nn Ral News Jul H MA JL VOL. JXIV-iSO MO RALEIGH, N. C. FKIDAtY- MOkNING, FEBRUARY 21. 1879. $5.00 PER -ANNUM -i JLJ iuu ma i.i-:. Ib'Ci'B' n "'"X-k of n ij :bllh - ' iiitd t - 1-ro in Irn l i r t If u. fr rU( l( dfil'm. AlIV It the N'rWt ..-. let 2Utf. i .rtlflrai f f T --r f -tok f th r. ! NaU'-uaI l orth c. retina. n. l lao tr " t. IViotr . V: p ron . 1 rot t- trade Mi I ivr. - 4 O 1RM u.tf Fortf !l r N ,t l x v :rix f MKX. KalHrB. X. trfb.Kl;,. atnrda ttjj tntat the lanXi of thl : will t eo4. that day befog a : : I. A. ILK.Y. ahW. J0. C. PI. AX , Ut-.r. t i it. av. c, whit E, ( ubttr. I kLKCI IUC i TH. ur rare for nrtou debility, trrnt. arw iv. tikAMiioa. ie. Tr only rli rut, t Ire alar mailed fre. Aadtvsa rnor vsaiomr. cards. ALFRED ROWLAND , TTOfUfET AT LAW. qUm n la CoutVQovm. LCMBERTON. N. c. THOMAS R. PURNELL ATTORNEY AT LAW, .olffla. 1ST. O, rrtt la all tb 4u I "federal Court aag EDWARD T. CLARK, A TTOllNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, iaa-ly HALIFAX. N. " DR. J. A. SEXTON, rHTS'CIAN AND SURGEON, OS t aa I Romh la Banting Building. r ajettevlIle.M., Jaal-ln Kalelxh.N C. Oil . Jull l IT11IC1 . JH. HINSDALE & DEVEREUX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Prom pi mention given to al euettom a:rui-l to l titter by permlssuu to ik Banks of twa;eUh J w. U'DltJ KayetlevlUe: Hinsdale Worthy. c"axtas, oc. i oi J A 51 KM A. UOKTIIY, Attorney Counsellor at Law OATtliago, T3. O. Practices In Moore an J adjoining f.nn:i j c al atMctloa givea to I tie coLu1ob mr -dlr B. F. MONTAGUE, 1TTORNEY AT LAW, OSe4om J. P. Gul'.ay More. RALEIGH, N. C. Hpe:.l AttDtioQ Given to C- d 'on of C'.ui atvd Kai(Unc from .aiilf. tturlull I'laHi.-vi.o.t TO t-i- illJUl liak ; ton! Kank ; ritiri' 1.oqaJ Kaoc: Cbkf Justice W. II. Imitk aua jul0 jo. V. &iroug. lUle'gb. .V C. oi l'J- tf WALTER CLARK , ATTORNEY T LAV &ALX1UB. rr1e In th 9tat tcu - ..iTaI CocrtJ OoUttona mad In aay pa.rt of tb s: -or ta BAiy buuaiu. eorer y:t TiLa aal Marvin 8trta. B. B. Massenburg, ATTORNEY AT LAW LctisBCia. c. u2 la tte Court 11-.uk. I'D U U U1LLIAH II. i OX, ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In Stale and Federal C ourt OC- opp'.l J, o. 2nJ Covr Bagly Uolo. as it-lca OLD RELIABLE PINE ISLAND (.eorral Afency for Centrl N C. M, T. LEACH & CO , (onniMioi bekuhxtn, WHOLESALE DL4I.KHS 1M Moali BAC O.V, MRD, JIOIIISRS. Ac Oni Car Load PrJrae Sctd Cits. M. T. LEACH & CO. Raleigb, N. C. f'-tf THE UB LINE RAILROAD. ; CHAKIKRRANTED. , 1 offer for eaic a ii an4ome CHESTM'T MARE, Itf rxintiloc. al- rr under niddlo, aou no belter roadlr In ttnlnm eitter' Ittcle or don'ole. 1 bards. tjl .h and an a.y driver. A. a fine BAT SADDLE IlOF.sE 5 years oil, US hand. farlea. Abo. aa4 betwr. a tine BAT 1IARNB.-M H JKSX jer old. UV band. fat trott-r best in tae dtj. nol afiald of anythlmc. war rante4 aoand.tru and kind In all harnes. Tba ab-T Hor arrf eonalfnd and will pleaaod tokare pill to xamlD Ihem. febUtl W. C. MCMACKIN. Table Book OK ART Moi&ent laanitadetMU. t I arre. F! ot naravtKa, all raterplees by tne "vrli i best artiaia. Tbe to k for liolidav iiu. Aeudtor circular and eamplo eu- r. W. ZIEGLKR A CO.. 618 Arch M. Mill a.. Fa- U.AILY NEWS KKIDVY. KE'IRL'.VUY" 'Jl. 1S7I. 4e-aber lribabllltleia. v. Wa.utii.TO!. l. CKel. 2ii. S-cth At antic Sfnt-v Nortbwrat t.. nf '" ' l rwid. it Iv c mi y wa'l cr a. d renrrliy ri. r u n.e n i thru i... -titn rl uronrlfr ih Mtluuar or a a.igbt fill in I. 'ie 1 1 ni .rat u re. T IX JED OXTY. lutlrx to .re AirllM'iuenl.H. Fixtures nJ atock. Nkws Office. Loet. I. O. Walter. No-ice. Sain'l. U. Wbit. Loral Notic. Julius L via A Co. LOCAL lllllfer.s. .' ' -TTi waa m alight sn w fail yratenlaj tcoroing. Collection at tbe Internal U.-v- enue cf&oo yesterday were 1470.7b. -Two ilidtill(rie9 were c.pturcl be tho reenu -fliciuls iu Cbithaai Cuuq ty, on Tuesday. Co: ten was quiet antl in good deruaiid )t8tetday, aud rrc-ipts were ligl.t. Tbe p?opl were careful yra:er- day and not a solitary urtdlain,ed letter was droprxl in tbe pjst efflj. Tbere bare been thnn far soire fifteen counterfeiters aneMft'l in this county. Ortnjre rounty jestnday drw iioni ih- Mate Tr ;.s iry i.'i, for s.i p rt l ber iu:hle lun iti.s. ITu('tden Cary whs yesterday appointed a Commissioner of Arti luv;t. by l bo liovernor. Ot ly one c-se w l f..ie the M i M ye er lay. aiul that w.ifiH'li Iv a -t tlu', t e.uc Inval. Tlier be smp tl e n o "i- tain lut'l aud inu v n in iu.k i ihib in : in;. T r tixtur and ptck of a i ld il 'u Wi'ui r f is fur Ji t. Appy ut N. '.s a 'vfi t'. ii clboe. Tbe O.k C tv R'.aes ai d Eat Hal -ik! li