j L Y N E WS .AY. - MARCH 28. 1879 . 1 be rar IIcoen. y: IUtit Monthly . ,; wt.icU ir j'UiU pine. let I lia'.l tl t inline fax realm divine, e tv.rvlivUj tt we oaine a . e baf Unucrc ui hour. of ia-ui, oicuuri'U range, ucii u' &tlet powers - i k a of action f roc J from strife, ! "7 k uuUi-i. boundless hepe; ?a herein all discords cease, 1 J' 'V. ttnetU doubt,dutrria, turmoil, r .' lf 0 who msjr sl!C ptc " - k (v!irtr ol tireless toil , at tumult, strain, or jr, N fcrjcdt reach of rai ge lucued J," ;t I bj eTen the farthest star .1 tiroib ts through intioitude , 'i fo ?or to higher heights mideniog ethers atrttclud t .'Cad, s cur onwsrd. upward flights, , f touch at last the feet of God. f . allowed o eUrritj! j ure fTfrmore, no past, . , pending. Now to be u circle round us eas. Pari. II. IUtse. Diamond. herrle. KIsse. v r. ; . n little diamonds T rk!-d on thf trees, z i " tht" little maideos said, " " ifwei. if you pUas." w'hi'e thej held their hands out :rtchd the diamonds :r: i n l.tt.e unbrarus uue i - of Lome. - . n bright red cherries U:.;:cc oo the trtir, .- : j . tV.e little urchins sVil, ' mi l tliey j.it the chee9 m ther ht'.d thtir hands 7 t i-i'h t' cherries rrvi. ,l .. I iV'.fr 1 :iplt'r.'d, A .:".!'. "' lucLui tiM. :i.e --rf .i I'.n trr e. nLnjr-Hl s.'ftly. . .i--ir, :f u ( !,.i-" !" vt:ir I lild br liatni in mine h-rc'sr yrt. A A : .. ird u- "to ot !' V tlMU Ol I'Mlllllj. I..? :traa. c- m-: ir.tn i He V.ri.nia, that's ; torn and ras'd, nr. .... i Kiy. a co' or 'd ?et- '.:ie i:i ( arendflet. svl jos t a Urful'.Mii rt;ittr. !.... a h -t. rj vil i li w il p. r ..! i t.-,vt. II- i- n-w T4 . - f .ij.-. b. t iii at. I i.oariy. i u hi a'.ntj t i t 1 t L i tiiorr but HV tl.O - - . " - U&t sUt? of p ejarau o lor t ,:tj4::u.e for so th?r w r.d in 'ue rn.le a ni-take in his caicu's- ' . tie i co ih Lu' an l of his : if A-d tti- fatlt r of th rt- o r ..i.i;" ct.t.dr c, it"- t hte.-t " . -.?t iv'.b !:;r.:. uut ht 'bit k a x. a", it ij-t if lt ulhjt. The oijs c..;li s now V) jreats of s, anl the j ungfst but o luoulii. He avi hr p ct to hiT at leat one more xife AU i ad J tix chi'.df-n Ij hi fana'y. raakiu: a gtacd total of furty, uJ mbrii llit is accomplished to apply loi 4 lsiou the bslacce of his life. rrU AneeUole oT Jtmrj Au drn6u. M:y Anderson was very jounjr i.tti nl.c rir-t w-ent en the ttae, and f-'ti.rtly ln-xpsrience-i, fr she haJ i. K-u.de save her iub rn lalent aud r-tuiuoo for the ptoessiou. VV!1, one iij she wss rehiatsinif the part of Ju ; scd her mother, who was present, c ti.cd that her utterauc wu some bt indistinct. For a I me w could c t tell what was the matter, but pres et y the following cooTertion, which ti .'icel a 1, took plac: M.jiher Msry, my love, come here. Urj (-rorn balcony) What is it ma ? huer Brini? me that piec of c:.-wirgum joa I tve in jour mouth, an i let me hold it for juu. Did You t'.ier? HisrUlj Ever. No really, never d:d I se such a nice d play of groceries a Wtoa'i dis ay ai such low prices; ouveulent, C Leap aud Ciood. The Old City orCookes Hotel is now under the charge of Mr. S. P. llorton, w:.. has made arrangemcuts to furnish t-e Lublio with capiUble quarter' g -A board and the best attentiou at a 1 j rate. It will pay you to call and see Lisa. UrMii I III. t. t r.t the Lad in the 1 eadt nee . A I tLe oiauufacturers have ud- Kr. more tar.o-d trice on covkm stov-s t. I; n p. re : r itL'.. i- take cflct alsreh l-'.h. tir ha jat leceived a three .,'.