DAILY NEWS TIM KMl.VVp MAY j:: joii Miit:Kt v- NuiitNr hid. lie fnl. lllrawir In Ihv fleM for fh Mian ritform. 1,- ..rk lUrald. M.ty Zi. j lhe lolloping leller. a.lJrejei ly : f-rCiry Sherman to prominent War ! Wiuo.-r.al, tti lhi- oily, who wav ilium - I tite.i Uli Mr. Sherman in the i XXVth ami XXXVIth Coiiijrc-ase-a, I form ah 'titt rtwttu addition to ilio J poltHil hitiury of the day: TrEAI'RV DfcP.VRTMKNT, V ........... VI ..w lii 1w .1 iKxtr.Str Vur htmiuI letter 1. I no j r.thM reiveil. 1 iMiirt you thai, 1 though ery uiiit-b humeri wtuit I v .ih I in New York, I iiil'l hate lu-t.le .to I apiut mfiit of litiio nuil phut' in m'v ! ii, tul there vtc no aiire. i.p. .u I tniir i-inl, and I 1 1 1 not know . !... I to nvl yiMi rl. I The movement lo aUtrt me ai a in- ili.uti' lir 'niu'iiior 'f luo w.u iitt'i- ly untioitl. Mod while it ytotild li.t- , l---ii very nearttly n-pudl to in j i hi-. and no doubt ouM ro iu e.-.i- ! tu in the .'ti- thai 1 ivul. Im . it'ctcvJ i t - eriuT. it Moiiiil clearly Ut wtoo,; for iiij to entertain u. o many jht-m.u- .tie inter r.i.nl in tin nnuiiiurtl ' "ii of refunding ainl resumption ; lk would otili ll!o Um Uc-clUo.i t.i .i priMic duty, ah. I A..n!l TnvT be ! i..r -will if anv It l nil rjln t- iliolil.t ih i-iii ! iii Ui .y of either. What 1 ouM aapirt tout .' o iul opinion whoiihl iitt'kil to make iu a can.ti.l.ttt- for lriilenl would l to unite in 1-ooit'r.itioti with the Kepubl. r.in xrtv ail I he Nation.il element ot tin- country tlut eoiitributed lo or an led in itnv way in tin siiifefii 1 indi .ittu of uaiioiuil authority ilnrini; tbw .tr. 1 ouH do thi-. not tor the pur p wf O f irritating the South or opprent-itifc- thorn in any way, but to uerl .ui.l maintain the supremacy of national au thority uthe full exiui of nil tu jow rrs conferred ly the tntitution. Thin I ini.lriaiil il, ! Uiw Jackaouian as till a the K jutin an u w of nalKiii.il j-r erM. l .m my kC'neml ide;v Nsotii l leil ine to lean .u really li'-oii theNar hem ix i.itn anil olitiero in the crij wiio h . in en nitliieiii-el Uv iMihli-itl e eiia ,niv the v nr to w ithl.oUi sii-(ori trom trie e;'illi mi party. I ne true i--'i' Ir I-o in ni n:il ii .i'!U:i'V in lt.tlioik.ti lliillei', i -: u. aixi an ii-ne-t I. i lar. V u v truly your .lull N MilKMAN. I oiillUMr Ik ltvi-tr ! ra I nrw. "i t ! l'ur,; 1 i !'. Ii- . nator I'oiik.inr li.it ha I h.ir he.i( t l iiiK k uxiu linn. Iul he w ill ,lou I tlt-? u hint that ttle highest eoni plimelit eT i.'lell him It that llltt tenderel ly Mr. Hrint. wife of the ; : t- i tenalor. Il li hertirt. and the h.vt nauiei it Hotttn- l onkliliu' lini'f. I i tl.ete tmiit. when it it dt idetlly ritky to naute iiil lreii for alleged ureal men". n h a ni.uk l tulihii- '. nli- leil' f "lil I e appreeiatitl. A (urliuu l luli-rnll). Kd: . n.'