r DAILY NEWS if i viCT Jordan. inopniETon.s T4ll'ksiAV-- - - Jl'LV 31. the railroad ;nonopots, Le y(ill sur port liiui. Ex -Governor and ex-United States Coin another 'Republican leader in California, ha taken the same cou me a-i Uorhan. These are un denUod fact in Washington. If true, tho signs of a Demo cratic victory in California are decided ly encouraging. Jog Marti belongs to llendrlck 11. Wright's Uateliug Uow. It as a.vorvltngtd thetternal ntneM of things thin Pennsylvania demagogue should be tut at Lite head of a wininiltoo to in vrigte the Uepreiuuon iu UUr, with the jocular Joe Martin to help hi in. liaudail ha displayed the sain exquia , ue UMt and discrimination In the con stitution of this c;nmittee that he dis played in making Cert. a lianduie voung lawyer from New York, chair man of the committer on acri uliure umT Aiken, a noted South Carolina planter and agriculturist. n his way to Chi'.t. w he w the committee is now sitting, Martin slopped in Washington City and "talked" the unsophisticated correspondent of the llaltimore .Sun. He told the .Sun man tnat Sherman was way ahead in North Carolina. Grant w as nowhere. The .Vmm sagely remarks thereupon : "The Grant j-cople say that Mr. Martin has tV.u htsl this conclusion only since the recent suspension of Internal Revenue Collector Towers in North Carolina, a Grant man, and the appointment in his stead of the friend of Mr. Martin, who is a Sherman man." SjHsfulation altoutlhe "hard times' dpr-sion in trm.le, industry and ri nances is Idle talk. Profitless as all concede it tol-o tlje country present a the spectacle to-day of a committee of e'njr?Am-n traveling over the coun try iu line palace car, at the peoples "iuvestitraliug" a question that haa addled the bruin of the wisest of our political economist. Think of Heudrick It. Wright and Joe instructing the country Martin in matters of political econ omy. The thing receives itself iuto a tio"w. But for the expeu.se w e might enjoy such perioruiauces aa took place at C1kro last Monday : Lyman J. Gage, cashier of the First National Bank, w as the first witness. He regarded the prese.it supply of money in the country as ample. Although ten years Kick we had much more money. Vet he said the banking business of Chicago was sounder to day than ever before, lie thought the return of pro,-erlty began about eigh teen months ago, and that the present outlook was very favorable. In answer to questions by uo chairman, he said that doubtless the withdrawal of cur rency had tended to depress business during the pa.si ten e.us but it had not ojt rated as a ery essential factor, 'l'he depression was a reaction toward tn normal standard, which ho thought a. iviaturally dijturled by the late u.tf aa 1 its results. The prosperity of l.ii.i.oss men and the rate of increase f the population were greater ten irs ago in Chicago than inev are now but the amount of merchaiulise hand led heie now j vastly greater than ten Anent congressional complications in Steel's district, the Lumberton Rob MjHi'in remarks: We took occasion last week, in a rather deprecating mood, to speak of the scramble that is already being entered ' into for this nomination and after giving an incomplete list of the aspirants, we stated that, so far, we w ere iu favor of Colonel Steele, and gave therefor reasons that were satis factory to us, his "pledge" not to be a candidate to thecontrary notwithstand ing. We think that so far as this coun ty is concerned, this "pledge ' it is 'something new, under the sun," ami th question may well bo asked to whom was it given. It would have been gratuitous ao far as our people are concerned. We think that so far at least. Colonel Slee'e is the whoice ot our county. We have no objection to any of the many distin guished gentlemen, whose names are mentioned in this connection. Colonel Charie 1L Jones of Cliarlotte, would wear tho honors worthily and his nom ination would be a grateful re cognition of distinguished merit. The lluhenuiH says his people favor Colonel Steele for the same reason that they prorerred Ashe in 176: "they are opposed to so often changing their rep resentation at tho National Capitol. Colonel Steele is now making a Nation al reputation; audasa matter of course, is iu a coudition to be ol josiiive ad vantage to his State and section. Then why change him for another who is not his superior in any essential particu lar. So far as pledging not to run again is concerned, we think a public man has no right to stand in the any or out of the tray of the people.. That is to