DAILY NEWS Kiun.vY Wlhr Report. W AHIOTN,Jur r ' - . - - lo outh-ttI w!tv1. lhtlv rmrr mid I 'r ir rtl cloudy wwtlwr, TbriMntrlril Table. I K.rm.nrlrr at I- l!rHHKn tor. rnfti follow eterJ.v A. II S r. m - Xf Adi rrlltrnifnl. Year-un. I e t rv A Jx kt. I j '. 1EVKKEIX A 1l.AKK for -lW IUdoek A l'i.RK.-lni'l for -' L4H At. HRIFF. Kovrnue rev-ei.'H vet.rl.iy U..4. Mr. V. C Royaler lutnimwl frum hn rv'"l su kufit an-1 is now able to le n tbe slnrlt. The following letter lies in the poftotlioe for little finishing up of the uperription : "John Morton Cong don, 5th tre., Berkly Hoiie No. 2." The brick work on the HplcmlUl store of Mwn. ICaiul A lUrbee tin, will l complete.! to-.luv; Ihov will t or tain I r oo-upy it on the Int. of July. Tliere are many loaiitifiil l.iwnn in thii city just at thin time, but really there i no lie in tlie itv that In so mnv beautiful ones V.. I. A: J.', and they cm I loughi t) loriii eent. Mr. Root the Tax .Who -or re marked to the Mini that akel for an Item, "We have leen here three il.iv and have taken S'iO list-. It will take 2,i to complete the work and then we have only K-im. It is a thiee months' job." And so nay wo all. DlMharfH. Marion Steven. John Johns ml Klias JetT. John, of Harnett miinty, were arraigned yeurdav lefort I nite-I States foinini.H.si.iner t'urnell. on a rharic o( counterfeiting hut vere dis eharyed for want of testimony. Mmm lapr. Newbern la bleAed with daily papers, another having been added to the list. The laat candidate for opuUr favor is the Xrvhrr lmorrtiK It is reddiot Iemocratic in tone, and will undoubt ed I J be a help to the rty in 'arterot. A Trip I f ert Hrn. Colonel Hancock. oT the Kir R i- ment. write- tot aptain rerrell. of I he Raleigh Light Infantry, to as. t rt.nn if it will meet the approval of his coin panv to iihtI the annual encampment of tbe fuarls at Fort Mxn this turn mer. Twelve or fifteen com nie will be present, and a delightful time in ay b expe'tei1. The Raleigh Light In fantry will meet Tueaday night to eon aider. Arteatlew. riremen ! An Important meeting of the Raleigh Hook anil Ladder Company. No. I. will be beid to-night in Firemen' Hall at o'eloett sharp. All netiitem are ear nestly re juete.l to attend. Uy onier of the Foreman. "J. AMa Hakris, s-retary. Raleigh Female Bfmlaary Kinder gjartea. To-day at 9 o'clock the pupils of this Iepartment will be examined. The parent of the children attending the -boo I. and others w ho may desire to do are invite-1 to attend. They will haTe an opportunity of noting the prores of the children in their studies, of examining the Kindergarten work proper, and of witnessing the calistbeu ic exerciaes. A Caae la lUnkrnptr;. Mr. F. of this count v went into bank ruptcy. He tiled a schedule of his ef fect and included the property of his brother and several of his neighbors. One of these latter got panic m rieken and relinquished his clsim ofupwarl of C2uO, and offered to pay $l.lm if his property would bo taken from the schedule. This is more of a fact than a joke. Kalelch Light Artillery. The Raleigh Light Artillery met last night at the Mayor's otti'-e and. was thoroughly reorganized with thirty men. Tlie following omeer were elected: J. W. Lee. Captain; William Hum, 1st Lieutenant; J. Amos Harris. 2d: Frank Faueete. 3d; Charles A. Spark. Orderly Sergeant. Another meeting will be, held Monday night xent at :3u o'clock. lse my I h I k l'r-h. "The say something vhat have no tound'' at the rhief executive oih ?este-day. It wa rmnore-l that a m an v the name of Littletield had telegraph ed the governor that he would -ome to this State if a reasonable bail could be esiabhshetl. As the public haven t heard anything alut this matter le forte.we would be really grateful if some kind friend would give us a couple of mlumn setting forth the un arnihsl facts. A LIT rirsw. fly referring to our advertising col umns onr reaier can form some eoti mate of the magnitude of the business done by Meaer. Stronach A Alleotl. of Ibis city. At their place of business, comer "of Wilmington and Iavie sts.. ran be found about everything in the line of farming machinery that ran le ileaired, such aa ginning and saw-mill engines, threshing and mowing ma chines, ete.. mostly of the r.otvd manu facture of C. Aultman A Co., of Canton, O., whose reputation for farming ma chlnerr and iutpleinents extends far bTon1 the section of country wherein the r are located. In addition to their stock of machinery ther keep on hand a large quantity of brick, lath, hay, etc. The Ann, although of couiparativelf ra-r-ent establishment, has ben quite successful In its business, covering ground that manr older firms have tailed to do, and tlie secret is that they keep none but the best quality of im plements and stock in their lino, and sail cheaply for caah. apreme ('wrt. Court met at 10 o'clock en yesterday. Present, Chief Justice Smith and Jus tices Ashe and Dillard. Appl frm the First District were called aa follow s : J O Blount et al. s. J B Stiokney. administrator, from Beaufort ; contin ned. The Court J W Walker, from Pas quotank ; continued for want of ooun aL Jordan Hlllet al. vs. Overton A Hall, from Hertford; argued by William A Galling for plaintitTs; no counsel for defendants. R H lne s. David Moton. from Pamlico; ar,uel for defendant by Win K Clarke; uo ounel for plaintiff. Petition was nled lor a w rit of crrltu rari in behalf of the