1 DAILY NEWS SATl HPAY. - - - - JI NK H. 1- in vi;r a jurdo. pKoi'RiirroKH I Alitor. n k. Ksorm rrpdrt. Wo patdithl In f ri Ur Nkui a vuoprN of the report the'Ju lii.iry CiUiiiuiU ofiue lloufof IUir4Mi;.i tite. To report v a written " toe II. i. J. Irovtr K n-tt. eli i.rm.m of the coiunii;:ee. It ha-1 I i pnui i for iii time, bul ow inic to the illnci of Mr. Knott the preent.Miii .i h.: ponM fr.m tlm to time until t'.o Ifii'.lrnian wa phyiin'llr a'.le to at ten I 1 1 it. Thi- report eritl ie t!it rioti mcsa.fi of ti e Pre4lnt vetoing the 'Terl appropriation LilU ent him on a.vtunt of the rtpi!in,: ent'uei in them. The rt jrt i, tem perate but at the -ime time it ii severe It rtieues the several Min?.H railed in the veto neHAj;es in the liirht if history, and aims to et.iMi!i the oint that the President hv not only not reen well Informed in re.ir.l to the p.u ti.ular iasue in ontro ery. but th.it he has also, at different time., held different opinions in re.trd t vsh.it was re iairel of him in the premise. The President himself in .ju te I .n altnit tln that "any mi'tt.iry interference whatever at the i-olls is eontr.iry to the spirit of our institution, and would tend to destr y the frefloiu of elec tions. Tne report mikes it evident that the act of onirres of February -T. which h.v been frequently :id.lueel as an arfrntnenl in favor of the excess ive Federal authority een isnl at. the poll, was really an act intended to rr atriet that suppose! authority, which was naturally sir .lined to the utmost . during the war, upon the theory of a "war power" outside of the constitu tion. The report claims that the words "or to keep the pence at the jolls" were not in the orinin.il text, ami that they were inserted in spite of the sticn uous protest of a larire number of the friends of the original nu-.isure at the time the hil was paed. who iint.Hl out the danvrerous pm.-ti-es which might le reported to in o nsc-jiience of misapprehensions in that regard. These ots, the re; -or; claims. haeLeen coiu and the repealing clauses to which the President objects have been introdu.-ed solely with a view to pre vent a continuance of these miscon structions and the mivleeds founded on them. The report contends that Congre3 is to be theoIe judge of the propriety of its proceeding, and tl.it the criticisms which the I'resi lent has dire.-tei against them are at lea-.; in bod taste. In rejrarxl to the oit-.Uui e of the ecntive"s objections to the reealinc clauses, the report says that "tlie entire argument against the neeeity or tiie bill is therefore left to rei upon the President's reiterate 1 Robert ion that troop have not been and will not be used to interfere w ith any Stare le. tn n during his a.lmitiistratioii." Thai as ss-rtion wo not sin. ere. but ui. fortu nately for its validity a- a reason f.r refilling to approve a b.ll lesljfiie I for ,tr. . . . . ..-.., s tlie oilii ial term i.f ibe a this present Kxecutne is liniitetl. and he may le suex-eeded in the evalti-l tlon le ovupies by one v ho w ill feci a iet scrupulous ret; ar l for the freedom and purity of the bdi..t iLvi l.o pro fesf.r himself to entertain, .'iou-.ntr, he is human ami liable to r!uii,v, i.d oo one um utiiiseii can kn.os to wfi.it extent the partisan debates in Cougrw have iurtui. e 1 his oj ini-n.s e en ujsxi lite ju.sti n invollevl in the ve;o.M under consider it ior. I ii a lieopitisui. me rej ort says, the subjef-tsmust.lt' uen.i uou tl.e gto.-w iil of their mas ter, "but a fre popl., f thev wnild ...i m--t um! uji.n ;ijc guar- aiitifs of H.iti e law -." I: i- n '. uim.ii Ir. Ilivf. lutetitioiiM. in o'lierword d ii iini rre correc tion sm 1 rev ;i .n .if the statute, that Conr.-.-s w is!es to rest the pujity of eIe-tiou9 itftc future. The report meets u.e President alev erv point uon constituti ve! and li:str.ri eAl"Toands. and its v a!:ie .is a public document must lc meo..irsl by the accuracy wiUi wln.-h it Hist-uase theae important leyial and technical bsues. Its teiner and judicial I aiaa -e are un questionable, ud are worthy of the highest coniuieiidatioit P.KrtKUtNo to the aj.pl.canis w ho have beeu awaitimr their initiitorv ex amination at West Point, a i-orrespon.l-eut on the ground says: "Such a crowd "of raw-l-oned, ureen. gipin .j e i " mens of yiuiiir hnmaniiy was stirclv " never gaihere-! together for admissioii ' to any oilier u-adeutie institution in "in the country." Vet. it is an undis puted fact t ha- the graduates of West Point command the public respect and are considered better c-juipped for a professional carter than even the grad nates of Harvard or Yale. The expla nation must te found in the discipline and the rigid adhren e to system, which peculiarly distinguish the na tional miiitiry a:id naval aca lemies Prom common iK-hoola to univ ersin.