1! i f ill DAI LY NEWS THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13. News Telegrams. CongrrM. Wahicti?c. Feb. 12. Sksate Saxsenl of California from th com mittee on Nkval Affair, reported fa- towMt on theSermte bill to regulate p ticatiocs for tbe rectoratiou to active list o! the bi; -iiM'd. It provides that all j pacatious on retired lut, a v ell a" ! therein, :i!I t tic rn t or der the b ard of t fbcers not below trrade if applicant, to investigate bis cac aud report ll.t ieoo and mi I re' lit. wilb rrvomujendation thereon of iHcretarj f the nay hall b fir warded to (Aki'cs for itaci o there on. . ucu apio:ai:oii uai o ma.it rr. I t . hertvti proTldtd. 1. ai.o r i . r:d fr. in the . i . - -ni- n . : i' iuum it . i. St 1. it.- i . .i i h - iztt ir "i -tal .il:;.n nt I a Nnv.d Ma l... tii I depot a P.-it R yal. S m:h . i ai.d it a mu liu;t?l pot t t:e t A i 3"'t from the c nun lte n dun A fia t s. tt iHtf .-d tack lesolutitiri itru. tiiii: the committee to ei o,uire into tike rectti! PM.-Jtt l l'lu')rnuc Iu- diar., and ub q-irl Iaujjh'T tt tretner un cotiinoiti e.il i-on iruii me ccirtru oi War ai.d Iulrror cu the uhject. lie au1 the com :) : ' 'i t wen- unal fi in tit- pj'i'eis, to tr.akt ar iUttli it rep 'it . In mni.i;i. bu; bUevcd it a n ltd i l nnpo. tarn r. a.id ti u!d b- ii :irt J n '". fhitelore, ou Dtt;i.l 1 lur core mil lev, MiOtuu:u u it-?'u!.u ir a m.-c: cn.initt f to e amue tiito the c r umst an- a t- lt.. :.; U.e 'c Jf. etc. a;it-td t W lt u presented r. iutin.s tr in the i'.a l:m re Lo.ud ot I.a.i, rtu.u trai:ce!ii o iitr I tb-t uiy, a:nt the j roj-. 1 iuciiiuit i t t t. e j-st i ( rj i itn n bi.l t 'ul. h iitei iiaii in.. ta',uai I.li;, i.icitd t - ptiLftdaud i.e t the lab.e. the i i, L-w bciu te''re tt.e t :iat I . ireuif ourl. Rt .im.'.m. Ya.. Feb. 1-V In th. i oiini . in. mt . u:i .-ti.iv. in ll.e cm: of AJ phu (tiling.!, trul toi viola: i -u ol ee.ti:i lw iu fic.l'l fjtci.: a iriuiy l nit.'i Miif .in- La! I r tii the -.i: ic m iu the tillii wahI. :n lrt i ?.burk'. c i.tuiU' d ti in ! v: d i) . Jude llulif.i nilnl li tl.v ti .i: IK put v Mjt-LjU ol iIiUmii Lae no iuLt in uch ro in dj;m tl.-pririe-- ol v . Ui;, ut. K"- h. pn euce u lirrtii' i t j-aeii uctUai i lurbnre. r i! j,irvif r iu ac n. u cd ! p: lc.l;. i or l. fiaud 1 1 at u u p" i. I Lc i .di i o- i. t beiD of a i-t4Ui-:t to u!ain u.hclre li.f I.tru'. Ai:.niiy tn tCtCvJ J r pr 1 1. . :i 1 ...c p i o . -r. i. Ti v i;: Si.e cav : .1 mi- tier uu. L. v t fit c" : n in .1 it "l a t t l-- i'.i.:1.. v." lit- C't UH. ; - v.-."' x w. 1 .". t I ! ii iii .a.'i .i . r . lU'ik,'' ' .t "t 'U ill t..f ralLr citv. ej- n:. i. at . I uu .i :.t-: t i in ..f t tit-Co-; t. ti et)ii. tli luieriMU MulUltl. LoM-'.N. F. b. l.'.-Wrsl. 1,, tLf Aniet;t"atpiiitj:.i i v ht v a; I e I I ; . in I.t j. 1. u Lai Ke, I. . .1 n. at PJ ." tm :e n. in . t ti.. i4 u.t.. . i. a tt'ir t . u a 1 n, ;. -oe. i. uiit i..j.t, i;uie; t .., i ,t k. iv'-" ti;j:..t-c. a.-. ur.iwr "0 Icc t j: -ft o t. hewav in uc tl.ous 1 i. u; hit Ih.i'k count . V : k. . . 1. 1 I r i r ;u i. Ut r h it'.lr It. . I trril' h. ! ab.-ut 1 ! im . - L. in i tune. In ,.. i Lr t.i ;itl "t iv i.k ti tiit ..'. i-rr iL.i- tar ci u. ia t.I'.v. Ketuliliraii Order ol" ltuini . W v-n:v .r. I'. !,. i: T,. cm n it; iut-.i b I. It- , ui.. a; e f st -..Ii i. a:. av . s i. it t. . a . b ! n.tuiliil the ?eiat-.' t I rt rt ". i ; lo t l.e ta ; Dm I . .r 1 1 1 in aic- . t. .i t -J p: J ; t ; ii- a'. ' r..fi" i ii a l t I - - th 'lit It . v u; n'. -it. 1 '1 t: of !!; i a i a. . w .. i .1 o !. i. a . ac: .;. in l I A Krn iit r ICekiic I. r.N.NAH. flb. 12 A iK pitch 12 A de i.; I. Hi b'il.d i. ls ,i . ? ; . n . : . I t w. t- i u.cn i i-it.. v a'i:.in ...-.Tiiie, K ? ; t a . k y lt im i, Ce . e r t v 1 "r c tl iroay. ui str.lt id J. K. ;. luil 1-.c;i al In l.'