DAILY NEWS IITMCT A JORDiXt riOMICTOM JOlf B. HIMET. JVSr. ZT. FRIDAY. - - - 6 I poi tore In lb orl4"" i rrvfung to iuejf -Te-U rediX Sir Ch rrl oft , tbt rnnnler frofMrv Hull, when rv! It the .-re hi of airr, b4 rv Mr. It.k-ii. a IWmIuo lleraitl rocVr. The New York working on irt-ui UAfWowi were rr wide of th mrk.ual wn thoroughly uftrJ ery rjk ml that. t"irruuUMitUl iUnie . it term-!. n eilen-" in th c-.. Kit the PhiU.lelphi IU.r.J. It unrelUbllil and th terrible -ttkea wblrb ihf rrltrvrr run ol Jrte-t-rr are IU!U to tne f newr more clear I r Son thn in thi rae. Fun gible theories f the ph-. hrvd jUttift by :f nxxiiiuifl uneVi; lor nl Jrlu tiii fr'ui prruue vSL-h lh ain! were illinc t knowledge wereirre-t h-e M ln wepi awar. Tb uiur!erer mm to have ha a rrr ordinary pit e work !t a very ordinary uun. It w daootratet lTotnl question tin! the oJn4r niu; b e mlertJ l-j lL front -UvXr: Cut de Un- tht h came fo hy wlndw. Hajari le i ltl Hint orilr nellT! nun or iii one thToutfhly oonernt with their mh-?t nu!1 he tll the lli'd I ar. on the l-ly;the culprit x a ignorant of surgery . be i niinh' in ordiDAr cauuvo. The tHei t.f itw'bt oa th eje a prln ileath hmiH only have been known by an exrt; lh Jirvrv i Lhal l -'M r bad ba aucb tlvot, therefore no ootn toon thief helJ the rand! ! Hut the muxUerer eoloue ae- odaouiiy caught tira and bnrnt the lctltn"a brow. The unbolting of more door th" w a neeAry to let the a. aaaaio pa out aod to aa ruuf poaiUt e to taanjr raiitda Lhal lb rv-U rriminai bvloT-.l la tb hou. and thai tb ef fort to direct upi-ion ouii-1 h.vl brt) oterdoti. And to, aip b 'p. lh vo IuKi of lb aulboriuea miifbt t takpn np and shown to b utterly wron. The murderer carried his own cnulle; he deliberatHjr LmkI bia TictJin; be tmk xe TaJuable and left others equally easy to find ; he came as he pleaded an l left at hU leisure ; what hedidwaaon Um impub of the nxment : inrur reuces which were thought to careful planning and unuaual intvlli- gvnee and kitill are now known to hare been acrldents or the result of circum a&ance. In looking over the eutire caaa aa lUe poitcw rearlet it, in but one tnataace do we fini thir xn-Iuiioii correct much of the binding; rt-ailv did lake pLace aT.er the viclitu wa.tde.ui but Cox w aa not then aw are that he had committed murder. Hut for the quick wit of a new9(apr nun it i proLwbie thai the culprit wouid have t-cap4i. lLad the raarlerer hown any hrewd nena be would uer have tt-rii iu pctad. and it i quite p.ible that an innocent man miht have rxen mi. If to u!fer for another" crime. TtiKtrue Ut-nian and the re-lly indaenttal elitor are lho who a-e aide U control and ffulde prtie-. tiot those w ho w juit their itrenrth in mere ly thrustinir aside and hrakini: up tl.e onlT Uml with whi h tlieir uwrk ran be dotie. M'AUtltMie Jud. One of the iuol el!lcint 11 that Mr. Whilelaw Keid ue-i in Mr. Jay (mould's Tribune prior to the last tw. years was the Uuxaik' shxkin; of the "bloody shirt." He haa ue.l that tool since till it has lecn ground away so that it i w orthicj. It i ulo reason able to suppo that an aide editor would study the sisrns of the time and peak for the benefit of the people in :ead of a clique; but when thequeaiion of remooetizaUun of silver came up M r. Wbilelaw Reid remaine-1 the champion of the gold-brokers and ln.l -holders and made the Tribune ridiculous for ita atapid propbe-ie of the ruin to le wroaghtby this measure. He strove to Infuse the Ilepublicau party lwaders with bia idea but their indorsement srw merely or-l. and that for the time being; while a sUunch Republi.