FRIDAY, MAKC1I 14. 1870. News Telbgrarcs. F XT It A SKSMO.V. Uit llajartl mmjm about It. New Ykkk iiaich Tbe Herald give the result toe interview with Swnatcr Btjard iu this city yesterday, tie is rrprud cxpresaiug bis opin ion thai tbe txtra N'Miun bou!d be so toit as to exclude the general legis lation Only two aj poj riaticn bills, at d the paseAe of Um tiemauded by th' lU-u?e at the lat ioti engagiug tbe atlentiou of Cougre. He defined these law to b iepat of the war 11 oath ol Euactmet of law provi ding fir iin partial jurors Amendment of ibepris nt law huh prsut fie appeal aaca of .irint Inrors at r!ctin to ae J jxrace anj r pal mC ioiis of reiM :atuirs wlicu provide for the appoiutmeut of federal oihiaia aa su pt rv or. of t lit (ion i j -vera! tate auti r . ii'i'U-f deputy mar-hii. Unrlolle aud August Air Ilue special to tl N'eas- hEw YuRt, Mjrch 13 -Mjtkholder of tLe Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line Railroad yesterday e lev ted Lbe luliow IQ dinco.r : Lueue Kflly, Wm. II. Fagg. Alex. P. Irviug. A. P. Dickin tun, Ftancia Numb, Abraham S. tc art axd Vt tu. H. I bam. of New York; II i ram W. 5;biy ai.d Byron 1'. JicAl pine of Rochester, mud Skipman V il uier and Franca 1. dara of Balti more. At a suhiiuent meeting ol the beard of d.rtctois tlirarn W. Mbley ws re-elected President. The rcpuitaub tuitttd huw(ii tlat tLe net earnings tor !ajt jear mere about ftniy thousand do. Lara It is otuher phasant nor prrfitab'e to luar people couuntly coughing mh n ir.ej ciuld be aily currd by a 25 cent tx.ttle ct Dr. Hull'. Couteh yr up. No nid;cine ha ever been inventtd lAirtrrrt drath ' Tbe beat that can be done is to ast cature in keeping toe lunriioia oi me ixj in a wuii tic n ol health mhile life lasts. For bil ocii. a. iivcr connlainl, coative- D ha, dj ?p pia, and all tt.mach d1 vrUr take Molt Liver Pills. ItaLelour Own Fertiliser. With ten dollar worth oi chemicals, which I wiil luttmh in proper propor tii n for i ne tou if ftriu z.-r, added to dct. materials as every farmer Lmm iu Lni.duce aioui d the farm, he cau make a ton f fertil'rer equal to ilia U i u;gLpiut-d ft i til rt rs iu the mar ket. I: i recrametded by leading far uier, uch a Mr. Wiu. Gnaws, J. T. L'a;h and othr i v hoe tetinio usla I Wi ?ivi.. . t'Lrui!, Kileih N. C.'. t lear Kir, S:d, , , . , . Iatajct f amily K'our. N'orlb Carohoa Ka-r ii , . r lour, Baltimore ramvl- ' J eu las. Coru. Meal, Sugar, Cotlee. H ce All chap at liiM'f;u' or tetnl at W. M. Candor , near corner of N ilmtug ti n and Man in Mri-el. 1. iv Cnipelitii n dtt'ud. both as to quality aiui price. Our couutry i getting lo ! fearfully alami n, the average of life beiug learned everv ji', without any reas onable cur, orath rMilting geoerallv from the dkmI it Ainiticant orgio. At thia seaaon of tLe year eip c-.lly. a cold is nucli a common thiut; that in tbe hurry of every d iy life we are apt to overlook tbe danger attend nj it and otten tiud too late th t a lever or luog tnub':e I a already m. Ttiou itDi Ie tV r in th way every w n'er, wmir had Im i-clue" tierniin Syrup ret n t-ker, a cure wotiM have res il:e!, a-d a Uig" bill fiorn a doc oi been av.ided. F r ah d seas of the thnwi' aud lurg. I$-che"s tJer'nan Strup hi proven Tfcll to be the great- !t d er j f Us kind in ru-dicine. Lvery Druggist n this country will tell you of it? wonderful ttTct. Q'er 0,0"Xi bottl". s- Id Lwtt year without a niokcle failue knowu. d&w tf. Wm. Woollcott has just received from a bankrupt stock, a lot of hats. boo a, shoes aud cl ihimg, he will sell them cheap for cash, a cae of spring calicoe's stamved at Woollcott. Jnwt tbe IMnce. Leader the ail r has won an enviable reputation in his busios, and deserves it. for the s'yle, tit and material cf tit suit are not oxcelled. When to ths ih added moderate charge, it is not surprising tbt hi rtxtn over Tnck er'a store are of. en visi'ed by custo mer'. Pay him a viit and inspect his stock and you will be pleased with price and goods. IIon Vsnted. Near the bosines centre, 4 or 6 rooms and kitchen. A reasonable rent will be paid from March 1st. Ap ply at News t Jrtice Strooac h i. Alicott have just receivel 2 car l jads of hay, and a large lot of meal, which they will sed 1 jw r than the lowest. To the l'ublle. G W. King, in rear of T. II. Brings A Sns, Hardware Store prepared to iertir in brat c!as style Breech Load mg aud Muzzle Loading shot guns and Fue Arms of all deaci iptioos, I)or Ixks Trunk Iocks aud all kind or lk work, Cmbrei:a, Fluting Ma chine and anything in the line of small Hardware, either Uians or Iron. S'gt and Bell Hanging a epeciality. Orders from a dis'.anoe will receive proni t at tention. All work warranted. Duu't Forget That J. C. Brews'er is sgent for the Lightning I'laiter. He coutrols all trr-ri-ory et of Alimance county, and would like to have local agents in every town l' in induce and sed this valua ble article. It is the b t ever invented and at half the cet, sells readily. Every drearuaker should hae one. Kery lady who xn her own di ess maker should have ne. Send 11 for Kiiruple, al.o terms to ajrentf. J. C. Biewster, Hardw re Mercliaot, Raleigh. N.C. Jllllluery. 