-,. the leirdencT at prem ut is all in the di rection of laxity of rciTTilations. In exalting the value of m..ral suosi-m ana tne rule or kindness, public opin ion has forced the educators of youth to manage the Utter without insisting upon aubordinatic.il to auperiors and implicit oletiience to orders. In de parting from the old, severe and often brutal system, we have gone to the oJ-er extreme. The reaction which may be expeeted cannot come t.o sk:i. It is high time the present weak and aeuUinental methods of dealing with the rising generation, gave place to a firmer and strict- r rule. Thk New York legislature at its last session J asel the follow ing act, and other Slates ha ing a se i co:it whereon summer resorts or watering places are located would do well to profit by the example: It sJiali be the duty of the owners, leasee iroprietor, or other person,' m waging n" istaat, or other watering pUreM. wilhiu the limits and jurisdic liwoi this iSoale, where aurf-baihinir ii rwrrieU or. ami where aurf-baiJiing priviieg-sjrtud at-cmnmoilaJioiia are fur nished lo aulais-aibeirs or to the general public, for payment, to provide and (uaiotain throughout the Lathing ea- Sjn, in Kjxviceable condition and ready L.-f.,r iSonftdiata use- one or more sun or f life-b.t-, or other eflMeilt and e0.iily servueable life-avtni; aprratus . lor the protection, safety ad rescue of bathers: atd if any ow ner, lessee, pro prietor, or manager as for- lid. shall control or use for stirf-'-aihi'i pur--o-tes a lx-ieh or shore of creaier linear, extent than Hu h humlrod yards, such ow tier, lesf.', proprietor or ni.unurer shall p'rov ide and iii.untaiii. us afore oid, uuc uch uil'ur iif-loat, tr suoli other efficient and i-iii.tUv -. i i eab!e life-savin apparatus lor eery mice hundred bur yards of beach or shore eoutodied or usel by him. The crew l'auv such life or surf-boat shall con sist of not less than two men. Tiik "Hon. William K. hnu hr visitinj: statesman and itolitical fund i;rablcr, also a great patron of the press w lei it exalts him tothe ijnn-x eleva tion of ft KepuMican "statesman." has issued a pamphlet, to be circulated among the members of the New Hamp shire legislature, entitled "Keply of William K. Chandler to the slauIci of Hon. lUinbridue adleigh, lately L ulled States Senator." tocitUer. with a ropiest tor explanation f some of the a.-rs of Vad!eii;h while Senator. It iiiiut ha e Im-ou a reuiarkable s:a i -incut that could have roused the New Hampshire "lion," for he has of late years l-cen i-on-idered as the ivo-iesser - of an cnuxuioks oiuouitt ol .i-.iran e that was proof agiinst all attacks. Tiik New York Times refer.- to the withholding of tiio commi.sioii of Paul Strohach as postmaster at Montgomery, Alabama. Iy Hayes after the former's coufirmaliiui. It says Strobach whs orderevl to resign on penalty of his son's removal from the land ortif. Strobach is for a third term for (iiant and could not be relied upon to suj -jrt Sherman. Mixi""iKH StoI hIiton, ow ing to his olitieal existence to returning-board-im in Louisiana, naturally tiiula the government of Russia all 'hat is admi rable. The paternal gov ermont of the i Vir, ha thinks, would be just thething fv.r this country, and if the Democrats could only ie Mippressrd like the Nihi list., there would be nothing left to wish for. Tiik Tre.isury learlinen t willaliort ly issue a circular concerning the bill re"entlv passrvl, fixing legal tender cliaracter of fractional silver and pro viding for its redeiiition. The circular will direct all ofTicers of the tioverti nient a tTec ted to comply with its pro visions. Tiik Southern Claims Commission w il! be alolihed after next March. IMILIIK 41, XlfKS. I'harh-s Foster, Republican candidate f.r iov ei n r of i hio. 1 v e I thel'uion so iiev otedU' that he dido' l dare to t rust himself near the front .hiring the war. He sold dry i:hi.1s and .n cumulated lejal tenders. And when the tattered, luttered loys in blue came liack he sai 1. "1'idn t we just everlastingly w ollop em T Ft w as j ust old clory, and for my reward I'll take such othce as are coing." The party is tilled toovei llow in.t vi:h patriots of that kind. And lle y ve min.tgefl to nih all the iC-hmI placs. lsk at the I ederal oili ce in I'lni.iK'u! It's the same story evcrv w heie. ' ''o.-.f-. 