- .,,.1 I .. .-nil atT.irt'! to rr. e t v c. his I oiicii Kini; Stove as cheap as a.i at ! oue ixnnc uc to :ai.co the price. Iron t vf a-l kiud are advancing, but -1 i . . t . m: K' Hr -ier naa iarje Stjc iwhii r. the t;f. Cad and recur a bar- t.c at hardware, tinware and hoe iuru:sh rij; go.U.-, llerWIrr'M Siu.ice- A frfh arnVAl at VUou'( very ft .e, call ea.ly. Thr lrlrted I.IIIiIm Utrn, l uese celt-nraleU in iiia wairi have r u into Mich .ceueral uw an an uu t.'.i:m r-ui tly in ea.-. of dpeiia. taJache, kiiadiuy cinplainls o( all k.n l, etc., tliat Uu.re is Hot a tjrt c in tira store in the '.an I that .s Lot Cjtr.pel.nl to keep it to bUpply the COI1 ta'ily iiicres:u dfmmJ. It is htan dard because ie I iab'e. Ask Jtur drug gal for it- Jul Cue 1'lMce. Leader the tailor has won an enviable reputation in his business and deserres t. for the style, tit and material of fcis aits are not oxcelled. When to this u added moderate charge, it i not surprising that his rooms over Tnck er's stox ar Xio viatted by custo mers. Pay him a Tisit and Inspect bis t ck and joa will b pleaeed with pnee and goods. Wratited. A lady of many yearn experience in teaching, desire to obtain board in exchange for iastructioo in music, or teaching other branches, a few hoar dsily. Reference given. Address "Teachar" eare of editor News. MEDICINES. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DR. C. McIANFS Ckl.KFR Al tD LIVER PILLS FOR THF. CURF OF Hepatitis, cr Liver Ccaplalnt, 6tVlni AMD tltK M IADACMI Syaptsas cf a Oiseassd Liver. I)AIN in the right side, under the cde of the ribs, increases on pros s ire ; snmctimes the pain is in the left s-.de ; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain i felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. 7hc stom .ich is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general ire costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation jf having left undone something which ouht to have been done. A slight, -iry cou:h is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness jnd debility ; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the skin; hi spirits are low ; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him. yet he can scarcely summon rip fortitude enough to try- it. In fact, he distrusts cery remedy. Several of die above s mptoms attend :hc disease. Lut cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after death, has howr. the t.ivKR to have been rxtcn ;vely deranjed. At". I i: AN I) FEVER Dk. C. Mi I.ank's Liver Pit is. in -KS i K Ai.fK AM) Ff.VKK. when ' ken with J i.n.nc. are productive of :iic rv.-t hippy results. No better il'i ; : t . v." can be '.i-cd. preparatory ', ' a"cr ' li. -. ij : ii r-.e. We un:Kl . r'. .ire atlln ted N:t'i tins :!:h'..h' t ;..