DAI LY NEWS lir.O. 4. JOKU.. Mltr Prop'r. TfMAY. - - - Al(iUST JC. 7'K The Cotton convention resolved to ltition fonrt-iH in lavor of rautiii more money to the Entomological Com uiision, with the hoe f thu di"ov- erin mean of annihi!:itinc tin de- structire caterpillar. TuLsluior Great Easier u. which ha lonp Iwen lying at Milford Haven, England, is to bo fitted up with new loiler and machinery at a owl of ClOO,- m a cattlo ship. It is estimate! that she will rarrVJ2rtnbeal of rattle and 3o.'V) heen. She in to trade Wtween London and port in Teiw. Few persons are aware that the tido of Chinese immigration is so diitish as to le almost inperccptihle, even under tho magnifying lens of Citizen Kearney. During th last month the number of arrivals at San Francisco by va was 1 ,"!: and the departures 1,010. This is proof ojitive that if the Chinese come they also go. Oi R Winston correspondent has hal a conversation w ith Jiulo Settle who has just returned from the North and is stopping in Winston awhile. lie nays the Judije is of the opinion that Tilden and Grant will t the next Presidential candidate?. Should this be the eae it will be some satisfaction to the Jude that lie has named the next President, and his name will be Samuel J. Tilden. The ill-latel Northern Pacific Rail road is eraduallv emenrine from the disa.sters which overwhelmed it in l.s, an-l is ieipjr pusnej lorwani into the Northwest thisseason at the rate of a mile j ds . Vill.4es are spriticititl up all along the road, and the sales of land along the line by tho rtuiro ul ami Kovernment amounted to ,0,u acre Ixsl year and will probably reach this year, blowing rejorts of the capac ity of the country as a heat prow ing section are made by re-ent visitor, and there seems to c a bright prosjtvl for the railroad yet. S.joi i;kk Ti:t m. says the A"'- .m h't-f rj'tn, hxs irnne to Kan to jjrou up with the country. Accordin;; to the List count Sojourner is lui years old. This plucky and venerable col ors" lady apparently caine to this world to stay when shew. is lwrn. ie must have ieen I "m aloiit the year to be born in. A ijic it many persons, sinf-e distinguished, have leen l"rn, have lived and disappeared since then, but sjouriu-r still remains. he is growing fresh e!ny t'eece on her head and, as the phrase goes, is ienew -ine her voulh. If she can on) v demon strate Uie poiliiity of a person's liv inc r;ht aiong tor several 1 eiitiine-. more ir less, there will !ie a gootl ileal of anxietv to cet tososs i ri of her re- ctic for doing it. 1 11 y. coverii incut fias at la-T Jut upon a practi'al e xpodicut Jor ciiliiug the Indians. It is the intention to take one hundred of the youths from the more aavage tril, the Sioux and Ar- raahooM, nd educate them in clvilUo! arts at 'arliIe It,rra-k. Pa. When thev are siitTicientlr e Incite! to h ive bevome familiar with ti e ethics of civ ilization thev arc to In returned to their tribe? and their places are to le filled with one hun Ire I more of the voungcr red generation. The theory upon which the cnvcrninent pursues this course is that those w ho are educated will have a direct influence in civil izing those to w hom they will return and learn thern the arts, sciences and agricultural pursuits. Thk Republicans in Ohio are having trouble with their negro supporter. The latter are demanding recognition aud threatening to liolt unless they re ceive it. To satisfy the Cincinnati ne groes a negro was nominstM for leg islature in that city, but taken down a few davs afterward because it was feared that he would injure the ticket. An other negro, who is a candidate for Representative in the Republican stronghold of Cleveland, has been re quested, to resign his pre-sent position. mat or justice or tue peace. If he wishes to run for Representative, ami fears to do so. leal he might meet with tlte same fate as his Cincinnati brother. In Columbus the same question haw broken out, the negroes