liuaids. lol Mfd. toad- r C O i itah'e pirade y 'S'cr tav af eino n, a: d Kx'kt-d an I iiu:km iivimI Vtr) wt-il. Tiie Slate Treasurer hii-ui d drummers licenes to ,li fp P. Win ston A- , ,.d K 'beit F. W.ilt.im. l I! a liiii. . !, a . he in i n of th nit r.t 1-1 i lf i. v i . uiit , ' f I t v' li-' - .11:1 iIm w a hot ti e in the 11 yrt-ti r l.i . bu theau.ut llv lint' v -utd-'v:iin tbe n'lu me, pui v i izin it. Yentrrtlsy gave a f r.ta-te of ilarcb. and chill bre res roade over c Ati in great demand. Oue good ffect was I he iap'd drying of V lb treet. - - A couple of citir.cr.s faced the leey.s and ma'riDHry je-tenlav, there Wiri two maniageH. tn they go; and the lunibir of the unmattd grows beautifully Ufa. A requisition for a fuci'ive from Justice wss y sterr'av '-.'ivcd hy tiov. JarTts frm ti t. W. I) S mpnon, o' S.uth Caro n. A warrant w s is md for the arr st of the olTeuder. Nfeir. I-atta Jk Myatt. onof our most ac'ive and reliable tirme, an nounc this mornintj a heavy stock of groreriea. The? haTe the largest slock of plows ard plow castings ever '.'HVred in this market. The skating rink is open this ereniug. and the umal fun will be had. Jir. Le-e is making it ore of the most delightful places of amusement in tbe city, for which be has the thanks and the quarters of all the lovers of fan. The noted cat. who for om months past txk up her abode in th guard hous and esch night accom panied the police on their rounds w found dead yesterday morning. Puss bad been killed by a diuuken prisoner in one of tbe cells. Tbe citineos in the neighborhood of St. Mary's School complaiu that they are annoyed by parties putting gates off the bicges. Lo k out, joung men, $7.25 is big money in these days of Re trenchment and Reform. The police are on tbe look out. Uncle Sam.throughhia representa tives, Marshal J. . Hil yesterday p-ut another man in the county jail, to b h 11 until w tneses come in. wh-n h ili be tried before CommiMinrpr. The man's name is A'exantlo.- Jvties. and h- is an Afiicau. lulin ( Dancy, coloird. I ; rand Worthy S-cet y f the Iiulepet deij Order of lrKd Templar-, c lur d. .ik--t the tu lents of th- Shaw ( Vdegiate Institute, last eve nn. np u the pn eressnfthe cu-e. The add'e.s wnj g kxI ad was !ist. u. d to wit'j atUn ti n. A colored manm n' l Unni Hill was dVta'nrd ye-tf-rd a 'id treated to the hi -pi'ali'V of the fta'i n hou-e for trying to pas a b -kus ch-ck at the State National Rank. 1 be amount was for something like a huur d or tnor dollars. Ho prete- il d to lave received i" Lorn an unki:on in .n who pid him ." cents to go U the Itit-k and draw lue m ney. This evening the M.-rojim II p Clob civ n of their delightful hops in the din ng ball of the Nai'ral Ho tel. As tl e-ey u gent, .-men .1 va;s maV theie ociini h specially fi'j y shle. their hops havo heroin nvi ty features. The Ienten mm.iii is a Mio.-t here aud this wi 1 b th.' li al festtvit, s there w ill no doubt be a laige aL.d gay crowd present. Sitreme CorKT. Court nut at 10 O'clock a m. All the Jus'ice pieaent. E ia G. IIiywiod, Executrix, vs E. B II sy wood, Eiecutor, et al from Wake; argument commenced ye.t-.T-dy. resumed and conclu I. d- At the c ,oc!usioo this cae the court ad j jurned unlil 10 o'clock this morning. Personal. Prof. F. I). Wii'Ston, of the U oversUv, is at the Yarb ro. Major G. 11. Fibblatea d Dullmtt Cutlar, E-k., of Wilmington, are at the same hotel. M r J. W- Fries, of Salru. the pro prietor tff the lire woohn null tbere, is In tbe cit y. Sill-III SETTLED- Sheriff A. J. McRi tie, of .Watauga, yesterday set lied the taxes due the State by his eounty. paying in : Pu Id c cial Total Taxes 1931.57 ' $739. 1 8 $106.73. Attkntios lihcUK Company !! Yon a e hereby ordered to meet at the i) i. i ne houfe this evening at 3 p clock sharp, to test our new h-se. E-ery m mlor is requested to le'id a helping 1 atid, if the weather he fair. , , liy trder of I , W. J. Wkir, Foreman. Paiek Patkiae. This ia what thej u-e I tocall the lamented George Wash ir gion. hlruofllie diminutive hatchet, and to-morrow is" the anniversary of his introduction to this bad world, r which he uo doubt did much to make tter. Tbe Auiericau custom of ob erviug this interesting occasion as a holiday will of ct Un-e be observed. With a proper respect for this the pub lic bn'lduis wi'l be closed, the General Assembly a 'journ, the bnks transact no business, and school childreu have rtfbt fiom books. Wake Sci'eriok Court. Court met at 10 o'rlock, vesierday, His llonor Judge Mills L. Eurs, presiding. The following business was disposed of: William Jenks vs city of Raleigh. This cue is for damages. In Sept. 1S74, the plaintiff ran over a pile of rocks ;n the street, in his buggy, was thr iwu out, 8ii.