DJlLY NEWS SATURDAY, - - JL'NK !?'.. Waathr Report. AMi:urx,Jiiiie V For thJuith AlUntlc fclllmt fel low r.1 by r1ine nmfer wirm "-uth wnurlv'wlnjt. icrnerwl! hlftlnic to i-der northi b' partly eUuid or I iJ) went her. Thrrmcuiflrlral Tabic. Tti !irmooeier al I flranwn a tk or. mn(rJ follow ytenly : . IS " r. h M - M latlt I Adirrtlirmrnlk IIi.l.LKR Hrh. no', ire. W. C A A. II. Stkhn ai'II. For sale. H. II. PofK. -Tilvi-o. National Sikuiul I.v-titltk Loral notice. IAH AL RKICFW. VHir next-lbor neipltlor meet Voll DOM . And gA.t for L h an. I inoj. hi- brow, A tul li u(. In evM iil ambles slow, An-I fail' hnn.elf ith ht h.ij-eau. Then irroan. with mel m holy phi. "MvfVM '. how mw fully hot it i V Then to the mul fountain ir'.-, An with t!ie froth on the end of hU ne. With jjm.'eful motion wink hi c- -Y &d ! this in uc ur ' llwre he he ! Improvement hve Uvn ntlo in Mnin'n iopuUr suction hotic, A drummer' lii-enne w indued to the Taylor Msnnf idurinif Co.. of Wtxnini"er, M.I.. rMtenUy. Ten thouun.l lolUr worth of old bond were rei-efted for cx hnc by the Stat Treasurer yetenlay. - TheMeepIe of the Ss-oiui Presby terian rhurch i now 1-eitur rnvi-rH with tin which will soon le painted. Meer. FTIllncfon. Royster t heon of the uict complete archi tectural building atablihiuenU in the South. The Fire Association phi on yesterday made with the u:e Treasurer f PhiUdel it niit of Ini'ed tsts bond. Tte Friend of Temj-eraiii-e h.-v , ' tk intoK1 hi-ky nn.l von will ?ee. . Jr.r vt that !!fr he looked onre he didn't We an tiling hut the bottom of the gla. Commencement KTfriei of the Bptil Female Seminary Unriu Mon day nifht at the Salisbury street linp tist cbureh ami will omtinue Tueiav nibl at the School Chapel. OhIv three pace- of the Yarlro ich Houe re'i!er filled with arrival yes terday. A stranger looking over the "Traveler - .Mourn' miht imagine that "mine host." Ir. was superintendent f the census as well as publisher of a (' Iirectoiy." A spirited nmo of bae hall !-' tween the Teumfh ami Junior CI til 'Mmooffat the IUptt drove ester lay afternoon. The came atf rcted o tii i erable attention, nd from the n..Ue ruale one si.fe or the other mus. have reeelve it ,lue merit of applause. The nre tol : Teunis h 9; Jui iir Mev.r. Yeartan, I'ettv A Jues hve a evisilty at present in the line of ploves that'will atlrai't irentral at tention aa 4xn as known. Itv referring to the advertisement it will be eent!iat the"Ire top Lisle thread gloves' is the j-evialt v referrevl to. These gloves extend well up the anu and are beo-m-in leservelly i-opular as thev arerool and do not stii. They are of v arious hades and nnno: fad to please. T!ii firm is doinc its lt to supply the wants of customers and in iiiseijue:Ke therejf i meeting with a fair reward. p rente Canrt. The jutis were in u n . 1 yester day, and no arguments were heard. l'Mlld huiM 'trenll anrl. Hut two casvs we re arcu-l. Harriet J. For vs. Charles Iewev, assignee of the lUnk of North Car.l'iia. and M . s. Kmma 1114 k nail v . the um, on m appeaj frnin the l!Htri."t oiirt. ex put -in pnof of deU. In Uth cane's t!ie deeree of the evurt below w .is af tinned. Pfraal. Iler. I. Hoe. of Hi. hni .t d. Km a part of yesterday in thi itr at Institute." on a visit to Hev. l'ru ry I-v, 1. D., his uncle. F.tlorU were made to have him remain in the ei:v and preach at the Presbyterian Chur.-h SunJi. but an eifrarement at llaiu den SyJner College, Va.. preenteI. ytr'm IIIlrj of North Carolina. Messrs. Alfre.1 Williams A Co.. itb. publishers of "Moore's N.-hl lftstonrof orthrro4iiia." hav e an-i-d with the State Hoard of Kdu.uti.m tt furnish the 1 1 istry school e-liti.n to pupil in the piibltr wbooli at Mr,m',, rent per copy, by mail, rwist ai i. Ulher .-hool m the .state will l. j.u,- ! plleii at the same prW. Full elo.h j t Library edition f I. sr copy v mail, ! pu4 puu. .very .North (' outcht to read this hook. C ert at Ike rveaf. Unm b awd Kllnd Iwatllwte. There was a large audience preseut at th hall of the I nst it ute last ev enitur to listen to the entertainment given bv the pupils of the Institution. In every rwapect the eoneort and exhibition w.Js ucrwi and was appreciated hv the audience. The exercises were inter persed by re-.l and instrumental music by the blind, and by lgn-ssHk -inic by the deaf and dumb. The selec tions were good, arvl the ren.lernig of rh piece waa and mould have 4oxe erevlil t lho who have the use of their eye. Those who were present were highly (rratitied by the performances of tho.V who took part, and highly th it this Institution gives such giod in structions to our deaf, dumb and blind. Mr. and Ma 5umjHon, teachers of music, have a warm place in the hearts of tbair pupils, and are kindly remeni berd by the many friends who know bow much they are interested in and now wen tney nil the powuion th. hare been honor. I with. TU Svlatatlac Sxbs frvjeet. i The public w ill be pleased to learn Uiat the movement for the establisU menl of a aw imruuuf 4 hool and batli- Ing piace sem to have met vritb pop- l . t a " . uur approval, a r ovular organization has bn formcsl. with Mr. P. F. Pes cud aa President, Samuel C. White. Secretary, P. T. C. Lincke, generai