DAlL"i' NEWS SATURDAY. MARCH 15, 1879. Ill NMEY A JOKl)4, lropN. JOHN It. 1 1 1. SSI. Y, - Editor. Ocean Telegraphy. The progress of ocean ttlefciihy, from tb 6i;niog of the a gi eminent con stituting the ti: s. Atlintic company, twenty-five year ao, down to the prtant, is full of inUresl almost dia matic It is well wo. th the while of every thi?.kinjj person to contemplate it in its detail. The application of lectiicity to the improvement of bu- man cooaittooa is to ureiy ioe resuu of Amejican thought tht we may well be 6. led with hont alf ' r ficition. II Franc s Icoc, ly his inductive phi losophy, first set men thinking in the riht direction, acd showed how much more pn ratable it was to io: sider ma ti ial phenomena in tbrir rtlUm to aiicd than to Sfend I fe in the fruitless dicu:&ioo of tLe caiure of mind over which ptiloeojhera had busied them selves for centuti s. it wa for the New World to reap the greatt st practical - a U resolUofhU way of thinking, acd to onnfr. throoh Franklin and Mrse. " au3 the hundreds woo nave tucceeuea them. theretet material bt-netits on the worKJ- The areat project oriKina- ted with Cyrv W. Field. While study . A later report sys that the office ing the scheme of connecting New ,,eeters succeeded in overpowering foundland with the main land, the tne police on giord at Senator Gordon's thought, "Why not carry iue ime -acr!s tbe ocan? tiahv-U on bis miud. lie aj plied to his fiienda, whce a i . a nams we have fjiven arx.e, ar.a me N-w York, Newfoundland and Loudon Telegraph Comiuny was at once form- ed. An iceffccfual attempt to lay a cable acroas the Gulf of t. Lawr nee was made in 1S5. A gale caused tLe loss of the cabl. I: wa accomplished In ISC C. Mr. Field .bowed his confi dence in the Atlantic project by per sonally sul acribiDg oue-fcurth of the capital requited. His labors in Eng land to induce cp til s's to enibaik in the en'erprUe wne Herculean and he roic. Probably fw other men in the world at that tirr.c could have succeed ed as he succit-drd or could Lave in spired autiicient confidence to have suc ceeded at all. The difficulties were enrrrou.-. It aren.td a though the wtrld .a Dot na iy for the splendid night and the House prt ceediugs jt s beiufit bf prop sed to confer on it. He terday in lasv.in Jce Turner was the i-curul c nr(n-i.t frrm the Mriti.sh ard Ann ncun ovt rnrr.rnts and aid in iii . lie ac. onipatiitl the xprdi t or s of "T at.d lSVv Tw ee in lS'.T thrattimtt t !. thecal- faild. The atti n 1 1 in 1 V-V niccitd.d, tut.asin riica'id ;U)Vc. tKs cab'e, after the trui n.isi'U i ' a fi'W wotd. n' ceas ed woikirg. I'hr c vil w.ar then lii i jfiat;- n. In l'-. aftrr !"X or Mti. rata' i:iy ol ihe ubjct, te ul re :. sr. at intpnvf n n's a"-d me chauic.i' p-diri.. of Wtn 'er'ul u ge Luity. w.th ll ;t d f th-Gnat Eastern ai. in r alt-mpt wa m 'de and aa:n tt.i :c ) ia.lurr, no 1 than 1. ' n.i.1 of c.t le U'-iig ior. Lutinl;i tbe two c -t.li'.i !. wete uu led, am! tbe zst cab'e i liitcwt.-r ti.heil fr m a ii th of t o nxi.t aLd j irtd to th-wt-stnu h r- ot the All.tUt.c. Tt'e U bi r ol llircuh u.'iivd ' Mr. K.eiJ. in l.t gt at tntfi pii- cm k . the woii nrarlj h:ty tin.--' What profemed tratti i-r b l r..v.l !h.-i h ment.t ofteu-t- r f What UuLcior of tl.c I um.it race Lis ejriitl h hoi. or n'.urt laiil)'.' W ht c t tcr 'f err iris is entitle.' to equI rt-iiowu wi h :! w subduer of the elrrr. r.t io ti e m'ercst of the rav. IVi.k's ' HLd-H k of North Caro lina" My a that the climate i-f North I irv liua cot reti ocda to that of Koith ern middle Italy and ajuthern ard mid ule Ktance, boni( tc ap. rid ou one side by the Atlantic oc an and u th other by the h gb reaks and talle la . I of the AiiySlachiaa txoua'ains. And a, tbe State his to ra. a length from east. t w-t, t well as s-- considerable aa '.evjt:cn io oue part (3,(00 and 4,X0 feet,) the range cf climate is very giea', from ubtrcpcal on the coast, within tbe ir.rlui nee of the liull Stream, to cu(d teo.peral tu '.he table 'ai d of tbe west. 'I he itbcrtxal in the one case, (t Smithv.ilo, tbeerttenie aeu'b east.) being CC , (tLat of A'.exaudiia. io Ejp. .) and tr. tLe other (at H oru, tbe hifcb. r M"ontaia pliteau iu tb tit ) .beat 5!0, whicri is that of New Yt rk i.nd of Paris, France ; tl.at of tbe PL Caoi rev;...ii fadg under the lire of Co . " ' I whicU is that of (.gasaki. rj.ipao.) Abns. (Jibra.tax. i.c. I I'ANirt. rkt-cniKiY i right. In Ir ii .b ci. 1. n of that at e r.nd a-a.(.u ir p:tctitat.v- (VI. Drown, i f Meckict.b ur. that the net reveuuc bill is the bt 1 he ttate ha -ver h.id. Thi iracLimry i nijl..ys for tb lint leg and a.- t.inj of re.eviial pr p..ty is one 1 f it ditir guisbir exc lieuci. j. Much vatuabt) tLonl.t as g-.vii this ul j'Ct by Ser ator A'cztndcr. -a ... if..i.... I . . .V " r. ""ll acea OinaiUi? CollStiUCiIon unon thA I vmniwu m,iiui. ui'KUb iiiob I uu uire muuuu policies. Ul uu cerUtu atttcle winch appealed in said L Ti,,. r.s tkai ' k. learned more chaiitv even from hfith.n funds invented at hatne among o&r . hii.b corurt:ds to Oj'aiio I iir. but it?ni cht brioif ou another i " i .u . mvrhnWv P,e- au losses paid promptly ana , .uu v in.j v j an , . j. ,, vau ... .