. '- 4 JA ! U 4 ? A LEI: pnb,o-'- i .M..tl . ' i t RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY MORXOCTQBER ... "OL. XVI.--IU . TP.. JLHE ntbU f-l '. .1 -, I i . ; . . . - .... - , - -T ? . . - . - aawa - , i - , , . . - . 1 - : PARTOIG BANQUETS. M r K A S1 rtRKHCLL - ll.KTAISH TTO K.. GUAM. An l.enltc tfH Ihr lrlvMBrpr aud an AHrrnMii nl the kulUra .aie Park. kn KiuxriMV, Oct. 'jr. General lirsnt ni Fri lay flight attenlel a Imii- jue: jriven in liin honor 1-y the Sn iety of California Pioneers. A rtnniler of rtistinuiHhe.1 c:W. were present, in- 'hi'Jinp vtutor Sharon, ex Senator 'ole an. I other. In re police to a lout i.y W. T. Coleruan. prei.lent of the o cietv. tieneral irant poke follows: " aihRMA TioNKi n- : - When your worth v prenioent ami mentioned 'ii;nMH," I oi.l not know whether he w .t l.vv!ii; hi remark to me or tlie Sen:r fnuj NevU, who lia. roiumiii I-l i!mit eTerythiiv on the ou,t-h i live in California. vot- in Nex.tl.i. i 1 urrit th Sat in -hr pocket. I hi'- alre.tl to-ly tinnkel fcnc of v.mi V voir h t!l. an-1 tii'- aM.:i or ". v to w !h-m m i of h'! n - h Mci--i:i W ir ;eriiu. - um 1 I - oM t!.tnk v .i :-r Cillli.-I h ::or wui -h you ferr! Ji m. 1 ! nnnp.tiiv br-'ke t:j the lltin have con- .h: a late hour. Vvi'p'nv :. ern' at'en.le.l an i ! ;!. r r-' v;ott ii up lor iu- ini lit :.:tl.e ..kiati.i tr.t. k. lie .i t r : v-W -n rt.- wr i:i .1 .it i l. M-. or:l I') Ma T r.r.it--, o akiinl. pri lent uf the ioi.ieu .aic T.irk A-u-o.-niion. ut-ler ll.f au-jie othl- h ti.eelil I r.ion wa tiwii. M.ior Hry.mt. of n 1 ri" N-i.aUT .hHrn ami CLiTle r. km . w. rr ri-ml. A Inr.'f . r. .! !... i L-i.!fi lio irrr-letl the .lr-i'iei!t iihh.rl lit t i. After i.-u f -Ji'ku.." ;n I .in c 1 lent n :.; ! -i:l t- line .:!:.. !-. rx-T'-i" ' etn. an i tl.- tr i, k in e 'I'l,.. :i - . : .. riel i : ::.. I. iv a tr . i lu it : t , t." r-. who --iiiy ti it the rnv w. r.-.l.. r in- trr:n-. tl.oMte-u : ': i"- wk .. St. Ju i ii a I -r i-rlit omI to i r. ru- l,lli,lit-. toiiOW'l . ii iior: di-n. t a runnnm nore. .i w.r.l ;. Jii ten went un.ler the ire irot. ami lor me i-n.nt- i..o.r n .iKf .1 ii:' i t-ra . iinin in in th" i; nprei-.-lenl -.1 titin of I.':. an. I retiMV hut lit'. !e ore e:t etTor:. lie driven t Arriu linkox. lli rcui. wa rvio I i:h prolonged -!i-,rt n i:. oiota. '.rant dropping hi hat and intkin a mil' h ii.ne a any one. The i ieuerai r:u.noi.o tii. uy at 0 i U k. a AK w i t.i. ;enra: it rant wa. tendert! a fir. -wrl! lKni:rt ov tlie ettiien : 1 r lie)' o at I .if I'alai-e I lotr. ! i-: i I i . r ioe ti. had -..;; I.ktii lo t -u-ier the al.air tle tiio: j t r! , ; if th- kind (t-r;ivri: m the .i:. I iif '-"iiijari ii.intKtrd ol al-'i.l ti hundrt-l o. : t.:t ol tl.i in ' -r. l:i:- nt : i.tl ::.-n o: t f.e it . Iie-t ,ir:i,i' hall . n ii.-- riptloli- l I e r -i : : the li.. ti. l.tl.- i a" tai'!- pre nted an eie.tl.t a; i . v. ai. f t!c w-a.. er.traved on -d ..m-i i.r.-n ici to r- th ifiii, a ou i iilr ol t!al I t ...-.oiMii, wl.i e that rep.t - .1 I. rr t. t rant w a-. t m ai r ii M t o r I'.- o.i i.n-.i.it.1 an-J lirtvfi He iri.e- ..... t ot :.e e enu.' ni an a;;.toi ria. t . w hi-:j the t-nerai rej.;. o . --li, 1 .1- tol- f,'.'. So . . f.l Vl.- mi" i..U!i.it h.pi:-ii;y and c..rd.a!i: w .th w. n- h I ilae i--.-n IeiVt.sl !. nrt I . .it mv ! .t on the i f aiifori la ha : men "deep r-'' " m.v l-eart. It w.i.-u.- re tt.an I ..-uid !i te expe- : d and ttbl.r ltHi:ili v.ni(i little I.ttl.'iie at t!!,,.-,. 1 .i..;n. pi i I hae lt-e;l rate f .o ,,,r I ,..v prev ioii;v been in t ...:..ri;a and ..:i the pavlt.c coit. l-ut I. t e li aa a quarter of a r. ritur . and w t.eM I ia:' le.t here the iasl time I f uit 1 th it i. -ne of ti.e pioneer had jjrow n ; ; l it if I should remain aw av another quartet f a cmt'irv 1 uii:r. I compelled l cotif- t!.at uie ou had r.-wn old applause . and I want to . u a- .ii. m o;ir prune an l Vout h. " ut o ti.en. in t.tivM luv -b- arture 1 want funk on a., i-.r II." tarew ell re. .j ti i. n me tin- en- inc. and t w I.er or n. .e-s . v er to sn.ti i. at lens, ei se W tie re. Hi , ; f.. the li. i lUal ! .mi to ! o e h i; ;i ,!t vour iity aaii.. I ne't one :tn1 all .t you : i i ot ! in tin ll f.-. tha it n.a ! in ! et: r un tr. - Tne .enir p tssd p ca-!.!ly. man of :lie cent. en. en pieseii: r t-s j .u. 1 1 n ti l ......I. ... rl... .-l illllellts cut II. !.Ut it lia-ii. - - . ...iii'iLiri'iicli eariv hour th Colli - pan t rokei.pwith man expression of in.itua. pleasure and uHi will. At mi In il.t en. al ".rant and partv pio .-sl.st to tlie -j -ill tra.n m waitn g. and U ft for Virginia Cii. (ribald! n ntrla. Romk. IKt. -T.- ijribaidi has w ritten to the President of the i'ei lrr-U.it i t . mn.meea b-iiows: "Soine jrsoii laikof -eaceai.d frielitUhip with Aus tria. Peace. e. Mite we h..e not courage to droe hfr t ut of It.; but J r ; 1 1 d s h i p with Austiia wt 1..1I be a sa ri.t e ainl a lie. Train KuuuIuk .Kin. I. .I tsVILI.K. o.-t. The I-ouisV. lc f ,..iili.rii R-iilroad ha re iiii.e,j the running ot trains to Mem- 1 pi. is u-m the ante-quarantine sdud- I 1. ml holder ot round-trip tickets tua return ujon them 11 j to o t in l-er l"t h. Ilmnir In Ibr lniM MlnMlrj. r.nu.tv. o.