I DAILY NEWS KKII.AY. J I'NK HI MtT A JORDiX. PROPRIETOR JOIl B- IIIMEY. M,,or Xnl5ti TO AX E.l. It i quite rrt-in that the ln tt ltfn I'-ncr-. Uv.-ke-l hy the leni .wr: on the one hand (ontenling for fr ,r lt.ftions ami hom-v. Jury trial, 'h lr'M ,nl " other han.1. W;-Wt y th" KepuMicin conteivlmi fr the Htr.-f ii-erviH-tn; letion and controlling the bilbd box by the bayoiift und fr packe-l Junc'i nrariii't; it ' VVlule the Imoral are noi able ..bt:in f r the people ! they de-ire. they hve made a noble trule ami made thei-v-ue full and ditin- t. If the program me that i now prop.l erriol out. there will be no t.-k down, and all will -o.mlihei that in tiMe until an ap peal cau mubnultfl t. tin- 1 '.c. The crv of lek n. an I like expren jon. are tlie ark'nnient of inipr-.i- ii- a ble. The IVm.H-ralH h.iv e n.: a l vv.. third majority in C.tii:ri-. and it iuut e plain b everv eni ie man that they cannot overcome the Presi dent's veto. The pr tr . ti..n of the eion is painful to the ple; but louhT-'. if it act widely, will net .ljoum without p..-. ing the appropriation made ne.-.ry by laws alrelv on the statute The eunel3 of wise and prudent men are obtaining favor. We oe that a eoin inittec of urh men as Thurinan. Salis bury. Vanee and lUiley, on the part o! the Senate, and Chalmers. Springer, Hwiiigai.l Atkins, on the part of the House, have marked out a plan which Is wise and patriotic, and there is li;.le doubt that it will te adopted. The army bill, pure and simple, will be vael, but it will withhold supplies for transporting trooj-n to the IN or to keep the pea. e .it election. The Uv il lative, judicial aud eecuiiv e appropri ation bill will ass pure and simple; but n appropriation will bo made tor super isors and deputy marshals. C. n Kress has it right to ill reel how the money appropriated shall Is- u-ed. but 1'onres.s must appropriate the nionev ne vssar.v to enrry on the gov ernniotit. It is not iieeesry, in vindi atin thw right of the eple. to destroy the gov ernment. The Wmoeratie party must save the lil-erlies of the people and nave the government also. To do this an appewl must l made to the people, and the eple. if they have not already lot their love of free gov ernuieut, will po tevt their liberties, save the uovern tnent and exalt the iMiu.xTati.- paity by placing its leaders in ouuiianl. Aiqt irrti. or iio. ni.i: . HI EL III a speech, delivered in iorinin Hail in the city of Washington l-etore the Southern Iladi-al .s- iation of tha: eiiy. imnosJiately after the assem bling of the extra s-ioii of the X I. V J lli I'ongres-s by Hon. J. J. Martin, who claims to represent the first district of Ida Usn the frtmtl .-! cac, Hull, b-aving the (iovernor's certificate, just a Martin hiil. In denouncing Hull. Martin wan rep resented by the 'a.shingtoii Republi can, as sav ing that Hud was in foraerimein Florida, growing out of the late election; md that he believed and hope. I tht Hull would be mm i. t ei. and sent to the enitentiary. Mr. Martin only expressed the uni versal wish of the Radi.-al party in that ill-timed and violently abusive speech, and there can ! no doubt, that it was the de!ilerute purpose of th. Radicals to conv ict Hull, and send hnn to the penitentiary, so as to prevent the State of K 1 orida's casting a leinocratie rote in eae the election for President in l.N). should le ent to the House. It 1 with peculiar pleasure tliat we an nounce that Mr. Hull h is been aeouit- I tevL IUse and false charges were trunisl up. A lla'lical grand jury of a Feleral court indicted him. an un scrupulous ICtdi.-al partisan district at torney prosecuted him ami a prejudiced paxtiaaa FetJeralJudge by the name of Thomas Settle presided, and a Repub lican petit jnry aiiuitted him. We experience great pleasure in this result. Of cxume our Mr. Martin, who had prejudged the ens, that he was to act on ait a judge, is greatly disappointed at this just result, as w ell as the other Radical hie plans have come to naught. Having made so successful a light, when the odds and -om binatious were o great against him. we -nn but hope that Mr. Hull will te victorious in his next encounter, which will U- before the House when his seat is -ii tested by the notorious c:irt bagger, Hora'io IUs bee. It appears that the ninth section 0, the Warner silver bill by it.s pcn uiiar wording destroys the forve of the fourth section, which given to the government the difference in value between the silver as bullion and it f.u-e value as coin. The suggestion is made that the sentence w