(,u. vnu vu ouuiucr U(jCiarv aloue. bv t he Constitution of I mythology . kiiM nw u thftM nf an v tlrst M lJa. ai.d Sjcatobewan : the- micille I quirl, and inasmuch, as Out one indi- I thm T',:tA stntoa T m cr. I At this point the speaker nauserl. nanv. Has thri-k dollars of assets Aaeiica ti e temper is tLe r.val oi ed by a con.mi.t of the legislature K . , "l,,d h hiLr of the M-iicar. eagU that plucked at his Ue otiri r. ai.J ia rai..div recdetinr hi- ,t" w'er V 118 UC.M3 Ul1.11 l ha i,.. r. .n.l.ti.h h. th 'i vulture." The action . , . , I ptoper question for w d couui'tto to . , , . 11'' the utterance as he said it r ei. ai . f iiil..i.l-,.i'i. . ... 1.1. . ..A l.r .... Uur fur in im n'miitiAn i-if all nnr. I w v w1- uvc , s iiu iu . ... . ..u. k a news;,apvr pub'i.her who wrote " ir .1 eagle that plucked at his r.e cc:.o.o ntrus a ,.n , voU. to crrta:n a, t.Hes whurh appeared in the 'use of rethrown up and ine orTo o e. 1 1 e.u-. r mUT. c .un.11. m mv pap-, we u-?i uouna to f . ' . : swop of the kinff of birt P.ef tte w iii of dccdI. a-,d th. P'ui. il .....prrov, ... .uch imd- J X' 7 .oriW in the Kesture, and . " . . .lent a:;.t h ret . lore ULikuown n:teiier- K,. ' Ul D - , . otaor evit.s th ,..u r, reta'ion. A I em.., , h t jc 1'i.ss. 1 reasnry be, .nd is hereby, directed. Jr7tSKhtenid iS r.. . . rr.A, 1 1,.. .k- W , , out of the tm iieys iu the lreafurr not rui -raifcutenea out anu .... ' - ".M..r.rM...iu.ir sjiupuny . . -ri.t.c, fll nav ,-.-: Urger pointed at tloar. it o.ce of J.l n tl r Ii jti-t crjrr in the or lien agau at any of the parties ceri , M.,'d' rlT .an ' H ' Jt M J and effective piece of c ::'etnr. coo.e,u.Hi .u iue mvteugating matter, .rv t.. -,fn . R. witnessed. Hoar felt the si Tue M'TBirrtD Ihm Trta atS"a.-b-icgt n cau tlud a harpy s-lutiou to their troubles by e.rctmg Lieutenant Govftcor Arroti-v'd Shaker cf ihe House. Aa lr. s.ient c f ibe Srcate i t North Car olina Le made a reputation a a parliamenta iu. Aa a lawyer be has few equita in the 40th Concrts, lie is incotrupt b!. The 6 a.kburu x! " Klali DjaiocraH cannot do b Uc. . ... . ffl him Sreakc. wr IL wjlb own mil l. r.UU 4 ll'aihlnrtAn. Thet are havinz an awful time in 11 1 nd bH-dozing, too of a very des 1 lit' are naving au awiui muo iu i ncA t x n under- Vahingtoo. The Star, of yesterday, report a fatal collision . on PanDsylra ma avenue. It weaii tht a larg Priy of Kentucky office-itekera, by the Metropolitan road, hurrying down Louisiana avenue, collided in Xrout of the market with several thousand of- , . ... . . ,:.. ,. . Tin street. Ai me name time uwj delegation from BUtirnore by the I- totuac road, and another Maryland crowd by the Baltimore 4 Ohio road, convened upon the same point and at- terapted to force their way through the ooo omei ated Virginia and Ken- tockian Tue confusion iucre at I I ed by the arrival of several squads of excited applicants seeking the lodg ings ot the various Sec at or a, and who tried to make their way through the crowd at all hazard. The open spice in front of the market and upon all the intersecting ttreets was now tilled with a siuliug miss of many thousand of flce-seekets, and ih scrimmage for a w 1 r time was Xuriojs. Ilie uumocr oi ouuded taken to ine r.eiguojru g drug stores probably gave rise to the reports of loss of lite, but when thj po- I i rt uai.T succeeded in breakiotr up .u.. k, ..a, o...., .r. I lllO lilt otvvv9 i rrwn thicklv with locks of bair. wiirs. I tmtjoQ bottles, false teeth, crutches, of thumbs. gouKed-out eves, &c 1,. aoU h .d forced their way iDto Li, ick chamber. Another haJ corrrp.ned to njate escape f hU houwi lo disguise, and that Tfr4i other Sjnaturs were flying for I ti rfR.tlprs ar in. r a 1 1 . V. . . aI: mrtuiicti uy iue rr, icu that under tne rules or tne senate note of the sabotdina'e officers of that body can be removed except by the consent of Vice I'resid.ut Wheeler. This they consider to be a flimsy pretext put forth by tbe Senators toavoiti importu nities for office. A crisis is im minent. It is feared that the worst bas uot been reac'a.d, as every train carries fresh at rivals of f h y-s . ekers with the de-ptratiou of famtue stamed up m their brows. The Skx.ktk proceedings Thui9Jay comedy aftT a.iue tr igic events of a iew days previous. The Senate w.s the aceue of ar irrv discut-sion. atd duc- listirdomoni'.ririons. tht H.-uw :it the nibt ses.-iou Wednesday re called the r'otou-j Hdi-l f 10. -t v-n' ion N. ktii C'akoi.ixa has 3TS cities, towns aud M!!ai;i4. according to the 'IIajl took of Notth Carolina." Strauge to y the p pulafii n of tlo tbte largcs c ti in t' e State is not ivec. Nlw U-ra an i F.ie ; teville i-i credited with C. tin! fAt-h WitiJton has 4 ("00 a on let fal grrwth. Oiecnbro his 0. Hick-ry, a c- topiia: iv.ly ne-w town, has 1 2- O. The si.ee: s that s -mc w. ro pleased to it-vel at Si-Arou Gr.UIam ou arc -unr of bis u:itirin effort- in fx half of thi-tai-paycts of tho State did n t in tbe lest alf t-ct.ihat g iiMeman's z- at in the pe. plc" c line id reform. So exce'.'eat and tmpartiAi a judx'e a.s the (.'hai.otto Demociut apprecat.s bis valuable eivicts iu the ? r.i e. Tbe D 'notrat -ays : S.