DAILY NEWS SATI HPAY. MAY :4 1-7!'. Ill -mev A JORDAX. pRiirKiirroK tiik iwi r or ihte. ti. t. u.I.-r of an i-vsue do not and al- t iuu,;h the i-iilIu'an l.rt . llimunii i s leader handler. Hlaitir. Conklim: a il Lc-u. Ia t n!nl t tin- .fpl .f thf ..uth tlif iviif of li.ttf.oiu -plr for x i and i.ttri"iu it-.t.-ti. ! not .uirpt lU ! ! Kf)uHi an aitx ba.i don-1 nou.'h m tin- xxax of l o cution, fraud. lobUrx and land-r to the outhn. iiilf tojii'.til.x tin-in in the f fr i of thf hiltfi-l ft lin;r tm.tnlth.tt .trt ; an. I ui.d.mbli-dlv we nn tlu iu m tht-ir true lijjJit. for He an nnlx i!a thin xx i 1 1 thf Kt-M ft ' f th'f li.publn- anl th tn-atit and tn.fd mxxardlx i'Ht mv that a braxr eer iiomiii- trd. Hut xxr d nl intend to U l-traxed int imdu'inln-d or iiuxxi--conduct. Wfilon.it ln t walk into cxt-rx trap lai.I bx I li.tt -ut t r.'anunatf thfir h lining t.-ituni-. Thf iiih inti ik!" bx it huh hara--tf r. it jatri..tu onic-. tT rt to prrfrf thf Constitution, and bx tin wixloin an.l ni.h ration f it- npit fiitatif turn to -how to thf North an.l to thf wholf worl.l tli.it r arc not onl a fi!f arf.it in ilfff.it. but caublc of ilffi-n-liiia an.l piotc iuu' thf o eminent lm hour father built from thf dotru. tixc hordt- of thf fanati- anl traitor xx ho vrk to ltMro it. Thf h of lU.iin'. iblixiit-d a frw daxs a". liWf all thf effort- of tliat ambition, rorrnpt demuo-ip-xxa tilled witli taunt- an.l xile -danders a.tin-t thf Noiitht-ni jfoplc. whom lie Into Ut-au-f thcx an- pure He tli.l not rai.-f hi- linf r to ax c thf Tnton when he atd that traitors xxrc trinir to dot my it : hut Uiiu drafted, and on thf tirt rail. In- onte ntcd him et ly hiring a man with hi- ill-gotten money toluld hi- fat. unpatiiolir ami trembling carets from n-U-l bullet. One of thf raiix- of hl. hatrrd of the tuthf ni ctplc i.- that they ran-'! t In- made an exhibition of hin row arili.f . Hf hin-l a -nhsti-tute to Mf thf I'nion wliiU- he ilmlaf 1 in liiil'prof an.l aot ri h hv thf ale of hi- oflieial N-ition ami inrliiencf. Ami -owe tin. 1 that niil all of tins tuU- who now thiit for triff t 'onklina. Klinnn.ls. old Z.u h. Chandler. ( on r and other- w h ha e shown tln iiw l f to K m h hatfi of thf oiilhe i n n.plf- w re the nu ll w ho shii ktl tli- war; lm nivw pale al thf -on ml f the cannon'.- roar ; hut who managed to reap political and eviiniai Iwiietit.- from thf war. and mw lontiniif thf ti iff that the max hold on to that wliii h tlu liae: and natnrall it would xt in tU-a -oun-e of wonder that thfir head- do not fall in -h.Uilf when the meet fare to fare .inch iH-iiiorratie patr.o;- a- t leiu-ral-llitf. itannina. Kwma. Warner and other l-rave men who Urate!) farel t ie -torin in the da- of the war. hut who when it w.t- oer Uuneil the in. iii. of tlie eontlii't and -oiinht t et nd the are.t of pearr .md ,: d will. The "-iiitli i n j-iplf ranuot atToid vivc.lU; thf lif.ige of hate taunt in-1) thou-.uid- m tlie North and "Tie uth. ha- mi iou t a. ri.mplili. It iiiu-t -,i- the t nioii from tin di union element of thf Uepuhliran par ty ; it niu-t pr--rrr thf Coii.-tiluiion trom thf all.trk- of the 1U-puUh. an j.u-ol.in-: and it mu.-t pit.-ix,- rid p'tfrnuifnt thf aulonoiuv of thf Mate- and thf fn-v-lom of t. i.opIf from thf oii-lau-ht of K.-puLIiran tioth- and Vandal.-. We are ylad that "iir N n.iti.rt and Kf preeiitatixes m ('.'iii'rw are xhiUitina inurli - n-f and jkit i, n e. I t them mature their plan- with de liU ration .m.i J. loin reaardlf?v- ..f thf in-ult- ot thf fo: and at the la-t. pn-M-nt to thf pie the i ue in -u h form ami manner a.- -nail ilrlro the , nrini. .- of the toe llnellt. and re-tore t oiirord and prt(-rit) to the t-.plr. TAX. The If Iter to -vretar) heiman to thf -nate on the -uUjeet of the uiiaid direet tax ilue from the een oiith ern Mate?, and rommuniratina the plan of Commi-.-ionf r Hanm of ml Itftina thi.i tax. thf pa ineitt of w In. h W a.s -u-i-iidi-l li art of Coiiaie-v- til W.:. re.td-er) iiiik h like a rampain dm-uuifiit. Thi- tax will haul!) Ik elleeteil at all. Uut r.-rtainl) eatuiot If l-ollevted Ulldfl the art of !-;- whirh make thf tax a lien iihh the land.