"to ! :l i " 4 i ii- ill "ft DAILY NEWS Sl'NDA Y. Jl'Ni: 1. .k- ..is t thtnllc Swte. lower p ' .,Z,rv or hlcher temprralure wind and ftener- Tb. ihermomet". t I- llranon- book lor. ruifH rbllows jMinOjj : I i'-":::::---.:..'.-::-V...K J V WaTo.-Iix1' notice. Stpon a h A ALLrT. Machinery. H. J.Sm:th. Almi"'ritr mti-e. L4M AL BICIX Tbe cow nuisance prevaileth yet in the city. Tna, ell n the corner of Salis- bary andMartin street is being cleaned out. Tbe MMMora. Meir. Charles B. Root and R- W. IWt, comuiencw UkiiiR the lax lUt for Raleigh township to niorrow. There were Iwenty-seven mar- ri-e Hceu4M UsueJ bv the Reiter of DeeU for Wake county durlnfj the month of May sixteen white and ele q colored. Br the special request of Mrs. W. D. thompwMi the luleiffh ilrer Cornel lUud. will pUy at her runcral this morning at o'clock at Swam street IUptit church. Arrangement are In progress in this city for the establishment of a tel ephonic exeban-e. a more extended notice of which will be given in Tues day's New. The Junior base 111 club will meet In the Mayor a otbee Momlav night to diacusit ibe question of ac cepting a challenge from the Tecuin seh. MMir. Stronach A Allrott. the leading agricultural men of the city, appear among our new a. I vertier. An extended notice will appear in our next Issue. A special re-met in this paper yesterdar for eauy closing hours in the evening among the merchant of this ritv is meeting with general faro.-. Xfsaarsl Yeargau. l'etty A Jone will begin 'be system from and after to morrow, closing eve.y luht fnm ! to ScJUo clock, ex'-ept Saturday. The tioUIsboro Mail of the ith int., saw "Mrs. Momi. the Female K si. -gelist. m. hed this pla.- on Monday evening train and lett on the next morning fr Wilson, where she will hold a meeting of days." The regular monthly meeting of this Com pan t will he held at the Rescue Hail oo Monday night. June 31. at s o'clock sharp. A Blaat mf rsr. John T. Ross, employe-1 by the city, and another man. under the charge of Mr. Rest, were out at the city rock quarry yestenlav. blasting rock for the streets of this city. A blast was made that dkl not prove aatlsfactory and Kos said b would lod the hole' again and foU-h her this lime." He abbsl it out and then poured in a pound 1 1 t-owder. The tamping was reaily aiul Aid over the wder. Ross raised his Iron crow-lAX And let it fall to wk the ct w abiding around ni lv. A loud snd awful 1iii and a cloud ot black moke was the result. Mr. Best was shocked by the concussion, but did not l.v uis presence of mind. Rushing to the side of the man he found hit.! blv-k with powder and terriblv burnt. He was taken to his home. His evs and face are in a terrible condition, b it it is thought he w ill roi er. i tl Ki Collections and de-its of Interna' Revenue in 4lh litr1 t cf Nrth Una, for week ending Miv 31. 1-TW. Monday I. Hi- TuedaV 3.."OL V.lneidT Tiurs.!ay 1 '.'Cl.s Kridar 11.uM..t SatarOay li,os.2i Total H.J1.70 Collections and detosits of internal rs-reoae la the 4th Pistrict of Norh Carolina tor the month rudicg May Jl. l"79. 'rom Tinoui sources as below: Collections on lasts .17 Tax paid spii.l stamps Spir.latamr-i O. T. T. P Tobreeo stamps Ogar atAiuta SnuJ stamps Br s-aru p Special taJt stamps litu jftt.ivv.r.i 3.IK 1 l.fis.V.73 t.Jn. Judge . W. Brook, of tbe IbsTi.-t United States Coart. arrive! last night and is stopping at the Yarboro. We learn that Chief Justice Wite is in New York holding Court there and thai J odge Bond returned to Baltimore Yesterday, and that neithe'of these will be hers at this leriu of the L"nitel Ststcs Court. CoL Ortavlus Coke and his accom plished bride returned to IbecitiUst night via. K. A i. R. R. Mr. l. Bagley and his fascinating bride ret umei lat evening by the IL A G. R. IL, from their lour to Ne w York and other citie. CoL Thov P. Williams, of Baltimore, arrived In our city last evening, and is lopptn with Dr. T. D. Martiu on II ills bo ro street. Major John Hughes, President of th Atlantic A North Carolina Railroad, was al tbs National yesterday. Jndgss As he and Hillard. of the Su preme Court, are quartered al the Na tional Hotel for the summer. Rutherford College has conferred the degree- of iKxrtor of Divinity on the Rer. B. F. Lstng of Warrenton. We congratulate our worthy and esteem ,J friend and fellow citizen on his new lv bsstowed honors. A Tbrtllln nat. It was not to bo appsed there was so mnch spirit in him. He had teen modeled accord In j to well-defined rales, lski down in all works on equine, architecture, and there was nothing Is the line of superabundant flesh or pJdiug of any sort to mar the picturesqueness of his build: his ribs formed Tudor arches, and hi pins represented Hogarth's "line of baulT. And then his spirit! It was well for lbs establishment that no weak-armed woman was acting as en -flneer. If had been standing at the corner of Wilmington and Martin streets, the oorupnt of the wood char iot being eagaswd In conversation as to their relative cwpari y as a whisky res ervoir, when Rosinante pricked up