-re t ( . i .j;ri'Miii in l.!Mi H ,i!ter rt h hat ; Ui'ii telling the lo.intrx that lhe'r.ini i Uko .'lu-'til i lr is ol' t he ( ! alp I ni. f the -dltieiant. It M ,uile e; lonl ; Ih t'. lr. I tut ter r! !i it the i- ".mi (" ( an . - -on. hetneit traud. It i- nt the tirtt time, limii'iiT, that t he nat l it ! m .1 u.tt l-.iial'le ehlld hrvt It-.-n .u . et- : fully t.ild upon th v nni: eroii. i; Ail iSr-r :,.-. l' is ai jt.-e tirrr k.if, lo hje lb bt! nj jir in)Miriim tt r. or h tcrr.i frcro il ' .. i :v. c nr.fi: y ir.-t:e -f i:. I- .!. i .( th Itr Nr. .r.u. : r- . I i r. ' ' l m - the I. bul .-.n t tSt..h t.. . . i U part ta ir-'". wi U': 1 ft f'krj.S iht p i i l iVe in. u.. .' : ui )cik iitiir tiva f. I k-c :.-Sx:i'tnr- ii.fj' J, -iJ I r tta. !-.-rtttioo. Cvi5 -uun. Hc-.la..he. li.i r'-. Jurlie, thi!.. Ijii-U l'cr'.. !'i c. C i ' tour Si mi1v . xi J ,fr.frj! dt i i ay I.Cvw. t L. II tr 1 1 1. tr.c grrat rjeialir .! v ri. :f t r-i !. . .- . th- . irx io iJ.f St. ,.. U r. bi-l ; ao- ti. i v It; trr' K . . ii o rit ol - . 1 :kr r-.r vwt opoa yc m r ccmp. it.n . i ' r. ;i iriy coin in, mtu t . iu 4.1 l: a 1- ixiraf tfie lint itmii' it U J.fj.i i te Car i.. . - " . . ' ' i . ; i i . . it e-t.' fcv tu l Hi i Tit in actor S- ift . th ;.r- . r-t Hfi'.j-v- u c-'',j;:y r-i ib late!) rr.ir.jt-. a:: ! ! '-i-tl irtn Sroa i i Licr cn c.t it a ijii t:.jl i a.Ji-D A SUPSTITUTE FOR PILLS EY Al.I. I'KfvAilS lr 0 Price 25 Cts. and $1.C0 n c?j II 1 1 I i U llOi SrLHl 3 Te ftti!i:y cf Cnurp.pfirn cr r-Jt j-.-I B t iTr-t of all dr-oh miction. C fV-'m r'-n M'W-"W iTralmcnl, in h ..mi ly !i;l-n;. l-". o.-lt cf ticth i CO 4i . j.. le p-ii l if I i'i..m tf MMf.:.in.-. . r iii y Jirrpjilit i-ifl i-4 i ic.r..in. .Mcry nine vi i A -: !. t lou.l in the IjL- t r liOii fZ ..r.x Ninr, ah..h Kift (jf I i ; . no W irr '.i.. to -Uv i:h t uc trt irir.a.t.n i l.ir., Qamtton i irtuut. i ..H t; p a.'.l curt l.i. s hi)i . i .M ; -r a.. I curt it arm a.i a) .;fc.iu. HrriiK.us n.1 a.l the f7 -.-vijrinj lungs. KJ1 I.-c trinunia' of theHm Alcaandcr M SlcpSc-. l.v. tn.th WaJ t.aio.Urva cl , lUn. I a- kwwV, a a iKm- of oilier iraurVjI lt PQ tv in -' . fre a ! t1" ''i M' ff O-U l-c laio! I.'at if 7 u b. to cirrj m -j! by lik.rg i.e Ot r"i.' H . . .M S r T.' ro 1 r Sfi or I m'.ges Om tore 1 hril, ah" o-a un oo u .tit Su.r .1 a.. i-n.e Kt - . 1 aa Urpta. 'Price 25 Cis. and $1.00 Sill! ' .... :tt fi- Ten l-w-ca ii tn. t . -1 a V t i . cf" . r ;"..:a. . v''"-.. ta iMin;, I ertO ttiial.'-MU I'ik... n O liciAis '. n trta.cvi aiUivu: l"n ur Oi .tci r :ry m .Tie f .m Ntrrcmy: t t?T ! 2 i. ! d.rjr it r-iv .!;.- are a r , , i-.-r i.n 'if!! .-!.r ..induce l )' 4ttii'i' -r. . it-.i . J Il'tinHT t!i "' ; off'i 'i itf J M-t ! -Sw-.s' - -a. r .ii, .,- i i ... i , , i - . r f. . w a.;i i HM.r ,:tv. M. r- ,itv . cr in .r- i v f ) r jcta a r oi . ' t .k r5 Pn i'! It..,; lit' li f IW 4 l mWl l l!irrlT!Nr 9 A. t . J.a.