-. them a FA I K TRIAL. Fc-r ...I b.!. .'U dvrangemonts, and as 'a 5,.:ij)!f purginve, they are in c -lu.ded. I1EU A 111: til IMiriTIOS. 1 r f . . ire never su-ar coated. a rc I wax n'.il on tV.e rovull Mi I.AN)'j ! ' I . s rs 1 .1 vk k 1'n ! .vure of (". M I. VM ..: I the r i 'i cr. . iiumi e .cn-..:;c i '!;. n i - I.:-, i v l':r i s. j -.v i I v i.; I'.r . f b. Pa., t'.'e ! n ;rk-t fu'l f ii.it' i .n of the T-.i-ii Mr I. a nr. ;-el!e 1 i.ffortntly buf f .". !. 1 j-I t.c t i 1 i.i m t. i- rr.L a a. .! i.-tt jbM I: r i: i .ve c.rry i. 'J b. .r. U hjc t..e l.V ji J jti-r i ;- :- : - iimif ! or fi.trrej fr.m it b r : : - n : rj! ; .-i'i'if i'. l-r',ji J . tSc Ijrr tvrcorn'- . r i I n i not rparj:-- l V n : ie twC t-. ri. 4 il.i - the tens tr '. pirti of tne ttcm . 3 ' ! in trying ! r -i , O.r xih she p rc i i the tk.n, uiuct it I J r-r n c.'. n or ilu : y br. n il r. 1 he i m t h tx.a!r iirt-rit an 1 iKrrj-tU. Inii i. C;": ,' He 'aiS', F 'icusn-vt, Jin'.. -. t"hili. Malai i frrm. Tun. Sick 4-1 I "Mrir t -miL h . a:-..! eneri ijci..!) lo.lo. Mum l' Hi. 1 1 s i . ih - g rrat -,;et-il!c i!.s C xerv f .r I jf j. 1. . ti iv the I ivcr to thrvw fr m e u i c 1' Li!e e-H time H W the :.!--!; n-s :.r it. a ! r. a Iter if nrudiii : ! :l ? fTf '! rf tvtn i f-w t! u;- d y i i :-. -r I rc n iirt y I - ..! r-. k.n. w .1 j: :.:th all viho try it they .t. -. thr fc-t n;.-. t d.uf ; car. '1 he Cure of hiliou-. iJne.ivr nr.ri I ier complaint u nj.!e certam by taking llftix in accoril aace .! retti.n. Headache i generally Cure-1 in r-n!T mmuM. anJ no dieaie that antra from lac Laver can eiul if a tair trial is en. old as a substitute for pills BV ALL LiKUOolsI'S. Price 25 Cts. and $1.00 The fatally of Cort;mplicn or Throat anJ I.im; lieac5, h.ch ccp to the grave at o:.c ih.rl .f a.l Ota:!i victims, arises i- m the ;..ni f r M rph.ue treatment, )ui.h .rrij;y f.i, tie a the rk of death goes jn. i . ..j mi. I le pai l if lu.-n or Morphine, or any pre:ii.-at. n f !:.. m. Mcrjhine or I'l-iS-ic Acn!. can lft,uri l in the dru cO Cnt;i m.f. h.iS ha curel pec-ple ho re ii.r. t !ay i:h t;:t '.re rcmaii-ii c lung N grratcr wn i an l- clone than t aa that t' nrr.:ivn n in urVle. (ii obi FlukfK t'-.i .M Ml r cur- It hen all other nfjr.t have failed 9 Alo, Ci'lt., CtHigh. ,thma. Lrnchiu ami all dieaAes ol th li.-xfanj lang. Kad the testimonials of the H"n .ljn !fr II !cpher.s, ( iov. Sriiih an-1 H ic Lr.--n cf Ga , Hon. 4,'rco. tx'.y, as r!l as the of other remarVabla rvrr in Cur book, free to ail at the drug stores, ar. 4 '. ci.r.v,:nr. rhat if Tl u lh to be cured y ! can he ty ta'nr g tV.e Globe howm t ' t '.u Sy 1 r. 1 ike no Troche cr I jrengV f r . .e 1 hrr-at, !.cn you can get (.LO f 1 Ar Suit bl uu jn.e tt sale ly Price 25 Cts. and $1.00 t CO W O o o 1 M o M hA M H CO fve rai-raVc are n ! In the treat-r ent ol !! -i.es t.at ric fr in poisi n in the t-n-od. N 1 c-.e ci c f r-ala. yphu-.s. White S . I i Ttn s res aixl iciii D;eac. in a th uun I. i trca.'U w;.houl the ue cf Met c iry in me f rm. Merrury rets the b.ncs, :r 1 the diseases it pn.ia cs are w. r- K:..n any tr kia.i i f I ij.