1 will have returned from tbe North in luday. iih a 'arge aud varied stork of Milhnery. and io-k my in my f. lends to oail at oil staid, NewUern Aveun. m C. C. Hill. Sratuuable Uuud . A goni Merino Cader ooirt at 30 cents. Knit drawers to match at the same low pric. t Red ar.d coKred gi oda re duced prices. H. B. Adrew3 Jfc Co , Clctlners acd Htttts. , If you want flour, meat, meal, corn. oats, peas, Irish potatoes, new srop Cuba ruolaAea, p owg or cuttings, be sure to call at 1). T. Johnson's or send your order to him, and you will be certain to get the worth of your oaeney. Juat received a lot of fresh egg and butter going very low, call early. D. T. Jonson, Wilminton street, (tilo D T. Johnson's for plow and plow catins. Tlae litieo Unansd lrni .a aa i u wt" These high grade Fertilizers a'e fo 1 1 an.l flVliri hlr known throughout the country "hat it w ueles t say ihm thjt thrtv are. for Bale UDOU the mot Uv ra'deU-rmsof nygucano offered iu this mat ket by ilex.'. 51. T. Norria 6r Co.. who are receiving daily and keep on hand a large stock of gnceri8 and supplies for farm rf. I'resli Arrival. Si i car. coffee, clear rib ule, tlour . : 1 1 V- 1 . J of ail grade, KKuranu otiittu u'. alt. cirn, oat. moUses, eatly rose acd ptatoe, all of which bought to the WmT advantage and will be nold ac otsding'y. A's our tiue buggy horse 7 years old or e'egani siyie, unrs well and gentle, for sale. Apply to, L. K.Wyatr, Wilmiugton street, oppo ite Mai ket house. The Turksr lloa This hoHtlery has not long been oreoed, but has made itself a favorite here and with tbe traveling public. The fare is good, the room favorable, while the location is very convenient. Thee many advantages are appreciated. The Lightning l'lailter. This useful article is now on exhibi tion and for sale at the Hardware house of J. C. Brewster, aaves time, labor and bslf tbe irood, every lady should have oue, they are sold very low and waraaled to give satisfaction. Call early and secure one. Hardware, stoves sod house- furoi-hiog goods, waggon snd buggy material, etc. J- C. Brew ster. Particular Notice. Business men and others in need of Book and Job Printing of anv kind should remember that the Nkws Job Okfice i the i lace tJ have it done neatly, cheaply and at the shortest notice. At lvatwou'M. N. C Hams, sujjar cured ohouldeis. bulk m-a. N. C. poik, lard, pig's feet and tnie. New aul heard Ol ! Those unique cards. Just receive.! at tbe News .lob Oihce. Tf.e marvel of the age. ho II mh Ihe'llourj ? Three hundreds il.lurs may be leaned f jr twelve months or :wo yrt y per cent., s cured ""Jilst Morta,age on .r"!-rrfate! Address P. (. Draw, No. .". Halegh, N. C. Cnn anil L.ocLiinltb. B ockwell & King, near the rear of the I'. S. Court House, on Salisbury utieet. are prepared to repair in tirsl class slyl, liretch load ng aud Muzzle shot Guns aud tire arirs of every description. Tjv a!o lepair Door L-ks. Tiunk L ckJ, auu locas oi an pattern!. Umbre'.ljs, Parasols, Fluting Mac bines, aud everyUnn in the line oi mll hardware, either b.a-s, steel or uon. Siguand lkU banging a speciai y Orders from a ditan.e will receivt jikmuI atteufon. K-ys fitted at res i- dences on notice. A.l w r s ai rantexl. C'oiiveuieui. i heat aud Good. Tue Did City oi Cooke Hotel is uovv under tbe charge o! Mr. I . llortou who has made arrangements to lurnist tbe public with capitable quarters j... ..I iKi.iid :oiil tbe beat aUeUttoU at i ...w rate. It will pay you to call and ?ee him. lllue I'luuu!. Sac'i s and Frocks bjund and tin- bouuJ, btst q lality at ti od, new gxxl- K. B. Andiews Co. Clothiers Hitters. Just Itrcelved. Another case of tho-e fine black soft Hats, ad sizes, at IL B. Ai drew & Co , i'lotbit rs aud Hatters. llorwen for dale. Two young, gentle and sound horses suitable lor saddle or harness, aol J for want of nse, apply to K P. aywo nl, Jr. March 11, 1S70. WINS blackberry and ginger brand ry at ataou a also tbe bet whi-ki -a. The enterprising tirDL of Uud A' Baibee Bros., ma le another big sale ol riour ytoterday. Just to Hand. At Watson's. Sugar cured hams and shoulders, also the best leaf lard. Cao lo Watson's;. For tbe best asaortmeut of cracker cakes and candles. Freli fthad or auy Other Fih If you want to buy a nice fresh shad or a bunch of n ce fresh hsh. Call at Jno. W. I ichuroh's. North side market rquaie at one o'clock tody, a.t . i ww auu ne win sen tueui to you rit'iiu lie ceivs them daily. 