DAILY NEWS TIKSIAY, - - - A PHIL 1. ISl'.K JORDAN Jk IllhMKv; Vrrlfr. join n. m xsr.v. - . tuiitor. oik r.M nRixt. To-day 'tli ?i v.w appear in a new uit fnnn tp to ir. The .Si LWs nt--.U.it suit-truly believes. to make no now irvniiH?i- lL puM aer vi-e are It bt guarantee for ILp fa turo. I ho unswerving lviinwra'y tho Nkw and its tlwotiuu t liie btt uitt-n-U uf.tl p iu the pa.tf nro Iwoiul lu tlko Kime ath t honor thf N KW.s will always I found aud. fjx lxuiiojiivy and juLu- rn bi it sf - to t ir out this set o tJT1' i: uin out a fuanv wets befor it. W l;uo or tho Srw. ihill oo .-orruj tion or tlcviuu lovn'u criiiir iiiioitu irtv it m ill. following its unhrokon ruro in tho p;it, hao the llfli'JIIIilt'llIT, llolUKty and tho in.ni hl to o.k-o and -Iojuxiik-o thorn. All I i;tt iaM f low taxation ami hottest p.vrrnim-iit, the Xi:v ha its cvilor naiU-d to itn nuilhcad. It ha done it Iwt to roloni tho promi trion hv tho Imnivratir iartv in tho la.t tlo tin.f Hi tr'ii-hiiit-nt Mini IU form." TL1 Ni.ww alrvadv .ino distance IfOno in it oiirhth voar anl tiftovnth vuluuic. it ixiii.". tlutl liko old wino it mar imprvve with rit. Ttio prvpritor of tho N:wol.uin for it a pLite-t-iii journ.tliMu .fond toih.it of no at'r in tin- utc. To tuaivo it uioro aiiit utori wTrthv. nt only of that a.wrtionf hut of tho noMo j tuple uioug whoui and for whom it it pub- hLvd will In.' thotr fountain end'or. IN I K Ot I'KOM'I KITV. AniMiir ib"i.nt.itiMy ni'urrinn -oiii-im nt- u-ti tht riit.UK i.il liuhliu-f anl 'fi"Mi ro, il i pita.Mii.; to lm.1 that on -.. ui. ! it'iiniry, ani i ! oj an a portion of thin Staco, rji" in a icrid of pU lit an I pr-priy. 1 hi tin- to saA r-S"ii ot .North ('aroliua. and 1 1 1 -un--of tin u l.li ii i haiijo from dark to bright i-. tin- .it -i i-u.-o of tho lax on l . . .. . i iu-r priwf of tho fart whih . r iuii'iil iiiHititl ii'ii. tl.t thf rt!n( of tin- ralr Mtnhl pro of ifniin-h.tti- t-notit ti tin-f-oj'Io ( tht- S. ut h, -ai i ! iciiin than tlo !iinpif narration of th'f fact. Tho otmniy of irnriin in. to jarti u l.irly. M'r'im In- thf gainer l thf ro- lut i ani a k'i uuiiit' r- al of lui m s-aiui mIutry of all k iiuN liirhti ii" tl.. h. .ir'.H oi h r jfoplf y it lualthy :uiiii!u. It juxt .u. h n-ouriif -in n; a-. thi iLi thf .u:h iiffU. ant Ml ;nl.iir..i.-, of tin- kin.l -hoiilil If jciifn ht-r j-o.:. ,y thtir riprfiiUi-tii-. It, j'i-iui to tin r iul of thf '."l.woi i'UMNi, th-i i-iiil'l I , ha pi!y. a num r of . . ;;..u fa. tori t i-?,-tahli.hv.l ill tin vi !t..i of tho ta!f, tho . t'.-- J Wni;. i - m.i.'i. an I it woul.l 'haif m tho f. ofiti'- of tha; taorol 1- rtion in i... i, U tht- tal- prlu t. North l .iro'mu t..lm v it i tow miii'm-I the nuri l hi -r, unit tho tr.lo in thf fragrant -il will jkli ly auu;o pr'-Tti"i, , t i, m-.n. -iior-nioit than at ;-r. nt. I"koi . privau- kH r r t ;.nl in thi oiiv from , Mriti-h .'lti.fr wo father tho followini; in. i., n: ..ft.'.. Zulu war: Tn t!i.- .t:o a: N..n lula. u hvro thf I'.rit.-ii wa.-on train with a 'uar.l of i.-"' ili.ui i-..h hnii.lrol mi n. ..ii-.i-t-m.'..f., i..t::a:i-.n .: II, r M t. -t '-. 'lth rfMinont an. I thiro -'mpanios of Natal ofnmovr., a- ourrouniUl aiivlaita. k tl l. ov, r tw, !tt -..ur thoiioand .ulun. nirafii -snpli;;. . th it "il.. ,.r .lio" "j-iri: ! v. . har.t. t.-ri-.'! of tho Aii;.. .t ..ii Mi , an l lu.1 .'itrrt l tho f.mir .if i; Knelt"'! lut'iiilvr mtoery jMjrtor of tlif ;Ioirf. When tho Znlnn itimx-I In upon thL- ilt ,4,l Itiml of hrao m-n thoy were iiiuiicliatoly fornitHl lok ti l;K-k, anl with' the .loa.Ily pro-iUl..n of thf fire' from their Martini-1 It-nri rttle kojt tho onoiny at Iny for more th.tn four hourn, until thw Lkl eartxicltf wa" o p ndf.l. TUtn the UtJuiune, and with eortaia death Iwf.jre them tin fltml omm.ind w.-wt irivi-n Ki layoif t-, inon, and diolike Kritih ol.Iion! Aid w thoy diotl. The iCalLnt follow who cave thin command and dil witii hi nivu i unknown, h- his oiow waa not rotn;inauf,l hv tho one un Ivor of tho ni iio ro who heard it. NOT atinol w ith tho injury he h:u already doitf ti thf iif;ro- of Tuii aua and of aliaippi ly but Ul-ad1s4 remarkt on tho ubjeel of iifrtt oini irratioii frtMii the South, rseimtor Vin- dom, of Minnesota, oontinnes tho ai tat ion ty Kvturiu; on the Miihjtfl of "the m-uTo in tho .oiith." lie doliver ! auoh a If-ture in Washington, xt wi, to a lAr;f undion.f, tho uuyority wlteiu wore r.crrois which must Krautly lnor-- tho harm and injury don,- . tiio "Kann foer." Tho Se n ator ili-M.iiMHil, iu paxtjoular, lhe.Hiiljo't uf norfro euaitfraliou. wont ovt-r, on t' xain. the thrice-told lalo of noro laory and informoil the tieim Uiat by union and -oiioortol m tioii tli.it they could di. late t hoi r own tornn to the white pUutor of the South and the 1110(111.4 to do ihi wvre txlucatioii and emigration. They could then aay to the pUntf r: "If vou doii t want u we will p whore we w ill appro ia tevJ." Windom