SUUUbrmry ma U 7i. U X i "--N 1-: 2 KALl'KB, N C. SUNDAY ,M01271iG, iFEBUARY 30. 1879. 85.00 PER ANNUM Kaleigb W A rjLC hEUHBLE WlsQlfi l i ll: fii, T. LEACH S. CO IIH l ISSIO VI IlOI.l 1 ii:iuti iMs, a : i: m: nt: us i C orn. IVIcal; Flour, n . i.utn. Mot ions, lc 0ns fir Losd Prm Sffd OatsJ M. LEACH ,t ( O. E.Hle:gh, N. C. THE BEST IS THE CHEf.PtST - 1.1 K i V M A L a r C G A i o 0 c i k J In K ! silk. r A N ! i r n T'AI-r k f .t ' in -1 W t - 11 tvi a N ll N CD ItOIHIM. oy i-, f N . W I S . CAI'n, t T2$ - - -5 fercgnrraner"- i. ! i . .v . . i a ! r . t r k n 'or ii - 't: PltIFj:I AL 11CIS. ATlOi'-NKv AT 1 V. I'ou't-i!' LUMUF.K 1N N THOMAS R PUn.v.LLL. ATTORNEY AT L A W . r-v-r " In a'.i th !. anl Ketl- rl ",.u't eta EDWARD T. CLARK, A 1 l KNEY AND COL"NKLLtP AT LAW, k .- r J'AI.'F W. V ' DR. J . A. SEXTON, lilVS flANAM'!; ..;. 'N. . - n t Kn.:'.i'i M . ? ; ; I d. 1. I i l l .' . r.i il - e.i. il . ? j . .Lt, j at null HINSDALE L DEVtREUX, A . T itNe - AT I W. ' 1 . ; a .iolef o' V r l' issi a r' t . . .a -i a .1 l t U t'il,'tT.l' ' ar.ti, -. . ll.asJaie lltorury tuiillr kit I.M1 fr - (s In Mre an 1 alotnl' r eoaa" ; ::-i.iio a it it-a to U- ; " B.F. MONTAGUE, tt i : N r. Y A T L A A t-Tr. i't 'oi I t I 1 ru I s l ..mi or, ;u .i. i 1. WALTER CLARK, BALJUUII. N. v. " rrN-tlr ta thf:at and Kfti-ral C- r'. totWtloaa rnle In any rrt t!;e a. 5ela lU:y Kill I r t, ex aaa Mirua .ur:. i.rlf I '-in, ' .1. B. B. Massenburg, ATTORN E V AT LA W . ! rcc lot e o ir.i of KranhH". Wak. ifren. i auT.i e aa 1 luni.'n l-o 1 1. :hm t ul'e.l -ai-. aud P em C" ''. "V!! ixrr to o leClL ii nl ' . I m S. Lo ilitfjrf. . fj o -ilUiu U I !. V N ' W -UMMY. KF.BRUAKY Hi. I 70 r lrnlMbllltif . Wn' jto' I). :.. k. i - 't' t .mil-s;r.. n.rth-t r.-.Mfti f I '.U. 4-lC hw it- n Uir- ;'"'-t1 wiv ruin; trmreatai and iiiUoi (u ,rw ! r rlteiiieiil. tree top Qft col. mm this page.' I-AWS DO'ICO. J. P. Gii.i.tY -pt.ol Sdk. rrK.vt n Ai.nuTr-l- alt u uc T. 11 llu i.o- A; SoNS -liaidwaie. N. I. Li-.tliitV H'KlO Gu.llio. AMt.U Lui'Ul l ' HO. I - I l.w.- A. Co- Local Li'ii. !. .4 1, Itllll . dltou was quiet d steady )e. tt iiiv. The receipts vtre light. A d ruxtm r's lic-n-'e as ycU'i !av is ied to L iwenbar. Jacob-" V 1. o . i'. lit: 111 IC. The lades made ovtr 2' 0 for the tund l.f ihe erf it on of the Euen t u r'lcei. MilLodW ct.uicb. "i ! rt: r Y-iiii is - i i on tl..' war n z u IV u Imuvi taco; i is m i r .i. v . . e. The t ry w.s i'i:e' r! a- t j -;:.- - t.',w-, an'i t;i- i ! i xi 'It" j niti:t r s .1 rui..iav, "lifift.) a i.itnp- n .-' a :i- A II A Mt ll'. i i i A - 1 1 .' p-e . 1 : o n V if . r i r ll - -n- i . id I I ; at tLe l: ..!. i: r.. A-.dr i i - a-i ti IlI'M I 11 i . ti?or:rt, e-t ib. -! T.. I ' ; , V i-;i .a : t ; . i l - it .1 -11. ie l- H" co- t'li' Tu'l-ii'V f . il :de bin it u s. u d i. i in t heir i lai n s .1 1 1 v . .I v neat l '!!- ! Urs v. an ! ti nit. ir y com v taV li g oo. a d ( riven !l0 1 'he i n ei.d t. Iii k so;t if th n g. .iu I it it k-.-p ii-- "hTe wn'i Ik enough funds to py the 1. gil iters. Tiik Fl-n I t i: n kn! s ok ti l k s r atk Ia th fii t c diinu 3 will be seen Uirttic'e.n tl.e .. rt diciai J i p ' g t i ti '11 ih w at i d n.s ite nil ih f1!! u'd It lead by all hn lv , ill,.- tbf -p rt o! ti-b . g. r d-s ie its I r i Ii t . In tli'.s C'ni''c inn it miy b pioj" r t lefer to ?bi mtvic-'S of tb.'t are in , . i-'i-.l fen i oiifti. Mr. S (. r b. w;. is in ' huge of ih Mate Hati i.ery at Sw antja a It; r-TUEFT-. Ani..l ih geinril i i.ilii t of bfl sfo'ts c 'Mi s a ;ii-n ticulvr wtl frun dwr- of rehh d-s, a- t the l d co: (I 'n n of C.bariu i ni " , - i : ! : ; ' t "t t ; : v r "v: -' ' I' oi I'-iiuLiv erc eried i T , r pijj lie iv . I ( r e V. 1 1 : rt : . v (i- rV Wi tfi . a - , f . . ': 1 1. n .i . i ; : be ui l'i t t ' w I ! i . i d I e : t ' 1 : ' i I ' ' ! t j . ! r . t t - n ! i - c t i . i i - i - t' i;- .. j a '. u- ti w ....v ) i i . . i '. -''v.-. H 1 . i . i r- 1 1 v s u r I'm or i '; o: I '. !. mi . . e n ;' : r i les. C- (' .,. V, !: l . I ll.Wl'N, 'l.- j e U " i ti t nt I .i". n il I d - Nft i ft . :. i t .ii : N . Mi t;.i r it. j , i. ii To d..y t ". M . S j M ll . -! f . T ' : " IV i 1 . 1 .it ! n lit a .- .' c - . tl h in u iv ii "iie a. , . j. - i ! i ni',1 "r rridit r. Ap'-n-i - : ' .i c . . i'f In t . e dl - r d lo. ti u :ai a -. I ('t"T II'K 1. 1 NTI a I ll I f.i o i i t i- i t'i up n I f r i ..iU" i j f he row ii' if- V.- I . r . IV 11 F y.-'t, v ,1! - f. the D i . - ' r 1 ! .i- - .ii ,i : ( Diii' e 'li -i s t... , . ! ae lo.t in . j,,,, .., Ki.Ioi'l ! ' 1 1 !!. it ; t . 