-tai: ieg H-i injury of the k-.ee. II mo I for i,",0.0 damagts. lit w st en and is now a raerubnr of t i li i.ir.i .f (' uiui'Hionei s of Wake e urn The ci.s' was 'ried at Sprirg T. nn. lS7-. i hen eud nir in a uiitiial. lis e.-tiu.ot y sinl remarks of couustl con-u!ii il ..1 ii ali da', yesterday. ( '. ; : s ik Aii i;v. One tif the sure p:e..i-rs oi haloiy tpt ing. the odor Uei u k'liano. Las nude its appear ance, in u 11 to lor the next two mont! s Mtu.l.t hy tho granger and .iui.uhI by tv-iyto'y Thetiist seen t iti ( uo,t w.nit c iv tl yesterday by K ilv. Pur foy A: lirewer, who I'ulf t.rtii'li t't't biands mdeby Mt vr-. I In K Long & o , of Ilalii ni re. 'll:t .ue gei oral agetits for vV.ik count' ai.il all points on the R. A. K.uiionl. liAvit'g agents at each station Tiiey keep Long's pre p it d c i" in ls, wi i h the farmers de 1 iM aie th.- st in t ?ie market. Their t"i .riters 1 vonte" is so in both i a in and f i. I . Aim s i K.i -zkn. Wednesday niht n . mar, wh i t in been employed ns a iriri bind, nme hre crwzy with drink. 1 it his sh and wa deied off, no di.f L'lt-w tthere. Yeteiday after ii.ioi a nero tesros'er lound him lying on t'ie R. A; ii. Railroad track, the oth-. crsui. , f the bridge over Crabtiee, aliuot stiff with cold. He was brought to the gua: d housi. in a - wagon, and was thenTound to be senseless, speech-, less, and almost over the valley. He receive.! medical attention, and was well rubbed and warmed, but his con dition is regarded as critical, as up to a late hour he b id not spoken, This shows' what whiskey and cot ' weather c-tn d i aii'l ought to he a warning to com- people whom the pol ce find cullX r ng the grouud almost nightly. Tiir: Poon Tho question now is wbeih'Tlhe Vtiuuir Meu's Christian Amx ition h i be strongly support ed ii: its bless-jd woik of rel ef of the riiff-M i;i i ooi of the city. The amount of destitution here would not be be lieved, i ay, more, is nut dreamed of, b.ut it t x'sts in all its horrors, neverthe less. The worst of the seasou is yet to come, for blustering, chilly March brings sore discomfort to the poor. Tue hupuort extended this year is not so larve as iu time past, and though the Association has, as ever, done its utmost to prevent, ihere has been much suffermc and may be more. It is ear nes It desired ihat aid be extended, in ih i way of moreor supplies, that this s ..te of things may be changed and much suff-.i ing prevented. By slight efforts tho Association will receive euch assistance in this matter as will relieve a large number of persons who are ab solutely in need of care and comfort: and it is hoped that good people will see the importance of such action at once. Fre.Mli Arrival. Snrar, coffee, clear rib sides, flour of all grades, Richmond bolted meal, salt. corn, oats, molases, early rose se. d potatoes, all of which bought to th- lest advantage and will be sold ac o s lin'y. A so our tine bugiy horse 7 vihis oioj of e''va,,t S,'N drives w. il rnd utiii' , for sa!e. Apply t. L. i.Wv:i('. V Inm gton street, oppo ite M i.l.tt h-'use. I OSlf . In i Tv-h aded eoony cane, without afmrnlw. .Anv person leaving if at the l." uli II use will be mitablv rewarded. T. F. Lee. i;rellnt CLatnpitrne cider at Watson's for filt cetr s p.-r all n. IVrlet t Fitting Canton ilmnel diawtrs 50cts. All wo. 1 nntier hhiits $1.25. A'l wool iln w rs to n atch. R. Ii. Andrews tfc Co., Clothiers and Hatters. Freisli Arrival at atsions. Green corn, rr-en p-as, peaches, omatces, biai tly p aches, lt bM.rs cove ojhteis ai il a ieat many cthe, goods going c! . ap. Change of h'i nn aiue. The Meichint Tailoring business thtt has been conducted under the n vme of J Weikel, heretofore, will in the fi; uro ba carried ou under tbe name and style of C Weikel & Co. All accounts due Mr. Weikel for work done by mm have beeu placed in the bands of Mr. R. G. Lewis, bis attorney, and will be collected by him. Weikel &, Co., have on hnd splendid goods, do first-class work for tbe smallest piices and take cash only for work done by them. 'oinprredl Yeast, To avoid Dypcpa, us good wbole rome bread, which can oi ly be produc ed y a yoaat which will cause natural lonuentction. Tue Vienn Compressed Yeast m ide by Gaff.Fieischmann & Co., is a natural extract of selected grain, and in its result when propeily used, is unfaii ng, aud gives a perfect loaf. For sale al Simpson's Drug Store. Try it. . ft'- LAW KlAKERS. J SENATE. 