-t. -7. Ie Iaiihardt. Minister of Justice, ha tendered his resignation on account of iii hea'tli. lierr s. hell 11 . I n.U r S-d. i.try ot State wi., sij'- Imu. ( burrh Itiirnetl. N H vili. . m-t. .T,- 'He Mi Ken- ilrit- t'liurcll ul the "southern Metlmtilst I'hurch. I'n!cl 01. I oi.ith siret t was blirneil last r.l-ht. b. J. Wt,iaai. In ruranee ?J.i.oo. 1 l.e third stu i John Luck's to", stole, t ext .:- 1. .. .i.so b'iriltH.1. l'robabi. i"ilfil l insi.i an. e. lenrlur) lllina. ;. - HltsTKIi- Ut. t. - olirll tv pub- hshts a letter in the l.,.. - ,.it consenting to row Hanian it.r the imp bitters purse and ask it. k on tieda s tune alter the .ompieUoi. of hi new hell. R allrta1 t l.tllllr. In vj.u,( ul. o t. Ti. A tt.mpany with large iapital was organised here Telerlav to build a new railroad from the end of thes.iuth Park rtiad to Lead -ihe. ..1 Y airplay. with a tunnel throush Mosquito ' mountains. i he tlistance from Fairplay to Lead i lie wi t thus be shortened forty miles. The Marinon l-tint. Nw v.ihk. Oct. r..- A Snlt Iike p-eia m a the Mormon leaders are 1 li detianu At the late roiitereiu-e, flvt. aptatties aowed their determina tion to defy the Government and live up loth-Mr principles. The acquittal of the murderers of Elder Standing move the church orsran to the intenest wruth. In an editorial, published last evening, it wyi it is evi.leiit that the jury can not Ik impaneled in Georgia, which will ptini-tti s.a-.ln!-. lor killing a Mormon. yt rmphl Rnnmln(. M km Pills. Oct. 'J7. There wa a gene ral resumption of busine thia inorii in in all branches of trade. Store that have been closed since la.t July were opened ly their proprietor, w ho have returned Co the city, and the wheels of commerce- are once aain movine rapidiv aloutf Throuich trains on all railroad, excepting the Little IlK-k route, arrive and depart, and the street present tleir wontel animate! aptM-ara n e. The Cotton I'.xchanire ia open l viilors and uiemlera, and reju lnr quo! iii.u.s, receipts, shipments and stock will be oted aj heretofore, lint one ca.e of fever has leen reMrted. M rs. Ka Volmau, who was stricken three days ao. A HlMterer luMlalel. London, l i Adolphus Ron- LmK. ol lne Tntm T'tk, was convioted on oat unlay last, ami v iu to-day sen -ten. ti to eighteen months' imprison ment on an indictment charin him with publishing def iiniiti-ry libels against Mrs. laiitry, and to six month iuipri-onmeiit on each of the indi -lineuts ciiarijinrf him with s.mihir otlen-es ..i.'aiii'.t Mis. t ornwallis West an ! Lord Londe-borough respcct ely ; and .it ttie expiration of the term of his imprisonment, he is to be bound over, in his own rei:o4uitnce. in tl.c sum of jL'l.i" for k' 1 behavior for eighteen nioni'is. Justice Hawkins said be re urei:l that he could not impose a en-UMi- e of liard laler upon the prisoner. niscelluneous lorriicn w. I.ommn, Oct. J7. The tribes which were i!iestin Shutanarden have Ui-perel. Uoyd ha- accepted Klliott's articles of a J'leeineut. and the race will be rowed February tth. It i iep.i ted that one of the part: en of Touilinsoii i Co., Mispemied -itoii biokcr of Liverpool. nbconded. and r. ha n discovered that he el. t.m.c: a.lvani-es on hypothecation on (-o:t..:i whi. ii had no real existence. mmi. v, o t. IT. Ii.ipiiry into the mia-r a: C il.ul pr osecut i in. : the Aimer' fi: her-m-l.i w , ex-uovernor of Cii. ii. .and the minister f finance are mi icr cioe arrest. Another Hal I He. NW o!. K.Oct. T. A S' -il dl- tiat' t. !r in t. liarlc. M !ouri. sa v : i i. Itiavtou. the aeronaut, made an a en:- ,i" est-rday. The wind 'va liliininuM'fV ii.nd. He was ires-.ed in li it-, and ::.c n tle-oii lia.l i. lia-keC, having on'y r t.-mc to hold to Hi a -ton h:m? his head i.'owiiward, hoidinir bv hi ie-s. Win n alnnit lie hundred fee", in tne air It is supposed that the b.ti: x.n aine UiiUl inu'eable. a It iT,.,i ;ln- Mi !-,ip;.i irouii.' due north, ai .1 w . wooii out ol sihl. llraytoii, with no wh tl.iii but tik'hts. cu:i not. It l thought, endure the ctdd lcmr. lr. Iow!c. of L n ii:ina. and a ne- j'he w loll. f l'rotcoi Wi!e. as-dii-d l!rf I be Meeker f amily fiafe. R vwuiNs, o. t. JJ. A courier just in from Men ill's 'amp. on Wtule Rier, reports thai Oeneral Ad.uiis lewclietl tli. re on the U 4 1 1 1 . wi.h 1 1 e w on ti and . h...iren oj tlie Meeker ami rii. et.nn i . us, who w i e cui'ii up to h i u i hy the li.-l.tn. T.c v were W'.li.aiKl had not t-. 1 1 suijcci ... insult or injury. The I nd: in are s u 1 to iieire pt ace. and .:nis.,! j-.ti e has e l-een t-u warded to .tsiimuton. A is reported at tlie ol i lai:le cr I t. in I on .Mi; ret. i. inaweeu nn- and r:t;; nincn. par I. lliiu s. I litlen liiromr Suit. Sm, ..Kk. s-l. -T . A 1 1 argument w a-s i.eani l iore Juiliie lllalcliloi.l in tiie I n.te t tat ircuit l oiirt. on tle u i ui re r to i...s : .isco t.ry hied l-y the ... .rnui. :.t in a suit bec.in a.'.iii.t Samuel J. l:..ien for unpaid inconie tax. t niled talvs Attorney Wo dtord a id H. t i irke appeared lor ti.e ' iov- i mi,, nt : e J ud ire Porter and Aan-n .1 . ti.lerp ej toi the itett l.d.nil. Judite lo ltililoi 1 iTae ll.s .ie. Isioll ovei rut iliC ti.-- i le ii ii I rer. and dnected the I i. .in tit! l- irc ins pio, t . iorin of or. lei . t 11 Irhiicnn flurdtr. .11. Mich., Oct. "J7. Tin iiiorn- Inn mc ilii.mi t.opelanil and iieorge itriMit-Lai t w hi e diirine a tow n tiitcii a r. s the t.iud of W ithain William in ti.e town oi iturtoii, four miles from l out, weie ordered by William, who protested :i.'iin! the ditch, to stop AntK. The men not complying. Wil liam -hot Rhmehart dead. Copeiand ran away. PJiinehart leaves a wife and seeral t hmircii in destitute circuui si.ii.. i-s. N i.h tin has not lieen arrested. ItetUir I Ion ut able Rate. Loni-os. o,-t. -7. The Timrn tinan c;al arln ie .ts the tactics ot the All gh A uiericnii" Table Company to nip in the l ud the French cable filter prise bv announcing the reduction in tariff oil messages to six ence ter word from the openim; of the new French cable, appeals to have been so far suc-.cssful as the shares of the 1'ieiu h company i-vsiied at ' jKr . ent. premium have fallen to 2. per cent, discount. Iealh of An Old Bank I'resldent fui.t MiiiA.S.C.lM. J7. Co'onel L. I. Chil.is. ormerly president of the r.ii.