ihtji pro,i-ed'l to np'jik al length on Uus pro,,l oniitfraiion a'hetne, and Hjw.ke in u-h a manner a iuidouhtoIly t initio a I hi.n ignorant iiiym auditors into tiie bvlief tiuit thev w.mld b mtuitouoly provklel with land and mules in K.uku, if thoy em igrated. Indoerl. the lecture jut utLmii.ii.ieijic and anHi the neru, nd to develop anl lnoroaHC tho unfortunate moiemcul that i ourryiu LoudrtxU oi ihoui iortl unprop,irol ami nnproYldoil with money, to nt.trre todeith in Miouri and Kan-vis. A mov km ex r ia on r.tot at IWvton to liht the ha r I or at ni-ht by the cleotrie lihl. It U thought Uy pWim; power ful Uiup on fcort hidindojiow nnd t wharf of tin Omard Coiuiny Uio harlr can 1; illuminatt-d ui!i, i, ntl v to luaka it th eity in the darkest nihL A San Tranvi-O Ktter aaya: "A Itowerfal com pany U orvaiuzel to lipht onr ify with electricity. The imst approtkl, apparau U on band, and uuiuerou palcul ilhU are aecuxvU. Ki-)orn-j 1 . . i !iL -S f m i I Wiuilirw.silll 'I I" The cotton trade of Ralelfjh this soa iton i most natHfaotory, anl it is a cau.se of congratulation not only to dealers IB the-staple btit to all who have the prosperity of our city at heart, to see the Increase of the trade. The re it'ipt.i thus far amount to 4.1,3:17 l:des. Charlotte, hetweon which place and Kalciuh there in a rivalry in trade, it apH-ar?, is not so fortunate, for her re oeipiM huvoMo fallen off that the state ment only show 3H,l) bales as the re sult of the seaMOH'a business in that city. The Charlotte Observer nays this ih a -onslderabIe falling off from last yeax.tlioiufh the crop was never larger, and armies that the diminution of the irnde Is largely due to the fact that cot ton was shipped directly by buyers from jtoiuLa around, instead of leing sld in the eity as heretofore. Here Raleigh has anjadded advantage, for her good name as a Market grows more and more e;u b year, and there is no plaee in the South when' tin' staple of tin-grado Kold here brings such gxHl price. This fact is assorted by both nortliern buyer and by the farmer here, and jus a the jnple In this sec tion letter understainl it so there will continue to lie a steady increase in the tritde. Anew telegraph tuipaii, known as the American liapid Telegraph Com pany, has leen organized in New York, Willi Hon. Kdwin Keed, of Maine, as PreKlent, Hon. Thoman Wallace, of of Vtnneetli-ut, as Vice-President, and Major I Ci. Ilopgoo,!, of lloston, as Trtasurer. The company claims to have numerous novel telegraph patents w hich will enable them to send busi ness letters over the linos for ton routs. Tho princiinU Invention upon which the company bases its claim to exis tence is a sort of improved automatic transmitting machine, w hich, it is as serted, is capable of Ihmiiit worked at the rate of l,un words per minute. The entire arrangement is worked by a crank. No skill is necessarv. and the red that can be attained is only lim it, I by the ability of the receiver to register the dots and d:ishcs of the Morse alphalft distinctly. The com pany will have but one rate of ordinary messages this side of the Kin ky Moun- laiiis, i:. ,t.-1 its for thirty words press mssjiros w ill Ik sent at the rate of t cents jht Ii. words. Poles are oing ut in Canada lor the company. and building will lie commenced as s. .on a.s the frost irets out of the ground. The tirsl line will lx built from JUmtou t Washiiiirton, by wav of Now York and Philadelpia, and the mxkihI from New York to Chicairo. The I'ompany ha-, a capital uf Jl,ini. I kant has recoiled a pressing iitii- tition from Somdot Phra Paramindr Maha Khinilalonkorn, King of Siam No. 1. to come and li.sit him at ItaiiL'- k on his way to China. It is fortunate f.r t rant that Sorndet Phra Paramindr Maha K hoiilaloiikorn has atoisbed the old law rejuirinc everylmdy who approaches him to ilo soon his slom- h, tlragcing himself along like a nako. lirant wouM present a pituible 9ni'taeh in that attitude. The mcoiid King of Siam, Kroiua Phraratscha, robably is not able to entertain irant, ho plays second liddlo to tho King No, 1. ami can not draw a dollar from the Tn-asnrv without the permission f Somdot, etc. It takes a fortune entertain 'trant a tew davs. Km k.vt ehanges in tho constitution f scleral Slates now routine the spring lections to Khode Island and ilichi- gan. Kho1e IIanil hlls her election io.t We,lnesilay for a full sot of otlirers uud moiut.r of the Legislature. An nttf nipt Is b'inir mado by the Iemo- rats to ivijx out the proi isous of the constitution requiring a proHrty quali fication f.r foreign-born voters. Should they wiicctMsl in this, Khode Island Mould becoino a reliably lXuio, ralic tato. The roonlmckers have no can ilidate in tho field, the fighting luing holly U twoeii the neinooraLs and the Kojmblioans, : Tiik election in Muhiicjin, w hich io- ur next wiek, is Tor a Jusli,- of tho Supreme Court and Kegctits ofthe Uni versity. The