iU A ILLblX dLNat v MS WKDNKSHAY. - - --MAY 1 4, 1C.. r-r th sooth Amnttr 5ttr.. -.., Mmnwvr. murni rd umerou. lilt naln. P v y I4-c to w AJrrrtl t.. rt T.rxn ITotel Property .r A. IV. TW v M. -A. lAl m tWJ .nwrj. - ir.rai.-t WaiiA3M-'. -' Ri-oIvh. WTI! it I xx-.il notice. K. H. A5DRtw.t fc Co-Local nieo. LAMM I BRiriX J- -The ftirtnwi adl.dcoUr Ul rjun U badly nwl Lj ibr . aoi H efn a townsfolk fco. After tb too cool Prinw' weather. r, at U4 and I ha is re dly tor rid. . - Mr j u Mone lean- thi nrn- York and HoMoo. wLi. li clt'Sh will y" TiNV to F?1' Tf ntifimin -J i" uiachiM. UJlYe t uHhWi urelvble . v- " iir of hore Rt 1W 10 pun iw i ,, ... i. -.a .turner, tor it cut bo pull.. bV fe1 i ....iliiii" .-i.nilMXed atta I'l benefit. ThiwUM lor ufluwrPPear . ; .1... i.,.r.V and thl SOH.HOU nt.v nfthownri of pond are Hw'K tVm with nh. W ith proper .-are. i r enjoy tldt lint it a vear or two. w e cn aporj U the full. , l-The authorities are earnestly k- 1 to hasten thecou-t ruction oi im . ei-tern. Another thin that need t SntionU the u o tha police t tires. Thevsreoaduty. of M h.v no order, a th-y l.ouM. to k.p w v the .-row.U of i.lUr- w!.o r- - nui.an.-. . ( "V Li J iw hmM. Mtoro on Kar- iiu.ti uI v!erlav thai wi.v " -s.w. ,I.n who would ruu a r.Tiil h-v not onlv the thanks of the mervbnt but their money on of the .lu.l ditHllen i . rt.tnJy Oenxled. le. Thre will be a tevUl meeting Raleigh chapWT. . i. "" "l o'elock bv rUrof the t... 11. 1 llell'i Half Acre" nt up a fhoi.c SlJnUv. hTey 'wVre proiiTpfly and properlv dil of. S m.e were fined, others made a"iuaiiite.l with the inint riw "f "' K''r'l hoiif. :vl all were made to know that thev Iitsl iuavivili country. Thi-r will be a Hjiai meetiliu' oi llirwiu U-dge .No. U to-day, at 3 o cl. k. at Ue Mao.U- Jlall. U U.ir tie re nuuii of the.r onther memtcr. Mr II. J. lln.wn. to the "ty,,;"".41"- o.emn.of Wni. J. HIH !.odg-f .No. jS.iUidvte.iung brethren. re resj. t fully lnvile.1 to attend. wl,t- R. J. Wofwlevdeputy wheritl of I i:t itMiav, stelay. bruiucnt wp to the IVuiU-uti'arv Wright ltiount. tlored, .-onrirted of tanvney and jentrrce.i to tb re year imprison ment. Jan.-KllingU!. deputy -hritl of Korkiucham. brxuighl daw n John t r rer. colored, under fMnten. of a y r. for lantrny. MarHle Deatav. tn Teterday morning. 1 'ih int.. a.-. Ihetraiu on llie It. A ..-V. 1- U"ad w s ou itA outward trip. U ran oxer an oKl colored man rwue,i Merrill William aUfM Cooke. The a.-idint Uk place -avwiaal B,ki.arii w - striding. loxe7the Peidrennar-- Th Ihm1 oi the oid tuaa wlrribiy inulilateil and be llVeU oilv iut" Iltteeu iniliuli-i. Curu KioOarton rpfeo-i to I. ief lM li. ajsl tori. the rwde. A jlryonrvte-l aAdt nn.r- tem exaiuinaliou tK pint i.ier i afternoon at 4 o rlm k. 1 he i oioiier af l.mnl the engineer and tircuian to pro- eeeti ct tbe tnu arfer liug rtsgni.st iMi.k.x1iiLl-iott the tur v ut hi- llest BM W lllt'WV. I I i i t i . Te MMUIM . At the reiuel ol many irv.n l In lautifQl pantomime w ill l- related ai Tucker Hail H-nigtit. Mr. Lew .l)nM il a 1. m tfll IH Wants uil W ho took part in ue ay befoio to oieet tier rromutly at tbe Hall tbt-s moruing al lu u iirvk for reheaisd. li. kei have been reduced toiwemy tivemii!.-, ..,.4 mill I .wi ul at AllieU W MllaUis n Wk iorl aKf al r rank, Huaru' drug tiAtr'rtf-ir ho wi0 reserved wt cau oblaia tlm at lleuftl s urug st..r The uienil-ers or Manteo No. n.. are heretiv uotiliel l"dge. to tueel cvaii r4- vtJ s Muv,-4d th laettntaabaof uuig at eel to our Uetraed liro. Iieurv J. liiow u. Tte member- of ?eatoti tai laKlgv, o.b4 aiiU uuuog breiiireii in the iiiy aae Xraietuaily iuviuxl to tarii iau Jty order of the V. . J. C. biRiuit, (secretary felh mr. Ilewry J. Braaa. tin Monday night, at 11 o clock, after an uluena ol aotuv iwtiglb, Mr. lieiiry J. brows, oo ur Um li known ciii n of Kaleifh, mm-d aw ay. He w aa in hi bfctU Tear, and luuj for many y ear wal, ovcUpieU tha houe in m Uu-n ue lMd, uu is mt, Morgan street. 01 r. brou naaa iwui oi V irguaia. ami a a bora iu t'eirbur-. Jiw vaiud to tbia Mala wben a laa and a4Ut-d in Wake connty. He mamed Ml l.Voi Laiu!, 1m urnra him. (."ouiing tu Ibla citr. be brt began Ibe furtuUirr iMislneM. hut auou aiunl unuetlaking. Mr. iirowfii ikuJaTsiJiW a ad . n eat meiatn oTaffntoA streVt -MtUo- Lmi cUurcU, and waa a true aud worthy Cbrtatian. feaUl in latgh aiu by a., wboknewbiui. The luuerai M-rKe will be bold from rieuton treet UiaNtrttUl ialternoou, iie. W. Li lack. thpUr, i-onUut tii the ir- AbMlTat Tb market ia rw4rufLaaa Hemn as u mitfbt tej although it waa gtt a tauh anudoaoa tlUi carbUa mi - ywau rOa y . It otrgtil to ba kopi awi and IrvJi Uirougb even lb uoteal aummer day. aaaacaflatMar tMilaaiai)t. A walk Uirougb y tenia y by a reptrter ilia not abvw my uxiicuiarlv tempt Lug display a oi euibitr. egecabies are aUia acarua, greu psuu art u,iioUsJ a "A Q JM caMiia per pei-k; aweei jotatoof, ilieata fa, f I, per bunel; Irisn (new aearre, fr qaart; straw oerrrex abon tlaatls a lu tZi mou acr quart. kUUiet bruag (.j i cuia per lb.; wbii erg ii at Iw (9 re 11 la pet, doten. wpring t tiK ke are quite scarce al Lii Ijcta. whiiethier aiiceators are quotau at U) (.V cent eacli. IWf aa luiwraoly abundant, and ia raiitar oi medium quality , aa i uanallv tw caae, at 5c. ami TJj renta ; lamb at llcaudlifv; pork at lu; ttalatl:), a at aauaaga al iZi. Th tuoal uiarkei ia nevac gouU ml tiaia aeanon, and afi vegetable- are a-arr, it ia rather rough on the lorcrs of guod eating.. Tb tiaU market ia poorly aupplUd, aiMi few ciuuawe tiala am ou aaie. The snpftty kM ben' nort tbr some days, tbw deajer aay. Koe had bring 7o itou jfpalr; buck shad 0 eent r-er pair. . axeb aod giber freeui water nab xt wortlt a esaita par bunch. Trout bciujr, at wen La. bi.nch, and herringa lav amaua rice. jrbou 1J0 yesterday monotaythe .larui of itrtVwan siren by the bell, and alo by the pillar of flame which ixxe hiKlQiu the kT, and vod ciowd hur ried tup IIllll(ro avenue, to a point noitrlv onioite St. Mary', wliere the rtre Was locaied. It bejjan in a nearly om pleted frame dwelfinj?, Tvlonjriflfc tn fr. J.'