DAILY NEWS 1 ; : i'Y, - - MAY 17, 1S71- JrtTrron laiat Montr. u ll.r.if.l b V u'liii'U fr-uu the Irin at Ih'.iuvoir , Mi""1-. y,: -ti see two or threo iii. trovii lrii turi-.. a gnc ,,f I , .uid tin- hiu i-t. of iiiiiohiiii; r,-. iv :r--k. ict it t-ri with miLi. us .. mi'i rt-tr-tio:iH ol the Lriuiil uu .. unit alon u.H .oi.y way. I iknta; ihi half Krwptilile nu iwitv ;.. ir riht, tfii or lillifii niitiuteV through the ine- brings you to iT.i. ti. lIeryou a house built ,,, .ury Unburn of.tliU region of -tnl Hunriiin. itu i tliu reai ,. ..f th Her. Dr. I--ook, an aged .. ..-.il t-irrgy in n. imk'v chatilaiii to tki- d t ain bridge. Iloywiid lhi i .ii.i CclKltMii ill a estate you e imi lht If4rh anoihwr estate, the r. ti il. f ol 1 r. 1'IVH. I erring tin g.Ue you av .u rimt a . l.:t-l Willi livo ojtk Itlld other with pu'lur' S p.ii.- ... . iii' tfor von i a low and i.;i- . :u ni'U'ii, white, w ith . l t-r ui'l.tliH. Al cither ide, . r '' in'.rcf the triiru. i- m m 1 1 1 . 1 1 Uuiiil . . . rt of siilin. While r-tii j; . or.iid.th, w aiting for our leru-r trlii-uoii to Ik haiKloi to the r. your eye take in th- lniia ; .r e.ir attorlii .(' - . tiilort.il.le ti -W i it chair, a t.ib.o i : 1 t'e l :. iifre in .it ,,.-... Tho Lroa I In. h gitn through llu' Ikmim- m :.:he lr--i, l.ut not to the ar r 1 1 r i w h-t ruv are intent-pled liv .. . i 'T'tih. Herf. on the front vr r i- i t i. '." of a iitoi mug the e-lM-i-., iiil in luii i.'w .r id.. , ; M.-n that dazzling, ridiaui , v;.iri' of nli tm men n 4 blue. lt" hiiii : i ': w ax i- c'l.le softly to break in lull , n ,..unl iii-oii the white ami jark . iivl. The brere i-4 la.leu with -.rani-'e irfuuie of the .ea. It in :!.- aii-l ol tlie loiut eaten, where tis u u iv afternoon. Sitting on this e r.i:. lali. into lm( rverie iiimv not the i , .-lerare ex-l're,-ilom fall, n he out iu this Mexican Kull, i.. h. ha.1 the ilrani.H of the Southern i.-oiiiaii Um mlizHl, woul.l luve . the inland sea of a mighty empire, :r. hmc to the tropi-? I . .i u u iiiinoiutl to the little ; . 1 1 t the rii'it of the mansion. ;. . , i ml'lin.' i ill ide I ulo t w o arl. I ! r'irw;inl is o- iiiii by nn nneient ; rie in'.'ro vr.ui!, w hoe ile i . -ki-epiii is to dt-'l.y his fur aoi tiiii n his litlh- eraiulah. ( 1 - i- a l otion ot raini l et table i'i I eii'ls in bo-. and his v.iija- - !' bill a stm i e. Nnif 1 reams . ; tTi!iz. ext'ii fr the s ikt oi nr ,. . !: privileges of tins am i.-nt . - , .. !-. I lie front xrtioii of the pa v. a is .. upieil b Mr. Ia:s as a i: i'i i stu Iv. Here I found him . .-.v iii'lis;'sed and lyin umii a His manner is genial and . r . tkindlv. witlithat i-hartiiin eoiir-:.-s i d ira leristif of the hichbrel . .'hrn gentleman. s. . n: ears of a;e. Mr. lais has A . .i tr.sii mid vigorous look. His ... . . :ii. iis:a. he an I w hiskers are w hi te i. ir '. . iut Ills e r is I tu' hi and heer- II is fa.