Democrats and the Na tionals have united, and will support the. Mine candidate for the hrt named ofllee against the Kepublicnn nominee. The "Republicans are iu a minority of in the State, and Mill undoubted ly l defeated should the alliance le lwe n Uio ither two parties hold g'xnl. Kx-Conurkssmam Peddle, of New Jersey, states that during a recent visit to Ireland he could not fail to notice the demand for American gtHxls. The preference for them o or those manu factured in Kngland amounted almost to eiithtiiasm among the people, and this finding is raj. idly growing. The largest hardware store in the city of Dublin has prominently displayed on the simi "American Ironmonhcr"" the word "Ironmonger" bciuh used in that ixuutry in the same, tense that "hard ware merohant" is here. The New York Journal of Commerce say: The redaction of the tobacco tax has ojieratod in iUelf to raise the price ofthe leaf, and this U urged by manu facturers as a rnwon tor reducing tha prh-e only three cants on the letter Kraiics. The average retailer will, however, le slow to accept this conclu sion, and wchall not be surprised if the ultiiiate reduction iu manufactur ers pri-es sirrcspond with the change in the tax. Coiil promise to U umiMuaMy low t lib coming Hummer. The coal pro duction is far ahead of last year, and il is tttalud that all Katern companies have contracts on hand w hich will run well into the sea-non for supplying coal at present prices. Tiif people of Mobile, Ala., have vol untarily rcMolvud themselves into what may U tvriuod a quarantine brigade. and the lighbst report of yellow fever in New Orleans or wurrouuduiir countrv will bring the organization into active wrvico like a body of minute men. PriiM-o BhMiiark ou a bteod calbil VV11 .1 i i . Kforiii, which K bolting with ita rider. (M lig axked where n is going to,' n? ?niy repiioal(. "Uow.kivI knowr' Auk the hoi-M. i leronI. Kssipoff is in Holland. KJlaon ltorks by candle-light. Soaan it Anthonv is lecturing Fn Terras. v Urick Pomeroy is seriously ill Mith pleurisy. Prince Txniis Napolean speaks fouf languages. Fannv DavenjMirt is xiid to have lout f.i,(K)U by "Olivia." The wife of Edisou the inventor is sojourning in Jacksonville, Florida. Hon. Ncal Dow, of Maine, recently celebrated, his seventy-fifth birthday. Capoul is to get only f"0,(f)n for six months tinging in this country. Thomas A Scott has been re-elected President of the Pennsylvania Kail road. Columbus, a., is preparing a recep tion for JeiTersou Davis, who will visit that city soon. Colonel Pelfon, the nephew of Mr. Tildon, is verv ill at the Kverett House, New York. The American Minister, Mr. Welsh, was not invited to the marriage of Prims' Arthur and Princess 1ouise. Hud Doble. who was (loldsmith Maid's right-hand man during her pub lic career, says the mare has won for her owners overs three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The health of Ixrd Beaconsfiehl is rejorted as very poor. At the royal wedding he was so feeble that he 'only rose from his seat once, and that whs when the Queen entered. General WillLani Mahone, of Virgin iaweighs barely ninety pounds. Once, when wounded, his wife was told that it was only a tiesh wound. tShe remar kil that ii could not be, as there was no flesh on him. ft en. fSaribaldi has given his formal approbation of the scheme of his son Mentiotti to eolonizNew (J-tiinea. Italy has many poor children out of worlt, but fewer tramps than any oth?r conn try iu Kurope. Mr. I'ret Harte and Mr. Henry James haie been electtsl members of the new Kalxdiiis club in London, fornieii to promote earnestness, erudition and manly strength in literature. Lord Houghton is one of the members. fteorire F. Slosson, the billiard play er, has challenged MiUiriee Vignaux, the French exjert, to a match for the Col lender championship cue and .mi a side. The Frenchman has refused three challenges beforethis one. The date is named for the "J"th of .Inly. mon notuicauu ii. ts roiuoi ioui s Theatre. New York, for six months, heginiiinir September 1. lie will open with a stock company, anil produce some of his new plays. The theatre is to be overhauled and thoroughly re mitted. Hoik icault is to be represented by Mr. W. K. Deiitch, who will act as manager. Mile. (I'revv. the daughter of the Fren.fi president, has magnilieont, heaiy black hair, falling to her fret. It is compared with t hat of tho Kmpress of Austria, which, brown and silky, roaches to her heels. Like the Empress, Mile, tirevy is a huntress, and has .br room carpetoil with the skins of ani mals. M'nnhliiflon Xote. It is whispered that if the President Vetoes the appropriation bills a move will be made to take a recess until De cember. Fdward Meagher Condon, the liber ated Fenian, w ill le given a position in the Treasury department, it is said. i Secretary Sherman has issued the .13d call for the redemption of ,,(tot bonds, Oonsols