5Ioiinuiriit.s. We ri.srectfulSv ask vou to call and sr examiue our work befire sending North and thtn tell us it its executlou i rtr ii lit it & tfmkl mi anv on lm v ever seen come irom New York. Marble War - 11 Mm, old place, corner Morgan at u liionut street, U -spc tfuliy, Cattcx & Wolk. I'oetrj. Alinr. I'e yet one solace left. V h ob cheers my broken In art, And iu tjiat thought a thousand hopes Cotpesi ringing into biith How beautiful the vision tTeems, Amidst life's troubled care. To drink a glas of good champagne And smoke Mesdf.U.' ciirarp. From the Capital Cigar Store site the Postottice. oppo lllectrlc Hells. A sure cure for nervous debility, pre mtuiedecy, exhaustion, etc. Toe only irlub e cure. Circulars mailed free. Address J. K. REEVES, 43 Chatham St., N. Y. Good lor Them. A lady yesterday told her husband to be surv to call at one of the drug storeo down town and get aome more of that Cherokew Iudmu Cough Cure, for it had dono the children mote good than anything they had ever oaed. Wood. Get your wood of J. D Whitaker, at hia yard at the western terminus of Uargett street. The pine wood which I mired bv him in his soecial war is equal to oak, at considerable les cost to tbe consumer Hia oak is the very beat. The J.le'a. at il fitvat Spring Iron aud Ataiu Slats This is decid-nlly the most useful, beide being the most effiient Family Medicine ever placed within the reach of any people. Its reputation extends jar and wide, and its great popularity Is due entirely to its own merits. For relieving Sick and Nervous Headache it may be truly .sai l, to have no equal Pysppt'cs tin I it just the remedy for Iheir troubles M thers and daughters have long s;uce d soverod in its use a panacea" for their worst ills; and now we have the testimonies of two emi nent ministers of the gospel, from Southern cities, setting forth its spe cific effects in other more dreaded and troublesome disease". Ilev. Jjbn F. Myue, Theological Seminarr. Columbia, 8. C, writes: 'Am afflicted with that teirible dis ease, Diabetis;' am using the "Seven Springs Mass' with considerable de gree of relief; is the only lemedy I have yet found to suit my case; want to continue its use until a cure is effect ed if p ssible. Send worth of the en closed P. O. order immediately. Jxo. F. Matse. Co'umbia. S. C, Jan 23J, 1879. liev.J. I). Parker, of New Orleans, La., writes: "Having tried effectually the 'Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mas-,' for D;arhea, Kidney atS ctions, &c, I take pleasure in recommending its use iu these complain's. Ia my case it affords immediate relief. J. I). Pabkeb " New Orleans, Lv, Feb. 11th, 1079. For sale by Wm. Simpson, Peacud, Lee & Co , and F. II. Heartt, Haleigb, N. C. and Druggists generally. L.vndrcm & Litchfield. Abingdon, Va. Mtr. 10. I'rlto hard d; Brooks. Have another lot of that elegant oak and hickory wood on hand, cheap for cash. Also, carload of bolted meal: salt, es, bulk meat, fr, sh eggs and chickens, sugars of all grades, cof fees a d teas at prioea to suit the bard times. .'o Time Like the 1' resent. No is the time to buy go ds cheap at Law's "chiutaid silver'' warehouse. We must reduco our en-rmouRe stock before thb dul. s.inim r mouths, and to pait es wishing tiiplo-plated casters, lorks, rpoous, Sec, clnua cutlery or glissa'e we havn ppcial baigiit'Sto odor. Call eai ly and get prices or send for price hst bef jta buying elewhere. Send your prdiioe to D. 1'. Johnson. Qau-k siksand prompt returns made. l!"hrcri of Hafsains! aT THK INDEFATIGABLE ENDEAVORS TO PLEASE THE TUBLIC. SO HERE GOES. 1 e muses nine, inspire my pen, To sing of Fayetteville 8tieeet.No 10, irho tried his best to pleasd his friends And in his labors never ends, Bargains he'll give you when you call For No. 10 is all and all. Of other houses youheaxthem talk; luFayetteville street just take a walk And only ask for No. 10, Kept by the most ingenious of men, And