-lin.i N itnu.al Hank. died this after si :i . Hard to Heat. Wtlsol; Advance. I. k Ruinn. who lives on the land of R. M. "o.. Lq., near Black 'reek, in l his countv. has three children which are chip of the old block. One day last week tnev picked out cotton with the following" icsultt Moses, eieht ears old. picked sunds, Annie, seven vea'is old. 14 isunds. and I'elphia, six eir old. Ill unds. According to ace an I inche we think this w ill beat the State. Ibck is an honest. Lard working cdoied man, lias live in fam il .11. I his store account this e..r has l.e-'n unit t.-n .ioilars. He expo is to make with his own force ten or twelve l.aiesof t otion and sixty barrel ot corn. Tlie ( uiir to Pursue. Wu-sliintoii Iot. The Republican candidal for Govern or of lxui-iana is an ex -Con federate soldier. Mi..er Chandler should jour i.ev t thai State and take the stump for tin" "red-handed rebel." It would seem to polish tiff ..ichariaii's war re s.rd, alter having worked against the I'nioii soldier ti.-ket In Ohio, to boost the i l l on'ederaie iu lAuisiana. Dritinc Out the White. Atlanta iMspnlrh. Yesterxlay Mr. Herbert Capper, a gentleman from Kansas, reached this ritv with bi w ife aad seven children ea Voiift? for Norvros where he proposes to locate on an improved farm. Mr. Capier comes highly recommended, and will be cordially welcomed here. LAST NIGHT'S MAILS. THE NtWN IHOM THE INDIAN rOl'.VTRT. firmml MerrllCa Commaad Over taken by Blinding: Hnowntons . lBimlkiurr IUaai. Haiti more Sun, lTth. The intellifretie received by Secretary- Schurr last night of the surrender of the captive women and children held by the hostile Utes was very welcome, and the" Secretary is very much encour aged to hope that the murderers will next le given up. Of this, however, as already said, there may be doubt entertained. The murderers are most likely concealed in the mountain fast nesses far away from the poiut where t'e captives were recovered. It seems now that it was wise in any event to suip MerriU's command from proceeding-further at the time the orders to that effect were received. Winter had already come in that inhospitable re gion. A blinding and freezing snow storm had overtaken General Merritt, At the very moment that the courier reached him with orders to stop the pursuit he was sending back his wagon train 'Ua:aue he could not proceed with it- luelficiently equipped and provisioned as he was, great suffering would love been entailed on the troops had he moveI on. ooINO KOK COMMISSIONER RACM. Several Virginia Republicans called on the President yesterday and asked for the removal of . oiniiiisaioner of In ternal Revenue Kaum. Their reason for making the request was because of the recent letter of the Commissioner to an internal revenue inspector iu Peters burg, demanding his resignation on account of his alleged support of the debt repudiaiors. The President wa told that to keep Mr. Raum in office would le considered as an evidence that his administration intended to exercise a coercive intiuence over State politics. The President did not indicate that Mr. iUum would be removed. I. U K STATE .NOTES. statesville landmark. Mr. Isaac A. Witherspoon. of this place, has a gourd w hich h dds one bushel, and he buvs corn by the gourd full. oinrressniJiii Arudield says the re sult of the Ohio election is tad, but w hen New York is heard from all will be riiiht. When the Federal Court convened there w as only one prisoner in jail, but in a few days it will again be tilled to o errtowing. Mr. J. C. L. Smith, accused of mnr di ruii; one Wadded some time since in Ashe countv, has la i released on a bon 1 of $l.:.". Miss Painter, the revivalist, has gone to Mocksvilie. w here she will hold a scries of meetings. There is some talk of inviting her to this place. A gentleman from Ashe county re ports that the droit tcht was so severe that the eple wen c impelled to drink boiled corn juice to quench their thirst. Wilmington Kcvtew. J5th. "owen Fennell. K.q., of Sampson .omit . . the venerable ex sheriff of this is.untv. was in the city yesterday. Ex sheritl Fennell is very nearly seventy six vears of aire, and lears his years well" One would hardly take him to be more than sixty. The new engine and liler of the Wilmington Compress Company, which his liven erected in place of the one burned down less than a month ago, is now in working order. Yesterday thev had steam raised for the first time, and to-dav or Monday the new appa ratus will" be at work squeezing bales of cotton into a very small shape. -sTATE SIHN. ' ( orresj'Oiiileiice umler tins lion I is ii isii .-! i.v regular contributor. to New . fur the I A VI K. I'.i.it vvti.i.K. Oct. -.-J.-Saturday the tli instant the dry weather was broken up bv a gentle shower, and to-tlay the heavv clouds are dropping a steady show er and the indications are good lor a wet fall and winter. It is thought that considerable damage has been done to earlv sowed w heat bv the dry weather and 'the tlv. The full extent of damage done by the fly cannot be determined until next spring. Last Saturday even ing the Yadkin river began rising rapidiv, though the small streams in this section were all low, and continued to rise until noon oh Sunday, reaching a height of fifteen feet, damaging the corn 011 the lowest bottoms. We sup pose that great damage has been done on the head-waters of the Yatlkin, as the torrent of drift and pumpkins showed that she had played havoc in the low lands along her lxrders. The ferrv lsat at Fulton escaped. Professor Rominger, of the Fork Church Academy, and M -. Luther Stewart, of the same vicinity, both left last Saturdav to be married on Sunday, the former to a Mis Spurgeon, the lat ter to Miss Rominger, sister of the Pro fessor. Thev returned yesterday much happier than the farmers whose corn had been under the water. We welcome the voung ladies to the full enjoyment ot citizenship, and bespeak for them a large share of that generous hospitality that the people of Davie know so well how to bestow. The Hartinan Brothers are now open ing a new store at Advance, Davie county. Thev are industrious, worthy young men. and we besjeak for them a liberal share of the trade. This is their first venture iu mercantile life. E. p. s.