of IsoT. The call m for Xen inil lins three million registertsl and sev en million coiijkhi ImiihIs. The Lasl i-all issued w its on the I'Jth. Apropos of the debt compromise .juestioiis. now so much discussed, it is stated that Fugene Kelly, of New York, chairman of the committee of Tennes see lond holders, has telegraphed to Nashville that the compromise bill to settletheSt.itedebtat .V cents onthedol bir and 4 per cent, interest, lvhich the li'trislature projnses to force upon Iwmd holders, will not be accepted by them. The Nationals in Congress, assisted by Judge Kellv and some eight or ten Democrats ot the House, had a little cau cus on the financial question and evolu Usl from their inner consciousness four projHisitiojis which they deem saving measures. These are free coinage of tilvcr; reissue of ?1),(XK,1.)0 legal ten dors; retireinent of national bank notes and issue of legal tenders instead, and tho iiiijKioiUou of an iuovuie (ax. - KPIUITOI'TIIENI ATt: l'KI.S.. Money Writ Spent If. Wilmington Star. ' : Kvery day Congress i in sissi-n costs the country $1,(kX). It is money well spent if the. 12,000 Deputy Marslfals can be got clear of. Polk Ilaud Book. Chapel Hill Ledger. One of the most valuable liooks ofthe kind we have ever read, and should re ceive the generous appreciation of the people. It embraces admirable his torical and physiographical sketches of tho fctate, together with statistical and other information relating to its growl ing industries, valuable resources and !rsent political condition all written n a simple 'asy style, and compiled luetliodicall v. Xo omiiioit Slanlereri. Wilmington ."Sun. It H the art of a liend to single out the South as thai part ofthe country where all tin n oiling doeds of shame are com mitted. Thoc who make such charges are not common slanderers and libellers. Their ollence is not an offence against, individuals only, but against commu nities, aga.iift States, against the peace, Iluuiouv and welfare of the country; and men who are so lost to all sense of I. 1 . 1 r ,i honor deserved to be pilloried for crimes darker even than those they allege against the innocent and helpless. Tornado lit franklin. Ilendcrfon Tobacconist. We learn from Cajt. I. I. Overton, of Franklin county, that on Saturday night last, during the storm, a tornado passed over his place, sw eeping almost everything before it. Fences were blown down and the rails scattered. Trees were blown down and twisted off near the ground. One rail, carried by the fury of the storm, was thrown against the Captain's house and went through the weather-boarding. The track was about "Jiki yards wide and two or three miles long. The damage done -an be estimated only by the thousands of dollars. Home IHirernre. Ktatesvtlle American. ' The -ost of fencing in North Carolina to farmer in money, labor, kc, is esti mated at ten million dollars a year, and w luiout me value or all the stock, horses, cattle, hogs, Jfcc., ia estimated at two million dollars. Add the advantage of I more iime u prepare manures, and bet ter farming, better stock, and advanta ges of better education, and the odds iu lavor of the new system will be millions more. No : quest ion about this. Tne rtti Carolina Hand Book. . mt!iville American. We are Indebted to Col. L.' L. Polk1. miiii.riB vivuihi Jlima HOOK.- 11 is a very valuable work, and contains much Important Information that can no w u ere else ue outained. it la full of iri-irMfiff;- ifiatterv connected 'with the history k North Cayolfna its derefop- in-rrr! una resmrrceH. i nnrngn it COrt- tains some inaccuracies, it is as correct as could be expected from the manner in which it was necessary to obtain the iiiiormiion. Sewn From the Coast. Etewbernlan. '. The Revenue Steamer E. A. Stevens, Capt. (J. A. Abbey, returned on last elnesday evening from a week s cruise In Pamlico and Albemarle Hounds,' and the tribuary rivers, visit ing Elizabeth City, Plymouth, Edenton, Ilatteras, Avoea and other points with in the confines of this station. The completion of the railroad from Eliza beth City to Norfolk, is fully assured, and construction trains will be ruuning by the 1st of June; such a road will give us a delightful summer route to the North, a.s we would then have but, two hours of rail between here and Nor folk The fisherman of the north counties have done very little as yet. The catch of shad has been very small, ana herring have not begun to run. Forty cents a pair is paid for shad by the owners of large fisheries. A Word About Lent. Charlotte Observer. Tho true philosophy of Lent tran scends all forms, observances and con ventions connected with stated days or seasons. It means a culture whichMs ever onward and upward, not a cease less vibration between the extremes of excess and reaction. It means the re ligion ofthe constant progress of hu manity, society and civilization, marK ed by leaving ofF, 5 ot once