PAILYNEWS Tl KXl'AY. - - - APRIL 1. 1V. jOIDIX HVKSET. PfprifUr. J OH SI B. UfWET, ' Edlfr. Wrtkr Bprl. Wjuimisotojc. March SI. For the Xotiih .MUntl sul, warmer. cU or imrtJjr rimwr wrwtnrr. wlnda nwatly northwesterly , ?d i-nermlly higher lalrl tm Adlf rtl"l. 1. T. JouNyi-lAX-! ootic. UloNAL lloffcl. lAMlil Ilotl.. It. t. M aly I'oliw roar prcine--. t;.o. II. Sow Aaixn" liotl"e. Harm A MoRf: lintter. Tvt'KKR Hall Hip Van Winklf. I- II. V .m-Ixonl notitv. H. It. Amdhkv- noti.f. Niirrh, th Man. u.rrh. the I jon. iokf in in hi Ulr. Woke, andl mretobed hi mighty pw; It.-tllevl out aw u tlul liUwl intf ir. And csiubi uiy bri.t with bin claw. Thn om cil unffpl that wrvt-i the. Serve il Lorl that pit lev pnln. Smote with the flat of hi hining worvl. March, the lion, to leep apmi. LOCAL BR I El". All F.U' Iy. ThUUthw talking yotw. the next will l-e leap ycr. Tht'itorrav Man h tlen t nifn to belie it oIJ reputation. Marvh diil hanl ami ventcnlay favored u with noihiiiar than a rtn;- ular fCie. A meeting of the !Unl of Iirt- trtr- of the Inunr Aovlum w ill " lieht l..Uv. it. John" lUMievolent Jvwietv ill meet to-niitht at " o'clurk. A full attendance U desired. An auction a.U of the etTe-l of the Late tirm of IL K. Jone A Co., a.iir iifi, will take pUi-e Friday niirht. April Charlotte 'had throe hunil.irie Kridav niitht. Tins i-itv hai tiitil iiii!nuiii! frm the d iTil-ti'iiH f lhce jri-ntry l-r .iiie time 4."t. The Punch and how will jfie a erie of exhibition! MetnpIi- tan Hall on r ri-Uv and Mtunuy merit for the l iu til of the Thompson SiUer t'omet lUnd. The h.w l a one aud the ol'je t m--t worthy. Mr. Jhn Kinc h-v leen reinta- ted in the i-ili.n ! Sui-eriiUendftit of the t". - ourt Ibue and I"t Jll-e. The work of umlin that htiildinc, lavini the idevalk. ( ill ix onn pl'etetl in afut J Lyj. We ber t expn- our thank to Hon. J. J. lMi fT a Miaenihi-eiit tatili ; I at I a-. ..f the Initol States, nublLhr I bv the iriTerninen!. It i a work of cr it alue and i compiled bv Fraifi A. Walker, merintendant of the cuU'. The k.ttim; rink continue the niM( riul-r plate of amu-meiit in lht ettv, ani it i a ur-e f creiit plea.ure tfi ihm w !io eti;ov it in lenmtme ex- eroie to ku-o it will hen-eforth I - rrmii. nt. It i ii" inideriH.l one of the !- t rink in the Suth. It i ugg":ol tli.; m view of the tu i that the t"h of Mav fall on .ht- ii r. lav it i desirable to rttine it ob servance and the eeretnonlesunlil Mn L , a.s it w ill not interfere with bui iies. sr cral hae siskeii l the matter, and take this view. simple simon went Kick on Hv- men Ami .id he wouldn't wel : I mfraiuniatnal Marv nuoth. "I will ware he "Till he w ihl thai he was deail I will send for Kiddle, who in the mid-lie 'I hi intellect pa it his heol !' -lh ! kts me thrice, it 1 o nice, Aiel oftlv rul m curls!'' lb" h.d hnllv said it b-fore h ilid it. Thi !-. of aced tirl : He had made the call of her, thi angel Oliver ; The "mils ' come after the "w hirl. Attention Klelh Light Infantry. Your are hereby ordered to attend the regular mouthlv meeting; of tho cmaiiv this e enin at ! o'clock. Bv order the Captain. K. F. Smith. O. S. FtnouL The following memWr of the Board of Dimnom of the Insane Asvluin art Inlhecitv. stoppiiur t the Ywrboro: Col. J. V. Burr, of Wilmington; Mj. C. Iwd, of Charlotte; Rev. Dr. Craven, of Trinltv College; Col. Jsme S. Ami. of Oxford. PoaL ' Rev. Df. J. M. .tkln.-n leave thi week to attend the meeting of the Trus tee of the L'nion Theological Seniina ry, Hanifslen Si.lney College, Virginia, ana mere win i nemo re pc no service at the Second Preabvterian Church here next Sabbath. Ka Away froni hi Mother. Alfred Uolfgram, a white youth 1- year of aife, ran way from hi ntoCher in tin city yeterdy. and fche think he ha leen persuaded to leave by some person. Anv information nla- tive to him will be gratefully received bv hi mother. Nancv Ann Wolfgram. The boy i slightly built, has blue eye and tow colored hair, and i otherw ise not particularly notii-eable. Treanry ite Dated treh 31. A drummer license was issued to Sam ple A Wetmore. Thomasville. N. and the R.ndolph Manfacturing Co.. Frank- Unvil. N. . Two thousand and nine hundrtsl dol lar have leen aid into the Treaanry for dram men license since the new law- went Into effect. It only to.k 2" -ertiti-cates to re-.ilie thi amount. A vear 4(o it would have taken .". I n ns-eipt of each, fertilizer licen' was given lloltson, IiurUido A Co., N. Y., for their "Peruvion Guano" imported bv them; Hvniaus. Ifcincy A t o.. Norfolk. V.. ftr their Premium t IxKiphate; The Soulheru Fertilizing CO.. ot Kn-umoiul, .. for their "An chor Brand "; J no. s. Reee A Co.. Bal timore, Md., for the Pacific Guam Co s. "Acid Phosphate of Lime." One bond wa received for nslemp tion. Kip Van Winkle. A will appear from the announce ment elsewhere, the ever popular and beautiful play of "Rip an Winkle" w ill be p rod u i il at Tucker Hall next Wednesday nl TueLiy e euing. The character of "Rip" i "taken by Mr. McWatle. whose conception of the art I aid by the Suthern press to Ih mlrable. The troupe is now in Wil mington and the lutper of that citv peak hiirhlv of tlie nl iv T)i iuw.i.i'd of Charleston were cliarnied with both play and actr. and Uie New and Conner y: "The version of the play aa given by Mr Wade U entirely difTer