his ears aa though ho stnelled the battle from afar OtT. sod recklessly daahe! down Martin stresH al the rate of a mile aa boor. The cfiArnteer grasped lbs reins and cried "WboaT" Theother man tried to pray--at least that is the charitable view to lake of it. The har ness commenced an ". ion of divorce; the animal's beets adopted lbs motto of Kxcsbuor.M and then is no know Is how tbe affair would bar tercni aaxsd II ths bensl had not fortunately cooqaersd his Insane impolso. He res oloislr plaatsd his for feet in th cen ter ot th rossi, thus InJonning Los hinder poctioa thai Lf 11 wan led to go oi It woaid havs to do so oa lis own responsibility; rswdy hands went to tbs r eos, and tso dlrs danger was Old Nerlsi fitaie. Iter. Bennett SmHw, Principal or SL Marv's School. lUleigh, wrltea of J'orr' AcAoo Jfuttory of SrtA Oir ohna " a follows : " The author of this work in a native of North Carolina, and ha not onlv given us a history admi rably tula plod for use aa a text-book in whools, but has written with such evi dent filial devotion to his subject that ! as we read the sentences, simple yet glowing, our hearts too sweu wnu fride for the good old North State." ublihel bv Alfred Williams A Co., Raleigh. N. C. pmr Istllts)le (umirurf uirnl. Tbe Commencement exercises will occur June VKh ami 11th. a follows: Annual addresM, bv the Rev. S. M. Smith of Washington. N. C, June Ktli. at o'clock p. in. Annual concert, June 1 Hh. at o'clock p. in. The graduate f the elaa-H of. '7'J are the Mi ante Alice It. Kiuloch and ltura . McCants. of South Carolina; Alie Mac line, of Vir ginia, and Lucy K. Stautield of North Catolioa. ( nuirallr (Ilea Mtenel. Nkw Yokk. May Net re-eipts at all L S. jMrt.- during week, 16,3l Net n-ceipu at all U. S. Hrts me week last year, 1'..141 Touil Receipts to this date. 4,37t,l. same list vear. 4,15,s7i Kxporu for the w eek. -7. s:iine week latyear. l.",.'ii Total exports to this d:ite. :;,3l.Jll same date last vear. 3,l53.4i St.K-k at all U. S. porta. i4,70H S in k at all porta same u.iie ljt year. Stock at all interior towns, " Mine date last year, Stock at Liverpol, name date las; vear. Stock of American afloat for lirestt Britain. Stock of A merit-ail atliat for tireat Britain same time last ear. G01.UHJ nv;.oix nrsooo I'srsalf Cheap. To 'sg:illon oil stands, w ith pumps sfivl moasiuei complete, at i iriNf rv Siore. at sou (olMff hea- 4iolng l'asl Watson, the Fayecteville street ro iir, is reallv selling at and Inflow cost. To secure banraitis call soon. No litnn bug in this, he is deteriiitiusl to ch-e hisgrK-ery business at once. Well t'Mderslood. lr. Trice s CrMtn Baking Towder is regarded as one of the most suivcs-ful and creditable pnslncts, mid it is, if the opinions of chemists, physicians and all classes of consumers sre worthy of acceptance, the purest and Best Baking Towder ever placed in the market. iuiO-t. No man. however free from luxuri ous tastes fails to appreciate the value of a splendid hotel, when he is traveling. The "St. Nicholas." the king of New York hotels, has enjoyed a pre-euiinent favor during its long prosperous exis tence. The mo-t skillful cooks.tnost ac complished caterers, elegantly furnish ed apartments, and all the Lvish mod ern tsm veiiieuceM, unite to keep the "St. Nicholas" lieyoud rivalry anion, the Ne York houses devo;l to the entertainment of the public. AltentlH Iille. We .-.d! the attention of the ladie to our l-eautitnl new stiles of visiting car Is. llsitirelv new and verv eleirant. rvmiplcs e:ii through the ws-ort"n-e on application. Jb lrtallM(. The Nk.ws JobMfhee is still aheal in low prt'-es and gool work. end in your i r lers. nehloery. Brewster is agent fr the sale ot threshing nii' hiiies. cotton gins and ei erything the farmer w ants, alsoei ery arTi- le the hoiisekeeer ni' is. t all and ex.tuime h.s to-k aul see how cheap hi go.ls are. Heller Br-w., liave receireil a quanti ty yfnew arti- hs on their live rent rvtihter. I c HIe. Iloiis with eiht go"l rooms and all fe-e-s.ry outbuildings, situated on Ssnders street. Terms. jart cash; lal-aii'-e on long t:me. Apply to Makhn A lnou. 'bushel irginia llolttsl Meal. 1 " Corn. jo.' M Timothy Hav. Best Family Flour for f7 a barrel; also Horse and Cow Food of every descrip tion, for sal cheap al Mahtin A fcoKN. 'r kale. Tw o fr.ime ilwellingvon Swain street One third uh lalain-e on longtime. Apply to Martin A slorn. Ir wle by Martin A. (Hborn, 4 bushels of Kichmotid meal. 4o.i0 lbs Timothy hay. 4ov bushels of corn, folder, etc. I-tdie's shpjH-rs at at -R -euLs. I-tdie's sanaals al $1. Children's sandals at 7.r cents. Misses. New jsrt, ladle's lace niinon. rr K t nt.- ti.4 nAu- V irginia l-enitentiary brogues at reduced at Heller Bros. prices f or bale. At Watson's a lot of four and a half gallon keg, a Iso a lot of brass cocks, all asgo-l as new will be sohl for less than st. Trtoinphanllj. Dr. P.-.is sps-ial Flaiorin V.-trsc'- luvc sJch 1 tbe tsl ! sA-ieiice and pr.