-an paper, the New York Mail. diproT-d eTery one of the Tribune's amrtions and left IU Qnsn-ial theory danslin on the fence. So it would appear that this would-b "re-ally lorluenttl elitor" hms bat recently diooYerel the alove cite.1 axiom. klaa. Ivrpia Makia t'itit.t, the au thoress and anti-slavery agitator, is now aerenty-setcn years old, and lives at her old home in WaylnJ( Ma-aa-chosetta. In the course of a rersnit con ersatioa with a writer of the Itoston IftraU ah spoke of Oarison aa a firm bsdMTwr In 8pirWuaJUm. and addel: Whlttler sjilmits that there is some thing very myateriua and nneipUI,,. ! In It. lie tnM Ihat there waa an old yowrr wumi nv imiw wnen ne wa a bid. who waa renoe1 for hi prnph efea. II very often aprk under the InSueatevof tfve aptrlt. Whittier ent me ropv of the pmphe-j ma le by tfu c4d traa In issi. ItWu by fori tell ln treat a j.l i l In the Church. hi h rjuid nimfir with the Pr-hvteH-, and It rW Irwlude the KriV-ul. Wt hT rtpre inn the Prehvtrian dtvkl. and tb llirkatte trouble amotiff the Qaakrra. Ttvm the old prophet aaid hm mxm a. irreat trouble a Soot the latery qoeaaton. which woaWl end in a war and mancipation. He foresaw finally ajrraAd ratbni)tr of the rnarrhe Into aa awtabiiahed ("hurrh. and rull byU'A4 mmw lh Hr4ev of Irvauda faying tribute to the C'b'ureh. And h mw aia a tnllltarr deapotNm otwoaatry( tWojth thla'woald only b tor a whll. Nw tnU waa a remark iU prophecy, and all bat the laal two taiCDwta have been fulfilled. . . . . i . . AntrprUlng Ohio firm i inviting M(M f th leading tMirwra of the nun- try to Mod "your axl capable ctr- f respondent" to Ita place of buinc to i cootodlnartof pitT-wrltinrfuiU b. , To artlciea dewrriMng tb work, bua- ' lneaw. etc., are lo l4 publiahed In the papne andio correponden!a either lata la Jan or early tn July, and a p;ri of 00 will then t awarded, by eofntnlttaw comptwed of threw Ohio Dlfl, ,a tbm Article w Licit ahowa both foral Keellenc and the greatest a fe cial excellence aa an drertlsemenL Tb paULaLera oCtha articles which do not obtain tint premium are to make no chary whatarer for them. Thl laat condition i likely to re-luce competi tion to a niiifTmum. The idea supKr i;elftort, that a firm w hich -an deiie no iofeniouaacheme of adrertiint it- I pabloHrrei3)r)ndeiit fV n: onolo write ' i" p'rfT, i?id HtnW -ovrj.r:ie ' mrry ofT the prire itlf if it uOUid J conclude to enter into competition. A I'obtck discoverer hj lately turnel up in I'ort IiirUv, NaUl, who h a mde Journey through the cen ter .f southern Africa, leaving the col on v of rortaral at !teniue!a, jut -uth of the mouth of the t onco river, and traveling in a outhca;war'ily direc tion. The work performed by him i a valuable upp!eincn: to that of Stan ley: and though lent exa. tiii in it de min'4ui'n the di-overer than the r -rforme1 by the American ex -plorrr. will proUibly 1? .f greater practical worth to the j-n"ent genera tion, aa a -i:iderab!e -rtioii of the htod paaMtl oi r ii only jut irlde the trwpira, an I i-tii easily nt :n ide u&-ful for couinitr.il pur The iiitiiie of the explorer i Maj.ile .-rfa-I'mt. , and hi tak waa undertaken at tin- rr quot of the I'oriuc'' ovcrniiicnt. TilK Ahe ;I!v ltcrfula:or ii ojpoHOil to the nomination of Mr. Tildcu on a -cininl of sue allege 1 v.mii ilnu' d-al-inr wi:h his miners, the allegations 1iiik !itin'" I in an article in the New York Stir, whi-h ww marked wi;h a blue pencil and most industri ously circulated throughout i!k .South. The Hetfulalor should rerueni!er tluit th lare assertion of the Star is not proof positive, and that Mr. Joseph Howanl. the presuui;live editor of ihat pajr. nce issued a lwi;u prv larua tion purporting to have emanated from the late President I.iu. oln, for whi. li display f journalistic enterprise he located his home in Kort IJifayette for a season. And another tbiu it is not w ic at this tune to pronounc irrevo cably against this rr that po-ibI. nominee. Ar a incvtm of the cltizenn' ciu- miuee f .ti, who bnvp nr.inircl for the pnrptf ff considering the subject of a world s fair in Now York in 1K1, held Monday evening, a re?w)lation was adptel rlnmrinc the n.irne from the citirens" committee to the world s lair cvmtiuttee. Another remiuliou waa aloptt"l railing for a committee of ten 10 prepare an address giving in detail all inf ruiti n reardimf the proposed world s fair. It is saiil that the addrew is to ! printcl and distributed in every State and citv in the I'nion. Thurlow Wee I and Itufus II v. !i took part in the meeting. The last sUU incnt ccrtainl v has not as ycl U.c:i fulfilled, but the moat strenuous eiTirUt have been made to ac-omplish it. A lare standinparmy is wjiitc I; trp at the J1L are needeJ: the ballui-lxixes iuu.it be virtually in the hands of a pack of mercenaries all those things are demanded by Messrs. Sherman, Chaudler, -Conk ling, Maine and the adherents of (iene'ol (rrant Mr. Have li too weak to have a solid opinion on the subject and w hen ob tained the military despotism will be a fixed fact. - i:hok t'rKTis, of Penn sylvania. fprN(N the opinion that t.he Ieuio ratio presidential nomination wiil U- nivunal by either Itayanl, Til d ii or Tli'irniin. whil.