DAILY NEWS SATURDAY, - - - MAY 1 1C0. 4 LITTLE WITTY. .i:rhopl tf life: Tik. 'dei ere in eiUoa ;ho l"h man who attempted to iviln utfi r: dry r!t rk. He .1. tn i uiulerciKl Mat hi;; down Li Ju lre: "Have yon anything to offer t.. tbe ourt l fore nten- i a-! ,.m v.ui Primmer: "Xn. Jn.lir". I :' j. i .l llir. L-ttt my yi n bk that." ,rau hevena:" h murmured,, m :., Jcti"r oamcl the pri-n "I don't ., ml ihi'letrtwUm-: I only aut -null a.-e oil tbe rin.L" Th. !iuloii J'h will hirv ,t -tn fr nil in July, ami IU jsi i "....rti t-rlhrate the ernl lv nu .-in. .n )' without the :ii f f '-. JiirTau or bl no If , u. tt w ill ! rul iwy l.-r merry !- K.tr..t from ayconr 1 ." lttef: Vn.l .. vou know, Man. I and I are .,uite-urt "tht CapL Fippl h.i.l 'aVen far too oiiirh .-taopnrie at the 1 f r hwk otirWi wi '-n l.ked !i: rd at tho lck of it. nl then imiit. r.-d: 'llleoh mv ah.nil! I hvln'l any I e It w vt tliat t m o'nlht." A tory i coin the ronnda f the .rt. l-nt utn !, uikiu waking up ine morning and llndin- thieve U. 'olen hU rulra aw-nit.:, thanked hesixeu UcaI th roblr lia.l lef hi -:or power. That itinn wa niLa. pher and ahoul.l be revt;iixM a ia i. Man whn ert-vor1ntr to trik (In ..tlier man for a ! Mil ,sslimi at 1 .. . I..-- ow, old tel." lt have Ibc y.m knuw what tl Uihle mti-t Help one another. " Ilia friend, with amile " ih. yen. I know; i:. I -v. vou know, yon"r .ilwaya 'mother.' you ate.' An Ammftwi 2ali a of :v-eraif he livel hi aanmiCb ,.?i fire fd a pri .lej -onde.1 on 'ifotr xttturuihiiiert. A term-in lift the i rklmiraniherV hh lif and atp an h .nijh rrid to inip-wM' - to. re.it a i. .rlfit on - I a ineiniiu hi s'.oni- . .1. I: hi an I truthfully -nid :!. : "- - -d refrigerator i- a . - t v ii! eT iio ieUoLI." an. I it wouhl I lallv true to add and iIkti1 :irn lew n trnfvraior to whom tin w ofd Jf'1" .-.tn Imj aophe.1. It i ea-y to retrirste. It :v i done without retriiremror r ;i.l a inpioiia aupply of i"e. The -r.-t .le-i.l- r.tiiin t e.ure refrisjer v....n i! i th' l-'Vnt P'ti'ilo v ante of u-.-. and ithoul deteriorw.ion ot" coo N; ari i in one or o:her. and often in Im:Ij th-e pint. the uiai.riiy of the now ui ue are .tete.-ti e. Mr. A. M. I.'Iey. .17." ixth Avenue, New York, in the .r. refrigerator. ha ne.'iire i lt!i i! --e ohje-t. an I if rartu-al let.n. the r-i; txrvMiirnt of hundred, w bo h:i t ih them, and tiie de iion!i of c -p. at the real t'entennial I-wi-t: i. and tnntieron othar linil ir o.--a-Iue any merit III them. It leaxen r. to !- d.-u ed. There aie over . oi tl.. i", uv, anil all uree ilul it i : . ' tl:t of rei'ncerulii.k: 9.i--. f x lam Iv ptirr-we. -i i j.j. j This Inpertaaf orx4 wn' but Sout if.rr pou. 4 ll t t4ooO i.i a i.. , (r-v. lSr p t"oct puMrs lhrr?h it at lco wt .ry kwr, t ha the tt ted i P.W . :h atar4 ; r(jtoeof the Uc'a. aoJ if I LirT t r- it i nri jrit J 'rj ttf bi b a v. r.J thMS lh t:r u xi port cl !" T-;-n. -..! in trirt c --ips: trr x-ti i t'lf ; r- rl ihe kio. u i. to t-.