t?)AILY NEWS tttlMM raaMat Klallen IkvLMttlTrlW. The Ort CounHl of Virginia Im proved order or Keil Meiv, will aeuble ia AJJ Great San -taunuaL eie.i in thi city ou Wednesday, Mav tiih. at y o (clock 1. at "Caalle ilalL ' an. mar rfiutin iu aeaaion lor two or more U. The meet iu iu tunta nvptMt. bv of a very snleuin nature, many iu'inU;roftti Great Council having a.i.l tu the hapy hunting rouiitla during Ue irreat un juat (.h.hk1. The nuuibvr of visitors U exixstei to Ih quit Urge, many having given ivoii-t of their intention to l prmoitU The follow tujc are the tJreat Liner; J. Ri.-e Nuutb, of lierryville, great attain; ''WW W. Hall, of Petersburg, gre-tt senior sagamore; George W. Tolhv, of -Manchester. griMt junior aaAru.u-p; K. VV. GaJne-s, of Norfolk, great prophet; i . a. ii. louroto, oi iiichenter, great chief of reord-r. Henry Kinzel, of Wiii- i-neier, grval koei-er of waaipuui; W T. I "raw lord, of Lynchburg, great Mo idjiuewa: J. IU l'4yue, of i'eteniburg. great guard or wigwam; A. A. Davis, of Mraaburg, great treanl of forest. Wyandotte Tribe. No. 42, whoee jcuevue the meinbera of th Great Couiw i il will be during their stay Iu the city, was tirgnfzed on the 3ih tun, oru aooou, t. 8. D. 3ftitSepiajber 30, l!CS.) with a charter urubtnilp of Jin it Iiaa steadily Krvwa until it uuuibera on it aiauer lwx t ban ex peuded since July, 1, a large ajiul for sick and otltr beuetita, aad in U-ay in a healthy Uuanciai condition. We loam chat iu addition to other ar rangements tor the reception ami en tertain aitut of the giveeta during their tay in Norfolk, it uu.h been decided to tuake an excursion to the Soldiers' Home, Hampton, on Thursday room ing, by toe at uner George Leary, re turning iu the afternoon. A quantity d buuUng ill be displayed in varioiin part of Lhecity, and the viailor given a heart v welcome generally. A few Xrn Mate. ... . . . r Tn wrto neanx are addicted to uterine wild oata liberally lefore marriage mav aa well listen to what the llev. JniM St. Kullman, f New York, ald on that snbject the other day in a .sermon on "Matrimony." He declare "that "the theory that a'reformed sinner would make a rietter huAlnuid than a nun w ho had not n?eile1 refrtnntion ai one that had leen upheld by prearher. ml let-turer. ami writers, but he wa not afraid to hmnd the tlie ory a? a lie a lie from top to lottom from irftimferene' t tntre.' Kenny, the colored man t iit to the Virginia penitentiary for marrying a white woman, ha ine. the uivea-cirA' papT for an appli'-W ion lr writ of h4lmw nru. un the a lvlt of the L'nilml 2iaUM lMMriot Attrnv. The ground for the arpliaion l t)iat the in i-tion f the iartu" in the State onirt ih illegal, and that tl.-v. having )h-ii di'tarel under the i: t i. m of the t'nitr States to ! law ail lii.m and wifo in the Ii.trin of t'oliiinl.ia. the ai image i valid everywhere; n d that under the re"ent arii nlni nt to the t 'otmiit utioii of the L'liit"-! JMa'e, the act f the Iginlatur- of N'irgima forbnlding the Intermarriage o a ! ored man and a white worn ui, aud vn rerva, im anconntiliitional and void. Kev. Father Vincent, a Catholic prieat, at South Bend, Mt higan. hid the mUfortune to swallow his fa!e teeth recent lv, and i now taking nitr -muriatic arid to dtaaolve the sold plate. 