DAILY N E"W S. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1879. Hl'KEY JL JORDAN. Irop' JOHH D. IIIHMEV, - Fdllor. llw Jlaeh The Itallroad Tmx Comes To. - The Western N. C. Railroad belong practically to the Mortgage Bond-bold era. The State's interest in it it a Stockholder is a myth. The rights of the State io the corporation are practi cally cod fiiied to adding one-third to the burden of each tar-pajer in North Carolina to complete the road for the Mortgage Rood-holder. North Carolina did not more lavishly contribute of her best blood to sustain a glorious but fallen cause than she is now contributing of her hard earnings to ruh out "mud cut for the benefit of the Mortae Bond-holders. Ia the rame of a "North Carolina vtecu which wu hopelessly shatter ed when the North Carolina Railroad became in appanage of a foreign cor poratjoo. honest bat unsuspecting leg ulators are educel as sheep follow tbe tinkling of a bell. The better informed or more wary are bullied, cajoled, in duced by support of their local meas ures to exited aid to this and the backs of tbe people are still further bent to the bu rdeo that a few men may gorge and fatten on the Public Treasury. Thie iron hand is on the throat of the people and w hen rbey &p for breath and thaxe is a s'.rug!e to b. fre, an additional burden has been added of another railway appropriation to insure enough leg:!at-Tf votes to secure the prtsect burden iu its place. The Ntw? is a life lon friend of the Western N. C. R." IL It heartily acd earnestly desires the completion of the wcrk. It does not desre to see it built at the tax-pavers expense, to become as it now- will, the property of the Mortgage 'Bocd-bolder. It dee not desire to see the best treasure of North Carolina, rased on the biades of tbe hoes, and turned up by the plow shares, of her laboring thousand turn ed icto a golden sluice to wash out "oui-cui" that a few men may bare a broad track and a smooth pathway to enormous, wealth. Tr at is wbat.it all amounts to, "Merely this aLd luthing more. It is well to calculate how much North Carolina is racing annually to this end. The totai State taxes last year were to3-l."00. Of this f ITV'OO was the tlx appropriated for paying the interest of the Mortgage Rood-holders t nd build icg the road for tberu. A little moie than ) oce-tbird of the St te taxes ia:d by each county an 1 by each rotor j was pai 1 for the ttit f tb gTi t-emen. The f'.lowing :s tLe 1 ::..uct -f tax which was levied. up.n the counties named, for that purpose. Tbe l 'on fed erate tithes were once well kuown, but never well loved iu this ta. The f 1 lowngax sainj.- - of the Western N. C. II. Rod -holder , iV 'L.- tribute money annuvl'.y lev. eJ oath s f .r them to fatten upon : Wake pavs Western N. ( . R levf. Mecklenburg pays N . N. C. R. '.vv. N-w Hanover ajs W. N. C. levy. rU!gecviiibe pos W. N. C. levy, Halifax pajs Westeri N. C. levy, Wajne r-ajs W. stern N. C. levy, (.iraavil'.e rays Weatoin N. C. levy, (irange tays Wtatira N. C. levy (uilford pajs WeattruN. C. levy, Rowan pays Western N. C. levy. Warren pays Western N. C. levy, CUaveland pys Westein N. C. levy. Rurke pays Western N. C. levy. Alleghany pjjs We".ero N. C. levy. Anson pays Western N. C. levy, AUtuance pays We.-tero N . C. levy, Ahe pays vVestern N. C. levy, Beaufort pays Western N. C. levy, IWrtie pays Western N (. levy. Caldwell pays Western N. C. levy. Latawba pays Wet?rnN. C. levy, Chatham pays Western N. C. levy. Craven pays Western N. C.levy, Cumberland pays Western N. C. levy. Forsytbe pays WeiTern N. C. levy, Iredell jays Wtstem N. C. levy, Johcsloa pav Western N. C levy, Pitt pays Western N. C. levy, Robeson paja Western N. C. levy. r'. lo 6 :co : i o.otAJ 3 5 jo 4.150 3.K0 4 ?JC 3 2(0 i.euo 9X 4Vi 1.150 2 :m 00 2.150 a 2.0.0' 050 2.200 2.500 2.500 :3.200 2.450 2.7UO ol0 2.250 And so on for all the other cout t es The following is the annual prop r- tion paid by the two counties through which the road is t run: Buncombe, IM'OO Madison, 600 Tbe only twj oan'i through which the rotd is to run contribute I2.S:0 and the real of the State is tax ed annually for this end $116. 