1 r. il ' d h- J R . j t - t .1' ek eo 'i:i.,' j . . ! . a :o. o i . p. - .in .. 1 .. . il is7:t 1,170 bal'S t t . ' : id " P ' 't: q 1-t.i a dc- j Jc .. ,vt . p., .s.,me wok I - '- ni ;o v in.-, t j , y 482 ' !? r ifi: Hi : urs Tl f i or. j-i' in ic -c in le-tiits in ri I he c. . i e c s a ' ! I 's' s o' I ' . . t o i f. t. il R v t ii - in -Ii.- th ' s r c' oi i W i ! i.-. 1 N Ut'l '. .1 i. ' r ll.i- wiak o ding V,.i 'u- $ 8 ' T ,v W. 'ti -bv ,'' 1 Ii.-im1.iv ' 2 v I F-.tlav ' :'7 ; .- S.irur 'ay 2-: lti To-at. 8 4.o.- ".: . !'..!. k's I.: r :t:. V. mo'-row rv ttng. a' .' ! -ck "ti ni i- s-. f A. ; ul ure. C l. I.. L I'olk, 1 i ii'. tii".- : he inein l'-rs of t ie 'll H i;;'. rm.l .. hers npoi the , , .- i s- ) .if agrienlt ii-'.' and the , ma' al i-i'eiests oi :hiSta'-'. .... . ,.' ... noi t" hi ' 's s,.t ,) t 1 1 w 1 d f.osi. w ho Ii,. r h s r -m i , v ' ir i s -ui ! t g t f ti' A'' .V th - tin w! oi tl e e is i i ti-- d ,,f i .. i t s i'.j ii, ni vnl aal-l .ii i u -h u'd 1 1 " ui I ho t i ri'f i . d. Death ok Mai E.nolchak. After n i Ine.- d tome two we.-ks lion. Jos-ph A. Erg'eard, Secretary of .-ni.-, di- d at th-? Yait-ro at o d5 ye tetdav aftornxn. It w.ia not known ti miry tht be was dargetou-ly ill, 'hough'!eih had b-c n feared for some day iy t oe wih bitn. M.i En.'l ha'nl w".u in bis 47 h jeir. A etc. ..f I i- life a d publ'o M-ivicea il be found in the esl't. rial columns. Tt e arra"cerr.eiit for tb fu ieral nave not infected a y-', but tbe a-r vices wdl Iw bld at Clirist Church a noon on M nday. and the rema ns will be :nte.r dm t)kinii- Th uuil re-at-ci- wi'l rii 1 th d ceasd y the various State officers and th') Oeneial Asas-nibly. Tuk Stitk Ciaud The official n - P rt of AOja'ant General Johnstone Jones 'or the vp:r fclmwM ho w irrr::t hi Ue'i ihf mcct's of tlit measures takeu t i'lorca.-ie the numhors ami etti Clancy t the v luii'er tri-ops of tl Stnte. North Caro'iniaus hive always ha.l a military sp lit, though i lias s me:iiueH ht-en ifoimn-.t, ami thin is evidenced ty (he rp d 'y with which a loroM htis beeu craciz J, armed and q 'iippd . Tun Stte Guard has stradily increas l in mm r. discipline ami efficiency. ininbtiii linj; ib ma iy ciicuraiee- mentn wh:.h it b;s encountered. B? K"u:ii in M.rch, 1877, with s x'efn it now tumbrts furty-tbre arrad ct'mj a'nes. 1) irmg the preseut year, e evi l new cotn;aine were accepted. ai i apiiai'.'iHiiiis l oru oeveial uior uc iveil. The new c uiipunts were t. hi r.- ii with two on All hi i in ftntrv b - First an 1 Sec od. S.) that t le Mat" (finrd. toiay, consists oi t wo while lejjituents of infantry, of ten companien ei-li, c-iii plmely oraciietl, arrnil and pi ppci ; tw bi'.talio ds of :nl"n trv, (white) oi e of tiix companies a.d the othT d four; due battalion of I :lit artillery, two battirien, eiht :n and two b.Tt'nliops cf int'at try, V ! rt ) ue of six companies ami the ul! er l rive' The atrii rebate srenib " th-r.r;w on I.cember "iX. 1877. wa 1 vU i rhoers :n m.'n. It i- now J -'.; Of ;ns to-c Firi-tli-i- i i.i- n .t 'otal : ."70 ; ibi Second, " "; : be F -t l.att dio: tl o n-ii. n l. t"-J t K- F urt'i, th F.fih ;U. T 'eie are 1'J'j coinm.simed tti ra. o74 nun-toninitsi ne d. aud 1,7.' 4 pit v;r ai d mus'cians. The ifj t i? eb. illative and leV . at i'ir 1 r-: L; r S i . to tin- militia orgoi.zi- i I- - I to the t'.t' ll u.teut !, i !. - u ; i ! s to a i i in t..f . '.ice of a riT'iiar m ;. J : ' 1 t e cor do i. n of t h" l tin .id i g !i 'ul, verj jo-kI; ' t i 'in, iove t, to M-a it t- a s'id . r : ,1 . -e ot t tli.n. noy. to f"i' i; ;. : I. i' ".ii. l.i id ot stren b AM cx- I i e !: i ll I! ! CIlUMly CiiUl.l e f f i :: .-. a. d I . i . - f l would lender it ;.i t ,i ;-y ui rft c , liely lo ante, !m i:'i A LfffM"! v that jtsss- b c nden'd l '.er lv tl.e Slate .-'.i c -r tiii m l it tx petve ul n - .1 ui it it lining v In r e-r t - I . . . 1 1 us fat t lu l-U' . 1 .in !. ,i. 'u i : !'u' y tiorn lv the . v ii a ii !!; mi ')' n i if . ho i ate t Jn rd ? Ntrd s. tlu'N by llt'er il?: Ii ni;u !i I iz t tj.ey w 1', co'itiu 'o 1 1- .i: the b .r !fii c!neri"u ly. a s : 'u w -riiiv ' I'-ave co'isideia- I n I'V i Ii w i 1 1 1 a . in k pi ; t :l- W I ;t - i: a. r.i. :i.M n of , N I ill'. i : h. i and h Mini' of N -rth e t z ti mi d e s mui-t 'a i i .i r m t mi' ' 1 e : i w fads the duty . V Tlii I :.i' lllj t lt' i ' '.' . i ii i y v i I ilev ' t.' I. in n. iNt the tli ff df'.ea ' tii.iiu :iin I l .; i! lii 'i: K i il I e I , w .:! oi i; r e ' ", i 1 wi' 1 ll r I .