-e in rejsise Is almost c- . v in ' tual. but the smile w In. h up liis mouth and his Uiel, ' t m!i dtsj-I the first imprs- : . ...In.-ss. lew of ur imblio :w !i . ihe .juie: fas4-uiaT ion of iiian- I I I - - o'..-tashioiiel uraee and the n.ii i ersaiionai powers m ; . s. .;v lais. His memory Is -apa- ' nd relenlle. Mie lilllit. with 1 .; pboiioraphi'- ewlleel jreal : ;-s o! riiiiiiuvi'iiif froiu his lijs. TS ls r-anl rxn wl but Sa !l rn 'irta. r! 4 ! the n ii f frxa j. uJ ti' J-.: mi tKr. u it it r tf h-;f SiJ.r. lo h-e me ti'.t rd n .-t 1 ti.f.:.n -j-d c tlitrrd fn.ni il .. - : i - atturkl ; '-rpli ot tkc lt!. ! f tS Ijt Sr. rr.n lcil il i I wftri't l - n tt I ;.!. but -.f-l tSe- f i Iht fkr -J tn . f-i in I-a ir ! t. tj ;Sr .j- tSr f , I t-' li m. i- - -c it : J - . -a j :: c w.t v acol r. 1 (.t ii-' r-tx. .'( ("I. . rfJ Lch. h-KHJ.. rii.-. iU'it ttm. pr-. . ! sxi Ss . jad ieiteral dlllly '.tllllll illlOMM I1!' ' Ttry .t t jti :i .. ti.trt the . tf lo lkfv o t " f..r.. of 1 i.f e ' S lirc-e w W -r t. i I a. ifrr n M- c'fr.t cf tirn f'w w .f t rot n -ft f : r :i t"r tl : li ! I r c- -rp!j;rt yljiir; Hrrts it l.c.l- rr. H-!j.S- ii tmtri.'.j s"l . f i :-r up. r ..s?ir. "t tar- -( ! '-. - u ta tr.i '4 taf CJ9 ca.it if a C. trva! a tyLD A- SUBSTITUTE FOR P1LL3 fc Alt. liKlvAilsl.v Price 25 Cts. and $1.00 MM X fitifT cf Coru-ryroci rr Threat nj l.ii4 Lnrin . hiS icp 1 tHc grjt l .l ort tt.fi cf .l d:h t!tt.. r n the tvuai t jTf hin irr-umcni Kh ..mpiy tuylic. t.-.e i'fk t! d':h S" j, ;Ll t 1 if t'r-" "T Mcryhinc. . . I i . t! M ' TZjh i re cr Pr-ii AciJ.tn tafouai n ihe t.tia Fi.oa C.'-'.H Mitr. wh" S fi in't 4. p" ;:C ' rc .l l? iT c ''' , irn.( ro tn l (UiOt thjn j ia that I i4Si'o i .iwruribie. Gmi r luU i .x ..n er il' ci-r it when aU other stt-rt b icJ 0 Alvo. C--"'-. Ci--a. .:Km f.rokhU tnl :1 Jicivei fi ! c.iitj hup KJ tN lonmooul of Hon .,tci2T H Mcphcri. t,t. l i.'.fc t O j Bft of Gj . Hi. 4'C f f 4 vr'i a lKc cf other fcmirVib.a - rn'ia 3o . free f .J a: :l.f Uui I rr o4 s 1 tkat if y u il lo b cufc-J . .j f. ! y t-i i tfte Glosb !':" I i..iir Tii ro 1 ra.kct 1 f irrjn i r s r 1 r-;. r-.cn you us get t.n aa r : mrm mr .1 MU p:i f 7 Price 25 Cts. and $1.00 t. f- tn p. ..i. o n tf.c '.-i e i S inf a lr A-evi vtthout tK- ix Cm S?er-.r-, ,n ,mt Its. Mury o e -r.. ft tse dii- it fe-!u r arc x-: t'T kn ! of i' v! . d.e ' T I imiilii sTi .is .i . v t '.t n r a ' " " r cf r-vwtv 'r i ) "'rt- . 1 tSk r -.e try - 1. I t rr e b U l'r- t.t- lu'i" a llirniM WHEN ANY MAN te alck with i Ml. atet ncral uncsurforUtleiiea. ftOd ret I-.N-T KNOW KXTI.Y WHAT AI US 11 1 M. Ueo la lh U uk MOTT'S PILLS. ri-rTiK .......uM-h attJ aya.n. uT-f "fWeaOo o. .ml KK? r'Ul M T IIKALTII. hn a'.l "thr rmlle fH. rXr Im f..r Iltlt.un-. In.IK e lotu i miirns.. IJver tvnipUlnt. nJ n . an-r t.s-rvtr-rs of the tm-h. A family oaUiarU.