manager, aji.i an executive committee fomjHd of Colonel W. 1- Auderaoti, L7T. Jiran .Mchw, ttoveruor W. W. Holden. K. W. Best, F.p. Capt.Un t! V. L. ir. ;rtrge W. Bla. kiiali, W. H. I'nuvroae. llsj. The looabty cie-:ed i the jxmd in the old Mordecai grove w here it adjoins Oak wood cemetery, w here the branches unite. Here a mJ w -n l constructed that will Is; amply large enough to a. -commodate all and with a g'dl.tiom. Th jfTounds will ln iucUms1 n,i furl ntshedw ith all isn v euiem t nd the Dtmurr appliances to prevent axl dcots, "d polt- regulation will le aLabltahed that w ill prevent th pre. nc Of improper and disorderly char acters. The committee has fixed thetfrmsat $3 for adult and t :) tor children for th season, which extends from Jun lith to September 1st, whicu also in cladrs taitlon. ToevsDiug jt each wek will t dv wtel exclusively to childxto. and parents will be In v ita J 0 w lch the pnrsjsa nxade. The totr list for subscribers may be .found at impion"s drugstore, and if a suinoient number are enrolled to justify the ne rossary outlay the pond will he imme diately constriieted ami everything in readiness by the appiintel ilay. np f llie ltnrsi oi ie - men. The Hoard of Aldermen met l;,st evening. Present His Honor, the Mavor a:id a full Hoard. The reNrt of the Street Coininission er was re-ei vel. amendel and adopted. Application of Charles I. Friel for pertni.Hion to build a bako oven w :is refernsl to the Fire Ciiimi.sioners. Petition for street lanijs on eerlain streets was referral to Comtnittoo on Liirhis. Petition from tlw Fire I cpartment for an a-proiiriation to ai-t them in detr.iv inir ex penvs In reteiv inir visit ing eompanies on the Fourth of July, was read, and after several amend ment and some debate, the amount of the appropriation was fisl at floo. A petition was rweived from I. H. Craw fonl to allow him to extend his stall in the market four feet, the work to be done at bis own expense, and grn".-d. Resolution to extern! the market hours from soYlovk p. in;? to to -elude the months of June, July and All1ls,. was jviissed. A mo: ion was offered by Alderman M;i;,un to ad journ but was w ithdraw n in order t" allow Alderman Kicks to offer a resolution, amending the eitv ordman. -c prohibitinjr the hu ksters from buying previous to 8 o'clock u. rn., uiakiuK the hour 7 instead of f a. m. Tikis eause.1 ensiilerable deb;e, when Alderman Hunston Miijrjrested that Alderman Kicks put his amend ment in writing and then iuovh1 an atljournment until : '" o'clock on l'ri dav ev enin next. "arried. A Xew Invention. William K. Tanner A Company, of Kn luiiond, Va-. are furnishing a spark extiisirnisher, th it is pronounced by thes'veral insuratit'e agents and mc ehaniral tiicin4sjn present a erfe-t Mici ss and the In-st contrivance they had seen. They commend it most hitfhlv, and signed the fillowiii paper as to its etlicienry. We, the umlersitrneti. representir r the everal insurance -oinp.inies and Fire I'epartment, Ac, of Kiihmond. Va., visited this niht the Metropolitan Iron Worksof William K. Tanner A" Co., to w itness ail exhibition of their Patent Premium tpark-K.xtinuuisher. We would slate tiiat the severest tet was appliod by exertimr the full swer if the emrine in drivinr a ie-e of in: -cliinery. that the tire was kept constant ly H'irred in order to cause an increase in the volume of sparks, and that the rv-ui: was a thorough and most satis factory v indication of the men of this Spi -k-Kxtinuuisher, as not a sintrle si.ark esi at'1 from the smoke-stack. I he test hav ing In-en made at night, an escaping sjark would have been plain ly visible. Asa further test of the full efficiency of this Sj;irk-Kxtiiiguisher, a lare bundle of dry cotton vvastv was su-s nded iinmediately .on top of the smoke-sun k of the engine teste ! on this oi-casion. and remained there several minutes without igniting, though the stack was only about twelve feel high K II. Iog lie's fn lubneeu I'aetory al llurhiuu. Mr. K. II. Pogae. an enterprising t iti reu, formerly of 1 1 iltsboro.. has recently eris-ted at lMirham, a magnificent three-s"'-ry framed factory, 4'.x i fect, whose daily capacity is six thousand pounds. He is a gentleman of fifteen or twontv years' ex perien. e in hainlling tobacco and i- well iiiahi.ed to conduct a first- class business. He handles only the best raw material, and ucs great care in selee! jug such leaf as is udapted to the manufacture of standard tobacco. Hi ii'tof .rr Purl) tm has been noted for the manufacture id' smoking tobacco, but Mr. Pogue w ill put up all grades of pi ug and t vv ist tobacco, and it is deter mined that iMnham shall also, in the future, have a repiAalioii as a uianufac- turrig center oi chew lug lulu Mr. Pogue" s "Sitting Hull's sin . king tobc.-o" is a very u I.r standard brand, fast growing in popular favor, and i e-juul to any now on the market. 4 oiHaratl ve Cotton Nta t emen la. Nkw York. June . Net re.-cij.ts at all L". S. iort.s iiui mg vv ci'ii , iii,'i; Nt p-ceip'.s .it all I. s. j.orts same week l.tst vear. Ti-lal lieceipis to this date, same I is". ear. K.xnri lor tin week, " same week last Total exports to this date. " " same date 4,'t:l ,1.14 4.l7ii.::pi 1 4.'j;i7 year, 'a7f-0 .1 i. 1 is last 3.1 !'