- of individual-. For in-tanf. Lie amount out.-tamlina a-ain.-t Te;.s is put at JI74.ooo. Tin.- Matt- ha- o er 2i).immi.imm arres of farm lands. and the tax would therefore U only 7 hun-dredth.-i of a rent jn-r ai re, -o that a plantation of :4io acres would pay 4.2.1. and to eollrct this a -jH-rial o-m-er woifld have to U .-ent. The marhiner) of rolh-rtion -hotiruns thrown out of the account wiaild C st more than the -urn realizetl. 1 e siiles, any attempt to rolln-t .-urh a tax from the land would millr.-s! alarm and ex;L-perate the w holf South ern ple. The attempt to irie the silhjert in Congress H. aj. iiiott certain. moreov-r. to Urini; to the front the old job for the refund ing of the dirn-t tax on cotton, of which iMt.itaMi.iMMi was colN-ctcd. al though the tax was not known to U unct.nstituttonal at the time when iiiipoil. and has -inre Ui-n pn iioumetl so Uy the supreme Court. The direct tax project w ill. how e er prokihly Sfrf soiilf of Mr. sheriuair purfs, for he m y eaiiatr thf suthern ttplf U) nyma to c.lh t u. ami so help to lurtlier conxincehi eonstituents of the nts for a "solid North" in 1s.m and any attempt U mthern Iepr-f ntatives in Conan-s to appnipriatf nioiie) to refund the evitton tax w ill in the same way gain votes for Mr. Sherman's wrt" next vear. Hi:; xntMM. th- n-i tut rnnxentinn ,,f oiloml inrn UvUl ;it Ui luni.n.I for th jurjJ of dix uv.iiii; pl.tns for U-tt-r-insf th t-utulition of tin- iiro nt -. th Phil.Klelphi.i TiiiH-s -It mav I juid xxith flit in- ;cviir;unf th.it of all xx ax s of auirlioratinx llw i.ii.iti..u i uif roiomi men in thr S.uith. thf nmvfiition at Itit hrooiHl Uns lei tnl the Vfr xont. Ah ,.f)jj tin inj. oml men imit iiM.n -rffjniitiin" ;lh coloml nifii. .ho Imi uin thf xvhiti-s rvfux tlifin an rr..utior. at all that can be uithhfM from Hum, and the thrvaLH uf iroin Wt if b..v W nt gft what they want are not likflv frighten anyUnly who known that and .tnirrr llltd VI ill! ! 1 tll U f TfSt I ir t .... ...... suffereis Uy such a move. If the item- . a.rirm-vti"ii inse w no are runninj; this roil veiitioii. or as the "lending KrpuUliran- at Wai-hiiigton" who an said to n- iiviii5 it i-oillisel. will old) let thf southern Ularks alone, they w ill get along well enough, and the In-st plan the) could adopt just now to amelioiate their condition wold le to take ;iUmt a hundred of these fellow s and genth hut finnlv put them to death." It is remrtis from Wa-hington that a de-igning polit iciaii approaclied I're-i.h lit IIaes. the ot hei da) . w it h an intiui itioii that a second term was among tin- h ihilit i-s of the future. The I'lf-idriil was not in Ids usually rhifi tul mood, and lie sternly asked the d.u ing intruder if he had ever read my U tter of aerrptaiire." This man was doiiUtless an office holder, and Mr. II. ies could hae cru-hiil him inurli more completely if he had n-fern-d him to "my order aln.iit i i il -er ire if form." tlx I.md.i) next, and piisiimahly fo --olue d.l - thereafter, the llirtl'o- .litan piN-r- will U- iI.mhII with torren:- of rloiirnrr rukn Uy thf in 1 1 1 1 1. tion U s natoi Mrlloiiald of anew Uill regulating the jMwei4 of the I'r.-sidelit ill the ll-e of the amp. Theutilit) of int inducing such hills at the present time may well ! que. -tioii'sl. fr it is to le assumed that tlie President will veto aii and all Uill- abridging his iwers. and the majontx in Congress is not strong enough to override the Veto. Thf p.-.pie at large under-taiid xvell enough It) thi- time the etTorts that hax e U-eli made, ami foilcil. to .-ecu re finiloni at tlx h11.-. ami thex xx ill in time le roine disgusteil xxith the continual harping on t his -uUjert. Ammioxx come the current) tink ers on.-e more. The lllaml hill may contain soini iiiiN-rftrtions. Uut it xx as gtNul enough to make resumption a tixisl fact: ami if the provisions of the hill were faillv carried out hx tliose who. lwing in authority, are projK'rly -upjo-rd to lie Ixiuntleii so to do. there Would lie little trouble regarding the ditTusjon of -ilxel. Itllt tlie bolldlloldtl S aild gold sh-i ulaiois ought to live if the pool do -tai x f, and with. lay (Uiiiltl's N. V. Tiihiine to hflptht ni. tlie at ti iupts at i rippling tlie currency xvill not ci a-e as long as hoH- remains ami thanks toa sensible jK-ople. xx ho realise the fact that their ow n ocket-lHik- are their lfst friends, such hope gioxxs fainter day by day. IT is of rollse.llenre that the bill lloxx In-fore ( 'ollgress l egai tlillg tliai - ant ining hi ts in rases of inlet ti.