7't -. In Washington it is jiistiiow a m ittcr :' i e i iii ' i rejfirt that Secretary Slu-r-in .n. for s ,,,. paM Jjah, (.,uf- ti. f-holders in the South to secure del-e-riolis to the ishiv eritlon from that ss-ti u w hich can be relied upon to supjf.rt I.iiii. There, is no direct evi dence that there is any truth in those r. por'.m. iu it is a loci worthy of note that gentlemen who hold Cov rnment iMtsitions in the Sfcith have ie.-eit!v b"giiti : v .ii an intcr'-s! in M;i;ical atla::-s and a.motsi li a ui.tn ile.-Iared in favor of Sherman for President. V. )'. " . We be.ive in the Us. i.f t!nj ::i t hme to make ft..,. ..,. .nklni4 Pri -i ! .ii. il sifh a thing is possible, j . j-,,s I i ;i: v will, however, tuin upon the result '.f the nomination of the ItepnMi. an .-an li.btle ffr fgoiernor iu this state this fill. If the richt man is nominate.! ns election is ipiite .s-rtam. If . c-nndi-date should 1 nominated nt accepta ble to th i-eople the danger is in 'ie l-l.llllllein, J,,., eniy ol losing Cm- S:a:( but of ..,inir the moral eibv-t h it v i isryfA.ei: i irmg. .V. ). t t . . onway, the m who won a bad gro cNodos agitator, name in Li i-sLiii w here he formerly lived. ind i.o.v lo- ca'es his resilience iu New .lr.v h .- be.-n in Iloston for sever il davs'p ist nlorv; with Turner, the s;. Louis col ored pie ehet ot piallv ii;:sav..iy rip uta'io i, 'rying to engage the svmpatiiv and suppoit of the invpnioi and othe'i friends of the slred people. Appa rently his missnei fjas been unsuccess ful, as it certainly deserves to i.e. st,rtn ji I.l ,i'unn. lb pub! icaus themselves hnvc made the issue by asserting the right to sta tion armed troopa at the jmI1s. (in tlut issue f.eneral Mwing is sound, and eon seiueiitly deserves the siipprt of rvrrv maii who wishes to. nrositrvo i.... uom an. I iml.-nemlcuce m' the i. allot box. A. ) . Sun. Mr. Smalley wiite thai the .id i Ro publicans be lieve too national imrtv r- ga-.iiition is in the last stages ..f liin tegrauoii. and will evaporate i.. ,. heat of the coii,-i next f .ll A Michigan ra;.er. i!iiiVi-f,,r,i t .- alan.-he. hoist, the na ie- ..r ' ' , handler lor President. i.x-tovernor henton , ls 1 s . 'en su -- gesi-.j f,r so.-on.l place w-tctn the an:i-;iant ti'-ket. He er. eier .Menu It. New ,.rk 1 ril.an. dlds. v o . ;.; . W'l.,1 I iflir i! .1. con fiiiuii :i iv - t 1. 1... I ' ' "fill. ... ... lam i uas never mi It., v.l... : H1o;h niii-i ii-rui iiiea m -mi- i.. . i .. Mr i I I .- , . 'os ictrers. t II. uls IfS'ls con VIII.-... I II... i -. ... in.- kii . bilit v ol iH'intr i-;ll.-i . . ' 1 sung caihii . I. : - J . ,, , . foreign to i r rant s bought, and that any movements to bestow pub.,,- honors after his !rr ft which woul.i have a ,..i:,;.. . . ,rn,l. noiu lerin is U.I...M.. : . 1 l" e e a Will I .1 l -t-f , i . . , . '.. i isasvu excursion affair l lie pro- speculation aided by the rairoa.M r t-lulds sIVs there will i.- .....i ... . uusiness a handson.c re.vpt,.,,, tendered ..enerai (.rant by the city of San 1 rancisc , u n a few 1 V T '":sc, an. I V. -oii.tt iiun.is. will cross the csMitinent to uke i.art in u,V e him. but their trip v n liVi Mr. general tin'mt exi J San l mncisco in .July, unU ; and imemis to inakj an ... rSo, o all p!a e of interest on th- n.. . . ' ri wi t e , , - " hiiii; ...,-! aril he ineaii! to turn te.v i lavs ai V ircinia l itv. Nev a...i hi W:iv east wiP Mt;(fa l.-ftlJ'T " Natt Fike Cite -----IIIIID III ail. I I I. .... r L. .. : .. . . . anten;:n", e, U l e rather i i . . RmtU'r -rrsireriil IharlotU- Dt-mo-mt. rZ?nt General Ika ure aid u . . , i i .irncrii I - - as inanaer(or otterrHch," ";r) 4if h awindW niajia-' mennllow ihelr nan.7- . i i,Uo' n u i hi .v.. i. . . . . to th.,n .ml the m? cupie.1 in rwpe, ul,le s-x jety llK'rae eoe- VE6ETINE Purifies the Blood, Reno vates and Invigorates tha Whole System ITS MEDIOii PROPERTIES ABE Alterative, Tonic, Solvent AND DIURETIC. 'Reliable Evidence. . . Ma. n. It. STKvr.xt: f egCline lear Sir I will mort rtieerf ally aJJ. my lesiiuicor tc tb preat Y'nrrni iiio n'nr Joa tiave already rei eived lBtltUi. in fBVur 0f your freat anil good rnedicine, VtOETi.sE, for 1 b' uot PlTPtill6 tUi nk en.i'u'jth can te ia ii 6 irit,.for 1 was trouble.! orer Vt. thirty years with that dreadful egCtinO diioaVc trrh, auct had tuch bad (cvuchinar cpella lliat it -ooid ceetn rnrnf In oa 'hough I never. otald breathe lbtuul'i1iT more, ami Vegftutk ha , kure.1 nie; aii.t i do ftel to thank f CTCtlDC iol all the time that ibere is o fc.xnt a medicine as Veoetikk, '-vXr.uJ 1 think il one of the beat Cgcline niediclues for coughi and weak, Mnkintt