- pill Ue' war rnljIilIN F. IIKNRY, CUKIl.N Hoi rroprtalorm, COL.LBOB rlACK,W HBTOK.X. POLL INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AQE. TUTTS' PILLS D. Ttrr hu unc- wled Id combining la tbt-M pills tb hereto fore anMODiatic quaii- tlftof a STRE50TBINO, Ptiqatit. and a Pc aimo Tonic. Their flrvt tccvnit CURE SICK HEADACHE. TUTT'S PILLS CURE DYSPEPSIA, TUTrSPILLS CURE CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S-PILLS CUREJMIES. TUTT'S"PILLS CURE FEVER AXD AGUE. TUTT'S PILLS CURE BILIOUS COLIC. TUTT'S-PILLS Cr MONEY CompIainL TUTT'SILLS CURE TORPID LIVER. TUTT'S"PILLS IMPART APPETITL rffoct ia to incrvaitc the apprtite by raaviug the fiWid to properly a imi!ate. Tlina tbePT!- trnli noonh.tl. and hr their tonic action on rvjralar and Iieaitby e vmcaationa arc pro duced. The rarMitr with which PFRSONS TAKE ON FLESH w hile uud.T the iudueuce of the piUa, indicalea their a daptabitily to soariii the bodv, hence their efflcacr la coring uer- vona debility, nielaa- rholy. dy?pepia. wt- ineorttie mti!H-lf,iilu;- iiho-a of the liver, chronic constipation. nl imoartinkT heaiih Jt ptrenjrth to tbeayau-iu. Said ererywherw. Price 85 ceota. Offio 53 M array fstrrt. MW VOBK. OLD NORTH STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OK WARKKNTON, N. V., Has been in Successful Operation for Seven Years." A Thomufc-hly Kcllable s. IVls, PreHiJent GLEN ALPINE SPRINGS, BvLX-Jjk-o Oot ty, W. 1ST- Carolina, 11 . viii) r ! I V ::, lit, ' !!, their rlrt 'M":i , v.. furt i. er e t Plre SxiUtl.. M.u. p. r-.n- !. nin; tie, s i. h r.-at Mir I. ilh. a Water-. v . .on, : nhsl to pla.-e ! all the !.-.. i I . i: .1 : urr.i - in the s.Mte. -c,. W v . t . Sfegial Playorikg EjosAXir. Eminent. Cht-mists and Physicians cor ify that th-po wrods arc tr-t- udu'terntion, richer, nioio . :!ectiv.', proti '.; b. t r r. .-nit.- tl ui any othora, and that 'hoy i. o thtm in their .-n fani;li s -n-n nnTfinin unique perfumes- ' -"' 1 U 'JUI I" U V TOOTKENE. .n .,.,.. he . -.1 1 n .M l t ce lin 3 M III Pi ll LEMON SUCAR. urim,.:. Ull. X 1L1UJJ U EXTRACT J 7w Al CA CI'.'CZ I?. ' r .u ! un i ... t. STEELE PRICE'S LUPULIN YEAST CEMS. 7.r .Vf lri 1 . in ll'f Uurhi. STEELE & PRICE, Manfrs., Chicago, St. Louis, and Cincinnati F. GRUENDLER, M A N I'KAt Tl'RKH K 1 I IV a-c OIG AKS, AND IKA!.KJtS IN SMOKIMi AND CHEWING TOBACCOS, Pipes, and Smokers' Articles in General. The Door above the Yarlxro Hons. P. 0. Box 250, RALEIGH, N. C. U-irpi fntrn ahr..l .!ielt.sl .iii.l pro np:l atf- n h- 1 l . aJKKSS (i(M)US, SILK 5. BIIAIVT.S tOTTOS, VPIIOKSTTIItY, TllIMMIXCiS, FLAM ' ELS, CLrOVKK, HOHlIvRT, Otrla ant Iloj-a nlla. Lad Ira' InJfrwrsr, Infants Outfits, WIH !, t'OSTl'M E, IUIIH, AKCKTIES, RICIIIMCJS, HAMlKKItrillErN, WIIITi: (ifHIIH, UtTT'', II IUI IIGS, HKIItT niMII), i:viMi sii.k, IUs, FHnrfJE. XF.KILFJ:, FAXCY CfMllW.if. If'or roml FriJXITUKE. I xr. ivr. iBraneh of HablNton 4 Urn.. Itlchinoml.) No. 1IION KKo.NT. SVl'AMOKE HT., rKTKlt-SItL'KU, VIROINIA. An eotlrly nw nn.l vorlcs:! atnrk of FurnttiiMof thi latent dslfi:ns. Chamher Sets l:rlr siit V'rlrilM- ld-i-;irds T',,l'-, Sjfe. HxwX -, liiiiiKen. HelsteMiU, hairs. Hat luck. Ilur.tiua. Ultres-, .to. ll;ivliit purrhaseil our entire hNm-Ic for faub, we are alile t.i .irTer icr. ai.