hich works thi change is an intrlineatiou. At any rate, the House voted squarely to bestow the profit in question in a certain way, and if it lias reversed that decision it js through some misunderstanding. If the Senate should send the bill in its present snap to the Tresident, it would only be com mon courtesy on his part tosuUluo any desire that he my have to sign sueh a bill, and send it back to the House to be amended so as to express the evident Intention of that body. In case the bill came to him again it would be in order lor mm to veto it uj.i its merits, or demerit. In Unit and nimiiar wavs an unfailing supply of Presidential vetoes may be ensure 1. Tuk editor of the Okaloua Stites de nounce the letter purporting to from blm. which indicate that thin paper i In Republican pay for cam. Sminiug purpooea, aa a forgery. He ettn to have poor opinion of the edi tor ofthe pprM hich puhlihel the al lfrd liUr. Indee.1, he frankly mvs that to ct-n!iders him a blistering dia grac to Joumaliain, a lyinjf a.isa.t4in of c&arctcr, n daaLartl too cowardly to face V .of LUKUiltandafelon .1 ueivcsis wha III and l'V V V, e s ates itentiarj. If the editor h.H,ld throw .elf-control and the 3,nenUie of journalism to the winds. a.l let himself fa.ny loo.e. the devas . .. .... -.,iri itisthoucht. tat ion tn tne ,-s.mni . Bu.er than if K"";. if Ktna were the iintneliate iUs thirteen crater in v ieinity. I.UI w ith aiuther (. olouel lieorue Wor- Tut: Stale is new spaper w ar. . ... r in :4Ili'lc lor tham. reentiv nni"" ,hr xford Toreiil.cht which ,pKa.ed e,l,tor.allv. and Taptnin Kulus Alms, of the Henderson Hev.cw . "went tor ,, , his paper. Now these dough ty gentlemen are running private mail rout.-s Uiw een their respective pl i. es .., -residence, with demands for apolo ..ir half-wav tenders of negotiation. tar. it hints of pisl .tol.s anl eollee. ..i.i .tiioi oiMKsition to 'the s le. le.'" et.v . . I l n..r.. is .-ham-e for arbitration. The . lervmen oflhe two villa-es sho.ild oiunie a missionary lety beloie the erv u es of the undertaker are re- rll.rill. Till, most favorable teslinioiiy tor the Republican side yet elicited by tho Walla.-e committee, frankly coiictsii-. lh..t'the deputy marshals a-pointed in IsT-iaml ls7s were ' well-known work er in the Kepubhcnn party," and were sel.s-ted fr the aid they were expected to lender the Republican ticket. -'-'r. Haves claims that such ollb ials should U apiH.int.sl by the Kxeoutiv e depart ment and pii.l from the public purse in or .it to protect lot. the purity oi the bil- I'olllicnl Xolf. Mr. 1 laves ha.s kindly suifirested that after the appropriation bills are passed in the shape that he desires, he will consider the subject of the repeal of lmrtisan legislation. This is tall talk ror a man who holds his seat in the White Iboise by fraud, although it doubtless indn-at'es very correctly the real sti.-inrth of Mr. Hayes" principles. K he believed the :!" I ! I' 'I I s o the Veto rn.ss.i-es wlti-li Mr. Mcfrary. has vvi it ten tor in in. he would never consent to ev en the suggestion of a compromise. -;.f.oi The 'lev eland Herald s Washington corresondent says that (.'onkling and otlter 'Mailt men ex prtss grent disap probation of Sherin. m's letter announc ing himself a candidate for the Presi dential nomination. It is lelieved that one probable effect w ill h the refusal of i ; rant to allow his name to bo used. He is known to have great repugnance to n s..Hwst v i;h oth rs for the nomina tion. As all sorts of President i al eand . laics w rite all sorts of ietlers, eci eiary hci m in must U- allowed to amuse liiineil in 'iuil w.v to his heart's concent; but ll he w id closely Hole thejHilicv ol the .lli- man who writes no letters, but de M'lids U-oll the follies of others for his advancement, he m.iv see how he has lost in t! lc. o much evpl.tna r; unities. .'..? .;-- lion ! ios: I' .1 . As an active an i persistent candi date. Sere:arv tierni m will take a large h re of the strength which other wise iiiignl drift toward irnt. His friends hive d-s-lar.sl that the latter w .mid never enter the eaitv;tss excipt in res -..Mise t he unanimous eai I "t t he R-tiH !ic;ii party. Mr. Sherman p! ainlv in i rn i'tbL tilaiwlLLlJQL '"r.eXLeil' led. , ..' ii'!"iMin in ie . ;ers ; fTe7iTTl' sn h extreme State rights people that thev held I'ongress had no right to go Is-'imd the f.ne of elections returns from a Mate to rip up fraud. Thev now claim that the States should he" abol ished, arid the Federal troops turned i.-.-e upon the sople. - .