The thr evening, while pril were on u.rif xv iM'iue irui luitic tfir.uKti rainer utilrijuviiUii pari ol th.- j'.v. oiii unti yr!IHl imm a l,f.; itii uiitiiii ami iu.iiu Help! help!" Ku-ry i-ly mel frightened, but n ' iilurl to resvue iUv inaii. iieip: uip:: help!!! riu j throng" th ir tnoif wu.Jlv than r. i nfM omo oi;c n trying to uiur- .ler him. ugkC"exl our. --IVrhu It a lie tliil, ' ull n tlier. it Ui wife i:.ty ! I him," !),.: in a ilnrl. 1 ! help '. ! viun'i !Miiit olio help Who will follow jf 111 leuU the wax ? ' aliouuil ptieii 111. "1 xxill! ahvMilttl ttfWul. Then come hea.l." kaiU the letter he m.ilea start. The ifst fiilorl atul thex moii :ir- rixeu at the house, rushtd thiouh the U.illwiy ami upsuuri iiini lup at trie l - r of the nui fioui xx hieti the ! ! ! l.oi.te 1 tl e "ilclj help i.t'ip 111 ui-ito. "liurrv up lefore he i kill.!. !iout.i the ioil in exniej t:.i. Then they o tul theUoor, for il was u t mid ton ml a ni.m .alin'v oji--. lu a plp Hear the x iiulow. "Who X.- stioutlll luc help? ,e.mM the leuler. I wm," w.h Iberejdv of the nnlivi-l-u.i .n h removed the pipe Horn his i:n and hiex a huge cloud of smoke iu u.- -t r. -nviui the matter? " N..thiiitf in particular." I hen xx .-t help do you want?" vW-ii. 1 !1 tell you. 1 Jut want ,u,t u:' i" iielp me raise Uitiits lo h-ri i..ii.' inMw' ent with. If 1 leg on llietre' i .i ! arrested, ao 1 sol icil from hue. Will you (five me the ten ? "Not mu h !" shouted the crowd sitn-u:ui;-i"v'-. vilify filei out like a lot A 'iar. li. I !"" Iutilv Hcientnod .i fih!T the other d.iy. whtii inn n t''j I fin on the .lx .iiid UiKiiiii d r:;ui to oolne o er. He !'. .low ii otf Inn x i:i prett v ! ! el x io unl jii"Ui:etl that tUo; two Vei - -i mi. I i: i o liie fe!i ".h id j e.uiht t h ;. nwii'llu'." he " uiliieiu-r.l. " I j ut .iMt x.i to .t one. N.. I " i .. that' all rilit. it won't oust you at:x:l.i:. to lixk a! tin in. ' 1 i Ue went low n the stoop :in. .-..; i et itriifl w it h i tine p.ur of Hi I: : haal. li l von ex er m-h tiner?" he in- :i di! t "1 'n't w !ulT I don't know w hat I '.i.pvm.ic al-ont; i u you !;.. .in ... in ; I intent lo vi) tint " " Wrli. why didu t yoiisayit?" tle uin te.l the hh en lt r. T a j ul ioinif to. hut w oiiSdn't w v me a fuuuf. I me-iii lo s.iv that I .l. ii t want any tih." " 1 hen wh did m rati me up?" "i .i,; iou up. .all yu up? Why. I v-illed ou up here to h-k yon a ! e-i-iaI tax or not to shout in front of tiiit hou. There a man i-:k in-iile." Tluo the tihuioiijer went oft with a l.k ot i. iappoi ii t liir lit. A qnrrr .Hoelel) . A furiou intitutiin still Pari-, wln. h it would sound profane to i-all liv Us true name of the Sn-itv of the 1huiihhI. Thee damned are ilru-niatt'- aiithors, aiul they meet olio a month and dine at Breoaiit'. Their uuiiiU'r lui mi litsl hunt, only e wry meniler to l-e eliilIe intlHt he ixt'li hiti. Ail uii:n tit dramatist is sfe. t--1 as i-ii iirm i.i. a.t I Ji"!ds t:.o jst for lhre' Ui'.uths. Ills fls lion L-- li r.ll.V foi.ow . ..