nt from Jefferson s nd in some re pecta we like it ctter. The title char acter was aiitniraiiv rendered bv Mr? Aicvaie, wtio r a nnihei actor, and the enthusiastic applause which rewanl- eu turn wm proof of the appreciation of me audience. the wakening scene, and the Mr t interview with 'Sieenie,' hi daughter, after the sleep of tw elvo year, wert particular! v fine, and were warmly applauded. "We recognized among the performer the veteran of the tajfe, Mr. F. tlilppciidale, who, of course, wa excellent. The support Uxroaghoat was good, though with one exception, not above the average; but the performance eutire wa very enjoy- 1 Ills Excellencr, Gov. Jmrvl, hs made the following ppolntnienU on t he Seneral SllT of the Stte CJ uard : Francia H. Cameron, of this city, to he Inspector (Jeneral, with the rank of Colonel. Hennr ii. Flanner, of Wil mlnfcton, to Iw llilef of Artillery, with tho rank of Colonel. Thee are Iwtli admirable apiwintmenta. and complete tbo orraniction of the Staff. Atleatlttn! W lUteraad 5taa;ttrte. tk itriater of Deed of Wake re- ouet the pwrhem or the juticea who mlemnlxe.l the rite of matrimony le- tween the followiiiK couples, to commu nicate with him. or come to the office of tiie Renter and lrn the certificate attached to the respective license : William Morgan and Nilla Adams, colored, lsaned lecemler it. 174. lieorKO Welch aud Jane Wimlerly, coloxwl. iMiitti December 24. 1&74. DutH-an Shearrin and Caroline Ho chelle. white, isaucd January 10, 17. I.icenn inuat be returned within two month after celebration, with cer tificate filled according to fart, under ixmlivuf forfeiting two huncirea uoi Ian to "the ue of any pcron no for the sne. who shall ftapreute Cri. Court met at 10 o'cloc k on yesterday. All the Juli- prcHont. AUton v. Old Nortli State Inuranco ('oinjMnv, from Wake: arjriuil by Arm Mead. Jone. Strong A lwi. and Gil liam A Ratline, for the plaintitl, and 1). li. Fowle, for defendant. Jone vs. Mial. from Wake; continu ed. This concludes the argument of -a.-e for the present term. The following opinion were riled: Hv Shitu. C. J: Joseph II. Shield vs. John W. Payne, rroro tinilford: affirmed. K. (. Cheatham v. W. J. Hawkiu, fn-m Granville; affirmed. J. L. Itilltto, Ex. Parte, from Hender son; affirmed. Alanaon Capehart v.William Stewart, fnuif 'orthaJupton; aiurineil. Hv AHK. J: Stale t J. T. Ia i. from W ake; aiflrmcd. Warrcu GLacu a. IL K. Summey. from Lincoln; Keeted. Conider lttHhee v. 1. M. Surles. fnun Harnett; judgment reforinel. State v. C. P. MeGiney, from Kun- mmU.; reverMil. Pnoner di h.i i;ei. My IMllakp, J: h.litiUHii I. Hay wool v.. Klizabeth It. I.ii. from Wake: re cr-d. State and It. F. Gamble . II. T. Ithvne. lniii i;t.-Jii: reerc'l. W. It. Hi. liar.l.ii s. J. J. Wiiker. from Mire; -Jr:ii. 1 artirncd. For Hale Two him Inil and fifty ioutul ot live ire e feather. They are nice and w ill m .ld 1w. Apply to IjUta A Myatt. Wholcj tiroeeni and "oiuini-ion Merehant. " To ( I me ihf srnMin. SpriniT'Overvoiit., liirht in weight. but re- 'o.. dark and uenteel in -Ior. Priees iluitl to i,."iO. It. It. Andrews A "lolhier and Hatters. .w and Cheap. Youth cashmere suits hist re eivetl at f--Oi. At IC It. Andrews tv I o., ( 'lothier and Hattersv I. Ien Bond. end to the New Job office for your Lien Bond ami Chattel Morttraire. The lest form at the lowest once. Make a note of this. I- It. Wjratt. Ha on hand and to arrive. 22.tMI. C. R. Bulk side ami shoul der. l,iai bus. prime white corn. 2" bbl. family flour. .loo bus. Haxall Mill lolted meal. .'o : ks Marshall's Liverisl salt. 2. bbl. New Orleans molasses, lo bbl. sugar house molasses. J bbls. susrar, from granulated dow n. 20 :"k otbs. 2n. pound prime Timothy hay. F-arlv Ioe esl ttato. Orders filled promptly for seed sweet tatoCH. Alsjve naml irowl ioiignt right. and will Is- sold itccordinglv. L. R. Wv ITT. Wilmington St.. opjoite Market. Just the I laee. Loader the tailor has won an envi able reputation in hi business, and deserve it. for the stvle, tit ami mate rial of his suits are not excelled. When to this is added moderate charg- . it is not surprising that his rooms oer Tucker's store are often visited bv ustomers. Pay him a visit and in- tM-t in stock, ami vou will te pieasei w ith prico and good. Our country i getting to be fearfullv alarminir. the averaire of life Ijeinir les sened everv vear, without anv reason able cause, death resulting generally from the most insignticant organ. At this s ioii of the year esiKs-ially, a cold is such a common thing that in the hur ry of every day life w e are apt to over look the .l ingers attending it and often find too late tliat a fever or lung trouble ha already set in. Thousands lose their live in thi way everv winter. while had Ifetsehce's German Svrnp been taken, a cure w ould have reunite f. ami a large uiu iroin a Uts-tor been avoi.ieii. r or ail diseases or the throat and lumrs, Boschee's erman Svrur ha rovtl itself to I' the greatest di- coverv of its kind in medicine. Lverv Druggist in this country will tell vou of it wonderful effect. Over U.V.ouu Mttle sold last vear without a single failure known. dAw tf. . The Celebrate! fie v en Nitrlnr Iron and Alum 91 a. This i decidedly the most useful, be sides being the most efficient Familv Medicine ever placed w ithin the reach of