-hiji ,r c-.. r ft. Hill handler dearly loves the colored man. It is said he goes oil and weeps for the eilu!crs every day. It is to e learcd that Rill and his colleagues haven l made as much money out of this emigration business thev li id counted on. The time planks in the next Repub lican platform, though differently ex pre.sed. will bo. election by bavonets, pe ked juries and alx 1 it ion r.f the State gov .Til lUellts. The lev ;.indl lerald vvautsthe Feiu-rM-rats in Congress to give the Republi cans a rest. And all because the Ieui- iats.oii t want voters at the ills to liave arrest. Now- Mars doth win.-e. and all tlie rjng. of war ilo how l disconsolate. Ms. Crary hath ca.liarde.l his sword to wrap his peaceful parts in gentle er-' mine. .oui.n ile ( uuiurr-Jnuimil. 1he name of the 'Jeorgia Congress man who will carry his district for ;rant in certain contingencies is still firmly withheld from the public At I'li.; i i v, it, tut, on. .lolm Sherman felt much happier ns a simple Congressman engaged in the cheerful pastime of leathering his nest than he feels now in the role of the man ofdstjnv. T can l.Mk for no good from the Pr. si, lent and his Cabinet: they hav e not got a in them." Ve.ir.,- H,,'xc.e ni,. I miij ,n M'ticA, ls7S. Secretary Sherman should ponder on the fact that t he successful Presidential can lidate is seldom a letter writer. A.' or!. Tribune. It :.cenis absurd to accuse I.ii l la i- oi being on the fence when there is not a fence big enough to hold him AY '. Ili-r.it-. 1 care not who are the governors of my country, so long as 1 may be its President. -.,. hnn MJirrmuti. "tio 'Wny. John Sherman." All dev care for do darkey is his vote All tey care for de ofln e is de money ; None of "em is patriots, an" dey knovv'it I' r'alk is only sli(,,,ery-oliu honrv.' m look out, fel.ow niggahs, how y,,' v tin' ! I) n' let "em lead yo" roim' by de noe ; !'. r i -mak'a;i honest iiv in" ii oii-Ui in", Lf yo' don always w earde best of close! Uo 'way. John Sjiertnau ! yo' are an ole decei . r. An' vo' friendship only on de surface tl.VUs. Yo tiicksshu ly m ike a man an unbe- ! liever. Ko' yo' only votes. vviin i to use us I'..' our Dey claim t van the ICada dat ina.lt us fre', Iat Republican only did de titin' ! Hut il.it a rather thin to Pomp an' me Too l.nrto' UAtoMwaliowvAiJotit bitin' Ko' election day .ley come nroun' o frien'ly. An' all de darkey' hand so lil'lv shake. An' day allui' hal. a dollar fo' to len' ve Hut it only lor de vote? dey vvunt to' make. 1 runti'H J:'rn. D. (rant nod I lie Old Woman. Wheeling Leader. .rant will make a hiir noise when J,o ctunesi to thin coimtrv, but his invi r tio:i to a.,uat in the Preaidenti.il ehair I a.1 oy n.e .eopio. Will laj tu. faint a the voiee ol a dif old Ldv, who, wbeu l.paruiK the wall Qf an adjoiniuir ho.ie fal. down, cailevl out: '('ome in." THE GENUINE DR. C. MoLAN Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pal" .md lead 1 cn-colorcd. with occasional ;kislu-. or a circumscribed spot on one or both checks; the eyes become thill; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye lid ; the nose is irritated, swells. ;ind somttinu s bleeds; a swelling of the upper l p ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, a others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the omach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout :he abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable Sec. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :0: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommenrTed as a remedy "fot all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un equaled. BEWARE OF IMITATTOXS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver IVls. F,ach wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Hkos. InMst upon having the genuine Dr. C. McI-ANt's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., ths niarVet being full of imitation of the name Jtr Lane , spelled differently but lame pronunciation. WARM SPRINGS! Western North Carolina. Haiitii mid Pleasure Resort. I lot :i nil . i .id water. tniMirpas(., ni.nint ain elMimti , ii ii. ual led s(-,-nery. anil inas:-iii:i.-..u lel Mcroiiinioslntioiit I"r eiitlit hundred miest. Hot baths in con jiiiili,,n unh eliiu.nie iiillueiiee. almost -pevirir for rlieiiiii.itisui. iieuraltiia, i;er voiis ),lid -.! s.( j r ii t ) :il divases. diseases of the skin, kldnev s arid bladder, an. I malarial disorders. s,ei. for deseri pt I ve ei reulars. Ilt. WM.H. lliiWKKTu.v Prop r. j vim- -dll.l BUTTER! Iler. a't. r .turinu tl-e Summer months, will r.