..:--,, Stix-k at al! I. S. jorts; Sts k at all Mrts same date last ye r. t k at all interior townsf Kame la!e last vear, sts k at livrpoolt same late last year. Sto k of Auii rii'.iD iitlont for Hritain. Stock of American alloal for i:4'i.!'7.i l,ss 2n,.1sii .1U7. noo treat nrit.iins.iuie time vear. Ica'.i' That Jetf lav is is going to publish an autobiography is an announcement said by his assistant to have been entirely uuau'hori-l and onject u ral, atid it h:i.s imposed iisn ltli of them an oner ous ati. unns-.-ssary burden of or ieioiiirtiv. The assistant adds tha if Ir. Iav is should publish such a work, "jl will, no doubt, le made known at the proper time aiul probably in the usual wax." The editor of the Pahlonrga Signal was shown last Thursday ev ening bv Messrs. C. M. Moore and" K. V, Mulh' nax a nucget of pure cold vveighing'JI enny weights and Is grams, which they found at their" mine rIhiiiI three quarters of a mile front town, on what Is know ii as the Tan-Yard branch. NvrtovvT. Ilun:i. s. U. street A Son Propri-tors. Jones Watson. Chapel Hill; James C McKiiunjoii. Halt iuiore: John K Miteh ener. Franklin;. ui; Mrs II Tomlinson. Fianklintoii. Louis Silherstein. Isii.rc Pa.Uusou, Timiiiiu. Daniels, New Iterne l apt II P ;uess. Miss Kula Iiurhain.' MrsS A Page. Cary; Hamilton T Jones' For est v ille; John 1. Palmer, New Heme, Charles M ormick, N CK K: W .1 Winga'e, W.ike Foiest College; Win T Hruiitmorid. Norfolk. Va.: Miss Geor gia II Coggin. liurhai.i; fol John 1 Whitford, New Heme. Ia.k at our Five Cent counter. Heller Bros. Indies, don't forget that besides the various articles displayed on Hellers' 5 cent counter, that Shoes and Slippers are ifoing very cheap. Slippers 4iH ts; Waiter lavta; New jvorts at yocts and 91.Z.K iKirt forget the place. Heller Bros., No. 31, Fayetteville street. National Nnrslcal Institute. Two of the Surgeons of this notable Institute will visit Kaleigh, North Cur oiina, June 6th and 7th, IsTy. stopping at the Yarborough House. Thev will have with them a tine outfit of'bnues and surgical appliances, ami will be preared to treat all kinds of Deformi ties and Chronic diseases, such as club feet, hip diseases, spinal disease, pa ral v aia. piles and fistula, catarrh, private disease of the eye. etc. Kor full par ticulars, address" National Surgical In stitute, Atlanta, lia. Ijuge variety of Infants' sandals just ceived at Hellers' Shoe store. rts-e Attention Farmers! Don't buy wooden-bottom and naner-aoltst Itro- ganswhen vou can buy the Virginia lenllentiary hand-sewi shoe at Heller Bro.-the best .bo to plow in. Price reduced to l.J5. Trunks. Satchels and Shawl straps in large varieties, very cheap at Heller Bro's. Shoe store. Infants' and Children's shoes, sandals and alippers from iJOcts up at Hellers Trinity Normal School. The Normal School at Trinity College w ill commence on Tuesday, J uue iHtu, and continue four weeks. All arrange ments have leen made and the school in all particulars will be equal to the best in the eountrv. To teachers who stand an approved examination upon the studies nreseribed bv the State Hoard of Ldiication certificates will be given, good in any part of the State without an v further examination. There will be Us-tures on vaiious subjects, and every means will be used to benefit teeclieis." Kindergarten and object teaching will he taught and illustrated bv :iii.ioiriate material. Hoard, in cluding furnished room. $1.54) to $2.00 per week. Ample room for those who dsiro to board in aclub. No other ex pense. One fare on the railroads. May 1K79.- H. Ckavkn. The Very Latent. Plated tea spoons at 35 cents nor set Can any one beat this? Iaw's Silver uml China Warehouses. Kaleigh and cii iiioMc X. C. Our buvor is now in New York. Iluv's Straw IlntM White ami colored, the cheapest in the . itv -.u 11. H. Andrews A (V.. Clothiers anil Hatters. White .lin k vests at 7.1 4-ei U $1.00 ?I..Miand .oiat K. H. Andrews, Cloth iers an I 1 1 alters. Particular Notice. Hnsiness men and others in need of Book and Job Printing of any kind hrmld remember that the Nkws Job otllce is the place to have it done neatly, cheaply and at the shortest notice. l iiween. While other articles of their kind are largely adulterated, 1 r. Price's Cream Baking Powder holds its unshaken po sition as the purest, best and most re liable. In all particulars thatconsti sntes perfect results, it cannot be ap proached by any other Baking Powder in the mai Let. tor Sale. At Watson s a lot of four and a half gallon kegs, also a lot all as good as new will than cost. of brass cocks, be sold for less Triiim !iantl . Dr. Price'.s Special Flavoring Fx trii is iiave stood the test of science and practical use triumphantly, and now are taking precedence over all others. Thev are iutlv entitled to the reputa lion' thev have acmiired. for their strength, purity and delicacy of flavor. Prime Timothy Hay, Marshall's Liverpool Salt. Clear Kib Hulk Meat, F.gei ton's .Scotch Snutf. For sale at wholesale bv W. II . IODD. English Irap l"Kle Sacks. Comfortable and elegant. Price $-1.0 at K. H. Andrews A