anv iicople. Its reputation extends far and wide, ami its treat iopuIaritv is duo entirely In its own merits. For relieving Sick and Nervous Headache. it may le truly said, to have no coual. Dvspepti-s find it just the remedv for their trouble. Mothers ami daugh ter have long since discovered in its ne a "panacea" for their worst ills: and now w e have the testimonies of two eminent ministers of the gosixd, from Southern cities, selling forth its secinc effects in other more dreaded and troublesome diseases. Rev. John F. Mavne, Tlu'ologieal Seminary, Columbia, S. ( '.. writes: V ut afflicted with that terrible disease. Diabetes;' am usim? the Seven Sprinirs Mass' w ithacoiisiderabludogree of re lief; is the only remedy I -Jiave yet found to suit my ease ; w ant to continue its use until a cure is effected if isissi- ble. Send worth of the enclosed P. o. order immediately. J no. F. Mavne. Colimib a, S. C, Jan. it. I, 17!. Rev. J. D. Parker, of New Orleans. La., writes: "Having tried effectually the 'Seven Springs Iron and Alum Ma,' for Diarhea, Kidney afflictions. Ac.. I take pleasure in recommendim.' its ue iu these complaints. In mv case it affords immediate relief. J. D. Pakkkr." Xew Orleans. La., Feb. 11th, 179. For sale by Wm. Simton. Pescud Ia A Co.. and F. H. Heartt, Raleigh, X. C, and Druggists generally. La.npiu'.m A Litchfield, Abingdon, Va. Read THI. Bre water hit the nail on the head once more. All the manufacturers have ad vayewd tlie price 011 cooking stoves ten pefcVnt., to Like effect .March 1'th. llrcwster has just received a three months supply and he can afford to sell his Cotton Kinir Stove aa cheau as evr. Call and get one before he is ooniDelled 10 advance the price. Iron good, of all iinds are advancing, ' but Brewster has a large mock bougnt before the riae. Call and secure a banrain in hardware tinware aud hous furniahing gooda, Wbleale Nlre. A f easrs. Latta A Myatt have on hand and to arrive 3u0 aacks "1. A M." Family Flour. 200 " "XX" bbls. Patapaco and Orange Flour. 40 aacka N. C. Flour. 70U bushels corn. 9i0 " meal (Virginia Ijolted). IW.noO lbs. bulk C. It. sides. 2,tM " hauQu and shoul ien. 1.000 " canvassed and unrtinvasseti hauis. 4100 ll. N. C. ham and shoulders. 40 bbls. new crop Cuba molasses. 3- " New Orleans 3o " "tiueen Bee" Syrup. 2,200 ll)S. bucket, tub and tierce lard. 4.r bajrs Rio Coffee. 20 bbl. "vellow" susrar. 15 " "A." and 'C." snjrar. . o " Granulated All of which will le sold low. .Sen. for samples and price lit. I,atta A My att, Wholesale Grocers. Make Your Own Fertiliser. With ten dollars worth of chemicals .. kw.k t M-ni firoih in nroner nronor- t ions for one ton of fertilizer, added to such materials as every farmer li:uj in abundance around the farm, he can mike :i ton of fertilizer emifll to the best high priced fertilizer on the mar ket. ' It is recommended bv leading farm ers such as Mr. Win." Grimes. J. T IavwU and others whose testimonials have. Wm. Simpson. Chemist, Raleigh, N. C. Ttie Tucker IIoue. This hostelrv lias not lonsr been otened. but has alreadv made itself a favorite here and with the traveling public. The faro is good, the rooms favorable, while the location Is very convenient. These many advantages . a. a. . 1. 1. lilt I V Oup of the leat place in the city is the Hlgffs House, on Hargett and Salis bury atreets, which is open at all nours TheVo are to bo found choice, frame ovsters and all the delicacies of the sea son. The house has attained note for its excellence of cuisine and its many merits hae made it very popular. 1 "Clond -oniM'ller' from over the sea. Rising like Vepus fair and free; O'er some MM ts reverie, Leopold's "Raleigh Belle" ami "Lit tie Maimce." articular otlee. Buoiucss nun and others in netsl o B.Hik ;in-l Job Printing of any kin should remember that the Nkws .lol (tllei- is the plai'c to have it done neatly chealy and ;t the shortest notice. Strotiaeh A Allcott have just receive 2 car loads of hay. and a large hit o meal, which th-" will sell lower thai the lowet. Win. Woolleott has ju- t received fron a lianknipt to. k. a lot of hats, pools bankriipt to. k. a lot shoe andclothiiiir, and he w ill sell then cheap for cash. A case of spring cali coes just arrived at Woolleott". Kleelrie Belt. A sure cure foj nervous debility, pr mature dec.iv. exhaustion, etc. Th onlv reliable cure. Circular . mailed free. Address J. K. Rkkvk. 4:1 Chat ham St.. X. Y. t.nn and Locknmlf h. Brockwell A King, near the rear o the C S. Court House, on Salisbury street, are prepared to repair in first class stvle. Breech-loading and Muzzle loading Shot Guns and fire arms of everv description. They also repair Ioor Iocks. Trunk Ix ks. and kx-ks ot all patterns. Umbrellas, Parasols, Flu ting machines, and everything in th line of small hardware, either brass, steel or iron. Sign and Bell hanging a sjecialty. Orders from a distance will receive special attention. Keys fitted at residences on short notice. All work warranted. Standard. Patapseo Flour, Patajmco Baking Powder. Bolted Virginia Meal, Orange Grove Kxtra Flour. Prime Timothy Hav. Marshall's Liverpool Salt. Clear Rib RulkMoa7. Kgerton's Scotch Snutl". For sale at wholesjile bv W. H. Dopp. Frewh Arrival at D. T. Jo tin son's. Richmond bolted meal, .Vk) lbs nice white com bulk meats, X. C. hams and sides. A large lot of peas, (different kinds.) Cuba molasses in bbls and tierces, 20 bags coffee, different grades, 20 bbls nice yellow sugar. 