-us or roiitagioiis di-e.lses shollltl tleti nitely -etthil as t.i whetlu-r the mat ter i- a subject for National or state legislati.-n. Then- i- 1 nty of time for eh-rt iorieel ing speerhes lieXt eai ; but this important public health bill, that get.- kit ked aroiuitl iii such rough fa-hion. is ,i matter of xital i.iijm n tanrt . atT.i ting a- it d.-.- the nation a large. Another season of velloxv level III the South, ailotllel" oUIhi-- ing of tifa-iiie from the more fortu nate -e Irons of the North, am! then the cry tor legislation regarding this matter will again go up. onlv to be tli-n gai ded in the rrae of candidates THE GENUINE DR." C. McIANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WOrtMS. THE countenance i p.iK .;nu it..,j en-colorcd. with orca-ion.d thi-he-or a circumscribed spot on on. .r lu.ili cheeks; the eyes become dull the pupils dilate; an aurc -cm r:n Ic runs along the lower tve-hd the nose is irritated. swell. and M.i,itt..s bleeds; a swelling of the upper 1 i, -.o.., ncau.-cnc, witii m.miMin'' or throbbing of the ears; an uiiumi.i1 secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, 'part.ti.laii in the morning; appetite variable sometimes voracious, with a gn-twin sensation of the stomach, a- others" entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the tomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout :he abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive; stools slimy, not unfrcquent ly tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied bv hiccough rr,r,u dry and convuUive ; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally untable, &c. 3 Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist. DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFL'GE will certainly efTect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable ofdoinz the slightest injury to the most tender' infant The genuine Dr. McLane s Vfc. UIFVGE bears the signatures of C mcLane and Fleming Hros. on the Tapper. :0: DR. C. McXANE'S LIVER PILLS ire not recommended as a remedy "fot ij the ill, that flesh is heir to." but In affection of rh 1, I, Jf .1 , . " "-v., uu in ail 151HOUS CompUmtt, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache or diseases of that character, the stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be osd prep tory to, or after taking Quinine. eq.aJed 'imiIe pUrgat,ve theX r BEWABE OF IHITATIOXS. The genuine are never sugar coated. 1-, cI). h" red 1 on the Liver p-.'ll ,mpre"ion D- McLani's C Mcf 7Pf9A ,he si' of mcLane and Flemi.no Bros r x?',1.""."'?. ,he Dr. . 3 !..t.n ,-iLLs, prepared by Flefung Bros, of Pittsburgh, Pa., th market : Wing full of imitations of the name McLane, plled differently but me pronuaciation. tVf? n.A iE1 -Ath.me or to ad loin vt - ,ly ' ' m my VEMTINE Purifies the. Blood, Reno vates and Invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICAL PROPERTIES ABE Alterative, Tonic, Solvent AND DIURETIC. se"neReliaT3le Evidence. Vegetlne( MR. II. K. Stkvf.n: YfettnO J Var Sir I will mst rlieerfully ad, my testim..ny lo tUe (treat V-.n!nn''"',Jcr 5" l,av0 aIr"a,,J received legetineju favor f yur gre.ni an.l Eod TiifNti. ine, 'E(iF.Tixr. for I 1 not YpffPfinft tliink enoiigli ran be said in Ha -bctlllo,,rile, for 1 wa troubled over tbirty yeara with that dreadful I ClietlllC dinease, Catarrh, uJ bad iiicb bad k-oiicbinii Mell!t tbat it would ieera A'KToflno" ilioupb 1 never could breathe Cgeiine,., nu,re Ru,i vkgktixk baa fured ne; and i lo feel to tbank PirGtin( :fHt all the lime tbat tbere ino " icrxHt a medii ine as tMnnsr, t' tv'a'xl I afro tbink it one of tbe bent egeiine,nsUiea for c..i:pba and weak, feinkina feelinu'9 at tbe MoniH. b, 0 kroHt a medicine as V rr.ETlNK, YflfPtlnPljnd ailrise evtrjlHxly tu take