State, in the case ot state vs. G W Swepson, from Frank lin. Conrt aiiournel until to-day . V riday i ai 10 o'clock. KaLa-snaT 7 ,UoruN Formed lonr ago, yet made tday. And moteinplovel when others sleep. What few would wish to give away. And none would wish to kep. (Answer to-morrow. A rhromo U about the heaviest prize ..X..sa. th NEWm can aiioru io me mo mmj ryerson th ii to olre the forego foe. So turn in your answers and sten ip totha Captain ofBc and gt Uld. one Tnat Know. Sir Timotheua Finnigan ?n I it fetield. He wtehtw to any : I used to know Mineral Littletield and he was as generous-hearte,! agintlenian aa elvr live.1. He just exactly would I hV. .nnnev freer than any iiiun I ""f ' ... - ti i. Tim Leo ever mei. ne shp-'iuliiig it. met. lie couio. , 1 wish Home moro oi kind wouid only come that ery -.aine linwii iust now and turn looae soi ie x-...,L-.. iii.tm-v without costing m 1 ieidesof.Norl faronna oo..- i I t saxerv fortunate thing that the Mrs. I M.:. MS not here in .ho il.v .Uyn ! or the ring; she might have .etormed t ho radroad ,i:g and stopp.tl them ! r ... ; ..oi.atinr Mirh wormier iaH'r h,onuh"the Northern r- brokers and the moneyed il.ment of ,hc North. Littletield paid ihomc- as well as ..r.l. r cirri. 1 you think a , in would give a check for every dm. k ho g ,c t n fellows in t host) day . IS,,: I ain't goin' to get into any d.s-nivi-m alH.ut Littletield. No, sir! Not anv!!" The ' a-rleulturwl Soelely. The Kxe-Mitive Committee of the North Carolina Agricultural Society iidd a meeting last night at the Yarbo roiigh House. Present Messrs. A Creech, Chairman; Colonel John l. Whitfoid. Captain S. A. Ashe. Colonel . 11 Andrews. Dr. W. Ilia, knall. lr James McKeo. C. H. Fairchild. N . li. 1-Iuip h. Ir. T. K. Hines. ami C. It. lenon. Secretary. The report on the organization ofthe Icp.irtments of the Fair for l-7!. witli the irnm.'eiiient in full of members ot the F.xecntive Coinmittce in charge and uei viiors, was r--ei d and a-toptod. This w ill bo publi-hod i i full hoi oaflor. After general discussion ol interest, inn.nnoction with the management of trials of speed, with the vie lo stimu late the production of valuable horses in our state, it wa.s rcsolv-d. on motion of W. H. I'-M-hurch, that the sum ol'one thousand dollars Im tixeil as the limit of the premiums to be awar.le 1 trom the funds of the Society in the trials of s-Hd at the next 1-air. Ami. on mo tion of lr. P. K. Hinos. it was further res.dvtsl that the entries for premiums ottered by the S.oiety. be restricted to North Carolina bred horses. he Sis retary was requested to cor r jsnnl with the Chairin n of tlie lwird or the IVnitentiary. to as. ertain if ni. t laUr can 1h oitaiiusl on the now road opoiiod to the l air grounds. The meeting adjourned at a l.ile hour after settling many matters of routine business. lonrfrl al the Hear. IMinibttnd IIIIikI Instllulr. There will te an annual Concert and Kxhihition at the Institute for the l af and Iunib and the Itliml this evening, commencing at S o'clock. The public are i-ordially invittsi to be present. Sujoine 1 is the programme: r.vnr i. 1. Anthem--"Jehovah's Praise," Vo cal .las-.. -L " The I.ord Fray er," in signs, Nan nie Kicks. :t. Iuet -"Amesbiiry Walt,"' Mary Lin.lsav and Mamie loby. 4. Poem in Signs "Tarry with Me," Mi-.se Fralev and lVnn. S.lo an. 1 Chorus "(in the Moun tain High.'" Miss Mason and Juvenile class. . Inn ation original; Persevcr- , an c." Master tdiiev Hefner. j T. Vocal Trio Iown Among the , Lilies." Misses Francis, Winchester and Houeyoiitt. ' s. Kc.-itatioti in iiMis Pc.irning the 1 Se unship America. ' Master John Miller. lii'.rnmetital I met " Jei man Shepherd's Song." I FA 11 T II. J !. 'horus -"Mi. e in Council," Vocal class 11. tion. I J. Keeitation in Sign- "Vaccina- i Master Walter Itingham. ) Vocal Solo "The Kridge," Miss Francis. I.'.. Declamation original. "lutein- ' juTiiifi ." Forney Wjllis. 14. lustumeiital Duet "New Vienna Waltzes," Misses Floyd and Parker. 1 .. Hvmn in Signs "Tell me ve Wi ige I" Winds," Miss Allen. l'i. Vo-il Duet "Autumn Song," Mr. Simpson and C. Mears. 17. Deolam.it irtn loriginal "Spread of Christianity." Master Jimmie Ca in in. I Polka "llappv Thought." Meirs. 1'". Kecit.-uion inSigns "Lord I'llin's Daughter." M r. iibson. L". Chorus Vocal class. "Collie. BallliV Bree.es, IH You Iaellie Sunday SVrJol ? " I tinf .S u !' Srhfjol miff h'lir hi N'm.'.i v . ti""f ""iii.t." Send .'C cents to Alfitsl Williams A Co., Kaleigh. for a cop of "S. mgs of i i rat i tude" or ""Crow n of I.;fe and you w ill have the freshest and best of Sunday school hymns. Those Immiks contains just the very pieces that the children love to sing and groan people love to hear. A. W. A Co. will also furnish any other Injoks your Sunday school may need and at the lowest prices. Try them. Prime Timothy Hay, Maishall s LierHM Salt. Clear Bib Bulk Meat, Kgerton's S-otoh Sniiir. For sale st wholesale by W. H. Dot.n. Ilnyllsli llrap tl'Kte Marks. Comfortable and elegant, at B. B. Andrews A Co., C Ha: tors. Price ?"..'o lothiers and A a IMurelle. . In ill diseases of the kidneys the lest known ronusly i the regular useof the lam us Buttalo Lithla water from sprng iiumiUt It acta tromptly ami etlts tu. illy, d.H's not diller in taste from otlu vati rsan.l to those who suiter fr-i i k. i noy complaints it is an indis ptnclie iio.ossiiy. Yk sale by all lirsi iss druggist. t n see it . W hile oilo-r articlo-s of their kind are largely adulterated. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder holds its unshaken jm sition as the (Hires'., best und most re liable. In ail particulars tliatconsti sutes i-rtis-t results, it cannot bo a-pnwf-he.l by any other Baking Powder in the market. I'or Mnle. At Watson's a lot of four and a half gallon kegs, also a lot of brass cocks. all asgixid .u new will be sold for less than rost. Triumphantly. Dr. Price's S(eoial Flavoring Kx tracts have st.sxl the test of science and practical use triumphantly, ami now are taking precedence over all others. They are justly entitled to the reputa tion they have acquired, for their strength, purity and delicacy of flavor. The Very Latest. Plated tea soons at ."V cents per set ! Ca'i any one leat this? levy's Silver and China Warehouses, Raleigh and Cliarlo-te. N. C. Our buyer is now fn New York. Hoy's 4 1 raw Hats White and ixlorcl. the cheapest in the citv, at B. B. Andrews A Co., Clothiers and Hatters. White duck vests at 7" cents S1.0O and Jiiiat K. B. Andrews, Cloth iers and Halters. Particular Xatlre. Business men and others in need of Book and Job Printing of any kind should rememWr that the Nkwh Job oftice is the place to have it done neatly, cheaply and at the shortest notice, i I'nheafsa of Bargains! Who tries his best to please his friends And in his labors never ends. Bargains he'll give vou when you call For No. 10 is all ahd all. Of other houses you hear them talk; In Favetteville street just take a walk And only ask for No. 10, Kept by the most ingenious of men. And w hen his friends by chance drop in Then forth he comes, Lord what a grin, And to their wondering eyes displays Such heaps of brackets and window shades. His pictures are exposed to public view And a variety of cord to suspend them too. His looking glasses and toilet eases Will help adorn vour (onus and faces; Picture frames ami mouldings too In great variety, black, brown and blue. His window cornices and lambrequins tine. Will make your rooms and parlor shine. Perforated mottoes, and white holly baskets. And every other sort of stuff", Of which he hopes to have enough. So now he bids you all adieu And wishes a happy new year too, And not forget C. C. Clawson, No. 10 Fayetlwviile St. Machinery. Ilrewster1 is agent for the sale of threshing machines, cotton gins and everything the farmer wants, also every article the hoiisoKeeper nee Is. Call and ex unii-.c li.s stock and see how cheap his goo is are. Heller Mrs., have received a nuanti- ty of new articles on their con liter. tivo cent Wautofl. A lady of many years experience in teaching, desires to obtain board in ex ohaniio tor instruction in music, or teaching other branches, a few hours daily. Kelt rence given. Address "Teacher," care of editor N'kws. t or Male Cheap. Two gallon oil stands, with pumps and incisures complete, at Watson's (.occr Sioie. (o.iik 4 lo a -.olnjr 'st . Watson, the Fayetteville street iro cer, is really selling at and below cost. To secure bargains call soon. No hum bug in this, he is determined to close hisgr cery business at once. " Moll I Hlorstool. Dr. Price's I'rtam P. iking Powder is l egal .led as one of t he most successful and cre.luai.le products, and it is, if the opinions of chemists, physicians and all classes of consumers are worthy of acceptance, the purest and Pest Baking Powder v : pi.av 1 in the market. m m-Jt. A ;xmI Tiling. Hrewster is agent for Dearborn's pat ent Window Blind Attachment; it makes an awning out of your old blinds that is w ind. ram and sun proof. He either sells or has them put on. Call and ce modei or send him vour orde.-s. !-! IHrertl) w itli ture Irt extracting fruit llavors. Dr. Price deals dire -tly with nature, and leaves the use of artificial extracts to those who have not the chemical knowledge to oviract from the true fruits. Dr. Prices Special Flavoring Kx tracts are conceded to have n peers in the mar ket. -'t The best detTnition of a perfect hotel is an establishment w hich unites the luxury of a palace w ith the comforts of a home. Long ett'ort would fail to give a more concise and titling description of the "St. N ichol:is"of New York, for a quarter of a cent u ry known in Kurope and America as pre eminent among its rivals. Never has it stood so high as under the management of the pres ent proprietor, in point of i'.ti'ic, per fect ion of tittings and conveniences, ami devoto l attention to the tastes ofguests. Woman's Wisdom. "'She insists thai is more important that her family shall be kept in full heil'li. than that she should have all the fashionable dresses and styles of the times. She therefore sees to it, that each member of her family is supplitsj with enough Hop Bitters, at tlie lirst appearance of any symptoms of ill health, to prevent a tit of sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All women should exercise their wisdom in this way." F.d. 