3 Thursday. Feb 20.b. - The Senate was oalled to order at 10 A. 31., ; President Rubiuson in the t hair. I Prayer by 1 Reports of : Rev. Mr. Nortnan. ports ot standing &ma elect uom mitiees rwere presented- by Mess-s. Graham of Lincoln, -Shackelfo; d, Eaves, Waldo, Iidlsird, Alexander, Ei win, Everett, laiykw, Mt--bane. M02 e, Nicholson, Eppe Ward, MuEichern. DavidsoiL Scales, Henderson aud Waddelll "I . On motion of Mr. Everett, the nii JLOrity report On the Institution forthe Deaf, Duoa-nd the - Blind and C 'Asylunir.7Tthw Irsan was ordered to be printed. " ; c 4! 31 r. Nicbolsoli, by' request, presented petitious agmsV'th'e" proposed new county of Gilliam,: witli the county se it at Herderson, G ran vflleV county. Re forred. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. Mr. Waldo, to incorporate Beech Swamp Agricultural Society. Mr. Graham, of Lincoln, to amend the charter of the town of Denver, Lit r oolu couuty. Also, to make railroad cuts and ditches lawful fences. Mr. W add ell, to relieve agricultural lime from the tax of $500 imposed upon fertilizers. Air. Bryan, of Duplin, to prevent employers aud agents of railroads from desecrating the Sabbath. Under a suspensiou of the rules, Mr. Everett called up the bill to amend and reuise the charter of the town ot Win ston, Forsythe county, which parsed its second reading aud took its place on tne calendar. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Oh motio 1 of Mr. Scales, the rule were suspended and Rous b:l! to change the t men of ho dintr tho Supe rior Courts of the Fif'h Jud cial l)ii trict, paf-.sed its several readings. stock LAW Mr. Henderson moved fc r a uspen sio.i of tbe rules to put upon Ms lluid reading Seuate hill to prevent Jive st ck running at lare iu tho ccuuti s of Howau, Davie aud Cabauus Aieed to. Oil moti- n of th? S; nA'oi s repiesents irg them, tbe following cmui 10s w 1 a iucluded in the provisions f tbe bill : CUatL am, 1 l.-avel nd, Gaston, Rocl iuhaiu. Surry, Yadkin, Staidty and Cabarrus. On motion of Mr. Nicholson, under a suspensiou of the rules. House bill to piovide a sxck law for I edell county passed us second leading, t aleodai. On motion of Mr Onnaud,tu bid auih-1 izing the Commissioners of Le noir cjuuty to ltjvy a special tax, pasted its secjnd reading. WESTERN RAILIPWD. The fp.'cial oider the bill to change the nnuo of and authorize the Western ri?oaltihi) Rauroad Company to ron- solida e with the Munt Airy RaUreaij CtwaDinv. nnd to compete the same, was taken np and passed its secoi'd reading. Mr. Alexatder oppose 1 the hi'.l. Ho cousiderel it unwise for the State to build railroad in th preseat condition f the treasury. Ha paw no advantage 10 acciue to the Bt te Irom this work, and thought it better to relinquish the State's interest iu it aud let tue bond holders o ahead and make the moft o it. Hftd-cidedly objected to empower ing townth ps aou counties t issue interest-bearing bonds, as crippling tbe educational interests ot the State, for upon the township system of taxation only could the people rely for the edu caiiou of their childreu. He feared the prefeut demand of this Company to be a mere entering wedge, and felt sure that the work, before completed, would cost the State some four millions of dollars. Mr. Scales expressed bis surprise at the position taken by the Senator from Mecklenburg, in view of tbe advanta ges derived by his county from rail roads. Mr. Scales was willing to feccept tbe offer of the Senator from Meckimi bnrg if he could get the Legislature to concur with him in accepting the road with the State's interest and complet ing the work. Mr. Scales then pro ceeded to examine the proceedings of the bill. This road bad already cost $1,100,000 from Fayetteville to Egypt, a distance of 43 miles, and of this in terest the State owed eleven-fourteenths. There were judgments against the company to the amount of $50,000, under which a sale of tbe road was threatened in June next. Nearly all of the sum of $50,000 was money ad vanced by friends of the road in Fay ettsville to save it from spoiliation and to rescue It from the hands of the unscrupulous into which the fortunes of war had fo ced it. It was proposed to ask authority to igue bonds to an amount not ex eeding $4 K).0 -0 to com plete tbe road to Greensboro, said bouds not tr bo used ui.ti! the ro ul thu'l have b. en grad -d, except to an amount of some $.J,0o0 which 1 ' e Stato is to be required to subscribe to p:y the pres-iiir judgments and save the road from sale. It was not proposed to p ly this roonev out of the trfa-airy, hut to fund t e li tie d.'bt