tun o IV k; e 1 1 k, for I i nn aware tbcin trjlnxly tu la14 lb r I can awure tbcin tbe best uiediclnea (it is one of YegeLine Ycgetine Yegetine Ycgetine HJor. Macaiine and Vlniii!t., GIVES Health, Strengtn AND APPETITL Yegetine Yegetiue tic .lauorlitr lma reeeiTed ereat tbenerit from tlie use of YEiiKTlNC liter derlliilnit lieaiiu wj nmni lof great anxiety to all ber friends. i lew uoiiifs oi .tore.i ber health, atrengtb and Yegetine latietite. . -r . . M. I I I.IT..' egetine.Iusuranceand Heal htate Agt.t ,o. u sei miii.iiiipi, Bostou, Mass. Yegetine CANNOT BE EXCELLED Yegetine Yecetine . c fa lar.o i egetine h. h. srr.vF.Ns: Dear Sir-This is to certify tbat Vprpf Inp have ueI your -mood I rej.ara- egeilue Utl-. ln ,ny family r..r several I ...i t.;..v il.it fur i-rofu- urni?, au.i int" - - 1 Celine la or Cankerous Humors or i.nea- Imaiic altections. it cannot Le ex- ' la or 'ankerons II umors or l.lieu- Imailc aueciioiiF. n . - ; i ,-elled; and as a blo.Nl jmrilier or egCtinepri,, ,1M.di. inc, it is tbe bet !tbinir I bave err used, and I liave Ye 1 4:n ,i..,i alnwMt ovrrvlbini? "Bll,m i,vr(iillv r.-. oiim"i-nd it to any .. lone in iwed of Midi a medicine. ICgeUUt?, ours ren;.tu ".''. Yegetine Yegetine No. !'. Kuesll street. BECOMMEND IT e a x- -fc X y Yegetine Vpopf inp' Soi-th H.sr..N, Feb. ., 1870. cocl,m Mr .si k . iK-ar Sir-1 bave taken several eCretinP bottles of vmir VK..Kri:,anil am VonviiK ed it is a valuabl- remiy ':.,v for lvsiH-i.Ma. Kidney omplaiut egeline , ,.ufnl debility t the system. I can bcart.ly re onimend It to YpfTPlillP all suilerin 'roi.i tbe above com- ilaint. Yours resN?r tfullv, . .. I Mt. MI NKOK PAlCKKIt, egetinei im; Athens street PREPARED BY H. & STEVENS, BCSTCN, MASS Vegene is So(J Ly All Druggists. R M.KH.II A Al'il"ST. AIK-I.INK i:.ll.lliAI COMPANY. i llAMii: V SCMKIM'I.K. To take effect lOileigli Car. A n- New Hill Nan ford Leave - I I lam let J .'in n m Hoffman SI " KeVMT .'"' " Blue I 11 " -.ir m m! h ' Mineiire 7 -J Merr ak. 7 II New Hill.... x ii!i Apex s :a fury .y A rri e at Baleih l.!n 'teak fast at San ford. "UN t : WINDER. SuHriliteiidelit. li ."l T 17 T 41 . : S In ); II IT II il 1 1 v; ' a iii r n Manlv niue K e ver. . Hoifiiuin A rri e at I la III let .. I i: Richmond M.rrrKit.Nt-K; iaii I I I X I I I 1 I 1 I V V V "'iniiH'tiHni! siMnv. Mav mi, trains, on this tiki. I rim -iv r..n..'.. 1ST!, I.KA VKl!lilMu.M)si t "I'll 11. X. M.-rhroui;h Mail, daily, connect i n barb -loii.Navaiiiiab. AiiifiiC la ainl Aiken via t barleston i l!ickoi,vllle parlor cars to XV iliuiiiu'ton. stops onlv at V. X. . i aim .ia neiiest it Xi oinniiMlat loii train da ifv ex cept Sunday rnakeselose , ,',. tie. tion mi IN tersbiire with the Atlantic. Mississippi ,, hlonilroad for Bristol chal-an.H.-a. Nashville. Meniphis I..MO hl.urir, Farinxille, ami other l.H-al stations on that road, m.iklni: aiue time as any other line, stops at all regular stations. Aeon, inflation (rain dailviex sunta:. iSVUKers t:ikll this train will i..-. L .. ..i... T I V. P. XI. m-tionat I'. tersl,,, t or Sr lillinliill Af A 1 1 . I 1 1 v !: I". .XI. n-ctin- for W.- n. ViIiiiiiiK- ";tlHL'h. ( liarleon. Sa vannah, xu-usta. ( olimil.ia x'ljV'lla. Mai-iai. MontKomerv Mol.iU., Orleans, nd all points s,,,,,,, alld southwest. HI n.an sieepim: car from Hoston r.,r XX ilminsrton Sa vannah and the S,,th. Stops only at Manchester and ( hen- : ."i. iii. i'.vii.y con n. eiin-wiu, Richmond. Fred ericks!, tiruand Potomac Hail r..ad for all points North, Last and West. stops t Manchester and Chester and t ialf-XVay and a, Drewr s ...... . . " signal. .M.-Ac-.rmmiKlation Train ,ailv ";;-pt Sunday, stops ,?t - ., stations. 