'IJie old patron Dutch Saint, whose name is honored from the extreme rient to the l ltima Thule, never had a more striking illustration than in the honor of giv ing name to the "St. V ich olas" hotel of New York, an establish ment associated in the minds of tens of thousands with the most profuse and elegant hospitality. Still in the van, this hotel unites all the best features of the present with the charming traditions of the past. The reduction of price in connection with the excel lence of accommodations makes it the cheapest hotel in the country. ju:t--Ji. Lively Slock dfirrn lions. The current of recent events has given great impetus to business in Wall street, and many successful turns are rejMirte.l whore immense profits are made in short periods. The most suc cessful way that we have heard of yut for operating in stocks is by the Com bination Method of Messrs. Lawrence A Co.. Bankers, New York. By this system thousands of orders in various sums are pooled into one vast capital and operated under the must experi enced ami skilful management, thus, souriiig to ea.-h shareholder superior adv antages and profits, not possible in any other way. Profits are paid at end of :M days. A gentleman in Boston made TI7. :' on an investment of jdoo. M any o 1 ,oi s are di ug as vvel 1 or bet'er. apital in any amount from flu to 5100, i n lean be used with equal proportion ate success by this combination or r'o (t'frnttrr Method. would make 7", or " per cent, on the stock; cl'H would return or ! per cent, dur ing the month, and so on, according to the market. The new circular con tains "two unerring rules for success" and full information, so that any one can operate with profit. Stocks and lxiiids wanted. Deposits received. Gov ernment bonds supplied. Apply to Lawrence t Co., Bankers, .17 Fxchange Place, N. Y. ity. lalie IMease lake -ollce That Heller Bros., have a new supply on their five cent counter to-day. N'owports, nice quality, at ninety cents and one dollar and a q'larter just received at Heller Bros. Oent's calf ties, just the thing for the present warm weather, light and nice. very store. cheap at Heller llros." shoe New supply Heller llros. white kid slippers at It is said that (Jill keeps t ho best of Ileer on drali, ice cold. Trv it and see. Ale. Porter and Mineral M aters. M v facilities for th delivery of the alnive in lxtti r kegs, are Kimerior to any in the State 1'rieea as low as the lowest. M Country orders solicited. Ill m.s, Kaleigh, N. C. City But I ing Works. For Rent. A dwelling house in the city of Ral eluh. Seven rooms, in good repair with necessary out houses. For partica Inrs apply to W. H. Pace, Attorney at Law. " Ocean View Hotel, Osborn A Pool Proprietor, Bean fort, X. C. This house is now open for the re ception of summer visitors. A good bar, bathing houses, etc., are attached to the house. Sailing boats in attend ance for the accomodation of guests. A steatuei will also laud passengers at the hotel wharf, and take excursion parties toany point on th harbor. The table will be supplied with the best the market and water afford. Terms of board 81.50 per dav, $10 per w eek; .J0 per month. We will not "blow our own horn;" but will be pleased to have others do so for us. Gold-boro Mail, Messenger, Winston journals, Tarboro Southerner and Durhui Plant copy one month. For I p wards of Till rly Years. Mrs. Wiuslows Soothing Syrup lias been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, Yeirulates the bow els, cures dys entery and diarrh:ea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. '25 cents a bot tl. Wholesale.Store. Messrs. Iatta A Myatt have on hand and to arrive 300 sacks "L. & M." Family Flour. "si " ";'' 00 " "XX" " 'Z'i bbls. Patapsco and Orange Flour. 40 sacks N. C. Flour. 700 bushels corn. 900 " meal (Virginia bolted). 20,000 lbs. bulk C. K. sides. 2,000 " bat)n and shoulders. 1,000 " canvassed and uncanvassed hams. 4000 lbs. N. C. hams and shoulders 40 bbls. new crop Cuba molasses. 35 " New Orleans 35 " "Queen Bee" Syrup. 2,".:o0 lbs. bucket, tub and tierce lard. 45 bags Rio Coffee. 2') bbl. "yellow" sugar. 15 "A." and "C." sugar. 5 Granulated " All of which will be sold low. Send lor samples ami price list. Latta A My att, Wholesale Grocers. I)ok at the nice and useful article on the Five cent counter at Heller Bros.' Shoe Store. 100,000 feet pine lumber. 2no,oo heart pine sawed shingles. 2,000 bushels lolted meal. 2,0OO bushels corn. 2 car loads baled fodder. 2 " " " hay, and a variety of horse "and cow feed on hand, and more coming. For sale very low by Jones, Green A Powell, 47 Fay etteville street, Kaleigh, N. C. Mackinaw lints Genuine Mackinaw Hats at $1.50 and $2.00, at K. B. Andrews & Co's. Cloth iers and Hatters. VALI'AULKCTI'Y 1,4 I'M r'oA MALI) On ThtirMla.r. Juiie5th,lH79, at 12 111. I will sell on the premises, in lots to suit purchasers, tliat valuable property in the citv of Raleigh lying on the west side of HalifiCX street, and bounded on the south by the lots of Mrs. M. S. Speight and 1). S. Hudgings, Esq.; on the west by Salisbury street; on the north by lots of J. B. Martin, Esq., and D. S. Hudgings, Esq.; on the e;ist by Halifax street. Terms of Sale One-fourth Cash, residue in three equal installments on a credit of H, 12, and IS months, res pectively, with interest at ti per cent., notes required for deferred payments, and title retained until purchase money is all paid. Sale made in pursuance of judgment of Wake Superior Court. Judgment Roll No. :?,15'.. S. F. Mokhkl'ai. May Oth -tils. Commissioner. Cliufaa May be planted in May, June and July." For sale bv W. H. Dodd fcpring IS79 Xew Good. Bargains never before heard of. 1 have just returned from New York where I have purchased a select stock of Dry (ioods consisting in Dress Goods, Lawns, Pique white and colored. Prints in great