-. o.i a sj l ,.iiuri'. Meilha.-. l'.ini- t!s. .ola and ;Jeli reh hive all h.ied the h nr. and pie idsl a: the monthly diuiur. 1'hee dinners. :r' tt t en on the i.tsi h riilay of the in '!!:, and are v t raord l uarl hi larious. l-O-pllaM l4Kk s. t "p to the latri r half ot th- l.isli i-n-turv. we hal n: ro. htl to thee.viel U n e of the .rks that wore ill U'f l'i pt a:i.l hina thousand of yeais a-.. .md h i now tor a ory hn j r.l run in the line of rod ise ery or ie.;j li-al;oii of what had hoon ti s-.ol 4 .: ao hi tin in. The n i.d prm- . t ; i- r t he H' ti.m l"'k w as mo-, .tl :w p' lis iri.n.s. dropping, ea. h lie ! , I 1 -i nriv. I I'.-own wn.'li:, into the i.;;. tnd s,- i ui it on l-in toii'-iiod a", the rutit j ... ii iy inrri'", on . n' puis at the vr. . .1 ti.e n'.ie ke . all l them re-iiir-inc ; t v raise. together to U:e ptoj it ii. ih:. "I he err 1 .t"st idea III I " tn imii; ui iv I regarded i i.iirf.l(i:' r apt U. a'.tons . mis prui.-ip.e. A I'lrlur. s.tiinu ir has arrix e I in the .-oi;-r.r. and tin- x iii s t w me tli.-ms.',ves ai'uiid t!.e UlUii'.e-doW II eot'.He ;o xrii'll el ill.; so manx tender memo: ie. The tuli.ns. a'.oxv xx jth the diamond d til; lii . male in their liluix IkhIs th'iii;li the x w ere t!ie sultanas of the garden. The mi jnonette and haw thorn th.od the l.ieii solitude-. f the garden with a xe.i:hof ri-loleiuc. w hi- h xxatts the soul to realms divine. And there Is the .juiel lane xx ilh t!ie vrius and It la. i.usiies; and the rool enehantinc xx ishiI ind. xx hose pirit ot rest is hi okeii oiuv hx t he KiiifT of happy lurds. Hut sweeter ' far than all this-ala ! this i ts sweet and poet ie to sinvil with a joke. . Mean Jt au. niY U on a time. aesrdin t a isr r. spoiideiil of tliefln.niro !", Jake Mumiu went to a douanon party xx here si farmers w ere lo s.ut rihute a j mt of milk apie-. Well, one man a xery mean man this man wa.s Jake Mason thought it would not make any dtl!erei;ee if he nntrhnte.l water in phu-eof milk; 4 he lilied his jiitf with water and took it to the donation. W hen Le rot there, lie turned it over the bun ami il ran into a barrel where all the other farmers had jsu red their miik. Now. what do yon think was the result ? Why. every one of the six farmer ham ened to Im? as mean a Jake Mason. Thev had all brought water. A UrrM Heulplr"s Widow. The xx idow of the preat s-ultor. Ia- id d' Ahk'riK, who ilnsl in l-'tH, threw heralf out ot a xviudow reoently, in Pari, and was k i 1 :-! on the siot. "sne had Ik;vii ufleriiik; from d lirium lait e. HY M .I.KAKR. W'Ho H V Kt IlKl'oll I. I II V. FIRST t'EMI'RV, 11. i . I i-ry you Iave Al earliest break of uny. Hut now, even now, his win the w anderer spread And a.ssl away. Iaxin his empty Usl. Ho ! ve that meet the boy for su. h is iie. hull of sweet tear and w it; a ti.I sprite. I jtihin and free. With w ins and quiver briht . Yet km. xv I not on whom to Father I.ove r or earth deniea the wanton ohihl his name. And air abov e, A nd the broad sea tlie s;ime. Uit