-! r sk.n diseac c- -I'k 1'iMirir' ' :; rs.rs ' I r 1 ii.H r is (1 e ot .. u; h'J of fft 'f rv !: ...;' Mrr. tinal Iisc.v- . - arj'y fvuiii'!. ar ; ft .ri ..I to I Mercury, c r ar 1 . b.e an l hjrmle Price hy ai! I Ti..: t.L' SK i 1 k ( 11 u s HarATiNn r 1 a.l I r-.:;r t ir j : mil V" i r-rtnrm if TM-rtiy ccLa- -1 it. - an'! Kfris. h fi r sa.e by ' tiles. A. F. arSSSZIL k CO.. rrcprietcri, PHILADE..PHL PA. fe Is s'ck with COI.P HHILl. FEVER FLUSHES, IIEAD ACHiaad KBtrsl uncomfortableness, and yet DON'T KNOW PXACTLY WHAT AILS IM, then Is the time to take These pUl are made of certain Ingredients tsat act special!: on tbe LIT-r. ami at the ajUOS time eipel aji Impurities from le stomach sod system, aiding digestion, i n r.sroRi.vu to health, when s' ier remedies fall. lake c n for Bililousness. IndlKetloo, CoaUvect s . Liver Ct-mplalnts, and ail dls 0seS and ulordira of the stomarb. asw family cathartic pill they are V ar JOHN F. HBNKY, KAN" a CO Sole Proprletirs, trLLiei rt act, hsw tors-. in 1MM 1 HEGE'S PATENT IS1PR0VED CIRCULAR SAW MILLo, 3 VtNrr.i'TVRKL -v H 2 Si SALEM, N. J. Scad for Decrfrtve H V rif . 3 afaowi tb aircbauical moreiae&u la Log Beam. Warranted" to Saw Lumber Even and True. Ha the simplest and moat accurate Setting De rice in elotenee. S3 C THE NEW IMPROVED Built minly t 8 c . M a. - ntl lurbie. 4 to 6 Hrw Power. Pi H 01 o INTERNAL Tria'e-Gear Gin Harse-Power. 0 (With Bn4 Whoet In Centre dirtctij over Pover.) FOB COTTOIf GINS. FA It II MILLS. &c. S sH il Salem Agricultural Works C. . H'e, Pi-!... Silem. NX 2 THE SALEM 0 la. aW ' S I 4 3 Corn Shelter. am hid mr tmi Salem Agric'lt'1 Works, SlUa, M.C. H aO 3D JI A X T FA 3 fT - Jaiif O HI fV V.f ' - O - 5 ' r vm Uf rU FUKNITU BE. . IWC - XX J. X3 ( Kr.i:n li dl Il.iti'.Ulin NO. 4 1UON I KOM'. Vt'AMOKK JRKS CAMDEN N . A II A UKINGTON. A r'i:o new j.nd viiid t ck of l'urniture of ih-1.1'est del!is Cham'er Sets, Parlor W.k.-dri' es. M-i, b-iir-:, T.il.les. Safes. Bk' Cass-, I-ounne-, Hedst a Chairs. Hhs K.i.-l. l'are uv V.ittrti, ic. li.ivli. r purchast-d our ent ire stock for i A.-1I, we are able 'on't 'i 4Ater i: iltiv'' neuij than auy nou.se i n this section and guarantee to sell as cheap - z dCu i '.!. m in .N. w v'urk or Micl imat i. O ir li uie i- t l.e largest in the outb ili-r f"r-cau ve t ne largest assortment to select iroin, aad offer superior induce in .t it. frcU 'is. sep 84-d Harrington & Thompson, cvr i;k(, rv. o. Mnrintnronni ii kindi of roueh lumter. Orders solicited and filled promptly We ilTfour bii-iues our personal attention rJT II. Bi'iggs Sons, BRI(;s Bl' I LDINQ, raleioii. n, c. Dealers in Jk Te& 33 - at m till Z s 1 a Ke-. mm m. -i E 2. B D B r 9 s GRAND CENTENNIAL AWARD Jox. 1VL. feb2'J-d2m. BI1 1 ITIOML Winston Male Academv. CLASSICAL. MATIIKM ATICAL, bClJtt TIFIC AM' COMMERCIAL. J. A. Mosbob, A. M., Principal With ' ornpete.:t Assistants, spilre Session will begin January 6t tl, n.j. Tuition In Pr'rmry I)epartmn 750; t.iilish Classical 117 ..TO. Term Fee ;;. Bmrdin priT.ite "tnlie and 'sjfii:: n..;: . s. :rom t -i- i'er ui-'til i. lii.s;rui'tl n ttmrounli. I s.ipliue rtfu tut firm, i xcat.iu as to ne;iitU. fct-ca moral and relUlous advamai:es I'Miimi t) surin. -s-d. A lci la1- prol.ib.ts tbe siie lnt-iicAliag liijuora within two u.ll.