DA1L.Y NEWS. FRIDAY. - - MARCU 21. 179. IILNSKY A JOUDAS. Vrop'. JUIIN1I. II IS SKY, - Editor. .Moototaery Blair is qiotedavaa thoritj far the statement, that Got. Hendricks favors for the nomiua- tion of the oU ticket of Tildea and Hendricks. SrtEK Whitaker, Ejv . Solicitor of Halifax Inferior Court has rf signed, ami a meeting of the magistrates of that ouuotj ha been called, for Tuesday next, to consider the propriety of abol ishing aid cenrt. Tut mglrate tf Warren county, Ut week, abolished the Inferior Court of that county, the act extending the juiisdiction of roiis! rites, having ren dered llie expense of an Inferior Court unnece iry. HauT Butler has commenced his Gubernatorial ca repugn in J'assachu gtts very promptly. His latest move ment is the publication of a book skill fully rcccrdic the leading events of h life with a tiew to influencing voters in every portion of the couutry. Other publications will follow. The moral Uoght bjrthe suit of Mr. Oliver sgalcst the octogenarian de fendant is, that if any man desires to be a senator , aod at the same time, enjoy immunity from th arts and fas cioattona of grass widows, be should not try to reach the Senate on the fun ny side of eighty. Sai stories are told about the state of affair in Memphis. In addition to trie financial ruin of the city and the public health, every man in the oity wto can do so ia begtin?, saving and scraping money together with which to get astay next lummv, when it is feared the yellow-fever will rage again with redoubled fury. A bill to prevent treating has been introduced in the House at Spricgti-ld Mas. It is proposed to attach a penalty from $- to 81 to th pernicioU3 prac tic of 'felting up the drinks al! around." the proceeds oftbe tines to goto me 2caoo4 ruoa; wnue caoai & 11 da'es for office may be fined foO or imprisoned twenty days for offering to treat their constituents. Tat two I'ainc raiiroids propte to furn sh free trasapoitation to a rhila- delphia 00 in mil Wee which is arranging to visit S ar Kr:eico for the purpf of welcoming Goo. Grant back aain to his home, his grateful ouuatry aud a third term of the Presidency. The Grant movement seems to be asuui 10 share, but it is not "booming o much as it was. An eanv nccopatiuo of Kjp' by the Knglish and French troops is poes.ble. Tbcwe governments bold an extensive mortgage on tbat country, and assume some direction of its internal affairs. They le ently infrmtd the K'ie Jive that he must reappint one of bis d poed ministers. Nabar Pasha, or take the rerjnsibilitr of a refusal. He has taken the resins bility anl calmly awaits the issue. Tut unusuil brevity of Mr. H yea' forthcoming message may be due to the difficulty be expenelicea in express ing his feelings under such peculiar - . f - . T I circum.uncr.. w.e we.mracy in p.owr in tx.tu urancnes ol t.on- gni. and to refl ct tbat but for the crimes wn:cn p aced mm wnere ne is. tbe same party would control the Kx- cutive detejtmnt with its 104. OX) offlee. a e circumstances not calcula ted to iospiie a long 01 lurr. ioous State paper. This S)iueio negro cotooizttion scheme m a new pLaee of Radical pbil antbropy, even worse tr-an the Kreed- man'sBank swindle; for while that oaiy roooea we poor negro 01 nis txAid earned sivinjcs to enrich the scoundrels who. under pretence of ep-cial friend- snip ror tne coioreu people, engineered I ha 1 1 1 r an.An a TratiJ iKia I , . v., , ucuw not only takes the last dime out of the aegro packet but breaks np bis home, deprives him of employment, and leaves him and his helpless fanvly arnong strangers to suffer and s'arve. With dt-corum befittirj; tbe ocvajioo. the first Democratic Congress for eigh teen years baa quietly eomroenced its work, and will oon settle down to an earnest erTort to perform all the duties wbkh the people rqiire at its htads. Its manner of doing business will so n put to rest forever the Il-publican ca'- uaaaity that the interests of tbe cnuo. tryconnot saTely be trusted in IKmo cratichanJs. If there were anv truth in such a statement, it would furnish an unanswerable argument ajjains popular government, proving that the majority should not rule. Axotiisr International Six Day's vialklcg 3Iatch is leing arrangred. to se piace at UUoDora s Garden. .New VW t . t ..... I hub uie om 10 me inn 01 iay. x.. . . . .. um prut win De a caamp.