ieneh ami all lie lives at feuil. l'ew are'k w hile I sjeak he -ast A dainty snare ' ,r your he irt at last. Hutsev! hihidiii-plaf, his very aelf, t lose to uiy hand, benoid, the art her A :ufchinelf Within mj Udjr'a eye. POLL INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. TUTTS' PILLS Dl Tvtt haa ne cerded in cocnbiDiog ia ttx- pi ilk th ht'rrt fore aoUmontatJc qaalt netof a Ste!tbis., PraaATivw. tod m Pc rjftiso Tonic. Their f!rt aptvarert CURE SICK HEADACHE TUTT'S PILLS CURE DYSPEPSIA. rffert la to Incraaae Ilia appetite by caaohigthe food to properly as- TUTT'S PILLS CURE CONSTIPATION. kimilate. Thnthrys- troll Doorlhi-d, and by Uieir tonic action oo TUTT'S PILLS i be dlt tiTe orfrans, CURE PILES. rrgnlar and bmittjr e vacaatiooa are pro- TUTT'S PILLS dared. The rnM!tr with which PERSONS TAKE CURE FEVER AND AGUE. OH FLESH while nnd.T Ui itidunace of thetw TUTT'S PILLS pill. Indicates their a daplabilily to nourish, the bod v, hence their efBcacy In coricff ner- CURE BILIOUS COLIC. TUTT'S PILLS Tona detanly, uiclan- cboty, drttpepfia, xvat injt othe m uc ug giahnesa of the liver, chronic constipation, and Imparting health fc urer.jrth to the nyatcco, tktld ere ry where. Cir KIDNEY Complaint. TurrspiLLs CURE TORPID LIVER. Price SS cents. Omem TUTT'S PILLS 53 Man-ay HtreeC, IMPART APPETITE. NEW YORK. Tlios. H. Briggs & Sons, RriKir Itnlldinc. I. ALKK-II, X. PKAI.KKS IN i.i. Hrvi.i:s ur CHILDRENS' CARRIAGES ur Superior KiaKh. nlinM and Durability. a WE OFFER nr.'tT ;ns: KIM I ST I'ltM I: J st ahi- ii: vi.zx. : T" Write for l'i i s . GREAT REDUCTION i -i:n i:. r.srr.HHiniiF. n:i s.,..,t .. !l.'.) I I It if.; r' S1P Ii MX V I ICS. ; m o ufii ir .1 M M'lC X 1. K. J j TI.KMAN at M fr dras, to his bio' FA t her at U K r- Wri M..y. is'.i. LSI!. IT.Illil.'' lliitl llu-ir bailee is highly ewaveine.l in India.and is n. my opliiic.i. I Uc .t.of as nor a. toi l) jot rs. f52 vxell us the IiimM e - xx liol' some sjtace that is ui.ic. u i i : ?hr,' i ' ihc woi : i. j - .1 Trx .r ai.d tourists Find (Jreat Meiiiilt 111 I..IVII.. a l.iillli.'WIlll men-. Jlll III INS NO.S. AUl IS LEA & PERINS, f i.lU-Re lNrai.d II iilouSiHr' N 1". " X o K K . Valuable Property for Sale. r.luhiv build! i. I"-, i ii tir cliy of tin i. o. rl -' -i i "ill I'. lis, low prices. . ,sy I. 'tiis. Nov. is Ihe tlloe lo bu house- Hi ....i i-r.viii ellv. wulillls ,.oe :.. b. .-oiiie. an earty day, (lie r.iliroao . e. .ill i-.irlv .lay, Ilie r.uiroa-i . ,, i i-.,! mi -.ii 1 1: 1 1 1 1 ii t ei . ! t a ' e. .or J er in- and particll.irs. ap; ly t.J. I '. x bite I'. ! Iil.tsler, 1 1 ns'!ls!Mro, v., Ol .. I'l'iri'iv , rUlelcb. N" r1". Xy O j SV"-!1. . i . 3i tl - Special Flayoring Ehrcis. . . - a t- v, . . ; ; o o r-or itv that these c"o . . - a tjx,...?;c. r-a itV that these porln are f:cr from aduitrrion, richer, moro c .c r-.ocluc pc ; . . r ?. SuVm t!an any others, and that they usj l-.eui m ths -v. families " .. - (v-. BE. PRISE'S STEELE A PRICE'S LUPULIN YEAST CEMS. STEELE & PRICE, Manfra"., Chicago, St. Louis, and Cincinnati OLD NORTH STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY uK WAKKENTON, N". C, Has been in Successful Operation for Sevan Years. A Thoroughly P.rlUble noineiompa.,,. s. DAVls. Pr.