-a y 1j -'- '.r n c. r 1 t n n ilw Wai.l ktmtm, Ptim vi-k i.vl ii S4.bv . a i)1tmJ dcbuicy (o'lcw MlltULI Miri till. t tti rf ruUc d covrry irtarpt U f . B m lk , it to thrv otf Ctdm m e owner rf ttte m tlM Biood ptiHn hr-HK a, lorf ur M mi w . aA l! rdscl M (tea a fc iuara ap-o t. csap'ciioa or a bewwe flirty iwmm wiki i . a Hi aaluauaa ail a ho tr tl ihcw w W R t frf nf.:a to disappear TKa tw M Mil Ik iu4 i.vtuft aa4 1-ercr coaaplatct a im- ! ctr:..i by uii.ij It tr TI in acortl u ma itvb.n. llcaUatc u (torrIif cu'r! ia tr:r ninutra. r4 no :'.t imn Ls ca nal i' a Cur u-mi a toLD A5 A SUBSTITUTE FOR PILL4 BV ALL. DKCviOlSTS. Price 25 Cts. and $1.00. I'SOT TV fttalwy of Ccaraptii or "Threat iul Laaaj iwa. i; h tcci4A Laaric t Icvt :k.rl ofa4 aWi a VrOtaaa. .-. frv A ta t y.um or MtaM UTirat. k, ticapy trupn a inaatk W rffiih mo r f i , w wui a p-oJ if Uyaaa ItaiyKtriat ny prrai.-ti a M l)ri-T7ivrlii ar Ptm AcmJ. caa Safgita u a.ytaayf aoa Coti Saur. K4,k a 3rrarr fw ar hrx to-ly i;a trMBaar'( lue S i (tatcr wronf caa h tiooa trti to a thai V.'-a. amotion iKurjli't !- Ili tt Cc.oai VTe wiU Cr li !in all ohcT arjnf kiv Ca:t4 A'an. tH. Coch. V.:K-aj. lioaOiU. aai ail Mrasea OJ th liiil J la(. Rra4 0 imisMaii n( dvr Ha AWiaiaiaT it. Srpea. l.o Mi.ca a4 ka v brr-a of" Ga , Ilea. 0o I a body, aa ! a ochr trmarvatiM err u our bjoa. bat to J at thx Uil; unt. b coa:r. -! lV.il if ya :vh to cufra y.a caa o by u..r i trtoaa fuan l,-x-r. n Srtrr 1 tit ao 1 rocKi- I.oretfa r S-r Ihmt. ahra yi ca ft (.iraa ri ii a 1 1 1 r aV kLava pri : fur ul t y ifSiSCts.and$L00 03 "a." ifjaaa laat e flr" m g a ol cf rxal. ipft. SoJw-a, LVrK S-o't a4 Mia lra' .a a thoavind r trra.tJ .inou ih- u fr ry a a- M fcoa. HariOT . ihe ,,11 a.aa al faojcaa ara atrraa T ot't .aJ of Mc) . kio " ptnttirm a Ttiii"pJ v t f ti al 4rr jiy ftxuaid. an-l I io b I MtKiay, o aay W sal liraicM Prxay ai! fVu.j Ctnii Fiowaa t itn'i Httt t aJ I'rca i i oa a fHlftJ u it. "-r -; tfra - 'rt - try . tt-JCS i 7. iCSSSIL t rrrrrletcri, fHtLADC .Ptll'. FA. Important to Fish Buyers. riMIF. flahermen -.. . ..- dlrettv Intee 1 rated tn th nterl of t Mrfrt-t ".-';irt -: having nrunlf l r ithrrmi-n.' an. I ajlt rn t,rtr. l' l-ora-e ta in uo W..il'ltd'r ora a-t O.h Reaufor.. s. r. Wre ai1t Ornamental WOI.KS. DUFUB & CO., 5r. IIaal l BUlajare. Hal rtESCRIPTIOfJ FREE . rrtaiatra frrMlit. 4rtaai, CaarU f J4raa, traeUaa U -' 'erUra aMr( Ma aj p(,(r. iV.T .fT' "aklu.,4 traaa..la HfUt im Ua la(ra,aU Arf. dr. JAours t co., ; Mwm Brno PBLBL INDOnSCO BY PHYSICIANS, CLETtQYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. TUTTS' PILLS CUSE SICK HLADACHL Tuns PILLS CURE DYSPEPSIA. TUTrSPILLS CUSE CONSTIPATION. TUTT'SiLLS CUBE PiUS. TUn'S PILLS CUiEFEYEi-AHDAGUL Tirrrs" pills CURE BitlOUS COLIC i Tinrs pills C.ra klDKEYCwpajiL' Tun's pills CURE TORPID LIVER. TUH'S PILLS IMPART APPETITE. Da. Tctt ha rac iwjrd In combinirig la tttrtas piiLa tba berHo fort antAirooiatlc qaaiV ikeaof aHTaaoTBiH. PraoaTitra. u a Pv airrixa Tone Tbdr flrat tpptrmt rtfect Is to Incrraae the arptiu by caastng tba food to properly aa iaulal. Thaathctya. irnii noarihed, bd1 T tbetr tonic action oa regtiiar and Draiiny e racoatlosa ara peo dnced. - Tba raoMIrr aritk vSira PERSONS TAKE ON FLESH tui auUf tbe In Oar DC of tttcM pCU. todlcstea their a- i dapta ptabtilty to Doartoa ik. Iut. knn th4r .ten cbolr, dyapepaia, waat- pA?h&ra oV"t he" h ttt, cbraala ooaattpatloo. and tmiiarting beaitn trangti la tbe ayatem. Sold eTerywbere. Price t5 centa. Ofloa &S Afarray Htreet, SEVf TO&X. HEGE'S PSTE CIRCULAR V v a w I.KM. nd for P1- . -a f r. 5 I" r i.b....