-Ki belt mora xpeosive than the Astley tr-nhv. ie belt and jl5J will beaad-dto his accomplices, and canceled all tratis Vlt man who walks ths trreatest nuiu- a; ions based un.n th .r.?r v-.. v . , . . . I oer of miles id 144 hours. The second pnxs win be 11,000. and the third c v. iae entrant ree will be 100. v. T-- . . ... I O'Leary will enter tbe race. Enni. ... . ' . , . , I rUl also enter if he does nit ro to Eojlaad, and s- w,U Harriman and Gnyon. It U expected that V.ugb.n aod Craalaod, two of the best aix dSV I wJkrn in Knglaod, will also compete, ThamouQt of tnnej warered in the hew Tork pool room. 0o tbe recent walk was 4i0.W0. Walter, Harri I imaa'a backer, won IIJ.OJO, and Sir John AsUeyis credited with havlnir coory I" 23 fn i t hixa will soon have established diplomatic relations with all the princi pal nations-of the earth. Chin Lan I'in, the Chine Embassador to the United States, is making preparations to proceed to Spain for the5 purpose of establishing a legation at Madrid After establishing a legation st Madrid, be will go to Peru for the purpose ol establishing a legation at Lima. The Constitutional Convention of California has ended in failure. It waa in session one hundred and fifty-eeven days, cost tbe S'at one hundred and tlfty the uaand djlUrs more than was appropriated.and completed a constitu tion which the people of the tate never will adopt. The delegate gen erally were incompetent. It is fact, though probably not very wellknovnon this side ofthewaten that gas for .Uuminating proposes has reri been introduced into the British Museum building. The managers have long seen the ned of some means of lighting tha reading room erpccially but they hive always bin in drevl of the chances of tire and explosion which ur'ght result from ths introduction of gas. They have nw, however, light ed the reaJin room with the electic light, uing diht SablochkotT candlof of all aggregate 4S' candle power, the patenU for which are generated by a double Oramme mach ne; which, with its metor, is located in a detached building. By this means satisfactory light aud entire safety ftom tire are at once attained. 05 the first of next month an op portunity will be given to try experi mentally a kind of Government Savings Kund. The 'certified tea. of deposit" of the denomin ition of ten dollars, to be issued then and thereafter, bear in terest at tlu rata ot four per ceut. per annum, but they do not fully answer the purpose of a savings fnnd, because they are not directly redeemable, but may be cnened into four per cent, bond.. Ten dollar having been in vested in a cer.tticate. the holder to realize upon it. must sell it at its mar ket v.lue, or having tiv of them, con vert it into a bond, and se'l that at its market value. The certificate will, however, be. very useful to those who desire to buy bonds out of small sav I ing for a permau, at investment. They can by means of the certificate gain four par cent, interest on each ten dol lars saved, instead of hoarding the money without profit to themselves until they obtained tifty d l'ars. There is be.iJes a real aJvautage to the poor I man in having his small savings put I where, .with lerfect security he can recover, there is Mill a little ob- I struction in tha way of his doing to. This preveats him frOTi wis'.ing his I sa.-ings. It is time to look at both sides of the walking mania, that is if a mania can have two sides at all. "A well known Dbvstciau cf B stou writes to the Journal of that city rather savagely about one walkiuc eiLibit.on which he I !, een. It was that of Miss Lulu Bloomer pleasing, but probably a pseudonym who was "dragged off her coii-h every ten minutes to walk her quarter mile.' The Doctor reports tbat she was in a "wretched state of weakness;" that her trainer had to auppoit her; deathly pile was her face; idioticahy expressionless were her eyes; extreme exhaustion was indicated by every moti n. ro wooner tue good physician was in a passion about it, and wrote his communication at once. Tbe h fae Biy, WM Ui.TntiJaied; thp atmo,phere absolutely Stirling , and Uie g) ht KeDeraliy .;ckeufng. Bnt the authorities bestirred themselves; they sent the city doctor down to in vestigate; and they think of stopping such "senseless displays altogether." Over in Newark, n Sunday, there was a similar exhibition, tne poor woman falling into a dead faiut, and being obliged to abandon the und. r aking. Tb;s is not by any means the first in stance of tbe kind, and we shall have othtr. unless the padetrian mania is ,,i9te.l. epseially amone the women. SVlkin i a verv rnn-i thin j- h.i person who undertakes a Ion -ditance m4.ch against time without the neces- . ... ry pavsica stamma. wi I be sure to fail to ret int all nrt