-sUent. FU KXITUl.E. An entirely ,.ew and varied s'ock of Kurnltun" of SSS. rh-uMaT nevr and varied stock of Kuril It urP ni lIlires. Hedsleads. Thai . s. Hat h s. ld. Tables. Smiles, Book V .. .r' nt ir. st.H k fr ( 'ash, ve are able us. Ma.r.-ses. Ac. Max !,, , 'f;;,fM t iell cho,,P r Inducement, than any house In thl " llNe is the hinrest In tha Ret. N artlro I Liu- k N. Ihireaus tn offer erewter Induceiiienl, than any li.iu.i- aa the k.o.N run lH;ht in Nexx Vork k.nih iJ we then fore urn islxe the largest : ndiieemeiita In friduhtn. fwVNKltsjc. Ks.xjL rvvX Steel pens 1879. OLD and TRIED. 1879 OLD NICK, Olt.M AM) ItYfrU) This reliable brand of rVKK Will KKY i has been auix-essfully tested by the lovers of flrst-class WhUko.v for the iit CO years. and haa preserved itHhlh repnUtUun undi mlulshed. It Is ofl'erel to the publh- with tho full irnarantee of tlie proprietor, and will not fail o give perteot Kiitlsfactlou whenever used. For sale by ull first-elans dealers. Address, JON. WILLIAMS, I'll nt tier Creek, Yadkin Co.. C. maytf-tf For The Sea Shore! ATLANTIC HOTEL, BEAUFORT, N.C X K V M A X A (; E M E X T leti the I .-.t of June under the nmnae nieiit ol t he uinlcrsiiied. A firxt clash scii siilc resort and the lm.-t pU'aaiitly situa tol house on the Atlantic oast. l:he tide eb'm and Mows aily beneat h the lui i M i n a lid It Is free from dust, til. -sand IllosiUI itoes. The bah n iu i t he most spaelous and airy in the M.ttr. A i.'(mmI baud of !iiuie haA kii I'lmaed (' r t he season. Surf bathing uiiMirpasx'd. with .-ultalili' dressing houses on ihe Im ii Ii. I'.ath houses also within lil'iy yards of the house lor still xvaterbnth nr'.'e and airy riMiins also In the buildiiiir occupied by the l'ropri. tor the past txvo (.eas4ii!H, which can be had by tlioe who prefer rHins on the mainland. II Ml. IIILLI AKI A ' II Ti: PI.VS. TKItTlN-J-) per day; !l'.lMt per week. Special rates made with hxciirsioiiisin and lor parlies f, r iimre than one week. H. L. I'KKKY, !iiv."-"'m lrojrietor. DR. ALL ENS' LIGHTNING CUIUS. T!1K ST A N I A III) KEMHUY OF MHITII CAIloLINA. For Kheumat ism Neuralgia, Hyspepsla, Cholera, Cli-dic. Pianlnea, Iyseiitery, l'U urisy, Uiur Ma k. l'ains iii the side, I.IYI R A.U KIIIXKV IIIsFtSIS. tl'KE tlK DEAFNESS A Specialty. No Iodiilcs nor Mercury. Nothing to paralie thf nervous syiciii to make it In sensible i pain, but purely u vegetable c-om-pniii'l--Koo's h:ii Herbv" None genuine xx'ith'ui: in y I'ortnvit and Sluiiature. For sale " Williams A H.vvwoou, Wh'ilis.i'.i- I ru,4i.sis, Haleisjh, N. C. j r. I 1 1 .1 in WHEN ANY MAN ffs-ls sick with ilif.Ii CUM. I js. FKVKR FI. I "Si IKS. HKAD- . ACriK and e:ieral liiicomfortableness, and yet KiNT KNOW KXACn.Y WHAT .WIS HIM. then 1 the ttni" n take MOTT'S PILLS. These pillsiire made of certai . I : " ' on I s tl tt ...l spe.iallv on Ihe 1 .i v .' . a' . 