-tat.-r Wrn. A. (irabam, of Lincoln. h- sbuwn Liu.stlf to be a consistent and woitby K pteson'ative of his cou- tituenta. He ua only iavored cuitad-ttie-nl iu tbe r-aUriet. of a few Mate ofhoers, but he voted against the bg appropriations of public money, and I aCioi.t all doubtful tcbemea of every I orr. We have watched b t course in I ine Stato Senate, and chu conti iently I ay that be will do to trust with the public buines of auy people. OIIIDkOn lUVeJ.llga.Ilng OIU- The hiKh-Lai.d.d uutage perpttra- I ttd by Senator Hob nsou's committee is fitly chiracterizjd by the Charlotte Deuiocia. wLose manly ed tor is ever uo the alert lo resent any e n roach -metit on tbe freedom of the Prets. The Democrat sajs: Wem ghM-robAbly wah propriety, ay acmtting .Hains. Uie at.e.i.pts of u.eo.bt-rM ol the LekuJa'.ure. in tbe-I ba d ( of . iuv irfaimg commiiUe, iuiim:dA e ctrta Italeikh new.- lo P-J,er aud inter fe.u with tiie fretdom I a i a , k.' a . V , f . f n ri ri 7, n ' h .he tli IriiL-e t f lb Charlotte l)fmiK r.r. I wLen it frteuom to diSjuas a public af- la.r was a:aiKd and denied by a com bination, we believe we w.l let the matter puss w-.thout enagiriiir iu tbe difficulty. But when it is travel v vote ilu o uni ui.u im 10 it ior tne rur- I ... .'. I . "A A" . , ir-H oi k 1 k' ou t.-e record, aa one North ('.ol.. a j uiralit, against a prociiJ nv: tiiat we think all engaged 10 will hcieal'icr acknowledge as wrong aad very niprudent. The Cbarlo.to Observer is quite as as emphatic : I hlS IB CO afTlir of mira frii-ttw i ha 8ie.ik'nkr ; out it is important to us and to ail tl er journalist to know if this I lui'iisro. tai yMm u to make a part I -.f ihe machinery ol government in I or'h ta'o mi. ir, bn a paper I 1 . . f . 1 . . 1 a-AJJ I. .- 1AA.. I . . . ' J I a .. .. . .... I I J " p, . . a ., . . t, m-mtha nrlri niv t,. ll,. r.f i 'n' ' i fiiwiii n oiiicie wuicn i d.x.-i nvt iret the ar pioval of a mem- oi tuo ijt wiuir, n9 prpnnor is ig ouicera ui iue iieasury are caving l reby iendiei liable lo appear and J couaiderable d tiiyulty to ascertain who j ".ti uu mum iue iiii.ivi, mil i yi ij what for. it is h'irh time that the fac I Lhia being ma ie grnerally known. The i to ptocevdu g. however, was oevi t heard f tbeir nagetnent, or were honorably i "Wasbitgton Fost n iu north Carolina, belore, acd u tbe J disco. j:ed.' aud one of the qua'-ion J Mr. Hayes will find it th3 part or prcas has a proper appreciation of its which ris a is whether the laiLcr I wisdoui not to ba lavuh of his Teto nLta, dt-ni'T and importance, it cUase in I mtted by that provision, A I power. A too free nie of the preroga- . A.b K - M aP mm uv-.er uura w igam. I utcisioii uu - ius ana othe?' points I tive it.owra it to useir to teak oat I which may arise wil bd rtnJt red in a l al against mis srrc es oi ouii-dozinj for ' few it is bull-dozinr, and nothing short of taEng to gag the pres under false pretences. Every inch a journalist, the editor of the rjine Times says : We mugt eay tUat the committee mad a ridiculous display examining a newspaper as to who wrote its edito- rials. Investigations generally have I become iaroea, but this caps tue climax, Much is bain; said in the Radical pre83 aa to what would be done by Mr. Hayes should the Democrats follow the nurarous examples set by the Repub- ncao a-id attach political riders to ap- prCp .in ion hills. The fillowin; x- tract from the .irc'impnt of that "gtalwart Republican" and able jurist, I jonn a. Lgan, before the Senate, in the .Tnhnson iraneachment case, shows conclusively what he thought ah . t t-l A 1 Va.U -U corciusivoiy wnai ue iuoukui u juhud right of the Presideut to veto an ap - " .... . . nromiation bill. and. if he d.d veto it. veto it, r ' wh:it snouhJ oe iue reni -uy. no aaiu: . At. . l. IT- ii-in .k, ;f v. fJr-; i4 vuc i-u-i, ti t,ii t- dent should veto every bill that should I rAaa ti.. l'imirfV4 aiUl T 1 1 't nriL DA & f-" . . T . V ; 1 . t aa art'jin.f liia - aa f a 1 1 fi . . , f , om,r(mr;tionf .so as completelv block the wheels of Gov- ernmenl, that he could not be irapeacn- I 'or aQ noproper use of fad power, although he is authorized oy trie ton. i, .a ennh rwtVOt'V pr -onl.i h iim whiin the exercise of I lawful power was done in such a way as to become s oppressive ana oovious y wroue thar; there must be a remedy, and impeachment would be tne ouiy one. Tue Pee Dee Ileiald conaritulates the farmers that the blow aimed at J the Department of Agriculture" re- bounded on thit body. The 'Herald Pu tne Commissioner o i the back and ays: I Our former Co inty man. Col. L. L. 1 ui, Kn.D wt wi 0" " ujb....o ..death hit, " which put a -dry grim' i on ni8 face equal to a crost-cut saw. The Tobacco Tax, Tartoro Scuthemer. A few weeks ago we published, at the request of D. strict Attorney Albert- sou, a notice to farmers concerning the fale of tobacco to their hand. Ttieie set uis to be a coutlict of opinion ou the subject, and for the benefit, of our farmer fi lends we publish the following letter regarding the matter : Office 1. S. Distkict Attorney, ) Eastern District N. (., I.alf:k.h, March oth, IST'J ) V. r. Williamson, Esq.. U.U Com missioner, Ta. boro, N. C.:' llrniiu: I have iust received from 1... I '.mwiiiviniwr nf Intt-r.