Hat uts. Co., Clothiers and As a Iitiretie. In alll diseases of the kidneys the best know n remedy is the regular useof the fame us Buffalo Lithla water from spri'ig number It acts promptly and eile luidly, does not diller in taste from otln : "vat'ersand to those who sutler fr i i k. i 'neyVotiiplaints it is an iiulis tnil.le necessity. For sale by all tirst class druggist. I"nlienr1 of Bargain! Who tries his best to please hi friends And in In Bargains he labors never ends. give you when von call For No. lo is ail and all. Of other houses you hear them talk; In Favettcville street just take a walk And only ask for No. 10, Kept by the most ingenious of men, And when his friends by chancedrop in Then forth he comes. Lord what a grin. And to their wonderinz eyes displays Such heaps of brackets and window shades. His pictuiars are exjxsed to public view A ii I a variety of cord to suspend them t.x. His loking glasses and toilet cases Will help ad-Tii voiir forms and faces; Picture frames ainl nioiiidings too In great variety, black, brown and blue. His vv in. low- i-orniees and lambrequins line. Will make your rooms and parlor shine. Perforated mottoes, ami white holly baskets. And every other sort of stuff, 4f vv hich he hopes to have enough. So now he bids you all adieu And wishes a happy new year too, And not forget C. C. Clawsom, No. 10 Favetteviile St. Machinery. HrexTstcr is agent for the sale of threshing machines, cotton gins and everything the farmer wants, also everv article the housekeeper nee Is. Call and examine his stock and set' how eheaj. his goods are. iieiier nros., received a ouaiiti- ty ot new articles on their live cent counter. Wanted. A lady of many years experience in teaching, desires to obtain board in ex- cuange ir instruction in music, or teac hing other branches, a few hours daily. Kefcrence given. Address "leacher, care of editor Nkws. Oeala Directly wllli alnre. in extiacting fruit llavors. Dr. Price deals directly with nature, and leaves the use of artificial extracts to those who have not the chemical knowledge to extract from the true fruits. Ir Price's Special Flavoring Kx tracts are conceded to have no peers in the mar ket. -t a It Is lo jour Interest to Kuow that Payne Bros.arenow making the best oricKson tins market and selling them low er than the low est. Thev can afford it as they give the business "their undi vided attention and being practical men know how to make them by economy and of best quality. They use the well known and long tried "Crab Tree Clay" which is unsur passed in the State of North Carolina. We guarantee our brick and work- to give perfect satisfaction. For further tniormatinti .-all on v avne Allcott Agent, corner Will and Davie St's.. or i i... ". ... " "-"t """'i 1 ATXK IJROS., P. ). Box 75. Kaleigh N. C, Freh Arrivals at D. T. Johnson's. Kichmoiid bolted meal, 5oo irs nice white corn bulk meats, N. C. hams and sides. A large lot of peas, (different kinds.) Cuba molasses in bbls and tierces, Jo bags collee, different grades, I'u bbls nice yellow sugar. :i0 sacks flour. We offer these goods to the trade at . rices that an t fail to please. (Jive us a trial. A few chufas on hand vet, I. T. Johnson. I. T. Johnson. Wholesale .-riK-er and commission merchant, U llmington street, 2 doors north Market, is constantly receiving ...nsignments of eggs, chickens, Irish potatoes. N. C. Bacon, ami all kinds country produce which he always sells to lest advantage and remits promptly. ive him a trial. His stock of grocer ies is large and w ell selected, and he offers special inducements to perso .s Uiyiug in quantities. Write to him lur prices. Ocean View Hotel, Osborn Pool Proprietor, Beaufort, X. C. This house is now open for the re ception of summer visitors. A good bar. bathing houses, etc., are attached to the house. Sailing boats in attend ance for the accomodation of guests. A steamei will also la; id passengers at the hotel wharf, and take excursion parties toanv point on Uih harbor. The table will be supplied with the best the market and water afford. Terms ot board $1.50 per day, 10 per week; $30 per month. We will not "IAw our own horn;'' but will be pleased to have others lo so for us. Goldsboro Mail, Messenger, Winston journals, Tarboro Southerner and Durham Plant copy one month. Kor I pw arils of Thirty Years. Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dys entery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 cents a bot tle. WlioIesaleStore. Messrs, Latta Myatt have on hand and to arrive ' 300 sacks "L. A M." Faniilv Flour. iO 44 44!W 44 oo 44 "XX" 44 25 bbls. Patasco and Orange Flour. 40 sacks N. C. Flour. 700 bushels corn. 900 44 meal (Virginia bolted). 20,000 lLw. bulk C. It. sides. 2,000 44 bacon and shoulders. I,0ti0 44 canvassed and uncanvassed hams. 4000 lbs. N. C. hams and shoulders 40 bbls. new crop Cuba molasses. 35 44 New Orleans 35 44 "Queen Bee" Syrup. 2,200 lbs. bucket, tub and tierce lard. 45 bags Kio Coffee. 2J bbl. "yellow" sugar. 15 " "A." and "C." sugar. 6 " Granulated 44 All of which will be sold low. Send lor samples and price list. Latta it My att, Wholesale Grocers. Look at the nice and useful article on the Five cent counter at Heller Bros.' Shoe Store. UH), 000 feet pine lumber. 