300 sacks tlour. We off er thege goods to the trade at prices that can't fail to please. Give tin a trial. A few el hi fas 011 hand yet. I). T. Johnson. " V 1'riteuMisl A. Brook. Hae another lot jof that elegant oak and hickory wood on hand, cheap for cash. Also, car load of bolted meal; salt, . potatoes, bulk moat, fresh eggs and chickens, sugars of all grades, cof fees and tea at prices to suit the hard times. ' oTlnie Like the lreenl. Xow i tho time to buy goods cheap, at law's "china and silver" warehouse. We must reduce our enormous stock before the dull summer months, and to parties wishing triple-plated carters, torKs, sikxjiis, Ac, china, cutlery or gl.issware we have special bargains to oiler. Call early ami uet prices or send for price list before buying elsewhere Wanted. A la.K of many years experience 111 teachiiiir. desires to ohtain board in ex- ehunge for instruction ii teaching other branches, a few hours dailv. I'eference uien. Address "Teacher." care of editor Nkws. I'of try. Alone, I've yet one solace left. Which cheers niv broken heart. And in that thought a thousand hopes ome springing int birth. How beautiful the vision seems,. Amidst life's troubled cares, To drink a glass of good champagne Aim smoke .Mknpkl s cigars. r rom the l apital Cigar Store, op posite tne t'ostotnee. Chanire of Firm Xame. The Merchant Tailoring business that nas heen conducted under the name of C. eikel, heretofore, will iu the fu t.ire be carriei on under the name and styie 01 . vtemeitxi o. All accounts due Mr. eikel for work done bv him have been placed in the hands of Mr. K. ti. lewis, his attorney, and will b collected by him. Weikel cV Co. have on hand splendid goods, dew liist-class work for the smallest prices and take c lsii only tor ork done bv them. For Kent. A dwelling house in the city of Ral eigh. Seven rooms, in good repair wiui necessary out nouses, r or particu lars apply to W. H. Pace. Attorney at ,uw. IIoi-n for Nale. Two young, gentle and sound horses. suiwaoic lor sauuie or nurness, sold for wantot use. Apply to K. B. Haywood, Mardi 11, isrrp. You have onlv to trv one of tUna uenr nnviina, "l-lttie Oorrit" eigarettee, or one of those "Lone Fish- ennan cieantteM at Prsnt tirnnu.v I :" oirar and tobac-co Leauart to hi convinced that thv rVnV k! I rincwt splendid thin,? out." Thr I fint cIkssi rcallv and . . v ' " i In heard ofBariralnal AT THE INDEFATIGABLK ENDEAVORS TO PLEASE THE PUBLIC, SO HEBE GOES. Ye muses nine, inspire my pen, To sing of Fayetteville street, No. 10, Who tries his best to please his friends And in his labors never ends, Bargains he'll give you when you call For No. 10 is all and alL Of other houses you hear them talk; In Fayetteville street just take a walk And only ask for No. 10, Kept by the most ingenious of men, And when his friends by chance drop in Then forth he comes," Lord what a grin, And to their wondering eyes displays Such heaps of brackets and window shades. His pictures are exposed to public view And a variety of cord to suspend them too, His looking glasses and toilet eases Will help adorn your forms and faces; Picture frames and mouldings too In great variety, black, brow n and blue. His window cornices aud lambrequins fine, Will make your rooms and parlor shine. Perforated mottoes, and white holly baskets. And everv other sort of stuff, Of which he hopes to have enough. So now he bids you all adieu And wishes a happy new year too, And not forget C. C. Clawson, No. 10 Favetteviile St. Xational Hotel. Brightened up and renovated, the National offers both to families and single gentlemen most elegibly located rooms, for regular boarding, in the eity. Rates to suit thetimes. d Rooms refurn ised and fitted up in any desired style, fo permanentguests. KALKIUII MARKETS. Cotton Market: Reported by PARKKR & A VERA, Cotton Brokers. Rai.kioh, Ct. March 31st, 1879. Middling VZa.Hji Strict Iov Middling Ixjw Middling Strict Good Ordinary 9 ;mk1 Ordinary VJ Middling Stains 9(' Iaw Middling Stains 84 Gkk1 Ordinary Stains Tone of Market, rtrm and active. CITV MARKETS Wholesale Prices. Corrected by C1IISTOPHKK & SORREI.U ottieial RejMrt of Cns'ers Exchange. Ralkigh, N. C, March 31, 1K70. Flour. North Carolina t 'hiekeiis Corn . rn Meal llacoii, N. f . lluj; round hums Bulk Meats, clear rib sides... " " shoulders North Carolina Pork Coffee, prime Kio ohI Svrnp, S. If Molasses, Cuba Salt, Liverpool susrar, wbite yellow Irih otatocs North Carolina. Sweet Potatoes tsccdj t al, shelled Peaches, peeled llli.c:ilcd Apples, northern per bushel. dried ( "ottoll Tie, new ' spliced Itairirinir Pork (a i oO (a 21) A) (a. o (l 7 (a 7 (a, 5 jv (IT 8 9 li 11 12 25 :. C (a (a (' (- M m 4 i (at 1". l. ! 50 5- t) th 1 -V i M 4. X per SI l II & ki i$ to III lai 12? a 2D O V & 12 (i 90 75 11 15 Peas, per bushe white. si ck . Kgirs butter Beeswax ICisrs in i xed .... cotton ITks- Mter Mink Fox '0011 M link rut Rabbits Above lire tor lartre .piantities. small quantities are wanted higher w ill be eharired. . . . 75 ... 90 . . . ;v .. . 