-r lndiK-.-ni.-iit. Hum uiiv lwue Iu this s.s tlon, aiui ifuanin t.n; tonell ai cheap it a the K.--Ja own l- N.n.ht In New York or 1 1 ncl n nut I. Uir ho lint' Is t he largest 1 n t ha stulh.ai.l we llier.-f.iro iu ive the lurvet a-s-orttnent to seUvt from, and otIVr HUperl.u n-lucciiieitta Iu frelhl-s. i i i i 1 i r j I I WORKS. CAMPEN. M. . jSTEEL PENS 1879. OLD and TRIED. 1879 OLD NICK, H ORN AM IlV T!.;.s r iial.le brand of I'UKK W1II-KKY h:u. b.-en sueeessfiilly tetiteil hy tlie lovers ol J.rHt- la.vs Whikkey for the i-ast V years. ami ha preaerveil itshliili reputation until- iiilniliel. If l ofli-retl tt t lie puli lie with tlie full tiiaiiiiili-c of the proprietor, anil will not fail to ive perfect satisfaction win-never it.ttl. Kir sale ty all fl rsl-ela-ss tl. -filers. AtMress, JOS. H I I.I.I IMS. I'miMier (.'ri-ek. Vutlkin (. , N. C tn.i v.-tr Valuable Property for Sale. FL'li t v I i'ii lil i u lot s i ii t he city of ( irociis tiri. h'n. i- -i I mil ioliK, low prices, easy f'-inis. Now is the time to huy htuiscs iii thU pli.i-.iiit :iiil uTowinir city, which Is sure t li- i oiiic, .-it an early day, the railroad nil. I in.iiiii f.ic: in i ml; center of "the State. For terms ami particulars, apply to J. I). White Postmaster, i ircciislioro, . c.'., or A. V. Tourjjee, aleii,'li, N C. Wire Railing and Ornamental WORKS. DUFUR &.CO. .o. .in. . Iloaard St.. Halt imorw. nl. may-lHl-lf Home t'oinpany. B.K. U)SU, Secret, proprietors have met ilurini; the past, and it Hundred visitors, will oin-ounte t hem to mak ! l.ei r iimlil I ion to in. ike lhi the first Watering horn-fit durliiu' the past season from t'.-.e use o U upon the market, ami it will he found for WALTON & PEARSON N D - y ; : - - . ' KJ 4 BY MAIL. S7if fr JSj,i, ;.s or information, and s'ifisf'f y:.it,$.lf fc to :tmjty and guickty iti iff i T'ftiri't itt DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS ,.f . by Jf-jil or JZqrrcss. We carry an rtoe sf' k of ub' id $uO,0), all bought c t'Try us J lure tfi- ( 'i'iircn send for a set of our Advertising Laid. COOPER & C0NARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. F'taK.'uhr t C3 :;;;rM rti. -Sr- fri,- fTl 1 ValuaWe Roanoke Land FOR SALE. OYdeeiee of the Suiucine Court of North D Carolina, we will soil t the cimnlmuse door in Jac-kwiu, Northan ptou county, N. C. On Tuesday, June 3, 1879, that valuable tntft of land in saidcountv o Northamptou, kuown ho " PuLK.NTA,' containing 2,300 Acres, More or Less, adjoining lands of Ir. Jacobs and others. tkkms: One-third cash; balance iu one and two vears, with Interest. WALTKR CLARK! j -omui rs April 2m 25 CTS. PER POUND ! I reduce to-day the price of HKST IU'T TKI! to Z' cents per pound, received every wirk din--t from the Dairy, fresh and of choicest quality. Fresh Messina ORAXtJKN :)0c. per dozenl l.KM Ns iV. per tlozen. Fresh l itiiitda .T MKAL Finest lit K HKHHINti, at retail and by juickare. Best brands FHl'i, ilAMS, LAUD, PKO V1SK NS, staple and Fancy (iIUK'KKIKS, KOAsTKI) O FFKKS, Ac, Ac. A FI I.I, FINK STOCK ! FIRST-CLASS CiOODB! LOWKST l'lUCi:s! E.J. IIARDIX, llolleniun Huilding. may 2n-tf THE NATIONAL HOTEL, STATE notSK StT'ARE, RALEIGH. N. C. STREET & SON, Owners anl Proprietor. HeiH'wetl and Hi'-estalilislieil. o Superior and Special Accommodations For All Classes of Travel, mnv ID t f. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons, HriffJT BuiltliiiKT, UALEIGTI, X.L'C1., DEALERS IN ALL STYI.r!stV- CHILDRENS' CARRIAGES Of Superior Finih. Neatneati ami lnrnbility. WE OFFER itLsr ;mis: l liniST I'KH KSl Stl Altt- OKA LI X i ! r Writo for Prices. The Great Discovery. Raison PURCELL LADD & CO., Richmond, a. mayl-lA" wtf DR. ALLEN'S LIGILTX1XG CUKE. Till.' sit A N'DARI) REMEDY (r NORTH CAROLINA. v.r Hheiimatism. Neuralgia, Dysneiisia, Cholera, Cholio, Piarrlm-a, Dysentery, I'leurisy, Iaiue liacK, i-ains in me iue, MVI.K ASfDKIIIXKY OISFAISLS. Cl'RK OF DEAFNESS A Specialty. No Iodides nor Mercury. Nothing to Daralize the nervous tysiem 10 iiiik- u m- seriMiuic i pia, i - - -r- pound Roots and Herljs. None genuine without my Portrait and Signature. For sale by Williams Jt Ha y wood, Wholesale uruggisis, naieien, . upril ll-d-'hii g.xLJl.P-..J.It...L.- III. inrraf,r Tii.iii,.iii III ! ,,i FARM W A G O N S I We have the largest Stock (of our own manufacture of Wasons, Carts, &c, in North Carolina. We use none but Extra Qualities of Slaterinl at our Wagon Works and we respectfully solicit an inspection of our wagons and carts. O assortment conip rises every size of Wagons from the lightest OiipIlorwe to theg heaviest Six-IIore. 4c. We warrant all our work and make prices is low as thee lowest. Repairing done at lowest rates Jl'LU K LEWIS Jk CO tltiarf rferoliauts, -v i, RA. LEIGH, N. C. """' 11 1 L" II IMI 1 1 I LI II II llj) TIT wason and C'fl.'Sl MATERIAL IRON and tute, 1867, iii), "71, "7.3, 7l, ami 1878. Send for catalogue. "IVt. LESLEY 3VEcti3.-ULfctot-ULX-o r . Also, Manufacturer of Paris Coolerand M ANllFAr.TURrn ONLY BY TfT VT Vr-tiiNTTr r fZr- DI)RHflM,X.Cr. w .i. Y'H'xi;. YOUNG MBM iaMaMBBMBBMBBMBaMMBaaaaHMaVMI CAMERON, N. C, Manufacturers of all kind of ROKiH LVMIIKK. Onlers solicit our personal attention andguarantee satistactu.n. apl 8-d I.iiiulicr Ie Ciiving our alors and husines Athens, December 8, ls78. A few niirht3 since I Jtave my sou one dose of ti e Wo m Oil. and tne ntxi ch n passed Mxten large wcrrns. At the I. . tifiu 1ti r..iit- e ir tame i pave one iu n . n.ic . . . .