lay, w e do not think a public man has a fright to force himself upon the peo ple, nor has he a right to decline to serve them if it is the unanimous wish of the pe 3ple, that his services are neces sary." It would be hard to successfully assail the seemingly impregnable josi tion m igoronsly defined by the llohc sonum, and we venture to remark it at tho risk of being counted the friend and all v of oiue of the "ins." EW YORK srr. ' Tuesday's New York Sn has a olamn ofldouble leaded stuff like this: We are for the Union, first, last, and iv the middle. We are against seces sion at airiiines, in all places, and under all circumstances. Furthermore, we believe in fervently cherishing the memory or the dead who died for the Union. "VY cannot concede to the rebels more than an honestly mistaken sentiment of patriotism. We believe the difference, even in death, between dying for a right cause and dying for a wrong cause is very great, and that it will endure forever, because in its very essence it is inde structible." Tho treacherous sheet concludes with this hypocritical can't on its unholy Democratic lips : "Let the Democratic principles of w hich Jefferson was the apostile, pre vail say we, w hether under the name of Robinson or Church both good names whether under the name of Kelly or of Tilden lot them prevail ; for on these true and hallowed princi ples of right and of equality of right rest the prosperity and happiness ot all the millions who flow dwell in this broad land, and of the countless mil lions yet to be born w ithin its bonders." Some people regard the Sun a Demo cratic newspaper. It is for sale. Y ho bids and how much, Its fervent advocacy of Tilden is in tended, doubtless, to destroy him. It was a bold and able sheet before Mr. Danvas' departure from the country. Now it is brazen faced aim simple. 45 Years Before ,tt 5 Public. THE CETS:.: DR. C. Mel, ANSI'S CELEBRATED T IYER PILLS Oh, They are Coming! IE NATIONALilTEL, FOR THE CURii OF Hepatitis, or Liv-er Complaint, Til k school bill will bo argued in the Supreme Court to-day. Whatever the decision of the court, the high charac ter of tho distinguished and houorable gentlemen who compose it will resent the slightest intimation of "fear, favor or reward.', The purity of onr judici ary shines now with exceptional brill iancy. Though holding electiye posi tions, no body w ho knows the 6tern virtue and incorruptible integrity of Smith and Dillard and Ashe will trouble themselves to inquire into their motives. A profound interest is manifested throughout the State in the question pending before the court. Not as a legal question, but as one deeply concerning the momentous and hither to lamentably neglected cause of edu cation. We do not magnify matters in there is a deep-seated discontent in the saying public mind in regard to this matter. year ago. Being asked w hat he would sugest in the way of legislation, he Mii he wou.il reeal the iegal-!endcr quality ot I'rutcd States notes, and pay tnem :i demand to l-earer, make gold and silver dollars interchangeable at the I n lied States) ti eusum-s, and pre vent the KiUi' of and retire utl.4iid st.iiiding note under the value of live dollars as .juit'kly as josibie. It would bv a mistake to repeal tho national Kink nig law. ie..rK -hneidcr, president of the National Bank or Illinois, ti.:uied that he did nt l-chevo in iiuie.tsing the olume of the ru rrrney. The city and its Kinks w ere in a he.tilhy tat to-dav. Th panic ai I the season of b ink ruptev had strengthened rathwrlhan weakened Chicago, and "business, which began to rev iv e a jear and a naif ago, i in a line condition. Ho thought tho 1 es ii -gre.s bothered itli iinaues Uiu beiier r the country. Gwo. M. s,;! a f.n mer of Wiscon sin, tstihcd that laruis were mortgaged t- their full value throughout the tate; thu pru-e of farm lalsr a lowering, at preseut being from 7- cent jer day to jjlo j,er mouth : the penal law of Wi.s coiishi. lial dtstroye.1 the surplus of Ubo ; farmer steetued blind lo the fa l that three-fourths of the so calitsl train p3 are honest laborers out of w ork. He thought an iniro.io of currency would beuetlt Wisconsin; the panic of 113, caused by t much sp-ulaiion, caused tle existing depression among th lalnjrtug ciaej. He thought tho govornuieul ctuniuUUil a great wrong in contracting the currency ; contrac tion meant national uicide; it forced meu to do with one dollar w hat they h.ul agreed to do with two. Charles lUndolph, fcevrwtary of the Board of Trade, staled that the general busine ofthe cityvhad bn