.'i re- . . t . . t- 1 al r jaU '.al 1 1 i .li uii.j, iu s.ti ;s.d..ii. n o a jau i.;-;. i i i n.c t . t, .j mvi, t r u. v oar. at 1. Up o . ich Wilt !iu t- o. K ..i:?oa. .i is sta'.td i as re aii.t it iu. rt ce. v 1 1 ship. ItIiolr IImuiI t.Iertiou. i. ... .. --.v liHioiiioN, rif. 12. J.-.-'u-na from i s e.da 'a town t-Ieciion. this County, sLok a de tub tl R publican gale. Hie H aldol upellotsl which were i st jtar cotup-sed euur- ly oi Ibmuti, wid lh. ear c oisic. t-f three Dt mo.Tata and two R publicau- luf t.piuriulc If iupeuriiig e i - i (.ilioiii ut.. i e'j i. i i.t I. . . . . ... I- a -t Golos iujl.u- the fo.F'witi telrratn from tLe priuc pil u.em era ol tin- li ur, a". A taiLait : ' .Vcconnng to othciJil and ps.va o ici-oiIa, the ej i otaiu ius fiiiueiy c.is ippranti. i nere hue bta n i tas-)i iu tin ' vt ra-i ent for !-. el . d d IX s. " k Itruiii I Uurk, ( iMi:. nti. t.i. 12 Tne coal timers at A -tin if. Ivitiu kv, wt:. has bt-ea on a (.triWe ur the p st ft w inontLs ae r.sutmtl w..it without any concession L v .1.4 bt-u n;a:e b the owotts. Irtalli or Mrs. LoM- I'.KN( II. N . .1- JaruiS W. Wao-ck. John ln'.t r Wi 1 . k. Mllltt 1 . F.-b. 12 -Mrs ?: t-r-in 1 i w 01 c me'7i m t; New Vo:k. and dauh'.ir of W ru. K. Il ake, . ni iiaj, d. lay. 1 he l)t- ia'- tt r- IMuchback u fiiur ieul. as 11 1 mi Ton, rib. 12 - r.: ebba. k ha acccp'esl Hit- iition ( f llcv e. u Agent oi a I. iitiau.. District. fr'rrW A rri al. j;ar, ceri-e, clear ik ht-!a, IP-ui Pa Of all g.ade-i, KlihiiloLli b-.i td lUi ul Hall. It). 1 alt. 11. oi. ,.-.-, tail, rnv 5-fd Jt'U.toV rt.l of whicil k'l.l.t to .1.-. 1.1 t me ovi uuvii 1 ij- and w 1.1 if s .1 i.c- oia-iic'iy. A so 0111 liae l iig-y bo s, ytaiH itt ni c 1 cat t 'le, drive.-, wed and ent.e. I01 s.t'.o. Api I to, L RAN vat', .Imiutou sirrit, oppu ite 3lai kt t h. use. Tae (iiu id ( tatr i ib' I ..n lir i1 - wa. .N .-w Y .rk, 1 a b g h .use. and A takes a gnat n.jii) 1 e i le to li!l 11. In ordrr totlolhe lit'ir, mi to phase everybody. 1 he lb tt '. 1-. 1. .w kt pi ot. me 00m pi.T.s,iL- .:ii..iaa:i at 2 oO to i'.i t, and Cu- Ka.-p a 1 41 l and upwaidi jer d iy. A i el .1 u Restau rant at nitxit rte 1 1 ic--, s o 1. 1 i 11 jt t- 1 bj the Hotel. fit lfAlle H jilAii'tfim'Oi' chllireit. r.co(i re. wind o.. OP ldlKH i lr. i!hS. ,". up ' a tf'-'i ilHi-il t.r it. : 1 . '. I I " t ir tt b. i(..iui the P.ittels." Caret d)M-.tl) ut tl U iliu, lit-lBt-I ariiD Iroit. i..u 1' er ul v-r cau-t s. n tl I ! wf"'ri-ti rH. j, reou a bolt I. (0l-lvlr The Hxten.ilon. Correpondeae of tbe Newt. Februvy, 101b, 1879. There Mfini to b ercat excitement worked od in rejrard ut an act before tbe present Leialature to amend tbe charter of tbe R. & A. A. L. K. It Now this whole fright ha beo at tbe instance of tbe Carol) r a (' n'ral R R which it ownol br men who swindled tbe Slat, a-veral counties and ilie pri vate aUickhoIdera out of tbeir entire interest in what ai formerly the Wi- raington, Chailo't- Rutherford R. If , aud baa joined IiaDds with anotue. monopoly in ixo!io all tbe fieijhU west of Wilmington at tbe exnses of the citixt-na of touie twenty counties In the name of common sense and fair ness, gie any and all persona charters who will build rj'i-oada wilD tueir own means any business that caunot bear conipetition. is not worth sustaining. any man or set or me 1 tbut ia aira.a ol competition will never make mouev enough 10 burn up a wet mole. Iu my opici ri the most ancient Fogy" to be found, is the m;m who fe.ns competi tion a d endorse to drive people to iitronL'e h.tn. If we hid ab mt thrte inoie luies ruuuii a-ro- "ir raaie, . , their busires woiiitl bt? tenlo.il, pro- vided tht ir i-lurces weio proportnnateiy re 'uced. I Lonttly Ulieve that any roa i in ti.i t.te that would inaugurate Pwr ia., ay two totlirte ceiitn per uii'e ttr i .-neneers and freights pro iTiiomt iv low ami uniiorin inrougn- tint tin ir hue, would i niine i t the.r i -ceipts in tbie eir. I als tin i k. m i.'