200,000 heart pine sawed shingles. 2,000 bushels bolted meal. 2,000 bushels corn. 2 car loads baled fodder. 2 4 hay, and a variety of horse and cow feed 6n hand, ami niore coming. For sale very low by Jones, Green A Powell, 47 Fay etteville street, Kaleigh, N. C. Mackinaw I lata Genuine Mackinaw Hats at JI.50 and $2.00, at K. B. Andrews A Co's. Cloth iers and Hatters. VALl ABLE CITY LOTS f'OK MAI.K On Thursday. June5th,l7,Rt 12 ni. I will sell on the premises, in lots to suit purchasers, that valuable property in the city of Kaleigh lying on the west side of Halifax street, and bounded on the south by the lots of Mrs. M. S. Speight and I). S. Hudgings, Esq.; on the west by Salisbury street ; on the north by lots of J. B. Martin, Esq., and D. S. Hudgings, Esq.; on the east by Halifax street. Terms of Sale One-fourth Cash, residue in three equal installments on a credit of H, 12, and Is months, res pectively, with interest at b' per cent., notes required for deferred payments, and title retained until purchase money is all paid. Sale made in pursuance of judgment of Wake Superior Court, judgment Boll No. 3,15J. S. F. Mokdkc vi. May Gth-tds. Commissioner. ('hnfaa Maybe planted in May, June and July. For salejiv W. II. Dodd Spring: 1H79 Xew foola. Bargains never before heard ot. 1 have just returned from New York whero I have purchased a select stock of Dry Goods consisting in Dress Goods, Lawns, Pique white and colored. Prints in great variety and Prettiest I ever bought. Bleached and unbleach ed muslins at all prices. BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, in great variety. Boydens hand made Gaiters for Gentlemen all styles both high and low cut w ith box toe ami with out Imx, Beautiful French toes. J. S. Turner's hand made gaiters for Gentle men high cut with and without box. Hciser's hand-made gaiters for gen tlemen's wear. T. Miles A Son's ladies' shoes, morocco and cloth. Miles' la- tl i - kid button boots. Miles' ladies' kid Newport Tics, which are beautiful, in anflition to these, I keep a full line of all qualifies ami juices of low price shoes for M'i ilemen ai.d ladies, and a nice line of Misses' and Children Shoes. I have a fine line of childreus' white no-heel button shoes. My Clothing Department is very at tractive, and prices more attractive. I am also agent for Dev lin A Co.. the leading custom-made clothiers of N. Y. measures taken and suits made toorder Don't forget the famous Bovden Gaiter for gents in all styles, and mv Clothing Department up stairs. Agent Frank Leslie cut paper patterns. Catalogue Free. Very Respectfully. J. P. Gullky. '. Weikel A Co. In order to be abreast with the times in every respect, this enterprising firm are receiving daily samples ofall the most fashionable and seasonable goods now in the market. Select your sam ples and they will send for the goods and make them up in a style that, for elegance anu finish cannot be surpassed. Tneir charges will be moderate and suitable to the times. All goods now on hand will be sold at verv reduced prices for cash only. Call ami examine their stock. You needn't buy unless you like. (joinjr Cheap Going Fast. Watson, the Fayetteville street Gro cer, is really selling at and below cost. To secure bargains call soon. No hum bug in this, he is determined to close his grocery business at once. Well I'nlerstool. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is regarded as one ot the most successful and creditable products, and it is, if the opinions of chemists, physicians and all classes of consumers are worthy of acceptance, the purest and Best Baking Powder ever placed in the market. m30-2t. A Ciood Thins:. Brewster is agent for Dearborn's pat ent Window Blind Attachment: it makes an awning out of your old blinds that is wind, rain and sun proof. lie either sells or has them put on. Call and see model or send him your orders. The best definition of a perfect hotel is an establishment which unites the lnxury of a palace with the comforts of a home. Eong effort would fail to give a more concise and fitting description of the 44St. Nicholas"of New York, for a quarter of ii century known in Europe and America as pre-eminent among its rivals. Never has it stood so high unuer ine management ot tni- pres ent proprietor, in point of ( v.(.;, per fection of tiltinurs and com e:iieiuM nrl devotod attention to the tastes of guests. The old patron Dutch Saint, whose name is honored from the extreme Orient to the Ultima Thule, never had a more striking illustration than in the nonor ot irivunr name to the 44St. Nich olas" hotel of New York, an establish ment associated in the minds of tens of thousands with the most profuse and elegant hosnitalitv. Still in the van this hotel unites "all the best features of the present with the charming traditions of the nast. The rednotlnn of prices in connection with the excel lence of accommodations makes it tha cneapest notel In the country. BALEIGH MARKET. Cotton Market: Reported by PARKER & AVERA. Cotton Brokers. Raleigh, N. C, June 6. 