-s ol Ih P'2r ' . .. .....,... i.. - r r n. ii pan . ; a. " j ui v u . jU3 ! it IJirORTAST TO F1SU UL1E11S. TM1K fishermen and those directly m- X lerestea in me u?uciic i v-.r.o county, harin orjunied a "Fishermeas and salt 3sh to dealers at f-ir prices, and from First Ua.nds. Parties desiring to nurcbase will do well to send In their orders, and Ret fish from tbose.wno catch and tvt tbkm o Kyery package guaranteed to be as represented. Addreasauoravu .oj sep eodtf isaror6.n. u TO THE AFFLICTED, French's Arnec Llnlaient Is tbe best 4tnr )n for itnenmausuu, ruiiin ' in toe oaca aau siuo , uo.- ,. . " neT v laJls to glye lmmsdiAte relief. Manu- ,etrea y K FRENCH Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Petersburg, Va For sale t Win. Blmpeon, F. H, Ileartt' rugcteu. Baielch, N. C noTl-46as 5 1 J.- ZT' i r 1 1 . s v jr a rt is w SI W Circular cat ere." oo M K Q o c: r H c! 53 errs- THE NEW IMPROVED 1 ubm r. ,i,.tl- ell yn M T Circular. Fre. D Power. r Thrrtlr and Cltaoer. w N INTERNAL Tfip!e-Gear Hcrxe-PowEr, MlIl'MCrCUD T TBS p & CP Salem Agricultural Works a HEGE'S DIAGONAL a 02 O i SO o 5S c-r O 53 w Lsrer feed-Cutter, " .'racTiraaD ar Turn Salsm Agricultural Works o B v a- 09 Al.KM. ?. C. i i p 4 a m Kaailj a(ali?d. CT V It E ItS TjllOttaSc S5OIl Shockoe Iron Works. HILII.TIOXn, VIRGINIA. Manufacturers of Engines and Boilers, saw Mills, Grist Mllls.shaftlnft.Hanftersan'l Pulleys, Tur bin W ater Wheels Tobacco Factory Machinery, Wrought Iron Works, Brass Castings and Iron Machinery of every description Kei-aJrlng promptly and careiully done. Cjiiiuiinz and 'Hi resiling En glues a Specialty. -?end for illustrated Catalogue. Branch office, II A LEI Gil, N. C. NTltOA'AC'lI A ALLCOTT, Maaulacturers' Agents. I S T o 1ST c? OO & Rrn llifhm iiiil ) Sl'KKKt, I Kl KK-iU KcJ. VIRGHNIA. fORSALEBYAlL-DFAlE SAMPLES and PRCS GW APPUCATl GASTON THOMPSON and guarantee satisfaction. ol7 TV ARB. ? : ; 2 9 e 9 ss 9 2 w sr 2. w 2! 0 B ZERO H0.,'!,,..rj r ..V ni... I with Water. Wine and Milk C oler, the best Meat, Fruit aDd Ice Preierver in the World 36,0t0 in use. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. , Manufacturer, 372, 6 tli Avenue. New York City. GREAT REDUCTION I' PRICE OF LEA & P E RR INS Signature on erery bottle. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE It imparts the mostdelicious taste and zest to Sonp ra e I ish Hot ( old EXTRiCT of a letter from a M K 1 ICA L GENTLEMAN nt Madras to 1)14 lilrkfhol at WORCESTER, May, 1851 "Tell Lea aPbr- ki3 that their Sarce m highly esteemed in In dia and 1, in my opinion, the most X-alatable as well as tbe most JoiutM iiauie ilc. rholesome Sauce that is made." Sold and used throughout the world, TRAVELKR AND TOURISTS FIND ORJAT BENEFIT IN H A ING ABOTTLK WITH THEM. Jon DONCAS'S SONS, AGENTS FOB LEA & PERKINS, No. 9 College Place and 1 Union Square New York. marl3-lwly For 3Et.xa."t, Two convenient offlc and other rooms In Holleman Building apply at once to W. H. HOLLEMAN, or T. H. BRI6GS& SON. men I6-lw, HEAD QUARTERS FOR HARDWARE, STOVES Tin ware, Wood and Willow-ware, Write for Prices or call on him. AGENT FOR HOWE SEWING MACHINES AND DUPONTS GUN POWDER. Iron, Steel anl NilH, Paints, OUaal Varnish, Wgoa anl Butter Materia Tne largest ljf 8HOP in the State. GDNAND LOCK SMIT KING, I FACT AXYT3IXG YOU WANT DONE IN THK MKTA LINE. J". O BREWSTBR. oct lOsdly RALEIGH, N. 0. OHN GATLING, President, W. H. CROW, ViceaPresident, W. 8. PRIMROSE, Sec.