.oe hIi.i iiiu our n a Is. will t .-te thfr tin- ineres: that w uld 1 1 a i k to iLt ii Lett-lit if thoLem- at-iif st.u'.d p aits n-ulatii; all i .rliiM i cMros in misriaif pariu ui- .ii y tn.e pr. trctin tin- locil .shipper tlrsti: M"l.tt l p. icy prevetr improve -in n at.d know uivsrlf many iin ta-nes wheie piities witn I.irt capital viMted p-!ii t . on the line of our rials who w lud to i D;iii;e in in tnuf.icturiii ami oii.cr eiMiu.s but was dri eu a a) bv hijli loc ' I. ei'its. 1 he v u i us lir.e l r.iVt rs.ng tue N ! t h V otern S:ate; are in re prt.-pt i on th.m out mad., and in many i wm li.ey tiaiijrt 1 h (.oundi of freight in i It s lor loss than i charged for k inilai frtiht 0 nlle her-.? If tit y ha 1 bit m.e line, and that in 'he hnd. of "o'.d fties.freii;hts won! ! U aa Ui;'im th-y aie here, a id their c u it r in a'! pr b ib !;t v w 'u'tl in - ....r . tu. I...,. I t I... Iim.d t wiv- aain c inpit!ti n i the bfe o all bua-tit-s. ;,ni low bar -' aud tc'iony w:.l a'way u. Ihc I tii; inn. 1 an- Hot the !!l.,iture I'lll.'l .iWSl) pi o- tct ni':i r.ty stojn holdei s n c:p;a- tu t w n i l;.- ok R a I . ).UAl S fo K ltili-ii I.i iiiiiii AimmiI uliiieiits. IVb. I ". 1 in f Ia , p in. ' liar'. .Mf. S r -ay ,' t Lapel 11 1!. J n..l.tv. Ki.i.i h. -7. I tiut.-d y. i in. Herd- sn. M il 1. a'.utdi . I; -U' -vaj. . Miiidfiy, Wa-it ton. 7 Fii'iiy, p m Ilili-b'io. Mar. '.. S ui'iay. t'oinpat. S',.ip. . 14. M. 1". r t iday , I. alt I V- S i:. Ii . K 't u. Taes.lav. llolv lanoceii's. I . :io,r rt'im: v. M .r 111 ld,'e M.tr. i fi ( r.nk -M. Fi: i Tu T. .'av. Ib- iut'-.r: l..y, N' I : r . sti . v. ' Mi nr.- I iv. Snow 11.. Fn il': I a. v. Mar! bo o. ay. St. J IV' ( iav. Daiham's Cuvk. 1 " " p in. A n r i a . - Wttlin-sday, tu;h Cieek. S. i-ii iav, .I 'U l'ln;r.-h, ll.-.t i I. ; t u ny. Sa'uf '.kji, P.ath. " ". Sun. la) . I'aiit- . Ti.e-.i iy. M.tk. 'it IF. i C U'' T. ApV t r. 1 1 v. A p i. com. i v. A : '.. it;..! Tu-di e aia' y . 1" ni, Swan iar i tie'.!, II v U t. Wiilii s lav F i . T'.-i s '..v 1 1 n t v !.'.. 1' i t- : l t 1 ". Tu -.-ii i v. oi l . t 'II 'uiii , U -h ii. lrii.stv ( ii ,:i' r C n . i v . 17. ! ii m - I tv, life vi'b .' '. .s n.d , i ai In 'r . "22. 'I in s lay. Gaston. '.4 Thursday. Wdliauisl oro. 2" Fiitlay. Sassafi .'.s Fti k. JT. Si!i'ay, xfoi ti. V'J. Tuosdav. (f'lifu. Mn 1. II ly l oi ces. Mi .- ou. "ihiKsay, Louishuig inui'it i n i.t all utoiii'ii Ci 1 ; ou- b r D ocitan Stro- . h Si Adc tr hav- just recent d t'lrt--.- '.!; ca. . m i ni No. 1 Tnnoth)' l.:.. ai.o '.r.-o :.i car loa l ot han- n, doa i 'a iy" nl.. k aud wbi ooa's. I li y Tit t ;vetUe la'it c(na;mneiita a:d do t if nr rt. con: in ission l-.sne s in the t 'i . Civeiheui a cail if you want i" I u 4 cheap. You can make mouev ly Haling witli tLem. I hey proi-o-' to .-how . u I dw. R.-st tabli butler to 15 cents. I.Ien HoimIh. Stnd tj the. News Job Ollioe for yom I. i-ii 11 ctls and ( battle Mi r ges. Tn.thf foiinsnt tho lowest pi ices M tke a i c' e -f ti is. I he- lentli Itiale of (bu c uatry is g ttmg to be ftarful- ij. ..1 u m in uio a-iriK'e t nlc oniij? 1 i rtle.eiy var, without nnv reas- O table eai.s death r.-stib in . k'eneiallv fr n: the iii'.-t instgMli.ant or w. At I ib svaoii ! the )tar efp'Cinllv, a c l I is s icti a common thine thai 111 the hunv t l fv. iy day loe we are apt S t'lViTl.-ok the daorrs attei i- it aim oiien 11 nt t o t' a, a r 1 vcr oi L-i'g ti .uide lias h ii ady net in. l'uouvinds lose ilier l.xen in this way every winter, wbile La i Loscee s Gei n a i Sviiio breu taken, a cure tulil h ive l' Milted, and a ) from a Difor bv c:i avoided. For all U.-ea e- of the Throat a: d Lull!, Bos- c .ee t n 111 m . run has proven 1:6' If 10 be thf greatest tlicoveiy of its kn.d ii 'nuiu in-. Evt-ry Dm -irist in this .tint v f I '.II you of is w inderlitl oi.c.