. tlli. TIm? buii.linir,wms lUittO! ready for oocupuicy and waa a HaiKlaome. iwa story structure, x ?uiu it Lba firoapreaJ to 4L bulldiuf ud wwt of It, and in the adjoining Iota, Tueone on.ih cast was au J raut two story dwelling, nearly new, occupied by Mr. KlU. Both it and the building flnt on tire were entirely do troretL The building on the west wa the lanre mausion of the late Col. 1. M. Carter, wherein resided hU family. The entire ea--.t ile of Ibis was dent roved by tho fUuje. There wm greitt delay in Ki lling to the arf.wiuK to the grvU dibUii. aud lack of lionww for liie engine aJid trmks. The C'heuiieul enjrin wtw the lirnt on the w-ene, and went frallantly to work at wliat te.ned the lioele?v tkik of saving the Carter bottle. They kept down the tire until the Victor w'liieh next rame up. got on goud Uwuu irotu Ui iairu ia O" vanl of Maj.'K. S. Tucker, and put otii the fire raguiiJJL ylCAlue ua-UJiuu: llio tin roof, it wa tU'wU'i'U 1 1 wa iiimli'nij lo foae the binTlturf aV-eu)KsJ O Air. Kllis, though l-tt thv Resfuy an Ur threw fTeanr,,iipTTn iTTHim U let alone. The saving of the Car- rr'lunwa whs UoktsI uihui as the oel work vyr ctye tv Uialuruuif. . 11 r. W.-tv, Vimrost;' Huxuf ry( tot tbo N". t'l U-mije' VtV. nnr"l ttie? f heniical eturiife i)ilip:Uiy and the Victors, ?Jo esTJi toiaye the building and Uioy gal laiitlv earned thsir reward. The prop erlf a takiii out of tbo hou.ses, and aoiite if tt w;is mncli dainugd. Tho iosursiJtt' oil tlb C.irter pla-e, ( saved .5fviM: ?t. in the N. C Home, mm. I m.LuA in the Lvuchbnnr Kire. of Vav. tn Mears. Liwreme V .Smith'.s Ain'iicy. The lo?i was alKut 1.M, arnl the coiiipaiii gave out bids lor the restoration of the pecaerty af oiice Work bgan ytarday airfi Ui Uu u ill Ltti aoou raalucoU. - - . The insurance on the burned build ing uniH-cupied. wa.s ?1.0f. Tlio in suraiioe ou the iiuuw of Mr. Kllis wa. '.,iai; fl,U0 Ciich in the Lyuciiburg and .vttisli Comniervial, through the agency of Lawrence and Smith. The. lonaoa ou both , these, are, of court, toLaL The firemen won golden words from the lookers on, for their energy, and Maj. Tucker wm specially active m tho work ol saving tbe jruierty. 1 1 r u ry Jerome Hn n. The deatli of this most highly eslcciu tsl citieu li.es Ih.s-ii a cause ol ileep l"c-a-ret to the enure ciiiiuunuy. He was, proiiuliwlit ana lliM ciA.srt aiTd Uic's lut t.ii'iiifl maker, a urMUl tie follow cd ijuiii- maiiyy eais in this city. Mr. lirowu ua boru iu 1't Ursburg, Va..Jui I lll.,Ill,aud 111 l.slo ius lather tno ol lo tin?, i ity. w li.-n lie w .i I. Hi tie years ol :it;i-, eoiiimg Iroln i'eleiT oiirg 111 wagons. 'i'Uey arrivetl and -iiupsi 011 tue uburt's ofth u on 1 he night of tue Lirge tiro of June, ilt, irhx u Kurned the city n arly up, ie truy hi? the projieriy oi Jului .Ni.irsliall aiKioUicrs. Hi father waa a chair ma ker by trade, and snii acuucd a large Miuifs i. iiis honest urilit wr.lk. . u tne --nil of t-eliiuarv, l!Ctl he was ioir rii-d lo Lu-s ) recent wile. Allan Ly ifla Jauo Iaue, and daughter of.Vir. .Nutli.uiiol latue, who died many years ago. ne sdii urvies hiui. lheir tuametl life lia-s liwti one of unalloyed jeait auii happiue. Ttiey bae raisoil 4 large lamuy ol 1 hildien, all of w Loin tiae ie-n Uiarrioil oxc-,u three, a un til ul aoai and lo sviwi tiaughlers. As a ntisoauu ana laluer Lie Was lirm, ami aliei liouatei ite olvd to hia lamil V. Aa 1 t hrisUaii, he came as hear oeihg 1 I MS i .t- 14 til l l.lil. 10 UH'liai nan s loi 10 If. In is.-f, his I'hrisiian lie wa nearer like the .i(Hlle-s njnkeil l in the liioie than any iwiii the riir i vir knew, lie waa a l Mbisi 1a 111 the trucsi sene ol Uto Word. Ulitu 111 Uie lone hour ol tho night Mould he . heard lo e veiaiui: "1 allow that my ICouueuier iieui," alia inany oilier '-eauilul ex irevsioii similar lo the alse. He k ma jrw.41 and tiiC H-st i-oi tioii ot im 1 1 1 a to tiife adVsiao- lut ui oi U10 ( nninaii religion. lie wo one oi the niont proiiiinc-nt KiU l i-iiuwi in tin- city, having beeu a nc oilier ! Utat toheoiuiil lusiiiuiioi tiOC atsjiit l"t. lie w .is a member f Manivo lHlj.,.