-a-f ot ii. ( rr i -', ' w aid be th- tirN r i p. r i 1 1 eir lives in l in., and r p- y i f the d -ti '. . I N - I t -.1 N.I : .1 :be I i mil I -am' I l ;ir Ml' I lit .: 111 Oil I t ia d aa n-; m .t vi l'-nce i Ii Tiii. 1 us oa wt:.'h to laily .. j '.'Wt r i , the M 'lie iu ease p. r P. k- US - A bout the h s t 1 e i veil : ii .lliiri i g to eli a i h. f III t.l, -J, ;4.,, he o 'i rs t he p ist'.us l!.. c y x er d t-i siianceis a mint 1 tivitt'iou to tin M-rvi't'S. F ir !iV."l ' ' of -'I ': iNifnrs is iub- e I I..-. ' '!' 'o-dav's se'VH'os. : n . ' ii;.-:,, 1 p', nioinintr c- at li i ni . eviM i ; g stov ce at " ,iy Rev. M.M.Mais.i..ii.D.D.,Rec- .i . ( i.nrv li ' p i . in i t in' ! ; iod S'u ; 'llg sei v i'e ;i' 'iei.1, E:s 1 1 ;i. in , in., by the oliing rv ee a' 7 M 1 p. Re t r K v. t IC R c'-. -1 . J . di :'.-, I at Iwi.c ( u lidi gs build ing. Faet ovdle street) L w Ma S .it U JJ .i. in.. U gh -i ll a in. Ves-i"-is at d -ntd: to i at 4 p. ni., by i'atii. r J ia 15. W hit-v ali-biir street H.ipti . at 11 a. m . !'d 7 :!' m.. bv Rev. Th os. II. Pi i ' i ard, i D . Pa tor. S il i ctl e i.i. 7 ' i p. in t 15 ic. .st. at 11 . m. , l, U- v. . ii tiwal - lu-v. P., . r. F.rst I'.rliv1 S ih- ir stie- is, p. ni . IJev J. .s s . .1 r..-r. r an. .Mo gan and at 1 1 a m.. aa 1 7 JO W .Ikitis, Pas'or. o i oi. in ,' in I i.f I. ". 15. I o p pi ., 1. h . p is or. In t . u ! i n, al 1 I a. tu b Rev. I. M. Atkinson, E i i in. and 7. Let M ho.Pst, at 1 1 a ni , y Re v. W. S. lilack, I - , r. Pei s n St ot Meth ilis, at ll a. in. aud 7 3d p. m , by Rev. W (J. Norman, pastor. ue nt of ( id- n i e ' f ir. i .'s siuce :: M l.,te. 'V !n ! i ece . p - sair.e one 1 i-t year, (.r.-is.' m receipts tlr ear to ?a'e. Tie continued im-re-ise ciipts is ve.y gratifying 2 i.-.J f our re and m owt d i Ii y i on ' '. n ue we in y exp ct cur re o p's hi if-;.ch ovr lit' tboa-ai.d bales, lit uii k t has be. n netue, closing at !- O.-litS I' I" III ddli. Ttie Ser wilt lu-lIou. lmiii -' n .-tr. i b g eat ou ion no v ex rc;sing r' e people w. u imie n v. r held -irli.- no not uu i rs an.l Ihe prof iinrt tnv t r e- '.here a, is So -v in i.e wot Id did the ti;iid od ine i 'er t.,. .o iUirtons, i be' Swam-, the Du.liey s, tlo- .Mo h ad , the trrahann, t' e R ;oiO otu is, and the remain It-r i.t th oirici a'.! mi luded, get a'oug in the capitol wil l oi lv oue daikey to vi .'it t u theia? Oi l ourse they made It eir own lir-s and bioug'it their own w..ter. T.ia' is the only solution. It now n quires igtit negro s io make a half i oz-n tir. s, weep out a tew r oins and bring the pond 'rous mails. Let a u.u'e and a cit be hired. Old N.ivp'iil'er or Dve Barbara, .ra eully a nl kindly i t in- in .erel by eT-ay ' stu b nt ol tbe University before the war, would have doue ail that is nece ary to be done iu tbe capitol before bieakl. St. and tbn speDt tbe day Pi fi. h ng. But times have changed. Mew aud Un beard Of! Those un que card. Just reoivei at tbe News Job Oince. Tne marvel of the t. I t'uatlmm un the Depp It.ver Nav igtatlaa L'omptux . ! roJr,.,r.Uii,' .-.f iha vw " 1 take it fjr graated that your cor- rcp tHieits -'nMrencuiuem and "Plain F.cts" wko0?d not willfully upm lead the readeia of your usually we'd iul nued. pa;Hf, but they b tu write as though they Lad never investigated the 'Ja n lacLa'lla the cae. There fore I feel sine you an I your readers will adept the lb lowin.statem -lit in instrca t the managers of th C ap) Fear I. &. C ., who have no bdl or reMjIutioa be ocw tbe Liejislature as Kptreuchment." seems to think; nor have they eveufor oae hour, ttojd Tu the way of completion, by the State or others, of this freatedt of ail the Suite's undertakings, the navigation of tiie upp-r Cape Fear aud D vp rivers. n the o her hand they h ive expended a lari e niiouut of labor Ur at d money, aud inviud o'.hers to jo.u thi'ui, iu mak i4 w soiued to 0e t e ino-t imj ortant inn rovemen within the bordei a of the Jtue, for building up its ui'ui ig and mauuf lci unug iuteiests. ai 1 m thasiine time makinj; a gieaf'fJlp it of one of ctips. On tb'8 l aviation thev have pent a large su u ot thdr own hones', eiiuin-s, ttie savirgi of years, and bo sides this, have spent noai'y five bun dled thou -a 1 dollars in t tree cou uies. Mb -re. Chat h im and Harnett ia their endeavors to build up m.iuuf ictories in tin-- g:eat niiueral c -ater. hvery debt i-l'iii, h ub their works are now comparatively idle, on account ot ttie low pr-e.- of iron and for waut of the t 'jca tran.