nf tr.,.,1.1.. , eitl er physical or peebniary. Koruinu te'egrams is asKutwhat dangerous busings, but it is a mistake t suppose that the loss caused by them must accrue solely to the sender or re ceiver. The Baltimore American cites the case, the tendency of which in to show that the telegraph company which transmits such a dispatch in responsi ble for the damare camuul hv it , j Jorae years since," it eays. "a di pitch was sent to Messrs. Haligarten & Co, of New York, signed William Fisher & Sjd, Baltimore (a singular coiocidence in tames), which ordered the ale of several thousand shares of Marietta A Cincinnati stock. The mar- kt was similarly demoralized, hut upon the receipt of the lust telegraph report ol what sties had been mad a by the New York firm for th n-it; more house promptly notiriVH th fnor.ls tbat somethine was wr . " fc' like -New 01 k Stock Hirh.n . wm. the matter up. offered a reward of 110 O 0 for the recoverv nf tha fr, ill! uuo was ever publicly identified with th ime. but bv manT it wa- k th. - criminals Were dis.TPrd an.t - ' ... kiiat nrosecution was iln.!..na.i kL , wvauao 01 the hiZh d sition of iom. nf h plices iu the transaction, the object of which w.s, . f courte, the depression Of MaiiettA A ITinr-nn.ti u - bear cliaue." In thi. .V t.,. Ncraph Conman .rU.u i a ;. ,." billty. and offererl tn .t.H .k. caused by the transaction- k K. New York Exchange d,rl. .n ..... off there waa no lo- m vujjAiy was releived. TlTK English newspapars are nov- building largtly on the cheap wheat to be hereafter biouht from biberia by the opening of a sea route. The Truth says that trade with ttmse northern regions will be immediately encouraged, and that "imtutiu-e quan titiea of wheat, tillow. hmp, flax aad brandy will bj sent from Siberia for a market as cm as navigation reopens. Siberian wtieat will become au impor tant factor, as it is stated tbat it can be sold ia London at considerably less than either Rusdan Of American wheat." The trade of Siberia wil need years of car. ful nursing before it will rival ths tra?e of America. The people must first no there, the wild auds must ba cleared, and tha practi cability and safety of the northern sea route must be demonstrated by years of experience. Mweet I'olalocN . Irili PotR toe. Col. J. Turner Morehead. of the Leaksville ootton factory will atlend a meeting of the Cotton Manufacturers of the United States at Bjston, Mass., in July next. He is now correspond ing with Commissioner Polk in regard to the substitution of the sweet potato in lieu of its Irish brother as a very im portant element in the manufacture of cotton goods. If successful in their investigations he will brinij the matter to the atten tion of the cotton manufacturers at their meeting. Tbe Irish pota'o c ntains a large per centage of staich, which is oue of the essential parts of cotton manufacture. It is used to such an extent that over 30.000,000 bushel9 were consumed last year for this purpose. It is thought the sweet potato will yield as large a percentage of starch, and being so much cheaper in its production and more pro 1 lie in its yield, it will t;tily be come a substitute. Thin would crea te an immense de mand for this important southern pro duct aud open up to the South a very extensive and profitable tratno in a veg etable that now commands a limited and uucerta'n gale. The sweet potato yield in 7s c unties of this Scate last year a vei aged Slhutdi to the i?cro. Tha total product being H,!?'o4.4: bu-hts. I'i certain localities as many, ft GOO bushels per acre were raised. Il would be fafe to estimate that by proper cul tivation, the eastern portion of Noith Carolina" would produce au avtrage yield of 20) bushels per acre (-ind the total yield would reach 8 to lO.0O0.0O0 busheis annually. Tbecost of produc - tio-i would not excoi ! cen's. The .-tpr.ee has averaged 40 cents per bubl for years p:ist but tbe large quintity wouid probably reduce it to JO cents, it will at onc be seen that t'lis would b tl.e rncst profitable crop the farmtr culd raise Dr. L Jiui, the tato Chemist, is now an.il zing the sweet pota'o and the rt suit of his experiment will be 1 inked for with eager expectancy So far no inf nratiu has baen aMi- " eicd on this point from ary of the b. ks of reference. THE Mllii; I. N. V. !K MKAilV'i MMMA EVEN T THE.UN- OlirUCUINli litTToN A WU8U AliOl T 6II.KS 1HK -1 MMKK I'KKlNS J.U STV M IT8 r orr'pon'l'ace of the Nnvj. kw Vokk, Match 18, 1879. There exists just n w a passion fur decorati u. The prevailing converse turn is