- oi this eiiy al llie lime l ills de.tll., uiii as ul .i, Ute Kncaiup- ilenf. ! About I'. e u-amaxt) hejoiiusl Hiram llge Ala.soin aud wad groatiy 00 iotsii.t tho ntumlr ot that aiu ient irder. A goml and great man ha fallen. Hi placo cannot o' iilnu. hir hearts ait aait, .1 hf wuoieioiaiiiuiuly isiu mourn iiiif Ox er the tirs ot s. good a man. l uarralar lr.ll.J. lire w 11. The fiiii-ral of Mr. H. J. lirown, w ko dieit last night about II r .xk. afier a long and painlul illness, will lake plai e io-djy. Tbotuneral services w ill oe ueiix eiesl al the Kdentoli st reel M. K t nurt-h at 1 o'eloek. r riends and relatives of the deceit-Mil ui v in ileil to attend. If you nooil gxXKi rk or pine mhI ei it of Martin A t Sborn. i ak af x.;.im pine 9JL.ni. leli erel by the cord. On nana hii, Jiio luiliels tetsl out. 1 heap. I-aat May tbe pheuouienou callei "biod-raiu" txrurrtil in the Jebel Nrkra, a summit of the Hist, at the western extremity of the Alias range in Morocco. 1'roles.sor Urun, of (nio- va, baa gin account of his obaerva liotis of tho wonder producing circuiu tam e. I he "rain appeared ou tbe rocks in the form of bright red its. It c.nsintc I of a mixture of silicoous aaml aud very lino lime, with abun-datii-e of unicellular algft of the species ProtoorxsMis fluvialis, and cintaiiuug a large proportion of per oxide of iron. The ideal hotel must unite three things : A perfect table, luxurious riMiin aci-omuiiMlations, and alfjniivc uea to the WAiUt ol 'the guela. When n tte!e ts- rrrrtTfsi morlerHtion ln"-rii-e. the aiiracUou ia al most irresistible. Such is tr rxcellt ncr the character of the ueilraled New York hotel, the "M. Nicholas.',,. All elevator makes all parts of the house easy of accent, and the location is central and i-on v enicnt. 1 haken. niie oincr articiivs oj ifn ir kind arc largely ad ultcraied. Dr. Price' Crenm 1 1 .1 it it.iKing f-owucr noi.is us unshaKuu o silirm as the purest, lst aud most re liable in all particulars that consti tutes; perl ec reaulta, it ctuinot le an proacbed by any other llakiug Powder in Ui market W.aealaaw Hata 'ienuine Mackinaw Hats at SI. e-io. al II. It. Andrews A o s. ient aud Halters. i0 and Cloth- W t I esu I e tare. Meaara. Iaalta A My atthae 011 hand wid to arrive i RiUKa4 ki "I.. A M." Paniilv Flour. ft - . .U0 " "XX" w bhla. rata4iS4X sad Oranga Flour, to sa ks N. C. Flour. ."ul bushels corn. MO meal (Virginia bolted). JU.tCO rbs. hulk C XL aides. Aonu ' Lacon uwl shoulders. l.unu " iwi a-iSOri ajui unmn vasmtl hams. la. N. C. bams and shoulder K) bbU. new crop Cuba molaae. i-t New Orleans 16 " "Oneen llee" Svrup. Ion. bokt twi ami lie res- lard. bags Klo CulttML JOhM.-re1lrw jrurfif. ' 13 - .V." and "f?- amrar. tinuiulatod ' " All of which w ill ba aokl Low. Sen or aample and price Hat. Iairta A: M v alt, Wfmirwjile H meet s. B i .. iWrwr mmXtS-"tt2!; c OneV MUler'a " safe (Xo.7) tooi sh new ; only been in use two-years ; will be sold at a greatly reduced price Latta t: MfATT. At WalvooV Fine large salt herringi, pickled beefi N. C and snrgsr cured. hsiiiH and sbouldetoatft mattl... sugars, of all grades. graand tobaeco, all of the Tery beak -. At WatsWa Fzeelleot pickles, chow-chow, pre pared mustard and catsup by the mea sure, and a good supply of canned goods generally, all going very cheap. I. T. JahmaoBK. Wholesale grocer and commission merchant, Wilmington street, 2 doors north Market, Is conatantlr. reoeivlutf consignment of epgs, chickens. Iriwii Ktatres, N. t Ha-6n, and all' ; kinds countrv proiluce w hich healwaytlellsto btt attvantage and remits promptly. Give him a trial. II is stock of grocer ies is large and well eleced, and he offers special inducements to persons buying in quantities. Write to him f o r p r i cos . . . Cuba Jfolasses. one ftrrmi rf Cuba Molasses -on-HianieiL, will lnold cheap. Call at once fox a bargain ' . pt,AMoBiso. VAM IHI.i: t'lTY l,OTSl FjB NALir. 4n Tsiifsdir. Juie5Ui.lTVt 12aw. 1 will sell on the prejnl8ti, lr lots to suit pn n4ia.se rsf tuatvluable prperty in the citvof llalill lying on the west side of ifalifat street, aud bouadod on tho south bv.lho Kt f Mrs. M. S. Slight and H H. 1 1 d lyings, Hsti; 0,1 thM w.l bv fcaHsburv street; I on the north bv lots of .TJjCMai H. S. 1 fudging. Ku'.: o; f ivjf.Muarun, r.sq., ami od tut? Piist by Halifax street. -'' J Term of Hales One-IOrtli Caah. residue in three eqiial install iqents on a cetiit of i, 1J ;tnd 13 months, ros Ktirolv. fb intorest a r cent., notes qired frleferrtl payments, snd title rmre I'm'! imrt hasj inouey Is all paid. Sale made tu punuau 01 luugmeni of Wake Superior Court. Judgment Roll No.S.I.tS. S. F. MordX,ai. May Gth-tds. Commisaloncr. lirt.OuO feet pine lumber. JW.Onrt heart pine sawed shingles. J.noo bushels Ijolted ineaJ. 2," bushels sorn. J ear loads baled fodder, o .. .. .. hay, and a varietv of horse and cow feod on hand, and more isuning. For sale very Inwbv Jones, tJt.vn A Pow ell, etteville ati-ei-t. Raloigh, N. C. Standard. P;it:ips-o Flour. Patapsi-o Ital.in Powder. 