&Treas The N. C. Home Ins., Co., OF RAL.EIU1T, N. C. (Oganized hi 1868.) FOR A REASONABLE CONSIDERATION, THIS WELL KNOWN HOME COMPANY, Will continue to Insure good Property against loss or damage ly' FIRE referring to the various patrons of the Company to whom they have paid the sum of $175,000.00 in losses. A Polioy of Insurance will cost you but little, but a FIRE ! Without Insurance may cost you a great deal. SECURE A POLICY. A Jj L B N & C R A 17 Iron and liraf Founders AND MACHINISTS, RALEIGH. N,C Hianufaetnrers and Importers o) Engines. PORTABLE AND STATIONARY Cotton Gius, Power Presses, Saw and Grist Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Boi s I31owh mid IPIoav Castings Plans and Estimates Furnished on all Classes of Machinery. We call special attetion of the following goods, manufactured, by the TAYLOtt MANUFAUTUKINa COMPANY which we are offering at Manufacturers' Prices. THE DRY STEAM ENGINE, ' off or on wheels. Admitted to be the best Portable Engine In the State. And his CLIPPKK ENGINE off orou wheels, at the folio vie low prices: 6 Horsu Engine, off wheels s5.i0; Horse Engine, on wheels, 435.00. Other sl.es aud styles of Engines at rropor lonate rates. The Iron Framed Saw Mills, In use, snd otly one ci din the State. Write for Circurar Old Noirtli tate tire Ixxj3xxct33.oo Company. OF WARRENT . N. N. 1 HAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FOR SIX YEARS. A Thoroughly Keliable Ltome Company. M. S. DAVIS. President. B F LONG, Secre KnKlG TRAOE MARK W.T.BUicKYtoJA x Co. GLEN ALPINE SPRINGS Oountyj The unprecedented success w th which the proprietors have met during1 the past and their first season having bad some Ave hundred visitors, will encourage tham to make further extensive improvements, as it is their ambition to make this the first Watering Place South. Many Persons having received such great beneflt during the past season from the use o' our LUhia Waters, we have concluded to place it upon the market, and it will be found for sale by all ttie lea ding Druggists In the State, WALTON & PEARSON TIM XKJE RALEIGH CLUB HOUSE it THE DELMONICO CORNER MARTIN AND Quinness Dublin XXX Brown Ptout on draught with Bass ale, the old English drink oV Half A Half, can be procured in the future at Tim Lee's flub House. Also on hand ol Roberson county whiskey bought of Hardin & orimes. Ifeiltiotore Meat and all Dellcacit of the reason served in Flrst-ciafs order, Nuie private sitting Rooms for parties Wisl ing to be private, mg-h Rk NCH COOK. l-d6 AKCIIITJBCTS, BUIL.EIi AJJD twATBACTORS. KLNGSLBT& ASHLEY, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDE. S. RALESCH PLANING MILLS MOULDINGS, SCROLL S A WIN 8, &c &c, ORDEXta LELFT WITH PROMPTLY AITBNDifD TO. .rt7" F. GRUENDLER, MANUFACTURER OF 'fine cigars, AND DEALER IN SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCOS, PIPES, AND SMOKERS' . THE DOOR A13UVJ5 I p. O. BOX230. H-loSl3L, 3ST O- ere from abroad solicited aid proaoptly attended to, J TOKA CO. fOR PLEASURE, SMOKE THE OLD or FTHAT 111 'BEARS THQ - M flfJrV tor .yiv KpyjL no oZZ& POPULAR BECAUSE RELIABLE W . 