atadilv increaaiug since tlie till of ls7;t, and real eauta had leen decreasing in value; the North went was iu U-tter shape than any other part or the coun try. He believed, therefore, that abun dant capital wm now- aeeking perma nent iuvestmenu He explainet the condition of tho finances of Chicago, and state 1 that he believed there was not a city in tho country in better con dition. Jo.ph Iltstman, contractor and real state dealer, gave tealiuiony as to the decrease in rents, price of labor and materials. ' He thought thq city would proper for a few 3 ear, and' then we would have another panic. And for snch stuff as this the country is to be taxed that a committee of luna tic ( no reflection on the lunatics) niay ex curt over the conntry and show their heels. The pru ti e of naming Tom, Dick and Harry for Governor or Congress man or Judge because ho is a "good fellow" and has "claims on the party is grow ing to be a positive nuisance. "In nsming her next Governor we hope North Carolina w ill not forget her gal lant son John Smith. He served her on the tented Held and since the dark days of the war have passed ho has been true to her every interests, cher ishing and defending her honor and glory at all ha.inl. Certainly his claims w ill not bo overlooked." We nominate Bill Jones, glorious "fellow too, is Bill, for Congres from the Gourd Fiddle district. Our friend has served two terms in the lower branch of the State Legislature and is familiar w ith parliamentary tactics. Ho will soam make his mark in Congress." Wo are told by older men that in time agone it w as a great honor even to bo men tione 1 for tho exalted otli e of Govern or of North Carolina. A glance at her illustrious Governors and Congress men would .se 111 to w in rant this assertion. How iwKs the spread of tho fever in Memphis this year compare with the epidemic of 117S? is a question often asked. Has it been more rapid or slower; more fatal or less so? The first death Irom yellow lever last year oc curred thirty-seven days later than this year on Augnst 16, when two persons died. The fever came this year early in July the tenth when there were three deaths. The record for the first sixteen daj-s of the epidemics of ls7s and 16'J compare as follows: MUST WKKK OFTIIK FKVKK. 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 Total, 5 - 0 H2 0 0 0 Total, 5 SKCOXII WEKK. - 1 0 1 1 :$ 1 Total, 13 -10 2 4 4 0' 7 Total, 24 THIKD WKKK. 3 . Orand total, 24 - r, 10 Grand total. 44 It w ill thus bo seen that the fever this year has advanced much more rapidiy than it did in 1SX The deaths for the second week have been double those for the second w eek of that year, and the third week has commenced with an even higher average increase. Is7s 1S70 17S ls7i 17 170 Symptoms of a diseased Liver. PAIN in tlu it sidu. under the edge of the i ;o, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side , sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder bl.ide, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken fcr rheumatism in tlu a m. The stom ach is affected w ith loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, iccompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss o' memory, aocompanid 'ith a painfui sensation of having left undone something which ought to hj-. t been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility ; Ti : is easily startled, his feet are cold or 1 ir nin-', and he com plains of 1 prickly sensation of ihe skin ; his spii its are low ; and although he is satiarK.Li tli.it exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up ;-.titude enough to try it. In fact, he .1. -trusts every remedy. Several of the .i'.'Ove symptoms attend the disease, 1 ut cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been exten sively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking (Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. . For ail b;I'"ous derangements, and as a simple purgative, they aref un- -equaled. BIWARE Or IMITATIONS. The geninse are never sugar coated. Every box ..as a red wax seal on the lia, with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver P:l:.s Tne re m ne xtfcLANir's Liver. Pills bea"- the sinitures of C. McLane and Tleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon naving the genuine Dr. C. McLane's liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh; Pa., the market being full cf imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. I w ill have a choice lot of PINR APPLES this evening, which I wiU sell cheap. BANANAS, BANANAS, ORANGES, ORANGES, LEMONS, LEMONS. A Fresh Lot of STATE HOUSE SQUARE, RALEIGH, N. . o STREET & SON Owners and Proprietors. W.C.