-eei ve our ll lie Butters Express Every Week to.,:;... it lr,.., !U1,i in good condition, io tai. pi l.-e "... tcr onul. KAW NKW tilli.KANS .sL'tlAI!, BKKiHT VKI.IvW: VEKV MCE Folt THOSE V II (i I IKK l.l FASIIlnx- KIC" BROWN .Sl;AK. "nr st.K-k of firBt-.-liik.s Ur.Hries ami Provision.-, was never more complete. Itelinl.lf ,(miiU ! I'rompi le!iifry ! l-ow I'rlcen ! E. J. Hardin. JUIlel-lf TEE NATIONAL HOTEL, STATE IKirsK Stil-APE, RALEIGH, N. C. STREET & SON, Owner and Proprietor. Keiiewnl ;nM He-estal .lislniL Superior and Special Acccmmodations maj ia-!"iVr-A" ' las-,of TrveI. 1'Oli THE LADIES! I have a very ;, refill I v seleeted st.H-k r,f in pari .. " -""'- " emprises h i Id r.iH' Ite.Ml v-Made 4'lolhi njc ' IjliMi- Kealy-nale.iilta: Embroideries and Trimmim;, and a pen. ral aort...Ilt f FANCY AHTICLKS for LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. My prices are very reasonable, and I feel the l.i.h.-s of Kaleiph to tavor nic with their MA DA 1F HvQnv ( r. Martin and Salisbury St8. nay! it S. WAITT & BR0., Wholea'e and ReUlI dealers in Ready - Made Clothing, and Valises, laretlevelle .tret, Raleigh, C Oatmeal I Dyspepsia. In I he last fl vo venrs t he eonsnmntion of O it me:U in this eoiin try has probably increased twenty-fold. Pople differ m much in their likes and dislikes that we do not insist on anybody eating oatmeal because somebody ftdUooH, but the irre:it growth of its noi'U 1 irlty as an anti-d vspeptic is beyond doubt. Generally the Irish and Scotch Meals are considered best,bnt thev sell comparatively hUh. and persons who have used both s.iy that the Canadian ami American Meals are lu-t as sj.od; these latter retail for die per n. a linst ! ,;. for former. . . i ntineal should be well cooKe-i. a n is j usually niii.ie j A B R E A K F A ST Di'SH- : it in iv b? soiilse 1 ver ni-.rht.iind then boiWl ' like liiusli for, suv half an hour. No doubt ! it Is most wholesome cnten plain, but tiie temptation to use various dressings gen erally suar or ere im is loo strong for any i but verv firm seeivers, but where these ;iro j biken it should be as the Friends say, in ! "m kI. 'ration.'1 Irish Seoieh, Canadian and American Oatmeal. Cracked, Crushed a d Steim con it'll Wheat and Mats Cereal Cream and Cereal Milk, for sale by ! W. C. & A. B. STBOMCH d. tJ. THOMAb OFFER" Guano and Supplies FOJt FA I t its. Iii stock and arriving: JDUi Slicks A lison & Addison's Complete oHau. Manure. JTKMi sucks HHjh Grade Acid Phosphate. Sulphate Arfwaontaand Nitrate boda. ItulU Meat. Corn Meal. Oat. Hay. Flonr. ew Crop 4'nba and ."Sew OrleaiiM Moliumei. srtl ROF AM. GRADES, COFFEE, TEU AND SMOKING TOBACCO. All of which will be sold low for Cash or on Crop Tim ! Personal Attention eiven to the sale of Cotton, and for thoe who may wish to hold I have ample storage room and will make L IB ERA L CA SII AD VA NCBS with low rata of interest and storage Chur- J J. THOMAS, Cotton and Commission Merchant, No. Martin street, marchtf- KALKIGH. N. H. J. MYERS- DKALER IN. FIXE LIQUORS ANL DOMESTIC & IMPORTED CIGARS. Fayktteville Street, Between (iulley's and t lie Citizens" National Bank, Hardin it Grimes' old Stand. The following tine brands of IJijnors are knpt eonsiaiitly m hand : old Nectar, ;.:;i, Whiskies. ( i bsi hi xxxx Gibson XXX " Roberson I'minly, ('i years old.) Old Kentucky Rye, .years old.) ( ld Hennessy Brandy, Imported S.oek. Genuine Port Wine, our own importation Sehittlaiu (win. very fine. Blackberry Brandy, i I vears old.) Apple Brandy, I v ears old.) old N. C. Corn Whisky, Sweet Mash-! Also will have in stock. Imported Ales Porters, 1 mblin, stout, Milwaukee and St I.ouls Bottled Later Beer, Champagnes and Wines of all deicriptious too liuruerous to mention. Attached to my establishment, I hav addetl a retail I" In n m S. TK rtnnatman4 Invvhich can he found all brands of DOMES TIC and HAVANA CIGARS. Low Prices Rule I Dayl L. ROSENTHAL & CO., Haveinaile the experiment of purchasing a fliK'k so eoilijdelc u to include t he la t est llov elties in Mens, Youths. B:ys k Childress' Clothing. We ttrc-r this season to the consumers n line of Linen Clsier. Drapd Ete suits and UoifKiiiiL-r Coats. Also.a full line of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and SUppers ! includim; tlie est ninke in the country. There can be found in our stock a coiniilt it line ut Fane j t04xl, and Fur, Wool and straw Hats and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. We have added to our stock a lineoi Ladies Linen