- his opinion is that either 'fraiit or Sherman will be the lioi- at the ItepublicaiiH. Tn k !Uis ile L'ouner-.ournal ex tends its tendered synipathicM to the Chicago Tribune anl the Chicago Inter Ocean, hoping iho-e Illinois rifle clubs may 1 -e brotirhtto a sincere rrjentance. POLITICAL XOTIA Mr. f'onklimr explains the approval of the arrnv lull to hi" stalwart a.-oo- ciates quite lueidiv. He is sure that Mr. Ilae" was optHjel to it. while "the President" felt constrained bv his pes-uhar -Uev- to sii;n it. Mr. Conk line neTer forgets the distinction be tween "Mr. Haves" and "the Presi dent. " tt'nfnnjt;n Vr. It -st w-h handler and Tvner oril v lie thousand dollars to hiiv up the treenba-k candidate for covernor in Indiana In lCH, hut thev didn't iro around soli-itinir the monev in small inblets us Hubltvll does. The whole thine w as mode 'Vertain'" and "c:w" by the sale of "one Indian agency. II (M'tiii'foK Jxml. There oiitrht to be a law to prevent Conjrrfs.srr.en from entf:uiujr. in miscol J lantsiiis busincs.s oteralloiis during their term of office. Here Is, Coiirete , man Krye acting as peneral ajrent lor the j ktlona States, and Coiuf rcnii.ui Hub I lell olMtlnsrciuti suti. riptiona for the t National Viee. j Acr,rilin to Mr. Haves, there are various kIikJs or approvals, li wnshis , "aCtrtuatie approval" that he uerlined . to tw to the judicial lull. We susiect it was a negative approval tliat was irnen iue army lull an olh. ial alllrma lion despite peruial delcsutioii. U'attenw)!! plea.ls w ith the Ohio Oem ocrats to sink their financial differences and fitrlit the emiui; State rarnpaiu for nv oouieration of se-tjonaIism from !itleM and "on constitdtional Issue '7 ., . inM rock finance 1 ' - ""r- After adelav, due Larvelv to tle ef- fi ,xnnor inifaii a irieuUs, and bv no mean to hia credit, lha aerioua rhargea againnt hiui wum U oe luveXi- Ktel u-for (.ongreaa meeU next ! r.mr by a Senate itmimittee sitting uuriug me u cm, The Ohio Democracy nlll hare to light tho campaign this fall with no lifip from the Warner ailver bill, and the Itepublu-ana ngnt the rampaign "i'ui i-uiiutuiuing Uia bilL r. . Have, of Illinoi. ia credited by the 'iire;oiiaJ Kecunl with uieettmr Mr. Mc jne a atta k on 'Jen- rml irant with the prediction that he wouia the next president. Tlie Concord N. II.) I'cople and Patriot. Iclirig Democ rat newspuinir of thv tate. ttauta Tildvii. John Sherman la going to apeak for Uie Maine Republican during the eoiu ing ran vat. Ta Railer UBMralt. Ibtoti HcrM. KetrcaeiiLaLlva tn n nf tUn n..i. wing of the letiia-ratic party atate it lo be a ft that enoral llutler will re- ti anu aoeept a iMniinatioii for tiov eruor. llh from a IatUr Keorin and a Ih uio. ratu- c-on vent ion, thia fll. They aay Ltial re port a have teeu rece ivei from the larKeat towns In orerv county io the State during the laat wek, and that, a ith hut a aingle exception, tha ierta weraiu faror of the nomination of the general. The aar that their nvButiou will held at Worcester in September, but that a gubernatorial iiouiination of the general will I made revloualy by either a Labor Reform or Ureenbnck organ i rat On. A A f TOTTF jNbOrtED BY P""r.mntT CLEROYMEW AND UCTED EVERYWHERE. ; j NEATEST MEDICAL T21UMPH OF THE AQE. tuns' PILLS Da. Tctt b ST3C reeded In comMnisg la ttiese (ulls the hereto fore snUffonUtic quali ties of s 8timtbw9i rruiTiri, and a Pc nrrnia Tosic. Their first apparent CURE SICK HEADACHE. TUTT'S PILLS CURE DYSPEPSIA. TUTT'S PILLS CURE CONSTIPATION. TUTrFPILLS CURE PILES. TUTTSPILLS CURE FEYESAMD A6UL TUTT'S PILLS CURE BILIOUS COLIC. TUTT-SPILLS Csrs KIDNEY Cemplalnt TUn'SflLLS CURE TORPID LIVER. TOTTSPILLS IMPART APPETITL effect ts to incresse the sppetite by causing tea food to properly as similate. Thus the sys tem Is nourished, and br their tonic action oa the digest W organs. regular sou. neaiuiy v tbc nations are pro duced. Th rsntdlrr with which PERSONS TAKE OH FLESH wkUe asdt the lnflut-ncs or iness .Ua. tndicates their a aDtabUitT to nourish th bodr. hence their efficaCT In curing iter- tous debultr, melan choly, dyspepsia, wsat- uie v tns mnsoea,siug (shness of the IWer, chronic constipation. and imparting neailh nrrength to the system. 