&A.B. Stronarti JULY 1 0 Til. 1STEW GOODS. Fresh Memina and Palermo Lemoni :t boxes just received, retail at 25 cts. aozen anuJioeraL margin 10 dealers. NUTS. Mi and Plai Candies ''mis Renewed and Re-established. FRESH CAKES Of every Description. J. A. Bragassa, U-tf 16 IXvelteville street. 1879. OLD and TRIED. 189 OLD NICK, (COBS AND BYE,) This reliable brand of PURE WHISKEY has been successfully tested by th lovers of first-class Whiskey for the past 50 years, and has preserved its high reputation undi minished. It is offered to the public with the full guarantee of the ioprietor. and will rmt fail to give perfect satisfaction whenever used. For sale Dy all first-class Superior and Special Acccmmodati one For All Classes of Travel. may 1ft tt,- For The Sea Snore i ATLANTIC HOTEL, BEAUFORT, N. C. NEW MANAGE MEN T . New Lot Cocoanutfl. Almonds, IV walnuts, Brazils and Filberts. COFFEES. Fine line Old Government Javit 1 .... berry, Savanilla, Maracnibo, Lamiiivm Santos, Mexican, Moclea, White and ;,v. ..." Rio Coffees. - " TEAS. Choice lot Gunpowder, Imperial, Japun Old Hyson, Young Hyson, He no Chop, Y.u. lish Breakfast, Twankey, and Oolong 'la Our "Wung Jung" Gunpowder at 50 -tn. pr pound warranted to give satisfaction tu most delicate palate. FISH. dealers. may9-tf- Address, JOS. WILLIAMS, Panther Creek, Yadkin Co . N.C. D. I. C. Is an absolute and irresistible enra for pro race lenness, Intemperance and the aae of Opium, To-1 Ibaooo, Nvooucs and Stimulant, removing mlil taste, aeore ana naoic 01 using any 01 mem, rcxi-p derinsr the taste or desire for anr of them DerfectlT odious ana aiagnstlng. tHTlng every one peneci and irresistible control of the sobriety of them selves ana tneir inenas. It prevents that absolute physical and moral prostration toot follows the sadden breaking off from using stimulants or narcotics. Package, prepaid, to core 1 to 5 persons, $2, or at your druggists, $L75 per bottle. Temperance societies should recommend It. It is perfeott 7 harmless and never-failing. Hop Bitters Mfg. Co., Rochester, N.Y. Sole Agents Hon Conch Care destroys all pain, loosens tile! conga, quiets the nerves, produces rest, and never! laus to cure. Open the 1st of June under the manage ment of the undersigned. A first class sea side resort and the most pleasantly situa ted house on the Atlantic oast. The tide ebbs and flows aily beneath the building, and it is free from dust, flies and mosquitoes. The ball room is the most spacious and airy in the State. A trood band of music has been engaged tor the season. Surf bathing unsurpassed, with suitable dressing nouses on the beach. Batli houses also within fifty yards of the house for still water bath ing. Large and airy rooms- also in the building1 occupied by the Proprietor the past two seasons, which can be had by those who prefer rooms on the mainland BAR, BILLIARDS AND TEX-PIAS. TERMS $20 per day; $12.00 per week. 4EJ-Special rates made with Excursionists and for parties for more than one week. 13. L.. FEKKY, my 25-2 m Proprietor. The II d Pad for Stomach. Liver and Kidnevs. I is aaperlor to all others. Cures by absorption. It I is perfect aaic orogglsts. Th Hob Bitters Sf. Co.. ef Rochester. K. T.mIh. dm-I puv tunc inunuc. mw ,u iiup uiilci., WLIILII HremiHJM en a Dercrage or i m toxicant, oat to rnntt and JUe&t MtdvA Un ever made, making more cure than al 1 othar remediM. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.! ST. JAMES HOTEL, Opposite Capitol Square, CORXER TWELFTH AND BANK STS., RICHMOND, VA. Terms PeF.Day $2 This House is most centrally located, be ing within three squares of either of the liepots. Tobacco Exchange or Warehouses. First-class Table and Rooms. A. B. MOORE, Proprietor, Formerly of St. Charles Hotel. mayl6-dtf Souse J3mlMng. JACOBS. ALLEN Fat New River' Mullets received txl.ly no better dish for breakfast. We have aUi in store "Woods" and Winston Roc Her ring, Good margins to dealers. FINE BUTTEk Always in Store. Lot of New ('ivmn Cheese to arrive. july20-tf D. T. JOHNSON, WHOLESALE Grocer and Commission Merchant, (Wilmington street.) MEATS. We keep on hand Bulk meats. North f 'ur- olina Bacon, and Lard in Tierces and Tubs and as we buy in large quantities wears' prepared to oiler inducements to the trails. FIOUR. The ! I jchol" olili- have passetl away. e ne r li el in those befrer !.. It bus lceii our misfortune to lie in the ae of sham and hhoJtiy. "In hours of soJer reflection" unfre- iient