when his friendsby chancedropin Tutu foith becomes, Lord what a grin. And to their wonderinaj eyes displays Such heaps of brackets aud window shades. His pictures are exposed to public view And a variety of cord to suspend them too, His looking glasses and toilet caes Will help adornyour forms and faces; Picture fiaiuos aud iu juldiugs too Iu great variety, black, brown and blue. His window cornices and lambrequins line, will make your rooms and parlor shine. Perforated mottoes, and white holly baskets. Aud every other sort of stjfl, Ol which ho hopas to have eujuh. So now he bids your ail adieu And wishes a happy new year to. Vud not forget C C. Clawson, No.l Fayetteville St. Ntaad arc! Pat-iptco Flour, Patasco Baking Powder. Bolted Virginia Meal, Orange Grove Extra Flour. Prime Timothy Hay, Marshall's Liverpool Salt. Clear It b Bulk Meat, Egerton's bcotch Snuff. For sale at wholesale by W. II. Dodd. ltilliwrU labels for Male. Tbe two billiard tables now in use at the Yarboro House bar will be sold at a barf am. Euquire of M. Bills, City Bottling Works. One of the best places in the city is tie Higgs House, on Uargett and oalisoury streets, which is open at all hours. There are to bo found choice irame, oysteis and all the delicacies of the season. The houso has attained ute for the excellence of its cuisine and its many merits have made it very popular nere. The Present Leziwlaturr . Members are iuvited to call and ex amiue the etdendid line of "hilvp p'atcd casters" now on exhibition at Law's Chiua and Silver Warehouse. We intend to reouce our stock aud will offer lower prices than ever be fore. The m hi showy displiy of ioiks, tea ana table spoons" ever in the taie, en test wootis. Law's China and Mlver Houses, lUIeigb an1 Charlotte, For Rent. A dwellirg house m the city of Itdleib. Seven rooms, in good repair with necessary out houses. For par ticulars apply to W. II. Pace. Attorney ar uiw. The news from the seat of war constantly contradictory, but not so from Dr. Bulls Couirh SvruD: everv r port concerning it pioves it to be he L A an o si r.ugn &yrup koown. cts. a bottle. Lien Bonds. Send to the News .I oh Otfi tnr L;eu Bjuds and ChatrJa AI or r era cta The best forms at the lowest p no M ike a uote of this. First Class. Good judgea pronounca our ahirta. collars and cuffs the best in the city. H. B. Andrews & Co.. Clothiera and Hatters. Pepper Always Ahead Pepper the great restauranter is ser ving his guest with fresh white shad, the first of the season, also game and eatables of every kind. The finest Verginia and North Corolina liquors, as well as the best Northern braudies. If you want something good to eat or drink call on Pepper at the Green Front, Uargett street. The Danger of Kerosene Lamps In view of the fact that Kerosene oil is now so generally used for l-ghts, es pecially since th rise in the price of gas, the following from a medical j ur nal is particularly worthy of attention. A merchant returned home about 2 o'clock at night amt found his wife ly ing on the b:d groaning heavily, aud unconscious. She was awaiting his re turn, and at last tired out, laid herself on the bedv after turning dowu the wick of alighted kercsene lamp as low aa possible without extinguishing it. Id this position of the wick, if the oit is bad, a vapor mixed wit'i an innumera ble quantity of specks of seot diffuses itself through the apartment and so covers the eyes, nose ai d respiratory organs, that on falling asleep one runs tbe risk of suffocation. It is always ad visable, therefore, iu the use of kero sene lamps to allow the wick to burn brightly or extinguish it entirely. Charlotte Obseryer. Piatt's Astral oil is absolutely safe under all circumstances. Burns in any lamp without' smoke or smell. Julius Lewis & Co., sole agents, Raleigh. N. C. F or onion sets, aud potato planting call at VVatsnn's grocery store. .... OOTT.m V1KIIT: ftsported by PARKER & AVKKA. Co' tou Brokers Raman. N CMarch 13, l7. Middling, Strict Low Mlddllag. Low Middling, Strict Good Ordinary Good Ordinary. Middling mains. Low Middling a tains. Good Ordinary Stains, Market dull. S7-8 8) CITY MiBEIT WHOL8ALX CASH FBTCK8 Corrected by CURIS IOFHEB8 a 80RK&LL Official Reporters for Uiocers A Cotton &x ctiansre. Ralbugq, K.C., March 33. 1879. APPLE.S, Northern, per bush. fl.ZSal.50. Jixjj new, . 