-- 1 . . n alert, PH1LADE ,PH! I JV. WHEN ANY MAN feel alrk with 1 I.. MII.I.KKVKU rT.rsllK. UKAIw At HE and euerni uiicuniiwriaintiieta, and yet HOTT KtV KX.vm.Y WHAT AIUS HIM. tlvea l th Uif lo Ufca MOTT'S PILLS. Thw niJUare mavle of eerUii- Ingredient that rt iwctally n IJv er. and l the ame tlu eal all luipurltle- fn.iu the itimtt-li and ay.tem, aiding dlellon, ii.J RhrtKIM TO HKALIII. when all other rrtuttiie fall. , TWe them fce Uli i4unei. Iiidiuealloit. 4oMr. l.lvtr t umplaitiK nd ail dla rtt and .1 iinlrn o( the ilnnorli. Aa a family cattluulle pill they are wr raDteal. JOHN K. HLMIY, CUKRAN A iXK Sola Proprietora. a COLLKUI rLACK,W NBTO i VJK IU1 JLV I VUf IV i i i " INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AQE. TUTTS' PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE. TU1TSPILLS CURE DYSPEPSIA. tuttTpills CURE COHSTIPATION. TUTT'S PILLS CUREILES. TUTT'S PILLS CURE FEVER AMD AGUE- TUTT'SPILLS CURE BILIOUS COLIC. TUTT'Sl'ILLS Cur KIDNEY Complaint. TUTT'SPILLS CURE TORPID LIVER. tuttTpills IMPART APPETITE. Da. Tctt baa uc crdel in combing la tlx- pill th hereto fore an tag-on Iftic quaii- (lf Of MTRtLNUTHINd. ITboatitc, Dd a I'u airTii4, Tonic. Thfir flmt apparent fffrt-l la to Increaae th appfUie by rauniug the looJ to prop-r!y a iiuilatf. Tliua thciiya-u-mi D')urib-d, and by th-ir tonic action on lb? Ui,;ftive oraca, n-jra!ar and braitby taruauoni arc pro dor L TUe rar'f" Hfh which PERSONS TAKE ON FLESH wluJr- under the lullu.'uce of tbuM piUa, iudjcatc their a iapu'ai'uty to douHi!i tins body, btnee their pfflcary In curing ner futti debility, melan choly, d) ipr;ia. wart-inj- qih muclea.slu trisKac of the liver, chronic ronotipatinn. and Imparting health 3t otrengih to the yatrm. Swld rr-rrwhere. Price 25 centa. Offlc 53 ?farry rlret, NEW YORK. OLD NORTH STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OK WAKllKNTON, N. C, Has been in Successful Operation for Seven Years. V Thoroughly Reliable Home f timpany. s. PAY is, Pr.i-i.iu. i . - TJ as ;t -ft 'jaa5C?i i t'J: ' Jri '""t V ' ' ' ' CLEN ALPINE SPRINGS, T! u..; - ! ' i. th. I fin 1 1 !.r-t I". . - 1 11. M.u. v i . nir I .!:.:.. A M " -b : iii r."c-ied Mirli r-.tl tcnefil during the past sea-on Ironi i'.iv use o iv have concluded to place it upon the market, an. I it will be found for l.i.: .It iiiilitls tn lh r;ite. WALTON V PEARSON & ikifiyJ si X XUli av.ji- J. irfj. .E W a U lli. J. 5-x-a.a U l- u I'M x I.'.; H J T . ? i. fc' 4 ' tl . - . C I! .li-.tn: riirris's fncl Piiysioiatis o-r ify tirtt theo pcods n. . : o from alu;terrtion. rtohr. i:o:'u .-iiv , pro.'":c 'tH-tter r : - tlutn uuy othoro, an 1 ilu-: - t'... :.; in vn f..t:.i.: , i UNIQUE J l. illl i ) i. ra i. 