and savrf tho rra I once more, fiat is to isiu bonds f. r $5i,000 to save 61,000,000. Mr. Scales dwelt at length upon th prospects of the undertaking iu Yadkiu valley, and appealed to the friends of the Western N, C. Railroad, who bad bi-en aided of late by tho State to the amount of fS50,0'iO tocletr off its debt, and 670, 0 0 per annum to continue the work. Mr. S-iow followed in support of the bill, occupying tbe grouud gone over by Mr. Scales. Mr. Re.fpass was opposed to the bill acd coi 'iHered the proposed subscrip tion f $.3 000 as a gilt to the road. If the ioai was so valuable why did its friends not raise the required sum in dependently of the St;itt? While try iug to commute tbe State debt he thought it poor policy to b. addicg to it. Mr. Caldwell advocated the passage of the bill. Mr. Hoyle said he was the friend of internal improvements, and disliked to oppose this measure, as he s.w th? beait of tbe Senator fr m Guilford was in it. But he had a duly to per form towards his constituents and tbe p"Opl of the Htate generally. He re gaided the 150,000 asked for as a bonus to the road, and bethought it would have an unfavorable effect upon the State's creditors, whom we were now anxious to conciliate. He admitted the bill bad claims, but all our railroad enterprises should not be endangered by an attempt to carry too many. He favored the idea of Mr. Alexander to f live the company the State's interest n the work, rather than involve the State further. Mr. Austin was opposed to giving OUR counties power to vote for stock ii public works; would build this road if he could; but he feared the present abbscription was only the beginning of series of such demands, lbote who had money to build railroads let them go ahead, but let those alone who did not want them. Me. Evertt said the only question for the Senate was whether the debt was just and honorable, and if so, it should be paid , Mr Byn-n .corrected a misappre hendon in regard to the idea of a bonus. The Mate, ittenrling her credit to the amount of $-50,000 received bonds to that amount. Mr WiHistnson said that of the $1. stock of the coonany the StiK.e, 15wned ab mfcHl&tOOO, whicTTat 6 per cent., its present value, gave fbo.000, and this the sum it was proposed to send $50,000 for. He yielded to no men in revence for the honer of the State, but he thought it might be that the gentleman for whom this sum was asked had a view to their personal in terests iu caring lor those of the State, The discussion was further contin ued by Messrs. Scales, Henderson Alexander, Davidson, Williamson, ''aid well; Snow, Bryan, of Duplin, Eppes acd Hoyle. Mr. Graham, of Lincoln, saw no ne cessity of -p:nding this sum. If the road was unencumbered, mortgage bonds c uild be issued to clear off the debt. If otherwise, then he was op posed to putting any more of the State's money in it. j The previous que tion was now de manded, and the bill passed its secorjd rea ling by a vote of 25 to 20, as fol lows : Aes : Messrs. Blick B1edsoe,Brnwer, Brya i of Pond ;r, B ill, Btnum, Cald well. Diney, 'Davidson, Ei win, Everett, (in! am of Montgomery. Matheson, McEacheru, Merritr, Nicholson, Or ,and, Rjs, S ales, Shackelford, Snow. S-rwarf, Taylor, Waddell and Ward 25.' N:tyes Messrs. AlfXinder, Alston, Austin, Bryin ,of Pupliu, Ddlard, Doiteli. Eavtis. Epps,Graham of Lincoln, H -rris. Heudeis--n, Hollemau, Hol, Lvon, M"l ane, Move, R?dwine, Rs- pas, Williamson and White 20. Ti c Sdiate aclj mrned. HOUSE Or REPRESENTATIVES. Thursday, Feb. 20ih, 1879 Tbe House w.is called to oder by Mr Richardson, of Coiumbus, and a prayer w.ts o!fied by Rev W C orpaent, of the Poison street Methodist Chajrcb. petitions . . were preFeu'ed by Meesrs. Blalock, Carter of Yancey, D;mdal Amis, Lewia, Berry, B.-own of Mechlenburer, Meares, Davis of Mad su, Ardrey, Cov ington, Foy and Ferrell. repouts were submitted by Messrs. Woodhouse, Atk uson. Brown of Mock leu burg, Bar nard. Hewitt, Euglish, Yoik, Yaughan, aud Lckhart. RESOLUTIONS were introduced by Messrs. Turner and Hobbs. ; BILLS were introduced by Messrs. Ber natd, Ferrell. Lewis, Col well, D'-ms-dale, Clarke, Lowrey, Blalock, Tu-r er, Mebane, Covington, Fy, Orchard, HarreH. Byrd, Grant, Davis of Madi son and Clarke. CALENDAR. Bill to aliow the town of firaham to levy a license tax upon retailers of l'quors, passed its readmgs. Bill to inco porate Six Run Land Drainage Company, passed. Bill to amend th charter of Fayette ville and to appoint a committee .if fi nance for said city. Messrs. Lutterloh and L ckhart spoke in favor of the bill and Mr. Turner