0J. Now how do individuals bear the burden. It is of course) one-third ad ded to the Slate tax paid by every voter in the State. If a man paid .JJ State tax last year $10 was the tribute money he pad to enrich the syndicate (ring is too impo lite a wotd, in the estimation of some pop) which shrewdly procured and keeps in force this tax levy. One third cf the tax oti luoiuea, eue ih rd of the merchants tax. oae-third cf tb 1 j lor tax, io short one third of every tax collected fur t ie Slate is addd for tbe benefit of these) Rotd. Holders acd one third of the entire State tax can be struck from the shoulder of the pe pie by a simple act pid l y the rep- reaentatives of the prople allowing these mortgage Bond-holders to com plete their own road. It may be said that they will foreclose their mortgage atd take the road. It is far better that they should. They really own the road. They will foreclose when the toad is finished. Let them do to now and build their own load. They can and will do it doubtless and more cheap'y than the Slate can. The opposition to tbis will come not fro.a the friends of tbe people but from the fr.ends of tne mortgage bond holders. There are doubtless gentlemen who have by tbis time become owners of aorae of these boi ds by purchase in - t . I - i i tbe open market. 1 bey ol course n u no band in tbe legislation which has placed tbis heavy burden on the peo ple of this State. They can not be damaged by allowing them to prose cute their rih'-s under the mortae. "The Slate i under no contract with any i n to continue to tax heiself to bji'.d bon J-holders' Rjads. .sou Is THIS AM.. It brcane ccrUin that this appropri ati n wiu in danger of repeal. There upon, it ia aA-wrted, that to get addi tion streneth an arrangement was made to charter the Cape Fear & Yad kin Valley R ulroad. By this 50,Ct-0 in cash and 74,OO0 to pay and feed con victs have been appropriated for 187U out of the pub'ic treasury. $124, Out approximates a fourth of tbe State tax paid last yea-. That is to uav, to en sure tual me g oi ine oiaic ui ni as above paid as tribute to the West ern N. C. R. R. should not bo dis turbed, neaily onefourth of the whole tax is added upon each county and upon each trade and each profession and each voter h r anMLer ia Iroail corporation. To secure votes a wide, reaching naie was given ir, i. e., iurji- Fear and Yadkin Valley R. R." An amendment however to guarantee tint some work should b; done on the Yad kin Valley en 1 was promptly v.:te i dowa. An amenJuicnt Jbat tbe $ . lO in cah appropi iattfd out of th- treasury should be applied t) discha'g' e liens ajd j.i 'ginenrs upon t ioa.l was also voted i1jQ. T.jis heavy approp: la'iou a.Ui' g ii!y I to the amount of the S'tite tax wus pasod by a min rity in each House. Iu the lower Hou.e it received M votes out 120 (i uiembe-rs not voting) and in the donate it recti ved with tbe casting v.:e of th- Sp.'ak t 20 votes out of 5 The old bur len is 8t.ll in fo ce A n-'w burdt n nwly n ;rv'e has h;-n add.-d. T.if pipU' haf asVed t r bread. They have been tdven a stone. The Nkw is friendly to all lgi ima'e rail o.i 1 enterprises. It doc? not ap prove of ich heavy buideris bein laid at thu time. It docs not sp'.rove of t'le in le m which the passage and i"ii " i :iuiiic s ol tliee h unM.iie have been prn urcd. It rememb th.U lli-j haid of th rof a wtio ltae to meet tn.-e nnprn wi cjst th ballots too. It ra di with ditad lhu evi leM cou.binal ion to subject Nor'h Caidiia p d.tics tj the control of tbs- two cr p. r .ti jiih. ll is r.o Lew tbi: g to af. n p to c i. trul the itt'j 1j by t' e itlaence o juu j v vuted out of their owu Treasurv Tiieie icmains much more to Ik; said. TheNKws deems that the al vatioii i f the paity demands that thee th ns bt? s aud that "ihe 1 ght turt-d ou" while tbe I.egidature is yet in sessioo. There arc thing that cau yet !e taid which .when made known, will ring through the length and bipadth of North Carolina. The eyes of the people are en tin Legislature. The gicat ruaj rity of the members ar Lonest l-Jtelligeut men. It is clear however that they tie Uo ui bCKitctii g of the wiles of astute wire pullets at.d de;gring po'ificiars. Insurance. Corrpcd''C i f tlie Nfwi. x ue views wuicii we nave seen ex-nre- - 1 elM.where on the merits of the first ard M-coLd stclior s ofllcusa bill, entitled an act to regulate Firo In surnce in orth Laro.lni, excite surjrise ard regnt in the miuds of in telligent undrwriteis and we fear wdl mis'ead that class, who have no fixed opinion of their own, but invaria bly "sneeze when their advisers take stuff." At no little cost of time and trouble, Me.'srs. Ak nson & ord n. prominent and intel"' g nt Cn hr writers of Wilmint .'n had v'sited our city and assisted the llaleih board in compiling htatis.ical information, argu ments and facts, which by the curtesy of th? Committee on In.