'l r .u ST t T LE L. PRICE'S Ll l U -.l .i YEAcT CLMT.. & PSICL, Manfrs., CLicr.jo. 3t. Lcais, ... ..tl Ci F. CRUENDLER, M.V.N'l'KAlTl UKU K i i r " IS C ANI IEAI.KKS IX SM()KIX(i AND CHEW1XG TOJJACC'OS, Pipes, and Smokers, Articles in General. The I.Kir iibove the P. 0. Box 250, from abroad solicited and pro 1, ... . . . . . . i : .'tell I.C! aJitKtiS .OOOS, 8ILKH, SIIAIVI, COTTOXR, UP 1 1 0 LSTEU Y , TIIIMMIXOS, FLANTELS, CLOVES, HOSIERY, Olrla'aiwl XUry' Ma 1 1 a LcMra rndereirr, liifttnta Ottntn, DRESS 91 Vll.PS. ' tOSTl'MES, nr lit xc.s, 11 AXDKEJl CHIEFS, WHITE iOOOs, fit (:' .ify DRY -7 i j 6 for 2",-"i'l Ji'ine Adi ci t 'h-g 1IUTTXS, IflMDlRGS, SKIUT ItHAII). M:vi.t; silk, PI.NS, FHIA'fJES, XEEDLES, FAXCY GOODS, dc. la'KXITUEE. ( Branch of Habllston A Bro., Rlelmiouil NU 4 IKON KltONT, SYCAMORE ST., l'ETERsBFRO, YIR(iINIA. A n cut ircl v new and varied stock of Furniture of the latest ded2n. Chamber Sets. Parlor Vf. War.rrl-. sldeUyards. Tablen, Males, II.Mik 'use. Lounges, Bedsteads, Chairs, Hat Hack. Mm-eati. Matt roe. Ac. Havlnir to offer riter In.liirementa than any house t. llif giMMt can b lxtiht in New York loth, 1111M u e therefore can give the largrst udtteeiiientK in freights. JSteel pens WORKS. CAMDEN. N. 1879. OLD and TRIED. 1879. OLD NICK,- K OKX A I R YK,) This r.-lial.le bniiul of PX'KK Will 'KEY h.is heen siieeetsfully testd by the lovers of first-elans Whlnkey for the past oO years, and ha preserved itsliU-h reputation undi niiiilln l. It j ottered to the public with the full Kuarantt of the proprietor, und will not fall to give perleet satlsfuetion it h''ne or u.tl. For sale ly all firtt-j-hiss dealers. Address, JOS. WII.I.IAtfS. 1'anther Creek, Yadk in y "o., N. ' '. ma vm-i l Valuable Property for Sale. KKdity hjllilinc lotnlii the elty of (Jreens h.iro. I I lie Kiluat Hiliv, low prices. ;. t. -ii.!. Ni I tin- time t buy lioutes in tin- j l -atjoil and i;ruvciiin eity, which is i.rr- tot mo. at an early dny, the railroad a, id in. iiii:luetiri nif wnter ot t lie State. Kor t.-rina and particulars, apply to J. I). White PosUiiaMcr, i?reenboro, N. I'., or A. V. Toartfee, Kaleiifli, N O. Wire Raiting and Ornamental WOItKS. DUFUR &C0. o. XH. '. Ho it n! St.. Baltimore, Md. niav-ud-ti B.F. I A N(i. Secret. be i'i . . r:-!. .! have 1 1 1 t iliiri the past, ami .- i,i- l.isn.lrcd vNitms. t il! eiieonrac them to make i i , . : b. lr .tmt'U ion to make thU the first Watering ip r .'v Tv7 AN D - - J.A r i : - JL,. A, PERFJ : A.. aj : .civ - - . v- i ; c i a -.it i IG A Ya boro House. RALEIGH, N. C. l i . BY MAIL. r-1 fr o.s ( iifvrmation, and '? ,'"-npy and quickly GOODS AND NOTIONS Mid or Earprcs. He carry an s' .': of about $00,00", all bought f'-ih. SfiTTry us. lii' ( 7' i dcn 6tiui jot a set f our L'anl. tefall?! (ft ffn (m mi fca j(yjijJJ& COOPER & GONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. c? OO. purchased ourenttre Ktoekr for Cash, we ate able in this sect ion, and guarantee to sell as cheap