10 When prices TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Nkw York, March 31. Money J7. Kxchange long 4X5:?; short 4.S6. Gov- erumeuis iirui : new nves 4i ; more doing. Cotton net receipts 1,030; gross 1,807. Futures closed strong; sales 4,K0 bales; April 10.o3; May lo.oti; June 10.81; July 10.0.5; August i 1.04(a. 11.05 ; September 10.S)fa,10.!i; October 10.57 (a. 10.50; No vember 10..M(a 10. 3 J ; December 10.25 (h 1(.1'7. Cotton dull and easier; sales 540 bales; middling uplands 10; middling Orleans 10 ; consolidated net receipts 12,lo4; exports to (Jreat Britain 3,107; continent 7,640. Hour dull, strongly in buyers favor; Southern Hour unchanged. Wheat slightly in buyers favor, very moderate export and light speculative inquiry, ungraded whiter red $1.0$(u.$1.14; No. 3 dol.9!ail.U0i. Corn a shade lower, very moderate trade, ungraded 44(a4tf. Oats slightly in buyers favor but dull. 11 for No. 3. Coffee in moderate de mand, firm ; Rio quoted in cargoes at lU(a-I.;m ou lots 11 jfa lb. Sugar un changed, quit; refined quiet. Molasses lUiet and unchanged, luce in moderate request and steady. Rosin quiet and firm $1.40. Turp'entine firm at Pork a shade firmer and quiet; old mess qxt 0.40; new quoted at 10.37i("$10.50. Lard a trilie better and very quiet, closing strong; prime steam spot $0.52J. W hiskev nriii at $1.(k t reights uuiet. Baltimokk, March 31. Oats dull and lower; Southern and Pennsylvania 31 (m 32; Western w hite 3I(oi32; mixed 30(a.31. Hye quiet 54 (a-. to. Hay quiet 11,12. Provisions rirnier and steady; mess pork $10.25(a. 10.05; bulk meats loose; shoulders 3j ; clear rib sides 4j; packed 4H.5J; ba.-on, shoulders 4J; clear rib sides 5j ; hams y(0i. Iard, refined, in tierces 7i. Butter stealy, prime to choice western packed ls(20; roll 15(g, 10. Coffee firmer and fairly active. Rice cargoes 10('i 1. Whiskey dull and nominal $I.07(a$1.07i. Sugar quiet; "A" soft K(a.Si." WiLMiNtmi, March 31. Spirits tur entine 2oi. Rosin dull; strained $1.10; good strained $1.12J. Crude turpentine steady; hard $1.15; yellow dip $1.75; virgin $1.75. Tar quiet at $1.10. Corn steady but rirnier; white 55. Ctti.'Ai.o, March 31. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet but steady for No. 2 Chicago spring fresh; 01 for regular; NS2; i'or cash and April: 93jf(a, !3i for May; No. 3 do. 78. Corn quiet md w eak for fresh; 34 for regulr; 31i for cash and April; 35(a.3r for May; 30i 0L.vt for June. (Jats dull and tending downward for fresh: 24 for regular: 41 for cash; 213 for April: 25 for May; 254 for J tine. Pork steady, in fair demand; $10.10(a$10.12 for cash and April; $10.25 (cutw.z,i for Mav: 10.37(a $10.40 for June. Lrfird steady, in fair demand: $H.32i(o,$.,.35 lor cash and April; $0.42 (a?o.4. for Mav: $0.50(a$.52i for June. Bulk meats steady and unchanged. Whiskey steady and unchanged. (. IM INMATI. March 31. Flour in fair demand and firm. Wheat dull and un changed. Corn in fair demand and firm; No. 2 mixed 30 ti 38. Outs easier at 20(a;30 for mixed, and 31 fa 33 for white. Pork held at $10.25(o,10.50. Iard dull and nominal : current make $0.17. Bulk meats quiet but steady shoulders held at $3.00 ; short rib $4.75 ; short clear rib nominal at $4.90. Baeon quiet but steady shoulders 4i: clear rib 51; clear sides 5. Whiskev in fair demand at $1.01. March, 31. Cotton Mi.MMug. low- middling, good ordinary: Ualveston steady, 104, yg and Vi ceiits ; net receipts 1,683 bales. Norfolk steady at lOi cents; net receipts 1.408 bales. Balti morefirm at 10, 9 and 9 cents; net receipts 40 bales. Boston auiet at 10S 104 and 9 cento; nt receipt 1,245 bales. r ummeiounrm atiraml8cfintsr uvy receipts t Dales: -Ptoiladelphia A,n. .niti ins SWL7 7"rrr. 171 fi?J l TnTO i ------ Ayv &s VT"A - ' receipts 2,034 bales. Sri. -"-ncnngea aiiut, vt ana XkTw elP H' TVI" - MU1 a easy at iu, i and va eni: net rereiDLs Kirai haiAQ MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TUCKER HALL. TWO NIGHTS ONLY WEDXESDAT AM) THURSDAY,' April 2nd and 3rd, Will appear the Renowed Actor, ROBT. WADE, i In his Famous Impersinations of RIP YAN WINKLE, Vagabond of tlie Catakllls. . His version differing from all others, and played by him in all the principal cities of America, including Boston, New York City and sail Francisco, and pronounced by the press as being the purest and most success lul play of the century. Mr. McWade respectfully announces that he will be supported by a full Dramatic Company from New York City "selected for their own parts." ADMISSION 50 cents: 75cnts: 81.00. No extra charge for reserved seats, lor sale at Heartt's Drugstore. April l-3d. ASSIGNEE'S SALE! On Saturday, April 5th, 1879. I will sell at Publid Auction, at li. F, Jones (.'o's. old stand, such GIaOCEIIIES, &c. aa are not sold privately before that time. GEO. II. SNOW, Assignee, April l-tds. of R. F. Snow & Co. polTceYourprises i Attention is called to Sections 3d and 4th, Chapter IX, City Ordinances, relating to nuisances. B. C. MANLY, Mayor. April 1-1 w NEW BUTTER We have received the this season, of first shipment, for New Northern Butter, DISKCT FBOM THE DIARY, Fresh, and of Fine Quality; and will Receive Supplies Every Week. A LARGE AND CO.MIM.KTi: SToCK OK EVERTHING in the WAY OF GROCERIES, AND FAMILY SUPPLIES, ;F THE BEST QUALITY. n We never ourselves to be under sold. HARDIN & MOORE, IIOI.EEMAX HI Il.OIXi. apl 1-tf. A Keniedy that lias been Keuie- 111. The invincible repugnance felt by almost