0TT POLL INDORSED BY PHTIlClini, CUfiQYUEM AND TH AJFllCTrP EVEIYWHB. tlh csiatest uedical tbiul:?h of the aqe. TUTTS' PIUS ciat sicrwxDACHL TUn'S PILLS TUTT'S Pl'llS fXIt COltSTIf ATIOM, TUTTS PILLS CUUPTU3. TUTTS PILLS CL'K fVUM AMD AGUE. TUTTS PILLS CLx &:UoLi COUC Tr-rr teieaiatatca la - fore aatacoaWOc qaaO-1 naaegaaraaseraiaa.' PraaaTiTa. and a Fc- airriya Toaic. ' TVrtt tm apoarrtst Caet la to Incrraar U pfwllt by caoatnf tba fooa lo property aaw iB3ujXc. Taotbya- uaiit aocnvBea, aaa by tbftr tonle actv oa taa clarMive erfmaa rrcmiar aad UaiUy -TacaaUoaa are pro darad. Tha rmpM!ty wfta rtirt PtRSOHS TAKE ON R.ESH tulaokc thm raflacaoa ca Uvaaa fta, ladcaaa a- lha bodr. Veota tbU eflcacy la cortuf nar tou db4Uty. Baciao TUn'S PILLSJ r hoy, drnP. Car HfDHEY Ce-plalat TUn'S PILLS , OXt TCBPtO UYII. TUTT'S PILLS )haeae of U brari chroble eooax!patioaj and I arpartro g baaita M amavink W W-tjaaTn , tMad avafTwharai. Price t casta. OaVe U Marray HU xrw TORX. c . RPrrfW ! CARI'rTTX ! I otTr lor on ery reasonable trmi. a lot t r inoihrfvclT Katra Hutrnie aiKJ pupt- line. Alao m ttuin rt.lna rrtm tne rrr heal Bili l tae ountr. Not havlnc n-.'m. I will l ry rhap. I'lease rail atJ examine. Alao Kuc, Mailing and W laJn w nlMlra. cn.TJ.M ivrrnN. i lt ifaln afreet. Ceo. W. Anderson & Son tarpvfl. Oil llh. Ip r Ilamxia4ca. turlala. VlaKa lhW. Matllr.r. E ig. lru'i' U, Xata. ax Ktiraatea farnllied t m I The atten tion or mrlchaala and boue in cull- I I li-wk U i Main Hireet. RIC H M .M. VA. pi MLin ft n framk M0t:i.nci or J khWnutlDB4 rhe laVl aoun i of bAltinor. Al-ao Iain--' .law I taie- u all aiM, both German and Krenrh. hoi aaUe and retail. Would rail atUntlon of I be trdr to the folloaina- ai : l Jnll zaa, and aaiaitrr aKrv. U 111 dupll eate lUUIinore prlcea, nrmrr r raiiien of all lea.-rlj tlon made at twenty nl a atea not lee, WII.IJAM I AFFRON. lt Main tret. T.J. FOSTER KVO., Liquors, Tobacco ar.d Cigars, Oaaeral ami ilaalaai Vlerebjaata. No. 1I-' Kmpire iuo.a, iravi .-trt-e. a a . 1 ... Taaaf rn a ap-eetalty. H.KI, O . April IT. lT. aar1l Mf FUENITURE. Furniture! Furniture! oa hd ami -r aala a Alao r.rniur. in t rtoea rum i-""'-' .Hai, VaTrod.rery'UcUuaua:iy foaud.ua eU atocavedXaOitlUf Vr- Furinftnrb irWfVariety. 1-arUea to want will conaall their lut rat ' .: . . i- rj.txa by t -rr ti t tJi.k iaviCXo.V . it Hnrcf3thad- ' i Mltrma4 Ul txViyarlDC rlooma, ia, as G .T r 1 0LD: NORTH STATE'IZT1'' ' , PIRfi'MURANCEGOMPANY F WARUKNTON. N. C, H.t3 been in Successful A Thoroughly Reliable Home Company. S. Ii A VIM, Pre:4-ut. . TBAOC MANUFACTURED ONLY Br W .T.BLJlCiaLla X: Co. DljRHflM.iNI.C. MAIM. - HEGE'S PATENT lilPROVED CIRCULAR SMI MILLS. TSS SALU ASEOinUL WSSS3. O SALIiM. t J z fx OPS a iV-i.. leu OtMnptitr Cir ubr ft S rrnt d to Mw fcui-:bcr Eo r.A Tnu. Haa th itvlm mid moat ou ira: ttiiig Dc m m TK1 Ktt IIRPUCVED I P-i. I ir v - IN't UNA. eta ' - ton runos o.'ns. rav v. r : s no Sale-r- .caiturai Work: : - i f o T H IU - s c - ri t7 ? fe r.y : - Corn Sheller. V?- I . - ' aaL.a. a.c i. - a "JVAi tn LVairT-r-aLV rHivrrm J i GLEN ALPINE SPRINGS, Ooitn ty Ttre rtiipreitertet urce aPli their flrt aeaaoii having had voine fortner evtenarVi fmprnvfm nt. a It riaee Vtutb. Many peroi) tiavluv rertiv.i -tii li ur IJHiIa rUrm r liaK- -oiuiludel to ia.c all li..- Ii'rt.lin ilruiti;ii In tin' ,tif'. .1 0 anh Wu:i, t'ine. Kiolt. Kll aud tute. lnT. i.'. "Tl, "TC, ana1 1KTK. S-ihI tor Manufacturer oi' Pmj-b Colr and Al FUENlTUliK (Rranrh of fTalJiaton A NO. 4 IUN KI!"N f, Yi "A M dtK T., An entirely new and varl.