-t. wtu a.i'inv o t... s sou last y.-ar wttiiout a miiL- failUie known. 1.0. -n tl . .Miurral W HterN. ApoliKtaris, 1 nt:r 1 v. Vichy, Liop.. e, Lithi.v lVep Ro. l!n;t. ii.aia, Oliii Alpi. A latK'- iot d e.u iful Vases. Toilet -t. r.i.e Hair I. rusl.es. Combs, lit' o;ttd l eilmnerv ami Holiday Good suit ie tor i restitts. at Simpson's Di u Store. Fitie inorttd and Domestic Ciar- at Simion's Diu Store. oli.Ks llMMl.ST IuIi;E OF AMMO NIA 1 uroi eur U'l t . F.ice A'-be. iih - u in a- I'lii. Oi.tit. FrytrU Feet, h'.ii Uti s. Sore llitoat. fciri)p-Un, Lrui.-t s hi d Woun l.Hi.f t-vt-iy tiiii..e lu uiau or at.imal. the r; ark bit- cur" this rnn rtv nas etfTte l la-fe il a ft o e .f lie- most lmi 01 tnt a nd ' if.il.ti-.e ie.ne.iifH .-ver lieover.d for the r- it .1 ie i f .,f , e M M i r. .1 un -lea. L I., "uffer .1 na oam Hu.t f. ..e 1 In -. a t. which cie . - h-. 111-11 u 1 5i!jK .ft ;ne suDieci 10. we o -la.urU l i 111-d ate relief Irora Giles' Lani- nseot It.dhit of Atutn oila. ftale and Hoard Ntablr. Having tbi day sold our Livery and Omnibus lino to O'Kelley fc Baker, vre will give our personal attention to tbe gale of horses aud mules, aud will keep atiratclass boarding stablo. Our sta bles will b open dy and niht, aud especial attn'ioi iv"n to ir.itisci'iii' ind mouth'v bosr lr-! Thankful for the patixaae ao liber ally bestowed heretoh:v, wo trust by strict attention, to merit a continu ance of the same in our aale and board ing stables. (Jeo. W. Wysnr Co. ool. Get your wco 1 of J. D Whitaker, at hia vard at the western terminus of llargett street. The pine wood which is cured by hiro in his special way is equal to oak, at considerable lea cost to theconsumtr His oak is the very best. Housekeepers will find it to their advantaie to call ou btroiiach tx All- cott, wben they are in need oi uutter, erps, chickens, Turkeys, geese or acj tt.ing in the way ol country produce. They sell cheap lor cash, and you can alwavs tin l what you want. .Moved, Mr. S. I). Wait General Agent of tbe Connecticut .Mutual Life Insurance Company, has removed bis othoe to tbe Mahler building, where he will be glad to welcome the many uionioers anu fri uds of the Company. This Company ;ivts a person simply Life Insurance, requiring ouly so much ca;i as ia TeoiltMi to c ver mo aciuai em rent i osi tf his p.l;.:y iu eac year. Notwii hstaiidmg the scarcity of money there have been more now pooeies issiu'd lor this agency last year, than the one pi ev.ous. C'oiupre seI Yeat, 1 avoid Dyspepsia, us gixd whole o i.e bread, w hich can or ly be priKluc ii i y a oit which will cause natural lu-i.L-t ion . Tito Yieun Compressed 'east in ide by Gatf, Fieischmanu fc Co., . . . r I a. i : is a n n uiai exiraci oi seiecieu (jriuu, ind in its reMilt when proieily used, is unfai mi.', arid gives a perltct loaf. For s lie al Simpson a Drug store, r, it. Change I'l"lrin unie. Tiie Merchant Tailoiiui; business t h it Iias ueeu cotioucieil uim-r tne n uue i . vikM, nereioiore, win iu the future b cairied on under 'he nani." a id stvli? of C. We kel vV: Co. Ml a.'.-.i'.irts due Mr. Weiktd for woik lone by nun have b-n piac d iu the hands ol Mr. R. G. Lewis, his attorney. and w.U bo coiU fed by him. Weikel vt Co. , h ive on htnd oplendid goods, do ti:sttc!ass work for the smallest :iccs and take o Vj only for woi k done bv them. on ciil nf , lieuft hikI o1. T:io (!d C'ty orCookes Hotel is now under the cliaige ol Mr. S. 1. Ilortou, who has made artaiigt-uients to furnish the ou'iSk; with capitablo tiuarters, . -d bo.rd and t !je b 'st a'teiition at A low rate. It will py y. u to call and ce him i IIhikI. F.tt ipsco Faini'.y Flour, is oi i ii Ca, oi ii. i'ltnily Fiour, O: ane Grove Lv'.ra h iour, Ilaitiuiore Fann y Flour, Molted Virginia Corn Meal, Marshall's Liverpool Salt, Clear Rib Bulk Meat, Fger ton's Sou h Snutl", For sale at w po'.fsalo by W. 15. Do no. A rrly ing ro-d..j ltcd Meal. 4 ' 1 15 Y.rcim 1 li j 4i' While C in. I lr.'i Sacks Lit M Fun ly Flour, 1 ..i.u.co ami or.nuo diave r tour , Hulk '"i K" S;.l. s ami iio i I1U1 s. ( !t.ain Ohicse und a beautilu' Gdt L 11 I liter, ail of which wiil be soiil iuvv at La it A ik Myatt. On die Kurieuii I'lau. Ohe of the best plaoes in the city is ilie lli2i?s House, on Harnett aud -ai:- 'Uiy sti-e.