-urance, ih-y were permitted to ljy boforw it. Not only ,they reatl telegram' and letters from 41 of the 4G foreign Compan'es dir; busine'U in this Stat, stating in the eveut of the passa;e of such a hill thai thfy would cancel e.ery pr.licy now ex sting, and withdraw from tht State, and Mr. Pimros, the Secretary of the N. C. Home Insurance Company informed the Committee that it would force his and a I t' e other Ni r 1. Ciro lina Companies to retire fnmi business and we learn that, a majority of tbe Committee and members of the Senate exp:eied s'long oppoii-n t thi bill. They saw c'.eirly it-, d isastrous oonnr- inr.c?j in the niouragemiut of arson and fraul, that tbe S:afe wo ild be de prived of an iucome of 115,000 per yrar. that exceed ng 100,000 mw paid by the insurance companies for agency expanses, rtn's, it tome vs fc-s, adver- tisiof, etc, wou d uo longer ba enj -y- ed, but that th ago i.s w ul 1 hive to return the commissi jns ou all policies cihc-lled at a fearful loss and a great cost of lime and trouble, tu ons be benttitted, and ths business men and owuers of property be forced t have nsurance placed in distant State un der their laws, at increased ost, delay and inconvenience, and they ad vised tht Underwriters to fesl no more concern about tbe bill, aa it would not be recommended by the committee. The father of tho Bill and his friends seem to bi ignorant of th j fact, that an Insurance Po'icj is simply a contraot, based upoa a survey and application made by ths assund, who fixes the values, that the' agent, who secur. s the Insurance acts as tbe agent of the ap plicant,that the policy promises t piy loss or damaga that may bj caused by tire, at its value immediately preceding the fire, and uot when the application was made, and they overlook another fact, tint Insurance agents Lave no authority to change the couditions of a policy to fruit such laws as are pioposed without the previous consent of tbe Comiany tbey r pesent,and therefore, such a law would be inonperative, as no Company appreciating the indem nity promised by Ps policies would consent to such changes. We hope, -hrelore, that our L -gislature will not enact any law calculated to force the Insurance Companies to retire from North Carolina, and so serious'y in jure, nty, destroy ths biiMness of In surance Agents of this State. A large DUmbar of the Companies will stop the expense of filing and publish ing their annual statements, until they are satisfied that no hostile legislation will be enacted. As previously stated in your columns, the statistics in Secre tary oi State's ollks show that in 177 (a year remembered for very few firef-) the Coropmies paid 105 for every tlOO premiums received, and the loss was far grea'er in 1 f 78. and hence, 13 com pauies Lave very recently withdrawn. Mast Citizkns. The Depurtuieut of Agricul ture, It ii well known throughout the Stte, that the News has bejn not OLly- a supp rter of tha Agricultural I)epar;m.nt fioui its creUi.n but that it has advocated it as a powerful ageu- cy to build up an 1 advance the mate rial intensts of our t"ta!e. and f spe cially t e gr.at and leading interest ol oar ieoi'.t Agriculture. Tbis is ard h .s it . in. I shall be a Itadit loa iu tlie c.uduct of this oaoer btcaiiss while fostering this interest we are subserving the best interests of all classes and pn;fesious of our peo ple. The News was one of the lirst papers in tht S ate to advocate tbis great Stats euttv prise, aud as our readers know it bai been uuwavering iu it t-upport. I' ii als well known tLat all tbe p-iss of the Stat-?, we be lieve without a single exception, has, stool by it. We have cften stated in these col uui is, thit n act of Legisla tioa ou our sta'.ute b ok is fr.nght with inon' hopeful lesult thautie one eftaLd s'iiu tbis Depart meut. Tbe scope of work inukt i cut by the Act greater than that of any iui.lar I .-partment in any other Sta"e. I u fact iv. Vance cooveytd soinvwh.it ofthatrue idea of it smagui tude,when he declared about twelve months ao'diat tit s I) pirtment is the bigget thing No:th Caiolina ever got hold cif.except tiic war." That it can aud will acccuiplish g"reat thiugs for tbe State we csnu t doubt andas a friend to progress we should greatly regret to fc.-e anj tbiugocur by whi.h it-s u o fu.ens-i ni ght be imi.a red. We have received a Iaiter from a gentlemau in the K ist .aiug that the inuLUlactunrs in vi-.