-l M-- k of Furniture of tbe Uh-t deina Chamber ,7J:f1,or Het- Wanlr-.brti. snl.-l-oar.l TnMe, Mii.a. l.ok fasen, Iounnes, Bedsteads, C hairs, lint liMckn Bureau. Matlree. Ac. Ilavlnic pure haxetl oar entire toek for Vh, we are able to offer greater "inducement than any houe In tin. section, and goarantee to eell a eheap a the t-.-U .-Jin hi- bought in New York or t luriniiatl. ( Kir bouae la the largest in the south. a nd we ihereforeoan ive the Iar,'-'-t a meat to select from, and oiler aup ro nduee'inenta in freight. , . TO THE Aff LIOTCD. i-r.iiii'. 1 r iiL.-i. t liniiunl '- '' 'St na It Uaia-ail 1th IWll'll. 't II lwtl. V4 i a a. h....a . . I a.i.la I I AUi I -.a t I ' X. I. at i - Id V 1 1 ar aJM. a Siiu rvaar aav fc in- never rail to Yejuiiuaiiaiii r-.,-, bnllt uuirmuv uu iv' -j , rettbiu-i. v A ForIe'v Wm.lmpsouuat". U. H; r -!... v-iat-ii m: r. Siv i-H art m GREAT rv micE. aoiTM, rTTRtrr f a i.otkk frtn a .Maoit-alrajBM- CR.4VI1X tbtaAM at .i dmi Im-, to his Uf tie fat Wfn'as- Tt) XXftla. " IV Ii A fKHItl NH Uiat their -tanee"2 la htghTr efitfTnTetl In 1 ml la. and l In Diy opln !:.!. t'-e tnoul U table ae well aa the laoal a holeaoai aaii that la made." 04T aft aSlA jourm, U1ME. al e. 2 f Hold and uaed throa;hnuf ta worlds Travalera and TouriaU Find Oreat eoent la bavlcf a iiottle with them. lOUt CJrCAJPH NO.H, Acreato fer ,..--. . , L EA & PERRINS Celare fitiaew Mw 1 rlam REDUCTION I Operation for Seven Years. C.F. LONG, Seeretary TOR PLEACURu, Jpr OMFRT,HEALTrOAqjv s SMOKE TKE OLDV5 VrCVyV VVBEARS THE n p a K H 0 4 H 0 Q H Q d CD K H f IB t' I I 2 or C a 93 THE NEW IMPROVED I? D'erip 3 E 3 1 i i ! 3 t s 3t ''. j Tm.-. INTEHNAL ;lnp!t-C!r lint Pi'wer Si!t Alps ultural Wort HGE'S DIAGONAL P X 8 ?' 3 Lt'if Feed in Slern 'rVu-fural Wor'i M! Ml,.l. E. c SB 7: M bA . - - , lariWfla, ? 'a.? U iej 3NT. Carolina, fl " 14. b7JA f " h'ch tlie pnpi ti-tor- have met daring tho pint, and Ave hnndred x-isltor. will eneoumje them to make U tin lr MmMiioiL to make this tlie tirat Watering ;rmtt benefit durinsrihe past eaon from t'..e ns o It upon tlio market. hikI it will te 1'ourtd ft.r WALTON & PEARSON ZERO Mirk and flutter fooler The let Meat. Ice l'rejrver ia tle World. ii.(t in Use. if rand awurd Of merit by the Ontennlal KahiMtion, alo by the w KmrliMid Agricultural fW:letv. 170, 1V7; American Iuf'I- -atalog le 3VIxxxTxira,o-t-ULi or, 37x, DID atranr, New York City. ithle Kurn v. OO., Bro. Itlclinond.) 1KTKIWBI.:KU, VIKWINMA. JEWELRY, WAtC HE, Diamonds, Spectacles AND MKIKLN H BA D4JE-PIS A NPEt'IALTV. TIIK lar;eitt to k of eootN la the 8outh. Solid ssllver and Plated ware. (Jooda Hold at faeiory price. Watch repairing i I t ftpoclalty. tirders lv mall promptly artana- d U and KtitasJautiou In all rosea guarnn- teed. i d rv i " -jonri'ii.-iyier oc to., sucwauiMno,MiTiUlb;U 1YL.KK, ". 1,004 Wain fitreet, KleUiMond. Va. he ohleat Jewel a-. Itouae la he Soai h ai niAthintf at Whftlftsalfi 1 vW LAAaaAQ vv.. auuwmwv J T nREATLY Kr:iL(.'ha I'KifhN To fH-fK rtuT 'TrK IMIK V 11 ATfH Y TO A CHANK OF FIKM. WeUhp'r & Co. have on hand a large stock of ready-made clottiiug, which they otter at reduced pricx.