concerning high art and decora" ion. It is au age of decoration our houses, our furniture, our bric-a-brac, everything i decora e J and our fash ionable bel'e, not to be behind the times, mum have her toilettes elabo rarely painted by skillfull artists. At a recent balf the most artistic costume was white satin exq lisitelj painted in a desicn 01 scariet luschias, and blue oonvolvu'i. with graceful tendrils and leafage in shaded brilliant yellow I greens. BCTTOXS Si THINGS Elab rate sets of buttons of silk. satin of velvet are dexterously pain ted by competent artists, each button being ornamented with a different de sign a rl wer, bird, bug or fan, etc,; and alalv w.j s - to lelte is garn sli- ed with a set of sjme httv of these 11L. really i-kil!fn"ly painted buttons carries no iusigmticaut art collection around with her, Kibbjus ia exquisitely paint d dee gus. of half oD9u rosts and buds, in delicate pu k t uts. gorgaous scarlets. .. . . and pale vellow shades are sh.iwn for bonnet tnmua iuirs. and will h wnm hv tbe elegantes. Aud whit i nt t,a d '.' Evt ry other young lady oue meets is tiecoianng Hmtt lung for herself or some iriena. iroru a clay pipe to a din ncr set v ice. til Ks. .v 11 ui grau iesr. arid m -st luxu rious of these rich materials, are broca- d d s ripes, in all the new colors, alter nating wun more or repped stiips, about au men iu width, but for the ultra fashionable they are shown four mories wide and are strikingly Land- soma. JloTe or watered silk is again taking rank ammg tLe leading fabric; anu iiiuiasa.s in iim qua'ities retains us hold 011 fajdiiuiiable favor. Satin reppeu stripes come m plain and in con- ctst of fencing, in order to correctly re tiating co ois, such as old gold aud preee .it what the present fence systom oevrts oiue ai a area favorite chenoa lor Mch'eveiung dresses. Soft, heavv p!in silks are always in the mode, and are shown in all the new quaint 6had(s mis aappuire uiue, wiach is a Comoro- mi3j ooiween tue o ue ana the green will be the select c dor of the season' an 1 much allVcted by the leaders of tha ton. It is vivid without beimr irlarin.r I and very distinguished in effect, and an I almost universally becoming color. the sum m kr l'Eki.Ns decidedly new are the velvet acd satin pekins for summer, which are "grand I style." The summensh mrt of thu laurics are tne open work s".ripes, which alternate with stripes of velvet ar.H e i . . I satin. JAUNTY 8TEET SUITS. Charmingly coqultish and pictures que are the new street suits, with their high drapings and side decorations andjaunry jackets or mantelets; for with short dresses cornea ac-ain th in troduction of the full costume, includ ing me wrap oi the same material as thetlress. And, tro, it is considered tnutton o have the parasol made of vue sane material as tbe costume N,t I only are ths solid colors ued for these j--.- .o, uD,.iW;u a3a nnrea iaorics as well: ind d creed that no suit shall be eonsidoroH I . . - - i complete, un!eR it haa the narsol t. match. They are lined with some becoming color, and may be trimmed with lace or fringe, or the edge is left quite deep and pinked. Still another charming innovation ia to bave a dain ty little chatelaine bag "made to match the dress, and elaboraeelf mounted in French gilt, oxodixed silver or steeL In plain colors some of these artistic little affairs re-embroidered in silk of a peeper shade; but in stiiped or flori ated patterns they are with out ornament save the mounting. The brightness and color which en livens the costume is seen in the hat. in a garland of gay popples, a wreath of foliage, or masses of oriental color ed ribbon, dusted with gold or silver. Th latpst mnHtU in walking dresses come shorter, reaching only to the heal' . - 1 of the boot iu the back, ana displaying the foot iu front a fashion likely to take with ladies who are the fortuua'.e possessors ot small feet. Spirit or the State Preas. KEEP IT At HOME. Fayettevllle Gazette. Acd above all, keep your money at home. Better buy a home-made table at a low price, than send to some Nor thern market for au article no whit better at a greater price; better pur chase a carriage or wagon in de in our own mi-lst than "jump al a bargain" offered by some shoddy concern in Cincinnati or Chicago: better give the profit on a barrel of flour, or a ferkin of butter, or a box of hams, W our own people, than to pursue the narrow pol icy of scading North to save a dollar or two in ccst. THE DOGS. Milton Chronicle. Mow, why were not dogs taxed? Sim ply because gentlemen in the