against it, and the bill passed second reading. Bill to incoiporate Brevard Station, parsed th'rd reading. CHARGES AGAINST A MEMBER. Tiie special order, being the consid eratiou of the report of the comm ttee ef investigation of cV.rres of drunken ness against B. R. Brown, member from Yadkin, with a resolution for his expulsion, then came up. Mr. Blocker spoke; thought it was better to act upon the report. While sympathising with the unfortunate member, the" purity and integrity of the House must be preserved. Mr. Foard said the gentleman was before the House, and sober, and had promised to reform. He therefore moved that the resolution be passed over informally. Mr. Colwell said it was due the dig; nity of the House to pass the reaolu tion. The gentleman had made prom ises eie this; had boen givou time to ret tu in. but does not. Mr. ruient taid tbe Houe was not the cons' ivator of morals. The ques ti n is a delicate one, and we should proceed accoidingly. He t'touht it should all bd postponed indefinitely. This view was also taken by Messrs. Woodh- use, Atkinson and Jones. Mr. Turner t-ai I tne first man ex p? II ;d t: om tin Houe was o e Potter, f. r mi to'iing a stakj at a card table. He had sn oltl ;a's drunk, judges, leis'at us. He did n t think so harsh a meij-ure as tuis w s proper or j 1st. Mr. Woodbousa had the first five veises of tjie 7th chipt.r of St. Mat thew read as a portion of his remarks. Tue members apo auded at the conclu sion of the real n 7, manifesting an appreciation of the scriptures totally uuexpectel. Tbe motion of Mr. Foard to pass over informally, was then adopted. Bill to incoiporate tho town of Spar a. Alleghany county, pissed. GILLIAM COUNTY. On motion of Mr. Ani, the bill to establish the couuty of Giiliam, to be formed out of portions of Fiaoklin, Warren and Granville, was taken up. Mr. Amis fpoke to the b 11, sryu't' it gave the right to the people, uy their votes, whether or not tho ne v county should be erected. II give several cogent reasons for the formation of the proposed county. The bili is mer -torious, works no barm to auy one, and wi l prove a benefit. Mr. Clarke offered an amendment that the questio ; be submitted to the vote of the people of all the counties from whence the new one will be formed. Mr. Norment was opposed to the formation of new counties, and sup oorted Mr. Clarke's amendment. Mr. Amis opposed the amendment, as the 10 003 pe ple who desired the county had rights of their own in this way. Mr. Cooke took ground a2ainst this sort of local seo -government and saw no need of the new county. Let them wait until the census is taken, and then ke steps in the matter. Another ob jection is that these matters of local legislation, especially a bill 1 ke this which will be fought at every reading, ought not to be considered now, but business of public moment instead. Mr. Christmas did not favor th biil. Warren county was not in debt, the finances were wisely administered, and there was no need of any portion of it being thus lopped off. Mr. Burroughs said th bill was op posed by a large portion of the people of Granville, who eev- ':o necessity lor it. He favored ther m lion to tsble. Mr. Amis made an earnest speech in dvoacy of the right of these people, as North Carolinians, as freemen, to have a voice in this matter. Mr. Cooke then moved to table th? Bill, and tbe House voted so to do. Bill to re-open the quarantine hos pital at Smithville, passed its readings. Bill to prevent the use of drag-nets in the waters of New river, Onslow county, by which the natives capture all the oysters, was somewhat dis cussed, and passed. Bih to canal Angola bay, in Pender county, by convict labor, etc. Mr. Colwell urged the importance of the woik, which would prove immediately profitable to the State. Mr. Lamb also epoke of the propriety of carrying on the work, which would put 70,000 acres of tine lands, Slate property.upon the market. Mr. Davis, of Haywood, stated that a bill to this effect had been before passed, but some imperfection made it inperative, and favored the measure, as did Messrs. Blocker and I Bill to allow tbe Rabun Gap Short Line R. R. lo use 50 couvictt, passed its readings. Bdi to prevent the hauling of seins 01 ;he use of traps in the Neuse aud Ta; river between tf'riday niht. and Mon day m ruing, making it a misdemeanor, passed its readings. Bdi to ameuu the chatter of tha city of New heme, passed. At 2 p. in. th. Housa adjourned. T EVENING SKSSION. The Speaker called the Housa to order at 7:u ) Mi. Vi ughan 1 ose to a que.stiou of p iconal piivitege, as to au articie in be p:pe:s over ihe signature of L. L. Polk, tjomuiisfci.