-a-..n.. .Varra.-itl tc Saw Haa thi? airr.p'rat and - m uli'rnr ailr'' r " w THE NEW IVPROV f 1IU "-; internal j run rerrox aif. a r r. r i m- N J ?yVx:-vD "2 - - M. 9 fw-a o ..c.Txxr t.. 4 .k JC - with Water, Wine, Fruit, FUh and d award of i a a 1.1 a. w r- !' ' J a. ' "--. lute. 1ST, TI, Tfs aad lTS. Send for catalogue I Alo, Manufacturer of Pari ('tuiier and w4iVr T'TxT'-eraw GLCN ALTINC OrnifNOaD, The onrrecedented .ucceiia with hlch the proprietors have met during the paat, and their firat aeaaon hAvlnp had om Ove hundred visitor., will encourage ftem to make furtm-r exlenelve lmproeuient, aa It la their ambition to make thin tbe flrat Watering Place South. M-rny pcraona having re'elvtl auch tfrerit -ur 1 Ml.i.i Vat.-m. wo lvvt eoncludeU to pbir b nil th len llnir 1rii1t I" the State. r- i V... NI. OUNG BROS., c'.V'MKRO.V, N. C, Lumlf-r iv aiora and Mani;facur rn of nil klf1ll tl I ii our 0;iinj our -r.ni aucmion OLD NORTH STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OK W A RKELNTON, N. C, Has been in Successful Operation for Seven Years. A Thoronghly Reliable DA VIS, rvitfent. FURXITUKE. v.. . .1... ("rnnrh of IfabUaton A Rro Richmond.) Nt). 4 IIUN PlfcW.MYCAalOKEKr.. Pf7TKRUURG. VIROINIA. An entirely new .nnd vrle1 atocic of Furnltrrra of t le lateet deslsma. Chamber rXeta. Parlor HeUk Var.lnb-a, -UU trls. Tui.lpn, .Safea, Hook. Caawa, L-oungea I?edleaa, Ctaavirs Ht ILu ka. liureiitia. .'-tattreaaea. Ar, 1 Turin turrtuLaa ur cakltaiLtck lut Caab. waareabia toofTtt lrrea:ef'trelm-nentahn any boa a a tba1 et'xla earn Im txxiarht In. Hmw Vark ho(utJi.aaval Utrretoeacaaclv UtaLargaet 4tauiau u (riii4 f A r J. A. BRAG ASS, -HOT.rT.r tvl KITill CONFECTIONER Ah 9 Candy Manuiacturer, MO. 16 IAYETTEVIILE STREET. It A LEIGH, X. C, Kr (' runninllr on hantl Inrge aaaort- t. lei. i of tin- rtrtent FREXriI AND PLAIN CANDIES. w i t y nnd aurroittidinfr mercbanU r niikl l i wrli MieiHmlar our rtcx k beUTv pun-hSAiriK fla hera. aprll 2-lX TO THE AJFFLICTFD. Fieiuhn Arnica I.lnigient 1 the beat known for Rheumatism, Neunilcia, Pain. In tlie Iwrk nnd ilr, Mrnduotie. Ar., Ar. If urr faiN to liiiiiitJi.iti relieC JUnu-f:u-tiired by W.M. K. FRKNt H, Wholenale and Ueiull I'ruglst, l"rterht'rif, a. raAlby Wm.Mmpuniiiiil F. H. Heart 'riicr1'''. ilaletirti. N. '. oov l-ltim !D. S. WAITT & BRO., Wliol.-vule and Retail dealers In Ready-Made Clothing, Iry (oiil. H it. rajx, notH, Shoe, N Uoivs lliiory, iloyeji. Trunk and Valines, f 2 rnvetfeaelle afreet, Raleigh, C. it IMi'SCJED SAW MILLS, n IP -I N. - ilar I S3 ? 