in awhile, but once and forever, what is low, igno ble and deteriorating, and taking on what goes to raising, ennobling and ameliorating the individual and the race. The Town of Henderson. Border Review. Ixited on a great through line of transportati6n, and being the center of tne hnest tobacco growing region in the 'world, this point is peculiarly fitted fdr tho manufacture of the ' weed. There has been, during the past year, six factories in operation. Parties are htre from Richmond and other points, making active preparations for the plain. About six million pounds of tobacco were sold here the past season, and after supplying the demand of the manufacturers, a large surplus had to be shipped to other points to supply a similar demand. W nenever fine wrap- ix'rs or smokers are needed at any point, the inqulrycom.es to Henderson, and the orders are filled. Cieneral Xew m. (.'harles Darwin has just completed his seventieth year. i.reat rocuu and nnancial distress m Herlin, Prussia. fjongfellow is past three score and ten hv two years. The armv bill will probably be signed after passage; the legislative bill will as probably not be signed, if Congress passes it as the caucus reports it. Queen Victoria, it is rumored, has expressed a strong wish to see Canada, and the Prince of Wales is encouraging her to visit both that country and the United Suites. The Athendeum says "that Signer Armelmi, a voung archaeologist at Home, has found out the famous Jew ish cemetery, already discovered by Antonio Bos 10 about lbOo, but lorgotten since. The ruins of a Roman theatre have leen discovered at Trigueres, near Montargis, in r ranee. It is 70 yards long from the back of the pit to the stage, and GO yards wide. It could have easily held 10,000 spectators. At the coming celebration of the 315th anniversary of Shakspeare s birth at Strattord-on-Avon, The Tempest is to bo read by Mr. Brandram, who know s all of Sttiakspeare's w ritings by lieart. ; Washington velocipedes are much iti fashion. Kxcursions of ten miles are frequently made in the country by the velocipede riders. They can easily keep abreast of the fastest horses, and declare thev feel no more fatigue from u ride of twentv miles than a walk of two or three miles. . The British Library is said to contain a, finer collection of books on American history than any library in the Unitad States, and the credit for the collection is said to be due to Mr. B. F. Stevens, a relative of "Thad" Stevens, who for twenty-eight years has supplied tho li brary with American literature. j The Knglish House of Commons is still deluuiug the Zulu wax quest iou. itarl Benconstield confesses that Eng land's public wealth has decreased four Ipuidred million dollars during the present depression. Ho thinks it due ti the depreciation of silver and the ab olition of protection. ; It is estimated that about 600 miles of railway will be constructed in Minne sota this year. That State is enjoying a vigorous 'growth In wealth and popula tion, the main cause of which is her ad mirable system of turning the tide of immigration within her borders. Texas has profited greatly by a similar policy. Speaker Randall, it is understood, will to-morrow appoint a special com mittee of the House to visit Cincinnati ftr tho purpose of investigating the charges against Youug aud But terworth, members of the present (Vmgress, as contained iu the petition of certain citi zens of that city, submitted to the House at the commencement of the extra ses sion by Mr. McMahon of Ohio. : Gov. Xicholls has finally signed the bill repealing the charter of the Louisi ana lottery company. The bill was pjiSscd at the last session of the Legisla ture, but the State Constitution gives the governor a year, if necessary, in which to consider such matters before taking final action. This measure was of particular importance, for it not only revokes the charter of this particular company, but prohibits the further drawing of lotteries and the sale of lot tery tickets In the State. It is the intention of the Treasury Department as soon as the April inter- I est on the public debt is paid, and the 1.. . m . . . . four per cent, refunding certificates put wen on ineir way, to aevote cartsid erable attention to the circulation ofthe standard silver dollar. Since re sumption the Treasury has sent out upon orders therefor about $15,000 in silver a day on a general average. The coinage last month was $2,000,0o0. Since the passage of the silver bill a large amount of this coinage has accumulated in the vaults. Humor. Song of the cheese: "Will you love me when I mold?" The thoughtful tramp observes that nail a glass or whisky is better than no bread. Schitzenheim remarks: "I . dinks dem EugliHche vellers vind ou.dt dot out Africa vash a leedle too Zulubri ous, aindt it?"' We would remark that the lilac buds are swelling, hut refrain through fear of some scoffer asking why we lilac that for. When , man puts on his knap-sock he generally bids adieu to sleep; when -a woman puts on he..