eTerv oae to the smell and navor ot coa Llvr Oil. has nreventdteos of thousan is ot thn vn-tims of debility, from reaoiiig the benefits of it oeculiar tit-aliag and nutritive properties. The almost hopeless consump tive, tae martyr to itlieuinatisin, the barely living siiadow 01 men, women and cnn iren tuat emerge f 10m tht rlutches of malarial fevers, all of these know, or at leas: their doctors ku. ".that ot all discovered reme dies, this Oil 1" tu best, aud often the only one that win Duiid up tneir wastea noaies, ana ana res , ore iu ir snatcerea nerves, ana far more eTe tive than the Oil by itself is Scott's Eruuls on of it. with the HVpophos- phite o.' Lime and S da. This Is the nnesl and most natural food nd medicine in the world, and wholly deprived of us disagiee able qualitits. Sold by Wm, BimpSon, Drug gist. Jiarcii 4-Q4IW3 BEMARK4BI E cure of an Inflamed tear- duct or passage to the eye, without an oper ation. Mrs. Gibson, who has a larg-e and extensive confectionery aed candy store at No. 2d Eeast 42d Street, near the Grand Central Depot, was about, to have a silver tube inserted in the tear passage of her left eye. me enlargement and innamation were very great Bef jre submitting To the operatlou, trhd Lr. Oil s' Liniment, rubbed in carefully o er the iuQamed ttuct. The inflamntiou disappeared the passage be came lear, and was. through Its power able to do without a surgical operation Also took the klnimeut lQteruallv, a teasp"onful three tunes a day, m a wine glass of water. Sold by ail druggists "VEGfETINE Purifies the Blood, Reno vates and Invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICAL PfiOPJEETIES ABE Alterative, Tonic, Solvent AND DIURETIC. T If ' IT Reliable Evidence. egeuue mr Mr". K. R. Stevfxs: I effetinO Dear Sir I will most cheerfully add my testimony to tlie great VPfPttnP numaer yon have already received f tel,iIC hi, favor of your great and i;oxl , 'medicitfe, VctiKTixit, for. 1 do not T 6S6till6 think' enoAgli o'an be sflvd in its ;pfaiie, for 1 was tmnbK'd over r j 'thirty years with tfiat dreadful I cgctinG disease, Catarrh", and liadvuth lad jcoughlng ipellrf thsrif "ld seem VGETPtiriP a9 tbough I' never )iu-lu.' t real i$ 0 any more, aifli v lir.Ktix' has r ,. Kutr mm and I (fo-feel Ut tiiank V eiCclIlie,'oa all tne time that there in so (good a niudicine as VF.r. ktine, Vorraff nn" ' R,f think j one of the b-st o,")mediolne8 tr roughs aut weak, ' (sinking feelings 8t the stomach, VcdillB advise everldv u take ilia IVErtlti ink, for I ran assure tlirni it it is one of the best inodi. ines fC'geime.that ever was. .MllS. I.. (iUI'.K, (('or. Mairazine an.i Walnut ts.. VeseLiue'i9. Vogetine, Yegetine Or 1 V K S Health, Strengtn AND APPETITE. Yegetiue Yegetine Vegetinc My daughter has reoeived great fbeneti t from the use of Vicm- t iNE. Her declining health was a smtrce of great anx i l y t all her friends. V62GlillC treil her health, streegth and appetiie. VAf. , I X. Tl. TILDEX, egeillie insurance and Iteal Estate Agt., 2o. 4'J Sears JiuiMins, Boston, .Alass. Ycgetine Vegetine Vegetine CANNOT BE ! t Crarlestowk, Mar. 19, 186?. W CCliliCfl. li. STEVENS: I Iear Sir This is to certify that Vpopf inp 1 have used your "Blood Prepara i cBciiuc tjoi) in ny family for geveral -T .. years, and think that, for Scrofu V egetine ' or Cankerous Humors or Itheu jniatic affartions, it cannot be ex "Vaof iio!cel,ed and as a blood purifier or spring medicine, it is the best itlitncr T lurp vt and I hard Ve?6tiH6!u?e l'n"t e'. rythiiip. I can cheerfully re-v..i!it ml it 'o any Vogetiiie Yesreline one in need of u li a medicine. Yours respectfully, Mbs. A. A. DINSMORE, "Ho. 19 Russell street. Vegetiuej Vegetine BEGOiaXUSXro IT eartily Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine South BostoX, Feb. T, 1870. Mr. Stevk.ns: Iear Sir 1 have taken several bottles of your Vec.etine, and am conTimed it is a valuable remedy for DvKDemis, Kidwy Complaint iand general debility of the system. ' I I can heartily reeommeua xo Yesetllie suirerin'fom Ue aboye com- 'plaints. Ywiira respectfully, VvtJ MRS. MUKlfOE PABKEB, Yegetlnel iWAthensstrart PREPARED BY Hid STOCKS, EOSTCI UASS, Vegetine is Sof J by All Druggists, ATTESTlOBt OV TUtS County Soperhften&Aits of 'fablic i-st- c tloa, Boards o acatidn, and Prin cipals of Private Schools, etc., . Valuable Educational Works Sanford's Series Analytical Arithmetics AND Worcester's Dictionary Sanrord's Series eoinprises four books, an o Is oased upon the analytic system: Sauford's Klrst .Lessons in. Analytical Arithmetic, 16 mo., 27 cents. Sauford s latermediite Analytical Arltn m Lie, 16ma, x3i pp. Uall bounu, 45 cents. , Sau ford's Common School Analytical Ai ltumetic, 853 pp. Half roan, SO ceuts. Saatord's Higher Aualycicat Arittimrtlc. hmu., 41a pp. naif roan. Uloih siaes, 31.25. ihe detiuitions are clear, ana tho auaiyses exhaust ve. The work is prav;ticaL and abounds In slate exercises. The experience Ot a large number of the best teachers in this coun tnat, with saufurd in hind, pu pils discover a.j uuwouted enthusiabin In studying the science of numbers. The Complete Series of Wer cesser's Oieliouaries. Quarto Dictionary. Illustrated and Una bridged. Library sheep, flu. Oc-avo (Universal aud Critical,) Dictiona ry. Library sueep, J4.25. Acadeuuie Dictionary. Crown 8ro. Half roau, $1.85. Comprehensive Dictionary, Illustrated, 12 mo Half roan, 1.75. School (Klemencary) dictionary. 