4i " spliced s BAUGLXU 11 12 KLOUK, North Carolina, . &.40 (5.75 Patapsco Family 7.6 d CORN FUlDEK 8o.a,i.00 UORN iiiAL tt(&60 BACON, N. C. Hog, round 7 a 8 " " hams, a 9 BULK M KAT, Clear Rib .Sides, . . shoulders, V5 NORTH CAROLIN A, t'ork. 4 5 BKEK 06 LAKLi, Nortb Carolina " Wateni n OFFER prime, Rio, 15Q16 good, 14 SYRTP, 8. II., iolas ciDw :...T: 33,15 dALl, Liverpool fine, 11.75 8UGAR, white, H9 yellow, 7(a-8 LKAX11KH. ited Sole 22 25 " Oak tauned 35 TALLOW 6 PuTATOEd, sweet, per bush ... 4oa50 lrlsi 146$ io0 OATS, shalled 43 a 50 EGGS, 9 a 10 BUTTER 12h15 CHICKENS. 16ai0 RAGS Uil?i I'EA per busli. white 85c. : stock 65c Above prices are lor Urge lots, when small er quautities are wamea nigner prices win om cnargea. J1AKKETS BY TKLEGRAI'H. NOON. Paais, Mar, 13. Rentes l 12'.. and fx-. London, M r 13. Consols for money 96 7 16: for account 9 J 1-2. Erie Jb'i. Livebpool, Mar, 12 Coton. moderate Inonlry. freelv suDDlied: middling uplanca 6--l8. middling Orleans a4 ; sal-s h.u iu oaies; soecuiatlon an i ex prut- LuCO ; receipts i,60U: American 3 Kutur-s quiet at last nlgtit s prices ; uplands anil low middling clause lor Murcu delivery 53-l6;May and June 5 Ij 32; July and August 1:30 p. m. Oottcn futures dull. Bread stuffs firm. Niw York, Mar. 13 Stocks strong-. Money 5c34 ; Eacb&uge long i.tia; snort saw. uue oonaa auu. Goveriimtuts steady. )tton quiet; sales 629; middling uplands 913-ib; oriels y io. rutures steady jftarcU 9.77: April fi.Vi : May 10.07; June iou ; J my iu sz; August itj.uu. rlour quiet. Wueat quiet. Corn dull. Pork heav at 9.t0. Lar at 6.82. Spluu tur-peutine um i.u. rreiioiis steady Bal timori. Mar IS. Flour firm and steady: Howard siieet and western super tine a.v5a3 75; extra 4.00a 4 : family 4 7aa5l; City Mills supe.U suDe.due a, exira .w i.ou. itica orauas Pt pco fanlly 6.0. soutuern nheat flrui aud steady: western dull and heavv : Southern red 1.13 iLla; aruoer 1.16al.l7: No, 2 Fa red 13al3U: iO. 2 Western winter rd sit. Mrci Ll2uaLlZ)i: a Drill. 1271 114 Southern corn flrui hi d active; Wet e'uduu ana neavy ; ooutiiern white 45a 40 ; yeut-w t- NIGHT. Nbw York, Mar. 13 Ptocks easy. Money S4. Exchange long 4 w;ia.ooi ; iuoii 0734; state DondS arm 4b; uoveruments auu. Cotton Net recelpta 617; gross 3.S40 Fu tures closed dull ; aaies 21,000 bales; via mI u ri iu tt- A niil an . u. r in m.m ni . June 10.18a 10.1; July lOOslO 31; August 10.38 aio33; .-epteuaoer 10.20102, October i0.b6a IP .is: wovemrjer yjKay.t7, Cotton weak ; sales 195 bales; middling uplands 9: middling orieaos 97S;con soliaatcd iict receipts 10,516 ; exports to Great Britain o,a; rauce i.uuu. CiKcnrHATi, Mar. 13. Pork quiet and firm ; held at 10. . Lard dull: steam 6.40. Bulk meats doll: "should. era 3 65 auoit rib held at 4 75 cah; Sales 4jr4t); aiarcn 4, .a; snort clear 4. NoHroLK. March 13 Cotton quiet: middling 9V ; low oiiddllnir 8S8?i ; net receipts 2,i.W; gross receipts . O-i . . 1. fi Balimork. Mar. ?3 Oot on quiet; middling 9; low middling 9i ; good or dinar v sj; sales 127; netrectiiis is; saies io; stoca 7 01s. WiuirwoTON. Mar r. Cotton steady; middling H; low middt-. g good ordinary 9 net receipts oio ; gresa 3 217: t'.ck 3.201. pilfs turpentine firm at 2fi; rosin anchaneel at 1. 2: for strained. Crude i". irientlue a.eadj atl.i5 for hard, ad 1.75 toi yeuow dtp and virgin. steauy at uzo corn unchanged. Dread and despair fa'l upon tbs comma nhy when a terrible epidemic, like the chol era or yellow fever, sudden'v desolates oar homes- yet. all the while mo -e lasidious. but no less fatal foe, en ra thousands of boust-noias every year ai a c rnes on toe Dower 01 the family in ine eariy nu'D o manly ycuth aud womathood People call it presumption , r aecune." 1 Is tot, in ruot cases, the tubeicuiar pfcthlfl a consmuptlou I the lu ngs, which Is th E 'cuiiar m a ady in umate uaeinoaeoi th ;r.tisblnl anaaaiadew Bneland.bat tun eraidecy orairestof tbe vital process so nutriiion. Allthedoctors avree that thr isno remedy for this t ut CoD LIViiRi.jL DQtineyare ensitntiy metoy tne rDsta.i of inability oi the lartof the patient to swal low or retain It. This repuiston Is entirely overcome bv tCOTT'8 EMULlON OF THfi OlLwitbtheHi-pOPHOSPHirE-S Os'LIME t-t e tast aodanune ed nutr ;. t nd tonic for th tody nerv d r atn . Kescaed, Restored, Revived, It Is marvellous how tbe rounded ont. lines of the farm are restored. th tal and smJIow cheek vivined with the ruddy hue or health; the muscular fibre braoed and strengthened, tbe nervous system and the brain toned and invigorated, by the steady use of Beott'a Emulsion Pure Cod Uvap l il and Hy 1 oyhosphitex of Lime and Soia. It is by far the most elegant and etfactlva