variety and Prettiest I ever bought. Bleached and unbleach ed muslins at all prices. Boots, siioks axu hats, in great variety. Boydens hand made Gaiters tor Gentlemen all styles both high and low cut vv ith box toe and with out box. Beautiful French toes. J. S. Turner's hand made gaiters for Gentle men high cut with and without box. lleiser's hand-made gaiters for gen tlemen's w ear. T. Miles A Son's ladies' shoes, morocco and cloth. Miles' la di kid button boots. Miles' ladies' kid New port Ties, which are beautiful. In addition to these, I keep a full line of all qualities and prices of low price ' shoes for yei tlemen ai d ladies, and a I nice 'ine of Misses" ami 4 hiblroiis' Shoe. I have a fine line of childrens' white 110-iieel button shoes. My Clothing Department is very at tractive, ami prices more attractive. I am also agent for Devlin A Co., tlie leading custom-made clothiers of N. Y. measures taken and suits made to order Don't forget the famous Boyden Gaiter for gents in all styles, and iny Clothing Department up stairs. Agent Frank Leslie cut paper patterns. Catalogue r ree. ery Kespectfully, J. P. Gui.i'kv. '. WelUel A- Co. In order to be abreast with the times in ev ery resect, this enterprising firm are receiving) daily samples ofall the most fashionable and seasonable goods now in the market. Select j our sam ples and they will send for the goods and make them up in a style that, for elegance and finish cannot be surpassed. Tneir charges will be moderate and suitable to the times. All goods now on hand will be sold at very reduced prices for cash only. Call and examine their stock. You needn't buy unless vou like. KAI.FIU1I MARKETS. Cotton Market: by 1'ARKEK A A VERA. Tot ton Brokers. Rai.eiou, N. C, June o. 1878. Reported Mt.klllns Strict iiw Middling 12H Iw Middling 12 Strict ;mhI Ordinary ll, iood Ordinary n 'H Ordinary Middling Stains 1P4- Ixv Middling Stains .I)1 titxxl ordinary Stains Tone of Market, dull. Middling and strict luw middling in good demand. I I V MARKETS Wholesale I rices. Corrected by CIIIsTOPHKR & SORRKL.L oiticial Report of Grocers Exchange. Raleigh, N. C, June r, 1K79. Flour, North Carolina 86 To 00 Chickens 15 (& 20 Corn m 6.5 Corn Meal 55 (, 60 Bacon, N. C. Hog round 7 (it 8 " hams 7 (a) 9 Bulk Meats, clear rib sides. ... o?-4a 6 " " shoulders 5 Si F, Nori 1' Carolina Pork 6 (ii 7 Coffee, pi line Kio 14 Ch 15 goxl 12 ((ii 13 rtyrnp, S. H 25 ($ Molasses, Cuba M uu 35 Salt, Liverpool 1 65 rtl 70 Suear, white 9 yellow 7la Irish potatoes 1 00 Q 25 " North Carolina.. . fi 55 Sweet Potatoes (seed; '.' i.e. 80 Oats, shelled i , 50 Peaches, peeled 8 per tb unpealed 3 " Apples, northern per bushel.. $1 25 1 50 dried 3 4 Cotton Ties, new " spliced 33,, Bagging ' 11 W 12 Pork 4 fi Peas, jer bushel, white 85 Q 00 " " " stock K5 90 Kggs 15 (g it;?' Butter 15 2 Beeswax 20 0 221 Rags mixed 1 1U o.tton Furs fitter $5.00 Mink 75 Fox 90 Coon 35 Above are for large quantities. When mall quantities are wanted higher prices will be charged. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS New York, June 5. Money at 35. Exchange 4.87i(ii4.S7$. Governments steady at 1.03J. State bonds dull. Cotton net receipts bales ; gross . Futures closed steay; sales 115,- 000 bales ; June 12.92(3)12.94; July 13.17; August l.i.Hofa 13.3b; September 13.00( 13.07;! October 12.10 12.13; November 11.53(11.55; December 1 1.41 (o 11.43; January 11.42(1L44. Cotton dull; sales 220 bales; mid dling uplands 13; middling Orleans l'h ; coesolidated net receipts 1,044 bales : exports to Great Britain 2.903 bales; to France 120 bales; to the Conti nent . Flourquiet, strongly in buyers' favor; Southern flour dull; common to fair extra S4.75fcb5.r50 : good to choice S5.65 Cy,i.75. Wheat, heavv ; ungraded win ter red SI. 1001,1.15; No. 2. l.l51(eU.l;"2. Corn ungraded, 41(g,44, active. Oats heavv: No. 3 nominal at 3(5. Coffee active and unchanged : Rio. in full cargoes. lli(3iL4i : in jobbing lots 12i 15. Sugar firm with fair trade for Cuba; Muscovado OYa.6 5-10 : fair to good re fining, quoted at o(o7-16; prime 6i 9-10; refined fair demaid and firm. Molasses quiet. 1 prices unchanged. Rice, fair request and quite firm. Tal low, fair trade and steady at i5-16 Rosin dull at S1.32i(5,S1.40 lor strained, Turnentine weak Pork opened weak and closed firmer with moderate trade ; mess, on spot, is quoted at?9.00 for old ; S10.00Coil0.22i for new; June delivery sWi.S5: Auttist 810.00fS10.05. Lard easy : prime steam, on spot, 6 25 0.27. Whisky dull, 81.05 bid; $1.00 asked. Freights quiet. Baltimork, June 5. Oats steady ; Southern 39(u,40: Western wlnte 3o(a; 30: do. mixed 33(5.35; Pennsylvania 35 fn.3. Rve a uiet at 00(361. Hay dull ; mime to choice Pennsylvania and Maryland 12.00(oi13.00 per ton. Pro visions firm ; mess pork $9.50 S10.75: bulk meats loose shoulders 6i clear rib sides 4i ; packed 4(o5i. Ba conshoulders 4; clear rib sides 5Ko,6; hams 9J(&104. Lard, refined, in tier es 7. Butter quiet: prime to choice western packed 14(&16; roll 1 1 fa. 1 3. Eggs steady at 1 1 (a) 12. Coffee quiet; Itio cargoes 10i16. Whisky dull Sl.OiifcL 1.061. Sugar 88i. Wilmington. June 5 Spirits tur pen tine firm at 25. Rosiu steady strained $1.05; good strained $1.10. Crude turpentine steady ; hard $1.00 ; yellow dip L0O ; virgin tfz.io. Tar steadv at 824. Corn quiet ; prime white' 55. Cincinnati, June 5. Flour in good demand and a shade higher; for family $5. 