12mo, Half roan, tl. Primary dictionary. Illustrated 16mo. Half roan, 60 cents. Po ket dictionary. Illustrate 24mo Cloth fi3ce-its; ro tu. d.-xioie, Soo juts.roau, lucks, giiteaes, si m any special ai-is to students, n a dditicn to a full pronouncing uud detluii g ocabu lary, make the a Dove-named boots, in the opinion of our most distiuguisht a :duca tois, the most complete as well as y far ihe Cheapest Dictionaries of our laagi ave. Worcester's School Dictionaries tie based upon ihi quarto, wiich is prelerre i over all vtunis u ouiiueui ana m in Ot let leia. iue eIle3 is aamirauiy aaapted to use In Schools, Academies, &c. 49r- Liberal teims for introduction w dt-slre thatSanford and Worcester be exam ined oy iouuiy .Boards and principals of private sc.ioois. conespouaeiice solicited: We invite attention ot Teachers to Chau- veuets Aiatheuiatics, Cutter's Physiology; iu a worn, an vm otuwi puui icaiions. cir culars a,nu descriptive catalogue furnished ou ajipucaiion. Address, J. fi LIPPIfJCQTT & CO. 715 and 717 Market street, Philadelphia MARTIN V. CALVIN, General Southern Agent. Al'ULSTA, GA. dec iiieodw4m. ALFRED ROWLAND. AilU evil C, 1 AX 1 A vv , Oitce n the Oourt-IIouse. LUMBERTON'. N G. FROM A PHOMIXKNT VETKIMAliY Mr. Wm M. Giles, Cliemist, Sir. I have practiced extensively in Europe and Ameri ca, aud yur new a.scjveij, Liniment I d,de of AmiD'Hiin, surpasses any tiing I ever ust d tor spu.its, strains, l-.iueuess In the lltnt-s or s!i uid r.s, w-ak'i s across the kidneys, wind galls, a id harj, bou swtl- linga on the j'iiuts. it is tiu y marvelous. Vours very rulv, Ralph hclr. Veterinary Surgeoii. 3iu W. 26.,u bt,, N. Y. hold by all Druggists. FAYETTEVILLE STEEiT, KALKIOll, A. C, Is prepared to accrmmodate regular and transient boarders by the day, week or r month, fit reasonable rates. n.iL16-tf. SAI L FOR PAKTIU"3. T AM AUTHORIZED TO fcLLL THE VAL- .1 uabie LOTrs kuown in tue 1 lan of the Ci tr ot Raleiga as Lots Nos , 1 and -32, and parts OIL.ODS os.44 4, tJ, 71 and lti . Lots divided to suit iu chasers Home few of the lots have bouses on them, but most of them are vacant. TERMS : Ten per cent. cash. A credit of one. two and ihree years, with interest at 8 per ctn'. win be given on balance. Ci. FOWLE, marll tf- Attorney tor Owners B. B. Massenbun ATTORNEY AT LAW LoUISBURG, . C. Office in the Court House. bl3-tf tutps pills. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. the Head, with a Dull sensation in th a h v- pan, i-ain unaer we anouiderbiade. fuil ness after eating, with a disinclination to exertion oi Doav or mind- Irntahiiitir r temper, now pinis, witn aieeimg oi nav tne neglected some dutv. Wparinpus! Tiir.- Einess, Fluttering at the Heart. Dots be Cawa lit a 't7"nllMM. O t Tt a i generally over the right eye, Hestlessneea wiuiuuuiiuwmii, xiigniy coiorea urine IF THESE WARNINGS UKHEEDED. UlStAStS WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to each cases, a ingle dse effects such a cbaace of fcr-- injr as to astonish the safferer. A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Tlw TTT1vr.TL...C,'. rMM T v t a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and Pile. Last Spring your Pills were recommended to ma ; I nH tnem t Due witn ntueiuta). l am now a Well man. V. i . . J : if r . . , pile gone, and I have gained forty pounds solid flaab. They are worth their weirht in srold. K"uu iptiuifl, uj&esuoa uenect, reffaiar stools. mejr are wortn tneir weirht In pole Rev. B. L. SIMPSON, Lcwiarffle, KT. The first effect of TUTT'S PILLS is to In. crease tbe Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Fleah, ttufc the system is noariabed, and by their Tonic Action on the Digestive Organs, Regnlar Stools are produced. Dr. J. F. HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK, SAYS:- ' Few diseases exist that cannot bo relievod hv storing the- Liver to its normal functions, and for this purpose no remedy has ever been invented that has &3 happy an effect as TUTTS PILLS." SOLD EVERYWHERE, i-RlCE 25 CEOT8. j Office 33 Murray Street, New York. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Cray Hair or Whiskers chay ad to a Glosst Black by a simile ADDUcatkm of tbia Dtk. It. in Darts a Natural Color, acts Instntjuinn.l .r,a as Harmless as spring water. 4Sold by Drnggj.t. or sent by express on receipt of $1. i Office.' 35 Murray St.. New York. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. Vt9 French's India Rubber Cement for mending Furniture, Toys, Glassware, Chtua, &c. Every family should hare a Tial in the house. Manufactured ty WM. K. FRENCH, Wholesale aud Retail Druggist, Petersburg, Va. For sale by Wm. Simpson, F. IL Hear Druggists, Raleigh. N. C. nov -d6rn Alnm A Iron Nprins Water & Efficient tor throat diseases." Dr. Can. g ol Virginia. specific iu Hkiu diseases." Dr. Allen of 8 0. CJnequ&led for Scrofulous all ect Ions Dr. a erofVa. waiuajie for Neuralgia. Dr. Harrison, 'Regulates the Secretive Organs. Dr Christ! in of Va. Purines the Blood, !rr. Langhorne, Ta. 'Successful in Dyspepsia.' Prof. Jackson, Univ. of Pa. ' 'Has no equal for Chills.' Rer. Ellison C. Dodson, Va. 'Excellent Tonic and Diuretic.' Med Asso. 