-portatioii to the cost, which they tuiht have had ere this, but fur tbe c trpius of thosd who wished to li'Hiei th woik; n t that the Sta'e rai ;lr i' i , bit 'ha', it nrht not if dojc. Hy the advice o i;e t e-niei-, Mii.i as II .'I. lv 1. Untie, lio J.;o MU'H niiT. and otaers, whose iep ii' iti. u for integrity ativi knowledge f ihe la v. have g"ti5 beyi n l the li'i iis of ttieir native State, thev puivha-v d t public a'K tioa, at the c urt hoase do u of i hath. m i-uity, under an execu ti n , st tli i pn-neity for nbout J",.( (), the c! inc's whith 'TM ia Fa is'' muse ha utnutentto.ially said, were -stolen l.o.u the State, l'hey a!s. in mi', ril.'ii't' widi mu'Ii imijii' advice, l ii.'1 t tr.uu ti e Co'iimission. et s of i he St .ife a" pub o ;nc i- n at'er I -tig advcri is lucit of the time and I d ;-e d s lie, by llie'r :'cc.i t irv, ir. II A tendon, of l'it'sb 'io, so w ' u m il as a g. ii'le naa al ve reproich, S U'e's Ol'er t ill ttiO W ilk. tn'.sidv S i liia they ha 1 t tie niili. a l title, winch cain' to Ii iu t.n'oiig'i tl.e idlicial ileed t M i '. such in-ai ;:s t ! la'o Jj ig W. , h, S. S. U ys"er. ci'e.'ia. oi Hale. 11- K. l as i r. o ti . a j v i iio, a d n rs w 's 0 . a ir ct r 1 ;. i of ;i 1 1' us il'ii i ,ve .:' Sra'.s aa.l pa: iu , c :1 w 'iy ' i.e in.i- lies ge'i' eme i, in the ii "ot pir ii ma iter, an i 1 oy tii apffi. v 1 o1 tood and true men, i. -: . t ike to it'bii'id this ytoat, but lo .-a'-.a ; 'on a ar.d inu h m a te ! n e:n 1 iniotovi inen ', v li ch tiny believed, ivilhsueh nieu as itcveruor Moiebead iiid oihi i s, w. ul I do very mil "'a t . develop t!ie les-ances of tlio S at I tiev went t-..jk with energy a d j id :inen', utitl so far comp oted the v i i. on ab cat h ill' its ntire length, as to bo able to i un bots for several 3 ears over moi e than I' n"y rai'es of tht two rivms; fully d uonstia! ing its lea- bi!i'y;aiact wluc had 1 licnbt ul in t ie iuiuQ, ol s m owing t nqie it -d ftibi es on acc unt of bad engineering, by the env l yecs 'of the Sr;ite. Thou when in lu il objections aud hind' ranees were mid', they, i i a m inly, straightforward, business like manner, addiess-d a conirnunicati n t the i 1 iverner a id Legislature then in s ssion, stating the iiuioitance of the woik and then- b. lief that it could be be'ter do e by the State, a ul offered to "iirren 'er it, expreNiug themselves as iul' wa. ting a . cheap out-lot to the coast lor a 1. 1 iss ol" of freights which never could pay the raili o id ch u ges. and for the want of which tbe miner's pick and the msn's hammer ire uow idle in all t tat regi i and w 11 b, even th uigb wi ie, and n utow giu;e roads gud ron the c Hiiitrv-. 'Iben- are ficiitt t in t;ieat ab inda ci , not only below, but b iv. the surface, mat will remain "l'lo as a p i in ted ship u i a piiu .ed oceau," unless i hay c iu iiiudown this n:itu...l channel to the c ast, at one of .in-owu seaport towns, at a cost of tr .ti porta, ion, which water alonf can give. Have rai'road by the dozeu, :aJe the Eii- canal us desa to the t eat State of Njw. York? This is a grc;it woik iu w'dcu the peapl o: ttie S'ate and especially the counties of Moore, Chatham, llarnett aud New Hanover are deeply iucereated, and i hoy cannot affo'd to see the gime ol "D g in th i Manger" played by any one. The State sbo iid take chire of of it, and cotnpl be if, or encourage others to do !o,evt n tbo glitha er e s it ni in in th pra t -al e.o.itrot of par ties who live in o her S a rs, some of them, bevond the bounds of the United Stales. Two qaesiious lo-your read ers and I ii.ii doue. 1-t. Wuo are t he S ate's beat, fiiends; those who haw ende.ivoriil to bnii-i up this great in terest by expending their pi ivate mean or those who ba'-'e bought to p-event its completion? Ju l. A ould it rot te bet er to 'Mam'' tln sj rivers first, and iiltr iwards, if thong it bM'. by way -of fiii.,,ui aing uniig atiou, these public spiii'ed ge- tleiiieu w!u coma among an and spend their osva inicey by the uii lion ? JlVnTICK. Trete are us 111.1113 minds on the ub j-ct of leireiichm -nt us there are men to xpr'ss i .ifiii. Tbe only unanimty is on th jut of the r'ei rerched, who ag'eo tha the lightning ought to sttike anywhere but m tlieir immediate neihborbooJ Louisville Courier J. urnal. Frcah Arritul Hi l hIhuu's. (ireju cosu, green p'A, poaches, tomatoes, biauly peach -js, 1 ibstei-s, oysters and a great m i y other gimds goin cheap. Freight Traius. Lai-t night's freight brought a car load of 10.11 condgned to W. M. Sauu ders. He has it ready for