and it will be acme time Lefo.o ihr )uota i due thj State, as tJe next ali.jw&nce u made in June. 4no Hus. Virijinia II ltcd Moal. 4") White drn, luu backs L Jfc M Family Fniur, I'atapsco and Orange Crove Flour, Huik "C K" bides aLd Shoulders, Cti-arn Ubte.e anl a beautiful (Jilt Eu;cIIitUr, all of which will be sold low at Lvtta fc 31 v ATT. (jiootl Clieer lor Couuuipti veis. There ts a form of Consumption which was better Indicated by tbe old fashioned name of "decline. It is the dreaded scourge of some parts f the Si uthern Mates, claiming more victims every year thau are swept away by the most terrible visitations ol the yellow fever. Tne malady arises from tbe inability of the i atieuts onts For .Sale I'liettp. 7'jo llus. Cotton ixod.aud a Pair of No. 1 Draft Horses. Apply to Latta & M VATT. Mitierttl Uslers. Apollinaris, I'ark. Congress, Vichy, Lmptro, Deep Rock, Lit hia, Du.Ia'o, L'.lLia, Clcu Aljine. A laree lot of em if al Vases. Toilet u, Fiue Hair IJrusLes, Combs, Im- poit.d l'erfumeiv atul Holidav Goods suitarl for presrr.tj. at Myiis)N's Drn' Store. . Fun- Imported and Dometio Cigars, Drag Store. lie IlHipy. While life is lasting enjoy pleasure's gift while you may ; smoke the Oak (!itv eii7r jii ri h it iv T. K, . i. at Mnndel'a Cv.ihd '('i. itn" .7 ?ysiem, to take up and assimilate the i.onr . vUf a. u i tuuing ingreaieiitsot the rood that is ceuta apiece. ICeiuoval Y. II. l'epper, (he (frigiual IleMtaurateur, On January 1, 1S79, will move to the Giten Front Saloon, on Harnett street his old place. The establishment is being remodeled, refurnished and re fitted, and will be one of tbe handsomest saloons in the city. Tbe best liquors will be kept in stock, and t je choicest eating can always be had. Oysters served in every style. TOR eaten. Some years ao the medical profession, with remarkable unanimitv. acre-' that. Cod Liver Oil contained the most ebneen trated an easily absorbed elements of nu trition Jf rhe nauseous taste and sinil of tbe oil could te avoided it would unques tionably be the moat sovereien reinedv that ever shed a healing blessing on the human race. And these repulsive properties are successfully removed by tbe union of pure Cod l iver oil with the llypophotpbites of Lime aud 8oda in iScott s Kniu sion The combination is a most elegant one. pi asant as sweet milk in Hav r congenial ton the stomach, and acting directly as a pow-rs of yet gentle tonic of the Lraiu and nerv.n s sy.tem. PINE ISLANO GUANO, (For Centra' N. C.J Liberal arrangements will be nude witi -ciure parties aesirnff to purchase in quantities. For testim nlals, &c, Address, M. T. LEACH ,t CO. ' o k liui 2 3, Raleigh, N. C. Ian 24-tf AND WHEAT WHISKEY,. a large lot A.LWAYS ON UAND FROM TWO TO FOUB YKAR3 OL7. onlversally acknowledgedto be THE FINEST WHISKY MADE IN THE BOUTV PERSONS wtunm,, auu A i. V7 Strictly Fure Spirits VOli MEDICAL AND OTHER URFOSJCh can get any size package From 3 to 50 Gallons, Bv addressing T. N. COOPER, Eagl Ml n. BALTIKORE, WIRE lTngITMn AM ENTA L WORKS. 1)1 I UU & CO., NO. 36, N. HOWARD ST..BALTIMOKK, Mil alf. fallings for Cemetenas, Balconl-i S:TSendgra. Cages, Mandti i Co fu Woven Wire, &c. ft ?',I2.n Bisteads, Chairs, Settees, &c Jan31-d&wl2m Ji1 IsImbH I respectfully call the attention of uiy frieudb, patrons and the uublic Hrem railr ' the ocuth to MY NEWj UNADULTERATED AND liEALTil V LAGER, brewed pnrely of malt and hops, after th v lennrf method and expressly for e ioi t, JAC()B 8EXiEK, 23 Uermaa street, Ba!tlmore. M lai: 31-dly COAL f COAL! 1 Proposals will berecei-d for fiv .lav-, for ten tons of stove OoH of good quaiit). for the use of the state. J ;SEP11 A. EMtFLHARI), iau 2 3: Sec y of Mat' Mot Iedlclnc but Food. The faD and earlv winter season 'It the harv st tirn-of hrk In e coughs an i deblli tiin.' forms of Catarrh, Just as the later pi in is the Mee t t me of malarial fevers lo kno a certain cure of the o e and a I'lticilll.r UI lllfUl'ipr, IS LO naVfl U'ltl.ln our reach the mi st luestlraable ble slnKol thepenod. We de uot know of them, for Fob Upwards or Tjistti'1 i u Mr. W ns low's Sooth lug 8ymp Ua win used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach .AllAnna 1 .. 1 . 1 I 1 . . 1 1 - ' rencw wiuu cone, reguiaies iu ooweis, cures dysentery and diarrhsea, whether arising irom teething or other causes. An old and well tried remedy. i5 rents a bottle, mar 1-dotwlv 111151115 Buptnreor an Artery iu the right arm Tried the most promlneut Sureous in this city wlteout benelit. By accident h ard . ir. u les' Liu ment Iodide Ammonia, it THE UNEQUALLED JAS. 1EFFCI yQUBU -i ,F.ORTABLE AND STATIONARY Cl.)US oron-rfla ... tltl( d 'n fcotfs Emulsion of Pnra C.A Llvtr Oil v.Ub the il. p phosph tea ol Lime acted like maric. Am now wel- "'!.,. . , , Ai. Beeqk, Music Director, hrrt,st-. .T,n.? P'" CU waste atd Organist Church or it. brands Xavler. l?yj? U" iVlhMt a. rM,utl'l use of Sixteenth Street. N. lluh fniimi'Jia1 chan- ' glowing Sold by all Dru2glsts. Send for pamphlet, health apd lujl life and vigor, and tneo lt li Da. GilsS. yrfi tl'tlr,ifil??tole ut Ihw 120 Wst Broadway. N.Y. f.ehgtit ful kind of food Trial bottle 25 cents SAW, TLO'JR AND GEIST MILLS. liitorirriTr raAFUNS, PULLEYS AND HAUSERg POOLE & mrmw ft Black. Alp'acas,.A M " MOHAIRS, , ' vjl J hi Selected Assortment VMlferCsT Black e8Sd Goods PT f ' 4 PETTYipN 1 4' if t li

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