-w of the feitili- i tax ol f oOJ have iucreased the piice of (ioano five dollars per ton, that as there ait o A,00 tous sold in this Stat, thw faimcis are payiug 2,oV0,00) tax on Guam t These statements are g ven to show tho ext -nt which these errone ous impre.ssioLb bzo obtaiurd. We aunver otir trend by sayiug liibt : That the inci eased quantity of cotton demandel is cot the r. suit from our tax, but was adopted in a coaventiou of iranufactureis held iu Cieorgia and applies to all the cottou States ; that iutaad c f an increase iu pi i ,-e, :hre hau been a reduction off 7.1'5 per ton dui ing the last two years, which is a saving oi $215,000.00 to the farmers ; and seooi d ly, that instead of 500,0u0 tons, only 30,XX) tous of ouano were sold in our Sla e last ear j thirdly, that the re nrt of our State Chemist shows that the inT umc value of fer.ilizois sold in eu' Siatj has increased since the law wa enacti d. We j iote from p iges 4,ri7 of Ins rtceui ReiKirt : "If we compare the average perc nt- age of Ammobia and Soluble Phos phoric Acid and tha commercial values of the feriiTz-rs sold in North Caro lina in 1H77'78 ( is gives on pp. 26, 27, 2s and 2'. of my repot t on 'Aoa'ysea and valuation of fertil z ;rs") we ti id 1-577. Average percentigo of Aumo ni?( n aiumoniateJ fe-tMiz4rt) Avnae perceutajo cf Soluble I'h phoi ic Acid, I 2 63 4,9) 3:1 66 Average coram roial val.ie per ton, 187S Average jercentage of Amnio- na, 2.S7 6 29 35 64 Average- pcrcontaL' of Svhib!e Pu soh.i ice Acid, Average commercial value per ton. ().-, there was an imj r venient of over 9 por ceur, n amount of Animoni-', over 2o per cent, in amju it SJubli I'hosphoiic Acid, and 5 je etv t. i:i C)mtnercial va'ue. Th se n sul' s aro c-r ainly inur ai-jg. an 1 an incre is : i i value of the artifi .-ial manures used in the Stale in a s'ngle year ol 5 per cent, means aa incieaso of over one h mdrud thou:uid 1o:l irs fil'tD.KK) )" A 1'norp-sT a;ainst tlie passage of Be Cape Fear aud Yadk n Valley ii -ilroa 1 subsidy has bv.cn s nei by (J.I. Williamsun and seveial other ti n- atcrs. If tha bill bad beej Hubjaittd to a vote ef tbe peopla would it have carried twenty-fivj tbousaud votes in tbe whole State ? IT jv then can Sen ators an 1 Uf preventatives vote so are a ux upon the people who are u-iwilli ig to b.-a; It? Tus intimation of the London Times that neither England or France would view- with indifference and attempt of Khedive Ismail, of Egypt, to restore his personal rale, voluntarily relin quished last year, means that if the preseut refractory attituie of that po tentate is continued Eng'aud and France will interfere. In such aotion ttieland would of course, taK9 pro- cedent, as she is Eypt s creditor lo h Teftt r mra irtn 0 10 000 and thewxtentor over f.i00,UJU,oVJ, auu has'a cjntrolius interest in the Suez I s ... canal. The financial reforms of last ' . . , c i, Konfit- year were inaugurated for her benefit, chiefly, and were a continuation of tbe action of 1876, which placdd ootn me ,uuu rf tto irancr.l roimniia and fxoeodi- T ture in tbe hands of a financial com- miisien, consisting cbUily of Europe- ans. 1 he Kuediva who na? oeen ac- custom eu to gratify every personal ue- . . . i .f sire, has probably founi the restraint of foreign financial supervision irksome coiup.ai its i .rank it is thd greatest iueui " v , , . I cine in the wort ;. and recrrets haviner gurrenaerea nis various personal property to ue useu io . I- - 1 I Day the Dubliodebt and interest. The F J " present difficulty will result in making t.i . ..... .. : - r,gjp: ntue more tnan a onusa pio- ince. The EevDtian Government now nas complete control oi tue cuuuuj . 1 . . from the Mediterranean sonth to the equator. There are ten thousand miles of telegraph and one thousand two hucdred miles of railroad completed. The condition of Biyard Taylor's wife iu Berlin is pitiful. It appears that in Berlin a furnUli9d house is not to bo had and Mr. Tajlor when he . . went there as minister, had , to hire a house for a term of years and furnish it out of his own means. He lurnisueu uis uuiumi icsiuenco ci y handsomely, running in debt for nearly every tuinir. i r mo ucruiau iaw iu . T 1 1 . 1. 1 . I., in oiv mntV c rnm icaai HiUiiuoiva u aim. uiuubua A i will the time of death of lessee. Mrs. Tav- lor is left so poor that she cannot pay the rent for the last quarter, nor for the coming months until July. She is besides, unabla to pay the physician who attended her husbaud, or even his funeral expenses. The consul- general has pid the lunf ral expenses out of his own means, tut expects re lnibursement. Congress has come to tbe relief of Mrs. Talor by voting her an amount equal to her .husband's s iK ary for one year. The unpleasautue. s in tlu German Parliament continues, and it appears that the National Liberals are increas ing the th.ckncss and strength of their backbone in the struggle against the disciplinary or gagging bill. The o ily the only thing the Nation 1 L-berals J " antl Risma-ck are ncrreod uniQ is (l- : O f 1-1. .i lesianou 01 c