delivery this nioruiug, and intends selling imme diately. Plenty of ba.3on. lljur, etc., at Lis store at lowest pidecs. Nohodj- announces a cure, but as for the new "theories of diptueria, tbeir name is Ici u, and tlio latest is that it is caused by th usa of diseased itiilk from cows amicted with girget of ttie uddor. Hats lltats! llalill Silk, S ft and Stiff. All the leading styles rt c oved this day for men and b"ys at lowest p"ic -s in the city at R. B. Andrews & Co., Clothiers and Hatters. OUR LA MAKERS. SENATE. Saturday, Feb 15th. The Senate was called to order at 10 oc!ek, Presiieat Robinson iu the Chair. Prayer by Rev. Dr. T. II. Pritchard, of the city Reading of yesterd iv's journal was. oa ra tionofMr. tlenderso.i, dispensed with. PETITIONS AMi MDWUIU S were presented by Messrs. Redwine, Austin, Move, (.iraham, of Lincoln, Scales and Rvnunj. KKfOHTS OF STA DI NO COM MITT K KS were submitted by Messrs. Shackelford. Oiadaui, of Liuto n, Eives, Graham, f Montgomery, White, Lyon. Djitch, Ddlard, Eppes, Henderson, Bryan, of Pen ler, K u, Williamson, Davidson, McKichern, Uynum aud Waldo. RESOLUTIONS were ii traduced by Mr. Buncombe. 1HLLS David-son, of were it.tioduced by Mests. ShickeK ford, Merritt, M ye, Kmg, Dor ci. Willianiscn, Everitt, Mebane aid Tavlor. CAL' N DA It. Rill to provise and c iiNolidae the public school laws. Tabled. Rill to mcorporat'i the X. C Ch lut eal Vrorks. Passed. Resolution iu favor of the ll iki 'h A on il Rank. P s.d. IJ.ll to continu ia force the act to establish. Normal Scaools. Passed. . Mr. M ' ritt moved t re vns d ,t th? vote b which the b il p isst d itt fi ri .... . . . . 1 t . . . . I . iu (iiuj:, aua jay ini uiuai'U OU tue ti'd". Uini d. I h re in. ii ider if the C .le-.d ir was the dispo al ofthei P s'.deiif, when tht) followii'g b.lls and resolutt .as wei e u sposed id": I .11 to ioc rp )i at) the L vo and Charity t Wilsm Cn elc Acad omv, in Caldwe 1 c uuiy Passed. I 1 1 to incTp oate i Lo Wan .or Camp 'r uin i in Ca dAvll county. Passed. I i ' I t c-t-ate a F.iiiiico C mnuiiten in the several couuiies of thr S:ato. Passed. Rill t i a-ceitain id 1 a i lit the debt ot Cl.'jvchiud county. Passed. P .1 autho: i. . the 13 jard of L lu cat on f .leaiisoa c irity .o p . y tii oruers of Trustees for tea:hing p i .lij .c .oids. Paed. 15.11 o iajoi p .iaU" the S n'.thiie'd and l e ace i- ear .Narrow loaige lv C 'inpan v. P 'swri 15 d t incorporate the Cnap d Ui I o 1 M 0 iti'a a i'.iai,! m . l't.-id. 1) 11 t.l ;'!!! ! (I the I'l.L.rd Lti. t.'A 11 0: II Ie t a. P ss d. Rid for the pro'ection of wild fowl li! e.ait ret county. Ras mI. liid to change the times of h d ii 11 ; ' Snp- 'i 11 Co lit" ic, ihe o. '!-. f!Pr'. lid.tiii lv po-tp me.l. d tu: 'o iid m the const ru ttio 1 ot ta. Chestiraul Leu ii an.l Cilawi-a ami Watauga N now tiauge Ra ir ad Pass, 1 1. Rill to au hor:ze the t.. cnnns ione! s of i.r. ene c 'iiu y t lew a sp -cial tax Pa-ed. B il to author ..' t.b. eiiij 1 ;y meat of convi -t lahor on the 'il6ju and l'ai R.ver Railroad. Pa-s d. Bill io all w legatees and distributes to sue Executors at auy time. Passed. :"T1 to chauce th j ua'De o! Bnlldost towuship in tireeue county to Ba lhead township Passed. Bill to allow the Commissioners of Caldwell county to levy a special tax. Calendar. B II to allow the Rank of Greensboro further time to wiud up i's bus aes. Passed. Rdl to nuthorze the Commissioners of Mi I) )ell ccuuty to levy a special tax Passed. Jill to prevent live so k from itin niug at large in tbe cou ites ol Rowan, Davie and Cabarrus. Passed second reading and ordered to be priuted. Bill to rt quire n'eiersof land in th's State to give not ice to adjoining own ers. air. Davidson :uo ad toaman l that ihs bill only apply to t ho couiiti-s ot Cumberland and Harnett. Adopted. Rdl then passe 1 its ti ml leading. Rill to incoipi iatt tl.e Bank of Ash villo. Pa-Std second r ading and o -th r d to be printed. Bill, introduced by Mr Graham, of Lincoln tone ruin; the receiving ot freights aud charge of charges for transporting the same by railroads and othr transportation c .rapines. To re ceive all freight ter.dued and forward id by the joute b. looted by shipper, and 3 ) d"iys notice bcloie iucrLMsing ihe .a' os. Passed. Bi I to am-?nd c1 apter 106, laws of lbio-77, which provides lor tbe -running ot a rail: hoai Salibbury to Wadcsbci'O. Peuoiag the discussion npou tlrs bill tile rt.-n:i.t :dj nirned uutil Monday iiiouiL-g at 10 o'clo k. HOUSE OF II El' RE SEN TVT1YES Satluday, I eb. lo. Yaughan was in the c' air tl is Mr. morving and R.