preparation lu the whole catalogue of m-i cise . and in the disorders indlcatad hi scrofula, consumptiou chronic coughs, and me varro is 01 aeDiaty, it is a wonder- ui remeay. at is also deprived 01 all Its sagreeaDia properties, and as sweet an stable as cream. fb l-lp j 1 ! -i in i rr - A Remedy tbat has been a erne died. The invincible repugn ahee ftelt by almost every oue to the smell and flavor of cod Livr Oil, has prevented tens 01 thousands of the victims of debility, from reaping the benefits of its peculiar healing and nutritive properties. The almost hopeless censump tive, toe martyr to Rheumatism, tbe baieiy living shadow of men, women aud chii iren that emerge from th lutches of malarial fevers, ail of these know, or at lasc tht lr doctors kn v.-, that or' all discovered rrne dies, this Oil is tin best, and often the oniy one that wilt build up their wasted, and and restore th ir shattered nerves, and far more eTe tlvw than the Oil by itself is Scott's E inula on of it, with the Hvpoprtrs i hites o( Lime and Soda. This is the nnest and most natural food nd medicine in the world, and wholly deprived of its d'Sagiee able qualiclts. sold by Wm, impsou. Drug gist. , Marci 4 d3v B. B. Massenburg, TTORNEr A V l A W LOC18BURO, 9. C. Oflicelnths Court House. febl9-tf Piano Must Be Sold, I have for sale a fine Rosewood piano and Btool to no wltn , wortn at least 2!!0, that lam ottering for 8. It is uely repaired aud in periect tune. Whoever wants a gocd plauo now is their chauce to get one cheap. Apply to, March Wt?. VAUlH.Ril,igh. N. C. J. L BR1GASSA J. 1. BRAGASSA J. A. BUAGAS8A Wholesale and Ketail CONFECTIONER CONFECTIONER CONFECTIONER AMD CANDY MANUFACTURER CANDY MANUFACTURER CANDY MANUFACTURER 16 Fayetteville btreet, 16 Fayetteville Street, 16 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh. N. C ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. In the Grand Extraordinary Drawing which win take place on the 8th of April. 1876, there will be nly 15,000 Tickets, num bered from 1 to 1 ,0 , with 7 St Kull Prizes and the amount drawn will be 42.250,100 ONE PRIZE TO EVERY 2054" TICKETS. 1 Prire of Dollars l.fororo . 2i"0 00 j jOO 00 tO.O o 1 1 1 1 2-1.1 0 1 a Prizes of S 0,000 each 80 u0 ? 6ot0 4u0X 63 " 66uj0 9 ApproxImaMousof 1,000 each, to $1 00j,00o Prize ,36 00(' Approximation of r 3,000 each to J&0 0 0 Tnze 27 000 9 Approximations of t2 0 0 each to tl00,0oip.ize 18 000 9 ApP "Xitvai ious or i,000 each to $j0 00 Pilze 9 000 2 p'-roxlmations of 81 0 0 each to Sla.ouo Prirtj 2 0)0 722 P'izes, amt to SiKijji.?h-Pol?l. 2,2!i.G Price in tarrouey. Wholo Tickets. Hlv s Quarters, ?2 0 $1110 $51 Eighths. Tenths Twentieths. Forti ths. $-20 81) ib informxtlonlurnishe 1, prizes cash d and orders nuea. TaTLO t & C o., Bank er -. 11 Wallbt , N . Y Just Fnsh Belted Virginia Meal, Prime Timoth Hay, E ly Rose Potatoes. and Seed Oats. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bacon, Lard, Flour, 80a p, Starcb, Soda, an f .1 ti A - Farmers Supplies Fertilizers, low or CASH OR ON TIME. Piic . oted on app 1 cation. M. T. LEACH & CO., Raleigh, N. C. roareL 1 -ti. MEXICAN & TRADE DOLLARS. We hereby notify the public tbat we are taking in trade Mexican dollais at 80 cents and Trade Dollars at 9 cents. to now is the tlma to Fave money by coming to OAK CITY GROCERY, No. 45 Wilmington Street. A fine lot of choice hams, shoulders, bef tongues and pigs feet, just leceivedat OAK CITY GROCERY. Another lot of apple, peach and conic ter, just received at Oak C'ty Grocery, More of tht beaat fal Golden Syrop at 60 cems per gallon at OAK CITY GROCERY, march 11 d&w-tf. TO THE PUBLIC. It will gratify the many friends and cus tomers of the house of Petty & Jones to know that its affairs are in -oundand healthy condi; ion. They have a ways, are now doing, and will continue to pay one hundred cents in the dollar, (100 cen' s to 1) They claim praise for doing so, in a time ol suh financial stringency, insolven- cy, and compromise. They set their faces like flint to do this as a matter of high commercial principle They are doing a largely increasing and increased business. Their JO I "J THAI), has showed a large advance. They have sold more goods by the case, packaga, and piece, the pest season than ever before. Tbe management is strictly on the plan of tha large and successful dry goods bouses of our large cities. They boy often At first hands. Pay cash and are recti lug new goods every week. They will from this time be in receipt of a varied assorta eat of select goods of the best makes suitable for the market to which they invite the atteation and Inspection of buyers, wholesale and retail. 