Suits and Ulsters j We invite public inspection and are at all times ready to give quotations of prices. Buying largely for eadi only, as we do, for three stores, we claim that onr prices are as low as any house in this State, and custo mers would do well to call on us before pur chasing. L. ROSENTHAL lc CO., may Z7 Raleigh. N. C. IThos. H. Briggs & Sons.j Hrljf Ituildin, A LEIGH, X. C, DEALERS IN A I.I, K I YI.FX OF CHILDRENS CARRIAGES (NiiMrior Finiali. Xentuem and! Durability. WE OFFER - itrvr noons! I-OWF.ST 111 1 IV ! iSQIAUI DKAI.IAC! 2 f ' Write for Pri ces. Wire Bailing and Ornamental lwi WOKKS. DUFUR &CO. P. B. Massenburg, ATTORNEY AT LAW LODISBUKO, N. C. Ofllce in tha Court Uouse. PorCTheea Shore!,- ATLANTIC HOTEL, ' BEAUFORT,- N. C X E V M A N'A G EMEXT. Open the 1st of June under the maaage me.it of tlie undersigned. A first class sea side resort and the most pleasantly situa ted house o n the Atlantic oast. The tide (bkisand flows Jaily beneath the building, and it is free from dust, tliesand mosquitoes. 1'iie ball room is the m st spacious and airy in tlie State. A gooa band of music has b. (yii engaged lor the season. Surf bathing unsurpassed, with suitable dressing houses on the. beach. Bath houses also within ufty yards of the house for still water bath ing. Large and airy rooms al.-o in the ouilding occupied by the Proprietor the past two seasons, which can be had by ; hose who prefer rooms on the mainland. BAR, IIILLlAltOS AND TEX-PIXS. TERSS-Si) per dav: S12.W per week. -Special rates made with Excursionists and lor parties for ixiore than one week. B. I.. PERRY, niy2o-2m Pro:rietor. The Great Discovery. PURCELL LADD & CO., Richmon 1, Va. in ivl -Uvrv tf I I RECEDHXTED ATTRACTION Over Haifa Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Co. This Institution was regularly incorpor ated by the Legislature of the State for Kd ncational and Cha.iiUtble purposes, in lsliS, for tlie term of Twenty-live Years, to which contract the inviolable faith of the State is pledged, with a Capital ot st.uun.nou t which it has since added a reserve fund of 5s;.-h,imx). ll tiraml Sinjile Kninber l)r.inliis vcill take place monthly. It never scales of postpones. Look at the fol low ing Distribution: KAXI PROMENADE CONCERT. during which will take place the 109th Grand Monthly AND THE Eu traordintiry Setni-A inwd Drawing, At New Orleans. Tuesday, .Tune 17th, 179 Under the personal supervision and man agement of General i. T. Beauregard, of Louisiana, and (it'll. .1. A. Early, ol Virginia. CAPITA I. PRIZE- 3100.000. " 4-Not fee Tickets are Ten Dollars only, Halves, S-5. Fifth. 32. Tenths, SI. 1 Capital Prize 8100.000 1 Grand Priztf 50,000 1 (Jrand Prize 20,000 12 Prizes of ii,000 20,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 20,000 20 Prizes of 1,XH) 20,000 50 Prizes of 500 25,000 K Prizes of 300 30,000 2(H) Prizes of 200 40,000 000 Prizes of 100 60,000 lO.O(K) Prizes of 10 100 000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation prizes of $200, 20,000 khi Approximation prizes of 100, 10,000 juo a pprox l mation prizes ol to, 7,500 11,2.0 Prizes, amounting to $522,500 .en. u. i. jje.iu regard, ot La. I (Jen. J. A. Early, of Va. j Lom 8 Application for rates to rates to clubs should only be nmde to the olliee of the company in New Orleans. Writd for circular or eiid orders to It. A. DAI'PIIIX. P. O. Box 692. New Orlennt. La. am He. Dr. Manffum, Prof. Cn'v. of v n I concur with Bishop 09-:t in his esti mate vi mc vrmrocKPi ".are. Rev Drs. Jerer, Broaddus. Dick'nson, fBap.) D is endorsed I by the direct pe sonaltsti mony of men of nauoualfame and strictness or speech It is not too much to s y th-t no medicine ever had such support in its favor na . w in;, i ne wora oi any one of the em inent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united witness join d with the experimental use and ap rovalof the preparation by well known physicians, removes all doubt. It is bevond question, a w-nderful therapeutical agent Edit rs Kelitfous Herald. Va. Chaplain Randolph Macon College Va Many cases ofDvsp psiawphin my knowl edge have been cur. d by if. Cramp's, Colics, neauacnes and all sorts gestion yield promptly to it. The cures o' this sort ar innum srable. Rv S. L. DabneyTl.. L. Col., Va ,ltli.sn1U,'yp,8te,"iedhere bv the re?i1ar Medical Faculty and the peorle. it is e tc-1 lent to- innigesiiou and llatulent Colic sedative, sop unc, tonic, si ghtly aDeTnt without nausea. s"ii ape eat, Rev B. F. Woodward, P.E. Na Cnnf Abo'it twelve years I saflfe7ed