3J". Carolina, OF THE SOUTH' SALISBURY STREETS R.L,EIQ1I X. C. ARTICLES IN GENERAL. n -.-r . i-T'Dk XT f TT C tl ti j-lu, NEW ADVtiRTISUJlENTS. AN BECKWITII'S Tl - DYSPEPTIC PIL lS These Pills will prevent and cure dyspepsia They are an unrivalled Dinner Pills, mild aperient, and admirably adapted as a Fam ily Medicine They are used by the moat cultivated people in our country, and are extensively used by PhysUians In their practice. Bold by Druggists generally. Serd for circular, fi. U. BtfCKWllH, Sols Manufacturer, Petersburg, Va. Eminent Dr. W. F. STEUART Marine Hospital. Baltimore, Writes: I take pleasure in recommending" Colden's LIEBIG'8 LIQUID EXTRACT OP BEEF and Tonic Invigorator, as a most ex- cellent tonic In all casses of debility, ohlore sis &c, I have tested It with universal suc cess. Sold by all druggists. ONE SALESMAN for each State. Salary from $75 to tic per Month, and expenses Re ferences required. LA BELLE M'F'Q CO., 9i Cla-k Street, Chicago. We will pay Agenis a Salary of fcluo per mouih and expense!, or a I low a large commission, to tell our new and wonderful inventions. We an what tne any Sample free. AUdieCjUiEMA & Co., ilarbaJl, Miau. 7 A DAY to Agents canvassing for ths Fireside Visitor, Terms and outfit free. Address P. O Vicksrt. Augusta, Maine. 77 a month and expenses guarant'ed to II agents. Outfit free. Suw & Co., Augusta, Mains ADVERTISEMENTS SiiSffi'ff'iSS newspapers for $10. Send 10c, for 100 page pamphlet. O. P. ROWELL k 00., 10 Spruce Street, N. Y, - ' m RICIIUONU, VA. Canal 8t"f t from Slxth to Seven tb RICHMOND, VA ENGINES, portable and stationary. SAW MILLS, GRIST-MILLS, BOILERS, CAST INGS Of BRASS and IRON, FORUINGS &c. MACHINERY fcr Gold and Coal Mines Blast Furnaces, &c. we call special attention to our IMPROVED PORTABLE ENGINE, for agricultural and other purposes. The Boilers of our .Agrl cultural Engines are provided with our PATENT PREMIUM SPARK ARRESTERS, a device by which the Sparks are forced to pass downward over a reservoir of water and effectually extinguished without the use of wire gaue. Our is the ouly arrangement of this kind which affords free accoss to the boiler tabes for cleaning frotu each end. Also, to our new styles SMALL LOCO MOTIVES for hauling lumber, and other articles upou tramways aud narrow gauge railways. The bebt Planters regard our GINNING ENGINES superior to any in use. bend for illustrated Catalogue free, uther things being equal encourage Southern institutions. , Repair work, solicited aud prom pay doue, ' Shutting. Pulleys, &c, for Gin Houses. "Manufacturers of Jones' patent Tobacco ' ump Machines to work by hand or power.'' WM. K TANNER A CO. K. R. 3AUQHAM, Rich Huare, N. C, Gen'l A seut iu Eastern North Carolina- Gkn. J J. 3. '78-dwlv Whueiikad, At?eut, Raleigh, N. C. JEWELRY. WATCHES, Diamonds, Spectacles, iHD HE.) 11, At: II V iXJK-l'i U S A Nl'KC'lAln. Tlil, lar.