- In order to close atock hy first of July, when the preent txjnoern w 111 te di"oved. A call from Uie merchants of the old 5Vrth Slate requested. WKT8IOER k CO.. 1215 Main HL, KJrliiaoad, Vav. Tnrla TUi.X roaxala latkwr aaxt Maieri.1 irrtcK or tji Ctstodiin, IU1.BIOO, N. a, April 2th, 1879. Sealed propoaala will be reoelTed at thla ottice until 11 M. on the Uth day of May f7ti. or all the Labor and additioaal mate ria la required o eoanpieta tne v. is uourni Ifoiiae aaxl tvv tmce ai naieign r : u. o-vt Mt-ordanee with rtrawlaga and apeolfleatl O wbtehean beaeea at thla offlee frhere an additional In formation may be obtained. laAaci -YotT, . '. natodlan. P. J. O R E Wi & 0 Richmond, Ta., - Manufacture all the standard varieties LAl'XDBY HOAPH, Which they offer at lowest prio. TB TJIJJB DIX.IE SO A P. " XANTHINE. Prof. Hertx's Oreat German Hulr Restara tlve. The best preparation for the Hair now Known, it sntauaiiy restores gray hair to ita natural color, producing a luxu rlent growth, eradicates serurT and dandruff. curea all uitterses oi ine aealp, prevents hair from failing out and relieves newralgla in tw nfiui nu urnHKinp. iry it. Brepar el by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Vs., and or aaie oy au iruiM. A BE(KWI1IT'K DYSPEPTIC 1 TI ILL These Pills will prevent and cuee dyspep sia. They are an unrivalled Diner Pills, mud aperient, auu aumirabiy aaaprea as a Family Medicine. They are used by the most cultivated people In our country, and are extensively ui-ed by Physicians In their practice. Kola Dy iragg-int generally. Send 1 1 1.. V D XJ LV 1 L 1 IT T T i r . i 1 . . lur circa ir. x. x. &uvnnii.n, ooie mav- nfacturer, Petersburg. Va. E ainejt Du.S.L. & J.C.KiedM. St. lionia, Me, Sav: Colden s Lleblg h Liquid Extract of Beef Is a vet y arreeabte article of diet, and particularly UHefUl wnea tonics are reouired being tolerated when ot Iter forms of anintal fook are rejected. In Diptheria. Malarial Typhoid Fevers, Weakness, and every de pressing disease, we nave prescribed lt vrith treat auoceaa. toia oy an eruggiata. We will p:iy Aij n u ."Niiai y vi Vlw per monih artn FTpetin, or nH-nr.-i mr'jrf conrnsmnii. tosvii om Daw aud wmrliil luiiin. nA,.c nt sv. Hnuplt fr-'. AdJiasaShKtM 4 Co., aiwshilL, Uicu. A DAY to Agents canvassing for the fireside visltr. itruis and outnt free. Address f. O. V'ICKKKY, Augusta, Maiiie. $77 a mouth and exieii4t;i guaranteed WMtn. Outfit free, rmw & Co , Augusta. Maine I respect fin y (rieuds, pa, r..i,s i the public seoertlly the South to MY NEW. IT : ')TLTK VT3 AND ; ,H KAL.TH Y LAO BR, brewed pur ly of malt and hops, by the Vienna me- nui aua xpressiy ior expotaticr iil5 i i n an street, Baltimore, Mi. rt-lv more: MEM O R GO U 4T ACUTE OR CHRONIC A SALICYLIC w SURE CURE. i n u s i ade- mark, by the EI'HOPEAX NALICrMC lOMPAM, OF PARIS AND LEIPZIG. I.MMKDUlt: Rki.ief varrantkd. Per- MANK.VT (TKK (il'AKANTKKl). NOW exclu sively useu by all celebruted Pnyslcians of Europe and Anierioa, becomlnar a Ktuple, lluriuless, and Reliable Remedy on both continents. The Ilinhest Medical Academy of Paris reiHjrts S cures out oflOO cases within three days. Secret The only dis- aolver or tlie poisonous I rlc Acid which exists in the blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients, tl.wo a Box; 6 Boxes lor S.".UO. Sent to any Address on receipt of price. En dorsed by Physicians. Sold by all Drug gists. Addres. WASH BURST!: ft CO., Only Importers' Depot, 7 Cuff St., Nkw York. For sale hv Williams A Haywood Pes- cud, Lee Ji Co., Druggists, Raleigh, N. C. nov