0 : til " : H 1 1 w r --" la L Via. L-i-i'trr rt True. .a . Srtting Da o H M IKE .Lrt IVPROVED I? 1 J rwcrip(ira 3 ft 8 2 o W INTERNAL Trip!c - Gear Fjrse-Ptia. H m 0 ." nii trmw . Salem AKriculturaJ Works i HEGE'S DIAGONAL N if I d it1 3 r? I Id c Sa!emA;rrM - a!!ral Woi 1 Is OX 6 c E. huo I -If fit B " O rV a a L a.r r '"t 9 H B) ZERO Milk and Ratter Cooler. The best Meat, Ice Preserver In the World. i,0 In ue merit by the Centennial Exhll.lt ion, also by the - .r-- a- i New F.nrUnd Agricultural So lft-, 1(70, laTi ; American Instl 72, eth ATennf. New York flt. ;oMil- Furtiace. bent.1t durlug the prut acaaon from, tie u.s o It iin the market, and tt will be fonnd for WALTON Ar PEARSON J. B. YOUXO of ROI';lI IXNIIER. Ordara ao'.lclted Kuaraiiie s;uiisriinn. apt xi ;m Home Company. B. P. LONQ. Secretary In thla aeetlon, and rnirantee to sell aa cbear or Cincinnati, . uri-O me la the large t In tbe aaaortmeutlo Yat from, and oflar aaperio aapt i , DIXIE SQXJ?. v v. j. c r P Y f is joo . IUebfnanri Via.. ; Ntann tart nre all the auadard Tr.eOo o UCXOBY KOAPS, Which thoy offer at lowest prices. XANTHINE. Prof. Hrtr"a orent German ITalr Restara- tlre. The best preparation for the Hair now known. It tfradu.illy restores jray lialr b. its natural i-olor. prod living a luxu rlent trowth. eradloatesserutTand daiidrurT, urvH all diserws of the sc:ilp, prevents the iialrfr. ui falllnsr out and relieve" neuralgia in the h.'ad and headaehe Try It. Brepsir ed bv X.VNTHINK TO.. R ehinond. Va., and or aide by all DruKtrlMa. A BECIa !- NTI.DYSI'EPTIC PILLO These Pills will prevent aud cnee dypep- Ua. They are an uurivauea umucr run, nild aterient. and admirably adapt-d as a family Medicine. They are used by the nost cumvarea iconic m or .7, uu .M.rtMiiiivpiv u-ed br Pliyuuiann in their practice. Hold by UruKKt? gfue rally. S.nr for circular. K. R. BECKWIlfl, b le Ml ifact urer, Petersburg, Va Sio'V' t lfr.S. L. & J.NiPdiet. At. Iyatiia. M. j, i i.i,iir'a r.i.inlil Kitmi'l rf mi . uiuvii uii'i i .. ... I, in .rliolp of dipt nil particularly useful when tonics are required eing loierateu a um uiuci ........c. iook are rejected. In WptrverUa, Molariai lypnom revert, wmaircM, , . , , ' r reNsiruidi8i a.se. we have prescribed it with ireatauot-eRf. Sold by all drugglHa. W w ill pu. iu- ---..' " ". -. ' r uiouiU oaw aiul wc-u.I.tIi.1 nivvir ....... h .. . 'i.it wray. SaiBOle o..-. A ldre.-n:i ' , 't hall. Micb. a, A DAY to Agents carivaa-suur for the Ftrelide Visitor. T"r:-- and outfit V free. Address P. O. ViCKavr, Augusta, Maine. a month and xper 'l gTiarnted t. Ill agents. .unit fr.'' .Sn iOi , Au;rusla Maine I repretf uny cal tie attention n r'eniJs Datrons aud the public generally of .hebouth to MY XKW. nvnnLrRyfAS:) HEALTHY LAUBK, rewe-l purlv ef malt and nopa, by the Vienna met boo and exprsi-lv for expotatic: Jacob cskqe 231.S tlernian atre t. Balctia jre. M 1 d lr ATURN3. Qi, Decetuber 8, 1878. A few ni rt slier) I eve my son one dose of t e W ra Oil. and tbe next .day he passed "ix.te.-n lare w Tins. At the same tli" I gace o:i to mv Utile irl. fonr years old, d he pase i e'ehty-alx worms from four t tiltee'i luche) Ions;. W. F. PHILLIPS, rm it Tor bv I). i ? t ared by E . LYD Mrn- ?ei rll A heas, O . t W S1 v NO MORE II 51 A V i riil 1 1 ar OR G OUT s ACUTE O R CHRONtC A ALICYLI Ci SURE CURE. 9 u a n a ' f i Je - mark, by the ELROrEAX HALiri'I.IC HFDiri-fE COXPAXY, OF PARIS AND LEIPZIG. IMMRDIATR RELIEF VARUNTK1). PER' KAMLN'T ci Ki ouAKANTtKi. .Now exclu sively usel by all celebrated Physicians oJ Kurope aad America, becoming a Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both continents. The Higliest Medical Aoademy of Paris reports cures out of 100 cane, within three days. Secret The only dis- solver of the poisonous uric Arid which exists In tho blood of Rheumatic and Goaty lntients. $1.0 a Box: Boxes for JS.00. Sent to any AddresR on receipt of price. Kn- dorsed by I'liyaicians. ioia Dy an urug gists. AdUrehw. WASIini'Rf E CO.. OM.T I MFI'RTEM DEPOT. 