1 .1 1 t he hi.-io Mine expel" ad hui.r! ii i.s fioni the lotiia. h and s vtem. aid i mr di.siioa. and U!l'oRINii I'o IIKAI.l II. when all o! In i remedies fail. Take ihcm for I d I ium-ss. I n l :.;estlo n, Costlveli-s.s. l iver i ompli'"ts, and a. I dis eases HTid disorders ol the stomach. n a family cathartic pill they ure xvar ralll.K)HN F. HKNRY, CTRKAN i CO.. Sole Troprlotors, t'OLI lOIPLACr, KNVT YOB " The South Atlantic V til be pubi s'....! In nurliain by Mr. I. Ul.iiak.r. I'ni.l.r and I iid isli.r. Ihc coutraet wash's: mn-b- with the maniijer f r. Itha-k ell s rnn'inii l.siiUinMi- i,,,i ,,!i,.rwiird chaimod y ,:s (-HKHO W. HAKUIS, IMitor .mil Proprietor. xnr . CREAM Jmik r aJi en j - KsP i J n kxa I sm UNIQUE ?tRFUti ' - -v. -. TOOTH EN E. An a-r.a.. he .t...".ii l i'iuici LEMON SUGAR. A f L-tli.-; e for I.eo.or. EXTRACT JAMAICA CKJCER. From Pure Hoot. H.F. I.oNli, Secret. In una iix", ia .)., lurt'cst In tha or tinn" ' d ff uferioJ asortinent to beieci iro. , SAy.PLESANDERicESclAFEll' 3IF.W ADtEKTINEMEJlTM. IbbbbbM' If 1aaaal Rejeet ixll Violent I'lirsratl vet. They ruin ihe tone of the bowels and weaken the digestion. Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient is used by rational peojde as a means of re-llex-liiK all ib-ransiements of the stomah, liver aiul Intestines because it. removes ob structions without pain, and imparts vieor to the organs which it purities and regulates. sol.ii hy Ai.i. nKi ;Gtsrs. Cash AdyanceTMarF ! gs, Beeswax, Hides, Tallow, Horns, Hoofs, Bones, Cattle Tails, old Metals, &c. For quota tions, &c, iinpiire of i HWIN h. DIEWKXTHAI,. L'll I'earl Street, .New York. A, BECKWITH"S S NTI DYSPEPTIC DROF These Tills will prevent and cure dyspep sia. They are an unparalleled Iiinner ilfl, mild aperient, and admirably adapted asa Family Medicine. They are used by the most cultivated people in the country, and are extensi vely used by physicians in their practice. Sold bx 1 i'inr$!ists general! v. Send for circular. I :. II. T.KI K W 1 Til, Sole Man Uluctuier. retersbiirjr, Va. Cf.lki;i:at!.!) D!J. XV. II. STOKES, l'h vsician.Mt. Hope 1'etieat, Balto., Writes; "I have ureal pleasure in adding my testimony to the virtucsof Coldcn's i.le biir's EMi acl of Beef and Tonic I nvicoralor as the very best preparation used for depres sion, weakness and indigestion, and there fore, conhiientlv recommend it to tne mcui- cal profession." Sold by all druggists. W xx id p.iv Aij'ii i.-aiary of Shu per month r:'l v x :.! vt 'i I o v .i a; i- cuuimisaiou, lo sel I our ii-w aiiit on.l-rfni inv.'iiiuin. H tioi u-il v sny9 hiaici'lt.- i:i.:. A i:icf .- -" m u & Co.. Mai'iall, Mich. a month and expenses guaranteed ill to agents. Out lit free "haxa 4 Co , Augusta Maine d"7"7"7 A-V KA K and expenses guaranteed vj) to Aironts. Ouitit free. Shaw A Co. siiaw Co.. Aumista. Maine. Athfns, (An Decemher 8, 178. A few nlc-bts since 1 eave my son one dose of the Worm Oil. and the next day he passed sixteen Iare wrms. At the same ti" e i pave oue to my little girl, four years old, d ?l e pas'ed eighty-six worms from tour to llfieei. 