demanding two placos on the lolico be m use their voto enabled the Republicans to carry the city. These two josftions were granted them, but the appointments produced such dissatisfaction in the white rank and file of the Republican party that they had to be reconsidered, and the two unfortunate negro oI ice men were dismissed the fon-e. Two years ago tlte w hole country w as on a grand strike. Husjnessi and trade were prustrato I and tho prospects of the United States never apjearel gloomier. An unusual num!er of strikes have been announced during iue past mouui, Dili uie news is no longer regarded as gloomy, but as an evidence of returning prospe-rity. The strikes of IT7 woro a contest of the laboring classes agaiiiM a pro fitted re duction in wages, nei eitat.sl by t!i. hanl times then prevailing. Tin strikers of to-ilar aro, for the mtst par:. demand of laborer for increased wages, a return to the prices faid a few years ago. Two of these strikes wi re announced last Friday that of the weavers in Fall River and the do. k men in Chicago, both of w horn demand ed an increase of ,v jer cent, in their wages. Judging by similar move ments iu the North these strikes will De successful. Kven if they are not. they are evidence that the shrewd and sagacious w orkingmen of the North irc uo iviuimu), I'luijiiiiv ami aro determined to secure somo of the ad ran tages of it. SjTTLER ar pouring into Kaunas by car-loftils, H(f"n-lo.N andhorHO loaJs everj day. Hora iJreoloy om u wrot from leaven worth to tho Tribune that Kansas vroahl eventually bet-ome the fourth state in the union aHsiiiing her precedence orr all but New York, Pennsylvania and Uhio. It is a fact that the wheat product of K annas, from the report for the last year. Just made, already exceeds that of Ohio, tho niim- bor of bushels produced by Ohio in 17S leing 'J7.ii ami the numW for KaiiHAs leint XI .(MUoO. Ohio Wa3 also led in tho matter of corn, and Kan sas became the heaviest gTAin-produC imr State in the country. Tho value of farm products for hvt ytr was t the rate oT lm (lr every man. woruan an child in the Suite. The immigrants at thi tiuia strike for Middle and West ern Kansas, tho advance lino of settle menta being .Vm miles west of tho Mis souri river. What was a few- years ago deemed unproductive soil is now paying, though the limestones arear are undoubtedly the uiot sought for It will surprise many to learn that there recently arrived at Salina Kansas, u large number of immigrants from the fertile valley of the Shenan doah, though the Salina people them selves w ere not at all surprised, (jiov St. John's efforts in behalf of the col ored people have not, however, been crowned witlt success, and manv of them are vot at Topeka w ailing to be employed or for something to turn up Til : Iouisvillo f'iirirr-Journal ex ands over anew era about to open to the cotton-growing interest, through two late inventions one for picking, the other for ginning and spinning cot ton as it is brought in from tho field. These will dispense with living pick ers and ginners and balers, and with tagging and ties. The thread they produce from a long fibre unimpaired by the sharp teeth of the gin saw, un- dried by sun exposure, unmacrated by pressing and compressing, and satu rated with tho vegetable oil from the seed we nro assured will 1 ) incom parably smoother and stronger than factory yarn, either English or Amer ican, and must supercede the latter. The increased facilities for gathering the crop furnished by the mechanical coltonpK ker removes the grand ob stacle to an indefinite increase. With tho mechanical appliances, which the ( jk t it 1'-J "ii t it' 1 1 is confident have been secured, "the Northern States," it says, "should they desire, may remove "the great bulk of the negro population "without serious prejudice to an in- "dtftiuitc expansion of the cotton in- lustry; and cotton shipped in the "form of thread will have double the "market of the value of the raw lint." tiy.s. (iiaM does not say that he would not accept the nomination for the Pi csidoncv, but in u mn versation with the N'iceroy of Tientsiu, w ho ex pressed the hiie that he would again be President, he said it was a place ilis tastefnl to him. a place of hardship and responsibilities, and shouhl be tilled by a younger man. The Sherman organs have seized lifwin this utterance as a positive declination to permit tho use of his name, and are using it toadvance the pretensions ot their chief, Tht language wiil bear a diiicrcnt interpretation. rant ha.s no iilea ol n juiinating hinis. If. His rule is to ap" pear anxious to retire to private life and to ha e the iiom iuatiou forced u pon him w hiie aifecting to object to it. He could s'op all the talk almut a third term by a p siiivo word, and that word he refuses to utter, l'.videntl v the Sherman men are premature. The fact that they show niiicli aii ity to hav it understood that lirant is odt of the race is proof of his strength and their fear of him. At the proper time all the "old man's' friends may be expts-ted to rally around his con Talon. ' The interview at Tientsin will not check the boom. POLITICAL .VOIW. Charles Foster thinks the Union in more peril now than it was in 1jm1, At least, he s w illing to enlist now. Chi- C'l'J" I nit'-. w e suppose loose political news- papers which occupy themselves in gratuitous mind-slinging belong to tho free soil party. Huston Itt. It is said that a new (rant newspaper is to he started In Washington. It Ls no trouble to start a newspaper. The trouble is to keep it stai ted. (ttriuHfiti t im iiiri-cml. .Mauager Kom 11011 siist or stars for the hio circuit has been republished. It is painful to observe that it still lacks the name of tho "Montague" of Uie Republican stage, Mr. Roseoe Con k ting. (Jincinnatt Enjui ; . 1 no Joston 1 ran.icrijr cannot sep . ... arate puns from politics, and commits this afroeitv: John I. Raker steps ahroa! the liutler craft with the pleas ing consciousness thai the J. I. It. hootn come before the main boom. Indiana proposes a candidate for the r.nglish mission m the ersin of Ren Harrison. As a iliti-al leader he rat tle? around so in the shoes of the late Senator Morton that his ftolitical asso- ciateTcnii sfnire him as well as no. The fact that Conklhig is a bitter en emy of Sherman's gives some of the latter's friends uneasiness, for the moro sensible of them do not pret-nd to nnderrate Conkling's strength. It is ::oted that ( onkhng did not give ll iyes warm supiMjrt, and Haves lost the State. The friends of Secretary Sherman think that he will have at least four Southern States pledged to his support in the. National Republican Convention next year. 1 hese States aro Virginia, North and South Carolina and Ala bama. Thev have strong hopes in tte -rgia, I eiinessee and Arkansas. 1 os; in Tsier-' enerai kov savs no is "w illin ' to irratitv the curiositv of the jMople to sis the Postmaster-eneral of the I niteil states. Is lie sure it isn't a curiositv to see the man who declared that Tilden was elected and then sac- rilied his coiiv 1 :i.ns for the sake of being PosliuaMei -lo neral '.' Jiutt-nt l'ut. It t'.e 'hicago Tribunr considers J. t. Rlaine the leadim? man for the Presidency in l.s0, what does it pro- fose to do with all that literature it produced against him in X7n7 vN hen those charges shall be satisfactorily ex plained, it will be time enoutrh to talk about Mr. Rlaine as a candidate for the Presidency, and it thev are to be met at all, it is full time to begin. Cmnn - n iti (.'ii:ctte. Iielinrtrit Irc-. If tliere i io dlitir in North Carolina that should cet married, we thii.k 'ai- t.iln Shotwell, of the Farmer ami AIc- rhamc, is the man." This is timely. Any lady (thorough ly North Charolinian) with $10,000, or more, at her command, should filo her :-plii-atiii!i before tho next thirty days. Tlmr l; There In. Huntfor