or 'i itctn natL Our bniso is t be largest I n tha aori mutit V select from, and od'er superioj m SiHPlES md pWcES os iFPUCATHU1- "' ' "" - we a i 1 i H Valuable Roanoke Land FOR SALE. BY decree of (he Supreme Court of North Carolina, we will sell ni t ne courthouse door In Jackson, Northampton county, N.C. On Tuesday, June 3, 1879, that valuable tract of land in said county o Northampton, known as " 1'oI.KN TA,' containing 2.300 Acres, More or Less, adjoining lands of Dr. Jacobs and others. Tkkms: one-third cash; balance in one and two years with interest. JNO. PKVKKKrX.) rommrs WALTER CLARK, tmmrs April 2m 25 CTS. PER POUND ! J reduce to-da the price of BEST BUT TER to cents pr pound, received every week direct from the l'niry, fresh and of choicest tiiiitlity. Fresh Messina ORANGES M)c. per dozen I. EMt NS iV. per dozen. Fresh Camilla OAT MEAE. Finest RoE HERRING, at retail and by package. Ret brands FI.ol'R, II A MS, I,AKI, I'R YlsloNS, Staple and Fancy GRoCEKIES, Ki ASTEI C F FEES, Ac, Ac. A Fl'I.E FINE STOCK' ! FIRST- 'LASS GOOlS! LOWEST PRICES! E.J. 1 1 All D IX, Hollemuii r.uilding. mav 3 Ml" THE NATIONAL HOTEL, STATE IloCSE SQI'AKK, RALEIGH, N. C. STREET & SON, Owner null I'rojir ieJors. Kciicwcil and Hi'-cstaMishcd. Superior and Special Accommodations For All Chutes of Travel, mav P.I tl'. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons,: Brliryrs Itit ildiitr. I. ALE IG 31, X. C, DEALERS IN VI. I. STVI.DS OF GHTLDRENS' CARRIAGES Of StiKrior Finiah, Xealnea an 1 ln ral.il ily. LIGHTNING CURE. Tin.' STANDARD "REMEDY OK NORTH CAROLINA. For Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, cholera. none, uiarnnea. Jiysentery Pleurisy, Eame iv.ick, rams in ine siue, IiIVKH AXI KIDSEY DISEASES. CI BE OF DEAFNESS A Specialty. No Iodides nor Mercury. Nothing to pnraliEe the nervous system to make it in sensible to pain, but purely a vegetable com poundRoots and Herba. None genuine without my rortrait and signature. For sale by Williams A Haywood, Wholesale wruggisis, naietgh, N1. ' april lUi 'ni J WEiiELKR I g A I X Ihkstooo.s! I O & rAt 8" Itji 1 Mil ARE nEAMX! g " 1 Cj 1 1 Wl f I. J Ttr- Write for Prices. fill 2 S z jmm--''i ffi The Great Discovery. M!t- S S ' f ' Wldssp U 7 111 f s iZi . If if a Nik M S-JM fWg a. S - - I Sv V. ml' mmmm, imam PllrTCcLL iLADD & CO., If tf & Z $ ; : 2 O - DR. ALLEN'S " II jM M 1 : 'f lS $p IS Nsi-. . . .- I 1 respp-tfilly call the attention f my w &$t&i' mT .us. patrons aud the public Kf-n' r alfy of a FARM We have the largest Stock (of our own Xorth Carolina. We use none but Kxlrn iv.,bo t.I w rpsiw fn v so iett an lassortnient comp rises every size of Watron iiieaviest fatx-Ilore, se. v e warrant an llowest. Repairing done at lowest rates Jllillf LKW1S A CO aware TierctiantH, xii, R A LEIGH, N. C. Wtiiion Works East Harcett Street. f Pl 21-tf. kisriaff: Wagon and Buggy MATERIAL Horse and Fule Shoes. IRON and STEEL. tute, lf", ii!l, "71, "7"), "7ii, a.;d 1S7S. Send for catalogue. Alex. TiT XLaDESSILiESY aXViXXXXixot-iJiX"0 Also, Manufacturer of Paris Co, !er and t vorxfi. MMI-aaaaJaaaaaaMI-aa----a-aaaaaaaa-aa - - itkl 1 111 W S I mark. fOR PLEACURE, gBfr&r .4 Jrrpi. ipms&!k3 smoke the oLDfi . . MANUrACTUREDOlVLr BY' " "t P $ !JUKHi4llyN..V. I gjjyPDPLLAn BECAUSE RF.L I AKI.E ' YOUNG BROS., CAMERON. N. C, Lumber Dealers and M.nur.Curers of ali kH Giving our business our personal at tent io-i n Athftss, GAn December 8, 178 A few nlirhts since I eavf my son one desc- of the Wo-m Oil. and the next day he passed ixteu large worms. At the same til"- I t;ave one to my little eirl, four years oM, a-id she passed eighty-six worms from four to fifteen inches lonp. y rmOIl for sale by Druggists generali ared by E. a. LYNDON At hens, G March dWASiy J I T- .- - ff - I 1 V-i fe22Bhk MY NEW. UNADULTKATS AND iv j0WW HEALTHY LAOEK, iW rewel purlv of malt and hops, by the V' Lvl 5a5 Vienna method and expressly for exi otaticr. W 231S German stre.'V'altnrcre, Md. JOHN CL'ARK.Jr.&CO'S BEST SIX-CORD, -FOR- ": MACHINE OR HAND USE ! A FULL ASSOETMENT Ol" All 'umber and Color ; KOK SA1.K BY Yeargan. Petty & Jones, WAGONS manufacture) of Wagons, Carts, &c, In Qualities ol Material at our aoii lnsneeiiotl oi our waaons nu eiiris. j from the lightest One-llorae to the our worn anu uihb uitctin a iu mc ZERO Tj wlthj Water, Wine, Milk and Butter Cooler. The best Meat, Fruit, Fish and Ice Preserver in the World. 3(i,000 In use. Grand award of merit by the Centennial Exhibition, also by the Now England Agricultural Society, INTO, 1S7.S; American Insti 7, til Avenue New York C Fu rnace n. YorN of H;r U II ! JVI rlers s,li cit mi 1 - 1 's. ' .z. h j tt: I J f 5 C 5 ts K.J. c r Blatchleys IlOKIZOA'TaL. ICECREAM FREEZEK Sizes, : to 40 Quarts l'mtLS OF FAMILY SIZES: 3- tnart 85.50 I -Quart KH.OO 4- tnart....g.50 S-tuart...8I0.OO Cash Discount 2) per cent The most economical freezer in the worlu. Will produce three quarts of fir. est quality Ice Cream, consuming less than four pounds once ana nve minutes' time. ; C. O. BlaM-hley. 4 IO. Market St.. Thila. may8-2m MdrtltfofMiesuIe1 ' .IT AND l.ETVXL I3UYE11S, And all persons Interested In " ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. 0 We will offer for the 1 Spring and Summer Trade, A larger and more varied stock of y C;oolft, IInt Show, Trnnka, tioiiH, Ao., dr., than ever befbr In conse.iuence or the rise l.i cotton, cot ton tahrics have Hdvanml front Xo2o lcr va i d sita e inakl f our Spri up purvhaae. We have ilecidi:d .oi to advanc our prices, but to give ine trad) the benefit of the low prices. We are selling some Hoes of goods at precisely the manufacturer's price. We often a pair of Linen cuth and collar to mutch, for 11 