- i nap-sack she. bids adieu to evervtlu.i - uists. "Mother i,-, aii iljie .time LULu? bolt my food,?' said the, smaL me not to mall bo v. 'and now she has gone: and bolted riu the euphoard tlia has got all the com-: pari- victuals." ( ' . ' "Man can do many things, hut there ii one thins ne can't do j he carit ibnttoti on a new collar, hist after; cutting his thumb-nails, without looking up in the iri . HI. .:!? ! .1 .... -1. -.. , ;.,.. ' ' The fcaniHen Post Vanta io ftnow Xhh fhg: "One writes things to a4, adtm? other nets things to rights.4 Hog-In i ii g; a Sew Policy, Boston Globe. , j, '; The nomination of President Wlute of Cornell, as Minister to Berlin, may be. taken as Indicating that the debt of Mr. Hayes to the men who counted him in to office by fraud has. been paid. in..fuy, and that he is now able to give some thing to "them literary fellers'!' in his party. . 1 j . Kmllrnls Call It Revolution Washihjttpi) Capital, XT X" .-. , r Tho, liemocracy, arriving at a' major ity, elects its own officers and the Re publicans call it revolution. The Dem ocracy, 'attaining power,' toroobses as its first act to abolish, the. plebiscites of empire and guarantee the free elections of a repu bjLic-aud thaiRadicals call. u revolution, me .democracy, sensi ble of its responsibility,' matures its measures in can en's according to the immemorial custom of - parties and Special Champion and Defender. Washington Post. One can scarcely read ten consecutive lines in a Republican newspaper with out findings claim that the Radical party is the special champion, custodi an and defender of "honesty" in all tiungs. Lnder the circumstances it might be well to appoint a ioint com mittee of Congress, consisting of ImralLs in behalf of the Senate, and Orth for tha iiouse, to report what legislation , is necessary to insure honest elections and protect the purity; of the ballot. Jir. , Handler might be added as an ad visory member. We make this motion. Tne Hitting Ball Story. Washfngton Star. So General Sheridan and the Commis-I mission er 01 Indian Anairs agree in the opinion that the stories about Sitting Hull are the inventions of wick ed newspaper men, who go from' place to place seeking whom and in what manner they .may deceive. The fact that a military officer should discredit rumors of .a' threaded war while the armv I 1.-11 r . t. t '.-f urn is penning, is not more niarveo,.us, than the discovery of a subject of dls - cussion respecting Indian affairs in re gard to which Gen. Sheridan and Com missioner Hoyt are able to agree. Znclittriali. the Claimed Fanatic. Washington Capital. If the Democracv gained public favor in a general sense in 1S7 by submitting to an outrage tor the sake of peace, how much more could the Republicans pro fit m l..y by simply refraining from captious and factious opposition to what is as clearly righteous and just as the formula that "right to life, liberty and tne pursuit 01 happiness is inalien able! But there is no danger that thev will do it. Epraim is .joined to his idols. Zachariah is chained to his fanaticisms. And Hoar is wedded to his hates. 'ot .Mucli Confidence. Philadelphia Times. Those who suppose that tho country- is now watching with solicitude for the Republican or the Democratic par ty in I ongress to achieve some sig nal partisan victory that mav be felt in the P residential contest of 1SS0 are wo- tullv mistaken. Never before in the history ofthe Republic did the great mass ot the people care so little for mere partisan success or the promise of mere partisan success, and never be fore were the leaders of both parties in Congress so. widely and so profoundly distrusted as now. The South losing Weig;ht Springfield Republican. That the South is losing its relative weight in wealth and population grows plainer at every opportunity for compar ison, and the fear of a solid fcouth there by ought to grow less. The post-office department has had recently to add 14 ) new thces 111 each State to the pres idential post-othces omces with a sal ary of $100)1 and over, but few went South, and, 111 the number ot these of- hces in each State, 13 .Northern States ranK. any Southern .State, and ew xorK- ana Jiassaonusetto nave more than all the Southern States put togeth er, and as the salary ot those offices is determined by the business :done in each, their number is no unfair index I oi wealth, intelligence and population. Republican Backing of If ayes. Providence (R. I.) Press. The organs of the Republican stal warts are really fipding something wortnv 01 tneir commendation in tne . character of President Hayes.. Those that were silent are speaking in faint praise; those that always referred to the President and his course with an if or 'perhaps' have omitted those qualifying wordK; . and the bitter and