DAILY NEWS SATVmAY APRIL 19. 1S79 Brt f !w A"srtlit- Mahtij Jfc Osborne. Local notice. N. II. P. Vii-on Notice to tond- holderS- U. Wait , Hwo. Clothin Ac M' ? r A. Ti'WLfA Special nolle. I. i'kv-i D A iiox. Ina. Co. W r. . Ixx-al notice. LO' 1L RkM IS. i . t shiJ in the Neuse at Milbunn caught on Thursday i.-t The shad or.sou at that loi int now lie said to turlv Kn I Thnu T-lna!) ;uirinir lots 'in the northern portion of tho raj will le sold at the Court-boue door u-dav at lo" clock. These lot were advertised for sale last :aturday and the aie was poMtponed UU to-oa. a mMiinx of the State Board of Kducaiioo. was neld in Lh ttoveniors offlM vesterday. Several matter of important were dis. u-.ed and passed upon. The Hoard adjourned to meet aain next TuUr, when Onai action uu certain matter will ls taken. One of the beat farmer in Ala mance conntr iMr. Kerrj haa brought a lot of the h'nesf beevt that haa bven offered for sale iu UiU market lor the past year. The guesta of hotel and LoarUiog bouses w ill stop complaining about having to eat lough atea. Ilia a pity that our Uriners can nut see thwe nndcatUe btore Uiey aru laugh trd. V hear, with-plaaaura, thtthe member of the Uuay liee Hand intend giving one of their etrjoyable eutertain uitnu naxt Friday emng the iSth. Jrrom all we can uuderatand of the altaar, it promuKs to be something rare said 'unique, aa the programme com priaea quite a variety ol amusement, rirsi, mere will b Motion ongs from some of the amailer tueuibera of the Hand, then an exhibition in Caliatheuica t.T the older member, iihvwOwI by an -old Kolk'a Coucert," given by tno little our. There w Ui alo be a Laxaar Uble, at which w ill be exposed for sale, l after the exhibition and ouueert,) mauy uettuiiful article of fancy work. Any ..r. HMirinir rvtmhmeDla will also tiud aa abundant supply of everything to suit tne taste ui uiuvk lunuiwun epicure. ImmIi MeUaa:. , A special meeting of the Maeona of this city will be held iu the Moaonic 1111 to-dar at 10 o'clock, for work la the different deirreea. All llasons are rruetad to attend. TbeCatballe recti at At Metropolitan Hall ia meeting with Uioal spleudid sucvo. The m-uiaers deserve gTval credit for the ability with which tuev have cotiducteU the vnter tuujucnt." The uigutiy allcnaancti 1 erv lare. The enjoyment ia un checked and the cuuufy results nioet sallstactoiy. lo ulglil 1 the last ol the aeru-M, and the apaciou hall will nllcd to lis utuml capacity. None w ho aileud will have cause lor rt-greu Afc-sat IV. Yesterday a Mr. Charles H. I-atta was (miuk Mr. l'di't, ou lh wruer of W limit.gtou and Morgan streets, a fearful bull-dog rushed out ami altar el him. ami rau aamal hiiu with ouch toiem- aa lo kuock miu down, when f the il-(; at ouce made ait eilort lo eize huu by the lUroat, ana w a omy pre-.ii-i bv the umelv aid of Mr. Ixjii. H. AaUiS, who haptncd lo be near by. We uudrlaiia Mr. l.ta wa.n '.. rv much hurt bv i)i i-ul union and f -.i" ucli MuUiJ lot I v allow nl to a. in '.he ci'.y. 1 hey are not only a t ii.ai.iv uat auaugerou aud lureaieu inc u..n- to ue public it U a lalacy ki.ii a ni-h tin ui-on tne uuthorilic ol lui orl.iV nii w eil-go iriieU cilV, to i . eiri.a wilt iivie n au uwesaity lor avepin; such uga lor tue protec-tioii of teroii3 oi proiftv. e uiiucrsiuiiu there axe a nuimer of Uiem in the city. mid thev ahoald l-e .ov.tj aUer at once. '1 here aiiould bean ur.a.aui ia.vivJ, outLawirtg them aud auuiorixing their destruction by any one, if founU on the 'treeta, and the o.wuer nneti one nuti dred aollar. aiid on Uiluru lo pay to be I'Ul in the chain gang an . uiaUe lo work it out on tne atrc-o, ami ine uog Kiticu What latiuiiuu lile worth aacompaiw with the fancied notion ol men about theae tear I ul creatures? The live ot our w ives and children are in constant danger, ao long a-t ouo ol them reinaina in tlie citv. e are tliereiore lor aiii log the Uat oneof tnei.i, or placmgauch fearful pen allien upon them and Uieir owner aa will make it a dangerous thing to own one. tjr lor one to be aeen on tbe street. TIIIEVM AOAIM. T llsa f Br.Hrathfn 1m Ike f Nlaat Tb Wind Baaaabe4 la -Tta Xmmmg Lmdle shriek Wilb :rr. It would seem that there ia a regular It organ I ted band of robbers in this City, out tney are euuruuj grtru i their buslneaa. r-an attempt, so lar haa proven fraitle. On Thursday nlffht the house of Mr. C. II. W eaihers s merchant on Blount street, and one of the old and esteemed citizens of Raleigh, was settled upon a the place of attack. Mr. Weather' house and tors Join each other : his bed room is connected with his store by a - door Just opposite hi room and ajro the kail la the silling room ana steeping apart menl of hU daughters, there is s win dow on the south side of this room A boat S o'clock in the morning the thieve began their work. From tracks on the front porch It appears thai they tried the two front wiuuows to eriec an entrance, but failing, they mounted the aid feuce and creeping ou the top they reached the aide window to the room in which the youag ladies were leeping. The blind were open bu the window was faatened. They at tempted to prize it opeu, but again were thwarted. They were determined to enter. Smash went the window sash. The sudden noise awaked the young ladiei.who,hrieking with fright, rushed to their father's room cry ing,"a robber i breaking In the house.' Mr. Weathers prang to his feet, lighted his lamp and ruahed out in the night, but th henda had gone. After his family had become quiet, ne Investigated the uremtsea, with result ss shore related. Mr. Weathers said: "no doubt thev intended to effect an entrance to my