-uer of Agriculture, uu etateu th.t wuen the resoiutiju rained iu the article was read from tho cieik's desk,-ne caug t vhe ebpctiou abla woids, arid tuiuking ihsy were in the preamole, moved to strike them out, and was uoc aware that tuey weio in it. He thought it not p;oper in tjuy member to avail himself of his positiiu uo ltllect upju any uffi;ial individual ly. Mr. English introduced a resolution to annul tbe leso'-j'. .-n, ruyiugthat it was calcalited to cast &.o.r upou the officials of that departme!t, wbich was uot in the province of the House- . Mr. Mebane, the introducer of tbe original resolution, said ke ditjoot in it iutep4.tOLt nyrcti6n tipoi any officials of the Department of Agricul lure, but merly stated that ths funds were not disbursed iu tbe interest 01 tlie farmers. He was willing 10 agree to the aunulling resolution, however. Messrs. Turner aud l'avljr iudu!gd in a lengthy discussion upou the en tire scope of Vhe department, fertilizers fish hatching, etc. 1 ha resolution was then adopted. Mr. HarieJ introduced a resolution to raise a committee of three to investigate tha Department of Agriculture, in justification of that Department. Mr. Atkins jn said a committee had alrealy done that. The resolution was then lost. The calendar was placed at the dis posal of the Speaker, and the follow ing business was transacted: Bid to renew the charter of the Chapel Hill Iron Mountain Railroad Company, passed its readings. Bill to regulate the time of holding the courts of the Eigth Judicial Dis trict, was postponed until Tuesday. Bill to allow Superior Court Clerks to take official bonds, amending sec tions 3 and 4, chapter 80, Battle's Re visal, passed. Bill to allow manslaughter to be punishable by 20 years imprisonment, and throwing trains fr jm the track by three years, passed. Bill to provide for the drainage of lands on Fourth Creek, Rowan county, passed. Biil to charter the Great Fal's Manu facturing Company, of Rockingham county, passed. Bill in regard to the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace. This is the same which was discusf-ed yesterday. Sun dry amendments were made. The bill then passed its third reading. At 10:30 the House adjourned. - Arsenic Smoking. The roving gypsies aud horsi jockies of most, countries, and even the Arabs aud Tartars, gives their horses arsenic as a remedy for broken wind and heaves, and to improve thiir general condition. According to M. Montegu, formerally French Cvosul in China, no tobacco is smoked in Northern Chin without the addition of arsenic, and missionary's have assured him t' at the arsenic-smokers are stout fell jws, with lungs like blacksmiths' hello-, and r-j.-y as cherubs. Dr. Luue, rcce 1 1 and Trousseau earlier, have r ctn mended the smoking of arseukaicc cigarettes in lung diseases. May Marnliaira Feat, Wash! gton Pot. An enthu-ianc crowd cf some fif teen hu idr.-d assembled in the gymna sium last night 10 see M.83 May Mar shai complete her g eat w- lk of 2.7!)(i quarter miles, walked in 2,79(i jonaecu tive qjar.er lours. At the 2.760.L quarter sne began to quicken her pace, and made th s last fifteen quarters in le-is than Tur minutes escb. The las? quarter was reeled r f in t! rje minutes and three seconds, am. dst a torrent of vociferous applause. At the conclu sion of the r vious quarter, Mr. Frank Z uimerman presented her with a hand some gold medal ou behalf of th imynasium association. Three Potter Committee t'olatu Wa-hi igton Post. It is impossible for any intelligen: man to read the evidence given before the Potter committee and be convinced of three things: First, that the elec toral vote of Florida was offered to the Democrats aud its purchase declined ; second, t bat the Republicans did agree to pay for that vote ; third, that Mr. Hayes has con firmed the contract bj Diving for that vote out of tbe public Treasury, the payment being made under the guise of salaries. That is all there is of it. Received To-dy Fine blask suits equal to custom work at R. B. Andrews & Co., Hatters. Clothiers and Ieanut Facta. Wilmington Star. A gentleman of this city who Is himself engaged extensively- in the business, informs us that Cincinnati is not tbe centre of the peanut trade, in the Uuited States. He states that the Tennessee crop, averaging from 250 -000 to 400,000 bii8hels,nnds market at Cinci.inati, while the Virginia crop raging from 400,000 to 800,000 bushels' neai ly doubfed that of Tennessee centies afc- Norfolk'. Our own State produces a crop varying