1879. Middling 12: rinct Liow juiaojiug Ixjw Middling Strict Good Ordinary (rood Ordinary Ordinary , Middling Stains I.ow Middling Stains Good Ordinary Stains... Tone of Market, dull. .. ..12 ....11 ...11 .11 Middling and strict low middling in good demand. CITY MARKETS Wholesale Prices. Corrected by CHISTOPITER fc SORRELL Official Report of Grocers Exchange. Raleigh, N. C, June 6, 1879. Flour, North Carolina So 75 ($6 00 Chickens 15 (a 20 Corn 0 Corn Meal 55 Bacon, X. C. Ho round 7 44 44 haras 7 Bulk Meats, clear rib sides 5- 65 60 8 9 6 o 7 15 13 snoutaers Nori h Carolina Pork Coffee, pi i me Rio 44 gojd Syrnp, . H Molasses, Cuba Salt, Liverpool Sugar, white 44 yellow Irish potatoes 44 44 North Carolina. Sweet Potatoes (seed) Oats, shelled Peaches, peeled 44 unpealed Apples, northern per bushel. dried Cotton Ties, new 44 spliced Baeging Pork Peas, per. bushel, white 44 44 " 44 stock Eggs Butter Beeswax Rags mixed 44 cotton 5 6 14 12 25 as 65 35 70 y i 1 00 1 25 50 55 75 $ 80 45 (at 50 8 per Id 3 44 81 25 I 50 3 4 4U 3 Vol 11 " 4 I 12 6 90 90 20 22X 85 15 15 20 a 1 Furs Otter 15.00 Mink 75 Fox 90 Coon 35 Above are for large quantities. When mall quantities are wanted higher prices will be charged. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS New York, June 6. Money at 35. Exchange 4.87i4.S7J. (jrovernments steady at 1.03J. State bonds dull. Cotton net receipts bales ; gross . Futures closed steay; sales llo,- 000 bales ; June 12.92 12.94; July 13.17; August 13.35 13.36; September 13.06 13.07;; October 12.10ft 12.13; November 11.53(11.55; December 11.4111.43; January 11.42(511.44. Cotton dull; sales 220 bales; mid dling uplands 13; middling Orleans 13A ; coesolidated net receipts 1,044 bales ; exports to Great Britain 2,903 bales ; to France 120 bales; to the Conti nent . Flour quiet, strongly in buyers' favor; Southern flour dull; common to fair extra ' J4.75fSn.j0 ; good to choice $5.oo fa.G.75. Wheat, heavv ; ungraded win ter red ?1.10i.l5; No. 2, ?1.15i1.15J. Corn ungraded, 41 (a; 44, active. Oats heavy ; No. 3 nominal at 3(3. Collee active and unchanged ; Rio, in full cargoes, lH14i; in jobbing lots 12i 15. . Sugar firm with fair trade for Cuba; Muscovado ))(a,G 5-16; fair to good re fining, quoted ut 0(u,7-16; prime 6J 9-16; refined fair demaujd and -firm. Molasses quiet, prices 'nucharlgedi Kice, fair request and quite firm. Tal low, fair trade and steady -at 65-16-Hosin dull at $1.32i($$1.40 for strained. Turpentine weak Pork opened weak and closed firmer with moderate trade ; mess, on spot, is quoted at $9.00 for old ; JlO.Oufu) 10.22! foi new: June delivery $9.s-; . August d0.00:?10.05. Lard easy ; prime stea'ra, on spot, 6.25 6.27i. Whisky dull, $1.05 bid; 1.06 asked. Freights quiet. Ka LTiiTORB, June 6 Oats steady; Southern 3940; Western white 3o 36; do. mixed 3335 ; Pennsylvania 35 (0,36. Rye quiet at 6061. Ilay dull ; prime to choice Pennsylvania and Maryland ?12.00a)$ 13.00 per ton. Pro visions lirm ; mess pork $9.50 $lo.75; bulk meats loose shoulders 3J ; clear rib sides 4j ; packed 4i(oi5. Ba con shoulders ilky ; clear rib sides 5J(a,6; hams i'Jfaloi. Lard, refined, in tienes 7. Butter quiet; prime to choice western packed 1416; roll 1 1 (ft 13. Eggs steady at 1 1 12. Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes 10i(j,16. Whisky dull $1.06(0,1.06. Sugar 88i. Wilmington, June 6. Spirits tur pen tine firm at 25. Rosin steady ; strained $1.05 ; good strained $1.10. Crude turpentine stea l' ; hard $1.00 ; yellow dip $1.60 ; virgin $2.10. Tar steady at 82. Corn quiet ; prime white" 55. Cincinnati, June 6. Flour in good demand and a shade higher; for family $5.106.00. Wheat stronger and in fair demand; red and white $1.08 $1.11. Corn quiet at 38 40. Oats firm at 32(0)35. Pork quiet but firm at $9.90 fo,3 10.00. Lard quiet but firm ; current make held at $6.05. Bulk meats strong er shoulders held at $3.60, short rib sold at $4.55; cash sales $4.60; buyer J une and seller July $4.604.70 ; short clear held at $4.75. Bacon in good de mand at full prices shoulders $4.00 (q. $4. 12; short rib $5.25 ; short clear rib $5.3.")(o,5.3?s; Whisky active and firm at $1.01. Butter steady and unchanged; Sugar steady and unchanged. Hogs active; packing, $3.40(3.00. June 6, Cotton Middling, low mid dling, good ordinary : Galveston strong at 12i, 1Z and Ilf cents; net receipts 136 bales. Norfolk quiet at 12 cents ; net receipts 287 bales. Balti more dull at 13 1-16, 12J and 124 cents ; net receipts bales. Boston dull at l:l, 12 and 123 cents ; net receipts 336 bales. Wilmington firm at 12jJ, 13 and 125 cents; net receipts 2 bales. Philadelphia quiet at 13g, 13 and 12 cents; net receipts bales. Savannah quiet at 12, 12J and Hi cents; net re ceipts 10 bales. New Orleans dull and e:isy at 12j, 123 and llj cents.; net receipts 62 bales. Mobile quiet and steady at 123, and cents ; net re ceipts 100 .bales. Liverpool, June 6. Noon Cotton eusier; middling uplands Oi ; middling Orleans 6J; sales 6,000 bales; specu lation and export 1,500 bales; receipts 1,.K) bales, 1..500 American. Jb utures buyer s offering 1-16 more ; uplands and low middling clause for June delivery, 6 15-16, 6 27-326i; July and August, ( 31-32; August and September 7 1-32 (iy7 