from Dys pepsia. Falling iu with this remedy" I gave ..... k , . ! uiiuy. i am sure I am in debted to this medicine for what of health d physical comfort I hv iT-.1 ?V a-iiwsrs .v:vj;-" "i5J R v Robert W. Watts, A. M., Va. I have used the mixtur in my family for ye.rs, and have taken it for a Dyspepsia tolie which threatened my life, and Vat cured, eating any diet without hurt I hava reeouinieTMied it to other suffereis with har. Piost , -suit s. u is the b. sr tonic and corr tive 1 ever knew For i-rotra-ion from Dyt pepsia or Liver Disease it is invaluable. J D. Egglestot), M D., V. It Is a highly valuable remedy, and is mo extens vely used than any girdle a tide in the whole list of rnediciceY w f .. iM" served In my practice for all the complaints L. finiiies from Indigestion, I ue it and recommend it. F 'itor Kichiuond Cm itian Advocate I hi- leinedy isoi tr:e i virtue. I have o'een Dyspepsia cu ed completely by it It seem" io be an anti ote to our ''.Nation 1 Disease " Th ingrenientB re not ker.t b the apotlie ca ies. and have been difficult to get Price 2 . cents per bottle. Sold by afa drnir fists. In Raleigh, by uurag Pe8cud, Lee & Co., and Williams & EI ay wood mrcU-tf. Cnnal street flora Sixth to Kevtnlh. 1RKI1910AD ?I'NGlKEf iortaMe and stationary. SAW MILI8. (JKIST-MILLS. BOILFRS, CAST INGS of BK A KS and lKO, 10PG1M H c. MACAIN ERY for Gold and Coal Mines Blaa Furnacess &c. AVe call eoial attention to oar IMPROV ET5 POUT BLK EN Gir K. for agrienltuml and other purposes. The Boilers of our Agricultural Engines are provided with our PATENT PREMIUM SPARK ARRESTERS, a device by which the Sparks are forced ot pass downward over a reservoir of water and effectually extinguished without the use of wire gauze. Our is the only arrangement, of this kind which afford free access to the boiler tubes for cleaning from each end Also, to our new styles SMALL LOCOMO T1VES for hauling lumber and other articles upon sramways and narrow guage railwayr The best Planters regard our GINNING ENGINES superior to any in use. Send for illustrated Catalogue free. Other things being equal encourageSouthem institutions. Kepair work solicited and promptly done. Shafting. Pulleys, 4c. for Gin Houses. "Manufacturers of Jones' patent Tobacco Bump Machines to work by hand or power WM. E. TANNEK fc C' K. R. BAUGHAM. Rich Square, N o Gen 1 Agent ir Eastern North Carolina. Gen. J.J. Whitehead, Agent Ri fioh. N. C. TALBOTT fc SONS, Shockoe Machine Works, RICHMOND, VA., MAM'FAC'n RKKS OF Portable and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Corn and Wheat Mills, Shaftings, Hangers and Pulleys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Facto ry Machinery, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, Machinery of every description. GINNING AND THRESHING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Repairing- Promptly and areiully Done. TalboiVts Patent Spark Arrester, THE INVENTION OF THE AGE. Talbott's new Patent Spark Arrester is really the only perfect and reliable one, and is superseding all others in use. The great efficiency of this Arrest er is attracting universal attention, and is being endorsed hy the best mechan ical engineers and insurancecompanies. Its prominent features are : It does not destroy the draft. It does not interfere with cleaning the tubes. It will not choke up, and requires no cleaning. It requires no direct dampers to be opened when raising steam (dampers being objectionable, as they may be let open and allow suarks to escape.) It requires no water to extinguish sparks, which, by condensation, de stroys the draft. Besides, when water is used, if neglected, the efficiency is destroyed by evaporation of the waier, and the boiler is kept in a hlthy con dition. It is simple and durable, and can be relied upon. It can be attached to any boiler. No planter should be without one of themJnsurance Engines and Spark Arresters are used at same rate as charged for water or horse-power. r.Send for illustrated circulars and price list. STJ turer boro, mayS-tf FURNITURE Furniture! Furniture! On hand and for sale 200 suits of Chamber Furniture, in prices from S3 to 100. Also Bureaus, Wardrobes, Washstands, Safes. wft!2TO?ac?uSr ,,y found in a Furniture in Great Variety. Parties in want will consult their inteiest by paying me a call. Orders by mail promptly attended to no x, V'lLLlAif DAFFUOX 1438 Main Street. Rich moo, i V. ,a,A ess. a.n(l 1 Pholtstenng Kooins, ie. 18 1, 2sorth 1- Uteenth street ' t 13-dly Oeo. M. ROBI.NO.'N Eagle Brewery, Bl'CHANAN (SPRINGS, WEST CLAY ST., RICHMOND, VA. The Gold Mednl gSfJX J f'.suPe"or Ale, Porter and Lage Beer at the Virginia stnt Acrri-.u..! x.?,,. of 1878. Read and see what Dr. Wm 11 Taylor says. State Chemist of Virginia ' State Assayek axd Chkmjst'h Oi-Vice KI"TJ.j v t. X " ... 