-Mv last report made me say Brown was"opening a store at Smith's Grove. It should have been Brower. L. WAKK. Wake Forkst Colleoe, Oct. 25. The senior class of the present session made their first appearance on the ros trum on last evening, tlie exercises commencing about 7 o'clock. Mr. VV. T. Jones, of Wilmington, who waa the first speaker, gave the audience the benefit of some good thoughts on Man and not Man." Mr. C. S. Farriss, . Raleigh, delivered in good s. ie a ui 3 fine oration on " Unwritten Music." Mr. B. IL Phillips, of Johuston county, boldly took the ground that "Public Seutimeut must be Elevated," and sus tained bis assertions by good argument. Mr. W. li. Waff, of Reyuoldsou, painted a eautifuj picture of " The True Pa triot." Mr. J. T. Alderman, of Samp son couutv, described the pleasantness, real worth and beauties of " Carolina's Rural Home" so modestly, yet so tor cibly, as to give new charms to country life. Mr. J. N. Holding of Wake Forest, in a masterly and impressive way discoursed on the "Benefits of Im agination." Mr. W. H. Ragsdale, of Granville county, lendered his oration on the subject, " Indulgence of Hope necesary to Greatness and Excellence, in a manner which won for hiin bril liant enconinms from those well able to judge. Mr. J. M. Davis, of Heuderson- ville, plainly showed thai there- is a great necessitv for " Physical Develop ment." Mr. W. G. Ferebee, of Caoideo county, rehearsed soft strains frorfti the "Voices of Time." TSr. M., 4L-Jpnes, of Apex, was the last speakerA his subject, "Thought the Fulcrvte, Press the Lever," was annonnced Be fcaane before the audience in his usually pleas ant style. He acquitted himself bahd soraelv, while germs of rar3barity could be detected by those wbj liad,a taste for literary excellence. . Tiie ladies of the village, for tsmi of thought, bestowed floral gem. J The Wake Forest String Bsnd ftirntehed excellent music. The occasion passed off very pleasantly, all think ujg that the Class nau ruaue a uue luij-rraomu. Iafy me USUai inviiaiio.. ,;... iu social gathering in the Literary jttallS. s, r ; a. n a aSatllrf 1 GUILFORD. f i Greexsboko, Oct. 27. The wealhttris cool and embracing, overcoats ami j-bfck elothinc in demand. Big frosts. m&e is lively; better than for yeasf ihavu id .r.o.rantlv more reu -cJtt 4 down than uaaaJL ioretriin- 'yr,j'serme a pistol, for God s sake, Births L. W. Andrews, the photo grapher, is the happy man this time. No marriages since the last big one. Two of our citizens not satisfied ex actly as to the amount of rice in man. had a little affray about a vise (iron ) and for which thev paid $1.00 and .oneach. Under this head let me tell you how a big fire was prevented. Police Weath erly, atl k. m. Suuday morning, saw too much light in Farref's jewelry store for that time of night, and hastening to the spot found the shelving ablaze. This a id the telegraph office are one under the Ben bow hotel. He broke through tae glass window, and with little assist ance, prevented a terrible conflagration. The tire bells soon raised a big crowd. Dr. Smith being absent at the Synod, his pulpit was filled by Mr. Rawlings, of Virginia, his brother-in-law, and at night bv Rev. C Miller, of Madison. This man Miller looks much like a boy, but preaches with the experience and power of age. Rev. D. R. Bruton returned to his pulpit yesterday from an extended offi cial trip up North in the interest of the Greensboro Female College, with what success I have not heard. The meetings of the Young Men's Christian Association are now largely attended with much interest and feel ing, and their labors are not in vain. Among the convicts of the C. F. A Y. V. R, R., some have greatly im proved in singing and seem to take quite an interest in the religious exer cises, and who by the way have been quite healthy while here, not a death bv disease among them, and nearly all wrell all the time. This week they finish the first section of the road-bed to the creek and remove to stockade No. 2, s nie five miles from town. An im portant meeting of the friends of this railroad was largely attended Saturday night in the court house in advocacy of a subscription of $20,000 by Gilmer and Morehead townships, by a vote of the people on the l"th of November, to run said road by the original line of survey by llruce's Cross Roads. Lashes', etc. Enthusiastic speeches were made by Colonel Morehead. Hon. A. M. Scales. 