1; ches long. W. P. "PHILTIPS, i m ill for sle bv Irag pin s eenerall aivd y K. S. "l.YND ON Athens. G Ma nL d Vi At- Jy I resDectftillv call the attention f my friends, patrons aad the public Keuerally ol the South to MY NEW. TIVAOULTKtATED AND HEALTH LAOEK, rewei jar v nf malt arid hops, by the Vleuna meiboo atd expr ssly for ex potation 231sJeriran stie t. Ealltmore, Md. d The Great Discovery. PU3CELL LADD & CO., llichmond, Va. a ;mayl:J-lAxvtf Valuable Roanoke Land FOR SALE. BY decree of die Supreme court or ortn enrol ilia, xve will sell nl the courthouse door in Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. On Tuesday, June 3, 1879, that valuable tract of land in sa!d county o Northampton, known as " Fu LENTA,' containing 2,300 Acres, More or Less, adjoin! nz lands of Dr. Jacobs and others. Tkrxis ! One-third cash: balance in one and two years, with interest. JNO. 1 ' r fcitf.i A, r-omm rs WALTER CLARK, 1 omm rs April :(-2m THE NATIONAL HOTEL, STATE HOUSE SQUARE, RALEIGH, N. C. STREET & SON, OnurrN ami Proprietor. IIciHANod ;inl Ke-t'stalili.sheil. -o- Supericr and Special Acccmmodations For All Classes of Travel, may 1 tf. r tt TAXTED A salesman acquainted in W North Carolina, in a first-class Man ulacturlnz t'o. Inclose m amp with referen ce. E. M. YOUNG, West Fayette Street, llalUmore, Md. may 3-" , , Hlli FARM We have the largest Stock (of our I North Carolina. We use none but Extra Qualities of Material at our Wagon Works and xve respectfully solicit an inspection of our wagoiu aud carts. O issortment comp rises every size ot Wagons trom the lightest One-Ilorse to the Iheaviest Six-Horse. &c. We warrant all lowest. Repairing done at lowest rates Jt'Iill S LEWIS A- CO d ware Merchants, sheb x.i, RALE1UH, N. C. Wagon Works East Hargett Street. apl 21-tf. TIT. . - - ,0v' HOBS' MATERIAL " w m . a a ck JHorsfi and vn art m af - m vi w v vuiiu. ' IRON and TRADE MARK. ov0r MANUFACTURED ONLY. BY i.T.BiiSacvtojA s Co. mr a m. ma mAi a V. J. YOUNG. YOUNG BROS., CAMERON, N. C, Lnmhcr Pcalersand Manuhicturers of all kid . . : i . n,,r..,w. J 1 1 1 14 OIU I I i 1 1 t l ' 1 1 I I M J 1. I I V J 1 V H ; JJ11ESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, COTTONS, TJPIIOt,STERY, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Glrla' and Boj-s' Sulta, Ladles' Underwear, Infanta Outfit, DRESS BIAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RUCHINGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS. BUTTONS, HAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, f or prompt FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, &c Blatchleys HORIZONTAL ICECREAM E i R. Sizes, 3 to 4 Quart PRICES OF FAMILY. SI ZES : 3-Quart.... 