room, to craw through it snd reach the store, ateal the monev In the drawer and pass out the front door, which was locked with the key inaide. They niut have been ac quainied with th premises. So far there la no clue. This makes the fourth attempt to commit burglary In thia city within the past four week. The operator are bold but their plans are badly conceived. Qaer Tklar ke Malt. Gsrn aa poat-ofiices are soulogiual garuen -n aariall scale. In the course of a yer as Many as ),(XO lire ani mats are se nt by post, and If crabs irrsfs, Dcea.id small Insects sre eoon tei, tue tod wu. oeamo .g the mill ions. T!e Ixido aui'.ori;ie have the prit4fv ol evcluditu): such animals as may l uimel either dangerous or disagreeable; but within the Lant six months only thlrt'-uine packages of living animals were rcfi-ei, among which we re an alligator, done up In s box considered a loo fragile; a lot of dog, who persistent barking could not be quieted, and s number of pig eons tied op in a sack. On the other hand, daring the same period, a croco dile, cora of birds of prey, monkeys, serpents, s leopard and four living bear cubs were trans ml tied by post. Yew ftaJl Ilerrtage i WaUca's grocer store. .... s t VTrUtOMBTTEM. federal Caart Aeoulltal af Law. Correapondence of the New. ii R tUXSBORO, r. April li. v.-. 1..1 Pnnrt haa nnv been in B6S- iou near two weeks. Judge Dick pre siding. The moat notable case in court w as trial oi tne ruu -wju for robbing the mail atW'eutwerth, as alleged. '1 he oaae was aet for last t n dAy but was pat oft till Monday. A rather unusual apw-wm y '- iuLf in ihra' court, in this case, there being witneases from amongst Uie beat aociety oj, iauiu , . . . thw smt tna (the cashier, a ladv), from the groat houae of L. Kid lev'A Soft. New York, and several la dies from Wentw.. ... u.id hence the nnusual ec'A .io, us 1 said, ol t,ccing a fK.i-otadiesiu the court room KIW v " - D , .... dav M4er oa awui the hrat, I he case i ..f ion- m ini in resneciabl V C-l 11 !.- v" coiiiiected, his brother being tne Kev. t. K. La't of l'ittsboro. There was strong counsel on both sides, viz.: for the uruoner, tou luomaa uuiuu,. V. iteid ami CoL Hovd. and for the de fence. Solicitor Lusk and Hall and Uregorr. I venture to say sucu a gay . .... I... nux-or Kcwti witiiHMMed in Uie court room of old liuiilord Insfore. The evidence on the find count w as not sufficient, hence the prisoner was dis charged- mere are a large uuwwi o. legal gentlemen present, and much otuer busintahas ueeu done, (of which 1 am not laiiiiliar.l especially in illicit distilling, block-auing, Ac. James v . Kent inaue one ti ui ie tlorta on this ciM. and his speech is highly spoken of. mv. it. vi.h .f which has been killed or a a " ...- r.i ihora urn minv fanners who aay Uiey will have plenty, if nothing kuls it uereaner. I K i.i 'I'amntara rH-Ilt.l V CSV 6 S festival, and net tod about W ; and the m... i r K.trM k Mother Ctooae nartv to-night, which the raui of the day w ill prevent to a grt exMruw Nr mkkii have arrived and the spring trade has begun in eameat. M. The Empress of Austria ia a great fa vorite wtui Utc .Hungarians, among whom she pre.ci pe..aing ner vaca tions to being J ievu in lenna. The truth is Uiai me ij'ieen Huds more bunting iu llungn iau in Austria. -ir V k ;iltrt- siuhor of "Pina fore," is a tall, lank, raw-boned iScolch law ver, with auuy n-ir and whiskers. iiii.l.-, w iuuaIIv wrinkled with an expression of gre-U nervous irritability. aou hia temper is oi uie suonest. vir krwukinff disresnoctfullv of the Crown i'riuce in a public place ol" en tertainment, a teacuer nas oeeu s.emcn .,1 to tour mouina' imiri.oiiiueuU (ivnuHUV. it should be remembered en joy the"ieuigii prtence of a atrong gov criiiueui. M. Kenan, the French literuleure. has a large head, chieny remarkable lor tne smile nan goou-numoreu, nan sarcktiic wnicu piays upon uis np u'hi'ii iikt iiiK-rc.Hl is aiouscil. Tlie iceii- eral exireoii is ouo ol comloruible good will toward all men. Tl,n itr of li.. SulLaii of yanzibr has eoue lo lire in iierlin. where she intends to give lessons in Arabic SSne was converted to. Christianity ana leu hi r unlive (tiunlry secrellv about teu years ago. She married llerr Kucte, a llamiuirg mercnaui, ana is now a wiu o . Mr V 1 ;illert. the author of "1'iuafore," haa unueruiKeu tocoinieie veuh hiuiHlt for ttopui.tr favor. Ilia ivv play, tirelcueu," ias leen laun ched upon lue urauiaiic sea 01 lxtuuou, Mini 110.V mm 11 be expected inthiscoun- trv. Acc-ounis varv- wioeiy a- to iui tj ' : . . ... i. . iserits. A Bare Prodaellot. 16 Its original state. Haiku it April 17th 187U a Collord menn Hy the name of Ilranch Ta lor laat night atoul pust b o ciok dxauk 3 jt ol c ider w hilh was given lo tun at A. C Wtinaiiia a tore cor lllunt A l alarrua riia Haieigh n c it was given to bin Hy. Maera vwoop and 11. H. Ta lor ua iu a luiuil after driugiug it Sal uow aud a quart of cider gush out of hi o tooth auu then got up and cride give me one niore quart and then he Was Lakeiug Hy t ooper aud 11. IS Taylor and Carried to the dore and wa put out as he Sood in the Hain Saying is am gowiug to cnurcu ana tneu Smoke t cig4rs and Smoke theul and alter dow iug all of that then ale 7 pies and a glaa of J ef ley tnat Cost JO cts and then di.nappear -i Dinkey Jonks. Eseaped Caw vie t. Cliarlottc Ikemocrat. The litr Marshal tells us that he has a list of ail escaped convicts from Hail- road work, who were sent to the i'en iteotiarr and Railroads from this coun ty. The rascals, no doubt, are now- lurking about Charlotte. No wonder our citlseiia are seized on the highway by robbers. The guards