1. F. Caldwell and president J. A. Gray. Judge Dillard presiding. Ad journed till Saturday next. Next Sunday is the yearly gathering of the Friends -it New Garden, w hich is always attended bv ureal numbers of Sersons from the far west aud other tates. '1 hese peopie are a peculiar eople. concanious and "re nia-wiy lOnestTn their views and dealings. TIIK MEAT il OF CIM.UXEL WHAT. Carried Helpless to n Hospital and Expiring lu Few Hours. Sew York Star, 25th. A man somewhat past middle age and quite feebie was driven to the New York Hospital on Wednesday afternoon, and at his own request was admitted thereto. It was found tha. he was suffering from consumption. He failed rapidly and died yesterday. The physicians could get hut little information from him. He said that his name was Colonel Lafay ette W. F. Grav, and that for some years he had been "a traveling advertising agent for hotels and railroads. In his pockets he carried a large number of railroad and steamboat passes, printi pillv over lines in the South. ' llut have you no friends with whom I can communicate ?" asked the attend ing nhvsician. " Frfends !" exclaimed the Colonel ; " why, I have thousands of them. I'm known all the way from Savannah to Portland " Finallv he said that li s relatives lived in Lvn hburg, Va., but that he never eommunicaiea with them. Being pressed, however, he dictated a letter to Mary Jane Gray, who, he said, w as his sister, living in Lynchburg. After the Colonel's death a 'telegram w as sent to Miss Gray, but it was returned with the announcement tint the directions were too indefinite. The Colonel would not give the names of his acquaintances in this city nor the p.ace at which he w as stopping before he was taken to the hospital, ex cepting that it was a hotel near the Grand Central Depot. The case was reported to the Central Oflice, and Su perintendent Walling will endeavor to find the dead man's friends. Colonel G ray is described as having been an educated and well-bred man. Among his effects were found a large number of business letters and medi cal prescriptions. Fragments of a letter written on official paper of the Treas ur3 Department, addressed to Colonel W. F. Grav, Providence Hospital, Washington," D. C, were also found. The letter was signed "Green B- Ruim, Commissioner," but the body of the letter had been destroyed. There were parses on the Old Dominion Steam ship Company's boats, over the New York Central road, and several English and Irish railroads; a letter signed by J. Thomas Yose, Boston, written in July last, recommending Colonel Gray for admission to the Boston City Hos pital. Before his de.ith Colonel Gray saidthathe had $11 when he reached the city, but less than $2 was found. The bod will be kept at the hospital for a lew'davs to await a claimant. The New York Xeics of the 25th says that the remains of Colonel Gray are rescued from a Potter's Field inter ment. Mr. Uriah Welch, of the St. Nicholas Hotel, and Mr. John F. Sproule, of 229 Broadway, have come forward and guaranteed a respectable funeral. These gentlemen only kuew the Colonel slightly iu a business way, but as t'.ie deceased was so rambling in his talk before his death as to be un able to give any accurate information of his relatives, Messrs. Welch and Sproule believe this friendly act incum bent on them. BTo Cause for Alarm. Washington Post. There was not so much as a State 11. ig, a Masonic or Odd Fellows' banner or other insiguia to confuse and alarm those Stalwart Radicals who, from lack of experience durii g the war, could not distinguish a dish-rag from the red cross of St. George. A better article it is impossible to got, sir: 1 have tried tbem all and unhesi tating pronounce Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Superior to any. (Ext.) Oysters in every style at twenty-five t euts per plate at Tim Lee's. DRIVEN MAD BY HUNGER. ,vi.;,t- - 1 JAMEK NriXITAa LEW FlUMIi THE EXJCVATEBt TBaCK. I , A Hw W-n -r'T.-Mttira Uewi, f E 1IU td Afte Seeltlns iff : : -.j -T -"n ,. r H iJUj-W New Yprk Star, SHbr$:-' Thei'clerkirSn Heiu-rBiBchoff'1 grocery store,- Jo: Vtt Bowery, were startled UtVenin'g Lbxjul7 o'61- bjrl the ad vent of demented looking-yolri1; rho eaine bounding wwui s- ,..;. .. ..a .nt.nr -RntLArv UaV 1 1 1 ISIIUIUUl " Mil V s- - , urvhinaat his heeJa, jS udden were th6 stranger's movements that seteral' customers "were -xatJely jostled o6t" of . I " I 1 L'i.l f- their maces as ue new-comer omsueu up to Frederick Sehreiner, one, of the j clerks, and shiitec and hurry up. for I want to shoot my self!" This request was peremptorily re fused by Mr. Schreiner, who perceived at once that his questioner was insane, or in a condition bordering on frenzy. His clothing betrayed evidence of ex treme destitution, while hunger seemed to have turned his intelligent face into a picture of haggardness. Mr. Bischoff hurried to the assistance of his employe, bat not in time to prevent the stranger fiom grasping a cheese knife and draw ing it across his own throat. The wound proved to be a slight one. A stampede ensued in the place, for it was feared that further havoc would be created. A gentleman living at No. 4S Eldridge street succeeded in getting the knife away from the young man. The latter then ran into the Bowery and up the steps of the Elevated rail way station at the corner of Grand street. Without waiting for the form ality of purchasing a ticket he darted past thegate-m in, jumped on the track, and a moment later, to the horror of all, the spectators, liung himself into the street. A Third avenue car had just passed thespot w here he struck the pav ing stones. The police with difficulty picked him up, ow ing to the crowd that congregated around the spot. At the Tenth Precinct statien a hur ried diagnosis showed that the back, left side and lolt arm of the would-be sui cide were broken. Although scarcely able to speak, he gave Ws name and ad dress as James Sullivan, aged twenty five, of No. 11 Summit street, New Lon don, Conn. The terrible shock seemed to have brought Sullivan to his senses, for he betran to groan piteously, aud