as they are we wonder if "trick ery" is a product of modern iolitics. Or did it live in the better times in tho disguise of statesmanship? Anyhow, it is not now dishonorable or discred itable to rail a successful politician a "trickster." There is h"ie for North Carolina Her modesty hat been her one !C8ettiii sin. When wo see her lead iu journal ists, who are supposed to cither lead or follow public sentiment, publishing their own mluUlive iiominalioual letters and indorwements, we take fresh hope. It is a si 'ti. Th California election is a very im-Isrunt- one. It may determine tho I-lirical complexion, of tho next Presi-deiK-y. It may co exactly balance jKiwer in ho 4ilh Congrexs that it a.-.sums tho hlhett national impor Uuc. Wa have fvdt some appreheu ion for the Ieuiocncv of that State. JiHin from it unruly and undi-i-pliued Democratic reprecuum ven in i'oucrea e hxxo bwou lead to distrust Urn fidelity to party organization and to entertain grave, doubts of iu sueeeas in. the approahlu,? eUs tiou. Things have improved there Utely. tf.onro . orhm h snpirtine' the Iern--ratic nomineo for Governor in that State, f tor ham wa.s the sts-relarv 01 wie .senate rbr ten yean under Re publican rule, and waa the secretary of the KepuLlicau congrejional cam paign committee during the Have canT:v. and als. in the canvas of la-st fall. IJe ha-s always beeu clovseJ a ataiwan leader iu his poty, and hi present oMirw? amaie hi Re publican -friend. In explanation, Gorham aaya he will support- the Ke publtcau oouiine) for l oiiKree in his district, and that he i for other Conk ling or Grant for President. Uq be lieve uua tne llepu UUcan part v of California i the friend of monpolv, and the errata re of the railroad mag nate who are oppressing the people of that State. Aa between the railroads and the people he is for the people, and as the Democratic nominee is the foe of Til khi: are tw o sidus to every ques tion the Panama Canal Scheme In cluded. De Iesseps has organized his Interoceanic Canal Company in Paris with a splendid capital of MGu, 000,000, which, lie thinks, will surtlce to dig this mighty ditch and leave a pretty re servo fund behind for emergencies. Tho income of the company, he promi ses in advance, w ill come toat least Oon.ixfciand will yield each stockholder the fancy intcrestof Hi per cent. Rough o!d Com. Ammen, of the opposition, however, who has trotted over the rocks of Panama again and again which do I-esaeps, by-lhe-by, baa only read of, laughs St this estimated cost of the proiKed canal as picayunish aud ridic ulously low. It can hardly bo culled an estimate, he declares, having been tho mere guess of a lot of young Paris ian engineers who, knowing nothing of thematter,inalorPanaina,gavearough guess at the probable cost of this enter prise. In oMn ial circles in Washington tho leuef.is gaining ground that the whole thing isasheuioon thepartof M. DeTesseps to forco urxjn the Paris con gress the Panama route, which might bo characterized aa the jocket property of Ideutenant Bonaparte-Wyso. The best engineers pronounce that route impracticable and favor the Xlcaragnan route. The United states has not oHicially taken josition in favor of any of the routes. All the surveys made on tlie Isthmus excopt the so-called survey of Lieutenant Wyse have been conducted by tho UniU'd SUtes, and it is considered ill-advised to allow tho work done by this government to go for aaught and tho construction of the canal to be under a company which has been organized by political intrigue, and which at tho outset proposes to discriminoie against the Vnited States. 'I n i:kk is rather a satire than a serious recipe for securing fame. It is more easy to remember a single mastorpieee than a multitude of splendid things, and great authors' names generally go, in public mention, with the name of some single great work of theirs. It is surprising to find how many people of merit have" "snug one song and died.' They have themselves a world of use less labor for fame by striking twelve tho first time. Somewhat like the fol lowing, tho author and his lest. pio duction hare found a lodgment in our minds: Henry Carey (tod Save the King. Hopkins Hail Columbia. Key Star Spangled Banner. John Howard Payne Home, Sweet Homo. Charles Wollc Burial of Sir John Moore. Cha rich King-sley The Three Fishers. Tiik Evening Visitor felicitates it self at the progress it is making in w inning the atl'yction and esteem, and, what is letter, the patronage of the city. The Visitor, cji passant, commends its morning cotemporarien. This is clever. Eutre nous: the fue journalist Is a stranger to envy and narrow-mindedness. Chulkka, or something akin to that malignant disease has made its appear ance in the town of Dubuque, Iowa. C'ortcrn-uifn prevails among the peo ple and they aie lleoing for their lives. Anont "Junius" and "the system." 