1 , . . 9 iiT !? ter I5ftT manufactured bv Mr G v- Kobinson, at the KAGLK HREWEUy" In this city, has been chemically examined by me the sjxroples tested having been eol lected by myself, and found free from adul terating substances. It may be used as a Mif-' r beverage, in full assurance of its purity W m. H. Taylor, M. D.. State Chemist. also bottled for KAMii.v S.i niS and orders must be accomnm.ieri -iti, i" " All or good reference. mayEn v JEWEL RYTW AT C H E Diamonds, Spectacles AND MEDALS A3TI BAIliE.PIS A SPECIALTY. THK, Ingest stock of goods in the South. Solid Silver and Plute.i sold at factory nrieoa. Waieh rorCoi.. ' specialty Orders by mail promptly attend ed to and satisfaction in all eases uaran- teea. John H. Tyler & Co., Successors to MITCJIELL & TYLER. -?,M street, Iliclimond, Va. ..uiurawcweif) iiousein the Sou u aug27-dawly st7jamesTotel Opposite Capitol Square, CORNER TWELFTH AND BANK STS RICHMOND, VA. Terms PerDay $2. This House is most centrally located be ing vyithin three squares of either of'the Depots, lobaeco Exchange or Warehouses First-class Table and Rooms u A. H M(ORE.' Proprietor, may lMffrmer,y Uf Mt' ilotel. RON ACII fc ALLCOTT Manufac 's Acents. Raleitrh. N. ( Branch Houses .it .--...t. U " U V I M 1 ' I rAKPETS! CARPETS ! I offer for gale onry-reasonableterrns,a lot of very fine Three-ply Extra superfine and (Super fine. Also some Cotton Chains from the very best mills in the country. Not havlmr room, I Will sell very cheap. Please call and exaraiRe. Also Rugs, Matting and window Shades. WILLIAM DAFFRON, 1488 Main Mieet. C ONDENSED TIME. Js O R T II CAROLINA It O A D. 11 A I i. TRAINS GOING EAST." i Date, May 11, 1S7S. N'l. ,: No. 2, Uuily. .No.-,4. : I 'ii I v Uiu.y, i , x.s,; Leave harlottc.. SSalisburv. Highl'oint Arr. (JreeiiKboro.. Leave i reennboro Arr Hillsboro ' I)u ham '" Haleigh Lv. Arr. Goldsboro. . . .".oOa ti j (i.l.") ,m,. ti.01 a nij s.oUjon ' T.raia nrin.is jnr.'' H.n."a in iii.'m i . ii ! ; lo.Kiam: Ij, ,, " UUVmii! Ii 1 " SUipin! .-..triani1 ii, O i.) J III t;.r ",;, Ii. 'o. 2 Connects at Salisbury with C. K. It. for nil points in YVeMcrn oi il( . olina duily except UIHlas. lireei si "' with K. fe D. K.K for all point North 1 ' r' and West. At Jold.boi. wilh a u W li. for ilmington. K- ". 4 Connects at Greensboro win, e A L. R. R. for all points Aorth, I.ilM West. J TKAIXK (4(jING W KST, Bate, May 11,1879. N... -,. ' l'n ll v v. .-sun. No. 1. Daily. No. 3. Daily. Lv. (ioldsboro Ar. Raleigh Lv. " Ar. Durham " Hillsboro " Greensboro.. Lv Ar High Point... " Salisbury " Charlotte lO.lUarn li.LVpni '.. i-.4up in ni.iiii pn.i o..'pin ,.,,;; ' l"" ' i-iV n 8.:56 p in f ' 1.11,1,, li.j" a in 7.:1 a ii, Ihiu a m it.lOp in Iv.M p m ,1'.37 a in 1 1 . 17 ii in No. 1 Connects nt Gn ensl.oro win, lein branch, at Air-Line Junction . !" & C. A. L. hailioad )or all points South ... 1 Southwest; at Charlotte with c ( - for all points South and Southwest' ' No. 3 C onnects at Snlisburv w itj, u v O. R. R,. daily except SiiihIhv Tor all in Western North Carolina; .,t An i ,, Junction w ith A. A C. A. L. jor all . , !" South and Southwest : at Charlotte win C. A A. Railroad for all pomlsSouti ' i South-west. ""i SALEM BRANCH Lv Greensboro daily except Sunday . it,,. A r Kernersv ille .. - .'..' Arrive Salt in Leave tinUni Ar Kcrnersville il H li.i li ti. In Ar Greensboro connecting at tireensboro with ti R. & D. and X. C. Railroads. K.ini '"is oi. SLEEPING CAES WITHOUT CHANCE Run both ways with Train No i ...,"!, between New York and Atlanta via I i i" mond, Greensboro and Charlotte l ,w, , Greensboro and Augusta, and botii M. , 1 Truins Nob. -i and 4 between New Yoik ,.' ! Savannah v ia Richmond, Charlotte ami ,, gusta. Through Ticket.i on sale at t.i,.,,, boro, Raleigh, Goldsboro , Salishtu x ,,, (i Charlotte, and at all principal points s,,un, Southwest, West, Noith and Last i,' Knugrant rates to points in Arkan.si.h lexas, addiess J. It. HcW order. (ien. I'assiMiger Aycht. Ri-liinoii. ';t. RICHMOND ANDl'FTFRSl'.I i:, It . ROAD COMPANY. Commencing Sl'NDA Y, Miiv llth, trains, on this road run ns follows. T.KAVK 1 1 1 -1 1 VI. .VI i ii-tii 11:" A. Al. Through Mail, daily, conn. . ijlt, t iiarlcstnn,sav i.jiiiah, Ai,i. u.-.