feelinss at th ttotnach, Vpcrpf iiiA and advise evervbody tu take tb Vk;:tinf, for I can asiure tbem jit is one of lbs best niedk:iue ClTCtini? that ever wa. MR1. b. OOHE, Vcgetine kjor. Magazine and Walnut ste.. Vcgetine Yegetine Yegetlne Yegetine G- IVES Health, Strengtn AND APPETITE. ! lly daughter tiu received gremi ftxnefit from the use of Vecetimk. Ynrrof ino l,er decliniue health was a fourc 1 t0cllllt L,f great auxiety to all ber friend. A lew bottlei of Vegetine re TcSTCtine stored her heaiLb, strengUi and iapt:ites CgCtme Insnrance and Real Estate Agt., No. 4V SfMuV Buildlnr, Vegetine Botoa w Vegetine cannot be EXCELLED. egetine . , ... Cbarlestows, Mar. 10. lSCft. egetine h. r. srcvEs: I Dear Sir This if to certify that Vprrf ini. I e uiki1 yuur "BIoihI Prepara ilBluuili()1).i 1(1 ,j family for several vear, and think that, for Scrofu- egetinC CanVeroui Humors or RLeu- m:ir affertionji. it cannot le ex 1. veiled; and . a llol purifier or ? Cgeillie,pring medicine, it it the best jibing I have ever used, aud 1 have YpTPf i np ued almost everything. 1 can i ifev,uui, li(ifrfilh recommend it to any on In need of such a inedieiue. Vcgetine Your respectfully, hlUS. A. A. -DINS WORE, No. 19 Russell street. Vegetinej Vegetine HECOMBTBlfD IT Vegetine eartil y Vegetine S'TTii R'.ston, Feb. 7, 1?T0. Mr. Stev uns: ..I Jear Sir I hare taken sereral f CgetlllP N.tile? of your Vkcei ink, and am ronvin.eil'it is a va'.uab'. remedy Vflfpi inn f,r I'!pep5ia. Kidney oiuplaiut Ceiim ,, general .h hiiity of the svf tetu. I ran In-art: ly ri-eommend it to Vegetine a!1 MilTt,ri"-rr""1 l,;e ,k,vco,u- planiifi. '.urK rvspe.-t fully, rr i Mi:. M t NROK PARKER, egeUne! n; Athens stret PREPARED BY H. R STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS Yegetine is SolJ by All Druggists. THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S cicLratcu mencjn WORM SPECIFIC OR A Tv TVT T Wl -Al A A A A SYMPTOMS OF WO CAS. 'T'HE countenance is pile :l'l( 1 en-colored, with occnvcirv-.i r or a circumscribed spot on cheeks; the eyes Decotr.c ii..l pupils dilute; an azure siinic.iie runs along tho lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometime bleeds; a swelling of the uppi r l p; occasional headache, with huinm.n' or throbbing of the cars; an .u-.::ii.il secretion of saliva ; slimy or funeU tongue; breath very foul, putii ulariy in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone ; fleeting p.iins in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout Jie abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the vrapper. :o: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " foi all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar. atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un equaled. BEWARE OF iniTATIOXS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression D. McLane's Liver Piils. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Livfr Tills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being fall of imitations of the name 2tlcLtnef spelled difierently bu tame pronunciation. Mt. Yernon Institute, 4 Ml. Vernon IMar, Baltimore, Md. ttUrjT.Lv h. . i'' nn n Boarding Mrs. ilMtv j, Jojikm ina Mr. M proioworifc The twentieth annuai "Til" ', "r.V mV.rre!?e.t- orcir- June li-d fin v s H. J.i MYERS DEALEB IN FIXE LIQUOJ.S D0MEST1C & IMPORTED CIGARS. Faykt-i evii.lk Strbkt, Between Gulfev's and theCitlzens' National oank, Hurillu & ijriities' old Stand. The following line brands of Liauorn are Kupt constantly on iianii : Old Nec tar, l:!fj, Whiskies. Jihson XXNTX ' Gibson XXX " Roberson i.'ounty, ti rears old.) Old Kentucky live, (years old.; Old Hennessv Brandy, luiuorled Stick Genuine Port Wine, our own iiuporUttion fH-nii uaiii oin; very line, blackberry l:randy,4 years old.) Apple Brandy, I vears'okl.; Old JN. t. Coj ii Whisky. Sweet Ma.sh.1 Also will have In Ktock, Imported A le i-irters, i lunnii, stout, Milwaukee and St Louis Bottled Laser la-cr, C'hainpajfiief and WlneKof ail descrintioas U numerous to nicntion. Attucheil to niv wiUiljii -hmonU I have added a retail Uigar & Tobacco Department, Iwmm.i nil iinimkni rinMr.s. Tlf a id HAVANA (,'IUARS. ' A. W. FRAPS. 'UAhKKiH, N. ('.. Atrent for TOM COOPEir.S MI KKI, VALLEY CENTENNIAL OLD RYE AND Wheat Whiskey, A larejot always on hand from two four years- old, universally acknowledged to b; The Hnet Whlk) male Iu lie Mouth. Persons wishir Strictly Pure Spirits For Medical and other purpose. ran et any size package From 3 !: 5D Oilbns, By addressing T. N. COOPER, tjiiile MijU r. t) Iredell county, '. C. 1879. OLD and TRIED. 