47 Fav- Bolted Virginia Mal. orange lirove Kxtra Flour. Prime Timothy Hay, Marshall's Iaverjxol SalU Clear Bib Bulk Meat. Kgerton -oU h Snuff. For sale at w holesale ) W. H. Iip. Cliuraa phuded ill May, Ma Julv. ybe June and I- or sale bv W. 11. Dodd. flMojonr Interest to Know thai Payne Bros.arenow making the I est bricks 011 this market and selling them lower than the low est. They can afford it as they give the business their undi vided attention and U-ing practical 1 11 en know how to make theiii economv and of lxt nihility. by Tbev uso Uie well known and long triod 'Crab Tree '.iv" w hich is unsur i.u.vswl iii the Slate of North Carolina. We guarantee our brick and w ork to live perfect sittisfaction. For further intonnatiou -all on Wayne Allcott, Agent, corner Will, and HavieSfs., or a'lr.s, I'aynk Bkos., P.O. Box 7.1, Raleigh N. C, Itoer. Ale. Porter and Mineral Water". Mv facilities for th. delivery of the aliovejn i-ttlca r kc, are superior.' to an y in the Ft;Ue. i Pricos as low- as ihe lwest. t'ountrv orders solicited. M. Bills! Raleigh, N. C City Jtotling Works. ' lite .Manhattan. Tho most reliable, oay tilting and al together satisfactory shirt you can wear is the old reliable Manhattan. Always kept in stock al a very low price, by l. s. Wait A' Hko., Raleigh, N. C. Bargains never lefore heard of. I Jiavt iL riUir4iod from Now Tork Artiere I liave purchased a select to k trf Irfy-Otirsfs consisting lu Dress rxi Is, Lawns. Pique white and colored. Prints in great varietv aiid Prettiest I ever bought. Blcaclusf ami unbleach ed musiiiis al all prices. HOOTS, slIOKs. AND HATs, in great variety. Boydens hand made Jailers for ientleineii all styles lxth high and low cut with Iwixtoe and with out lxx, Beautiful French toes. J. S. Turner's hand made gaiters for Gentle men high cut w ith and w iihout box. lleiser hand-made gaiters for gen tlemen's w ear. T. Miles A' Son's ladies' shoos, nioriM-co and cloth. Miles' la li kid button booU. Miles' ladies' k.d New iort Ties, which are beautiful. In addition to these, I keep a full line of all qualities and pricos of low price shoes for kei tlemeii ai.d Ladles, and a nil Mne of 9fje' al Children Nhaei. I have a fine line of ckiklrena' white no-heel button shoes. My Clothing Department Is very at tractivo. aud prico uioi extractive. I am also agent for Devlin fc Co., the leading custom-made clothiers of N. Y. measure taken and suit madetoorder Don't forget the famous Bovdeu Gaiter for gcnUsin all fetyles, and my Clothing"! Department up stain. Agent Frank Ix.Iie cut puer patterns. Catalogne Free. Very Respectfully, J. 1'. GuliIky. I'abaard ol narg-alaiM! Who tries his best to please hi.s friends And in his labors never ends, Bartrains he'll give vou when vou oall For No. 10 ! all and all. Of other houses you hear them talk; In Favetteville street just take a wa lk ,nu oniv asK lor No i. Kept by the mont intrenious of men And wtien hi friends by chance drop in Th'ii forth he come Ixrd what a grin. And to their wondering eves displays fMu h JieaiM of braet ud window ' Vaades 1 1 His pictures are exjosed to public view And a rariety of cord to Muspoudthein too, , 1 1 is looking glasaes and toilet cases Will help adorn your forms and faoes; Picture frames ana mouldings too In great variety, black, brown and blue. His window cornices and lambreouins fine, Will make your rooms and parlor shine. Perforated mottoes, and white hollv . , IsWkoU..,. ; j J ' And ererA- frThnr nri nfai ' - Of which he hopes to have enough. So now he bids vou all adieu And w ishes a happy new j-ear too, nil not forget C C. Clawhon, j No. 10 Fayetteviil St. ite4. A tady of tmrtlvlYvear. -iHn. in t teaching, laire"to Luin Uard in ex cnamre lor instruction n tnn.in teaching other branches, a few mUr. uaiiy. rveierenee given. AM leacher, care of editor New. ; 4 Aa m fltrUet In alll diseases' of the kidneys the best known remedy is the regular use of the famous Buflalo Lithla water from sprit ig number 2. It acts promptly and elfer tu: illy, does not differ in taste from othf i waters and to those w ho suffer from k.ulney complaints it is an indis peu:ble uesitv. For sale by all hrst clas.s druggist. i T . i i For Krut A dwelling house in the city of Kal eiah. Seven rnnmsj in fifood repair with necessarv outhouses. For partieu lars annlv to W II. Paw. Attorney at X - " W J m PariilniTr Entire. Business men and others in need of Book and Job Printing of any Kind should rpmnnihpr that the Nrws Job Olflce Is the nlaceto have it done neatly, cheaply and at the shortest notice. Xo Time IJke the Freeul. 'ow is4he time to buy jroods cheap at Iaw- s "china and silver" w arehouse. We must reduce our enormous stock oefore the dull summer months, and to oarties wishing triple-plated casters toiks, spoons,- ttc, china, cutlery or glassware we liave special bargains to offer. Call early aud get prices or send tor price list before buying eisewnere Una aixl lcksnaitna. Brock well A King, near the rear of the U. S. Court House, on Salisbury street, are prepared to repair in hrst class stvle. Breeh-loading and Muzzle loadimr Shot Guns and lire arms of every description. They also repair Door rjocks, Trunk Locks, and locks ot all patterns. Umbrellas, Parasols, rlu & ! . . . . C . . An . . . . . 1 ak.a ...I l S . , . w i n tl.- llllg iiineiiiiioB, atiu cvw j vuiii vu- line of small hardware, either brass steel or Vrou. Sign ami Bell hanging a specialty Orders trom a distaueo. will rweive special attention. Kevs fitted tt residences on short notice. All work warranted. TlaeUrealett Bleasf rajr. A simple, pure, harmless remedy tlutt cures every time, aud prevents dis ease by keeping the blood pure, stom ach regular, kidneys ana liver .active is the greatest blessing ever conferred nrn man. lion Hitters is tniw remedy and its proprietors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and cured bv it. Will you try it? See another i-oluinn. K. tVj all. Has 011 hand and tg arrive. 