from 100 000 o 200,000 bush dsrnd the bulk of it is emptied into Liua-oiiv. Oood for a Quarter or a Cento ry ,0he? the Leislatare of Louisiana in 1868, pledged th faith of the StMe to the preservation of the franchises of the Louisiana State Lottery, it builded better than it knew, for the sum-ems law of the larsd, as decided by tbe Su preme Court of the United States, has pronounced the dictum that a contract niadn must be adhered to, and th fran chises of the Louisiana State Lottery with its vast capital of over a million of dollars, mnst remain for fifteen years yet, uo il the expiration of the original term. Bayard Taylor' IteuialuM. Although the German counsel has as yet recivod no official information, it is expected that the remains of the. late Bayard Taylor, late minister to Ger many, will leave Be.hn at the close of this week for transmission to America t Tue agent of the llamburr hue of packets waited upon Mrs Taylor, and li red a free passage for herself and irtiudy to accompany-' her husband's coi pae. Mrs. Taylor has accepted, the aind offer. Mr. Taylor's body ia ex pected to arrive at New York at end of this month. HrJgnoli -Fare tLce Well." Washington Post, A vast, crowd stood upou the pier and sadly gazed upon the ship that was bearing Signoc liiignoli from our shores. It was a toucuing exhioitiou of that delicate sentiment that credi tors and constables eniurtain towards a departing pa'ron. The melancholy re- ueotiou 01 1111s wi urniui crowd was that the kjreat tenor had i.l iveil & ho parr, and that, tby wanted uo mire of is uigii notes ana loruiy airs. Educ ation and The School. Wilnaiugton Star. What is tbe Ltii-islature coi no- to Ho about tducation? "A'-e th f lni Minn schools to continue ou the old basis.' Is the Superintendent of Public Instruc tion to be reilly a cierk iu an office? We can perform the clerical d iit.iaa tin year round by devoting two hours dai- . wespaalc what we do know. Tbe Kerosene Commonplace. Mrs. Jane Hailigan. of B?ri?n straet. Brooklyn, tried to kindle the fire with rverosene. ina cau exploded : like a musket loaded, burnt her face, heid ana nanus. She may resover. . Y. Herald, May 17. Pratt's Astral )d burns in any lamD. is frea from mnnb and smell aud is absolutely safe uader all circumstances where oil should ba used. Julius Lewis A Co. sol Raleigh, N- C. What Zach Knows About Aritti- Js' metlc. fedalla D mocrat The new table of valuss. according to Zich -Chandler aud the Republican National committee, runs thus: One Indian aent makes 85 000. Two In dian ageuts make $10,000. Oue dozen Indian agents will arry one State elec- tiou. Three State elections, carried by ludian agents, make one President. Do not ,-throw ud the sDonira" if von have suffered with a hacking cough for ever so long Try the old standard remedy Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup which has saved the lives of thousands. 23 cents. Ode to Conk., Cam., Carp, and M , mtn.- j How fast the busy little C's Crawl back into the Senate! How booms the Grant cause day by day Because there's money in it. What the Country Longs For. Philadelphia Times. There is an evident loncrinfr th out the country for a lit.tl mnr IIuvmb and a little less John Saermaa,. A Hearty Remark, Uarlen Gtze'te. T!i Atlanta Constitution ia one of th best, ablest an i newest dailies this side of the north pol. The Requirement oTtUa Foil. tlou. New Orleans Picayune, Ii tiles a mai --zenral to ran the post-office of PuiUdu phia. An to Itobcwon. Boston Post. Robeson ought to go. A fkw years ago there were 60.000 unemployed men in New York. Now there are only 12,000 of this class. This is progress indeed. Wisconsin has adopted the whipping post, aud Missouri thinks of doiug the same. The movement appears to be booming. . Wm. Woollcott has just received from a bankrupt stock, a lot of bats, boo s, shoes and clothimg, he will sell them cheap for cash, a case of spring calicoe's ;-jst arrived at Woolicotts. The Lightning Flatter. This useful article is now on exhibi tion and for sa'eatths Hardware hjue of J C. Brewster, sives time, labor and half tbe gxnis, every lady should have occ, th y are sold very low and waranted to give satisfaction. Call early nnd secure one. Hardware, stoves and hou-e fur.oi-hing gooJs, waggon md buggy material, etc. J. C. Brw tr. Particular Notice. Business men and others in need of Book and Job Printing of any kind should remember that the News Job Office is tbe place to have it done neatly, cheaply and at the shortest notice. a 1 ' I 1

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