Legisla ture were afraid to tax them. It was all right, however, to tax hogs, sheep, cattle aud horses they could vote for this but they hadn't the nerve to tax the worthless curs that live only to kill sheep and eat up provisions that would fatten half the bogs in tbe State. It booted nothing that the tax was needed to educate the poor children of the State it was deemed more advisable to let thtse poor children grow up in shame ful ignorance. A'as, for tne statesman ship of the age 1 AN EXCELLENT CONNECTION. Gol sboio Mes enger. Tin Hamett Railroad would make an exo- llt-iit counection if consolidated wi h either the At antic Jb North Caro lina lioad or wi'h the projected Golds- boro, baow Ilill and Greenville Koad. Die road, though short, would run through four counties Wayne, Samp- sou, Johnston and Harnett. The coun try is level aud easily graded. We as sure the friends of this proposed road that GcldsboTO will not be blind to her iuterertt in this matter. WHAT DOES IT A in U XT TO. Wil noiugtou Star. We are unable to state how much was saved by our own Legislature in the way of retrmchmeut. We should 1-ke I to see a tabulated statement of what was actua ly saved. We have an im ouiplisheil after Sll the blowing. One appropnasiou was iToO for servaut hire I v n o 1 . v t- I li it ti r rrrua r t h 1 n rra wo Ta o r I fr the capital. Before the war one tiorvant w is enough. Now it requires live servan's we suppose. But we can not estimate the value of the work done wi'hout a ta.eiu'nt of its labors be fore us. Sjiuo reform bodies pour in at the bung whilst the 6tieam runs from the spigot. 1 he Itelormers may Lave cut 'vu ;n places Sme of them f no great importance whilst neg- lecting to atten.l to tbe great leaks. I 1 . . 1 . . : 1 1 1 SO jner or ia'er me ex ;ut saviog win ue kuown. ann by this tha Kefo.niers wui be judged. 1 HF.V DIP WELL Kolt soDian. Of c uise thir actions will ba crlti cised by the press aud the people. They did a god deal, and left a good deal undone ; and, upon the whole, they will compare very favorably with any of the Legislatures we hve had since the war. They have passed sjme splen- did laws; the one in regard to the State debt, if it will be accepted by the bond holders, settles a vexed question, and the-r determination in meetinz this issue squarely is commendable. MORE AND BliTrKa Shflbv Anrora. The Legislature adjourned on r riday the 14 h mst., working one week with- out any compensatioa at all. and the members did more and better work during tbat time thau they did during the entire session. Our members fronr Cleveland during the entire session re mained at their posts and, as a general thi ig, they were always found advoca ting retrenchment and reform and op posing all unfair and unjust measures that were calculated to opp-es the people. THS PATRIOTIC LEGISLATURE. Tobacco 1'lant. The Legislature adjourned on latt Friday at 2 o'clock after finishing up ail matters of importance. We had 1 r ; , tie pleasure 01 witnessing a tning that was never be fere seen in North Carolina, a L.3gislative Doay at work without pay. lhe sixty days, the Inn- Nation according to the consututiou, expire! anu tne woik was not com pie ted. So our Legislators ha i patriot ism enough to work without pay till the work was completed. THE FENCE LAW. WlnstoL Sentinel. v -;.i, tu ,.oa.,f fT, !o the neavy cost entaueu py it. tue ae- predations tf stock are not prevented. Tl for ron..o an cannrnwl J - " - to effectually protect the growing crops. Cccsequence is, that a loss of many bushels of grr.in annually from this cause, representing hundreds of dollars, might safely be added to the cost. THEN AND NOT TIX, THEN. North State Press. Peace, peace! has been the constant try, but their will ba no abiding peace, until the South, Ly peaceful methods. conouers a peace, and this she can only do by standing solidly Democratic, and with thc nirl nf mirh trup-heart.ed and nnhlo a: hps as Thurman. Havard. Hendricks, Voorhees and a host of otheis, she will dictate its terms in the Capitol itself. Then will wranglings, criminations and recriminations cease in the land, and meekeyed peace will 8UFU uer emiiiing inuueaces over us. Taunts, jeere and gibes will bp. hear no i j 1 -i - il more lorever, but in tneir t ad chart ty, good-'ellowship an 1 b.o.nerly love will be the spirits t an. mate us, direct and control all our acta. That we are upjn the eve of such a time, we have an abiding faith. The Itiglit Course. Philadelphia Times. Tf infill nmiTA Kimaalf ami . nently worthy of the great