10(0,90.00. Wheat stronger and in fair demand; red and white $l.0$(a, 81.11. Corn quiet at 3S(oi40. Oats firm at 32(a,35. Pork quiet but firm at $9.S0 fa,$10.00. Lard quiet but firm ; current make held at $i.0o. Bulk meats strong ershoulders held at $3.60. short rib sold at $4.55; cash sales $4.00; buyer June and seller July $4.00(4.70 ; short clear held at $4.io. Bacon in good de mand at full prices shoulders $4.00 (o,$4. 124; short rib $5.25 ; short clear rib g.".3ofa5.38; Whiskv active and firm at 41.01. Butter steadv and unchanged; Sugar steadv and unchanged. Hogs active: packing. $3. 40(a,3.60. June 5. Cotton Middling, low mid dling, good ordinary : Galveston strong at 12g, 12 and Hi ctsnts ; net receipts 136 bales. Norfolk quiet at 12? cents : net receipts 287 bales. Balti more dull at 13 1-16, i25 and 124 cents net' receipts bales. l:3, 12 and 123 cents bales. Wilmington and 125 cents ; net Boston dull at ; net receipts 336 -firm at 12tJ. 13 receipts 2 bales. Philadelphia quiet at 13g, 13 and 12g cents; net receipts bales. Savannah quiet at 12A, 124 and 112 cents; net re ceipts 10 bales. New Orleans dull and easy at 122. 123 and Hi cents; net receipts 62 bales. Mobile quiet and steady at 125. and cents ; oet re ceipts 100bales. Liverpool, June 5. Noon Cotton easier; middling uplands Oi ; middling Orleans 6i; sales 6,000 bales; specu lation and export 1,500 bales; receipts l,3o0 bales, 1,300 American. Futures buyers offering 1-16 more ; uplands and low middling clause for June delivery, 6 15-16. 6 27-32(0.6; July and August, 631-32: August and September 7 1-32 (i,7 1-16; September and October, 7 1-16; October and November 6$. 4 p. m. Sales American, 6,500 bales; uplands low middling clause, July and An trust delivery 7 1-16; August and September delivery 7d; September and October 7 o-32d. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4-4 PRINTED CAMBRICS Dress Goods At. 8? 3c per yard, 12 VOJi 81.00. Light Colored Alpacas, Hamlet Mills 10c. per yard. The Cheapest Sort-Finish Cambrics States. in the Inlted SOME EXTRA BARGAINS In While Swiss and Oi-Ritndie Muslins, Lawns i Lawns ! Every Style and Color, cents per yard, worth 10 cents. I COLORED DAMASK i 1 a ml Table Covers, Fruit Cloths Napkins i to match. l-ong and Mhort, White and Colored Iaee. LISLE THREAD GLOVES. Yeargan, Petty ad Jones. jtine ti-tf. AMI FOR SALE, WILL RE SOLD AT THE COURTHOFSE door in Raleigh, on Monday, June 16, a iraci 01 lanu 111 BERTIE COUNTY, nu ojiiinz me uiritu or .inhn vc.. -w' a Moore, Hardy & Taylor, and others, contiln ing. by estimation. Five Hundred and Fif teen .Acres, more or less R. C. BADGER. WALTER i;i,aj(K, Trustees of John IH-yb?-' ix, in Bftki r-i- imr juneG-tds Valuable Roanoke Land FOR SALE. RY decree of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, we will sell ai the courthouse uoor iiuacKson, isortnampton coun ty, N. C. On Tuesday, July 22,1879, that valuable tract of land in said county of 1,1,1 iiiaiiifiiuii, nuown as " Jt'ULfc,N TA. containing 2,300 Acres, More or Less, adjoining lands of Dr. Jacobs and others. Terms: One-third cash; balance in one and two years, with Interest. JNO. DEVEREUX,) WALTER CLARK! Comm'". JuneC-'ds CONTROL WE THE MACHINERY V, Mnehine8) of C. for this section. We have a Complete "Threshing Rig" (Separator and Cleaner and Horse-power all mounted., now in Washington, 1. C we will sell low for can. We only sell the best-fully euaranteed. STRONACH & ALLCOTT. P.ATAWBA CO- This desirable watering riace will be open for select visitors 20th Maj ,18 9. 1 he springs are situated near Hickory station, oil t hi Western North Carolina Railroad The bracing mountain atmosphere, with the health restoring properties of tte rjiar ters renders these springs a most desirable resort for invalids and pleasure seekers. The mineral waters embrace Blue and White Sulphur and Chalybeate. It is i the best and most extensively fitted up water-in- pi ice in the State, and can accommo date three hundred persons. A good Band of Music will remain at the Springs during the season, and all tlie facili ties afforded lor amusements usually found at first-class watering places will be offered to visitors. A good supply of ice constantly on hand. . . n Conveyances will meet the trains dailj at Hickory Station, to convey visitor to the springs. ., BOARD ?2 per -day; $30 per month. Re duced rates for families, invalids can have the advantage of four different mineral waters, warm and cold baths, Turkish, hot air vapor and medicated baths if desired. ' DR. K. O. ELLIOTT, june 5-dtf Ownerand Proprietor. NOTICE. By authority vested in me by Act of Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, ratified the 13th day of March, A. D., 1879, and enti tled "An Act to secure holders of policies of Fire Insurance in North Carolina," I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door, in the city of Raleigh, on the 16th day of June, A. 1).. 