-ial T? a v 1 1 1 1 tho "construction" of that Department ution the selling of tobacco by farmers ' . Ta 1 .I to tbe.r emplovees. It is tomswhat Jiflerent from the ruling of Judire liiooks uixju the same suoiect. vihich I "... I coiumuii'ca ed to you wuea lnfliarooro, an,i ajsked you to have publishexl for the I iui'ormatiou of your farmers. This con struction wa6 arrived ;il and published April 4th. 1TS, irt o ....... .lr a.r .. ... V . . VA. u . i. L lwcid C. W ade, Loilfctor, S ivaunah, tii-oriri:!. It was not in mv oitu-e. aud rnv attentiou was not called to it in an v wav until l.st week. I am soi rv that the" contradiction exists. There are parti s indicted now. under Judse I JJiooks' charge last Fall Circuit, hold- I in,: tlio law as pun:i.-uea oy me. i bend c py of Comtu'ssioner s crcular, bot Judue Brooks does not h ld bimtelf b u-id by the construction, only so far as ho may adopt. t'ommi-si.imr Raurn savs : ''It has been, and is now, beid that a farmer or pliuter, who simply supplies his em- pi. v e with what manufactured tobac- co lb y need fT their owu personal ue a- d thi'ir e:'cial accomniotia'.ion, and not Witn a view to gaiu or proti. to In his If. is not regarded as engaged in I the busiusof selling manufactured tobacco, and would not bo required to I pay a special tax tor thus supplyiug his I liirf-il Uk.rera with t.ihnm'n I "This rul.ng is intended to embrace ill caes where larmers and planters furnish i.upplies of toba-co to their la- borer. whether such laborers are paid .. I r. ntipit'ated sum in a-h or its equiva- I nt by the year, month, week or day: or paid by receiving a p rtion of the I crop produced as pet co-it- act, or where I !.. i a i I TC laoorers cuiutaic a given numoer acres of land at an agreed rent. A farmer or planter who t-o'ely for the I aoc-mmodation of his laborers or em- p'oytes, an above denned, not wttii a v1ew i gain or pront u nimseJi, even i mougn ne cnarges a price ior tne to- I I V4 w A1t tl MA ff lant i.A 1 I , t ,,r U,. I uv 'vas 7 iu v v mM ft A UIV l I lUOVl 1 V LI I tirolv m IiaIa I a tit it ia t n a m K. . I himself for such loss, cost and expense 88 he ru-iy t ecesarily incur is not held to be liable to pay the special 1 tax. (Signed,) OrbKaN B. Raum, tommifbioner. I Judge Bro ks holds the above not to be law. aud he can only be bound by the law. I must take the law from the Judgc; an1 untiI (he oyiJon, it is not safe t: :. . .., Tn 1 uuuu ailCIO UIo l jt farmers to f-ell I or. f Km it- ra tr i ri r r tt rm. i 1 & v The vja.u'vaiii ik w v ii a m c a 'a- v in ia At a i neads of le''par1ents can make ml fcnd rvRuUls under the law. Th, les py - l' -1''1 nic, but my duty is plain. . - . . r tiy truly vours. J. M. A LBERTSON. The .'le.xlcan Veteran'. The following act of Congress, gran tiie t!me of thtir engagement or were " ... I h .norably discharged,' the three ri 1 rt flic artri nor nrAn win f. k ik. act of July 19. Ib43, and by the limita- t ons contained in said act, in all cases, upou tne presentation oi satisfactory I evidence that said extra compensation nnt hin nrAvioncl v rnrAi vrt . Trrv I vided, 1 bat tbe provinous of this act shaii include also the the officers, p tt v I A omceis, seamen aud marines ot the I United S-ates navy.the revenue marine I sarvtce aavl the officers and soldiers of I iue uuitca oiates army empi.jea ia the I prosecution of said war." The audit- I - i i j t 'iue uuuer iue pruviHlOus Ol aci. The first nart limit th at tbosj "Ikj served out tbe tima of I t . . mav ri.r annul tt 1 o or -.'.. n th. days. which it was acquired. Tlie Scene between I.mr and Hoar and Bdmands, New York Sun's Washington Letter. " Lamar rose. There was a dead si lence as he began to speak. Senators on both sides leaned forward, expectant ly. He bad left his seat m the outer row and taken h i s stand midway on the Democratic side in the front row, with Harris of Tennessee on one side and Wallace of Pennsylvania on the other. An open volume of the Com Bresiional Record lay on the desk be fore him. lie began very deliberately,' paying he must confess his surprise and regret that the Sehator from Mas sacbusjtts should have wantonly, with out provocation, flung this insult ; but aim st the first sentence he u!t red was punctuated by the sharp, q sick rap of the President's gavel. EJmunds was m the chair, as grim and severer looking as fate iUeK lis said sharply: "The Senator from Mississippi willsus pend, as he is out of order Lamar, with a surprised expression . - , . Irtfrl on his face. lOOEed uo lnauirineiy av I I.. . . . . . me unair. Uumunas nad risen, aua I 6tdod with one hand resting on I T-. .n toll f.