-ts, which is open at all Im irs. There are to bo found choioe .ame, oysteisatnl ail thJ delicacies of thestison. The houso has attained in te for the cxceileiio; of its cuisine and its many in. 1 its have made it very popular here. 1 Seen Spring Iron hikI AI uni 'lais lor ietk aud .ervouK lleaducit'i. We w.ll make a'ty peison a piesent of a nice JjlUiAi liiine, wiio auuer witn sick or nervous headache, if they will use the ''Seven Springs Mass accord in; t our oiiectious, una tuen consci entiously sav that it will not relieve it, This is a bona tide offer, and we mean what wo Mrs We will not require any u. treasonable condii .or s. A idresS, LAMiRIM ifc LlTCHFIFD, Abingdon, Ya. 1 . S. Headache is tue least com I 1 1'ut for whiih this lemedy. the "Iron at d Alum Mass" is ellic'eut. For Rile by Wni. Simpson, Pescud, Lice iv Co., and t . II. Ileal i.t. Raleigh, N.C. A hallenge. rh prop!ie-ois of Dr. 15 ill's C. ugh ni h r wi'It r' a'lene the Doctors o; i.Uc I a.iel Staeo iopiescr.be a reni e.iv which is cheaper, mere elftctive an 1 which can ive greater satisfaction I au theirs. lMrtieulHr Notice. Business men and ot'aeis in need of B ok and Job Printing of any kind bbould remember that the Nkws Job Oi fice is the place to have it doi e neatly, cheaply and at the shortett ncti e. FINE APPLES at Wats uV. HKCIILER'S SAUSAGE at Watson's Are Satins' II u 11 Uh Net 11 r? This i.- a qu. sti n of vital impoitiiiico to the iu liifti lal thrift ol our countiy; aud while our legislatures arepi ndtr- inc the finest ion. we niii'H f..riietlv advise tveiy one 'o take Ua V Ba'sam j IUI VUULU! UUi V.OIUS. ViiIIilUlt O tO cure. Die llent CLampa-zne cider at W a son s for lifty ceuts per gallon. Tons ol Uriprs and their l"e. It is aston sh ng to t-ee tho larce nnantitv ofKiai.es of the Alco quality, fcud large nni r, inai re earn y. ar msced no lor Wine, at the Vin yaid ot A speer, Passaic N. J. Mr Speer purcuas 's large quantities i . riix s.an l hio raises Hie onorto irraDe trom w .ich hf makt s his ceiebraied wine, w,i noet tne admixture ora!eohol t,r spirits. J his wine ts ftet nd by c oeful analvsis to be Hie be t w ine in runk-i for invaliQs and de b litatcd pt rs.in. It Is tailed speer b Fort . r.pe Woie, ai.d issol.l oy L)i uiiits. It is tensi vt iv u-f 1 t.y thi rich families in New -k ai ih. ir evtuipir enteitainments. .--:tli r uiii :4 Warrt it MlKt. N. Y WilHairiH & 11 .yw. od, AKents, iUieih, N.C. lee y oi kl.kh;ii thick ft. f!OT"V VARKrT Reported by I'AKKKR & A v E A Co' to Broker- , , KAT.KrGB x Febr tary U. 1 ' MMdlii.K Strict n iVht.li .. ' 'v Middiinif, Str. ct Hood Orilin.iry Good Ordinary. .Uiadlintc Siaihv low Miaddns Sraint tiood O.-t'lnary Staiua, Mark it steady , 8 ii-1 -a. 8 ;-i 6H -t 8 ". . H4 8 8 none. CIV UiKK I T ftbOUHO.Kt'ASn pwiCFS CKrrfet-teti liv I'lllilloMIKKS ai MU 'I-.LI OQlcial Reporters for Oioeers A Cotton x c 1 1 a v. vie RALKMiH, N.C., February 12. .S7!. Al'FPKS. North, rn, jer i'USti. il.Aal..jO uinioA llii.-s, new, " " spliced, BAGGING KLOUK, Norch Carolina, 1'atapsco Family COKN FO. DKK CUttN . lii VL UAjiN, N. C. Hot?, round hauis KUbK Mii.VT, Clear iiit Mdni, s.'ioildors,.... MOKTH CAROLINA, l ork,... liKEF LAU1, North Carolina V-stern COFFK15, prime, Klo, " iirood, SYRUP, 8. 11., MOLASSKS, Cuba,..... SALT, Liverpool i ne, SUGAK, whire, " fellow Lf-ATHKil. ited tiole, " Oak tanned. TALLOW FOTAfuES, sweet, per tusL'.. Irish OATS, sti3iled K(rS BLTJKlt v , . li d 12 . t 5.U0 5.50 .. 