Commervinl. There is a prciudice in the mihlic mind against junketin? at the nubliii expense. ftettle i) rest MUlake. From tne Baltimore Gasette. Jndee Settle ls bolnnincr tr. thof he madeamisuke for nominating him- self for Vice-President on the Orant ticket when he went to Washington to get contrdl of the government patron age for North Carolina. The stringent civil service reform rules of this ad ministration won't allow, it tfeedr Grant men very liberally on govern- inent patronage. An IowaMflwart" on the Raiapivye The Northern rival of the Okolona States is. the super-stalwart Iemar's Sentinel of Iowa, which, last week war bled: Alabama, Carolina, Mississippi, Arkansaw, Come, ye stalwarts, let us twine a rope to smash their cursed jaw; Take their lauds and stop their voting; Ret us grijt 'em on the raw. Severe on Uie New York Time. Springfield Republican. The New York 77 cooly publishes the editorial indorsements from rural Republican papers of its "mathematical demonstration' of Democratic fraud; but it carefully refrains from any edi torial reDlv to'the papers which have knocked the bottom out of its sensation by showing that the same process ap plied to Republican .states proves " un precedented" uepuDiican irami. Why not send Key. Port Huron Commercial. Whv don't the Republicans send our Post-master. General Key to make speeches atrainst the danger of Confed erate brieadiers running the country? Are they afraid that he might forget himself and repeat his opinion or tne manner in which Hayes obtained the Presidency? A Promising: Klftit. Cincinnati Enquirer. We observe that the newspapers are befzinning to kill Washington Irving's coachman, This is a promising sign that George Wasington's body servant has finally and surely petered out. llUsffUonfons. IN HENDERSON. For sale my Stock of oou and Fixtures, eoiuprUintr Shoes, Hats. tTotnlnn aud Kaucy liood, all new. Also the handsome new store house cau be rented, Tiow yvu pled by the Keller. Arranjteinenta can also be made Ifpre frred. with Mtlsfactorr letter of character and hus.siuesa cauaelty to purchase a half interext In this buoluess. This is a paying business. I makti this change to complete my arranirements to enter Into another ln orouslneH. AUiirei, BCSINEW. au -M-xl P. O. Iiox S. FOR RENT. Two Store Houses on Martin street be tween Wilmington ami Kayettevllle street in the center of the heavy jfroeery trade. FTHoiitt ciiiteiiilatinr ifolnr in businena this full or ohiinninK their place of buinesii will consult their interest by examining these stores before renting. Posttusiou irlvenon the first ofSeptembss. Apply to AU. JOIIM K. WILLIAMS. Drug Cferk Wanted. ne who has had two or tliree ywirs ex perience In the drUiT btislnefss, has no mili tary aspirations, noes ni tine iots;o in any way, doe not it rink any kind of in toxicating drink, will look utter his em ployers interest and attend strictly to busi ness. A voung man that can till the above 111 and i honest, can get a good situation n a flrt class drux store. .None need'applv who e.innot k'Ivc siit isfaetory reference. Add less, QCININE. aui: t-illw Salem. N. ('. THE NATIONAL HOTEL STATK HOl'SF. SQI'AUK; RALEIGH, N. C STREET & SON Ohiiiti ind I r p r I e t r. Ke;ievel .mil Re-established. o Superior and Special Accommodations For All Classes of Travel, may 19 tL ST. JAMES HOTEL J Opposite Capitol Square, CUUXKK TWKLFTH AND BANK STS.. HICHMOND, VA. Terms Per Day $2 This House Is most centrally located, be ing within three mjuares of either of the m-MtM, Iolmct'o r.xi-MHne or W arhouaes. r irktH-luw I ulIta :oid l.xnit.s. A. U. MIMJKE. I'roprleto Formerly of SL Charlea Hotel, mar lA-dtf BERGEN & ENGLE'S LAGER BEER. TliU Celebrated Beer took the first prem ium at the Centennial Exhibition, Phila delphia. nl flrM grand prize nt Purls Ex- 1 1 n t . h"ir a'.i' in l.tt!fi, half and quarter barrel. Send for price list to M. W. IU'RIv. Agent, July .U-d tin Norfolk, Va. HU5ccllnncou5. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. W1I1 1ml-made to thoe anticiptiting buying Karmliig: Iiiipleiurnt. and Improved Marblnfry. We sell the Beat Oinninc Engine ever made. We are Manufactu rers, A cents for all kinds of Machinery and we will make ft to your Advan tc to buy from u. Our (Jeneral Commission Department Is complete, conducted by clone personal at tention and thorough system. By our ex perience we are prepared to guarantee the very If IU II EST MARKET PRICES. On Arrival. Prompt Keturna with C'heeli te Balance. We are authorized to fell for cash or make satisfactory arrangements in barter. 100,000 Best Hard Brick. 50,UX) feet good Lumber. 50,000 Laths. 10,000 lbs. No. 1 quality Hmoklug Tobacco. One fine two-horse Phieton. Second-hand. Little used. One forty-saw Carey Gin. . Stronach Allcott, Manufacturers and Owners' Agents and Machinery Dealers, uly2S-tf ALEIOH N.C. BtcMcaL Ch Years Before the Public. TH IpTTETTU IHE CELEiBRATED LI VER PILLS FOU. THE tUROr Hepatitis, or Liver Conplalat, A J SICK HEADACHE P,y.ixpt:ms'0i i- diseased Liver. ! )IN in the ri0dn side, under the 1 u jc o; the ribs, increases on pres 111 c ; suuictiuies the pain is in the left Jide ; the pat'ient is rarely able to lie on the left side , sometimes the pain is felt i-.nJjr the shoulder blade, and it freqii--'iitl e.Mends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken fcr rheut.cuisin in the arm. The ston ich is aticctcd with lost of appetite mil sickness : the bowels in general . . . live, -.m i -times alttrnative With i.ix , tlu li.vt'. is iroublci with pain, iccoinp.mied with a dull, heavy sen $ .tion in Cic 'auk part. There is gen erally a . -oil-. .derable loss f memory, .KLoiiij.iii..d with a painM sensation of hav.... 1 :lt undone something which ou-ht to have been done. A slight, J v cua..a is sometimes an attendant. I'lic p .'. t complains of weakness and deb i t - : he is easily startled, his feet are cold 01 burning, and he com plaiii3 ol 1 pri:kly sensation of ihe skin; his sprits are low ; and alihough he is sati:i. d that exercise wuld be benefit '.:.! to him. yet he can scarcely summon up fnititude enough to try it. In fan, he distrusts every remedy. Several ol die above symptotis attend the disease, but cases have occurred a here tew oi them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after tkath, has shown the i.ivkr to have beep exten sively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER Ur. C. McLank's Liver Pills, in ci ok Ague and Feer, when 1 ken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be" used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advice all who are afflicttd with this disease to give them a FAIR TRIAL. For al bi!;ous derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un equaled. BEWABfc OF miTATlOy. The jen.;;n': ire never sugar coated. a red wax seal on the ression Dr. M:Lane's JUi, 1 . ..'clan-it's Livir Pills : . ;.uurei of C. McLiNE and : k . on the wrappers. u;.o- aaving the genaine Dr. m.'. i.utr Tills, prepared by Ih-i.s., of Pittsburgh, I'a., the be- Flk C. Mi'.. Kielliill niarl.rt bein full iinitatiou;. of tlic name Mv Liittr, pel!tii differently but tame jrouuiicintioa. ECrETINE -WILL CCK SCROFULA, Scrofulous Humor. VscurrrjrE will eradicate from the cyatem ct ery taint of Scrofula ami Scrofulous Humor. It permAiieutly rureil thousands in Boston and riciaity viio had been loug and painful sufferer. Cancer, Cancerous Humor. The marvellous effect of YEGETfifE la case ot Ganctr and Cancerous Ifnnior i-liallenKel the moat profound attention of tlie medical faculty, raatiy of wliom are prescribing Vxoetixb to tielr patient. Canker. never failed I Canker. VmctIxe has never failed to cure the most IaAsKiblo case of Canker. Mercurial Diseases. The Veqetijtk meets with wonderful success In the cure of this class of diseases. Pain in the Bones. In this complaint the Veotett-e Is the great remedy, as it removes from the system the pro &ucing cause. nplaint theVEOTrma removes from the qyi Salt Rheum. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Heatt, &e., will cer tainly yield to the great alteraure effects of Vkoktink. Rheum, Scald HeaD o the great alterat Erysipelas. martin has nerer failed to cure the most inveterate case of Krysipelas. Pimples and Humors on the Face. Reason should teach us that a blotchy, rough or pimpled skin depends entirely upon au Inter nal cause, and no outward application can ever ear the dafecL Ykgktixe is the great blood pari&sx. Tumors. Ulcers or Old Sores Ar caused by an impure state of the blood. Cleanse the blood thoroughly with VEaxTiXE, aud these complaints will disappear. Catarrh. For this complaint the only substantial benefit can be obtained through the blood. Vkcetixs is Jie great blood purifier. Constipation. Vegetixe does not act as a cathartic to 4a. bilitate the bowels, but cleanwes all the organs. CTiKoimjf eacn to petiorm me luncuons devolv ing upon them. Files. estored th g and pain. VeQETINK has restot-P.! tlioimlnria tn TnonltS who haye been long and painful sufferers. Dyspepsia. : is taken regularly rtain and speedy ci If VEGETIJf E is taken recmlarlv. accordlnc to directions, a certain and sneedv cure will follow la use. ' Faintness at the Stomach. TBOrriXE is not a stimulating bitters which creates a fictitious mMifp but a irpntle tonl. which assists nature to restore the stomach to a healthy action. Female Weakness. VEOxrars acts ritiWtw these com plal au. it inTigorates and strength aas the whole BTStem- acts nnon the aecretiva organs and. allays inflammation. General Debility. InthlseonmlainttliA sond ffwtinf thVnTt. jyxare realised immiktw ftr 6 take it : as debility denotes deficiency of the weod, and Tianwi acts directly upon tin Ycgetht U Sold bj all Dmggiits. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED ITNTII. FRIDAY AHGUST 22U 12 M FOR 100,000 more or less, best hard Brick. loO Bbln. mnro rr Imi tvpmt. Rrutunriiilp Cement. 'M Bbls. more or less best Portland Cement. BidS to be ewlnnivl 'PrnnnanU for fl1nitih. log material to tmlld Cisterns" andto be de livered to the Clerk of th Board of Alder' men. The above t haaivmvH t. tha be designated horeafter Within the City a lu i mA O. ROSENTHAL, ) ALFRED CI-CHURCH, Committea. . N. DUN8TON. ) aug lo-Ul Sdraof Notice. Tin. Twentv-savienth Session of Miss wiltcom- .Frances A. Haywood's School, 'mence on Mwnday, August 25, lei 5). Payment monthly, aug 19-1 w Mt. Yernon Instituted 4 9ft. Vernon Place, Baltimore, Md. English, French, and German Board li g and Day School for young ladies and little girls. Mrs. Maky X Jonks and Mrs. B. Maitxand, Principals, assisted by a. large corpe of professors. The twentieth annual seaAjoA will commence Sept. 18th. For cir culars address the Principals. June 12d3rn BEDFORD COTTJVTY, VIRGINIA. On Va. k Tenn.'TEt. R., 15 Miles West of fLynchburg. A school in which young men and boys are prepared for a University or lor business. High and healthy location, full corps of teachers, thorough instruction, liberal pro vision for the accommodation and comfort of students. For catalogues containing in formation, address. W. S. ABBOT, Principal, July 25-dandw2m. Bellevue P. O. Richmond Female Institute, VIRGINIA. J. B. Jeter, D. D., President of the Board o Trustees. Miss Sallie B. Hamuer, Principal. This Institution, which has been so lib erally patronized by the people of the South, wilt open its twenty-sixth Annual Bessiou , September 22. For information address the Principal. July 15-deow2mos. Winston Male Academy. Wlustou, N. C. Classical, Mathematical, Scientifical and Commercial. Fall Session begins the 1th of August and continues 20 weeks. Board and Tuition to suit the times. Winston, for social, moral, and healthful advantages, has no superior. FOr full par ticulars, Address, J. A. Monroe, A. M. Frincipal. July 2 Otf. Fii3 Graat