-m tnar thA "" fresencs aesK.nis ran lorm muh TT. , . , , ' . y T : .A. i ntcr tho onhanernri f it.rirn at tne aesic v v. wuw vui-iuu vw v - - - belaw. With ttreat delibflration he 1 j ,,t.. Y- -i a. . maia ; in me .juograom. vi nio vuun n tbe I the Senator from Mississippi is out of A. A " . " . A I mAa ,n ,o.nv iinf4fllQ mAn tat V ilTI i ""'"fe ""i"""' I 99 T,m.rifr..M1ton.il nn folded hi arms, threw back his head, and delib- rately enunciating every word, said : I 'IQ the judgement of the Senator from Mississippi he is entirely m order, and I,:., 1nn...AnrA i. -.,.. novlinm.nfo.ir Knt litPiiiv nA frin.t.lv tm.' The Senator from Mississippi will take nis seat, snaroiy retorted XaI munds, emphatically punctuatinc: the i command with a rap ot tbe gavei; "the I Chair has decided that the Senator from Mississippi is out of order, his laniruaee being unparliamentary I ' - A 1 t A ! 1 1 amr 831 a?wu' -5u,cry, ca? I fn h ta raot a .rain anil nun c m v "1 from the decision of tho Chair." J and then be took his seat. Garland demanded that the words of the Senator from Mississippi should be taken down and reaxi. Edmunds siid : "The reporter will read," and Sbu?y, the assistant Senate reporter, read from his notes in a dear. distinct voice, the interdicted sentence of Lamar's peech. "Is the Senate ready for the ques- li n. bhall the judgment of tne Chair be sustained ?" was the formal demand put to the Senate. "The yeas and nays ? 7 exclaimed a half-dozen Democratic senators. The yeas and najs are demanded ; is there a second quietly said Jfid- mnnas. Ld went a scoie Democratic side. "The yeas and nays are ordered ; the Clerk will call the roll," continued Ed munds, aim oft in tbe same breath. Tbe roll was called, and by a large majori ty the decision of tho Chair was rever- sed. With i?reat suavitv of manner I VHmii.ii.M tnrnAfl his facf towards TaA- mar, and said : "The Senate decides that the Senator from .MissiSiippi is in t. T T -il 1 " oruer. lie win piucefu. There was a faiut effort at applause in the canaries : but Lamar turew up I,. 1 1 3 . 1 lAl II ins nanu O'-precanniv, anu tue i resi- dent's gavel came down with a quick, J sharp sound, aud, perfect stillness reiiued With an effort at self-res- tr,.iM tnH sl.trl t, onH rlolihpratt.lv I A I w , . V A U U A. ,, I Lamar bei'au agaiu. beuator lilaiue, who ot all men is certa'niv a compe- I teut cutic, says he Dever saw a man d splay more tact than Lamar under I the trvini? circumstances iu which he was placed. He made uo apology for the language he had used ; but he said u mere was oue senator wuo ieii ag j:r.cved be would willingly withdraw whatever he had said stant, as though lor a reply, lie pro I cecded as d. hberately as oeioie, I ally Lamar is au impassioned speaker, I but on Ibis occas on he seemingly weighed every word he uttered. He made unqualified defence of Jefferson Davis and of the whole southern peo pie, claiming that they were actuated oy the highist motives aud inspired by the loftiest patriotism. Mr. Davis, he said, was the representative simply of the s uthern people, and ho as well j as they dedicated their lives and lor I InnpH to a. rausn tliov belioved tn hf right. A wanton insult had been off- ered to tnem Dy ine motion or the Senator from Massachusetts, and to himself and every other southern man ,,... 1- 1 J il m the Senate who in a less degree only I had been the representative of their people in that great struggle. But I they had bowed to the deciee of fate, i l li l ii - a ana loyally acoepieu tue situation when the Uod ol battles had decided agaicst them. Since tbe war no man bad more Jjioreservedly accepted the situatj"! y i iiir. uais. He had counf u. mnsurrection, naa advised no iacrraisres sbance aiter ine great Ot ! ii.1a WWW Q A Tl A Aid Ko t W A .trnol -.j-t. ,.f .nll.am ormioH T,aa m.; A W u v m w u v " wauamwa A UV UAVaUlU rf tlio m nu lr a r nraa n'ain TTa -nAan that Davis had not, immediately after the surrender, sought to prolong the struggle by guerrilla warfare But this expression was seized bv the erer-ieady and ; always vigilant niaine, uuu ueu witu great enect a few minutes later. In speaking of the motives that in- Bpited Hoars motion, Lamar uted a IftinculAt lv aDDrODriate llCrure of 8IMMb. I 7 I m ' j X w " J Ue wa8 "ierrii g to tne persistent at- 1 tack a upon David, a broken and aged man. lie said that the Senator from f .aiiivnii b hAliauar) ni.nuH 1 K"" ::.T. :ir IJ: Jr: himself am.n those who were called turned, and, in a stage wh sper asked Who w. it. that wa nhainrl f tim L ... , r. . . rjck ?" aud Thurman, across three rows of de ks. whispered, "ft ometheus " Without more than a deliberate rest. Lamar went on. "When Prometheus was chained to the rock it was not an vitils, but a was suited to was not an vitals, tbe the curving Is was de. then as he the right the index- was as tine iratory as I ever ting. As Lamar finished and fat down llinn wM-n ahJ m..