85.50 I 6-tr- ,i8-22 Cash Discount 20 per cent. The most economical freezer in the world Will produce three quarts of firest quality Ice Cream, cons u mine less than four pounds of ice and five minutes' time. C. O. Blatebley, 440.3fmrket St., Phlla. Ov" 2 - f ? t fi.'v,.' o t loimM' ...... g i op 4 m II Wlrr s f o ? 11 M y A hii fp 5 ,f g 1 4 f ,s 3 Wx-?, : ifmi Kor-Os - - if L- i l, It 0 I ' i- m 2 2 en a I h i i 2 ui 1- S i 7--' I S 3 sT s R i ( I r ? i y i w " JOHN CLARK. Jr.& CD'S BEST SIX-CORD J -FOIt- MACHINE OR HAND USE! A FULL ASSORTMENT or All Numbers and Colors, FOR SALE BY Yeargair, Petty & Jones 'Agents, Raleigh, N. O 01 W A G O 1ST S own manufacture) of Wagons. Carts. &c. in our work and make prices &s low as the s. N Vi t , . r n KfO, a snnfis' vi. a. v isaavx. STEEL. fOR PLEASURE, C9Mt9Kl,ntALTt SMOKE THE OLD. SEE THAT IT BEARS TKd J MflRr .THC POPULAR BECAUSE RELIABLE B. YOUN of R!)UH LU'1331. OpJ s ill cit Jirn-ir.i iita ui t i fa nt 1 1 Il K-fl 1 1 ' r ..... . ..v- L ... -'I' ' iiiii BY MAIL. Send for Sa'H,rJS or information, and satisfy yourself how jhcaply and quickly ioa ciL (ft Lcw'thing in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us by Mail or Express. We carry an avcroqe stock of about $400,000, all bought cash. &&Try us. Have the C hilar en sena jor a set oj our Advertising Cards. COOPER & CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. MORTGAGE SALE. I$v virt-ie of the power contained in the" Deed of Mortgage, registered in book 42, at p. 415, of the Register's office for Wake county, I will sell at the court house door in Raleigh, lor CASH, at 12 o'clock M., on Monday, the 9th day of Jnne, 1879, the house and lot on Dawson street, in the city of Raleigh, where N. Plum adore now resides, containing about 1 uue-Mxau iui aui 1 DAN'LO. FOWLE, may lC-lm Mortgagee. A. W. FR'APiS RALEIGH, N. C, ' Agnt for TOM COOPEirS LAUREL VALLEY : r CENTENNIAL OLD RYE AND Wheat Whiskey, AJlarge lot always on ;hand from two to Jfour years old, universally acknowledged to be' The finest Whisky made In the Nonth. Persons wishing Strictly Pure Spiritt For Medical and other purposes can get any size package Foti3 53 Oi'bu, By addressing T. X. COOPER, Eagle Mills P. O., Iredell county, N. C. 25 CTS.PER POUND! I reduce to-duy the price of BEST BUT TEU to 25 cents per pound, received every week direct from the Dairy, fresh and o choicest quality. Fresh Messina ORANOES 30c. per dozen LEMONS 25c. per dozen. Fresh Canada OAT MEAL. Finest ROE II KiUUNO, at retail and by package. Best brands FLOl'U, IIA-MS, LARD, PRO VISIONS, Staple and Fancy OROCFIUF.S. K( ) ASTEI ( 'OFFEES, Ac, Ac. A FFLL FINE .STOCK' ! FIRST-CLASS Coons ! LOW EST PI! ICES! E.J. IIAKDIX, Ilolleman Building. may 20-tf - NOW KEADY FOR DELIVERY! The Digest ol Cited Cases IN THE North Carolina Reports. By Hon. A. W. Tonrjfee. 