-.tw-al use Iriiimphaiitly, and now are taking pnssleiu e over all others. They are justly entitled to the reputa tion they have asuired, for their strength," purity aud delicacy of ilavor. Reeelved To-Day. Jin dozen telephone shirts, !.! Ntirs shoes from 7.V a pair up. p.irascls frvm 1.V up. !.) yanls anlscloth (rom 1V a ytl. up. jO docn handkeri'hiefs at each. U shirts at iSc each. "J airs tirawers at each, at Woollcott's tlpen Front Store. Wilmington street. As a Dlnretle. In all! diseases of the kulneys the lc known remedy is the regular use of the nunc us Butlalo Lithla water from apri-ii: nuuiler i It .-ts promptlv an.i e:ei tuidly. d.s not .hirer in taste' from oil : laiersand to those who suffer fr i i k i ney complaints it is an iudis pnct.e neoessiiy. For sale bv all uri class druggist. " t.ncltsb Drap d'ie bjieks. Comfortable and elexant. Trice at R. B. Andrews A Co., Clothiers and Hatters. Prims Tiiuothy Hay, Marshall a Iui eri-sd Salt. Clear Bib Bulk Meat. Fgerton s .v-otcli Suulf. For sale U wholesale bv W. II. Dodu. While other articles of their kind sr largely adulterated. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder holds Its nnshaken po sition as the purest, best and; most reliable- In all particulars that consti tutes perfect results, it cannot be sp- Koacbed by any othsr Baking Powder tba i&axktt. Ilea Plesvse Taks Notice That Heller Bros., bar a new supply on their five cent counter to-day. Newports, nice quality, at ninety cents and one dollar and a quarter Just received at Heller Bros. Cent's calf ties, lust the thine for the preseut warm weather, light and nice. very cueap ai oeiir step. snoe New supply Heller Bros. " white kid slippers at It i snid that HiU keeps the best of Beer on draft, ice cold. Try it aud see. Ale, Porter and .niueral M aters. My facilities for th. delivery of the alxiie in lttlcs or kegs, are superior to an v in the State. Trices as low as the lowot. Countrv orders solicited. M. Biui-s." IUleigh, N. C. City Botling Works. The C'elbrwteU fteven Hprlnsrs Iron Al nm Mass. Tills is decidedly the most useful, be sides being the most efficient Family Medicine ever placed within the reach of anv joople. Its reputation extends far and w ide, and Its great popularity is due entirely to its own merits. For relieving Sick and Nervous Headache, it uiav le truly said, to have no equal. I spepth-s tii id it just the remely for their troubles. Mothers and daugh ters have long sine discovered in its use a "panacea" for their worst ills; and now we have the testimonies of two eminent ministers of the gospel, from Southern cities, setting forth its specific effects in other more dreaded and troublesome diseases. Rev. John F. Mayne, Theological Seminarv, Columbia, S. C, writes: "Am arMieted with that terrible disease. Dialtetes:' am using the 'Seven Springs M :is' witliHctnisiderabledegree of le liet"; is the only remedy I have yet found to suit my i-ase ; want toconliuue i.s usi' until a cure is elFected if possi ble Send worth of the enclosed P. O. or'lcr iin tiutliaielv. J no. F. Mayne. Columbia. S. C, Jan. 1S7U. Kcv. .. 1. Parker, of New Orleans, 1-a., writes: "Having trie! effectually th. Scen Springs Iiou and Alum Mass,' for liarhea. Kidney atHictions, Ac, 1 take pleasure ii renimending i.s ue i;i tlieso complaints. In my cae il ail'ords immediate relief. J. I). Pakkkr." New Orleans. Ti.. Feb. 11th. 179. For sale bv Wm. Simpson, Peseud, I-e A Co.. N. '.. and and F. II. Ileartt, Raleigh, IruL.'its generally. I . iM'Kl'M A l.lTCHKIKI.n, Abingiioii, Va. For Kent. A dwelling Louse in the city of Ral- eli:ll. .-s.fii riKmis, in gooo. repair een rooms, m Willi iieces.-ary outhouses, lai-s iply to W. H. Pace, ( ji . 1-or paTticu- Attornev at Ocean View Hotel. James II. Pool. Proprietor, Beaufort, X. C. This house is now ojen for the re ception of summer visitors. A good bar, bathing houses, etc., are attached to the house. Sailing boats in attend ance for the ae-oniodatioii of guests. A sieamei will also land passengers at the hotel wharf, and take excursion parties to any point on th harbor. The table w ill Ik! ' supplied w ith the best the market and water atlord. Terms ot Kard ?!..' per day. $1" er week; $.U) per month. We will not "blow our ow u horn; ' but will le pleased to have others do so fr u. iiildsloro Mail, Messenger, Winston journals, Tarboro Southerner and Purloin Plant i"up one mouth. Ouli Hs .lo or l:ine Flannel S.iits, at R. B. Andrews A Co. Hatters. of fast colors Clothiers and for 5 en Is. The luge and lest glass of Soda W li ter in the city, for t cents, at Si M ivso.v s I 'rug t4.ie. fery Iow- I rices. l. tans, from cents. l.ioix handkerchiefs, from ' cents. l.omi pjtir hose, from 1U ivnts. I.oi piinisols, from 1" cents. . straw hats, from l.' cents. 7,i yards domestics, from 5 cents. 7 shirts, i rom ceuts. 'oats, from : cents. Vests, I'roin .Vu cents. Tants. fr- ni "' cents. A full stock oi ladies' slippers, from . en:s. at Woll colt's iq-en Front Store, Wilmington st. Port ;npr Wine Tor Nirkn. as. ) Iw-i t ! . 1 1 - on.