-- - old, i d ohe passed eiphty-six warns frons four i nneeii mcuer, rm Oil for sale by Draggists t-enerali a red by K . LY N DON A -her-s, O March d W t b J THE KENDALL Patent Shingle Machine. Makes from 20,0f, to 30,(X perfect shaved shingles per dav. from the bolts, with three hands and four horse power. Makes shin Klea faster, better and cheaper, than can be done by anv other means. Pimple, stionp, direct cutinp, not liable to wear or breakage, it ls the most valuable wood workine ma chine ever invented Patented I-ebruary 7th 1S7. For sale, by State rights only. Address, A. W. Toogee, Agent Raleigh, N. liM 2 If wwfei k- K h fits 1 1 Hit s lizite I lli ... 5 if fer -s!rg 11 J s ir 6 .11 t, ii oil m i j p??i1p 1 a I a a- i r w 2 p ft J - , 5 ;w P i Y f - 2 r -x rn i V i; f A 2. CIJ p,; V i. ' - T iMr ag8i I I. UI pjj mm STEEL ZERO M ith Water, Wine, Milk and Butter Cooler. The best Meat, Fruit, Fish and Ice Preserver in the World. 36,000 in use. Grand award of merit by the Centennial Exhibition, also by the New England Agricultural Society, 1S70, 1878; American Insti 973, tttto Avenne New York e4ty. b urnace fOR PLEASURE SMOKE THE OLD .e.HAL' SE THAT IT BEARS THd J r3 MARK Ws THI- - J 1 J " V . popular bf.causi: rf.liablf: J. B. YOUXti BROS., I respectfully call the attention f my . , . ii... v.: . ....... 11.. t Tr'enos, natrons aua ilib yuuiiu goucianj ui the South to MY NEW. UNADULTERATED AN1 HEALTHY LAGEtt, rewe-i purelv of mslt and hope, by tie Vienna method and expressly for exj otaticc JA( OH SKt-.OrU 2315 German street . Ba liin J' , Md d-ly Blatchleys22 HOKIZONTAL EEZE R. Sizes. :? to 10 (Quarts 1 RICKS OF FAMILY Sl.KS: 3-uar... .85.50 I 6-Qnarl. ( nart .... 86.50 H-Qinrt . ..oo .8IO.00 Cash Discount 2i) per cent. The most economical freezer in the world. Will produce three quarts of fit.est qiiaiit Ice Cream, consuming less than four pounds of ice and five minutes' time.'! V. . BlaK hley, 440 Market Ht.. Plilla. mavSarn 1- AM FOR KALE, u-rt t tv cnrti TTIfE COTTtTHOrSK door in Raleigh, on Monday, June iti, a: tract of land in BERTIE COUNTY, adjoining the lands of John Watts, W. A. Moore, Hardy A Taylor, and others, con tain ing, by estimation, Five Hundred and Fif teen Acres, more or less. JOHN DEVEREPX, WALTER CLARK, Trustees of T. P. Devereux, may 15-lm In P.aknruptcy. Important to Wholesale AND T.ETAIL BUYE1.S, And all persons interested in ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. We will oiler for the Spring and Summer Trade, A larger and more varied stock of Iry (jioodn. HhI. Nhort. Trnnki, Wo tiotiM, Ac, Ac, lbu ever belor. In consequence of the rise l.i cotton, cot ton fabrics have advanced from V2 ti 2'i.i per yard since makingour ipriinf purchase. We have decided Xot to advance our prices, hut to give the trade the benefit of the low prices". We are selling somellnesof troods at precisely the manufacturer's price. We otter a pair of Linen cult's and