iiraujoiiutuisLU auu oiaie ,.v. . ti : t f o.. v.. Auoy aio iu iur 01 i.uo x..i- pllsh Parliamentarv svstem an Im. ptnai niiuisiry respoi.s.oie 10 I arna- men'., and the l arliameni s entire con trol of the Imperial funds. This, of course, is a system obnoxious to the Chancellor, who desires more and more to make the Parliament the cre ature of the Imperial Government. Ilerr Lasker, who spoke yesterday is a leading orator of the National Liber al paity. An esteemed correspondent writes the News a long letter from Greens boro. Want of space prevents its pub lication The letter lays now two propositions. First, it denies that a single vote in the Senate of North Carolina last Fiidiy, night cost the tax payers f 100,000. It says the ap propriation ouch' to have been made. Second, it says tint it is meanness to compromise the State Debt. That it ought to be funded and paid in full. The News differs with its correspond dent. Let him pay his pro rata of both and be satisfied. The miioritvof tax payers will d jubtless prefer a different com se. ONE thiid of tbe State tax oaid bv I PVPrv man Womn nH nhilA i rU j , v.... . .u woii 1 Carolina is a gift to the Mortaire ,. ,, , ,, " liondholders of the Western N. C. R jilrnii I itf 1 . I 4 1 T I oat does taia Ltris ature DroDOse w 1 tr. Hrt arw.ut it V V w w tneir constituents thit th?v have left I tbis collect,onof Uibu'e money still in forct? Do they propose to tell ihem thit th"y have another railroad tax to keep this one in force? There is a time to speak and a time to be silent. This is not the time to be silent. Grant is far in advance of Windom in rrgaid to the emigration of the ne gro. His pet project is to pack the en tire tribe off thy hospita'.able shores of Santo Domingo, where thy caa either pick blackberries the entire year round or take a hand in some of the eighteen or seventeen revolutions in progress lhjie. Grant is a very wise man. In Massachusetts there is a law on ha statute books which provides that if a negro "strike any person of the Eoglish or Christian nation, he shall be punished by severe whipping." Ah ! Secator Hoar, how can you sleep at night with such a horrible law hang ing iver i ha head of the "poor black man" in our own .-?tate ? Gkaht will take possession of the United Sta'os maa-of-war Richmond atCalc"t':i i. iha; slow tub manages to get v.w.re in time. She will take h m u Japan, and from there Grant wid cross tha Pacific to San Francisco on one of the regular steamers. The humorist of the Burlington Hawkeje has made six thousaud dol lars on the lecture platform this sea Bon. This is a good deal better than sitting in an editorial room all night and retiring in the'morning With paste in your hair. Vegetine FOB CJJILLS. SHAKES, FEV12R Vl AGUE. Ta-RBOKO, N. C, 1878. Du. H.R. Stevens: Der Sir, I feel very grateful for what your valuable medicine, Vegetine, hs oouemuiy family. I wish toexpres iSy thauKs by iu fnrinfnir vfiu of I lirt WoDderiul cure of mv SOq; also, toiet you Know wat vegeuae is stiHke8.r'everaa(l Ague. My son was sick wltu meassei in 15, wnicu leit mm wnu HJp,jotnt 8,,. ftiy Blu sulferea a great palof paln.ali of the time; itie j.ain was so rrAAt ha did nothing bat cry. in-i doctors did not help him a particle, he could not lift bisloolfxom tue floor, Ue could uot move "h crutcnes. L read your ad vertisemut in tne "Louisville Vrier-Jouru!, maj jjloodFood. I tnwu oue bottle, wuicn wasa i-ii.e. Kradusllv eaini. . He hadtaKen Ush teen bottles in ail, and he is completely re I or..u ia imilm wulrt witii.int p.riur.nes or cane, nets iwe-uty years ol axe. l iiave a ;SfiVe oD,necouies ui, uusc ui cgonuc thai is the 1 iStoltneCbill. Vegeiiae. leaves no bad enect upon tn system HKe tne most oi I Hie iu dicines r-coinmeuoeu lor cniiis. eer"ully "ecomme d Vegetiue for such KesptctiuUv. MK8. J. v.i-LOiio. vbobtinb When tbe blood becomes life- less and staguaut. euuer from change oi weather or of climate, want 01 exeicise, irregular die, or fiom auy ouiei cauae, tne VeKitiue will ltuew the blood, cany otf ine Dutrid humors. cieause the st macu, regul the bowels, aud impart a toneoi vior to tne I - Vegetine FOR NERVOUSNESS D i SPEPS1A, GENKKAL DEBILITY. biSKNaKDaTON, MAfcS,1878. We. the undersigned, havirnr u ed VTege tine, take piesurd in recoiuuienduijj it tu ail tuos tru.'iea .vnu ti'iiujrsoi auy num. uyepsu, Nervousness or oeaer- i D - I bint v. it oeiiiit the 1 ireat blod Hu: ltier i-t by K. L croweh who sell more ol a thauall other patent m dicines puuogtius i MitS. L. K PKKKIN Mlir. ti. W. t. T I , Vegetine is tb gre it health restorer - i-mmwi.ti. iiii)-iviv ni )ai'K.s. nut", anu I " " - - - -- - - .. . .