'We are happy to announce to tho legal profession that thin valuable work is now ready for delivery to subscribers. The labor of preparation and the necessity of securing the utmost possible accuracy In the im mense number of citations, has necessarily delayed tlie work, but t he result cannot but be satisfactory to every practloner. It con tains every case in the Reiort.s of the State which has been cited by the ( 'ourt, the cuscs in which cited, whether wit 1 1 approval .or disapproval, with a careful digest of the point of citati t n.with a full and accurate index to the subject matter of each. In form, matter, completeness and style of publication, it is undoubtedly the best law book ever published In the State containing 750 large double-column paifes, 6,102 citou cases and about ;i0,KH) citations. It will be mailed to subscribers on receipt of the price Sfl2 with 2- cents for postage. Or sent by Express C. (). 1). when there Is an oftice convenient. Persons desiring to have the xvork should order at once, as the edi tion is a limited one. ALFRED WILLIAMS A CO., Publishers, Raleigh, X. C. Black Mountain Salve ! Used to Heal Fresh Wounds, Scalds, Itiirns, hiiiI Especially Galls, Cuts and Calks IN HORSES. Mailed pojt-paid on receipt of 25 Onta. Direct to JOII.X BOSSIN, Post Office Box 7C, KAI.EIUII, X. V may 28-tf JUST RECEIVED AT- M. ROSENBAUM'S A Ijrgc Lot or .Marseille ami Toilet Quills, the haiidsoinest assortment ever shown ; OS) eighteen different ualitles atid styles, very cheap. The tlilrd lot of Towels. A new supply of tin-; nice cheap Hand kerchiefs, you knmv . together with many other artieles never had before. New Lot of Hamburg Edgings, . Ladies' and Children's White and Colored Hose, very cheap. Linen Crash and those very cheap Colored ix'apkiiiN the thiid btip ply just received. Call and see for yourself, bet don't mis take tlie place it is one door north of the express oftice. ONE I'ltM E FOU A I.I,! may27- FURNITURE AT COST For 30 Days.. Wishing to reduce my large stock of Fur niture and at the same time raise funds to meet my maturing obligations, I will sell my entire stock of Furniture at Net Cost ! for the next 30 days, for immediate cash. Be pleased to call and examine my utock. I mean business. V. H. MORRIS, 3 Fayetleville St., UaLEKUI. may 23-d 1 m I am 10K nam;, WILL BE SOLD AT THE COURTHOUSE door in Raleigh, on Monday, June J'tJ,; a tract of luiid In B K H T I E C () U N T Y , adjoining the lands of John Watts, V."A. Moore, Hardy k Taylor, and others, contain ing, by estimation, Five Hundred and Fif teen Acres, more or less. JOHN DEVERET X, WALTER CLARK, Trustee of T. P. Devereux, tnay 15-lm InBaknruptey CONVICTS TO HIRE ! Under the general law for fanning out convicts, I am authorized by th Board o Directors of this institution, to hire, or farm out to individuals, or to private, or public corporations, all surplus convict that may accumulate at the pen Rent Is ry. And here I would state that wo can offer very special inducements to any persons wishing to hire convict labor, to prosecute any enterprise inside ofthe prison enclosnre. Any person wishing to hire convicts, to be worked either Inside or eutslde of tlie prison tUI please make application at onc. W. J. HICKS. may 22-dim Aren't, and Wardeu, ' WORKSv CAMPCN' h..