'SOU nominis umbra. Wilmington Sta r. Duos qui scquitur fcporcs, neutrum Cftpit. Nkws. VEGETINE Purifies the Blood, .Reno vates and Invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICAL PROPERTIES ABE Alterative, Tonic, Solvent AND DIURETIC. eeelkMvidence. j .. !mr. IT. R. Stkvexs: V egetinei Jar Sir-I win most cheerfully jadd my testunouy to the- great W?pf ?flf mer ou 'iav already received 7&Oliie jH favor 0f yOUr great ami cood imediciue, emetine, for i do not CgGliri6tll,n,f nrt"gl can be said ia its 0 prie,. for I was troubled 'over rr j. Jthirty years- with that dreadful 1 egeune disease. Catarrh, and bad such bad k'oughlii'' spells that it would scm VCiTetinP as tLcaigh I nerei coold breathe "jany more, and Vboptim! Las r cured me; and I do feel to tliank YCgetinO Ciod all the time tbat tliere ia so good a tuedidne- as Vegetinr, VrffTit lnn ' also-tbiinc it one of tbe best cbc,iu"imedicines for couglia "and weak, a pinking feelings at the stomach, YCT6tin6rvn,d advise everybody Co takre tL Vkoktixk, for I can assure them rr i - it is one of the best medicine f egetineftbat ever wm. Mrs. L. CORE, Vonnf Snnfcor. Masazine and Walnufsts.. j-vtavuv - CaxnbrijLje, W.tM. Vegetine Vegetine Tegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Peace Institute, For Young Ladies, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. The next Annual Session commences on tlie tirst Wednesday in September, 1S79, and closes the first Wednesday of June, 1&80. The terms have been reduced from 10 to 20 per cent, in all departments. The total expense, ol a boarding pupil for one term or hall session will be 120. This amount will include Board with washing, fuel, light, furnished room aim servants attendance, tuition in English branches and Latin to those who desire it, Calisthenics, Text Books and stationery used lor school pur poses. For liberal propositions to pupils en tered for whole scholastic year see Cat alogue and Circular page 30. For cir culars containing full particulars aa to Course of Study, Address, Rkv. R. BunwrLi. A Sox, Raleigh, N. C. Principals. July l-tl. Wesleyan Female Institute, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Any one who desires to educate his daughter thoroughly' on the lowest terms and least expense, in one ot" the first schools for young ladies in the United Ktat -5, which opens September 18, 179. "Wr; for a catalogue lo K . Lr. WM.A. HARRIS. President, jy!' Ufcod2'&WtM tstaunton, Virgiuia. mmm BOLDER RALEIGH, N..C, (Formerly Betts fe Allen.) Contracts for Buildings In any part of the State, large or small, wood or brick. Thankful for the very lib eral patronage heretofore extended to the old firm of Betts & Allen, he hopes by prompthess and fair dealing to merit a con tinuance of the same. SHOPS ON HARRINGTON STREET, where it crosses ine nateign & uaston Hauroad. KEl Cashi Cas Anderson, President Citizens' National Bank, Maj. J. C. Winder, Superintendent Raleigh A Gaston Railroad; Maj W. H. Bagley, Clerk - upreiae Coart. may 24d6m CARPETS! CARP TH I offer for sale on very reasonable terms, a lot of very fine Three-ply Extra Superfine and Super fine. Also some Cotton Chains from the very best mills in the country. Not having room, I will sell very cheap. Please call and examine. Also Rugs, Matting and window Shades. WILLIAM DAFFRON, 1438 Main street We sell as a strictly Family Flonr, our poplar brand, which will give the lTiost fas tidious satisfaction, and to the general trnda our ss. family, together with our North Carolina Flourcbeingthoroughlv acq uaintid with the v lour trade of Chatham) Kandolth and Alamance we are generally well stocked with this Fjour and as we sell for them on commission a prepared to oiler induce ments to all buyers.) FISH. We are the only agents of the largekt l 'lh Dealer in Beauiort, therefore wo are uMe to supply the trade at lowest price. We al ways guarantee prices and quality of Fish to be as low as the lowes. W e have In slock in large quantities. Corn ineal, Molasses, Leather, Sugar a-c., tc, wimples and priews furnished on application. D. T. JOHNSON, lune27-tf Raleigh, N.C Refreshing and Wholesome. Appollinaris Natural Mineral Water. Fresh and Genuine, Hottles and Jugs, Just received directfroin the importer. CHOICE MESS IX A LEMONS. Extra fine, Large, Canvasnd Beef Tongues. Pure North Carolina Cider Vinegar, best quality. Pig Hams. Smoked Beef Sliced or Shaved tv order. Bridgewater, Patapco and ' ier brainla Flour. FINEST BUTTER kers by PERMtssrox To Sam C. White, er State National Bank : John C. Blake. ihier Raleigh National Bank: Col. W. E. I)rsf Received t vice a week by Express. Everything in the Grocery Line, quality, lowest prices. E. J. Hardin. iulylO- . . Wxqtx&vsi tint (itiixv5i. A. W.FRAPS. Mt. Vernon Institute. 