1-16; September and October, 7 1-16; October and November 6J. 5 p. m. Sales American, 6,500 bales; uplands low middling clause, July and August delivery 7 1-16; August and September delivery 7id; September and October 7 5-32d. I,alics Please Take Notice That Heller Bros., have a new supply on their five cent counter to-day. Newports, nice quality, at ninety cents ana one dollar ana a quarter just received at Heller Bros. Gent's calf ties, just the thing for the present warm weather, light and nice, very cheap at Heller Bros.' shoe store. New supply Holler Bros. white kid slippers at It is said that Gill keeps the best of Beer on draft, ice cold. Try it and see. Ale. Porter and Mineral Waters. My facilities for thb delivery of the above in bottles or kegs, are superior to any in the State. Prices as low as the lowest. Country orders solicited. M. Bills, Raleigh, N. C. Citv Botling Works. For Rent. A J welling house in the city of Kal ejgh. .Seven rooms, in good repair with necessary out houses. For particu lars apply to W. H. Pace, Attorney at Law. - For Sale Cheap. Two 50 gallon oil stands, with pumps and measures complete, at Watson's ' G rocery Store. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR-SALE! A fine blood bay "mare, Ave years old, fast trotter, works well anywhere, thoroughly gentle, not afraid of cars, guaranteed per fectly Pound and h bad tricks. , . Also, one banker pony three years old! works well In single or double harness ; has been ridden. some, but is not . well broken to saddle. Will sell either of the above for cash or on time, at reasonable price. ' ' W. C. & A. B. STRONACH. "Italian Insect Powders " If you wish t rid your house of flies, Itaiiu Insect Powders are guaranteed to do it in a few minutes. . W. C. & A. B- STBONACH, Juie"-tf Manufacturer's Agents. MANUFACTURED BY E. H POGUE. MSEMARK. UtIRnAM.Jf.C. RCSISTMCa J. J. THOMAS, Arcnt, Junc7-ly Kahjigu. N. C. 4-4 PRINTED CAMBRICS Dress Goods At 8e per yard, 12 FOR S1.00. Light Colored Alpacas Hamilton Mills 10c. per yard. The Cheapest Soft-Finish Cambric in the I'nited Cambric in State. SOME EXTRA BARGAINS In White Swiss and Organdie Muslins, Lawns ! -Lawns ! Everj- Style and Color. 6' cehts'per yard," worth 10 cents. A fine assortment Qurtain Lacg with L A M B K K Q U I to match. L A C E N COLORED-DAMASK And Table Covers. Fruit Cloths Nankin to match. Iong- and Short, Wbite and Colored Lace-top Lisle Tireafl Gloves. Yeargan, Petty ad Jones. june6-tf. WE CONTROL THE MACHINERY (Ginning Engines, Threshing and Mowing Machines) of C. Aultman & Co., Canton, O., for this section. We have a Complete "Threshing Rig" (Separator and Cleaner and Horse-power all mounted), now in Washington, N. C, we will sell low for cash. We only sell the best fully guaranteed. Stronach & Allcott. CATAWBA CO-. N. C. This desirable watering place will be open for select visitors 20th May, 1879. The Springs are situated near Hickory Mation, on the Western North Carolina Railroad. The bracing mountain atmosphere, with the health restoring properties of their wa ters, renders these Springs a most desirable resort for invalids and pleasure seekers. The mineral waters embrace Blue and White Sulphur and Chalybeate. It is the best and most extensively fitted up water ing pLice in the .State, and can accommo date three hundred persons. A good Band of Music will remain at the Springs during the season, and all the facili ties afforded lor amusements usually found at lirst-class watering places will be ottered to visitors. A good supply of ice constantly on hatd. Conveyances will meet the trains daily at Hickory fetation, to convey visitors to the Springs. BOARD S2 per day ; $30 per month. Re duced rates for families. Invalids can have the advantage of four different mineral waters, warm and cold baths, Turkish, hot air, vapor and medicated baths if desired. DR. E. O. ELLIOTT, June 5-dtf Owner and Proprietor. NOTICE. By authority vested in me by Act of Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, ratified the 13th day of March, A. D., 1879, and enti tled "An Act to secure holders of policies of Fire Insurance in North Carolina," I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door, in the city of Raleigh, on the Kith day of June, A. D., 1879, at 12 m., three or more Western Nort h Carolina Railroad Bonds, (First Mortgage) to pay Judgments in favor of W. O. Long, Ellis & Alexander, and Collins, against the Farmville Insurance and Banking Com pany ofFarmville, Va. J. M. WORTH, June5-dtds State Treasurer. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY : Rachel Smith, against Zachariah Hampton, J. J. Lockhart and R. F. Morris. H. J. Smith, administrator of the estate of Rachel Smith, dee'd., hereby notifies the above named defendants that, on the 22d of July, A. D., 1S7, at 11 o'clock, A.M., before the Clerk of said County, he will move to be made a party plaintiff to said action, wherein Judgment has been ob taineu; and for said defendants to show cause why execution should not issue. , A. J. SMITH, Administrator. 