1879. OLD NICK, CORX AX D II YE.) 1 Uls rellahle brand of PI' UK WHI-JKEY has been aiieeeasfully tested by the lovers ot iirst-clasa hiskey for the past . 0 years, and has preserved itshij;h reputation uudi- mliiished. It is offered to the public with lue ail! uarAnlee of the proi.rielor. and will not fall to jrive pi t (ei t sal Isfa.-tiori wheneve r i. so I. Kur salf i ail l"nst--hu ih- Address JOS WILLIAMS, Pn nt her ( reck, ' i I i in -r.. . ". may'i-tr nUocclUmeaitsi WILL YOU SELl tfiB FARM Cliapin's Farm Agency, RALEIGH, N. . Dr. A. B. Chapin, Manager. .ortli 4'arolinit Brnnrh of eorfe II. ft'Iifipiii'a Farm Agency. Ilotoii, MHB.i Seel:il attention riven to th vm!' of North Carolina Ileal KMtatf. Xo clianri- mailc un til u sale U tlU'i-toil. All iroTt y placed In our liaiuls for sale will be ail vertisoi in ihe ix.pular work. The South Illustrated free of exjiPiiM-. The ( harleston News and Cornier snys: "Kveryhody has heard of livn. Ji. Chapin's farm atrei:ry.:uid (Vw re u n;i(i im i n i.-.l iiti. the sui-its- Hliicli has attended il opera tion." Tlie New Kiitfhmd Farmer Kaysr ''Geo. II. Chapin his advertised hi farms tothe amount of Vi,m) during the past year. We commend hini to owr readers. The Aiken. S. '., Review savs:"Xo one luxs done more than Cteo. II. Chapin in the cause of Southern imiiiiration. uur vilhie is th ron red with Northern people in search of Southern homes, and fjood sales are being made. The "South Illustrated" is doinr a great work for us." The New York Tribune, the Boston Her ald, Joun.al,Traveler,Globe,and Advertiser speak In the highest terms of Chapin's Farm' Arenoy. N. Ii' SMALL FARMS (particularly) ar wanted a.t on. e. C'rticc Fis r Huildine-. may --tf- KA LEIGH . N. C: Cteo. ROBIXSOX'S Hagle Brewery, BUCHANAN SPRINGS, WKST C LAY ST., RIf'IIMONI), VA. The Gold Medal was awarded George W. Robinson for superior Ale, I'orteraniJ Laeer Brjif the vila State Agricultural Fair of I?. Head and see what Dr. Win. H Taylor says. State Chemist of Virginia. STATE ASHAYKR AND CHEMIST S OFFirTB, liii JiMOND, November 1, 1x78. The Iiier iieer mauuiactnred by Mr. O. . Robinson, at the EAGLE RREWERY in this c ity, has been chemically examined by me, the samples tested having: been col lected by myself, and found tree from adul teratnii; subst.-Hiees. It mnv be used as a medic ine, or beverage, in full assurance of impurity. WM. II. fA'LOK, M. D., State Chemist. This Reer is put up in aud ' 1 bbls., and also bottled for FAMILY arn HAR use. All orders must be acconijiatKed with the cash or good reference. mayI5-dly MAN U FACfUR CO BY E. H. POCUE. LAO"w-- DURHAM.JT.C. momma . , J. J. THOMAS, Agent, June.-Iy Raleigh, N. C. mwm DR. ALLEfN.'S ' ' L.IGIITX1XG CUIE. TIIi; STANDARD REMEDY OF iOKTU CAROLINA. For Rheuiiihtisrii Neuralgia. Dyspepsia, Ctiolera, Cholic, Diarrhuea, Dysentery, Pleurisy,. Lame Bauk, Pains in the side, I.IVEU AXD KIDXEY IHSEANKS. CURB OF DEAFNESS A Specialty. 'o Iodidea nor Mercnrv Nothing to pamlize the nervous system to make it in- sensuoe to pain, out purely a vegetable com pound koois and Herbs. None genuine without my Portrait and Signature. For sale oy Williams . Havwo r, Wholesale uruggisis, tu:mii, A. C aiiril Il-dJm Rev Br. Manrnm, mf. L'niv. of N.C. In ar with Rishop Dorftt in his tsll mate of the Vest Pocket Cure. ReT. Pr8. Jeter, Broaddus, Dick ns.on,Bap.) It is endorsed b the direct ve sinalit s:!- mony of nie.n ol national fame and fctri:fcne.-a of speech It is not too much to s.y th - ro medicine ever had such suDnort in its fav r as a speeiflc. The word of any one f the em inent divines who underwrite this nnti:o:e to dyspepsia ha deserved weivht. Their united witness jo. n d with the experimental useand ap roval of the preparation by well known physicians, removes all doubt. It is tieyond question, a wonderful theranentieed agent Edit is Kelirious Herald, Va Chaplain Randolph Mucon College, Va. Many cases of Dvsu nsiawl lilu mv know! eige have been cur. d by it. Ciann 8, Colics, Headaches and all sorts of nair from indi gestion vield proinptlv to It. The cures o' this sort ar Innum rable. Rev. R. I,. Dabney. L. L Col., Va. It is h'rhlv esteemed here bv the reo-ninr Medical Pac-ultv and tbi nennle ii u eri lnt for lnoicfestion an t i-latulem Coile.. sedative, fop rinc, tonic, slightly ape ent, wimoui uausea. Rev. B. F. Woodward, P.E., Na. Con, About twelve years I surlered from jiva- pepsia. Faliii.g in with this remedy, I gave it a fairtrial. Afie its use I cem'd at anv- thing with im unity. lam sure I ai in debted to this medicine for what f health