on railroads ui the western part of tne Slate stiouid be discharged for incompetency, and city and countv authorities should make better provision for keeping and punishing convicts than the i'euiteu- uary and its regulations now artord. i The ffr Eiods. Roaooke News. We learn that the fever to go West lias attacked the negroes in W eldon. and that caucuses have been held to consider the expediency of moving awar. The move was commenced bv the return of one who had been West fbr s year or two, and who brought back w ith him glowing accounts of the rich soil, the cheap land and other ad Vantages. The Cl sf IIis;a;tng. Hugging sociables are popular in some rural parts of New Jersey. The prices charged are given for benevolent purposes. It costs ten cents to hugs girl between fifteen and twenty, but you have to pay twenty-five cents for a young w idow, five cents for a irirl be tween twenty and thirty, and a dollar tor hugging a married lady. Not Yea Over. 5. Y. Tribune. The negro exodus is not over, after all. Several hundred blacks have ar rived at St. IxMiis within the past two or tnree davs, and the Helief Commit tee is now at its wits end to know how to care for those helpless refuiree. oiiie interesting figures are given con oerning the extent of the initiation snowing tnat mere nave rj rived at n Louis within these few weeks as many as 6,tu blacks, who were Keeking a home somewhere w here freedom would not be a sham. Death by Fire. Koanoke New. Mrs. boon living near Jackson, in Northampton county, was burned to ueatn on .Monday night. Her son ha left the house to look after his stock and hearing screams in the house, ran in and found his mother's clothing in flame. lie failed to extinguish the . ft la. K nre. ana ne uiea hl about 2 hours suffering terribly. fbe cause of the scvideut is not known. Fsr I pward f Thirty Tears Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup has been uaed for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind- oolic, regulates the bowels, cures dys entery and dlarrluea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and wall-tried remedy. 'JS cent a.bot- 2.500 BosbeU Brown stuff at Martin and Osborn Grain And Feed slore It Is the beat feed for much cow. ' Tf nn tih tmnc am oka. call fbr the "Town talk," only 5 cents, for sale by M. Grausman. - AC Watson's. Fresh arrival of breakfast strips and dried beef, family pickled or corned beef. Sprlos;18T Xew Cis-ods, ii'irTiin novpr before heard of. I have just returned from New York where I have purchased a select stock of Dry Goods consisting in Dress Goods, ... - i i . . . i lawns, fique wni:e aim roiumi. I ever lought. lileached and unbleach ed muslins at all prices. MOOTS, SHOKS AND HATS, : viriaiv 1 to vi I fnn hand mnfle (Jailers for Gentlemen all styles both hizh and low cut w ith box too and with out box. Heautiful French toes. J. S. Turner's hand matte gaiters ior entie- a . i . : a I J 1 ,.i w men nign cut wnu miu nuuu. w.. iioir'n liaml-ind iraiters for iren- tlemeu's w ear. T. Miles A Son's ladies' shoos, morooeo and clotn. .vines la dies' kid button ttoots. Miles' ladies' kid Newport Ties, which are beautiful, i .. ...i.i.'t ir.ii ii iIimd I L-PAn a full line l 11 OUUI.Itl v - - - . l' of all qualities and pri-es of low price tnoes ior geuiieiuen aim ituui-s. nioe line of XlaaeV and l'blldre Ith. T hive a tine line of chihlrens' white no-heel button shoes. Mv Clothing Department is very at tractive, and prices more attractive. I am also agent for Devlin A Co., the leadinz custom-made clothiers of N. Y. measures taken and suits made toorder lkn't forget the famous Boyden Gaiter for gents in all styles, and my Clothing uepanment up sums, cn Leslie cut paper patterns. Catalogne Free. Very Respectfully, J. 1. UULLKY. KmnlitthA i-elehrated -'Towntalk" 5 cent cigars, for sale by M. Grausman. Very Law .Prices. 1,000 fans, from 5 cents. 1.0U0 hand kerchiefs, from 5 cents. 1,000 pair hose, from 10 cents. 1,000 parasols, from 15 cents. 500 straw hats, from 15 cents. 7,000 yards domestics, from 5 cents. 7o0 shirts, from 125 cents. Coats, from 50 cents. Vests, from 50 cents. Pants, from 50 cents. A full stock of ladies', slippers, from 50 cents, at Woollcott's Open Front Store, Wilmington st. - If you wish a good smoke, call for the "Townlalk,'" only 5 cents, for sale by M. ( rausiuau. At Wataon Another supply of that tine Milwaukee latter beer in Itottles, famines sup plied. Tobsrr and sran. The lest and finest assortment at Watson's The Celebrated Seven Nprlnr Iron and Alam 91 This is decidedly the most useful, be sides being the moat efficient Family Medicine ever placed witnm tne reacn of any people, its reputation extends far and wide, and its great popularity is due entirely to its own merits. lor relieving Sick and Nervous Headache, it may bo trnlv said, to have no equal Dvsnentics find it just the remedy for their troubles. Mothers and daugh ters have long since discovered in its use a "panacea" for their worst ills; and now we have the testimonies of two eminent ministers of the gospel, from Southern cities, setting forth its specific e fleets in other more dreaded and troublesome diseases. Kev. John F. Mayne, Theological Seminary, Columbia, S. C, writes: "Am atliicted with that terrible disease, Diabetes;' am using the 'Seven Springs Mass' withai-onsiderabledegree of re lief; is the only remedy I have yet found to suit my case ; want to continue its use until a cure is effected if possi ble. Send worth of the enclosed P. O. order immediately. Jno. F. Matnb. Columbia, S. C, Jan. ii3d, 1S70. Kev. J. D. Parker, of New Orleans, I-i., writes: "Having