-t Mtock of good.i In the Mouth soiM silver and Piau-d tvare. oods sold ;t !.c:oiy p ic-s. Watch repairing a specialty, orders by mai1 promptly artenil ed o and Hutlslac.ua in all cases Guaran teed. M H. TYLER & CO., Successors to MITCHELL dt TYLER No. 103 MAN STREET, RICHMOND, VA The oldest Jewelry House in the South, aug 27-d,w&fmlv AKPE TS ! (J AIU'JS TS ! I oiler for sale, "on very reasonable terms, a lot of very tiue fliree-ily Exira Superduiaud Superfine. Also aom' !otton (;riaius from tne very best mills in the country. Not having- room, 1 win aell very clieap. Pleiie call and exam in j. Also Rugi, Matting aud Window Sn des. WILLIAM DAFFRON, fl 1438 Main street. PICrJliE FRAME MOULDINGS of all descriptions. The largest stock south of Baltimore. Also LOURING GLAS4 PLATES -ol axl sizes, both German and tYeucn, wholesale and retail. Weuld call attention of ihe trade to the following sizes : 18 by 36, 18 by 40, 20 by 42. 22 by 40, and smaller sizes. Will duplicate Baltimore prices. PICTURE FRAMES of all descriptions Jiaie at twenty miiwtes notice. WILLIAM DAFFRON. fl 14J8 Main street. FURNITURE FURNITURE ! FURNITURE I ! On hand and for sale 203 suits of CHAMBER FURNITURE, in trices from 15 to tlOo. Also, BUREAUS. WABUROBES, WAJJHSTANDS. HAFE-i, CHAIRS and every article usually found In a well stocked Furniture store. FurnitHre in Great Variety. Parties in want will consult their Interact by paying me a call. Orders by mail promptly attended TP. WILLIAM DAFFRON, 143s Main '.street. Richmond, Va. Mattress and UphoUtering Rxuos, 16. J 8 , 20, 22, North Fifteenth street, sep ii dly NO MORE irflittireirr OR GOUT ACUTEOR CHRONIC A SURE CURE. w. Manufacture! only under 'the abovO Trade-Mark, by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC JIED Il I N t CO., OF PARIS AND LEIPZIG. iMMVDtATB KKMEF VVaBntNTao. PEHVI4- nbnt Curb ooikantskd, Now exclusively used by all celebrated Physicians of Europe and America, becoming a 'Staple, Harmless, and Keliable Remedy ou both contlnftnts. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris re port 5 cures out of loo cases within three days. Hecret Th only dlssolver of the prisonous Uric Aciu which exists In the L'ood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. l.oo a Box; b Boxes for $5,000. Hent to any Address on receipt of price. Endorsed by i'hyslclans. Sold by all Druggists. Addrena WASHBURNE & CO., On ly Importers' Depot, 7 Cliff St. New York. For sale by Williams '& Haywood and Pescud, Lee &Ce., Druggist, nov 28-eotlly PRESCRIPTION FREE lor the pedy Cnre of Senlaal Wcaksess, Lest a. Manhood, frematare Debility, 5erTeaaeas, Denpondeney, Confaidon of Idea, Arvnrloa to iociftr, De recti re Haaiory, aad all OUordars Brought on by Secret llablta aad Sxcaasas. lay Irusrgiut hat the iagredleats. Address, QR. JAQUES tu CO.. 130 Wwt Sixtb Bt, 0IICI1I1TI. OHia mi m m m s : 8 w I I t V i 1 i Hi ! i- v. -X It A

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