beirged to be taken to a hospital. Little hope of Sullivan's recovery was expressed when the surgeon of Cham bets Street Hospital made him comfort able an hour later. The suicide's stfry was partially learned last night. Sulli van, "it appears, was iu receipt of a com fortable income until lant year while living in New London. Hard times threw him out of employment. Ten davs ago he found himself in this city, out of w ork, out of friends and without a sinirle acquaintance to whom he could apply for aid. He wandered about the streets in an aimless manner until hunger drove him wild. In conversa tion Sullivan betrayed considerable in telligence and even euliure. He could remember noXhitM?. ie-l TJf tiTSr tempt on his life; everything seauiada blank until he recovered consciousness through his terrible leap. Amputation will be necessary for both upper and lower limn, should Sullivan survive long enough to make the operations possible. "Even then," said his attend ant last night, "the poor fellow will be a cripple for life." The New York AVf.s of the 2-3th has the following relative to the matter: At the New- York Hospital w hence he was transferred last night from Chambers street, he was found to be suffering from delirium tremens. His injuries, far from being very severe as represented, are wonderfully slight tin der the circumstances One bone in his rigiit foot is broken ; he has a small scalp wound, aud a bruise on his back. He was respectably dressed and had eleven dollars in his pocket. He has as yet had no interval sufficiently lucid to make reliable statements concerning himself. Won t Keep Silence. Baltimore Gazette ilemj. On the morning after the Ohio elec tion, Deacon Smith covered the first page of the Cincinnati (inzrttf with a spread eagle, under which was in scribed the leirend, "When the lion roars let the beasts of tlie forest trem ble! When Ohio speaks, let the Dem ocratic party keep silence!" It is wrong lor Deacon Smith to attempt to terrorize the Democratic party by palming off an old worn-out eagle for a lion. For one member of the Demo cratic partv we don't propose to keep silence. " Hurrah for Ge.i. Jackson ! " Ntaiiff; by a Spider. New Berne Nut Shell, 27th. On Wednesday afternoon- while Mrs. Ella Gaskill was teaching her school in thi-? city she experienced a sharp pain in her chest and on making an exami nation foundT that she had been stung in two places by a small green spider. In a short tinie'time the pain became so intense that she had to discontinue her duties it' the school room and seek medical aid. She obtained temporary relief, but hid to retire to her bed, where she remained in great suffering until yesterday, when she had some what improved. Eshnmins a Skeleton. "Wilmington Star, 2.5th. Our friends at Point Caswell had a small sensation a few days ago, caused bv the exhuming of the remains of a human body in front of one of the stores in that quiet burgh. The skeleton, some parts of which are very perfect, appears to be that of a man buried a great many vears aro, and considera ble interest is manifested in the ques tion as to whether the remains are thse of one of our own race or of an Indian. Attempted Robbery. Wilmington Star, 2oth. The residence of Mr. A. Weill was entered a night or two since, two of the rooms occupied by members of the family ransacked, and clothing mis placed, but the thief, w ho was e ident fv in search of money, was accidentally detected before he had accomplished his purpose, and made a precipitate retreat through the door by which he had entered, and which was evidently left unlocked. (aptnrrd at JLat. Golasboro Messenger, 27th. TI;e negro Deems Simmons, who murdered Mr. Lanier near Dudley some months ago, has at last come to grief. After successfully evading the yigilanee of our efficient 'sheriff, he was captured iu the edge of Cumber land county, near the Bladen and Sampson line, on Saturday night last, and is now securely lodged in our cour.tv jail. The arrest was aceoin- Elisheil in good order by Messrs. E. J. lines aud Simon Grady, who have been on the murderer's track for sev eral weeks, and succeeded iu capturing 1 . - -a?I .L. " " W aV i Lai f L.Messrs, Ilinesand GradywOI retelte the reward of f-"UO onereu xjy.me wt' tr L ; HAXOEKOC8 COFFEE. '' Xgfm Pism Henelf . mmA ,Tw ' W'JCe-eOwsn Raea wlUtStryclmlM. t . - r,.x. wJliw v . oasvijuii v;iwrJ--ifW, - :haxmtJ EIbrarBroolcs natEmm BasW 7 , . , --'l-a tl'ul mcBv iu rorowj, Tino resiuo uu f j -j- Xloe.; street, TlOrteeiiUilttric, -were poisoned; with ceffe wbicjhi tcontaand strychnine early yesterday tooximg. L RniMtSrmtta ?Tt " TVT firftfiAtlTV and atST P "-lls .. ... -CT TT --- f breakfast At & a; mJ,Tb time tareac utft mta-A -f Kin ria?a labor at dim -TP- ,T" , J, r its- k.b. pOIHlH I- rWjtH uu irviu-tua fast tabfe Tie walked to his front gate, where he was taken violently til, and three.ttp:lite,lreakfiist.:H teturned to the. h-ous, drank soui nter, ! and again started on his way to work- j He had not gone far, however, before be in -meii ni was eompeltod to raarn was seised witn anowier viotrm riuu- t'jw4f b JnunedlalelSl went arter her mother and Dr. Ivainey. On reaching her home she gave her mother some coffee and she was in turn prostrated. It was now ascertained that the coffee contained poison. Emma Baumont, a girl aged 16 years, was ac cused of knowing something ab -ut the matter. Sr e at first denied it, aud drank some of the coffee, but w hen she found she was becoming sick she confessed that she had placed strychnine in the coffee, at the instance of . uegress named Lizzie Brown, who was arrested and committed to jail to await a