a d physical comfort I have hud for the lwo sixteen ars. I h.iVr. known iranv sinee tn be relieved by Us u-e. R v Robert W. Watts, A. M., Va. 1 have used the mixture in mv fami.v for yetrs, and have taken it for a lvspp.sia Colic, which threatened my life, and was cured, eat in? any diet without hut t I hv reeommericied it to other sufferers with hap-pit-st results. It is the b st tonic nd correc tive I ever knew For protra'ion from Dys pepsia or Liver Disease it is invaluable J T) F.cirleston. M D , Va It Is a highly valuab e rernettv Tv i . um:ii ma'i an? Sltii' hil in the whole list of medicine, so far s I ob s-rved H; my practice, tor all the complaint r farri'tes from indigestion, I use it and recommeu J It. E Mtor Kichii.oiid Cnristian Admmt I his reined is ot ti-'e vii I h Dyspepsia cu ed comi.let elv hv It i t i m i be an anti fote toon.- ' Nation 1 D sease " The inrre 'ienfs 4re rot kei.t b th n..rhl ca ies, and have be-n lifticult to eei. Frice 2-i cents nei bo'tle Sold hv-ii iinm rlsts. In Ruh'itfh, by TJ . . l T t . . i esc uci, Lei' ix- i.u mctl if an I 1 IUIH Y yno'fi Athens, Ga., December 8, 1878. A few nights since 1 eave my son one. dose of r e Wo in Oil. aud the next day he passed -lxteen larjre worms. At the same tiree I pave one to n.y little Kirl, four years old, ai d she paed eVhty-six worms from four to fifteen Inches long. W. V. PHTf.T TPS nn Til far le by D.-1 mh 'O'ltriU arad b j a. f v. j i h, , ,j Mn.rch 1 1V .1 S I y HOP BITTERS. ' -netiicme, not a Drink,) COXTAIX8 BOPS, BVCUU, MANDRAKE, I'ASDEMOX, 1 1 "28T -Jn llrvr ?'vr,rrAL Qf ALiTi ur all .hz:: i:;r r.r Aim, 'r:EF:s O-CTjElJrj A.U DLeascs of the Stomach, lknrcls. p.iood Liver Kldnrys, and Urinary Orcan?. XcrvMisarss. Sleep Lj ec;a,:r j i-naie Coraplalnt S i o&r i x c;c li. Will be pa'.Z for a ctc they tri I not cure or telp, or for anything Impu-c or Jn.'urloa Aat yocr drijit fur II ; Pit before you i ;.. 'i.--.Ie j klop Cough Cumc Is ; '.:o p- - s; f 'a;;; ia them. arid try (hem .." v. , rafcat and beet. As.: C . . ... The nop Pad for P?""i-ir apenorioaaoU-.us. A.-.S Druffiriiii. ' ID. T. C In n 9v,ti'-tfn : prnnkeness, uae of i-.ii'i ; "rV, 'e cere fori narcotic Ben.i fc- c!r ..- 5 oxe of t:!c ircrwr i-5 ORTAST iniov;iai: of the nineteenth century, and one that take equal ran with the invention of the telephone, the electric light and other scien tific marvels of the age, is that of Henry's Carbolic Salve. This Compound possesses the most re markable Healing Properties of any known agent employed for the purpose of curing SORES, WOUNDS, CUTS, BRUISES, Inflamed and abraded surfaces, and for AL.L SKIN DISEASES. Its cleansiny; properties remove all ira purifies that hinder the formation of heaitl v neh. : n j t he work of cure goes on to !eom,letioi. with most Wonderriil KfipKiity. Let no family be without a box of it ii tte house. Physicians extol its vir tues; and the thousands who have used it Count1rfeABCTnnendiUg U Beware of Adk' fot henry's Carbolic Salve, and . tl , take no. Othtr. ' JOITIn HERY.'CURI LN 4c CO., Sole Proprietor, 8 WLLllcr PLACZ, NITf TOKK. dAwlwIamly J . 1 - Canal street from Sixtli Riciraoxn Seven EWOINES. pci table and stationary, to SAW MILUs, i K J S 1- Ml LLH, ilOlLl-.KS. UAST INOS oPP ASsnd IRON. VOiniM;S M ACAIN ER Y for Gold and Coal Mines Bl&i Furnacessic. We call ecial attention to pur IMPROV ED PORT BLR ENGINE, for ericiiitural and other Pfarposes. The Boih'i-s of Agricultural EuK-tnesare provided with PATtiST rJiiSMlUAl .SrAKK A tvK)vnlx.KS a device t.y which the Siarks are forced ot pass downward over a reservoir of water aud effectually extinguished without the use wire rauze. Our is the only arrangement this kind whieh afford free ..access to boiler tubes lor cleaning from each end. Also, to our . new styles SMALL LOCOMO Tl V -ts for hauling- Iuuiier and other articles uion sramways and narrow g-uage ranwayr The bwt Planters rerard our (J INNING ENGINES superior to anv in use. Send illustrated Catalogue free. Otl1" tilings being equal eucourageSouthern institutions. rtepxfr Work solicited and promptly done. Shaftimr, Pulleys &d. for Jin Houses. , "Manufacturers of Jou' -patent Totincco Bump Machines to work by hniiil or power W.M. E. TANNER A- C K. H. BAUOHAJI, Rich Square, N Gen 1 Agent Ir Eastern North Carolina. Gen. J. S. Whitehead, Agent KtLKlOU. N C. :at j30tt & sons, Shockoe Machine Works, RICHMOND, - - - - VA.i MAXl'FACTl'RER S OF Portable and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Corn aud Vheat Mills, Shaftings, liimijrers ami Pulleys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobat-ro