(a n ho f-4 t Ar f , l,u rt , u L , i. . 11 .S1U lul;"u'5Uw 8ak that his motion would have been inter- reei b thf Senator from Miasisdtppi, and ho8e who 1,k,e Jh,mI bad beea de" ;vv "a " , "wait to th mselvcs, he would not have maUe It. Might to Inspire th Nation s Baltbnore Gazeite Thre is no $Aiectarl- eo krand and s classic as a f tay-aiiion.e republican I politician, fourteen years after the war. kicking and Doundine tbe venerable Jefferson Davis, and daring tomebody to defend him. , Too 9Ioeh Veto Unhealthy. a aa. - might p-ovoke a jo-nt con le&Sipn luouirv into the fraudulent mans- bv Veget4ne fo CHILLS. SHAKES, FEVLB AND AGUE. TARBORO, N. C, 1878. Dk. H. R. Stsvkhs: Der Sir, I feel very grateful for what your valuable medicine, Vegetlne, has done in my family. I wish to exprs my thanks by in forming you ol the wonaeriui cure oi my son; also, to let you know tiiat Vegetine m the Dest meaicine i ever saw ior umus, Shakes, r'ever and A.gue. My son was sick with, measles in 1S73. which left turn with Hip-lolnt distasa. My sju suffered a great, rf- Aiof ualo. ail of th? time : the pain wan so 7'4t h did nothing but cry. Thi doctori (M1 not hftlu htm a Dartlcie. he could not lift his loot from the floor, he conld not move witaoa crutches. 1 read your advertisement; in tie "Loumule ijou'ier-wouruai,- tnar VoKeiine w. s a great Blood Furiher and Blood Food. I tried one bottle, wnich wasa trre&t benefit. He kept on Hb the n edi- cn.e. nradullv eaiui'HJ. He hastaKen t igh- teon bottles in ail, aDd he is completely re-i stored to health, "walks without crutches or cane. He is twenty years of age, I have at VA1' V . AID IS V VTVUV J UH V QV. ' vonno-or nn flfton a.rB of aare. who is sub- ll P 1 T.. Z.rl l. " i ject to coins. v nenever ne .eeia uuc juhu6 AA " 1. 1 ... ...V.. ....! ..AAA. I OIF. 110 ITU I LI 111. LHIkCn A UU9v VI V CKVfauv .uu no bad etfect upon thn system like the most or 1 AAAA -AA- -V AAA.AA. . inn. la me ia.st.ui me ium. cgoiiuicVD itri in oicinfts rfcocnmeujea ior cnuis i . a. - li . n M A-v t .- Hnu fjm (.iih camp mimm jl 'uiuiv iv is iuo i ciue in tbe worM. JT1 . . 1 I t M T lir TWa-W t-. aespecKauy, ssj.io. o. n.juLuiu. VCOBTLNB wneu toe oiooa Decomes iue- less and staguaut. either from ci.auge of weather or of climate, want ol exercise. irregular diet, or from any othercause, the pjtrid humors, cleanse the sumach, regulate the bowels, and impart a tone of vigor to the wnoie nouy. Vegetme FOR DV-aPEPI V, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. BXKHABOSTON,' MASS., 1878. Wa th nn (tar aimed, xiavina: ued Vege- tine, take pleasure in recoiumending it to all taosdtruhled with Homers of any kind. Dyspepsia, Nervousness, or uenewi lj Hiittv Tthinarthreat Blood emitter. Hole a.. u "i neural, u )4i.n whn sell morfl of it than'allotberpatent medicines put together. MltS. L. F. PEttKlNS, MK9. H. VV. HCoTT, JOSEFHOb 8LATK vauotinw i th it r a it health restorer composed exclusively of barks, r. on, and . w . j . . . . i n a . . . a t a It-aa .7dtlU neroa. xi w very wicmaju v.o, cuilJ li&esit. VEGET1NE. FOB NERVOUS HEADACHS nel lllieumatisaa. ICt.NC'NSATi, O.April 9, 18:7. H R. Stevens Esu.: Dear Sir. I havs used your Vegtine for Nervous Headache, and also for K.ieunia- I . . . I u a-. . . I .A Jlinf fo..m h.tth iLe Krear. pleasure iu recommending if t, a.ii who mav be .itxewise atnicsed. I ""' JfKbD, A.(iOOl), who had oeeu long and paiufui suuerer-i I . I B - 'W .42..A..-AA uruggisM t suuiuu; Mr H R stevens: Dear bit-, We hav- b en selling your remedv-.the Vegetine lor about three years. ana lH.e piewuio iu uC...iaS iu w . ,- - . , ,., rift I Tl 4l A. Il 1. W 11 H rft S. blood ourirter would reach the case, hat it ever una to nuou oire, m uur ruuw- ledire It certainly is the ne plus ulira of renovators. Respectfully, E. M.SQEPHlittD &CO., Hruggists, Ml. Vernon, ill. Is acknowledged by all classes ot people to bethe bestaul aosi teliaolj DiO.id puriner in tbe world. Prepared by H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is sold by all Dragjdsts. Jd 3 -ecKl2w. I oiler for sale a Uaadsome CHESTXOT MARE, fine running, waller under saddle, and ne better roadster In hardness either single or doable, 16 hands, styluh and an eaSy driver. :MBM uuuyea om, id- nanaa, icAriess. Also, and better, a fine BAY HARNESS rr..Dap mmm ivi,tnj. r- ,,nH0r -aAW AJ.I V J VM. VIVA, A J m 1A ( 1 & J v J V klVViVl b6St Ia the city, not afraid of anything, war- ranted sound, tru- and kind in all harness, The abv silo s s ar consigned and will be pleased to have parties to examine them. feb 13 tf W. C. Mr.Ma.cKIN, KORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE NSUeHNGE-COMPANY. Incorporated in 1872. RALEIGH, JV: C. Assets, 260.270.70 175,394.20 Surplus to Policy Holders, p h. Cahtkrox, President W. E. Akdkrsox, Vice-President W. H. Hicks, Secfy and Treasr I Tix V. nmir FTa vwr.r.r. Mori - w vv-a-r, aiAvva aa vubVi Pkok. E. B. Smith, Advisory Actuary The only Home Life Insurance Company