prolinuria re examination. Robert Baumont, Eliza Brooks and Emma Baumont were in a critical condition, but it was thought they would recover with good n irsing. rOl RT.VEY ACCEPTS. He Will Bow Ag-ainst nanlan'a Time for the I'nrw of Sl.OOO. Rochester Morning Herald, .loth. It will be seen by the following dis patch, received by Mr. Soule yesterday, that Courtnev proposes to accept the proposition made by that gentleman and row against Haitian's time for the purse of $1,000. This will meet with the approbation of his friends, and will con vince the public that he can beat the time made by the Canadian with ease when there are no obstacles in the way. The time and place will be announced Union S.irinos, Oct. 23. I accept your proposition ; will let you know next week when aud where I will make the trial. Charles E. Cor rt sky. LATE SEWS aOTES. The Tuscaloosa. Alabama, cotton mills have starte i thirty looms. Thirty-three miles of the Cincinnati Southern railroad yet remain to be completed. Thirty-five hundred emigrants em barked 'at the close of last mouth from Genoa for the Uuited States. The Hessian fly has greatly damaged the growing wheat in many localities iu southern Indiana and southwest ern Ohio. It is said that all the hides to be shipped from Montevideo for New York betw een the present time and Febuary have been bought up in advance. XU JWw- OriffnTT txm t(t o rrTeaTt h h c s withdrawn Quarantine restrictions against cotton by rail from Memphis, and resolved to ask the Government to raise quarantine November 1st. Michael Sullivan was arraigned at Elizabeth, New Jersey, Thursday, for burving his daughter's iilegiiiin ite child alive. The trial was postponed until December Pith. The Allentown, Pennsylvana, Demo crat says that the Allentown Iron Com pany will probably pay out this month -JoO.OOO for labor and material that comes out of the soil of that county. Montauk Point, the eastern end of Long Island, comprising about eleven thousand five hundred acres of land, was sold at auction on Wednesday to A W. Benson, president of the Brook lyn Gaslight Company, for $151,000. The bullion yield of Colorado up to 1879 amounted to nearly eighty tons of pure gold, soveu hundred and seventy tons of pure silver, two thousand one hundred and ten tons of copper and sixteen thousand one hundred and fifty tons of lead. There have been imported into New York by sea trom California since the beginning of this year one million one hundred and fiftv-six thousand seven hundred and twelve gallons of wine and one hundred and fourteen thou sand seven hundred and seventeen gallons of brandy. The Indian agent at Red Cloud re ports to the Interior Department that the Sioux under his charge are exceed ingly anxious to enlist and "assist the great father'' in the war against the Utes. The ill-feeling between the Utes and Sioux dates back so many years as to have become traditional. Last Friday 56 lodges of MLnneoonou Sioux, under Chief Burnt Fae, left ' f Cheyenne Agency and started cot n the war-path in Dakota. The enlj de predation thus far reported Li a Sprpfit less raid on a Black Hills wagon tram. Two' companies of the Eleventh In fantry a-e in pursuit. Advices rrorn New Mexico state that Major Morrow is still in hot pursuit of Victoria's banas of murdering hostiles. At the fair at Fairmont, West Virgin ia last Friday, a female from Cincin nati "went up" in a heated air balloon. The ascent was fine. The balloon was borne in an easterly direction, and came down about a mile away, in tiie middle of the Monongahela river, if it had not been for timely ail the fe male aeronaut might have drow ned, but she was promptly rescued and escaped w ith a ducking. Arrenl of nn Escaped Convict Wilmington Review, 25th. A white man by the name of Jere miah Johnson, who was convii ted of larceny at the August term of the Crim inal Court in this county, and sentence! bv Judge Mearesto four years in the Slate Penitentiary, was yesterday ar rested in Federal Point township by one of Sheriff Manning's colored deputies resident there, and brought to this city and lodge 1 in jail for safe keeping for The convict is in very delicate health and was working in Cherokee couni w ith a partv of other convicts in a i nel at the time ne rnaue in- r--a, . I J I. . . . Ikft -aaTaI . which he alleges he was advised to do. The partv making the capture will get ten dollars upon the safe delivery of his prisoner to the Penitentiary official's at Raleigh. EilrMt from Copy. Post Office Department, Office of the 1st Asst. P. M. General, Wash inoton, D. C, Oct. 21, 179. Postmaster, Rahway, N. J., gj Complaint has been made that you are withholding letters addressed tJ M. A. Dnuphin. " The simple fact that a letter is ad dressed to M. A. Dauphin does not, under the present ruling of ths Depart ment, warrant its detention at the mail ing office. Very respectfully, (Signed) James H. Mabr, dAwlt. 1st Asst P. M. General. him at the house of one of his lelatavee "BRIGHT ' BYHS't-SY. . . 'tin v-wi . - jnuo n,rs'-4' lk4 . 4m MIm TferrUa-rir . wltM Una 3iieaQlnteeaMVrr..