tried effectually the 'Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass.' for Diarhea, Kidney afflictions. Ac, I take pleasure in recommending its use in thee complaints, in my case it affords immediste relief. J. D. Parkkr." n-1xna T a Vol. 1 I th IKTQ For sale by Wm. Simpson, Pescud, Iee A Co., and F. II. Heartt, Raleigh, N . C, snd Druggists generally. LA N DRUM A LlTCUriELD, . Abingdon, Va. 9Iake Voar Own Fertiliser. With ten dollars worth of chemicals, which I w ill furnish in proper propor tions for one ton of fertilizer, added to such materials as every farmer has in abundance around the farm, he can make a ton of fertilizer equal to the best high priced fertilizer on the mar ket. It is recommended by leading farm ers, such as Mr. Win. Grimes, J. T Ieach and others whose testimonials I have. Wm. Simpson, Chemist, ltaleigh, N. C. TheTaeker House. This hostelry has not long been opened, but has already made itself a lavorite here and with the traveling public. The fare is good, the looms lavorable, while the location is very convenient. These many advantages are appreciated. Beer, Ale. Porter and Mineral Waters My facilities for th delivery of the above in bottles or kegs, are superior to any in the State. Prices as low as the lowest. Country orders solicited M. Bills, Raleigh, N. C. City Botling Works. Parlor Bagatelle Tables. I am State agent for the sale of M Redgraves Parlor Bagatelle Tables, which are now so fashionable in private families and saloons North. M. Bills, Raleigh, N. C, ITnbeard of Bargains! Who tries his best to please his friends And In his labors never ends. Bargains he'll give you when you call X - i , ... .11 .ii r or o. iu is an aou an. Of other houses you hear them talk; In Fayetteville street just take a walk And only ask for Jso. 10, Kept by the most ingenious of men. And when his friends by chance drop in Then forth he comes, Lord what a grin. And to their wondering eyes displays Such heaps of brackets and window shades. His pictures are exposed to public view And a variety of cord to suspend them too, His looking glasses and toilet cases Will help adorn yonr forms and faces; Picture frames an J mouldings too In great variety, black, brown and blue. His w indow cornices snd lambrequins fine, W Will make you rooms and parlor shins. Perforated uiottoes, and white holly baskets. And every other sort of stuff, Of which he hopes to have enough. So now he bids you all adieu And wishes a happy new year too, And not forget C. C. Clawson, No. 10 Fayetteville SU Call at Watson For your groceries, tbsy are not only cheap tut the best. ' Fresh Arrivals . T. Johnon. Richmond bolted meal, 600 lbs nice white corn bulk meats, N. C. hams and sides. A large . lot of peas, (different kinds.) -Cuba molasses in bbls ana tierces, 30 bags coffee, different grades, 20 bbls nice vellow sngar, 300 sacks flour. We offer these goods to the trade at prices that can't fail to please. Give us a trial. A few chufas on hand yet, D. T. Johnson. . Jnst the Plaee. Loader f ha tailor has won an envi able reputation . in his business, and deserves it, for the stvle, ht ana maie- rial of nls suits are not exceueu.. When to this is added moderate charg es, it is not surprising that his rooms over Tucker's store are often visited by customer. Pay him a visit and in spect his stock and you wiu te pieaseo. with priees and goods. : - "Clond compeller" from over the sea, Rising like Venus fair and free ; O'er some poet's reverie, leopold s "Raleigh Delle" anu .un tie Maimee." For Nale Two hundred and fifty pounds of live geese feathers. They "are nice and will be sold low. Apply to Latta & Myatt, W holesale Grocers ana commission Merchants. Ice cream at Moseleys. Fresh cakes and bread at Moseley's. Send your order for ice cream, cakes and bread to Moseley's. All are-invited to call at Moseley's for ice cream, cakes and bread. - Prltehard fc Brooks. ITuv0 annthnr lnt of that filficrant oak and hickory wood on hand, cheap for - w1 A Too car load of bolted meal: salt, potatoes, bnlk meat, fresh eggs . . . f 1 1 i ana cnicK.en?4 sugars oi au graoes, coi- fees and teas at prices to suit uie nam times. W. V. A A. B. NtronaehAprlI 17tl, 400 bushels white WPstern corn. 500 bushels white bolted meal. 4K) bushels white and clay peas. Ojkj bushels ship stuff andjbran. 10 barrels extra ami family floor. v nr diitlv rHceivintr seed-sweet DO- tatoesof best varieties and can fill orders for same at lowest market price. HKASONABLK OOODS. Family Roe Herrings, No. 1, 2 and 3 mackerel, Ferris pig hams, Fulton market beef, broiling beef, dried beef for chipping, French prunes, line sy mtw Kinj-lwh Itthmd molasses, desserts and fruits, Shaker's, lried Oorn, hand picked bean's; 'oat' meal, cracked and crashed wheat,- tapioca, farina, pearl, tiui-Uv (iruh'iiii Hour olivpoil Snjlllish " .. .. . . - w . ; , x olives, canned peaches, csiuned pine . 1 , appie, urieu pcH:iiu?, orieu appiea, can ned corn, canned tomatoes, catsups, sauces, Crosse and Black well's pickles, domestic pickles, Springfield hams. roKKKK AT 10 CKNTS PEU POUND. We are to-day turning out of pur mill a ground coffee, of good strength and flavor at 10 cents per pound, which we guarantee to give satisfaction. Just received, a fine line of gunpow der and uncolored Japan teas. - Head Stones and Monuments. largest and finest stock in the State. Cheaper than they can be purchased in New York, Without freight. Come and see and be convinced. Rosendale anil Portland cements constantly on hand. Wolfe's stone burial case on exhibi tion at Henry Brown's, and marble vard on corner Morgan and Blount streets.