Facto ry Machinery, Wrought lion Work, Brass and Iron Castmirs, Machinery of every description. GINNING AND THRESHING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Renirlujr 1'romptir and "r-fnllr Done. TalbotVs Patent Xpnrk Arrester, THE INVENTION OF THE AGE. Talbott's new Patent Spark Arrester is really the only perteci. and reliable one, and is superseding all others in use. Ihe great enicienov of this An est er is attracting universal attention, and is being endorsed iv tne in-st mechan ical engineers am I ii.M'.i :.i;eeei 'tupanies. Its prominent features are : it does noi destroy the draft. It does not interfere with cleaning the tubes. It will not choke up, and requires no cleaning. It requires no din-ct dampers to be opened when raising steam (dampers being objectionable, as they may be oen ami allow sparks io e aj.e.j It requires no water to extinguish sjiarks, which, by condensation, de stroys the draft. Besides, when w;ter is used, if neglected, the eliiciencv is destroyed by evaporation of the waicr, and the boiier is kept in a lilthy con dition. It is simple and durable-, and can be relied upon. It can be attache 1 lo any boiler. No planter should be without one ol them. Insurance companies will in sure gins and barns where the Talbott Engines and Spark Arresters are used at same rate as charged for water or horse-power. Z& Send for illustrated circulars and price list. STKONAC1I A- ALkt UTT, Manuiac turer's Agen;. K deigli, N.C. Branch Hon.. -s at charlotte and Golds boro. mavS-tf illidccUuitfuus. CONVICTS TO HIRE ! Under the general law for farmimr out convicts, I am authorized t.v the no; rd o JMrectoi-N of this instil ution.'to hire, oi farm out to i ndividuals. or to private, -riujiic corporations, ail surplus eonviets Hint niav accumulateat the penitentiary. And here I would state that, wo c-an otter verv vi.eeiul inducements to any persons wishing to hire convict labor, to prosecute anv eiueruri.e insideofthe prison enclosure. Any person wishing to hire convicts to be. worked either inside or outride of the prison will please make applic ation ar once o., W.J. HICK, may 21 -dim- Arc 1,1. i nd Y aidcn. NOW READY FOR DKLIVKRY! The Digest oi Cited Cases rx Tint North Carolina Reports. By Hon. A. X Tour see. We are. happy to announce to the leeal profession that this valuable work is now ready for delivery to subscribers. The labor of preparation And the necessity oi securing the utmost possible accuracy in the im mense number of citations, has necesarily delayed tlie work, but the result cannot but be satisiactory to every practioner. It con tains t very case in the Iteports of the State whieh niv ten cited by the Court, the c ases in which o. led, whether with approval or uiapj)iuv;u, wnn a caret in digest of the point of eitati :;. with a lull and accurate index to the subject matter of ea h In luim, maner, eompiereness and style of publication, it is undoubtedly- the best law book ever Published in the Stat containing coO large double-column pages, 5,102 cited cases and about 30,000 citations. It will be mailed to subscribers on receipt of the price S12 with 25 cents for post a ee Or sent by Kxpress C. O. D. when there is an office convenient. Persons desiring to have the work should order at once, as the edi tion is a limited one. ALFRLD WILLIAMS & CO., Publishers Raleigh. N. C JEWELRY, WATCHES, Diamonds, Spectacles AND MEDALS A5T ItADOE-PIS A KIKCIASrV. TIIE largest stock of goods in the South Solid silver and Plated ware. Goodi sold at factory prices. Watch repairing a pecialty Orders by mail promptly attend teed D sati8factloB ,n a11 oases guaran- John H. Tyler & Co., Successors to MITCHELL A TYLKHJ luff SSSSl y "e ,D the fcioul1 I rerpirf n n o . - . fra,..1 1 ' lreniIOn PT DT MY NKVrl UVATHTLTE'ATS') AN- HSALTBY LAGEK. ' varAw of i malt arid hops, bj the Vienna methou and exprwly for ekr otitic 2315 German stre t. Baltlmor, Md. CO.DE.Nf:DTinK. J ORT1I C A II o b I N A H O A I. P. A TRAINS OOINQ EAST. Date, May 1'4 1379. N'o. 2, Daily. No. 4, Dally. Dili!,' 1 Mm. l it. Leave' harlotte.. " Saiisbury. HighFoint Arr. Greeuhboro.. LeaveGreensbOrti Arr. Hiilsboro.. . . " Duihani ; " IlHleiKh...,, Ly. Arr. fioMsboro .. 3.o0ani! pi,! a in ...I - -., ' . 7.;ila in, la. is pi,, ' .OyHiiiliy.rpnj, ' K.4iuir.t - - iOJOfv-ni) UiJUa mi t, i ld.i5pm i Jpmi .l."iaii, .-).. pin I ..Va in1 1.11. , our 47. At Greensboro with I; A- . for all points North, KnM and U ,.J Goldsl.,,1,, with W.dt W.K. K. for U ,i, ton. " our . i: A; No. -I.