1 111 M. -Accommodation Train dailv ' except Sunday i. stops only t ,., p '"lerand Manchcsu-r. ' M 'Tough Mail, dailv, cmnect-"1',,,U,V,r,,n,0,,,,r'r"ki-a 7 iV',d ' .of,n"'- iilroa,l for all .onus Last and West. lso n.aking close connection with Tor the lrginia Springs and all I'o.nis North ami West This cbest'er"'" al ,u"sU'r Mali frimi'fi'i'o art sl'.VAY KXrritsio.V TRAINS '-Vv'suV A- M" v'sin'vv nillV l.Vtf t: X- I1AXX , "pfrlntendent. JEWELRY. WATCHES" Diamonds, Spectacles AND n r. i a i.s s n n a m i:.IMN A rrnJ;:i!ir,:,;rl "UH'k f in the .south mrlHiii ,, f it'ccs. xxatch repairing a H John H. Tyler & Co., Success,, to MITC'IIKLL A TYLER JAXD POK S4I.K, WIT.!. HV. ual 1, . . li K II T I K C f) u x T Y Ins- tlm in,i. ..r , . v. . ,n"u" jonn xx attM XA' a I "'is i'i me city of OreAnc. Jiniv Tii'vr-r,. Ruretolieeome. at to n V vl XT tin 1- U. :i . JtlIN DKVERKUX 1VI m In Bankruptcy. Heavy and Fancy Groceries. SEASONABLE GOODS. Extro Choice New Orle-jps Molase, No 1 English Island Molasses, Finest XX Sprupand Silver Drips Ferris Smoked Beef Tongies, - -Ferris Fulton Market Beef. McFerran and Shalk-ros Miiiioliii Hnnu Shakers Dried Corn. American Pinheud Oatmeal, Watergate Irish Oatmeal, Pure Apple Cider Vinegar, Triple 8trength Frenc h Vinegar, Choiee Cucumber and Mixed Pickle. N. C. New trimmed Herring. N. C. New Roe Herring iXV'instons., Extra HHla and Milk Biscuit. Fine Assortment liesssert Cak" and Bis cuit, Choice line Green an.l Rlack To ;s. Fine line old (Joyernnunt Java andtWhite Cotfees. TO ARRIVE. KXKJlbs. Genuine Southampton Hams, 2,0(i0 " Magnolia Hams, 3W loxes Extra La rge OnmgexaiKl L mons w. t . Jt A. B. STKONACH. WHEN ANY MAN feels sick with (X)LI) CHILIS, FEVER FLUSH ES, HEAD ACHE aud general uncomfortableness, and yet DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT AILS HIM, then is the lime to take MOTT'S PILLS. These pills are made of certain ingredients that act specially on the Liver, and at the same time expel all impurities from the stomach and system, aiding digestion, and RESTORING TO HEALTH, when all other remedies fail. Take them for Biliousnes-s, Indigestion, Costiveness, Liver Complaints, and all dis eases and disorders of the stomach. As a family cathartic pill they are war ranted. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN A CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, W NE YORK. XEW EXTEKPRISf!, SKW NTOHK, XKH UUdllS. l.iiieiianil White (oo1m n SeelHltj-. M. ROSENBAUM Will on the third of May occupy the Dr. Fab Haywood Mansion, Fayetteville street one door alnive the KxpressOflice as a store, and will offer for sale, a select assortment of wliite and colored Table Damask, white and colored Table Napkins, Hussian and Amer ican Crashen, Turkish bath Towels, fine Damask Towels, best quality Huek Toweling, best quality Irish Linen :l4 4-4 V4 tM KM and 11-1 sheetings, Bleached and Brown Domas tic. Cambrics, Lawns; Nainsooks, Bed Tick ing all widths up to KM Bed Quilts best as sortment, Finest Marsales Quilts, Plaid and stripped Piques, fcc. Cotton, Irish anu (ierman Linen Hand kerchiefs white and colored with Borders, Notions, Gloves, Corset..., Kmb. Edgen Triming, and many more art ices to num erous to mention. He respect fully asks for a share of t he public patronage and invites the Ladies to call and examine his select and varied stock all of which will be sold at exceedingly I w prices for cash. XKW .4DVKRTISKWE TS . ruin the tone of n i" " "." ?.V .? Tr. digestion. weaaen tne Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient HeviV'.l ,'1ri',,1,",al PPl a means of re- . .... ociaiigemenis ur the stomach i r! n" i"t'":,in ,, i"s'- it remove" Mructions without pain, and impart vi-or to the organs which it puriflesand regulates, soi.n HV Al.t. lKf;(iIsli. Cash Advances Made On Rasrs. Be Hides, Tallow, Horns, Hoofs, Bones, 'attle Tails, old Metals tlolls. &c.. iiiiiliire ..r' Ac. For (juota- ntwiN i,. u ikwkxth vi. -H P.-arl Street, New York BECKWITH'S S NTI DYSPEPTIC nROD -i.t xi V Prevent and cure .1 vspep- r.V.i i "- ar. Vni,ralu,,l'l Dinner i'ifl mild anerient mi,, I , . . Tl ,.. f i. v. ..' v .... . ioi ,i i n (-i as a family Medic i.e. They are used bv ,,e m.st cultivated people in the countrv and are extensively used hv ph vsici-ti " ,,, t U.M practice. Sold by I irugvis ts 4,,eral v i f lor circular. E, it. HErK WITH s o le A In ufacturer, Petersburg Ya ' Celebrated DR. n. STOKES. Physician, Mt. Hope Retreat, Hal to." Writes: "I have great pleasure in addi'ntr ny testimony to the virtues of ( 'olden s i bi : s Kxtrnet of Beef and Tonic " v" ,tr as the very best preparation used for depre sion, weakness and indigestion anil tl,.