-- Cayton & Wolfe. Raleigh, N. C. Ulvru up by the Doctors. "Is it possible thnt Mr. Godfres is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy f ' "I assure you it is true that he is en tirely cured and with nothing but Hop Bitters; and only ten davs ago his doc tors gave him upand said he must die !"' "Well-a-day ! That is remarkable ! I will go this day and get some for my loor George I "know hops are good." The Greatest Blessing-. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents dis ease by keeping the blood pure, stom ach regular, kidneys an d iiv er active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred Upon jiuu. Hop Bitters is that remedy, snd its proprietors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and cured by it. Will you try it? See another column. I'or Rent. The three desirable houses having about 20 rooms, on McDowell street, belonging to the estate of J. Fisher, oc cupied several years by Mrs. Pullen as S ' boarding house. Possession given 1st of May. For terms apply to J j Womble, Agt. Cheapen! Ieiuons In town, at Watson's. C.ood Roasted coffee, Fifteen cents per pound at Watson's. Fine Tobacco and Cigar. At Watson's, Fayetteville street, op posite the Market. Molasaea. syrup, Sujar. Of all grades. Best sugar-cured hams. Patapsco and Orange Grove Flour. Rlciimond Meal, Hominy, Grits, and a general asaorUiHuit of. (Jtooeries of the best qualitj', very cheap, at Watson's. Wm. Wool loot t has just received from a bankrupt stock, a lot of hats, boots, ssocs and clothing, and he will sell them cheap for cash. A case of spring cali coes just arrived at Woollcott's. Electric Belts. A sure cure for ne: vous debility, pre mature decay, exhiustion, etc. The only reliable cure. Circulars mailed free. Address J. K Rkkvks, 43 Chat ham St., N. Y. Brunswick Billiard Tables. I am general agent fcr this State for the celeurated Brunsw. ck and Balkas billiard tables. Speci tl inducements offered to salt Mn keeperl.Tj x M. Bills, Raleigh, X. C, City Botling Works. It is to your Interest to Know that Payne Bros.are now making the best bricks on this market and selling them lower than Ihe lowest .They can afford it as they give the business their undi vided attention and being practical men know how to make them by economy and of best quality. They use the veil known and long tried "Crab Tree Clay" which is unsur passed in the State of North Carolina. We guarantee our brick and work to give perfect satisfaction. For further information call on Wayne Allcott, Agent, corner Will, and Davie St' s., or address, Payne Bros., P. O, Box 75, Raleigh X. C, IR. Wyaft. Has on hand and to arrive. 22,000 lbs. C R. Bulk side and", shoul ders." 1,000 Uns. prime white corr. 200 bbls. family flour. . ' 300 bus. Haxall Mills bolted meal. 66 sacks Marshall's Liverpool salt. 25 bbls. New Orleans molasses. 10 bbls. sugar house molasses. 20 bbls. sugar, from granulated dowii. 20 sacks coffee. 20,000 )ounds prime Timothy hiy. Karly Rose seed potatoes. Orders filled promptly for sed sweet potatoes. Above named,. goods bought r right, and-will b sold accOrdingrv. .-,Vl.7,f j;,1j$;VYATT. : Wilmington St., opposite Maaket. - - Tontna rind It to your interest to call at Watson's grocery store and examine his stock and prices, he will not be excelled in either prices or quality of goods. Poetry. Alone, I've yet one solace left, Which cheers my broken heart, And in that thought a thousand hopes Come springing into birth. How beautiful the vision seems, Amidst life's troubled cares, To drink a glass of good champagne And smoke Mendel's cigars. From the Capital Cigar Store, op posite the Postoffiee. Standard. Patapsco Flour, Patapsco Baking Powder. Bolted Virginia Meal, Orange Grove Extra Flour. Prime Timothy Hay, Marshall's Liverpool Salt. Clear Rib Bulk Meat, Egerton's Scotch Snuff. For sale at wholesale by W H. DoitD. RALEIGH MARKETS. Cotton Market: Reported by PARKER & A VERA, Cotton Brokers. Raleigh, N. C April is, 1S79. Middling 11 Htrict Iajw Middling..... 10 Low Middling 10 Strict Good Ordinary 10., Good Ordinary 10 Middling Htalns Low Middling Stains.... 16 Good Ordinary Stains.. . . . Tone of Market, quiet . CITY MARKETS Wholesale Price. Corrected by CHISTOFHER & SORRELL. Official Report of Grocers , . - KALfiliH, X. C, Flour, North Carolina Exchange. April 18, 19. . . $5 75 6 00 15 (a, 20 60 ((! t5 55 (a 60 7 8 7 fr. 9 irVJa. 6 cmcKens ...-. Uorn v. Corn Meal Bacon, N. C. Hog round 44 hams Bulk Meats, clear rib sides... " " shoulders North Carolina Pork Coffee, jtrime Rio good Syrnp, S. H Molasses, Cuba salt. Liverpool Sugar, white. " yellow Irish potatoes ' " North Carolina. Sweet Potatoes (seed) .... . tats, shelled Peaches, peeled " un pealed Apples, northern per bushel. dried Cotton Ties, new " spliced Hanging ,.. Port Teas, per bushel, white.. " " " stock. . Eggs Butter Beeswax Rags mixed " cotton Ftrs Otter Mink Fox Coon Muskrat Rabbits Above ;ire for lare-fl ouan 6 7 14 (q 15 12 Li 2.5 (4 33 (q 3.5 . 1 "5 (a 8Uf 9 . 1 2.5 1 .50 50 (tii 55 W ( tvS 45 50 8 per lb 3 " . $1 5 1 .50 3 6 1 3k 11 12 4 (i 0 90 65 0 75 10 t 11 12 15 20 to 222- $5.00 75 90 , 10 3 titles. When aruall quantities are wanted will be charged. higher prices TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Ntw York, April 18. Money 4(iy. Exchange 48(5. Governments strong and higher. State bonds inactive. Cotton net receipts 421 bales; gross 421. Futures barely steady; sales 122. (XK) bales; April 11.80a) 11.82 May ll.'Ufq, 11.92; June 12. 