-. heibs. It is very piea.a u u a-ve; evcrj I C J 1 1 J 11 ii CS it . VEGETINE. r'OIt NERVOUS HE A DA 1 1 : 1 ml ltueuuiat iui. CrNC nati, 0.. A;j; il : U:7. II. R. Stevens, Esi : ucr Sir, I riav i use I y our v .- z ti i'; ior Nervous He-la -h-, aiso .f r ltie:ii!i- usoi, and have foaii I e i re elie: fr i.u ! tii md take grea' piosiif' m r- i nr.miug X to ah wuu may t.- Ke .vi-e a.llio ed. rlir-li. i i, 1 vli.il t., C uu. Vesrettae his lvstoivJ t 'luii a:id o -n? who had been loa an 1 p iniim suert-r.i. DraggiNt-" IVstimouy. Mr. H. R. SteveiH: Dear Sir. W.- liav- V eii selling your. remedv;the Vegetine fo - about three years. and take pleasure in n"Min ikmhIiu it to our customers, a . i in no wijere a I ho ml fiurifltM-would i'aJh the ca' lid1 it I ver fmld to eiiect a-Cre. to our know- I r". - - I . I.,-, ,,!,,. ..t I leoife. liceiiainiy 13 iuc j.iu.t uo'. 1 rPlmviLoi i Res oect lull y. SHEPlltlxwl A CO", Druggists, I Ml. Vernon III. I be the best in l most reliaol r D;oia punner I in the world. Prepared by H.R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass Vegetine Is sol i by all DruRKist JD 3 1-POUiW. CH A RTKR UKAN TED. Ioflerfor sale a Handsone CllESTNU MARE, fine running, wal, er under saddle andnobrtter roadster In hardness either single or dou'ole, ? liai ds, s-tl!th and an easy driver. Alscs a line FAY SADDLE HOP.F 5 years ol, 15J hands, fearless. Also., and better, a flue BAY HARNESS IIJRSK 6yeariold 15 hxo.ls, fast trotter best In the city, not hfiaidof anything, war ranted sound, tru and kind In all harness Theab vallo S'js arc consigned and will he pleased to have p.irtks to eiriunlne them feb 13 tf W. C. MoMil KIN, Dradan l despair fa'l upon ibe comrou niiy when a tern : le epid- mie, like the ehol nouies- vet. ail tne' wbi e. a more i i?id ous ...11... rut'j, on.l.Unlv .Unl'kta4 oil r ll no less lail Joe, tu ei u'uumu .s ui ,,,,,.. hurts nvrrv vear ami c irris on tne flower of the fa'iaiiy lu the early nu-h o; manly ytu?h a. d bu.tdmg wouiannooa. People can it pr sun ptlon. . r "decline." t is not, in inor cases, toe iuic cuiar pniuisis I.r UUUOll 'A lU'J . U 4. 5 ". I, LIIVU U IU'. peculiar ma ady in cliaiaic like those 01 tLe i,.-,eioh u .mHaiiid -. i r knir 'in.i tint a .-r.. Ulltlilt i'iiUJ iv - " if,iiiu iuk t U eraldecy or arrest of tho vi al procesMo' nutriiion Ail r ne qo ;tui s ak.ree mai there 113 ll U inucu; av i.t uu vy 4 T m. n boitheyarec -ust ptly met by tl.e o.s-a 1 .., .-w x.i XT f.V t 111 tl Y.tl t 1 ' III 1 1 V K I . II low or reta'n it. Tuh roiui3:ou is litireiv iLlL he II Vi'OPidusVHmcL.Mt ANU SODA wnieb is aureeai l t-ti e tast- an Un une ed nutrient and tonic forthe Dodf neiv ucrain. fpUE lifiK V T sOu l'iltN KE.V L euy oi tb-- cure oi ecroiuia. icrofulrus Taint, Rheumatism, jvVhite swelling. Gout, coitre. O v-onsu ii piion, tsronciiuis. .Ner vous Lebi i y and all di:e;is's irismg- irom an imp ure cunsti- iiiioii oi tue uioo i. ibe merits of this valuable preparation aie so -li known hat a passing no-tee b,n ne: sary r. i leimnd to n-m.iiu the .eadeis of tli s lournal of ihe necessity of aiw-as b .ving a hot tl f this mediciue am 114 t. eir Stock o! f,;lll.iy U(JC Salt! s. (..eililiciiies cau be presented from many leadii.tr l'nysi:ians iliuiste;-, a: d oeicis 01 famiiie.s through lue jSoutli, eudoiinn in Hie 1 igbtst terms The Fluid bxtract or Ko.-adal s. Da. 1C. Willon Uikr of Balli- moiesa -lie nas used it in caeet of scrofula autl other dis eases with much satisfaction. r T. (J PuGh if Baltimore. recommends it to all persons suf- leraiK wir-n diseased iilood. sav- iug it Is superior to any prepara tion he has ever used. hEv. pab.nev all of the al inioie M. K. Couleieuce toutu says he has been so muca bene- Ifltted by Ms use thatLeoheerf ally reajuuiuienas 11 to all nis 11 lends iud acquaint inces. Okatkn & Co , Uruggists of Oor donsvUlo Va.says it never has lailtd to give satisfaction. esam'l U. McFadden, Murfrees boro. Tennessee, says it cared himif Uhuuiatism when all else failed. Kosadalis Is not a secret quack preparation, its ingrc-cients are published on every package, show it to your Physician a d he will tell you it is composed of the strongest alternatives that exist, aud is an excederjt blood puri fier. Did our space admit we could give you testimonials from very etate in the bom n and from per sol s known to every man, wo man and child either personally r by reputation. ttosadaiis is sold by all druggists. (OHM t . HEN Hi , CUKR A & Co. 8 College l'lsr e. New V ork. t, W. PoWELh Co.. Kichuond Va., Whoksol Agents. I ;:con:icu:s. . T. Jofjiison. Wholesale Grocer