187H, at 12 m., three Western North Carolina Railroad Bonds, (First Mortgage), to pay judgments in favor of W. O. Long, Ellis and Alexander, against the Farmville Insur ance and Banking Company of Farmville, Va J. M. WORTH, juneS-titds State Treasurer. Collector's Office, Fourth District of North Carolina. Notice is hereby given that the following described articles or property have been seized by me in this District for violation of the United States Internal Revenue laws, viz : No. 1. One cupper still and fixture?, seized September li, W7, near Durham, N. C; said to be the property of Wash. Mangum. No. 2. One copper still seized November 11 1S7S, in Montgomery county, N. ., said to b? the property of Sol. Haywood or Wes ley Dunn. No. 3. One copper still, seized November 13, 1878, said to be the property of Wiley Bcott. No. i. One copper still seized November 13 1S78, said to be the property of Jona than Martindale. No. 5. Five boxes, about 2H) lbs., manu factured tobacco, seized December 10, lf-78, at Luinberton, N. C, said to be the proper ty of J. W. Brown. No. t. Ten boxes, about 4(HI lbs., manufac tured tobacco, seized December 1", 17S, at LuinbertoE, N. C, said to be the property ol J. W. Brown. No. 7. Two part boxes, about If lbs. .manu factured tobacco, seized December 11, 187X,at Lumberton, . C, .-aid to be the property of E. L. McCormick. No. 8. One part box, about 24 lbs., manu factured tobacco, seized December 11, ls78, at Lumberton, N- C, sa'd to be the property of E. Benbow. No. 9. Two part boxes, about 43 lbs., man ufactured tobacco, seized December 12, 1878, at Lumberton, N.C., said to be the property of L. C. Thompson. No. 10. Oue part box, about 15 lbs., manu factured tobacco, seized December 12, 1878, at Lumberton, N. C, said to be the property of J. B. Bowdeiihammer. No. 11. Two part boxes.about. 2f lbs., man factured tobacco. seized December 13, lxrs.tit Holmerville, N. C, said to be the property of A. Home. No. 12. One box, about 5S lbs., manufac tured tobacco, seized December 13, 1878, at White Hou.se, N. C. said to be the property of AUinan & Bro. No. 13. One box, about 50 pounds, manu factured tobacco, seized December hi, 1878, at Moss Neck, N. C, said to be the property of W E. Currant. No. 14. One part box. about 15 pounds, manufactured tobacco, seized December 17, 1878, at Gaddysville, N. C, said to be the property of Page & Co. Nffc. 15. One part box, about six pounds, manufactured tobacco, seized Decembei Hi, W8, at Scuflletown, N. C, said to be the property of James Oxeudine. No. 10. One part box, ten pounds, manu factured tobacco, seized December lti, 1878. at Cotton Valley, N. C.said to be the property of S. W. Harreldson. No. 17. Two boxes, about 80 pounds, man ufactured tobacco, seized December 19, 1878, at Lumberton, N. C, said to be the proper ty of J. G. A. Nicholson. No. 18. One box manufactured tobacco seized January 20, 1879, said to be the pro perty of Dr. Morton. No. 19. One copper still and cap, seized January 24, 1879, said to be the property of Wni. Coble. No. 20. Two boxes, about 80 pounds, man ufactured tobacco, seized January .7, 1879, said to be the property of T. S. Lutterloh. No. 21. One copper still, cap and worm, seized February a, 1879, said to be the pro perty ot'Ishman Howell and Mott Barbee. No. 22. Oue copper still, cap, worm, ax, shovel, mattock, two bucket- and one tub, seized February 8, 1879, said to be the pro perty of Jarnes Scott and Win. L. Oakley. No. 23. Twenty-eight gallons of corn whis ky, seized March 15, 1879, said to be the pro perty of Clinton Cheek. No. 24. One copper still, seized March 15, 1879, said to be the property of Willie Young and Henry Herndon. No. 2.. One copper still and worm, seized March 20, 1879. Owner unknown. No. 2). One copper still cap and worm. seized March 31,189, said to be the property of Jehu Mobley. No. 27. One copper still, cap and worm. seized April 4, 189, said to be the property of John ii. Langston and Troy Langston. No. 28. One copper still, seized April 17, 1879. said to be the property of John S. Parker. iso. 9. one box, about 40 pounus. manu factured tobacco, seized May 7, 1879, said to be tlie property of J. F. Lewis. iso. 30. Two ooxes, about w pounds, man ufactured tobacco, seized May lb, 1879, said to be the property of J. B. Lanier. xso. 31. Two copper stills, two caps and two worms, seized May 9, 1879, said to be the property of one Rurnsider. No. 32. Ji wenty-seven boxes, about 1.200 pounds, manufactured tobacco, seized Slav 20, 1879, said to be the property of W. E. Currant. No. 33. Twenty boxes, about 9fi0 pounds. manufactured tobacco, seized May 22, 1879, said to be the property of J. F. Boggerby. sto. 34. two part boxes manufactured to bacco, seized May 23, 1879, said to be the pro perty of J. G- Oherl. No.3o. One copper still and worm, seized May 23. 1879, said to be the property of Mitchell Stone. No. 36. Two boxes, about 100 pounds, man ufactured tobacco, seized May 23, 1879, said to be the property of J. F.Boggerly. Any person claiming any interest in said property is hereby requested to come for ward and make claim thereto within tbirtv days from this date, and show cause why 11 snouiu noi oe iorieitea to ine United btates. Oiven under my hand and seal of offlfp this 27th day of May, 1879. uaieign, . l. ISaAH J. YOUNG, Collector 4th District, N. C. may 27-deow4t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY : Rachel Smith, neainst Zachariah Hampton, J. J. Lock hart and R. . Aiorris. H. J. Smith, administrator of the estate rr Rachel Smith, dee d., hereby notifies tbe above named defendants that, on the 22d of July, A. IX, 1879, at 11 o'clock, A.M. before the Clerk of said County, he will move lobe made a party plaintiff to said action, wherein Judgment ha been ob taineu; and for said defendan LS In fihi it cause why execution should not issue. a. j. sail in, Administrator. S. G. RYAN, Attorney. THE KENDALL Patent Shingle Machine. Makes fiom 2u.txi0 ii :-ui nnn ck...,j shingles per day, from the bolt, with three hands and four horse nower. Mu iroa gles faster, better and cheaper, than can be done by any other means, simple, strong, direct cuting, not liable to wear or breakage It IS the most valuable wnnH chine ever inveuted Patented Ki.ma,w 4 th 1S79. For sale, by State rights only. A. W. Tocbob E, Agent Baleigh.N. SarWatawlia Spes, N . C. NOTICE ! North Carolina Railroad Company, Secretary axdTkkasukek's Okk'w p Company shops, n. c .