in North Carolina. One of the moot sue csfuicompaniesolltsagem the Untied -tates. Has a' ready issued between two au or it own peo in cash ass com for ev ery dollar ot liabilities ARe wanieu in every county in tne state to worn ior this mot cxcsnent and firmly established tome institution. For Information address N.C.STA1E LIFE INSURANCE CO.. mch6tf Kaleigh. N GREAT REDUCTION IX PRICE OF LEA 6c PERRINS Signature on every bottle. WOMSTEBSMRE SAUCE, AtlmPari8 ine mostdellcious taste and zest to ... Soaps Gravies Fish Hot fc Coin Joiuts BXTBiCT of a lbtthh from n a fj XJ 1 .' A Ia ok-tTaI-:man at TMndras to V. I . A . nis uioiner at VV OKCESTER, 'Tell Lba & Fr- KJS that their Sai.ce tn highly e-teemed In In dia and 1. in my opinion, the most palatable aa well Gaae Ac. as tbe most wholesome Sance that is made." Sold and used throughout the world. TRAVELRBS AND TOURISTS FIND iKKAX "KNKFTT IN HAVING , A aQT,TLi WITH TaE 1. JOilVDUiiCIM'SKOS, -... ,0JTSJ20-.. LEA & PEJEtRtNS, No.9Co'leice Plase and 1 Uoipn Sau ewYo.k. ifaiTlS-WWiy are K mjm alii M dTY PRCLPERTX, v.t tue of authority given in a mort gage c xecuted on be 8 h day of Feo. 1876. eride ice by Bard mortgage, as recorded in Book 4Z, ige 646, of Keaisters uffice, of ake county, 1 will sell "t the C urt H use dor ii Knirgh. on the lath hv cf April 879, at j ublic auction the lan ;s consigned iu said mortgage i-onstsau ' of ueveial val uable lots in the city of Kaleigh as follows: lsr IOT. On North sida of Franklin P'ace stieet a (joining property of Kirgley Ashley, bemg part of the Carter li. w vn isou property, wlthuo Iroprovements end con talDing Va. jcrs, uire or less. 2iLur. Au enclos-d lut jiit outride of Northern limits of th c:t of Kaleigh, oji the c ruer North of the property of Jaius K. Lawience. with no i upr Vfioinia and containing 1-5 acre, more or lst. 3rd ior. An ere es d lot in the NTthTii part of the city of K Ueivh, near the Kaieigh i .taatou JLtailr art track. anJ near tue Ata i hl ne IShops v f said company, with a iw Story Irani' dw Utn house id good repair said lot contatuiDg 1-7 acre, mot cr less. 4th Lot. An enclosed parcel ot la d, sit uated near the Machine Sh- ps of tbe I Kaleigh & 6anto Railroad Comoanv. lyii g along tbe tra kof that o upauy a d b ing I AW -A H ' A. V WAAL - A MS ' U " I a corner lot inst Eas-of thu "Ronnd HuUe ' I . . i. : .' m . J v. with one story, fra e dwelling houte said lot contaiuiug i- acre, moie or less, 5th Lot. An enclosed parcel of lar.d. North or. and adioin-ng tha s-bove, wjrh storv frame dwelling house said lot con taining 1 5 acre more or less. 6th Lot. S.tua.a tiiecosne of Lan S-l!sbury streets, jusc South of the carpeu ter shops ot the Ka eigb. & Oaston haiiro ui coirpany with no ivuprovements and con taining 1 i acre. Time of sale 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale as ner mortgage cash, but arrangements can be made upon payment of one-third cash to get time cn the Dulaoce. or iorther paiticulais apply to W. H. PAols, Attorney of Mtrtgagre. n-arch 11-t.f. Raleign, N. C. AUCTIONEER'S NOTICE. All business intrusted to the undersign will receive prompt and personal attention J. II. MAirMKWS, fcbl7-3m. Fayetteville-N.C HARDIN & MOORE, HOLLENAN BUILDING. 0 Lbs. Ol t V. o. (t vo ears old) and Vlr- giiiia HAMS, desirable siz s, well trimmed. The fluent lot of liaias we have ever offered. Also, small Pig Hants 6 ll and 10 lb each. Northern hams of all sizes. A consignment of nice Pennsylvania bufter, in small packages, 10 u to 2) lb each. Alo, North Carolina butter, very low to close cons gumeut- Dried Peaches and Apples; Turkish Prunes, 10c per lb; rresh Uianoeriics; fresh Liemons; Se d Potatoes; Fine f weet fotatoes Seasonable canned goods; Tomatoes, Corn. Asparagus, Feaclifs, &C , &C, JiC. A large stock of everything in the Grocery line. First-class Oocds. Low Prices, Prompt Delivery. HA1.U1a JV1 UUKli feb 28 tf A . iie Goods, Mee Goods. . Just received, Spiced PU's Feet Hams, Bologna Sausage, Fresh Crackers, Baldwin Apples, Early Roso, Peerless aud Chill Ked Irish Potatoes at OAK CITY GROCERY, IS'o. 45 Wiimington St. AU.) a beautiful lin of Market, Clothes, Hampers and other Baskets, ac Oik City Grocery, No. 45 Wilmington St. Th n cest Flour at bottom prices, em bracing Orange Grove, Chesapeake, North Point, Howard Mills and Kide Millby the pound, sack or baTtl, at Oak city Grocery t No . 