46 3ft. Vernon Place, Baltimore, Md, English, French, a.nd German Boardii g and Day School for young ladies and little girls. Mrs. Mary J. Jones and Mrs. B. Maitland, Principals, assisted by a large corps of professors. The twentieth annual session will commence Sept. ISth. For cir culars address the Principals. lune 12-d3m a- ive s Health, Strength AND APPETITE. My daughter haa reeefred ereat benefit from tbe use of Vegetine. Her declining health was a sourea of great anxiety to all her fc ieiul. A few bottles of Vegetine re stored her health, strength and jappetite. trnmlinJ N. H. TILDEN, T ege line Insurance and Real Estate Art.. AO. 4V sears' uuiicung. Boston, Mass. Vegetine Vegetinei Vegetine Vegetine BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBAXKSVILLK, N. C. The 171st Session begins July 30, 1879. Arrangements have been made by which a limited number of young men can "mess" at per month. Board, with furnished room, reduced to $12 per month ; tuition to $50 per ses sion. For particulars address jy G-lm MAJ. R. BINGHAM. CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Charlmtowx. Mar. 19. 1868. H. R. Stevens: Dear Sir Thi ix to certify that nominis umhra. Wilmington Stat Star. Exactly as we had supposed. PCM inA!l uave usea your "liiood 1'repara- ib"iCtioil.. lny famiiy for 8everal or uneu- Greenstoro Female CoUege, GREENSBORO, N. 0. Tlie ITtli session of this well known Insti tution will open on Wednesday the 20th of August. Terms reduced to suit the times. Apply lor Catalogue to T. M.Jo-NES, President. jull0d2w V i : - f CKCLlIieiia or canueTous nninors matlcaffectipn. it cannot be ex Vi(Af?nftl''el and at a blood purifier or jepring medicine, it U the best Tiik very pleasant things being said oftheNKWH hy esteemed coteuipora rica and kind friends, since the writers return to the sanctum, are not over looked. Tho editor of the News is a very modest man. If the Banner of Liberty were to nominate him for Gov ernor to-morrow we venture the pre- I .! .1 mm . - uiciiou mat ue would not publish it in his own paper. Hut, de gustibits, etc. OYervntioii4 on the Tobacco Crop. Durham Recorder. We have information upon which we can rely for the present promise ol tlie crop that so much concerns both the agricultural and manufacturing interest In the counties of Granville aud Per son fall crops were planted ; and in the early part of the season gave splendid promise. In Orange, Caswell and Ala mace, there was not a full crop planted, the early approach of dry weather inter posing, in all these counties, as else where in the tobacco region, the drought has injuriously affected the first plant ing. The weed has run up, and but toned, and leaf narrow. Under the effort of rain, the leaf will become too heavy, and cannot make a good bright leaf, and cau only auswer the purpose of a good rich tiller. The later plant ings uever grew ou ; auu starting now, must consequently be a late crop. Ex perience proves that it is only the early tobacco that cures up to the ideal beauty and perfection. The prospect for much fine tobacco is, therefore, a remote one: while continued favorable weather, ano! a late fall, a fair supply of lower grades niav be rec koned om I can I have ever used, and 1 Lave heerfully recommend It to any one in need or such a medicine. A..U1.NSMOKE, " Jio. 19 Kussell street. Mb. A. I"ing l wave ever used, an Veetlne!ll9e: ,most everything. . cheerfully recommend It Vegetine i Vegetine Vegetine i Vegetind Vegetine Vegetine mzcozzzacxro it H eartily South Boston, Feb. 7. 1870. Mr. Stevens: I Dear Sir 1 have taken several ibcttles of your Vegetine, and am convinced it Is a valuable remedy YAfpf inpi'or Dyspepsia, Kidney complaint w cfjcuuc -jj general debility of tbe system. Vr . 1 can heartily recommend it to egetinei11 suireringrom the above coin plaints. ours respectfully. Cbeiliiej 6 Atlic-i: street PREPARED BY H. R. STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS Vehe i Sol J by All Druggists. Riclimond Female Institute, VIRGINIA. J. B. Jeter, D. D., President of the Board o Trustees. Miss Sallie B- Hamner, Principal. 