uiS30er. PU3CLL LADD & CO., Richmond, Va. mayn-dfewtf FURNITURE Furniture! Furniture!! On hand and for sale 'M) suits of Chiimiber Furniture, in prices from $25 to $100. Also Bureaus, Wardrobes, Washstands, Safes, Chairs, and every article usually found in a well stocked furniture store. Furniture in Great Variety. Parties lu want will consult their interest by paying me a call. Orders by mail promptly attended to WILLIAM DAFFKON, 1438 Alain street. Richmond. Vi Mattress and Upholstering Rooms, 16, 18, 'a. North KitteentJi street Keptia-dlv Ci ul utreetfrom Sixth to Seventh RICHMOND. KNQINKfl. portable and stationary, SAW MILLS, QRIST-MILLS, BOILERS, CAST INGS ofBRASS and IRON, FOROINOS ike. M ACHIN ERY for Gold and Coat Mines Bias PnTnaces'. Ac. We call Bpecial attention to our IMPHOV1 Eli POKTAtiiiK JsmNUIk. lor. agricuitura and other puriosea. The Boilers of our Agricultural Engines are provided with our Patent premium Si akk katia u u ishkk a device by whieh the 8iark8 are forced t nass downward over a reservoir of water and effectually extinguished without the use of wire gauze. Our is the only arrangement of this kind which alford" free access to the boiler tubes for cleaning from each end. The officers ot a large number of the best insurance Companies pronounce tola spark Extinguisher nerfect in its ooeration. New styles SMALL LOCOMOTIVES for hauling lumber, and other artlcren upon tramways ana narrow gauge railway? The best Planters regard our GINNING ENGINhS superior to any m use. bend, for Illustrated Catalogue free. Other things Detng equal encouragesoutiiern institutions. Repair work solicited ana promptly done. Hhaiting, fuiieys. sc. tor Gin nouses.. "Manufacturers of Jones' patent Tobacco Bump Maciiiues to work by hand or power WM. E. TANNER & CO K. R. B AUG IIAM, Rich Square, K u Gen I Agent it Eastern North Carolina. Gen. .I.J. Whitehead, Agent Raleigh. N Jas. If. Baugham, Agent, Ju 27- Scotland Neck. N. C. Souse PuilUino. Jacob S. Allen RALEIGH, N. C, (Formerly Belts A Allen ) Contracts for Buildings In any part of the State, laree or small wood or brick. Thankful for the very lib eral patronage heretofore extended to the old firm of Beits & Allen, he hopes by prompthess and fair dealing to merit a con tinuance or tne same. lHOP3 ON HARRINGTON STREET, where ' It crosses the Raleigh A Gaston Railroad. Retkrs by pkrmissioi to Same. White, Cashlerfctate National Bank ; John a Blake, Cashier -taleigh National Bank ; Col. W. . Anderson, President Citizens' National iBank; MaJ. J. C. Winder, Superlnteedrnt iKaietgn sl- umiod Kanroaa; Maj W. Hi Bactby, Clerk - uprexne Court . BM7 2i4n BelleToe HigH Scnool mm BU1FMS0 LIT H I A SPRINGS. THE. MECKEENBURG GREAT TtiNJC AND GREA l J- MERICA N THE GREAT TWO FIFTY -SAW WILL BE APPLY TO Eminent uaenusis uiiu. rujDu;aio . r are free from adulteration, richer, more effective, produca better results than any others, and that they Use them in tho.r 'hh families. . ; ........ iamuies. DE. PRICE'S STEELE Sl PRICE'S LUPULIN YEASf GEMS. The Jie st Iitxj Ttop Yeast in the If orla. STEELE & PRICE, Manfrs., Chicago, St. Louis, and Cincinnati FOR SALE. One 80 House Power Engine. Tallbott. Gowl as new. Sawmill attached if neces sary. One 50 Saw Cotton Gin (new) Crutcn tleld & Faarar. At a Bargain. Address, J. McC. ELLINGTON, Apex. , , . , FOR SALE. A lot of old work for which the charges for repairing have not been paid, will be sold at auction, September 1st, 179. KING HROCKWELL, aug3-3(lt .Lock and Gunsmiths. Grocery Store for Sale AT A liARGATX. Parties desirous of changing their busi ness, otter for sale their Groery Store, m.