Ai-eod 1 v WHEN ANY MAN feels sick with COLD CHILLS, FEVER FLUSHES, HEAD ACHE and general uneomfortableness, and yet DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT AILS HIM, then ia the time to take MOTT'S PILLS. These pills are made of certain Ingredients that a-t. specially on the Liver, and at the same time expel all impurities from the stomach and system, aiding digestion, and RKSTOIUNU IO llt.Hl, when all other remedies fall. Take them for Biliousness, Indigestion, Onatlveness, Liver Complaints, and all dis eases and disorders of the stomach. As a family cathartic pill they are war ranted. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN A CO., Sole Proprietors, H COLUflK PLACK.W NKYOKK1. DR. ALLEN'S LIGIITXIXG CUE, THE STANDARD REMEDY )F NORTH CAROLINA. For Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Cholera, Cholic, Diarrluea, Dysentery, Pleuriay, lAme Back, PaJua in the side, LIVER AD KIDSEV DISEASES, CI UK OK DEAFNESS A Specialty. No Iodides nor Mercury. Nothing to paralize the nervous system to make it In iensiblo to pain, hut purely a vegetable com pound Roota and Herbs. None genidne without my Portrait and Signature. For sale by Wim-iah: &v.HAWOon, Wholesale Druggists, Raleigh, . t . april 11-dHm ATHKNS, G December 8, 1ST$. fw nlt.s sine T "ir" mr son one dose of t'-e Won o:- i j.i the next day he ntMMi Mxteen la- v rms. At the same time I gave one t my little dri, four years old, ud she pave t eighty-six four t flftcealceBea long. w. F. worms irm PHILI1P3, ini'ill for tie y Dciacr'ac a ten ar all ared bf K 4 juiauj a'ninv O Mre1 tV tS ly Wire Railing and Ornamental , OJRKS. DUFURACO.j 5a.M, Si.' Howard St., TalttMre. MA a!T73 Cm P no the F A R ivr We nave tne largest Stock tof our own manufacture) of Wagona, Carts, In North Carolina. We use none hut Katra Qualities af Material at vnr Wagon Works and we respectfully solicit assortment eomp rises every size of W heaviest Ntxllorse. ate. we warrant lowest. Repairing done at lowest rates JlLIl HI.EWTSAfO dware M erehanta, shkk xn, RALKIOH, IT. C. Wagon Works East Hargett Street. apl 21-tf. 4". Wagon iTJll W7 MATERIAL Horse and JfHe IRON and mEEL PENS WORKS- CAMDEN. N. . VV. .1. YOUNG. YOUNG TSSV CAMERON, N. C, Lumber Iealersand Manufacturers of all Oivina our business our personal attention aa fja ' " ' . aaaayaaaaaw Special Playoring Extracts. Eminent Chemists and Physicians certify that these goods are free from adu'teration, richer, more effective, produce better r'. suits than any others, and that they use them in their wn fam:lies DR. PRICE'S STEELE Sl PRICE'S LUPULIN YEAST OEMS. I7e Heat Iry Hop Yeast in the H'orM, STEELE & PRICE, Manfrs., Chicago, St. Louis, and Cincinnati F. GRUENDLER, MANUFACTURER OF r 1 IN fcC JIG J AND DEALERS IN SMOKING AND CH Pipes, and Smokers' Articles in General. The Door above the Yarhoro House. P. 0. Box 250, ers from abroad solicited and promptly Spring Announcement! We beg to announce that our stock of Spring and Summer Goods Is complete, and are prepared more so now than ever to otter goods at exceedingly low prices. We quote: Prints from 5 cents up Solid Colored Delaine at 15 cents. Piques, Bleached and Brown Domestics from 0 cents up. We are selling a Cambric equal to the Lous dale Cambric at 10 cents per yard. Ladies' Linen Suits and Clsters, made up in the very latest style, sold from $2.'i up to S10. Parasols of al! sizes and quality from b cents up. Our Stoelt of Shoes for Ladies, Misses and Childjen, and also for Gentlemen, is complete. Our Clothing Department Is larger than ever, and we arc exhibiting s.me of the prettiest line of these goods ever brought to this market, and selling them at unprecedented low figures to suit the trade. A full assortment of Ntraw and Hafkinaw Hata. also Fur and Wool Hat. We are Agents for the sale of th- ?W brated 1 I?eirl Dreaa Shirts. the price of which is only ?1 .00, v, ... t h V, and considered by every one thn? -ver tried oue to be the cheapest shirt eve: - J -red to J the public Don't buy any shirt uuK t. you see tnem stamped " Pearl." Orders from a distance promptly al ended to; by addressing L. ROSENTHAL & CO., Nos. oO and 64 Fayettev ille Street, 1 And Exchange Place, apl 17-d3m Raleigh, N. C. j E. P. GREEN, Attorney and Counselor at Law, WARRENTON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Warren and ad Joining counties, and in the Supreme Court nf tho Htnte. Orders on collections strictly complied ( with, and remittances promptly maae. Refers by permission to : Waaren sowings Bank, and Old North State Insurance Otm anv. Warrenton. N. C. -dpa:i THE KEXDALL Patent Shingle Machine. Makes from 20,(KI0, to 30.000 perfect, shaved shingles per day, from the bolts, with three hands and iour horse power. Makes shin gles faster, better aud cheaper, than can be done by any other means. Simple, ctrong, direct cuting, not liable to wear or breakage, it is the most valuable wood working ma chine ever Invented. Patented February 7th 179. For sale, by State rights only. Address, A. W. Toooek, Agent. Raleiah. N. C. Valuable Property for Sale. Eiahty building lots in the Mty of Greens boro. Fine situations, low prices, easy terma. Now Is the time to buy houses in this pleasant and growing city, which is Knm a. a 1 n n fi ri v d:i v. the railroad and manufacturing center 01 the State I; or kwnuiuiil nartieulars. apply to J. D. rate, Postmaster. Greensboro, N. C, or Tourgee, Raleigh, N C A. W. B. B. Massenburg, T T O R N E Y A T U 1 OCIiBOBQ, . C- Ualee In taa Court, llouae. lit . ' w au inspection of our wagons and carts.. O agons lrom the lightest One-Mora to the all our worK aud make prices as low as tne iff TV . . and mm I iTEEL. igRSALE zbJ J. R. YOUNG BR O S kind of ROtTOH LI'NBER. Orders solicited apl S-d3m andffuarantee. satisfaction. CREAM n at T a' UNIQUE PERFUMES the g. ins of ah oars. TOOTHENE. An agreeable, health'ui Liquid Dei;: ifnee. LEMON SUGAR. A Substitu e for Lemou.. EXTRACT JAMAICA CINCER. Kr..m l'ui R.wit. IXG TOBACCOS, ;it tended to. RALEIGH, N. C. XEH KVrKRPBIKE, SEW STOKE. StW tiOOIa, Liiieiio and White 4 j 001 Is a Specialty. M. ROSENBAUM a Will on the third of May occupy fh- Dr. Fab Haywood Mansion, Fayefteville street one door above the Express Office as a store. and will otter for sale, a select assortment of white and colored Table Iiamask.white and colored Table Napkins, Russian and Amer ican Crashes, Turkish bath Towels, fine Darna-sk To wels,best q ualitylluck Toweling, best quality Irish Linen 4-4 5-4 W liM and 11-1 sheetings, Bleached and Brown Do mas tic, Cambrics, Lawns; Nainsooks, Bed Tick ing all widths up to 10-4 Bed Quilts best as sortment, Finest Marsales Quilts, Plaid and s. ripped Piques, tc. Cotton, Irish anu German Linen Hand