22,000 lbs. C. R. Bulk side and shoul ders. l.uno bus. prime white com. 200 bbls. family Hour. Too bus. Haxall Mills bolted meal. .V) sacks Marshall's Liverpool salt. 25 bbls. New Orleans molasses, 10 bbls. sugar house molasses. 20 bbls. sugar, from granulated down 20 sacks ooflee. . 20,i0d pound prime'Timothy hay. Karlv Itose seol potatoes. Orders rilled promptly for seed sweet potatoes. Above luinied goods I bought right, and will le s4d actxmliuglv. L. R.Vyatt. Wilmington St., opposite Market. C. Weifcei ft Co. In onler to be abreast with the times in every respoct, this enterprising lirm are re-eiving daily samples olall the most fashionable and seasonable goods now in the market. Select j our sam pies and they will send for the goods and make thorn up in a style that, for elegance and finish cannot be surpassed Their charges will be moderate and suitable to the times. All goods now on hand will be sold at verv reduced prices for cash onlv. Call and examine their stock. You needn't buv unless von like. The Celebrated Seven Nprlng Iiaron ani .iuin jiasa. This isderidedlv the most useful, be sides being the most efficient Family Medicine ever placed within the reach of any people. Its reputation extends lar and wide, and its great popularity is due entirely to its own merits. For relieving Sick ami Nervous Headache, it mav be trulv said, to have no equal Dyspeptics rind it just the remedy for their troubles. Mothers and daugh ters have long since discovered in its use a ''iianacca" for their worst ills; and nrrw ve have the testimonies of two eminent ministers ol the gospel, from Southern cities, setting forth its specific effects in other more dreaded and troublesome diseases. ReV. Johu F. Mayne, Theological Seminary, Columbia, S. ( ., writes: "Auj atllieted with that terrible disease, 'DialieteH;' am using the 'Seven Springs Mass' with a considerable degree of re lief; is the only remedy 1 have yet found to suit my case ; want to continue its use until a cure is effected if possi ble. Send worth of the enclosed P. O. order iui mediately. , Jxo. F, Mayne. Columbia, fs. C, Jan. 23d, 187i. Rev. J. D - Parker, of New Orleans, I-i., writes: "Having tried effectually the 'Seven Springs Iron and Alum Muss,' for Diarhea, Kidney afflictions, Ac., I take pleasure in recommending its use in these complaints. In my case it affords immediate relief. J. D. Parker." New- Orleans, La., Feb. 11th, 179. For sale by Win. 8i'iipson, Pesciul, Lee A Co., and F. H. Heartt, Raleigh, N. C, ana Druggists generally. Landrtjm A Lttchfiei.d, Abingdon, Va. Fresh Arrivals at I). T, Johnson's. Richmond lslted mel,'' oOO tts nice white corn bulk meats,-X. C. hams and sides. A large lot of peas, (different kilidii.) Cuba- molasses in bbls and tierces, 20 bags coffee, different grades, 20 bbls nice yellow sngar, 300 sacks flour. We offer these goods to the trade at prices that can't fail to please. Give us a trial. A few chufas on hand yet, D. T. Johnson. Rrnnawlrk Rllllai! Table. I am general agent for this State for the celebrated Brnnswck and Balkas billiard tables. Speei il inducements offered to saloon keepers. M. Bills, Raleigh, N. C, City BotlTng Works. At Wataon'a, fresh isupf ly of sugar cured should- A ers Only ror lilue Flannel Suits, at R. B. Andrews v Co. HaUeis.5. of fast colors Clothiers and Patnparo and I 1-0 Family Floor bbl. Sack. For stole W. H. Dodil. Tery Iaw I'rlee. 1,000 fans, from 5 cents. 1,000 handkerchiefs, from 5 cents. 1,000 pair hose, from 10 cents. 1,000 parasols, from 15 cents. f 500 straw hats, from 15 cents. . 7,uo0 yards domestics, from 5 cents. 7.50 shirts, from 25 i-ents. i Coats," from 00 cents. . ? .Vests, from 50 cents. Paula, from 50 cents. Ar full stock of ladies' slippers, from, J An t r. n. X 1 ' Il ..... i I.- A "Y run, HI If UUUUUU S H5ll J" I out Store, Wilmington st. 1 . For Bale j Two hundre and fifty pounds of live geese feathers. They are pice .ind will be sold low. Apply to IiHttu t Myatt, Wholewala GrK-ers and Commission Merchants. Brewiater Is agent lbr, pure mixed paint, any " . -. 1 color. 0 chemichl Or soft soap paihtTl but a pure paint that any painter will like and warrant to be equal, to the best pdrCistaoU and; i0" per. cent cheaper. Agent for WadswOrth's dryer. Davis. VPJWW.SM s- Pure reen seal lead. Co'a.. premium cpaefc vfrnjsh pil brushes and every- l""" . ' Vtt. .prices. .Saah. doors, and bands of yellow pine as cneap as com- Marble aavd itaai Warka. r A very large assortment of Head stones and Monuments on hand tin shed Over one hundred sets lust received, plates of the latest designs received monthly. The cheapest place in the State to buy. Wolfe's Stone Bu rial Case at the yard and Henry Brown, undertker. Marble yard cor. Morgan and Blount Sts. Raleigh. -Cayton A Wolfe. Mght Shirts. Best quality, cut long and well made, at $1.00. The lowest price in the city, at R. B. Andrews fc Co., Clothiers and Hatters. KALKIUH .tlAKKDIX Cotton Market : Reported byPAKKER fc A VERA, Cotton Brokers. Raleigh, N. C May IS, 1879. Middling .strict Low Middling Low Middling rttrict Good Ordinary Good Ordinary Ordinary Middling Stains Low Middling Stains Good Ordinary Stains Tone of Market, rirm. ..12 . .11 ..H?4 .10 CITY MARKETS Wholesale Prices, Corrected by CHISTOPHER fc SORRELL. Official Report of Grocers Exchange, Raleigh, N. C, May IS, 1879. Flour, North Carolina Chickens Corn Corn Meal i Bacon, N. C. Hog round " " hams Bulk Meats, clear rib sides.. " " shoulders North Carolina Pork Coifee, prime, Rio " good fyrnp, S. H Molasses, Cuba Salt, Liverpool , Sugar, white " yellow Irish potatoes " " North Carolina Sweet Potatoes (seed) Oats, shelled. Peaches, peeled unpealed 55 75 15 (d6 00 (a- 20 60 5 65 60 6 V 6 7 7 fe 5(? 