-ret fore, confidently recommend it to the i edb nil profession." Sold by all drugs sts e wul pay A -n. , a .-a.u, y .i sl.Tper mouth nw an1 w,i..,-i f.i invenui.,,. Hr free. AUa.eM.sUKK.AB4sulu.M $77 mnnth nnd expenses guaranteed to agents. Outfit free run 4 rn , Augusta Maine. Shaw & , ., Augusta, Mai!,,.. ' " haw ( " 25 CTS. PER POUND ! I reduce l.v-da.v the price of HKST Hl'T TKR toij cents per jionnd, received every ... oirei-t trom the Dairy, fresh and of choicest quality. Fresh Messina ORAN;Ks :i,c. per dozenl I.KMOXS iV. per dozen. Kicsh Canada OAT MKAI.. Finest KUK IIKRRix,;,at retaM by package. Best brands FLorit, HAMS, LAUD, I'RO VINIOXH, Staph, and Fancy tiRf M'KRIKS, the KOASTKD ( "oFFKKis. tc, Ac. ,,; A FI'LL FINK STtM'k" ! FI RST-t LASS ( )ODB ! LOWF-ST PRICKS E.J. I LAI? DIN, ..Hyaf-Hol,r,,mnI!,,il,,i?- Valuable Property for Sale ?o Flml Ji?!?iv" MJ..e.f u7?f Qreeng. PostmaterToreTnsbo'ro C "or Tx Tourgee, Halelgh, N C. ' A W- Important to Fi$h Buyers. THE fishermen and those directly inter--ested in the fisheries of Carteret county, having organized a "Fishermen's Union," are now prepared to furnish fresh and salt fish to dealers at fair prices, and from first hands? Parties tttsiTiug to purchase will do well to send in t)wir. orders, and get fish r-romthoe who-eateh and put them up. Every package guaranteed to be as repre sented. Address all orders to the FISHERMEN'S UNION, Beaufort. N. C. WALTER CLARK AiTORNEV M LA'A RALKTGH, N. O. Prac le ln thi State and Fe1el Co- t Oolle;. ion made In an v oart. f th1 "tit-. Office in Baglev Bnildln-r. correr r4H i T ie nri Martin Streets. , Tlios. H.' Briggs & Sons, tifiggs Building:, IJAL.EIGTI, X. C, DEALERS IN ALL STYLES OF CHILDRENS' CARRIAGES 4r Superior Finish. Neat ties and Durability. WE OFFER BEST (iOODS! LOWEST I'ltM VSl 1- Write for Prices. NOW READY FOK DELIVERY ! The Digest of Cited Cases IS THK North Carolina Reports. Uy Hon. A. W. Tonreo. W n n t 1 imiMlllWi t f I til lO-'ll profession that this valuable work is now reatly for delivery to subscribers, 'the labor of preparation and the necessity of securing .i ..; ....iu,, i,. ti, i... the utmost possible accuracy in the im mense number of ei titt ions, lias necessarily delayed the work, but the result cannot but tie satisfactory to every pract loner. It con tains every case in the Reports of the State which has' been cited by the Court, the cases in which cited, whether with approval or disapproval, with a careful digest of the point of citati i : with a full and accurate index to the subject matter of each. In form, matter, completeness and style of publication, it is undoubtedly the best law book ever published in the State containing 7oO large double-column pages, 5,1H:2 cited cases and about :i,ihki citations. It will be mailed to subscribers on receipt of the price 12 with 2.) cents for postage. Or sent by Express ( '. O. D. when there is an office convenient. Persons desiring to have the work should order at once, as the edi tion is a limited one. ALFRKD WILLIAMS & CO., Publishers, Kaleinh, N. C. NO MORE. LJg k 1 wL. xl i mn JT I I T SURE CURE. n rk, by the El'ROk-EAX SALICYLIC MEIHCIXE tOMPAM, OF PARIS AND LEIPZIG. IMMKDIATK RkI.TKF WARRANTED. Pf.R- --.y.i IIKK (il AHAXTEKD. Now exdu- ?-!,r Ufed1byta11 t:olt'lrttcd Physicians oi -vjneiiea, oecomiug a suiule Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both continents. The Highest Medical Academy U h .iTi rt"lol;ts !,i in es out oflUl caws within three days. Seeret-The onlv dis solver of the poisonous Trie Acid which exists in the blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patient. l.no a i'..v n tu . x to ...... , ".o.wiWlUn oem dor'i ;i dd,ress- " rtw'Pt of price. En- nv-, t WASIIBIRXEACO., nw YokkKTEKS' JJefot, 7 Cliff St. For sale by Williams A Haywood Pes cud. Leo Co., Druggists, Raleigh, N. C nov 2s-c(ii v TAUJOTT & SONS, iiuuivuc mdunme works, ' KICHMOND, VA.I A4itfAi;iiKEIt OF Ho Hers Sa v Mi , r7 ues and ioi ers 3ax Mills, Corn and Wheat Mills, Shaftings, Hangers and Pulleyf rurbine ater Wheels, Tobacco S 1 V-' " '""8ni iron Work GI NNING AND THRESHI2TG Af innrvn,-, I V I MI 'II llltifir ........ 