kerchiefs white and colored with Borders, Notions, Gloves, Corsets, Emb. Edgen TrLmlug, and many more artices to num erous to mention. He respectfully asks for a share of the public patronage and invftes the Ladies to call and examine his select and varied stock all of which will be sold at o.voeedlnstlv 1 iw prices for cash. Dunlop & McCance MilJs, ERECTED 1863. Office: 121S Cart street. Richmond Vs., We have recently introduced Into. our for mill elaborate and costly Machinery, manufacturing tne FLOUR indicated by our trade-marks, to the Snperlor Quality. OF WHICH We ask theJAttention of Dealer and Consumer. The ''Dnnlop Patent Family-" meets a want long felt Flour having both color andstrentcth. Its whiteness cannot fail to please the most fastidious taste, while its giutLnoue properties insure a light and nutritious bread. The advance in the i art of milling, by which Patent Flour Is made, tliougb last established in the South, is here much needed by housekeepers ' to make up for culinary shortcomings; by Shar kers, to give strength and quality to the reiianie auu iineuor graues, w men wmii n iy be used to advantage by mixing with Sew Proeeaa r'laar. C'4nMnmera should be Edneatedt, FOR HEALTH AJJI CON VENJJiN CH, 1. To lae A Better and C"onveqaenIy wr ExpeMive ttrade nf FlotrK and when the fact is realized that ihe ifof-t ot one dollar more per barrel amountm in their dally consumption of three or-lour pounds to a difference of one and a half 01 two cents, they wH 'hardly regard Ihe additional expenditure au exravagance.. To few people buying Flour by the barrel djoea It occur that this important article of hu mim food, used at every meal, costs lest er day than almost any other on their bill or fare. O tour 1 "MeCanee Sew Preeeaa Famll . "MeCanee Sew Pre oe w Extra. I we can conlidently say the are umuirpasied by any other brands to be bad for the saine price; and will certainly give entire salis factioB to those who do not fancy pavl nw the figures which Patent rlotir mu edna-, inand to induce its . manufacture, I f0-s Yxmim & car o . , t. Wholesale and Retail deaiar In Ready-Made Clothing, Dry Ooeda. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, No li lovea. Trunks anu ,v aiiaea, ,((,i. ft FatyeiteTcUe atreel, Sadelk, N. C. Street's National., Hotel, y f .CAPITOL SQUARE, RAIX1GU. MOUTH CAROLINA. s. ft STREET ' SON, OVTNKIta AVD PROriUBTORS. OVERLOOKS UNION AND CAPI- TOL. SQUARE, Flneat Park In the State, and epen at all Unaea to Oneata eftlte llenae. THE GASTOJf HOUSE, NEW BERNE, N. C, BK U. STREET aft SOX, Preprietera. S. R. STREET, fin. WM. J. STREET. aprilSsto - Valuable Roanoke Land FOR SALE. BY decree of the -Supreme Court of North Carolina, we will sell at the ooarthouse door in Jackson, Northampton county, 1. C. OnTuesday, J un 3, 1879, that valuable tract Of land In saldoounty o .Northampton, known aa "POLENTA," containing 2,300Acres? 1.1 ja or Less Rdloininr land of Dr. Jacob and others. " Terms: One-third caeh: balance in ona and two years, with interest. JNO. DEVEREUX, ) WALTER April 3 2m Comm'rs. Bricks Rubble Stone FOR SALE. rHloaherized by the Board of Directors t osel at to lowest market price, for cash. any bricks r rubble atone belonfflnf to thla Institution. Any person' wishing to buy ther brietr or atone will pleaae eall at thla Office. W. J. HICKS, Abch t & Warden. N. C. State Penitentiary. 