v cents. : LADIES' DUESS GOODS OF EVERY STYLE, SHADE and PRICE. A soft finish cambric, that will count mora threads to the square Inch than Ijondale U2ic) at loe per yard or 8.: by the bolt. A standard KM sheeiingatJueby the piece. The largest stock and greatest variety of Hut torn. A NICE LINE OF TRIMMED AND READY-MADE SUITS FOR LA DIEM. We buy direct from the Manufacturers, Importers and Agents, and arc prepared to sell for the lowest prices. E. H. YEA KG AM, I'ETTY A JONES. anril L"J-tf H. J. MYERS- DEALER IN, FIXE LIQUORS AND DOMESTIC & IMPORTED CIGARS. Fayetteville Street, Between f iulley's and IheCit If.euH' National Rank, Hardin & Grime' old Staud. The following tine brands of Liquors are kupt constantly on hand : Old Nectar, fiiO, Whiskie. Gibson XX X X " Gihson XXX Roberson County, (ti years old.) Old Kentucky Kye, lyearsold.) Old Hennessy Prandy, Imported Stock. Genuine 1'orL W ine, our own Importation Schiedam Gin, very line. lilack berry hrandy,(i years old.) Apple Jtrandy, (I years old.) Old N. C. Corn Whisky, Sweet. Mash. Also will have in stock, Imported, Ales Porters, Dublin, Stout, Milwaukee and St Louis Bottled Layer Iteer, Champagnes and Wines of all dcacriptioils too numerous to mention. AtUwhed to my establishment, I ' have added a retail Cigar & Tobacco Department, In which can be found all brmidsef DOMES T I Vja id 1IAVA N A CI GARS , For The Sea Shore! ATLANTIC HOTEL.. BEAUFORT,. N.C. N i; W 1 A X AGE M K X T . Open the 1st of June under th manage ment of 1 he undersigned. A Ilr si class sea side resort and the most pleasantly situa ted house on t be Atlantic iast. 'I he tide ebbs and (lows aily beneath the budding, arid it is free from dust, fliesand inouultiH-n. The ball room is t he most spacious and airy in the Stale. A good hand of music has hewn engaged for the season. Surf bathing unsurpassed, with suitable dressing hotfscs on the beach. Hath houses also within tifty yards of tho house for still water bath ing. "Large and airy rooms ulso iu the building- occupied by the Proprietor the past two seasons, which can be bad by' those who prefer rooms on the mainland. It All, 111 M.I AUIS ANI TK-N-I'IAN. TKIItIS-L'.VI per day; Sl'-'.OO per weeH. 4tfSpoeial rates made with Excursion ist s and for parlies for more than one week. ii. L. PERRY, iny-")--ni I'roprietor. NOW READY FOR DELIVERY ;" : '"' The Digest of Cited Cases IN THE North Carolina Reports. Ity lion. A. M'. Toiirvfe. ,. , We are happy to announce to the lgal profession that this vtilua,blo work is How ready for delivery to subscriber. The labor of preparation and the necessity of seeurlin the utmost possible aerunwo in Uiw Im mense number of citations. 