6 m (4 1 15 13 14 12 25 S3 S 35 ul 70 1 bo 7Vj 1 00 01 25 50 b$ 55 75 a 0 45 50 8 per tt Apples, northern per bushel., il 25 1 .50 dried 3 i Cotton Ties, new " " spliced Bagging Pork Peas, ier bushel, white " " " stock. Eggs Butter Beeswax Rags mixed " cotton Fcrs Otter Mink Fox 11 4 12 6 90 75 15 15 65 (Q) 20 e 22J4 137, 4 .S5.00 . . . 75 ... 90 ... 35 Coon Above are lr filial I quan titles u i 1 1 be charged. large quantities, are wanted higher When prices TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. New Yobk, Mav 13. Money at 3 Exchange 4.b7i(ou 4.871. Governments lirm at 1.03J. State bonds dull. cotton net rei eipts luia Dales ; gross 3,818. r utures closed weak : sales 109, 000 bales ; May 12.43fg, 12.44 ; J une 12.54 ; July 12.71(3(12.72 ; August 12.8412.85 ; September 12.olCa.12.o2.; October 11.70 1 1.71 ; November ll.'52(aill. 33 ; December 11.21 (a 11.23: Jai u.rv 11.2311.25. Cotton dull; sales 323 bales; middling uplands 12 7-lti; middling Orleans 12 9-Id; cmsolidated net receipts 4,211 bales; export to (treat Britain 3,600 bales. t. x'iourtirmer,in instances 5 10 higher; Southern notir nrm but qniet. Wneat, spring, w ithout decided change ; win i( 1 lower, with moderate business ; ungraded winter red jl.i 8 a 15. Corn about lower, fairly active. Oats fairly active and a shade easier. Coffee fairly active but steady ; Rio, quoted in cargoes, 101(5,14; in jobbing lots 101(a) 15. Sugar firm with fair trade for Cuba; Muscovado Hf$fi 5-16; fair to good re fining, quoted at 6(a7-16; prime 64 9-lti: relined fair demand and firm. Molasses quiet, prices unchanged. Rice, fair request and quite firm. Tal low, fair trade and steady at 615-16. Rosin dull at $1,321 f 1.35 for strained. Turpentine weak Pork opened w-eak and closed firmer with moderate trade ; mess, on spot, is qnoted at?9.00 for old ; lo.oo(a10.221 for new ; June delivery &1.S0; A.iist $10.00(a)$10.05. Lard easv ; prime steam, on spot, 6.321 6.371. Whiskey dull, LlMi bid ; $1.05 a,ked. Freights quiet. Baltimore, May 13. Oats steady; Southern 3wvi,38: Western white 34 V; do. mixed 32134; Pennsylvania 34 (a,36. Rye quiet a' o8(a60. Hay dull; prime to choice Pennsylvania and Maryland $12.0O($14.X per ton. Pro visions firm'; mess pork JdO.SOfe $l .75; bulk meats loose shoulders 3j ; dear rib sides 4$ ; packed 4Ka51. Ba con shoulders 45(o,4$ : clear rib sides 51(3)6; hams i10i.;Lard, refineit, in tien es 1. Buner quiet; prime to choice western packed 15(a,17; roll UCu13. Lggs steady at 10(a 11. Coffee quiet: Rio cargoes 10jf(a16. Whisky dull 1 07 1.071. Sugar 8,8. t.'i.NcuNNAn, May 13. rlour in good demand and a shade higher ; for family $4. 7 5 (a, 5. 50. Wheat stronger and in lair demand; red and wmte fl.Uo(a $1.09. Corn ouiet at 3738. Oats firm at 3lrf53. Pork quiet but f rui at 9.75 (a,gl0.OU. Iard quiet but hrm ; current make held at $0.00. Bulk meats strong er shoulders held at $3.50, cash sales : early at $3,471 to seller Jane short rib sold at $4.60 r closed at $4.75 : bid n .short clear held at $4.704.75. Bacon in good demand at full prices shoul- 'ers $4. 121 fa $4.25 ; clear rib $o.l2i(a) r-2 ; clear sides $5,371 (g, 5.50. Whisky 1 tive and firm at $1.01. Butter steady and unchanged. Sugar steady and un hanged. Hogs active; packing, 3. 40 (.3.60. Wilmington, May 13. Spirits tur pentine steady at 261. Rosin steady ; jstrained $1.00 ; good strained $1,021. Crude turpentine steady ; hard $1.00 i yellow din $L60 ; virgin $2.10. Tar steady at 82J Corn quiet ; prime w'ite 02. Liverpool, May 13 Noon. Cotton puct; middling uplands b& ; middling rleans b lo-lb ; sales 8,000 bales : specu- ation and export 1,000 . bales ; receipts 050 bales, all American. Futures uyers offering 1-32 less ; uplands and ow middling: clause for May and June delivery 613-16; June and July 627-32 Kb 13-lb; July and August vi ; August and September 6 lc-16 6 29-32. Cotton futures, closed hrm. May 13. Cotton Middling, low mid dling, good ordinary : Galveston nominal at 11 j, Hi and 11 cents; net eceipts 200 bales. .Norfolk tirni at ; li cents ; net receipts 5- 2Jtales. Balti more nrm at 129, 12 and llg cents ; net receipts . . bales. Boston quiet at 121, 124 and 'Hi cents ; net receipts 400 bales. Wilmington firm at Hi, 111 and 1 1 cents ; net receipts !4 bales. Philadelphia steady at 12, 12j and 11J Bents; net receipts bales. Savannah firm at 12-, 11 and llg cents; net re ceipts 594 bales. NewJOrleans quiet and firm at 12, 111 and 111 cents ; net re ;eipts 163 bales. Mobile quiet and steady at llf, 111 and 1H cents; net re ceipts .43 bales. NEW ADAERTISE9IE!fT8. NOW READY FOR DELIVERY ! The Digest ol Cited Cases W THI North Carolina Reports. By Hon. A. W. Toartree. We are happy to announce to the legal profession that this valuable work Is now ready for delivery to subscribers. The labor of preparation and the necessity of securing the utmost possible accuracy in the Im mense number of citations, has necessarily delayed the work, but the result cannot but oe satisfactory to every practioner. It con tains every case in the Reports of the State which haa been cited by the Court, the cases in which cited, whether with approval or ? 