8. G. RYAN, Attorney. THE KENDALL Patent Shingle Machine. Makes from 20,000, to 30,000 perfect, shaved shingles per day. from the bolts, with three hands and four horsepower. Makes shin gles faster, better and cheaper, than can be done by any other means. Simple, strong, direct cuting, not liable to wear or breakage, it is the most Valuable wood working ma chine ever Invented Patented February 7th 1S79. For sale, by State rights only. Address, A. w. Toukobb, Agent Kaleigh, N . Hue GatawDa Sjrags NOTICE I North Carolina Railroad Company, Secretary andTeeasurkk's Ofk'ic- COMPANY SHOPS, N. C, 31, 179 The Thirteenth Annual Meetinir ,,r ,, Stockholders of the .North Carolina n ,T Road Company will be held in Cl.arl '" N. V., on the second Thursdny of juiv and the Transfer Books of Stock of nal.i i pany will be closed from this datfe uiit m "" ter tbe meetinir. ' 111 W. I. Thornbiirr Sec'y. N. f. It. k.7 June 3-d5dw3w The Macon Houe I AT MOREHEAD CITY, entirely new management and owners '.in Persons seeking "'I1 w vB.'.aa. LUC l.ll in I 11 itn ... HEALTH OE PLEASURE will find this an agreeable and beulthv . Sort, With REASONABLE TERMS. The proprietor promises to spare no imi,,. in making pleasant the stay of those u i favor him with their patronage. 0,!aected with the House are (im.i, BOATS and reliable and experleueed 1 1, men. 'fa New and convenient Bath Houses ami lite and attentive servants. lseb-and i"- " , JOS. B.DAVIs may30-lm WILL YOU SELL tlie FARM ! Chapin's Farm Agency, RALEIGH, N. Dr. A. B. Ohanin M :..-, 1 " " " - North Carolina Branch of Ueorg n Chapin'a Farm Agency, Koston, Ma.j Special attention given to the sale of Carolina Real Estate. No charKe mad, ,, til a sale is effected. All property ilici i our hands for sale will be adveriKcd ,, popular work. The South Illustrated frei .fr The Charleston News nnd Courier ni.i "Everybody has heard of (ieo. H. ( Iiain'i, . farm agency ,and few are unacjuainto.l wul, tbe success which has attended lu odhJ tions." f " The New England Farmer savs: "(;,. H. Chapin has advertised his farms toil, amount of SoO.OlIU during the past year 1 commend him to our readers. The Aiken, S. , Review says:"X0 rn has done more than Ueo. H. Chani n in u cause of Southern immigration. Our iUIL0 is thronged with Northern people in s,,, tl of Southern homes, and good salt s arc l , h, made. The "South Illustrated" is doiii,' h great work for us." The New York Tribune, the Boston Her ald, Journal,Traveler,(ilole,ai)d Alvirn,r speak in the highest terms of L"hapin'b 1 aiiu Aereney. N. B. SMALL FARMS f particulars , um wanted at uiirc omce Fis r Building liALKI (ill, may 25-tf Bragassa's Bragassa's Bragassa's CO N F ECTIO X E R Y ST( ) R K CON FECT I ON E R Y ST( ) H E CONFECTIONERY STOKE 16 Fayetteville Mrcet, 16 Fayetteville Htreet, 16 Fayetteville street, HALE 3 ALE 3ALE NEW BANANAS, LEMONS AND CHANGES JUST RECEIVKD. may 16-tf JACOB S.ALLEN CONTRACTOR 5 BUILDEE, RALEIGH, N. C ., (Formerly Betts fc Allen.) Contracts for Buildings In any part of the State, large or sum II. wood or brick. Thankful for the very lib eral patronage, heretofore extended to tbe old firm of Letts & Allen, he hopes l proinpthess and fair deuliug to merit u con tinuance of the same. -HOI'S ON HARRINGTON HTBF.ET, where it crosses the Raleigh Si Gaston Railroud. Rkfeksby i'kkmission to SamC. White. Cashier State National Bank ; John ('. Blake. Cashier Raleigh Natk nal Bank; Col. W. K. Anderson, President Citizens' Nalicmul Bank, MaJ. J. C. Winder, Superintendent Raleigh & Gaston Railroad; MaJ . II Baglcy Clerk supreme Court, may ildtfni B.F.MONTAGUE ATTONEY AT LAW, Office over J. p. Gulley's Store, KAMCIGII, N. C, Special attention given to" Collection Claims, and Remittances promptly made. Reksks by I'kkmission to state Nation al Bank: Raleigh National Bank ; Cilit nx National Bank; Chief Justice W. N. ii Smith, and Judge G to. V. st-r." I'' it-h N. C. may 17 dtf- T, J. FOSTER &C0, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars General 'oiiimiioii Merthnnt, No. 112 Km pi re Block Broad Nlreet. To1mc-con h Mpeelalty. Rome, Oa., April 17, Jx7. april 2-tf Valuable Property for Sale. Eighty buililini: Jo's In the city of Greeim boro. Fine Kl'na'ions. low prices, ao terms. Now is the time to buy house In this pleasant and growing city, which U sure to become, at an early day, the railroim and manufacturing center oi"the State. K.,i terms and particular-;, apply to J. I. While Postmaster, Greensboro, N'. ( '., or A . . To urtee, iak ih, N WALTER Ci.ArtK, ATT0U Fy 'l TAW KAl.rrUlH N (). Practlc In th Hnt nnd Kir! Cnnrti Collections made In aty pit .T tu St&ta. Office lu Eapley BuiY .i,. cciuer Fayette vile and Mart .-n ctve?t. rtec2ttlT TXTAXTEI) AKXTN-Athome or to XX travel. State wh kh pi lei red ; il amount wanted per month lor v I vices and expenses. Business honorable, permanent, and easily operated Write u. SLOAN CO., 806 George .street, Cincinnati, O. may XJ-did FOR SALE I 20 Best Ginning Kngliien, lO best fcMwOIIU Engines, lO bet Factory Knaliies. 810,000 value Farmi.ig Machinery and Im plements. 100,000 feet best Lumber. 500,000 best Bricks. 1U0.OU) Laths. 20,000 lfcs. Timothy U0 20,000 ns. North Carolina Hay. LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Stronach & Allcott. ONFEGTIONERY 811: K: 8..