1 I A SPECIALTY Kepairinir Promptly d Carefullv Done. TaUmtf Patent Spark Arrester THK INVENTION OF THK AfE. Talbott's nexv Patent Spark Arrester "y, Me ly perfect and re fable one and is superseding all others in use. The treat elliciencv l? .ers. 111 er is attracting universal altenuona is being endorsed by the best iiSechln u al eng,eers and iiisuranceconSies Its prominent features are s' J I does not do.. 'e'tuCes. lnteree leaning tubes inn It will not choke up, and reoni, W eiea,ng. " 100 ..rJU"'es 110 dire.-t dampers to ho um-n Clampers to be open and alloxv sparks to escape ) .i??U'?? wer to eiti4uish parks. whiTd, .F. lngsh UhrH-V?'. to rates to mK. . , : .' "j. "-ciisiiijon. fif 1 "ralV Besides, when water w L "ocu'" "ejected, the etlicienev is destroyed by evaporation of the water and the boiler is kent Q ,?,.ft.er It is simple and durable, and can be relied upon. ue It can be attached to any boiler PJter should be Without one of v,.... ioauiitiue companies will in ure g.ns and barns where the Ta bott ngines and Spark Arresters are use" ilorwtr! !W Chargel for - nruTr!ii?nd fr iIIustra circulars and STROXACIIAAT.TPn,,.-., Yherrms?r.t. turfirs A.,to , '."'..""ac- Will " A RPETS ! CARPETS ! I offer for ale oh very reasonable terms, a fine Three-ply Extra Superfine Super fine. Also some Cotton Chains from the very best mills in thecountry. Not having room, I will sell very cheap. PI ease call and examise. Also Rugs, Matting and Window .Shades.wiLmA jJAFFRONV 1438 Main street. "DICTURE FRAME MOULD1JNG& or all ipe(rinrinns. i lit laiEtrototxjvix cate Baltimore prices. Picture Frames of all descriptions made at twenty minutes notice. x.-.t WILLIAM DAFFRON, 1438 Main street. T. J. FOSTER &C0., Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars, General Commission Merchant, No. 112 Empire Block Broad Street. Tobaccos a specialty. Rome, Ga., April 17, 1879. april af FURNITURE Furniture ! Furniture ! On hand and for sale "200 suits of Chamber' Furniture, in prices from $25 to S100. Also Bureaus, Wardrobes, Washstands, Safes, Chairs, and every article usually found iu a well stocked furniture store. Furniture in Great Variety. Parties in want will consult their interest by paying me a call. Orders by mail promptly attended to. WILLIAM DAFFRON. 1438 Main Street, Richmond, Vt . Mattress and Upholstering Rooms, 16, 18, 2-J, North Fifteenth street 1 13-dly Bragassa's Bragassa's Bragassa's CONFECTIONERY STORE, CON FECTI ON ER Y STORE, '( )N FECTK )N ER Y STORE, 16 Fayetteville street, 10 Fayetteville street, 16 Fayetteville street. NFAV BANANAS. LEMONS AND ORANGES JUST RKCKIVEK. may 16-tf I respectfully cab the attention f my friends, patrons aud the public generally of the South to MY NSW. UVnrTLTKATED AND HEALTHY IAGEK. rewe purelv of niwlt and hops, by the Vienna raetboo and exrrslx for expotatkc JACOB EE()E 2315 German stre t. Balumore, Md. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICK. Jtimpartsthemostdelicious taste and ze EXTRACT of a i.ktt:r from a AIkdical Gen tleman at Ma dras, to his bro therat WOiiCKs TER, May, 1851. "Tell LEA & PKKUINS that their Ssincp ia highly esteemed in India. and is in toy opinion, the most palatable as well as the most Wholesome uu.is.A JOINTS, GAME, Ac. that is made." fold ui,d i d ll:r,'ho.it the world.' Travelers and Tourists Find Great B -neAt J?' infa Hottle with Then, JOIIA IM 'SCAjts SONS, ACS EX 'I'M. UNPRECEDENTED A TTItA CTK ) V Over Half IiliIM Louisiana State Lottery Co. .This institution was ,,.,.. V tea by the Legislature f "ti, "S W sulte is p edged withn.1v,abJe.faith ot towldeiritlfaV!.,. SSIIMS uwing distribution- v lIie IOi" " ".oiiiuunon; KAND PROMKN'AIlP r tlunng which will ti.ir. 1 . ' . --- h'i- tne 109th Grand Monthly A n Tin? . aau the Zf"" SS-JS General G. T. rtM and (ien .r 4 01 Jouisl iana, 4 t,x, 01 Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000. 1 SS? Aooo 1 Grand Prize 2 Prizes of gi 0,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 20 Prizes of iAm irS Sr-ZeS f 100 Prizes of 300 200 Prizes of 200 G00 Prizes of 100 20,000 20,000 2o,000 30,000 40,000 CONFECTIONERY STORE GH, N. C., GH N. C GH N. C, SOUPS, c- GRAV1E8, fff FISH, HOT A OM tlggl a ucaiionai and r-h-i .it..i.r "kuc ior r,u which er,',.? 