4 Wilmington R. F. J ones & C o., RALEIGH , N. C. AGENTS FOB TOM COOPER'S JLciTirel Valley 3ENTENNIAL OLD RYE -ANI- WHEAT WHISKEY, a large lot 1LWAYS O.N HAND FBOM TWO TO FOUB YEABS OLD. universally acknowledgedito be THE FINEST WHISKY MADE IN THE isOUTF. FERSONS WISHING Strictly Pure Spirits TOR MEDICAL AND OTHEB UBFOSEfc can get any size package From 3 to 50 Gallons, Byaddrenslng T. N. COOPEB, EagU Mil's -sw S tjii Wj i . D r T I 'VTCl; c V. iiuutji cuuuvi ai. v. , . rt . o. iredeu counts AX-Ba eigh. N. C Butt, r ! Butter ! ! Fresh Country Butt r OF FINE QUALITY 15 cts. per lb, 8 R forL GOOD OHIO BUTTER, Solid packed, 25 cts per ft) CHOICEST NORTHEN BUTTER, Direct from the Diiry, 30 cts. per lb. 280. Poz Frh hp Ii) Cents Pr Dozen. J SHREDDED COD-FISH, IN ONE POUND BOXES; READY FOR THE ABLE IN FIFTEEN MINUTES. BON l" LIBS CODFISH, DIA1VOND BRAND 5 lb. Loses. DRIED PEACHES, APPLES AND PRUNES, best quality. Flonr, Meats and Provisions, CANNED GOODS, FANCY GROCERIES, Ad everything else for the Table, of best quality, VERY LOW. HARDIN & MOORE, Iaicli9-tf (Hollenian Building.) TO THE AFFLICTED, , French's Arneca L!i.ltneT.t t h, h.t known for KbeumatlHtn, Neuralgia, fains In the back and. sie. Headache. &e.. Ac Tt never fails to give Immediate relief. Manu factured hy " W.M. K. FRENCH. . Wholesale and Retail Druggist. For sale Wm.: 81mpson, 9. H, keartt rugiusts, itaieiga, . u. novl-dftm wirf: railing & ornamental WOHKS. I5LH IC d- t o. NO. 3C N. noWASP ST., BALTLMOKE, M Wire Railings for On.etenes, Bal.-nni p &c, Sieves. FeDders. Ciues, fniid J , ' Creens. Woron Wlr-., Aic. Vv5. Im 3 ; i-,f. idt. C hairs. Cettee. an 1 7 S S o S e S O. v) i . S Z w o ? 3 &s5?3.55yE.Msa & J In thesa days of political trickery, a true frieint in th time of need, la a friend in Ipej acd uch a friend is DR. Wit HALL'S BALSAM TOR THE LUNGS. It is a sure cure for (. ON.SDMPTION,COrQHS,COLDS Air THMA BRONCHITIS. HOARS B.NE!S, and all diseases of the Lungs, Cheat and Throat. This well known remedy has been uvil thirty years and has cured thuuf-a id o' casern nia;iy cf which were given up as note less. No cae. how ever ptstinate; can resist. th heall grroperties of 1-r. Win. Hall's l al faH forthe Lungs. Trial bottles will be fur- shed gratuitously oallv.ho.ireafli c:' M'iih 1 nng arc pectoral dmeaees. "Retoember that it is the persistent u-e of the Balsam that cares the worm cases JOHN F. HENRY, CURBAN & CO.. Sole Proprietors. 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK. B W. Powers, fe Co.. Wholesale gent. iebniond, va. feb ll-d&wlw FROM A PROMINENT VETERINARY SURGEON. Mr. Win M. Giles, Chemist, Sir: I ha?. lractioed extensively in tturope and Ameri ca, and your new discovery, Liniment lidlde of Ammonia, surpasses anything I ever used for splints, Hti ains, lumeness tn the limbs or nhoulder.s, wakn ss across t!i kidneys, wind galls, and hard, b u. amI liegs on the joints, it is truly marvelous , Yours very irnlv, Ralph Ocik, ?te inary Surgeon. 3,;o W. 25tn M,, N. Y Sold by all Druggists. ATIEXTlOai F T 1 1 1 : County Superiuteadanrs of Public Lwi i t tion, Bjar is o - ucatlcn, and Prin cipals of Private schools. v. Valuable Educational Works SanforcTs Series Analytical Arithmetics AaM) Worcester's Zicticnar; San ord's -Jer'es eompr-es tour b,-y.. aiM is nasea upon til-- au Ai ic syit-m.- WHuford'ri Hirst Lemons iu Analytical Aiitionetic. 16 in t., 2" cei.ts. sanlord .i lHt.Hrme.it .t Ana.ytlcal A'iMi- m tic, lti'iio., i3i op Ha f iiou iu. 45 c . S.-i n ford's Co'iimou Sch.H)l A;oiUal Aritiiiiiet :( .i5o ; . Half roan, M) Ct.l-. Sa;i lord's Higher Aualyt-xai Athion- tic. hmo., 41.i pp. -idlfroan. Oloi h i ie-. i ! .5 . j he d-jii villous are c'e.tr, an i tli- ;i :i.-.i -es exhaustive. Tne work is practical, o.ul bua'l' in slat ; exi-rcises. T'ie experl'iii e of a lare nuiiitier of the best teachers in ttiii conn ry. is font, with sauford m hind, pu pils 'discover a'i UUWOIltel eutliUSla-lil iu studying the science of numbers. Tlie opIefe Jerlei of Hor tester's OictiounrieM. Quarto Dictionary. Illustrated and Una bridged. Library sheep. $10. Oc avo .Universal and Critical,) Dieth na ry. Library sr.er-o, 81 25. Academic lictionary. Crown 8vo. Half roan, 1.8-3. Comprehensive Dictionary, Illustrated, 12 mo Half roan, 1.75. School (aienieiitaryj Dictionary, lui , Halt roan, -rl. Primary Dictionary. Illustrated lGmo. 11 ill io.iu. .'"0 ceuis. I'o ktjt iJioiiouriry. Illustrate i -4tno Cloth 63 o- j' ; ro mi. a -xio le, 8cAUts,roau, tucks, giliedffes, fl. Many special aids to students, nad litlcu toa lull pronouncing aud dentili g ocaou lary, uiake th above-imnied hooks, In the wfuuuu in uur irost aiatiuguiani a -duca-tors, the most complete s well as y far the ch pest Dictionaries of ourlangi ave Woi-cester's School Dictlouariea ire based upon ih.. quarto, which is preferre I ovt r all otuera by euiiueur scho.Hr and m ui of l-t ters. l.'e series is aumirably adapted to us. In School, Academies. &c. Liin-ral te.jns for introduction W d'-ire ihatnarfuru and Worcester be exam med by .;oUiity Boards and principal ol private sciioois. Correspondence solicited' We invite at" nttuu f Teachers to CIihu veuet's Mather;atics, Cutter's fhyniolorfy. in a word, all our School publications. Lir culars and descri..!! ve catalogue furnlslied on application. AdJxess, J. B IIPPINCOTT & CO. 715 and 717 Market stie t, ihl .i!eh UU MARTIN V. CALVIN, Oeneral Southern A cent. AUOC8TA, OA. dec l7deolv4in. is-. bSUlVES T::E UNEQUALLED JAS. IEFFEL JO'JBU r0iYATllI AKD STATIONARY noua and gsisi 'KiuA 'm&wi:iV.n and hakj . POOLS & HtNL. 3?? FPv 51 l 2 t"!f S"!J '-3'2 2 t-T"?" SMa J-f O 85 SHIN M 1134 JT- n...iTI'r N mm