victory achieved for him he will enter the hir xl UU oil Kfomaaa f gtrifa behind him, and he will Bummon JNortn and South, friend and roe, to L,,ofio ,oQf u. Ki..rnai viwviv una v vow iua jioo vivooviucva dsj Hnfnllhv th. i tlnn Vegettne FOB i CHILLS. SHAKES, FEVLIt AND: AGUE. TaKBOBO, N. C, 1878. DR. H.R. STBVENS: Der Sir, I feel very grateful for what your valuable medicine, Vegettne, has done ia my fajally. I wish toeiprts" ray thanks by in forming you of the wondenul cure of my son; also, to let yon know that Vegetineis the best medicine I ever saw for Chills, Shakes. Fever and Ague. My son was sick with measies ia 1473, which left him with Hip-joint disease. My sou suffered a great d al of pain, all of the time ; the pain was so pret he did nothing but cry. Thi doctors did not help htm a particle, he could not lift bis foot from, tbe floor, he could not move without crutches. 1 read your advertisement in the "Louisville Courier-Journal," that Wgetine wes a great Blood fu rider aud Blood Food. I tried one bottle, which was a great beneflt. He kept on with the medi cine, graduilly gainiug. He hastaaen tigh teee bottles in ail, and he is completely re stored 10 health, walks without crutches or cane, lie is twenty years of age. I have a younger son, fifteen years of age, who is sub ject tocsitls. Whenever he leels one coming on, he comes in, takes a dose of Vegetiue aud that is the last of the Chill. Vegetine leaves no bad effect upon t hi system likethe most of the m dlcines recommended lor Chills. 1 cheerfully recommend Vegetine for such complaints 1 ihink it is the greatest meat cine In the world. Bespeetfully, MBS. J. W. LLOYD. Vbgetink When the blood becomes life less and stagnant, either from cnange of weather or 0 climate, want ol exercise, irregular diet, or from any other cause, the VeKetlne will renew the blood, carry off 1 he putrid humors, cleanse the stomach, regulate tae do we is, ana impart a tone 01 vigor 10 tne whoie body. Vegetine foh NiitJ'JrfNaJSd D t'S PEPSI. .. :and GENERAL DEBILITY. BIR.NAKD6TON, Misa.,1878. Wb. the nndersirned. having u?ed Vege tine, take pleasure in recommending it to ail tnoso troubled wnn ti amors 01 auj aiuu. Dyspepsia, Nervousness, or Weneral De hintv Tf hin the Great Blo.td Pu litter, gold by R. Li Croweu Sons, who sell more of it than all 01 tier patem medicines put tusemoi MRS. L. F. PEKKINS, MKS. H. W. HCoTT, Joseph us slai is Vegetine is the great health restorer coinpo-ed exclusively of barks, r.ot,aud herbs. It is very pleasait to take; every cnili likes it. VEGETINE. FOR NERVOUS HEADACHE nd Kiieuuiatlsiu. ClNC KMATI, 0.,3Aprll 9, 187". H. B. Stevens Esq.. : Dear Sir. I havs used your Vegetine for Nervous Headache, and also .for Rheuma tism, aad have found e a Lire elief from both and take great pleasure iu recommending it to all who may be ,ikewie afflicted, FKED. a.. GuoD, I08 Mill St-Cinr- Vegetlae has restored thousands to he i" who had been lou and painful sqgerera Druggists Testimony. Mr. H. R- Stevens: Dear Sir, We hav b'-en slling your retnedv.the Vegetine for about three years, and take pleasure ia reooai neuJing it to our customers, aad in no instance where a blood uuririer would reasn the case, has it ever failed to etlect a c ire, to our know ledge It certainty is the ne plus ultra of renovators. Respectfully, E. M. SHEPHE-tD &CO-, Drugglats, Mt. Vernou. III. Is acknowledged by all classes of people to be the best au 1 aosireiiabl oo.jd purifier in the world. Prepared by H. R. STEVEJSS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is sold by all Druists ao 3J-eod2w. I oBerfor sale a Haudsome CHESTNUT MARE, fine running, walker under saddle, and no better roadster In hardness either single or doable, lfl hands, 9tjlish and an I easy driver. flne BAY SADDLE HOE3B 5 years old, 15 hands, fearless. Also, and better, a fine BAY HARNESS HJ&SE 6 years old. 15 hauls, fast trotter best in the city, not afraid of anything, war ranted sound, tru and kind in all harness. TheabvjHo s s ara consigned and will b? pleased to have parties to examine them feb 13 tf W. C. McMACKIN, NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE G 0 MP AN Y. Incorporated in 1872. RALEIGH, N. C. Assets, - $260,270.70 Surplus to Policy Holders, 175,394.20 F. H . Cameron, President W. E. Anderson, Vice-President W. H. Hicks. Sec'y and Treas Da. E. Burke Haywood, Med. Director Prof. E. B. Smith, Advisory Actuary The only Home Life Insurance Company in iNorth Carolina, one oi tne eoh suc cessful Co mpanies nf its age in the United states. Has a'ready issued between two and three thousand policies, au or it funds invested at home among our own peo pie. All losses paid promptly and in cash Kates as low as those of any first class com pany. Hs thrhb dollars of assets forev erv dollar at liabilities Acents wanted In every county in the tate to wont lor mis most excellent ana information address M. C. STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., mCh 6tl italdgll. N T. T. THOMAS -OFFEB?