-ta and Aiken ia ( liarl. m..,, , .Jaeksoiiv ill. junior ci i i,', Wilmington, moj s onlv m t hester and Mam -hester. " 7:.0J A. M. Aeeommoilat ion train dail.v x cejd uii.lay , Ilii.keeIoe i l l;, nection ii t Petersburg w.u the A t In ii t io, Mi.-sisj.pi j,,,! hio railroiul lor Urisioi, i ii:,i tanooga, Ntohv ille. M ni.l i Lyiicliliurg, Faimville, mm, other lo.-nl stations on ihn! road, making same time u any other line. Stops al all regular stations. 4:.rM P. M. - Aconilnodation train ilulU . v. Sunday. Pnssengcrs ti'ikint this train will make eioke on- nection at 1"( tcrsbui r for N,,i- foik. lo::r, p. M.-TIIROFCiH MAIL DAM. V- . .,n lleetillg for el.loli.W ilii:n .. ton, Rhleirrh, ( 'hai li l.ii. vain. nh, Autrusta, ( oluinl.i.,. Atlanta, Macon, Moiil-oi;.' i. Mobile, New Orleans, ami points S. ul h and SouiIim.i. Pullman Sleeping Car I i Boston for A ilmingioii. vannah and tht- Soiiih, ri, only at Manclio-(r and I,.-, ter. LEAVK l'FTI.-Hsm-ii. j NORTH, fi: 10 A. M.-TII KOI ; M jia I L I A1 LY .-, . neeting with Hichnn.ml I f . . j ericksbuigand Potomac Km, road for n points .,,m, Last and West, r-K es u ..u.ijii-in-Mi'r iiiui ( luster :u.-i iit llall-VAay and at )rewr o o- . i. . 1,llllf sinal. 9: A. M. Accommodation Train .1 ,iH (excej.t Sunday i. sioiiS ,' all stations. :10 P. M. Accommodation Train, daih (except Sunday), stops' onl i'a o.-r iT t-hester and Manchester. A l.i P. M. 1 h rough Mail, daily, .-oiiin , i ing with Richmond, Fredericks burg and Potomac Railroad i .j all points Kant and vv est. an,, making close 4tiniie:tioi) voin Chesapeake nnd Ohio liallr,,,i for the Virginia Springs imd ..n points North and West Tins train Ktops at Chester nn.l Man chester. Alltrains leaving Petersburg will -r ui from the Appomattox Depot. ST'NDA Y KXCURSION TRAINS Leavlf Richmond Si2J A. M. nnd .V.'WI p vj Leave I'etersburg A.M. and .":'.' I'. M. eveiy Sunday. A. SHAW. niay 15-tf Siiperlntcinli!. JALEIOH & OASTON RAILROA I ,. tlmnse of. Schedule. Sl i'tlUKTKNDKKT'S Omt'F I Kaleigh, N, C., .lime IsTn. , On and after Friday, June tith l- trains ,, the Raleigh A Uaston Italln.ml will run daily (Sundays excepledi ilk lows: ' ' Leave Leave "alt'iffh H 40 am Weldon 2 'wi, Neuse.. . m ijaston. ;i :, ' Foiestville .. ii Littleton 4 11 ak1 2ti " Maeon ,. 4 )(, ouiiKsville. ! V) - Warrenton';' l .' -Franklinton in " Kidgeway 5 ir, Kittrells in un .Junction... ' .( - Uen.ierson...lO U " Mi.hlleburg. 5 21 " Middleburg..l0 ."vS " Jlenderson . .-, m - Junction ,...11 io Kittrells j ,, - Ridsrevvay...!! if Frankllntoii. . Warren tm..U 4i YoungNvllle . .v, Macon Jl 4j " Wake.. ; Littleton.. ..12 13 " Forestv ill'o "' 7 In Oaston v ;wpm Neuse.. ' 7 z ; Arrive at Arrive at "" Weldon .... 1 10 Rjilelgh 7 V) " Mail train connects at Weldon with th and PeterslHirg Railroads, A ( Ci )M M I AT ION TR A I N . Leave Valeigh at 4 1.", J M Arrive nt Weldon at .. A M Ieave Weldon at A M 1 e ui ivaieigu at 3.40 J M. oJ'V No-i; W" at Weldon with' ll,.- Ion T 'Urt:Ri,,1,IOil.,i ,,J''"" 'uint N"Ml..a,nl with the ,eal.oard and Roanoke Railroad On Mondays W.viuesdaysnnd Kri.lavs m,s enprsb.vrhlK train connects at Franklin vvitii Steamers on the libo.-k water for point- in Easteru Norm tnoluia. will leave Raleigh Sun, lays al sundown. IN . C. WINDER, may uperliitendc-iit. RALEK.1I A Alt; I'J-TA AIR-LIVI-RAILROAD COMPANY. f'HAXIJK Of." S( Mlr.'DCr.K, Sri'EKlN'TKSOKl 'H Ol, KICK 1 KMH lgl), ...Jim.! .-,lh, IS7H . , On and after Friday .Line i;th s7!t Iran.. on the Raleigh Anmista A ir-l.itie Kailn-a.l will run Iaily (Sunday excepted, as follows Totakeeffeet 7:'i0a. in. Mondav Mav I'l Isth' Leave Leave ' Raleigh Kim p m Hi.mu-I !' a ui ('ary s ::i ' Jloiiman.... :; ll - Apex 8 .VI . " Kev .t, .. . .1 .17 " New Hill. .. !il " Liu.- - :.M " Merry Oaks. ! : " .lnniv 1 1'! " Moncure,... ' am. ion i : " Osgood 10 J7 " Sun lord "ill " Sah ford 10 14 " Osgood ii- "' Cameron 1 1 -T7 " M..n. i.r.- ti " Manly 12 ffi a m Merrv inks, ti Blu -'s 2L. " New Hill. ... 7 00 Ke.vser 12 4 "' Ajh-x 7 Vi " Holtinan 1 04 a in ( ar 7 .iy Arrive at Arrive at Hamlet 'I no " Raleigh 8 rui " Train No. 1 connects at Hamlet with tin C. C. Railway for V ilmington, Charlotte and all pointsSouth. No, 2 eonm-'. H at Kajeigll W ith the Hiilclgd A Oastou Rjillroail for all points Norfn. JOHN C. WINDKR, Superintendent. UNIVERSITY OF THE Sfll'TH ! hewanee, Tenn. Highest education on Christian princi ples. Grammar Hcho 1. Cadet corps. Cuar ges moderate. The Spring term opened March 2Hh. Addpeas Chaibm'an. may l?7-o'iittvv-5t

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