7 Cl.IFP ST New YnRK. For sale by Williams Haywood Pes cud, Isfe A Co., DruKistx, Rjileigh, N. C. nov as-eod 1 v DR. ALLEN'S LIGHTNING GUISE, THE STANDARD REMEDY OF NORTH CAROLINA. For Rheumatism Neuralgia, Dyspepsia i noieru, uuollr, Dlarrhya, Dysentery Pleurisy, Ijijuu Bark, Puius in tho side, LIVER A.XDKID.VEi; DISEASES. CURE OF DEAFNESS A. Specialty. No Iodides nor Mercury. Nothing to paraitze the nervous system to make it in sensible to puln, but purely a veetahle com pound Roots and Herbs. None genuine without my Portrait and Hignature. For sale by Williams A Haywood, V holesale Druggists, Raleigh, N'. C. april ll-drm WHEN ANY MAN feels sick with COLD CHI LL.S, FEVER FLUSHES, HEAD- ai ii r. anu general uncomiortaoieness, and yet DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT AILS HIM, then is the time to take MOTT'S PILLS. Thcu nil lu ara mmlo rf rvrtAln Inirrorllorif a that iwt sueciallv on the IJver. and at the same time expel all impurities from the stomach and system, aiding digestion, and when all other remedies fail. Take them for Biliousness, Indifreatlon. CostlvenesH. Liver (Complaints, and all dis eases and disorders of the stomach. As a family cathartic pill they are war ranteL JOHN F. HENRY, CUBHAN A CO., " ! Bole Proprietors, A not. Lion pLaccw netork. B B. Massenburg, TTORNEY AT, LA W LouMBtnao, OiflM la tba Ottrl lio Ut mi F A"-"R M We Have tne iineat Stock of our o vu iniuiufacturc) of Wagon, Carta, &c, in .'orth Carolina. We use none but Extra 4ti;tIlties r.f Material at our Wagon Yorka and we resneetfullv solicit an insi ection of our waeoiu and carta. O s iortment oonip rises every size of Wn.:oyn trom thfl ltebtest OnrMrse to the .raviest SLxIIre. &c -We warrant all our w ork and make price is low aa theJ T.rest. Repairing done at lowest rates. Jl'LUS LlM Wafon WorVs Fjist KnW tAt r2 ra wafion aho MATERIAL TT ,A If imi norse dim IRON and 1 ioiia:i:i:iiilivw $TEEL PENS WORKS. CAMHEN. N. . TRADE MARK. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY W.T.Bljtckvelia s Co. PDRHflM.lM.C. S C' Kl T J Eminent Chemists and Physicians cer'ify that these roous are f ree from adulteration, richer, more effective, produce better r- ults than any others, and that they use them in their own families in uiiiico DR. PRICE'S STEELE & PRICE'S LUPULIN YEAST CEMS. The Meat 7ri Hop Yrnxt in tUr World. STEELE & PEICE, Manfrs., Chicago, St. Louis, and Cincinnati F. CRUENDLER, MANUFACTURER OF W I N E O I O 1 S , AND DEAX.ERS IN SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCOS, Pipes, and Smokers' Articles in General. The Door above the Yarboro House. P. 0. Box 250, RALEIGH, N. C. Orders from abroad solicited and promptly attended to. $15,000 $1 FOR IN TIIE KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY, is drawn in pursunnoe of an act of she Gen eral Assembly oj the state of Kentucky KOK THE BENEFIT OF EDITATIOXAI. INSTITUTIONS. THE rm.T-OWINO ATTRACTIVE SC It K.MI WILT. BK DRAWN IN IM'BI.IC AT COVIMiTON, KY . , TNDEH TUB Sl HKKVlSloN OF MWORN COM-MI.HS10NER.