- Guano and Supplies For Farmer. I n stock and arriving 2000 Sacks Allison & Addison's Com plete Cotton Manure. 2000 Backs High Grade Acid Phos phate. Sulphate Ammonia and Nitrate Soda. Bulk Meat, Corn Meal. OaTd, llAY, 1LOUE, New Crop Cuba and New Orleans MOLASSES. Sugar of all grades. Coffee. Plug and Smoking Tobacco. All of which will be sold low for Cash or on Crop Time. Penonal attention rlven to tbe sale of Cot ton, atd for tose who may wish to hold, I bave ample storage ro jm and will make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES with low rate of Interest ana storage Charges J. J. THOMAS, Cotton asd Commission Merchant, No. 9 Martin Street, march 7 tf RALEIGH, N. O. MLXICAN 4 TflMUflS. We hereby Hotlfy the-publlo --that we are taklnzlu trade Mexican dollars at SO cents and Trade Dollars at cents, bo now is the time to savemonry by coming te OAK CITY GROCERY, 1 No. 45 Wilmington Street. A fine lot of choice hams, shoulders, bef tongues and pigs feet, just i eceive d at OAK CITY GROCERY. Another lot of apple, peach and quluce But ter, just received at Oak Cty Grocery, More of that beaut.ful Golden Syrup at 0 cents per gallon at OAK CITY GROCERY, march 11 d&w-tf. Butter! Butter!! Fresh- Country-Butt r Ol- FINE QUALITY 15 cts. per ft, 8 for 8L GOOD OHIO BUTTER, Solid packed, 25 cts. per lb CHOICEST NORTHEN BUTTER, Direct from the Dairy, 30 cts. per lb. m Pei. Fftoh Es 10 Cents Per hut. SHREDDED COD-FISH. IN ONE POUND BOXES; READY FOR THE ABLE IN FIFTEEN MLNU TES. BOM LI SS CODFISH, DIAVOND BRAND 5 lb. boxes. DRIED PEACHES, APPLES AND PRUNES, best quality. 4 Flour, Meats and Provisions, CANNED GOODS, FANCY. GROCERIES, Aad everything else for the Table, of best quality, VEftY LOW. HARDIN & MOORE, March 9-tf Holleman Building.) IViee Goods, Mee Goods. Just received, Spiced Pisj's Feet Hams, Bologna Sausage, Fresh Crackers, Baldwin Apples, Early Hose, Peerless and Chili P.ed Irish Potatoes at OAK CITY GROCERY, No 4.) Wilmington St. Also a beautiful liu of Mirket, Clothes, Hampers and other Baskets, at O k City Grocery, No. 4" Wl'm'ngton Bt. Th n cest Flour at bottom prices, em bracing Orange Grove, ChfSapeake, North Point, Howard Mills and Ridge Mills, by the pound, sack or barrel, at Oak (Vy Grocery i-t No, . 45 Wilmington Just Arrived : Frysh Bolt'd Virgiuia Meal, Prime Timoth Hay, Ely Rose Potates, k and Seed Oats. Sugar, Coflee, Molasses, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Soap, Starch, Soda, and Canned Goods. Farmers Supplies Fertilizers, Lowor CASH OR ON TIME. Price! joted on application. M. T. LE1CH & CO. Raleigh, N. C. march il-tf. Farm Wagons. We have the LARGEST STOCK of our own manufacture) Carts 4c, in Nrth Cirollua. but of Wagons We use none Extra (jaalities of M terial At our wagon works. And we respectfully solicit anlnspectlon of our wagons and carts Our assortment comprises every size o WAGON'S from them the lighte't ONE-HORSE to the hkavest SIX-HORSE &c. We warrant all oar work and xaake prices as low as the lowest. Repairing done a lowest rates. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Fisher BaldinK, RALEIGH, N. Wagon works East Rasrrettr (teet. feb2T-tf WIRE RAILING & ORNAMENTAl WORKS. DUITB A CO., NO. 88, N. HO WARP HT., BALTIMORE, M ' Wire Eallings for Ceii.eterJes, Balcooig, sc., Sieves, Fenders, Cages, ttaud J Co creeus. Woven Wlr-, Alw, Irja 8diiLda,.li. (J hairs. Sat tee J an 1 7 iwl2m AUCTIONEER'S NOTICE. AH business intriist '1 to tl,e undor'.Inn Will receive prompt and i-romd ftt. u. n J. il. Ma i 1 il KWS, fcl 17-iui. l'a tftt-vi : ! . n . (; AT FKMIOS OF Til K County Superiirenileuf of Fablio .l tiou, Barlsoi t ucation, and Prin cipals of Private Schools, etc., Valuable Educational Works Sanford's Series Analytical Arithmetics AND Worcester's D 2 ctio&ary Sanford's Series comprises four books, ano is based upon the analytic systoin: tianford's First Lessons in Analytical Arithmetic, 16 ino., 27 cents. Kan fords intermediate Analytical Arith metic. 