5' L. H. YEARfJAN, R. E. PETTY, T. N. JONES. Chatham Record p!eas3 cfpj. TJdt MILE FOR PARTITION. t AM AUTHORIZED TO SELt, ' HE AI J uable liO r,. known In the lan of tVOtr of Raleigo as Lots Nob. 9, aud partn otlots os. 44. 4S 61, -0, 71 and . -b . Lots divided to suit P'lia8et'sBm!,01?1? few of the lots have houses on them, but most of them are vacant. TERMS : Ten per cent. cash. A credit of one, two and three vears. with interest at 8 percent., wiL be giveu ou balance. -tt c DAN'L. G FOWLE, marll tf- ttoriiey for Owners Alain & Iron Springs Water Mass. Efficient for throat diseases." Dr. Can g oi Virginia: Bpeciflc in kin diseases." Dr. Allen of S C. Dnequaled for Scrofalous affections Dr. WjM sr of Vft V aluaiefor Neuralgia. Dr. Harrison, Eegulates the Secretive Organs Dr Christian of Va. Purifies the Blood,' Tr. Langhorne, Va. 'Successful in dyspepsia.' Prof. Jackson. Univ. ol Pa. Has no equal for Chills.' Rev. Ellison C. Dodson, Va. . . 'Kxoellent Tonic and Diuretic' Med Asso. 'Unsurpassed ior diseases peculiar to Wo men. John P. Metteaur, M. D., Lu L. D. of Virginia. t, , 'Well daptd in Ulcerative affections- Prof. "O ii'wan, M. I. Va. one nave a wider range of useiulness. Va. Med. Monthly. Very valuable for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys aid Bowels. Hon Landon scrusrgs, Va. a'Powerful Natural Remedy.' rrof Hardin, VMassr 50 cts. and fl bottle, 92 50 and 5 ha I dozen ; $5 and flO dozen; s-. ut postpaid. Liberal terms properly graded to wiioiesale and retail dealers. Analysis nd directious with each package. Full pi oof of ail claime d sent free upn application Sample supoiy free to phvt-ieians desiring to test. These charming springs are opn for visi tors and invalids the year round from and after Ju e 1-t, 1878. Board 35 a tnooth ; $.0 a week ; I 50 a uay. Conveyances dally from Lyuchnm-g to Springs, 12 miles distant, over pleasant roais through picturesque couutry, connecting with all tue trains. Round trip tickets irom all points south and North at reduced rates. Buildings all new or thoroughly refitted. Fare and accommoda tions first-class. Skilful resident phsiciau. A. M. LAV1ES, President, B. A. & . springs Co., Lynchburg, Va. isoid by u ly8d s- Raleigh. N. C. THE BEST 13 THE CHEfiPtST JUST RECEIVED A Large Stock OF John D. Cutters' Sp Silk, MACHINE TWIST AND BUTTOI HOLE TWIST, v All Nos. and all shades. The best Silk foi vniess aud sir.-n4iu ever 'li in tni mark t. I Js 1) y 1 the san.e S Ik put In Bxes, cout iinin three sio &-(vin Silk and turee spools B ittoj Hiu Twisi, at -5s. pt-r B . I cail spe-i '1 ttntiTi to th- exactness and uniformity of No. aud fastness and brill Laiuy of colors, 1 can inntch anv sample. Call ano ex amine. JjHt rerreivd anothrr n w lot o! BOVl)RN'jHA..MiJl DE OAITKKS. febl6-tf J P GULLET. $30,000 FOR $2 IN THE Extraordinary Drawing KENTUCKY STaTIS LOTTERY, OF MARCH 26, 1879 Don't overlook the opportunity. Some one must be the lucky winner, and wny not you? SCHEME: 1 Prize of $30,000 is S30.0TO l Pr ze of 15 000 is 15 0 ll'iizeof 5ools 5,oi.O 2 Prize of 2.O0O are 4,UX 2i'tizeof 1,5' )0 are 3,i 00 .-P.-izof 1.000 are 5.' 00 50 Prize of 2 0 are 10,0 jo lii Prize of 100 are lo,-no i00 Prize of 50 are ;0(00 500 PrUe of 20 are U.0 1027 Other Pr'zes amounting to lo.ttO 1-89 117,400 WHOLE TICKETS $2. 49-All ' he above prizes will be drawn at tint arawiQK. The loliowinz numbers drew the first. three prz s in the ordinary drawing 01 r ebruary 6: No. 66,464 drew $15,000. S M in Philadelphia, No. 48,993 drew $8,000. Sold in St. Louis No. 54,306 drew $5,000. Sold in Chicago 1 his lottery has been in existence over 50 years, and no drawing has ecer Oetn postponed even Jor a sinyle day. MMMONS & DICKINSON, Manager Covingto. Kv. y-Addres ali orders to our General Eastern Ae nts. WILLIAMSON CO. :.9j Broaoway, rsew lorK. Mend in orders without delay, as In the last Extraordinary drawing we were un able ro supply toe demand. Correspondence private lis or arawings pu-iisnu in rne New Yoik Herald, Staats Zltuni? acd Louisville Commercial. A 1 ot ol town ick et holders are mill d a copy of the official list as soon as received. A simi'ar drawing will take p ece in Apr 1 marcn g-wi a. More Groods ar Cheap (ioods Arriving daily at the Busy Store of CHRISTOPHERS & SORRELl HARQETT STREET. We are receiving daily all kinds of Gro ceries, which