7.5o hl'77 I.UO 8 11 u !i,.i.5 4A a 5 4a5 H 16;7 14 1'7 I 761.8 2 i5 6 35 65 5 Qfio i5.ii; l";i20 Jo CHICKKNS KAliS PEAS per bush, whtte 8oj iMtock 65c AtK)v prices are for Urn- lots, when small er quantities are wanted nicker prices will o ctiarkrfrt. 7I AICIii: i N II Y Tfr'I K(;it A I'll. NOON. FaKis, Feb. 12 Keutes 1.12f. aud Li vertool, Fet. VI Cot'en ''i'l and f asler: mid'HIng upland " 7 16; mi ii Orleans 5 a 16 ; sd-s 70 0; specul.i -n hu : experts 1 ,0C0. receipts U,.00; Atuericau ;' rulur'S, op ued weker; fellers ai la-t n!gi ts prices: uplands low middling clause: Feoruary delivery 5 13 32 ; Felruar .tn-i March do ; Mircli and April do. ; April aial May " 7-li; My aud June nU ; Jane an l .1 . ly "J 1 '. hw Yokk, February 12. stocks steadv Muin.v j i-icliHUue, quiei 4.m4 Mate bonds dull ; iioverumeats active; r . eiKlii d ull. Cotton ealll ; sil" 1,4 12 : mid lllnr uplam'a 1 l-l-i; u if ns i 13- i,S ; Futures steady . ' t. :0: Vaicli 9:5; Ai-ril 10 us ; May 10 2 J; June U'.oi; July t0.i); Ani:u-'t K. Hour jinet Wheat active. Corn heavy. Pork s! :i iy ar Lar I nun at 6 78 .'spiiiis turj'eutiue .0 K.,slu 1 A. Fr iLis ,lull lULriMoKB. Feb. 12. Flour actie an 1 frui tut not ijitot.hy bii-ht-r. t-ou thrni iieai t.'aQy ai.d h: t ie-eipts; We.striu ho' ive a nd fli ui; Sou t lit ra red I l' l."5 ; niiber 1 t '.' 1 1 ("2 : 1'e n ns 1 m iu i rear-; .No, 2 westrin wnt.r r-u s mt and Ft-b-u.irv 1 "i; M.irc'i 1 .1 (i.'al. : pril 1.7-al 1 S S jut hern Com linu 1 or will e ;iud ras, for u'now; Wrstr-n c od lini'iiry nii.l flrui s-ou'tiri u while i5 ; yell w 43-: I'rovliioiis actlvr i;ie i'ork Id J 2."; r w 10 50. Hulk lllfilts; l-HlSr- slli'Uldct s 3.3oa3Ai; clear rid : Idrs 1',: p.ieked nrw 4 a d 5'. hacou shoulaers 1 Pi elt-ar rib side, nrw ; Hums i!i. I. a fil 1 1 ili.e.l tl rces ;i.. liut r til 111 ler choice Wi st ;n p.u-ked lsa2o. NiGiir. eh Yens, Feb. 12. tock ei-v. Mouev '2t$'. Exchange. loiik; lli''i-fi; si;. ..t 4 -tale Louds flriiir, 4 :-; 10 veriim. ntx cotton rt receipis 1,8j1. k'o.-s S,T0' Fu ures close-i r-tri.ly ; sale;1 till I ; Ft tiruary 'j ;:a.72. March ".Tiu ' TT; April V-3: M;ii 10 lis tin o'.. June ;u.J ;il '.2 I: July in 'Pi'o ;;; Auus: i" . tl.tl" 42,.-et:em- Oer HJ .2 '.H' 2 1. l. toi rr o 'j. I'otlou rnsv ; sales '..so nab S : niidJIillJ U! ltllds r ; "- ,it,S V 1 10 . Ut't r.-c ripts -.'2 7 . jzros-i :2 Ni : exp 'tis to ;irt brtiMiu lo,ov t air'c (.,. ls. c-utin ut Z 7". 'Kfai.K. Fetiruarv m. Cotton steaiy; inlddlii'K y'rtinet r.ct ii ts 1. ').; tri ss receipt I hiitk : stocK 21.0ti7; sal :S -MJ; exporis to i-r -at l!rii;iin . (m iiAl 1 1 m jkk, let'. 12. Cot 'on firm; middllnii ; lo ui:d ll.ui yn. K'l'inl orliiiiii sv4 : sales uoi; eoiisuli Uitolm t ncipis 032. fcT.iss 210, ! W imiNn.i'N, February 12. Cotton iiuit: iiml'd iiK '.i4 ; low luiddlma S ". : tfno.i ordluary ; nrt rect-ipi " ! ; tcross r-c ipts blink; ;ie 1S.I; ftcek S o " ; cX' i ts to , re;it Lrc aiii 4 1 fpiiils turpentine slroi.j: 27; rosin firm ; 1 . 1 t --, for strab. fi Ciiide turi rntlue s r iiy 1 :or hard, and 1 8 for tilow dip and v ii;,-1 a. Par lii'ixi at i n). Cincinnati. Feb 12. I o: k ;u rt and fit in ; li-!d at l'.na. l ai d dub; ; Hi 0 FliU llHots dull; tllcul'- rs a Hi S 1 il lih ll- M at 4 7a e:ih: dales 4 "S: arcL 4,v!. .-liort clear A Legitimate Trimupli in lleil ieine. Dread an I despair f 1 upon ibe com m 11 1,1 1 wnrii a trrri 1 le epid mi.-, like t h- . lu l e.a or vei!o fever, suddenly cb-s dates on r lioiues- -:, all the wbl e a more li-blo'js. but n less 'atal foe, t n rr thousands of hotis-ho'dsevery year and crries oil the How. r of th.