--,tnA i m wii-niinfton street, iiniiiediatelv in the business center. A nice store, two cwioc .inii i.)s.fmi'iit Rent moderate and can be leased for any length of time. One ot tne very Dest sianus in ine iii . For particulai .ciui ess, (iKOl'KRS, 'are News ( Ulico ansr S-dtf Wood, Coal, Wood, Coal, Wood, Coal, Lumber and Brick. Lumber and Brick. Lumber ail'd Brick.' J. D. WHITAKER, Foot Hargett Street, Raleigh, N. C. Iune9.tf. ifsifSiifw MAMUfACTURCDBY E. H. POGUE. DURHAM.N.C. ruustcsco. J.J THOMAS, Agent, ltaleigh, NC June7-ly miscellaneous. BRICK, LIME, PLASTER. BRICKS Fine Press Pn vine Silmnn and Building. LIME. Rockland Virwinln Vtl' Vnrb and Washington. PLASTER. Red Beach and Windsor fillft' Piaster Parim. CEMENT Rosen'dale, Portland and Ro man. HAIR. Superior South America Goat. LATHS. Marble Dust. Coal Dust. Tar. Rosin, Slates, c J. O. GAMAGE, Norfolk, Va. July 31-dtw3m SMITH'S WORM OIL. athkns, Ga December 8. Hf78. -fi. few nights since I rave my son one doae of the Worm Oil, and the next day he passed sixteen Urge worms. At theaame t: me I rave nnt tn m v iiitiariri f,.,, n An old, and she passed, eighty-six worms from wur Hiuiieeu incnes long. , M W. F. PHILLIPS. WOrm Oil for sale hv Tlmrtrlatm nnmllw Trepared by E. 8. LYNDON. Athena. Oi :aich 2, 7l-eodly ML- : COU in i i.viAuiiNm, ALTERATIVE WATERS OF TltR CONTINENT. BARGAIN I NEW' COTTON GINS, SOLD CHEAP. T. H. BRiaGS & SONS Extracts. UNIQUB PERFUWia.5 ar: iue v,ciu8 ... '--on TOOTMeHE, An agreethle. healttful Liquid l -i.tifr.te LEMON ! SUGAR. A Substitute for Lcmoi.s. EXTRACT JAMAICA GINGER. Fr. m I ur l; t TALBOTT & SONS, Shockoe Machine Works, RICHMOND VA MANlTAfTlKKKS Of Portable and Stationary Engines ai,.i Boilers, Saw Mills, Corn am! Im it Mills, Shaftings, Haulers ami I'ul lev-, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobac-o I-":t-i -ry Machinery, Wrouiii Iron '"ik, Brass and Iron Castings. M.tiiin i i every descriptitf n. GINNING ANDTHRKSIUNi; A .SI'Kf'IAI.TY. Kepalrinji 1'romjttly aud riinlulli Done. TalbotV ' a patent Spark An ci. i. THE INVENTION OK TH K Af.K. Talbott's new Patent Spark Arrester is really the only perfect and reliaNe one, and is superseding all others irr use. The irreat efliciencv of this Arrest er is attracting universal attention, aii'l is being endorsed by the best median -icaLenirineers and insurance companies. Its prominent features are : it does not destroy the draft. It does not interfere with cleanini.' the tubes. It will not CuOKe up, and require n cleaning. It requires no direct dampers to I opened when raising steam (damper, being objectionable, as they may be le.'t open and allow sparks to escape.) ii requires no water to extinguish sparks, Which, by condensation, l stroys the draft. Besides, w hen water is used, if neglected, the efficiency is destroyed by evaporation of tho w ater, and the boiler is kept in a filthy con dition. It is simple and durable, and can In relied upon. , . It can bo attached to any boiler. No planter should be without one f them. Insurance companies will in sure gins and barns where the Tul l.)it Engines and Spark Arresters are iist-l at same rate ss harged for water "i horse-power. JUS" Sehd fort Jbistrated-rireiilai s an l price list. STRONACH dcALLUUTT, Manilla--turer's Agents, Haleigh.fN. C. Branch IIouNev a Charlotte and I.dI.J, o . j mav8-tf i Oh, They are Coming! I will haveachoice lot of PINPj AITI.I this evening, which I will nell cheap. BANANAS, BANANAS, ORANGES, ORAXCKS, LEMONS, LEMONS A Frewli jMt of Plai Fit ESI T CAKES Of every Description. J. A. Bragassa, N-tf 16 Fnyettevllle itr. i. Tiit: hi i Under Skirts A N U L2AWE23 For Suini"''r We have y t "' fered. r r i ' 75 cent! ' ' thy mail receipt of R. B. Andrews Co., Clothier nnl IlatK-rx NOTICE. The corporators (named in swiloii I. --" ter 89, of the Jaws and resolution "' .' State of North Carolina paused by tin- ,' eral Assembly, at its sesuion of Iht;. ' v;i act to Incorporate the Cotton and i", , r Exchange of Raleigh, N. C. In accor-l with said act do herebv open books of ' Ksrlption at the office of Moore a Thonip'" Raleigh. N. a AVH French Ganfl All parties holding Bondr .ind Coupe"" 1 City of Wilmington, N. C. WlllpWse sendXprJllnanclal Circular .; . HERYBAVAGE, Treasurer ' aug9-dim tw