collar to match, for live cent. LADIES' DltKSS GOODS OK EVKRY STY LK, SHADE and 1'IUCE. A soft finish cambric, that will count more threads to the .square Inch than londale (i2Uc) at Hc per yard or M'c by the bolt. A standard KM sheeting at 3c by thepliH'e. The largest block and greatest variety of ltuttou. A NICE LINE OF TRIMMED AND READY-MADE SUITS FOU LADIES. Wo. buy direct from the Manufacturers, Importers and Agents, and are prepared to sell for the lowest prices L. H. YEAKUAN, PETTY A JONKS. april 2-J-tf H. J. MYERS DEALER IN FIXE LIQUORS AND DOMESTIC & IMPORTED CIGARS. Fayetteville Street, Between Gulley's and thefMtlzens' National lUmk, Hardin & Grimes' old tjtaud. The following fine brands of Liquor ar knpt constantly on bund : Old Nectar. 1.510, Whiskies. ' I -v v'-v V " Gibson XXX Roberson County, (H years old.) Old Kentucky Rye, t ears old.) Did Hcnnessy Brandy, Imported Stock. Genuine Port Wine, our own importation Schiedam Gin, very fine. Blackberry Brandy, (I years old.) Apple Brandy, (I years oa Old N. C. Corn Whisky'Sweet Mash. Also will have in stock, ini)ortcd Aien Eorters, Dublin, Stout, Milwaukee and St . Louis Bottled Lager Beer, Champagnes and Wines of all descriptions too numerous to mention. Attached to my establishment, 1 have added a retail Cigar & Tobacco Department, Tn Tvii-h ran lie found all -bra nils of IKtMl' H- TIC and HAVANA CIGARS SfKW EM EHPK1SE, NKW NTOIIK, SEW OOOIM, I.iiient mid White (iooiNa NMM-lalty. M. R0SENBAUM Will on the third of May occupy the Dr. Fab I lav wood Mansion, Fayetteville street one door above the Express OtHce as a store. and will oiler tor sale a select assortment ol white and colored Table Damask, white and colored Table Napkins, Russian and Amer ican Crashes, Turkish hath towels, nno i 1. 'I-.......I-. I.. ... .. ....1 1 I t. 1 T..u-i.tlntr 1 'till liUM IIHi;n,. l.iianij i i. . . . n i . . i. best quality Irish Linen 4-4 VI 0-1 lli-l ami 1M sheetings, Bleached and Brown Domas tic, Cambrics, Lawns; Nainsooks, lied iick iiiirull u idl hs no to KM Bed Guilts best as ..I.rlm..iit kMnAut M-l fsnlK I 11 il IM I'tulll ILTIll stripied i'iiies, &c.. Cotton, lush and German j.inen iianu kerchiefs white and colorud with Borders, Notions, Gloves, Corsets, l-.nih. Kiigen Triming, and many more artl-'s to num erous to mention. He respectfully asks lor a share ol me nnldic natronaire and invi'Les tiu- Ladies to call and examine his select and varied slo.-k all of-wlncli will be sold at exceedingly I w prices for cash. NOW HKADY FOlt DELIVEHY ! The Digest ol Cited Cases IN THE North Carolina Reports. By Hon. A. W. Toiirc-e. Vt- nri' liannv to announce to tluj lemil profession that this valuable work Is now n-iidv for deliverv to subscribers. 