(1 The Thirteenth Annual Meetln.r ,,f ' Stockholders of the North Carolin,, i Road Company, will be held in n, , , i',"" N. C, on the second Thursday of )u', and the Transfer Books of stock of ,ai,i ! ,! pany will be closed from this date .JnI :.""L"' Tnr the meetintr. ' "ul "f- W; I' Tliorii!nr. -. x. i . n. ,.. June 3-ddw3w- The Macon Hou AT- MOREHEAD CITY. will be opened on the 1.1th of .tunc entirely new management and Persons seeking oviicrshit t HEALTH OR PLEASURE will find this an agreeable and sort. With REASON A11LK 'TERMS. i. i . . "cauii v 1 he proprietor promises to spare no i,ui, in making pleasant the stay of those Ji favor him with their patronage. Connected with the House ar .,., t RIUTKunil roliuhUmwl . '""II men. New and convenient Bath Houses mi. lite and attentive servants. 'Ht- JOS. B. DAVls may30-lm ' j WILL YOU SELL tllB FARM ! Chapin's Farm Agency, RALEIGH, N. Dr. A. B. Chapin, Manager. North 4'arolina Branch of Urorge Cbapln's Farm Areiicy,Ilotoii, Ma. Special attention given to the sale of m. Carolina Real Kstate. No charge lninl.-n, til a stile is effected. All proiiertv iiti-i-i our hands for sale will be advert ied in t' popular work. The South Illustrated iri.t. ,j expense. The Charleston News and Courier miv "Everybody has heard of (ieo. H. ( 1 1 ; , j . f, , , farm agency ,and few are unacouainteii Wjt( the success which has attended its nin-m tions." The New England Farmer savs: "i;,.,, II. Chapin has advertised his farm ton,r amount of ts")0,0UO during the past jear f commend him to our readers. The Aiken, S. C., Review sayn:"Xo t,uf has done more than Geo. H. Chapin In n. cause of Southern immigration. mr vH Jlt,e is thronged with Northern people in seanh of Southern homes, and good sales are I.i-ii,k made. The "South Illustrated" Ik doiii" a great work for us." The New York Tribune, the Boston ,.r. aid, Journal. Traveler,! i lobe, and Ad ei in, r speak in the highest terms of Chapin ' 1'aiu, Aerency. N. B.-8MALL FARMS (particularh , wantel at once. ffic Fis r Building, KALKHi H. .( nviy 2Vtf- Bragassa's Bragassa's Bragassa's RE confectionery confectionery confectiOnehy STORK, STORK, STORK, lti Fayetteville street. 16 Fayetteville afreet. 16 Fayetteville street, KALE ,ALE .ULE 8- C, N. NEW BANANAS, LEMONS AND ORANGES JCST KEi'KI VKI. may 16-tf TAC0B S.ALLEN RALEIGH, N. c (Formerly Betts & Allen. i Contracts for Buildings In any part of the State, large or..Mnnll. wood or brick. Thankful for the m'tn lib eral patronage heretofore extended to Hid old firm of Betts & Allen, he hope l prompthess and fair dealing to nic.rit a mil ti nuance of the same. MlOl ON HARRINGTON STREET, win Ti lt crosses the Raleigh & (Jaston Railn.iM. RKFKKSBV l'EKMISMION TO SalllC. W I "' Cashier State National Bank ; John C. l'.hik.-. Cashier Raleigh NatU nal Bank; 'ol Anderson, President Citizens' Nan i.i.i Bank, Maj. J. C. Winder, Superintcn .it m Raleigh te (jaston Railroad; Maj W Ii Baeloy, Clerk supreme Court, may i4dfim B. F. MONTAGUE ATTONEY AT LAW. Office over J. P. (inllcy s Si. in . ltAI.KIlI, .. . Special attention give-n to ColUetioii Claims, and1 Remittances promptly in.i'l''- KKKSKS BV l'KK.M ISSION 1(1- Mate Vi'Ml.- al Bank : Raleigh National Bank; itin National Bank; Chief .liifitict- . .V " Smith, and Judge (ieo. V. M nnir. Ban it'' N. C. may 17-iiu T.J. FOSTER &C0, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars General Ooininlnsiou MereliKHi No. 112 Empire. Rlock liroad s: red. Tubarrin a specialty. Rome, (Ja., Afiil 17, '.t,'.). april 2;l-tl" Valuable Property for Sale. Eighty building lots In the city of ini-r' boro. Fine situations, low pri'-cf, )IV-V terms. Novisthe time to buy hoti-'- m thisIeasant aid iSou ing citV, w lip Ii I' sure toliecome, at an early day, 1 1 1 - raiifon" and man u fact uri ng ecu ter oi t he Stai . I terms and particulars, nj j.ly to J. 1'. u v Postmaster, (treensboro, N. ('. or.V rt To lirfct , i'.h leif.' h, N ' . WALTER CLA.TK, A T jA W ATTORN FY liALKIG ii, H u. Practices In th 8tat and Federal t'oarti Collections made In any part of the Stat;. Offlceln Bagley Building, comer FayUta Tile and Martin Ftreets. iec2il7 TXTAXTED AiFXTJ-Athome l" XX travel. State wli ich pi v fcri ! : ;'" amount wanted per month tor f i m-' expenses. Busines-j honorable, )erinMh'"'. and easily oiterated W rite u. M.'A' CO., (Jeorge Street, Cincinnati, ' may 2S-did FOR SALE ! 20 Bent ;iiiiiiiix Fnfclnc, IO beat (Snw-.nill Kiiglne lO bel Factory Kng ! $10,000 value Varml.ig Machlmery and I"' piemen ts. lOtk,MM feet best T.uniber. TitHi.aoo best Bricks. lOO.UJO Laths'. 211,000 lbs. Timothy JU 20,000 ft8. North Carolina Hay. LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Stronach & Allcott. ONFEGTIONERY STO CONTRACTOR BUILDER

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