12j-lm if PENITENTIARY CONVICTS All corporations, or others, entitled by law to the use of convict labor and who are now ready to receive-and support the same will please notify thla offlee at once. All parties will cite the law under wklch the convicts are claimed so that the Board of Directors may be able to determine what works have the preference. By order of the Board. W. J. HICKS, Akch't A Warden. N. C. State Penitentiary. Important to Fish Buyers. THE fishermen and thoae directly Inter ested in the fisheries of Carteret county, having organized a "Fishermen' Union,'1 are now prepared to furnlsti fresh and salt Ash to dealers at fair price, and from first hands. Parties desiring to purchase will do well to send in their orders, and get flsh from those who catch and put them up. Every package guaranteed to be as repre sented. , , Address all orders to the FISHERMEN'S UNION, Beaufort. N. C. JHT- TRY US! -tfc J. A. BliAGASSA, WIIOLE81LK AND RETAIL CONFECTIONER AND Candy Manulacturer, SO. IS FAYETTEVILLE STREET. RALEIGH, N. C, Keeps constantly on hand a large assort ment of the rinest FRENCH AND PLAIN CANDIES. City and aurroundlnf merchants would do well to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. april ri. J. MYERS DEALER IIT FINE EIQUORS -AND , DOMESTIC & IMPORTED CIGARS. Fayetxeville St&kst. Between (lulley's and the Citizens' National Bank, Hardin A Grime' old Stand. The following fine brands of Liquors ar knpt constantly on hand : Old Nectar, 1310, Whiskies. Gibson XXXX i Gibson XXX " Roberaon County. (6 yfeara old.) Old Ken tacky Rye, (years old.) Old Hennossy Brandy, Imported Htock. Genuine Port Wine, our own Importation Schiedam Gin, very line. Blackberry Brandy, (4 years old.) Apple Brandy, (A years old.) Old N. C. Corn Whlaky, ttweet Maah. Alao will have 1n stock', Imported Ales Porters, Dublin, Stout, MUwaakee and St Louis Bottled Lager bee, Champagne and Wines of all description too numerous to mention. Attached to my establishment, I have added a retail Cigar & Tobacco Department, In which can he found all brands ef DOM ES TIC and HAVANA CIGARS. ; Canal acreet frem Slatb f ftevenlh. Kt4TfirOSD. RNOINKf portable and tattonary. flA W MILLS, VHUST-MILIJ. BOILKKM, CAST INGS of BRAr-S and IRON, PORUINOV kc. MACAIN ERY for Aoli and Coal Mines Bias Knrnacess kc. We cafl Aeelal attention to oot IMPROV ED PORT BLK KNOINK. for arte ultural and othewpurjswes. The Boilera of our Agricultural Eugiuea are provided with our PATENT PREMIUM SPARK ARRESTERS, a device Ty which t lie sparks are forced ot pas downward ovt-r a r-fervelr of water and effectaaJlyextiuulshMd witlKMit the uae of wire gause. Our i the only arrangement of t hi kind which afford free access te the boiler tubes for cleaning from each end. Also, to our .new styles SMALL LOCO MO Tl VH for ha nl hug lamber.and other articles uioii Hramwaya and narrow auare rail whv m . i lie bxt Planters regard our GINNING KN'HNES superior to any In nse. Send for illustrated Catalogue free. Other things Uig eqn I eTVOTrrageSoothenj tnatl t o t ion s . Reiaur work eoUeited aad promptly doue. . S taftiny. Pullaya, Ac. for Qln Boa sea. "M nnLwturer of Jones' patent Tobacco Buuip MaehiwiH to work by fiand or power." - wm. r tInnkr at CO. K R. BATjGHAM. Rleh Square, N. C, 1 lea I Astit in Eastera fiorth Carr4tna. tr.i - (irx. J.' WrrHiAf, Agent KlUWa, V. Q. Uraet wnr tobc