08(g, 12.09 ; July 12.24; August 12.3612.37 ; September 12.09( 12.10; October 11.54(c 11.55; November 11.14ll.li; December 11.0711.09. Cotton steady; sales 1,228 bales; mid dling uplands iljj; middling Orleans 12; weekly net receipts 2,608 ; gross 15,323; exports to Great Britain 7,729. Flour dull. Southern Hour quiet Weak, common to ; fair extra 410440; good to choice do 550650. Wheat i(ile. lower, moderate export, un graded winter red 97(a,$l.ll ; No. 3 do. $1.00(a$1.07. Corn; a shade lower, very moderate trade, ungraded 44i(oj46. Oats slightly in buyers lavor but dull, 3-Jj lor No. 3. Coffee in moderate de mand, rirrn ; Rio quoted in cargoes at lli(45; in job lots ll$(eld. Sugar uu changed, quit; refined quiet. Molasses quiet and unchanged. Rice in moderate request a:id stea iy. Rosin quiet and firm $1.40. Turpentine rirni at 2:i. l'ork a shade firmer and quiet; old mess spot 9.40; new quoted at 10.37i?10.5C. Lard a trine better and very quiet, closing strong; prime steam spot $t.52. Whiskey quiet, very tirm $?1.7i bid, $1.08 asked. Freights steady. lUinMORE, April 18. Oats firm; Southern 33(u,36; Western white 32(34; do. mixed 33(gfXyi; Pennsylvania S2(a, o5. Hay firm, prime" to" choice Penn sylvania and Maryland $12.00(,12.14 per ton. Provisions dull and weak ; mess pork $10.50( 10.75 ; bulk meats loose ; shoulders 3$ ; clear rib sides 5 ; packed 4i(g.5J ; bacon shoulders 4i ; clear rib sides 6; hams 9i(g,9f. Lard, refined, in tierces 7L Butter stead3', prime to choice western, packed 18(20; roll 13(cl5. Co flee firm and quiet; Rio cargoes, ordinary to choice 1016. Whiskey dull at $1.07(0,51.07. Sugar steady. Wilmington, April 18. Spirits tur pentine quiet at 27i Rosin quiet, strained 51.05 ; good strained, .$1.07. Crude turpentine, steady ; hard $1.00; yellow dip $1.00 ; virgin $2.00. Tar steady at 82J. Corn dull, prime white 55. Chicago, April 18. Flour dull nom inal. Wheat dull and a shade lower for No. 2 Chicago spring fresh; 91 i'or regular; 88 for cash and April; 932 ( 93J for May; No. 3 do. 79i. Corn lower and weak for fresh; 34 for regular; 311 for cash and April; 3o(a,36 for May; 304 (5-36i for June. Oats dull and tending downward for fresh; 24 for regular; 4 for cash; 21S for April; 25 for May; 25i for June. Pork steady, in fair demand; 10.10(a$10.12i for cash and April; $10.25 (o.$10.27i for May; $10.37i(a .$10.40 for June. Lard steady, in fair demand; 0.324(3 $0.35 for cash and April; $0.42 j (4,$6.45"for May; $6.50(g$0.524 for June. Bulk meats steady and unchanged. Whiskey steady ancl unchanged. Cincinmati," April 18. Flour dull and unchanged, family $4.00 (a, $5.50. Wheat quiet, red and white $1.00(g,$l,06. Corn firmer, quiet at 37438. Oats easier at 28(0,31. Pork dull and nomi nal, held at 10.00(q, $10.25. Lard quiet; steam $5.90 bid. Built meats dull, a shade lower shoulders 3i ; short ribs 4; short clear ribs 4J. Whiskey quiet at $1.02. Butter dull and drooping. Sugar steady and unchanged. Live hogs dull; packing $3. 35 (a 55. ijyKRPOOL, April 18 Noon. Cotton firm ; middling uplands 6g ; middling Orleans 0 7-16; sales 12,000 bales; specu lation and export 2,(00 bales; receipts 6,5H)0; American 6,250. Futures steady, uphnls and low middling clause f;r May and June delivery ts 11-32; June and' July 6 13-32; July and Aucrnst 6 15-32(0,0 7-10; August ami Sej tcmber 6. 1:30 p. m. Futures firmer, more buyers at last quotations; uplands and low middling clause for June and July delivery 6g a6 13-32. ' April 18. Cotton Middling, low middling, good ordinary: Galveston steady, 11, 10! and lOf cents; net re ceipts 487 bales. Norfolk firm at Hi cents ; net receipts 832 bales. Balti morefirm at Hi, ili and 10J cents; net receipts 115 bales. Boston firm at 12, 115 and IU cents ; net receipts 990 bales. Wilmington firm at ' lli, 103 and 101 cents ; net receipts 1 bales. Phila delphiafirm at 12, IIS and 11 cents; net receipts 22 lales. Savannah tirm at 115-16, 11 1-16 and 1011-16 cents; r.et receipts 858 bales. New Orleans firm at 111, 11. and 10 cents-j-- net receipts 1,108 bales. Mobile firm at 10i, 11, 10 and 10$ cents; net receipts 150 bales. TATEMENT Showing the Condition f tne , Union Marine and Fire In surance Company, OF GALVESTON, TEXAS. ASSET', DECEMER 31, 1378. ' Loans on bond and mort- ga,e (duly recorded ana beinK first liens on the fee simple.) - S 2,500.00 Account of stocks and b .Pd o the United states, aad of this nd other States, also all other stocks and btmds absolutely owned by the company. Stocks, bonds and all other securities, (ex cept mortgages) hy pothecated to the Com pany as collateral secu rity for cash actually loaned by the company Interest due and accrued ou stocks and other securities, Cah in Company's prin cipal office and belong lng to the Company, deposited In Baab, Frera ums unpaid All other assets, detailed in statement, 16S.782.9-2 ,903.50 447.78 1041. W 8,7&U6 Total Assets', " $12,851.96 ' - U ABILITIES. Losses unpaid, inciuding- those resisted, t 8,213.97 Beserve, as required by . law, i 33,115.8 All other claims, 135.00 Total Liabilities. Surplus as regards policy holders, Capital stock paid up, Surplus as regards stock holders, Total Income. 4l.461.Xl 201.S87.H3 2U0,00i l.OU 1,387.63 1W.047 115,H02.9o Total Expenditures, NORTH UAKO INA BUSINESS IN 18:8. 