-OX, .MAY 14, 1879, SCHEME: 1 nrize of 515.000 is ?lo,OOft 1 prize of t.(Hio is 1 prize of .V1" '2 prizes of U,V)0aic .50 prizes of ion ure 100 prizes of .VI are 200 prizes of i" are VK) prizes of 10 arc 1000 prizes of o are 37 Approximation prizes am'tlngto K,ll0 A IHMI ! m 6.000 5,' W ' .5,000 i 5.000 I 5,000 2,!ft." 1.S91 prizes amounting to WHOLE TICKETS SI. Club rates uoon application. CEItTIFICATE AS TO Bond for Payment of Prizes. Ry the conditions of this act the managers were required to execute to the State of Kentucky a boml in tne Hum of one hiiitlrel I liliin(l ftollnrM. conditioned for the promjit payment of all prizes, and the fritliful disch 'r:;e of all duties iiuiiosed by said acl. tut seen by the certificate of the County Cierk. fin below stated. SIMMONS t IHCKI.VSO.V. HnnnirerN STATE OF KENTfCKV,) Henrv t'liiintv. v ss City of Newcastle.) I, W. W. Turner. Clerk of the County v.urt in ana lor said '..ounty and Stitte, do hereby certify that the bond to the Common wesil; h of Ken tucky in the penal sum ofone hundred thousand dollars, re quired to be riled by the Act for the benefit of the Henry .Male Academy and Henry Female ! ColteRe, pastted ly the (ierieral Assembly oi'said 'ommon wealth, and approved I)ec. M, lVyj, was duly executed, delivered, accep ted, and approved, and that said bond is duly filed in my office as lerk of said Court. Witness my official signature and seal of office at Newcastle, Henry Coun ty. Ky , this 25th day ot March, A. D., 1X73. W. W. TURNER. Seal. I Uonv PM.nti- T ' Address all orders to WILLIAHHOSi A CO.,CMral Kaatern Agents. 399 Broad way, New York. List of dra wine rnblisbed In the New York Herald and Sun-. All out-of-town tick et holders are mailed a copy of tne official list as soon as received. Tbe next following drawing May 31 187a.' Wanted mt owe fianrf. K!lmlla Aaraaa In Et ry Tow.u. Ad4rcaaa above. nat7 atla a!-4t-wlt W A GO N S K A- '0. dware Merchaaita, syji ixr,, RALEIGH, N. C. Fr apl 21-tf. BnfifiY tl n CI V n Al I ue ouuca iTEEL. SIMPLES and PRjCES Q4 AFPLlCaTl' POR PLEASURE, wmfVKi.ntRLi SMOKE THE THAT IT SEARS TH3 POPULAR BECAUSE RELIABLE CREAM Extracts. -a .aaajsT-i a- ... , . r---je. Tr awjwa tai:i:i' -m m aT, , i II UKBlX WVmZJ E UNIQUE PERFUMES arc tbe Gems of Ar. O.o.s. TOOTHENE. An Agreeable, healthful Liquid Ient ,fr'e. LEMON SUCAR. A Suh-inn-e ror Lcn.ora. EXTRACT JAMAICA CINCER. Fmm Root. GREAT REDUCTION ;iN PRICK. of lb ? E VC INE WOH ESTERSIIIUE SAUCE. It impart'- the niost deli. -ions taste and zest to EXTRACT of a letter from a Medical ;-n- Ti.r.lA.N it Mhp dras, to hi bro tberat WOKCKtt TKH. Mav, lArl. "Tell J,EA A PKKR1NS that C f a. a -s:i. their Sauce is no: highly esteemed in India, and ia in my opinion, the most palatable as well as the most wholesome sauce that is made." JOINTS, GAME, Ac. Sold and used throughout the world. Traveler" and Tourist Find Great Benefit in having a Bottle with them. JOHN OUNCAN'S SONS.J Ag--nt forQ LFA & FTRRINS ,9 College place and 1 I'niou Hquare KB V