9ia ererywnere, Price 15 centa, Oflcs 53 Marrar Afreet, jrarvr tork. THE GENUINE dr.c.McLane;s Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS X0F WOKMS. THE countenance i paK .-nii lead en-colored, with occasional rit!he?. or a circumscribed spot on ono oi y cheeks; the eyes become dull, the pupils dilate ; an arure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper l:p ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the cars; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, tome tit its voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, a others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting; violent pains thioughout :he abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive; stools slimy, not unfrequent Iy tinged with blood ; belly swollen and bard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Vkr HXTWE bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. o: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "fot all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. So better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are ua equaled. BEWARE OP IWITATIOXS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Lur.R P;: ls. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bkos. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Tills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of PittsLurgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. WILL YOU SELL UlB FARM ! Chapin's Farm Agency, RALEIGH, N. L Dr. A. B. Chapin, Manager. -Xorlh Carolina Ilrnneh of (iforgf II. (bapln'a farm Aa;eRejr,Itoton,.iiuMi. Hp lid attention riven to the sale of North Carolina Real h-oLnle. No cliarire made un til a male N errecttnl. All proierty placed In our hand for aale will 1k? advertised In the popolur work. The South Illustrated free of expense. . The (hurlstnn Newi ami Courier says: "KverylHwJy hu hngnluf ieo. H. Oiapin a f.riu Htceiicytnd few are uiiaoiUHlnted with the niitTM which ha attended IU ooent tlon." The New Kncland Farmer asiya: "Geo. II. Chapin haa advertised hi farms to the amount of dnnng the jmsl year. We omniend him to our render. Tin- Aiken. H. . Iivlew aav:"No one hna done more i Imii Ueo. II. Chapin In the niu-e hi wuinern imitiiffraiioii. Our vIUhko la thronged with Northern people In M arch of Southern homes, anl good sale are heiiiK made. The "Mouth Illustrated" la doin a treat work for us." The New York Tribune, the Boston Her ald. JournAl.Tniveler.iilohe.aiid Advertiser, pen In the highest terms of C'hapln'a Kami Aeeney. N. li SMALL FARMS rmrtlcularly) are wanted ui once. Offlce Fia r Rulldlng. may CVtf- KALKIUll. N. C- nit5rfilnnfou5. . r. . . M. Li 4 1 bvrm buant. V hihv. Pm., Sola Prannrtr' VTXO a Wrm wpr m 6m"!im ytllvm vmM in Mark. ' la n - . 1 rank H Ileartt, ngent, Rnleigh,5. lunelJ-ld wly $777 A .X"14 ft'idexpensi-B to a( Dii 9i i i njtflt fiw. A dress P O Vfi iz KIAjUfUstaljune. U ,( K- Haarina Restorfirf rar- 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fctef'f, I I I I I I 1 r'mVTt "y1 w-lw-f ,mrt I I I I I I I VMk.n(tOT?mai7eMiSl Harper, MHTji.tnrt., hJiT-wSr3' TAT J30TT & SOSTS, Shockoe Machine Works, RICHMOND, VA., 31 A X r FAtTt'ItERS OF Portable and Stationary Engines and Boilers. Saw Milis, 0rn and NVheat Mills, Khaftintr. Hangers and Pulleys, Turbine Water Wheels. Tobacco Facto ry Machinerv, Wrought Iron Work, rass and Iron Ua-stinirs, Mavhimrv of every description. GINNING AND TH R ES H 1 N G MACHINES A SPKCIAUY. RepairiuK lniutlj hikI 4'are( nil y Done. Talbotft Pttent Spark Arrextn; THE INVENTION OK TIIK A(1K. Talliott's new Patent Spark Arrester is really the only erlect and reliable one, and is su pt'rsediiitf all otlu'rs in use. The ifreat cllh ienc-y of this Arrest er is attractiir mi eisjil attention, and is bcinix eiidors-d by the best