191,y-2.98 Risks written, Fremiums received, 3,050 1 1 I o-isespaid on risks taken, uZAi Losses n urrei, 2,i22.47 P. F. PESCUD & SON, Agents, Raleigh. STATF OF NORTH CAROLINA, Off cb of Secrbtart of ptatb, rNSCTRKCE Dbpartmbxt, Raleigh, April 18, 1879 In com; liance w.tfi Section Eight of ' An Act Coacei uiug 'iisurujc," ratified March 12th. :877, I certify that the above is a Uue extract fo"1" tfe sworn ftft tnent of the Union Marine & Fire Insurance Com pany t V cetuter 3tst, 8 8 now on ille in uii 1-apartment, and the bt t u.eiit is here yapp roved; WM. L HACNDEHS. Secretary -f State. jjoticexo Bondhoiiers. Int erest upon the past due rirst mortgage Bonds of the North t arolina R ilroad com pany will be pid at the National Bank of tireensbbro ou or after the first day ol May proximo. Holders of these bonds will please present them and receive the inter est due upon them. N. H. IV Wilson, Greensboro, N. C, Trustee. Apr IIS 1S79, Special Oiler. Will be sold low to close out consignment 3 tons I .and Plaster. 5 tons (vste r Shell Lime. 100 Barrels (iold Medal Centennial Build ing I.inie . Monie & Towles. D. S. WAIT & BRO. Nd. 52 Fayetteville street, Wholesalo and Retail dealers in all kinds of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Clothing, Manh:it;;ui Fine White Shirts, lry Goods. Notions and Uen is t'tir nishing Goods. E. 1 GHKEX, Attorney ajid Counselor at Law, WARREXTOX, X. ('. Practices in the courts of Warj-eii and ad joining counties, and in the Supreme. Court of the State. , Orders on collections "strictly compiled with, and remittances promptly made. Refers bv permission to: Warren Savings Bank, and Old North State Insurance Join panv, Warrenton, N. a prd FRED. A. 6 LD8, Wil H Cameron, Hay & Co., tottice over Citizens' National Bank,) Special Agent for Rnlrtgh, N. C, for the Liverpool & London A iObe Fire 'Irwurunee Company; Queen, of" Liverpool ; Koyul, of England ; London Assurance onrnoraUon ; Home, of New York; Franklin, of ITiilaileL phia; Manhattan, of New York; Nlagaralot' New Y'ork; Virginia Fire and Marine , lr giniaHome; Colambus Insurance Company, of Ga, Over Xlnety 3IIllion Assets repre sent id. WHAT I KNOW ABOUT VEGETINE. South Bostov, May 9, 1870. H. R. STTwrn, Esq. : Dear Sir I have had considerable ezpvrlenea with the Viormt. For dyspepsia, general debility, and impure blood, the V egktine Is su perior to anything which I have ever used. I commenced taking Vkqetixk about the middle of last winter, and, after using a few bottles, it entirely cured me of dyspepsia, and my blood never was in so good condition as at the present time. It will afford me pleasure to give any further particular relative to what I know about this goed medicine to any one who will call or address me at my residence, 386 Athens street. Very respectfully, MONROE PARKEIV t 386 Athena street. Dyspepsia SYMPTOMS. Want of appetite, rising of food and wind from the stomach, acidity of the stom ach, heartburn, dryness and whiteness of the tongue in the morning, sense of distension in the stomach and bowels, sometimes rumbline aad pain ; costiveness, which is occasionally Inter rupted by diarrhoea; . paleness of the urine. The mouth is clammy, or has a sour or bitter taste. Other frequent symptoms are water braah, palpi tation of the heart, headache, and disorders of the senses, as seeing double, etc. There is gen eral debility, languor and aversion to motion : dejection of the spirits, disturbed sleep, and frightful dreams. Gained Fifteen Founds of Flesh. South Berwick, Me., Jan. 17, 1872, H. R. Stevbks, Esq.: - Dear Sir I have had dyspepsia In It worst form for the last ten years, aad have taken hundreds of dollars worth of medicine without obtaining any relief. In September last I com menced taking the Vkgetixe, since which time my health has steadily improved. My food di gests well, and I have gained fifteen pounds of flesh. There are several others In this place taking the Vegetixe, and all have obtained relief. Yours truly, THOMAS E. MOORE. Overseer of Card Boom, Portsmouth Co.'s Mills. FEEL MY8ELFA NEW MAN. Natick, Mass., June 1, 1872. Mr. H. B. Stevens : Dear Sir Through the advice and earnest rrsuasion of the Kt. E. S. Best, of this place, have been taking Vegetine for dyspepsia, of which I have suffered for years. I have used only two bottles, and already feel myself a new man. Respectfully. bu. J. W. CABTJ2J. GOOD EVIDENCE. CiNcnwATi, Not. 26, ism. Mr. H. R. Stevens : Dear Sir The two bottles of Vkoettjtb fur aished me by your agent my wife has used with great benefit. For a long time she has been troubled with, dizziness and costiveness: these troubles are now entirely removed hy the use of Veoxtixw She was also troubled with dyspepsia and gear eral debility, and has been greatly benefited. THOMAS QILMOKE, 229 Walnut street. RKI,IA11I,B EYTDamCK. Mr. H. R. Ststvkws : . J Dear Sir I will most cheerfully add myteett mony to the great number yon have already re ceived in favor of yonr great and good medicine. Veotije, for I do not think enough can be sale, in Its praise, for I was troubled over thirty Tears with that dreadful disease, Catarrh, and had uch bad coughing spells that it would seem as though I could never breathe any more, an it Z v.. a ... aw.A i An mI tn thank i God all the time that there is so good a medicine as Veoetike, and 1 also think it one of the best medicines for coughs and weak sinking feelings at the stomach, and advise everybody to take the Vboetime, for I can assure them It Is one of the .best medicines that ever was. Mrs. L. (JORE. Corner Magazine and Walnut streets, Cambridge, Mass. APPLICATION. Chahlestown, Mass., March 19, 1869. H. B. Stevehs: This is to certify that I have used your "Blood Preparation" (Vegetixe) in my family for several years, and think that, for Scrofula or Cankerous Humors or Rheumatic affections, it cannot be excelled; and as a blood puriiler and spring medicine it is the best thing I have ever need; and 1 have used almost everything. I can cheerfully recommend it to any one in need of uch a medicine. - Tours respectfully, M&S. A. A. DINSMORE. 