1ms necessarily delayed tin.' work, but Ui result can nut but be satisfactory to every practloner. It "con tains every case in the Reports of tho Male which has been cited hy the Court, the case in which cited, whether' witii approval or disapproval, with a careltil digtiMt fif tlte index to the subject matter of eWCh. fn lifiini ol cnaii f .1. Willi it mil nnu fvciiiruic form, matter, completeness and style of tiuhiicat ion, it is iinnouoteoiy Trw oenr'Mw book ever puMUhcU I u the mate containing I i.. .1 . ...... .......... r. I...I ..I..... oii iitr;e itiiiiuw-vmuuiu jftiKun, t;itt;t cHWJi ami aiioul .jn.iHut citat ions, It will be mailed lo subscribers otl receipt of the price 12 with 'Si cents- Tor iiowtare. Or sent b-V Kxtiress C. . D. when there ia an ollice convenient, person, desiring to liaTe the work sitoiiiu order at once, as the eJJ- t ion is a limited one. ALFRED WILLIAMS A Co., Publishers, .. -- - .Ir,5":,-?:.V: . w ii spring Announcement! We bcu' to announce that our stock of Siu iiiu' and Summer Goods Is comtilete. and are prepared more so now itian ever tooinT goods at exceedingly low prices, we quote: ITints irom o cents uj Solid Colored lx lame at 15 cents. . Piques, i'Uacljcd and Brown Domestics from ') e;uts up. We are selling a camhrie equal to the Lons dale I nmhrlc at 10 cents per yard. 1, allies' Linen Suits uial I liters, made UP in Lhe very UirsL sty sold irom up to ;ja. l'arasols of ai! sizes anil quality from li cen I s up. our siim'U ol Miocs for Ladies, M iscs and l 'nil'Den, and also lor Gentlemen, Is complete. .Our (lolhliiir Oennrfmeiis is larger than ever, aud we arc exhibiting s. me of t he prettiest 1 1 ne of these goods ever brought to t Ins market, and w lllng them at utiiir'celiMited low riciircs U suit the triwltt. A full assortment, ol Straw aiiU .Waekiimw Hut, nlMo Fur aud Wool 11 at a. wJ We ate Agents for the sale of Lhe cele- hraled I'enrl lrcMt Shirt, (1... .i li- ol w li icli Is onle 1 tin . nrt Vi at til I..' I - - - . J -. , and considered hy every one that ever tried c on.; to lie the etieApest shirt ever ottered Ut tin- puiihc. Don t iiuyauy Milru unless you m-c liieni stamped "Pearl." (inlets irom a distance promptly attended to bv addressing L. ROSENTHAL' CO., Not. 50 aud &i FayeUivUl Street, . Aud Excliauge Place, ai-1 17-d.",iH Raleigh, N. C. MORTGAGE SALE. Uv virtue of tho power containedi in Jhe Deed ol Moitjfage, roiwtored in book 1Z, at ji. ii.t, ol tho KeinUir'a ollieo for Wake county, I will sell attJu) court houe Uoor in JUleigU, fur CASil, at 1 o'clock M., on , , ', Monilay, the Bth Cmy of Jhd, Ja)79, the lionse and lot on Ihiwsmi street, in the dty of Raleigh, wliere N. Plum adore now resides, containing about one-half an acreJ DAN'L 0. FOWLE maylO-lm Mortgagee. TXTAKTKn-A salesman aequaiatod in VV North Carolina, In a first-class Man ufacturing Co. Inclose stamp with referen ces. Address E. M. YOUNG, 2M West Fayette Street, Baltimore, Md. may i '

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