- of the nice-t and most cr-tiu. t'le "f any article of Wine w-e have ever cen. l ttie M ine tKaring tlie atsve r.:iine ina.lc trom the Portugal Port iJrnpe -tiltiMts. bv Mr. Alfrctl ss?.-, of Paisuic, N. J. Hits Ulne. under the hand of .Mr. si-.-r. ha bs-n brought to a state if great l.rfH-t!on. It pts!,-sses the very htgtieKt iue.li. ln.il virtues, and certainly as an ar- tlele of teene it is init. 111 OUT jU'l;nent to be MiriKi-vil in color, tte. or any of tlie qualities hu ll constitute a pure, mild and rts-:l!e w nie. lloston Post. Salesroom I Warren tr-eet. N. Y. For ale by Win. linw-ii. I'rtiitulst. Kileliih. N.i". M'antesl. A lady of many years experience in tivu-hitig. desires t obtain Ujard iu ex chiinre tor instruction in tniisie, or teaching other branches, a few hours dailv. Reference given. Address "Teacher. are of editor Nkw; Marble and rnnlie sfonuiuents and Tomb. The finest work in the South. Work set up in cemeteries cheaper than will le loaded on cars North, thereby saving double first -class freight, risk of break sue, Ac All kinds f ccuicnt for sale. Wolfe's stone burial cises to be seen at Henry Brow n's and marble yard, cor ner Morgan and Blount streets. Raleigh, N. c. Cayton a W olfe. 4'ollon Hoes! Brewster is selling the best cotton hoe in the world, "the Remington. " Call and let bottom prices on all goods in the hardware line. Taints, oils, var nish, wacon and buggy material, sash, doors and blinds. " Particular of lee. Business men and others in need of Book and Job Printing of any kind should remeinlier that the News Job oflleo is thw place to have it done neatly, cheaj.lv and at the shortest notice. A t'ard. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretion of youth, ner vous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a receipe that will cure you. Free of Charge, This great remedy was dicovered bv a missionary in South America. Send a self-add rested envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inuian, Station D.f New lorktitv. , Brewster issellinif Croquet sets from tly lans, only c-l-"0; rl- traj'S iateut rotarr churns from $1.00 up; 4o cents; $3.50 Up; oil stoves at y-ko"; hardw are, tine ware, cutlery etc., cheaper than ever. Call and see him Inrtore m.lking yonr pur cliases. Too sfneh at suke. Steele A Trice have too much at stake to put in the market anything which lias not tx-eu found not only harmless, but positively beneficial. Their Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the onlv kind m.i ie bv a practical nhvsi- cian, with fulness. s: ecial regard to its bealth- The Very latest. Plated tea spoons at 35 cents per set 1 Can any one beat this? Law's Silver and China Warehouses, Raleigh and Charlotte. N. C. Ourbuveria now in New York. " s lent Shirts. Best quality, cut long and well niaJe, at f 1.00. The lowest price in the city, at R. B. Andrews A Co., Clothiers and llatUra. Tlie Bleb California Banker. When It had become known that one of the richest California bankers had left the Pacific Coast and transferred his liase of operations to the New York Stock Exchange all the shrewd finan ciers watched his course with keen in terest to seo how hi would suceed.' The result has emphatically proved the wealthy banker's sagacity. Besides having a much wider and "more pi-m-iiing field to operate in, he is known to have been in several stock combina tions that paid immense profits. By the combination met bods, of operating in stocks Mesrs.Tavrenci& Co., Bank ers, N. Y., unite ordersVfluhousands of customers, in dirlerentvsmms, into one vast capital, and operate ieui as a mighty whole, dividing profit.slro ra'a among shareholders every ttO days. Capital in any amount from $10 to $100, 00i can le used with great success in these jools. fS't would pay ?100 profit. $o00 w ould make &V00 or" 10 per cent, on the stock during the month. Messrs. liuwrence A Co.'s new circular (mailed free) gives "two unerring rules for success," and full particulars,5o that any one can operate in stocks, and make money. Stocks and bonds wangled. Government lionds supplied. Apply to Lawrence A Co., Bankers, 57 Ex change Place, N. Y. For I'pwards or Thirty Years. Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup has been used for childreti. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dys entery and diarrha?a, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 cents a bot tle. WholesaleStore. Messrs. Latta A Myatt have on hand and to arrive 300 sacks "L. A M." Family Flour. 50 " 'W -00 " "XX" " " '25 bbls. Patapsco and Orange Flour. 40 sacks N. C. Flour. 700 bushels corn. 900 " meal (Virginia bolted). 20,000 lbs. bulk C. R. sides. 2,000 bacxn aud shoulders. 1,000 44 canvassed and uneanvassed hams. 4000 lbs. N. C. hams and shoulders 40 bbls. new crop Cuba uiolasses. 35 " New Orleans " 35 44 "cfueen Bee" Syrup. 2,200 llw. bucket, tub and tierce lard. 45 bags Rio Coffee. 20 bbl. "yellow" sugar. 15 -4 "A." and "C." sugar. o " Granulatetl 4 All of which will be sold low. Send Jo i samples and price list. Italia A My att, Wholesale Grocers. Ixol& at the nice and useful article on the Five counter at Heller ilros.' Shoe Store. enl 100,000 feet pine lumber. L'OO.OOO heart pine sawed shingles. 