4 This Institution, which has been so lib erally patronized by the people of the South, will open its twenty-sixth Annual Sessior. September 22. Fcr information address the Principal. July 15-deow2inos. B. R MONTAGUE ATTONEY 'AT LAW, Offlce over J. P. Gulley's Store, RALEIGIf, X. C, Special attention eriven to Collect inn Claims, and Remittances promptly made. Refers by Permission to State Nation al Bank Raleigh National Bank; Citizens National Bank; Chief Justice W". N. H Smith, and Judge Geo. V. Htronir. Raleigh N.C. may 17 dtf H. P. Qreen, Attorney and Counselor at Law, WARRENTON, N. C. Practices In the courts of Warren and ad Joining counties, and in the Supreme Court oi nit; oiaie. Orders on collections strictly complied with, and remittances promptly made. Kefers by permission to: Warren Savlmr Bank, and Old North State Insurance Cfcm pany. Warrenton. N. C. -dpa3 WALTER ChARK, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Practices in the State and Federal Courts 8ollections made in any part of the State, fflce in Bagley Building, corner Fayette--vill and Martin Streets, dec 29-It B. B.-MASSENBUKG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBTJRG, N. C. Offlce n the Court House. RALE Kill, N. C, Agent for TOM CbOPEK'S I.AVKKI. VALLEY CENTENNIAL OLD RYE AND Wheat Whiskey, A large lot always on hand from two Ifour yar old, -iniverMully acknowledged to be ' . Tbe OiieNt AVliinky made f n tllt-outli. Persons wlshlrf Strictly Pur Spirits For Medical and other purpose can yet any tlze package ' From 3 to 50 Gallons, By addressing T. N. COOPER, Eagle M1J P. P.. Iredell county. N. ' EDWARD T. CLARK, Attorney- and Counsellor At Law, - HALIFAX, N. G. Valuable- Roanoke Land FOR SALE. DY decree of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, we will sell at the courthouse door in Jackson, Northampton county, N. ( On Tuesday, July 22,1879, tliat valuable tract of land In aaid county of Northampton, known as "POLENTA " containing 2,300 Acres, More, or Less, adlniug Jald1f P1-- Jacobs and others. XKS.HSI One-tbird .li kui.w... i i v j'ciijh, wim interest- JNO. uEVKRKITY WALTER CLARK, j un6-tds Cornm'rM. BBllevne flU mm 1, Klccvrlcnrllw. A sure cure for nervous debility, premature decay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable eure. (.irculara mailed free. Address J. K. Reeves, 43 Chat ham St., . I, DlmWilm. BEDFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA. On Va. & Tenu. R. R., 15 Miles West of Lynchburg. A ftchool In which younjr men and boys are prepared fora University or lor buNinesa. HiKh and healthy location, Xull corps of Uachers, thorough Instruction, liberalpro yislon for the accommodation and comfort of students. For catalogues containing in ioimation. address, , t , , ABBOT, Principal, July 25-dandw2m. Bellevue P. O Winston Male Academy. Winston, X.C'i Classical, Mathematical, Scientifical and Commercial. Fall Session begins the 1th of August and continues 20 weks. Hoard and Tuitiou to suit the times. Winston, for social, moral, and healthful advantages, has no superior. For full par-' ticulars, Address, , J- A- Monroe, A. II. Principal, j uly20tf. Raleigh Male Academy. John J. Fray, (University ofVa ) Hugh Morson, (University of Vh." ""'n'" nl100"11 ;nnual ession of this school will begin on Monday, the lt lay of Sep tember LS79. ' ie?8f,rep,?red for,any of tht colleges of itlS aSfther States' r for the" or circulars containing, terms tstimn nials&c., address either oT thTpYincfpX Ciroulars can also be obtained at anv of the bookstores In the city. July 2U-tf. p THE H0EL OLD POINT COMFORT. VA.. Situated 100 yards from Fort Monroe. One 11 till 2? ?ear- Kqa toany hotel in the Uni tea States as a Hpring, Summer and Au tumn Resort. Send for circular. JU4fcd2m HARBISON PIIOKBUS. "PURE FRAME MOULDINGS OK ?Toiii crlptlon8- Tne largest stock south 2li fifiilm?w .Al8 Looking-Glass Plates of S; both German and French, whol SS?ti,tKU ,yuld attention of ths aSJI'm fo,1Iowing sizes: lSx.W, 18x10, fitiih40' and smaller sizes. Wilf dupll Baltimore prices. tJlJra,e8 ef a11 descriptions mads at twenty minutes notice. WILLIAM DAFFRON, 1138 Main Street MANUFACTURED BY E. H. POCUE J. J THOMAS, Agent, Raleigh, NC. Maccmaiik. June7-ly PIBGBIPTIOfJ FREE r tbe Kpedy Cam of Senilis! WesksM, Lost - uhoo4, Premstsrs debility, KsrToainon- Kf ll DM"T orx, Md al Disorder ST 1 i ? 7 8eret HIU asd Kxesisei. lay "ss" lsrrsaisats. Address, OR. JAQUES A CO., i3o West sixth st. onronnrATL ob ia