YORK. : NEW ENTERFBI.SE. NEW STORE, new 4oo;. Iiuena and White Good a Hpocialty. H. ROSEMBAUM Will on the third of May rceup,r the Pr. Fab liaywxid Mansion, Fayettev'ille sueet one door above tne i-.xiiress )fnce as a s'ore. and will offer for ale aselect assortment of white and colored lable Damask, white and colored Table Napkins, Russian and Amer ican Crashes. Turkish batli Towels, fine Damask Towels.bestqualitylluck To well n?. best quality Irish Linen 4-45-1 W lfM and 1 14 sheetings, Bleached and Brown Domaj- tic. ('ambries. Lawns; NainaookKBed Tick ing all widths up to 10-4 Bed Wuilts best a-j sortmenr, rrnest iwarsaies yuJiU, iTaid and stripped Piques, Ac, Cotton, Irish and German Linen Uand- kerchiefs white -and eetored with Borders, Notions, Gloves, Corsets, Kmb. FMgen Trlming, and many more artlces to J)un erous to mention. ' . He respectfully asks for a share of the public patronage and invftes the Ladlma to call aad exaialnenia delect and varlel stv-k allofwhicji will bt aoid at, exceedingly fw prlcea for oek. -est " r. inLsoaiierlzed tr the Board of Directors tosiil at to lowest market price, forcaah. any brierta r rubble stone belomrtng to thla' institution. Any person wtMhlnfr to boy thr rirtr-i or Won" will please call at this W.J. HICKS, Arth t A Wardet, irlm PENITENTIARY CONVICTS All corporations, or other, entltlad by law to the use of convict labor and who ara) I now ready to receive and support tha sane will plea.se notify this office at once. Ail, parties will cite the law under which tha convicts are claimed so that the Board of Directors may be able to determine wbalA works have the preference. B order of the Board. W.J. HICKS, Arch't A WAlUNEir. N. C. State Penitentiary. It ts an excellent corrective of Indiae t 1 i have used it with prompt beneficial res a Rev Dr. Mangum, Prof. Un'y. of N.O. I cn -ur with Bishop Doggett In his aiU4 mat' of the Vest Pocket Cure. Rev. Dm Jeter, Broaddns, Dlck'nson,(Bap.V it is endorsed by the direct personal tniii mony of men of national fame and strictness of speech. It i not too much to sy that no inecucine ever naa such support in truxaror as a specinc. The word of any one of lbs em tuent dlviues who underwrite this antHota to. dyspepsia has desered weight. Their united witness Joined with the experimental use ana ap rovatoi tne preparation oy weu known j hysiclans, removes all doubt. It Is beyond question, a wonderful therepentleal agent Editors Keligloua Herald, Va. unaptaia ii&ndoipn Macon college, va. Msny cases of DvsuDela wl hln my knowl edge have been enr d by it. Cramps, Cones, Headaches and all sor s of pai-s from ludi iiestion yield promptly to U. The cures ot this sort are lnnum ;rMe. Rpv. R. L. Dabney, i. L. uou va. It is hiehly esteemed here bv the rear alar Medical Faculty and the Deoole. It is eieit- lent for lnoiges'lon an t KUtalent CoHe, sedative, sop nnc, tonic, sligouy ayereac. witnout nausea. Rev. B. F. Woodward, P. K., Ua. Oonf. About twelve years I suffered from Dys pepsia. Pal ing in with this remedy, I gave ii a iaiririuu Auer iu uw i couia eat any ihingwith Impunitv. lam sure 1 am in debted to this medicine for what of hlth a d physical comfoi 1 1 have hd for