we iuitud to tell cheap ft.r CASH. MEED OATS. Another Car Load lust arrived of the finest Seed Oats broaent to the City. Call aud examiue them. ONION SETTS AND OTHEft SEEDS on hand, wholesale and retail. . FLO UK I FLOUR ! I Car Load of Flour and Meal lust received. MEAT M AUKET Always supplied with the finest Beeves and Pork Sauaee a specialty. Iu fact everything kept lis first class Grocery Store. PLOUGH I PLOUGH I ! Call and see our New Patent Raleigh No. 4 Plough, th best Pi ugh made We are the sole Agents for the city. CHRISTOPHERS & SORRELL, febll-tf Hargett Btreet. FROM A PROMINENT VETERINARY SURGEON. Mr. Wen M. Giles. Chemist. Sir: I have practiced extensively in Kurone and Ameri ca, and your new discovery. Liniment Iodide of Ammonia, surpasses anything I ever used for splints, strains, 1 fineness In the limbs or shoulders, weakn- ss across the kidneys, wind calls, and hard, b u sw 1- llngn on the Joints. It is tru v marvelous. xours very iruiv, Ralph Oglk. Veterinary Surgeon. 330 W. 25tu St., N. Y. Sold by all Druggists. Farm) Wagons. We have the LARGEST STOCK f Anr Awn m an 11 f a c.t u re . at AX7 - vsa via v r "Bj vug Carts &c. In Ncrth Carolina. We use none but Extra Qualities of Material At our wagon works. And we respectfully solicit an Inspection of cur wagons and carts O ur assortment comprises every s?t 0 WAGONS from them the lighted ONE-HORSE to the heayest SIX-HORSE Ac. We warrant all our work and make prlcei as low as the lowest. Repairing done a lowest rates. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Fisher Building, RALEIOIfTN. c Wagon works East Hagrettr steeL Jeb.27-tf R. F. Jones & Co., RALEIGH, N. C. AGENTS FOR TOM COOPER'S .Laurel Valley 2 ENTENNI AL OLD RYE AND WHEAT WHISKEY, a large lot ALWAYS ON HAND FROM TWO TO FOUfl TEARS OLD. universally acknowledgedlto be THE FINEST WHISKY MADE IN THE SOUTF. PERSONS WISHING Strictly Pure Spirits TOR MEDICAL AND OTHER URP0828 can get any size package From 3 to 50 Gallons, By addressing T. N. COOPER, Eagl. Mim ? O. Iredell county, N. C. ; or R. F. Joneh, v . K.R fitf g. r . A. M. LEWIS. GEO. V. STRONG. LEWIS & STRONC, Attorneys at Law. RALEIUH, X. C, Will praMc fn the Himrotnft and Fed1 . Miifta nf f hft Stat Vr;li ntftfkiul rfiAiila ral t It in. Jolin ton. Wivue, i!son ami Le oir. iH also iiny or.h-r (our s wlv-re their p of?f- sdon-tl servi'-es mav b specially riiiired . . . . . . i. .i .. 9 r . . .1 i ne i'.iih ui -iiiiukc i-irwiiji win celve his -trlct attention a's heretofore. feb28 lm re T. T. TjacoivrAs. OFFER - Guano and Supplies Farmer. In stock and arriving 2000 Sacks Allison & Addison's Com plete Cotton Manure. 2000 Sacks High Grade Acid Phos phate. Sulphate Ammoaia and Nitrate Soda. Bulk Meat, Corn Meal, Oats, Hay, Floi k, New Chop Cuba and New Orleans MOLASSES. ProAR of nil grades, Coffer T" Smoking Tobacco. All of which will t soid low for Cash or on Crop Time. Personal attention Riven to the sale of Cot ton, ai d for f ose who may wish to hold, 1 have a in Die storage ro m and will make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES with low rat9 of Interest and storage marges J. J. THOMAS, ( Cotton and Commission Merchant, ) No. 8 Jlanln 8 ret, J march 7 tf RALKlcn, N. C At Auction. sell at Public Auction, commenolii iondav evening II irch lotb IS.'j, toe large and well selected stock of HEADY MADE CLOTHING jeuts' Furnishing Goods, etc., of J. M. nosenbauni, and will c ntl ut th sale fro,i tiav to day ui til tue whole 's disposal of. Auctitu In Jorn on from In to 12 and in the evening commencing at o'clock. Th goods will also be dls;Med of a pri vate sale ar anv time during the day, except wuile the auction is i i progress M. (iiiAUS.uAN, Assignee. mrch 9 5t. Ihiltfr ! Butter !! Fresh Couutry Butt r Ol FINE OUALITY I ct r t., x 5. ior:l- GO. D OHIO lil'l'TEK, Solid pac'e l, 2") ots. per H CHOICE 5T NOllTH N III; Tl VAi, ' Direct from the Da:ry, "0 c's. p3r lr,. ' Ui. Frfsb E?s 10 CfBts Per ton. SU REDDED COD-FISH, IN ONK POUND BOXES; READY FOR THE ABLE IN FIFTEEN MINUTES. BONFLESS CODFISH, DIAVOND Bit AND 5 lb. boxei. DRIED PEACHES, APPLES AND PRUNES, best quality. Floor, Meats and Provisions, CANNED uOODS, FANCY GROCERIES, Ad everything else for the Tabl?, of best rju llty, VEKY LOW. HARDIN & MOORE, March 9-tf (Uolleinan Building.) T. A. KisasLBY, W. E. AHLKT. MCSLEf 4 A3HLEY ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Befer to J ullus Lewis & C., RALKX tH, N. C.

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