2,00 bushels lolted meal. 2,0" mi bushels corn. 2 car loads baled fodder. Z hay, and a variety of horse and cow feed on hand, and more coining. For sale very low by Jones, Green A Powell, 47 Fay ettevflle street, Raleigh, N. C. Mackinaw Hats Genuine Mackinaw Hats at $1.50 and ?2.00, at 11. B. Andrews A Co s. Cloth iers and llaltert. VAI.l AIII.K CITY LOTS FOK HALL j On Tin.-laj . June.111. 1S7, at 12 m. I will -sell on the premises, in lots to suit purchasers, that valuable property in the c'tv of KaU'igh lying on the west side of Halifax sneet, ami bounded on the south by the lots of Mrs. M. S. Speight and l. S. Hudgings, Ksq.; on tbe west by Salisbury street ; on the north by lots o.".l. B. Martin, Ksq., and I. S. Iludgings, l-lsj.; on the e;ist by Halifax street. Terms of Sale One-Ton rlh Csh, residue in three equal installments on a credit of 5. 12, and IS months, res pectively, with interest at (5 per cent., notes required for deferred payments, and title retained until purchase money is all paid. Sale made in pursuance of judgment of Wake Sujerior Court. Judgm nent Roll No. 'i.l V'. S. F. MoRDKCA I. 'Mav rth-tds. Comuiissioner. ( buTa Mav be planted in Mav, June an ilv." For sale by W. II. l)odd Sprinif 1S7 ew tioods. Bargains never before heard of. 1 have just returned from New York where I have purchased a select sUx-r; of lry Goods consisting in Dress Uoods, Lnviis, Pi'jue white and colored. Prints in great varietv and Prettiest I ever Itought. Bleached" and unbleach ed muslins at all prices. BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, in great variety. Boydens hand made Gaiters for Gentlemen all styles both high and low cut with box toe' and with out box. Beautiful French toes. J. S. Turner's hand made gaiters for Gentle men high cut with and without box. Heiser's hand-made gaiters for gen tlemen's wear. T. Miles A Son's ladies' shoos, morocco and cloth. Miles' la-di- kid button boots. Miles' ladies' kid Newjort Ties, which are beautiful. In addition to these, I keep a full line of all qualities and prices of low price shoes for er tlenien aud ladies, and a nice line of Misses' and Chlldrens' Shoes. I have a fine line of childrens' white no-heel button shoes. My Clothing Department is very at tractive, and prices more attractive. I am also agent for Devlin A Co., tlie leading custom-made clothiers of N. Y. measures taken and suits made to order Ikm't forget the famous Boyden Gaiter for gents in all styles, and my Clothing Department up stairs. Agent Frank Leslie cut paper patterns. Catalogue Free. Very Respectfully, J. P. G'ULLKY. O. Weikel A Co. In order to be abreast with the times in every respect, this enterprising firm are receiving daily samples ofall the most fashionable and seasonable goods now in the market. Select your sam ples and they will send for the goods and make them up in a style that, for elegance and finish cannot be surpassed. Tneir charges will be moderate and suitable to the times. All goods now on hand will be sold at very reduced prices for cash only. Call and examine their stock. You needn't buy unless you like. Vuhfard of Barfalniit Who tries his best to please his friends Ami in his labors never end. Bargains he'll give you when you call For No. 10 is all ahd all. Of other houses you hear them talk; In Favetteville street just take a walk And only ask for No. 10, Kept by the most ingenious of men, And when his friends by chancedrop in Then forth he comes, Lord what a grin. And to their wondering eyes displays Such heaps of brackets and window shades. His picture are exposed to public view And a variety of cord to suspend thein too, His looking glasses and toilet cases hi neip adorn your ionnsana races; Picture frames and mouldings too In great variety, black, brown and blue. His window cornices and lambrequins tine, Will make your rooms and parlor . ahine. Perforated mottoes, and white holly baskets. And every other sort of stuff, Of which he hopes to have enough. So now he bids you all adieu And wishes a happy new year too, And not forget C. C Clawsojc, Xo. 10 FjettYUl St, KALEIGH MARKETS. Cotton Market x 1 Reported by PARKER A A VERA, Cotton BroKers. Kalkigu, N. C, May 30 1878. Middling Strict Ia)t Middling Low Middling Strict tiood Ordinary Good Ordinary Ordinary Middling Stains Low Middling Stains Good Ordinary Stains... ...12U ...n?4 ..Ills .'.'.it; Tone of Market, ririu. CITY MARKETS Wholesale Prices. Corrected 6y CHISTOPHER A SOKRELL Official Report of Grocers Exchange. KALEIOH, 2. U., Aiay .H', 1CW. Flour, North Carolina $5 76 ?6 00 fMiiilrens 15 (al 20 76 15 uu 55 7 Corn Corn Meal Bacon, N. C. Hoj; round " " hams Bulk Meats, clear rib sides " " shoulders Xori U Carolina Pork Coffee, pi ime Rio " gojd Svrnp, S. II iolasses, ('uba 65 60 8 9 6 o 6 14 12 25 33 65 t 15 13 & 1 35 70 Salt, Liverpool 1 Sugar, white 44 yellow Irish potatoes 1 " " North Carolina. . Sweet Potatoes (seed) Oats, shelled Peaches, peeled un pealed Apples, northern per bushel.. SI dried Cotton Ties, new " 4 spliced... Bagging 8Vi 9 00 Ql 50 75 45 8 per 3 44 25 1 25 55 SO 50 to 50 3 0 4J 11 85 & 12V2 20 0 4 12 6 90 90 15 15 Pork Peas, per bushel, white. " " " stock. Eggs Butter Beeswax Rags mixed " cotton 21X 1H Fc RS Ot ter 5.00 Mink 'o Fox 90 Coon 35 Above are for large quantities. When small quantities are wanted higher prices will be charged. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS Nkw York, May 31. Money at 35. Exchange 4.S7i(a,4.S7i. Governments dull at 1.03J. State bonds dull. Cotton Exchange closed. Flourquiet.stronglvin buyers' favor; Southern flour dull; common to fair extra ;j4. 75(3, 5.60 ; good to choice $-3.65 (atj.75. Wheat, heavv; ungraded win ter red SI. 12(o.l. Id; No. 2, l.lo(U.17. Corn ungraded, 44Ta44i, active. Oats heavv : No. 3 nominal at 36. Coffee active and unchanged : Rio. in full cargoes, Hi(5jl4i ; in jobbing lots 12J( 15. Sugar rirm with fair trade for Cuba; Muscovado bfabo-lD: fair to gooU re- lining, quoted at6i(,7-16; prime 6J y-l: renned fair demand and nrm. Molasses quiet, prices unchanged. Rice, fair request and quite iirui. Tal low, fair trade and steady at ti(o.5-16 Rosin dull at Sl.32J(i?1.40 for strained. Turpentine weak Pork opened weak and closed firmer with moderate trade ; mess, on spot, is quoted at 9.00 for old ; Slo.oofo, for new ; June delivery SH.S5: Aueust SlO.OOfoSlO.Qo. Lard easy ; prime steam, on stot, 6.25 t.27J. Whisky dull, ?1.05 bid ; Sl.05 asked. Freights quiet. Baltimore, May 31. Oats steady Southern 35fo,36; Western white 34 (a) 3d; do. mixed 3234; Pennsylvania 34 OiM. live quiet at oSfo-bO. iiav dull prime to choice Pennsylvania and Maryland j?13.00(a,S14.00 ber ton. Pro visions li rm ; iiiess pork $9.o0(a) $10.75; bulk meats loose shoulders 4: clear rib sides 5 ; packed 4i(ii.5. Ba con shoulders 4f.00; clear rib sides 5U-i4; hams uk(i.uT. Lard, retined, in tienes 7. Butter quiet; prime to choice western packed 14(u,ld; roll 1 1 fa 1 3. Eir gs stea 1 y at 1 1 (a. 12. Co tfe e iuiet; Riocargoes lOUld. Whiskvduil l.u7(il.o7A. Sugar 8(o.Si. Wilminotox, May 31. Spirits tur pentine dull at 2o. Rosin steady strained 1.05; good strained 1.10. Crude turpentine steady ; hard $1.00 vellow din Sl.dO ; virgin $2.10. Tar steadv at 2i. Corn quiet : nrime white .55. I 'IXCIXNATI, demand and Mav 31. Flour in good a shade higher; for family $5.oo fa. $5. 75. Wheat stronger and in fair demand; red and white $1.05( $1.00. Corn quiet at 3Sfa,40. Oats firm at 32(5.35. Pork quiet but firm at $5.90 (a$10.00. Lard quiet but firm ; current make held at $d.n5. Bulk meats strong er shoulders held at 53.60, short rib sold at $4.Vi: cash sales $4.60; buver J une and seller July $4.60(o,4.70 ; short clear held at $4.75. Bacon in good de mand at full prices shoulders $4.00 fa. $4. 12; short rib $5.25 ; short clear rib $5.35fo-5.3s; Whiskv active and firm at $1.01. Butter steadv and unchanged; Sugar steady and unchanged, active ; packing, $3.25(3.3.50. Hogs May 31. Cotton Middling, low mid dling, .gomi ordinary : Galveston- firm at 12;. 12 and llj cents; net receipts 677 bales. Norfolk firm at cents ; net receipts bales. Balti more nominal at 13, 122 and 12 cents na: receipts 450 bales. Boston quiet at 13.,1, 12 and 123 cents ; net receipts lo bales. Wilmington firm at 12J, 12 and 11 cents; net receipts 4 bale. Philadelphia steady at 13i, 13 and 12 cents: net receipts 73 bales. Savannah verv firm at 12, 12i and 11 eents; net re ceipts 64 bales. New Orleans quiet and firm at 12, 12i and 11 cents; net receipts 457 bales. Mobile quiet and steady at 12$, 12i and 11 cents; et re- ceip s 6 bales. 3iEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DON'T DELAY ! e are handling the best Engines (Tal- noii s ior Qaw-.iiii&, orisi-jains, raciories, and ginning cotton that have ever been sold in this State, 'f hos of experience will buy noothe;. We are also selling the best- aier w neeis, iiaioou s i. Threshers. Separators and Cleaners, Mowing Machines, Horee- Kakes, Cane Mills and Si'-jar Evaporators, Cotton Pi esses. C otton Gins, and all kinds of Machiaeiy fully guaranteed. Don't for get the sreat Southern Lngines made by laioou oi kons, nicnmona, a. You will save money to correspond with u befoje buying any kind of Machinery eisew iiere. - Stronacli & Allcott, June l-2in UAleib, X. C. Laces ! Edgings ! JUST RECEIVED AM ON EXHIBITION REAL YELENCIEN Edgings, Insertions, WHITE THREAD LACES, LACES, TQ2CH02T BRETON LACE. Thread, Linen, and Scotch Very Fine. Lawm HAVKCBG AXD NAISSOOK EDGINGS. Yeargan, Petty . Jones, T X TASTED AOE3TTS Athome or to Vx travel. State which preferred ; also amount wanted per month for service and expenses. Business honorable, permanent, snd easily operated Write us. SLOAN A Caj 806 George Street, Cluci nnU, O. may23-d2d STATE OP NORTH CAiWLINAWAKE COUNTY r-;: : VI Rachel Smith, " .w - : agatnst- , - - , T, Zachariah Hampton, J. J. Ixackharttnd K. I" Atorrts " ' '" " " 'H. J. SiDith.fadmmItrtorof the estate of Rsujhel Smith-, dee'd., hereby notifies the above named defendants that, on the -a of July. A. D 1S79, at 11 o'clock, A. M.. before the Clerk of said County, he will move to be made a party plaintiff to said action, wheieii jndgment has been ob taineu; ami lor said d findants to show cause whv execution should not lssoe. A. J. SMITH, Administrator. 