- fatnny In the early flu h ol manly yiii'ii auu MMdlllg womaidiood. l'rople c lb It prt-su 1 pt Ion. r "dec ine." 1 1 is l0, 111 1110-1 cases, thetut e'cn lar phriiil.4 or consumption f the luns, w.ncli is t he p cu in 111a ady in ' li uati- like t h. ise ol t l e ltr tl-lt l-laiidsand N-w Knirlaiid.but a Hn. eral decsy or at rest of the vPal process s of iiut'inon A1K he do Uors a-jiee that tiiere is no remedy lor rnis ut C U LlV r.If oil. fern they are e nst ut'y met by the bsrani- of inabiht' 01 the i;it-:of the 1 arieii tosw 1 low or rrta'n it. TIim ri'puij 011 is entirely overcome b -C")T i s K MILLION OF TUti 1)11. w it bt he II YFOI'HOSIMII i'F.S OF LimE AM) .-m.)w.v u ten is areeai le to T e t:iste a ii. I an une td nutileLt Ld tonic for the tody nerv i brain. FINE ORANGES at Watson's. m n c 2 3 , : O s - 5! 3. - oTi3 5 o 2 " ? -"i -Z Cr- CJ GREAT REDUCTION IX PRICK V LEA k PHRRINS I'KOHT.M E: EXTRKT of E lkttkk from C NKOISVKT. h6 TO B5 THB a M Kli o a L oi-; ti.kMaN at Madras to his b oti or at WoKCKMiiR, M y, 8 1 "Only GOOCli1 Teb Lea rsK- Sauce." kis that their sauce it highly And applicable to Sidla and in mv cpini n ti e most. EVERY VK.(LTY OF PIR1I. tt&rfr'v pa 1 h :i ! . Lfi'.'s th I a-t well he most wholeomo Sauce tunt i? made." WOReESEBSHIRE SAUG. THUS OTViNG THE CONSUMEIl NOT O'-LY THE BEST, ( UT THE MOST ECONOMICAL SAUCE. Signature on eveiy bottle. JOIIX DUSCAS'S KOXS, No. 9 College Pla:e and r 2 ty get 2S S"? H5 q STr H CD ts 9 ri i5 c b : .m 1 1 ktj .a2o!cS3;''faii H c.3 CELF.'IKATEI) Br it - I mutt) 1 Union Spaare Ieb29-lawly New Yo; k. KHIOHINU TRADE MARK . MANUFACTURED ONLY BY W.T.BLaCdKVtoalA s Co, i (i R 1 F FIN BKOT H Jfl K S. MAN U FACT RERS OF 1ST JE3 G0LDSB0R0, . .... .. t . .. A Kn,.D TI10 Y T. N T Th' Keuna I .It tie FPrt Ba ker s ;rptce tr"m ;oeoat. 1 ne wi-hi. mm. joi - F.GRUENDLER, MANUFACTURER OF ; 1 I W 'Ml O I O 152, s9 AND DEALER IN SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCOS. PIPES, AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES IN GENERAL. TNE DOOR ABOVE TIIE YARBORO HOUSE, Box 230. Orders fron abroad solicited and 51 A X U IMC - X3I JZk. H3 la (Branch ot Ifabliston & Bro., Kichmond.) NO. 4 IKON FHOiNT. SCMOKE 8TRKKT, PETKKsBURG. VIRO'NIA. Au entiie new and varied stock of Furniture of Mie latest lesins Cham' er Sets, Pailo1 Sets, Wardroi.es, Sideboards, Tables, Safs, Eook Casss, boiniges, Bedst ads. Chairs. Has Hacks, Bureaus, Mattress, &c. Havi .g purchased our entire sioek for 1 ASH, we are abb tootler gre iter induceiiients tban any lio'ise 1 n this seetion snd guarantee to sell as cheap aathe goods can be bought in New vurk or rmcl iniati. O ;r house is tbe largest tn the South and we th-refore cau uive tbe largest assortment to seiecr;roin, and oner superior mau.-e DientS ill freiiits. hece's i.iiMf mfhmkn CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. TP? f Ji3 S S I r-, f 0 lV;ir,-r--Has tl.. it...4 '. 0 - 1 T" ,?k - f- ! - ! 1 I 1 I.. - - f 7, ; -.j -i.sc Corn Shelter, Zy.trr. Aricutt'l V;-rK. 'v - " - ;;.i i i ,:, s. c. . ; j. A. HARRINGTON. GASTON" THOMPSON Harrington & Thompson, CiVSl 1ZI? IV, TV. O. Mufa"inturers of all kinds of roiiyh lumber Orders solicited and filled prompt y. We Civour bu iness mr pis.niil attention an" guarantee satisraction oel7-dfim is.- .-T,- ,-rr- MSSf PVIIM Kartell office, RALEIGH. N. C. Ai:t iiiTECT?, m i,m;s;s am (MsnucTOiis. KINGSLBY ARCHITECTS A RALEIGH MOULDINGS, PLA SCROLL ORDEfia LBFT WITB PROMPTLY ATTBNOF1) TO. ESTER-BROOK'S c 3-- . ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO, Works CAMDEN, N.J. W. S. MOORE, u n 1: t ; ' . n o 11 O' n Sells MASON & HAMLIN, an 1 WATERS & SUNS Oi gans. at very close rates (from MO up) Elegant 11 stop Organs, 2 2-3 setts reacts, two Knee swells, deli.eieu lor 7". Pianoe's irom $135. up Warranted 5 jea s. Ctrcula s Iree. dec29-dil rpHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF JL the StockliaJders ot toe Jvorili Carolina S?ate Life Insurance C uipany. e iitld at the Company a Ufflue, In t'ais Ci y oa f e.Dru.ary 20tn,is 9, at 11 o cioeic a. m. W. H. HICKS, feb 