-v. Mr. Dit ui. d chip 1 1! '1, pi.iv-.- 1. PKTITRKNS Wt re p:oented by Mcsms. lock. No intLit, Suii h a d Mudison. RE POUTS Foy, I ia Divii 01 From .-t (iid ing cuiiniittecs ware pie sruted by Messrs. York, Woodh iut-c, Richaidsou ol Columbus, Atkuiauu, A t iiisir 'i g, Atais, McLeau and Brown Of .vl-"kl iiburg. RiLLS. Wi-ro idcoducd by Messrs. tiick, C nitcil, Grant, Brown of M.-ckl -nbu g, GatUug, rmitii, Daaus auu Rawley. CAL! N.'A'.l. Dill to establish, a stock law in Ire dell e'ointy. Passed faud time. Mr. iicLeau moved to lecoasider th vole by which the bill to regula.e thj lees 01 j uiers was laid oa me taole. Tlia mo iou prevailed. .Mr. M L an spoke 'iu favor of the bill, sajing bat tne bill only allowed thee nim.ssioiiei s to pay j.iileis ls than 3J c uis pe. day lor iediag pus uieis wbi u i c ul be done. Tae bdl was laith.rdisu.s ed by Messrs. R st, Richudsm of Columbus, liino.s, Foaid aud Holt, in favor of the bill, and by Nor ment and McCorkle in opposition. On motion of Mr. RiC jardson of Golumbus the b al was amended as to fix twenty cents pjr prisoner as thu maximum. Mr. McCorkle moved to amend so as to allow the County Commissioners to allow so oiucii as do cents per day, and Mr. Foard ofl'aed an auieiidmeut to the same effect ii d.ffneat 1 inguage. Mr. Foard's amendment was ruled out aud Mr. McCorkle' s was lost. Mr. Christmas moved to amend so as ! to provide that pris inors eh ill uu?e three ma's per day. Lost. The bill then passed. Bill to iuoojpo.ate the State Uoiver- y Railroad Compmy. The bill was amending in several mino - particulars bv Messrs. Richirdson of Columbus, Mabane and York, nnd rj'erred back to tbe corumi tee on luterual lmnrove iuents. Bill to incorporate the VVarm SpriuRS Toll R.idge Comiany. Amended so as to limit the time of the charter to 25 years and the prohibition of the sale ot liquor to two years, aud passed. me Mouse concurred in the amend ments adopting by the Senate o the re sola m i m . el tiou to subordinate em pl ie s ; n.l he resoluiiou was ordeied to be enrolled. Resolution in faver of Raleigh Na t;oual Ida iik. Rj'eried t.the Commit tee on Finance. Bill to autli ir.zo the commissioners ot biunswick county to submit th question of rein v n ' the couut v seat lo thu vote of the countv. Passed second tiui j. ii i to allow the commissioners of Soupson County to levy a special tax Pissed second time. I? ll t aid i i the construction of the uisti n. Salem Cv Mootesville Rail road. Mr. liarringer spoke iu opposi tion to tne bill and Mr. Mc'Jotkle m its favor. The bill passed scoud tim and was then refeiitd to the c 'inuvtUe on Ju iiciary. 15; 1 1 to authorize the comuii si.mers of Chowan c uii y to levy a sp cial tax. M:. IL.bbs moved t lay the j b il on the taM ). The motion did not p evail. Messrs. Gatling, Amis, At kins u aii i Ric iardso'i oi Co'uinbas poive iu favor of the b;ll aud Messrs. Norine it aud llobbs against it. The bi i passed second time. l):i! to in ike the Tuckasg e river in .Ia:ksoii county a lawful IV-lcj. Pass ed. R 1; t 1 -'gal'ze Iron Duff tjAusbip in ti;iy wood c- uaty. Passeil. R: 1 t amend the law creating a Fi ni'ice Committee f .r ib'' sevcial coan tfs of th State. Tae bio provide.-, a sp anal tin t ce coniaiiitee for Ln.s!ow c.u .t. I w is j: m mhIciI so as to .ij p ' i Iiobes -n co iu. y and pished. Illd t prevent the Ii Uill of limbci 1 1 vet C e-k. Rurke countv-. Pas-ed Bill to allow tlio com iirs.'-i ni.-r o I". l a'.iii county to levy a spieia t.'x. l'assed sec ud tune. A: 10:1 " the aajoui nod. Kxtru fci.siou oi" I'ongre. T--s: oiuenee of the News. V Washington, F. I. 12. W i 1 ; h r . bean ex; r a s ssiou o' t oa .J. ' I . I . . ' . 1 . . r 1 I' - . 1 !l 1 s t'.l'j q.l'slioii it. II. is o ell UOO'iil I 11 t HI ic can US 'oiti -oipoia e in tne ve Fx c- ative and .J uibci 1 app opri itio.i bdl sec ion, rep ii' tig Hi.- les oath lor 1 i 1 1 j uors iiiiii tne 1 iw au Uor.ziiig the ! p- poin'mcnt 01 supei visors ol elections. Tbe R paui cans cla'm th it ii sucii a woui'so is laK-.