iiic-han-ical envrineors ami iusuranceompanies. Its proiniiieiit features are : It does not destroy the draft. It docs not interfere with cleaning the tube. It will ii i - v..oKe up, and requires no cleaning. It requires no direct dampers to be opened when raising steam (dampers being objectionable, as they may be It Tl open and allow suarks to escape.) It requires no water to exunguisn sparks, which, bv condensation, de- strovs the draft. Besides, when water is used, it neglected, the efficiency is do4t roved bv evanoration of the water. .,.i ti, l.iir i- k,.t. in rtlthv dition. " It is simple and durable, and can be relied upon. 11 4 I 1 'TZ aiM liUU I ' ail 1 iVIlli - i I 111 - . I . a I ...... 1 ntfu.dml tv n -l IT Iwv.lA- No planter snouui ue wiiuouioneoi them. Insurance companies will in- sure Kins and barns where the Tall ott Engines and Spark Arresters are used at name rate as charged for water or horse-power. Send for illustrated circulars and price list. STRON'ACH & ALLCOTT, Manufac turer s Agents, Raleigh, N.C Branch Hoa nt Charlotte arid (jolds boro. ro. mavH-tf Oteo. w. lionixsows Eagle Brewery, BUCHANAN SPRINGS, WEST CLAY ST., RICHMOND, VA. The Gold Medal was awarded George W. Robinson for superior Ale, Porter and letter Beer at the Virginia State Agricultural Fair of 1"CS. K-ad and see what Dr. Wm. II. Taylor says. State Chemist of Virginia. statk assay t:it anu chemist's gffick, Richmond, November 1, The Ijieer Beer manufactured bv Mr. G. W. Robinson, at the KAGLK BREWERY, in this city, has been chemically examined by me, the samples tested having been col lected by myself, and found free from adul terating substances. It ii'av be used as a medicine, or beverage, in fall assurance of its purity. Wm. II. i.ok, M. I)., state Chemist. This Beer is put up in and bbls., and also bottled for FAMILY iru BAR use. All orders nuit be aecompau.eu with tlfecash, or good reiere.iee. may l--d ly The Great ulssovery. PURCELL LADD & CO.. Richmond, Va. in-yl3-ihfcwtf JEWELRY, WATCHES, Diamonds, Spectacles I AND I MEDALS t.tl) nllE-I'IS A NFKCIAITT. THE largest stock of goods In the South. Solid silver and Plated ware. Goods old at factory price. Watch repairing a pecialty. Orders by mail promptly attend ed to and satisfaction in all casea guaran- John H. Tyler & Co., Successors to MITCHELL &. TYLER, No. 1,003 Main Street. Richmond. Va. The oldest Jewelry House in theSoub aug 27-dawly illnrljinmj. EVE R V DAY' We arc receiving Inquiries or orders for the Reliable Kouthern Engine, made by Talbott in Sons, Richmond, Va. Every agent is expected to Increase his pales this season, and the manufacturers are now working nljrht and day to fill orders. Per sons of experience never fall to buy this Standard Machinery. Qlnuing Engines a spceial'.v . They have Invented the best spark Arrester ever known. We are agents for the best quality of all kinds of machinery. Don't forget the "Improved End Shake Nweeptake Tnreaher, Horse - Powers and Buckej-e Mowers of C. Aultinan A Co., the best made Call and see our sample machinery. Stronach d Allcott, Manufacturers and Owner's Agents and Machinery Dealers, JuneL'l-tf .. , . Ji A LEIGH, N, C. TXT ANTED A gentleman living in Rnl X X elgU wishes the services of a lady who has had some experience in the, cure and management of children, and ah in household atrairs. Address with real name, giving references. . P.O.BOX 20f, .. June 17-lf. Raleigh, N. C. imoiT&t Xt. Furniture ! Furniture On band and finr.sale 3JU suits of Chamber Kuraiture,- m uriees from SJo to 5100. Also Bnreaw,' ' "."aTdrotres, Washstands, .Safes, Chairs, and every article usually found in a wtt atoeked furniture store. Furniture in Great Variety. Parties in want will consult their interest bv pavirur me a call. Orders by mail promptly attended to WILLIAM DAFFROX, 14.TS Main Street. Richmond, i . Mattress and Upholstering Rooms, 16, 18, -2J, North Fifteenth street 1 13-diy . PICTURE FRAME MOULDING., OF il.