outspoken traducicrs are silent. It is - conceded even by the organs: which Jaave been the most -chary of praise, that the Pres ident really possesses a spinal column flow long will it be before all the trim mers, doubters, critics and quasi oppo nents of President Hayes will be assur ing their readers that he is and has been since inauguration, their man, and as a true Kepubucan hasalwavs received their support. Political Points. The Democratic State Cpmmitiee of J nu; . ...a., a. a' ' 11. a '1 yiiK) meeis 10-uav 10 ueiermino tne time and place for holding the State CovenT tlon. ': ! Senators Gordon and Lamar- have rented a house on Yermont 'avenue,' Washington, which will be the head quarters of the Southern Democrats. The Cincinnati Enquirer thinks it was almost wrong for Democrats to take the seats of Republican Senators the latter ,had become so used to them. It is palpably "unconstitutional" and absolutely "revolutionary" to deny the right of tne Kepuoiican party to pay its campaign rail vers and election day strikers out of tne national treasury. Atlanta Constitution: The Republi can minority in Congress is more fruit ful of resolutions than a tupelo tree is of berries, and the comparison may be carried even farther. Unless Mr. Hayes should interpose a veto, the railroad companies will soon be duly authorized to do a general tele graph business, and a great reduction of rates will ensure. Still as we say, Mr. Hayes may interpose his divine right of veto which he stole from Mr. Tilden. The Boston Globe believes that shduld the project for doing away with. Exec utive sessions ofthe Senate be' carried into effect there would be few to object, since the discussions over nominations to office are no more sacred than those on general legislation. The Louisville Courier-Journal finds that the Republicans are bulldozing Hayes in a very desperate manner, and that they are very anxious to "block the wheels of Government" by cutting1 short the supply of funds, which will be very short if' Hayes chooses to veto legitimate legislation, Philadelphia Tjuiesi The-, president savs his backbone is all right, but there are stalwarts who think that that Jdr. Hayes' opinion of what constitutes, back bone differs some from theirs. Boston Post? Gai-uefd has his eye 6n a seat in! the Senate: 'The contest; it iS said,lsTtb 're',betWeefi him, Taft and Sherman. The Democrats will save theni the trouble of a Very Reared can vass, as they do not ' propose ' to' alloW Judge Thurinah's 'ability' ad slates--manship to- f eenpsed' by ahy aire darkfcloVid a the1 Election ' of either of tbesW-'ebntesitAnts 'would occasion to nkiUtlKa'kri'AitMr.'i 'n " ;'"! 1. ...(.... . l...lllftll I tl I I M ) VI -Vt i I I I.:-; .iio'l -Old fUlWwf'l Ukltla.' he looks as well i he did five 'yeart agoV; Let not Judge Thurman'B frierids be deceived about this matter. Farnv :Wagpns. We have the LARGEST STOCK- of oar own manufacture) of Wagons Carts 4c, In North Carolina. We use none butJ " Extra Qaalities of Miteriil .( : it At ear wekok works. And e respectfully I solfclt anlris'pectlbfd of bur wagons and carta WAGONS from them the Ughte ' i i . . . ONE-HORSE to the bravest ' SIX-HORSE &c. We wsrra t all our work and make prices aa low as tne lowest.'' Repairing done a ' 1 i t owust rates. julius lewis & co., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, FLsher Balldlag, RALEIUU, N. Wan nrks East Hagrettr steeU , ieb2T-tf ' TO THfi Jt will gratUy t'je many friends and cu tdmrrs of the house of Petty & Jones to know that Its affairs are in sound and hetltby . condition 1 hey' have' a ways, are now doing, ' and will continue to pay one hundred cents in the dollar, (10 cents to $10). They set their faces like flint to do this as a matter of high comnserciai principle They chall r.ge the praise approbation and patronage, of all peoDle who love fair and square dealing and cheap goods. They are doing a largely Increasing and Increased business. Their JOBBING TKADK has showad a large advance. ihev have Sol J more goods by the case, packaga, and piece, the p st ssoi) than ever before The management is strictly ou the plan of tha large and successful dry goods houses ot our large cities. They buy often At first hands. Pay cash and are receiving new goods every neek. They will from this time be in receipt ot a 'varied assortment of select goods of the best makes suitable for the market to which they invite 1 he attention and inspection of bayeis, wholesale and retail. L. H. YEARGAN, K. E. PETTY, T. N. JONES J". J. TJBCOTVT A S. -OFFER Guano and Supplies , for Farmers. In stock and arriving 2(K)0 Sacks Allison & Addison's Com- pTete Cotton Manure. 2000 Sacks High Grade Acid Phos phate. Sulphate Ammonia and Nitrate Soda. Bulk Meat, Corn Meal, uatshay; Flour, New Crop Cuba, an!) NEvy Orlbaks MOLASSES. 