-J-A D. R. R West. Connects at Greensboro , for nil points North, i:st of of Hi. J the TRAINS GOING WKsT. Date, May 11, lX7t. No. t. Daily. No. 3. Dailv. i I-iiiiv for L. (tohlsljoro... Ar. Ualwigh... . hv. Ar. Durham . . . . " Hillsboi-o.... " Greet is bom. K'.lOa m a. j pi,, 12.fi0pm in. J) i, n, 4 10 p m 1 r.'pn. ''I'M i I '-'M' in ... , I,. I pni ' S.pm1 Lv Ar High Foint.. t .(. pin i..-,Ta ml , !.!'pm T..llaiiii I' .'iiptn' !..7 u in ' a in 1 1 1. 17 , Salisbury ' I'harlott'e.... day for all poiiMt in una X. 42 COIIIMI ts U Ii. I !... ... with a i ... ". -""..-uoi, Southwest. Soul I. o,.t SALEM BR A NTH Lv Greensboro daily except Sunday !. i0l. A r W ib-w i hi . - . J v i . A rri'.i w:. tt Leave Salem II I. Ar Kernersville Ar Greensboro i.. in Oonnectinfrat Greensboro with trull,,,, R. t I), and N. C. Railroads " " '.Ull SLEEPING CAES WITHOUT CHANS Rurj both ways with Trains i ... between New York and Atit.fu .i.. .- 'mond, Greensboro and Charlotte I'.etu",',.!' tireensbwro and An rusta -in. I i....ti. .. . . .' Trains Nos. ; iuul 4 l.etu .... v.... v..," .'. Savannah I i Uirhinoiidiarl. t t ( i,.' a si....... Jhrouuil Tiiket on s:il nl iir, boro, Ilaleiuh. ( Jojcisboi-i. s.. I i l. ( harlotte, .Mi I i.l ;-l! principal point- S u-'i, South west. West, North and Ca-t , Emigrant r.'tes to points In A i k : . r . -: i Texas. adilr.'SN J. It. ! IF order, i ii. I'assenirer Airent, Klchnion.l. 'a. pA LEIGH A GASTON RAILROAD. ChaiiKe of Seliolnle. Sri'KKIXTK.VDFNT'S OIKHK." I Italeiith, X. C , .Iiine IhTii. j On and after Friday. June Hi.. train- on the Ralciirh Giisi.,.. loiili-ou.i will run daily Sundays c( . i,r. il , I..I. ws: I.i ave I i a. Raleigh s ii .i in V. i Id,. n 2'tiii,n. Arrive at Arrive at Weldon 1 10 " Ilal-1ih 7 .Ml ' - Mail train eoiu.ei ts at W-lilon with tli- mail trains of the Seaboard and I'.ounukr ana fetersl.urjr Hnilroads. ACrOMMODATH N TRAIN. Leave Valcisrh at -t.l". I. M. Arrive at Weldon nt .l..!n A.M. Leave Weldon i.f t.'.'it A . M . Arrive at Kaleiuh a i .".iili". M. J NO. C. W I Nl i Kit. may 2?i Scperinti-ndr'nt. LEIGH V ACOISTA AIII-LIVJ RAILROAD COMPANY. CHANGE OF SCTfKDrLE. Si' PFRT N'TFN r.F T's ( Ippic C. ) Raleigh. N. I ...lime lib. IsTH. j imi ami arierri l.l.i .lime cil. l-ri iri.1... on the Rnleiirh ,1- A uirusta A ir-I ine ll'.dlr I will run dailv s iii.,i:.v .v. i...l ..s r..it. ... . ... . ... - .i ... .. , i o niKcpiioct 7: Miu. ni. Monda ay. May Hi, 1-TU Leave Leave Raleiph X ;xi j. m Hunilet a ,u Arrive at Arrive at Of "'let 2 ' P.:!.-.h s :in ' train No !n..;n.r;s at Hamlet with llr (. C. Railway tor Wilmington, Chaili.tte and all pointsSouth. No. 2 c-onneefs at Hnleijrh with t he ltah-Uh v Gaston Railroad l..r all points North. .I'lllN C. WINl.KK, Superintendent. (6 tracer. B U TTE R ! Hereafter, during the Summer in .i.n,-. we will receive our fine Butters Express Every Week Ho as to offer it fresh arid in good i on l.tin. Ketail price 25e. per pound. KAW NKW OHLKANS Sl lJAH. Iii:lilll YKLLOW; VKRY MCK K K TIIOSL " II i? LIKL . "OLD FASHlON blW I1R0WN fiUCIAR. -")ur stock or flmt-claiii Orocerio an i Provisions was never more complete. Iteliable iioocU ! Prcuipl OeliVf?ry I low I'rleea ! , , ,. H. J. Hardin. I u ne ! t W. C. & A. B. Stronach. JUNE !2th. 1879. 2,ftHLbs. holc eSucar-' nrrd Hams. A(U Lbs. 1 i.in SugwM 'u red Strip! o.Onn Lbs. Harvey's Helii.i Leaf ij.rd i,' i-.iisiieis w niie and eilow i 'orn 1.n'I:,Z('"x.,'al"''M " '-"klllK rowder." jnRbls. N. C Newcui Hr-rriin's 4 bests Imperial and Gunpowder Tea. 12 Doze,, Columbia Ktver 1 lb Salmon r.aies Aralnan Moeha Coffee .5 III. Is. Fresh Break fast Samp' 10 Bbls. Patent Process Flour. Kual to I'a-o- ,5, .P'iJI'Ireent. less in pri. e. 2.. Hbls. W hite and Yellow Su-ar U Boxes Fresh Messina Lemons. , Boxes P resh Jamaica Oranges. - ... ofi"as. Primes and Figs . Illlis Seleeted (ioshen Butter. Burton Chew Ing Tobaceo. "nd nolce Line Cigars, Kc v Vr.l, if? V.tKjMIultf-'.rlHiMloCcn-has, High ijlle, Keina Victoria, Hegalias, ImiM.rted Wo'ana 'l'raUHl Dead 8h.t.ll Havana, Five Cent Cigar. Fresh lot of those Delicious Plain and Jellv Jumbles, Cocoanut Snaps, Vanilla Creams, Pr is burgs, Ac. BOASTED COFFEES ! Roasted I CofTees, our own Itoastlng. at Green Coffee I'ric-s. Boasted and Ground Itlo Coffee. 10c M. Good Roasted Kio. l c. Choice Roasted Ulo, 20c. Prime Roast'd Laguavra 25c Best Old Government'Java Roasted, tv. Roasted Sa vanilla andtXU Rli-a, v. 2V4 Bbls. Winston ii CclebraU'd Roe Her ring. Choice Lines Fancy Pickles, Glass Jars, A Flrst-CIass ' Foreman For a flrst-elaM Job Office wanted. Applj 10 J' NEWS OFFICE, CSS v esterii Nori'i c