8. G. RYAN. Attorney. J. J. THOMAS OFFERS Guano and Supplies FOR FARMERS. In stock and arriving: 2000 Sacks Allison & Addison' Complete ottan Manure. 2000 Sacks High Grade Acid Phosphate. Sulphate Ammonia and Nitrate Soda. Bulk Meat, Corn Heal, Oats, Hy, Floor, New Crop Cuba and Aew Orleans Molasses. SUGAR OF ALL GRADES, COFFEE, PLU AND SMOKING TOBACCO. All of which will be sold low for Cash or on Crop Tim ! Personal Attention given to the sale of Cotton, and for those who may wish to hold I have ample storage room and will make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES with low rate of interest and storage charges. J. J. THOMAS, Cotton and Commission Merchant, No. Martin Street, marchtf- RALEIGH. N. Oatmeal I Dyspepsia. In the last five years the consumption of Oat meal in this country has probably increased twenty-fold. People differ so much in their likes and dislikes that we do not insist on anybody eating oatmeal because somebody else does, but the great growth of its popu laiitv as an anti-dyspeptic is beyond doubt. Generally the Irish and Scotch Meals are considered best.but they sell comparatively high, and persons who have used both say that the Canadian and American Meals are just as good ; these latter retail for ac. per lb. against 15c. for former. Oatmeal should be well cooked. As it Is usually made A BREAKFAST DISH, it may be soaked over night.and then boiled like ihush for, say half an hour. No doubt it is most wholesome eaten plain, but the temptation to use various dressings gen erally sugar or cream Is too strong for any but verv rirm seekers, but where these are taken h should be as the Friends say, in "moderation." Irish Scotch. Canadian and American Oatmeal. Cracked, Crushed a d Meani cooked Wheat and Oats. Cereal Cream and Cereal Milk; for sale by W.G.&1.B. Low Prices Rule I Day ! L. ROSENTHAL & CO., Have made the experiment -of purchasing a slock so complete as to include the latest novelties in Mens, Youths, Boys Sc Childrens Clothing, We offer this sea.'on to the consumers a line of Linen L isters, Drapd' Ktetsuits and Gossamer Coats. Alo,a full line 1 Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Slippers ! iniludiui the best make in the country. There can be found in our stock a complete line of Kjtne.v 4ioois. and Fur. ooi and .traw Hats and uemitratn rui'"'5 Goods. We have added to our stocK a line oi LADIES' LINEN SUITS AND Ulsters ! We invite public inspection and are at all times ready to give quotations of prices. Buvinc laruelv for cash only, as we do, for three stores, we claim that our prices are as low as any bouse in this tate.and custo mers would do well to call ou us before pur chasing. . may 27 Raleigh. N. C. D. S. WA1TT & BRO., Whojesale and Retail dealers in Ready-Made ClotMnj, Dry Goods. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, No tions, Hosiery, oioies, iruuM and Valises, Fayettevelle street. Raleigh. X. C Bragassas Bragassa's Bragassa's CONFECTIONERY CONFECTIONERY CON FECTION ERY STORE, STORE, STORE, 16 Fayettevllle street, 16 Fayettevllle street, 16 Fayetteville street, N. U. NEW- BANANAS. LEMONS AND ORANGES JUST RECEIVED. mav 16-tf E. P. Green, Attorney and Counselor at Law, WARRENTON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Warren and ad joining counties, and in the Supreme Court oi the state. Orders on collections strictly complied with, ane" remittances promptly made. Kefers by permission to: warren saving Bank, and Old North State Insurance Cem panv. Warrenton. N. C. -dpa3 B. F.MONTAGUE ATTONEY AT LAW, Office over J. P. Gulley's Store, BALEI6H, X. C, Special attention given to Collection Claims, and Remittances promptly made. Refkks by Permission to state Nation al Bank ; Raleigh National Bank; Citizens National Bank : Chief Justice W. X. IT Smith, and Juders Geo. V. Strong. Rnletrh N- C. may 17 dtf UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH ! Sewanee, Tenn. Highest education on Christian princi ples. Grammar School. Cadet corps. Char ges moderate. Tbe Spring term opened March 24th. Address Chairman. may 27-eofl 2tw-t , , . "CARPETS! CARPETS I I offer for sale y on very reasonable terms, a lot of very fine Three-ply Extra Superfine and Super fine. Also some Cotton Chains from the very best mills in the country. - Not having room, I "will sell very heapv' Please call and examiae. Also Rugs, Matting nd Window Shades. - - - f 77 WILLIAM DAFFRON, W38 Main strveU STRONACH ONFEGTIONERY STORE Iae GH, GH GH The Macon House AT MOREHEAD CITY. will be opened on the 15th of June i,,, i entirely new management and own -A(!iV' Persons seeking HEALTH OS PLEAStfBE will And this an agreeable and healths r SOrt, With REASONABLE TERMS. " The pi oprietor promises to spare no r.ai.,. in making pleasant the stay f th.e wh ' favor him with their patrona e. Connectei with the House nr r.nnr. BOATS and reliable and exporlerv-eJ l , t, men. Jal New and convenient Bath Houses an 1 lite aud attentive servants. ' JOS. B. DAVN may30-lm ChapiiTs Farm Agency, RALEIGH, N. C. Dr. A. B. Chapin, Manager. North Carolina Branch of Georg ( Chapln's Farm Ageney,Boton, .Ma Special attention given to the ;ile ,r n . til a ta If is ptTfotoii. All i,r. .. . , r u'i- ' . - - VMHI tt I ! U 1 ... - - - - - - - . - '"'i'mh 1 1 4 ; 1 1 L 1 1 11 vuiniilu i" tsrj-ftrlr 'I'll ill t li lltiut.. . ' expense. ee of The Charleston News and Courier nv. "Everybody has heard of Geo. 11. 