19 Russell street. Vegstta ia Soldi all Sroggiste, ImportrinMo Wholesale AND RETAIL BUYERS! Having done a Lrpely Increased and Extended .Business during the past sea son, we will otter for the Spring and Summer Trade, A larger and more varied stock of Dry iood, lint. Ha, Trunks. Xev- tions, Ac, fcc, tuan ever before. Our JIR. TE4ROAX, so favorably known at a practical mwiness man and Ju dicious buyer, ha been lor home time paat, and will be lor ieveral days yet, in New York, making our purchaser. W e have already received a splendid as sortment, and have ou the way and to ar rive many additions, including A NICE LINE OF TRIMMED ANI EEADY-MADE SUITS FOR LADIES. We buy direct from th Manufacturers, Importers and Agents, and are -prepared to sell for the lowest prices. h L. II. YEA1WAJ!, PETTV 4 JOttES. april il-tf i- Christian Advocate, Biblical Recorder ana Chatham Record copy. Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of M. llosenbaum A Bro. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. M. KOSKitfBAUM, J. ROSKNBAUM. The undersigned have this day formed a copartnership under the name and style ol Geo. isloinuii & Co., and are authorised te collect all debts due the late firm of M. Hos enbuum & Bro., and will settle all claims against them. (JKO. SLOMAM. J. iiOSKNBAUM. April lo dlw. NEW BUTTER ?'e have received the first shipsnent, for this season, of New Northern Butter, DI3ECT FROM THE DAIRY, Fresb, and of Flue Quality: and svll Itec -lverSupplit's Every VtVeU. A LARGE AXI) COMPLETE STOCK or EVERYTHING in the WAY OF, GROCERIES, AN1 FAMILY SUPPLIES, OF Till: BEST Cil'AI.ITY. e- We never allow ourwelve to be undersold. HARDIN &. MOORE, HOLId;!lA. m II.DIKU. ap 1-tf. Spring Announcement! Ve be; tf announce that oui stock of Spring and Summer Goods is coinpl -to, nnd art pr'epiired moif so now than ever to oiler g ds ut exeeedinsily 1 )' price. We quote: l'rints from 5 eeuts up Soli 1 Colored Del line :it V eents. I'iques, Bleached and Browu Itomentles from 5 cents up. We are selling u Oumbric eipi-.l to thel.ou dal j (unbrieat 10 cents p.-r irJ. L. HMOs' Linen Suits an l I l.ters, made up in the very l itest sol sold from up to Parasoli of ai! sizes and iiu.dity from 1.', cents up. Our Stock or Shoos for Ladies, Misses and Childjen, and aNo lr Gentlemen, is com) 1 -te. Our Cloth (ii); Ueparlinent is lirger than ever, and we arc exhibitiiiK some of the prettiest line of these good ever brought to. this market, uudseliiiii; them at unprecedented low Ma u res to suit the Iraile. A full a.s.iortmeut of Struw and 31 nek limn Hats, also Fur aud Wool EIrX. We are Agents for the s. l of the cele brated ' Pearl Iress Shirts, the price of which is only il.wi, worth 1 .50, and considered by every one that ever tried one to be the cheapest shirt ever offered to the public. Don't buy any Shirts uid syou se- them stamped " I'earl.'' - orders from a distance promptly attended lo Uv addressing L. "ROSENTHAL 4 CO., Xoh. 50 and 54 Fayetteville Stree ' And Exchange kU"i ai 1 17-d3m Ral-5lglWi. (.'. J. J. THOMAS,. OFFERS Guano and Supplies FOR FAUMEHS. In stock and arriving: 2ih)(i sacks Allison & Addison's Compute Cot tan Manure. 2xo .Sacks High Orado Acid Phosphate J Sulphate Ammonia and Nitrate Soda. hulk -M eat. Corn Meal, O its. Hay. Flour, New Crop Cnba aad Xeu Orleans .HelSMtaea, SUG AR OF ALL GRADES, OOl'FEE, PLCO ANDSMOKINO TOBACCO. All of which will te sold low for Cash or on Crop Time ! Personal Attention given to the sale of Cotton, and for thoe who may-wish to hold I have ample storage room and will muks LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES with low rate of interest and Htorage charges. J. J. THOMAS, Cotton and "oinmission Merchant, No. H Martin Street, mnrch 7-tf. RALEIUH. St. C. .'IT"V PBOPKBTV. FOJR SALE. Bv virtue of authority given In a mort eatres executed on tlie th day ofl-eb. iv 7j eveldence by said mortgage, as rerdel in Book 42, page 51rt. of Registers Oltlce, of Wake count v, I will sell at the Court House, door in ltaleigh, on the mh day of April l.V7lJ, at public auction the lands consigned iii said inortages consisting of several val uable lotes in tne city of rtalcigh aa fol- '"ist'LiOT. On North side of Franklin Place street adjoining property of Kingwloy Jc Aliley, being part ot the Carter B Haari son property, with no improvements and contalng 1 acres, more more or less. 2SD LrfiT. An eiicliMied lot Just outside or Northern limits of the city of Raleigh, on the corner North of the property of James E. Lawrence, with no Improvements and containing l- acre, more or less. 3KJ. IaT. An enclosed lot in the Asrth ern part of the city of Kaleigh, near t n Raleigh & jastou Rullroim track and near theiiachine Sliops of said company, with a twufstory frame dwelling house in gooU re-paii-said lot contuinliU i-7 acre more or ,:4TH Lot. An enchsed parcel of land, sit uated near the Machine shops of the Kal eigo & tiastoji Kailroad Company, lying aloag the trak of that Company and being; a corner lot just ruit ol the "Kouud House Iwttli one sury frame hd use-said lat con tuiniiiir 1-7 acre, more or lejs, , raXt. Ai. enclosed parcel of land, North of, and adjoining the above a 1th ) story frame dwelling house said lot ooi tairiing liacre moru or Hum. liTji L, t. Situate at the corner of Ln MaliKbrny streets just South of the carpen terThopsof the llaleigh & Gaston Ballroaa Company with no improvements and con taining 1-1 acre. TLne of sale 12 o clock M. Trms of sale as per mortgage, cash, ui arrangemenu can be made upon paymcu oi one-third cash to pet time on the balance. Fr further particulars apply tc W , H. PACK,' Attorney of Mortsaee. i