--riitioiis. The hirsrf-st stock south of Baltimore. Also Looking- lass Plates of all sizes, Ixith German and f rencn, whole- ,ruilH u, ,irH follow In -sizes: lSx3ii. isx-w. .1 . . . a i i iiuiiii!! sk si u i if ii i it in r ki ri,n JIX42, r.'XW, anu smaller MifN hi uupn- eate Baltimore prices. Pieture Frames of all descriptions made at twenty minutes notice. WILLIAM DAFFRON, U; Main street C "lARPFrrs! CA RPTH I offer for sale on very reasonable terms, a lot of very tine lnree-piy t.xtra supernne and super fine. Also some Cotton Chains from the very best mills in the country. Not having room, I will sell very cheap. Please call and eiami-e. Also Rugs, Matting and window Shades. WILLIAM DAFFRON, -;- a ii Mini 20c- 20c. Arlmckle's Ariosa Coffee. . I will hereafter keep this well-known brand of CoUee regularly in Slock. It is a good roasted ,not ground), ( offee, already glazed and requiring no ege toclear It. Put up in fl packages, full weight; retail price I 20c. per pound. Pamples free on applica- I tiou A FI LL LIXE OF ROASTED COFFEE of eTery kind; best quality, fresh and at low prices, v tvn n. K thw I v-sm-s-- mm. - . of every description We sell Teais onlv from th nriviua rwsui:Mn mi Teas, but will mix them to order. $motel Beef sliced or shaved to order. Best Butter reeeire! every w eek by express, retail 25c. per pound. Everything In Staple and I'miry GROCERIES. at low prices and delivered promptly. 'r. J. Hardin. lunels-if IIOIaSFOItD'S BREAD PREPARATION. As af.'jnts for this excellent Baking Pow der we can sell to dealers as low as they can buy in New York or Baltimore. We have received bv to-day's freisrbt twenty-five cases which we deliver to city trade at iti.Sj per case. W. C. & A. B. STRONACH. 300 ponntla Genuine Monthampfon Hams just received. W. C. & A B. STRONACH. Tew York Oilt Edjfe" and Cream ery Butter which we retail at 25 cents per pound, and good margin to dealers. V. C A A . B. STRONACn . "Eaeelaior' Family Flour, our new brand, warranted tr trive satisfaction where Patapseo has been used ;7 per bbl. Bridge water Family and Paptapsco Family Flour in packages to suit customers, ami lowest market price. YV. C. A A. B. STRONACH. Wliorlleberriej the finest Saiupson county blues, received every clay. Y. ( '. .V A. B. STBOXACH. A. W.FRAPS. KALJ'KUI, N. ('., Agent for TOM COOPEirS LAl ltEL VALLEY CENTENNIAL OLD RYE AND Wheat Whiskey, A Jlargejlotalways on hand 'from; two ;four years old, iniversally acknowledged to be The finest Whiaky made in the South. Persons wishicg Strictly Pure Spirits For Medical and other purposes can get any size package From 3 to 50 Gallons, By addressing T. N. COOPER, Eagle M"' P. P.. Iredell county. N. . 1879. OLD and TRIED. 189 OLD NICK, (COBJf AND RYE,) This reliable brand of PURE WHISKEY has been successfully tested by the lovers of lirst-class Whiskey fur the past 50 years, and has preserved Its high reputation undi minished. Itis offered to the public with the full guarantee of the i-toprietor. and will not fail to give perfect satisfaction whenever used. For sale by all flrst-claiyj dealers. Address, JOS. WILLIAMS, Pun her Creek, liokin Co , N.O. may-tf Pnlttmore. Wire Railing and Ornamental uwi WOUKS. DUFUR & CO. o. S, 3T. Howard St. Baltimore, Md 3rtnay-Wd-t.f ' I respectfully call the .atteutlon mv friends, patrons-Abd the public generally cf theouth to MY $$W, UNADULTKIATBO AN HEiUflY LAGBB rewel purelv f , rnsJti amD . bopn, hy.the Vleti nt me t hoa as 4. ex,pr easly for oxpoutic r ' ' JACCfB HSKOli 2515 German street, Baltimore, Md-d-ly PrilsRule I Day ! L. ROSENTHAL & CO. Have made, the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to include the latest novelties ir Hens, Youths, Boys & Childrens Clothing, We otfer this season to the consumers a line of Linen Ulsters, Drap d' Ete Suits and Gossamer Coats. Also, a ful 1 line of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Slippers ! including the best make in the country. There can be found in our stock a complete line of Faney Goods, and F'ur, "vV ool and Straw Hats and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. We have added to our stock a line ol Ladies' Linen Suits and Ulsters ! We invite public irspection and are at all times ready to give quotations of prices. Buying largely for cash only, as we do, for three stores, we claim t hat our prices are as low as anv house in tnis state, aim cui. mers would do well to call on us before pur