-n u.ey will oe- feut the bill, and thu- make it necessary i.j liavt' an 1 xtra session. This 111 iy b their hou -st- pa. p -i but a lil.lj n ll -c iiou win uno .ai i-iiiy c uiviuce tio iu sach a w il i 11 ithin auu lor i.nts iv-a-soii. It ihe bill siioun lad it w.ll not be iiir ug 1 1 ick of D 'lie ocia ic votes .d a tnaj 'l ity of the R ' publica s 11 t Ii -son k e. If, then, afir March 4ta. Iho PiC.s.dent should 1111 lie 1 , . oluleiy COI1V ellO lie 1' o. iy-M '. tl lni ni ess in extraord; nai y session, bt th branches of i ne L islativ e D pai tmeut i-eii.;, ih.u Dem ciaiic, it would be w i. bin the power oi the Democratic nb so.uiely to a coniplish the very lestilt for which tpe Republicans made an extia session necessary, lleuce, the ucl rtsuius of au i')iua sersiou to the Republicans would Ou just tins: Tu c mtiol of the Scuate patronage by the D uii c ats, whieh migat have remained in Repuoo-jau oauds uutil next Decern Oci, ii-ea. in a-jui.iou, the repeal of the very laws voi.cii urn objected to. Ii is uiged, thougu, that ihe President ha ino.oated to some of his party friend- thai it the Sundry Civil Appiopt iatio i Bill lads he will not couveuo Congress in ext a m. stion OoU'bji'. Viewed iu ibis light, the Republicans would gam t ho advantage of having the laws sough to be repealed in force until ;iUe. inc fail elections. But tho dis- adv..n.age ol the lailurc of the Appio piiati. n Bid would ui. re than oil set it. Tne salary oi every puhlic officer ia tln-Uoiti-d Stotcs service, except the arm) and i.avy othcas, wouiil cease Juue ;50 h, anil the President coul I uot iuii he Oovoi nmeut fifteen m.nutes ex- .j i I..,. ... . ....i .... C-pi oil ClCil l, aim ins onu s.ioiiy would uot be provided for. Tins is i uustOCiid huioic treatment, but lie ir.- s ii , owin 4 to the determined at-, titude ot the R publi ,'ans to defeat the repeal of tue ounoxious laws which di.Ngiace the statute liooks. The ..uicuuieuts covering repeal will be i.-deia d to moiiow or next day, and .,a-koU! n, w ho is Chan man uf the Committee ;.f the Whole dining tbe pro;;, as ot the Legislative 15 J, will rule thoiu in oidir ia the i.iteiest ol eoouou-y. Tlir: EEVE.NTE UII.I. Roported from tue Fn anco Commit te" d the S mate ha bjeu pri .ted. a d aiakes ple a v.lume. TLe cla'igi 8 tro ii t iio t)dl as it passed i:.e ITi i.v . a e. as follow.-: Tne section in legard to ;ob c'o tax are to go into e(T c Ap'd bt, in Of Miicli 4th, in the nan desired. The exp r no ib d ware hou -o PecUo o a-e both s riken tr im tne Senate bill Tn- tav on stiiill". as already stated, is 21 e ,. ; ; cigars. -0 per i.uuu; cigarettes, si m p-i 1,000. Tobacco me i, i i cotnaicnt ing ou tlio gre it 'nereis iti th.: man i t'ai.dure of cig-;rs an 1 eiar to s,. s. v thefo are tiOA- anna Hy tnadj iu tl.e United Saus 2,00'J ,00 l.O.JO cigars ami 100 ol-0, 000 cigar, tu s. Of the ld,000,t 0d p mints of manufactured tobacco ex port, il .iinm i'ly R chm o d an 1 P."eis-bu-'ir exp rt 7 0 M.O'XJp u"ds, an i there is au ac-ieate ot 214,000 O'JO p .undsol leaf tobacco exported auuunily fiotn the U iit.d St o i a. ISarguliiH iu Underwear. A heavy Mei in i di rt for 5 ) cents ; ioubie-breas. o l ones at 90 cen s , a great pro ' C iu to w ak lungs. Ivui Draw rs at oO cen's per pa r. A 1 toe tiii.'i g ad s at fh i same 'osv pric-M Extra s z s a sneci ilty, at R B. A i diews 0C Co , Clothiers a id Ha' ters. Ilfud of FuinilieM . l. . I c. IJ.. ...I.j Wid find that P i Lcuai i uiotivs keeps constantly on band fresh gto-r-r es, cheap for cash. Eirly Uos eed Potatoes and Omou setts. Patapsco and Orange . Groe ll r warratited. Bast N. C. fljur. Boots aud Siio ; at cost. Lieu IJoudf. Serd to the News Job Oifi:e for you L;en Bonds and Cuattld Mortgages. Tne best forms at th lowest piies. Make a note of this. . IliHiiup Atklnns Appolitt uirulH. " -o Wednesday, March 19, p ra, Clinton. Thursday, 30, am, Fridav, " 21, a ro, Faison's Suuday, yj, 4;h suudav in Lent, (Jul Isboio. Monday, March '24, p ni, Wilson. Tuesday, 2o, p ru, Rwky Mouut. Wednesday, Much 2G. p iu, Enfield. Friday, " 2$ Ring wood. Suuday, UO, 5th Suuday in Lent, Scotland Neck. Thesdiy, April 1, HauiiPoi. Wednesday, 2. Williains'ou. Thursday, ' 3, Jvnesville. Friday, k 4, Plymouth. Saturday, 5, St Lake's, Wash ington county. Sunday, April 0, Palm Sundy, St David's. Tuesday, April 8, Heitford. Wednesday y, Woodville, Pcr quimau's county. 1 hiiisday, April lo. Camden C. II. " " p iu, Davids Chap Pafqno'aT.k county. Good Friday, April 11, El zibelh City. Faster Day April 13 Edetitjn. Tiusdav, " lor St. Pa i s Ch.ipel, Cues couuty U'ednisday, 10, (i itesville. Thursday, " 17, Wiuton. Friday, IS, Murfieeiboio. Sunday, " 2d, 1st Sunday af ter Easter, Woodville, lieitie o o u 11 1 y . Tuesday, Apnl 22, Wiinlsor. Thuisday, " 24. Jacksou. Friday, 111. j ILdiii Saturday, r.; Sun lay, " -'7 Easter, We'd n. Collections madrf Diocesan .Nlissions. lax. Ill, 2 id aftu at each place for Ii oslitnlioii of tint lieventTe Cn stress otml l! cor i, l1 li. Mr. Scab s. 1 slat -al wlcn I was li st up that I desired as nnnh as the gentle man hinist li thu execu, ion of the law. But I am s mt that n geutleiiiau can- iiot get up on this ll or a at otl' r an a neuilni nt to an iippropi i a i m bill -without having it thrown iqi at once to otu by soiOt' : . 