7-10t TOVC O. fOR PLEASURE vvMrvKl.nLALi rr SMOKE THE OLD .thlAI THAT IT BEARS ADE MARK POPULAR BECAUSE RELIABLE-! N. C. the Brothers. the Brnter's half-dime' Clear 1 T-oC13 .wJy V.11IX iialeign, JM . u. promptly attended to. FA CI I T UK X i T o KT OO. sep H d i M, N . ' ti "Err,1 i-i Shockoe Iron Works, ititiinoxi), VIRUIXIA. Manufacturers of Fnslnes and Koil-rs. -aw Mills, Grist Mills,haftii!g,Hangersaa i Pulleys, Tut bine Water Wheels Tohicco Factory Machine y, Wrought Iron Works, P.rass Castings aud Iron Machinery of every description Kepairing promptly an i care ully dot e. lining mI reshing 1. 11 . gi lies 11 Specialty. 93" -end for '.llustrareu fatalosue. Manuiacturers' Agents. & ASHLEY, H D BU1LDE S N I N G SAWING, MILLS Pox Sale by . all Statiosess. C 0onii aimi, new 1 vnt. C U RN IT L" LE ! FU RN ITURE ! WHOLESALE AND KETAIL On hand a full and complete stock of FURNIT URIi' of all descriptions, from the most rellab e manufacturers East and West, also f my own make. Parties in want will not he doing- justh-e to themselves without giving me a cill and examining my stock and examining my prices. A liberal dis count to the traoe. 'Urders by mail p omptlv att rd' d to. WILLIAM PAFFK N. U!8 Main street. Mattresses and Upholstering Rooms, 16, C3 anu mnoiin firreentn street, KTotioo, No'ieA i5 herebv given that application w.i 1 be made to the present General Assem bly toincornorate the Cotton & Grocers Ex change of Raleigh, N.C. leb 3-traarch6 COTTON FACTOlt.i, J. THOMAS C immlssion Merchai.t AND THB CVt ton olleit 8 Martin Street. R ALEICH , N. c u 1 ' H hi StocK nd to A r r i 25,0 Yards Cotton Piagfrir.g 1,000 Bundles New Arrow Te 500 Bucdles Pieced Ties, i 000 Yards Dundee Hariri" f,.r c . ton Sheets, 500 pounds Bairsring Twine, .Vhich I oiler upon as favnrai.'f i,.,, can ue bad ANY wll KpK. SI'K.iai CI I ' V- UI1U ' llllll T. Personal attention given to o,,. Norton, and for those who f.av wh tilV,' I have ample storage room ';o,il viiii n,-' ' LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES V. it .'l low. riit.-s interest and storage charges on m.y'cu't" they may stare iih me. " lam sile Agnt here tor the ee'eiTa Taylor TeorgiK 'otton Obi auJ Lav. u, Vu. l4 Saiiv nin, , 1-50 " " .6) " which I will sell at Factory prices Fri-o added. Correspondence si.llcitt.i ' J. J. TIP M s JUr'll: trp(-' sept 7 (16m I'.al-k'ii . (; THE lV(lilKl.inil.'S mi;w. Tn tes days of p(. f cal trifnei v. 4 frlfiid in th- time of need, isa fii ...,, ..T and such a friend is DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUH Pfi hi It is a suve ci re for ' CO N's r K PT ! ) V,C( ' To I S. 1 1,1 )S A-TilMv I'.liONCHI riS HOARS NK-s and h'I d:se.i es ,of the Lmi-s 1 h Tli r. in 1. This we'l known remedy h:i l.eci .,. . tllir! J v.'iu s f'iii lrts ur.'tl t : . ,1 , eae 1.11 v of which were g'Veii t:,. ;. . ! 1-ss No cae. h o e ver 1 '-i i n . h e !i g ; r jiei t ii s of I r. W.n ! I - ,. atn forth- Lung". Iilal ! it - v f ur:'is ie 1 grat n i'ous' 1 1 ;1I v. ii Wi h ' ni g at't, pei ti rul .1 - 4Keii.e-t ber, th;:! ii ; Hi - 1 .- U- of t .e B l-am that e.: r..- a-. J "" F. HFNKY.critUAN Sol-- Pr-pretoi- s .-ui li-:;k place, ni.v - R. W. "ow -rs. A . Win. : . l'ii Llilillld. V I ' ,'fi : .1 ha isi; v 1: 1 . a NOVKLTIFS in Ttv ks ''HIM I S. Tool (lists. Cull an. pee tl e- KKKDMOOR BANK. ISI1E1- Cil LOADING IMPLEMENTS 1OWI1IK SlIOT, SHELLS, &c. HEADQUAUTKRS FoU E VER Y TJIL ( 1 IN OUR a-CO.ME IN AN I) EXAMINKOt'K SI M "VTOTICEisbe eby glen that th r- b till iiitiodnced h.io the r""' Mit Legislature to anena tii" m. "" the town oi- mn so asto extind tli ' por .te uninsoi saioioun 10 010 n.o' ei-h wav fro it the rilri-ad whm I'.i""' t-aid town. in WILLI Att K. CO A. A T T 0 R N E Y A T L A W Tracti'-es In State and Fe.leral Courts O-, 2nd vlloor haKi ofli'e opposite P. 1 v. DITMA!iS POWPEH. uildiiiir. an 10-1 m i?