chasing. L. ROSENTHAL & CO., maviT Raleigh. N. C." New and Fresh Goods AT- M. ROSENBAUM'S BROWN TABLE LINEN DAMASK BLEACHED " HALF BLEACHED " TURKEY RED Jiine (M) different qualities in all. Siapkini and Waiter Clotlia match the same. to TOWELS, CRASHES and QUILTS new supply. RECEIVED MONDAY BY EXPKESS, Hamburg Edging, Parasols, Fans, Tor tion Lace, all very cheap. Call early or you will miss a bargain. Respectfully, june 18-tf M. ROSENBAUM. D. S. WAITT & BRO., Wholewile and Retail dealers in Ready-Made ClotWng, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, No tions, Hosiery, Gloves, Trunks and Valises, 25 Fayettevelle street. Raleierh. N. '. DR. ALLENS LIGHTNING CUKE. THE STANDARD REMEDY OF NORTH CAROLINA. For Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Dyspepsia Cholera, Cholic, Diarrhoa, Dysentery Pleurisy. Lame Rack. Pains in the side, LIVER ADK1DSEY AtSEAiEH. CURE OF DEAFNESS A Specialty. No Iodides nor Mercury. Nothing to parali.e the nervous system to make it in sensible to paiy, but purely a vegetable com pound Roots and Herbs. None genuine without my Portrait and Signature. For sale by Williams & Haywood, Wholesale -uruggists, Baleiah, N. C. april ll-d.3m Black Mountain Salve I Used. to Heal Fresh Wounds, Scalds, Burna, and Especially Galls, Cuts and Calks IN HORSE. Mailed post-paid on receipt of 35 en It. Direct to JOHX BOSSIN, Post Office Box 76, RALEIGH, X. C. may 28-tf OXE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES of the nineteenth-century, and one that takes equal rank with the invention of the telephone, the electric light and other scien tific marvels of the age, is that of Henry's Carbolic Salve. This Compound possesses the most re markable Healing Properties of any known agent employed for the purpose ot curing SORKS, WOUNDS, CUTS, BRUISES, Inflamed and abraded surfaces, and for all skin Diseases. Its cleansing properties remove all im- i.uiiLiea umi ninuer tne formation of neaiiny nesn, ana tne work of cure goes on tuiuicu'iii most nonoerfnl Rapidity. Let no family be with of it in the house. Physicians extol its vlr- i,ues; ana tne uiousandt who have used it unite in recommending it Beware of luuii leneiis. Ask for Henry's Carbolic Salve, and take no Other. JOHN F. HENRY, UR1..N fc CO., Bole Proprietors, &C!Or.MSOI PLACE, NEW YORK. dtwlwlamly ool anil IVoob, Wood, Coal, Wood, Coal, Wood, Coal, Lumber M JiM. Lumber and Brick. Lumber and Brick. J. D. WIHTAKER, Foot Hargett Street, Raleigh, N. C. " juneft'-tf. It 4 r-t- jug iifS REDUCED RATl-s SUMMER RESORTS ! In North Carolina & Va, Good Until 1st of November. ST(( Va. Potnt Va. poi, Ralelahto - RaWgh to - Bonsacks (R.T.) I5 r, sweet r,:;l. .it.t. Llue Ridge 1 " str.if)it, " Coynera " naindtrip, ',. ' Alleghany, " 17&". strai.-bt. Big Tunnel, " 1T5 round trip ' ' Chrlatlansb'g I" M fitrlhhllng s) t. . New River, " 1HW etrMijrfit. Wytheville, " 2Htio round trip Butr.Llth.Sp"g8 13 15 Warm j t v Old Point Com rt,15 'JO straight. ' , Bot. Alum round tiij . 8pg'straight) 18 fifi White suli ',ur ' round trip, JWiW straight. Cold Sul- round trip phur (stra!ght),lfl 10 Lexln?ron round trip, mw straight. ...it .. t- i . t Healing Sp gs, straight. round trip, Hot Sp'gs. straight. round trip, Jordan Alum, straight, round trip. Natural Bridge, straight, round trip. Red Sulphur, straight, round trip. Rock Bridge jou iiu in p. 3th5 - . '. Holnu Tt u6 Raleigh to Hickory, i R. T V0 05 Morganton, -'Zl .S3 Glen Alpine, Marlon. ' 17 S5 Old For?, , Zi ;10 Ashevihe, !.' rieumoiit Spk; 19 to round ti lt, :&u5 Morehead ( it , round trip 21 30 L'nc.lnlon. nT 25 Cherrvville Butlafo. 1 . 