-!' ?HiJVj n U ' Th-v ,aj?nonr-jnent a lhat Standing . Bear a4iia-dagbter. Bright Eyea, - would t tittOW-sTTO 0njrteiatloDaI-, fist t chosen, in mis taiy, mhuvvwii . ... ... . - - - - Imc-oaUed ' forth -V large --Aodlenoe, Bright Eyes was fotrodotie alter some preliminary exercises, ol read a short history of the wrongs of her ' people--.' The )oung lady's narrative waa TTy ' ; interesting, and was dettyerad in very good English,and with a pleaaanti voice. Ska aaid that she waa:aitrimlwr of th - ; she spoke. She told the story of the chiefs who had been invited to visit Washington and treat with the great father. Their friends waited long to hear of their arrival in Washington, but in vain. Months afterward they reaehi d home we-rv, foot-sore and almost, dead. They had been deceived, and in stead of taking them to Washington the agents had taken them to the Indian Territory and left them the choice of re niaining'thero and selecting a home lor their tribe or of walking back to Dakota They had chosen the latter, andwhen their people heard the story of their wrongs thev were indignant at the in sult. A letter was dispatched to the President but was never heard from. Then the tribe was forced at the point of the bayonet, to leave its houie, its Erojiertv and all, and was driven to a arren waste, where the people were last dving ofl'. She said that she had see-.i the state ment in the papers that the soldiers had bee i sent to the Poneas because there was danger of serious trouble between two parties of their tribe. She could not conceive how there could be trouble, w hen one part of the tribe was in Dako ta and the other in the Indian Territo ry. She and her lather had visited the Indian Territory last summer, to see how the tribe had fared there. It was a sickening sight. The first thing she saw was the great number of new made graves ; beyond were a few mis erable huts without comforts, the furni ture of the Indians having been taken from them when they were moved. The agent lived in a fine house, and had all the comforts of home. The people were discouraged and ready to break away, but were persuaded to remain by her father until the suit should brought against the Government for their old homes. She said the Indians were thinking men and women, and they were human and had souls to save as well as other people. What they asked of the Government which had driven them from their homes wan to let them become civilized and have a voice in things which concerned them. As she left the platform she was loudly applauded. Local Mlnintera' C onferenc. The F'riday's sessioa w.is pleasant and profitable. L. Branson preached at 11 a. m. . and J. F, , JKrett al a;ght. -Th TeYTrTon At ntghtw as earnest and ettee- tive; the large assemblage or people lingered, listened and rejoiced as the preacher dwelt on the beauties of the IJrosSa Services were held at 8 o'clock Satur day morning by Rev. E. A. Wright, of Goldsboro. After a session ol the conference the 11 o'clock services were held by A. J. Finlayson. D. P. Meacham preacheu at night. The sermons of the day have been sound and earnest. Solomon Pool and J. F. Brett were elected "Agents of Missions aud Evan gelization." The following were elected officers for the ensuing year, viz: J. W. Heptinstall. President. J F. Brett, 1st Vice-President. Solomon Pool, 2d Vice-President. E. A. Wright, :kl Vice-President. L. Branson, Financial Secretary. The next conference will be held at Rutherford College, commencing u Wednesday before the last Sabbath in July, lfso.' The conference will hereafter be com posed of two delegates from each Pre siding Elder's district. The organiza tion of the conference will be thus simplified. All praise to Clayton for her generous hospitality. The Roll of Honor. The following pupils of the Raleigh Centennial Graded School, room No. 2, are on the roll of honor for good deport ment during the last month: James Dobbin, Bernard Unchurch, Walter Womble, Claudia Anderson, Maurice Bates, Myrtle Branson, Ava Gaitis, Katie Mcl)onaId, Laura Montgomery, Mturice Rice, Lillie Riggsby, Jennie Himnson, Rosa Sledge, Maggi Htith and Lula Womble. IuGaffney, Spartanburg countlr, " .S. C, at 11 o'clock, Sunday; Mrs. Marjr Asx e Lumsden, aged 4 years. tttS the mother of our esteemed towns man, J. C. S. Lumsden, Esq. The re mains will arrive tb-day on the V' train. Funeral services will be hi Id at the First Presbyterian cl.urch liii-tn-ediately after the arrival of tbe train, no'-ice of which will be given by t io Wiling of the bell. KaMWbjrT Louisville Courier-Journal. 1 Kurtis still decline to be O. K. wldi the Kelly-Konkling-Kanonchet-Kc r uell Kombination. ' A Vls8 He aeon. 'Deacon Wilder, I want you to tell me how you kept yourself aad family well the past season, when all the rfet of us have been sick so msch, and have had the doctors visiting us so often." "Bro. Taylor, the answei ia very easy. I used Hop Bitters lu time; kept 'my family well and saved the doctor bills. Three dollars' worth of it kept as well and able to work all the time. I'll warrant it has cost you and the neighbors one to two hundred dollar apiece to keep sick the same time." ; "IV icon, I'll use your medi;sinhre a&M." -or e- - - Handmade Shoes, -'such as the new style of French and English Toes. A new lot of opera loaks. ine miro, stock of the celebrated Pearl Shirts, from $1.00 to $1.2o and $1.35. My up stairs Clothing Department cannot be excelled. Jos. v. gully. Oysters in every style at twenty-five c -uts per plate at Tim Lee's f The Patapfco Baking Powder inanu f.ctuiel by Smith, Harvey A (., of Baltimore, is the only Raking I'o rder patented in the United States and Can ada. The purity and healthfulnoss ol this powdsr is indoised by the inot eminent chemists and physicians of this country. Merchants, Milliners and Dress makers who have bought the Mile-t.o-1 Cotton from Y'earjan, VeUy A Co., say the different shades and colors equal silk in their exquisite beauty. Oysters in every style at twenty-uve cents per plate at r.ui Lee's. 5!. it ( ? A ; i . :'i r vl t.l t 1 t -. M U a- i -i . n , V lc - : Vl Vs , if a w o i . it' .rV a if 1 1 '5' ii; j i. i 1: J. i

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