and Commission Mmhint, We have just reeeivdJ a full, fresh anil well selected stock or (iroeeries, consisting in part of 200 Bags RU-hni ? Ho! -.i .ie-il 2(K Fresh (jiroi nl i So-n , 20 Birreis M la -s i-v eroj.) JOO Bag-i Ma'-siia's ial. , 15 Barrels Sugar's, 0 Bags Cotfee, 20 Boxes C. R Sides, Stock Peas, Seed Oats, C rn, Pork. North Carolina Kon, Leather, &c. , &c, &c. We so'iit c inst-itne its of 0otfo , Grai-i Meal, Flour, Poultry, Egjrs and all kio1s or coun ry produce. will sell at hi, h'-.t prices and remit pro i ptly. Write for prices. W w 11 inakj sopc-ial fJiuresty tboe buying in quauitirs. Feb. 4 tf. More Good? !lnea oods Arriving (l;iiiy at t lie Busy store of GHRISTflPHERS & SQRRELL II iR'lKTT STHKK'i . V- aie r 'i . liii ilai'y all kin Is o' ceries, winch wc initii'J to hell c1! ai- ior Another r;ir Lai just jirrivfl or A nest Std as i.ro.ignt t the City, a. ui examine i:ieui. ihe i a'.i OMON SETTS AND OTIIEK SEEDS on hand, wh le al ;;nd retail. FLOFR ! FLOUR ! ! Car L-a 1 Fiou" a ui 'erd i ut re -elve-l MEVTMAhKKT A. 1 w y-; j 1 1 ; nr. ait :i i s v, rh th (in 00 Beeves nnd n l;ic- ev-'i'y thing i ire. l.l'' Ixi I'l C'ir PI T'i'r : 1": -t.';.,n 1 C : I : -. i'i-.u , s 1 e - on - w .1 f :iuh in - ' v . t lelh No. 4 re are the 1. t !' u o t - 1 11.:: s c'P L.il - . -DRUELf., ii ii-i: tt mi ret. f D ' f 9 J N r LSA k PERR1NS tKLEiUlATED PRO SOU -VI ED BT C.- O ISSKCKS TO BE THB EXTH M-T of a LtTTKH from a M K 1 l r. a L uK T I. EM AN at Madras to hi bioti-er "OnlyGood Sauce." at V ?K( TtR, May, s i Tel Lea s i'ek Rs that their saijee j highly . ... Et.nrnom.sfi "teemed in lu- auu appi caoi-u BfsnJfdla and l. in mv l't'-pinh'-n. tl.e most EVERY VlKltTySSS,,,,...!.!,.. a l, & ?as the most .wholesome Sauce that is made." WQRSESERSHIRE SAUG , THUS GIVING THE CONSUMER NOT OvLY THE BE3T, HUT THE MOST ECONOMICAL SAUCE. Signature on every bottle. .1011 X I u C V X s soxs, No '. f'ollee t'l iie and 1 Uni'n Squ-vre New Vo k. fet i91 -wly rpflE RF.CI'LAR NNI'AL MEETING OF L th1 M' i-klioiders of the No; t;i Carolina Srate l.itV lu-iuiiiru-e O mpany. will held at tbe 1 0:11 1 ) v - ffi-ir. in this Ci:y ou Ktbiu trv 2i !i.lS y ft 1' o'cl t'k A. M. V. li. HRKS AUCTIONEER'S NOTICE . All bu-;5nss intrust ed to the under-'sn will receive prompt aid norsonal ar'p tion J. M. M TTn KVVS, feb 17-.?m. Fayettevi.le.N'. C Dr. Sidney D. Grant. No. 32 NOBTH STREET, OrPO-ITK C-TY HA! L, BLT MOKE. MP. PFrilB R TH TKKATMh'XTi F ALL I J S CAS S. OR GRANT sncressiu'ly tiea's Asfhnia, Brou hitis, Ircipient Consumption, Catarrh and ail diseas -s of tne 'throat and Lungs You, ior suffer- s wit . the As hm-, who have been treated by in -nv able physicians vvithout beuetit, consi it D . '-rant, he can cure you. Or ii you iiave i"e Droin hitis. In cipient Constiuipuon, orCitanh, do not ue di-icouratfed, fo 1 r. raut can remove the disease and restore you r. ieile-t health, If ou are utferiu vvnU Kl:euin;itisni, liyspep sia, Piles. Liver Comp1 aim, 1- its. Partial l'ar alvsis ami Foisoti'"s Diseases of th blood. an'ectiug the l liroat and iN st , Scrofula, and ll LMoodand Skip Diseases. 1esia r not, Ir. ;rant can -h ans. the 1 lood f r m al; imii:i i t Persons atll.ot'-d wit;- Nervous i) bil ty Vin We kiiuss. uiid e.i- ra 1 -l-ostratiou o the Nerousa 1 i hysi al system, have bo; e and place youi tlf uuder the treariueu of Grant, who h-is -u eo huoiti-eos uf p itie its wh-ii o her p .ys eians "ave ail- d, aud save them liom a pi'i-ni uuie r..ive 11 ' 0u live ili-ei:se f Ki :;eys, r -. rr -i;y I ri nary j;;s- a s. im ibrt-.-s. i - sy. app-y 111,- "t-iliu t'iy !o U. . 'i iuit. ;i y ar snii-iii g with oiiuuijr i. tn h 1 s. . tie :.ivo d'sch ir a f 10111 the ais, pa: i ll it'u ss partial niind tiess. i 011 eai te c i ivi. cohSMt . r. -ra t t b re it Is tor) a- '-. K.'l ir.bie. persons in every part ot 1 e ; v and --rai t: e.ui testily to Dr. raut h Kreat success lu mating 1I13 abov-- name i dist-.-sey. Renieniiier !r. tn-a- t treats all diseases o ev ry name and nature. Call or write. Coy suitatiou free. octS HLEHTIKLS! VALENTINES J A BR AG ASS A 16 FAY ETT h V ' L SiREET, has lust received a large and varied stock of Sentimental and Coiuic VALEN TINES 1 He his a' so, a lara-e stock of Confec'ions Toys aa 1 Musical lustrum eots. Guittr, Violen and Banj j Strings, H arm jni cans, &c. febgti Proposals for City Bonds. OFFICE COMMISSIONER OF THE Sinking Fund of tbe city ot Raxkigu, N. c;., Feb. 1-S, 1879. SEaLED proposals will be received by the uud rsigne 1 lip to twelve 'clock nooo of the 4th ot March, 1879, for the purcha-e bv the City of eicrnr, ttiousand dollars i t the eight per ceut. coupon bouds of the city of Raleigh,, known as the arket Mou.