1 he labor of preiaration and the necessity of securing th' utmosi possioie in i n i ih.j in i in- iiii i.wiisc liiimber of citations, has iicccnkhi il.v dclavedtlie work, but the result cannot but be satisfactory to every praciioner. ll con tains every case in tlie Reports of the Htate which has tieen clieu oy mei oun, ine cases in which cited, whether with approval or disapproval, with a carclul digest ol the poi ll t ol Cltatl -l .H i l il a inn nnu ai eumn. index to the subject matter of each. In form, matter, completeness and style of publication, it is undoubtedly the befct law hook ever published in the State containing 7.H) lame double--ol um I pages, 5.1IK cited cases and about M,m ci tat ions. it will he mailed lo BubscriberK on receipt of the juice $12 with Si cents for postage, or sent by Express C. O. D. when there Ik an olttcc convenient, rersons desiring to nave the work should order at once, au the -dl-tion is a limited one. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., Publishers, Raleigh, N. C. Spring Announcement! We" beg to announce that our stock of Spring and Summer Goods is complete, and are prepared more so now than ever to otter goods at exceed iiiL'ly low prices. We quote: Prints from ." cents up Solid Colonel Delaine at 11 cents Piques, Bleached and Brown DomeatlcM from h cents up. Weare selling a Cambric equal to the Lous dale Cambric at 10 cents per yard. Ladies' Linen Suits and I'l-tters, made up in the very latest style, sold from tZ:t up to jlO. Parasols of al! sizes and quality from 15 cents up. On r Kto'U of fchoew for Ladies, Misses and Childjen, ami also for Gentlemen, js complete. Our lothiuic J-artiueut . is larger than ever, and we arc exhibiting swne of the prettiest lineol these goodsevcr brought to this market, and sell In them at unprece lented low liguret. to suit the trade. A full assortment of Ntraw ami -Mackinaw IIhIm, alwo Fur and Wool JIatM. We are Agents for the sale of the cele brated Ioarl IroM Shirts, the price of which is only 81. Oe, worth f I ... and cjnsidcred by every one that ever fried one to le the cheapest shirt ever offered to the puljic. Don't buy any Shirts unless you see them stamped " Pearl." orders from a distance prom pPy attended to bv addressing L. ROSFNTHAL A CO., Nos. 5(1 and 'A Fayetteviile Street, And Exchange Plee, apl 17-d3n Raleigh, N. C. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the powrer contained in the. Deed of Mortgage, regiMtered in book 42, at p. 415, of the Register' otlice for Wake county, I will Hell at the court house door in Raleigh, for CASH, at 12 o'clock M.,on .Monday, Hi 9th day of June, I?9, the house and lot on Dawson street, in the city of Raleigh, where N. Pluin adore now resides, containing about one-half an acre. DAN'LG. FOWLE, it a y 1 C-1 in M ortgager. "T X TAXTED A salesman acquainted In VV North Carolina, In a first-lass Man ufacturing Co. Inclose stamp with refereri ees. Address E. M. YOUNG, 'SA Wst Fayette Street. Baltimore, Mil, may Zi-

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