7rL . ii a,est of 1 .e lioint. rr r 1 rii tirn iirJtn a full a uH onAnmta Ladex to theuWt matter h" i form, matter, completeness and style of fuiblleation, ft Is undoubtedly the best law ok ever published in the State, containing 750 large double-col lamu pages, o,UU cited Rises and about 30,000 citations. It will be mailed to subscribers on receipt of the price $12 with 25 ceuts for Hostage. Or sent by Express C O. D. when there is an ofnoe convenient. Persona desiring to have th. .nri, .hn.,1.1 r,i., - ... 1 tlo is a limionr a LJ-BED WILLIAMS & CO., Publishers. By ROBT. B. LYNE. r Real EaUate Aetlaaeer and Ajrent, 1212 Main Street, Richmond. Va. GRAND Hotel Property In Richmond, Va.. with Furniture. Fix tures, Horses, Omnibuses, and everything Complete for the Business, Fronting Capitol street and capital Square, on Mnth street. The Loveliest spot in the South, ForSalea PDlCAlCQOl Bv request of Messrs. Hunter A Pendleton, owners of the "St. Claire Motel," located on the northwest corner of Grace aad Mnth Streets, and now doing a lartje and rapidly increasing business, withJ'a Amputation equal to any Hotel In Riehmondrl shall sell by public auction, upon tbe premises, on THURSDAY. THE 29TII DAY OF MA Y, 1S79, ATllO' CLOCK, M.t the Hotel as above described, with a front 011 race street of 88 3-12 feet and on Ninth street ltf3 4-12 feet with a depth of 130 feet on its north line, and a width on its rear of T.i 3-1-2 feet. The Hotel is a partly four stories and partly three stories above base ment. Contains sixty-tnree rooms. J.ne Frame Dwelling adjoining, and fronting on Ninth street, which included in me saie contains seven rooms, kitchen, laundry Korvunts' ananments. stable.carriaae-house &c, Ac, situated in the geographical centre or the citv. in Iront of the State-Capitol square, with an elevation insuring health ful air and fine views of the surrounding country. This is justly considered the Moat Desirable Position for wt Hotel in Richmond, locoted as it is on one of the great thoroughfares of the city, where street cars are Dassine every tew minutes, and within a few squares of the post office, custom-house and all publio places, and yet withal, in a quiet and delightful locality, where property is steadily ana conwnuauy improving in value. The sale of this qrop erty should commend itself to men of capi tal, and to hotel at large, who may desire now to secure permanently the location the best and most desirable of all other for that business in Richmond and in the entire South. The Furniture is comparatively new, and Is of good modern style sucn as is usuany found in a first-class hotel. The fixtures, fcc, required for the Hotel business will be included in sale such as China-ware, tc., Ac. The owners have concluded to sell posi tively on the dav named. Parties may at tend exnectiner to see the sale made on the dav named. The terms will be made ex ceedinsrlv liberal, and will be annouced fully (xl day and hour of sale. ROBT. B. LYNE, Auctioneer, N. B. This advertisement will not in any wav interfere with the business ol the hotel and our friends and patrons will be made as comfortable and taken as good care of as heretofore. HUNTER PENDLETON, Proprietors of St. Claire Hotel Heavy and Fancy Groceries. SEA SOX A liLE G OO PS. Extro Choice New Orleans Molasses, No 1 English Island Molasses, 4 Finest XX Sprup and Silver Drips, Ferris Smoked Beef Tongues. Ferris Fulton Market Beef, McFerran and Shalloross Mnenolm Hfiins, Shakers Dried Corn, American Pinhead Oatmeal. Watergate Irish Oatmeal. Pure Apple Cider Vinesrar. Triple Strength French Vinegar, Choie Cucumber and Mixed Pi k!o. N. C New trimmed Herring. N. ('. New Roe Herring 1 Winston-. . Extra Soda anil Milk Biscuit, Fine Assortment Desssert 1 'akes and Uis- cuit. Choice line Green and Black Teas, Fine line Old Government Java and wh te Coffees. TO ARRIVE. 1000 lbs. Genuine Southampton Hams, 2,000 " Magnolia Hams, 30 boxes Extra Large Oranges and Lemons. W. O. At A. B. STRONACH. UNPRECEDENTED A TTBACTION Over Haifa Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Co. This Institution was regularly incorpor ated by the Legislature of the State fir .Ed ucational and Chaaitable purposes, in lntis. for the terra of Tweaaty-live Y ears, to which contract the inviolable faith of the Suite is pledged, with a Capital of $1,000,000 to which it has since added a reserve fund of 3.30,000. Its tirsnil ftingle Xiaaaaber Drawing's will take place monthly. It never scales of postpones. Look at the fol lowing Distribution: URAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take place the 109th Grand Monthly AND THE Extraordinary Semi-Annua I Draw in fj. At New Orleans. Tuesday. June 17th. 187V. Under the persona! supervision and man agement of , General G. T. Beauregard, of Louisiana. and Gen. j. a. HAriy, 01 Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, f 100,000. ir Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars hly. 11 " 1 ea, tf. 1. rutua,, Aril tun, M, 1 Capital Prize 1 Grand Prhse 1 Grand Prize "" 2 Prizes of 10,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 20 Prizes of 1,000 50 Prizes of 300 