'bu'ii' i farm anency,and few areuna-iuajntpi, 1 11 the success which has attended ir, ,,, ' tions." Kra- The New England Farmer k.ivs: H. Chapin has advertised his f.inns ta'ii amount of 50,0x during the past yeur u commend him to our reader. " The Aiken, S- C, Review a.vs:"X0 0i has done more than iieo. II. Cliapin" i n cause of Southern immltrratiou. i nlr Vi , 1! is thronged with Northern people in warrh of Southern homes, and good sales are ,einl made. The '"South Illustrated ' u duliJ great work for us." ' The New York Tribune, the r,ot.n Her aid, Journal.Traveler.Globe.Hii'i ,h..rt'H.r speak in the highest terms of riiaj.iu . l-i.nu Agency. N. li. SMALL FARMS (particularly) an wanted at once. Office Fis r Building, may 2Vtf KALKK.H, X. i ; Important to Fiah Buyers? THE fishermen and those directlv int(r. ested in the lisherie of i'an retV.)uii!t having organized a "Fishermen 'a I " niun" ! are now prepared to furnish fresh and k't fish to dealers at fair prices, and from flrt hands. Parlies desiring to purclia.e win d0 well to send in their orders, and get riah from those who catch and put tliriu u Every package guaraiitof-d to l e n rqn sented. Address all orders to the FISHERMEN'S I'NJoN, I'.e.un'.ri. N. c H. J. MYERS. DEALER IN FINE LIQUORS AND DOMESTIC & IMPORTED CIGARS. . Fayetteville mukt, Between Gulley's and tbt C.uy..-,' Natioaial Lank, Hardin k Urime' tand. The following fine brands i f L i u. i a mv knpt constantly on hand : Old Nectar, I ..0, Whiskies. Gibson XXXX Gihson XXX Roberson County, ( yearv f'ld. .ld Kentucky Rye, (year old. Old Hennessy brandy, inii-i ied s:. i;. Genuine Port Wine, our own i mi-r ..i ..'n Schiedam Gin, very line. Blackberry brandy, (1 years old. Apple Brandy, H years old i Old N. C. Corn WhiK.v. sw eet Mh. Also will have in sto-k. Imported Aii Porters, Dublin, stout, Milwaukee and : Louis bottled Li2er Leer, Champagne? a.. . Wines or" all descriptions too uumeroi.n mention . Attached to my establishment, I ha c added a retail Cigar & Tobacco Department. Inwbich can be found all brandsof 1 M ! TIC aad HAVANA ClOARs THE KENDALL Patent Shingle Mach Makes from J.i,t0, to :i,0o) peric i. shingles per day, from tli bdl. wr! handsandfour horsepower. M.tk- gles laster, better and cheaper, than done by any other means, simj'.e. . direct cuting, not liable towearor t-r.-itis the most valuable to.d k.iir,:. chine ever invented Patented 1 .: 7th ls7S. For sale, by State ribt.- ".'.. Address, , A. W. TofHTR r. X-'- Ka ieii'li. ne. ..-I i- Aim' . . 1.14- r.u;y DANDY," A CHESTNUT SORPL;. 15'j Hands. 7 I ran OIl, Beautiful shape, High Styhd. Ka: -Heavy Main and Tail. Trini. ''. Lcg, Extra Develojiinen' "' Muscle, Trots inside of three minutes on the road, PERFECTLY KIND. EASY To DKIVE, AND IN J'AiT THE EZST E0232 IN TEZ CUT. W. C. McMackin may 2i-dtf JACOB S.ALLEN RALEIGH. N-C. .Formerly Pelts A Allen. Contracts for Buildings In any part ol the Si:te. larwe or wood or brick, thau'tinl !r t!i '.N' era! patronage heret'ii'ore cxIl-i. ; ! old tirm of hvits A Allen, he i ' prompt hess and fair dealing t ni -ri tinuauce of the same. UOPa ON HARRINGTON TKEK T, it crosses the Kaleigb A in.stn lLi.ir KeFKRS BV PKKMISSION To Sam CashierStateNational itar.k : Jo!m Cashier Kalei 'h Natl nal Jt tiik: ' "I Anderson. Piesideitt liiiiiii- Hank. Maj. J. C. Winder, t.aperiii Raleigh A Gaston Railrtwd; UJ Bagley, Clerk upreuie Court, may iklooi rti Ha v'. K fok' the Ladies ! 1 have a very carefully g-Mectel ' desirable good's t wbicli I invite tbe .:: lion of the ladies of lUtleigii. It c n.;- , in part of Childrens Reljr-lle lothlng , LMtie H-Hly--Mdeuii" Embroideries and Trimmings, hi i : J eral assort luenl o FAM'V AKI'i' 11 LADIES' AND CHUDEEN'S W2AS. My prices are-very reason:ibc, am- ' "j certain I fan make it to tbe adva: -Ihc lalses of Riileih to favor nie Willi t -' patronage. . x. MADAME RESO. Cor. Martiu nd Salisbury -' mav22 -dtf- W ALTER CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW RALEIQH, X. a fnctlee la ths RtatA and Flral OoUectlons made in any part ot tne ' ,4 OGleein Bagley Bulldiiir, corner rr rile and Martin Streets. e:i9Vr Wire Railing and Ornamental 4 WUKiv.N r- n n n DUFUB &. CO. X. S. If. BwaiMl 8U. Balilmo' may-W-U CONTRACTOR BUILDER 1

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