-e bonds," or a UKe amount oi tne six per cent. coupon bones of the city known as the city of Kale' gh, "'.New sixes," or any portion of either class. Bids wdl be opened in the presence of the Mavor and Treasurer of the City, and as re quired by law the right Is reserved to re- use any Dias not considered advantageous tothec'ty. 11 W. E. ANDERSON, feb 19 t th sa t4m LOTTERY. KENTUCKY STATE mm Givoseveryboriy a ch;ih-e to m k thin out i uis luvestin . ut in th. O r h I of FEBRUARY 23. Tlioro ?.re no loss t '-ring ti g : h r to 1 t r i. , 5H . 2 P i.e. - 0 0. 3 I I l i e. ?4 ) . AiO Wi ole I' rk tSni ly A i . s- all o. .sreiu--. :1 t WILLI MMJN i ( j . oO'J Eroadway, N. Y. S.n l In o' r s vi:hoiit delay a Id ti, , 1-st- lawn g we uiiable io sm'-.u " ueniMi.i. Co -e.-n-.n t-i i. i.,.., . ' ,"" fir , u-inc nnhl'h. ,1 i.i n... v.. .. v . . . L ' Ne k - o k lie am siaat .eit""g. All out of tow,. t i,- ' lK.llMsa eiiu l.-i at j.. , f ; he oilici;, . i, ., as so n as receive I. SIMMON'S & ICCKT 4l wi A' aw ir A Sl'..i. oil Ul't'Ulw KMTV 10 IN A FOuT-tMS,TMIitl) ulUMi 1HS-rHflH;il-. N. L.S C, A'" NKW CK LhA.S, HK-lUY, MAUCH 11th. 17.' l'C'li Mo;:!h:i Drawing. Louisiana Staia. Lottery Company, Thl? l'i5.t:tutiin was regularly Incorporatfi by tue Leyial-'iture of the State, forEdu a tional ana charitable purpose, In w.n fcr th - iti-n ol Ivst-Lt -five eais. t which conri-ict the ir-vi labie f tith of the state pledged w tli a capital of Sl.iKW.odO, to which a uvs since a'ideu a reserve fund of jaro.iMi Its grand single number distribution win' takr p.uc" n ( i.thly on the second Tuesday 11 never scales or postpones. Look at ino folio v.-itik flihtribution: CMI'ITAL 1KIZ . 30,000. lCO.t-i 0 TIC-- KTS A r UVO DOLLARS KA( 11. li A1.F-IICKE7 8, ONE DOLLAR. LlT OF PKIZllS. 1 f'n nUnl T) n ... 1 Laoital Prize 1 Cipi al Pitzr 2 Pwzeof i,b' 0 5 1'nzoof 1,U0U 2n 1'rizes ot M0 10 nzesof lot) 2 " I'l i'-s if 5i n o 1 :. oi 2" n 0 l'l izes of 10 i ' ii ; ii ai 11 JtC. f. I) ' . l,-l. ri,ili .Slxi li .(' i I'.im !(..,,., I'K' "j Ai'i'.OXIMA HON PHIZES. 9 AMiroThoit :.-!! Prlz:' of tyi o.Tm ' 'J Aip o.l tl ill HZcsot 1.0"...,... 9 A. -;ox.li.u!ou Pr:zeSf Hj 18";7 l'riis, amounting- tt iu. 411, Ketpnuni de cM-po .1. i.;g a.e. ts v.-i!,tel at ail j. . oMiineii 1 Jpoi , s, tu v hom a l;bvi.t. c mpeiis.aion u ill be j.aid. Ai'p. icaiioii for tales t clubs should only be made to tiie Home Otlic in .New urie.-tiii. Write, cieany sta- iog lull address, lor fur ther 11.1'u: mat ion, or & lid orders! ). M. A. DAUPHIN , P. (. Box 39-1, "i w organs. Lonisia', All ou;' (irau Ev.t aotui .arv 1 r wi ns ,ir" uncei loe s..pfi v.slon a'ui niai.;i;.r'i:i, u ()f OENbKAi..S v.. i hv.7.1 :.l) ..n i JUiiAl. A. tA(i' . !e : i-iw FO K iti-;T S4LL. liiierostjng (o ilousd(ii.'rs. SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of Furniture. CRAD AUCTION SALE. Th? un.'eis:giir I ..i, s-;'l bis entire : t c. of New Furuitui-e, consisting o: Une, il ium auil Common Wa'nut airi P. plrr Co ih berte s, Ward ol.es to '.Mtvli, Marl 1- and Wood Top lJureaiis and 'ashs'ands, M..i t in aud Wood Top Tables, Walnut Poplar and Maple Ueds;ead, Walnut, Cak and Maple Cane Seat Rocking Chaiis and Chairs, Wo d Seat Rocking Chiirs and hairs, yo'an, Loungt s, Walmt, Ac, 4c. The Sale will c - mmence on the -titli day o. December, and be continued until all s sold. ? Up to that dav eveiy article wUl be sold at cost. If parties buying do not wish to re- move their articles immediately, they cl be le it until r eb. 1st. deci2 A. W. PRAPS. TiiE iFjm-nin f:ued. Tn f-es Hay of pol't eal trickery, a trm fr'end'iii th lime of need, is afriond in l-e-s ard tui h a f 1 iend in DR. WM. K ALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LDH8S. It is a sure cure for CONSU ' PTrOV,C0TTOHS,C0LI)S A.1 TH M A m o vein ris, hoarsene.-s, and a'l diseases of the Lungs, Chest as J Tliroai. This well known remedy has been used f r thirty years and has cured trioua "1 o' cae- ma y of which were given up as h p - less. iso cn'e. hoevr ostin''te, can resist tie- eliT,tj 1 roue; ties of Pr. Will. Hall's Hal- saraiorthe iungs. . I rial bottles will re furn'slie ) gratuitously to all who ireaftl cti i wi h ' urg ai j et toral diseases. ab-Heme"'ber that it is the ' persistent us-e of theB iharu that cures the worst ca es JOHN F. HENRY, CUR RAN & CO , Sole Proprietors, 8 COLLEGE fLACE, NEW YORK. : 1 ,1 l 1 J A 1 . 2. h 5- Tsl'il ?T-i O n - -t .--1' - .1 1 . . 7 J -6-3 11 1 5 d t:0 :rr iori . v&r So a z " - -. --a tr : sr 3 -1 T" s.'nS. - A 2-- j-tH.r'r CD 5;.- ? Sf-E.-??SP.?KS j J