'wpnty.flve Years t, iu,uou frizes of 60.000 10 100,000 AlPl?ftvnrlm, J'KIKw A unroTi'mft;!?!? )r'Xzes t 200, ,0, A uurnx mo 8 L 1,00 uFsoi ,a, 7,500 ' Gen. J. A." Earl v' of vi' f ' Corn's Application foV fV' J. "we to flip ,.hi.. . " KL YJ?,? Orleans. 01 Uie Wr,,J 1,,r "-culars or send orders to Blatchleys HORIZONTAL FREEZER. PKA.,FFAMrL7--ts - w 6'50 I 8-t Mrt . .g 1 0.00 - nrndi Wi'in the woi-b. A. W. FRAft RAEEKJII, N. ('., AiLrent for TOM COOPER'S LAI It EL VAI.LKY CENTENNIAL OLD RYE AND Wheat Whiskey, Alaige lot always onhund frotn t w , ;four years old, universally acknowledged u be; The finest Whisky made in the South Persons wishing Strictly Pure Spirits For Medical and other purposes run , i size package Fi'j n 3 tj 5 ) 3 1 1 j i ; BjT addressing T. X. C H'I-:ir Kagle Mills I'. O., Iredell count . .y c Important to Wholesale AND RETAIL. BUYEHs, And all persons interesteil in ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. We will offer for the Spring and Summer Trade, A larger and more varied stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Mioe. Trunk. . tlouN, dtc.f Ae.y tbau ever before. In consequence of the rise i.i cotton, cot. ton fabrics have advanced from .. t j'.r per yard since making our Spring purYlunei We have decided Sot to advance our prices, but to give tne trade tlie bein-iit nf the low jirices. We are selling some li n. s,,f goods at precisely the manufacturer's price We offer a pair of I-inen cufls ami collar in match, for five ceiitn. LADIES' DRESS (JOODS OF KVKUY STYLE, SHADE and PRICK. A soft finish cambric, that xvill count mure threads to the square inch than l.ondalw (12c) at lOcper yard or Hlc by the bolt. A standard 10-1 sheet ii:g at -'tc by I In-.lcc-Tlie largest stock and greatest "variei ui ItllttOIIM. A NICE LINE OF TRIMMED ANi REAM'-MADE SLITS FOR LADIES. We buy direct from the Mai.iilaetui.-i, Importers and Agents, and are pi-epan-.i t sell for the lowest prices I.. II. YKAKGAN, PETTY A ln.NKs april 2J-tf GOOD MORNING! xew (;ooi)s AT A. CREEGH'S. Cl HTOM KRS, THIS A IiVKKTlSF mentis lor your interest, so read caretmi'v I have received my stock oi 'Murine Z conJ- V eVL-r? ')KARTME.T is lull I,,,,! fro .a tougnt by mysell in p.-,.,, Jrom the Importers and Manuia. i ,! -, . i,, the package. Iathv!?r?a,,'. Ine ,osav hitem brains n,lSPiirk f w,mm,'lv"11 tiiv.n 1 L16 -'M-'-wheel that 1,11,1 il .. tiieless Engine, and Cash is that .;,n,.M .!,.,(.. .0 ... in.- smaiicM hit- chants, there lurks a mizzle as w. i..,. Hut I tnmki'vnrv . 1 I I . . , '",' '"iiilidlll III l', M ,1 id' h- v 5inN,,ue Wltl '"' in saying n,!,, , ' ,IU xviunn tlie last iw. ni- nnrf fft'e,nf"t iH saying (ioo,N, V;,n- tonn.pI;ices:l,1'hS ,UlV" As many of them advanced and ai. M advancing, an.l it will only iaJ ;i . , vane" Kg b'r,'e th,- tl.i".d TOnnfflion wllh this, let me ;.v botto.- 1 Ut and U"I,,W- " )''"- "-x and vrf,OUt ttut,rocHlautlmrU-pHi. rri.- and various other kinds. But n t i,.V t. II sonh Ji?iUPPf.. nt loas 11 Ib'.iis.ud ,.r sons at this writing will know that CllEECIFS and'm'.f1".!' ttH ten , h,: " me , next oriv-eijit nours Ut com to Creech's to Buy their GOODS as I want piifAM 1. ... ... ami buyers w V . " vor ""!""' von r.-...... . iu spare, so w 11. n CREECH'S. FACTS DEVELOP STHAVi.i: THIN(;s. READ : CALICO t An cbkU-hn vat 5c -vni wi" 1 -;. .1 1 goods at 10 nnd 2V rd vVhie i', .f . "V"" iStrined 'iml 1 'i....i, 1 vvl,, 1 ereal at a TJjtnu: k.w' Vinsook at lee. plenum aMHort-iuent of DRESS GOODS, at priees to suit customers. Come to ORIiHfifH WHOLESALE KI-AKTMK.T. SStoSkrarft,1 i"r u,k,n and my HtK-b i,, .1 ! . 'artI-'irt con, pin. , ally K,i Vt,lr,,,,MPlir,,,ln, -''" me 1 hlfv, iVLa", r?C tiver (',e an.l claim to do vm?lHl .barKains for you, an.i mv7 tf BJOd aiui wive """" A. CUKE, II. Complete Zootomy! -THE BEST N. C. HAMS, 1,000 LBS., And mo EKcellent BEEF HAiis. maymt W- C- McMackm. j k. 1 "."wiiH-y. 140 ffaV. may8-2m- .-.. i.iia.;

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