the iMt sixteen yeara, I h'vi'known many since to be relieved by Its use. R v Robrt W. Watts, A. M., Va, 1 have used the mixtnra in mv family far ye irs, and have taken it for a Dyspepsia Colic, which threatened my life, and wai cured, eating any diet without hurt I have recommenoed it to other suffeie 8 with hap piest results. It is the b-8t tonic and correc tive I evr knew. For protration from Dys pepsia or Liver Disease It is Invaluable. J T. Egglestoa, M D., Va. It Is a highly valuab e remedy, and Is more extensively used thai any single a-ticle In the whole list of medlciDe, so far s I Ob served In my practice, for all the complaints in families from Indigestion, 1 use, it and recommend It. Editor Richmond Cnrl.tin Advocate. This remedy is of tried virtue. I have sees Dyspepsia cu ed completely by it. It seems io be an anti lote to our "Nation 1 Disease." The inprenients are not kept br the apotaa ca ien. and have been difficult to get. Price2cents per bottle. Sold by all drag srlsts. In Raleigh, by Pescud, Lee & Co., and Williams A Haywood. mrcl4-if. THE GENUINE. . DR.C.McLANES Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF VOHMS. THE countenance is pale and leaden-colored, with occasional Hushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the N eyes become dull; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eve-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, ana sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip : occasional headache, with hummine or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning: appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the tomach ; occasional nausea and vorh iting; violent pains throughout tbe abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequenfr ly tinged with blood ; belly swollen and hard : urine turbid : respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of tbe teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above svmptomi aire found to exist, '' DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCU&T in any form ; ft is an innocent prep- i tiiuu, nai capaoie oj aoingine illgnuil injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's V MZFUge bears the signatures of C McLane and Fleming Bros, on tha wrapper. :0: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy fbs all the ills that flesh is heir to," bat in affections' of the liver, and in all Bilioss Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, the stand without a rival AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepay atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgativt they ar sv equaled. BEWABB OV inrTATIOVK. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Da. McLaNS'a Live. Pm. Each wrapper bears; the signatur of C McLane and Flxmuno Baas. A Insist upon bavine tbe genuine Dr. C. McI.ane s Li v kb Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., W Pittsburgh, Pa 4h market being foil of imitatioas of tfce wVrH iirrathj bM sane' prenwu jffaHwaj. FOR SALE. ti-"t . It fTs V 1 fil s V.I i? 6 i? If. n iV ? .-1 i ij 1 S.J 1 'i 1 a 1 1 Hi it U hi i ! I j w i-r i. r ! in : t A i l J! ! a ! 1 '1

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