16mj., zil pp. ialf bouud, 45 ceuts. Sanford's (Jouiuaon .School Analytical Arithmetic, S55 pp. Half roan, M) ceuts. Sanford's Higher Analytical Arithm-tio. hmo., 419 pp. naif roan. Cloth (dues. $1.25. lhe definitions are clear, auu the analyses exhaustive. The work is practical, and abounds in slate exercises. The experience' o: a large number of the best teachers in this coun ry.ia to at, with banford in hand, pu pils discover an unwonted enthusiasm lu studying the science of numbers. The Complete Neries of Wor eealer-tt iiittuuarie. Quarto Dictiouary. Illustrated and Una bridged. Library sheep, $10. Oc avot Universal and critical,) Diction ry. ibrary saey, 14 li5. Acadeuiie dictionary. Crown 8?o. Ualf roau, l.i.i. Comprehensive Dictionary, Illustrated, 12 mo Half roau, 51.76. fccuool (liieuientiu-j; Dictionary, limo, Hall roan, iL - Primary Dictionary.' Illustrated l6mo. Half roan, 60 cenu. Po :ket Dictiouary. Illustrate 1 24mo Cloth 63 ceuts; ro-tu, Uxiole, 8ocents,roau, tuck, gm eaues, si. " 1 r - - w a UU IWtU toa ruil pronouncing- auddetinh k ochlu lacy, make lhe above-nnmed booKs, tu te opinion oi our most distinguish, d ' dm a tois. the in SL com ulcLe is well ua iu r,r ,, - - - ' 'J !! cheapest Dictiunanes of out laugi ae. woiccaicr a ocnooi I'lCUOuanes lie Dased upon ih : quarto, winch is prelerre l ove r all . it 1 1 1-rs nv .ii i ne 1 1 r sciinixr. in.i ... ..i i '. ters. 1 lie Keries is admirably adapted to llln r.il Le. ins fur int rn.liiptl,.,, nr . d: tire that saulora and orcester be f xam iueu Dy couuty tsoarus and principals of vatr sc.io n. Conespouuence solicite d' V'e iuvue attention ot Teachers to CIihu veuet's Maihtf.Liatics, Cutler's PaysioliKy; in a word, ali our School onhl icat ii.iw u.,.' culars au.i ucriftive catalogue furniln-d ou applicction. Addrts?, J. I LIPPINCOTT & CO. 7i5aud 717 Market street, Philadelphia Or MARTIN V. CALVIN, General Soutl '-rn Ager.t. AL'UL&TA, (JA. diz 17deodw4m. It is jiii exc-'lient co. re -uv' ofIii1irpt i n . I have used it wiili prompt beneficial re.-iil: Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. Univ. of N.C. I concur with liishon Dotreett in hin esti mate of the Vest Pocket Cure. Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dick'nson. (Hap It is etldnrsl ll IliP ilirPff nAmniial tvl I- Oiony of ujen of naiional fame and strict u"s of speech It is not too much to sy ihi u medicine ever had such support In Its favor as a specitlc. The word of any od of the em mem, tuviues wno unaerwrite tnis aim ime to dyspepsia has deserved weight. Th-ii Ull.ted witness iotnni with t.h mni'riminl:i I use and ap rovaloi the preparation by wtll known i.hvsicians. mmnvpn .all rinntit It i beyond question, a wonderful thernppnt.c 1 agnt Kuit rs Keligious Herald, a. Chaplain Randolph Macon College, Va Many cases of Dyspepsia wit bin my knowl edge have beeucurvd bv it. CramiiS. Colics. Headaches and all sor s of pai s from indi- liestlon ield uroinntlv to li. Th etirs ut this sort ar lnnum rai ls. Rev. R. L. Dabney. L. I.. 1). Ham. Sis. Col., Va. It is highly esteemed here bv the reirilar Medical Faculty aud the nooDla It, is excel lent fo iuuigesiiou and Flatulent Coil.. sedative, sop rinc, tonic, slightly ape.ent, w.tuoui Lausea. Fev. B. F. Vi oodward, P. E., Na. ( onf, Abo-it twelve years I suffered from Iit- pei'Sia. Pal ing in with this remedy, 1 Kve it a lair t rial. Afie. its dh I rnuiil et.t nn thing w ith imi uuity. I am iure I am in debted to this medi -ine for what of health a d phy Ictl comfort I li vi had for the last ixteni years, 1 h.tv kuown n.any since tu be relieved by its u-e. R v j;..b?rt W. Watt?. A. M Va. I have used the mixtnr in niv famtlv fur ye'-trs, and have taken it for a Dyspepsia Colic, wiiicli ilireateael in v Ife. ami was cured, em ing any diet without hirt 1 lin rruimuicMie j u in o' ner sunerw s wn.n uai' iiist r-Hults. It is lht It- st tonic ami corr. c tive I ever knew Kjr protrail u from I y ie'sia or l.iver UUease it is Invaluable J. D. Egglestoo, M I)., Va. It Is a highly v.iluab.e reinly. and Is mot" exteus vely used t'lao any .ingle a tide u, the whole list of me.lidcc. -o far a I oi. s-fi ved In my practice, tor a l th-ciiniilaliit-i i f in ilies floui Hid. '-st inn, I iii- it and r oiiime.id it. Editor Ri .lunondCnristian A ivo.-.iie This lemedy Is of tr'c l virtue. I hnvr ' n Dyspepsia OU ed comple elyby It. It vr.'ii: io be mi ami ote to our 'Nation 1 1 s- a1-' . The ingredients ire Lot kei t b the aie Wi' canes, and have been a lineup 1 ' t t . Price2 cents pei tio'tle. s.-id bvall ('i 'o-' gibts. Iu Raleigh, by Pescud, Lee k Co., an 1 V lllianis & tlaywuou mjtrch 14-tf.