80OAR of all nrrades. CorFEis,- PLxro ind Smoking Tobacco. All of which will te sdldlow for Cash or . on ' Crop Time. Personal! attention friveja to tLs sale of Cot ton, aud for t lose who may wish to hold, I nave ampie storage ro jib ana wm mate LIBERAL CASH AD VANCES with low rate of Interest aui . storage barges. ' " 'J.-T'THOMASf.-.' : Criftox akd CoMiisstoar ' Meu'Ckxict,' ,. , No. 8 MartlaSireet, march T tf : RALElQH V. O. . M. LKWI8. 6E0. V. 8TRON6. LEWIS & STRONG, Attorneys at law: ' ' ' HALEIGH,;N" C, Will oractlce in tHe Suorema and Federal (Jourt- of the State. jWll ataud rexuUrlv tbe Superior Courts of W"ike, f.auklln, Jokaton. Wayue, Uaon and Le ioir, anl alo auv oier Oour ware taelr D ofes- sion il 8ervbje9 ma b soeclally required. ' The Law 9hool of, Jud?e strong will re ceive hli 'triet attention as Heretofore. fb28-lm H oT. Myers, Dealer j in Fine Liquors . . : i i AND . btiMESTiC & IMPORTED CIGARS. Fayettleville Street. Bet-ween Q-uhey'jaand the dtlxena National naaii, iiamm & urimes old stand. The following fine brands of Manors are kept constantly on b.-nd: Did Nectar. 1840 Whisk ioA, Gibson 2ZXXXt . " . Gibsoa XXX , Itobertaoti County, (8 years old.) Old Kentucky Rye, (5 " " ) Old Henneasy Brandy, Imported fctock. Geriuifae Port Wine, Our own importa tion. (Schiedam Gin, very fine.' blackberry Braudy, (4 years of age.) Apple Brandy, (4 " 44 ) Old N. C. Corn Whisky, Sweet Maati. 1 - Also will bar in stock, imported Ales. Porter, jLublln, istout, Milwaukee and tit. ! Louis riottled Lxgei User, Champagoes and Winesolall descriptions too numerous to mention .v ? ' .Attached 'to my ""eslaDllsnment, I have i added h Ktaii " Cigat; and TofoKty Dartnentj hi which can b fouad all brands of DOMES' TIC and HAVANA CIGARS, GIGAJKBTTTBS, fiaUa -Deh(n3 the ni 7- : "- .) - ' "HetwfeemtteActs" i , : Kinnej';tfeti!Baral V and a full line oi Smoking- ui Flne Chew wel kn twn to furnish n and-retiaDle braads( elaarai a.ntl Anna t patronUing home Industries, nA oaterluK lor the etttaew Ui .mtAot Kaligji, (th finest goocl to be GhtiLfp 9 iti the world! td denrf e'ti tidrtion or taeir patronage,' UfVU aU-VlW 'WU'; ' ill 1 i t. III!!, !i II 'I" ' i !. !' i AUCTIONEER'S NOTICE. " 'Atl business' 1 intrusted to the undersign Will receive 'prompt and -personal attention. feb 17-3m. Kayettevtue.w.0 cigar mattafactorer of K AM ?h, t With Mote '6f fc fllfbratJ,t R. F. Jones & Co. RALEIGH, N. C. AGENTS FOB TOM COOPER'S JLanrel' Valley- -CENTENNIAL OLD RYE AND " a large lot ON BAND FROM TWOltlFOUB TXAJtaOllD. oiUTersally scknowledgede tw THE FINEST WHISKY' MADE IN THB BOUTF. KBSOKS WISHINO Strictly Pure Spirits TOR MEDICAL ANp OTHKB DKPOSlca can get any size package From 8 to 60 Gallons, By addressing T. N." XK)PKb EagU M Hi ?. O. Iredell county, N. C t or -K. F JONfiUj X-. Ba elgn, N. C IIore Goods Cheap hoods Arriving dally at the Busy Store of CHRISTOPHERS & SORREIL HARQKTT STREET. ZlWe are receiving daily all kinds of Oo cerles, which we intend .to sell cheap jr 04411. NEED OATH. Another Car Load Just arrived of tl nnesc eea uats brought to the City. C aud examine them. ONION SETTS AND OTtlEK SEEDS on band, whilesale snd retail. I FLO UK 1 FLOUR ! ! Car Load of Flour a ad Meal lust reoeln. i MEAT M AUK KT Always supplied w th the finest Beeves al Fork Sau'age a specliltv. I n fact everythh kept in a first class Grocery store. PLOUGH ! PLoL'ciH I I Call and see oar Sew Parent kalelgh N Plough, th- bust Plough made We are t Hole Aleuts for the City. UN & TRADE OQLLflfl; Wet hereby notify the public that wa a taking in tra.le Mx can dollars at 80 een add Trao Dollars at 9 cents. So now is t tlm to save money by coming to OAK CITY GROCERY, No. 45 Wilmington Street. A fine lot of choice hams, shoulders, bj tongues and pigs feet, just received at OAK CITY GROCERY. ' Anothr lot of apnle, peach and qnlac Bf Uir, JuU received at Oak City Grocery, j loreof (aat baat:fal Golden Syrup) cnts per gallon at . OAK CITY GROCERY, march 11 d&w-tf. , IViee Goods, liliee Goods. Just reoelTed.ySpIced Fig's Feet.Har, Bologna Sausage. Fresh Crackers, Baldwn Apples. Early Rose, Peerless and Chill R(d Irish fotatdes at " ,V OAK CITY GROCERY " No. 45 Vflunlhfton St, I Also bekuUfuUIni of Market, Clotbct, ttampers and other Baskets, at 0k Cltj Grocery, - ' No. iS" Wilmington 8t. The u'cest Flour at bottom prices, eu bracing Orange Grove. Chiaaiieake, North Point, Howard Mfils and Bldge Mllls.by the pound, sack or barrel, at Oak City Orooery , at No . 48 Wflmlngton Prtsh Bolted Virginia Meal, Prime Timoth Haj, Ely Rose Potatoes, and Seed Oats. Sugar, Coftee, Mulasses, liac ii. Lard, Flour, Soap, Starch, Soda, aud Canned Goods. Farmers Supplies & Fertilizers, Low ir OAS1 IX ' , 0 R ON TIME. Ptlc ioted on application. l.i--. -In I.:-.: M. T. LEACH A CO., Ritifori, "K. C. i9fl SOUR 8TOM A.CH POSITI V B .,. ; :;CURED.- By that Wonderful "Rmedv A MTI-OYSP.EF.TICDROPS, If you are a eiillerer get a tattle, andbs eured., -XTHA8 VOT 1 TSBQVaL: rWOK TS CKNT8 apr 6-Awly