'Unsurpassed tor diseases peculiar to Wo men. John P. Metteaur, M,l), L. L. D. of VirKinia. 'Well adapted in Ulcerative affections-' Prof. Moorman, M. D, Va. JN one have a wider range of usefulness." Va. Med. Monthly. Very valuable for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. lion l-andon bcruKgs, Va. a'Powerf ui Natural Remedy.' t r of Hardin, V M I. Mass .-50 cts. and tl bottle, 12.50 and 5 ha:f dozen; $5 and $10 dozen: tent postpaid. Liberal terms properly graded to wuoienale and retail dealers. Analysis nd directlous with each package. Full pi oof of all claimed sent free upu application Sample supply free to phvMcians desiring Co test. Thefe charming Spring are open for visi tors and invalids the year round from and after Jure lt, 1878. Board $35 a month ; 1 10 a week; $1.50 a aay. Conveyances dally from Lynchburg to Springs, 12 miles distant, over pleasant roads through picturesque country, connecting with all tue trains. Round trip tickets trom all points South aud Nonh at reduced rstes. Buildings all new or thoroughly refitted. Fare and accommoda tions first-class. Skilful resident physician. A. M. LiAVlES, President, B. A. & I. Springs Co., Lynchburg, Va. eoid by F. IL HEARTT, u ly8d-s- Kalelgh. M. C. $30,000 FOR $2 INTHK Extraordinary Drawijg KENTUCKY STaTE LOTTEUY, OP MARCH 20, I87J Dju't overlook the opp n tauity. Some one must be the luj ty w,.i:ior, why nor you? and SOU K ME 1 Prize ; u.uu l Pr ze of l.S.ti 1 1'iize r 5 (i 0 !s 5,1x0 . Prize oi 2,(tio are 2.'iizeof l,5Jt are 3,'0U oPrleof luouaie 5 Ou Siti'rizeof 2 dare lu,0) 10) Prize of loo .ire 10,ia.m lOoi'uze of 50 are JO.toO 500 i'rieof 2u are lo.coo 1027 tthr Prlzei aiiu jutiu ; Lo l.j.tKJU P-89 xlu,4CK IV IIOliE TICKETS 2. iStf-AI! t he above j rizes will be diawj at tins u: Witit;. the ftiliowing numbers drew the tirst thrt-e in' Z's in the ordinary uiav iu oi r ebiuat y 6: No. iU.4U4 drew 1 5,000. Sold in Philadelphia. No. 48,998 drew $8,000. bold in ot. Lou h. No. 54,3(.6 drew $5,0it0. Sold in Chicago. 2 7tis lottery has been in existence over 50 years, and no drawing has ever bttn postpvned even for a single day. SIMMONS & DICKINSON, Manager .cvinato. Kv, 0-Addres all orders to our General Eastern Ak uta. WILLIAMSON lO., ?9yBroa way, New York. Hend In orders without delay, as in the last Extraordinary drawing we wern un able to supply ttie detnau J. Correspondence private lis! or drawings puoiisnea in in New York Herald, Staats Zeitun and Louisville Commercial. A 1 o it of town tick et holders are mill d a copy of the official list as soon as received A simi ar drawing win tale p.ece in Apr.i march g-wl . 4. A SPLENDID OPrOKTUNlTY TO-INA FOKTUNE, FOURTH grand DISTKIBUTION. LAbH D. Al' NEW OR LEANS. TUESDAY. APRIL. 8th 187 107th Monthly Drawing Louisiaoa State Lottery Company. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the Stale, for Educa tional and charitable purposes, in lHfti, for the term of Xweutv-flve Years, to which coutract the Inviolable faith of the State is pledged with a capital of 81,000,000, to which it nas since added a Teserve iund or nou.uw. Its grand sinsie number distribution will tdkc place mouth ly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the (ollewing distribution: CAPITAL PIUZF. 930,000. 100,000 TICKETS Al X WO DOLLARS EACH. ii A.LF-TICKE7 S, ONE DOLLAR. U.ST OF PRIZLM. 1 Capital Prize..... 1 Capital Prize...., 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of $2,&j0.... 6 Prize of 1.000.... 20 Prizes of &00.... 100 frizes of 100.... 2 PrIzesof 60 600 Prizes or 20.... fJO.OO 10, xu 5,u0 5,00V 5;o00 10.00U 10,000 10,01(0 10,000 1U.U0U lOoO Prizes of 10. .. APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 9 Approximation Frizes of 430) J.700 9 Approximation rizes of iiOu 1.800 9 Ai.pryximatiou Frizes oi 100 ... 900 18o7 Prizes, amouutiriK to 1 10-400 Ketponsloje correspon. ua agents wanted at ail prominent points, to whom a liber 1 compensation will be paid. Application ror rates to clubs should onlr be made to the Home Oilica m New Orleans. Write, clearly statiuir lull address, for fur ther information, or send oruers to. M. A. DAUPHIN, P. U. Box 692, New Orleans. Louisiana. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of U 1 Bh.AUrvEoAHDj.nd JUBA1. A. HaKlV. marLMw ROYAL Ml mm luiilci. In the Grand Kxtraord narv lirawinar which will lake pUce on the Sth oi April. 1876, tlire will he only Io.uih) ' ick"ts, uuiu- bei-fd from i to 1 ,U u, wuii , a r mi Prizes. and the amount drawn will be 2 .2V), 1 00 OxE PRIZE lO EVEKY 20 TICKETS. Prize of dollars lO'i ' to ' ' 2itx)ii " " jOOiOO . " " ;biNU Prizes cf 0 000 each , e.oto l.OtO IH.OfJO C6,t'0 V Approximations of tl.000 each, to $1 OQo,Ooo frlze 3fi0!JC 9 Approximations of t3.00 e h to 2i 0.(X0 Prize 27,000 Approximations of S2.000 each to 00.0oPiize 18,000 9 Appioximatiousoi Ji.000 each to 450 00) PiIm ,oou 2 Approximations of 1.0t0 each to fito.ww Prize 722 Prlaes, amt'Kto Spanish Dolls. ;2SO,000 Price In Currency. Wholo Tickets. Halves viuariera. 2 0 ou Bigbtha. Tenths. Twenttetas. Korti'-ths. 20 SU- w ' information furnished, prizes cashed and orders filled.; . . i a x Liu u., canKer. llTiUbt.N. Y T. A. KiJioaLY, W.E. AsHUcr. K'NESLEY & A5HLEY ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, . .-.Hi ' .' Refer to Julius Lewts & Co., J