11 Alum,straight, 17 .55 ML Airy, round trip, 'SiiO Wnrm i.ir '. Rock Bridge Hetiilersniivllle" j- ,' Baths,straight, 17 10 ' . round trip, 22 55 Ieave Kalelgh H.w p. m.. arrive at aIi. ville 11.40 next morning. Sleeper from Salisbury to Swin,,,, of mountain, passingall mountain ,,''. t daylight. Passengers can purchase tlck ts i., .i . ville via Spartanburg or Sal!smi -June H NEW ROUTE. QUICKTIME! New Coaches AND Smooth Track. Ealeigh & Gaston and Raleigh & Augcr.a Air-Line Railroad Companies, Okfice ofGkn'i, Su fkk istexukm. K a leigh, N. C, June IV, !. ! Persons wishing to visit the Mountaii.. North Carolina will rind a most AGREEABLE RtfUTE VIA . ii.. in i ) BY WAV OF HAM L ET, C H A R L( TT E A N D S I A J J -TAMJL'K(i TO HENIiEK soNVILLE. Leaving Raleigh at S p. m., on Sleei. r-. they breaktaht in CharU.tte, arriving u Henderson ville about six p.m. Tlienn . Fast Stages to Asheville IN THKKfc. AM A II KV.V liol'KS. By this route, they have the day f'.r ! e Mountain trip, and the comfort of the j B sengers is made the first consiih rntior. jxo.c. winufi:. June Its-- in huperi nt -n J. ni comksi:ti.mi:. O R T H V. A R ) I. I X A R O A I. Ii A I TRA INS GOING EAST. I ' .No.-. Date, May ,11. 179.1 No. 2, t No. , li. I Daily. I Daily. ex.M.i. Leave harlotte. . ::..Vi:im U.flpnr Saltshtiry i li.ol n m w..V. j.m- HighPointl 7.3ia m'lo.lspni' Arr. ,(ireensboro.. S.n."a iii10.;Vj pin i Leaveiireensboroi s.JJain, i 7.' p m Arr HiIlsboro....;io.Piuui ' 1 1 .44 p m " Du'ham 'lu.Wa m' 1.11 um " Raleigh. I2.1ipni! ' i.liihim Lv. ' i ,i.:iti pmi 5.4th m Arr. Goldsboro . . " ") pm ii..Vani Xo. 47. -At Ureensboro with K. iV 1 . R. K. for all points North, East and West. At fioldsboro with W. A W. U. R. for iluiing toti. 'n. 4."5 Connect'; at Greensboro with H. vl. R. R. for all points North, Last and West. TRAINS GOING WKST. No. " Dally, ex. un. Date, May 11,1879. No. 1. Daily. No. 3. Daily. Lv. Goldsboro.... Ar. Raleigh Lv. " Ar. Durham Hillsboro " Greensboro... UKlOum fi.iJO pm1 10.3) pmj 12.40pm Lid pm 5..'i.'5 p in 6.17 pm l'.OOum 11.4.MI III 1.1s i 111 t'.lo l 111 N.25pm . Lv " .. . ; K.rVipm! .57a m Ar High Point... U.lOpml 7.81 ami " Salisbury .ln.H4pmi t.;7airi " Charlotte il-.;.7a mill. 17 a mi o. 4H Connects at Grreushoro with S lem Rrancli, at Air-Line Junction with A C. A. L. h ailroad for all points South ainl Southwest; at ("harlotte with C. C. fc A. R. forall points South ami Southeast ; at Suli bury with W.N. tj. R. R. daily except Sun day for all points in Western North Caro lina. o. 13 Connects at Air-Line Junction' with A. A- C. A. L. for all points South an t Southwest. r , SALEM BRANCH. Lv Greensboro daily except Sunday U.lOp. M. Ar Kernersville " " lfi.a " Arrive Salem " " " 11 io " Ieave Salem " " " .o0 " Ar Kernersville " " ' fi.io Ar Greensboro J " s.nij Connecting at Greenslro witli trains on R. D. and N. C. ltailroids SLEEPING CAES WITHOUT CHANGE Run both ways with Trains Nos, I and 2. between New York nnd Atlanta via Rich mond, Greensboro and Charlotte, between Greensboro and Augusta, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and I between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Au gusta. 4fc-Through Tickets on sale nt Greens boro, Raleigh, Goldsboro , Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South. South west. West, North and Last. Kr immigrant rates to jKdiits in Arkansas and Texas, address J. R. WeJf nrilo. Gen. Passenger Aigenf , Richmond. Va. pALKIGH A GASTON RAILROAD. Change ofScheduIe. Sl'PKR I NTKK DKXT'S OFFIC K 1 Raleigh, N. C , June ., !S7f. On and after Friday, June th, l7'i, trains on the Raleigh v (iaston Railroad will run daily (Sundays excepted) a tol lows: Leave Leave Raleigh 10 am Weldon 1 :ipm Arrive at Arrive at Weldon .... 1 10 " Kalelgh 7 T " Mall train connects at Weldon with tle mail trains of the Seaboard and Roanoke and Petersburg Railroads. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Kalelgh at 4.15 p. M. Arrive at Weldon at .S,fl A.M. Leave Weldon at 4.20 A. M. Arrive at Raleigh at :.loP. M. " JN. C. WINDER, may 29 Superintendent. RALEIGH & AUGCSTA AIR - LINK RAILROAD COMPANY. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SupebiStkxdct's Office. Raleigh, N- '..June 5th, IK7. i On and after Friday June fith. 1879. train on the Raleigh Augusta Air-Line Railroad willrun dally (Sunday excepted) as follows To take effect 7:80 a,. in. Monday, May l, 1K7W TiEaW&iiislaE Leave lea.ve Raleigh SlXIpni Hamlet 'Z M am Arrive at Arrive at Hamlet 2 00 Raleigh . .. 8 30 Train No. 1 connects at Hamlet with the C- C Railway for Wilmington, Charlotte and all points Booth. No. 2 connects at Ka-lelrh with the Balefgh A Gaston Railroad for all points North. JOHN C. WINDER, Superintendent.

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