100 Prizes of 300 200 Prizes of 200 600 Prizes of 100 1100,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 2t,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 40,000 H0, 000 10,000 Prizes of 10 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation prizes of 200, 20,000 100 Approximation prizes of 100, 10,000 100 Approximation prizes of 75, 7,500 11,279 Prizes, amounting to $522,500 Gen. G. T. Beauregard, of La. ' Gen. J. A. Early, of Va. 1 Corn's Application for rates to rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Orleans. Writa for circulars or send orders to 2W. A. DAI PHIX, P. O. Box 69, Xcw Orleans, La. HOP BITTERS. tA medicine, not a Drink,) COJTTAIXa HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, a ran Pckkst ajto Bmt Mitwcai. Ocuirm j&l &x BiTTiKa. TJ Dlaeasea of tbe Stomach. Bowela. Blood. UTer. Idneya, and Urinary Organs, Nervousneaa, Slec neaa ana ea?ecUlly Female Complalnta. 1 lOOO IX GOLD. Ill be pld for a cmae they will not cure or help, oe Pasrthlnc Impure or Injurious found In them. ! ak your druggist for flop Bitters and try them ore you aleep. Take no other. rr CoyeH Cun la the sweetest, aaf eat and bead Aak Children. ttom Hop Pad for Stomach. Lfrer and Kidneys aJ ID. L C. fa an absolnte and lrrealBtrbtfl en re unumiKHi ua oi vyiom, looacco ana : Send for circular. aJtahwaoMtyAaghu. Hop BStor, M. Co. Rodwrt, X, "THE MODEL PRESS is the simplest, easiest rj...Yff, ' fastest and most perfect prcr. -r i invented, and guaranteed to be LThoroagbly Reliable Ann smart ban ran manage it. and Mol to nunareas of dollars worth of work a year. It saves business men aU their printing bill. Presses as low as $3. For business printing, $10 tn $35. Rotary foot power $100 10 fl&k 1 Over 9100 now in use, iia Prize Medal awarded fit the Paris Exposition. The Leading Press of the World. A ammem umurrama uvpagr oovk, A nanasemeM umstrasta in page oovk, wnmwu YmnkPSOMmtniina - S S GUWt, i.jltUlxest ' 'jWWffytfKW TTZJ,,Z7Z All 1 I CO., Inventors ana man'frs. TAIJ30TT & SOXS, Shockoe Machine Work?, RICHMOND, VA MANUFACTURERS OF Portable and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Corn and Wheat Mills, Shaftings, Hangers and Pulleys, Turbine Water W heels, Tobacco Facto ry Machinery, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, Machinery of every description. GINNING AND THRESHING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Repairing- Promptly and Carefully Dob. TcUbotfg Patent Spark Arrester, THE INVENTION OF THE AGE. Talbott's new Patent Spark Arrester is really the only perfect and reliable one, and is superseding all others in use. The great efficiency of this A Trad er is attracting universal attention, arid is being endorsed by the best mechan ical engineers and insurancecompanics. Its prominent features are : It does not destroy the draft. It does not interfere with cleaning the tubes. It will not choke up, and requires 110 cleaning. It requires no direct dampers to be opened wben raising steam (damper being objectionable, as they may be lt,;'t open and allow sparks to escape.) It requires no water to extinguish sparks, which, by condensation, de stroys the draft. . -Besides, when water is used, if neglected, the efiicieucy i destroyed ,by evaporation of the water, and the boiler is kept in a filthy con dition. It is simple and durable, and can be relied upon. It can be attached to any boiler. ' No planter should be without one of them. Insurance companies will in sure gins and barns where the Talbott Kngines and Spark Arresters are used at same rate as charged for water or horse-power. .Ji-ft- Send for illustrated circulars and price list. STRONACH it ALTjCOTT, Manufac Hirer's Agents, Raleigh, N. C. mayS-tf The Great Discovery. Richmond, Va. mayTt!-dvwtf NOITiqE. t 3 ; i yf r The co-rrtnerii!jip'hieret6fore exist ing between rJctwanl J. Hardin and Van R. Moore. ' ujier thu uanie-jind style of Hardin 'MAerp, dissolfi. .Mr. Moore navmg sold his interest to .vr. n:-irx:in. EPWRHJ. HARW3r, VA jrC MOOWkT EDWARD! J. HARDIN, r g r ckgjk ; ; .: i Will continue the business, as successor to Hardin & Modre,l al tjhsamo fore in the Holleman ItrtiWIng, Fayetttille street, and will afi'er-at all times a full and handsome stqek. o( rat-claj Gro ceries and . FauaijSarfclfj I fr,ter' description. Prices marked down to the lowest point.' ATI gtfods guaranteed as to quality and promptly delivered. K. .1. HAKDIX. mayl3-St FO II SALE. Two desirable lots for sale, situated north of Knnis' printing office, east of Capt. J. J.Thomas' residence, bounded by Salisbury and Jones sts., situated in a very pleasant and desirable locality. For terms apply to Mrs. Sallie K. B.-own. ' mav 10-lt. No, Not Phantasmagoria, IM'T SCIJSTANTIAL. Well Matched Horses ! FIXE DRIVKBK, A N'P SA DDI.FRS Always ForalcBr W. C. McMackin. may !Mf. pTIff : BEST Farm Road Wagons, Top Riirg-ie, PliacloiM, c arrlai. 1111U Sprtag Wagon always ia Htr.S ' " W. C. ttcMacKfn. mayS-tf WE AIIEXOW Suppressing the press, which baa become so oppressive, by selling BUTTER : in KiU at 10 cents Per pound ; Honey at 12 cents; Er at 15 cents ; Fodder 61.00 CWT. W. C. WcLlacKin. inon white pine. May t 3t. Sleigh, N. C. - "ZZ?9TnZAZiW. HtoWoT iu. 723 Chestnut St. PJUtodetohia, IM. may9-tr

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