1 1 1 1 1 in ii on the other si .e that ho is ii'oin the s m bet n heu- ti the axecuti ui of the lav. I lit iik it is time i It it llms of t il it SO: t Sildlil 1 Ik' st pp d. Tliel'eis no i x ai -e or jus! i i ,c , , , hi the goni !o tuaiitioin M on vir. maki g any such Hi ig. in re .yd lo iho South. M i obj -ft is, noltopr vent sulli j. eat inpicipiialioi s, io t prevent the CooiuosnI m i of lut 'i .al Reve-iue re c ivi ig I'v't-ry tlobur nee ssat y for lbs ptl p s i in iev; my ol.j ct is to secure a 1 .itlil'ul p a lornia a- of III du'ies bic'i dev. lvc up ni hi n and upon thu i iteri ii! revenue Hi ici'i. I w i u go. d men in office, and a ju-t, ftir, an I im pi tnd administration of their duties. Tae gout Ionian lioui Ohio Mr. Fon ti i ) says thai in my di-ciict the reve nii s a e i icreisin . I an glad they ii e. Buf. 1 c.n say t ban now that, solar fioni 1 1) o C nnniissioner of Inter u 1 R venue dis-huigtng hi duty to the s itisiaction of i voti his own pirty f lends t her , h : has now ;i c dlector iu aiy oisi riot w bo is to b ' in vest ua ted by ibis House up n ii p ititiou sent here by nionib rs of his own put- and by sonio of the best men of li s party. This is the d llicu.ty. We do not want more money, but. better men. Mr. Foster, Tint is not the first time that I have board of Repub icaus being engaged iu whisky frauds. Mr. Scales. It. is not by a great deal. Mr. Fo.ter. N , aud I wanttostou it. Mr. Scales. I w a it to have the as surance that tLe Commissioner will gi ve us t he r gh so: t of meu for that purpose. I waut to h ive the assurance that this appropriation will not be used lor political purposes; that these seoz uies aud arrests shall not b' mile just before elections, wi.h ih'J view to ef fect the result. That is the castj in the South, aud that is the ruason why Nuiub.'i'u gentlemen are earnest here iu raising tlieir voices against au increase of au appropriation which will enable officers in the South to prostitute their duties to mere party purposes. Mr, r outer. Adow m o a moment. I cannot, qui'e understand your mixing up Repuo.icatL aud elections and a.. tha'- t-ort of thing. Why should the Republican) dowu there desire this t llUK? Mr Scales. We want an henes. ad- ranuttiiidaii. Mr. Foster. But why should the Repub icins want to be arrested just efie election? Lmghter. j Mr Scales. 'The Republicans do no' ; and the tr )ubla is, that they a-e in no langer as the law is anminstered, but they waut to arrest tbe Democrats, and hat is what they do, innocent or guilty. WHY U DUKLL I' ate (I Aaialnsi mo !iiiiOMe HI 1 1 'orrrspniidenee ol'lli" News Wasim.voton City, 11th. Aid jou voted a;i ia t tin Chinee l . til. l.L : 111 ni 'ration iie-i: ic. i o mn, saitn? N' to Cotigi't ssm in Wa ldell. ' I Id, most eniphatiaMy, rppo:i- ded the handsome Lape f . ar rfprosen- ali"". "MhT.'k. ?'' Not at all. ' It is cut loo i' 1 gislatioti Eiili d roles yearly w ' it1 Cr'ni $l2d.000.MJo Oar trade yeai'v amount to ;i; out $0.00 1,000. e ae trying to ioc eas" it. Tod 'oi n" - Wall, Im ni grtlioii R 'sHiotio'i !)i I;'f eaHied,'H not likely to do ho. K ibmd, Fran o and (it'iuiany hope ilu hoi will p ins. They ir will to pr .lit l3' ur loss, r or if the ('hiniman is o be harr d "u, tho Americae may bi birnd nut also. Sauce lor the Am'-.i- an may b barred also Sauci for the Moago.iau go sj must b sa ic foi t h Yankee gau-de-. A e no' th?s stuob .rn ft its? R ibbins t 'ted with mo and we are iiKht. " 'E'i''"' ' Yes." r niinhal llunkN. Wati i.Utoa l'ot Whi u Marshal Nat. P. B ink elijvati s his chaiming voice t c y opera tha United S ates court in R ' on, he may fed leis proud than he did wh-sn, as X overuor of M issaunusetts, he uttered bis inaugural ad Iresses to the people of the old commonwealth. Thu "II ?ar ye ! Hear ye?" of the MarsYil will ba lessgraud thiiith) gl iwing exordium onthe spl ndid peroration of tbe kov e n -r. Cotton Cluitns. Charleston Neffi. Thefe are $lG,0JO,0)d i i the Treasu ry, t'ae proceeds of the sale of oaptmcd and abandoned c tton, whloh do not belong to the Government. This mon ey sh iuld be returned to its rightful owners, and beyond ibis and the few exceptional cases raned by Seualor Hill there i no need to go.